Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.

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Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.

Generali Vitality’s success formula
meets an innovative cloud solution.
Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
Call for change

Turning to a new
future-ready digital
In the competitive digital economy, a user’s        Consistent global customer experience is best
experience can mean everything. Generali            achieved when teams in design and IT work
Vitality knew as much when it launched an           effectively together at scale, across the
innovative platform to promote the mantra           organization. A new solution that could meet
“Know your health, improve your health,             Generali Vitality’s ambitious goals would need to
enjoy your rewards.” Customers in Germany,          scale to ten-thousands of users, integrate multiple
Austria and France were offered                     rewards partners, and be localizable for multiple
encouragement, rewards and lowered                  markets and languages. Generali Vitality needed
insurance premiums for taking simple steps          to collaborate with a partner that could enable
toward a healthy lifestyle, such as getting         these capabilities with a tailor-made solution, so
regular checkups and staying physically             users could benefit from the updates as soon as
active.                                             possible.

But Generali Vitality wanted to grow its base       So, the company partnered with Accenture to
beyond these markets and become a lifetime          collaborate in strategically relevant areas - user
health partner to members. The company realized     experience and cloud computing - and to unify
that if it could introduce a best-in-class user     the design approach between business units and
experience uniformly across all user journeys and   across geographic boundaries.
channels with a unique and fresh product feel, it
could increase user engagement and retention.
The challenge? Optimizing and introducing new
features continuously without the need for
lengthy product development and release cycles.

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved
Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
When tech means human ingenuity

Creative, custom,
cloud collaboration
Accenture combined Fjord's                        1   A fully cloud-native development     3   An event-driven Microservice
(part of Accenture Interactive)                       approach to address scalability,         Architecture that can scale and
design expertise with its custom                      speed of development and low             enable modular releases and fast
software engineering and cloud                        operations overhead in                   paced change based on Spring
capabilities to help create a                         production. Generali Vitality uses       Boot, Containerization and AWS
holistic solution for Generali                        Amazon Web Services (AWS) and            Lambda. Domain events are
Vitality and its members.                             the solution leverages AWS               published and consumed via AWS
                                                      platform services in many areas,         SNS/SQS and serve as fabric for
In just a few months, the team                        for example Databases, API               connecting services to each other,
tailored a cloud native application                   management and Web Content               while keeping them decoupled.
with world-class user experience                      Distribution.
(UX), push-button deployments and                                                          4   A DevOps and automation
all the adaptability and flexibility              2   A custom-built responsive web            approach that follows the “you
required to bring the Generali Vitality               application, that can be displayed       build it, you run it” philosophy and
rewards experience into different                     on variety of screen sizes and           drives automation across the
European markets. The core building                   serve as extension points to the         whole software development
blocks of the implementation and                      programs accompanying native             lifecycle including defining the
technical architecture can be broken                  app. The solution is backed by a         whole cloud infrastructure as
down into four main elements:                         content management system to             code, thereby reducing
                                                      allow for easy content updates and       operational complexity to a
                                                      extensions by the business teams.        minimum while offering rapid
                                                                                               development, seamless scalability
                                                                                               and high resilience.

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved
Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
When tech meets human ingenuity

         “With cloud you get a “Lego
         bricks” style approach that
         combines cloud services
         with custom software
         components to create high
         quality solutions in a very
         short amount of time; that
         would not be feasible in a
         traditional approach using a
         corporate datacenter.”
         Nils Müller-Sheffer
         Managing Director,
         Accenture Cloud First

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved
Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
A valuable difference

                                                                   Achieving a
                                                                   more sustainable,
                                                                   healthier world
                                                                   Generali Vitality is scheduled to roll out to more and
                                                                   more European countries. Its product can undergo
                                                                                                                                             “We have successfully
                                                                   a continuous cycle of improvement and new
                                                                   features can easily be added. As a result, the range
                                                                                                                                             launched in multiple
                                                                   of premium brands available as benefit partners                           European markets; we are
                                                                   can increase with customer demand and
                                                                   preferences. All of these new capabilities were                           ready to launch in new
                                                                   enabled by design, choice of platforms and cloud
                                                                   technology.                                                               markets this year and our
                                                                   These benefits of the implemented solution fit with
                                                                                                                                             user base is constantly
                                                                   Generali Vitality’s goals for a more sustainable,
                                                                   healthier world for its members. By using AWS,
                                                                                                                                             growing. This was
                                                                   Generali Vitality made a substantial step towards                         supported by our new
                                                                   Generali‘s CO2 emission reduction targets driven
                                                                   by higher efficiency of cloud computing. An                               digital infrastructure.”
                                                                   indication of this are the results of a study by 451
                                                                   Research[1] which shows that AWS infrastructure is
                                                                   3.6 times more energy efficient than the median of
                                                                                                                                             Simon Guest
                                                                   the surveyed data centers.                                                CEO, Generali Vitality

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Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
A valuable difference

Specifically, Generali Vitality tapped into several pivotal benefits that supported their strategic goals:

•   Minimized time from idea to value

•   A modular Cloud Stack approach that facilitates reusability within the Generali group

•   Attractive pay per use semantics of the cloud, that can help pilot and scale new ideas with
    limited upfront investments.

•   Minimal operations overhead of a cloud native solution

•   Secure and globally scalable infrastructure and application architecture

•   Contribution towards Generali CO2 emission reduction targets driven by higher efficiency of
    cloud computing

Above all, Generali Vitality created a true benefits platform, an asset that can be leveraged across
other parts of the business. More lives can be positively impacted and Generali Vitality can fulfill its
mission to be a lifetime health partner and trusted advisor to their customers.

“We now have a platform that enables us to be much
faster and more flexible and to constantly evolve the
product. This allows us to be even more relevant to
our members and create true impact for their health
and wellbeing.”
Tamara Pagel
Responsible for UX and marketing,
Generali Vitality

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved
Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
A valuable difference

         “The opportunity to combine
         local, hands-on software
         engineering capability in
         Munich, with scaled expertise
         and delivery capability from
         Accenture’s Global Delivery
         Network, was a key success
         Nils Müller-Sheffer
         Managing Director, Accenture Cloud

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved
Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.

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Knowing, improving, rewarding - Generali Vitality's success formula meets an innovative cloud solution.
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