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Volume 33, Number 3 ■ July, 2018 Center for the Study of the First Americans Department of Anthropology Texas A&M University 4352 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4352 Caught in the act! A bearded capuchin monkey smashes a quartz cobble on an anvilstone in the Serra da Capivara National Park in Brazil. Witnessed and filmed by archaeologist Tiago Falótico of University of São Paulo, the monkey shattered the cobble, then threw it aside and licked up the dust, apparently to ingest the mineral and vegal content. Of interest to archaeologists is a sharp-edged fragment created by the monkey as a by-product, which exactly mimics a conchoidal fragment made by a human flintknapper. Lithics analysts consequently caution of the need to refine the “criteria commonly used to distinguish intentional hominin lithic assemblages.” This instance of monkey handiwork also challenges definitions in archaeology: Is the rock fragment an artifact? By definition that’s an object created by humans. Since the monkey wasn’t observed using the rock fragment in any manner, is it a tool? For our story, see page 9. Photo by Michael Haslam T he Center for the Study of the First Americans fosters research and public interest in the Peopling of the Americas. The Center, an integral part of the Department of Anthropology at Texas A&M University, promotes interdisciplinary scholarly d ialogue among physical, geological, biological and social scientists. The Mammoth Trumpet, news magazine of the Center, seeks to involve you in the peopling of the Americas by report- ing on developments in all pertinent areas of knowledge.
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Volume 33, Number 3 Center for the Study of the First Americans Department of Anthropology July, 2018 Texas A&M University, 4352 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-4352 ISSN 8755-6898 World Wide Web site and From Three Waves to a Standstill 5 Arroyo Seco 2 (Dry Gulch 2, an ordinary kind of name) is extraordinarily rich in ➙ ➙ evidence for animals and An humans that predate Clovis Argentinian archaeologist Gustavo Politis and his team Evolving put on a grand show for visitors and local schoolchildren. UNLESS NOTED, ALL PHOTOS: G. RICHARD SCOTT 9 Bioturbation, cryoturbation, Story geofacts . . . now another headache for archaeologists Based on Resourceful South American monkeys create sharp-edged stone fragments that may be Teeth American Indian dentition exhibiting two classic traits of Sinodonty: upper- impossible to distinguish from a human flintknapper’s work. 15 Just call him Dr. Monte Verde central incisor shoveling and winging. Discovering the ancient Chilean occupation that toppled the established. Another piece of the puzzle Clovis-First model is only one by G. Richard Scott C was an intermediate 3RM1 frequency of the feats accomplished by hristy g. turner II published of 15% noted in the X-rays of Navajo Tom Dillehay over a career that an article in 1971 on a single den- individuals, which fell between the two spans more than 40 years. tal trait that would have lasting other Native American extremes. Turner 10 Remembering Ruthann Knudson ramifications. The trait, 3RM1 (3-rooted recalled a proposal by world-renowned lower first molars), revealed a distinctive linguist Joseph Greenberg, who argued pattern of variation among Native Ameri- that New World languages fell into three Greenland). Given this agreement, can populations. This extra root was very large groups: Macro-Indians (most North Turner went out on a limb and pro- common in Eskimos and Aleuts, who had American and all Middle, Central, and posed that 3R M1, in conjunction frequencies between 30% and 50%, and South American Indians); Na-Dene (Tlin- with Greenberg’s linguistic infer- North American Indians, who had a fre- git and Athapaskan groups of southeast ences, suggested a three-wave model quency around 5%. Both frequencies were and central Alaska and northwest Can- for the peopling of the Americas. based on many samples and hundreds of ada); and Eskimo-Aleuts (from the most Over the next 20 years, Turner individuals, so the dichotomy was firmly westerly Aleuts to Inuit populations in visited dozens of museums and ex-
2 Volume 33 n Number 3 amined thousands of dentitions, with Eastward to Beringia, then whoa! site, excavated by Vladimir Pitulko and special emphasis on populations of the Backtracking a bit, Erica Tamm and her his Russian colleagues (MT 19-3. -4, Americas, Asia, and the Pacific. In the colleagues in 2007 published an article 20-1, “Yana River, Siberia: Implications 1980s, he published a series of articles in PLOS One that suggested mtdna evi- for the Peopling of the Americas”). This that proposed, based on his analysis, dence showed a pattern consistent with exceptionally well preserved site, located that multiple dental traits were consis- a Beringian Standstill. The standstill, or on the banks of the Yana River, lies at 71° tent with his original 3-wave model. incubation, model proposes that Upper N latitude, a brutal environment for hu- The best-known article was coauthored Paleolithic populations from northeast man existence then and now. Excellent with Greenberg and geneticist Steven Asia colonized the Far North over 30,000 organic preservation and a broad suite Zegura, who believed that three inde- years ago. The key supporting archaeo- of C-14 dates firmly established an early pendent lines of evidence supported a logical site was the Yana Rhino Horn human presence at high latitudes. 3-wave model for the settlement of the Americas. The teeth of New World colonizers Turner was the first researcher of Asian and Pacific populations to identify two distinct dental patterns in Asia, Sinodonty and Sundadonty. The Sinodont pattern was characterized by intensified traits like shoveling, winging, and UP1 (upper first molar) root reduction, compared with The Mammoth Trumpet (ISSN 8755-6898) is published quarterly by the Center for the Study of the First Americans, Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, the more-generalized Sundadont pattern. College Station, TX 77843-4352. Phone (979) 845-4046; fax (979) 845-4070; e-mail Significantly, he concluded that two major Periodical postage paid at College Station, TX 77843-4352 and at ad- peopling events could be identified by ditional mailing offices. these dental patterns: New World popula- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: tions were derived from East Asian Sin- Mammoth Trumpet odont populations, while Polynesian and Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University Micronesian populations were Sundadont 4352 TAMU derivatives from Southeast Asia. College Station, TX 77843-4352 For 25 years following the 1986 publi- Copyright © 2018 Center for the Study of the First Americans. Permission is hereby cation of Greenberg et al. in Current An given to any non-profit or educational organization or institution to reproduce without cost any materials from the Mammoth Trumpet so long as they are then distributed at thropology, the 3-wave model was almost no more than actual cost. The Center further requests that notification of reproduction invariably considered by geneticists and of materials under these conditions be sent to the Center. Address correspondence to the skeletal biologists, who either supported editor of Mammoth Trumpet, 2122 Scout Road, Lenoir, NC 28645. it or rejected it. With papers on mtdna Michael R. Waters Director and General Editor (mitochondrial dna) ramping up, espe- e-mail: cially following the development of pcr Ted Goebel Associate Director and Editor, PaleoAmerica (polymerase chain reaction), which made e-mail: the study of ancient dna practicable, the James M. Chandler Editor, Mammoth Trumpet e-mail: model was often mentioned, then rou- Christel Cooper Office Manager tinely dismissed in favor of proposals that e-mail: focused on either simpler (one wave) or C & C Wordsmiths Layout and Design more complex (greater than three waves) Newman Printing Co.,Inc. Printing and mailing models for the peopling of the Americas. Web site: Despite these setbacks, research in ge- World Wide Web site nomics by David Reich and his colleagues The Center for the Study of the First Americans is a non-profit organization. Subscrip- on over 375,000 snps (single-nucleotide tion to the Mammoth Trumpet is by membership in the Center. polymorphisms) found a pattern of varia- tion consistent with the neglected 3-wave Mammoth Trumpet, Statement of Our Policy model—and gave it new life. Moreover, Many years may pass between the time an important discovery is made and the acceptance of research results by the scientific community. To facilitate communication among all parties interested in staying when Reich et al. acknowledged that den- abreast of breaking news in First Americans studies, the Mammoth Trumpet, a science news magazine, tal morphology yielded valid taxonomic provides a forum for reporting and discussing new and potentially controversial information important to markers traceable to specific founding understanding the peopling of the Americas. We encourage submission of articles to the Managing Editor and letters to the Editor. Views published in the Mammoth Trumpet are the views of contributors, and do populations, they vindicated Turner’s pro- not reflect the views of the editor or Center personnel. posal, which for years had been brutally –Michael R. Waters, Director criticized.
July n 2018 3 If people had the cultural means to adapt to this harsh en- sure of the order of these latter two groups, just that they were vironment, what kept them from pressing on to the east for an more recent than American Indians.) early entry into the Americas? The answer is ice. North Amer- ica was enveloped by two enormous ice sheets, the Cordilleran In the footsteps of the master Ice Sheet in the west, the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the east, that After a long, productive, and often controversial career, Christy extended across the breadth of Canada, from the Gulf of Alaska Turner passed away in August 2013. As his first Ph.D. student, to Newfoundland (MT 32- long-time collaborator, and 4, “Was the Ice-free Cor- friend, I took it upon myself ridor the route followed by to salvage the dental por- the First A mericans?”). tion of his enormous data- These ice sheets blocked gathering efforts. To this terrestrial travel to the end, I repeatedly visited south, and massive glaciers Tempe and with the kind as- along the Gulf of Alaska sistance of daughter Korri and Pacific coast made hu- and second wife, Olga, I man movement along the coast no easier or any more Three-rooted lower first feasible. The hardy popula- molar (3RM1), the key trait tions that made their way that initially led Christy G. to Greater Beringia during Turner II to propose a 3-wave the Upper Pleistocene were model for the peopling of left with two choices. They the Americas. could retreat farther south, or remain in Beringia and find habitats that would sustain a scanned hundreds of computer printouts, 30,000 individual hunting-gathering economy. Some groups may have followed data sheets, and over 3,000 slides. This effort, which received the path of least resistance, falling back to more moderate cli- no support from other persons or agencies, has been informally matic regimes in East Asia. Accumulating evidence, however, dubbed the Christy G. Turner II Legacy Project. Given that suggests that some groups stayed the path and remained in Turner not only laid the foundation for the anthropological uses Greater Beringia for 8–12 millennia until, by 15,000–17,000 of dental variation but also pioneered the study of cannibalism alybp, climatic conditions of the Upper Pleistocene amelio- c and violence in the American Southwest, it was hardly any rated and made southerly movement along the coast possible. wonder that he wasn’t able to analyze fully the mountain of What are the biological ramifications of a Beringian Stand- data he amassed through the years. With the Legacy Project, still? Ironically, Turner never contemplated this possibility. his efforts will be utilized and recognized for decades to come. The final decade of his life was devoted to a detailed study of In 2014, I was invited to participate in an SAA symposium Siberian cave taphonomy. He never wavered from the general in honor of Gary Haynes. Dr. Haynes, known primarily for notion that Native Americans came in three successive waves his foundational research in taphonomy, devoted part of his from northeast Asia: Macro-Indians in the first wave, Na Dene professional life to issues surrounding the peopling of the New and Eskimo-Aleuts in the second and third waves. (He wasn’t World. Since my own research didn’t touch on taphonomy, I decided that my contribution should address Haynes’s ancillary research on Southeast Asia late Native American origins. Now that I had Southeast Asia early all Christy’s data sheets and not simply East Asia the large combined samples used in our Australia NaDene–NW Coast A dendrogram with Asian, Pacific, and New World populations. Note that East Eskimo–Aleut Asia clusters with Southeast Asia, while all Mesoamerican New World groups cluster together. This North American Indian level of differentiation from Old World South American Indian groups required an extended period of time and spatial isolation, which supports South America early the idea that populations ancestral to North America early Native Americans were isolated from other New Guinea Asians in Greater Beringia during the latter stages of the Pleistocene. The dotted line 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Dissimilarity marks the depth of divergence of Asian populations from New World populations.
4 Volume 33 n Number 3 1997 publication The Anthropology of Modern Human Teeth, I consistently show higher frequencies and more pronounced trait could do a much more thorough analysis. expressions. Thus they cluster together as a coherent group, but one differentiated from East Asians long ago. Verifying Turner’s insistence Turner never noted this because Beringian on exclusive Sinodonty Standstill as a concept hadn’t been broached. Some physical anthropologists, The difference between China–Mongolia and notably skeletal biologists who New World groups has long been known but measure crania, have long con- never emphasized; the emphasis was on their tended that early American Indi- commonalities, not the differences. Moreover, ans didn’t look like later American without a standstill, there would be no obvious Indians. In many biodistance anal- mechanism for proto-Native Americans to yses, they often found similarities differentiate radically from populations in with Pacific Island populations or northeast Asia. Australian aboriginals. Some den- tal anthropologists also took issue The Beringian Standstill to the rescue with Turner’s proposal that all Although Turner’s original formulation for New World groups were derived the peopling of the New World requires modi- from northeast Asian Sinodont fying, his recognition of three distinct groups populations. Instead, they pro- in the New World still stands. North and posed that some groups exhibited South American Indians are like one another and are the most distinct from East Asian Christy Turner at work. groups. Eskimo-Aleuts, although part of the standstill population, nonetheless show Sundadonty, which intimated possible ties to Southeast Asian closer ties to East Asians than any other Native Americans. groups. These contentious points provided an issue to focus This is indicated by both genetic and dental data. As usual, on: Was there any evidence in the massive Turner dataset that Na Dene–Greater Northwest Coast remains the muddle in the would support the presence of Sundadont groups in the Ameri- cas? Considering that many researchers favored at least two About the author G. Richard Scott is a Foundation Pro- major waves of migrants, I evaluated each trait in the context fessor of Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno. He of Sundadont-early, Sinodont-late, or Sinodont-only. No one has earned his B.A. and Ph.D. ever suggested a Sundadont-only model, which could be easily degrees in Anthropology and immediately disproved. I compared histograms of 24 crown at Arizona State Univer- and root trait frequencies for Australians, New Guineans, sity. A fter completing Southeast Asia early, Southeast Asia late, East Asia, American his degree under Christy Arctic, Northwest Coast/Na Dene, North American early, G. Turner II in 1973, he North American late, Mesoamerica, South American early, and taught at the University South American late. Seven traits showed little variation among of A laska Fairbanks any of the 12 groups and contributed nothing to the problem. from 1973 to 1997. After Most traits, however, were consistent with the Sinodont-only a short-lived retirement, model. Ironically, of the three traits consistent with Sundadont- he resumed his academic early, Sinodont-late, 3RM1 was the single trait that precipitated career at the University the formulation of the three-wave model. of Nevada, Reno in 2001. Although it wasn’t a surprise that most dental traits supported His specialty is dental an- the Sinodont-only model, the next step of the analysis led to an thropology, with a focus unanticipated result. I recruited three graduate students to do on human tooth crown a biodistance analysis of the Asian/New World data set. Dif- and root morphology. He has written or edited four books ferent distance measures and clustering algorithms all pointed in this area, including The Anthropology of Modern Human in the same direction. Turner had viewed Native Americans as Teeth (1997), which will come out as a second edition in Sinodonts, with dental linkages to China, Japan, and Mongolia. 2018. Geographically, he has worked in the American No dendrogram, however, supported a close link between Native Southwest, Alaska, the North Atlantic, and Spain. He col- Americans and East Asians. Instead, East Asians clustered with laborated with Turner on a dozen articles, many of which Southeast Asians. All distance measures indicate that Native focused on how tooth morphology informs the early settle- Americans are more like East Asians than Southeast Asians, but ment of the Americas. they are still distinctly different from East Asians. In the original 2016 article in Quaternary International, we referred to Native middle. Without question, North and South American Indians Americans as Sinodonts on steroids or super-Sinodonts. Native deviated first from the standstill population. As detailed in the Americans do share Sinodont traits with East Asians, but they continued on page 8
July n 2018 5 Indisputable evidence Prehistory in the Southern Cone Gustavo Politis, Professor of Archaeology at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, who worked on the site as an undergraduate student in the late ’70s and has been return- ing ever since, cites undeniable evidence for human occupation and reoccupation of AS2 over thousands of years. First, stone tools bear sharp edges from intentional flaking and many show evidence of use wear from scraping hides. These early settlers were ARROYO SECO 2 hunter-gatherers who used stone tools for hunting, butchering, scraping hides, pre- paring food, and making other tools of bone and wood. Second, most of the toolstone, quartzite and chert, can only be obtained from two outcrops in the area. AS2 lies 150 km from the closest outcrop and 60 km from the coast. These hardy settlers, who predate the North American Clovis culture by at least 1,000 years, were highly mobile, traveling to the hills and the coast to ob- tain what they needed. Third, the profusion of animal bones from a diversity of species grouped in one place can’t be accidental. The Pampas is a grassland, a superb environment for large herbivores. Horses, for example, have few predators except for humans. The landscape, like an African savannah, was home to diverse animals that grazed the GUSTAVO POLITIS Schoolchildren from the city of lush grasses (MT 29-2, “Footprints of the Tres Arroyos visiting the Arroyo Seco 2 site. Pampas: A past worth saving”). Moreover, a large paleo lagoon, which formed a back- drop to this late-Pleistocene scene, made A rchaeological evidence gathered in recent plenty of water available and was undoubtedly visited often by years suggests that humans reached the Americas land animals and fowl. AS2 has the hallmark of a prime process- 16,000 to 18,000 years ago, after the Last Glacial ing site that was visited and revisited seasonally for thousands Maximum, when glaciers and an icy, barren environment of years. blocked easy access to the Americas by way of northern Can- This processing site served as a way station between kill ada. So it’s likely humans came from Asia via a coastal route. sites and the residential camp. “Several African models show That would also explain why many early sites lie on or near the same thing,” Politis says, “with hunters moving from kill the coast, or near rivers that meet the sea. Earlier-than-Clovis sites to process sites, then returning home.” The kill site was humans left evidence in sites where they processed animals purely opportunistic. Foragers left the residential campsite on during hunting excursions. One such processing site, Arroyo trips for food, raw material, and information. And most impor- Seco 2 (AS2), provides a multidimensional look at these early tant, according to Politis, was information. Technology spread occupations. rapidly among bands of people. “What was transmitted was the Located just 5 km outside the city of Tres Arroyos in Buenos knowledge,” says Politis, “not the people.” Aires province in the Pampas region of Argentina, AS2 is one of the oldest archaeological sites in the Southern Cone. Dat- A site replete with frustration for the archaeologist ing the occupation of the Southern Cone is important because Viewing the complete assemblage of artifacts and animal re- it could be the last stage in the expansion of Homo sapiens mains unearthed at AS2 brings evidence of human activity into throughout the world. The occupants of AS2 were one of the sharp relief. “The bones aren’t just on their own in the middle of first groups that moved into this region some 14,000 to 15,000 nowhere,” says Daniel Rafuse, a postdoctoral fellow at the Uni- calendar years ago. versidad Nacional del Centro in Buenos Aires. A wide variety
6 Volume 33 n Number 3 of animal bones are intermingled with stone tools, “all part of for scientists to refine their techniques of taphonomy and this larger, general site. We don’t have a natural accumulation geoarchaeology and thereby refine the site chronology. He of material. Looking at the whole assemblage, we can tell this states frankly that “because of this low resolution, we study must have been brought there by humans.” things that are sometimes not very strongly studied at sites.” Radiocarbon dating of associated organic materi- What the bones tell us als dates tools found at Ar- The cataloguing of animal remains recovered at royo Seco 2 at 14,000 years Arroyo Seco 2 has yielded a staggering record. old. Erosion at the site, Of more than 100,000 faunal remains recovered, however, has disturbed the about 6,200 have been classified taxonomically stratigraphy. So even if a and 40 different taxa identified. In all, 272 ex- tool appears next to a bone tinct Pleistocene mammal remains have been in a given layer, it may have identified. Besides guanaco and rodents, which migrated from a later stra- are the most numerous, remains have also been tum under the influence of recovered of giant ground sloth (Glossotherium wind and water. Further- robustum, Megatherium americanum, Mylodon, more, natural processes and Lestodon), extinct horse (Equus neogeus and sometimes affect bone. Hippidion), South American ungulates (Tox “When we see weathering odon platensis and Macrauchenia), Glypotodon, of a bone,” Politis explains, and giant armadillo (Eutatus seguini). “we can tell it wasn’t buried Researchers detect human interaction with quickly but exposed and animals by modifications made on the bones. “We look for cutmarks from a stone tool, or frac- MARIA GUTIERREZ Quartz crystal associated tures on the bone to see if the bone was broken by with a human burial. humans to make tools or to get bone marrow for grease or consumption,” Rafuse explains, “and reexposed. These processes give us clues to reconstruct the we find a lot of natural processes happening to those bones af- story.” On the other hand, natural processes like calcium car- ter humans used them, too. We might find carnivore marks, or bonate precipitation can obscure cutmarks and other evidence whether it was weathered or broken down. So all these things, of human modification, and diagenic processes sometimes im- the human activity and natural activity, are how we piece to- poverish the collagen content of bone and prevent radiocarbon gether the history of that bone.” dating. Some of the animal bones bear clear evidence of human con- Reoccupation introduces yet another layer of difficulty. sumption, particularly on the guanaco, which was a main food “There’s a long record at this site, showing it was occupied source at AS2. Gutierrez notes that an extinct horse species, and reoccupied by humans,” says Maria Gutierrez, Profes- E. neogeus, shows clear evidence of human processing. A front sor of Taphonomy at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de leg bone from this species about 14,200 years old bears distinct la provincia de Buenos Aires and marks from a hammerstone and researcher at INCUAPA-CONICET. green-bone fractures (MT 23-1, To identify a specific occupation, she Brazil “Early mammoth bone flaking on the reminds us, you need a cultural floor, but Great Plains”), evidence for humans at AS2 14,000 years of occupation have been Paraguay shattering bones to extract marrow. telescoped into a depth of less than 2 m. “We found a lot of extinct fauna, but we Of more recent origin is the problem of hu- Argentina can’t say that all of them were consumed,” man burials by local residents. “They mixed she says. “It’s not always easy to find evidence up some sectors of the site, and that just Chile Buenos Aires Uruguay of human consumption of bones. But with these makes things more difficult,” says Politis. Arroyo Seco 2 [horse bones] and Megatherium, we’re convinced.” “The formation processes—both natural and cultural—are very complex. We’ve been Monte Verde Earning a living at Arroyo Seco 2 studying it for decades now, and there are From the firm association found between human tools and still so many questions to answer. When you animal bones emerges an understanding of the lifestyle of believe you can answer one question, you re- these early occupants. Although the oldest human bones Piedra Museo alize new questions open up, and it obligates date to no earlier than 8,000 years ago, people were camp- you to return with a new perspective or line of ing here much earlier. We know because they left their evidence. You never say, ‘This is the last time mark on animal bones. I’ll come here.’ ” Analysis of more than 600 bone fragments out of thousands The vast chronology and uncertain resolution found at AS2 reveal that a major part of the diet was meat from are formidable problems. For Politis, AS2 is an opportunity various extinct horse species, such as E. neogeus, and other
July n 2018 7 extinct megamammals like giant ground sloths, camelids, and on rocks, finding human burials is a direct look into what kind giant armadillos. of ritual activity they were doing.” Politis is intent on exploring The absence of certain bones also tells us a lot about how the “symbology or ideology behind this funerary activity” to these people went about their work. Researchers found no grasp the semiotic and contextual importance of these burials. megafaunal skulls or bones of chest or pelvis. For Rafuse, the The earliest level, dated 7600–7800 calybp, contains five reason is simple: It’s because “people were transporting certain human burials with triangular projectile points lodged between sections of the animal from the the ribs and vertebrae. So kill site to the archaeological site.” far, the team has found 15 Given, for instance, the enormous projectile points among body of Megatherium (4–5 tons), its group of 50 human to transport the entire carcass, skeletons. For Politis, or even complete hindquarters or this evidence of violent forequarters, would be a herculean deaths “indicates ethnic task. Therefore the animal was violence or cultural con- hunted or scavenged near the site, flict between bands in the the skeleton butchered into smaller early to middle Holocene parts, which were then carried to in the Pampas.” He hy- AS2 for further processing. The most common extinct mam- Politis (standing, center) mal discovered here is the horse, explaining the Arroyo DANIEL RAFUSE E. neogeus. Skeletal parts recov- Seco 2 site to visitors, ered are almost entirely from the 2009 field season. appendicular skeleton, including limb bones, phalanges, and carpal and tarsal bones. A single pothesizes that the people might have had two different kinds of molar is the sole item found of the axial skeleton. In fact, ex- points, one for killing people and one for killing animals. cept for the molar, a single piece of rib bone, and a piece of the When projectile points are absent, the cause of death is un- acetabulum (hipbone cavity), the extinct-horse assemblage known. “Last year,” Politis recalls, “for the first time we found consists entirely of bones of the appendicular skeleton. In the the burial of a young boy maybe 12 to 14 years old, with two assemblage of skeletal remains from other Pleistocene mega- bola stones wrapped around his shoulder. Maybe it was a burial mammals, fragments of skull, vertebrae and rib are likewise practice, or maybe he was killed. When we get a date from this largely absent. burial we can get a direct date from the stone because they are By the time the Inca and other great South American civi- absolutely contemporaneous—the stone and the burial.” lizations appear, the horse species were gone. The continent wouldn’t be populated again with horses until the European dna analysis and future aims invasions. Researchers have found 50 hu- man skeletons, a robust sample Later came human for dna analysis. Because they burials are buried in the same place, they Thousands of years af- are likely members of the same ter the first colonizers cultural group. Politis has enlisted arrived at AS2, humans the help of Lars Fehren-Schmitz started bur ying their at University of California–Santa dead there. According Cruz to perform mitochondrial and to 30 radiocarbon dates nuclear dna analyses on the hu- obtained from human man skeletons. Fehren-Schmitz’s skeletons, the site was human paleogenomics lab has col- used for burying people lected data from different human between 8500 and 4500 alybp. Found with them c Gutierrez and Politis conferring at the DANIEL RAFUSE were burial ornaments Arroyo Seco 2 excavation, 2009 field consisting of shells used season. for headdresses or neck- laces, and canine teeth pierced with holes. Rafuse recounts that bones in the Americas. Those from AS2 rank among the oldest. “it’s not like digging up an animal bone where there’s not a per- The aim is to study the microevolutionary process over 3,000 sonal relation with that bone, but when you find these personal years. “The earliest skeleton isn’t far from the first people items you can have a connection with that material. And since who entered the continent,” says Politis, “so we have clues to these people had no written language and didn’t make artwork understanding the peopling of the Americas. Fehren-Schmitz
8 Volume 33 n Number 3 recently collected new results, and he and Politis are polishing visiting the site decided to become archaeologists. “So we’re also the data for future publication. Politis, justifiably proud, boasts uncovering professions. Uncovering dreams,” she muses. that “there aren’t many places in the Americas where you get Much of the materials recovered from the Arroyo Seco 2 site this kind of variety from early and middle Holocene times, are on display at the Jose A. Mulazzi Municipal Museum in Tres right? Here we have 50, a great sample.” Arroyos, which features a reconstruction of how Pleistocene With human skeletons, animal bones, and tools, archaeolo- occupants lived. These learning centers offer opportunities for gists have collected important pieces of the complete image locals to connect with their past. of the Arroyo Seco 2 site. Now Gutierrez plans to reconstruct –Katy Dycus the paleoenvironment more fully to enlarge our knowledge of human-animal interactions. For his part, Rafuse is concentrat- How to contact the principals of this article: ing on pinpointing the dimensions of the AS2 site: “We need to Department of Archaeology keep digging to see where this site ends physically, to find the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la provincia de Buenos outer limits.” AS2 offers ample opportunity for archaeological Aires research for many years to come. Buenos Aires, Argentina Gustavo G. Politis Local support is a bonus Professor of Archaeology The people of the Pampas are curious about their deep past, about e-mail: a world inhabited by animals unrecognizable to them. Research- Maria A. Gutierrez ers can rely on support from the local community. “We’re grateful Professor of Taphonomy to the people of the Pampas,” says Gutierrez. “The site is close e-mail: to the city of Tres Arroyos, and the local people are always very Daniel J. Rafuse interested in their past and they’re so helpful in many ways. They Postdoctoral Fellow really think that past is there, even though it’s 12,000 years away e-mail: from them. It’s not just our work, but our work in relation to them and how much our work contributes to our knowledge of their past.” Gutierrez and her colleagues invite local schools to visit the Suggested Readings Politis, G. G. , M. A. Gutiérrez, D. J. Rafuse, and A. Blasi. “The Ar- site and learn about what archaeologists are doing there. Their rival of Homo sapiens into the Southern Cone at 14,000 Years Ago.” efforts have paid off: Over the last 10 or 20 years, 3 students after PLOS ONE 11.9 (2016):1–27. From Three Waves to a Standstill Suggested Readings Greenberg, J. H., C. G. Turner II, and S. Zegura 1986 The settle- continued from page 4 ment of the Americas: A comparison of the linguistic, dental, and genetic evidence. Current Anthropology 24, 477–97. 2008 article by Scott and Turner in Alaska Journal of Anthropol ogy, the intermediacy of Na Dene–Greater Northwest Coast Hoffecker, J. F., S. A. Elias, D. H. O’Rourke, G. R. Scott, and N. H. Bigelow 2016 Beringia and the global dispersal of modern likely developed in the New World through admixture. humans. Evolutionary Anthropology 25, 64–78. In sum, while all lines of biological evidence support the affinities of Native American populations with East Asians, Pitulko, V. V., P. A. Nikolsky, E. Y. Girya, A. E. Basilyan, et al. 2004 The Yana RHS site: Humans in the Arctic before the last glacial significant dental differences exist between these broad geo- maximum. Science 303, 52–56. graphic groups. In all analyses, Native Americans from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego form a coherent dental cluster set apart Scott, G. R., C. G. Turner II, G. C. Townsend, and M. Martinon-Torres 2018 The Anthropology of modern human teeth: Dental mor- from all Old World populations. The homogeneity of Native phology and its variation in recent and fossil Homo sapiens. Cam- American groups and their striking difference from Asian bridge University Press. populations required two key elements, time and isolation. The Scott, G. R., K. Schmitz, K. Heim, K. A. Paul, R. Schomberg, and M. A. Beringian Standstill model provides both. Pilloud 2016b Sinodonty, Sundadonty, and the Beringian Stand- –G. Richard Scott still model: Issues of timing and migrations into the New World. How to contact the author of this article: Quaternary International G. Richard Scott Tamm, E., T. Kivisild, M. Reidla, M. Metspalu, et al. 2007 Berin- Department of Anthropology/0096 gian standstill and the spread of Native American founders. PLOS University of Nevada Reno One 2, e829. Reno, NV 89557 Turner, C. G. II 1985 Dental evidence for the peopling of the Ameri- e-mail: cas. National Geographic Society Research Reports 19, 573–96.
July n 2018 9 m e r i c a n M o n k e ys South A u d o To o l s Make S to n e P s e W hen jane goodall informed the late Louis Leakey of her epic discovery that chimpanzees modified sticks so they could use them as termite fishing poles, he famously responded that “now we must redefine man, redefine tools, or accept chimpanzees as humans.” New observations late last year in the journal Nature, are similarly revolutionary for our understanding of the technological capabilities of early human ancestors as well as for interpreting the significance of stone tools at very early sites in South America and other regions inhabited by monkeys. of capuchin monkeys making stone flakes and cores, reported continued on page 12 How a capuchin monkey emulates a human flintknapper. 1, the monkey selects a quartz cobble as a hammerstone from colluvium aggregate and c arries it to a suitable anvilstone; 2, the monkey grasps the hammerstone, exactly as a human knapper might do it, and smashes it against the 1 2 anvilstone; 3, the monkey sets the hammerstone aside and licks the anvilstone at the point of impact, possibly to ingest either nutritious plant matter or stone particles for their mineral content. 4. In a variation of the process, the monkey sets a fragment of quartz on the anvilstone and attempts to shatter it using the hammer MICHAEL HASLAM stone. This attempt wasn’t successful: The fragment flew 3 4 off with the first blow.
10 Volume 33 n Number 3 R uthann was a solid, no-nonsense person when it came to science, a natural leader and born to organize––and at the same time, friendly, respectful, pitching in to help, truly good-hearted. Lithics was her passion, especially Paleo american lithics, along with a love of cooking and pickling that BLM in Montana, and 1990–2005 with the National Park Service. Her last position was Superintendent of Agate Fossil Beds Na- tional Monument, on the Niobrara in northwest Nebraska. Taking retirement, Ruthann chose Great Falls, Montana, as an affordable residence from which to work independently as Knudson Associ- filled her cupboards, and relaxing with embroidery that covered ates. Her e-mail address,, reflected her the walls of her pleasant home. Around the house were fruit trees preference for working on Paleo materials. she planted, flowers and veggies masking the High Plains natural It was Ruthann who led the break-out of women in SAA. During landscape. Ruthann lived life to the fullest, with an energy that an SAA meeting in the early 1980s, I was waiting outside a room seems to still vibrate when we think of her. where the SAA Board of Directors was meeting. Dena Dincauze, When Ruthann began her professional career in archaeology my classmate in college and grad school, was editor of American in the 1960s, Plains and Paleo research were dominated by men, and I do mean dominated. We women were called girl archaeologists, literally looked down upon (Ruthann would stare at the man she was Remembering talking to, minimizing that he might be taller than she). Washington State Univer- sity at Pullman, in the desert eastern part of the state, had one of the few graduate RUTHANN KNUDSON programs in archaeology that seemed to acknowledge the potential of women 1941‒2018 students, although Ruthann confided that she and the other women known as Daugh- erty’s Daughters, after the major professor Richard Daugherty, still had to assert themselves to succeed. Ruth- Antiquity at that time, requiring her to attend the Board meeting, ann and Leslie Wildesen (died 2014) were especially prominent in and we were going to have dinner together after the meeting. that cohort. Wildesen chaired an SAA committee, which reported The door of the conference room opened and five men walked in 1980 that “becoming accepted as a professional” was the major out, arms around each other’s shoulders, laughing and talking issue women members said they dealt with. about getting a beer. Then the women in the meeting marched We women were advised that if we wanted to do fieldwork, the out, shoulder to shoulder, Ruthann in the middle. They stood degree we needed was the MRS.: marry a man archaeologist who watching their erstwhile colleagues. Ruthann spoke, “There go would take you into the field the Old Boys. Well, here’s the Old Broads. Let’s go with him. I was lucky that mine to dinner!” was comfortable with me as For several years, the Old Broads dined together collaborator, not just a silent at SAA, talking about women’s issues. Ruthann, helpmate. Ruthann married Dena, Leslie Wildesen, Annetta Cheek, and I were Tom Shay, then W. Raymond joined by more and more women, until the dinner Wood, a fact she noted he did group grew so large that restaurant space had to not mention in his recently be reserved, and conversations were limited. By published autobiography, and then, only a few years later in the ’80s, the chilly the marriages did not last. As climate was warming a bit. Dena Dincauze became Wildesen stated in the 1980 President of SAA, its third woman president (pre- SAA report, women archae- decessors were H. Marie Wormington and then ologists found discrimination her protégée Cynthia Irwin-Williams). CRM was against them in job opportu- growing into a major employer of archaeologists, nities and research support, Ruthann included, during the 1980s. Consulting MONDAK HERITAGE CENTER resulting in women’s being with Native Americans was growing, too, a highly employed in lesser-ranked uni- contentious issue that came to a head in 1990 when versities or in lab rather than Congress passed nagpra, Native American Graves professor positions, or taking Protection and Repatriation Act. Ruthann’s employ- jobs outside academia—this ment with the National Park Service brought her survey covering the late 1970s into discussions with Native Americans and work- when CRM archaeology was not yet a major employer. Wildesen ing on protocols. While living in Great Falls, she taught an online forged her own career in consulting; Ruthann taught at the Univer- course on Montana’s American Indians, in addition to Introduction sity of Idaho, 1974–81, then worked for Woodward-Clyde Consul- to Anthropology, for Montana State University–Great Falls College, tants, 1981–88, and finally took government work, 1989–90, for and was pleased with the appreciation from Native Americans tak-
July n 2018 11 ing the course. In my experience, at least, Ruthann’s straight-arrow she saw her efforts nurture understanding of scientific method talk, respectful but not naïve, won her goodwill from tribes and and of the human dimensions hidden in the archaeological record. from activists––she was invited to attend the reburial of the Clovis- The history of women in archaeology includes substantial era Anzick Child, under Crow auspices. research by Ruthann, particularly about women in River Basin Ruthann had both superb organizational skills and a penetrat- Survey projects. In a session on River Basin Surveys at the 2014 ing knowledge of the ar- SAA meeting, and in the edited book chaeological record. That of papers from the session, Ruthann talent for organizing car- astounded the audience by assert- ried into her studies of ing that the majority of employees lithics, where she was in River Basin projects were women. concerned not only with How could that be, when we all knew figuring out the knapping that RBS notoriously did not employ and sourcing of stone, women? Ruthann’s straight-arrow but with working out the gaze saw hundreds of women work- range of variation that ing as typists, lab personnel, cooks. seemed appropriate for a Indeed, she figured about three- named type. Not too long quarters of RBS employees were ago, that approach was women. True, after a hushed-up as- sneered at by a pair of sault by a professor upon a woman younger men archaeolo- Ruthann with avocational archaeologist crew member in an RBS camp, the ALICE B. KEHOE gists, who told her that Weber Greiser on a field trip to Sun River Survey announced it would not hire she “didn’t know Plain- outside Great Falls, April 2016. women as crew members. Guys were view” when she insisted paid $40 per week, we young women they consider its range. When she recounted the episode to me, I at best got $18 per week as assistant field supervisors if (like Dena was aghast: WHAT?! For 30 years, Ruthann studied all the lithics Dincauze and me) we had already a couple summers of fieldwork. anyone wanted to label Plainview, she drew thousands of specimens Ruthann’s eyes-wide-open view of women in archaeology was as a record and a means to better understand the technology, she more than feminist, it was also throwing light on the social class finally drew upon all those data to set out what seems legitimately structure Americans don’t usually see. How many of those work- the products of a community of practice. Those younger dudes ing women could have been professional archaeologists if they were so poorly educated, they were thinking in nineteenth- had been encouraged and supported? century science, picking out type specimens Ruthann’s own background was northern Midwest, instead of apprehending processes Heartland. Her family included forebears who had been and range of variation. Of course, outcast by Roger Williams because they were too her- that’s faster and easier than Ruthann’s etic for even that heretic Puritan. Seventh-Day Baptists searching out every collection and became a small sect (not Seventh-Day Adventists) that painstaking ordering of the factors settled in Milton, Wisconsin, a farm village south of involved in each artifact. Probably the Madison, when colonization began in that area in dudes don’t experience as she did, as all the 1840s. She lived in Milwaukee as a child, and good scholars do, what Dena Dincauze matriculated at Hamline University in St. Paul, MN, called “recursive ignorance”—transla- then completed her B.A. and M.A. in Anthropology tion: the more you know, the more you at the University of Minnesota before her doctoral know you don’t know. That drove Ruthann from Plainview into the project she was Ruthann’s final published work, the fruit of pursuing when the stroke broke, creating a years of attention and firsthand detailed study. PRESS definitive study of lithics labeled Goshen. F U TA H The drive to collect and analyze data work at Washington State University. It happens SIT Y O propelled Ruthann into leadership among that my in-laws were farmers in Milton; steady professionals and avocationals alike. At Mon- hard work, no highfaluting nonsense has been the U NIV ER tana Archaeological Society meetings, she way of life there. Ruthann Knudson reflected that ethos and the was a magnet. Around Great Falls, she identified endangered sites unstinting neighborliness of the farmers. She accomplished a great and those worth investigating for information, taking groups out deal as a scientist and in service to the profession and government for tours to see as she did. Her expertise and broad experience agencies. Above and beyond, she was a real human being. The were called upon to serve on the Montana Burial Preservation stroke that cut off her busy life left a hole in our world. Board, and earlier in Idaho and Nebraska, to advise on archaeo- –Alice B. Kehoe logical matters when she lived in those states. Because she never Professor of Anthropology emeritus, talked down to non-professionals (or to women), she was a true Marquette University educator, an endeavor that brought her great satisfaction when
12 Volume 33 n Number 3 continued from page 9 sharp-edged flakes and cores that have the characteristics and Three years previous to the publication of this research, when morphology of intentionally produced hominin tools.” This has Brazilian archaeologists announced that they had discovered implications potentially even more far-reaching than Goodall’s stone tools at the Toca da Tira Peia rockshelter in the Serra da observations of chimpanzee tool use. Capivara National Park in Brazil that dated to as early as 22,000 years ago, archaeologist Stuart Fiedel told the New York Times Why do monkeys knock rocks together? that monkeys might have made the tools. Supporters of the claim Proffitt, Luncz, and their colleagues report that the bearded for the surprisingly early tools responded with incredulity. capuchin monkeys of the Serra da Capivara National Park It turns out, however, that Fiedel may have been on to some- “use stone tools in more varied activities than any other thing. Susana Carvalho, an archaeologist and primatologist known non-human primate.” These uses include “pounding at the University of Oxford, responding to the recent paper foods, digging and in sexual displays.” They also are “the only in Nature, told Science News that the notion that some of the wild primates” that engage in stone-on-stone percussion “for earliest stone tools might have been made by monkeys “is the purpose of damaging those stones.” The research team not a wild idea anymore.” Although Carvalho was referring to hasn’t observed the monkeys using the sharp flakes they the oldest documented stone tools from Africa, the artifacts produce “to cut or scrape other objects,” so the production recovered from the earliest levels of the Toca da of these flakes evidently is a by-product of some other, so far Tira Peia rockshelter, described by the undetermined, activity. excavators as simple pebble tools and Coauthors Tiago Falótico and Eduardo Ottoni ob- flakes, are not all that different from Venezuela served the monkeys, engaged in stone-on-stone Br.Guiana the ancient African tools. Perhaps, in Colombia Surinam percussion, licking or sniffing the crushed Fr. Guiana retrospect, Fiedel’s suggestion wasn’t surfaces of the battered rocks. Based on such a wild idea either. this behavior, they propose that Ecuador Pedra Pintada the monkeys might be ingest- Monkey the toolmaker ing either powdered quartz Tomos Proffitt and Lydia Luncz with the Peru Brazil Capivara Serra da or crushed lichens that were Park Primate Archaeology Research Group at growing in the cracks and the University of Oxford, Tiago Falótico Santa Elina Lapa do Boquet crevices of the rocks. Silica and Eduardo Ottoni with the Institute of Psy- Bolivia from the powdered quartz Santa do chology at the University of São Paulo, Ignacio Riacho could be an important mineral in de la Torre with the Institute of Archaeology at Paraguay their diet that would, for example, University College London, and Michael Haslam, contribute to the growth of bones, with the Oxford Primate Archaeology Research whereas the lichens might have some Group, reported in Nature that wild bearded capu- Chile medicinal benefit. chin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) in the Serra Argentina Uruguay de Capivara National Park use rounded quartzite Arroyo Seco Monkey archaeology cobbles as hammerstones to bash other quartzite After watching the capuchins create a variety of cobbles. In the process, the monkeys produced Monte hammerstones, battered rocks resembling anvil flakes and cores that “are indistinguishable from Verde Range of capuchin monkeys stones that Proffitt, Luncz, and Evidence for capuchin-monkey some archaeological examples of intentionally stone-on-stone percussion their coauthors refer to as “pas- flaked early hominin stone cores” and “unifacial Fishtail-point site Map after Stuart Fiedel, sive hammers,” and sharp-edged choppers.” Paleoamerica, January 2017 flakes at the Oitenta site in the The team repeatedly observed capuchin mon- Fell’s Cave Serra da Capivara National Park, the researchers keys “deliberately crushing the surface of both the collected these various fragmented stones. In addition, active and passive hammerstones” as well as uninten- they collected similar objects from “surface surveys and tionally fracturing the stones during use. They additionally an archaeological excavation in the same area.” The total as- observed a capuchin “place a newly fractured stone flake on top semblage of monkey-made stone tools analyzed by the team of another stone, and then strike it with a hammer” in a way that consisted of “111 capuchin-modified stone artefacts [sic]” [per- resembled bipolar flaking practiced by human flintknappers. It haps better described as faux artifacts; artifacts by definition might seem odd that the monkeys “were not observed using the are only made by humans. –Ed.], including complete and bro- sharp edges of fractured tools to cut or scrape other objects.” ken hammerstones, passive hammers, flaked hammerstones, But the fact that capuchins produce stones with sharp edges and complete and fragmented flakes. One goal of the analysis without intending to do so and then do not take advantage of the was to determine to what degree these incidentally produced sharp edges when they are produced suggests that the context monkey-modified stones resemble intentionally produced hu- for the earliest hominin stone-tool production need not have man stone tools. been the production of sharp-edged cutting tools. That may have come later. It also demonstrates that you don’t have to be When is a broken rock a stone tool? human, or a human ancestor, to make “conchoidally fractured, Proffitt, Luncz, and their coauthors first reviewed the hall-
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