COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas

Page created by Aaron Davis
COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
response to the pandemic
COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
Joint Letter from Our CEOs and Committee Co-Chairs
                                                                           In the spring of 2020, COVID-19 hit communities across the nation, impacting every aspect of daily life. As stay-
                                                                           at-home orders were issued and schools and businesses temporarily closed, our community experienced the
                                                                           tension and strain of an unpredictable and volatile environment. Daily reports of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations
                                                                           and deaths increased, and the virus began to illuminate longstanding health and economic disparities among
                                                                           people of color and those in underserved communities.

                                                                           At the height of the pandemic, grocery store shelves were empty, and charitable food organizations were
                                                                           overwhelmed. Schools were quickly shifting to virtual classrooms, and many families did not have internet access
    Contents                                                               or child care. Essential workers had no way to social-distance and yet had to continue working. Many feared
                                                                           getting sick, and those without health insurance also worried about how they would pay for it.
    Joint Letter ..................................................... 3
                                                                           It was time for the community to rally together and take action immediately. Recognizing the crisis at hand,
    Our Response .................................................. 4
                                                                           corporate and community leaders quickly came together to mitigate the effects of the global pandemic.
    Basic Needs .................................................... 6     On March 16, 2020, United Way of Central Carolinas and Foundation For The Carolinas launched the Charlotte-
                                                                           Mecklenburg COVID-19 Response Fund. The generous commitments from the first five contributors—
    Health and Mental Health .............................. 10
                                                                           LendingTree, the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, Truist and the Howard R. Levine Foundation—inspired
    Youth Initiatives ............................................ 14      additional donations from the public and private philanthropic community, as well as individual donations of all
                                                                           sizes. Altogether the fund raised nearly $24 million.
    Employment and Workforce Development ..... 18

    The Arts ........................................................ 22   We established a board of investors to provide strategic direction and oversight and a grants committee
                                                                           comprised of 19 local leaders to review proposals and make grant decisions. With their guidance and insight,
    Contributors .................................................. 26
                                                                           United Way of Central Carolinas and Foundation For The Carolinas created a grants program to administer funds
    What's Next ................................................... 33     to organizations on the frontlines. Through eight rounds of grantmaking, 412 grants were awarded to 237 local
                                                                           nonprofits. We prioritized support for basic needs, healthcare and mental health, youth initiatives, employment
                                                                           and workforce development, and the arts. While the impact was significant, without the COVID-19 Response Fund
                                                                           the pandemic's effects could have been even more devastating.

                                                                           Now, as the world battles omicron and other variants, a look back at where we have been is instructive. Most of
                                                                           all, we take this opportunity to say thanks to all our funders, supporters and partners to whom we are immensely
                                                                           grateful for your willingness to uplift, empower and protect our community.

                                                                           Jill Olmstead                                   Laura Yates Clark                                           Edwin Peacock
                                                                           Co-Chair                                        President and CEO                                           Co-Chair
                                                                           Board of Investors                              United Way of Central Carolinas                             Grants Committee

                                                                           Charles Bowman                                  Michael Marsicano                                           Tanya Blackmon
                                                                           Co-Chair                                        President and CEO                                           Co-Chair
                                                                           Board of Investors                              Foundation For The Carolinas                                Grants Committee

                                                                           Board of Investors                                     Grants Committee
                                                                           Jill Olmstead               Howard Levine              Tanya Blackmon                Dena Diorio             Dee O'Dell
                                                                           Co-Chair, LendingTree       Howard Levine              Co-Chair, Novant Health       Mecklenburg County      U.S. Bank
                                                                           Charles Bowman              Foundation                 Edwin Peacock                 Malcolm Graham          Jill Olmstead
                                                                           Co-Chair, Bank of America   Vi Lyles                   Co-Chair, Pomfret Financial   City of Charlotte       LendingTree
                                                                           Heath Campbell              City of Charlotte          Charles Bowman                Mark Jerrell            Susan Patterson
                                                                           Truist Financial            Anna Nelson                Bank of America               Mecklenburg Board of    Community Volunteer
                                                                           Betsy Conway                C.D. Spangler              Jordan Boyd                   County Commissioners    Federico Rios
                                                                           Lowe’s Companies, Inc.      Foundation                 Rockwell AME Zion Church      Cliff Matthews          City of Charlotte
                                                                           Dena Diorio                 M.C. Pilon                 Heath Campbell                St. Luke Missionary     Mike Rizer
                                                                           Mecklenburg County          J.M. Belk Foundation       Truist Financial              Baptist Church          Ally
                                                                           Josh Dorminy                Mike Rizer                 Alexis Coleman                Brian Middleton         Lisa Saunders
                                                                           Coca-Cola Consolidated      Ally                       Davidson United               Atrium Health           Christ Church Charlotte
                                                                           Julie Janson                Nicole Tepper              Methodist Church              Michaela Miller
                                                                           Duke Energy                 David Tepper Charitable    Betsy Conway                  Humana
                                                                                                       Foundation                 Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
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COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Civic Engagement $135,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Legal Advocacy $415,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Equity and Inclusion $60,000       Environment $467,500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Child Care $520,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Arts $869,032

                                                                                                                                                                                            Shelter & Housing                                       Basic Needs $1,393,902

                                                                                                                                                    Nearly $24 million                            $6,448,271
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Employment & Workforce

                                                                                                                                                    was distributed for                                                                                    Development $1,343,571

        The COVID-19 Response Fund represents the partnership efforts of United Way of Central                                                       pandemic relief                                                                                      Emergency Financial
        Carolinas, Foundation For The Carolinas, Mecklenburg County, the City of Charlotte, corporations,                                                                                                                                                 Assistance $2,220,500

        houses of faith and others. The goal of the fund was to help individuals and families in                                                     in Mecklenburg
        Mecklenburg County who were impacted by the pandemic, with emphasis on providing for the
        basic human needs of our community’s most vulnerable residents.
                                                                                                                                                         County.                                                                                       Health/Mental
                                                                                                                                                                                               Food Security                                           Health/Substance Use
                                                                                                                                                                                                 $4,179,010                                            $2,471,327

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Education $3,098,935

                     March 16,                         Late March                     April                  April                  May             June                 October                        November                                June
                        2020                                2020                      2020                  2020                   2020             2020                  2020                             2020                                 2021

                UWCC and FFTC                       First round of                Second round            Third round*         Fourth round        Fifth round          Sixth round            Seventh round was CARES                 Eighth round focused
              launched COVID-19                  funding emphasized                 supported        provided grants to both awarded grants     funded agencies     provided grants to             Act funds for equity,              on smaller, grassroots
                Response Fund                    basic needs such as                 agencies         large and small arts   with an emphasis      focused on      agencies supporting             inclusion and social                 agencies providing
                 and soon after                   food, housing and               providing basic        organizations.        on health and     education and    workforce development          justice, the environment,            financial assistance in
                 established a                   emergency financial                 services.                                mental health.     summer youth     and remote learning for      neighborhood development,               areas not covered by
              Grants Committee.                      assistance.                                                                                 programming.            students.              civic engagement and the              government programs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       digital divide.
                                                                            The Process
                                                                                                                                                                         Extending Our Reach Beyond Mecklenburg County
                                                       8                                               412
                                           Grant Rounds                                             Grants Awarded                                                       In neighboring counties, pandemic-related funds managed by
    A Board of Investors and a Grants                               The Fund              Needs were assessed            A mix of large,
     Committee were set up to award                                 leveraged                on a rolling basis      medium and smaller
                                                                                                                                                                         Foundation For The Carolinas and/or United Way of Central Carolinas
    grants and establish the Response                            federal CARES            through data analysis      grants were awarded,                                provided additional relief to local nonprofit organizations. In total,
    Fund’s parameters. These groups                               Act funding in            and conversations         with a special focus                               177 grants totaling more than $1.6 million were distributed in
        included a cross-section of                             addition to private           with front-line            on grassroots
     corporate, government/civic, and                              donations.              service provides and          organizations.                                  Iredell, Cabarrus, Union, Anson and York counties to support needs
             nonprofit leaders.                                                            community leaders.                                                            ranging from food, shelter and medical assistance to education and
                                                                                                                                                                         transportation services.
    *The arts funding was administered separately from the Response Fund.

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COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
BASIC NEEDS                                                                                                                                      Total Funding Awarded: $14,656,683
                                                                                                                       Academy of Goal Achievers                                     $20,000    InReach                                                       $15,000
                                                                                                                       Ada Jenkins Families and Careers Development Center           $230,000   International House of Metrolina, Inc.                        $35,000
                                                                                                                       Angels and Sparrows Soup Kitchen, Inc.                        $82,000    Johnson C. Smith University                                   $100,000
                                                                                                                       Bags of Hope                                                  $42,500    Lakeview Neighborhood Alliance                                $150,000
                                                                                                                       Beds for Kids                                                 $75,000    Learning Help Centers Of Charlotte                            $35,000
    The immediate burden of pandemic-specific                                                                          Block Love Charlotte                                          $40,000    Legal Aid of North Carolina                                   $25,000
                                                                                                                       Camino Community Center                                       $75,000    Liberian Community Association of Greater Charlotte           $35,000
    challenges was inconvenient for some, but
    devastating for others. The pandemic caused an
                                                                  “When we saw the level of                            Carolinas CARE Partnership
                                                                                                                       Caterpillar Ministries
                                                                                                                                                                                                LIFESPAN, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Little Rock CDC/U2U
    increase in the number of households requiring                need, it was important that we                       Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte                       $150,000   Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays                              $582,360
                                                                                                                       Changed Choices                                               $125,000   Lotus Campaign                                                $30,000
    assistance with basic needs. With that in mind,               collectively accepted the call                       Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy                           $250,000   Matthews HELP Center                                          $40,000
    the COVID-19 Response Fund focused the initial                to provide food and other basic                      Charlotte Family Housing                                      $250,000   National Church Residences of Charlotte, NC, Inc.             $5,000
                                                                                                                       Charlotte Mecklenburg Housing Partnership                     $5,022     ourBRIDGE for KIDS                                            $220,000
    investments on ensuring families had food on the
                                                                  needs to families during such a                      Charlotte Pride, Inc.                                         $25,000    Pineville Neighbors Place                                     $40,000
    table, a safe place to sleep and live, and help paying                                                             Charlotte Rescue Mission                                      $210,000   Project BOLT                                                  $40,000
    expenses such as rent and utilities. Funds were               critical time.”                                      Charlotte Village Network                                     $10,902    Promise Youth Development                                     $25,000
                                                                                                                       Coalición Latinoamericana                                     $450,000   RAIN, Inc.                                                    $300,000
    distributed to a variety of organizations ranging in          - Dena Diorio, County Manager,                       Common Wealth Charlotte                                       $575,000   Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte                      $20,000
                                                                                                                       Communities in Schools                                        $75,000    Reeder Memorial Missions Place                                $55,400
    size and scope. The goal was to strike a balance              Mecklenburg County                                   Community Link Programs Of Traveler Aid Society Of Central    $30,000    Refugee Support Services of the Carolinas, Inc.               $50,000
    between organizations with a broad reach and                                                                       Carolinas, Inc.                                                          Renaissance West Community Initiative                         $435,000
                                                                                                                       Comunidad Colectiva                                           $100,000   Rockwell A.M.E. Zion Church                                   $130,000
    grassroots organizations that could quickly connect                                                                Council for Children's Rights                                 $355,000   Roof Above                                                    $796,321
    to people from marginalized communities.                                                                           Crisis Assistance Ministry                                    $256,688   Safe Alliance                                                 $342,500
                                                                                                                       CrossRoads Corporation for Affordable Housing and             $63,000    Samaritan House, Inc.                                         $39,000
                                                               Shelter                                                 Community Development, Inc.                                              Sandra and Leon Levine Jewish Community Center                $250,000
                                                                                                                       Davidson Housing Coalition                                    $15,000    Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina                         $1,975,000
                                                               COVID-19 brought many unique challenges related to      Dilworth Soup Kitchen                                         $12,000    Servants Heart of Mint Hill                                   $25,000
       “We knew many in our community                          housing to an already stressed system. As shelters
                                                                                                                       DreamKey Partners
                                                                                                                       Factor of Seven, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Shepherds Center of Charlotte
       were struggling, only to be pushed                      experienced an influx of new individuals and families   Families Forward
                                                                                                                       First Legacy Church, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                South Tryon Community Development Corporation dba Brookhill   $50,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                Community Resource Center
       almost to a breaking point because                      to serve, new restrictions limited their capacity by    First United Methodist Church                                 $8,500     St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.                      $25,000
                                                               one-third. Quarantining became an ongoing need, and     Florence Crittenton                                           $275,000   Supportive Housing Communities                                $240,000
       of this virus. We also saw that                                                                                 For the Struggle, Inc.                                        $75,000    The Abandon Project                                           $30,000
                                                               shelters implemented new processes in response.         Freedom Fighting Missionaries, Inc.
       nonprofit organizations were                                                                                    Friendship Community Development Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Bulb
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Center for Community Transitions
       working night and day to address                        Grants provided through the Response Fund               Furnish for Good
                                                                                                                       Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte
                                                                                                                                                                                                The Hope House Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                The QC Family Tree, Inc.
       the high demand. I don’t know                           ensured that organizations such as Carolinas CARE       Gracious Hands Transitional Housing                           $10,000    The Relatives, Inc.                                           $114,500
                                                               Partnership could secure hotel rooms and purchase       Greater Matthews Habitat for Humanity                         $37,500    The Salvation Army                                            $738,448
       what would have happened if our                                                                                 Habit Missions Ministry, Inc. dba Watchmen of the Streets     $10,000    The Save Our Children Movement, Inc.                          $55,000
                                                               hygiene supplies for those in need. Response funds      Habitat for Humanity of the Charlotte Region                  $280,000
       community had not stepped up, but                       were also used to help provide early access to the      Heal Charlotte                                                $40,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                UMAR Services, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                United Way of Central Carolinas (Unite Charlotte)
       I’m so thankful we did.”                                vaccine for vulnerable populations by providing
                                                                                                                       Hearts Beat As One Foundation
                                                                                                                       Historic West End Partners, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Universal Institute for Successful Aging
                                                                                                                                                                                                University City Foundation
                                                               transportation support. The funds helped shelter        Hope Haven, Inc.                                              $135,000   Vietnamese Association of Charlotte                           $5,000
       - Jill Olmstead, Chief Human Resources                                                                          Hope Street Food Pantry, Inc.                                 $18,000    World Central Kitchen, Inc.                                   $125,000
                                                               nearly 2,200 people in hotels and helped move 565
       Officer, LendingTree                                                                                            Hope Vibes, Inc.                                              $50,000    Young Women's Christian Association                           $75,000
                                                               people from shelters into permanent housing.            Humane Society of Charlotte                                   $20,000    of the Central Carolinas, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Youth Villages                                                $20,000

                                                               Emergency Financial Assistance
    Food                                                       The COVID-19 Response Fund was a vital resource
    From well-known organizations such as Second               for rent, utilities and medical expenses. Grants were
    Harvest Food Bank, which provided food to pantries         distributed to a variety of organizations serving
    and led community food distribution efforts, to smaller    diverse populations in our community. Nonprofit                             Food                                     Financial                                       Housing/Shelter
    neighborhood-based organizations such as For the           organizations such as Comunidad Colectiva received
    Struggle, which focused on providing fresh produce         funding to provide support to Latinx individuals             251,128 households served               6,298 households received rent/mortgage          3,166 individuals sheltered in facilities
    and other safety-net services to African American          without access to federal benefits. Charlotte Pride,                                                 or utility assistance
                                                                                                                            2,174,363 pounds of food                                                                 2,199 individuals sheltered in hotels
    seniors in the Beatties Ford Road corridor, investments    Inc. utilized support to ensure members of the               distributed                             4,217 households received loan assistance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     565 individuals were provided
    in food security were significant and far-reaching. The    LGBTQ+ community received emergency financial                4,538,917 meals served                  19,350 households received other                 assistance to move from shelter to
    Response Fund supported the distribution of over 2         relief. The investment in basic needs helped nearly                                                  financial assistance                             housing
    million pounds of food and more than 4.5 million meals     6,300 households with rent, mortgages and utilities,                                                 8,783 households received financial
    to more than 250,000 households. Response funds            and more than 19,000 households with other                                                           counseling
    also helped many brick-and-mortar establishments           financial support.
    pivot to mobile delivery or drive-through services to
    make food distribution safer for both clients and staff.
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COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
    Grantee Highlights

                                                              Funding Filled the Gap                                                                                            Financial Relief and Safety
                                                              Before the pandemic, Loaves & Fishes relied on                                                                    The grants committee awarded four grants to LNA,
                                                              hundreds of community food drives to help restock                                                                 which provided financial relief to 194 families through
                                                              its pantries. The new COVID-19 precautions and                                                                    gift cards distributed weekly or biweekly to meet
                                                              restrictions abruptly halted food drives due to safety                                                            basic needs such as food, shelter and transportation.
                                                              concerns. The Response funding was critical to filling                                                            With a focus on empowerment, gift cards provided
                                                              the gap, allowing the organization to instead purchase                                                            community members with the agency to address
                                                              nonperishable foods to meet the increased demand.                                                                 their needs. The gift cards had an added benefit: the
                                                                                                                                                                                financial support promoted a sense of safety, as
                                                              The funding also enabled Loaves & Fishes to hire                                                                  94% of residents surveyed said the support helped
                                                              a social worker to connect clients to additional                                                                  decrease neighborhood crime.
                                                              resources, many of whom had never had to seek
                                                              help before. And, as the number of Spanish-
         Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays                     speaking families in need of services increased,
                                                              the organization hired two part-time bilingual                                                                       “If we didn’t come together during
                                                              receptionists. To meet the needs of its most                                                                         this time, it would be like me
    At Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays, staff members,       vulnerable clients, Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays
                                                                                                                                                                                   saying, ‘You have a hole on your
    volunteers and donors share the common belief that        began a home-delivery program for people with
    food is a basic human right. Loaves & Fishes, which       health and transportation issues, and a specialty-box         Lakeview Neighborhood Alliance                         side of the boat,’ while we are
    merged with Friendship Trays in May 2021, fights          program to provide access to health-appropriate food                                                                 traveling in the same boat! We are
    hunger in Mecklenburg County by providing a week’s        for people with chronic diseases.                                                                                    both going down if we don’t work
    supply of nutritious groceries through a network of                                                                Jamall Kinard, Executive Director of Lakeview
                                                                                                                       Neighborhood Alliance (LNA), believes in “building a        together to fix the hole.”
    emergency food pantries, as well as healthy prepared
    meals to those struggling with food insecurity.                     120,000 people fed                             transformational ecosystem that produces a diverse
                                                                                                                       community with strong families.” LNA focuses
                                                                                                                                                                                   - Jamall Kinard, Executive Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lakeview Neighborhood Alliance
    The Need for Food Assistance Tripled                                                                               on four areas—family stability, civic awareness,
                                                                                                                       prevention of displacement and economic mobility.
    At the height of the pandemic, the number of                                                                       The organization is working to build a community
    people in need of food assistance tripled. Job loss,                                                               outreach center in partnership with Faith Memorial
    reductions in pay, furloughs and illness due to COVID                                                              Baptist Church, acquire vacant properties to create      Community Building and Mental Health
    caused many to have to choose between paying                                                                       more affordable housing (duplexes and quadriplexes),     As a result of the funding, LNA witnessed an increase
    their bills or feeding their families. Funding from the                                                            and develop an Economic Mobility Hub utilizing a         in overall resident engagement, which helped combat
    COVID-19 Response Fund enabled Loaves & Fishes/                                                                    vacant, neighborhood school.                             feelings of isolation and hopelessness. To that end,
    Friendship Trays to pivot from providing groceries
                                                                                                                                                                                91% of residents surveyed reported the regular
    through a network of over 40 brick-and-mortar food                                                                 The Response Funds Helped                                financial assistance positively impacted their mental
    pantries to drive-through mobile food distribution,                                                                Our Neighbors Most in Need                               and emotional health.
    allowing the organization to safely feed more people.
                                                                                                                       LNA estimated that during the pandemic, 47.9% of
                                                                                                                       residents enrolled in its program made less than
                                                                                                                       $10,000 per year, 54.6% did not have an active bank                 194 families served
         “Without this funding, it would                                                                               account, and 56% experienced job loss or a decrease
         have been nearly impossible                                                                                   in income. As their families were struggling to access
                                                                                                                       basic necessities—food, medicine, personal hygiene
         to feed such an explosion in
                                                                                                                       products, PPE, transportation and internet access—
         numbers.”                                                                                                     LNA knew additional financial support would be
         - Tina Postel, CEO, Loaves & Fishes/                                                                          critical to helping residents through these difficult
         Friendship Trays                                                                                              times.

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COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
                                                                                                                                                 Total Funding Awarded: $2,471,327
                                                             recognized the psychological impact and directed
     Physical Health                                         dollars to organizations focused on wellness,
                                                                                                                      Agape Dental Ministry                          $15,600    McLeod Addictive Disease Center, Inc.              $55,000

     COVID-19 further highlighted health disparities and     resiliency and socio-emotional support.                  Alexander Youth Network                        $15,000    MedAssist of Mecklenburg                           $200,000
     differences in outcomes among African American
                                                                                                                      Anuvia                                         $56,000    Mental Health America                              $39,324
     and Latinx populations, as well as seniors and the      Group youth counseling hosted by Mental Health
     immune-compromised. To address this, funds were         America and telehealth sessions with licensed clinical   Bridge To Recovery, Inc.                       $35,000    Mental Health America of Central Carolinas, Inc.   $8,398
     provided to a variety of healthcare organizations,      therapists at the Smith Family Wellness Center
                                                                                                                      Care Ring                                      $273,750   Nevins, Inc.                                       $25,000
     including the C.W. Williams Community Health            are just two examples of programs funded by the
     Center and Charlotte Community Health Clinic.           Response Fund. Grants went to 35 local clinics and       Center for Prevention Services                 $20,000    Pat's Place Child Advocacy Center                  $230,000
     The focus was to provide continued access to quality    nonprofit mental health organizations that provided
     healthcare and targeted outreach to communities         critical care. Response funds provided access to         Charlotte Center City Partners                 $200,000   Piedmont Health Services and Sickle                $15,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Cell Agency
     in need. Funding helped provide free and reduced-       free and reduced-cost mental healthcare for nearly       Charlotte Community Health Clinic, Inc.        $50,000
     cost healthcare to more than 41,000 individuals and     30,000 individuals, who received more than 41,153                                                                  Promise Resource Network, Inc.
     facilitated nearly 55,000 patient visits.               counseling sessions from organizations serving           Charlotte Transgender Healthcare Group         $10,000                                                       $50,000
                                                             diverse populations.                                                                                               Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte, Inc.
                                                                                                                      EmpowHERment, Inc.                             $22,500                                                       $15,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Shelter Health Services
                                                                                                                      ForCharlotte                                   $25,000                                                       $38,135
        “Charlotte is blessed with a                                                                                                                                            Steve Smith Family Foundation
        strong community of healthcare                           “We are in a mental health crisis.                   Foster Village Charlotte                       $49,620                                                       $140,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Teen Health Connection, Inc.
        providers, all focused on                                It was critical to support our                       HeartBright Foundation, Inc.                   $117,000                                                      $57,500
        providing access to excellent                            grassroots mental health                                                                            $25,000
                                                                                                                                                                                The American Heart Association
                                                                                                                      HopeWay Foundation                                                                                           $15,000
        care. The pandemic continues                             organizations who know their                                                                                   The C. W. Williams Community Health Center, Inc.
                                                                                                                      Jewish Family Services of Greater Charlotte    $26,000
        to be an 'all-hands-on-deck'                             communities best. These                                                                                                                                           $100,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Time Out Youth
        experience for everyone in                               organizations were able to reach                     Lake Norman Community Health Clinic            $77,500                                                       $230,000
                                                                 people who are often left out of                                                                               West Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition
        this work, and supporting the                                                                                 Make-A-Wish Central & Western North Carolina   $100,000                                                      $35,000
        physical health of those in need                         the mainstream systems and                                                                                     Wilson Oasis
                                                                                                                      Matthews Free Medical Clinic                   $30,000                                                       $70,000
        has never been more important                            respond best to help from inside
        than it is now. I’m glad to be a                         their communities.”
        part of investing in the health and                      - Mark Jerrell, Mecklenburg Board of                                                                                                 Results
        wellness of our community.”                              County Commissioners
        - Brian Middleton, Vice President,
        Atrium Health

     Mental Health                                                                                                                                                                      41,225 individuals received free/
                                                                                                                                                                                        reduced cost healthcare
     Loss of loved ones, isolation, job insecurity, online
     education, financial stress and racially traumatic                                                                                                                                 29,812 individuals received free/
     events impacted the mental health of so many                                                                                                                                       reduced cost mental healthcare
     people. Many of us thought the pandemic would last
     only a few months and everything would soon return
                                                                                                                                                                                        54,468 patient visits
     to normal, only to learn that shutdowns, quarantines                                                                                                                               41,153 counseling sessions
     and social distancing would become the norm. The
     COVID-19 Response Fund Grants Committee

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COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
     Grantee Highlights

                                                                       3,000 people served                                                                                   3X more scholarships awarded

                                                             Access to Quality Healthcare at No Cost
                                                                                                                                                                            How Funding Helped Heal
                                                             The COVID-19 Response Fund enabled Care Ring to
                                                             waive all client fees without disrupting its capacity                                                          With COVID-19 funding, Wilson Oasis was able to triple
                                                             for service. The funding helped Care Ring serve over                                                           the number of scholarships it provided, allowing direct
                                                             3,000 patients, a majority of whom were people of                                                              access to counseling services for more individuals at a
                                                             color with an average annual income of $19,000.                                                                time of great need. Additionally, the organization was
                                                             During a time when losing access to healthcare would                                                           able to continue hosting mental-health support groups,
                                                             have been catastrophic, Response funds helped                                                                  and funds enabled Wilson Oasis to partner with other
                                                             ensure patients of all backgrounds received quality                                                            nonprofits to serve a larger audience.
                                                             healthcare and support for mental health needs.                          Wilson Oasis
                         Care Ring
                                                             Funding also helped support program adaptation as                                                                  “The funding provided an
                                                             the organization made shifts in program delivery to     Wilson Oasis provides enriched programs and training
     Care Ring is a nonprofit healthcare organization that   ensure all services continued in the rapidly changing   to help foster and maintain positive mental health.
                                                                                                                                                                                introduction to counseling for
     envisions a community that promotes, protects and       environment. The Low-Cost Clinic immediately            As a mental health advocate who has experienced            many people who otherwise would
     improves the health and well-being of all people.       began utilizing telehealth visits to serve patients.    personal trauma, founder Aura Davis focuses on             have never asked for this kind of
     Driven by the motto “The Heart of Community Health,”    Through the physician volunteer program, Physicians     creating awareness and supporting communities,             support. It was so impactful to
     Care Ring is a trusted pillar of community-based        Reach Out, the clinic connected patients with urgent    families and individuals, with a focus on African
                                                                                                                                                                                see the number of people we have
     health services dedicated to serving the uninsured,     specialty needs to the appropriate provider. And, as    American men. Wilson Oasis increases access
     under-insured or those lacking access to affordable,    the demand for Spanish-speaking support increased,      to mental healthcare through partnerships with             been able to serve, and to see
     high-quality preventive healthcare.                     Care Ring utilized funding to provide interpreters.     local therapists and removes barriers by providing         individuals go through counseling
                                                                                                                     scholarships. By promoting the importance and value        and finish feeling more confident
     Care Ring offers direct, primary and preventive care                                                            of mental health support, the organization serves
                                                                                                                                                                                and inspired to maintain their
     through its clinic, and it partners with providers                                                              many who would not otherwise seek or obtain help.
     across Charlotte to ensure access to a wide array          “Without this additional funding                                                                                mental health! People are more
     of specialties, hospital-based care and diagnostic         to waive fees, clients would                         The Pandemic's Impact on Mental Health                     aware than ever of the importance
     services through physician volunteers.                     have foregone care in order to                       During the pandemic, Davis noticed an uptick in            of mental health and now have the
                                                                put food on the table, and we                        individuals seeking mental health services and             tools to recognize and address
     Health Disparities and Healthcare Access
                                                                would have been operating on                         expressing a need for support. Feelings of anxiety,        their needs.”
     When the pandemic hit, Care Ring’s patient population                                                           isolation, and financial distress were compounded by
                                                                a reduced-income model. We                                                                                      - Aura Davis, Founder/Executive
     faced increased challenges. Providers quickly                                                                   experiences of racialized trauma from the murders
     noticed a disproportionate rate of positive COVID-19       are tremendously grateful to the                     of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and others. Davis           Director, Wilson Oasis
     cases among patients of color, and many faced              community for their generosity                       believes the pandemic forced people to see the
     higher risk of complications due to underlying health      and to the committee for its                         importance of mental health and made them more
     conditions. To make matters worse, lost wages left         work to quickly and diligently get                   open to seeking mental health services. “People
     more individuals unable to afford care. Care Ring                                                               began to understand that learning to process trauma,
     also identified an increased need for mental health
                                                                funding where and when it was                        depression, anger and other toxic emotions is the
     services, as nearly 75% of patients reported anxiety       needed most.”                                        best way to show up in other areas of your life, for
     due to challenges such as lost jobs or wages, food         - Tchernavia Montgomery, Executive                   yourself and for those you love,” Davis said.
     insecurity, or the threat of losing their homes.
                                                                Director, Care Ring

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
                                                                                                                                                 Total Funding Awarded: $3,618,935
                                                                                                                         Above and Beyond Students, Inc.             $80,000    Latin Americans Working               $10,000
                                                                                                                                                                                for Achievement
                                                                                                                         Augustine Literacy Project - Charlotte      $60,000
                                                               Grants Provided for Academic,                                                                                    Luminaria Learning Solutions          $15,000
                                                                                                                         Autism Charlotte                            $205,000
        “The pandemic was especially                           Socio-Emotional and Basic Needs                                                                                  MeckEd                                $30,000
                                                                                                                         Autism Society of North Carolina            $25,000
                                                                                                                                                                                North Mecklenburg Child               $20,000
        challenging for kids. The funds                        To help mitigate the impact of these issues, the          B.E.A.M. Foundation                         $15,000
                                                               COVID-19 Response Fund offered grants to 54 youth-                                                               Northside Baptist Church              $25,000
                                                                                                                         Bethlehem Center of Charlotte, Inc.         $25,000
        provided tools to help students                                                                                                                                         ParentChild+                          $85,000
                                                               serving organizations in Charlotte-Mecklenburg.           Brookstone Schools of Mecklenburg County    $20,000
        continue their learning and                            Funding focused on educational programs, child            Carolina Youth Coalition                    $35,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Philips Academy of North Carolina     $11,535
        provide a sense of stability,                          care, and youth activities and outreach. Trusted          Carolinas Aviation Museum                   $46,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Prodigal Son Foundation               $20,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Profound Gentlemen                    $5,000
        which we know is so important to                       organizations provided academic and digital               Charlotte Bilingual Preschool               $50,000
                                                               resources to students; food, transportation and                                                                  Project 658                           $110,000
        our youth.”                                                                                                      Charlotte Speech and Hearing Center, Inc.   $195,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Project One Scholarship Fund, Inc.    $10,000
                                                               financial relief to households; and tutor training,       Child Care Resources, Inc.                  $520,000
        - Heath Campbell, Truist Metrolina                     child care and scholarship funding to families.           Classroom Central, Inc.                     $25,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Project Scientist                     $20,000
        Regional President                                     Mental health and socio-emotional assistance were                                                                Promising Pages, Inc.                 $42,500
                                                                                                                         Cops & Barbers                              $45,000
                                                               also prioritized to ensure that children and families                                                            R. Bruce Irons Camp Fund              $10,000
                                                                                                                         Digi-Bridge                                 $37,500
                                                               received holistic aid.                                                                                           Read Charlotte                        $150,000
                                                                                                                         Discovery Place                             $192,000
                                                                                                                                                                                Restorative Justice CLT               $15,000
                                                                                                                         E2D, Inc.                                   $95,000
                                                                                                                                                                                S.T.A.R.S. Math & English Academy     $15,000
     An important goal of the Response Fund included                                                                     First Baptist Church - West Community       $40,000
                                                                                                                         Services Association                                   Sports Biz Cares                      $15,000
     providing necessary assistance to support academic            “Children are among the most                          Freedom Communities                         $25,000    St. Andrews United Methodist Church   $10,000
     success. Many children did not have the appropriate
     tools for remote classrooms, and shifts to virtual
                                                                   vulnerable in our community.                          Freedom School Partners                     $60,000    Stiletto Boss University              $20,000
     learning impacted access to daily school services.            We know that to help a child, we                      GARDHOUSE LIMITED                           $10,000    The Learning Collaborative            $65,000
                                                                                                                         Gen-One, Inc.                                          Thrive Global Project                 $47,500
     After-school programs and other activities that               also have to provide wraparound                                                                   $5,700
     provide engagement were in a constant state of                                                                      Girl Scouts, Hornets' Nest Council          $11,000    UMBA Bright Stars, Inc.               $30,000
                                                                   support for the entire family.”                       Greater Enrichment Program                  $5,200     United Negro College Fund             $75,000
     adaptation. Important supports such as free meals
     and social-worker case management were at risk, as            - Federico Rios, Assistant Director,                  Heart Math Tutoring, Inc.                   $20,000    Urban Promise Charlotte               $95,000
     organizations and schools closed indefinitely. And            Office of Equity, Mobility and                        Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas     $20,000    YMCA                                  $750,000
     with limited quiet space and/or the responsibilities of       Immigrant Integration, City of Charlotte              La Escuelita San Marcos                     $25,000    Young Black Leadership Alliance       $25,000
     caring for siblings, many children faced the challenge
     of their own home environment becoming a barrier to
     academic success.                                                                                                                        Results
                                                               The Response funds helped facilitate academic
                                                               and household stability. Funding was distributed
                                                               to Project 658 and Freedom Communities, which
                                                               provided virtual learning support in a safe space with
                                                               adult guidance and supervision. This helped ensure
                                                               parents could continue to work and remain financially            89,801 individuals served
                                                                                                                                981 households received
                                                                                                                                academic support
                                                               From children in foster care, to youth experiencing
                                                               homelessness, to first-generation college students, to           3,149 students received
                                                               children with autism, the grants helped ensure that all          academic support
                                                               children and youth in our community received ongoing
                                                               service and vital support. More than 3,000 students              346 tutors trained
                                                               received academic support and nearly 90,000                      330 child care programs served
                                                               children, youth and families were served.
                                                                                                                                1,512 students received financial

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
     Grantee Highlights

                                                                The Funds Helped Scholars Stay Engaged
                                                                FSP was unable to operate its summer program in                                                                         80% of households served
                                                                person, so it developed the FSP 2020 R.E.S.P.O.N.S.E.                                                                  had lost at least one source
                                                                (Reading and Enrichment for Scholars Plus Other                                                                          of income by May 2020
                                                                Needed Supplies and Essentials) Program, which was
                                                                held at pop-up sites around the city. This distribution
                                                                program provided much needed educational and                                                                       The Funds Provided Academic
                                                                basic resources directly to scholars and families.                                                                 and Socio-Emotional Support
                                                                It included participation stations with engaging
                                                                activities in reading, math, enrichment and virtual                                                                For the remainder of the 2019-20 school year,
                                                                support. These resources enabled children and                                                                      ourBRIDGE for KIDS offered virtual tutoring and
                                                                families to reconnect to learning activities, and                                                                  STEAM activities. The organization delivered school
                                                                ensured they had the supplies and tools to lessen                                                                  and activity supplies, hired staff to start a virtual
                                                                their burden and begin to reverse the achievement                                                                  school, and supported socio-emotional health through
                                                                gap.                                                                                                               drive-by celebrations for end-of-year promotions.

                                                                                                                                        ourBRIDGE for KIDS
                                                                   “We would not have had the
                                                                   resources to serve as many
                                                                                                                          ourBRIDGE for KIDS provides academic and
               Freedom School Partners                             scholars or offer the scale                            socio-emotional development to refugee and
                                                                   of services without this                               immigrant children and their families. With a focus
                                                                   funding. This ultimately led                           on providing holistic support, its programs and
     A study published by McKinsey & Company during the            to a significant impact on our                         initiatives include English tutoring and referrals
     pandemic warned that our country’s most vulnerable                                                                   to health, financial and housing resources. “Since
                                                                   scholars and community.”                               the very beginning, our organization has focused
     children may have lost up to one year of academic
     gains. The impacts of this loss have exacerbated              - Glenda Bernhardt, CEO, Freedom                       on celebrating cultures, and promoting pride and
     the achievement gap by 15% to 20% and increased               School Partners                                        awareness," said Sil Ganzó, founder of ourBRIDGE.
     dropout rates by 5% to 7%.                                                                                           "I love that we support families as they adjust
                                                                                                                          to a new life in the United States, making this
     As a result, Freedom School Partners (FSP) knew                                                                      community and this country a better place for
     it needed to quickly pivot to minimize the negative                                                                  everyone.”
     effects of the pandemic on the academic progress of
     its scholars. FSP aims to inspire a passion for reading                                                                  140,000 meals delivered to                              “If we had not received funding
     and a love of learning in its youth scholars, goals that                                                               immigrant and refugee families                            from the COVID-19 Response
     became even more urgent during the pandemic.                                                                                                                                     Fund, we would have not been
     "FSP was founded on the belief that all children
                                                                                                                                                                                      able to deliver effectively as
     deserve access to high-quality learning and                                                                          In response to the pandemic, ourBRIDGE leaders              many resources so quickly.”
     enrichment experiences,” said CEO Glenda Bernhardt.                                                                  surveyed 110 households in its afterschool program
                                                                                                                                                                                      - Sil Ganzó, Founder and Executive
     Freedom School Partners offers a six-week summer                                                                     and learned that 80% of families had lost at least one
                                                                                                                          source of income. Parents of children and youth who
                                                                                                                                                                                      Director, ourBRIDGE for KIDS
     literacy and enrichment program that keeps scholars
     engaged in and excited about learning, while staying                                                                 were home all day due to the shift to remote learning
     safe, nurtured and well-fed. FSP scholars also have                                                                  stated that consistent access to healthy meals was a
     the opportunity to interact with caring, young adult                                                                 major concern.
     role models who look like them.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         17
COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND - Foundation For The Carolinas
                                                                                                                                                  Total Funding Awarded: $1,343,571
                                                                                                                      Apparo                                     $186,391   Mecklenburg Council of Elders             $25,000

         “Lack or loss of employment has                                                                              ASPIRE Community Capital                   $30,000    North Carolina Institute for Minority     $75,000
         effects that are not just financial                                                                          Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation   $21,900
                                                                                                                                                                            Economic Development

         but psychological, emotional                                                                                                                                       North End Community Coalition             $55,480
                                                                                                                      City Startup Labs, Inc.                    $50,000
         and sometimes physical. The                                                                                                                                        Prospera North Carolina, LLC              $75,000
         dignity of being able to earn a                                                                              Community Culinary School of Charlotte     $60,000
                                                                                                                                                                            She Built This City                       $105,000
         livable wage is of great value,                                                                              Goodwill Industries of the Southern        $237,300
         and the impact of COVID began                                                                                Piedmont                                              Southside Rides Foundation                $107,500

         to take that away from many                                                                                  Grace Mar                                  $25,000    The ROC Charlotte, LLC                    $55,000
         individuals in our community.                        Funding Supported Employment                            Grameen America, Inc.                      $35,000    Urban League of Central Carolinas, Inc.   $200,000
         As a committee, we had to find                       Connections and New Skill Development
         ways to help maintain, restore or                    The pandemic illuminated the need for more
         improve employment because of                        employment connections in an environment in which
         its overarching impact.”                             in-person contact was limited. In response, grantees
                                                              hosted monthly virtual job fairs to connect available
         - Charles Bowman, President of North                 job seekers with employers who were ready to hire,
         Carolina, Bank of America                            while others focused on soft skill development, or
                                                              the development of new skills, to help maximize

     Supporting workforce development was a critical          Funds supported organizations like She Built This
     need, as many lost their jobs or had to shift            City, which provided materials, software, and program
     employment to care for children at home. Grants          scholarships for women to learn skilled trades,
     were awarded to 16 area employment and workforce         offering them new options for income and economic
     development organizations to help individuals obtain     mobility. More than 700 adults and youth received
     or maintain financial stability and employment and       workforce development training, and more than
     thus help stabilize the community's workforce.           14,000 individuals were served through the COVID-19                               Results
                                                              Response Fund.
     Support for Essential Workers
     and Entrepreneurs
     Grants were initially focused on support for                 “A strong workforce is the
     essential workers experiencing a loss of income              foundation of a thriving
     due to layoffs or a reduction in hours, as well as           community. This investment
     investment in entrepreneurs struggling from the loss
     of revenue. Organizations such as Commonwealth
                                                                  was important to not only                                    14,321 individuals served
     Charlotte provided no-interest loans and deferred            help sustain our economy,
     payment schedules to restaurant and hospitality              but also the well-being of our
     workers, while ASPIRE Community Capital created a            community.”
                                                                                                                               711 individuals received
     micro-loan fund to help sustain entrepreneurs.                                                                            workforce development support
                                                                  - Betsy Conway, Director, Community
     Grants were also awarded to organizations that               Relations, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
     provide job training, career coaching, resume writing,
     and technology tools for job seekers.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
     Grantee Highlights

                                                              Funds Addressed Evolving Needs
                                                              When the COVID-19 Response Fund first launched,                                                                       Provided 1,444 people with
                                                              ULCC reported that clients were in need of resources                                                                career services and basic-needs
                                                              to maintain housing, as well as financial coaching                                                                     support in a 2-week period
                                                              and job training. As the pandemic progressed,
                                                              ULCC recognized the need for increased access to
                                                              employment opportunities as in-person efforts were
                                                                                                                                                                                 Funding Helped Goodwill Resume
                                                              no longer an option. To assist with these employment
                                                                                                                                                                                 Services for Those in Need
                                                              and hiring needs, ULCC used funding to adapt its
                                                              on-site efforts and began hosting monthly job fairs                                                                Rising to the challenge, Goodwill transitioned its
                                                              virtually to connect candidates with companies like                                                                in-person services to virtual platforms, thereby
                                                              Atrium Health, Lowe’s, RJ Leeper Construction, UPS                                                                 continuing to support clients and facilitate
                                                              and Walmart. The Response funding also allowed                                                                     employment in the midst of a challenging time.
                                                              the Urban League to provide resources to sustain                        Goodwill Industries                        COVID-19 Response funds were used to provide
                                                              employment, health and safety by supplying PPE to                                                                  virtual services to the community at no cost. As
                                                              essential workers.                                                                                                 a result, Goodwill was able to provide job training,
                                                                                                                        Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont offers      basic needs and job-seeker support, career coaching,
                                                                                                                        workforce development services through its vision        resume prep, and career assessments. In a two-
                                                                   103 students served in the                           that “all people in our region have the opportunity      week period, Goodwill served 1,444 individuals in our
                                                                           Remote Academy                               to develop to their fullest potential through family-    community.
                                                                                                                        sustaining employment.”

                                                                                                                        Goodwill helps individuals from varying backgrounds
                                                              Support for Virtual Learning                                                                                          “The COVID-19 Response Fund
         Urban League of Central Carolinas                                                                              obtain relevant skills and gainful employment through
                                                              To support virtual learning for adults, ULCC              career coaching and free job training. Assistance           allowed us to have the necessary
                                                              purchased laptops and internet hot spots and              with basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter        resources to continue to serve
     The Urban League of Central Carolinas' (ULCC)            invested in a “skill mill” where participants could       are key components of the organization’s strategy
     mission is to advocate for and equip African             receive training in which they felt like they were in a
                                                                                                                                                                                    those who needed us most,
                                                                                                                        to work with partners to provide clients with holistic
     Americans and all underserved communities with           real lab.                                                 support.                                                    during a time when revenue
     the tools to achieve social and economic equality.                                                                                                                             streams were greatly impacted.”
     With a focus on financial stability and workforce        For youth, ULCC set up a remote academy for 103           “I love the impact that Goodwill has on individuals
     development, ULCC offers nationally certified training   students who struggled due to a lack of Wi-Fi, and                                                                    - Chris Jackson, President and CEO,
                                                                                                                        and families in our community," Fund Development
     in construction, HVAC and medical coding. It also        provided bus transportation to and from learning          Director Julie Drinkhahn said. "People don’t come to        Goodwill Industries of the Southern
     hosts programs for nonclinical healthcare jobs and       locations to ensure continuity.                           Goodwill just to find a job. When they walk through         Piedmont
     information technology.                                                                                            our doors—physical or virtual—they are offered
                                                                                                                        programs and services that are designed to identify
     When the stay-at-home orders were enacted,                                                                         and build upon skills, interests and opportunities
     ULCC knew it had to find a way to continue to help
                                                                  “We greatly appreciate the                            that support them on their journey to stability and
     individuals obtain employment and stay afloat                support of the COVID-19                               fulfillment.”
     financially in the midst of the pandemic and racially        Response Fund. The pandemic
     traumatic events.                                            is still going on, and we have                        COVID-19’s Impact on Operations
                                                                  to keep collaborating as a                            Because Goodwill relies heavily on retail operations
     “Our community is experiencing a triple pandemic
     —a health pandemic, an economic pandemic, and a              community to bridge the gaps                          to fund its mission, the impact of the shutdown was
                                                                                                                        significant. In March 2020, Goodwill closed its 26
     period of racial unrest,” said President and CEO Teddy       moving forward.”                                      retail stores and all donation centers. The impact had
                                                                  - Teddy McDaniel, President and CEO,                  both external and internal effects, as retail workers
                                                                  Urban League of Central Carolinas                     were temporarily laid off, in-person services were
                                                                                                                        reduced, and revenue plummeted.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       21
                                                                                                                                                              Total Funding Awarded: $869,032
                                                                                                                                ARTPOP                                           $35,000    Goodyear Arts                  $28,500
                                                              impacted, the COVID-19 Response Fund supported
                                                                                                                                Arts+                                            $25,000    Harvey B. Gantt Center         $50,000
                                                              not only virtual shows and programming, but also
         “Art is essential because it can                                                                                       ASC Mecklenburg Creatives Resiliency Fund        $50,000    Hue House                      $30,300
                                                              operations and jobs, ensuring the arts community
         inspire people to make positive                      would not be permanently damaged.                                 Brand the Moth                                   $35,000    JazzArts Charlotte             $24,232
         change in communities, share
                                                                                                                                Caroline Calouche & Co.                          $25,000    McColl Center                  $30,000
         histories, foster empathy                            The COVID-19 Response Fund selected 20
                                                              organizations for grants to help with a range                     Charlotte Art League                             $10,000    Mint Museum                    $15,000
         and become engaged in our
                                                              of expenses, including operating costs, digital
         democracy. It is a platform that                     production, materials, and personal protective
                                                                                                                                Charlotte Ballet                                 $185,000   Que-OS (BOOM)                  $43,000

         connects people to place and to                      equipment. Organizations such as the Charlotte
                                                                                                                                Charlotte Center City Partners Community Trust   $72,000    The Arts Empowerment Project   $7,000

         each other, which is vital during                    Art League and the ASC Mecklenburg Creatives                      Charlotte Is Creative                            $25,000    Theatre Charlotte              $19,000
         these challenging times.”                            Resiliency Fund received grants to support local                  Children's Theatre of Charlotte                  $150,000   Tosco Music                    $10,000
                                                              artists and performers who were financially impacted
         - Charles Thomas, Director/Charlotte,                by the loss of income. Organizations like the
         John S. and James L. Knight Foundation               Children’s Theatre of Charlotte and Arts+ received
                                                              support to help transition programs and children’s
                                                              performances to online platforms.

     The impact of stay-at-home orders took a huge            Thousands have benefited from the distribution
     toll on the arts community, which relied on in-          of funds to our local arts organizations during the
     person events as a primary source of revenue.            pandemic—not only artists and the organizations
     Individual artists, grassroots groups, and larger arts   who support them, but also the broader Charlotte-
     organizations experienced a reduction in attendance      Mecklenburg community. The arts play an important
     and lost revenue.                                        role in our society that goes well beyond enjoyment.
                                                              The arts are a part of our local culture, history,
     As performances and shows were canceled, arts            storytelling and social movements, encouraging
     organizations were challenged with developing new        people at their lowest moments and, most
     virtual or socially distanced programming. During a      importantly, inspiring future generations.
     time in which the arts workforce was significantly

                                                                                                Photo courtesy of Melissa Key

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
     Grantee Highlights

                                                             Funding Supported Operations and
                                                             Maintaining a Full Staff                                                                                                20+ local artists supported;
                                                             Thanks in part to the COVID-19 Response Fund grant,
                                                             the Gantt team was able to retain all of its staff. The
                                                                                                                                                                                      6 public murals produced
                                                             ability to keep its brain trust of seasoned staff to re-
                                                             envision programming has completely changed the
                                                             Gantt Center's outlook and way of doing business for                                                                The COVID-19 Response Fund grant enabled Brand
                                                             the long-term. Taylor believes the Center is now well-                                                              the Moth to support over 20 local artists through the
                                                             positioned to move into subscription-based content,                                                                 META Mural Residency, a 10-week program for local
                                                             enhanced and expanded virtual program offerings                                                                     artists looking to expand into mural arts. The funds
                                                             and a broader fundraising strategy.                                                                                 sustained artists through the pandemic as four of
                                                                                                                                                                                 five residents have continued to create community
                                                             Virtual Programming is the Great Equalizer                                                                          murals, art events and workshops since completing
                 Harvey B. Gantt Center
                                                                                                                                                                                 their residency.
                                                             The Gantt Center found virtual programming to
                                                             be the “great equalizer.” People from all walks of
     The Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American         life are now participating in the Unmasked series,
     Arts + Culture preserves and celebrates excellence in   Family First programming, new exhibit launches and                          Brand the Moth                             “Without the Response Fund
     the art, history and culture of African Americans and   racial-justice conversations via YouTube and other                                                                     grant, Brand the Moth would have
     those of African descent. The Center’s mission is to    online platforms. Additionally, to support educational
     “provide inspiration and encouragement, connect and     equity, the Center started the Gantt Teacher Institute     Brand the Moth provides access to resources and             been forced to cancel the 2020
     build community, and to be the voice of justice.”       with virtual training to help teachers build more          supports platforms that create jobs for both emerging       mural residency, which provided
                                                             equitable classrooms. People from all ethnic and           and professional artists. The organization works            stipends to over 20 local artists
                                                                                                                        to make public art accessible—either free or at a
     A fixture in the local and regional arts community      socioeconomic backgrounds from across the country                                                                      and created six murals in the city.”
     since 1974, the Gantt Center provides a Black           joined the virtual programs.                               low cost—for small businesses and others. The art
     perspective on academic, emotional and cultural                                                                    produced by Brand the Moth and its artists often            - Sam Guzzie, Director of Programming
     aspects of the community. President and CEO                                                                        becomes a local landmark in Charlotte.                      and Partner, Brand the Moth
     David Taylor and his team strive to make the Gantt
     Center an “authentic place to discuss cultural issues
                                                                 “We are well-positioned to                             Public art has the power to showcase our history
     including equity.”                                          enhance our operational model                          and uplift marginalized groups, as well as stimulate
                                                                 and to embrace technology and                          economic growth. “The arts are essential to building
     A Rebirth in Innovation                                                                                            stronger communities by establishing healthy
                                                                 innovation as an institution due to
                                                                                                                        expression and cross-community dialogue while
     Due to the stay-at-home order, like many arts               the COVID-19 Response funding.”                        developing a unique culture, civic design and city
     organizations the Gantt Center had to pivot quickly                                                                landscape," said Sam Guzzie, Partner and Director
     to serve the community in a new way. The Events
                                                                 - David Taylor, President and CEO,
                                                                 Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-                    of Programming for Brand the Moth. "As Charlotte
     and Visitor Experience teams, along with support                                                                   is rapidly growing, it is important now to support the
     staff who work primarily on-site, all pitched in to         American Arts + Culture
                                                                                                                        arts in our community, as art crosses expected and
     reimagine their offerings and create an entirely new                                                               unforeseen boundaries."
     programmatic platform. The team researched topics,
     designed new programs, built a new narrative, and
                                                                                                                        Creating Access and
     leveraged their networks to secure guest speakers.      COVID-19 Response Funding
                                                                                                                        Opportunities for Local Artists
                                                             Led to a Large Grant
                                                                                                                        The COVID-19 pandemic was difficult for many
                                                             Due to the COVID-19 Response Fund support and how
               70 virtual programs                           it helped the organization reinvent itself, the Gantt
                                                                                                                        artists as many rely on performances, showings and
                                                                                                                        art events. Many artists also work in the hospitality
                                                             Center received a $1 million grant from the John S.        industry and thus experienced a dual loss of income
                                                             and James L. Knight Foundation to continue building        as a result of bar and restaurant closures. Without
                                                             its virtual strategy and execute its vision.               the ability to hold public events, artists experienced
                                                                                                                        a significant financial impact, especially those with
                                                                                                                        limited access to health insurance.
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25

                                                      $1,000,000+                                                                                                  $1 - $24,999

                                                                                                                    Gregory Adair            Pamela Banegas               Michael Blum                      Justin Bruno
                                                                                               & NATIONAL GYPSUM    Craig M. Adams           Brian Banik                  Alan Blumenthal                   Jennie R. Buckner
                                                                                                                    Susie Cannon Adams       George Banks                 Jill K. Blumenthal                Jonathan Buechner
                                                                                                                    Charitable Fund          Timothy Barber               Cassie Boesch                     Anna H. Bulfin
                                                                                                                    Ruben Adjip              Jacqueline Marie Bardet      Christopher B. Boggs              Mary Burazer
                                                                                                                    Diana Aguilar            Emily Barmore                Jay Matthew Bohannon              Jack Burger
      The David A. Tepper                       The Howard R. Levine                          The John M. Belk      Frank H. Ahlborn         Kaitlin Barnhill             Brian Bohaty                      Rachel Burnaford
                                                                                                                    Ashwani Ahuja            Olivia M. Barron             Amy Bohl                          Andrew Burns
     Charitable Foundation                           Foundation                                 Endowment           Elena Airapetian         Margaret M. Barwick          Bohmfalk Family Charitable Fund   Laura Burns
                                                                                                                    Sudeep Akadkar           Brian Basnight               Ross and Elizabeth Boles          Renee M. Burns
                                                                                                                    Pavan Kumar Akella       Christopher Basquill         Elizabeth Boleyn                  Robin Burns
                                                                                                                    Albemarle Foundation     Carolyn Batke                Kaia Bolland                      Mark R. Busch
                                                                                                                    Madison Alcorn           Joan M. Baucom               Charles Bolliger, Jr.             Joe Butera
                                                                                                                    Jessica Alfonzo          Jonathan Baughan             Douglas Bolt                      Austen Butler
                                                                                                                    Rhonda D. Allen          Raj Baxi                     Julianna Bond                     Deborah Butler
                                                                                                                    Sherry Allen             Sai Bayisetty                Anthony Bonghi                    Michael Shawn Butterworth
                                                                   ®                                                Julia Allsbrook          Margaret Bayliss             Robert Bonkowski                  Britt K. Byrom
                                                                                                                    Eric Bernard Almond      Amanda Beacham               James D. Boon                     Steven Cady
                                                                                                                    Will Alston              Beacon Partners              Brandon Boor                      Ya Cai
                                                                                                                    Alston & Bird            Alfred Beard                 David Boraks                      Jane Caldwell
                                                 $500,000 - $999,999                                                Leigh Altman             John Beasley                 Amy Boring                        Charles G. Caldwell
                                                                                                                    Akinyele Olawale Aluko   Michelle and Locke Beatty    Joseph Bostick                    James Caldwell
                                                                                                                    Jeffrey Alvino           Julia Beaubien               Gyovanni Boston-Crompton          Jane Campbell
                                                                                                                    Audrey Elena Amodeo      Matthew Beauchamp            Kimberly M. Bostwick              Sophia Christina Campbell-Smith
                                                                                                                    Melvin E. Andersen       Haley Beaupre                Richard L. Bovard                 Mary Candelora
                                                                                                                    Douglas K. Anderson      Jason Beaver                 David Bow                         Janice and David Cantor
                                                                                                                    Zachary Anderson         Jennifer Beck                Justine Bowes                     John H. Carmichael
                                                                                                                    Eric P. Andreozzi        Wes and Kathy M. Beckner     Chad Bowman                       Lisa B. Carpenter
                                                                                                                    Lisa Andrusyszyn         Pam and George Beckwith      Monica Bowman                     Andrea L. Carr
                                                                                                                    Vinay Annahas            Brian Beglin                 Vanessa Bowne                     Penelope G. Carr
                                                 $100,000 - $499,999                                                Justin Antolik           Sarah and Tim Belk           Maurya Boyd                       Robert Carr
                                                                                                                    Sarah Antoniadis         Nathan Bell                  Priscilla Brabson-Scales          Susan Carr
                                                                                                                    Brian C. Apple           Nicholas Bell                Robert P. Braden                  Tyler Carson
     The Allstate Foundation                 Amy and Alfred Dawson                Andrea and Sean Smith             Shannon E. Arminoei      Amanda Marie Bengel          Cooper Bradley                    Mandy Carter
     Kim and Johnny Belk                     Frederick W. Eubank II               Springsteen Foundation            Jackie Armour            Lamar Benton                 Samuel Bradley                    Stephen Casaceli
     BlackArch Partners & The Regions        EY                                   THRIVE Fund for the Arts          Samuel Arneson           Joel P. Bernard              David Brake                       Anne Sniffen-Cates
                                                                                                                    Joshua Arrington         Julie Bernard                Hulya E. Brake                    Ward Cates
     Foundation                              The Hearst Foundations               Vanguard                          Katherine Y. Ashley      Jason Berry                  Jackelyn Branco                   Alexis Cathcart
     Charlotte Hornets Foundation            Philip L. Van Every Foundation       Weisiger Fleming Family Fund      Anya Asphall             Matthew Berthold             Tom Braun                         Taber Cathcart
     Charlotte Mecklenburg Community         PwC/The PwC Charitable               Wells Fargo                       AT&T North Carolina      Rahul Bhole                  Kurt C. Brechnitz                 Turner Cathey
                                                                                                                    Ryan Atkinson            Amanda Bilinski              Katherine Breeding                Cassandra Catto
     Foundation                              Foundation                           Wells Fargo Championship          Allison Atwell           Woody Binnicker              Sara Brehmer                      Drew A. Cawthorne
                                                                                                                    Rhonda L. Augone         Sean M. Bird                 The Bretscher Family Foundation   Allison Celebron-Brown
                                                                                                                    Richard H. Ault          Joey G. Bishop-Manton        Margaret M. Brewer                Rebecca Swartz Chaffin
                                                                                                                    Leif T. Aus              Gabrielle Biskaduros         Leamon B. Brice                   Betty Chafin Rash
                                                   $25,000 - $99,999                                                Pia Avendano             Barbara Bissell Kopczynski   William Brightman                 Alan Chakra
                                                                                                                    Alejandro Ayub           Michael Bitton               Peggy L. Brookhouse               John D. Chalk, III
                                                                                                                    Andrew Baalman           Nathaniel Bivens             Amanda Brooks                     Patricia Chambers
     AmerisourceBergen Foundation            Foundation for a Healthy Carolinas   Vijaya Prabhu                     Jesse J. Bachman         Robert Black                 Molly Brooks                      Abigail Chamblee
     Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police            Cammie and W. Barnes Hauptfuhrer     Provident Benevolent Foundation   Lauren Bailey            Shuler Black                 John Brower                       Ayanna Kafi Chance
                                                                                                                    Michael Bailey           Aspen Blackmon               Bobby Brown                       Ronald Chapman
     Foundation                              Robert Horner                        PwC US & The PwC Charitable       Natalie F. Bailey        Tanya S. Blackmon            Brown Brothers Harriman           Ananya Chatterjee
     Tammie and Malcomb Coley                William H. Hyder                     Foundation, Inc.                  Ann Baker                Emily Blackshire             Charles J. Brown                  Shekhar Chaudhary
     Will Cooper                             Susan and Christopher Kearney        Sentry Insurance                  Barbara J. Baker         Shannon Blair                Elizabeth Brown                   Brittany Chen
                                                                                                                    Sandhya Balakrishnan     J. Kathryn Blanchard         Julie Brown                       Ming and Eric Chen
     Corning, Inc.                           Ellen and David Leitch               SPX Corporation                   Kathlene E. Baldo        Katherine Blanchard          Katherine Brown                   Edwin Cherry
     Cousins Properties Foundation           Jennifer Levin                       Target                            Shelby Baldwin           Krisha Blanchard             Kimberly N. Brown                 Sachin Chitale
                                                                                                                    Casey J. Balikian        Myra Blanchette              Michele Brown                     Pramod Chivukula
     Deloitte                                Julie Lerner Levine                  US Bank Corporation
                                                                                                                    Susan Balk               A.S. Blankenship, Jr.        R. Kent Brown                     Chris Chomic
     Fifth Third Bank - Fifth Third Center   MSC Industrial Supply Co.            Women's Impact Fund               Kimberly Ball            Ashley D. Blevins            Meike Browning                    Joe Chuba
     First National Bank                     Anne and Scott B. Perper

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