Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services

Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Labor Market Update
First Quarter 2021
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
• Current Employment Data

• Workforce Statistics

• Unemployment Benefits

• Current Pay Rate Trends / Job Openings

• Recommendations

                   Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Labor Statistics                                                                              Week ending
                                                                                              February 20:
Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance                                                     730,000

                                                                    Weekly Claims in 2020

                              Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Labor Statistics
                                          • Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 49,000 in January.
                                          • Workforce in February 2020 = 152.5 M
                                          • Workforce in January 2021 = 142.6 M

    BLS Official Unemployment Rate
    for January = 6.3%

    (Down from 6.7% in December)

The total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending February 20 was
730,000, a decrease of 111,000 from the previous week. There were 2,130,673 persons claiming benefits
in all programs in the comparable week in 2020. (Department of Labor)

                               Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Labor Statistics

             Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Workforce Survey
We surveyed over 12,000 candidates who are active in our system from around the Triad.

                                                                   What job most resembles your current position?
            What is most important to you
            when you are looking for a job?

                              Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Workforce Survey
What shift do you prefer to work?                             What shift structure do you prefer?

                            Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Workforce Survey
     What is the minimum amount of shift
differential you would require to work and stay                  Are you actively looking for another job?
         on a shift other than 1st shift?

                              Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Market Update First Quarter 2021 - Graham Personnel Services
Workforce Survey

Has the pandemic affected your desire or ability              When thinking of returning to work or starting a
               to go to work?                                 new job, what is the single most important thing
                                                                                  to you?

                               Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Workforce Survey
 In general, do you think most employers                              How concerned are you about COVID-19? 1
understand the difficulties on their average                           being not concerned at all, 10 being very
     workers caused by the pandemic?                                                 concerned.

                                 Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Unemployment Benefits
                                                                                                              ◦ Stimulus Proposal #3: This latest stimulus package
        Basic criteria for qualifying for unemployment                                                          calls for a $1,400 stimulus payment. The big news is
        benefits:                                                                                               that the payment will include adult children that are
                                                                                                                claimed as dependents.
        • Unemployed through no fault of your own
                                                                                                              ◦ People will see the 3rd stimulus check in mid-to late-
        • Meet work and wage requirements                                                                       March.
        • Willing and ABLE to go to work                                                                      ◦ The bill also extends a per-week $300 jobless
        • Actively seeking employment                                                                           insurance boost until Sept. 6. That’s on top of what
                                                                                                                beneficiaries are getting through their state
        States are modifying requirements:                                                                      unemployment insurance program ($350 for NC).
        • Eliminating waiting period                                                                          ◦ Additionally, the measures provide a 100% subsidy of
                                                                                                                COBRA health insurance premiums to ensure that the
        • Eliminating “seeking employment” as a                                                                 laid-off workers can remain on their employer health
           requirement                                                                                          plans at no cost through the end of September.
        • Adjusting definition of “ABLE”                                                                      ◦ In some instances, this means candidates are making
                                                                                                                more money by not working!

                                                     Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Labor Participation Rate over the last 50 Years
Labor Force Participation Rate in the United States averaged 62.87 percent from 1948
until 2021, reaching an all time high of 67.30 percent in January of 2000 and a record
low of 58.10 percent in December of 1954.

                           Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Graham Personnel Services Hiring Stats
• Temp-to-hire: We will fill about 180-245 positions a week, depending on
  clients needs.

• Direct Hire: We are filling on or around 70 direct hire positions per year.

• Applicants: we are going to see somewhere between 11,000-13,000 new
  applicants this year. Managing a database of 101,000 total applicants with
  approximately 14,000-16,000 available applicants in our system.

• Employers: Average 1,000 Temps daily on assignment

                       Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Current Openings

 • We currently have more openings than we have ever had in the history of our

 • We are consistently seeing over 600 open positions with over 80 companies,
   just in the Triad.

 • The demand for labor, specifically with our manufacturing, warehousing, and
   supply chain and logistics clients, is at an all time high.

                    Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
Light Industrial Salaries in the Triad (NC)
• How much does a Light Industrial Worker make in the Triad? The average Light Industrial
  Worker salary falls between $11.94 - $13.79/hr. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on
  many important factors, including shift, experience, and skill level.

                                   Updated March 26, 2021

                        Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
What does this mean for employers?
• The demand for qualified workers is greater than the supply of qualified workers.
• Companies are competing against aggressive unemployment benefits and stimulus packages
  from our government. Money is Free.
• New applicant recruiting flow is not in line with current unemployment rates.
• Pre-COVID pay rates are no longer competitive in a post COVID environment. Competitive pay
  rates are crucial to retain a qualified work force and attract new entrants. We are seeing pay
  rate wars with competing companies in our area.
• Furloughed employees expect to go back to jobs.
• Some people are genuinely concerned about contracting the virus.
• We are expecting increased State Unemployment taxes and Federal Unemployment taxes.

                          Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
• Adjust starting pay rates to become competitive in the marketplace and do it fast.
     • Increase starting pay rates for General Warehouse Positions: $13-15 and Forklift Positions: $14-16 per hour to attract the current

• Partner with a staffing service to further increase your recruiting options and capabilities.

• Reduce screening requirements and barriers to entry to broaden applicant pool. Eliminate in-person interviews for
  unskilled positions.
     • Increase training for entry level applicants or accept someone with no experience and train them on the job.

• Adjust shift differential to attract great workers to the 2nd, 3rd, and 12-hour shifts. Keep shift starting and ending times as
  stable as possible, be consistent. Consider adding part-time/ flexible shifts on weekends to reduce mandatory overtime.

• Offer childcare and transportation accommodations. In-office school, for example.

• Change attendance policy to accommodate the current environment and challenges.

• COVID Health and Safety policy and effective communication to the workforce.

• Remember: Employees have many choices.

                                     Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
How Can We Assist With Your Staffing Needs?
If you have any questions about Graham Personnel Services or need assistance
with your staffing needs, please feel free to visit or
contact us at and we would be happy to assist.

                    Graham Personnel Services ∙ ∙ 336.288.9330
424 Gallimore Dairy Rd, Suite A, Greensboro, NC ∙ 336.288.9330
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