Page created by Jessica Sparks
               JULY 2021 VOL. 22 NO. 3


                ATVs in SD
                Summer fun on the
                off-road trails
                Page 8
                Sensible solar
                Page 12

PLAN FOR A                                                                    • Keep a supply of water close by as a
                                                                              • Make sure to wear protective eyewear

SAFE AND                                                                      when lighting fireworks.
                                                                              • Light only one firework at a time and
                                                                              never attempt to relight “a dud.”

HAPPY FOURTH                                                                  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away
                                                                              from children and pets.
                                                                              • Never throw or point a firework toward
                    The month of July has always been a favorite              people, animals, vehicles, structures or
                  of mine. It’s the middle of summer, the kids                flammable materials.
                  are out of school and of course, we celebrate             Cookouts are a great way to bring folks
                  Independence Day! Typically on the Fourth,              together on the Fourth. Whether you are
                  we celebrate our nation’s independence with             grilling in your back yard or at a community
                  grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, homemade               park, make sure your feast includes a generous
                  ice cream and other sweet treats, and last              portion of fun and a side helping of safety! We
                  but not least, fireworks. This is a time for            recommend the following safety tips:
                  fellowship with family and friends, but at                  • Supervise your grill at all times.
Josh Fanning      Lacreek Electric, we also want to make sure                 • Use the proper tools for cooking on a
General Manager   our members focus on safety.                                grill.
                    To ensure you have the best Fourth of July                • Never add charcoal starter fluid when the
                  possible, we would like to remind you about a               coals have already been ignited.
                  few important safety tips from The American                 • Always follow the manufacturers
                  Red Cross.                                                  instructions when using grills.
                                                                            Fireworks and cookouts wouldn’t be
                  However you choose to                                   complete without a sunny day. Here’s hoping
                  celebrate, Lacreek Electric                             we have good weather, and if we do, make
                                                                          sure you are practicing sun safety:
                  wishes you a safe and happy                                 • Use a broad spectrum SPF sunscreen and
                  Fourth of July!                                             reapply often.
                                                                              • Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses.
                     Nothing says “Fourth of July” like a                     • Drink plenty of water.
                  spectacular fireworks display! The safest way to            • Be on the lookout for signs of heat stroke
                  enjoy this part of the celebration is to attend             (hot red skin; changes in consciousness;
                  a local firework show. But, if you want to put              rapid, weak pulse; rapid, shallow
                  on your own show at home, be sure to follow                 breathing).
                  these safety tips:                                        However you choose to celebrate, Lacreek
                      • Always follow the instructions on                 Electric wishes you a safe and happy Fourth
                      fireworks’ packaging and never give                 of July!
                      fireworks to small children.

                    Find Your Account Number:
                    It’s Worth $10!
                    A member’s account number has been hidden somewhere in this newsletter. If you find your
                    account number, call the office before July 9, 2021 and you will receive a $10 credit on your next
                    month’s billing. If no one finds their account number, the credit will be $20 in the next issue.

                    Congratulations to John Wickman who found his account number in the June issue! It was worth $130.



    LACREEK ELECTRIC                             April 2021 Board Meeting
(USPS No. 018-912)
Board of Directors                               The regular meeting of the Board of Directors      Meeting; that Lacreek held a health fair on
  Clarence Allen – President                     of Lacreek Electric Association, Inc. was held     the 20th for the employees; on the charity
  Wade Risse – Vice President
  Brent Ireland – Secretary                      in the office of the cooperative, located in the   ride bowling tournament and on upcoming
  Troy Kuxhaus – Treasurer                       town of Martin, S.D., April 20, 2021, beginning    trainings she will be attending.
  Cole Lange – Clifford Lafferty                 at 1 p.m.                                          Mike reported on work in progress; about
  Scott Larson – Neal Livermont
  Tom Schlack – Marion Schultz
                                                 The meeting was then called to order by            blinking lights due to weather and has hired
  Jerry Sharp – Connie Whirlwind Horse           President Allen and the following directors        four employees for summer help.
  Donovon Young Man                              were present: Tom Schlack, Brent Ireland,          Mike gave the safety report.
Management Staff
  Josh Fanning – General Manager
                                                 Connie Whirlwind Horse, Clifford Lafferty,         Donovan reported on the SDREA meeting he
  Sherry Bakley – Work Order/Staff Assistant     Jerry Sharp, Scott Larson, Cole Lange, Wade        attended.
  Tracie Hahn – Office Manager                   Risse, Marion Schultz, Donovan Young Man           Tom reported on the Rushmore Electric
  Anna Haynes – Finance Manager
  Mike Pisha – Operations Manager
                                                 and Troy Kuxhaus. Attending via WebEx              meeting he attended.
  Stacey Robinson – Administrative/Member        was Neal Livermont and Work Order/Staff            Josh reported on load control; about the HWY
     Service Assistant                           Assistant Sherry Bakley. Also present were         18 road move; that the Truck #17 remount
Office Personnel
Amy Pisha – Right of Way Specialist
                                                 General Manager Josh Fanning, Administrative/      could not be completed due to Ford changing
Kasi Harris – Accountant II                      Member Service Assistant Stacey Robinson,          the frame and asked about the purchase of a
Terri Gregg – Member Service/                    Finance Manager Anna Haynes and                    2022 Dodge 550 which Director Schlack said
Billing Specialist
Jessica Cook – Member Service/
                                                 Operations Manager Mike Pisha.                     to bring it to the Equipment Committee for
   Billing Specialist                            The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President      review; on the T-Mobile lease and received an
Ashley Turgeon – Member Service/                 Allen.                                             original copy of the 1st Annual Meeting Notice
   Billing Specialist
Lisa Jensen – Member Service Representative
                                                 A motion was made, seconded and carried            which has been framed and hung in the board
Operations Personnel                             to approve Administrative/Member Service           room for viewing.
Line Foreman: Jesse Byerley                      Assistant Stacey Robinson to record the board      Discussion was held on the PPP loan which
Journeyman Linemen:
Dane Claussen – Ryan Pettit –
                                                 minutes.1153202802                                 was submitted and approved.
Aaron Risse – Lonny Lesmeister – Jordon          A motion was made, seconded and carried to         Discussion was held on the Resolution to
Bakley – Garrett Metzinger – Tyler Brown         approve the March 2021 Board Minutes.              Allocate Capital Credits with a motion being
Apprentice Linemen:
Kody Hagen – Brad Hahn –
                                                 A motion was made, seconded and carried            made, seconded and carried to approve
Trace Scott                                      to accept the Operating Report for February        allocating Lacreek’s operating margins and
Journeyman Electrician: Roy Guptill              that was presented by Finance Manager Anna         G&T margins back to the members through
Warehouse Man: Cody Larson
Maintenance Man: Justin Smokov
                                                 Haynes.                                            capital credits and non-operating margins will
                                                 A motion was made, seconded and carried            not be allocated.
This institution is an equal opportunity         to approve the checks and disbursements            Discussion was held on the Rushmore Electric
provider and employer.
This publication is mailed the 15th of the
                                                 for March. (Donovan, “chairman” Connie and         Power Cooperative Annual Meeting being
month prior to the issue date. Layout is at      Jerry) The April Check Audit Committee will be     held June 9 in Deadwood with Clarence being
least three weeks prior to mailing. LACREEK      (Marion “chairman,” Tom and Neal).                 the delegate and Marion being the alternate.
is published monthly by Lacreek Electric
                                                 A motion was made, seconded and carried            Donovan, Clifford and Josh also plan to attend.
Association, Inc., PO Box 220, Martin, SD        to accept the March Analysis of Investments        Discussion was held on the Board Leadership
57551 for its members. Families subscribe to     that was presented by Finance Manager Anna         Summit being held July 25-26 in Pierre which
Lacreek Electric Cooperative Connections as
part of their electric cooperative membership.
                                                 Haynes.                                            will be brought up at the May meeting.
Subscription information: Electric cooperative   A motion was made, seconded and carried to         Discussion was held on the SDREA Fishing
members devote 50 cents from their               open an account with CoBank presented by           Tournament being held June 12th in Pierre.
monthly electric payments for a subscription.
Nonmember subscriptions are available for
                                                 Finance Manager Anna Haynes.                       Discussion was also held on a letter from a
$12 annually. Periodicals Postage Paid at        A motion was made, seconded and carried to         member.
Martin, SD and at additional mailing offices.    approve the list of new members, attached          No further business was brought before the
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
Lacreek Electric Cooperative Connections, PO
                                                 hereto.                                            board and the meeting was adjourned.
Box 220, Martin, SD 57551; telephone (605)       Stacey reported on the upcoming Annual             Next Board Meeting – May 17, 2021, at 1 p.m.
685-6581; fax (605) 685-6957

                                                                                   JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 3

Handling food
safely when grilling
One of America’s favorite summer pastimes is grilling, and safe
grilling starts with with proper food handling. Here are a few
simple guidelines for grilling food safely:

     • Wash away harmful            sauce to a boil for at least three
bacteria. Avoid providing a         minutes to kill harmful bacteria.
hotbed for bacteria. Unwashed           • Use grilling shortcuts.
hands are a prime cause             Pre-cooking food partially
                                                                         • Our employees will never       to the details they need to
of foodborne illness, also          indoors before putting it on
                                                                         show up at your door to          service your account.
known as food poisoning,            a preheated grill will give you
                                                                         demand payment.                  • Demands for immediate
as are unwashed perishable          quick results when your friends
                                                                         • Never give personal            payment by wire transfer,
foods such as meat, seafood,        are hungry or your grill is slow     information to an unknown        cryptocurrency, gift cards
and peeled or cut fruits and        or small. Conversely, flame-grill    caller or visitor. Our           or cash reload cards should
vegetables.                         meat for a smoky, charbroiled        representatives have access      immediately raise red flags.
     • Keep perishable foods        flavor, then bake in an oven
cold. If you’ll be meeting up       until it’s cooked properly.
with friends away from your             • Cook thoroughly and use a
backyard grill, it’s best to        meat thermometer. It’s best to
transport all perishables in an     cook food to the safe minimum
insulated cooler kept cold with     internal temperature to destroy
ice or frozen gel packs.            harmful bacteria. On the grill,
     • Throw away any perishable    meat and poultry will brown
leftovers that have been out of     quickly, but the inside might
a refrigerator or cooler for more   only be cooked partially. To be
than two hours—one hour if          sure the food has reached a
the temperature is above 90         safe internal temperature, use a
degrees.                            meat thermometer.
     • Keep coolers out of direct       Here are some
sunlight and avoid opening          safe minimum internal
them frequently, to keep the        temperatures:
cold air inside.                        • Chicken: 165 degrees            Don’t fly kites near trees
     • Marinate safely. Marinated
meats should be stored
                                        • Beef hamburgers: 160
                                                                          and power lines
immediately in a refrigerator           • Beef, veal and lamb             Annette Tschetter, 7 years old
or cooler, not on the kitchen       (steaks, roasts and chops):
counter or outside next to the      medium-rare 145 degrees,              Annette is the daughter of Elaine and Ryan
grill. As long as a marinade is     medium                                Tschetter of Revillo. They are members of
stored in a cool environment,           • 160 degrees                     Whetstone Valley Electric based in Milbank.
it can remain there safely for          • Pork: 165 degrees
                                                                          Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your
several hours or days.                  With proper refrigeration
                                                                          local electric cooperative (address found on Page 3). If your
     • Do not use marinade          and thorough cooking, your            poster is published, you’ll receive a prize. All entries must
from a raw meat/marinade            backyard barbecue will be a           include your name, age, mailing address and the names of
mixture as a sauce on cooked        tasty success.                        your parents. Colored drawings are encouraged.
meat, unless you first cook the


                                                                       PRALINE PECAN CRUNCH
                                                                       1 21 oz. box Quaker Oat Squares cereal (about 8 cups)
                                                                       2 cups pecans
WHOOPIE PIES                                                           1/2 cup packed brown sugar
Ingredients:                                                           1 tsp. vanilla
1 box spice cake mix                                                   1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 1/2 cups apple butter                                                1/4 cup margarine
1/2 cup canola oil                ROCKY ROAD ICE CREAM                 1/2 tsps baking soda
2 eggs                            Ingredients:
8 ounces cream cheese             1/2 cup cocoa powder                 METHOD
4 tablespoons butter              1 -14 oz. can sweetened con-         Heat oven to 250 degrees. Mix cereal and pecans
3 cups powdered sugar             densed milk                          in 9”x13” pan. Set aside. Mix corn syrup, brown
                                  2 cup heavy cream                    sugar and margarine in glass bowl. Microwave on
2 tablespoons milk
                                  1 cup half & half                    high 1-1/2 minutes. Stir, microwave 1 to 1-1/2
1 teaspoon vanilla
                                  1 TBS vanilla
                                                                       minutes more or until boiling. Stir in vanilla
METHOD                                                                 and baking soda and pour over cereal mixture.
                                  1/2 cup chopped pecans
Heat oven to 350 F. Line                                               Stir to coat evenly. Bake 1 hour, stirring every 20
                                  1 cup miniature marshmallows
baking sheet with parchment                                            minutes. Spread on baking sheet to cool. Break
paper. In large bowl, whisk       METHOD                               into pieces and store in air tight container.
spice cake mix, apple butter,     In a small saucepan put in           NANCY STENSON, FORT PIERRE
oil and eggs. With ice cream      cocoa and whisk in sweetened
scoop or large tablespoon,        condensed milk until smooth.
spoon batter into rounded         Cook over low heat, whisking         MAMA’S CARAMEL PUDDING
heaps, about 2-3 inches in        constantly until slightly            Ingredients:
diameter, onto parchment          thickened, about 5 minutes.          1 cup sugar - melt in skillet until golden brown
paper. Space spooned batter       Remove from heat. Transfer           2 cups milk - stir until sugar is dissolved
2 inches apart. Bake 14           to a bowl and stir in both           4 tsps. corn starch stirred into a little milk
minutes. Let cool. In large       creams and vanilla. Pour
bowl, beat cream cheese,          mixture into ice cream maker         METHOD
butter and powdered sugar         and freeze. Stir in pecans           Cook until thickened. Serve with whipped
until smooth. Add milk and        and marshmallows halfway             cream.
vanilla; beat until blended.      through freezing process.            Elaine Rowett, Sturgis, SD
Frost flat sides of pie halves    Transfer to airtight container
                                                                      Please send your favorite dairy recipes to your local
and place halves together.        and put in freezer to harden,       electric cooperative (address found on Page 3).
Refrigerate and store in sealed   about an hour. Makes 2              Each recipe printed will be entered into a drawing
container.                        quarts.                             for a prize in December 2021. All entries must                      Joan Antonen, Arlington, SD         include your name, mailing address, phone number
                                                                      and cooperative name.

                                                                   JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 5

Dear Pat and Brad: We just purchased a
home and noticed the previous owner
installed an electric wall heater in the
outdoor shed. How much will our
                                                                  should definitely insulate it.
electric bill go up if we use this heater                            An important consideration, unless you live
next winter? Should we consider                                   in a desert-dry climate, is the effect moisture
                                                                  can have in an outbuilding. Moisture enables
insulating the shed? – Lloyd                                      rot, insects and mold to wreak havoc on
                                                                  your structure, and rust to degrade tools
                                                                  and other metals. Heating and insulating
                   Good questions! An uninsulated                 an outbuilding, if done right, can reduce or
                outbuilding can be quite expensive to heat        eliminate a moisture problem. But insulation
                (or cool) depending on where you live. Even       installed incorrectly can trap moisture and
                though we’re currently experiencing July’s        foster mold growth.
                warmer temperatures, I’ll focus on heating           Moisture in an outbuilding is usually caused
                since your shed includes the wall heater.         by three things: leaks where water can get
                   Years ago, I worked on a home energy           through (typically through the roof, windows
                contest that selected homes with the highest      and doorway); seepage through floors and
Pat Keegan      energy bills and helped the owners make           walls; or condensation when nighttime
Collaborative   efficiency improvements. One year, the            temperatures drop. To prevent moisture
Efficiency      home with the highest energy use had an           buildup, you need to eliminate moisture
                uninsulated shed that was heated in order         sources and prevent condensation.
                to keep several cans of leftover paint from          As air cools, it cannot carry as much
                freezing. The cost of heating the shed each       moisture, and condensation occurs, usually
                winter was more than it would have cost to        on the coolest object at hand. Insulating
                                                                  walls and ceilings can keep the interior wall
                                                                  or ceiling surface from getting cold enough
                The cost of heating and                           for condensation to occur. Insulated wall or
                cooling an outbuilding can be                     ceiling cavities need to be carefully air sealed
                                                                  so that condensation does not occur inside the
Brad Thiessen
                much lower if the thermostat                      cavity.
Collaborative   is carefully controlled.                             I should also note that the cost of heating
Efficiency                                                        and cooling an outbuilding can be much
                                                                  lower if the thermostat is carefully controlled.
                replace the paint.                                   Only you can decide if the value of heating
                   The cost to heat or cool your outdoor          and cooling your outbuilding is worth the cost
                shed depends on your climate, the size of         and effort to properly insulate and seal. Even if
                the outbuilding and the price you pay for         your shed is not heated or insulated, it’s worth
                electricity. I conducted a quick calculation      keeping an eye out for mold and mildew.
                that showed heating an uninsulated 6 ft. by 8        We hope you enjoy your new home and
                ft. shed could cost twice as much as heating an   your outdoor shed!
                insulated 900 sq. ft. home. Wow!
                   Some outbuildings are heated with wood,        Pat Keegan and Brad Thiessen of Collaborative
                which is a sound choice if you have a free        Efficiency write on energy efficiency topics for the
                source of firewood. Another strategy often        National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. For
                seen in workshops is a radiant heater directed    additional energy tips and information on Collaborative
                at the work area, perhaps in front of a           Efficiency visit:
                workbench. But if you’re paying for your fuel     energytips.
                and decide to keep an outbuilding heated, you


                                                                                                 succumbing to the dreaded disease in
                                                                                                    “It really hurts to see someone you’ve
                                                                                                 love and cared about all your life being
                                                                                                 sick like that and withering away,”
                                                                                                 Storley said. “But he did a great job
                                                                                                 keeping his spirits up. He never groaned
                                                                                                 about how unlucky he was or how
                                                                                                 unfair it was. He lived a great life, he
                                                                                                 had a lot of good people around him
                                                                                                 and I was fortunate to know him. Now
                                                                                                 he’s in a much better place.”
                                                                                                    Storley said that while hardships
                                                                                                 in life and contrived combat in the
                                                                                                 confines of a cage may be different types
                                                                                                 of challenges, they require the same
                                                                                                 determined mindset to overcome and
                                                                                                 move beyond.
                                                                                                    “When there’s a death in the family,
                                                                                                 or a heartbreak or financial problems,
Logan Storley of Roslyn, SD, lands a kick against opponent Yaroslav Amosov at Bellator
                                                                                                 you have to keep showing up no matter
MMA 252 last November. It was Storley’s first Bellator loss against 11 wins. Photo courtesy of
                                                                                                 what life throws at you. You have to
                                                                                                 take the time to deal with it, control

                                                                                                 what you can control and then continue
                                                                                                 to go on with life.”
                                                                                                    As far as what it’s like to get physically
Former state champion wrestler seeks to                                                          punched in the head and body during
                                                                                                 the heat of competition, Storley said it’s
make his mark in mixed martial arts                                                              important to first understand, as in real
                                                                                                 life, there is going to be some adversity
Billy Gibson                                     a record of 11-1 as a competitor in the         and pain.                          Bellator MMA program.                              “You go into the cage expecting that
                                                    And while he’s used to punching              you’re going to get cracked. You know
   There are many who know what it’s             and being punched, Storley said he              you’re going to be in a fight,” he said.
like to experience difficult emotional           recruits the same mental and emotional          “It’s a shock to your system when you
blows in life: broken relationships,             fortitude to deal with any test of              feel that thud, but you know you have
medical afflictions, financial hardships         adversity whether it comes in the cage          to respond and keep on fighting. You
and other misfortune. There are fewer            of combat or in the cage of life.               realize you can get past it and fight on.”
who know what it’s like to get physically           Storley suffered his first loss last            Storley’s loss in November hasn’t
punched in the face, choked, kicked in           November when he dropped a split                deterred him in the least. He stays
the jaw and thrown to the ground with            decision to Yaroslav Amosov, a defeat           focused on completing a task left
violent force.                                   that was difficult for him to bear. The         undone when he failed to win a national
   And still fewer who have experienced          post-fight video segment shows Storley          title in college. His goal is to become
both. That’s Logan Storley.                      ripping his hand away from the referee          the “best fighter in the world.”
   Folks around Webster know Storley             after the verdict was announced.                   “It’s important to me. My whole life
as a six-time state high school wrestling           But the blows to the forehead and            has been wrestling and competing,” he
champion and four-time all-American              kicks to the ribs that rocked his body          said. ”I want to win a title, defend it a
at the University of Minnesota. The              that evening paled in comparison to             couple of times and then move on.”
28-year-old is currently carving out a           the pain of watching his beloved uncle
career in mixed martial arts, fashioning         battle ALS for 10 years before finally

                                                                                JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 7

  Summer fun
  awaits off the
  beaten path

Off-road enthusiasts from far and wide come to ride the Black Hills. Photos by Billy Gibson

From the Black Hills to Avon, off-road                                                        Rentals in Nemo. Hilger does a
                                                                                              brisk business pairing up riders
ATV trails attract outdoor enthusiasts                                                        with fully licensed and permitted
                                                                                              machines that allow visitors to free-
Billy Gibson                                     smattering of permanent residents            range along the trails and take in the                          who spend their days in unhurried            breathtaking vistas. His fleet of more
                                                 leisure. But the warm summer                 than a dozen two-seaters and four-
                                                 months bring thousands of visitors           seaters gets snapped up quickly as
  Generations ago, folks flocked to              seeking to explore the undulating            the town is completely transformed
the tiny hamlet of Nemo to search                wooded landscape on foot or on               during the summer season, which
for gold buried deep in the nooks                horseback, but most of all nestled in        typically kicks off with the annual
and crannies of the Black Hills                  the seat of a side-by-side.                  Black Hills ATV/UTV Rally held in
region.                                             The Black Hills area is widely            mid-June.
   Today they come in search of                  regarded as the state’s top draw for           “There are so many people in
family outdoor fun and adventure                 all-terrain adventurists, and Nemo           town it seems like it’s hard to get
along the hundreds of miles of                   stands smack dab at the center of            around sometimes, but it’s very
nature trails that course throughout             the action.                                  family-oriented and everybody
the craggy terrain.                                 One of the town’s busiest denizens        gets along and has a good time
  During most months of the year,                during the summer crush is Dane              getting out and enjoying the great
Nemo is a quiet outpost with a                   Hilger, who runs D&K ATV                     outdoors.”


   Vacationers and even day-trippers
have access to everything they need           TOP ATV TRAILS IN SD
during a visit to Nemo with the               1. Centennial Trail
Brandin’ Iron restaurant, camping                 West of Rapid City
sites, a general store and lodging.           2. Northern Black Hills
   Adam Rice, a native of Rapid                   West of Rapid City
City, owns and operates the                   3. Southern Black Hills
Brandin’ Iron in addition to another              Southwest of Rapid City
restaurant in Arizona. Soon after             4. Buffalo Gap National Grassland
high school, he headed to Arizona                 Southeast of Farmingdale
for culinary school and later opened          5. Bear Lodge Mountains
his business there. But two years                 North of Sundance
ago, Rice was lured back to South             6. Oahe Downstream OHV Area
Dakota and decided to resettle in                 North of Pierre
Nemo.                                         7. Talsmas ATV Trail Park
   “The town just has an aura about               South of Avon
it. It’s pristine and gorgeous. There’s       8. Reveheim Bay OHV Area
no better way to see the Black Hills.             Southeast of Mobridge
You can get to a lot of cool places
through the trail system that goes
literally thousands of miles and you         They bring their kids, the grand
never have to get on the road. You           parents and the dog and they just
can get to Deadwood, you can get             relax, unwind and have fun.”
to Mount Rushmore, you can go                  While Nemo may be considered
to Sturgis. I go out into the woods          the mecca of ATV riders, there are
just about every day. There’s always         several other prime spots in South
something interesting to see.”                       Dakota open to the public.
   Larry Kaiser owns the                                  In the southeastern
Nemo Merchantile                 “It’s just a lot of      region of the state near
store where visitors            fun. You meet the          Avon, Jerry and Tina
will find fuel, snacks,          most interesting           Talsma welcome ATV        Many ATV trails across the state have

beverages, clothing                 people and              riders to their Trails    access to fishing, scenic vistas and places

and an assortment of               everybody’s              End Ranch situated        to pull over for refreshments such as the

dry goods.                        having a good            alongside the Missouri     Merchantile store in Nemo shown above.

   He laments that                      time.”            River.
during the summer he                                      The third-generation        as well as multi-day and seasonal
is often too busy to ride the                       land owners opened Talsma’s       passes. Camp sites are available at a
trails, but he enjoys supplying the          Trail Park in 2005 with several          rate of $20 per night with electricity
provisions visitors need.                    hundred acres open to the public         and $10 without.
   “It’s just a lot of fun. You meet         and trails that range from novice to       The Talsmas have big plans for
the most interesting people and              extreme.                                 the summer with a Customer
everybody’s having a good time.                There are climbing hills, creek        Appreciation Day on Aug. 14, a
                                             crossings, deep brush, open prairie      fundraising event for Horse Haven
                                             land, river bottom terrain and           on Sept. 11 and a Halloween Scare
                                             expansive scenic bluffs overlooking      Ride on Oct. 9.
                                             the Missouri. There are also several       For more information on the
                                             play areas for riders to kick up some    private park, visit talsmastrailpark.
                                             mud.                                     com. For more information about
                                               There are different fees to enter      riding in the Black Hills, visit
                                             the park depending on the mode of and custersd.
                                             transportation and special discounts     com where you’ll find details about
                                             for groups of 10 or more machines        ATV activities in the Custer area.

                                                                      JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 9

   Lacreek Electric
   Seeking These
You are hereby notified that you have failed to
                                                                                                                                         Ferguson, Ted               Henry, Raymond Est

                                                                                                                                         Fetter, Duaine              Her Many Horses, Louis

claim capital credits to which you are entitled to                                                                                       Fetter, Orvill              Hernandez, Marlene Est

receive for the year of 2015.
                                                                                                                                         Fire Thunder, Ben Est       High Hawk, John A

                                                                                                                                         First Body Jesus Church     High Horse, Alfred

You are further notified that, pursuant to SDCL                                                                                          Fischer, Keifer DDS         High Horse, Marge

47-16-54, said capital credits will be forfeited to the
                                                                                                                                         Fool Bull, Ernestine        High Pipe, Jessie M Est

                                                                                                                                         George, Lisa                Hill, Lillian Est

cooperative unless claimed with proper evidence of                                                                                       Ghost, Misty                Homan, Glen

ownership within six months of the first publication
                                                                                                                                         Ghost Bear, George Est      Hoskins, Arlan

                                                                                                                                         Ghost Bear, Robert Est      Hughes, Elizabeth

of this notice or not later than Sept. 30, 2021.                                                                                         Ghost Bear, Sarah M         Hunt, David Est

                                                                                                                                         Gibbons, Ivan Est           Hunter, Carolyn M Est

A T & T BOSG                 Belt, Roxanne               Broken Rope, Mildred Est   Coats, George Est        Dempsey, Cynthia            Gillespie, William Est      Ireland, Carl

Advantage Services           Bengford, Paul              Brooks, Glen Est           Collins, Connie          Deutscher, Rueben           Good Crow, Lyle Est         Iron Cloud, Eddie Est

Afraid of Bear, Michael      Bergen, Dorothy             Brown, David               Colombe, Theresa         Dirks, Clarke               Good Lance, Anthony Est     Iron Cloud, Freida

Afraid of Hawk, Maria        Bernard, James              Brown, Fred Sr             Comes, Gina              Dithmer Bros                Good Shot, Jessie           Iron Cloud, Patricia

Afraid of Hawk, Martha Est   Berry, Loriann              Brown, Louis Est           Comes Last, Amelia Est   Donahue, Patrick            Good Voice Elk, Frank Jr    Iron Horse, Jacob Sr

Afraid of Hawk,              Bettelyoun, Terry Esst      Brown, Pauline Est         Conquering Bear, David   Doppler, John               Good Voice Flute, Colleen   Iron Shell, Isaac Jr Est

  Michelle Est               Betts, Maxine               Brown, William B           Conroy, Cornell Sr       Drechsler, Ellen            Good Voice Flute, Levi      Iron Whiteman, Linda Est

Allen, Richard Est           Bidelman, Alan              Brown Bull, Leona Est      Cornelius, John Est      Dunbar, Dennis              Grass, Floyd Est            Jacobson, Myron Est

Allery, Ruth                 Bissonette, Rudolph Est     Brunsch, Beryl Est         Cortier, Adrain          Dupree, Richard             Grass, Luther Est           Janis, Cleveland

American Horse, George       Black Bear, Christine Est   Buckman, Wilbur C Est      Cottier, William Dean    Dutton, Diane M             Gunsalus, Wade              Janis, Ora

Amiotte, Wallace Est         Black Bear, Peter           Buffington, Kath           Cournoyer, Kimberly      Eagle Bear, Delphine Est    Haas, Lydia                 Jealous of Him, Clayton

Anderson, Joel               Black Bear, Verna Est       Bull Bear, Mary Ellen      Cournoyer, Walter R      Eaton, Jim                  Hacker, Robert              Jensen, Corey R

Apple, Antoine J             Black Bull, Mary A          Bullman, Stella Est        Crazy Bear, Isaac Est    Eckstaine, Terry            Hahn, Joann Est             Johnson, Amy

Around Him, Ruby             Black Crow, Betty F         Burke, Esther Est          Crossett, Clay           Elk Boy, Vestana Est        Hairy Shirt, Pauline        Johnson, Selma

Atwell, Michael A            Black Elk, Steven           Burnette, Byrona           Crow Good Voice Elk,     Elk Looks Back, Emery Est   Hancock, Jack Est           Johnston, Jim

Bacon, Kathleen              Black Eyes, Jerome H Est    Burnette, Earl             Eugene W jr              Elk Looks Back, Myrna Est   Harris, Donald              Jones, Roberta

Bad Cob, Ione Est            Black Eyes, Sallie          Burnette, Jeneile          Crump, William           Espinosa, John Est          Harris, Gary                Jumping Eagle, Tina Est

Bad Wound, Dale              Blacksmith, Leets           Burning Breast, Mary       Cummings, Ayla           Ewert, Sue                  Has No Horse,               Keeler, Christine Est

Badland Ag Spraying          Blacksmith, Theresa Est     Calico Village Well        Cummings, Tim            Farmer, Shirley K             Roselyn Est               Keeler, Norman

Barrett, Wanda               Blindman, Collins, Est      Cano, Justin Est           Cuny, Kyle               Fast Horse, Rufus           Hatchet, Cheryl R           Kills Enemy, Emma Est

Barrientos, Lucille T        Blue Bird, Robert J         Catches, Carol             Curry, Robert            Faulk, Jerry                Hays, Viola                 Kills Enemy, Vivian Est

Bear Killer, Ralph Sr Est    Blue Horse, Gerald Est      Chappell, Don Est          Dakam, Mohamed           Faulk, Robert               Heath, Clyde Est            Kills Right, Albert Est

Bear Stops, Irma Est         Bowman, Ruby Est            Chipps, Benjamin Est       Davis, Christopher       Fawcett, Linetta            Heath, Mary Est             Klawonn, Kevin

Beem, Vida Estate            Bowman, Sharon              Chipps, Phillip Est        Decory-Skye, Mary        Featherman,                 Heeftle, Jon Est            Knopp, Karin

Belile, Catherine J          Britton, James Jr           Claymore, Marlyce          Deering, Carolyn           Delano D Est              Helper, Geraldine           Knudson, Lavern E


Kohle, Kay Est                Medicine, Sherry Est         Peck, Pamela J                 Ross, Allen                   Songstad, Laurie                Watson, Louise

Kornely, Nancy G              Mennonite Central Comm       People Against Violence        Ross, Monette                 Sorensen, Luann                 Walsh, David WMD

Kriz, Robert A                Menzel, Richard P            Perkins, Theresa M             Rouillard, Darlene            Spotted Eagle, Bruce Est        Watson, Louise

Kunkel, Ron                   Mecure, Lenus                Peterson, GV                   Rouillard, Lloyd Jr Est       St. Peter’s Episc Church        Welty, Thomas KMD

Ladeaux, Marion Est           Merrival, John C Est         Phelps, Lisa                   Roupe, Gilbert                Standing Soldier, Deloris Est   West, Wayne Est

Lakota Wesleyan Mission       Mesteth, Rosalyn M           Phipps, Nell                   Rowland, Clarence Est         Standing Soldier, Sharon        Weslyan Indian Mission

Lamont, Rhoda M Est           Mesteth, Susan M             Phipps, Ray                    Rowland, Eugenia              Stands, Homer, Sr Est           Whipple, Barbara C

Lamont, Joline                Metzinger, Lois J Est        Pierce, Richard                Roy, Gerald Jr                Star, Elliot                    Whipple, Melvin Est

Lampert, Mary L               Meyers Land & Cattle Co      Pine Ridge Christian Academy   Runnels, Gerry Est            Steele, David L Est             Whirlwind Horse, Paul

Lang, Ellen Est               Meyers, Leigh                Pionk, Deb                     Runnels, Jack                 Stevenson, Mike                 Whirlwind Horse, Raymond Jr

Langerman, Rose M             Miller, Arnold E Est         Pirnie, Doug                   Running, Beatrice             Stilwell, Jim                   White, Evelyn

Larabee, William              Miller, Floyd Est            Pitman, George                 Running, Philomine Est        Stone, Gloria J                 White, Inez

Larvie, Gertie                Miller, Gary                 Plenty Wolf, Alisa             Running Horse, Robert Est     Stone, Tisavera S               White, James

Larvie, Inez Est              Miller, Geraldine L          Plenty Wounds, Pete Jr         Running Horse, John           Stoner, Mary Est                White, Lee

Lavallee, Christine           Miller, Mathew G             Poor Bear, Ladonna Est         Runs Above, Rudy Est          Stoner Robert J                 White Butterfly, Virgil

Lays Hard, Judy               Mills, Calvin L Est          Poor Bear, Merle M Est         Runs Against, Delia           Street, Parke C                 White Calf, Florita Est

Little Eagle, Stanley Est     Mitchell, Roger Est          Porcupine, Aaron Est           Runs Against, Faron           Studt, Ronald                   White Clay Ambulance

Little Moon, Victoria Est     Mogan Ranch                  Pourier, Jacqueline            Rystrom, Jenny L              Sully, Claudia Est              White Eyes, Juanita Est

Little Soldier, Phyllis       Moller, Eddie                Prater, Steve                  Sacred Heart Church/Norris    Sun Bear, Phyllis               White Face, Lucille Est

Little Spotted Horse, Sarah   Montileaux, Pauline          Pretty Hip, Jake               Sacred Heart Church/Rosebud   Swift Bird, Joseph B Est        White Horse, Louie Est

Little White Man, Lucy Est    Mook, Keith                  Price, Robert Est              Salamanca, Joe E              Swimmer, Emma Est               White Pipe, Marvin Est

Livermont, Patty              Moore, Mary Ellen Est        Pumpkin Seed, Alberta          Samson, Marilyn               Tall, Edith Est                 White Plume, Roy Est

Livermont, Vivian Est         Moore, Sandra Est            QUEST                          Samuel, Elizabeth             Tall, Herman Est                Whiting, Dale Est

Loafer, Acey Est              Moreland, Robert Est         Quigley, Dennis                Sanchez, Cleo Est             Ten Fingers, Irma Est           Wiedmann, Terry

Locke, Clarice                Morrison, Clifford Jr Est    Quiver, Robert Est             Sanchez, Jane                 Thomas, Mark                    Williams, Matthew A

Locke, Joy                    Morrison, Karen              Raben, Thomas                  Sasse, Carl W Jr              Thunder Hawk, Homer T           Wilson, Fannie Est

Loften, Tom                   Morton, Kenneth D            Rasmussen, Karla               Sasse, Velma Est              Thunder Hawk, Martin A          Wilson, James J IV Est

Looking Elk, Barbara Est      Mueller, Ronald              Red Bird, Patty                Scabby Face, Ernest Est       Timberman, Bob                  Witte, Deann

Looks Twice, Zona             Murphy, Gregory              Red Elk, Wilbur Est            Schmidt, Margaret M           Todd, Harry V Est               Wood, Barbara

Loud Hawk, Russell Est        Murphy, Marlyn               Red Hail, Katherine Est        Schroeder, Jennifer A         Toman, Tom                      Wooden Knife, Leslie Est

Lynn, Eilleen Est             Murray, Alvina Est           Red Hair, Cora Est             Schultz, Steve                Tools, Carla D                  Wooden Knife, Scott

Marino, Joseph                Murray, Marian               Red Hair, Rose                 Schwartz, Steven              Tools, Phyllis                  Wooden Knife, Scott

Marsh, Lucille                Naasz, Clyde                 Red Paint, Ross                Scott, Mike                   Top Bear, John Est              Wounded Horse, Hazel

Marshall, Bill                Neiss, Tamera A              Red Shirt, Darlene             Scott, Thurlow Est            Trask, Frank                    Wounded Shield, Darlene

Marshall, Fred                Nelson, Eden Fred Est        Red Star, Carol Est            Scout, Louis Est              Treehaven School                Wooden Knife, Scott

Marshall, Shirley Est         Nelson, Frieda H             Red Star, John                 Selzler, Tony Est             Trujillo, Margaret              Wounded Horse, Hazel

Marshall, William Est         Nelson, Lillian              Reiff-Vilhauer, Paula          Severson, Daniel              Tumblin, William W              Wounded Shield, Dennis

Martin, Adora Est             Neugebauer, Wade             Rice, Joe                      Shangreaux, Francis Est       Turgeon, Lorna                  Wright, Stanley

Martin Dan                    New Holy, Martha             Richard, Alma Est              Shaving, Irene                Twiss, Clifford Jr Est          Yankton, Jennie

Martin, Cheri                 Newman, Leona                Richard, Dwayne F              Sherman, Joan                 Twiss, Marie Est                Yeager, Freda Est

Martin, Nancy R               O-KOLA Kiciye O-Tipi         Richards, Delmar P Sr          Sierra, Kathleen              Twiss, Ted Est                  Yellow Cloud, Carla

Martinez, Julia J Est         Oglala Baptist Mission       Richards, Denzel               Simmons, Darcy                Two Bulls, Lucille Est          Yellow Elk, Marian Est

McCardle, James               Oglala Sioux Const Co        Richards, Leona M              Sitting Up, Margie Est        Two Eagle, Dorothy Est          Yellow Hawk, Collins

McCrimmon, Marsha             Olson, Duane Est             Richardson, Debra              Sleeping Bear, Melvin Est     Two Two, Elmer                  Yellow Thunder, Amelia Est

McCue, Steve Est              One Horn, Lewis              Robertson, David               Sleeping Bear, Violet Est     Vander Schaaf, Christyn         Young, Belva Est

McGrady, Tim                  OST Air Quality Monitoring   Robin Son, Terry D             Slow Bear, Andrew Sr          Vavra, Helen                    Young, Linda

McKinnon, Larry R             Palmier, Arlene              Robinson, Ann                  Slow Bear, Eleanor Est        Villarreal, Frank Est           Young Bear, Lawrence Est

McLaughlin, Gerald            Park, Frank D                Rodriquez, Andy                Slow Bear, Elfreda Est        Villarreal, Lucette             Young Bear, Will

McPherson, Gladys Est         Parker, Cecelia N            Roemmick, Clarence C           Slow Bear, Mercy Est          Vos, Erma                       Young Dog, Lester

Means, Ruth Est               Patterson, Jim F             Rooks, Lorenzo Est             Smith, Rena Est               Wagner, Antoinette K            Zimiga, Barbara

Means, Veronica Est           Pawnee Leggins, Joseph       Roper, Harold                  Smith, Joe                    Walking Bull, Lorraine Est

Means, Wesley                 Pearson, Hubert J            Rose, Deloris Est              Smith, Steven P               Waln, Calvin

                                                                                                 JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 11

                                                                                has allowed new residential and
                                                                                commercial solar owners to deduct
                                                                                26 percent of their installation
                                                                                costs from their federal taxes. The
                                                                                ITC is set to be reduced to 23
                                                                                percent in 2023 and eliminated
South Dakota’s electric cooperatives                                            for homeowners by 2024. The
promote fair, sensible solar policies                                           Biden Administration has proposed
                                                                                extending the program for another
Billy Gibson                             Across the country, the solar          two years.                market is facing what can be               According to the Energy
                                       described as growing pains. Those        Information Administration, direct
   With summer in full swing, the      pains stem from the fact that the        federal government subsidies for
sun is bearing down on South           nascent stages of solar energy were      solar alone totaled $34.4 billion
Dakotans. But that wasn’t the          heavily subsidized through taxpayer      between 2010 and 2019.
case just five months ago when an      dollars, as early adopters benefited       As solar subsidies decline, the
unexpected polar vortex covered        from an array of state, federal and      true costs for ratepayers to have
much of the country in a blanket of    municipal government tax credits,        24-hour access to both intermittent
snow and ice.                          exemptions, incentives, rebates          renewable power and more reliable
   As co-op members now reach for      and subsidies designed to get the        traditional power at the same time
the sunscreen and a cold beverage,     industry off the ground. Tapping         are coming to bear.
it’s easy to forget that back in       into these programs, owners of             In Nevada, for example, incentives
February the same solar panels that    solar installations have been able to    for homeowners were phased out in
are streaming torrents of ions today   deduct up to half of their costs.        2016 after the state’s largest energy
were reduced to a trickle when a         But as more homeowners and             company argued that its costs
convergence of circumstances caused    businesses opt for solar and as the      of creating and delivering power
a series of rolling blackouts.         cost of solar has dropped 80 percent     weren’t being fully covered and the
   That historic event alerted         since 2010, those subsidies are          expenses of serving every home and
policymakers from Texas to the         shrinking and the industry is in the     business in the system were being
Canadian border to hit the pause       process of having to eventually stand    shifted to those exercising their right
button and take another look at        on its own feet. At the federal level,   not to have rooftop panels placed on
how renewable power fits into the      for instance, the Investment Tax         their homes.
national grid-based energy picture.    Credit (ITC) established in 2005           Predictably, once the incentives


                                                       “WE RELY ON INTERMITTENT RENEWABLE
                                                       SOURCES TO CURB EMISSIONS AND MORE
                                                       RELIABLE FOSSIL FUELS TO DELIVER THE
                                                       BASELOAD POWER OUR MEMBERS NEED.”
                                                                                                 ROBERT RAKER

                                                        West River Electric,         to communicate with one another
                                                        characterized the state’s    as each cooperative in the state
                                                        electric cooperatives        has its own set of interconnection
                                                        as being neither             requirements and policies
                                                        pro-renewable energy         determined by their management.
                                                        nor anti-renewable              “If one of our members wants to
                                                        energy.                      get involved in renewable energy,
                                                          “We’re pro-reliability     we need to know about it so we can
                                                        and pro-affordability        work with the member to make
                                                        for our members,”            sure the process goes as smoothly as
                                                        he explained. “We            possible,” Raker said.
                                                        rely on intermittent            Chris Studer, chief member and
                                                        renewable sources to         public relations officer at East River
                                                        curb emissions and           Electric, echoed Raker’s comments
                                                        more reliable fossil fuels   and emphasized another important
                                                        to deliver the baseload      factor in open member-to-
                                                        power our members            cooperative communication: safety.
were sun-setted and solar owners         need. It’s like a parent trying to             “Just make sure to call your
had to pay for maintaining the same      determine which is their favorite kid.      co-op. It’s a safety issue. Improperly
grid that they depend on when            We favor both of them because we            installed equipment could put
their panels aren’t producing power,     need to help protect the planet but         the homeowner’s property and
demand decreased.                        we also need to fulfill our obligation      co-op employees who work on the
   In South Dakota, where there          to serve our members whether it’s           infrastructure at risk and that’s what
are no state government subsidies,       day or night, hot or cold, sunny or         we want to prevent.”
investor-owned Black Hills Energy        cloudy, windy or calm.”                        Studer said the state’s cooperatives
has followed Nevada’s lead by              Raker noted that co-ops have              will continue to play an active role as
proposing that the South Dakota          embraced the integration of                 the renewable market evolves.
Public Utilities Commission              renewable power into the state’s fuel          “At this stage in the emergence of
institute tariffs on homeowners to       mix. Electric co-ops were leaders           the distributed generation market,
compensate the power company for         in introducing wind power, which            the fixed costs that electric utilities
those fixed costs required to keep the   now makes up roughly 25 percent of          have invested in their infrastructure
system functioning for all ratepayers    the supply while 17 percent comes           needs to be taken under
who use it.                              from hydroelectric dams along the           consideration as more members
   Opponents argue that the tariffs      Missouri River. Co-ops are also             bring localized solar installations
could potentially obliterate the         involved in the construction of Wild        into the system,” he said.
state’s growing solar market, which      Springs solar farm, which is expected          “Other states have addressed this
saw 462 MW installed through the         to go on-line next year as the largest      issue by establishing fixed charges for
first quarter of 2021.                   solar array in the western part of the      distributed generation owners in a
   As for South Dakota’s electric        state.                                      way that was fair for everyone, while
cooperatives, the system’s leaders         Without a clear and complete              also setting up a system to streamline
paid close attention to the polar        set of rules in place for distributed       the resolution of any disputes
vortex event and the lessons             generation, Raker said it’s                 that may arise. We’ll continue to
learned in the aftermath. Robert         paramount that members and                  serve as an advocate for all co-op
Raker, public relations manager at       their cooperatives work together            consumers.”

                                                                   JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 13

GAMES BEGIN                                                                  that the primary goal would be to
                                                                             protect the health of the students,
                                                                             parents, coaches, referees and others
SDHSAA plans to resume normal activities                                     involved in youth activities under
when the fall semester begins                                                the association’s purview.
                                                                               It was the responsibility of
                                                                             Executive Director Dan Swartos
Billy Gibson                         executed a quick response by pulling    to serve as head coach of the              together a premier task force with a    campaign to draft and execute a
                                     variety of participants to determine    game plan before the fall 2020
   Success on the field of play      an effective plan of attack against     season commenced even as many
often hinges on putting together     the global menace.                      restrictions were still in force. He
a solid playbook to prepare for        The A-team included officials         credited all involved in the effort
the rigors of competition. Like      from the state Department of            for recognizing the importance of
many organizations, the South        Health, Department of Education,        “keeping kids active” while staying
Dakota High School Activities        local school administrators, private    focused on the goal of returning to
Association (SDHSAA) didn’t have     medical practitioners, teachers,        sports and extracurricular activities
a playbook designed to deal with     coaches and parents. After using the    in a safe manner.
the coronavirus pandemic that        balance of the spring season to reset     “There was never any pressure
interrupted the slate of sporting    and regroup, members of the task        placed on anyone to decide to play
events mid-stream in the spring of   force spent last summer pursuing        sports or not to play sports. Our
2020.                                their work without any preconceived     goal was to keep everyone safe as
   But just as it teaches student    notions of where their efforts would    we dealt with the pandemic and
athletes the merits of teamwork      lead or how the future would look.      determined the best way to respond
and perseverance, the association    All were in agreement, however,         and return to normal activities


                                                                                                    Officials at the
                                                                                                    SDHSAA say they
                                                                                                    plan to resume
                                                                                                    a normal slate of
                                                                                                    events this fall.
                                                                                                    Photos by South
                                                                                                    Dakota Public

as the pandemic ran its course,”        “SOMETIMES YOU DON’T FULLY APPRECIATE WHAT
he said. “We listened to those in
the health profession for their         YOU HAVE UNTIL IT’S TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU.”
recommendations based on what                                                              DR. DAN SWARTOS
they were experiencing and balanced
that with recommendations and           school population sizes and other       to a fall 2021 semester that will
observations that were coming from      variables,” Swartos said. “Things       seem close to normal for students,
other quarters. The governor’s office   were happening differently in Sioux     parents, teachers and administrators.
trusted us and gave us the space we     Falls compared to Lemmon. It               “Our plan right now is to go
needed to make the best decisions.”     was breaking out in some parts of       full speed ahead as normal, but
   Swartos also gave high praise to     the state, but in Harding County        we’re continuing to meet and take
leaders of the local school systems     they didn’t have any coronavirus        assessments of how things are going
for being flexible as the chain of      cases until the fall. We had to look    and receive the recommendations of
events unfolded. As an example,         at things like some small schools       the task force,” Swartos said.
he referred to Lance Christianson,      having 500-seat arenas and others          “One of the things we learned
the 2019 state golf champion.           having 5,000-seat arenas. We            is how important our sports and
Christianson was a student at           decided not to place restrictions       activities are to the development
Little Wound on the Pine Ridge          on attendance and leave it up to        of our students. Sometimes you
Reservation when the school was         the systems to make those kinds of      don’t fully appreciate what you have
forced to shut down due to the          decisions. The way our members          until it’s taken away from you. It’s
pandemic. Christianson was faced        responded, it was extraordinary.”       important physically, mentally and
with the prospect of not being able       Swartos said he looks forward         socially.”
to compete for another golf title in
   Swartos explained that meetings
were held and an agreement was
hammered out to issue a waiver and
allow Christianson to participate in
the state tournament competition.
   That kind of flexibility and
adaptability was paramount, Swartos
said, as the pandemic was impacting
local schools in different ways in
various parts of the state.
   “The situation was different
from east to west, rural and urban,

                                                               JULY 2021 | COOPERATIVE CONNECTIONS 15
Bring this coupon and mailing label to the Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives
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                                                                                                     JULY 16-17
                                                                                                     Storybook Land Festival
                                                                                                     Wylie Park, Aberdeen,
                                                                                                     SD, 605-626-7015

                                                                                                     JULY 16-18
                                                                                                     Gold Discovery Days
                                                                                                     Various Locations, Custer,
                                                                                                     SD, 605-673-2244

                                                                                                     JULY 16-24
                                                                                                     Senior Summer Tournaments
                                                                                                     Rapid City, SD, Contact Lindsey
                                                                                                     Meyers at 605-394-4175

                                                                                                     JULY 23-25
                                                                                                     Arlington Days
      July 4
                                                                                                     Various Locations, Arlington,
      Independence Day                                                                               SD, 605-983-5251

                                                                                                     JULY 27-31
                                JUNE 19-20                     JULY 4                                Days of ‘76 Rodeo & Parades
                                Aberdeen Arts in the Park      Fall River Fourth of July             Various Locations, Deadwood,
                                Melgaard Park, Aberdeen,       Various Locations, Hot Springs,       SD, 605-578-1876
                                SD, 605-226-1557               SD, 605-745-4140
                                                                                                     JULY 31
                                JUNE 25-27                     JULY 4                                Chislic Festival
                                Annual Main Street Arts        Fourth of July Celebration            Freeman’s Prairie Arboretum,
                                and Crafts Festival            703 Main Street, Deadwood,            Freeman, SD, 605-496-9946
                                N River Street, Hot Springs,   SD, 800-344-8826
                                SD, 605-440-2738                                                     AUGUST 5-14
                                                               JULY 4                                Sioux Empire Fair
                                JUNE 30-JULY 4                 Fourth of July Parade                 W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds, Sioux
                                Annual Black Hills Roundup     Kemp Avenue, Watertown,               Falls, SD, 605-367-7178
  To have your event            300 Roundup Street, Belle      SD, 605-886-5814
  listed on this page, send     Fourche, SD, 605-723-2010                                            AUGUST 17-19
                                                               JULY 9-11, 16-18, 23-25               Dakotafest
  complete information,
                                JULY 2-4                       Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant          2300 E Spruce Street, Mitchell,
  including date, event,        Custer’s Old Time Country                                            SD, 877-611-8161
                                                               43379 Rose Lane, De Smet,
  place and contact to your     Fourth of July                 SD, 605-983-5251
  local electric cooperative.   Various Locations, Custer,                                           AUGUST 26-29
                                SD, 605-673-2244               JULY 9-11                             58th Annual Steam
  Include your name,
                                                               Annual Hot Harley Nights              Threshing Jamboree
  address and daytime           JULY 2-4                                                             Prairie Village, Madison,
                                                               J&L Harley-Davidson, Sioux
  telephone number.             Gold Camp Jubilee Days         Falls, SD, 605-334-2721               SD, 605-256-3644
  Information must be           Various Locations, Lead,
  submitted at least eight      SD, 605-584-1100               JULY 10-11
                                                               50th Annual Brookings
  weeks prior to your           JULY 2-4                       Summer Arts Festival
  event. Please call ahead      Sitting Bull Stampede Rodeo    W Highway 14 and 1st                  Note: Please make sure to
  to confirm date, time and     Rodeo Grounds, Mobridge,       Avenue, Brookings,                    call ahead to verify the event
  location of event.            SD, 605-845-2387               SD, 605-692-2787                      is still being held.
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