Lakota East Upbeat Club Meeting Tuesday, September 20, 2022 / 7:30 p.m.

Page created by Shawn Diaz
Lakota East Upbeat Club Meeting
                        Tuesday, September 20, 2022 / 7:30 p.m.
                         Lakota East High School Media Room

Elected Officers present: Kara Woeller, Heather Garland, Tasha Brown, Susanne Page, Jessica Pike and
Patrice Pieratt

Called to order: 7:30 p.m. by Kara Woeller

   •   Kara welcomed everyone to the meeting.
   •   The agenda and a QR code for the budget were included in the meeting handout.

Director Reports:
Mr. Aaron Todahl – Director of Jazz Studies, Lakota East High School

   •   Mr. Todahl offered congratulations to Ryan Coons for making All-State Jazz.
   •   The first jazz concert of the year will be held on Tuesday, October 4th.
           o The Lakota West Jazz Bands will begin at 6:00pm and the Lakota East Jazz Bands will
               begin at 8:00pm.
           o The concert will include performances by the Freshman, 2 O’Clock and Eastside Jazz
   •   All high school jazz ensembles will wear concert black for their performance attire.
   •   Mr. Todahl shared his excitement about the first jazz concert and said the kids sound great.

Mr. Andrew Desmond – Assistant Director of Bands, Lakota East High School

   •   Mr. Desmond stated he was proud of how well the marching band students did at the Norwood
       OMEA Marching Band Competition.
   •   Mr. Desmond is looking forward to the marching band competition in Louisville.
   •   Mr. Desmond shared that the first high school band concert will be held on October 10th and that
       everything in concert band is going well.

Mr. Rob Tanis – Director of Bands, Lakota East High School

   •   Mr. Tanis congratulated the following students:
           o All–State Concert Band - Ryan Coons, Josh Reigle, Johnathan Bowden and Emma Laude
           o CYJO - David Wright
           o CSYO Philharmonic – Emma Laude and Angelyn Kiss
           o CYWE – Josh Reigle, Max Page, Sydney Lewis and Angelyn Kiss
   •   Mr. Tanis reported that the audition music for the District XIII Honor Bands will be shared in
       November and auditions will be held in early December.
   •   All of the concert ensembles are doing well and all five of the freshman and high school concert
       bands will perform on October 10th in two separate concerts.
   •   Mr. Tanis thanked Mrs. Ince for her assistance with the concert band uniforms.
   •   Mr. Tanis shared that the new wrap on the truck looks awesome and final repairs are underway.
•   Mr. Tanis reported that they are in the process of confirming the location for Friday’s rehearsal of
       the trip to Louisville.
           o Final payment for the Louisville trip is due now.
   •   The Lakota East and Lakota West Bands will travel to Hawaii in 2023 during the week of
           o Mr. Tanis and Mr. Carr are discussing the schedule which is dependent upon whether the
               students take a chartered flight or scheduled flight. The students will likely miss school on
               the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week.
           o The bands will march in a parade on Friday following Thanksgiving.

Mr. Kevin Engel – Band Director, Hopewell Junior School

   •   Not present, please see attachment #1 – report read by Patrice Pieratt

Mrs. Maggie Whaley – Band Director, Liberty Junior School

   •   Not present, please see attachment #2 – report read by Patrice Pieratt

Secretary Report: Patrice Pieratt

   •   Motion to approve the August 23, 2022 Upbeat Club Meeting Minutes:
       motion by Eunice Vogelsang/ seconded by Alexandra Ince.
Vice-President of Ways and Means: Susanne Page
   •   Susanne reported that the Krispy Kreme donut sales are going well.
          o For Band Night, on August 26th, over 250 boxes of donuts were sold for a profit of over
          o During the home football game on September 2nd 100 boxes of donuts were sold for a
             profit of $567.45.
   •   Susanne reported that Liberty Center has become a new platinum level corporate sponsor.
          o The band will be marching in the Liberty Center Holiday Parade on Saturday, November
Co-Vice Presidents of Activities: Brooke Fabian and Jessica Pike

   •   Jessica reported that Band Night was a success as 100 pizzas were served to 375 students. Pizzas
       which were left over were given to those at the band tailgate.
   •   Jessica thanked Kim Hall for her assistance with those with food allergies.
   •   I wanted to thank everyone for helping with set up and serving. I wanted to thank the people
       mentioned above (Jess, Mary, Lisa, Janet) for their help with clean up.
   •   Jessica and Brooke are currently working on the details for the Senior Night Dinner which will be
       held on October 14th.
                o There will be invitations given to the seniors.
                o Would like to have the decorations which coordinate with the show theme la lune.
                o Currently working on donations for the dinner and floral centerpieces.
                o May reach out to parents of seniors to assist with the picture wall.

Treasurer Report: Tasha Brown

   •   Tasha shared that a copy of the budget report is included in the QR code on the meeting agenda.
       The following link contains the current budget report: Click HERE
   •   Tasha reported that as of 9/18/22 the checking account balance was $91,270.95 and the savings
       account balance was $90,722.36.
   •   Tasha shared the notable increase in the checking account was due to Tag Day, a new corporate
       sponsor and recent check from Amazon Smile and the Kroger Rewards program.
   •   Tasha reported that the truck wrap cost $11, 880.00, which was $6,000 lower than budgeted.
   •   Please see budget report for detailed transaction information.

Committee Chair Reports

Susanne Page – Spirit Activities

   •   Susanne reported that they are working on small celebrations prior to the competitions for the
   •   Susanne thanked Heather and Kara for organizing the first send off prior to the Norwood
   •   Susanne noted that future send offs will include locker decorations, printed reward stickers,
       candy and donations for each student from Chick-fil-A.

Eunice Vogelsang and Ann Hudepohl – Marching Band Uniforms

   •   Ann thanked Alexandra Ince and Lori Kes for leading the sewing team.
   •   Ann noted a few reminders for the upcoming competition:
           o White gloves should be washed prior to competition.
           o All “whispies” should be pinned in hat.
   •   All marching band uniforms will be washed between the dates of 10/7 and 10/13.
   •   Eunice and Ann will coordinate with Mr. Tanis which October football game the marching band
       will wear pink plumes in support of breast cancer awareness.

Alexandra Ince – Concert Band Uniforms

   •   Alexandra reported that she has ordered the tuxedo shirts and dresses for those in Winds.
   •   Alexandra has received measurements from only half of those in the concert and symphonic

Rachel Gilley – Spirit Wear

   •   Rachel reported that the senior shirts were delivered to the students the week of September 12th.
   •   Rachel stated that there were still about four sections that needed to turn in their order for their
       section shirts.
   •   The most recent spirit wear store has closed and delivery of items will be on October 12th.
   •   Rachel is working on a new online store of items that will be available the first week of October,
       and delivery of those items will occur before Grand Nationals.
   •   Rachel also reported that there will be an online Holiday Store that will open in November.

Dave Henderson – Social Media
•   Dave reported that he has been going live on events such as send offs and the awards ceremony at
       Norwood etc.
   •   Dave is posting event pages for everyone to see on social media.
   •   Dave stated that the Tag Day posts reached 15,700 people and over the past month 10,600 people
       have been engaged in the social media posts.
   •   Dave reported a goal of having 100,000 engagements on the band social media pages in one year.
   •   There have been 50 new followers on FB in the last month and Dave shared that the Norwood and
       Piqua Bands are now following Lakota East Marching Band.

Amy Coons – Tag Day

   •   Amy reported that 40 teams of students canvassed the neighborhoods on Tag Day while the
       seniors played in ensembles at Lakota East High School and The Cone.
   •   Bethany Wright led an alumni reception in the Lakota East Café for alumni band directors and
       alumni students, and following there was a Finale on the front steps of the high school where the
       band played for 25 minutes.
   •   Amy reported that on September 20th the current total for Tag Day was over $41,000.
           o There was $18,000 collected in the neighborhoods and at the Drive-Up and Donate
               Stations, and the remainder that was raised was through personal invitations.
   •   Amy thanked all of the band families and all of the Tag Day volunteers for their support.
   •   Amy shared that 91 students earned a laptop decal that was designed by band member MacKenzie
   •   The freshman class received the most donations.
   •   Sadie Kes, Savannah Okragly and Delaney Renneker were the winners of the Swag Bags.

Jaime Lyden – Dine & Donate

   •   Not present, report read by Susanne Page.
   •   The Dine & Donate at Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers on September 13th yielded a
       profit of $85.79, which was 15% of the evenings profits. Thank you to everyone that supported
       the band at this event.
   •   The next restaurant night will be held at Skyline Chili on October 11th from 4 – 9pm.

Medication Drop Off – Lauren Brown

   •   Lisa Brady will be the nurse that will accompany the band to Louisville.
   •   Medication for students can be dropped off during rehearsal on Thursday, September 22nd and
       Wednesday, September 28th.
   •   Lauren wants to make sure the chaperones have the support needed on the Louisville trip.

Lisa Goudy and Kim Hall – Head Chaperone/Trip Advisor

   •   Kim reported that the rehearsal space for Friday’s rehearsal location for the Louisville trip is still
   •   Kim shared that there is still a need for additional donations for chips and bottled water. Please
       see the SUG if interested in making a donation of one of these items.
   •   A request was also made for additional coolers that can be used on the trip.

Mike Thomas – Pit Crew Chief
•   Mike thanked the Upbeat Club for the new truck wrap, and Roger Wright and Ryan Price for
       picking the truck up. He also thanked Lakota West Bands for the assistance in helping to move the
   •   Mike thanked all Pit Crew volunteers that helped out at the Norwood competition.
   •   Mike also thanked Earl Alsdorf for repairing the props and Kim Hall for ordering the uniform
       shirts for those new to Pit Crew.
   •   Mike requested assistance in the upcoming weeks to sew velcro and spandex to areas of the

President Report: Heather Garland and Kara Woeller

   •   Heather thanked all those who came out for the first send off. There was a large crowd and
       everyone was excited.
   •   For the Homecoming game the trombone, mellophone, drum major and front ensemble sections
       will be responsible for the 3rd quarter refreshments.
   •   Heather thanked Amanda Pisano for donating 2 tickets to the production Hamilton. The tickets
       were placed on silent auction and rose $300. The winning recipient was Larra Crews Rose.
   •   Heather shared that ticket and parking information for the Louisville BOA competition will go out
       in the next section email.
   •   Information will also be going out soon about the Kettering Classic.
   •   Heather encouraged everyone to check out the many great photos that the wonderful band
       photographers uploaded to SmugMug (smiley icon) on the band homepage.
   •   Heather encouraged everyone to spread the word about the band tailgate that will occur outside
       of the band room at 5pm on the evening of the Homecoming game.
   •   Heather thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:28p.m.
Motion by Alexandra Ince/ seconded by Kim Hall………………………………………………………………Approved

The next Upbeat Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 18th at 7:30pm in the Lakota East
Main Campus Media Center. Thank you so much for your continued support of the Lakota East Band
Program and the Lakota East Upbeat Club.

Attachment #1

September 20, 2022

Thank you again for all the support from the Lakota East Upbeat Club! Congratulations to all the
efforts from the team that made Tag Day so successful. Mrs. Coons continues to raise the bar and all
I have to say is, “WOW! How do you keep growing each year like this?” Congratulations to the kids,
the parents, and the staff.

The facelift on the Atlas trailer looks amazing, and I know that will bring such a great sense of pride in
all the kids when they turn into parking lots and see the eye-catching trailer with East Pride all over it.

School is in full swing at Hopewell Junior, and this week marks the midpoint of the first quarter. We
are working hard to prepare for our fall concert on October 25, in the Hopewell Junior Gymnasium.

      • 6:30 for 7th Grade
      • 7:45 for 8th Grade Jazz and Concert Bands

This fall we will have two special guests visiting us with dates to be determined. Samantha Goes will
be coming in for a day to work with all the flutes and Dr. Shelley Jagow from Wright State, through
proceeds and sponsorship from Vandoren Reeds, will be visiting to work with the clarinet and
saxophone players. I would like to have some brass and percussion special guests as well, so if
anyone has any ideas please email me. Maybe Mr. Tanis could do a trumpet master class one day? (I
hear he’s a pretty good trumpet player from a pretty good band) Please keep in mind that my funds
are quite limited and all the people I have coming in at this point are either sponsored by another
source or they are coming in for promotional purposes and kindness for the young musicians.

Thank you again for your continued support and investment in all our east side band musicians, and
enjoy your performers as you encourage them to continue giving their best into the most challenging
time of their marching season.

Attachment #2

                   Upbeat Club Meeting - September 2022
                            Liberty Junior Band
   •   The Liberty Junior School Music Department Charleston Wrap Sale began last
       week on Thursday, September 15.
         o The music students will be selling Charleston Wrap products until Friday,
             September 30. Please support the LJS Band Program by buying something
             from an LJS band student!
         o If you would like to buy a product from the band program, click on the
             following link: CW Shopping link 22457 (maybe this link could be emailed
             out to HS parents?) or by typing

   •   LJS Fall Band Concert--Thursday, October 20, 2022
          o The Seventh Grade Band will perform at 6:30 p.m. and the Eighth Grade
             Jazz Ensemble and Eighth Grade Band will perform at 7:45 p.m.
   •   LJS Eighth Grade Jazz Ensemble started on Tuesday, September 6th. Our
       rehearsals have been going well and the students are looking forward to our first
       concert on October 20th

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