Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...

Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...
Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars

                           Addressing Anti-Oppression:
                    COPA & OTF’s Supportive Tools - Safe@School
                                           Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Mohini Athia                                                          Janine Ruhinda
Mohini Athia is Director of Special                                   Janine Ruhinda is a Programs
Initiatives at COPA, offering                                         Facilitator and Video Content
schools in Ontario a range of                                         Producer at COPA. She is also
unique programs and resources                                         enjoying her second postsecondary
focusing on bullying prevention                                       endeavour, studying Human
and anti-oppression. Mohini is also                                   Rights and Equity Studies at York
a secondary school teacher with                                       University. She finds great joy in
the Toronto District School Board                                     facilitating the workshops COPA
(currently on a leave of absence),                                    provides, particularly because
specializing in business studies and                                  of the positive impact they have
special education. Mohini’s long-                                     on the younger generation by
standing commitment to social                                         affirming their rights. She is a
justice and the infusion of this perspective into all realms of her   strong believer in creating space for all people groups to be
teaching life drew her to COPA’s unique and remarkable feminist       heard, to learn and to grow with one another in hopes of
rights-based approach to fostering ‘safe, strong and free’ schools    creating more conscientious and safe communities throughout
and communities. Her personal interests include travelling,           Ontario. Janine’s passion for social justice and human rights also
running and volunteering at Toronto’s Native Canadian Centre.         informs her work as a multimedia visual artist, with a focus on
                                                                      Black rights and social change.
Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...
Central to the Economy: Bank of Canada Education
                  Resources for Financial & Economic Literacy
                                           Tursday, November 5, 2020

Manuel Parreira                                                     Adam Young
As Regional Director for the Bank                                   Adam Young, Education &
of Canada’s Ontario Regional                                        Evaluation Specialist, works at
Office, Manuel Parreira builds and                                  the Bank of Canada Museum in
maintains relationships with law                                    downtown Ottawa. He enjoys
enforcement and government                                          designing and creating supports
agencies, financial and business                                    for teachers and youth of all ages
communities, educational                                            to understand complex topics,
institutions and the general                                        like the economy. This includes
public, who have a vested interest                                  in-person and virtual lesson plans
in currency. He has served the                                      and activities for teachers and
bank and supported the currency                                     students of all ages. He approaches
function for the past 40 years and                                  economic and financial literacy
is also responsible for overseeing the Regional Office’s public     across different subjects and different strands of provincial
outreach program, which aims to increase awareness of the           curriculum, including Ontario. He is an OCT certified teacher and
bank and anti-counterfeiting features of Canadian bank notes.       has worked in the junior, intermediate, and senior divisions.

                        Créer des milieux scolaires et communautaires
                          où règnent la sécurité, la force et la liberté
                                                 Mardi 10 novembre 2020

Céline Duguay                                                       Janine Ruhinda
Céline Duguay est une proche                                        Janine Ruhinda est animatrice et
collaboratrice du COPA depuis                                       productrice de contenu vidéo pour
1996. Elle y occupe actuellement                                    le COPA. Elle poursuit ses études
le poste de formatrice et d’agente                                  en équité et droit de la personne
de soutien du Programme des                                         à l’Université York, à Toronto. Elle
travailleuses et travailleurs                                       se réjouit de pouvoir animer les
d’établissement dans les écoles                                     ateliers du COPA, notamment en
(TÉÉ). L’engagement de Céline dans                                  raison des répercussions positives
les actions visant la justice sociale                               qu’ils ont sur les jeunes. Elle
et le renforcement des capacités                                    travaille très fort pour créer des
des individus et des collectivités la                               milieux sécuritaires dans lesquels
motive à poursuivre un mandat de                                    toutes les personnes peuvent
sensibilisation et d’éducation afin de faire connaître les droits   s’épanouir et vivre au sein de collectivités qui sont à l’écoute de
de la personne, plus particulièrement ceux des enfants et des       toutes les citoyennes et de tous les citoyens. Sa passion pour
personnes vulnérables à la discrimination et à la violence. Elle    la justice sociale et les droits de la personne oriente son travail
est mère de quatre enfants et s’investit dans plusieurs groupes     d’artiste visuelle. Son art met en valeur les droits des personnes
communautaires qui soutiennent les familles et les jeunes dans      de la communauté noire, sa diaspora et le changement social.
sa communauté.
Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...
Big Ideas for Teaching Financial Literacy!
                                       Thursday, November 12, 2020

Bill Velos                                                        Trevor Nurmi
Bill Velos is the President of the                                Trevor Nurmi has been a high
Ontario Business Educators’                                       school business teacher for 19 years
Association (OBEA) and has                                        in the Hamilton-Wentworth and
been a member of the OBEA                                         Grand Erie school boards. He likes
Executive for the past 10 years                                   to specialize in Finance, Marketing
in various roles. He is a 30-year                                 and Entrepreneurship. He is a
Business Studies teacher who                                      member of the OBEA Executive and
specialized in Accounting, Financial                              a frequent presenter at conferences.
Securities, Business Leadership                                   He is proud to have recently
and many of the Business Studies                                  mentored two provincial winners of
courses offered at his various schools as part of the Ontario     the University of Waterloo Financial Literacy Competition.
Business Studies Curriculum. His latest venture is teaching and
marking assignments and tests at the ILC/TVO online learning
environment during this interesting and unprecedented time in
modern history.

Emilia Marotta-                                                   Erich Specht
                                                                  Erich Specht has been a member
Kulcsar                                                           of OBEA for 15 years and has
Emilia Marotta-Kulcsar enjoyed a                                  served in various capacities on the
31-year career teaching Business                                  executive committee. His most
Studies from 1987 to 2018. She                                    recent role is that of Treasurer.
earned her B.A.A. from Ryerson                                    Erich has been a teacher with the
University (1985), her B.Ed. from                                 London District Catholic School
the University of Toronto (1987),                                 Board for the past 13 years in the
and her Master of Education                                       areas of math and business. He
from Nipissing University (2001).                                 obtained the CGA/CPA designation
For the last 15 years before her                                  in 1997 while working with the Canada Revenue Agency as a
retirement in 2018, she was the Business Studies Department       HST auditor.
Head at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School in the York Region
District School Board. Throughout Emilia’s career, she has
written curricula extensively. She has presented workshops
at OBEA conferences, promoted and increased awareness of
Business Studies, reviewed Accounting 1 - 7th Edition, and has
been part of OBEA’s Executive as Vice President of Professional
Development. Emily was recognized by OBEA with the Lifetime
Membership Award in 2019.
Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...
Addressing Hate: Understanding Contemporary
                      Antisemitism and Its Historical Roots
                                      Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Jasmine Wong                                                        Erez Zobary
Jasmine Wong is a Senior Program                                    Erez Zobary is a Program Specialist
Associate with Facing History and                                   at Facing History and Ourselves
Ourselves, where she manages                                        and holds a Bachelor of Arts and
programming and partnerships,                                       Education from Queen’s University.
and facilitates teacher professional                                Erez graduated as an English and
development in workshops,                                           History high school teacher with
conferences, and through social                                     a specialization in social justice
media for educators across Canada.                                  education and is passionate
Prior to her work with Facing                                       about empowering youth through
History and Ourselves, Jasmine                                      engaging content.
worked as a classroom teacher, adult education facilitator and
research assistant in cancer epidemiology. She earned her
M.A. in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership Studies
at Stanford University, and her B.Ed. from the Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. She will
join this webinar from Toronto (Tkaranto), on the traditional
homeland of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, the
Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Wendat Nation.

   Using Math Moments to Multiply Math Skills (a 10-part series)
Kyle Pearce
Kyle Pearce is the K-12 Mathematics                                 Jon Orr
Consultant with the Greater Essex                                   Jon Orr is a high school math
County District School Board,                                       teacher at John McGregor
where his passion for mathematics                                   Secondary School in the Lambton-
fuels him to uncover creative                                       Kent District School Board. When
ways to spark curiosity and fuel                                    not teaching his students and
sense-making through the inquiry                                    spending time with his family, he
process by using tasks that are                                     leads workshops and presentations
contextual, visual and concrete. An                                 on teaching pedagogy in the
Apple Distinguished Educator and                                    math classroom. As an Apple
Google Certified Innovator, Kyle                                    Distinguished Educator and Desmos
shares his most recent noticings, wonderings, and reflections       Fellow, Jon routinely talks about implementing technology and
in mathematics pedagogy and effective uses of technology            great teaching strategies in his classroom. Lately, he’s been
by delivering workshops across North America, blogging on           excited about promoting struggle in his students and teaching Kyle lives in Belle River, Ontario with his   them about resilience while problem solving. Jon lives in Tilbury,
wife, daughter and son.                                             Ontario with his wife and three daughters.
Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...
Inuit in Canada: From Dog Teams to the Internet;
                               Resiliency and Change
                                         Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Qauyisaq Etitiq
Qauyisaq Etitiq, originally
from Iqaluit, Nunavut, is the
owner of Sunburst Consulting,
which specializes in providing
cultural competency training
and Inuit awareness workshops
to governments, non-profit
organizations and private
companies. He also coordinates
cultural events and enjoys
developing funding proposals, designing cultural programming
and sustainability strategies.

       Indigenous Education: Working Together to Create Change
                                           Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Nancy Rowe                                                           Jodie Williams
Nancy Rowe is a Mississauga,                                         Jodie Williams currently works as
Ojibwe of the Anishinaabek Nation                                    the Indigenous Education Lead for
located at New Credit First Nation,                                  the Dufferin Peel Catholic District
Ontario. She holds an honors BA                                      School Board. As the Co-Chair for
in Indigenous Studies and Political                                  the First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Science. Nancy is an educator,                                       Education Association of Ontario,
consultant and a Traditional                                         Jodie is experienced in providing
Practitioner of Anishinaabek                                         workshops and developing
lifeways, views and customary                                        resources to support Indigenous
practices and is currently                                           Education in schools. She is also
completing a master’s degree of Environmental Resource               the lead on a provincial Community
Studies at the University of Waterloo. She is an avid volunteer      of Practice for Indigenous Knowledge and Mathematics which
who coordinates Akinomaagaye Gaamik, a grassroots initiative         involves a collaboration with NASA, Maori educators from New
to provide educational opportunities for all peoples interested      Zealand, and the Navajo Nation in the United States.
in Indigenous perspectives of life, health, education, history and
the environment.
Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ... Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ... Presenters for 2020-2021 Webinars - Addressing Anti-Oppression: COPA & OTF's Supportive Tools - Safe@School - Ontario Teachers ...
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