A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council

Page created by Erik Benson
A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Caring for our County:

  A vision for
  Norfolk in 2021

A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Norfolk’s Future
In order to meet the wide range of
challenges we have for the future
and deliver for this county, the
council must change.
A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Government funding will
                                                                cease in the next few years.
                                                                That means we must aim to
                                                                be self-sufficient and more
                                                                commercial, generating our
                                                                own income. Demand for
                                                                care services is growing, so
                                                                we will target our resources
                                                                to the people who require
                                                                the greatest support, while
                                                                helping others to help
                                                                That’s why I want to work
                                                                with you and partner
                                                                organisations to:
                                                                • Build communities we can
                                                                   be proud of
                                                                • Install infrastructure first
My team was elected to care                                     • Build new homes to help
about Norfolk and its people.    I believe that                    young people get on the
I believe people should          this council is                   housing ladder
live productive, healthy,
independent lives, for as
                                 well-placed to                 • Develop the skills of our
                                                                   people, through training and
long as they can.                lead Norfolk into                 apprenticeships
I’m proud of this county         the future, with               • Nurture our growing digital
and I believe that it has        evolutionary not                  economy
great potential to become
even more prosperous and         revolutionary                  • Make the most of our
successful.                      changes.                          heritage, culture and
We live in fast changing
times. The internet and         The county council wants to     No-one says this will be
technology are making           work even better together       easy - but I’m confident that,
a positive difference to        with public partners and        guided by this vision, we can
our businesses and our          businesses. I believe that      work together and do our
communities, connecting         this council is well-placed     best for Norfolk.
friends and families and        to lead Norfolk into the
customers and producers.        future, with evolutionary not
Healthcare has improved and     revolutionary changes.
                                                                Andrew Proctor
we’re living longer – in 20     We all face a wide range
                                                                Leader, Norfolk
years, we’ll have one million   of challenges. The most
                                                                County Council
residents in Norfolk alone.     pressing is that our

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Good Growth:                  community facilities and
A growing          Building communities          doctor’s surgeries, as well
population is      we can be proud of            as improved road and
                                                 communications networks
good for Norfolk   In twenty years’ time:        and utilities.
as it drives       •N
                     orfolk’s population        We need to start planning
economic growth,    could be significantly       for this growth now to
                    greater than 1 million
creating more       people
                                                 ensure development
                                                 happens in the right
demand for goods                                 places, protecting our
                     he economy will have
and services        55,000 new jobs, and         beautiful landscapes
                                                 and countryside, and to
                     0,000 new homes will be    ensure that we build new
                    needed                       communities, and not just
                   A growing population          houses.
                   is good for Norfolk as it     Where we are planning
                   drives economic growth,       growth we will aim to put in
                   creating more demand          the necessary infrastructure
                   for goods and services,       first to ensure that we build
                   but it will put increased     new communities, and not
                   pressure on infrastructure:   just new houses. Getting
                   requiring new schools,        this right is especially

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
We are working                Our planned investment
                               in our road network
 with our key                  and improvements
 growth sectors –              to broadband and
                               communications will give
 digital, biosciences          businesses better access
 and renewables –              to new markets, a wider
 to bring new, high            workforce, and lead to an
                                                            County Council, drives the
                               increase in productivity.
 value, jobs to the            We are working with
                                                            delivery of apprenticeships
                                                            in Norfolk and these are
 county                        our key growth sectors –
                                                            now available at degree
                               digital, biosciences and
                               renewables – to bring
important as half of
                               new, high value, jobs        And we will ensure
Norfolk’s people live in
                               to the county. We will       Norfolk’s economic growth
rural areas.
                               continue to support the      can benefit everyone,
We will stand up for Norfolk   skills development of        promoting social mobility
to ensure that our people      our workforce to ensure      by helping people who are
can benefit from the           that they can take part in   not in work get the skills
investment they are due in     our brighter future. The     required for 21st century
roads, digital connectivity    Apprenticeships Norfolk      employment.
and rail.                      Network, led by Norfolk

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Protecting this
                                                               unique mix of
                                                               culture, heritage
                                                               and environment
                                                               in future will
                                                               secure the high
Making the most of             environment in future will      quality of life in
our beautiful County           secure the high quality of      Norfolk, and could
                               life in Norfolk, and could be
Norfolk offers a fantastic     a powerful driver of inward
                                                               be a powerful
quality of life for people.    investment as technology        driver of inward
As well as its outstanding
natural environment,
                               reduces the distance to
                               rural and remote areas.
it has a wide range of
arts, cultural and sports
activities to suit all ages
and interests. There are
over 900 artists based here,
countless musicians and
a huge array of museums,
festivals, exhibitions,
theatres, shows and events.
Protecting this unique mix
of culture, heritage and

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Norfolk’s future
                                                                    starts with you
Starting a new                    • Considerable resources         and your family.
                                     are spent supporting
relationship with
                                     children in care and we
                                                                    We want to help
Norfolk families
                                     want to use this money in      you live the lives
• Norfolk’s biggest                 a different way, supporting    you want to lead
   population growth is in           them to remain at home
   those over 65 years, and in       when it is safe and
                                                                   lives where you are healthy,
   this category it is the very      appropriate to do so
                                                                   happy and with good access
   old that is growing fastest
                                  Norfolk’s future starts with     to opportunities. This means
• Norfolk currently spends       you and your family. We          we need to ensure that we
   £1 million every day on        want to help you live the        give you all the right tools,
   caring for vulnerable          lives you want to lead:          skills and infrastructure to
   adults                         independent, productive          succeed.

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
Investing in children           people lead fulfilled and
              and families                    financially resilient lives.

              We will focus on ensuring       We will make sure that
              that our services enable        children live in loving
              children and their families     family environments,
              to be independent and           where they feel safe. We
              self-reliant. We will           will make sure that help is
Every child   challenge the education         provided early and focuses
                                              on keeping children with
deserves to   system to make sure it
                                              their families wherever
              provides high quality
be loved in   education and that our          possible. When we need
                                              to, we will care for children
a family      children and young people
                                              and young people and
              go on to further or higher
environment   education, apprenticeships      ensure that we find the
              and training that’s right for   right, permanent families
              them. This will lead to jobs    for them as soon as we can.
              that mean that our young

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
We want to
                                                            help you live
                                                            the lives you
                                                            want to lead

Helping our                   to help people connect       Money matters
population remain             with their communities
                              and combat loneliness and    We are moving toward
independent, resilient
                              isolation. We want to work   financial sustainability
and well
                              with NHS Services to make    despite a growing demand
Our services will focus on    sure we improve health       for our services and rising
helping vulnerable adults     and work in an integrated    costs to provide them. Our
live independently. We        way.                         financial strategy is have
will use technology to help                                a new relationship with
keep people at home and        Our services will           you, and to help you live
focus on what people can
                               focus on helping
do, rather than what they
can’t. We want to deliver      vulnerable adults
more of our services           live independently
through community hubs
and will invest in smarter
information and advice,

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A vision for Norfolk in 2021 - www.norfolk.gov.uk - Norfolk County Council
We want to make
                                                            better use of
Getting our own              We want to make better use     technology both in
house in order               of technology both in our      our own operations
                             own operations and in front
We have already made         line services. By making
                                                            and in front line
substantial efficiency       more services available        services
savings but will make more   online, not only will we
by being more commercial.    make it more convenient
We want to generate more     for those who prefer to
income from our wholly       access services via the
owned companies such         internet, but we will also
as Norse and Educator        be able to save the council
Solutions which can then     money. We also want to
be reinvested in front       ensure that technology is
line services, as well       used to the best effect to
as developing a more         deliver frontline services.
business-like approach       For instance, we want to
to the way resources are     increase our use of telecare
matched to the complex       technology to help people,
range of needs that exist    especially the elderly, to
now and in the future.       look after themselves safely
                             at home.

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The proportion of the
council’s budget spent
on specific services:

                                       28%   Schools

                                       27%   Adult Social

                                             Community and

           13%   Children’s Services

                 Support Services,
                 eg property, ICT
                 and finance

                 Corporate Costs,
                 eg pensions and
                 capital financing
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