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The La Salle Collegian Vol. 93 Issue 5
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            THE LA SALLE
                                         est. 1931

                         		              Philadelphia, Pa. 		                    Vol. 93, Issue 5                October 3, 2019

Town hall tries to ease concerns
Officials address recent crime; some students still feel unheard
           Rita Offutt               Philadelphia Police Department’s     describing the event as “a good       RAVE Guardian App regularly and       pre-submitted student questions.
             Editor                  35th District, Amada Guthorn, the    opportunity for us to come            announced the university is in the    The first question focused on
                                     Assistant Vice President of Public   together as a community.”             process of acquiring new public       mobilizing public safety officers
  On Sept. 26 at 5 p.m., dozens of   Safety, and Dawn Soufleris, the      Guthorn proceeded to give a           safety vehicles. Guthorn ended her    with bicycles, to which Guthorn
members of the student body and      Vice President of Student Affairs    lecture on university safety,         talk by reminding the student body    responded that her office is “trying
university       faculty      and    and Enrollment, addressed the        introducing the new slogan            that La Salle’s administration has    to recruit other officers to do bike
administration congregated in the    student body and acted as the        #safertogether.    During    her      “no vested interest in [withholding   patrol...and get them trained, and
Dan Rodden Theater to host the       evening’s keynote speakers.          lecture, Guthorn invited all          information from] students” and       get them out.” There is currently
second Public Safety Town Hall.         To begin the town hall, Allen     students to become a part of the      urging members of the La Salle        one Public Safety officer who
The town hall was moderated by       delivered a brief introduction,      Public Safety Advisory Group,         community with further concerns       undertakes bike patrol.
Anna Allen, the Assistant Vice       emphasizing that the town            which meets monthly during the        to contact university officials.
President of Campus Life. Ernest     hall would not go beyond the         academic year. She informed the          Allen proceeded to direct the             See SAFETY Page 3
Ransom, the Captain of the           preset one-hour time limit and       student body that she checks the      keynote speakers to respond to

Dog-friendly community at St. George Hall opens
          Elyssa Loughlin            announced that it would
               Editor                become the first University in
  On Monday, Sept. 23, La Salle      Philadelphia to open a dog-
University officials, students       friendly residence hall. One
and staff joined members of          of the first in the nation, St.
the press for the official ribbon    George is a space that allows
cutting of Philadelphia’s first      for non-service animals to be
dog-friendly residence hall: St.     a daily fixture in the lives of
George. The event was well-          college students and faculty
attended by humans and dogs          members. Soufleris looked to
alike; President Colleen Hanycz,     open the residence hall here
Vice President for Student           because “research indicates
Affairs and Enrollment Services      clearly that pet ownership can
Dawn Soufleris and Board of          help owners, and others with
Trustees member and Vice             access to animals, lower anxiety
President for Human Resources        and stress levels, lower blood
at Purina, La Salle’s partner in     pressure and help individuals
opening a dog-friendly dorm,         feel more at home in a new
Steve Dengan all spoke to the        place.” Under the direction of
audience of 23 canines and           Soufleris and with the help of
over 100 humans. The ribbon          sponsors like Purina, the idea
cutting,     which     coincided     came to fruition. “Having a
with Take Your Dog to Work           dog-friendly hall allows … [for]
Day, occurred in the newly           students [to] feel even more
refurbished dog-friendly lounge      like La Salle is their home! We
in St. George. The dog park,         feel very lucky to have had this
which is accessible through the      opportunity and for Purina for
St. George Lounge, was also          funding this initiative.”
broken in by the students’ and
faculty and staff’s dogs.                                                                                                                                     La Salle Public Safety via Twitter
                                             See DOGS Page 4              The dog-friendly community includes the newly renovated St. George lounge featuring dog themed decorations.
  In     February,    La     Salle

Alumna honored by the WNBA
         Steven Silvestro
                                     Moore taking a year off in the
                                     same season.
                                                                          WNBA since being hired as
                                                                          the Lynx’s head coach back in                                  INDEX
  Women’s basketball alumna            In the WNBA Draft, Reeve           2010, and in just her second
Cheryl Reeve, ’88, was named         selected the eventual Rookie of      season she won the first WNBA             News 2-3
the WNBA Basketball Executive        the Year Napheesa Collier with       Champion in franchise history.                                              Nobel Prize Week
of the Year just two seasons after   the sixth overall pick, the lowest     The Lynx dynasty went on                                                  House Speaker Pelosi
                                                                                                                    Politics 4
she became General Manager           a Rookie of the Year has been        to win four championships in                                                launches impeachment
of the Minnesota Lynx while          selected since 2005. Collier         seven years, while going to the                                             inquiry.
continuing to serve as head          averaged 13.1 points per game,       WNBA Finals six times in seven
                                                                                                                    Editorial 5                       Page 2
coach.                               6.6 rebounds per game and led        years. In 2013, the Lynx were a
  Reeve beat out Las Vegas Aces      the Lynx with 1.9 steals per         perfect 7-0 in the playoff in rout        Commentary 6-7
                                                                                                                                                      “Roger on the Quad”
General Manager of Basketball        game.                                to their second title.                                                      Two seniors film a tv
Operations Dan Padover by one          Reeve orchestrated five trades       Reeve is a two-time winner              Features 8-9                      show as their senior
point as she received four first-    including one with the Los           of WNBA Coach of the Year                                                   project.
place votes, two second-place        Angeles Sparks for WNBA All-         in 2011 and 2016 as she has               A & E 10-11                       Page 8
votes and two third-place votes      Star Odyssey Sims, who led the       the highest winning percentage
from the 11 voters.                  team with 14.5 points per game       of any WNBA Head Coach in
  After     becoming      general    and 5.4 assists per game.            history with 231 wins, fifth all-
                                                                                                                    Kicks 12                          Inktober
manager in December of 2017,           Along with signing Damiris         time and most among women.                                                  Celebrate October by
Reeve has been in command as         Dantas who led the team with           Her 40 playoff wins is the              CAKE 13                           drawing something new
the Lynx rebuild after losing        a 39.3 three-point percentage,       most all-time, eight more than
                                                                                                                                                      Page 11
multiple players from their          9.2 points per game and 4.5          the next closest.                         Sports 14-16
dynasty including Lindsay            rebounds per game.             
Whalen to retirement and Maya          Reeve has dominated in the

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2                                                                                        NEWS                                                                        Oct. 3, 2019

Health fair to connect campus and
community, raise awareness
        Rita Offutt                                                                                                                      provide vision screenings.      cadets will also serve to
          Editor                                                                                                                         Representatives will be         ensure all participants are
  On Saturday, Oct. 6,                                                                                                                   present to speak about          able to enjoy a positive, fun
La Salle University is                                                                                                                   early detection of breast       and safe environment.
hosting the eigth Annual                                                                                                                 cancer and offer resources         TiRease            Holmes,
Health     Fair,   inviting                                                                                                              for those who want to           the     executive     director
both students and the                                                                                                                    know      more.      Beyond     of Residence Life and
neighborhood to come                                                                                                                     numerous health-focused         Community Engagement,
together to learn about                                                                                                                  opportunities, students and     said, “My hope and goal
personal wellness, disease                                                                                                               community members will          for this annual community
prevention and to further                                                                                                                be performing at the fair,      health fair is to offer the
La Salle’s partnership                                                                                                                   showcasing various talents.     opportunity [the chance]
with the community. The                                                                                                                     Additionally, the Explore    of prevention. A healthier
event, which is sponsored                                                                                                                Your Health committee has       community is a stronger and
by Aetna, will take place                                                                                                                invited the Rapping About       thriving community. This
in the parking lot of the                                                                                                                Prevention (RAP) team           is why we intentionally
Shoppes at La Salle starting                                                                                       La Salle University   to attend. This will be the     seek out a diverse set of
at 11 a.m. Specifically,         The Health Fair is an annual event that connects La Salle to the surrounding community of Olney.        first year RAP presents at      vendors both internally
the fair will be located                                                                                                                 the Health Fair, but they       and externally to share
in between the Public            providing a high quality          “[operating] with mutual           providing attendees with           are known for offering a        their expertise, shine the
Safety Headquarters and          event. The Explore Your           respect, compassion, and           information      pertaining        high-energy performance         light on issues and build
Beneficial Bank. All La          Health (EYH) team is made         inclusivity and work to            to their field. Returning          comprised of teamwork           awareness.”           Holmes
Salle students and staff         up of a group of students,        live those values in our           vendors     will     include       exercises, live rap, dance      believes the Public Health
are asked to move their          faculty,   staff,   campus        neighborhood         through       Zumba, a fire truck, Ed            performance, noteworthy         Fair is “the ideal opportunity
vehicles from this section       representatives, community        purposeful partnerships.”          Snyder Hockey, Remedy              facts and an appropriate        to bridge the gap between
of the parking lot between       members and leaders from          EYH works to promote               Spa Chair massages and             dose of humor.                  [the] community and [the]
6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4 and 6      various organizations who         solidarity and intends to use      La Salle nutrition and                Volunteers will include      university,       surrounding
p.m. Oct. 5.                     all function as part of an        the Health Fair to engage in       nursing students, some             students from La Salle’s        a topic that we can all
  The Explore Your Health        initiative of La Salle’s          healthy learning, snacking,        of whom will be taking             nutrition, nursing and          personally relate to, health,
team started planning            Community          Building       and screenings.                    attendees’ blood pressure.         public health majors as         Healthy Lifestyles, and
the Health Fair over             team.     Their     mission          This year, there will           There will be two mobile           well as student athletes.       well-being.”
the summer in hopes of           statement     focuses    on       be over 65 vendors                 screening vehicles; one will       The 35th Police District   

Nobel Prizes to be announced next week
         Jason Diaz              Theresa, Martin Luther            newspaper        erroneously       to win two Nobel Prizes,           announcements,          there   recordings never seen by
           Faculty               King, Jr.) have earned this       printed an obituary of             one in Chemistry and               will be two Explorer Café       most collectors, hundreds
   Next      week      marks     prestigious prize. Today, the     Alfred. In it, the authors         one in Physics. Scandals           events to explore the prizes    of covers of his songs,
an exciting time to              Nobel Prizes represent the        describe Alfred Nobel as a         of a #MeToo nature                 as a community with La          ephemera, movies, and
celebrate world-changing         pinnacle of achievement in        “merchant of death” who            surrounding the Literature         Salle faculty leading the       scholarly work done about
contributions to society - the   their respective fields. But      profited from the violence         selection committee caused         discussion. The first event,    Dylan and his works. There
announcement of this year’s      how did these awards come         of war and it celebrated           the announcement of that           which will explore the          are few places in academia
Nobel Prizes. While many         to be in the first place?         his mistaken passing. This         award to be postponed in           Physics, Chemistry and          where one can explore not
are familiar with the Peace         Alfred Nobel was a             shook Alfred to his core           2018.                              Literature Prizes, will         just the work of interest, i.e.
prize, fewer are aware that      Swedish         businessman,      and inspired him to work              Still, the Nobel Prizes         take place on Wednesday         Dylan’s music, but also the
there are several categories     inventor and philanthropist.      towards a better legacy.           are, by and large, exciting        Oct. 16 from 3:30 pm - 5        scholarly analysis of said
of Nobel Prizes awarded          Although        he      owned     That legacy took the form          celebrations of human              pm in the atrium of the         work in the same space.
each year: Physiology            hundreds of patents and           of the Nobel Prizes, funded        achievement. The identity          Holroyd Science Center.         I highly recommend you
and Medicine, Physics,           worked in several successful      by almost the entirety of          of the awardees is famously        The following day, Oct.         explore what the collection
Chemistry,         Literature,   business ventures, he is          his estate. Alfred Nobel           kept secret right until their      17, the Physiology and          has to offer. Inquiries can be
Economic Sciences and            most (in)famous for the           hoped that these prizes            announcement, so you never         Medicine,          Economic     made to Heather Willever-
Peace.      These     awards     invention of dynamite             would encourage people             really know what’s going           Sciences and Peace Prizes       Farr           (willeverfarr@
recognize       contributions    in 1867. This explosive           to strive towards research,        to happen. This year the           will be discussed from, the Special
that fundamentally alter         changed the landscape             technology, literature and         announcements will start           3:30 pm 5 pm in Founders        Collections Librarian, who
the course of innovation         of domestic ventures like         other efforts that would           next week, with one award          Hall 137. These events will     can arrange a tour for you,
and improve the human            mining and, of course,            inspire humanity to a better,      announced per weekday.             give you the opportunity        help you identify materials
condition. Some historical       war. Nobel is credited for        peace-filled world.                We begin on Monday Oct. 7          to learn more about the         of interest, and tell you
examples of the science          putting forth the idea of            The prizes have largely         with the prize in Physiology       prizes and discuss the broad    more about the other
awards include solving           deterrence, characterizing        lived up to that hope but          and Medicine, followed             significance of this year’s     special collections at the
the structure of DNA, the        his research into powerful        have not been without              by Physics, Chemistry,             awards.                         library. I also thank John
observation of gravitational     explosives as a means to          controversy or scandal.            Literature, Peace, and               Even if you miss the          Baky, University Librarian
waves, the discovery of          frighten humanity out of          Of the almost 600 Nobel            finally Economic Science           excitement      this    year,   Emeritus, for giving me
radioactive elements and         violence for fear of using        Prizes awarded in the              on Monday Oct .14.                 the La Salle community          a thorough tour of the
utilizing game-theory to         such deadly weapons. This         sciences, only 18 (3%) have        The Integrated Science,            has an intimate way of          Collection.
better understand conflict       would ultimately not be the       been awarded to women,             Business and Technology            appreciating the Nobel             I hope you will join in the
and cooperation. Authors         case for dynamite, but the        reflecticting    biases    in      program at La Salle will           Prize right on campus - the     excitement next week as the
renowned for their ability to    idea of deterrence was later      science disciplines. One of        be publishing a quick dive         Special Collection on Bob       Nobel Prizes are announced
transport us to new worlds       resurrected with the advent       last year’s awards in Physics      into each prize as they are        Dylan, housed in Connelly       and we celebrate singular
and challenge us to see          of nuclear explosives. In         was to Dr. Donna Strickland        announced next week -              Library. Bob Dylan won the      achievements         in    the
from new perspectives, like      his later years Nobel spoke       for her work in high-              follow it on Twitter and           Nobel Prize in Literature in    humanities and the sciences.
the recently deceased Toni       out against military conflict,    intensity, low-pulse lasers.       Instagram @ISBTian for             2016 “for having created        Let us all honor the legacy
Morrison, are common in          but his decades of work in        She is the third woman to          the updates. You can learn         new poetic expressions          that Alfred Nobel hoped
the Literature Award. The        producing weapons of war          ever be awarded a Nobel            more about the awards, and         within the great American       to leave behind - a legacy
Peace Prize is often the most    would paint him a hypocrite.      Prize in Physics. It is worth      follow the announcements,          song tradition.” The special    of striving for a brighter
notable and many famous          When his brother, Ludvig,         noting that a woman, Marie         at              collection houses thousands     tomorrow.
historical figures (Mother       died in 1888 a French             Curie, was the first person           Following              the      of artifacts including vinyl           

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                                                                         Email Jon Mains, our business manager:                                                                                    @TheLSUCollegian
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Oct. 3, 2019                                                                             NEWS                                                                                                3

La Salle Public Who let
Safety holds town the dogs
hall to address   out?
safety concerns
                                                                                                                                                 Bianca Abbate           Luckily, he went back into
                                                                                                                                                     Editor              the woods soon after that,”
                                                                                                                                                                         Loughlin said. “It’s just a
                                                                                                                                              Step aside, squirrels.     shame, because it clearly
                                                                                                                                           The University has some       used to be someone’s dog.
                                                                                                                                           new furry friends on          He’s neutered. I hate to
         SAFETY                  acknowledged that such                                                                                    campus, except they are       think he used to have a
       FROM FRONT                problems are a “supervisory                                                                               not so friendly. Over the     home and now he’s just out
    The next question            issue,” as La Salle Public                                                                                past couple of weeks,         there fending for himself.”
focused on the presence          Safety has repeatedly made                                                                                several La Salle students      Another junior townhouse
of a Public Safety officer       commitments to pick up                                                                                    have reported seeing wild     resident Mary Kate Fasy
near St. Miguel Court –          students as needed. Guthorn                                                                               dogs as they were walking     was walking home with
an officer is present daily      further encouraged the                                                                                    towards      St.     Miguel   her roommate when she
from 10 p.m. until 8 a.m.        student body to email Public                                                                              Townhouses.                   had her own scare. She
Soufleris then addressed         Safety about such concerns.                                                                                Junior townhouse resident    says that when she saw
the lack of adherence to the     Chris Tomlinson, a resident                                                                               Casey Wischusen was           that there was a white
on-campus parking policy,        assistant in St. George Hall,                                                                             walking back to the           dog lurking around in the
detailing how parking is a       expressed his deep frustration                                                                            townhouses on Clarkson        grassy area in front of the
multidivisional initiative       with on-campus safety and                                                                                 Ave. when she was met         Anselm Hall building, she
and she stated that “there       the lack of administrative                                                                                with surprise by a white      froze in her tracks. Having
are times when safety and        response led him to                                                                                       mutt.      According     to   been attacked by two dogs
security issues rise above       contemplate       transferring                                                                            Wischusen, the dog started    on two separate occasions
ticketing cars for parking.”     out of La Salle. Guthorn                                                                                  to act aggressively towards   in her childhood, Fasy was
When asked how La Salle          responded,        articulating                                                                            her and was barking           nervous to continue on
intends to work with the         that the university “did not                                                                              loudly. Wischusen backed      the path. She remarked,
community to make sure           [reduce] the number of public                                                            Rita Offutt      away slowly, but the dog      “I’m a total dog lover,
everyone feels welcome           safety officers on campus.”      University administrators and Philadelphia police officer Ransom         looked as if it were about    but it’s really frustrating
on campus, Soufleris             Soufleris also responded         field questions from students during the town hall.                      to jump or run toward         and genuinely scary that
discussed Public Safety          to Tomlinson’s question,         resident of the St. Miguel         shots being fired nearby              her. Wischusen promptly       when I’m walking home,
Officers’ new visibility         specifically explaining why      townhouses asked the final         and…alone in the dark.”               warned her housemates         I have to worry that I
vests and the subsequent         students have replaced           question of the evening,           In contrast, Bredan Funk              and said, “I’ve never had a   could potentially have an
increased engagement with        security team members at         seeking to understand if the       and Ricky Whitmore,                   bad experience with dogs,     interaction with one of
the community. The next          residence hall reception         third year housing policy          both of whom are juniors              and I really thought I was    the dogs that could result
question addressed the           desks. She said that La Salle    would remain in place even         living in the townhouses,             going to get seriously        in one of my friends or
lack of security cameras         “reduced the money [being        after a student was robbed at      both reported feeling safe            hurt.”                        myself getting hurt.” Fasy
and officer presence at          paid] to Allied and put it       gunpoint outside St. Miguel.       when they are on campus.               Senior communication         wanted to take a different
student-frequented SEPTA         into student lines” because      Soufleris said, “Despite this      Freshman         commuter             major and Wister Court        route to her townhouse, but
stops. Ransom responded          there are “fewer complaints      incident this year...the other     student Charlie Bristol               resident Elyssa Loughlin      luckily a nearby car scared
that he would personally         about the service from           things that happened last          echoed their sentiments,              has also had several run-     away the dog and the two
be reaching out to SEPTA         other students...because our     year were off campus... [and]      expressing that he feels              ins with the dog. “He once    were able to get back to
to see if they are willing to    students are invested at being   I still believe strongly that it   safe on campus as well.               approached me with his        their townhouse safely.
make adjustments.                there.” Multiple sources         is safer to live on campus         Freshman           resident           tail wagging and tounge        One source said that
  Finally, Soufleris addressed   close to Tomlinson have          than it is to live off campus.”    Destiny Bell said her                 out, so I said ‘hi,’ and he   the white dog had been
a question about the             confirmed that he firmly         La Salle will be moving            feelings on on-campus                 just started barking at me.   reported to animal control
potential for La Salle to        intends to transfer out of La    forward with the third year        safety “depends on if it              There were tons of people     weeks ago, but as of
have an on-campus police         Salle. Luke Fey spoke next,      housing policy.                    is nighttime or daytime.”             around, but none of us        Tuesday, Oct. 1, the beast
force, saying La Salle has       bringing up concerns on the          Elizabeth McLaughlin,          Bell, who attended the                were able to move because     remains in the woods.
a “very strong partnership       lack of lighting on various      a member of the Class of           town hall, said “[the town            we were so scared.     
with Ransom and [the]            pathways       on    campus.     2022, took issue with the          hall] should have opened
35th district and [the] 14th     Guthorn encouraged Fey           decision to do so, saying,         up to questions from the
district...[which are the]
two prescincts that watch
over La Salle.” Furthmore,
                                 to participate in a lighting
                                 walk around, which is when
                                 various university officials
                                                                  “The university’s main
                                                                  defense of the new three-
                                                                  year housing policy is
                                                                                                     jump…I don’t think a
                                                                                                     lot of people [felt] their
                                                                                                     voices [were] heard.”
                                                                                                                                                  La Salle Public
Soufleris stated that La
Salle’s      “public    safety
                                 walk La Salle’s campus to
                                 discuss and ensure proper
                                                                  that staying on campus
                                                                  is safer. Taking such an
                                                                                                     Junior resident student
                                                                                                     August Sodano said he
                                                                                                                                                  Safety Weekly
officers have a different        lighting. Another student        immediate approach to a            still “feels incredibly
level of engagement” which       asked about the possibility      long-term problem is only          unsafe on campus.” Emily
make them better suited to       of a student escort system,      angering the student body          Weintraut, a resident at St.
care for the community.          given the concerns about         and will likely do little to       Miguel, said, “Based on
  After discussing the pre-      Public Safety’s practices.       reduce crime in the area.”         my previous experiences, I
submitted questions, Allen       Guthorn said a student             Student response to the          don’t trust La Salle Public               Sunday, Sept. 22            Saturday, Sept. 28
opened the floor for live        escort system is “a great        Public Safety Town Hall            Safety at all.” Marabella                 6:00 p.m.—                  9:00 p.m.—
student questions. Seven         opportunity to be a              was varied. Sophomre               DeBonventura, who lives                   On Tuesday, Sept.           A      liquor   law
questions from students were     student-driven initiative.”      Audrey Walker said that            off campus, stated that she             24, a case of theft         violation that took
heard. The first came from       The        next       student    she feels “forced to walk          did not attend the town                 was     reported    to      place in St. Jerome
Lauren Rosenberg, who            questioned why students          to and from the subway             hall because “I know that               the University that         Hall was reported
asked if any action would        do not receive updates           station by myself because          [the administration] is                 occurred on the 1900        to Public Safety on
be taken to improve the          about the resolution of          the shuttle is unpredictable       not going to do anything                block of W Olney Ave        Monday, Sept. 30.
shuttle system. Rosenberg        safety violations. Ransom        and sometimes runs 30              about student concerns.”                at apporoximately 6pm
was directed to email Public     explained that his office        minutes off schedule, and            Students are encouraged               two days prior.
Safety. A member of the          is limited in their ability      the escort system feels            to email Public Safety,
water polo team spoke next,      to offer resolution updates      inaccessible because the           Guthorn      or    Soufleris              Tuesday, Sept. 24            Sunday, Sept. 29
bringing to light the team’s     because of privacy laws          people are rude and not            with further questions or                 11:11 a.m.—                  5:30 p.m.—
concerns about Public Safety     but assured students he          timely. [I have walked             concerns.                                 There      was       a       A case report was
officers denying students’       would look into remedying        alone off-campus] when               case of trespassing         filed on Monday, Sept.
requested escorts. Guthorn       the situation. A sophomore       there were reports of                                                      that    occurred      in    30 for an occurrence
                                                                                                                                             the           Lawrence      of theft that took place
  CORRECTION:                                                                                                                                Administration Building;    in St. George Hall on
  On Sept. 26, the Collegian erroneously reported that some student organization budgets were cut for the 2019-2020                          the disposition has         Sept. 29.
academic year. No student organization budgets were reduced; all other reductions and cuts noted in the article are                          since been closed.
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4                                                                                      NEWS                                                                               Oct. 3, 2019

Budget cuts lead administrators
to make creative solutions
      Jacob Garwood               to offering some courses          already offers, including       these are now all provided         hall has
                                                                                                                                       “gone to
          Editor                  every      other      semester    focuses of adult gerontology    by the lab fees. Science
                                  to build up demand.”              and family primary care         students know that stirring
   In August, La Salle               The solution is not a new      nurse practitioner programs.    hot plates that either don’t
University        told      the   one, and many departments            This year was also the       heat or don’t stir have been

                                                                                                                                       the dogs”
Philadelphia Inquirer that        have already operated under       first time that students with   a common sight in labs.
it had met 91 percent of          such a scheduling strategy        science majors were charged     Stirring hotplates are not
its enrollment goal. The          with little negative effect       a different amount of money     cheap, basic models from
decline in the freshman           on students. Looking at the       to attend La Salle than those   ThermoFisher        Scientific
class was a part of a larger      University Catalogue, for         in other majors. The variable   start around $300 each.
demographic trend in the          instance, shows that this         tuition, in the form of         Outdated       and    broken                   DOGS                     those students who live
Northeast, where many             tactic has been employed by       science lab fees of $100 per    equipment like this has                   FROM FRONT                    on campus and have
colleges experienced lower        departments that offer some       course, was implemented         been      replaced,    where          Assistant director for            approved ESA dogs that
enrollment as a result of         classes every other semester      for the Fall 2019 semester      possible, with the lab fees.       campus activities Mina               fit the breed requirements
fewer students graduating         or every other year. Barnett      after almost two years of          Cichowicz also said             Koller is happy to work              of St. George Hall so they
high school. At La Salle,         said of the change that           planning. Charging science      that the lab fees will             at a University that is              can too, enjoy the new
this trend has had an             “students still get the courses   majors a higher tuition         allow for the purchasing           investing in the wellbeing           amenities.”
immediate        consequence      they need, benefit from the       rate is not uncommon;           of capital equipment.              of its students and staff.              After the ribbon cutting,
for the university budget.        varying perspectives that         Penn State charges junior       He said that previously,           “[St. George] is such an             there were dog treats
Departments all across            come with a more robust           and senior science majors       “There were really no              actual investment in the             provided for all pups in
campus       are     operating    class size, and we save           about $2000 more per year       funds being allocated              mental health of students            attendance, and there was
under       modified       and    on instructional costs.”          than humanities students;       towards purchasing bigger          and staff. It’s nice to work         a doggy-themed raffle as
reduced budgets, including           Kathleen         Czekanski,    Saint Joseph’s University       pieces of equipment.”              at a place where you see             the attendees, both dog
academic         departments.     Dean of the School of             charges a per lab fee of        The      lab    fees    have       people taking active steps           and human, mingled. “It
   In the School of Arts and      Nursing       and        Health   $250; Villanova University      instituted a fund which            toward lasting solutions             was really awesome to
Sciences, the decreased           Sciences, said that their         doesn’t charge science          can be used to purchase            to address the growing               see how many students
budgets led the Dean’s            efforts to mitigate budget        majors more, but their          these larger and more              mental health concerns of            and staff were there,”
office to come up with            cuts have focused around          base tuition is $54,550.        expensive        instruments       students.” Koller added              assistant director for
creative solutions that           “evaluating the efficiencies         There are over 900 seats     used by science labs in            that “students were really           campus activities Mina
ensure students are not           of our operations while           full in the lab courses for     both the event that current        excited about getting to             Koller said. “We truly
impacted by the cuts.             keeping a focus on                chemistry, biology, physics,    equipment needs replaced           see all the dogs that day. It        are a dog-friendly and
Pamela Barnett, Dean of the       outcomes and the quality of       environmental science and       or      that     departments       warmed my heart.” Aside              dog-loving campus, and
School of Arts and Sciences,      the educational experience        integrated science business     need      new,     additional      from providing emotional             getting to see that many
said, “Ultimately our goal        for our students.” Czekanski      and      technology.     That   instruments. For instance,         support, Soufleris also              people come together was
was to cut back on costs          also explained that one way       amount translates to over       a gas chromatography               believes that the dog-               great.”
while maintaining academic        the school will account           $90,000 collected from lab      mass spectrometer, which           friendly hall will teach                With the residence hall
quality.” The solutions           for shifting budgets and          fees, which is a considerably   is commonly used in                its residents a few new              opening off to a smooth
revolved around changing          class sizes is by looking at      large pool of money; science    many science labs, can             lessons. “Pet ownership              start,     the   University
when and how different            the potential for increased       equipment, however, is          range in price anywhere            [sic] teaches owners how             is looking to grow its
courses might be offered.         enrollment in graduate            expensive. According to         from $5,000 to $100,000.           to be responsible for the            dog population over the
   Barnett explained that         work. Czekanski said “we          David Cichowicz, Associate         Editor’s note: This article     care of an animal, time              next year. “In Fall 2020,
they “worked with the             have just launched a new          Dean of the School of Arts      is the second in an ongoing        management and helps                 freshmen will be able to
department       chairs      to   Psychiatric Mental Health         and Sciences and Professor      series that examines the           individuals connect with             apply and bring their dog
consider how to more              Nurse Practitioner program        of Chemistry, the lab           university-wide budget cut         others.”                             with them and reside in
efficiently schedule courses.     this fall that is attracting a    fees are “supporting the        implemented this year and             There are currently three         St. George,” Soufleris
We imagined solutions             lot of interest.” The new         functioning of the labs.”       seeks to understand what           dogs living in St. George,           told      the    Collegian.
ranging from combining            program is joining other             Students in lab courses      impacts the cut will have          including “our newest                “We are really excited
under-enrolled         courses,   existing options in the           previously had to purchase      on the student experience          ‘pup-scot’ Angus the                 about sharing this with
sections with only a handful      master of science in nursing      their own goggles, lab          at La Salle.                       Explorer,” Soufleris said.           prospective students.”
of students registered,           option that the University        notebooks and manuals;      “We are also opening up                
                                                                                                                                       access to the dog-friendly

     Lasallian Jubilee Year                                                                                                            lounge and dog park to

  Symposium: Schedule of Events
                                                                    Keynote Presentation with Dr.
                                                                    David Kirkland
                                                                     12:30–1:30 p.m.
                                                                     Founders’ Hall Auditorium

                                                                     1:30–2:30 p.m.,                                                                                                  Angela Polec via Twitter
                                                                     Founders’ Hall Atrium                                             President Colleen Hanycz addresses an audience of press, students,
                                                                     Note:RSVP Tickets received after Keynote event                    faculty, staff and furry friends at the St. George ribbon cutting.

     To mark the 300th anniversary of St.                           Labyrinth
                                                                     11 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
   John Baptiste De La Salle’s death, Pope                           De La Salle Chapel

  Francis designated 2019 as the Lasallian                          Interfaith Evening Prayer
                                                                     4 p.m.
  Jubilee Year. To celebrate, the University                         De La Salle Chapel, College Hall

   is holding a symposium under the name                            Spoken Word Workshop with The
                                                                     Peace Poets
     “Engaging an Uncomfortable World:                               5–6:15 p.m.
                                                                     McShain Boardroom (Room 219), La Salle Union
  Lasallian Universities as Communities of                           Note: Workshop by invitation only

 Transformation.” The jubilee is to be held Performance by The Peace Poets
                                                                     7:30–8:30 p.m.
                  on Tuesday, Oct. 8. .                              Dan Rodden Theatre, Union Building                                                                         Pamela Barnett via Twitter
                                                                     Note: Dessert bar to follow performance.                          Assistant Dean of Arts and Sciences David Chickowicz makes a
                                                                                                                                       furry friend on “Bring your Dog to Work Day.”
La Salle University Digital Commons - La Salle University
Oct. 3, 2019                                                                         POLITICS                                                                                                     5

China celebrates the seventieth
anniversary of its government
The People’s Republic of China shows off its might
     Yitbarek Demesie             of the military equipment          need to uphold peaceful            Kong in cracking down               relationship, in which Hong         agreement Britain and China
           Staff                  was on public display for the      reunification     and     one      on demonstrations. Eswar            Kong is granted a special           signed was called “One
                                  first time, according to South     country, two systems,              Prasad, a professor of trade        status. The demonstrations          Country, Two Systems.”
   China has celebrated           Morning China’s post.              protect     the     long-term      policy at Cornell University,       started out when Hong               The agreement led to the
its 70th anniversary of the          Even though the grand           stability of Hong Kong             told CNBC, “I think the             Kong’s leader announced             autonomy that Hong Kong
founding of the People’s          spectacle            continued     and Macau, promote the             escalation of protests on           a bill that will enable Hong        enjoys but the deal will expire
Republic of china and             throughout       China,    the     peaceful development of            the day of the anniversary          Kong to extradite suspected         in 2047, making Hong Kong
Communist Party. A grand          climate in Hong Kong was           the cross-strait relationship,     celebrations has already            criminals to mainland China,        fully integrated with China
lavish military parade was        quite different. The annual        unite all Chinese people           tested Beijing’s patience           to be tried either in Taiwan or     by that time. The protestors
held in Tiananmen square on       fireworks      display     was     and continue to push for           and the situation now seems         mainland China.                     express their concern saying
Oct. 1 2019. It is the largest    cancelled in Hong Kong as          complete unification of the        ripe for Beijing to stage a            The protestors see this          China is unwilling to wait
military parade yet in China’s    a result of anti-government        motherland.”                       direct intervention.”               move as a threat to Hong            until 2047 and is already
history.                          protests.                             Some      experts     have         This      comes     amid         Kong’s special autonomous           strengthening its grip.
   Among some of the                 In his speech, President        voiced their concerns, as          rising tensions among               status that it was given               China has framed the
military equipment displayed      Xi Jingping, said, “No force       Chinese National Day is            demonstrators and Hong              back in 1997 when it was            demonstration as terrorism,
at the parade is a massive        can stop the Chinese people.       over, Beijing could take           Kong’s police. China and            transferred from Britain’s          foreign      influence      and
Dongfeng            41(DF-41)     On our way forward, we             a harder line on Hong              Beijing have a special              colonial rule to China. The         possible foreign intervention.
intercontinental        nuclear                                                                                                                                                 This past week, an 18-year-
missile, unmanned and WZ-8                                                                                                                                                      old protestor was shot by the
supersonic reconnaissance                                                                                                                                                       police while demonstrating
drones, deep sea drones and                                                                                                                                                     and attacking a police officer.
other conventional weapons                                                                                                                                                      He is the first protestor to be
and missiles.                                                                                                                                                                   shot by police despite the
   According to a BBC                                                                                                                                                           violent nature of the protests.
translation, President Xi                                                                                                                                                          Police said in a press-
Jinping led the ceremonies                                                                                                                                                      conference that he is
with a speech, “It was today                                                                                                                                                    recieving medical attention
70 years ago, Chairman Mao                                                                                                                                                      and will be charged with
stood before this very place                                                                                                                                                    assaulting a police officer
and announced solemnly the                                                                                                                                                      once he recovers. No word
founding of the people of                                                                                                                                                       on his current condition was
China.”                                                                                                                                                                         mentioned.
   In what is seen as a display                                                                                                                                                    While it remains to
of power and military might,                                                                                                                                                    be seen if Hong Kong
15,000 personnel attended the                                                                                                                                                   protestors’ demands will
parade. In the meticulously                                                                                                                                                     be met, the elaborate 70th
organized showcas tanks,                                                                                                                                                        celebration of the Chinese
aircrafts and 580 pieces of                                                                                                                                                     Communist Party was
military equipment were                                                                                                                                                         overshadowed by unrest in
rolled. 160 aircrafts flew                                                                                                                  Andy Wong/Associated Press          Hong Kong.
overhead where 40 percent         Chinese President Xi Jinping gives a toast after giving a speech celebrating 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.       

High risk home loans might cause strain
     Thomas Cahalan               and political appointees,          to Urban Institute data. As        it in a manner that isn’t           mortgages. The Federal              have some insurance against
         Editor                   who advocated for the              for the Federal Housing            sustainable and it’s putting        Housing Finance Agency,             future losses. However, this
                                  government to intervene            Administration        (FHA),       more people at risk,” said          as well as the Department           process will take about a
   The federal government         when homeownership rates           57 percent of the loans it         David Stevens, a former             of Housing and Urban                year to fully enact and these
has increased its exposure        declined several years ago.        insured rose to high-risk          commissioner of the Federal         Development, continued to           alterations to the current
to mortgages deemed risky,        Numerous         government        status, which jumped at a          Housing       Administration        allow Fannie and Freddie            system could cause further
as federal officials over         officials, originating in the      rate of 38 percent two years       who      administered       the     to increase their exposure          disruptions to the housing
the past four years have          Obama         administration,      prior.                             Mortgage             Bankers        to risky loans during the           market. One disruption to
initiated steps to clear the      believed that the private             Current trends of the           Association until last year.        Trump           administration.     the market that could occur
way for companies to issue        market would take over             high-risk lending binge            “Competition, particularly          While current White House           is that this change in policy
loans that most borrowers         the management of these            has put some executives            in certain market conditions,       officials have not directly         would make it even more
will likely not be able to        mortgages.                         and regulators on edge.            can lead to a false narrative,      pushed for the change               expensive to buy homes,
repay.                               In the current year of          They believe the trend will        like ‘housing will never go         in     mortgage         policies,   which would most likely
   Currently, Fannie Mae,         2019, there is now more            become more serious if             down’ or ‘you will never            observers of the issue argue        create a tough political
Freddie Mac and the Federal       government backed housing          the economy continues to           lose on mortgages.’ ”               they have done little to stop       dynamic for the upcoming
Housing       Administration      debt than at any other             display a weak performance            The     risky     situation      the change.                         general election as well.
guarantee about $7 trillion       point in the history of the        or slide into a recession,         is a direct unintended                 The White House has not             “Certainly, I think we do
in mortgage-related debt,         United States, according           which more economists              consequence of the steps            designated the mortgage risk        need to be concerned overall
which is 33 percent more          to data collected by the           are      predicting     could      taken more than a decade            issue as a top priority due to      about some of the risk that’s
than before the housing           Urban Institute. Taxpayers         happen within a year. Two          ago in response to the 2008         the current impeachment             in the mortgage market,”
crisis, which is based off of     shoulder much of the risk,         Freddie Mac officials told         financial crisis, which itself      situation.                          said Mark Calabria, director
company and government            while homeowners continue          a government inspector             stemmed from excessive                 In response to the               of the Federal Housing
data. Since these entities        to face debt payments that         earlier this year that some        mortgage lending and a              situation,                Trump     Finance Agency (FHFA),
are managed by the US             amount to nearly half of           of the loans they had been         broad national effort on            administration officials are        which is the organization
government, a large increase      their monthly income,              pushed to buy already              boosting homeownership.             searching for the means             that oversees Fannie Mae
in loan defaults could            which is considered by             carried a high risk of                Democrats           pushed       to release Fannie Mae               and Freddie Mac. “There are
potentially cost taxpayers        experts to be too steep.           default, which would see           for regulations on risky            and Freddie Mac from                some patches in the housing
hundreds of billions of              Around 30 percent of            the risk drastically increase      lending, but administration         government control. The             market that are going to hit
dollars.                          loans guaranteed by Fannie         if the economy slows down.         regulators from the Obama           Trump administration has            some turbulence if there’s a
   This risk is derived from      Mae last year went beyond             “There is a point here          administration were later           started to initiate its response    downturn.”
the direct result of pressure     this level. This percentage        where, in an effort to create      persuaded by Fannie Mae             by allowing the two firms   
created by the lending            of loans went up around 14         access to homeownership,           and Freddie Mac toward              to hold on to most of their
industry, consumer groups         percent in 2016, according         you may actually be doing          implementing            riskier     current capital in order to
La Salle University Digital Commons - La Salle University
6                                                  EDITORIAL                                                             Oct. 3, 2019

  THE LA SALLE                                             Collegian Editorial
        est. 1931
 Editor-in-chief      Jacob Garwood
                                                          A record number of students
                   voted in 2018; let’s keep the
 Managing Editor      Bianca Abbate
                                                           momentum going in 2019
 Business Manager     Jonathan Mains                            The 2018 midterm elections saw a record voter turnout, especially among
                                                             college students. The National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement
                        published by the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education at Tufts
 Head Copy Editor     Karen Kerwick                          University reports that 39.1 percent of students at participant schools voted in
                                                             2018. That compares to a meager 19.7 percent just four years earlier in 2014.
                      La Salle has reason to be especially proud; our 2018 voting rate was 41.4
                                                             percent, which is higher than the national average. That rate is up 23 percent
 News Editors         Elyssa Loughlin                        from the 2014 election, and gives testament to the La Salle student body’s
                                                             commitment to civic engagement. Perhaps just as impressive, 74.2 percent of
                             La Salle students were registered to vote in 2018.
                                                                One interesting result of the study showed that of students who voted,
                      Rita Offutt                            87.3 percent voted in person on election day, while the remainder of voting
                       students used absentee, early voting or mail-in ballots to cast their votes. What
                                                             some La Salle students do not realize is that by virtue of going to school in
 Commentary Editors Alina Snopkowski                         Philadelphia, students have the right to register to vote in Philadelphia, using
                                                             either their residence hall address at 1900 W Olney Ave. or their off-campus
                   residence. All the law requires is that voters must have been citizens of the
                                                             United States for at least one month, and a resident of the district in which
                      Jackie Anderson                        they register for at least 30 days before the election. All La Salle students with
                        US citizenship meet this requirement, since resident and off-campus students
                                                             have been residing in Philadelphia since at least Aug. 26, 2019 when our fall
 Politics Editor      Thomas Cahalan                         semester started.
                                                                While national politics are glamorous and filled with lofty arguments of
                      rights and liberties, economic philosophy and partisan conflicts, the decisions
 Features Editors     Julie Wood                             that affect our daily lives are made at the local and state levels. Did you park
                                                             on 19th Street for two hours and five minutes and receive a parking ticket?
                        That’s not President Trump’s fault. The Philadelphia Parking Authority is a
                                                             state agency, with Governor Tom Wolf appointing the Board of Directors.
                      Elizabeth Rafter                          Upset that soda costs twice as much at the Fresh Grocer when compared to
                                                             your grocery store at home? That’s not Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s fault. Blame
                       the Philadelphia City Council and Mayor Jim Kenney, a La Salle graduate of
 A & E Editors        Jakob Eiseman                          the class of 1980.
                                                                Unhappy with the taste of your tap water, sometimes facetiously known
                      as “Schuykill Punch?” Chief Justice John Roberts can’t help you out. The
                                                             Philadelphia Water Department, a city utility, is responsible for providing
                      Jackie Anderson                        clean tap water to the entire city.
                                                                Feel unsafe walking around the corner of Chew Ave. and Uber St.? Believe
                        it or not, that is not La Salle Public Safety’s fault. The Philadelphia Police
 Kicks Editor         Emily Weintraut                        Department (PPD) is responsible for policing the off-campus areas adjacent
                                                             to La Salle. Casting a broad net as to why there is crime in the community
                    around La Salle, one might find a poor educational system, over-policing and
                                                             mass incarceration to be a few of the many potential causes crime exists in the
 CAKE Editor          Claire Kunzier                         city of Philadelphia.
                                                                Taking each of those in turn, the city and Pennsylvania are both heavily
                      responsible for the School District of Philadelphia, ensuring that schools are
 Sports Editor        Steven Silvestro                       adequately funded and providing a quality education — two areas that often
                                                             fall short for our city’s public schools. Again, that bears heavy responsibility
                    for issues of policing and mass incarceration. The city has oversight on the
                                                             PPD and the Philadelphia District Attorney directly controls incarceration
                                                             rates by determining who to prosecute and how.

         Staff and Copy Editors
                                                                The issues of school funding and mass incarceration are arguably linked;
                                                             if a zealous district attorney pursues vast quantities of convictions, prison
                                                             populations will increase dramatically. Throwing people in prison is expensive,
                                                             very expensive. And high prison populations put a strain on a state’s limited
  Nikoleta Barboni     Nicole Lauria                         resources, some of which must be allocated towards education.
  Chris Camacho        Sam Long                                 Local elections matter. The men and women that we will elect this
                                                             November to the Philadelphia City Council and the Mayor’s office will enact
  Sean Cornely         Monica Murray                         legislation and ordinances that impact our daily lives. Those we select to be
  Mackenzie Cyr        William O’Brien IV                    our judges will have immense powers over us. Judges literally oversee the
                                                             removal of liberty, property and even life from those who come before them
  Christina DeLullo    Anthony Pantalone                     in court. Other offices, such as city commissioner, sheriff and register of wills,
                                                             are equally important in their own right.
  Yitbarek Demise      Rayna Patel                              La Salle students did right last year by turning out to the polls in record
  Emilee Desmond       Rachael Riccio                        numbers, but it is now time to capitalize on that success and turn out for the
                                                             often-overlooked city elections. The deadline to register is very soon: Oct. 7,
  Sarah Hanlon         Tyler Small                           2019. Everyone should ensure that they are registered ahead of that deadline;
  Thomas Harris        Jamie Smith                           any citizen who lives in a residence hall or off-campus should consider
                                                             registering to vote at their campus address. Not only is it more convenient to
  Nolen Kelly          Jon Stauffer                          vote in person here in Philadelphia, but it is the decisions of this Philadelphia
                                                             government that impact our daily lives and we should exercise our political
  Sean Kelly           Josh Warner                           voice in shaping that government.
  Mary Kraus           James Wister
  Gia Lanci            Alex Wilson                       Letters, guest columns and opinion pieces will be considered for publication provided
                                                         that they meet with the editorial standards of The Collegian and fit the allotted space. All
                                                         letters must be signed and received by the end of the day Tuesday to be considered for the

Submit letters to the editor by emailing                 current issue. The Collegian reserves the right to condense or edit submissions. Weekly
                                                         editorials reflect the views of the editorial staff and are not representative of the university                          or necessarily the views of the rest of the Collegian’s staff. Columns and cartoons reflect
                                                         the views of the respective writers and artists.
La Salle University Digital Commons - La Salle University
Oct. 3, 2019                                                                COMMENTARY                                                                                                   7

Why the last weekend of September is very
important for the Puerto Rican community
    Christian Camacho            Humacao and San Juan.           electricity outages have
            Staff                Depending on what part          increased more than what
                                 of the city you go to, you      they already were before
   This past weekend,            can get an idea of how the      Hurricane Maria struck.
the Puerto Ricans in             people were raised based        Homes were destroyed
Philadelphia celebrated the      upon how they celebrate         and       beaches         were
Puerto Rican Day parade.         the parade. The food at         tarnished. Families were
This parade takes place on       these parades are out of        separated in the aftermath
the last weekend of every        this world. Prices range        because they could no
September in different           from one to three dollars,      longer bear to be on the
neighborhoods        around      and you can get anything        island of Puerto Rico.
Philadelphia. One of the         from chicken on a stick,           Puerto Rico received
most famous, in the opinion      which is what we call           such little help and many
of many Puerto Ricans that       a Pincho, or something          critics say that this is due to
live within the northern         called a pastelito, which       the Jones Act of the United
part    of    Philadelphia,      is called empanadas in          States. The Jones Act
is the long strip that is        other Hispanic areas;           states that any territory or
at the intersection of           it is basically chicken         state within the US cannot
Second      and     Lehigh.      wrapped in dough and it         receive any outside help at                                                                                      Visit Philadelphia
   At the parades, you                                                                             This year’s Puerto Rican Parade was held on Sunday, Sept. 29.
                                 is extremely delicious.         all. This proved to be very
can find a wide variety            However,            when      devastating for the citizens
of Puerto Rican flags            Hurricane Maria hit Puerto      of Puerto Rico because,           themselves revive their         resigned from his position,     cases that have been held
for sale and stapled onto        Rico two years ago, it          even with all the help that       spirits as to what hit their    and after the turmoil the       within the US in regards to
long pieces of plywood.          seemed that the Puerto          they are receiving from the       home so harshly. Over           Puerto Rican government         Puerto Rico, it seems that
Growing up in the northern       Rican Day parade had            US government, it still is        the summer, Puerto Rico         had calmed down, citizens       statehood is possible as it
part of Philadelphia, going      taken a different stance        not enough for them to go         held massive protests           of Puerto Rico and Puerto       is in the best interest for
to these Puerto Rican Day        on celebrating the Puerto       on with their daily lives.        in regard to Governor           Ricans in Philadelphia          the citizens in Puerto Rico.
parades was one of the           Rican culture. It was seen         After the hurricane hit,       Ricardo Rosselló. Protests      finally felt that justice       The years are numbered
highlights of any young          that everybody had come         everybody came together           were in regards to the          had       been     served.      until Puerto Rico is
Puerto Rican child’s year.       together as one. Videos         as one in Philadelphia,           governor’s text messages           After the recent events      considered a US state, and
At different parades that        have circulated on social       and shared with each other        being released and shown        that have happened in           once that happens, issues,
are held across the city,        media of communities in         stories and memories              to the public as to how he      Puerto Rico, the question       such as Hurricane Maria,
you get a different feel of      Puerto Rico supporting          of their time when they           held the situation in Puerto    then stems to if Puerto         can be resolved more
Puerto Rican culture itself.     one another. Close to           were in Puerto Rico. Each         Rico, how poorly it was         Rico should be considered       efficiently and less deaths
   Puerto Rico is home           3,000 people have died in       year, the parades get more        handled and how careless        a state and a part of the       would      be     occurring.
to many different towns          the horrific hurricane that     and more important as             he was to the citizens          US.     However,     upon 

such as Ponce, Yabucoa,          hit Puerto Rico, and the        the island and the people         of Puerto Rico. After he        multiple Supreme Court

The true definition of treason in America
The meaning is much more complex than many believe
       Sarah Hanlon              them, or in adhering to
           Staff                 their enemies, giving them
                                 aid and comfort. No person
   I remember when reports       shall be convicted of treason
of Trump’s dealings with         unless on the testimony of
the President of Ukraine         two witnesses to the same
came to light, my sister         overt act, or confession in
complained        that     the   open court.” Chief Justice
President had committed          John Marshall further
treason. The President           established in 1807 that
himself also cried treason       treason must be a physical
following      the      recent   act: “Conspiracy is not
whistleblower          report,   treason. To conspire to levy
saying, “Who’s the person        war, and actually to levy
that gave the whistleblower      war, are distinct offences.”
the information? Because         Basically, the only way
that’s close to spy.” Trump      for a US citizen to commit
continued, “You know             true treason against the
what we used to do in the        United States is to commit
old days, when we were           an act of war against the                                                                                                                                  Reuters
smart, right? The spies and      US, or provide physical         Trump and others have used the word “treason” improperly.
treason? We used to handle       support for a US enemy
it a little differently than     with the purpose of starting
we do now.” The words            or aiding an anti-US war.       to    charge     individuals      the end goal of drastically     is officially at peace with     different laws). The person
“traitor” and “treason”             The term “enemy” is          with treason during the           damaging the national           these countries. Unless         who filed the whistleblower
have lost their legal weight,    also closely defined by the     Cold War, which was not           government        and    the    a war breaks out, it is not     report also did not commit
becoming watered-down            US government to be a           a physical war between            order and stability that it     legally possible for US         treason (but that is not even
versions of themselves used      nation or an organization       the US and the Soviet             provides. Logistics aside, it   citizens to commit treason      in violation of any US laws
for political mudslinging.       with which the United           Union. Even the famous            is difficult to commit under    while aiding these nations.     because it went through
I feel as though my sister,      States is in a declared or      Rosenbergs — who were             legal definitions. In 2019,        So as much as Democrats      proper procedure). We
Trump and the general            open war. “Enemy” does          American citizens executed        the US is only directly         may like to cry “treason”       live in a post-fact “Fake
public lack understanding        not apply to nations with       for spying on behalf of the       involved in one major war,      if it is found that Trump       News” era where nothing
of what treason truly is.        whom the US has strained        USSR — were not brought           defined as 10,000 or more       colluded with Russia, that      really has meaning. I think,
   Treason is narrowly           relationships with during       down by treason charges;          deaths in the current or        is not a treasonable offense.   as an active member of
defined in Article III,          times of peace. Individuals     they were sentenced for           past year: the Afghanistan      It is also not treason if it    the American Public, it is
Section 3 of the US              have been charged with          conspiracy and espionage.         Conflict. Even though           is found that Trump used        important that we keep in
Constitution, which states       treason during times of            Treason is the highest         the United States has a         his office as President to      mind the legal meanings
that “treason against the        war, World War I and            crime an individual can           rocky relationship with         pressure a foreign leader       behind       our      words.
United States, shall consist     World War II for example.       commit      against     civil     countries such as Russia        for personal gain (that  
only in levying war against      However, it was difficult       society, as it operates with      and Saudi Arabia, the US        is still illegal, just under
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