BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School

Page created by Leroy Reid
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School
23 February 2021

                       BRADON @home
                         CHAMPIONING OUR HOME LEARNERS

Welcome to the Bradon@home newsletter produced fortnightly during lockdowns to
celebrate the academic, enrichment and community work that our students are
engaging in during this unique time. Congratulations to all students who have
featured in our newsletters since April and thank you to all students who have sent
work in. A special mention as well to our Head Teacher Award (HTA) winners.



Bobby Phillips, Year 8, submitted this piece on Paradise. Mrs Bate commented: “A
thoughtful and beautiful description of a paradise, full of glorious vocabulary and
imagery. Excellent work, Bobby!”
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School


O’Neill, Year
some great
French work
for Mrs


Miss Cottier’s Year 10’s have been learning about Coastal Landforms. She challenged
them to make their landforms out of things from around the house and was blown
away by the creativity!
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School

Mr Koniarski’s Year 7 class made a variety of castles during Live teams session
before half term:

                                                   Mr Koniarski – Blue Peter
                                                   style - trying to make a round
                                                   tower with crenelations on

                                                          Heidi Ponting 7B2

     Phoebe Barry 7B2

                                      Joshua Joseph 7B2
                                                                      Caitlin Eastman 7B2
    Oliver Fry 7B2
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Macy Pickett 7B2
                                                               Aaron Gratton 7R1

Lyla Chivers 7R1

                                                               Jake Harding 7R1

Keira Brown – 7R1 (A Cake Castle – complete
with drawbridge and round towers!

                                              Ebony Pope 7R1
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School

Maxx Hamilton in
7R2 spent last term
making this model:
“It was a lot of fun
and I learnt a lot
about Motte and
Bailey castles.” His
teacher Mrs Loxton
was very impressed!

Maddie Abbott in 8B3 took the
challenge of Mrs Loxton's trenches
lesson and made a cake to show the
design and make up of the trench
system in WW1. Alongside this amazing
cake she also completed some detailed
research. We hope the cake was as
yummy as it looks - well done Maddie.
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School


7B2 have produced some really creative model cells at home. In Mrs Hall’s live lesson
they explained how they made them and what each part represented.

                                                                     Ethan Adam

 Jay Horgan

                                                                  Continued on page 7


Year 7 student Sienna Keenan has kept herself busy during
lockdown by taking up some new hobbies.The first image is
a 10k run she did with
her mum and the
second image is one of
the cards she has
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Phoebe Barry

                                                                         Finlay Davies

                                                     Macy Pickett
   Jack Sharps

The Key Stage 3 team have been very impressed by the high turnout of students who
have attended all their online lessons and submitted every piece of work set. Keep up
the good work! Not long to go now….
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School
Year 10 student Ben Michalek has written this article independently to help
            fellow students during lockdown. He has been awarded a HTA from Miss
            Hazel for his efforts! We hope you find it useful.

                            Top 5 ways to boost your lockdown learning!

            These past few months have been hard, and if you are a student then it
            has been even harder. We all have those days where we think “I really don’t
            feel like going to school today”, but now more than ever before we see how
            hard it is to stay home from school and still learn. Many students miss their
            friends and classmates from school and struggle with tasks where they
            cannot directly talk with the teacher and ask for help, so instead they let
            their work pile up and then end up giving up. However, this article will help
            you with tips to make life easier.

    1) Make sure you know your teacher’s          engage with their pupils then you can
    contact information, for example their        respond this way too by answering their
    school email address. This will make it       questions and speaking up when you
    easier to communicate without talking         don’t understand the lesson (this would
    directly, where you can ask questions or      also help other students as most likely
    even talk about how they are setting          they don’t understand it either).
    tasks and how easy it is to understand.
                                                  4) Make sure you are eating and drinking
    2) If you have your schoolbooks with you      regularly. If you are not eating or drinking
    when you are watching a video or on a         during online learning, it can make it
    virtual lesson, have it with you and make     even harder to focus which will make
    notes. Then when something is set on          you inevitably miss out on things and
    that topic later, you will have quick and     struggle later on. The best way to make
    easy access to it.                            sure this is happening is to have set
                                                  ‘lunchtimes’ and ‘breaks’ in between
    3) Engage in the lessons as much as           lessons, as you do at school, but also
    you can. Although you have joined the         make sure you do actually eat in this
    call, sometimes just listening to it is not   time and not be busy doing other things,
    enough, if your teacher tries to actively     its important!
BRADON @home - Bradon Forest School
5) Lastly make sure you are looking after your mental health. A lot of people really
            struggle when they can’t see their friends and family for multiple reasons, and
            when it is on a national scale a lot of people are going to struggle. There are many
            websites that can help with this, but there are also other ways and people that
            can help, for example your friends family and teachers all care about you and can
            try and help you as best they can. I know that it is hard to talk to people you know
            about your mental health as much as anyone, that is why there are sites set up so
            you can talk anonymously and still get help.

            With these 5 steps I hope that everyone can be helped in one way or another, no
            matter how small the help is. The links below are mentioned in bullet point
            number 5.

            Kooth (Talk anonymously about your issues) - here
   (This link is lockdown specific) - here
            Young Minds (Helps with a lot of situations) - here

                How to Stay Calm in a
                Global Pandemic
                is a great book designed to
                be read through as a family.

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