Page created by Michael Manning
Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)                  p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
 Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                                      https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt


                  1st Intan Nur Ahmar                                        2nd Sugiyanta
               English Education Department                        English Education Department
              Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi                       Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi
             intan.nurahmar2309@gmail.com                           Sugiyanta2711@gmail.com

Abstract: Speaking is a productive skill that can be immediately observed. The major goal of all English
language teaching should be to provide learners with the ability to use English effectively and accurately to
achieve better communication. However, some students still have difficulty in speaking, because of their
different performance levels. They process information differently and there is a difference in personality
(extrovert and introvert). This current research is to investigate whether there is a significant difference
between introvert and extrovert students on their speaking achievement at Cambridge School of English. 23
students were selected as the sample and their personality type was determined by using Eysenck Personality
Questionnaire and their speaking score from the speaking test. This research was quantitative approach; a non-
experimental research design. The result of the research reveals that there is a different mean score between
the extrovert and introvert students although the difference is slight, the mean score of the extrovert students is
74 and introvert students is 76,54. Meanwhile by collecting numerical data analyzed using SPSS 22, the result
of the independent sample t-test shows that the t-table is higher than t-count (-1.360
Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)        p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
 Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                            https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

a unique mental signature.                             peaceful. They are sociable, easy-going,
         Furthermore, findings of some                 have many friends, need enjoyment, and
studies that check out persona trends are              tend to be enterprising and a risk-taker,
primarily based totally on the assumptions             whereas a highly introverted person, is
that inexperienced persons deliver to the              motionless, retiring, and introspective, and
schoolroom now no longer most effective                seldom behaves aggressively. A widely-
their     cognitive    abilities,    however,          held belief in the language pedagogy
additionally powerful states which affect              community is that extroverts are more
the manner they gather the language.                   likely to perform better in second language
Extrovert and introvert are two personality            use and communication situations.
traits that influence speaking performance                      Further, Wulandari et al, (2017)
has been the most frequently checked.                  conducted research entitled “Extrovert and
Brown        (2000)     lists     self-esteem,         Introvert Students in Speaking Ability of
inhabitation, risk-taking, anxiety, empathy,           English Department at IAIN Palangka
and extroversion as persona factors. Many              Raya”. The design of this research used a
language acquisition theories declare that             quantitative approach; ex post facto design.
extroverts are the higher language                     This research was intended at exploring
inexperienced persons given that they tend             whether there is a significant difference
to be sociable, much more likely to enroll             between an introvert and extrovert and
in companies and greater willingness to                students in speaking performance of
have interaction in conversations each                 English Department at IAIN Palangka
inside and out of doors the schoolroom                 Raya. To collected the data, the
(Swain, 1985). Likewise, Naiman,                       researchers used a questionnaire and
Frohlick, Stern, and Todesco (1978) accept             documentation as the instruments. The
as true that extrovert who're sociable and             result of the research showed that the
open to different human beings are greater             alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted
a hit in gaining knowledge of languages                and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.
than introverts. Swain and Burnaby                     In conclusion, there is a significance
(1976); however, accept as true that well-             difference between extrovert and introvert
prepared and severe introverts are visible             students in the speaking ability of the
higher inexperienced persons at some                   English Department at IAIN Palangka
distance because the systematic observe is             Raya.
concerned.                                                      Chen et. al (2015) did a study
         According to Jung (1971), there are           entitled A Survey Study: The Correlation
forms of persona they may be extrovert                 among Introversion/Extroversion and Oral
persona and introvert persona. he says that            English Learning Outcome located that the
extrovert is sort of humans whose interests            2 variables aren't correlated (college
is directed out of doors himself. Whereas              students’ persona and talking ability
introvert kind belongs to humans whose                 haven't any sizeable relationship).
interest are centered on themselves this is                     As Nadiyah (2010) did a study
towards his ego.                                       entitled Comparative Analysis on Choleric
         In addition, Vogel and Vogel                  Students and Melancholic Students
(1986) additionally located that extrovert             Concerning Their English-Speaking Skill.
college students acquire more fluency in               The result states that the college students’
an oral manufacturing project in                       English persona distinction has no
comparison to introverts.                              statistically sizeable distinction to the
         Eysenck     (1964)      states    that        college students’ English competence.
extrovert students are talkative, peevish,             Both institutions of college students might
and outgoing in their communication, and               also additionally carry out higher English
introvert students are reserved, quiet, and            talking ability thru their manner of

Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)      p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
 Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                          https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

learning. It way that scholars with                  share the questionnaire to measure the
extrovert and introvert persona generally            student’s personality. The questionnaire
tend to have exact success in talking                consisted of 24 questions, developed from
overall performance too.                             indicators of extrovert and introvert, and
        This current research is to                  the questions adopted from the Eysenck
investigate whether there is a significant           Personality Inventory.
difference between introvert and extrovert                    The researchers followed some
students in their speaking achievement at            procedures before doing the test. In the
Cambridge School of English. It seeks to             first meeting, the researchers explained the
answer the following research questions:             material related to recounting text, such
(1) How is the extrovert students’ speaking          as:/ the grammar used in the text and
performance at Cambridge School of                   structure of the text. The researchers also
English? (2) How is the introvert students’          requested the students to create their
speaking performance at Cambridge                    recount text and the topic was related to
School of English? and (3) Is there any              their experience and after that, the writers
significant   difference     between the             asked the students to deliver their recount
extrovert and the introvert students in their        text about their experience.
speaking performance at Cambridge                             To find out if there is a significant
School of English?                                   disparity in students speaking performance
                                                     among extroverts and introverts, the
METHOD                                               researcher analyzed it by utilized the
This current research was conducted at the           statistic software Statistical Product and
Cambridge School of English (March-June              Service Solutions (SPSS) 22.00.
2021). Cambridge School of English is one
of the English courses in Bekasi. This               RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
course is conducted twice a week for each            Eysenck Personality Inventory
class, with 90 minutes for every meeting             The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI)
which means 180 minutes in a week. In the            measures two pervasive, independent
course, the speaking skill is implemented            standards of personality, Extraversion-
in a dialog method and giving a speech.              Introversion, and Neuroticism-Stability,
The students are expected to achieve better          which account for most of the variance in
performance, that is to be able to make              the individuality domain. Each form
dialogs and practices, to understand                 contains 57 “Yes-No” items with no
expressions appropriate to the context and           rehash of items. There are 24 items for
others. The rated aspects of speaking                measuring extrovert-introvert levels.
performance are pronunciation, clarity,                      The result of the items is
accuracy, performance skill, and fluency.            interpreted using an E score in Eysenck
        The population of the research was           Personality Inventory. Based on the
all the students in Cambridge School of              personality measurement of the Eysenck
English. The total number of students was            Personality Inventory, if the respondents
23 students that came from six classes,              get 0-12 E score, they are categorized as
consisting of Starter 2, Upper Starter 1,            an introvert, and if the respondents get 13-
Upper Starter 3, Pre-Elementary 4,                   24 E score, they are categorized as an
Elementary 2, and conversation class.                extrovert.
Then, the sample in this research was 23
students. Researchers used a random                  Validity
sampling technique.                                  Validity of The Questionnaire
        To gather the data for this research,        To interpret the validity of the
the researchers used an oral test, but before        questionnaire, the writer arranged a try-out
that, the researchers used a google form to          of 24 items by delivering them to 20

Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)        p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
  Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                            https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

 students who are incorporated in the                 Reliability of The Questionnaire
 research specimen. The researchers                   To discovered the reliability of the
 applied SPSS 22 program to analyze the               questionnaire, the researchers applied the
 data.                                                SPSS 22.00 version and the table of
        The researchers compared r-item to r-         reliability level to know the reliability
 table at a valuable level of 5% is 0,444             level of this research.
 (N=20). The standard value of validity is
 r-item > r-table. Based on the try-out                 Table 2. The level of Acceptable Reliability
 proceeds, it was specified that there are
 invalid items. The result of try out is as              NO      Reliability            Validity
 follows:                                                 1        >0.90                Very high
Table 1. The Validity of Questionnaire                    2      0.80-0.90                High
 Item   r-item       r-table     Result                   3      0.70-0.79               Reliable
 1      0.336        0.444       Invalid                  4      0.60-0.69          Marginally Reliable
 2      0.65         0.444       Valid                    5
Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)        p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
 Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                           https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

classes and divided them into two groups              students in the class can be seen in the
extroverts and introverts based on the                following table 5.
questionnaire they have already answered.
For more detailed information, the data                    Table 5. The Result of Final Score of
can be seen in table 3.                                             Extrovert Students
 Table 4. Result of Extrovert and Introvert             NO           EXTROVERT                  SCORE
              Questionnaire                              1     ODS                                 70
                                Score                    2     MPS                                 72
 No        Student
                         Extrovert Introvert             3     TAF                                 70
  1   ODS.                  15          9                4     ATO                                 68
  2   MP                    21          2
                                                         5     BAP                                 82
  3   BKP                    7         17
  4   TAF                   17          7                6     LS                                  80
  5   NHM                   11         13                7     CV                                  74
  6   NS                    10         14                8     RN                                  70
  7   K                      9         15                9     GIA                                 80
  8   ATO                   13         11
                                                        10     MBC                                 74
  9   BA                    16          8
 10   LS                    14         10                          TOTAL                          740
 11   FDJ                   12         12
 12   IKZ                   12         12             Based on table 5, shows the score
 13   MWC                    8         16             of extrovert students are 740, to better
 14   RN                    16          8
 15   MBC                   15          9
                                                      understand the mean of score middle test
 16   WA                     4         20             speaking the writer uses the formula as
 17   CV                    17          7             follows:
 18   AR                     9         15
 19   AH                    12         12                                  ∑X
 20   FRA                   12         12                      M=
 21   VAF                    7         17                                   N
 22   GI                    13         11
 23   KAl                    7         17                           740
          TOTAL            275        264                   M=                    = 74
Table 4 shows that the scores of the                  Based on the result of the applied
extroverts and introvert students in class.           formula above, the total score ofextrovert
Students with the highest score in                    students is 740 of 10 students, and the
questions of extroverts showed they are               mean score is 74.
extrovert students or vice versa.
        Those who are extroverts will                  Table 6. The frequency distribution of the
answer yes to question 1, 2, 4,5, 6,8,13,14,           speaking ability and category of extrovert
15,17,19,20,21,23, and 24, the introverts                                students
will answer yes to question number 3, 7,9,
10, 11, 12, 16, 18, and 22 the questions are          No       Score         Category       Student        %
related to the extrovert and introvert                 1     85 -< 100       Excellent         0          0%
aspects of personality.                                2     70 - < 85         Good            9         90%
                                                       3     60 - < 70          Fair           1         10%
Description of extrovert students in the               4     40 - < 60          Low            0          0%
Class                                                  5      0 < 40         Very low          0          0%
10 students are extroverts in the class. It is                            Total                         100%
concluded based on the result of their
answer to the questionnaire. The detailed             Table 5 shows that the result of the final
data about the final score of extrovert               score students’ extrovert on Cambridge

Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)       p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
 Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                           https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

School of English. Based on the result,
there are 9 students (90%) getting the                 Table 8. The frequency distribution of the
score of 70-185 (good category), 1 student             speaking ability and category of introvert
(10%) getting the score of 60 – < 70 (fair                              students
category), there is no student in the
excellent, low and very low category.                  N                                Total Of
                                                       o      Score      Category       Students     %
                                                       1    85-< 100     Excellent         0         0%
Description About Introvert students in
                                                       2    70 -< 85       Good            13        100%
the class
                                                       3    60 -< 70       Fair            0         0%
13 students are introverted in the class. It
                                                       4    40 -< 60       Low             0         0%
is concluded based on the result of their              5     0 < 40      Very low          0         0%
answer to the questionnaire. The detailed                                Total                       100%
data of the final score of introverted
students in the class can be seen in the             Table 8 shows that the result of the final
following table 7.                                   score of introvert students at Cambridge
    Table 7. The Result of Final Score of            School of English class. Based on the
             Introvert Students                      result, there were 13 students (100%)
   No          Introvert          Score              getting a score of 70-85 (good category),
                                                     there was no student in the excellent
   1    BKP                        75
                                                     category, fair category, low category, and
   2    NHM                        70
                                                     very low category.
   3    NS                         83
   4    K                          73                The difference between extrovert and
   5    FDJ                        78                introvert student’s score
   6    IKZ                        70                To compare the students who are
   7    MWC                        75                extroverts and introverts on public
   8    FRA                        80                speaking, the researchers use SPSS 22.
   9    AR                         75                After all the collected were processed, the
   10   AHS                        80                writer analyzed them and concluded by
   11   VAF                        78                using the independent sample T-test
   12   GIA                        80                method.
   13   WA                         78                Before doing the independent sample t-test
            TOTAL                 995
                                                     the researchers tested the data using
The accumulated score of introvert                   normality test to assure the data is normal
students is 995 to better understand the             using SPSS 22 software and the result can
mean of score final test speaking the                be seen in the following table 8.
researcher uses the formula as follows:
                                                             Table 9. Test of Normality
                                                        One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
                           N                                                 Extrovert             Introvert
                                                    N                        10                    13
            995                                     Normal         Mean      74.00                 76.54
   M=                 = 76,53                       Parameters a,b Std.
             13                                                              4.989                 3.971
Based on the result of the applied                  Most ExtremeAbsolute .200                      .182
formula above, the total score ofextrovert          Differences Positive .200                      .115
students is 995 of 13 students, and the                            Negative -.185                  -.182
mean score is 76.53.                                Test Statistic           .200                  .182
                                                    Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d                 .200c,d

Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)        p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
  Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                            https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

a. Test distribution is Normal.                From the table 10 the significant value
b. Calculated from data.                       based on mean are 0,463 > 0,05. it can be
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.         concluded that the extrovert and introvert
d. This is a lower bound of the true           groups are homogenous or in the same
significance.                                  variant.
  From table 9 the significant values are a. The result indicates that the data is normal
  0,200 > 0,05. It can be concluded that the   and homogenous, the next step was to do
  data of extrovert and introvert students are the independent sample t-test, and the
  normal.                                      result can be seen in the following table.
  After doing the normality test the
  researchers     test    the   data    using
  homogeneity test to assure the data is
  homogenous, the result is:

 Table 10. Test of Homogeneity of Variance

 Statistic   df1         df2         Sig.
 .558        1           21          .463

                                 Table 11. Independent Samples Test
                      Levene's Test for
                      Equality       of
                      Variances        t-test for Equality of Means
                                                                                     95% Confidence
                                                                 Mean      Std. ErrorInterval of the
                                                         Sig. (2-Differenc Differenc Difference
                      F           Sig.      t     df     tailed) e         e         Lower Upper
 Nilai Equal variances
                      .558        .463      -1.360 21    .188        -2.538      1.866        -6.419      1.342
 Spea assumed
 king Equal variances
                                            -1.319 16.900 .205       -2.538      1.924        -6.600      1.523
       not assumed

 From table 11 the researcher found the t-              and    introvert     students               speaking
 count is -1.360 df (degrees of freedom) in             performance) is rejected.
 this research is 21.
 b. T-test                                              CONCLUSION
 For the data are normal and homogeneous,               Based on the result of the research toward
 calculations t-test can be done. Based on              comparative      research      of     student
 the results of the calculations are obtained           personality in speaking at Cambridge
 t-count is -1.360 and the df (degrees of               School of English, some important
 freedom) is 21 and from the t-table, it can be         conclusions can be drawn. The speaking
 seen that the t-count is -1.360 < t table              ability of extrovert and introvert students
 1.721.                                                 at Cambridge School of English is in a
 Because of t-table < t-count, therefore H0             good category with the mean score of
 (there is no significant difference between            extrovert students are 74 and introverts’
 extrovert and introvert students speaking              mean score are 76.53. It is also found that
 performance) is accepted and Ha (there is              it is no difference between extrovert and
 a significant difference between extrovert             introvert students in the class, based on the

Dialectical Literature and Education Journal (DLEJ)         p-ISSN 2548-6926, e-ISSN 2714-996X
 Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2021                             https://dlejpancasakti.ac.id/index.php/dlejpancasakt

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