Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME

Page created by Marcus Bell
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
Kitsap Humane Society
              Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2


Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
                                                                  Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2

     2     A Letter from Lee
                                                                  9167 DICKEY ROAD NW

     3     Our Unsung Hero
           Honoring Dr. Jen’s work and what’s next for our
           Pet Lifesaving Campaign.
                                                                  SILVERDALE, WA 98383
                                                                   Founded in 1908 and located in Silverdale,

  4        A Look Back at 2021                                     Washington, Kitsap Humane Society (KHS) serves
                                                                   Kitsap County and beyond as more than a shelter.
                                                                   We work to rescue, rehabilitate, and find loving

  5        Thank You to Our 2021 Donors
           You make our work possible!
                                                                   homes for thousands of animals every year. To do
                                                                   this, we are committed to an open admissions
                                                                   policy – meaning we don’t turn animals in need

 12        2021 Financials & Happy Tails
           After one year at KHS, Kit Kat has been adopted!
                                                                   away, and excellence in all of our services.
                                                                   Kitsap Humane Society is a 501(c)(3)
                                                                   organization. Tax ID Number: 91-0728353

 13        Join Us for Our Summer Events
           In-Person PetsWALK presented by Mud Bay is back!
                                                                   Questions or concerns? Please contact:
                                                                   Editor Victoria Gingrey – (360) 692-6977, ext. 1206
                                                                   Editorial Assistants Abigail Dominguez, Amanda

                                                                   Graham, Jamie Nocula
           2021 & 2022 Wins So Far                                 Graphic Design Elizabeth Hubbard

                                                                  Board of Directors
 15        Any Home Can Be a Foster Home
           Breaking down barriers to expand our foster program.
                                                                   Board of Directors
                                                                   Sherry Appleton
                                                                                              Executive Director
                                                                                              Lee Harper
                                                                   Sandra Butler

                                                                                              Emeritus Board
           Donor Spotlight                                         Katherine De Bruyn         Cary Bozeman
           Meet the future of philanthropy in Kitsap County.       Aschlee Heiny              Lynn Fleischbein
                                                                   Tony Hinson                Kay Fritchman

 17        Services Directory
           With ways for you to get involved!
                                                                   Glynnis Klinfelter Sio
                                                                   Dr. Scott Menard
                                                                   Kelly Morrow
                                                                                              Frank Gibbons
                                                                                              Cary Hills, DVM
                                                                                              Shelley Kneip
                                                                   Ron Morse                  Gerry Porter
                                                                   Lori Oberlander            Kathleen Schultz
                                                                   Emily Olson                Rosemary Shaw
                                                                   Shannon Orr                Kevin Sheehan
                                                                   Nicolle Perisho, DVM       Erin Thomasson
                                                                   David Sanders
                                                                   Denise Steele
                                                                   Russ Young

                                                                   VISIT US ONLINE!


                                                                                             ON THE COVER:
                                                                                             Dr. Jen
Two siblings are excited to be adopted after growing big                                     with Puppy
and strong in a loving KHS foster home!                                                      Photo by
                                                                                             Abigail Dominguez
1 | Spring & Summer 2022
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
A Letter
                                                   from Lee
      s I look back on my first full year at Kitsap Humane      I am particularly excited to share that we will be
      Society, I am deeply humbled and grateful for the         breaking ground later this year on the Russ & Linda
      many ways our team of staff and volunteers, our           Young Veterinary Lifesaving Center. This vet center is
Board of Directors, and you – our numerous community            the culmination of the visions and work of many – and
members, make our essential work possible.                      the support and investment of individuals like you –
                                                                who believe that second chances start here at Kitsap
We’ve continued to navigate the many challenges brought         Humane Society. As you’ll read later in this magazine,
about by the pandemic and embraced the shifting role of         we strongly believe that pets belong with their loving
animal welfare in our community – a role that allows KHS        families, and we are excited to not only bring much-
to serve as a resource for pet owners and a safety net for      needed upgrades to our medical facilities, but open
both pets and people in need.                                   our low-cost community clinic to ensure families are
                                                                not broken apart due to not being able to afford costly
In 2021, we celebrated:
                                                                medical procedures for pets.
  • The return of first-come, first-served adoptions for the
                                                                One of many changes we’re making at KHS – both
    public after a year of adoptions by appointment only –
                                                                large and small – you hold in your hands now. We will be
    with 3,869 animals finding loving homes.
                                                                shifting away from our traditional Annual Report, but you
  • The continued critical need our Animal Control              will still find much of the same great information in this
    Officers fulfill and their commitment to searching for      and future spring editions of the Kitsap Humane Society
    outside-of-the-box solutions for community members          Magazine.
    and pets in need.
                                                                                To view the full edition of this
  • The expansion of our foster program to ensure more                          magazine, including a list of pet-loving
    pets – 1,094 in the last year alone – are experiencing                      donors, please visit our website at
    the benefits and reduction of stress that comes from               or
    being in a home environment as opposed to at the                            by scanning the QR code.

  • The reintroduction of additional volunteers which           Thank you for welcoming me to this incredible shelter
    alleviated stress on the reduced, core group of             and community with open arms – and as more
    incredible volunteers we relied on during the               opportunities arise – I look forward to meeting as many
    pandemic.                                                   of you as I can at future events, like PetsWALK Presented
                                                                by Mud Bay, back in person on June 25! Please register,
  • An outstanding 45% increase in the number of spay/          fundraise, and join our team in downtown Poulsbo later
    neuter surgeries for both shelter and owned pets            this summer for this family-fun event.
    thanks to our hardworking and often short-staffed
    veterinary services team.                                   Warmly,

  • The continued investment in our most precious asset
    – our staff – with a 9% increase in our lower wages
    and the first of several Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    (DEI) training sessions as part of our commitment           Lee Harper
    to fostering a diverse and inclusive animal welfare         Executive Director
    campus and culture.                                         Kitsap Humane Society

  • The continued and deeply appreciated support of
    our community at our various events, including our
    first-ever Wine & Whiskers self-guided tour, our virtual
    Animal Krackers and PetsWALK, as well as numerous
    community fundraisers.
                                                                                          Spring & Summer 2022 | 2
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
UNSUNG HEROES Dr. Jennifer Stonequist
      very year, Petco Love, the philanthropic arm of Petco,   Together, our team put together a written and video application
      and Victoria Stilwell, internationally renowned dog      last summer. And much to our delight, Dr. Jen was one of 4,000
      trainer and star of It’s Me or the Dog, honor Unsung     possible applicants selected alongside four other honorees.
 Heroes across the nation for their extraordinary lifesaving   Last November, Victoria and her camera crew as well as
 efforts for pets in need.                                     executives from Petco and Petco Love made the journey to
 They define “unsung heroes” as those individuals who          our shelter, and together, we surprised Dr. Jen with the award
 prove the difference one person can make in creating a        and a $10,000 check for the
 better world for pets.                                        Russ & Linda Young Veterinary
                                                               Lifesaving Center.
 When the team at KHS heard about this award opportunity,
 the first person that came to mind was our Director of        This April, a national voting
 Shelter Medicine, Dr. Jennifer “Dr. Jen” Stonequist.          campaign was launched for
                                                               voters across the country
 For the last 11 years, many of us have known Dr. Jen          to select the recipient of
 as a hero to thousands of pets in need throughout our         the National Unsung
 community. Her compassion for animals and people is           Hero award and win an
 contagious, and she has helped transform KHS. She’s           additional monetary
 saved the lives of countless pets in the Kitsap community     prize from Petco
 and in Mulegé, Mexico during yearly “spay-cations.” Dr.       Love. While Dr. Jen
 Jen was crucial in altering an antiquated law through her     came in second
 advocacy in Olympia, which now allows shelters to treat       place for the national
 pets from low-income families, keeping them together.         award, she’s a winner
 Trained in mindfulness, she also provides mentorship and      in all of our hearts! Our
 compassion fatigue training to veterinary professionals       deepest appreciation
 across the country.                                           to the 2,529 supporters
 Deciding to nominate her was one thing but keeping the        who helped us honor Dr.
 whole process a secret from her was another!                  Jen’s work with your vote.

Excitement is building for our Veterinary Lifesaving Center!

        ver the last two years, we’ve seen and more            procedures – for families just like Blue and his human.
        importantly felt the bond between pets and the         Ultimately, our Dr. Buchanan was able to offer Blue the
        people who love them in our community. Pets like       care he needed, at a reduced cost that his human could
Blue, a beloved Boxer/Heeler mix, who was hit by a car         afford, and repaired the deep laceration in his thigh, before
earlier this year. For 24 hours, his owner attempted to find   sending him home to the family he belonged with.
affordable emergency care for Blue – but felt like her only    With the launch of this pilot program, we’ve been able to
option – the most compassionate option – was to relinquish     help 36 pets stay with their loving families in the last year,
Blue to KHS so that he could get the care he needed, even if   and we’re so excited to keep even more families together,
it meant tearing their family apart.                           while improving the quality of our services for shelter and
                                 Thankfully, we know there     owned pets, with the upcoming construction of the Russ
                                 is a better way. And over     & Linda Young Veterinary Lifesaving Center which will
                                 the last year, we’ve been     include a low-cost community clinic. And we’ve got great
                                 piloting our low-cost         news! Excitement is building and we are getting closer to
                                   veterinary services         breaking ground! Not only are we within $1 million of having
                                      – beyond reduced         the project fully funded, but a generous donor has put up a
                                        fee spay/neuter        $200,000 match to help KHS get there.

                                                                    If you would like to learn more about this
                                                                    project and how to get involved, please visit
                                                          , scan the
                                                                    QR code, or contact Jamie Nocula, Director of
                                                                    Philanthropy at
 3 | Spring & Summer 2022
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME

In another challenging year, we created
second chances for pets and people in need.

Animals Rescued:
At-Risk Animals
Transferred in:
Animals Rehomed:
Animals in Foster Care:
Spay/Neuter Surgeries:
(for 7th year in a row)

               Spring & Summer 2022 | 4
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
Pet Lifesaving                       Dayna Bloomquist                 Jennifer and Darren McKee          MacGill 1969 Trust                   Shannon Orr and Melanie McAllester

Campaign Donors
                                     Deanne L Witt                    Jennifer Idziorek                  Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies   Sharon Claassen
                                     Deborah Krieger                  Jennifer Stonequist and            Marie Vincent                        Sharon Mhoon
Anonymous (44)                       Denise Almojuela                    Alec Matias                     Marilynn Moller                      Sharon Moore
Alan and Vicki Keanu                 Denise and Garrett Steele        Jenny E Paulson                    Marjorie Rich                        Sheri and Mike Hendrix
Aldeen and Leota Smaaladen           Dia L Armenta and Ron Erickson   Jerry Jurgens                      Mark and Lisa Lund                   Sherri Wender and Howard Todd
Alicia Harck and Scott Petersen      Diane Sawyer                     Jessica Lee                        Marlene Flynn and David Lynch        Sidnee Curtis
Amy Meehan-Ritter                    Dick Asche                       Jill Kirshner                      Marlene Keltner                      Sig and Bonnie Chrey
Andrew Hayes                         Donna Alfano                     Joanne and Chuck Little            Martha Johnson                       Simon and Sharon Douwes
Angela Dodge and John Ryan           Doris and Skip Junis             JoAnne and Michael Schnyder        Martin and Elizabeth Hogger          Stanley J. Marks USN and
Angela Evans                         Dorothy Schuster                 John and Betty Scrapper            Mary Howes                              Moonyeen Marks
Anjali Banerjee and Joseph           Douglas and Paula Jasper         John and Cynthia Van Buskirk       Maryann Schmidt                      Stephen and Lana Swann
Machcinski                           Dr. Roger Bailey and             John and Jill Wallen               Matthew Hoey                         Stephen Bemis
Ann and Jim Mossman                      Linda Tourigny               John D. MacDougall                 Megan Thompson                       Steve and Debbie Hill
Ann Simandl and Doug Baier           DT Micro, Inc.                   Johnny Hudler                      Mel and Vicki Colliander             Steven and Marsha Gerdes
Anna M. Laurie                       Edward and Erin Petersen         Jolynn Meriam                      Melissa and Adam Fenswick            Suquamish Foundation
Arnold and Esther Guterrez           Edward Williams                  Jon Magin and Allison Brock        Melissa and Jeff Ottenbacher         Susan J. Guffey
Assistance Dogs Northwest            EHL Insurance                    Jonathan Winn and Kate Easton      Mike and Babs Miller                 Susan Lindsey
Audrey Robinson                      Elizabeth Curtis                 Joyce and Chris Rossi              Mike and Kathi Vimislik              Susan Rausch
Ava and Steven Lemme                 Elizabeth Stewart                Joyce and Joe Sartain              Miki Paulson                         Susan Welter
Barbara Brose                        Ella Rae                         Judith Enright                     Monique and Steve Summers            Svanee’s Foundation
Barbara Glassman                     Elliott and Lynn Green           Judy K Danley                      Nancy Wolf                           Tamera Ruth
Bart and Carrie Kale                 Elona Easton Living Trust        Judy Karr                          Natalie Filion                       Teresa Bastian
Bernadette McDowell                  Emilie A. Jungschaffer           Karamjit and Harvinderjit Aujla    Newbry Law Office                    The Point Casino
Beverly and Forbes Duncan            Emily Olson and Douglas Henry    Karen Davis and Gary Sexton        Nicolle Perisho and Jacob Fulcher    Thomas P. Lardner
Boand Family Foundation              Eric and Caroline Stevens        Karen Samuels                      Nordstrom Cares                      Tiffany Cartwright and Jonathan Gaw
Bob and Peggy Aronson                Erik and Jill Krema              Karen Tanner                       OAK Foundation                       Tina Chenevert and Doug Blangsted
Bradford and Mary Adreon             Erin Thomasson                   Karrie Berglund                    Pamela and Jeff Rademaker            Tom and Adria Huntington
Bremerton Central Lions              Estate of Almeda Wilson          Karyn Moni and Robert Diem         Pamela and Michael Biggs             Tom Cooper and Liz Greenlees
   Charitable Foundation             Estate of Dorothy Rosso          Kassie Olmsted                     Pamela Darland                       Tony and Kim Hinson
Brenda Bannon                        Estate of Gordon Walgren         Kate Meyers                        Pamela Warner                        Tony Polverino
Brenda Dormaier                      Estate of Joyce Kantoff          Katherine and David De Bruyn       Pat and Ann Garrett                  Tricia and Mark Berney
Brian and Renee’ Farr                Estate of Karen Philipsen        Katherine Britton                  Pat Barbarita                        Trudy Jones
Brian Johnson                        Estate of Marcia Gilfillan       Kathleen and Gary Martell          Patricia Urie                        Tyrus Edwards and
Brianne and Joshua David             Estate of Priscilla Loften       Kathleen and Mark Dassel           Patti and Allen Pod                     Tamara Ayars-Edwards
Bruce Cheney                         Estate of Victoria J. Trower     Kathleen Fisher                    Paul and Roslyn Webber               Vanna Lombardi-Gillies and
Bruce Lowrie                         Evelyn Ghiselin                  Kathleen Mahan and Don Paulson     Paula C Simon                           James H. Gillies
Bruce Young                          Everett and Bernie DuBois        Kathleen Schultz and Gary Gretch   Paula Carlson                        Vickie and Todd Josal
C. Keith Birkenfeld Memorial Trust   Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund    Kathleen Schultz Attorney at Law   Paula Moreschi                       Virginia H. Davison
Carole and Tom Keys                  Frank Gibbons                    Kathleen Stock                     Pearl Kerber                         Washington Secretary of State
Carole Aughnay                       Frank Torres                     Kathryn Brady                      Petco Love                           Washington State Dept.
Carrie and Mike Peterson             Gay Gadbois                      Kathy Powell                       Priscilla Loften                        of Commerce
Cary and Kerri Bozeman               Gene and Linda Daniels           Kay and George Luzik               PSW Electric, INC                    West Sound Dermatology
Casey Family Programs                George and Carole Sankovich      Kelly and Adam Morrow              Rachel and James Wilson              Wilfrido (Willy) Horrilleno
Cathy and Jack Carson                Gerry and Barbara Porter         Kemp and Barbara Crawford          Rachel and Lloyd Pritchett
Cathy Bohlke                         Glenn and Sue Hansen             Kevin and Janell Wheelock          Ramey E Fair
Charles and Sandra Butler            Gloria and James Roton           Kevin Sheehan and Nancy            Ray Serebrin and Nancy Schroder      This listing shows the cumulative
                                                                                                                                              contributions, from 2017 through
Charlotte Rosenberry                 Glynis Burns                     Conway                             Reeve and Kay Fritchman
                                                                                                                                              April 2022 of individual and
Christine Grenier                    Haselwood Auto Group             Kim Torres                         Reni and Paul Grant
                                                                                                                                              organizational donors who have
Christine Susumi and Jay Hastings    Henry and Beth Pedersen          Kimberly Cizek Allen and           Rhonda and Todd Manville
                                                                                                                                              given to either Phase 1 (The Pet
Cisley Spielman and                  Hilery Kirchmeier                   Jesse Allen                     Richard and Andrea Ballew            Adoption Center) and/or Phase 2
   Scott Schwendinger                Holly Duggan and Gary LaBelle    Kitsap Garage Door                 Richard and Elizabeth Kurzawski      (The Veterinary Lifesaving Center)
Clovis Foundation                    Holly Durst                      Kitsap Haunted Productions         Rick Koska and Melissa King-Koska    of our ongoing Capital Campaign.
Cody Allyn and David Ferguson        Hugh and Kristen Merriman        Kristi I Jacobsen                  Robert and Debbie Opolka             We thank you for your generosity
Courtney Hood                        Ihland Garden Dental Care        Kristina Powers                    Robert and Hiyam Van Der Wilde       and for helping to bring our vision
Craig and Lori Loidhamer             Jacklynn Zorich                  Lana and Billie McCollum           Robert and Paula Jewett              of a beautiful new Pet Lifesaving

Craig and Theresa Olson              Jacobi Family Foundation         Larry and Lisa Leggett             Rodney and Gayle Chipps
Cynthia Brown                        James and Marilyn Giarde         Larry Pluimer and Asha Rehnberg    Rolf and Molly Hogger
Cynthia L Sund                       Jamie Nocula                     Laura Vaughn                       Rolland and Theresa Perry
Cynthia Sears                        Jan Butler Luxton                Lee and Kathy Oliphant             Ronald and Penny Morse
Dana and Valerie Martin              Janet Christopherson             Lee Desta                          Rosemary Shaw and Roy La Croix
Dana Rosenbaum                       Janet Lord                       Lee Harper and David Austin        Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island
Daniel and Tracy Vaughn              Janet McCown                     Lenore Hanauer Foundation          Roy H. Olsson Ret., Sr. and
Dave and Jan Shaub                   Janette Adamucci                 Linda and Russ Young                  Alice Olsson
Dave Straus                          Janice G. Grimm                  Linda and William Walcott          Ruth and William Drollinger
David and Dorothy Bonnett            Janice Moon                      Lisa Oslin                         Sally Tellekson
David and Linda Rose                 Jeff and Deanna Fisher           Liz E Kaufman and Lois Schultz     Sandra Morales
David and Susan Bray                 Jeffrey and Christina Cizek      Lloyd and Susan Oatis              Sara Cole
David B Sanders and                  Jeffrey and Masako McBride       Lori and John Parvis               Sarah and Daryl Clark
   Wendy S. Arnhols                  Jeffrey and Nancy Schafer        Lori and Todd Oberlander           Scot C. Buessow
David Dunn                           Jeffrey and Ruth Berger          Lura B Irish                       Scott and Marie Menard
David Sutton                         Jeffrey Hummel                   Lynda and Edwin Griffin            Scott Wakefield
David Swink and Katherine Fixemer    Jennie Stewart-Rodgers           Lynn Fleischbein                   Shane McGraw - Farmer’s
                                                                                                             Insurance Agency
      5 | Spring & Summer 2022
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
Campus to fruition.                       Denneace and Bret Bowen              Ann E Wilson                          Jonathan Winn and Kate Easton      Angela Dodge and John Ryan

2021 Gifts of                             Emil and Jim McCulloch               Anthony Hoovler                       Julia J. LaFontaine                Anna M. Laurie
                                          Estate of Gene and Joan Jewett       Arthur Pfund                          Karen Hansen                       Anne Marie Sargent and
Compassion -                              Grant Winther                        Asche Family Fund                     Karen R McCorkle                      Steve Connor
Annual Support                            Jeanne Soulier                       ASPCA                                 Katherine Bert                     Barbara Dickinson
Your support in 2021 made it              Joanne Peterson                      Audrey Germanis                       Kay and George Luzik               Bart and Carrie Kale
possible for us to have a truly           Johnny Hudler                        Ben Oaksmith                          Kenneth and Patricia Warner        Ben Strukus
amazing year and rescue over 4,000        Kelly and Adam Morrow                Beverly and Forbes Duncan             Kim and Matt Berger                Betty Vogt
homeless pets. Our lifesaving             Kristi and Robert Mathwig            Bill and Sandra Walgren               King County Employee               Bradford and Mary Adreon
results would not be possible             Marsha Ball                          Blu Berry Frozen Yogurt                  Giving Program                  Bremerton City Nursery
without your support. We are deeply       Mikka and Ryan March                 Bob and Judy Hammond                  Kirsten Zawoysky and               Brian Re
grateful to all our generous donors.      Mr. Vincent P. Corti                 Bonita & John Hanna                      Whitney Smith                   Brian T Warkentin
                                          MRJ Constructors                     Brian and Kate Wicks                  Kitsap Garage Door                 Bruce Young
Due to space limitations, only donors     Mud Bay, Inc.                        Carol Moless                          Kitsap Poo Patrol                  Bye and Jay Watson
of $100 or more are listed. We            Patti and Allen Pod                  Casey Hillyer                         Kitsap Propane                     Caitlin Hewitt
apologize for any missing or incorrect    Poulsbo Animal Clinic                Charities Aid Foundation of America   Kroger                             Carrie and Chris Clark
names in this report. Please call (360)   Reni and Paul Grant                     (C/O CyberGrants)                  Laura Bundren                      Celeste Cornish
692-6977, ext. 1224 with changes.         Schwab Charitable Fund               Charles and Sandra Butler             Lee and Kathy Oliphant             Chad Davis
                                          Stephen and Lana Swann               Charlotte Brown                       Lee Harper and David Austin        Chris Nicksic
$25,000 or more                           Svanhild Castner                     Cheryl Comola                         Leigh Tatum                        Christin Correll
Anonymous (1)                             Tina Chenevert and Doug Blangsted    Chris and Suzanne Plemmons            Linda Munson                       Christina Ann Russell
Elona Easton Living Trust                                                      Christina and Scott Hadfield          Lisa Goldrick                      Christina Heliker
Estate of Clara Brandewie                 $2,500 - $4,999                      Chuck and Pamela Murphy               Liz E Kaufman and Lois Schultz     Cindy Lund and Lynn Hutchinson
Estate of Marcia Gilfillan                                                     Claire Angel                          Liza Polin                         Clara Savage
Estate of Marvin Rivenes                                                       Clint and Megan Boxman                Lynne Willis                       Colleen Gorang
                                          Animal Emergency & Trauma Center
Estate of Mary Fujioka                                                         Clinton and Colleen Thompson          Margi Mock                         Connie Wallace
                                          Barbara Brose
Estate of Nicky (Priscilla) Orcutt                                             Curt Petersen                         Mark and Merrilee Johnson          Dan Conway
                                          Charlene Schultz
Haselwood Auto Group                                                           Cynthia Brown                         Marlene LeMire                     Dana Rosenbaum
                                          Cindy Fulcher
Kitsap Community Foundation                                                    Cynthia Ford                          Mary Holland                       Daniel and Heather McClellan
                                          Community Cat Coalition
Kitsap Towing                                                                  D.J. Calvert                          Meg Hall                           David and Linda Rose
                                          Costco United Way Campaign
Petco Love                                                                     Dana Post                             Melissa and Brian Hill             David Wilkinson
                                          David B Sanders and Wendy S.
Cynthia Sears                                                                  David and Caroline Browne             Michelle Blackmon                  Dee Mirando-Gould
Linda and Russ Young                                                           David and Jenni McGrane               Mike and Terry Kelly               Delight Willing
                                          Deborah Krieger
                                                                               David and Leslie Brown                Natalie Filion                     Denise Kerr
                                          Delos O’Neill
$10,000 - $24,999                         Dick Asche
                                                                               David Lindsey                         National Philanthropic Trust       Denise Lark
                                                                               David Revis                           Neal Henderson                     Diane Fitzpatrick
Anonymous (1)                             Dwight and JoAnne Locke
                                                                               David Tuma and Amber Gravett          Patty Sibitzky                     Donald and Gloria Steinmeyer
Bainbridge Community Foundation           Elizabeth Bos
                                                                               Dayna and Ryan Katula                 Philippe and Andrea Lantin         Donna Reinhard
Benevity Community Impact Fund/           Eric and Caroline Stevens
                                                                               Deborah Richardson                    Poulsbo Marina Veterinary Clinic   Elizabeth and Cheryl Koehler
   American Endowment Foundation          Eric and Piper Tupper
                                                                               Dee Fitzgerald State Farm Insurance   R. Scott and Susan Stultz          Elizabeth Stewart
Boand Family Foundation                   Fingers Duke
                                                                               Denis and Joan Gorner                 Richard & Virginia Doleshek        Erica Hinger
Bonfire                                   Gloria and James Roton
                                                                               Denise and Garrett Steele             Richard and Stephanie Satter       Ernest and Charlotte Behrle
Brown Bear Car Wash                       Imelda Johnson
                                                                               Diana Everett                         Rosalind Williams                  Estate of Gaile Wynne
Car Wash Enterprises, Inc.                Jennifer Idziorek
                                                                               Digital Threads                       Royal Canin                        Evergreen Home Loans
   (Brown Bear)                           John and Rinda Picard
                                                                               Elane Polin                           Run Amok Racing, Inc.              Farrah Clarkson
Carl Haefling and Pamela Johnson          John Dionas
                                                                               Eleven Winery                         Sandra Morales                     Frank and Kay Guthrie
Combined Federal Campaign of              Jolynn Meriam
                                                                               Emily Olson and Douglas Henry         Schuyler Berger                    Frontstream ( Panorama
   Greater Olympic Peninsula              Kathleen Schultz and Gary Gretch
                                                                               Estate of Glenice Anderson            Scott and Marie Menard                Global Impact Fund)
Cross Charitable Foundation               Kathyryn Oliver
                                                                               Estate of Victoria J. Trower          Sherry Appleton and Ron Foley      Gail King
Estate of James P. Fox                    Kim S. Brace
                                                                               Eve Blakemore                         State Farm Companies Foundation    Geneva I. Lowe Living Trust
Fay and Robert Krokower                   Kim Wilkes
                                                                               Federal Manager Association           State of WA - Department           Gerald and Helen Punches
Grey Muzzle Organization                  Kitsap Bank
                                                                                  Chapter 14                            of Corrections                  Gina and Dean Gregerson
Jill Kirshner                             Margaret Morse
                                                                               First Federal                         Steven Shulz                       Ginny Carosso
One Call for All                          Matthew Hoey
                                                                               Frank Gibbons                         Susan Rosenquist                   Good Property Management INC
Pat and Ron Silva                         Mike and Kathi Vimislik
                                                                               Fred and Sheila Lowthian              Tamera Ruth                        Greater Tacoma
Pedigree Foundation                       Naturally 4 Paws
                                                                               George and Sharon Broom               The Stollman Foundation               Community Foundation
Ron and Ann Morford                       Peninsula Subaru
                                                                               Gerard and JoAnn Bentryn              Thomas and Mary Redfern            Gregory and Cynthia Contos
Shannon Orr and Melanie McAllester        Richard W. Poli
                                                                               Hound + Bottle                        Trudy Jones                        Heather Hanks
Stokes Auction                            Ronald and Penny Morse
                                                                               Hugh and Kristen Merriman             United Way of Kitsap County        Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Susan Rausch                              Ronald Bunnell and Scott Coulter
                                                                               Indianola Beach Improvement Club      United Way of Pierce County        Ian Greenfield
Tom and Adria Huntington                  Schultz Family Foundation
                                                                               Isabel Campbell                       Victoria and Jared Gingrey         Interquest Northwest, Inc.
Visual Options                            Selma Kull
                                                                               Jackson Healthcare                    Virginia H. Davison                Irena M. Scheer
                                          Susan Caulkins and Teresa Hansen
                                                                               James and Karen Rutledge                                                 James and Marilyn Giarde
$5,000 - $9,999                           The Partners Group
                                                                               Janet Lord                            $500 - $999                        James L. Smalley
                                          Toni Roberts and Jon Siok
Anonymous (2)                                                                  Jason W. Sousie                                                          Jan Butler Luxton
                                          Trish Kamps                                                                Anonymous (16)
Annette Maxson                                                                 Jeannie and Bruce Nordstrom                                              Janette Adamucci
                                          United Way of King County                                                  Allison Garrison
Audrey Robinson                                                                Jen Ryanczak                                                             Janice Moon
                                          VCA Central Kitsap Animal Hospital                                         America’s Charities
Betty Hung                                                                     Jenn and David Ruzumna                                                   Jean Shelton
                                          Washington Federation of Animal                                            Amy and Daniel Jepsen
Bissell Pet Foundation                                                         Jennifer MacDonald                                                       Jenny Coates Law
                                             Care and Control Agencies                                               Amy Weissman
Blackbaud Giving Fund                                                          Jim Seifert and Elona Tuomi                                              Jenny E Paulson
                                                                                                                     Andrew Niss
Carleta and Eric Schenfeld                                                     JoAnne and Michael Schnyder                                              Jenny McComb
                                          $1,000 - $2,499                                                            Andrew Walker
Carrie and Mike Peterson                                                       Joe and Rose Kotulic                                                     Jeri Ansorge-Knutzen
                                          Anonymous (13)                                                             Andy and Susan Goodwin
Crabby Beach Foundation                                                        John and Lori Phillips                                                   Jerome and Mary Carbone
                                          19th Hole Bar and Grill                                                    Angela and Eric Branson
                                                                               Jon Magin and Allison Brock
                                          Alice Polk
                                                                                                                                              Spring & Summer 2022 | 6
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
Jerome Turner                       Pamela Madigan                          James H. Gillies               David A Brown and Bonita Regan     Jessica White
Jerre Daniels-Hall                  Patricia A. Murphy and Eric J. Moe   Victoria Quinn                    David and Karn Miller              Jessie Nino
Jerry and Patricia Harper           Patricia and Chuck Snawder           Wade H Wolfe                      Debbie and Wayne Macomber          Jimmy Trent
Jill Stansell                       Patricia and Eric Gjelde             Walter and Mary Shuford           Deborah and Gary Chrey             Joanie Pearson
Joanne Bartlett                     Patricia and Tom Henderson           Washington State Combined         Debra Rose                         Jodi Davidson
Joanne Cressman                     Patricia Cullen                         Fund Drive                     Dennis and Peggy Paige             John and Brenda Lehman
Jodi Derry                          Paul and Susan White                 Wendy and Tom Tyner               Dina Chavera                       John and Pamela Wigle
John and Marsha Hedges              Paula and Michael Anderson           Wilfrido (Willy) Horrilleno       Dolores Lynch                      John Gemmill
John Chilcote                       Paula C Simon                        William and Sara McGonagle        Donate for Charity                 John Havey
Joyce C. Magnusson                  Paula Carlson                        Zoe Ann Hendrix                   Dorothy and Larry Kehres           Jon and Jackie Lendosky
Judith Gage                         Paula Gritzmacher                                                      Dorothy Lynch                      Joyce L Scott
Judith Hughes                       Paws Gourmet Bakery                  $250 - $499                       Dorothy Schuster                   Judith F Bryan
Judy & Johnny McCraw                PayPal Charitable Giving Fund                                          Douglas and Deborah Vaughn         Judy Kelly
                                                                         Anonymous (39)
Judy K Danley                       Petfinder Foundation                                                   Douglas and Paula Jasper           Judy Mershon
                                                                         Abbie & Mike Andersen
Judy Sharnes                        PetSmart Charities                                                     Eileen Axtman                      Julie and Noa Hammer
                                                                         Adriann Dooly
June Bug Flea Market                Phoebe Olson                                                           Elizabeth and Wayne Case           Julie and Tracy Karkainen
                                                                         Alain Huggler
JW Deeds                            Pippa Rorem                                                            Elizabeth Kozleski                 Julie Greene
                                                                         Alan L. Miles
Karen S Hosfeldt and                Rachael Sutherland                                                     Elizabeth Weyerhaeuser             Julie Middleton
                                                                         Alicia Bennett-Veitch
   Arthur D. Hosfeldt III           Ralph and Donna Field                                                  Ellen and Ken Kraft                Karen Osborn
                                                                         Alicia Harck and Scott Petersen
Kari and Todd Wille                 Randee Burkle and Miles Van Epps                                       Eric and Barbara Griffin           Karen Samuels
                                                                         All Star Espresso
Kate Meyers                         Raymond Benoit                                                         Eric and Linda Gidion              Karin Ahlman and Garry Wanner
                                                                         Allan Scozzafave
Katherine and David De Bruyn        Rebecca Guthrie and JB Hall                                            Eric Donohue                       Karin Anderson
                                                                         Allison Terry
Kathleen and William Urban          Reeve and Kay Fritchman                                                Eric Vigoren and Maggie Williams   Karrie Berglund
                                                                         Allison Wagstaff
Kathleen Simpson                    Regina Thomas                                                          Erik and Jill Krema                Kasey Ellis
                                                                         Alyse McConnell
Kathryn Lowery                      Richard and Andrea Ballew                                              Erika R Zimmerman                  Kathleen Fuller
                                                                         Andrea and Mike Suraci
Kathy and Pete Hildenbrand          Richard Kelbon                                                         Erin Cyger                         Kathryn Brady
                                                                         Andrea and Raymond Wolber
Kathy Curry                         Richard Thomas                                                         Erin Thomasson                     Kathryn Quade
                                                                         Andrea Davies
Kathy Westcott                      Rick Koska and Melissa King-Koska                                      Erin Varbel                        Katy Tomasulo
                                                                         Andrew Hamilton
Kenneth and Martha Alexander        Robert and Kathleen Hoff                                               Eva and Russell Sciandra           Keith Bierman
                                                                         Andrew Stanton
Khristy Bledsoe                     Robert E. Humbard                                                      Eva and Wendell Crim               Kendra Aga Khan
                                                                         Annie Worcester
Kitsap Credit Union                 Rohini Jayanthi                                                        Evalena and Kevin Osburn           Kevin Hull
                                                                         Anthony and Margaret Gaspich
Kristie Freeman                     Rose Gaubert                                                           Francine Morgen                    Kristen Mills
                                                                         Apple Tree Cove Animal Hospital
Kristina Colburn                    Rosemarie B Trost                                                      Frederick Voos                     Kristi I Jacobsen
                                                                         Barb Reyers
Kristina Ryding                     Russell Family Foundation                                              Gabriel Morton                     Kristi Sherman
                                                                         Barbara Felts
Laura Liming                        Sally Murphy                                                           Gabrielle Bruveris                 Krystina Stadler
                                                                         Barbara Goodenough
Laura Vaughn                        Sandra, Olivier, Margot,                                               Gail Nelson                        Larry and Shirley Noedel
                                                                         Barbara Muller
Lauren Soper                           Emma Noyelle                                                        Gary and Andrea Hatley             Laura and John Nesby
                                                                         Barbara Schroeter
Laurie Allen                        Scott Cashman -                                                        Gary Stam                          Laura Kelly
                                                                         Barbra Judd
Leslie and Daniel Hopkins              State Farm Agency                                                   Genevieve and John Tullis          Laurie Wells
                                                                         Beck Tench
Linda and Eric Gonzalez             Scott Staff                                                            Georgette Culp                     Leah Holman
                                                                         Bernadette McDowell
Linda Karrmann                      Seattle Foundation                                                     Georgia Zwartjes                   Lee Bunker
                                                                         Billie Porter
Lisa Erickson                       Serena and Tom Dawson                                                  Gerry and Barbara Porter           Lee Desta
                                                                         Bradley Slatton
Lisa Knox                           Sharon Moore                                                           Gina Mainar                        Lenore Emmett
                                                                         Bremerton Police Department
Lisa Oslin                          Shavon Kline                                                           Gordon and Ruth Jensen             Liana Anderson
                                                                         Brenda Bird
Lisa Tighe                          Sheryl G Stevens                                                       Helen Yee                          Linda Sampson
                                                                         Brian and Mary Pearson
Lois Beckman                        Sound West Holdings                                                    Heritage Mobile Home Park          Lisa Holste
                                                                         Brian and Renee’ Farr
Lori and Todd Oberlander            South Sound Veterinary Imaging                                         His Ohana Shave Ice                Lisa Schrock
                                                                         Brian Hegre and Guy White
Lorna Griffin                       Stanley J. Marks USN and                                               Hot Java Cafe                      Lisa Young
                                                                         Bruce Pedrotti
Lynn Fleischbein                       Moonyeen Marks                                                      J. W. and Cheryl Phillips          Liz and Tom Satwicz
                                                                         Bryan Cornish
Marga Griesbach                     Steve Warnert                                                          Jacy Forbes                        Lloyd and Susan Oatis
                                                                         Cafe Corvo
Mark Cameron                        Steven Ivancich                                                        Jaime Ramsay                       Lois Friedman
                                                                         Carol and Mike Menefee
Marlene Ervin                       Studebaker Clark Snyder                                                James and Christine Wise           Lydia Harrison
                                                                         Carol Sullivan
Marlene Flynn and David Lynch       Suquamish Clearwater                                                   James Brantley                     Lyle and Karen Hansen
                                                                         Carole J. Heavener
Mary Fuller                            Casino Resort                                                       James T Beggerow Sr. and           Lyndee Cowan
                                                                         Caroline J. Chance
Mary Lou and Paul Vibrans           Susan Sweetwater and                                                      Patricia Beggerow               Lynette Ackman
                                                                         Carolyn Sarson
Mary Scott                             Deborah Lamb                                                        James Watts                        Lynn Bergelin
                                                                         Casey Gainor
Maryellen Tuttell                   Tammy and Daniel Schwesinger                                           Jana L. Hruby                      Malinda Moyer
                                                                         Cathleen Shidler
Megan Thompson                      Tara Snook                                                             Janice McColl                      Marcia Daughtry
                                                                         Cathy and Rodger Minor
Melissa Mercogliano                 The NW Dog                                                             Janine Johnson                     Marcus Torres
                                                                         CE Consulting
Michael and Carol Wall              Theresa Amos                                                           Jason and Sara Taylor              Margaret Haydock
                                                                         Chad Pankratz
Michelle Dell                       Thor and Christine Erikson                                             Jason Meade                        Margaret Seed
                                                                         Chipotle Mexican Grill
Miri Dimof                          Tiffany Cartwright and                                                 Jeanne and Marc Hansen             Marla Bush
                                                                         Chris Lord
Monique and Steve Summers              Jonathan Gaw                                                        Jeannie and Harold Paulson         Mary Ann Campbell
                                                                         Christina Bolli
N.L. Olson & Associates             Todd Gray                                                              Jeff McGee                         Mary Ann Thomas
                                                                         Cindy Greenfield
Nancy Minor                         Todd Zwickey and                                                       Jeffrey and Masako McBride         Mary Ayling
                                                                         Cisley Spielman and Scott
Nancy Schnoor                          Dana Jungschaffer                                                   Jeffrey and Nancy Schafer          Mary Clevenger
Nancy Wolf                          Tom and Tara Chambless                                                 Jenise Bauman                      Maryann Schmidt
                                                                         Claire and Jason Ward
Network for Good                    Tony Polverino                                                         Jennifer and Jeff Sharp            Matt Hadlock
                                                                         Connie Baker
Nicolle Perisho and Jacob Fulcher   Tracy Brommel                                                          Jennifer and Jon Schorr            Megan Jablonski
                                                                         Constance Schreiber
Nina M. Grandy and                  Trey Herndon                                                           Jennifer Hubbard                   Michael Wang
                                                                         Courtney Hood
   Thomas F. Croley                 Tyler and Brittany Kirkpatrick                                         Jennifer Paquette                  Michelle Dorman
                                                                         Crystina Cupp
Norman Olson                        United Way of Snohomish County                                         Jennifer Quimby                    Mike and Kathy Barker
                                                                         Daphnia Wise
OJ and Renee Potter                 UPS ( via Frontstream)                                                 Jennifer Van Lienden               Mikey Scibilia
                                                                         Darcy Hyland
Otis Rogers                         Vanna Lombardi-Gillies and                                             Jerry Spigal                       MOD Pizza
                                                                         Dave Ulrich
   7 | Spring & Summer 2022
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
US Bank Foundation
                                  Ms. Lizabeth Jones                 Vickie and Todd Josal          Betty Bentley                       Christine and Richard Cockrell
                                  Myra Brostuen                      Victor J Keranen               Beverly and Leigh Tatum             Christine McCallum
                                  Nathalie and Marty Simsak          Wells Fargo Community          Beverly Mandeville                  Christopher Dunagan
                                  Nelson Cooper                         Support Campaign            Bill and Marianne Kolden            Christopher Piercy
                                  Nickolas and Jessica Neice         Wendy Anderson                 Billie Fenton and David Fenton      Christopher Simmons
                                  Nicole Brown                       Wendy Zilka                    Bob and Diana Griffey               Christopher Ubben
                                  Nigel Pothier                      William and Mary Moore         Bobby and Dory Henson               Christy Appell
                                  Norma and Stephen Henderson        William Houston                Boeing Company                      Clarence and Myrna Johnson
                                  Pamela Darland                     Willis F. Wunder and           Bonnie Davis                        Clarius Group, LLC
                                  Pamela Warner                         Antoinette Graham           Borgan Anderson                     Clark Evans
                                  Patricia and Robert Wyman          Your Cause, LLC                Braden Duncan                       Claudette Vos
                                  Patricia Christensen
                                                                                                    Bradley Meyer                       Claudia and Clinton Owen
                                  Patricia Geyer
                                                                                                    Bravo Roofing                       Colin Cushman
                                  Patricia Harrison                  $100 - $249                                                        Connie Dyer
                                                                                                    Brenda Bannon
                                  Patricia Mirise                    Anonymous (59)
                                                                                                                                        Connie Murphy
Thank you to
                                                                                                    Brenda Mason and
                                  Patricia Raney                     Aaron Murphy
                                                                                                       Melissa Chapman                  Courtney Mullins

our Granters                      Patrick and Anne LaFramboise       Adele and Grover Anderson
                                                                                                    Brett L. Caswell                    Craig and Emily Kehrberg
                                  Patty Lent                         Adrianne Burns
                                                                                                    Bri D’Angelo                        Craig Marks
                                  Paul Barclay                       Alan and Charlotte Biggs
Securing grants is a common       Paula McAvoy                       Alan and Vicki Keanu
                                                                                                    Brian Slack                         Craig Sarachene
                                                                                                    Brianna Crane                       Cynthia and Richard Brown
way to fund any non-profit        Paula McCune                       Aleah Jurnecka
                                                                                                    Brisa Carver                        Cynthia and Steve Ruggiero
                                  Paula Selland                      Ali Whipkey
mission. Most awards are                                                                            Britt Ericson                       Cynthia Huskey Gould
                                  Peggy Schauer                      Allison Fentriss
                                                                                                    Brooke Perrin                       Cynthia Silva
based on merit, not on need,      Penny L. Hill and Shirley Illman   Alton and Marilyn Caldwell
                                                                                                    Brooke Quero Katz                   Dallas Wilson and
and grant opportunities           Peter Gervais                      Alyssa Winnett
                                                                                                    Brooklyn and Charles Tanner            Heidi Feenstra-Wilson
                                  Propel Insurance                   Alyxandria Naze Holman
are highly competitive. The       Randy Jahren                       Amada Callison
                                                                                                    Bruce and Kathy McGhee              Dan Witham
                                                                                                    Bruce Cheney                        Daniel and Molly Baasch
Grantsmanship Center              Rebecca Date                       Amanda Graham
                                                                                                    Bruce Fritchman and Chewelah Nett   Danielle Jones
                                  Renee Walton                       Amber Hoak
in Los Angeles writes, “                                                                            Bryan Johnson                       Dara Morgan
                                  RJ Argenzio-West                   Amie McKean
                                                                                                    Brynn Rutherford                    Darby Evans
Since the point of a grant        Robert and Jette Paulsen           Amy and Charles Robertson
                                                                                                    Candiya Mann                        Dave and Jan Shaub
award is impact rather than       Robert and Paula Jewett            Amy Beatty
                                                                                                    Candy McDonald                      David & Janice Bullock
                                  Robert Bodkin                      Amy Meehan-Ritter
money, the real point of a        Robert D. Harrington               Ana Maria King
                                                                                                    Carin De Sharengrad                 David and Dorothy Bonnett
                                                                                                    Carleen Gosney                      David and Jacqueline Lee
grant proposal is to rally        Robert E Lawrie, Jr                Andrea Matulich-Rowe
                                                                                                    Carol Adams                         David and Susan Soine
                                  Roberta Beery                      Andrea Tiffany
the necessary resources to                                                                          Carol Amundson                      David B. Larimore
                                  Rosemary Shaw and Roy La Croix     Andrew Bruce
                                                                                                    Carol and Steve Gamble              David Chenault
help the non-profit fulfill its   Sandra Bergman                     Angela Blau
                                                                                                    Carol Donaldson                     David Luxton
purpose. A grant is a tool        Sara Kaspar                        Angela Gow
                                                                                                    Carol Grose                         David Sheldon
                                  Sarah Moody-Cook and               Angela Reed
non-profits use to address           Bobby Cook                      Anitra Barlin
                                                                                                    Carol H Bell                        David Swink and Katherine Fixemer
                                                                                                    Carol L Farr                        Dawn Davis
important issues within their     Semra Tainatongo                   Ann and Jim Mossman
                                                                                                    Carol Legate-Grace                  Dawn Wilkie
                                  Serena Erickson Jones              Ann Simandl and Doug Baier
communities.”                                                                                       Carol Lewis                         Dayna Bloomquist
                                  Serenity Family Therapy            Ann Strosnider
                                                                                                    Carol Olsen                         Debbie and Gunnar Bridges
                                  Shannon Norton                     Ann Watzka
                                                                                                                                        Debby Sung
Grants have become                Sharon and Robert Meadows          Anna B Zarnecka and
                                                                                                    Carol Peterson
                                                                                                    Carol Rainey                        Debi Taylor
increasingly important at         Sharon Mhoon                          Matthew E. Zarnecki
                                                                                                    Carol S Gurley                      Deborah BIanco
                                  Shellee Liggett                    Anna Harlan
Kitsap Humane Society,                                                                              Carole and Tom Keys                 Deborah Lind
                                  Shelli Johnson                     Anne Alexander
                                                                                                    Carole Baldwin                      Debra Shizuru
especially as we work to          St. Bedes Episcopal Church         Anne and Daniel Pedelaborde
                                                                                                                                        Dee Ann and Monte McKeehen
                                                                                                    Carolee Effron
advance best practices            Stacy Taylor                       Anne Harding
                                                                                                    Caroline and Ray Craig              Denise Avery
                                  Starla Allen                       Anne Merwood
                                                                                                                                        Denise McLain
and integrate emerging            Stephanie Griffin                  Anne Stern
                                                                                                    Caroline H. Perisho
                                                                                                    Carolyn Landwehr                    Diana and Craig Siems
priorities in animal welfare      Stephen and Sharon Markey          Annette Evans
                                                                                                    Carolyn Yund                        Diana Waters
                                  Steve and Deanna Hamilton          Annette Giarde
into our programs. From                                                                             Carrie DeFoe                        Diana Williams
                                  Steve and Debbie Hill              Anthony and Maria McCafferty
                                                                                                    Catherine Heather                   Diane Andres
funding for senior dog care,      Steven and Melissa Kamphaus        Anthony Moloney
                                                                                                                                        Diane Shelton
                                                                                                    Catherine Landwehr
to our low-cost spay/neuter       Steven Fredrikson MD               April Bandy
                                                                                                    Cathy Bohlke                        Dianna Kunselman
                                  Sue Spetter                        Aschlee and Jake Heiny
                                                                                                                                        Dolores Turner
program, to support for           Susan and Greg Wrench              Auberry Fortuner
                                                                                                    Cathy Jones-Smith
                                                                                                    Cathy Sowell                        Donald and Jean Danielson
our canine behavior and           Susan and John Hines               Audrey M Klein
                                                                                                    Central Kitsap Women’s Club         Donald Hill
                                  Susan Hassenmiller                 Autumn Smith
training program, grants are                                                                        Chalice Markus                      Donald Hillier
                                  Tara Elliott                       Barbara Carr
                                                                                                    Chanrathana Phun                    Donald Stamaris
helping KHS sustain and           Target (C/O CyberGrants)           Barbara Critchley
                                                                                                                                        Donalyn Carlson and Michael Parker
                                                                                                    Charity Gift Certificates
grow our impact on animal         Taylor Ransom                      Barbara Forbes
                                                                                                    Charles and Jennifer Peters         Donna and Jerry Greenway
                                  Terri and Mark Franklin            Barbara Glassman
                                                                                                                                        Donna Griffin
lifesaving and creating a         The Partners Group ( Portland)     Barbara Reynolds
                                                                                                    Charles Horst
                                                                                                    Cheryl Saxton                       Doug Cook
more humane community.            Thomas and Aldona Flores           Barbara Seavy
                                                                                                    Chrilo Von Gontard                  Doug Heatherington
                                  Tim Potter                         Barbara Seitz
KHS is grateful to our grant                                                                        Chris Ayers                         Douglas and Linda Larsen
                                  Timothy and Theresa Sullivan       Beck Eatch
                                                                                                    Chris Mygatt                        Douglas Whittle
funders and partners and          Tito’s Handmade Vodka              Becki Harness
                                                                                                                                        Dr. Roger Bailey and Linda Tourigny
                                                                                                    Chris Popp
proud to acknowledge them         Tony Chang                         Ben Leifer
                                                                                                    Chris Tomaszewski                   Edward and Erin Petersen
                                  Tracy and Rob Bruder               Beth Cain
                                                                                                                                        Eileen Harnett
in this special issue of our      Trudy Lee Kareus                   Beth Hirter
                                                                                                    Christian and Keri Ricci
                                                                                                    Christina Terenzi                   Elaine Engelmann
magazine.                         Ty and Annabell Giesbrecht         Beth Kim
                                                                                                                          Spring & Summer 2022 | 8
Kitsap Humane Society - MAGAZINE Spring & Summer 2022 | VOL. 2 - ANY HOME CAN BE A FOSTER HOME
Elizabeth and Timothy Cockrel   Helen Jones                       Jo and Fred Nelson                Kayleigh Campbell and
                                                                                                                                       Lori Massey
Elizabeth Brooling-Barnes       Helen K Calcines                  Joan Berg                            Keith Bierman
                                                                                                                                       Lori McKenna
Elizabeth Bulloff               Helena L. Ray                     Joan Ferguson                     Keiko Betcher
                                                                                                                                       Lori Morse
Elizabeth Heartney              Hilery Kirchmeier                 Joan Tootle                       Kelly Blackwood
                                                                                                                                       Lorna Payne
Elizabeth Hiner                 Holly Gilman                      Joanne and Chuck Little           Ken and Kara Masters
                                                                                                                                       Louise E Youngs
Elizabeth Hubbard               House 11 Taproom                  Joanne W Jenks                    Ken Clatterbaugh
                                                                                                                                       Lucy Nowlin
Elizabeth Kerstetter            Howard and Emma Sewell            Jodi and Alan Davis               Ken Corbin
                                                                                                                                       Lyn Brighid O’Doran
Elizabeth Morris                Ian Crinean                       Joe and Jennifer Calkins          Kent Granzow
                                                                                                                                       Lyn Hazlett
Emily Bannon                    Ian Proffer                       Joe Patterson                     Kent Kolegraf
                                                                                                                                       Lyn Schnug
Emily Fogel                     Ilene Alvis                       Joel and Zoe Davis                Kepler De Lanoy
                                                                                                                                       Lynda Friedel
Emily Parsons                   Ingrid Nantz                      Joey Wesner                       Kerry and Dwain Grindinger
                                                                                                                                       Lynda Southard
Emmy Tanaka                     Inice Beverly                     Johanna Muench                    Kim and Ian Coletti
                                                                                                                                       Lynn and Brian Collins
Eric Ayala                      j carter                          John and Cynthia Van Buskirk      Kim Cox
                                                                                                                                       Lynn and Donna Hughes
Eric Thesen                     J.R. Levala-Sneddon               John and Jody Fedor               Kim Freeman
                                                                                                                                       Lynn Braun
Erica Rottman                   Jack Gabel                        John and Kay Peiguss              Kim Knight
                                                                                                                                       Lynn Hensley
Erin Offner                     Jaclyn Noga                       John and Laura Hegarty            Kim Pinkerton
                                                                                                                                       Lynn Meyer
Ernest Lockwood                 Jacqueline Nacalevy               John D. MacDougall                Kimberlee and Paul Ryder
                                                                                                                                       Lynn Potter
Eve Ermer                       Jacqueline Seifert                John Hyland                       Kimberlee Fox
                                                                                                                                       Lynne Shearer
Eve Van Kleeck                  Jacy Forbes                       John Keppeler and Mark Levine     Kimberly Lewis
                                                                                                                                       M Slowinski
Faith Madigan                   Jaime Apperson                    John Lovik                        Kimberly Westby
                                                                                                                                       M.E. Donohue
Faith Watson                    James and Eileen Jilek            John Mar                          Kirstin Kiele
                                                                                                                                       Madison Tufts
Faye Kelley                     James Baker                       John Ritter                       Kirstina Gahr
                                                                                                                                       Maradel Gale
Faye King                       James Behrend                     Jon & Bobbe Bridge                Krista and Tim Gomes
                                                                                                                                       Margaret A Chang
Fran Lineen                     James C Manlove                   Jon and Kathleen Sole             Krista Hand
                                                                                                                                       Margaret Deupree
Frances and Adolf Spandler      James Childs                      Jonathan and Sue Lee              Kristin and Mike Glenn
                                                                                                                                       Margaret Gordon
Frances and Raymond Frederick   James Emert                       Jonathan Andes                    Kristina Case
                                                                                                                                       Margaret H. Hall
Frances Pilato                  James Green                       Jordan McKenna                    Kristine Ewing
                                                                                                                                       MARGARET HANFORD
Frank R. Mandt                  James Jones                       Jordan Sheets                     Lakeside Industries
                                                                                                                                       Margaret L Gibbs
Frank Scibilia                  James Martin and Victoria Quinn   Jordan Stair                      Lana and Billie McCollum
                                                                                                                                       Margaret Poshusta
Franklin C Varley               James Michael                     Joseph and Cindy Bilyeu           Larry and Annastiina Jones
                                                                                                                                       Marie Vincent
Fred Evitt                      Jamie Layton                      Joseph Nine                       Larry and Margie Wienkers
                                                                                                                                       Marie Walmsley
Frederick and Kathie Inboden    Jamie Nocula                      Joshua White                      Larry and Sandy Nakata
                                                                                                                                       Marilyn Franz
Frederick and Kathleen Doden    Jan E. Williams                   Joy Rubin                         Larry Winslow
                                                                                                                                       Marilyn L Moen
Frederick and Laurie Moore      Jan Seifert                       Joyce and Joe Sartain             Laura Wessels
                                                                                                                                       Marilyn Love
Fritz and Kathy Bonsall         Jan Van Ekeren                    Judith Bamburg                    Laurel Michael
                                                                                                                                       Marilyn Miller
Gabriella Batstone              Jane Parker                       Julia Martinez                    Laurel Shaw
                                                                                                                                       Marilyn Stoknes
Gail Allen                      Janelle Hopper                    Julianne Stanford                 Lauren and Margaret Colman
                                                                                                                                       Marion Stephens
Gail Gross                      Janet Branham                     Julie A Roedder                   Lauretta Shanahan
                                                                                                                                       Mark and Stephanie Siyluy
Garrett Nobbs                   Janet Grunbok                     Julie Garrett                     Lauri Ellis
                                                                                                                                       Mark Grimm
Gary and Karen Purbaugh         Janet Herren                      Julie Thiegles                    Laurie and Dean Singer
                                                                                                                                       Mark Powell
Gary Thompson                   Janice and Delmar Swyers          Justin Leyva                      Lawrence Daniels
                                                                                                                                       Mark Wahlbrink
Gaynol and Mike Flora           Janssen Judge                     K. Alexandra Curtis               Lawrence Telles
                                                                                                                                       Marlene Jaskari
George and Donna Case           Jason Tanguay                     Kacey Uptegraft                   Leanne Bracken
                                                                                                                                       Martin and Theresa Haines
George and Estelle Cook         Jay Clayton                       Kaitlyn Begley                    Ledine Wilson
                                                                                                                                       Martin Dreisbach
George Truini                   Jay LaViolette                    Kara Ortega                       Lee and Lucy Golden
                                                                                                                                       Mary Bethune
George W Bunn IV and            Jayni and Ted Detrick             Karen and J. W. Milligan          Leighann Denton
                                                                                                                                       Mary Bullitt
   Deborah Bunn                 Jean and George Copper            Karen Fredericks                  Leila Johnson
                                                                                                                                       Mary Carpenter
Gerald and Shannon Childs       Jean M. Jacoby                    Karen Mattick                     Lena Hunt
                                                                                                                                       Mary Cotton
Geraldine and Andrew Mogensen   Jean Shearer                      Karen Staats                      Leslie Chamberlain
                                                                                                                                       Mary Farrington-Lorch
Gerard and Dolly Coss           Jeanne and Gary Binder            Karen Wiggins                     Leslie Foos
                                                                                                                                       Mary Zabinski
Gilbert Dobbe                   Jeanne Legault                    Karl Kuntz                        Leslie O Knerr and Carol Burstad
                                                                                                                                       Matt Thompson
Giles Chapin                    Jeanne M. Harmon                  Karolyn Scott                     Lester LeRoss
                                                                                                                                       Matthew Bingham
Glenn and Marie Dickerson       Jeanne Snouwaert                  Kate Berry                        Lila Goakey
                                                                                                                                       Matthew Wells
Gloria Bullinger                Jeff and Deanna Fisher            Katherine Davis-Wyzgala           Linda and Vance Ricci
                                                                                                                                       Maureen Finneran
Gloria Reems                    Jeff and Nicole Wortley           Katherine Paynter                 Linda and William Walcott
                                                                                                                                       Maureen Kersey
Glynnis Klinefelter Sio         Jeff Arrington                    Kathleen and Arthur Lofstedt      Linda Rice
                                                                                                                                       Meg Quinlivan
Gordon and Patsy Graham         Jeff Reed-State Farm Agent        Kathleen and Gary Martell         Linda Rothermich
                                                                                                                                       Megan Dimotakis
Gorgeous Wine Co. - Sequim      Jeffrey Bassett                   Kathleen Crawford                 Linda Varda
                                                                                                                                       Megan McDermaid
Grace McAllester                Jennifer Dubois                   Kathleen Jung-Hawkins and         Linda Webb
                                                                                                                                       Meisha Moro
Grant and Lisa Wyninger         Jennifer Dulin                       Brian J. Hawkins               Lindison Webb
                                                                                                                                       Melissa and Adam Fenswick
Greg and Robin Pelton           Jennifer Kerekes                  Kathleen Sanders                  Ling Tan
                                                                                                                                       Melissa Helwig
Gretchen Klein                  Jennifer Young                    Kathleen Schubert                 Lisa and Brian Haggerty
                                                                                                                                       Melissa James
Gwen Schrempp                   Jenny MacAluso                    Kathleen Terra                    Lisa Cueto
                                                                                                                                       Melissa McConnell
Gwendolen Detweiler             Jeremy Dashe                      Kathleen Wymer                    Lisa Mohr
                                                                                                                                       Melvin and Shanna Baird
Haile Hunsaker                  Jeremy Weikel                     Kathryn Currie                    Lisa Witham
                                                                                                                                       Meredyth Yund
Haley Socha                     Jerrie Carl                       Kathryn Fairweather               Liz and John Sander
                                                                                                                                       Merit and Alan Anderson
Hannah Segall-Slayton           Jesa Webjoiner                    Kathryn J. Kirschner and          Lockheed Martin Corporation
                                                                                                                                       Merriam Beal
Harlan Ratzky                   Jesamyn Davis                        Richard L. Walker              Logan Winningham
                                                                                                                                       Michael and Julie Smith
Harold and Patricia Wiese       Jessica Lancaster                 Kathy and Ernie Lockwood          Lois and Brad Wolfe
                                                                                                                                       Michael and Tina Grove
Harry Allen III and Sue Allen   Jessica Lang                      Kathy Targos and George Seifert   Loreen Painter
                                                                                                                                       Michael Garten
Harvey and Tammy Ragsdale       Jewell Newlin                     Katie Fletcher                    Lori and John Parvis
                                                                                                                                       Michael Gofman
Heather Branvold-Faber          Jill A Boltz                      Katie Tontz                       Lori Boe
                                                                                                                                       Michael McGunnigle and
Heidi Heckman                   Jimmie Mathis                     Kayla Trygstad                    Lori Dircks
                                                                                                                                          Andra Sawyer
9 | Spring & Summer 2022
Michael Oakes                    PETER CRANE                         Ruth Swanson                        Susan Jacobson
Michael Presley                  Peter Harris                        S.M. Callan                         Susan Purbaugh
Michael Snow                     Peter James Zastrow                 Sada Ross                           Susan Stutz and Curtis Madsen
Michael Tracy                    Peter Pien                          Sally Hill                          Susan Trogdon
Michele Blackford                Peter Sorensen and                  Sam Ruzumna                         Susan Walters
Michele Burk                        Gregory Herbold Reyes            Samuel Swenson Ret., USN, Jr. and   Susan Welsh
Michele Hobbs                    Phillip and Patti Pollard              Joan Helen Swenson               Suzanne & Edward Brothers
Michelle and Tom Peterson        Phyllis Bates                       Sandi Warner                        Sylvia Field
Michelle Hobbs                   Phyllis J Henry                     Sandra and Allan Voves              Sylvia Johnson
Michelle Noble                   Phyllis Robins                      Sandra Bruhn                        Sylvia Nelson
Michelle Paulson                 Port of Seattle                     Sandra Ellsworth                    Tamara Lund
Michelle Pritchard               Port Orchard Animal Clinic          Sandra Frame                        Tammy Pratt
Michelle Renea                   Prashant Makadia DDS                Sandra H Smith                      Tawny Anderson
Mikal Foushee                    Priscilla Secor                     Sandra Morgan                       Taylor Rodriguez
Mikal Johnston                   Prudence LaBar                      Sandra Otto                         Teresa Agius
Mike and Stacey Vukovich         Quinn and Linda Freeman             Sandy Carpenter                     Teresa Yette
Mike Derzon and Robin Supplee    Qwyn Schremser                      Sandy K Steckling                   Terry and Sheila Scatena
Miri Thoens                      Rachel and James Wilson             Sara and David Bigelow              Terry Cowen and Leo Fried
Mishell Dains                    Rachel Good                         Sara Cole                           Tetyana McIlvaine
Molly McNamara                   Rachel Nelson                       Sara Wolf Foss                      Theresa Petraszak
Monica Guerrero                  Rae Holt                            Sarah Hall                          Theresa Sikes
Monica Kilmer                    Ramey E Fair                        Sarah Tripp                         Thomas and Rebecca Clifford
Monika Riedner                   Randy Harder                        Sarah Wallace                       Thomas Blackmore
Mr. David G Nixon                Ray E. Stark and Lynn Schwendiman   Sarah Ward                          Thomas Chippendale
Mr. Karl G. Fenner               Rebecca Chodroff                    Sarah Yergin                        Thomas Goins
Mrs. Susan Jackson Karp          Regina Gaudette                     Scott and SueAnne Fink              Thomas P. Lardner
Nancy and Ron Smith              Rene Hackl                          Scott and Teresa White              Thomas Pearson
Nancy Belanger                   Rene Tucker                         Scott B Sprague                     Thomas Saul
Nancy Jorgensen-Niemi            Rene Zelske                         Scott Cameron                       Thomas Straub
Nancy McEwen                     Rhea and Paul Schneider             Scott Smaaladen                     Thrivent Financial
Nancy Merritt                    Rhonda Gillogly                     Sean Cockey                         Tim Headley
Nancy Moffatt                    Rich Barston                        Sean Gallaway                       Tim Hunter
Nancy Reichley and Tim Higgins   Richard and Margie Hoag             Seaport Salon and Spa               Timothy Berry
Nathalia Tantum                  Richard and Sally Wilson            Shannon Horn                        Timothy Jewell
Nilo Erice                       Richard Peters and                  Sharon and Steve Stein              TisBest Philanthropy               Many thanks
Nina and David Rodriguez            Anne Mette-Peters                Sharon Claassen                     Todd Miller
Noreen O’Connell                 Richard Shilling                    Sharon Gibson                       Todd Taylor
                                                                                                                                           to Haselwood
Olivia Quinn                     Rick & Ginny Soth                   Sharon Jacobs                       Tom and Linda Hansen               Auto Group,
Olivia Smith                     Rita Milleson                       Sharron A Hurlbut                   Tom and Sally Price              our 2022 Grand
One4All Charitable Fund          Rob I Cin                           Shawn and Michelle Prichard
Owen Lawrie                      Robbie Wiley                        Shawn Cupples
                                                                                                         Toni Thompson
                                                                                                                                          Shelter Sponsor
                                                                                                         Tracy and Bob Baltutat
Pacific Northwest Title          Robert and Barbara Bacon            Shawneen Preuhs                     TRIFAM Foundation
Pam Lang                         Robert and Caroline Hoag            Shelly Anderson                     Valentina Johnson
Pam McPeek and Bill Halligan     Robert and Debbie Opolka            Shirley Knight                      Vera Brown
Pamela and Jeff Rademaker        Robert and Elaine Wenzlaff          Shirley Sun                         Vernon and Cheryl Sewards
Pamela and Michael Biggs         Robert and Fran Moyer               Sig and Bonnie Chrey                Veronika Seidl
Pampered Chef                    Robert and Kristine Lynch           Sonja Sollie                        Vickie and Norman Orr
Panera Bread                     Robert Boulds                       Soren Christensen and               Vicky Wixson
Pat and Ann Garrett              Robert D Christiansen                  James W. Wires                   Victoria Hunter
Patricia and Donald Olson        Robert Frank                        Sound Community Bank                Virginia Leggett
Patricia Brenning                Robert Gelder                       Southard, Beckham, Atwater &        Walter Birdsall
Patricia Brown                   Robert Landry                          Berry                            Wendy Becker
Patricia Downs                   Robert Leroy                        Stacy Wright                        Wendy Johnson
Patricia Eury                    Robert Malecki                      Stephanie Thompson                  Willa Fisher, M.D.
Patricia Glenn                   Robert Naifeh                       Stephen and Linda Morse             William and Rebecca Salge
Patricia Guinn                   Robert Sprague                      Stephen and Valerie Shuman          William Hughey
Patricia Kennedy                 Robert Wheaton                      Stephen Garcia                      William Jones
Patricia Stogdill                Robin Bucknell                      Steve Ferguson                      William Krutch
Patricia W. Wahl                 Robin Moore                         Steve Orr                           Ying Eastwood
Patrick Gregory                  Robin Wood                          Steve Robinson                      Zandra Craig
Patrick Killian                  Rocklin and Stacy Sugg              Steven A. Benson
Pattie Matheson                  Roderick Cruickshank                Steven and Kristine McBride
Paul Atkinson                    Rodney and Gayle Chipps             Steven L. Green
Paul Donohue                     Romelle Gosselin                    Steven Lewis
paul tice                        Ron Hanna                           Steven Rocconi
Paula Roberts                    Rosalind Lassoff                    Sue and Kenneth Davis
Peggy Barnett                    Ross Jewell                         Sue DeSilva
Penelope Brownell                Roxanna Ebarb                       Susan and Edwin Sadtler
Penny Gibson                     Roy Wallace                         Susan and Steve Strachan
Penny Weissman                   Russ and Tonia Bomhoff              Susan Christensen
Peter & Patricia Van Sickle      Russell Crotwell                    Susan E Standley
Peter and Kathy Kliewer          Ruth Lerda                          Susan Fowler
Peter Braun                      Ruth Ross                           Susan Himmah
                                                                                                                                Spring & Summer 2022 | 10
We’re deeply grateful                 Lanny Ross
                                                                    Friends Forever                           Jo and Fred Nelson
                                      Laura Alikpala                                                          Joan and Gene Jewett
for your in-kind                      Linda and Russ Young
                                                                    Your support in 2021 made it
                                                                                                              Joan Dingfield
                                                                    possible for us to have a truly
donations                             Linda Lincoln
                                                                    amazing year and rescue over 4,000
                                                                                                              Jolynn Meriam
                                      Liz Thayer                                                              Jon and Kathleen Sole
Every year, KHS receives thousands                                  homeless pets. Our lifesaving
                                      Loretta Allen                                                           Julia J. LaFontaine
of in-kind donations from generous                                  results would not be possible
                                      Lynn Baugh                                                              Karen Hansen
individuals and companies. Listed                                   without your support. We are deeply
                                      Marilynn Moller                                                         Katherine and David De Bruyn
below are those supporters who have                                 grateful to all our generous donors.
                                      Mary Ann Beistline                                                      Kay O’Cullane
made in-kind donations (including
                                      Michael Brenner                                                         Lenore Emmett
vehicle donations) with a value of                                  Due to space limitations, only donors
                                      Michelle B Edwards                                                      Linda and Russ Young
$250 and greater.                                                   of $100 or more are listed. We
                                      Moranda Roberts                                                         Linda Henderson and Lora Davis
                                                                    apologize for any missing or incorrect
                                      Nancy Leonard                                                           Lois Kahn
Alexandra Vorell                                                    names in this report. Please call (360)
                                      Naturally 4 Paws                                                        Louise E Youngs
Alphonso Quinn                                                      692-6977, ext. 1224 with changes.
                                      Olalla Vineyard & Winery                                                Marcia Daughtry
Amy Marquez                                                         Anonymous (12)
                                      Paul and Dawn Rancourt                                                  Marilyn L Moen
Amy McCauley                                                        Alan L. Miles
                                      Paws Gourmet Bakery                                                     Mary-Ann A Williams
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum                                 Andy and Susan Goodwin
                                      R. E. and Ada Scofield                                                  Michael and Julie Smith
Bainbridge Island Police Department                                 Barbara Muller
                                      RA Mobile Aesthetics                                                    Michael Simmons
Bonnie Selvar                                                       Bob and Pam Arthur
                                      Rebecca Moore                                                           Michelle Hodges
Breanna Casias                                                      Bob and Peggy Aronson
                                      Rebecca Murphy                                                          Mindy Anderson and Robert Hollar
Brian and Dawn Levy                                                 Brian and Liza Cohen
                                      Ritsuko Nakamichi                                                       Monica and Harry Turnbull
Carolyn Leech                                                       Carole Aughnay
                                      Robert and Paula Jewett                                                 Nicole Boand and Larry Dalton
Cathy L. Berg                                                       Christina and Nicholas Fellander
                                      Robert Drake                                                            Patricia Rothenberg
Centering Massage                                                   Christina and Scott Hadfield
                                      Rolling Clay Studio                                                     Ramey E Fair
Chase and Jessica Connolly                                          Chuck and Pamela Murphy
                                      Ronald Heald                                                            Richard and Elizabeth Kurzawski
Chris Williams                                                      Darcy Lavigne
                                      Scott Bailey                                                            Richard D Novak
Christopher Hall                                                    David Tuma and Amber Gravett
                                      Scott Gorman                                                            Robert and Kathleen Hoff
Claire A. Brownstein                                                Deborah Richardson
                                      Seattle Seahawks                                                        Rosemary Shaw and Roy La Croix
Colleen Casad                                                       Denis and Joan Gorner
                                      Shannon Orr and                                                         Sandra Starkey
Dale Barter                                                         Doris and Skip Junis
                                         Melanie McAllester                                                   Scott and Marie Menard
Daniel Banick                                                       Dorothy and Larry Kehres
                                      Shawn Thornton                                                          Scott Wakefield
David Wilson                                                        Elliott and Lynn Green
                                      Shirley Wiley                                                           Shannon Orr and Melanie McAllester
Diane Glaser                                                        Eric and Piper Tupper
                                      Sirima Rajpreeja                                                        Susan Holter and Ben Ferrell
Doctor Prep, LLC                                                    Eva and Wendell Crim
                                      Stephen Swanson                                                         Teresa Marie Shepard
Dortha Jones                                                        Fay and Robert Krokower
                                      Steve McMurry                                                           Thomas and Aldona Flores
Eleven Winery                                                       Genevieve and John Tullis
                                      Stickney Research                                                       Thomas Lee
Eli Silva                                                           Gerry and Barbara Porter
                                      Teresa and Steven Erickson                                              Tina Chenevert and Doug Blangsted
Elizabeth Willey                                                    Greg Moss
                                      TerraSculpt Art Gardens
Eric and Barbara Griffin                                            Helen Butler
                                      Total Wine and More
Farrell Spearin                                                     Jeffrey and Ruth Berger
                                      Victor Angkico
Gaynol and Mike Flora                                               Jennifer Carr and Gene Darby
                                      Victoria Lafser
Geoff Johnson                                                       Jerrie Carl
                                      Wayne E. Noll
Gib E. Sullivan
                                      West Sound Wildlife Shelter
Ginelle McCall
                                      Wyoming Dawn Vogel
James F. Zach
Jeannette Forester
Jeannie and Bruce Nordstrom
Jeffrey Weldon
Jill Pentzer
Joanne M Wulick
John and Betty Scrapper
Julie Wilson
Juniper Lynne Photography
Justine Jeanotte
Karin Michaud
Kate Buike
Kathi Swanson
Kathleen Mahan and Don Paulson
Kathy Mayfield
Keith Smith
Kelly and Adam Morrow
Kimberly Cizek Allen and
   Jesse Allen
Kitsap Poo Patrol
Kristi St. John
Kristina Colburn

11 | Spring & Summer 2022
2021 Financials
Operating Support and Revenue                                                 Non-Operating Net Revenue
Public Support (Donations)                    $986,902                        Capital Building Project Expenditures                      $(169,114)

Grants                                        $136,200                        Capital Campaign - Pledges and Gifts                      $1,943,758

Net Event Income                              $342,313                        Bequests - Designated for the Capital Campaign                 $55,000
                                                                              Bequests - Board Designated Reserve                         $418,552
Sub-total Public Support                    $1,465,415 38.2%
                                                                              Net Investment Income                                           $(758)
Government Contracts (Animal Control)         $851,041 22.2%
* Other Revenue Supporting Animal Control     $165,119    4.3%
Earned Revenue and Fees                     $1,355,600 35.3%

Sub-total Operating Revenue                 $2,371,760

Total Operating Support and Revenue         $3,837,175 100.0%                 Total Non-Operating Revenue                               $2,247,438

Operating Expenses                                                            Total Net Income                                          $2,129,944

**Animal Control Contract Expenses           $1,139,705 28.8%                 * Revenues Supporting Animal Control include $110,633 in Pet License
Shelter Expenses                            $1,453,542 36.8%                  revenues
                                                                              **Animal Control Contract expenses include a portion of Shelter and
Veterinary Service Expenses                   $957,065 24.2%
                                                                              Veterinary expenses associated with care for stray and impounded
Sub-Total Program Expenses                  $3,550,311                        animals, during an intial “stray hold” period, as well as expenses
                                                                              associated with operating the Pet License Program.
Development                                   $404,358 10.2%
                                                                              ***Includes $379,099 in administrative costs and $288,338 in
Total Supporting Services                    $404,358
                                                                              depreciation expense
***Total Operating Expenses                 $3,954,669 100%

Net Operating Income                         $(117,493)


       fter 377 days in our care, one very special diabetic, senior         When it was time to meet Kit Kat, he was very shy, staying in
       cat has found his forever home. We are so happy to share             his hidey bed for the whole visit. But after a little discussion,
       that Kit Kat is living a calm, regal life with his new forever       Marco and his husband decided to adopt Kit Kat. “We chose
family. When Kit Kat came to us he was struggling with his insulin          to adopt Kit Kat because we are used to handling older cats
levels and extreme kennel stress. In the year that he spent time            with diabetic needs. We wanted to give him a comfortable
         in foster care, and made one of our staff office’s into his        and loving home.” And Kit Kat was so grateful for his second
                      home. We also received Petfinder and donor            chance that he emerged from his bed to greet his new
                                 funding for insulin to help potential      family with pets and a little drool (classic Kit Kat).
                                   adopters. While he struggled             It’s been over a month since Kit Kat has been adopted and
                                   during his adoption meets, we            we couldn’t be happier to hear that he is fitting in quite well
                                   knew that with the right family, Kit     with his new family! “Kit Kat has his own space including a
                                  Kat would blossom into his best           hidden bed under our desk, a kitty castle, and a comfy shelf
                                    self. And one day, the right family     by the window,” said Marco. “While he spends some time
                                        wandered in.                        there, he also likes to roam the house. He often looks for
                                            After losing their cat          me or my husband for some pets, loves to be with us in the
                                             of 14 years who also           office, and has occasionally slept with us on our bed. He
                                               had diabetes, Marco          also loves to play in the tunnels of his castle and nap away
                                                 Viniegra and his           by the heater and the window. Every day he seems more
                                                  husband were ready        comfortable with us and with the other cats. We are
                                                   to bring home            so excited!”
                                                    another feline family
                                                                            Happy Tails, Kit Kat! We wish you all the best
                                                                            in your forever home.

                                                                                                         Spring & Summer 2022 | 12
 SUMMER EVENTS!                                                                         PETS &
                                                                                        LOOK GOOD
         The 29th Annual PetsWALK Presented by Mud Bay
                                                                                        DOING IT!

         is returning IN-PERSON in Downtown Poulsbo on
                                                                                        Looking for the purr-fect gift
         Saturday, June 25. With beautiful water views
                                                                                        for the animal lover in your
         and a gentle, mostly flat course, this family-
                                                                                        life or just treating yourself
         friendly 5K walk/run is great fun for both you
                                                                                        to some paw-some new
         and your four-legged friends. Take PetsWALK
                                                                                        threads? Our official online
         at the pace of your choice, and if a 5K isn’t
                                                                                        merch shop has you covered
         quite your style, we also have a 1-mile option!
                                                                                        – and includes our newest
         Then, join us for the bustling vendor fair to
                                                                                        “Love is Love” Pride Month
         follow at Muriel Iverson Williams Waterfront
                                                                                        apparel! Best of all, proceeds
         Park for your favorite PetsWALK traditions
                                                                                        benefit pets in need at Kitsap
         including samples and activities at each vendor
                                                                                        Humane Society. Get your
         booth, costume and talent contests, a kid’s dash,
                                                                                        paws on them now at
         and adorable, adoptable animals.
         Don’t forget to fundraise! The funds you raise leading up to the event         humane-society/ !
         make a lifesaving difference for the thousands of animals Kitsap Humane
         Society cares for annually. Plus, you’ll earn awesome prizes along the way.
         Register for PetsWALK today to receive access to the event and your 2022
         PetsWALK t-shirt. Then, get started on fundraising for the animals!

                         Scan the QR code to register and use the code KHSMAG5
                         to get $5 off your registration fee.
                         Don’t miss this summertime celebration for the whole family!

         Our friends at Haselwood Auto Group are hosting Drive for a Cause

         benefiting Kitsap Humane Society all July-long! For the entire month,
         $20 will be donated for every vehicle purchased and $5 will be donated
         for every service repair order.
         To celebrate this special event, Kitsap Humane Society will be bringing
         adorable adoptable pets to Haselwood Auto Group on Saturday,
         July 16 from 12-3 p.m. for a special off-site adoption event.

Wine &Whiskers
         Calling all wine lovers! Join us this August for our second-annual

         Wine & Whiskers presented by Mud Bay, a self-guided wine tour
         benefiting Kitsap Humane Society. With the purchase of a ticket,
         you’ll receive a Wine & Whiskers passport that allows you one
         free tasting experience at each of our participating wineries to
         redeem during the month of August. Select the VIP option and
         you’ll also receive a fabulous commemorative wine glass!
         Sip wine and save animals this summer at Wine & Whiskers.
         Tickets go on sale July 1, 2022. Visit for
         more details!

         13 | Spring & Summer 2022
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