Vanguard Growth and Income Fund - Vanguard Advisors

Page created by Patrick Henry
Vanguard ®
 Vanguard ® Growth and Income Fund
Product Summary                                                         Vanguard Style View : Large Blend

U.S. large-cap equity diversified across growth and value styles.       Portfolio of large- and mid-capitalization stocks diversified across
                                                                        investment styles.
Seeks a total return greater than that of the S&P 500 Index.
                                                                                                           Investment style
Quantitatively managed.                                                                                 Value Blend Growth
Reflects aggregate characteristics and risks of the S&P 500 Index.

                                                                        Market capitalization



                                                                                                    Central tendency
                                                                                                    Expected range of fund holdings

Quarterly Commentary

The human toll of COVID-19 further mounted during the second
quarter of 2021 amid fresh outbreaks of the virus and new
                                                                        People and Process
variants. The global economy nevertheless continued to rebound
sharply if unevenly. Countries that have better succeeded in
                                                                        Vanguard Growth and Income Fund seeks a total return greater
containing the virus—whether through vaccinations, lockdowns, or
                                                                        than that of the S&P 500 Index by investing in U.S. large- and
both—tended to fare the best. With the reopening of economies
                                                                        mid-capitalization stocks. The funds three investment advisors
and pent-up demand boosting corporate profits, global stocks
                                                                        manage independent subportfolios. Although each advisor uses a
finished the quarter significantly higher. U.S. stocks outperformed
                                                                        different process to select securities, each is committed to using
other developed markets as a whole as well as emerging markets.
                                                                        computer models to select a broadly diversified group of stocks
For the quarter, U.S. stocks returned 8.24%, as measured by the         that, as a whole, have investment characteristics similar to the
Russell 3000 Index. Small-capitalization stocks, as measured by         S&P 500 Index, but are expected to provide a higher total return
the Russell 2000 Index (+4.29%), trailed large-caps, as measured        than that of the index.
by the Russell 1000 Index (+8.54%). Growth stocks outperformed
value, with the Russell 3000 Growth Index (+11.38%) leading the
                                                                        D. E. Shaw Investment Management, L.L.C.
Russell 3000 Value Index (+5.16%).

For the quarter, Vanguard Growth and Income Fund                        The firm employs quantitative models that seek to capture
underperformed its benchmark, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index           predominantly “bottom-up” stock-specific return opportunities
(+8.55%), and outperformed the average return of its peer funds         while aiming to control overall portfolio risk and characteristics,
(+8.00%). The fund’s three advisors use quantitative models to          such as size, sector weights, and style, to be similar to those of
determine the portfolio’s composition, while focusing primarily on      the benchmark. The advisor continually seeks to enhance the
adding value through stock-specific characteristics and investment      diversified set of models used to identify stock pricing
factors. Good selection in industrials (+4%) and utilities (+0%)        inefficiencies, given its belief that market inefficiencies typically
helped performance. An overweight allocation to Fortinet (+29%)         are arbitraged away over time. The price forecasts generated by
and an underweight allocation to Boeing (-6%) were among the            these models, along with estimates of various forms of risk and
biggest contributors. Poor selection in health care (+8%) and           the costs of transacting, are considered by an optimizer in order to
consumer staples (+4%) hurt results. Underweight allocations to         construct a portfolio with the highest expected risk-adjusted
NVIDIA (+50%) and PayPal (+20%) were among the biggest                  return, net of trading costs, relative to that of the S&P 500 Index.

For the 12 months ended June 30, the fund outpaced its                  Firm Description
benchmark (+40.79%) and peer average (+39.52%). Good
selection in information technology (+42%) and utilities (+16%)         D. E. Shaw Investment Management, L.L.C., New York, New
contributed significantly. The fund’s largest individual contributors   York, is a privately owned investment management firm founded
included overweight positions in QUALCOMM (+60%) and                    in 2005. The firm is a pioneer in the field of computational finance
Synchrony Financial (+126%). Poor selection in consumer staples         and quantitative investment strategies. The firm has advised
(+23%) and industrials (+51%) hurt results. Underweight                 Vanguard Growth and Income Fund since 2011.
allocations to Deere (+128%) and Charles Schwab (+119%) were
the biggest detractors.

Note: Company returns may differ if a security was held in the
portfolio for less than the full period.

As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

Investment Manager Biographies                                            Hal W. Reynolds, CFA, Chief Investment Officer and Principal.
                                                                          Portfolio manager. Advised the fund since 2011. Worked in
Philip Kearns, Managing Director. Portfolio manager. Advised the          investment management since 1982. B.A., University of Virginia.
fund since 2014. Worked in investment management since 1993.              M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh.
B.Ec., Australian National University. M.S. and Ph.D., University of
Rochester.                                                                Vanguard Quantitative Equity Group

Los Angeles Capital Management LLC                                        The firm employs a multifactor model that evaluates stocks on
                                                                          growth, valuation, quality, management decision–making, and
The firm employs a quantitative model that seeks to emphasize             market sentiment in order to forecast individual stocks relative
stocks with characteristics that investors are currently seeking          performance. To improve differentiation among stocks, each
and to underweight stocks with characteristics that investors are         component of the model incorporates multiple variables. The
currently avoiding. The firm believes these investor risk                 advisor optimizes the portfolio in order to maintain
preferences change over time, so its model dynamically adapts to          benchmark-level exposure to common risk factors, such as market
reflect these changes. Although the advisor aims to keep its              capitalization and industry weight. The resulting portfolio will have
overall portfolio characteristics similar to those of the S&P 500         characteristics similar to those of the S&P 500 Index.
Index, certain factors such as size, sector weights, and style often
may differ from the S&P 500 Index in a risk-controlled manner.            Firm Description

                                                                          Launched in 1975, The Vanguard Group, Malvern, Pennsylvania, is
Firm Description                                                          among the world’s largest equity and fixed income managers. As
                                                                          chief investment officer, Gregory Davis, CFA, oversees
Founded in 2002, Los Angeles Capital Management LLC, Los                  Vanguard’s Equity Index, Quantitative Equity, and Fixed Income
Angeles, California, is an employee-owned investment advisory             Groups. Launched in 1975, The Vanguard Group, Malvern,
firm offering risk-controlled active equity portfolio applications. The   Pennsylvania, is among the world's largest equity and fixed
firm has advised Vanguard Growth and Income Fund since 2011.              income managers. As chief investment officer, Gregory Davis,
                                                                          CFA, oversees Vanguard's Equity Index, Quantitative Equity, and
Investment Manager Biographies                                            Fixed Income Groups. John Ameriks, Ph.D., Principal of and head
                                                                          of Vanguard's Quantitative Equity Group, is responsible for all
Thomas D. Stevens, CFA, Chairman and Principal. Portfolio                 active equity funds managed by the Investment Management
manager. Advised the fund since 2011. Worked in investment                Group. The Quantitative Equity Group manages Vanguard active
management since 1976. B.B.A., University of Wisconsin. M.B.A.,           equity mutual funds using a quantitative investment approach. The
University of Wisconsin.                                                  group has advised Vanguard Growth and Income Fund since 2011.

                                                                          Investment Manager Biographies

                                                                          Binbin Guo, Principal, Head of the Alpha Equity U.S. Investment
                                                                          Team. Portfolio manager. Advised the fund since 2010. Worked in
                                                                          investment management since 1998. B.S. and M.S., Tsinghua
                                                                          University. Ph.D. and M.Phil., Yale University.

                                                                          Cesar Orosco, CFA. Senior portfolio manager. Advised the fund
                                                                          since 2021. Worked in investment management since 2004. B.S.,
                                                                          Universidad de Lima. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania.

                                                                          Investment Advisors

                                                                                                                     Fund Assets Managed

                                                                                                                            %        $ Million

                                                                          Los Angeles Capital Management LLC                33          4,260

                                                                          Vanguard Quantitative Equity Group                33          4,264

                                                                          D. E. Shaw Investment Management,                 32          4,248

                                                                          Cash investments                                   2            321

                                                                          Total                                            100         13,093

                                                                                                                         As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

Total Returns
                                              Expense                             Year
                                                 Ratio         Quarter         to Date          1 Year         3 Years        5 Years         10 Years

Growth and Income Fund
   Investor Shares (12/10/1986)                  0.32%           8.37%          15.84%          41.37%         17.97%          17.06%           14.74%
   Admiral Shares (5/14/2001)                    0.22            8.38           15.89           41.52          18.08           17.18            14.86
S&P 500 Index                                       —            8.55           15.25           40.79          18.67           17.65            14.84
Large-Cap Core Funds Average                        —            8.00           14.93           39.52          17.02           16.12            13.02

The performance data shown represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results. Investment returns and principal value will
fluctuate, so investors’ shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than
the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit our website at
Figures for periods of less than one year are cumulative returns. All other figures represent average annual returns. Performance figures include the
reinvestment of all dividends and any capital gains distributions. All returns are net of expenses.

Note: Average fund returns are derived from data provided by Lipper, a Thomson Reuters Company. Admiral class shareholders are required to maintain
specific minimum balances and meet other special criteria.

As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

Quarterly Returns: Investor Shares

                                                                                                  Growth and          S&P 500          Assets
Year                                 1st Quarter   2nd Quarter   3rd Quarter      4th Quarter        Income             Index        (Millions)
2021                                      6.90%          8.37%          —                —                —               —               $3,592
2020                                    -20.39         21.40          8.52%           12.46%            17.94%         18.40%              3,089
2019                                     13.28           3.68         1.50             8.77             29.66          31.49               3,062
2018                                     -0.72           3.58         8.08           -14.26             -4.71           -4.38              2,472
2017                                      5.26           2.50         4.85             6.67             20.68          21.83               2,931
2016                                      1.37           2.39         3.74             4.00             11.97          11.96               2,879
2015                                      1.51          -0.04        -5.79             6.61              1.92           1.38               2,802
2014                                      1.69           5.31         1.57             4.83             14.04          13.69               3,054
2013                                     10.52           3.13         5.08            10.70             32.59          32.39               3,055
2012                                     13.18          -2.63         6.30            -0.19             16.92          16.00               2,651
2011                                      6.19           0.24       -14.14            12.06              2.42           2.11               2,689

Quarterly Returns: Admiral Shares

                                                                                                  Growth and          S&P 500          Assets
Year                                 1st Quarter   2nd Quarter   3rd Quarter      4th Quarter        Income             Index        (Millions)
2021                                      6.92%          8.38%          —                —                —               —               $9,500
2020                                    -20.37         21.42          8.56%           12.49%            18.08%         18.40%              9,149
2019                                     13.32           3.69         1.52             8.79             29.77          31.49               8,968
2018                                     -0.69           3.60         8.08           -14.22             -4.61           -4.38              7,275
2017                                      5.28           2.52         4.89             6.70             20.80          21.83               7,666
2016                                      1.38           2.44         3.75             4.06             12.12          11.96               4,097
2015                                      1.53          -0.01        -5.76             6.65              2.03           1.38               3,393
2014                                      1.72           5.34         1.60             4.86             14.16          13.69               3,078
2013                                     10.55           3.16         5.11            10.73             32.74          32.39               2,452
2012                                     13.23          -2.61         6.31            -0.16             17.05          16.00               1,627
2011                                      6.26           0.24       -14.11            12.08              2.54           2.11               1,325

                                                                  Volatility Measures
                                                                                                                 R-Squared            Beta

                                                                  S&P 500 Index                                        1.00               1.02
                                                                  DJ US Total Stock Mkt Float Adj Idx                  0.99               0.97
                                                                  R-squared and beta are calculated from trailing 36-month fund returns
                                                                  relative to the associated benchmark.

                                                                                                                        As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

 Fund Facts                                                                        Top 10 Largest Holdings
                                           Investor                    Admiral
                                            Shares                     Shares                                                                         % of
 Fund Number                                     0093                    0593                                                             Total Net Assets

 Ticker                                        VQNPX                    VGIAX      Apple Inc.                                                        6.2%

 Newspaper Listing                              GroInc             GroIncAdml      Microsoft Corp.                                                   5.7

 CUSIP Number                            921913109                 921913208       Alphabet Inc.                                                     4.5

 Assets (millions)                              $3,592                 $9,500 Inc.                                                   3.5
   (Total $13,092)                                                                 Facebook Inc.                                                     2.3
 Inception                               12/10/1986                 5/14/2001      Berkshire Hathaway Inc.                                           1.5
 Expense Ratio                                                                     Tesla Inc.                                                        1.5
   (as of 1/2021)                               0.32%                   0.22%
                                                                                   Johnson & Johnson                                                 1.5
                                                                                   NVIDIA Corp.                                                      1.2
                                                                                   JPMorgan Chase & Co.                                              1.0
 Equity Characteristics                                                            Total                                                            28.9%
                                                    Growth and       S&P 500       The holdings listed exclude any temporary cash investments and equity
                                                       Income          Index       index products.
 Number of stocks                                         1,469           505
 Median market cap                                $174.9 Billion $187.6 Billion
 Average market cap                               $549.9 Billion $542.8 Billion
 Price/earnings ratio                                     23.7x          26.9x
 Price/book ratio                                          4.4x           4.4x
 Return on equity                                         21.0%         20.7%
 Earnings growth rate                                     19.2%         19.3%
 Equity yield (dividend)                                   1.4%          1.3%
 Foreign holdings                                          0.1%          0.0%
 Short-term reserves                                       2.5%             —
 Turnover rate (fiscal year end)                          58.3%             —

Sector Diversification (% of Stocks)
                                   Growth and            S&P 500   Overweight/
                                      Income               Index   Underweight

Communication Services                  12.1%              11.1%             1.0

Consumer Discretionary                  13.2               12.3              0.9

Consumer Staples                         6.1                5.9              0.2

Energy                                   2.4                2.9             -0.5

Financials                              10.7               11.3             -0.6

Health Care                             12.9               13.0             -0.1

Industrials                              8.3                8.5             -0.2

Information Technology                  27.8               27.4              0.4

Materials                                2.5                2.6             -0.1

Other                                    0.0                0.0              0.0

Real Estate                              2.1                2.6             -0.5

Utilities                                1.9                2.4             -0.5
Total                                  100.0%             100.0%
Sector categories are based on the Global Industry Classification Standard
(“GICS”), except for the “Other” category (if applicable), which includes
securities that have not been provided a GICS classification as of the effective
reporting period.

As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

3 month attribution
                                                                    Portfolio                           Benchmark                              Attribution

                                                            Avg.          3 mo.   Contrib.      Avg.           3 mo.    Contrib.          Alloc.         Select     Total
                                                           weight        return    Return      weight         return     Return           effect         effect     effect
Industrials                                                   8.1           5.6        0.4          8.8           4.5        0.4             0.0            0.1       0.1
Information Technology                                       26.4          11.9        3.1        26.7          11.6         3.1             0.0            0.1       0.1
Materials                                                     2.7           8.5        0.2          2.7           5.0        0.1             0.0            0.1       0.1
Utilities                                                     1.9           2.0        0.0          2.6          -0.4        0.0             0.1            0.0       0.1
Communication Services                                       11.5          10.4        1.2        11.1          10.7         1.2             0.0            0.0       0.0
Consumer Discretionary                                       12.5           7.1        0.9        12.3            6.9        0.9             0.0            0.0       0.0
Energy                                                        2.4          12.6        0.3          2.8         11.3         0.3             0.0            0.0       0.0
Real Estate                                                   2.0          11.8        0.2          2.5         13.1         0.3             0.0            0.0       0.0
Consumer Staples                                              6.5           2.8        0.2          6.0           3.8        0.2             0.0           -0.1       -0.1
Financials                                                   11.2           7.7        0.9        11.6            8.4        1.0             0.0           -0.1       -0.1
Cash                                                          2.5           0.0        0.0          0.0           0.0        0.0            -0.2            0.0       -0.2
Health Care                                                  12.4           6.7        0.8        12.9            8.4        1.1             0.0           -0.2       -0.2
Total                                                       100.0           8.3        8.3       100.0            8.5        8.5            -0.2            0.0       -0.3

12 month attribution
                                                                     Portfolio                          Benchmark                              Attribution
                                                            Avg.        12 mo.    Contrib.      Avg.          12 mo.    Contrib.          Alloc.         Select     Total
                                                           weight        return    Return      weight          return    Return           effect         effect     effect
Information Technology                                       27.4          45.9       12.3        27.3          42.4       11.5             0.0             0.8       0.8
Utilities                                                     2.0          24.3        0.6          2.8         15.8         0.6            0.2             0.2       0.3
Consumer Discretionary                                       12.3          39.1        4.7        12.0          37.1         4.5            -0.1            0.2       0.2
Materials                                                     2.5          62.9        1.4          2.7         48.5         1.3            0.0             0.3       0.2
Financials                                                   10.2          64.0        5.9        10.6          61.8         5.9            0.0             0.2       0.1
Health Care                                                  13.6          28.3        4.2        13.6          27.9         4.0            0.0             0.1       0.1
Real Estate                                                   2.0          35.5        0.6          2.6         31.8         0.8            0.0             0.1       0.1
Communication Services                                       10.6          49.7        5.0        11.0          48.4         5.1            -0.1            0.1       0.0
Energy                                                        2.1          55.0        0.9          2.5         49.4         1.1            -0.1            0.1       0.0
Industrials                                                   8.1          44.9        3.7          8.5         51.2         4.2            0.0            -0.5       -0.4
Consumer Staples                                              7.4          18.7        1.6          6.5         23.3         1.7            -0.1           -0.3       -0.5
Cash                                                          1.7           0.1        0.0          0.0          0.0         0.0            -0.7            0.0       -0.7
Total                                                       100.0          41.0       41.0       100.0          40.8       40.8             -0.9            1.1       0.2
The portfolio attribution data shown above is provided by FactSet based on information provided by Vanguard about the fund's daily portfolio holdings as of
the market close. Because the fund buys and sells stocks throughout the trading day and not necessarily at the market close, the attribution data shown
above is an estimate and may not precisely reflect actual attribution information. Information noted above does not reflect fair-value adjustments to prices of
foreign securities held in the portfolio.

Top contributors—3 month                                                            Top detractors—3 month
                                         3 mo.    Total Ending         Bench                                                   3 mo.         Total Ending          Bench
                                        return    effect weight        weight                                                 return         effect weight         weight
Fortinet Inc.                             29.2       0.1       0.3         0.1      Altria Group Inc.                              -5.1            0.0       0.6      0.2
Fiserv Inc.                               -3.3       0.0       0.0         0.2      HP Inc.                                        -4.3            0.0       0.5      0.1
Synchrony Financial                       19.9       0.0       0.4         0.1      Intuitive Surgical Inc.                        24.5            0.0       0.0      0.3
NextEra Energy Inc.                       -2.0       0.0       0.0         0.4      NVIDIA Corporation                             49.9        -0.1          1.2      1.4
Boeing Company                            -6.0       0.0       0.1         0.4      PayPal Holdings Inc.                           20.0        -0.1          0.4      0.9

                                                                                                                                                    As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

Top contributors—12 month                                            Top detractors—12 month
                                  12 mo.    Total Ending    Bench                                 12 mo.    Total Ending    Bench
                                   return   effect weight   weight                                 return   effect weight   weight
Synchrony Financial                125.5      0.2     0.4      0.1   Merck & Co. Inc.                8.9     -0.1     0.8      0.5
QUALCOMM Incorporated               59.8      0.2     1.0      0.4   Charles Schwab Corporation     33.0     -0.1     0.0      0.3
Tesla Inc.                         195.3      0.2     1.5      1.4   Chevron Corporation            24.1     -0.1     0.2      0.6
Apple Inc.                          51.1      0.1     6.2      5.9   Citrix Systems Inc.            -19.8    -0.1     0.0      0.0
Wells Fargo & Company               79.4      0.1     0.5      0.5   Deere & Company               128.0     -0.2     0.3      0.3

As of June 30, 2021
Vanguard Growth and Income Fund

                                  As of June 30, 2021
Important information
For more information about Vanguard funds or Vanguard ETFs, visit or call 800-523-1036 to obtain a prospectus or, if
available, a summary prospectus. Investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information are contained in the
prospectus; read and consider it carefully before investing.

Vanguard ETF Shares are not redeemable with the issuing Fund other than in very large aggregations worth millions of dollars. Instead,
investors must buy or sell Vanguard ETF Shares in the secondary market and hold those shares in a brokerage account. In doing so, the investor
may incur brokerage commissions and may pay more than net asset value when buying and receive less than net asset value when selling.
All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest.
Investments in bond funds and ETFs are subject to interest rate, credit, and inflation risk.
Factor funds are subject to investment style risk, which is the chance that returns from the types of stocks in which the fund invests will trail returns from the stock
market. Factor funds are subject to manager risk, which is the chance that poor security selection will cause the fund to underperform relevant benchmarks or
other funds with a similar investment objective.
Vanguard Commodity Strategy Fund could lose all, or substantially all, of its investments in instruments linked to the returns of commodity futures or other
commodity investments. Commodity futures trading is volatile, and even a small movement in market prices could cause large losses.
Investments in derivatives may involve risks different from, and possibly greater than, those of investments in the underlying securities or assets.
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results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of its
affiliates or any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classification have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive,
consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
CGS identifiers have been provided by CUSIP Global Services, managed on behalf of the American Bankers Association by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services,
LLC, and are not for use or dissemination in a manner that would serve as a substitute for any CUSIP service. The CUSIP Database, © 2021 American Bankers
Association. “CUSIP” is a registered trademark of the American Bankers Association.
U.S. government backing of Treasury or agency securities applies only to the underlying securities and does not prevent share-price fluctuations. Unlike stocks
and bonds, U.S. Treasury bills are guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest.
Investments in stocks or bonds issued by non-U.S. companies are subject to risks including country/regional risk and currency risk.
Investments in Target Retirement Funds are subject to the risks of their underlying funds. The year in the Fund name refers to the approximate year (the target
date) when an investor in the Fund would retire and leave the work force. The Fund will gradually shift its emphasis from more aggressive investments to more
conservative ones based on its target date. An investment in the Target Retirement Fund is not guaranteed at any time, including on or after the target date.
Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC (CRSP®) and its third-party suppliers have exclusive proprietary rights in the CRSP® Index Data, which has been licensed
for use by Vanguard but is and shall remain valuable intellectual property owned by, and/or licensed to, CRSP®. The Vanguard Funds are not sponsored, endorsed,
sold or promoted by CRSP®, The University of Chicago, or The University of Chicago Booth School of Business and neither CRSP®, The University of Chicago, or
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Vanguard Funds.

© 2021 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Managed Payout Fund U.S. Patent Nos. 8,180,695; 8,185,464; and 8,571,963. Vanguard ETFs U.S. Patent Nos.
6,879,964; 7,337,138; 7,720,749; 7,925,573; 8,090,646; 8,417,623; and 8,626,636. Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor.
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