Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group

Page created by Clarence Lang
Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
Dr. Keena
                  CEO & Lead Facilitator

       EDUCATION                           An experienced leader, consultant and speaker, Dr. Keena R.
  Ed.D. in Educational Leadership          Mosley is committed to empowering others to bring their
   & Early Childhood Education
                                           authentic selves to life and leadership. She has positively
 M.A. in Organizational Leadership         impacted individuals and organizations across the United
                                           States using humor, real-life experiences, and practical
 B.S. in Early Childhood Education
                                           application in motivating others to actively participate in the
                                           growth process. At the core of everything that she does, Dr.
         CAREER                            Keena is a teacher. She believes that she was born to help
       HIGHLIGHTS                          others grow and reach their full potential which is exactly
    College-Level Instructor &             what she strives to do each day.
  University Fieldwork Supervisor
                                           Dr. Keena’s work has spanned across school district, private,
   Los Angeles County Head Start
                                           non-profit, state, and federally funded organizations including
  Program Monitor & Team Leader
                                           being the Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million-dollar
     School Readiness Program              child development program with over 250 employees and
                                           serving over 1,700 children annually. No matter what her role,
    Teach for America Facilitator          she focuses on growth, effectiveness, problem-solving, and
                                           providing support for leaders. Utilizing program data, industry
   AFFILIATIONS &                          trends, organizational analysis, systems theory, and an
                                           understanding of human development Dr. Keena positively
                                           impacts the ongoing operations of organizations.
  Everything DiSC Certified Trainer

 The Five Behaviors Certified Trainer      Her life’s work has led to the launch of Momentum Leadership
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the     Group, a consulting firm focused on providing leadership
        Workplace Certificate              development and organizational improvement solutions to
                                           non-profit organizations and
       National Assoc. for the
                                           early childhood programs
Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
                                           through coaching, consulting,
 California Administrative Services        and virtual learning.
                                                                                          Subscribe to the
 Credential & Child Development                                                           Dr. Keena channel
      Program Director Permit
Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
02 Meet Dr. Keena

(6-Week Series)

 04 Everything DiSC Management

 05 Navigating Change

 06 The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

 07 Delivering Meaningful Trainings

 08 Impacting Momentum

 09 Successful Supervisor Series

 10 Next Level Leadership

(Monthly Bundle)

 11 Reducing Problems and Maximizing Decisions

 12 Reframing the Professional Growth Cycle

 13 Managing from the Middle

(On Demand)

 14 New Site Licensing Made Easy

 15 Momentum Leadership Group

table of contents
Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
Everything DiSC
Format Option(s)
    Online Meeting
    On-site Professional Development

Everything DiSC® Management is a personalized learning experience
proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role.
Participants deepen their understanding of themselves, their direct
reports, and their own managers using the DiSC® model. They also
learn how their management style influences their approach to
decision-making,     time     management,      and   problem-solving.
Participants walk away with concrete strategies to help them adapt
to the styles of their direct reports, enabling them to bring out the
best in people.

Value Statements
    This series will guide you through:
       Exploring the priorities that drive your management style
       Discovering how your style helps shape your day as a manager
       Learning about your natural directing and delegating style
       Defining how you affect the motivation of others
       Learning about your natural style of developing others
       Writing an action plan for improving your management

What's Included
        Six live weekly teachings/coaching (90-minute sessions)
        Everything DiSC Management® Assessment & Personalized
        Series handouts
        Access to recordings and content for 6 months
        9 hour Professional Growth Certificate

    Online Cost: $395                       Recommended Audience:
                                            Focused on those responsible for
    2022 Dates/Times:                       providing direction to other staff
    (Wednesdays @ 9:00am PST)               or volunteers
    January 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9, 16

Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
                              Format Option(s)
                                 Online Meeting

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot
change their minds cannot change anything.
                                           -- George Bernard Shaw

As a leader, you must always be positioned to navigate change.
Whether you’re dealing with a planned initiative, evolving industry, or
unexpected situations, change is inevitable. It’s time to move from
being focused on just getting through the next change to developing
an agile and resilient workforce ready and equipped to embrace
change with confidence and optimism.

Value Statements
   This series will address key factors for change management
       Communicating change
       Negotiation skills
       Navigating resistant personalities
       Operating as agents of change
       Strategies for sustaining change
       Change fatigue

What's Included
      Four live weekly teachings/coaching (90-minute sessions)
      Series handouts
      Access to recordings and content for 6 months
      6-hour Professional Growth Certificate

  Online Cost: $250                      Recommended Audience:
                                         Middle managers, Department
  2022 Dates/Times:                      leads, Executive team or similar
  (Wednesdays @ 9:00am PST)              positions
  March 9, 16, 23, 30

Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
The Five Behaviors of
    A Cohesive Team:
    Personal Development
      Format Option(s)
         Online Meeting
         On-site Professional Development

    Based on The New York Times best-selling book The Five
    Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, this tool helps individuals
    become better teammates while internalizing the principles of The
    Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team model and providing a common
    language that can be used in organizations.

    The online program is designed specifically for individuals;
    participants do not all need to be part of the same team. A similar
    version is available for on-site or virtual presentations to intact

    Value Statements
       Participants will benefit from learning:
          Personal tendencies as a teammate
          How to build trust
          How to master conflict
          Barriers to commitment
          Ways to make accountability actionable
          How to focus on results

    What's Included
          Six live weekly teachings/coaching (90-minute sessions)
          The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® Assessment &
          Personalized profile
          Series handouts
          Access to recordings and content for 6 months
          9 hour Professional Growth Certificate

      Online Cost: $395                      Recommended Audience:
                                             Designed for anyone who works in
      2022 Dates/Times:                      a team setting
      (Wednesdays at 9:00am)
      April 20, 27; May 4, 11, 18, 25

Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
                                   Meaningful Trainings
                                   Format Option(s)
                                      Online Meeting
                                      On-site Professional Development

When is the last time that you AND your audience left a training with
feelings of success? There are numerous factors that can contribute
to the success of a trainer…many of which you can prepare for. It takes
planning, thoughtfulness, and intentionality to create and facilitate
effective trainings. The strategies you learn from this series will have
you well on your way to developing winning presentations for your
group of associates!

Value Statements
   Through this immersive experience participants will engage in:
      Effective training design
      Facilitation strategies
      Methods of delivery
      Data collection and analysis
      Components of effective training
      Adult learning theory

What's Included
       Six live weekly teachings/coaching (90-minute sessions)
       Hands-on learning activities
       Series handouts
       Access to recordings and content for 6 months
       9 hour Professional Growth Certificate

   Online Cost: $395                          Recommended Audience:
                                              Those responsible for designing
   2022 Dates/Times:                          and or facilitating trainings,
   (Thursdays at 9:00am)                      coaching, professional
   May 26; June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30              development

Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
Format Option(s)
    Online Meeting

No good organization is confident with the status quo. Strong leaders
are consistently focused on moving forward, reaching goals, and
surpassing expectations! For this to happen, leaders need to be
champions of their staff, teams, and organization. This level of
commitment comes from 6 key personas that leaders must regularly

Value Statements
    Participating in this series will help you:
       Overcome personality and performance challenges
       Communicate effectively and at optimal levels
       Accomplish program and individual goals
       Work smarter, not harder
       Demonstrate flexibility in perspective

What's Included
        Six live weekly teachings/coaching (90-minute sessions)
        Series handouts
        Access to recordings and content for 6 months
        9 hour Professional Growth Certificate

    Online Cost: $395                        Recommended Audience:
                                             Middle Managers, Supervisors,
    2022 Dates/Times:                        Coordinators or similar positions
    (Thursdays at 9:00am)
    September 8, 15, 22, 29; October 6, 13

Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
                                  Supervisor Series
                                  (formerly New Supervisor Series)
                                  Format Option(s)
                                      Online Meeting
                                      On-site Professional Development

All leaders usually come into their roles with lots of excitement and
great expectations. Unfortunately, the weight and responsibility of the
work often put a damper on their flames. This series provides the
leadership tools needed to give supervisors a foundation of success
and provide a toolkit of strategies that will position them for lasting

This series will include sessions on:
   Understanding Leadership
                                            Problem-Solving & Decision Making
   Cultural & Generational Awareness
                                            Conflict Management
   Team Building
                                            Resource Management

Value Statements
   This series will position supervisors to:
      Diversify leadership approaches for various situations
      Employ diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies
      Identify attributes of cohesive teams
      Address communication building blocks and barriers
      Outline strategies for building trust
      Utilize a 5-step approach to challenging conversations
      Increase the timeliness, quality, and efficiency of work

What's Included
       One hour of focused content and/or implementation activities
       Thirty minutes of Q&A/Group coaching
       Downloadable leadership toolkit and series handouts
       Access to recordings and content for 6 months
       9 hour Professional Growth Certificate

   Online Cost: $395                         Recommended Audience:
                                             Site Leaders/Supervisors, Mid-
   2022 Dates/Times:                         Level Managers, Program/Area
   (Wednesdays at 9:00am)                    Coordinators, Coaches, Specialists,
   October 5, 12, 19, 25; November 2, 9      Developing Leaders or similar

Leadership Development Catalog - Momentum Leadership Group
Next Level
 Format Option(s)
     Online Meeting

 Leadership is about engagement - and your influence depends on it!
 But did you know there is a psychology to engagement and
 relationship building? If you want to be successful in consistently
 moving your team forward, it is critical to know the how AND the why.

 Regardless of your business model, every leader wants their
 organization to have positive outcomes. And you can have the results
 you want! Getting there requires a paradigm shift in leadership. Join
 us in this practical series, to see how those shifts can happen when
 following only a few simple strategies! By employing the information
 learned in this seminar, your organization will benefit immediately as
 interactions become more positive, relationships thrive, and
 improvement is realized.

 Value Statements
     Next-level leaders will be prepared to:
        Adapt leadership styles based on their desired outcome
        Set the pace of organizational culture
        Employ the hallmarks of emotional intelligence
        Develop strategy aligned with how people think
        Motivate people while meeting growth needs
        Use a growth mindset in overcoming challenges

 What's Included
         Six live weekly teachings/coaching (90-minute sessions)
         Series handouts
         Access to recordings and content for 6 months
         9 hour Professional Growth Certificate

     Online Cost: $395                         Recommended Audience:
                                               Focused on those responsible for
     2022 Dates/Times:                         providing direction to other staff
     (Wednesdays at 9:00am)                    or volunteers
     November 16, 23, 30; December 7, 14, 21

Reducing Problems
                                & Maximizing
                                Format Option(s)
                                      Online Meeting

Do you find that your days get hijacked by what you think are
avoidable or unnecessary problems? Are you frustrated that your
team members come to you for the simplest of things? Would you
like help to break free from this cycle? This course will help leaders
move from spending their days "putting out fires" to eliminating the
issues that steal their time and cause recurring challenges by using a
universal framework for problem-solving and decision-making.

Value Statements
   Participants will be presented with opportunities to:
      Identify different types of decision-makers
      Address their decision-making mindset
      Review decision-making models
      Examine how to improve decision making
      Explore 5 phases of problem-solving and decision making

What's Included
      Three live monthly teachings (1-hour sessions)
      Series handouts
      Access to recordings and content for 6 months
      3 hour Professional Growth Certificate

  Online Cost: $150                          Recommended Audience:
                                             Middle Managers, Supervisors,
  2022 Dates/Times:                          Coordinators or similar positions
  (Tuesdays @ 9:00am PST)
  January 25, February 22, March 29

Reframing the
 Growth Cycle
 Format Option(s)
     Online Meeting

 Do you have a hard time getting staff to engage in professional
 development in meaningful ways? If your presentation of professional
 growth is fragmented, has an assembly line approach, or is robotic in
 delivery you are on a sinking ship! The best approach to professional
 growth is long-term, customized, well-rounded, and can occur in

 Value Statements
     Participants will engage in examining and enhancing professional
     growth from a comprehensive perspective including:
        Performance evaluations
        Professional development planning
        Trainings, Workshops, and Professional Learning Communities

 What's Included
         Three live monthly teachings (1-hour sessions)
         Series handouts
         Access to recordings and content for 6 months
         3 hour Professional Growth Certificate

     Online Cost: $150                    Recommended Audience:
                                          Those responsible for performance
     2022 Dates/Times:                    evaluations and/or professional
     (Tuesdays at 9:00am)                 growth including coaches or HR
     April 26, May 24, June 28            staff

Managing from
                             the Middle
                              Format Option(s)
                                  Online Meeting
                                  On-site Professional Development

Do you ever feel like you are caught between desires (of staff) and
directions (of leadership)? Do you ever sense a tug-of-war between
the person that you report to and the people that you are assigned to
lead? If you can relate, you are managing from the middle. Being
successful as a middle manager requires flexibility, sensitivity,
firmness and so much more. Without these, you are destined for
failure, but this doesn't have to be your plight. There are ways to
reduce the pull!

Value Statements
   Middle managers will leave this series with tools to:
      Maximize 360-degree influence
      Balance leading, following, and collaborating
      Effectively manage up
      Incorporate self-care into daily practices

What's Included
      Three live monthly teachings (1-hour sessions)
      Series handouts
      Access to recordings and content for 6 months
      3 hour Professional Growth Certificate

  Online Cost: $150                       Recommended Audience:
                                          Those that are responsible for
  2022 Dates/Times:                       providing leadership but also
  (Tuesdays at 9:00am)                    under a leader as well. (i.e., middle
  September 27; October 25; November 29   management, supervisors,
                                          coordinators or similar positions)

New Site Licensing
 Made Easy
 Format Option(s)
     On-Demand Course

 The process for successfully licensing a new site can be intense…the
 forms, the phone calls, the emails, the requirements, the preferences,
 the budget, the orders and so much more. There is a way to reduce
 the stress and frustration. With a proven process, timelines, tools and
 strategy, you can navigate the full experience effectively without
 multiple and limited (or no) follow-up.

 This course is specific to birth to 5 licensing requirements in the state
 of California.

 Value Statements
     This course will walk you through the licensing process including:
        Required forms
        Supporting documentation
        Facility design
        Fire safety
        Procedures and program operations
        Personnel requirements
        Multisite tips

 What's Included
         Lessons learned from the field
         Transcript of each module
         Visual examples and sample forms
         Workflow Tool
         Lifetime access to recordings and content
         Forms/Templates/Parent Handbook available as an add-on

     Online Cost: $200                     Recommended Audience:
                                           Anyone that is looking to get a
     Release Date:                         childcare center licensed in the
     June 1, 2022                          state of California

Providing leadership development and
                                          organizational improvement solutions.

                      Positioning Leaders for Lasting Impact

Everything DiSC® Certified Training
A learning experience and tool that will start your organization on the path to culture change. While
unlocking engagement, inspiring collaboration, igniting cultural transformation, and improving
workplace culture with personalized insights that inspire behavior change.

                        Executive Coaching
                        Improving leadership proficiency and targeting specific needs by guiding
                        individuals and teams to leverage existing strengths, identify areas for
Proven results:
                        growth, improve team relations, address communication challenges, identify
                        performance gaps, engage in planning/goal-setting efforts and more.
   competencies         The Five Behaviors Certified Training
                        Empower team members to make lasting change that drives results. Bringing
   Reduced              to life the true power of teamwork through a proven, transformational
   liability claims     learning experience. using Patrick Lencioni’s proven model. A personalized
                        profile, in-depth facilitation, and specially-designed follow-up tools come
   Improved             together to create this one-of-a-kind program to help build more cohesive
   morale               and productive teams.

   service delivery     Leadership Development
                        Presenting customized content to meet the specific needs of the
   Reduced staff        organization and participant group(s). Ongoing professional growth
   turnover             opportunities for individuals wanting to further develop their leadership
                        skills (In-person, on-demand, and virtual options).
                        Project Management
   Increased            Leading programs to execute specific initiatives/projects, plan for transitions,
   performance          and provoke program growth by using a multi-faceted approach with
                        program stakeholders to identify priorities and next steps.
   compliance           Systems Design & Evaluation
                        Increasing productivity by strengthening, creating, modifying, or eliminating
                        processes with a focus on meeting program goals, improving spending, and
                        removing barriers to efficiency.

Quality Assurance Monitoring & Review/Audit Preparation
Ensuring compliance and quality service delivery by utilizing specific tools designed to identify gaps in
program services and barriers to efficiency. Monitoring outcomes are used to lead personnel through a
layered approach to analysis and improvement.

            We have solutions for your leadership problems

Positioning your organization
for lasting impact...

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