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The Collegian                                                                   University Publications


The La Salle Collegian Vol. 92 Issue 21
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              THE LA SALLE
                                              est. 1931

                     		                   Philadelphia, Pa. 			                            Vol. 92, Issue 21		                     April 18, 2019

Living Learning Communities
experience successful pilot year
                                          were introduced as an optional           Signum Fidei. The LLCs, which           success, cultivating a supportive        Soufleris says that “we will know
          Elyssa Loughlin                 living accommodation for the             are all housed in St. Katherine’s       environment and providing an             more after a full year of having
               Editor                     Class of 2022, who had three             Hall, were introduced as a              even greater sense of community          LLC’s but…we believe it has
                                          new communities to choose from:          retention method to fulfill the goals   through unique opportunities for         impacted retention and success for
  As the spring semester comes            Creative and Performing Arts,            of Momentum 2022.                       faculty and student interaction          the students who have chosen to
to a close, so does the inaugural         Wellness and Mindful Living                 Initial results suggest that the     around specific interests.” Vice         live on one of the LLC floors.”
year of the Living Learning               and World Cultures joined the            LLCs have been successful in their      President of Student Affairs
Communities (LLCs). The LLCs              previously   established  LLC,           goals of “strengthening academic        and Enrollment Services, Dawn                      See LLC Page 4

                                          Fr. James Martin lectures on
St. John                                  LGBTQ+ in Catholic Church
Baptist de
           Noted priest speaks at annual Pacem in Terris lecture
La Salle
          Nicholas Puleo                            Selena Bemak
              Staff                                     Editor

   The Christian Brothers rarely sleep       Yesterday, Father James Martin
in. Rather, the Brothers prefer to        delivered a lecture in the Founder’s
wake up as early as 4:15 a.m. to begin    Hall auditorium titled “Building
their day. Some choose to engage in       a Bridge: Showing Respect and
private prayer and meditation against     Welcome to LGBT People in the
the backdrop of the morning sunrise,      Catholic Church,” as part of the
while others choose to enjoy a few        University’s annual Pacem in
extra minutes of peaceful slumber.        Terris Lecture Series. Martin’s
Regardless, the Brothers, 35 in           views are considered controversial
number, make sure to gather by 7          within the Church for his stance on
a.m. in the St. Joseph Chapel in their    LGBTQ+ rights.
residence on the Hansen Quad for             Martin, a Jesuit priest, spoke to a
mass, while many students are only        sizeable crowd about the Catholic
just getting up for the day ahead.        Church’s complicated relationship
   After enjoying breakfast together,     with the LGBTQ+ community.
in which stories — many of which are      His main points discussed how
about experiences with students —         Catholics can welcome LGBTQ+
are exchanged, the Brothers venture       people into the Church. Martin’s
out of their residence to spend the       discussion included a reminder
day in their various ministries around    to the audience that LGBTQ+
campus. While some of the Brothers        Catholics are still Catholics and
leave dressed in a shirt and tie rather   how Catholicism served people on
than a traditional robe and rabat,        the margins throughout its history.
or collar, all of the men leave with         In his lecture, he also
the same goal that has guided their       acknowledged the Church’s past
work for over three centuries: to be      complications with the LGBTQ+
committed educators.                      community. He noted that
   “We teach and touch the hearts         although Pope Francis’s relatively
of our students,” said Br. Joe            tolerant stance on homosexuality
Grabenstein, the University’s head        has opened the conversation
archivist, who has spent the past 27      within the Church to a greater
years at La Salle.                        degree, the Pope has not reached a
   To Grabenstein, that mantra sums       full understanding on how to fully
up the over 300-year-old Lasallian        accept LGBTQ+ people within the                                                                                                                La Salle University
educational tradition that all Brothers   Church.                                  Students, faculty, staff and community members gathered in the Founder Hall’s auditorium for Father James Martin’s
have been called to live out in their        According to Martin, his interest     lecture, titled, “Building a Bridge: Showing Respect and Welcome to LGBT People in the Catholic Church.”
daily lives.                              in LGBTQ+ people’s relationship
   This year, the University, along       with the Catholic Church stemmed
with the international Lasallian
community, is honoring that tradition
                                          from the Pulse nightclub shooting
                                          in Orlando in 2016. According to
through a celebration of the 300th        Martin, he was moved by the Pulse           News                      2-4         A&E                      10-11          WikiLeaks founder arrested
anniversary of the death of St. John      Night Club shooting and distraught
Baptist de La Salle, the founder of       over the lack of response from the
                                                                                      Politics                  5           Kicks                    12             Julian Assange detained at
the Institute of the Brothers of the      Catholic Church in the aftermath            Commentary                6-7         CAKE                     13             Ecuadorian Embassy in London
Christian Schools.                                                                                                                                                  Page 5
                                          of that incident.                           Features                  8-9         Sports                   14-16
      See BROTHERS Page 8                 

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2                                                                                      NEWS                                                                      April 18, 2019

Playing games in class does
not have to be a bad thing
Explorer Café shows how games can be pedagogically valuable
                                                                                                                                    strength. He shared that it      facetiming her grandparents
       Renee Olivett                                                                                                                is important to be able to       and watching a movie with
          Staff                                                                                                                     access positive emotions,        her classmates. For physical
   Last Wednesday, April 10                                                                                                         even in times of pain            well-being, which is the
in an Explorer Café titled                                                                                                          or distress. One of the          body’s ability to withstand
“Gameful         Education,”                                                                                                        ways he did this was by          stress and restore itself,
Carolyn Plump, an associate                                                                                                         googling baby animals on         Kauffman had the audience
professor of management                                                                                                             his phone, something he          ball their fists and raise
and     leadership,    along                                                                                                        had all café participants        them over their head for 5
with four of her students,                                                                                                          do. Plump noted that             seconds. Some of her other
presented on applying game                                                                                                          seeing baby animals sparks       favorite activities were
design to college courses.                                                                                                          feelings of joy and that it      playing an instrument or
   Plump was inspired to                                                                                                            is important to experience       playing with a pet.
use games in her classroom                                                                                                          three positive emotions for         Plump      finished   the
by the Jane McGonigal                                                                                                               every negative emotion in        café by discussing the
book, “Superbetter.” For                                                                                                            order to have the strength to    strengths and weaknesses
one of her fall semester                                                                                                            push through obstacles and       of including games. Almost
courses, she added typical                                                                                                          adversity. Wilson’s other        every student said that
elements of video games                                                                                                             favorite mental power-ups        it required a lot of extra
to inspire her students to                                                                                                          included using a gratitude       time as students had to
perform their best. These                                                                                                           jar and taking a break           define weekly goals and
elements included things                                                                                                            from technology for short        then journal about their
like “villains,” which were                                                                                                         periods of time.                 experiences. Plump agreed
different obstacles students                                                                                                           Taylor Kauffman finished      with this and added that
determined that would keep                                                                               Smithsonian National Zoo   by speaking about social         she often felt rushed
them from doing well, and       Viewing pictures of baby animals is a gamified way to destress for student Alex Wilson.             and physical well-being.         through      the     material
“quests,” which pushed                                                                                                              Social well-being is the         because of time they had
students to set goals. The      included procrastination,            Some of Plump’s students     She would listen to court         ability to seek support from     lost focusing on the games.
class    worked     together    sticky chair, or not wanting      from last semester presented    cases, research a topic of        family and friends in order      Although, the students did
to set quests and name          to get up and do something,       on each of these aspects and    her choosing and try new          to feel better. Taylor had       say that it increased their
their villains. Examples        and Netflix Necromancer,          the activities they did to      activities. She also had café     everyone at the café shake       motivation and that they
of quests included “beat        or watching too much TV.          build resilience.               participants do a simple          hands with the person next       felt more positive after
the clock,” where if every         To fight these villains, and      Kathiana Cajuste spoke       mental exercise of snapping       to them for five seconds.        reflecting on what they had
student came to class on        to build resilience, students     about mental well-being.        50 times straight. Plump          Plump noted that physical        accomplished. Kauffman
time Plump, would bring         engaged in powerups every         She noted that motivation,      shared that completing any        contact     with    someone      also shared that she felt
her dog and “Spot Check,”       week. These powerups              focus and willpower are         challenge, no matter how          raise oxytocin levels in the     more connected with her
where Plump promised            focused on four main aspects      essential     to  achieving     small, builds mental focus        brain, which makes people        class than she had in other
bagels if everyone in class     of     well-being:      mental,   any goal. She did lots          and discipline.                   feel loved and supported.        classes because of the
was alert and responsive.       emotional,      social      and   of activities in order to         Alex Wilson then spoke          Kauffman said other things       program.
Examples       of    villains   physical.                         build mental resilience.        on building emotional             worked for her too including 

Financial reality fair divulges students
to the expenses of life after college
  Elizabeth McLaughlin          to spend a large portion                                                                                                             learn. Marguerita Cheng,
          Staff                 of their salary on rent or                                                                                                           a contributor for Forbes,
   On Friday, April 12, the     forgo such a cost and live                                                                                                           said, “the consequence of
Career Center and TruMark       with their parents. The                                                                                                              not addressing financial
Financial hosted a financial    volunteer explained that                                                                                                             literacy      is     students
reality fair for students       the best option depends                                                                                                              graduating from college
from all disciplines. Held      not only on salary but                                                                                                               with daunting amounts of
in the Founder’s Hall           also on other monthly                                                                                                                credit card and student loan
Atrium, the fair promoted       commitments, such as loan                                                                                                            debt.” Such a scenario is
financial awareness by          debt. Jeanne Rodriguez,                                                                                                              pervasive among college
helping students understand     a freshman marketing                                                                                                                 students. But the problem
otherwise       complicated     major, was assigned the                                                                                                              of addressing financial
financial jargon. There were    field of engineering. Such                                                                                                           literacy does not end with
14 stations, all dedicated      a job came with some                                                                                                                 one demographic; a study
to a different aspect of        pretty hefty student loans,                                                                                                          by the Financial Industry
budgeting basics that were      so Rodriguez decided                                                                                                                 Regulatory        Foundation
manned by volunteers.           to live at home with her                                                                                                             estimated      that    almost
Upon their arrival, students    parents to save money                                                                                                                two-thirds of Americans
were handed a booklet           for other expenses, like                                                                                                             could not pass a financial
containing job information,     transportation and food.                                                                                                             literacy test. For years,
salary, debt and other          By the end of the fair,                                                                                                              the consumer market has
important numbers for their     Rodriguez     stated    that                                                                                       Jacob Garwood     been unable to properly
financial plan. Then they       she felt she had “a deeper        The atrium of Founder’s Hall was packed with attendees and volunteers for the fair.                understand exactly what it
visited each station and        understanding of what [she]                                                                                                          is that they are buying into.
chose from a list of options    should and shouldn’t spend        responsibility    and   are     salary and relatively high        since the economy is so          But educational initiatives
based on what best fit their    money on.” This fair and its      adjusting accordingly. At       debt. Others were fortunate       volatile, students could         like this one are attempting
budget. Students didn’t         goals were similar to other       the fair, students received     enough to receive profiles        actually end up possessing       to change that norm by
have to rely solely on their    efforts implemented by La         vastly different financial      with little to no burdens.        any one of the potential         providing students with
own discretion, though;         Salle, such as the financial      circumstances upon their        These people could afford         financial profiles in the        the adequate resources to
the volunteers guided them      literacy modules. It is           arrival. Some students          to budget expense for             future. Regardless of the        make appropriate decisions
every step of the way. For      evident that educators are        — like Rodriguez — had          entertainment and travel,         circumstances,    financial      regarding their financial
example, students had           becoming more aware of            profiles that matched the       or even the occasional nail       literacy is a necessary          circumstances.
to decide if they wanted        the importance of financial       typical American: median        salon trip. The reality is,       skill that everyone must  
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April 18, 2019                                                                          NEWS                                                                                                  3

Greek Week festivites held on campus
Eleven Greek life organizations competed against each other for
honor and glory in a weeklong series of events
                                Phi Lambda. The winning          and sororities competed in
        Rita Offutt             sorority was Gamma Phi           four events: 3v3 basketball,
           Staff                Beta, Alpha Theta Alpha          volleyball, dodgeball and
   Last week, the La Salle      came in second.                  an obstacle course. The
chapters of five fraternities      Greek week started with       basketball, volleyball and
and six sororities took         the Panhellenic Council’s        dodgeball games were
part in this year’s Greek       annual penny wars. All of        tournament      style    and
week competition. These         the organizations made           the obstacle course was
organizations can be seen       boxes, and members of the        scored based off of who
all over campus engaging        sororities and fraternities      completed the course in
in study hours, contributing    placed change in the             the least amount of time.
to on-campus activities,        appropriate boxes. Pennies       In the end, the overall
and hosting philanthropic       were worth positive points,      competition winners were
events. These organizations     but silver changes or dollar     Alpha Chi Rho and Alpha
consistently     make      an   bills detracted from the box’s   Theta Alpha.
impressive contribution to      score. The total amount             The final event of the
the La Salle community,         raised     was     $2,387.67,    week, the Greek god and
but the week of April 8         which was all donated to         goddess competition, was
was especially energetic as     the Andrew McDonough B+          held on Friday, April
La Salle’s Greek life came      Foundation.                      12. The Greek god and
together for the week.             Tuesday, April 9 was          goddess competition is
   This year, the theme         the “Race to Raise,” in          similar to a pageant. Each
focused on musicals, and        which members of Greek           organization elects a Greek                                                                              @lasallegreekweek via Instagram
each organization adopted a     life collected products to       god or goddess, a senior             The Alpha Phi Delta banner won for its depiction of “The Lion King.”
show as they moved through      donate to those in need.         who embodies the ideals of
the week. Chosen musicals       In the end, 4,074 cans of        their chapter, to represent
were “Mary Poppins,” “The       food, 2,533 non-perishable       them. The Greek gods and
Wizard of Oz,” “Aladdin,”       items and 4,632 hygiene          goddesses were escorted
“Hairspray,”        “Annie,”    products were collected.         to the stage in floats
“Legally Blonde,” “Shrek,”      Members of the leadership        designed by their fraternity
“High School Musical,”          and global understanding         or    sorority,    answered
“The Greatest Showman,”         (LGU) minor worked to            questions     about     their
“The Lion King” and “West       organize and bag all of          organization and lead their
Side Story.”                    the donated items. Sisters       brothers or sisters in their
   Drawing       inspiration    Returning Home, Our              dance routine. Brendan
from the theme, there           Lady of Hope and Holsey          O’Grady          represented
was a banner competition        Temple Christian Mehodist        Sigma Phi Lambda and
on Monday, April 8. Each        Episcopal and Masjidullah        Ali Barbere was Gamma
organization made a banner      mosque came to pick up           Phi Beta’s Greek goddess.
representing their respective   the donations. Members           After much deliberation,
musical. The banners were       of LGU also took multiple        O’Grady and Barbere were
hung around the top of the      cart loads of food over          crowned the winners of the
Union, with sororities facing   to the Basket, La Salle’s        dance competition.
the quad and fraternities       on-campus food bank for              Alpha Theta Alpha and
facing McCarthy Stadium.        students.                        Sigma Phi Lambda were
The winning fraternity             Wednesday, April 10           crowned the overall Greek
was Alpha Phi Delta,            was the Greek week               Week winners.                                                                                            @lasallegreekweek via Instagram
followed closely by Sigma       Olympics. The fraternities      Donations for the food drive filled the SGA, Panhellenic and IFC office.

                                                                                                                                                  La Salle
                                                                                                                                                Public Safety
                                                                                                                                                Weekly Report

                                                                                                                                          Thursday, April 11
                                                                                                                                           6:36 a.m.
                                                                                                                                              An individual was found trespassing in
                                                                                                                                              St. Basil Court.

                                                                                                                                             10:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                Property in St. Basil Court was

                                                                                                                                          Saturday, April 13
                                                                                                                                           9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                               Individuals in St. Katherine Hall were
                                                                                                                                               cited for consuming alcohol.

                                                                                                                                          Sunday, April 14
                                                                                                                                           1:45 a.m.
                                                                                                                                              Property in the Lawrence Center was
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4                                                                                        NEWS                                                                   April 18, 2019

Successful inaugural year of
LLCs comes to a close
After a year of growth and development, University turns attention on Living
Learning Communities to the future
                                   says. “Everyone [has] the
        From Front
                                   common interest of serving
   Soufleris     also    gave      our community on and off
statistics from the end of the     campus. This common
fall semester that showed          interest allows the residents
that LLC students’ GPAs,           to build their first group of
involvement and retention          friends and [gives them] a
were higher than the overall       strong community to come
University averages. The           back to.”
GPA for LLC students                  Sophomore psychology
was a 2.94, whereas the            major       and        resident
overall GPA for freshmen           assistant of the Creative
was 2.81. There was an 82          and Performing Arts LLC
percent involvement rate           (CAPA), Elizabeth Hallinan,
for LLC students compared          emphasized the importance
to the overall 67 percent          of the community the LLCs
involvement for the Class          foster. “Residents all share
of 2022. The LLC spring            the same interests and feel
retention rate was 91              that CAPA is their safe
percent, which is 4 percent        space on campus where
higher than the overall            they are surrounded by
freshman retention rate of         other students who they can
87 percent.                        relate to. CAPA residents
   The LLCs have given             have created an extremely
first year students a              close community, where
“platform       on     which       they have built friendships
everyone involved can              that will last a lifetime.”
find a common interest,”              Soufleris      says     that
senior religion major and          this sense of community
Signum Fidei resident              was apparent on campus.                                                                                                                           Amir Abi-Faraj
assistant Amir Abi-Faraj           “[These] students share a         Members of the Signum Fidei LLC pose with a sign that says, “Why we love Signum.”
                                                                     common bond, regardless         within the first few weeks     offer in terms of museums       new LLCs. “There is a
                                                                     of whether they participated    of school.”                    and different theaters.”        grant application awaiting

                     STAFF                                           in all of the LLC activities.
                                                                     They were more visible,
                                                                     hung out together more in
                                                                                                       The spaces provided
                                                                                                     for the LLCs, as well as
                                                                                                     opportunities unique to
                                                                                                                                      Despite     the    overall
                                                                                                                                    success of the LLCs, there
                                                                                                                                    will be changes made
                                                                                                                                                                    approval from the biology
                                                                                                                                                                    department for a potential
                                                                                                                                                                    bio floor, [but] that would
                                                                     the LLC lounges and were        the LLC, also had a great      going into the second year.     not be ready until fall
                                                                     involved at a higher rate       impact on the experience       “We renamed the World           2020,” said Soufleris
 Selena Bemak                    William Gries                       than those not in an LLC.”      as a whole. “Having a          Cultures floor for fall 2019      Despite the communities
 Editor-in-Chief                 Managing Editor                        Hallinan     emphasized      place for our students         to a Culture Exploration        fostered among the LLCs
 bemaks1@*                       griesw1@*                           how important the LLCs          to work together, relax,       and Diversity LLC to better     individually,      Hallinan
                                                                     were in easing the transition   have fun and have great        match the interests of the      thinks there is still more
                                                                     into college for many           discussions is essential to    students who lived on it        work to be done moving
 Jonathan Mains                  Benjamin Rottler-Gurley             students. “My residents         grow holistically,” said       this year,” Soufleris said.     forward. “I’d love to see
 Business Manager                Head Copy Editor                    came into school already        Abi-Faraj. Hallinan added      “We are also looking at a       more unity and cohesion
                                 rottlergurley1@*                    in a community, and they        that “there are so many        three-pronged      approach     between the LLCs next
 mainsj1@                                                            were able to surround           opportunities for residents    to the Wellness LLC for         year. It would be really
                                                                     themselves … with other         to get involved with …         next fall: Nutrition/Mindful    nice for them to have more
 News:                           Politics:                           residents who share the         things on and off campus.      Living/Health and Fitness.”     bonding opportunities and
 Elyssa Loughlin                 Jonathan Mains                      same interests as them …        The residents this year have   Along with the alterations      to get to know the other
                                 mainsj1@*                           [which] gave them a new         really taken advantage of      to the current LLCs, there      communities better.”
 loughline2@*                                                        [type of] comfort group         everything Philly has to       are also plans to introduce

 Jacob Garwood                   Thomas Cahalan
 garwoodj2@*                     cahalant1@*

 A&E:                            Sports:
 Peter Elliott                   Emilee Desmond
 elliottp2@*                     desmonde1@*

 Jackie Anderson                 Helen Starrs
 wileyj2@*                       starrsh1@*

 Brianna Nardo                   Steven Silvestro
 nardob1@*                       silvestros1@*

 Kicks:                          Commentary:
 Michael Poggioli                Bianca Abbate
 poggiolim1@*                    abbateb2@*

 Cake:                           Features:
 Cait Donahue                    Julie Wood
 donahuec1@*                     woodj11@*

 * Mark Bisicchia
                                                                                                                                                                                  La Salle University
                                                                     Students study in one of the newly renovated LLC lounges.
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5                                                                                 POLITICS                                                                  April 18, 2019

Mastermind behind WikiLeaks
gets taken out of Embassy
       Thomas Cahalan           assist Manning in cracking       the members of Assange’s        display by the debate over     remove the claim he was         reports.
                                a password” on computer          legal team, claimed they        Assange’s extradition. The     the middle man between            However, Sajid Javid,
                                systems deemed classified        were proven right in regard     British already are divided    Trump and WikiLeaks.            the current home secretary
  Last Thursday, Julian
                                by the Department of             to previous warnings that       over the Brexit process.          Trump himself claimed        gave a hint his thinking
Assange       was    arrested
                                Defense. Assange was             Assange would eventually           Prime Minister Theresa      last Thursday he knows          on the matter might be
by British police on
                                not indicted under the           face extradition to United      May gave a statement on        nothing about the group         different. In the House of
the authority of a U.S.
                                authority of the Espionage       States     for     publishing   Assange’s extradition.         even though he once             Commons last Thursday, he
extradition          warrant.
                                act, a move his supporters       the classified military            “No one is above the        claimed to love WikiLeaks.      criticized the Labour Party
Assange, the founder of
                                feared would happen.             documents back in 2010.         law,” May said.                   Opponents of Assange’s       for defending Assange and
WikiLeaks and citizen of
                                   He was most likely not          “I’ve been with Mr.              Jeremy Corbyn, leader       extradition highlight a 2012    restated the prime ministers
Australia, was removed
                                indicted under the authority     Assange in the police cell,     of the opposition Labour       decision taken by May who       judgment.
from      the     Ecuadorian
                                of the Espionage Act: Since      he wants to thank all of his    Party, argued the British      was then in the position          “There is no one in this
embassy, a place where
                                this move would be seen          supporters for the ongoing      government should oppose       of home secretary. Her          country that is above the
he was known to entertain
                                as cause for protest by          support,” Robinson said.        the extradition of Assange.    decision involved refusing      law,” Javid said.
the likes of Lady Gaga and
                                advocates of free speech.          Robinson also mentioned          “He was being targeted      to hand over Scottish             Assange will appear for
Pamela Anderson.
                                   The            Wikileaks      Assange was notified by         for exposing evidence          computer hacker Gary            an extradition hearing on
He has been charged
                                founder appeared at the          the Ecuadorian Embassy          of atrocities in Iraq and      McKinnon to the American        May 2 at the Westminster
by the United States
                                Westminster Magistrates’         Thursday morning that his       Afghanistan,” Corbyn said.     criminal justice system.        Magistrates Court. In the
with     hacking. Assange,
                                Court in Central London          asylum would be revoked.           Diana      Abbot,     the   May argued McKinnon             meantime, he will remain
who is      no stranger to
                                last Thursday afternoon,           Before           Assange’s    spokeswoman for Labour’s       risked becoming a potential     in custody.
media attention, initially
                                where he was subsequently        extradition      from     the   domestic affairs, explained    danger to himself if he
received his notoriety by
                                charged with failing to          embassy,      he     was    a   the request should be          stood trial in the United
cooperating with Chelsea
                                surrender in court back in       fading celebrity from the       blocked on the basis of        States based on his medical
Manning, a former Army
                                2012.                            beginning of the decade.        human rights. She stated
Intelligence Analyst who
                                   One      of    Assange’s      However, the upcoming           to the BBC that the true
supplied       thousands of
                                lawyers mentioned he             legal battle has made him       motivation behind the U.S.
classified documents to
                                declined to surrender based      reemerge as a major figure      government’s decision to
                                on the fear he would not         in the political spotlight.     prosecute Assange was
The     U.S.      Department
                                receive a fair trial, which        According to a YouGov         its “embarrassment of the
of Justice has indicted
                                forced him to seek asylum        Poll, “half of Britons had      things he’s revealed about
Assange on a single
                                in the Ecuadorian Embassy.       no opinion on Ecuador’s         the American military and
charge of conspiracy to
                                   The judge overseeing          decision to get rid of him,”    security services.”
steal military secrets with
                                Assange’s case called him        said    Washington       Post      Nigel Farage, the right-
                                a “narcissist who cannot         reporters Isaac Stanley-        wing politician who’s
  The      Department      of
                                get beyond his own selfish       Becker       and     William    one of President Donald
Justice     revealed     that
                                interest.”                       Booth. “More than a third       Trump’s          ideological
the indictment, which
                                   He was found guilty of        supported the move, and         allies, mentioned to the
was officially signed on
                                breaking the conditions of       only 1 in 7 wanted him to       BBC last Friday he had                                                       Harvard Gazette.
March 6 of last year and
                                his bail and faces up to 12      stay.”                          visited Assange once in        Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks is in a police van after
unsealed Thursday, states
                                months in prison.                  More divisions in British     the embassy, which was         being captured by London police.
Assange conspired “to
                                   Jennifer Robinson, one of     politics have been put on       viewed as an attempt to

President of Sudan removed from
power by military coup
                                implement.                          A protester on the streets   extradite the ousted leader.
       Selena Bemak                The protests over the past    of Khartoum stated, “People        Although they will not
           Editor               four months resulted in mass     fear the military council       extradite him, Sudan’s
                                groups of protesters taking      will try to stay in power as    ruling military council
                                to the streets in Khartoum,      long as they can. And that      will prosecute al-Bashir.
   President of Sudan Omar      Sudan’s      capital.    Anti-   is not driven by any actual     Yesterday it was announced
al-Bashir was removed from      government protesters made       things that are being done      that the former was moved
office in a military coup on    their camp near the location     now, but by fear of the past.   to maximum security prison
April 11. Since December        of the Sudanese army’s           It is what happened after       Kobar. According to the
of last year, protesters        headquarters. Despite al-        both of Sudan’s previous        BBC, al-Bashir is being held
have swept across Sudan,        Bashir’s removal from            revolutions in 1964 and         in solitary confinement.
demanding an upheaval                                                                                                                                                       
                                office, dissenters continue to   1985,” in response to the
against his dictatorship.                                                              
                                                                                                                                President of Sudan Omar al-Bashir has been deposed.
                                take to the streets in Sudan,    military council’s rise to
The Transitional Military       demanding a transition           power.
Council, a group of military    from a military to a civilian       Throughout      his    30-
officials and leaders who       government. Approximately        year reign, al-Bashir has
led al-Bashir’s take-down,      5000 people remain camped        been accused of leading
will serve as interim rulers    outside of the military          campaigns of mass killings,
in the Republic of Sudan.       base in opposition to the        as well as rigging elections.
During his presidency,          provisional      government.     The 75-year-old has been
several violent conflicts       Despite their attempts, the      wanted by the International
have occurred in Sudan,         Sudanese military could not      Crime Court since 2009
including     the     second    disperse the crowd.              for ordering the Sudanese
Sudanese Civil War, which          One of the major groups       government to launch an
resulted in the separation      supporting the protests,         “unlawful attack on part
and establishment of South      the Sudanese Professionals       of the civilian population
Sudan.                          Association,      encouraged     of Darfur.” The official
   Leader of the Transitional   Sudanese citizens to flock       charges against him by the
Military Council, Abdel         to the site, stating, “We        ICC includes two counts of
Fattah         Abdelrahman,     hope that everyone will          war crimes and five counts
announced the release of        head immediately to the          of crimes against humanity.
political   prisoners     and   areas of the sit-in to protect   However, the Transitional                                                                                           BBC News
implementation of a curfew,     your revolution and your         Military Council claimed        Transitional Military Council Leader Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman addresses future of Sudan.
among other institutional       accomplishments.”                that they do not intend to
changes he intends to
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6                                                                             COMMENTARY                                                                             April 18, 2019

Listening is only the first step toward welcoming the
LGBTQ+ community to the Church
         Jason Diaz              in Terris Lecture, which         so much as claim them and         ethics and morals, and I          for same-sex couples, to           good is listening if it is not
           Faculty               hosted Father James Martin,      that we provide value to our      have always been appalled         name just three historical         coupled with action?
                                 SJ. Martin’s talk, given         community, among other            at the way that so-called         and ongoing injustices.               Martin made reference
   When I joined La              Tuesday night in Founder’s       insights. From this inclusive     Christians have wielded           Listening to the LGBTQ+            to     the     Civil    Rights
Salle’s Integrated Science,      Hall, was titled “Building a     framework, he then outlined       their spirituality against me     community and extending            movement and the way
Business and Technology          Bridge: Showing Respect and      ten steps by which Catholic       and my community. Father          an open arm strikes me             that consciousness-raising
(ISBT) faculty in the fall       Welcome to LGBT People in        organizations might better        Martin reminded all of us         as hollow gestures if the          was a critical component
of 2017, I stepped onto          the Catholic Church.” I have     engage, serve and advocate        of the ultimate message and       Church is unwilling to             of the success of that
campus with equal parts          grown up suffering various       for their LGBTQ+ members.         power of Jesus’s example,         radically reconcile with           movement. But the Civil
joy and anxiety. As a son of     indignities and vitriol from        I found Martin’s talk          and his insights and              its participation in the           Rights movement did not
Hispanic immigrants, I was       supposed followers of Christ     refreshingly         inclusive    recommendations        flowed     dehumanization of my               simply ask that the plights
thrilled for the opportunity     who wielded the Scripture as     and his suggestions based         naturally from this position.     community.                         of the African-American
to help underrepresented         a weapon against me for the      resolutely in examples               What I ultimately found           During the question and         community and similar
communities succeed in           sin of being myself, and I was   provided by Jesus himself.        disappointing, however, was       answer period, a mother            communities be heard; the
STEM. As a gay atheist           dubious of what Martin had       He emphasized that basing         the continual exhortation         asked Martin how she should        Civil Rights movement also
who was brought up in a          to say on the topic. On the      homophobia within the             that    Church      and     its   help her lesbian daughter who      demanded that those in power
Catholic household, I also       whole, I found my doubts         literally    written     word     congregation begin dealing        felt estranged and rejected        recognize their complicity in
came to campus with some         once again allayed, although     of the scripture is, at           with its fraught relationship     by their church. Martin very       this dehumanizing system
trepidation and doubts as        I argue that Martin did not      its core, cherry-picking          with       the      LGBTQ+        reasonably suggested the           and make the necessary
to whether I would feel          go far enough to convince        and completely ignoring           community by first listening      mother consider finding a          changes to correct these
comfortable being my full        me that the Church is truly      historical contexts, and          to these estranged members        more inclusive parish and          injustices.
authentic self on campus. I      ready to open its arms to the    reminded us that Jesus            of our community. Time and        community, and to act as              This June 28 will mark
am the first to admit that I     LGBTQ+ community.                always sought to move             again Martin came back to         a more intentional bridge          the 50th anniversary of the
arrived with some prejudices        Martin gave a succinct        out to those left on the          this point in his prepared        between her daughter and           Stonewall Riots, an event
about what the climate might     talk that, in my opinion,        margins and bring them to         talk as well as during the        Jesus. It was a very practical     that many consider to be the
be like at La Salle, and I       accurately and unflinchingly     the Church. I especially          question and answer period,       answer and sound advice, but       beginning of the modern
am happy that I was proven       described the various ways       enjoyed the way Martin            and very rarely did he offer      why did his answer not also        gay rights movement in
wholly ignorant of the           that LGBTQ+ individuals          painted the story of Jesus        any significant steps beyond      include a discussion of how        America. We have been
reception I would receive.       have been oppressed by           and Zacchaeus, the chief          that. And while I agree           churches and their leaders         shouting to be heard for
I feel truly blessed to be a     the Catholic community.          tax-collector, as a parallel to   that this is an absolutely        need to address homophobia         fifty years —the time for
part of a community where        Martin provided six insights     the dynamics between Jesus,       necessary step, it cannot be      in their congregations and         just listening is well past.
I feel different but valued,     that he urged Catholics take     LGBTQ+ individuals, and           the only step.                    in the religious ranks? The        I challenge this Catholic
and the close alignment of       to heart when thinking of        the congregation who, in             Members of the Church          Catholic Church is supposed        community to not just
my own mission with that of      the relationship between         this story, end up working        have used scripture to justify    to guide and shepherd the          listen, but to face the sins of
the University is a source of    the congregation and the         against instead of towards        their homophobia; they have       faithful towards Christ —          our phobias head-on with
profound energy that drives      LGBTQ+           community,      forgiveness, community and        promoted dehumanizing and         why isn’t it ultimately the        the radical love that Jesus
me forward every day.            including a reminder that        ultimately salvation.             now debunked conversion           responsibility of the Church       exemplifies. I pray that this
   I found myself experiencing   LGBTQ+ Catholics are still          Although       I      count    therapy to try to change          to radically challenge its         love inspires reconciliation,
a familiar sense of both         Catholics, that LGBTQ+           myself an atheist today,          people’s orientation; and         leadership and congregation        acceptance, and above all,
excitement and anxiety when      people do not choose their       my Catholic upbringing            they have actively fought         to truly engage with their         true fellowship.
I learned of this year’s Pacem   orientation or gender identity   has deeply informed my            against marriage equality         latent homophobia? What                    

A possible solution for the opiod epidemic
in Philadelphia?
    Christian Camacho            dumping used needles.            city municipality is the          However, with the safe            for addicts to receive as          where the opioid crisis is
            Staff                Boxes like these are             implementation of a “safe         injection     sites    being      they either don’t know             at high levels, and also
   The opioid crisis is an       funded by the Department         injection site.” At first         implemented       into   the      where to receive them, or          from the Department of
extremely sensitive topic to     of Public Health in              glance, this sounds like a        community,       there   are      they do not have an reason         Justice, which is looking
talk about when it comes to      Philadelphia. These boxes        horrible idea for solving         benefits for the addicts to       to receive the counseling. A       to sue Philadelphia if
drug policies in the United      have decreased the amount        the opioid crisis. How do         be recovered from their           possible location for these        they were to, finally, open
States and discussions on        of used needles being left       you plan on handling the          disease. At these safe            sites have been turned down        a safe injection site. I
how to make Philadelphia         on the street, and have even     crisis if you are deliberately    injection sites, the addicts      tremendously throughout            understand that this is a
a better place for future        encouraged neighborhoods         condoning it amongst the          will be able to receive           the city. On March 22nd,           very different approach
generations.      With     the   to     implement        mass     addicts, by giving them a         counseling on different           2019, the vice president of        to handling the ongoing
growing opioid crisis,           clean ups into their own         safe, quiet place, filled with    ways of recovery. They will       Safehouse, a nonprofit that        opioid crisis. However,
Philadelphia has become          neighborhoods.          Many     clean needles, and freedom        be given multiple sources,        wants to open the first site,      if we were to incarcerate
the city with the highest        companies,        such     as    from incarceration? Many          throughout Philadelphia, on       expressed that they are in         all of those individuals
opioid death rate of any         Starbucks, have looked into      citizens argue that with          improving their livelihood.       current negotiations with          who are addicts, and place
large city in the United         implementing their own           doing this, they will be          This is very big for the          a landowner in opening             them into prison, not only
States. Within Philadelphia,     safety deposit boxes into        even more afraid to walk          addicts as they can receive       up the first of these “Safe        would they receive massive
multiple solutions have          their store bathrooms for        amongst the streets of            this type of counseling in        Injection Sites.” The city         opioid-withdrawal,       but
been presented to the            addicts to dispose of their      Philadelphia          because     furthering their lives away       of Philadelphia has faced          they will also be given a
municipality as to how to        needles instead of leaving       there would be an influx          from drugs. Some of the           massive backlashes from            criminal record. With that
handle the crisis, There is      them in the bathrooms and        of addicts in the streets.        sources can seem difficult        the community members,             criminal record, they will
more of an emphasis on           making their customers                                                                                                                  then be at high-risk for
how to contain the issue and     feel uncomfortable. These                                                                                                               unemployment. With a high
work toward abolishment,         safety deposit boxes are                                                                                                                chance of unemployment,
but not necessarily a quick      just one step towards                                                                                                                   they will then look to drugs
solution. Many areas have        controlling the outrageous                                                                                                              again to numb the pain
been affected by the opioid      opioid     crisis. Another                                                                                                              that they are withstanding.
crisis. One area in particular   implementation has been                                                                                                                 These safe injection sites
is Kensington. Kensington        community-based needle                                                                                                                  are ways to help the
is an area with a massive        exchange            programs                                                                                                            community on a level that
amount of factories.With         (NEPs)       that     provide                                                                                                           is close to home. If we just
many businesses moving           clean needles for addicts                                                                                                               result to mass incarceration
out of the city, Kensington      to prevent the spread of                                                                                                                of addicts, what help would
is filled with abandoned         HIV/AIDS. Narcan has                                                                                                                    we be providing then? And
buildings and, now, the          also been distributed to                                                                                                                if we are looking to help
opioid crisis. There have        Philadelphians to raise                                                                                                                 them, Methadone seems
been some solutions to           awareness for overdoses                                                                                                                 to be the only solution, at
handling      the    massive     within the community                                                                                                                    the moment, but addicts
outbreak of diseases and         and ways in which they                                                                                                                  are stuck on Methadone
deaths within Philadelphia.      can help victims before                                                                                                                 for years and years with no
Many train stops have a          the paramedics arrive.                                                                                          way out.
“Safety      Needle-Deposit      One theory that has                                                                                                               
                                                                  Phildelphia’s Department of Public Health installed a safety needle-deposit box by Septa stops
Box” which is used for           been proposed to the             in Kensington.
La Salle University Digital Commons - La Salle University
7                                                                                COMMENTARY                                                                                April 18, 2019

Local charter school serves as                                                                                                                    Collegian Editorial
paradigm for Pennsylvania
       Renee Olivett                 Charter schools provide
                                  educators, like Zeigler and
                                                                      are seeing better results.
                                                                         In Massachusetts, for
                                                                                                          The bill proposed various
                                                                                                       provisions            including
                                                                                                                                               No awards for
                                                                                                                                                 La Salle
   Smedley Elementary is          McCreight, the opportunity to       example, charter schools         deadlines       for      charter
one of 17 Mastery Charter         experiment with creative and        have done remarkably well.       renewals, the creation of
schools in Philadelphia, and      innovative teaching methods.        In reading, 44 percent of        standard performance metrics
one of roughly 160 charter        However, charters are also a        charter schools outperform       and the establishment of
schools in Pennsylvania. And      continual point of contention       traditional public schools       a Charter School Funding
it has a restaurant.              in the public education             (TPS) and in math, 56 percent    Advisory Commission.
   In 2016, Amy Zeigler and       sector, as some view them           of charter schools outperform       Unfortunately, the bill                 Awards are important — if not for the actual
Nicole McCreight opened “B        more detrimental to public          their TPS counterparts.          stalled in the House and did            accomplishment they celebrate — then for the
Avenue Cafe” as a life skills     education than beneficial.             This        is      because   not pass last year. These               opportunity they give one to reflect back on the
program for their special            To investigate this, Public      Massachusetts has a system       reforms would have created              challenges that were overcome and the people that
education students. The cafe      Citizens for Children and           for charter approval that        a stricter accountability               helped to overcome those challenges.
encompasses various learning      Youth, a Philadelphia-based         is both centralized and          system,      forcing     charter           Though      well    intentioned,     through   its
experiences, incorporating        advocacy group, released a          rigorous.      Charters    can   schools to perform as well, or          disorganization and mismanagement, La Salle
elements of math and reading      report in 2016 on the state of      only be approved by the          even better, than their public          University corrupts what should be a tool of
into the everyday operation of    charter schools throughout          Massachusetts Department         school counterparts.                    celebration, both for the individual and the
a restaurant.                     Pennsylvania.                       of Education and if charters        (Not that traditional public         institution, into a mess of incompetence and
   Students are able to              In the report, they              aren’t meeting performance       school counterparts are doing           confusion.
participate in every aspect of    compared          Pennsylvania      standards, the state does not    much better— in 2017, only                 How we celebrate awards gives them importance.
the restaurant — from serving     System of School Assessment         hesitate to deny their renewal   33 percent of Pennsylvania’s            What gives most awards their weight are their
guests to planning special        (PSSA) scores for charter and       applications.                    eighth grade students were              ceremonies and traditions.
events. “B Avenue” began as       traditional public schools.            Pennsylvania, on the other    proficient in math.)                        The most obvious example of this sort of thing
a small project by Zeigler and    They found that 45 percent          hand, is notorious for its          Given that Pennsylvania              is commencement. In reality, nearly everyone
McCreight, who funded the         of traditional school students      outdated charter law, which      is in desperate need of this            in college is going to graduate. While it is an
Cafe using their own money        were at least proficient in         was first passed in 1997. In     reform, perhaps it is time to           impressive task and something to be celebrated,
before receiving a grant that     math, compared to only 21           fact, PA Auditor General         stop debating the merit of              what makes the actual ceremony meaningful are
allowed the restaurant to         percent of charter students.        Eugene DePasquale, called        charter schools and, instead,           the traditions of the ceremony: the cap and gown,
grow.                             For reading, 63 percent of          it “simply the worst charter     advocate for laws that ensure           the commencement speaker and the walking
   Bridget Fanning, a teacher     traditional school students         school law in the United         their success.                          across the stage to receive an empty (overpriced)
at Smedley, was invited as a      were at least proficient            States.”                            By implementing these                folder. Over a millennium, colleges have built up
guest by one of her students      compared to only 42 percent            Charter school advocates,     changes, charter schools in             traditions around graduation. They give weight and
to a Valentine’s lunch at the     of charter school students.         such as the Pennsylvania         Pennsylvania may finally be             meaning to it because everyone shares in and is
Cafe.                                Many argue, on the basis         Coalition of Public Charter      able to prosper, providing              knowledgeable, to some degree, of those traditions.
   Fanning was moved by           of data like this, for the          Schools, have attempted to       more students with access                  La Salle and its various subsidiary departments
the effort for the project, “I    eradication of charters. Diane      change the law for years. Most   to innovative ideas like                often fail at creating coherent and understood
was actually in tears as the      Ravitch, an education policy        recently, they were working      “B Avenue Cafe” and the                 traditions that give awards context and meaning.
students who typically are        analyst at NYU, for example,        to pass House Bill 97, which     motivated teachers who                  In doing so, the University disrespects the students
the least likely to participate   claims that charter schools         was first introduced to the PA   inspired it.                            and teachers who earn them. Often, students have
                                  “damage public education.”          House of Representatives in    
in class asked my order and                                                                                                                    no idea what awards exist in the first place or
brought my pancakes.”                But, in other states, charters   early 2017.                                                              the criteria in place necessary to earn them. For
                                                                                                                                               example, this year, most seniors were unaware of

Everyone can benefit from
                                                                                                                                               the application process for commencement speaker.
                                                                                                                                               If the point of a prize is to incentivize someone to
                                                                                                                                               work harder, then the point is sorely missed if no
                                                                                                                                               one knows the prize exists.

a liberal arts education
                                                                                                                                                  Likewise, many do not know what the meaning
                                                                                                                                               of the awards that they win are. Each department
                                                                                                                                               is responsible for managing, publishing and giving
                                                                                                                                               out its own recognitions and some students do not
                                                                                                                                               know why they got this or that title (or that they
                                                                                                                                               even go the award in the first place).
                                  qualities     would     make        building hover cars (still       liberal arts degree is                     More significantly, La Salle, and the various
     Thomas Cahalan
                                  a great scientist. Other            waiting). Fortunately, they      meant to push one’s mind,               academic and extracurricular departments which
                                  people would argue this             have a tool they can use         while also dabbling in                  give out these awards, have done a terrible job of
   In today’s ever evolving       means the sciences and              to do the writing for them:      about every other subject.              marketing the events in which they recognize the
world, many students and          liberal arts don’t have to be       liberal arts majors.             Granted, general education              awards’ recipients. Consistently, these ceremonies
faculty alike have begun          in a constantly shifting cold          When      somebody       is   requirements have tainted               are under planned, under publicized and lack the
to question the value of a        war battle, which involves          awarded a liberal arts           this concept and made                   types of traditions that make such ceremonies
liberal arts degree.              one side being glorified            degree, it implies the person    registration kind of a                  meaningful. Each year, students and parents alike
   For the purpose of             through most of the 1900s           has two crucial skills, at       pain (which is why they                 are confused to hear that this or that award was
bringing in some 60s spirit,      until about 2008 and then           least in the business world.     shouldn’t be a thing).                  given out at this or that unheard of event which few
some science students             the other side getting the          Basically, the skills are the       However, don’t be afraid             people attended, because few people were aware of
have been found chanting          glory from 2008 onwards.            ability to write effectively     to dabble in classes that will          its existence.
“liberal arts, what are           It is ambiguous, but most           and break down arguments         force you to utilize math or               The trappings of academic and extracurricular
they good for, absolutely         readers probably know               for the sake of analysis.        business skills. Those skills           achievement can and should be an opportunity for
nothing!” Don’t worry, that       which side is which.                Trolls on the internet will      are still tucked in the back            members of the La Salle community to celebrate
hasn’t actually happened.            It must be stated though,        say otherwise, but that’s        of the brain, they just have            all the wonderful things that go on at this school.
Well, at least officially.        that the world needs                the truth.                       to be untucked. A major                 However, because of poor management, both on the
   Given      the     massive     multiple minds to function.            Students in the liberal       advantage of not having a               part of the University and the individual academic
cost of higher education,         In the hidden underbelly            arts need to realize             set path for a degree, which            departments, recognition of talent becomes more
competition from overseas,        of academic society, there          that they have to make           is a common concern                     a maze of confusion than an opportunity for
changing       structure     of   exists a bitter war over            sure their degrees have          of liberal arts majors,                 celebration.
higher education itself,          which department gets the           actually been tailored to        is the ability to use that
bitter English and creative       most funding, but students          be versatile. Yes, electives     degree to create a career
writing graduates, political      don’t have to be a proxy for        should be enjoyable, but         path one hundred percent
emphasis on STEM and              that struggle. Instead, there       make sure any class taken        personalized.
trades, the liberal arts have     should be a camaraderie             as an elective has a deeper         Imagine if somebody
seen some rough times.            between the academic                goal of preparing one for        with a liberal arts degree
                                                                                                                                               Letters, guest columns and opinion pieces will be considered
   The fact of the matter         areas.                              the workplace or future          planned their undergraduate             for publication provided that they meet with the editorial
though is that it is not             Both sides need each             education plans.                 and graduate education                  standards of The Collegian and fit the allotted space. All letters
completely           hopeless.    other at the end of the day.           Focusing every elective       accordingly, so one day                 must be signed. They can be submitted to abbateb2@student.
Believe it or not, it’s bright.   Scientists, at least in this        on literature classes or         the underestimated liberal     The Collegian reserves the right to condense or edit
Being a liberal arts major        writer’s experience, are            really obscure classes           arts major is sitting in the            submissions. Weekly editorials reflect the views of the editorial
                                                                                                                                               staff and are not representative of the university or necessarily
ultimately requires three         known to hate writing.              may seem like a sound            conference room as a CEO.               the views of the rest of the Collegian’s staff. Columns and
qualities:        adaptability,      One can’t fault a scientist      idea in the short term, but      This is just something to               cartoons reflect the views of the respective writers and artists.
versatility and the ability to    for disliking writing. They         it runs the risk of turning      think about, especially for
think outside the box.            need to spend time taking           the major into a comfort         the sake of the business
   Some might say these           pictures of blackholes and          zone.     Traditionally,     a   school.
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8                                                                                       FEATURES                                                                         April 18, 2019

La Salle reflects on 300-year-old
Christian Brother tradition
         From front               responsibility           lightly.      This philosophy toward         continual care and concern        as its Shining Star, a             Kinzler      warns     against
                                     “Becoming a Brother              education is infectious, as       the Brothers bestow on them.      special     distinction    and     treating the Brothers as
                                  doesn’t           automatically     many professors say they             “They       provide      an    the department’s highest           legends. He says such a
   This               yearlong    make       you       a     great    use the Brothers as a model       example of what a true            accolade.        She      says     view distracts from and
commemoration of the              teacher,”     said      Kinzler.    for their own teaching.           Lasallian looks like,” said       Molyneaux         used      his    trivializes the current work
original Lasallian educator          Regardless of whether the           Pamela       Lannutti,     a   Liz Hallinan, a sophomore.        acceptance speech as a time        they do. Instead, the Brothers
has also prompted the entire      Brothers spend their day as         professor of communication        “They have changed my life        to highlight and publicly          should be remembered as
University         community,     professors, administrators or       and a La Salle graduate, says     and encouraged me to be           thank all of the special           fellow contributors to the
students,     faculty      and    advisors, the men say that a        she always makes sure to keep     the best Lasallian I can be.”     people in his life rather than     common good, no better
Christian Brothers alike, to      student-centered approach           the Brothers in mind while           While many at La               as an opportunity to continue      than any other member of
reflect on the influence of       guides all of their work.           in the classroom. She pulls       Salle regard the Christian        talking about himself. He          the Lasallian community.
those men who have devoted           Br. Gerry Molyneaux              upon past experiences with        Brothers as living legends        called upon his family                “I don’t want to be a living
their lives to continuing         says in order to accomplish         the Brothers from her time        in their own right, the           members, Sigma Phi Lambda          legend. I want to be a living
St. La Salle’s legacy.            this, a specific commitment         as a student as inspiration       Brothers recognize they           fraternity brothers, Christian     person that is doing stuff. I
   The Brothers are proud of      to each student is required.        for her own interactions          cannot do their work alone.       Brothers and department            want to be a human being who
their responsibility and use it      “You treat the student as an     with      current     students.      “We don’t exist without        colleagues in attendance to        is trying his best to make the
as a motivating force in their    individual, not just a mind, but       “I think about how I           students,” Grabenstein said.      individually stand up and be       world a better place. I don’t
day-to-day interactions with      a whole personality,” said the      can not only support them            Lannutti      says      this   recognized by the audience.        need to be a legend,” he said.
the University community.         professor of communication,         where they are, but figure        humility is characteristic           At the conclusion of the           Kinzler says it is up
   “It gives me life. It          who founded the University’s        out a way to move them a          of        the         Brothers.   speech, Molyneaux asked            to the entire campus
gives me energy. This is a        communication department            little bit further,” she said.       “It’s not about rank.          all of his friends to stand        community to ensure that the
love affair with God and          in 1985 and has been at                She     adds     that   the    They see themselves as            up. At once, every audience        Lasallian tradition lives on.
humanity,” said Br. Bob           La Salle for 46 years.              Brothers are a constant           peers for everyone in this        member rose and erupted into          According        to     him,
Kinzler,     assistant     vice      Kinzler says the Brothers        source of encouragement.          community,”       she     said.   applause, honoring a man           “It’s all of us together
president for the Department      must ultimately meet students          “I see them as sort of a          She adds that, even            who, in some way or another,       doing this. That’s the
of University Ministry,           where they are. He says this        steady, stabilizing force,”       when       being      honored,    touched each of their lives.       only way this works.”
Service and Support, who          often poses a challenge.            she said. “The Christian          the Brothers tend to shy             “There was not a dry
has been at the University           “We are the ones who have        Brothers are always there.        away from the limelight.          eye in the house during    
for 14 years. “I help God         to step out of our comfort          They are like the rock.”             Lannutti        remembers      this,” Lannutti said. “We’re
move the world forward.”          zones to go where students             This support is not lost       when the communication            all his friends. That’s a
   The      Brothers       also   are,” he said. “It’s not forcing    on students, who say they         department         recognized     Christian Brother thing.”
do      not     take      their   students to fit into our mold.”     are empowered by the              Molyneaux        last     year       At the end of the day,

University worker has big dreams for band
      John Kuhlmeier              a huge group of people              their shows.                      their live events. Achieving         Love is a central theme         and he’s honestly so funny.
           Staff                  like that…” he stops and              Despite       his    current    a dream as ambitious as           to Hershock and his band’s         It’s hard not to love him.”
                                  grins. “There’s just nothing        satisfaction, Paul says he        the one Hershock proposes         work. He says that Bob                Hershock’s charismatic
   The venue is small;            else like it.” He’s a tall,         has bigger plans for the          requires both passion and         Marley is his biggest              energy and passion for
Ortlieb’s Philly, a little bar    broad-shouldered man in             future. “My biggest goal is       determination.       Hershock     inspiration.“He      brought       music, combined with his
in Northeast Philadelphia         his twenties, with a thick,         headlining a major music          appears to check both boxes.      people together and taught         easygoing nature, mirrors
is packed with around a           dark beard and tattoos on           festival,” Hershock said.            Hershock started playing       that there was universal love      that of a 1960s hippie. His
hundred people. The room is       his forearms. His voice is          “Something like Bonnaroo,         guitar at the age of 13, saying   in the world, all you have         music does, too, which is
dark and the ceiling is low,      cool, calm and distinctive,         Firefly     or      Coachella.    “the crappy little amp I had      to do is find it,” he says.        perhaps why it resonates so
but a rainbow of flashing         matching his demeanor. He           Basically, I want to just         and the vibration and sound       Hershock believes that, for        much with his audiences.
colors illuminates a stage.       exudes a kind of youthful           play to as many people            it made – I was hooked.”          him, the best way to spread        Hershock uses his message
Alcohol-infused hugs are          aura and playful innocence.         as possible, as loud as           He continued to play              this message is through            of brotherly love in unison
shared amongst friends               For now, Hershock says           possible.” In a city where        and incorporated singing          music, and at Ortlieb’s, the       with his powerful vocals
and smiles are present on         he is fine with where he is in      much of the big time              into his craft, eventually        crowd certainly appeared to        and aggressive guitar to
everyone’s faces; there is        life. He spends his weekdays        music scene has turned to         recruiting his closest friends    hear that message. “They           ignite the crowds. Becoming
a certain life in the room        working as a supervisor at          the likes of rap and hip-         into the formation of his         just have so much energy,”         a band popular enough
and an undeniable sense           Aramark catering services           hop, Hershock’s dream             band in 2013. “It was kind        said Kyra Elmendorf, an            to propel themselves to
of brotherhood between            at La Salle University.             is certainly an ambitious         of a collection of people         attendee of the crowd that         headlining a major music
everyone present, stranger        His weekends consist of             one. As an alternative            who didn’t go to college,         night. “I just love coming         festival in front of hundreds
or not. At the heart of this      traveling around the city           rock band with a self-            not really knowing what           here and dancing and just          of thousands of people is no
energy is a man named Paul        with his two best friends           described      “Hendrix-style     we were doing at first,”          having fun with everybody.         easy goal to accomplish, but
Hershock, and his band            and bandmates, Pat O’Brien          blues influence” combined         Hershock said with a smile.       Paul is almost like a big          with a man like Hershock
Stealing from Thieves.            and      Johnny     Cameron,        with “in-your-face loud           “We just ended up jamming,        brother here,” says Andrew         leading the way, anything is
   Here, on stage, is where       performing      at    various       guitar,”    Stealing     from     and you know we all love          Partem, one of Paul’s              possible.
Paul says he feels most           venues within Philadelphia,         Thieves has made a name           each other and it just kind of    subordinates at Aramark.
alive. “Playing in front of       drawing raucous crowds to           for themselves through            worked out.”                      “He’s just so easy to talk to
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