Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...

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Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...
Study abroad & exchange
(incoming programme)
Factsheet 2020/2021
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                Factsheet 2020/2021

Institution name   Regent’s University London              ACADEMIC CALENDAR

Address            Regent’s Park, Inner Circle,            Our Study Abroad & Exchange programme is available for
                   London NW1 4NS                          the autumn and spring term.
                                                           We also offer a fee-paying Summer School programme.
                   inbound                                 The below dates are inclusive of Induction week and
                                                           examination periods.
Email                   For the Autumn term, most modules won’t require
Telephone          +44 (0)20 7487 7727                     the students’ presence in January. Students can
                                                           consult the module availability lists to check which
Instagram          @studyabroadregents                     modules have January exams.


                                                            Autumn Term             21 Sept 2020 – 22 Jan 2021
(INCOMING PROGRAMME)                                        Spring Term             18 January – 21 May 2021

Study Abroad & Exchange Manager                             6-week Summer           31 May – 09 July 2021
TBA                                                         School 2020

Senior Study Abroad & Exchange Advisor (Inbound)            Fashion Summer          31 May – 20 August 2021
Carlotta Lazzarotto ►                School with
Senior Study Abroad & Exchange Advisor (Outbound)
Edward Urunsak ►                    POSTGRADUATE
Study Abroad & Exchange Advisor
                                                           Autumn Term              28 Sept 2020 – 08 Jan 2021
Ambra Ferrarese ►

Business Development Manager (Faculty-led)                 Spring Term              11 Jan – 21 May 2021

Barbara Kaluza ►
Recruitment & Project Officer (Summer School)
Janell Fryar ►

More detailed term dates are available in the Regent’s Study Abroad & Exchange Academic Calendar
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                                                      Factsheet 2020/2021


1 term students:                                                                2 term students needing to apply for a Tier-4 visa:
No proof of English language is required. However, we
recommend a level of English equivalent to a B2 to                              Applicants who are not a national of a majority
ensure students feel comfortable communicating in                               English-speaking country as defined by UKVI or
English and complete their studies successfully.                                applicants who have completed an academic
                                                                                qualification equivalent to a UK degree from a majority
                                                                                English-speaking country don’t need to provide proof
                                                                                of English.

                                                                                For applicants who do not fall into the categories
                                                                                above, Regent’s accepts all IELTS taken within the
                                                                                last 2 years and with an overall score of 5.5 and 5.5 in
                                                                                each band. More information can be found here.


                 Autumn 2020                                Spring 2021                                        Summer School 2021
                                                            (subject to change)                                (subject to change)

                 Open 9 March 2020                          Open 31 August 2020                                Fashion + Internship programme:

                                                                                                               15 January 2021
                 Close 10 April 2020                        Close 9 October 2020
                                                                                                               6-week summer school programme:
                                                                                                               26 February 2021

                 Deadline*:                                 Deadline*:                                         Fashion + Internship programme:

                                                                                                               15 January 2021
                 17 April 2020                              16 October 2020
                                                                                                               6-week summer school programme:
                                                                                                               15 March 2021

* guaranteed place in our study abroad and exchange programme provided the complete application and all documents have been received by the application deadline

Nomination procedure                                                               Application procedure
All exchange and study abroad students (except for                                 Nominated exchange and study abroad students will
independent free-movers coming from a non-partner                                  receive an e-mail from Regent’s Study Abroad & Exchange
institution) must be formally nominated by their home                              office with an application link and instructions on how to
university or agent.                                                               apply.

The home coordinator must complete a Regent’s                                      Students must have the following items ready to upload in
nomination form and e-mail this to                                                 the online application: A copy of the nomination
form will be sent to all partners when nominations open                            • Copy of an official updated academic transcript in
and can also be downloaded from this page.                                           English
                                                                                   • Copy of passport (photo page only)
                                                                                   • Personal statement (only for free-movers applying
                                                                                     independently or via an agent)
                                                                                   • Academic IELTS – only for 2 term students needing to
                                                                                     apply for a Tier-4 visa
                                                                                   For documents not issued in English we will require both
                                                                                   the original and an official English translation.

Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                                 Factsheet 2020/2021

CHOOSING MODULES                                                  2020/21 TUITION FEES*
Our lists of modules for Study Abroad and Exchange
students can be downloaded from our Study Abroad                  Undergraduate academic term - £9,000
and Exchange modules page.
Students choose their modules when completing their               Postgraduate academic term - £9,500
online application. The maximum credit load allowed for
the autumn and spring term is 30 ECTS. However, we                Summer Programme (full rate per module)
advise that students take around 20-25 ECTS per term to           £1,800
allow them to enjoy their time in London.
                                                              Fashion Summer Programme + Internship (Including
It is the home university’s responsibility to determine the   £2,400 non-refundable deposit)
credit equivalency.
                   Regent’s Credit points

   60 UK credits         30 ECTS            15 US credits         Students will receive payment instructions before the
                                                                  start of term and payment is due within 30 days. If we
Students can pick modules from all areas of the curriculum        have an agreement in place whereby the home
(Liberal Arts, Business & Management, Fashion & Design,           university pay tuition fees on behalf of their students, the
Film, Media & Performance, Psychology, Psychotherapy              invoice will be sent directly to the home institution.
and Languages) but it is recommended that they take
modules from the same study area and same level (year)            There are no tuition fees for students coming via the
to minimise timetable clashes.                                    Exchange programme. If we are unable to offer a place on
                                                                  this programme, we welcome them to join our fee-paying
Modules must be pre-approved by the home institution and          programme and our partner discount will apply.
we strongly suggest that all students and advisers read the
syllabi carefully before submitting their choices.                * Discounts may apply for students applying via our partnership network.

OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE                                              ACCOMMODATION
Students will receive an offer letter within 4 weeks of           Regent’s offers on-campus accommodation in Reid Hall
submitting their application, provided all documents have         residence. Students can choose their preferred room
been received by the deadline. To accept an unconditional         type (small, medium, large) when submitting their
offer, students must check that all information is correct,       housing application. Housing applications can only be
read and accept the Terms and Conditions in the Future            submitted with a student ID number, which students will
Students & Partnerships Privacy Notice and agree to               receive after submitting their study abroad application.
comply with the University’s Academic Regulations.
                                                                  Please note that for spring 2021 all rooms will be
Fee-paying students paying Regent’s directly are also             reverted into single occupancy therefore room
required to pay a non-refundable deposit at the time of           availability will be limited; priority will be given to
acceptance.                                                       student coming via Regent’s Affiliates network and
                                                                  bookings will done on a first come, first served
Institutions paying on behalf of students will be sent an         basis. Students are encouraged to submit their
invoice for the non-refundable deposit after students             application as soon as possible.
have accepted their offer in the online student portal.
                                                                  For students staying in on-campus housing, a meal
                                                                  allowance is included in the accommodation cost, and
                                                                  is issued on the student’s ID card. This provides a fixed
                                                                  level of credit that can be used to buy any item of food or
                                                                  non-alcoholic drink from the food outlets on campus on a
                                                                  declining debit system. Students can top credit up at their
                                                                  own cost.

                                                                  The meal plan does not guarantee three meals a day:
                                                                  it’s the student’s responsibility to make the budget last.
                                                                  Unspent amounts cannot be carried over to the next term
                                                                  and cannot be refunded.

                                                                  Detailed information is available on the accommodation
                                                                  website. For any questions, students can contact our
                                                                  accommodation team on
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                              Factsheet 2020/2021

All students must ensure that they have the legal right
                                                                     Induction week and registration
to study in the UK.
                                                                     Students must complete their online enrolment prior to
Visa information can be found on Regent’s visas and                  arrival. An email with instructions will be sent around four
immigration page.and all students should check the                   weeks before the start of term.
UK government website to see if they need to apply
for a visa prior to their arrival.                                   Students are required to arrive one week before classes
                                                                     start to attend the compulsory Induction week. Please see
We are still waiting for a decision from UKVI regarding              the academic calendar for further details on dates.
possible immigration changes due to Brexit and we will
be in touch with partners and students as soon as we get             Students will be sent a detailed schedule of Induction
an update from the Government. In the meantime, EU                   events two weeks before arrival.
nationals are encouraged to arrive to the UK prior to 31st
                                                                     Students must bring their passport to the first day of
December 2020 as they might be able to apply for pre-
                                                                     Induction (Registration day). If a student requires a visa to
settled status.
                                                                     enter the UK, a copy of their visa or visa stamp on their
ID card                                                              passport is also required.
After accepting their offer, students will be required to send       Health insurance
a copy of a JPEG photo (headshot) to use for the creation
                                                                     Regent’s University London does not offer health
of their ID card.
                                                                     insurance. It is the student’s responsibility to take out
                                                                     appropriate insurance (for health and personal items)
                                                                     before they travel abroad.
Pre-term English language classes
English language classes are available before the                    Cost of living
beginning of each term through Regent’s English                      Please refer to the UKCISA website for information on
                                                                     cost of living in London.
Language Centre. For more information and course prices              How to get to regent’s
please visit

Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme) - Factsheet 2020/2021 - Regent's ...
Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                           Factsheet 2020/2021

Student hub / counselling and disability support                  Sports and Fitness
The Student Hub is the students’ first stop for anything          Sports and fitness at Regent’s is open to all students,
they need in relation to their studies at Regent’s. Our           offering a range of fun and engaging activities to suit all
Student Support team offers a comprehensive range of              tastes, whether students want to be part of a competitive
information, support and specialist advice to help students       team or simply want to exercise.
with any matter, whether it is personal, practical or
academic.                                                         Students are welcome to join our competitive sports teams
                                                                  (e.g. football, basketball, polo). We also offer free sessions
                                                                  across campus (e.g. boxfit, yoga, zumba).
                                                                Students can hire our multi-use games area on campus. A
If students decide to disclose a disability, they should        range of equipment is also available to hire.
contact the Disability Office. Further information is available
on the website: Disability Information
                                                                Alumni network
                                                                After completing their term or academic year abroad, study
Trips and activities                                            abroad and exchange students will have the option to sign
Free and paid activities and trips are offered to all students up to our Alumni network.
each week throughout their stay. From boat trips to   
Greenwich to graffiti tours in Shoreditch, students will have
the opportunity to experience life like a true Londoner.        Personal tutor       All study abroad and exchange students are assigned
events                                                          a personal tutor, who supports them throughout their
                                                                time at Regent’s. The tutor can guide students on
Student Union                                                   academic matters and help with their personal and career
The Student Union is the official representative body for       development.
all students attending Regent’s University London. The
Student Union encourages and supports student-run               Academic skills support
societies, sports, academic and social activities. If students Our friendly and experienced Academic Skills advisers
would like to start a new society, the Student Union can        help all Regent’s students achieve their academic
provide financial support as well as guidance.                  potential by offering free study skills workshops, drop-                                                in sessions and personalised one-to-ones to meet the
                                                                students’ personal study skills needs.

Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                         Factsheet 2020/2021

English language support                                         Careers and business relations
English language support is available in non-credit              The Hive is the place to go for comprehensive careers,
bearing ‘English for Academic Purposes’ classes                  information, advice and guidance. Employer and industry
throughout the term. This service is free of charge and          events on campus support the students’ professional
students can sign up during the first week of Induction if       development and networking throughout the year.

IT and learning resources                                        On-campus security and emergencies
The University Library gives students access to around           The University’s security office is manned 24/7 and is
45,000 books, including print and e-books.                       located by the main entrance of the University.

▪ We offer dedicated spaces for studying, including              We have trained fire marshals who help with evacuation
 bookable group-study rooms and silent-study areas for           procedures in case of fire on campus, as well as
 independent learning                                            appointed first aiders to provide immediate assistance on
▪ Blackboard is our virtual learning environment, where
 students will find learning materials for their modules
▪ Our Digital Media & Production team offers a variety           Food and catering
 of resources that students can borrow including                 We offer excellent on-campus catering facilities for
 professional video cameras, lighting, sound-recording           breakfast, lunch and evening meals, as well as drinks and
 and editing equipment                                           snacks throughout the day.
▪ The University offers a wide range of IT services to           All food outlets have an allergens data sheet which is
 support and enhance students’ learning. This includes           updated daily with daily products and is available to
 campus workstations, printers, Wi-Fi network, Eduroam           view upon request. Students should inform our office in
 service, free software downloads, MyRegents app,                advance if they have any dietary requirements so that they
 e:Vision portal and much more.                                  can be advised accordingly.

Study abroad & exchange (incoming programme)
                                                                                                         Factsheet 2020/2021

Class timetable                                                  Grading system
A student’s provisional timetable will be sent to the home       UNDERGRADUATE
institution or agent approximately two weeks before the
                                                                  70%+ = First Class Honours
start of classes.
                                                                  60-69% = Second Class Honours Higher
The home university should review each provisional
                                                                  50-59% = Second Class Honours Lower
timetable and ensure that all modules have been approved
by the home university academic coordinator and can               40-49% = Third Class Honours
transfer back to the student’s degree.                            39 % and below = Fail

Timetable changes can only be made for academic
reasons and must be requested by the home institution.            POSTGRADUATE
                                                                     70%+ = Distinction
If no changes are necessary, the home university should
                                                                     60-69% = Merit
forward the provisional timetable to the student.
                                                                     50-59% = Pass
Students will be able to see their timetable online after            49% and below = Fail
completing their Induction activities.

Attendance                                                       Transcripts
Classes can be scheduled any time during the core                Official transcripts can only be issued once all grades have
teaching week (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 7 pm).                  been reviewed and approved by the relevant exam subject
Students are expected to attend all their modules                boards.
activities on their assigned days and times.
                                                                 Two hard copies of transcripts are then sent directly to the
Attendance is compulsory and is monitored closely with           student’s home institution or agent.
an electronic ‘tap-in’ recording system. This enables us
                                                                 Transcript dispatching dates are:
to ensure students are fully engaged with their academic
activities and identify those who may need guidance and          • March for students who attended the autumn term
                                                                 • July for students who attended the spring term, and
More information on Regent’s Attendance and
                                                                 • August for students who attended the summer term.
Engagement policy can be found here.

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