Punish Individuals Who Forced Dogs Into Bloody Fights To The Death - cloudfront.net

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Punish Individuals Who Forced Dogs Into Bloody Fights
To The Death
According to the U .S. Department of Justice, the individuals accused of participating in organized dog fighting are:

Jermaine Terrell Hadley, 31, Quincy
Devar San Jacus Donaldson, 27, Quincy
Sariem Shanquell McMillan, 23, Quincy
Randell Lavel Colston, 47, Quincy
Bob Streets, 35, Quincy
Zanntayfey Yohoun Bennett, 35, Quincy
Dennis Lamar Howard, 45, Chattahoochee
Leonard Safford, 37, Gretna

Approximately 100 dogs were seized during the dog-fighting raid, they are in the possession of the United States
Marshals Service.

Miles Davis, an acting special agent in charge at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, commented about the ties between
organized dog fighting and other criminal activity:

    "These ventures as proven by this investigation entail other criminal activity involving drugs, firearms and gambling,"
    he said. "This investigation in particular proves how intertwined illegal dog fighting ventures are with these other
    serious crimes."

An undercover video released this week shows the ugly, violent nature of dog fights - the video was obtained in a wooded
area near Tallahassee. Eric Mountin, an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Florida."It's not unusual for
these things to go on for hours," Mountin added. "If you don’t see [it], you can’t fully appreciate the cruelty."

Watch the video here.

Everyone involved in this violent blood sport must be punished to the full extent of the law - please join us in asking for

Total signatures: 2165
                 Name                  State                                       Comment
    1. Janelle Babington          NC             Disgusting and barbaric! They need to be put away forever!
    2. Penny Eims                 WA
    3. Dr Phillips                WA
    4. Gabby Gutierrez
    5. Shari Langley              OK
    6. Cathy Schroeder            IL
    7. Patricia Logan
    8. Angela McHale              AZ
    9. Rita Shattock              England
   10. Jon Rowe                   UT
   11. Kelly Edwards              IN
                                                 This must stop. Make animal cruelty a felony and stop touching them on
   12. Susan Quigley              GA
                                                 the wrist. Oh you can’t own any dogs. Come on people make a stance.
   13. Michelle Paul
   14. Deena Rahill               FL             Unreal it’s still going on Max punishment
   15. Leah Vanasse               WA
   16. Anna Locker                NJ
   17. M Cia                      NJ
   18. Melissa Shields
   19. Alan Paulson               PA             Justice is required!
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   20. Glenda Crum              MS State   Maximum sentence or death penalty for all the animal abuse, cruelty, and
   21. Michelle Fiebig                     These sub humans should be shot then hung! May they rot in hell!
   22. Deb Max                  MI
   23. Ingrid Davidson          FL
   24. Ina Wagner                          These people should face life in prison w/o parole.
   25. Susan Bishop             CA         They should get the maximum sentences
   26. Rosemary Wyman           ME
   27. April Retes
   28. Emily Eoodfin                       Please punish to the max, & make sure something is actually done.
   29. Michelle Fletcher                   I have no words.....at least nine I can use here!!
   30. Arly Frye
   31. Lorraine burchwell                  Lorraine burchwell
   32. Michelle Wisk
   33. Kimberly Swogger         VA
   34. Pauline Parrow           NY
   35. Dorothy Russo            CA
   36. Anne Burnes              KY
   37. Barbara Palmer           IL
                                           THERE NEEDS TO BE JUSTICE. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR
   38. Leah Appell              FL
                                           ABUSING ANIMALS AND THEY NEED TO BE CHARGED FELONIES!!
   39. Adrienne Johnson         OR         Hang them all
   40. Deborah Dales
   41. Danielle Rafael          CA
   42. Jackie Pugh
   43. Ruth Clark               KY         It's wrong and needs to stop
   44. Amy Sanderson            NY
   45. Connie Dotson            KY
   46. Paula Bucci              FL         Give them more than maximum penalty stop dog fighting
   47. Bobby Ray                KY
   48. Stefania Bitica          FL
   49. Cheryl Danuatmodjo       KS
   50. Gail Buchanan            FL         These sick bastards should be locked up forever no parole
                                           Maximum punishment all the way and more. No animal should suffer this
   51. Diana Harr
                                           way for so called human pleasure. Disgusting.
   52. sarae walker             IN
                                           Put these MONSTERS in PRISON MAKE THEM SUFFER ..JUST LIKE
   53. Debby Byrne
                                           THEY DID TO THE DOGS.
   54. Ronnie Rodriguez         CA
   55. Mary Mireles             GA
   56. Nelda Finney
   57. Juana Fontao
   58. Kristin Burch Cheshire   PA
   59. Barbara Lawhun           FL         They all should go to jail and never be allowed to be around any animal's
                                           It's too bad we can't have them do the same thing to themselves, then
   60. Kitten Lloyd             MI
                                           maybe they would understand . They need the maximum.
   61. Angela Kinchen           NY
   62. Amanda Maines            OH
   63. Lisa MacKenzie           VA         Punish! Stop with the wrist slapping! Do it!
   64. Catherine Mccain         MO
   65. Susan Stewart            NC         They all need to spend a lot of time in jail
   66. Jennifer Merkel
                                           all animal abusers must not go unpunished and must pay severe
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   67. christine ann jeffrey
                  Name         WP State   consequences for their actions !!Comment

   68. Jody Sckupakus
   69. Christine Carabetta                Don't let these sobs get away with this!
   70. Evelyn Silva            AL         Evelyn J Silva
   71. meghan wyman            MN
   72. Kim Davis               GA
   73. Jolynn Harris           WA
   74. Holly Roberts                      Eye for an Eye the good book says.
   75. Karen Kuehn                        Sentence all who abuse innocent animals
                                          They all should be put to death.Eye for a eye.The dog didn't want to
   76. Sherri Sharp            CA
                                          die.They should face prison for life
                                          Its morally and ethically wrong and should be against the law. Lots of
   77. Sandra Kinney           GA
                                          jailtime and fines need to be given to every one of them.
   78. Phyllis Griffith        OH
   79. janice balderas         ME
   80. Jan Wettig              GA
   81. Carol Chapman           MD
   82. Brenda Weiss            PA
   83. Corina Torres           TX
   84. Anita Parker            IN
   85. angela alvarez          PA
   86. Christie Thompson       SC
   87. Glynis Davis            TX
   88. Megan Collison          NC
   89. Mary Johnson            CA         Need to be prosecuted to the fullest
   90. Deborah Certalich       AZ
   91. Elizabeth Foradori      MI
                                          They should be punished by whatever means possible. We have to speak
                                          up for the dogs. I’d prefer that you chop there hands off so they’d never
   92. Jl Johnson              MA
                                          be able too do it again. Putting them in jail won’t last they’ll be free to do it
                                          again. Just my opinion.
   93. Valerie Zindel          IA         Please do something to stop this!!
   94. Judy Barnhart           OH
   95. Ellen Shuemaker
   96. Donna Gulhang           NH
   97. Leonard Hill            TX         Hang em in public
                                          Please make an example of the sick individuals next it could be your
   98. Darlene Tempel          NY         family member they try to make money on or kill they have no heart and
                                          enjoy inflicting pain on gods creations
   99. Chris Volk              PA         Harsher punishments needed!
                                          I think death penalty would be just right for each and everyone e. Get the
  100. cindy clark             FL
                                          trash off the streets
  101. Najla Nasiri
  102. chris hamilton
                                          Max punishment, and no protection inside either!! It's barbaric and it
  103. Deana Scott
                                          needs to stop, it's all for money!
                                          They all need to be placed in jail for life. Just as they took their lives. We
  104. frances rycroft         SC
                                          need to take theirs.
                                          These are grown men. Who were only in this for their own
  105. Suzanne McKinley        GA         SATISFACTION. !!! They should pay the maximum time allowed in
  106. Yaya Nganga
  107. Lisa Rodriguez
  108. Laure Gensbauer
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  109. Olga Vlachos                State                                    Comment
  110. Karen Yuskin           MB
  111. Renee Culpepper-Teer
  112. Holli Gray             AZ
  113. James Megargee         NY           JAMES H MEGARGEE
  114. Elizabeth Danese       PA
  115. Kat Beatty
  116. Christin Miller        UT
  117. maria olson            CA           They must be punished!!! What they all did is brutal!!
  118. Natalie Dagostino      IL           Punish them to the fullest
  119. Andrew Weitzner
  120. Amy Carber             PA
                                           nothing less but the maximum penalties for each and every possible count
  121. L M Ashley             CA
                                           for each of these individuals would be reasonable
  122. Martha Bell
  123. Diana Hawkins          FL
  124. Robyn Wright           MO
                                           Pray that every one of these sub humans get the full extent of the law and
  125. Kay Martin             TX           more. What about their associates, will they get punished also? They
                                           should never have a moments peace behind bars.
  126. Mary Besignano         MD           If these people are illegals, then deport!
  127. Milissa Skrbich        KS
  128. Sandra Gorenc
  129. Jacqueline Reis
  130. Irene Ortega           TX
  131. Kory Chang
  132. Lynn Dillman           OH           We need stiffer penalties for ALL animal abuse and cruelty.
  133. Julie Simpson
  134. Anita Chang            NY
  135. Lavie Suriya Quang                  life time jail
  136. Cathy Flynn            MT
  137. Cathy Patzer           IL
  138. Sylvia Mikulski        IL           S
                                           PLEASE give them a very harsh punishment so these asses learn a
  139. deborah knackstedt     TX
  140. Debra Franke           MI
  141. Julia Contreras        AZ
                                           Max penslity at hard labor and solitary. No good time    castrate them at
  142. Carl Bruney            LA
  143. Mary Somers            WA
  144. Robert Ackerman        WA
  145. Savannah Horton        MN
  146. Linda Wolfe            CA
  147. Eva Andrade            NV
                                           I'm totally AGAINST DOG FIGHTING THESE NASTY INHUMAN IDIOTS
                                           THE INNOCENT ANIMALS
  149. Laverne Lane
  150. Lisa Hudson            IL
  151. Janet Roubdioux        MD
  152. Pat Jannusch           WI           Slimes. They all need death penalty
  153. Maureen McGrath        NY
  154. Wilma Hogan            Auckland     Disgusting Animal Abuse
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                 Name            State   faut punir les ordures qui massacrent es pauvres betes faut les
  155. martine legendre                  emprionner fermement ce sont des etres qui souffrent faut respecter les

  156. Irma Torres          TX
  157. Lidia Czernenko
  158. Kim Bean             NH
  159. Jennifer Dunaway     AL
  160. jane allen
                                         The only way to stop this barbarism is to punish the perpetrators as
  161. Virgil Night         DE           harshly as their felonious acts demand. Just maybe sentences of 20
                                         years or more behind bars would be a deterrent!
  162. paula miller         FL
  163. Kathleen Clifford
  164. K Garland            DE
  165. Tashi Tobgay         Chukha       It's not fair for those dogs so need to punish them
                                         Sickening should be made to get in pen with dogs so they can rip the pis
  166. Kathryn Gates        NV
                                         to pieces.
  167. Solome Pillay        GP           A life for a life...death sentence!!!
  168. Cathie Shurtleff     IL
  169. Debbie Onisick       MD
  170. Leigh Perkins                     I think a lifelong jail sentence is appropriate.
  171. Rochelle Wilder      MD
  172. marsha shinn         ND
  173. Mary Hocking         MD
  174. Marie-Louise Knapp   CT           Prison for these monsters.
  175. June Walker          England
  176. Sarah Perilli        FL
  177. Michele Truell       NV           They should be buried alive . Monsters
  178. Monica Gilliam
  179. Kristin Sibrian      NV
  180. Joy Lindell          SC
                                         Mark Chakan--I can't believe the amount of animal abuse, dog fighting
                                         and torture that goes on. People that engage in hurting and killing animals
  181. Mark Chakan          MI           are Fucking Evil! These ghetto fucks should be laying on a slab in the
                                         morgue. That is where they belong. There is NO rehabilitation for people
                                         like this.
  182. M Sekel              VT
  183. mariana Bernal       UT
  184. Marianne Biondo      NY
  185. Cathy Rogers                      Aweful. Put them in jail!
  186. Shannon Lackey       NC
  187. Susan Pietri         NY           This is a disgrace
                                         Punish these sick murderers to the fullest extent...people like this don’t
  188. Elizabeth Bruns      CO
                                         deserve to live.
                                         Ultimate cowards who can't get in the ring themselves!      hang them by
  189. Jess Jordan          NL
                                         their little balls!!
  190. Debra Moore          GA
                                         These individuals have shown a depravity of soul that doesn't belong in a
                                         civilized society. Dogs are companion animals not blood sport fodder.
  191. Margaret Lamb        MS
                                         Shame on them. Shame on us if they don't receive the maximum penalty
  192. Laura Staples        FL           Prosecute
                                         They should pay for all the abuse of the dogs. They should investigate for
  193. Rachel Morgan        IN
                                         more dog fighting rings.
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  194. Erika Zamora
                Name           NJ State                                    Comment
       Claudia Vargas-
  195. McCormaack              AZ         Claudia E Vargas-McCormack

  196. Stefano Sarcinelli      Veneto
                                          Jail the evil people who commit atrocites against innocent animals. They
  197. Ck Baggette             TX         must be removed from society as they are unfit to be around other
                                          people. They are depraved and could do anything to anyone at any time.
  198. Katy gabriel Katerina
  199. Patrick Mertens                    Patrick Mertens
  200. Paola Ford
  201. TheresaM Gratis         MA         TheresaM Gratis
  202. Ana Prokic
  203. Monica Sanchez          CA
  204. Debbie Williams         CA
  205. Sherry Brunner          MI         Sherry Brunner
  206. sandra Monville         MI
                                          Give them the maximum sentence allowed by law and set an example, if
  207. Vincent StJohn          FL
                                          you abuse animals, you will pay
  208. chantal Kollar
  209. Shirley Sutter          IL         Unacceptable and indefensible
  210. Stephanie Biggs         WA         This is Unbelievably Sickening to Treat Animals this Way .
  211. Julie Betoni            FL
  212. alan clabby                        alan clabby
  213. sandra reguera          FL
  214. samantha reid           TX         Animals have no voice. Dogs would not choose to fight.
  215. Lindsay Goddard         England
  216. Micky Della fera
  217. Fernando Carrasco       TX
  218. nancy Porcino           NY
                                          punish to the max..make an example that we will not tolerate animal
  219. Connie Barbour          MA
                                          abuse from thugs such as these..act now!!
  220. Yvonne Almendinger      NRW
  221. Daniel Weyn
  222. Brandon Davis           CA         Brandon Davis
                                          This illegal behavior needs to stop and those who continue to participate
                                          in the abuse need to be punished. Not a "Michael Vick punishment" but
  223. Kellie Valentine        NV
                                          true punishment. Does anyone think that these men are not violent
  224. maureen phinney         VA
  225. Melissa Roekens
  226. Miriam Ramirez          PA
                                          The people who abuse animals this way, are nothing but animals or
  227. Tammy Creo              GA         better, evil personified. They should be put in an arena to kill each other,
  228. Tina Sparks             FL         only prison time is the answer for these thugs
  229. Magaly Guzman           FL
  230. Gina Sammut                        Gina Sammut
  231. Ashley Kennedy          VA
  232. Andrea Fontani
  233. Lisa Celsky             PA         Lisa Celsky
  234. Sherry Hicks            PA
                                          anyone who uses dogs for fighting need to be gicen the death penalty,
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  235. Geoff Campion
                Name                    State     those sub humans are not fit to live on this planet
  236. Sabrina Ruggieri
  237. Victoria Figueroa           IL             Victoria Figueroa

  238. Barbara Dye                 ON
         Hilda Landaeta de Oviol
  239.                             TX
  240. Charles Babington
  241. Maria-Dolores Paris         Skåne County
  242. Brenda Walters              IA             Brenda Walters
  243. Steve Black
  244. Alice Paulsen               IA
  245. Barbara Rogers              NY             Barbara Rogers
  246. Cindy Walsh                 IA
  247. Lisa Mcnany                 PA
  248. Cathy Rodriguez             NV
  249. Christine Link              CA
  250. Darla Lamoreaux             TN             Darla Lamoreaux
  251. Cormier Laure               Île-de-France Thanks
  252. Jessica Miracola            NY
  253. Tina Rek                    NY
  254. Edna Accardo                NY
                                                  People choose to be cruel. They chose the heart breaking hobby of
  255. Dawn malfatone              NY             torturing dogs. They must pay the maximum penalty for such disgusting
  256. Carla Quevedo               MD
                                                  DISGUSTING MONTERS THEY HAVE NO HEART OR SOUL!!! THEY
  257. Deborah Valenti             PA
                                                  DESERVE TO DIE
  258. Leslie Loftus
  259. Ann Schultz                 WI             Ann Schultz
  260. Joselane Silveira
  261. Victoria Sola               NJ
  262. Dawn Solomon
  263. Andy Jensen                 MI
  264. Lynn Hande                  NY
  265. Jessica Ellis
  266. Sandra Marciante            LA
  267. Wendy Wilkinson             CA
  268. Dilys Stokes                England
  269. Christy Strom               WI             Christy Strom
  270. Denice Massengill           NC
  271. Clare Lawie
  272. Marion Pichler
  273. Caroline Lane               England
  274. Tina Max                    MA             elaine gerber
  275. Aileen Langford             England
  276. Jill Neuendorf              DC             Jill A Neuendorf
  277. Robin Warford               IL
  278. Robert Schneider            OH             Robert Schneider
  279. Kathy Owen                  HI             Its so wrong. Then need to be in prison for many many years
  280. William B.                  GA
  281. Dusty Olson                 UT
  282. jordan hughes               England        Disgusting
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  284. Karin
             Civitarese      PA State                                    Comment
  285. Helen Lucken          Scotland    Helen Lucken
  286. Nellie Correia        CT

  287. Mary Padgett          FL
  288. Robert Schlaudecker   PA
  289. donna simoneaux       LA
  290. Eleanor Callaghan                 Eleanor Callaghan
                                         Euthanized these jerks for the cruelty they inflicted on these innocent
  291. Tina Baldwin          FL
  292. Talena Tindall        MO
  293. Elaine Peralta        IN
  294. Filio Psarros         FL          stop the cruelty
  295. Home Kent             England
  296. Cristi Zbella         AZ
  297. Amethyst Paw          CA
  298. Gloria Cuevas         CA
  299. Sandra Welburn
  300. Denise Slusser
  301. Sharon Johnston
  302. Pauline Franks        England     Hang the evil bastards
  303. Pam Johnson
  304. maria olson           CA          maria olson
  305. Elaine Fagan          NY
  306. Carolyn Birkbeck      CT
  307. Tina Shumake          MA
  308. Diana Davey
  309. Hazel Clarke
  310. Pauline Cook          England     Mrs Pauline Cook
  311. Megan Sommers         CA
  312. Doug Mead             MI
  313. Lily Lopez            FL          Lily Lopez
  314. Susan Peterson        MN
  315. Carol Martz           PA
  316. Nadine Pirozzolo      NC
  317. Kimberly Moore        PA
  318. Andrea Tothacer       MS          Theses perpetrators are pure EVIL. punish them.
  319. Silvia Grazioli
  320. Tami Brennan          CT
  321. Ingrid Johansson      MA          Ingrid Johansson
  322. Karen Deddeh          CA
  323. Chion Christine
  324. Donna Miranda         MA          Donna Miranda
  325. Nasrene MacDonald     MO
                                         Animals Matter. The message must be sent.... ANIMAL ABUSE WILL
  326. Ravanna Schonlau      CA
                                         NOT BE TOLERATED. EVER!!! JUSTICE. NO MERCY.
  327. Waleska Maldonado     TX
  328. Laurie Ogle           IN
  329. Marlyse Hanssens      Flanders    Marlyse Hanssens
  330. Margaret King         NY          Margaret King
  331. josiane Barber        Occitanie   A bas les dégénérés
                                         The punishment is never enough, but there must be justice for these poor
  332. Julie Fleiser         PA
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                Name               State                                      Comment
                                              Dog fighting is deplorable and anyone associated with it needs to be
  333. Marianne Mayer         BC
                                              severely punished as these dogs are innocent victims.
                                              They are disgusting humans forcing dogs to fight to the death they need
  334. Michele Gospel
                                              to be in prison
  335. Shante T               NM
                                              Dogs love us and we should be decent enough to love them half as much
  336. Adrienne Kaplan        IL
                                              as they love us! These guys should go to jail for the rest of their lives
  337. christelle whittaker   QC
  338. Sherry Torres          IL              Sherry Torres
  339. Pascale Barthelemy     Île-de-France
  340. Tina Baker             FL
  341. Roy Henry Booth
  342. Donna Lauber
  343. Janet Keener           TN              Janet Keener
  344. Joanne Ryan            FL
  345. Tercia Beltrao
                                              Fran Kennedy It's time to eliminate the monsters in this world who commit
  346. Fran Kennedy           ON              horrific acts of cruelty to animals. We've evolved I would hope,we are not
  347. Yasmine Simpson
  348. Angie Ali              MN              We need a petition for this ? Make America great again ?
  349. Pamela Olano           LA
  350. Amber Johnson          RI              Amber Johnson
  351. Kay Cotton             England         This is horrific..
  352. Diana Maus             MD
  353. Maria Lindgren
  354. Bibiana Korbova        NY
  355. christine brincat                      christine brincat
  356. Jacqueline Cornell     England         Jacqueline Cornell
  357. Betty Barabasz         CA
  358. Sheldon levine         PA              Sheldon levine
                                              See the problem with this stuff, I sign everyday for this crap and every day
                                              the scumbags get away with . When is that going to stop? when are these
                                              bastards going to do time Behind Bars?. I'm so sick and tired of the law
  359. Pepper Kleiner         FL
                                              being on their damn sides while these animals get nothing but tortured
                                              and murdered. These fucking judges that don't do shit. So here's my
                                              signature again so they can get away with it again.
  360. Bianca Marascio
  361. Beverly Grant          TN
  362. Vivien Graham          Scotland
                                              So inhumane send a message fines jail time making money in poor
  363. Lynn Fusco             FL
                                              defenses animals stalling themselves to death so
  364. Linda Nolen            VA
  365. carmen maaß
                                              These thugs need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Lock
                                              them away for as long as possible and make them pay compensation to
  366. Premila Ratnam         England
                                              the shelters and rehabilitation centres that are going to have to look after
                                              these dogs.
  367. Marilyn Fox            AL              Marilyn Fox
  368. Vanessa Scott
  369. Lillianne Ciasullo     PA              They need to be in jail for a long time. KARMA !00x's
       Suzanne Unthank
  371. Patricia Beauchamp     CA
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  372. Barbara Delvecchio
                Name                State      Let them fight and kill each other. Like that did to those poor innocent
                                               dogs . POS!! .
  373. Scott Appleby           England         Scott Appleby
  374. Christiane Jaffré       Île-de-France
  375. Hild Berglie            Vestfold        Hild Berglie

  376. Gus Hanrahan            NB              We should be executing this garbage that are involved in dog fighting
  377. Thomas Kiyak            NY              Punish these people to the maximum level allowed by law.
  378. Kari Skogholt
  379. Vicky Bosma             GA              Vicky Bosma
  380. Ann-Kristine Jakobsen   Østfold
  381. Mara Tisoto             MO
  382. Carolyn Everett         PA
  383. Turid Gylland
  384. Rosse Fabienne
  385. Tina Burley                             Barbaric individuals. Cruelty in this world must stop
  386. Tammy Sullivan          TN              Tammy Sullivan
  387. laura bridgford         CA              laura bridgford
  388. Joanna Michalopolos
  389. Jody Phillips           GA              Throw them in a pit....with potties who are starving.
  390. Jolanta Vingen          Akershus        Jolanta Vingen
  391. Tonya Babson            FL              Punish
  392. Jerri Masyga
  393. Cynthia Miller          TX              We can be better than this!
  394. Arnly Sørø
  395. Connie Cole             FL
  396. iris Lambka             CO              iris Lambka
  397. Angel McCarter          NM              Angel McCarter
                                               These are monsters not humans. Make them pay with their lives. They do
  398. Kim Martin              WV              no deserve to breath another breath for what they did to these precious
                                               angels. Hell is waiting
  399. Bjørn Holshagen
  400. Louise Morgan
  401. Britta Hansen                           Britta Hansen
                                               Disgusting that people want to watch or participate in something as evil as
  402. Susan Atkinson          England
                                               this! They are sick!
  403. Ruth Holdsworth         Scotland
  404. Debra Bridwell          IL
  405. Amy Samborsky
  406. Kari Anita Y
  407. Tony Goodwin
  408. tove bjørsvik
  409. Jaydeen demers
  410. Steliana Doynova
  411. Lori Binfet             SK
  412. Mara Kelly              NY
  413. Andrea Crosby           MS              They should face the same toment they put them babies through
  414. Julie Price             Wales
  415. Chantal Redley          Wales
  416. mary doyle              FL              MARY DOYLE
  417. E E
  418. julie reid              Scotland
  419. Anna Bradley            TX
  420. Dustin Briltz
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  421. Lisa Mummert
                 Name          PA State                                     Comment
  422. Tina Ethridge           WI
  423. Mona Ludvigsen          Vestfold
  424. Diana Miji              CO
                                            People Need.to.stop.being.crueil.to.they.dogs.. People.ilke.that.need
  425. Karen Deleon                         To.gp.to.jail.for.lifer

  426. Jamie Jansen            MN
  427. Eugenie Galvin
  428. David Dalby
  429. debbie williams         CA           karma to those people
  430. Terri M Carlson         MI           Evil monsters
  431. Barbara Nadeau
  432. Donna Tanner            NC
  433. Maria Mandjik           ON
                                            They all make me sick. Lock them up and make the pay for their horrific
  434. Ed Paone                NJ
  435. Jo-Ann Berniard-Battiste TX          Jo-Ann Berniard-Battiste
  436. Shivanjani Chandra
  437. randi kimmell           WI           randi kimmell
                                            They will not change their horrific meaning less behavior. 20 years in
  438. Alice Cornell           FL
                                            prison for all of them.
  439. Gia Thorsell
  440. Christy Cole
  441. Veronica Horton         TX
  442. Brigette Downey         NJ
  443. Tim Gulley              GA
                                            These sociopaths need to be removed from society! they have zero
  444. Nan Mitchell            OH           empathy for animals who cannot defend themselves and are surely a
                                            threat to civil people! LOCK THEM UP for as long as possible!
  445. Keith Michelen                       Keith Michelen
  446. Debra Lamb              TX
                                            Punish to the full extent and ban these dirt bags from ever owning or
  447. Vicki McNAMEE           OH
                                            being around animals!! Barbarbic, worthless sub species !!
  448. Damaris Krois           GA
                                            These less than human low lives are a scourge on the Earth. They exist to
  449. Vicki Leyson            VIC          prey on the most innocent and defenceless. They need to be put away for
                                            a long time, punished to the fullest extent of the law.
                                            They need to be prosecuted to the full potential of the law. YEARS in
  450. Antoinette Stanfield
  451. Denise Kurz
  452. Elaine Greenwood        WI
  453. Shannon Ackerman        TX
  454. Colleen Francois        MI           Put a end to all this abuse lock them up throw the key away
  455. Madeleine Doran         FL
  456. Rebecca Pink            MA
  457. Carlos Ramirez          TX
  458. Judy Dendera
  459. Joan Abbaspour
  460. Michele Mendelsohn      MA
  461. Carole Maggiori         RA           Carole Maggiori
  462. Rosa Loera              CA
  463. Denise Whitehair        AL           DENISE WHITEHAIR
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  465. Lisa Fadorsen
       Veronica Name
                Walsh       FL State   String them up                    Comment
  466. Stephanie Hatten     CA         Stephanie Hatten
  467. Beverley Golden      ON
  468. Judy Clark-Minton    IN         Judy Clark-Minton
  469. Angela Pottier       ON

  470. Brittney Fulper      MS
  471. Sarah Kittrell       TN         They ought to be ashamned of them selves. God will get them!
  472. Felicia Minardi      FL         Felicia Minardi
  473. Lisa Terrell         OH         Lisa Terrell
  474. Bonnie Cohen         WI
                                       PLEASE send them somewhere the electric chair is still utilized....though
                                       a better example would be to skin them alive and post that video on a
  475. Victoria Voronkina   AZ
                                       national news channel warning other predators what will happen to them if
                                       they ever try to replicate such acts.
  476. Karolina Grom        CA         They must be punished for their actions and as An example
  477. Maria Salazar        FL
  478. Carla Henderson
  479. lotta thambert       SA
  480. Karen Zammit         NY
                                       Dogs aren't just toys for "men" to "play" with by having them fight to the
  481. Jenni Whitney        DE         death!! Dogs are friends, wonderful listeners, and even family-and you
                                       DON'T treat family like that!!!
  482. Marian Cappello
                                       Terrible...just terrible. This is one of the reasons Pitt Bulls have such a
  483. Diane Plymire        IN
                                       bad reputation. Dogs only act the way they are raised
  484. Bobbie Carden        TX
                                       Need to have stricter laws this world is becoming out of control with
  485. pam kuipers          SK
                                       selfish cruel idiots
  486. Sara Jackson         MN         This is Sick and wrong!!! Send them to jail for a long time please
                                       Anyone who finds animal abuse entertraining is seriously lacking in the
  487. Angela Thomas                   'humanity' gene & deserves to be treated the same way as they treated
                                       those dogs; with no mercy & no humanity.
  488. linda bradley
  489. Karen Cragg          OH         Punish them asap!
  490. Denise Lombardi      PA
  491. Sue Linhart          NSW
                                       Please please please punish these sick men to the fullest for this crime
  492. Jeri LaVielle        OH
                                       which dogs suffer horribly!!!!
  493. Vigdis Maurveg
  494. Manuela Bell
  495. Betty Lou Mazuca     FL
  496. Jeanie Midgett
  497. Clifford Hritz
  498. Heather Davis        ME
  499. Nicole Nicolaides
  500. Deanna Olow          NV         Deanna Olow
  501. Shannon Crosby       VA         They are all sick bastards
  502. Marianne M Arreaga
  503. Linda Brennan
  504. Jenny Bramlette      AL
  505. Deb Hanson
                                       all of these people involved with the dog fighting should get a huge fine
  506. Linda Harrison       NY         and time in jail this is barbaric pitting dogs against each other till one dies.
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                Name                    shame on you all .hope you suffer a terrible long painfully death....
  507. Beverly Aigen         CA State                                  Comment
  508. Roxanne Highton
  509. Corinne Hummel
  510. Emily English
  511. Sula Wilson           DE

  512. Sabrina Mabry
  513. Siradelta Gonzalez    FL         Hate animal abuse and mutalation
  514. Diane Marcum
  515. Vanessa Urbina        FL
  516. Michael McComiskey    MA
  517. Angel Hoffmann        FL
  518. Mary Daniels          KY
                                        Prosecute these scum of the earth POS to the fullest extent of the law.
  519.                                  They should be banned from owning another animal as long as they
  520. Stacey Liguori        NY         Stacey M Liguori
  521. Patricia Libby        BC         inhumane
  522. Christine Durham      IL
  523. Andrew Parker         PA
                                        ANIMAL ABUSERS SHOULD GET WHAT THEY GAVE!! THEIR LIVES
  524. Darcy Pettit          CT
                                        MATTERED TOO!!
  525. Patsy Trewinnard      AB
  526. Deb Kuhles            LA         THIS MUST BE STOPPED
  527. Rosanne. Tesoriere    NY         This makes me sick
  528. Alice Pruitt          FL
  529. Franklin Romero       NJ         FRANKLIN ROMERO
                                        They deserve death penalty...this is so humain.these animals deserve d
  530. Marjorie Lowrey       TN
                                        nothing but love..these precious dogs need justice with no remorse
  531. Connie Yost           KS         Connie Yost
  532. Susan Buckland        MO
  533. Angela Scotti         NY
  534. Carol Pilon           FL
  535. Carla Anderson        AR
  536. Susan Cale            GA
  537. Nicole Roberts        AL         Nicole Roberts
  538. Judy Eckman           MN
  539. William Parr          MI
  540. Darren Alvino         CT
                                        Fuck them they should all have to fight each other to their deaths! Eye for
  541. Johnny Mack           CA
                                        an eye
  542. Michael Mcclure       GA
  543. Billie Wecker         OK
                                        We need to have harder laws and ENFORCE them SERIOUSLY. These
  544. Mary Ramirez          FL         monsters MUST have punishment for the suffering they cause to innocent
                                        helpless beings...
  545. Cynthia Fedorczyk
  546. Phyllis Spagnuolo     NY         Do to them what they did to these poor dogs.
  547. Jo Guptill
  548. Desiree Restelli      TX
  549. Gina Arens            IN
  550. Robin Sternburg       CA
  551. Immaculate Aquilino   NY
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  552. Felicia Ashley
                 Name               State                                     Comment
  553. Justin Amos            IA
  554. Diane Austin           CA
  555. Delia Sanchez
  556. angelique sebban       IDF           angelique sebban
  557. Kim Townsend           MA            Hope they rot in hell pos
  558. Colleen Shea           NY
  559.                        Tokyo
  560. Sean Murphy            PA            Sean Murphy
                                            This is such a horrfying act of pure violence..its disgusting , sad , horrible
  561. Lisa Brooks            NY
                                            n needs to stop...these pugs need to be charged to the fullest ...
  562. Georgia Fuoto          WA
  563. Elizabeth Smith
                                            This is the cruelest you can ever be is to force dogs to fight for your sorry
                                            but. You are all POS’s that deserve to die! Yes die ! You are the scum of
  564. Kathy Panaras          OK
                                            the earth & are taking up our precious air supply that you don’t deserve to
                                            breathe in!
  565. Bethany Heath          ID            Bethany Heath
  566. Linda Flores           CA
  567. Patricia Labik         PA
  568. Karin Waldron          Akershus      Karin Augusta Waldron
  569. Kimberly Cox           IN            Kimberly G Cox
  570. Rebecca Gall           IL
       María Antonia Gómez
  572. William Herbert        NV
  573. cavene richard
                                            These inhumane, barbaric , depraved individuals must be held
  574. Holly Luisi            FL            accountable and punished to the fullest extent of the law. They need to be
                                            permanently removed from society.
  575. Kathy Weesner
  576. Mala Flauhh
  577. Kerstin Diegel
  578. Melissa Johnson        NE
  579. Kelly Karr             WI            Full punishment this is truely horrible FULL PUNISHMENT PLEASE
  580. Kimberly Schubach      GP
  581. boyd hore              NSW           Jail these turds .
                                            Prison, please. Cruelty escalates if they don't serve some serious prison
  582. vicki p hood           OR
  583. Anne-Marie Buffa       PACA          ANNE-MARIE BUFFA
  584. Linda Hayes            AZ
  585. felicia martinez       NM
  586. Laura Kennell          MO
  587. Jeremy Thigpen         WA
  588. Диана Дамоцева                       Диана Дамоцева
  589. Juanita Cajigal Diaz   GU
  590. Susan Brummett         CA
  591. Colleen Auernig        CA
                                            FAIRNESS DICTATES THAT THESE SPINELESS GLADIATORS
  592. Sandra Sykes           NV            SHOULD BE FORCED INTO A RING TO FIGHT AMONG
  593. Debbie Hayes
                                            This monster people’s go to jail for good!! This is cruelty animals, they
                                            made dogs to fight and kill one other for money!!! Dogs don’t deserve it. It
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  594. Lori Bodden
                Name            NJ State   needs to stop NOW!! Evil peopleComment
                                                                             are hateful and have no heart for dogs!
                                           It makes my blood boiling        That’s horrible! Pls make them stay in jail
                                           for good so they can’t get it away and can’t have another dogs! Period..
  595. Bastet Braice
  596. Bonnie Ives              IL
  597. Jill Eustathopoulos      England    Bring back hanging for animal cruelty.
  598. vanessa schempers        GP         Let them burn in hell for ever and ever!!!!!!

  599. filippo garofalo
  600. Theresa Leonard
  601. Shara King               VIC
  602. Hilary Burgess
                                           This needs stopping asap.its wicked they are evil.those poor dogs breaks
  603. Lynn Burchell            England
                                           my heart
  604. Vikki Kirkham            AZ
  605. Lisa Costilow            TN         That is cruelty to animals that God this is going to be stop
  606. Minako Nakajima          Nagasaki
  607. Alessia Borin
  608. Catherine Rudolf Nnaji
  609. Maria Rizzo
  610. susann lane                         susann lane
  611. Dawn Polny               AB
  612. chantal livrieri         RA         chantal livrieri
                                           Give them as much time as the suffering they caused and the death that
  613. Elena Struk              NY
                                           is on their heads please make them stay there for as long as possible
  614. Teresa Cefai
  615. Rosie Albanese
  616. Carmen Breto Catalán
  617. Patricia Waterman        WI
  618. Debby Cobb               SC
  619. Nancy Harris             CT         Put the scumbags Away from anything and anyone forever
         Luiza Corina Luiza
  621. Veronica Loevengiron     MI
  622. Louise Chadborne         MA         LOUISE CHADBORNE
  623. Gareth Groves            MD         Gareth Groves
  624. Barry Crowley            AR
  625. Karen Spooner
  626. Tamara Quigley           IA         Tamara Quigley
  627. mary peteinaraki
  628. Bernadette Gilbride      NJ
  629. Joanann Gondek           NY
  630. Monika Nemeth            WI         Disgusting!!!
  631. Sally Kneipp             DE         EUTHANIZE ALL the ASSWHIPES!
  632. Sabine Fl                NE         Sabine Fl
  633. Karl Reichenbach         MI
  634. Monica Rosso             England    Monica Rosso
                                           No excuse!~These people should be locked up for life! They do not
  635. Cindy Telesky            IL
                                           deserve any freedom!
  636. Alisha Lucas             KY
                                           Give those ass holes the same dam treatment kill there fuckin ass. Sorry
  637. Diana Angle              CA
                                           ass people
  638. Katharina Günter
  639. Margaret Sharkey         NY
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  640. Pamela Hale
                Name             State                                     Comment
  641. Louise Squire
  642. Marla Vangieson      NJ
  643. Donna Berry          IL
  644. Deb Guay                          This nasty, cruel, veil, must stop!
  645. Veronica Polston     PA           Veronica Polston
  646. Jamie Mazza                       This anisevto dogs needs to stop☠ ☠ These so called humans need to
                                         be put in a cage (small) @ put them away in a dark place
  647. Amy Finegan          PA
  648. Lucia Ross           TX           Fry the bastards!
  649. Andrew Cathey        MI
  650. Laura Thell          MN
                                         june bullied make these lowlifes fight for their lives in a cage. fine them
  651. june bullied         ON           heavily and throw them in jail for life. make sure all the money they made
                                         will go towards vet fees and upkeep of poor dogs
  652. Maureen Shull
  653. Racheal Thompson     FL
  654. Tania Monge
  655. Melinda Hurlbut      OH
  656. Janet Scantland      IN
  657. Nicole Kennedy       IL
  658. Beverly.B. Buckley   KS           Beverly.B. Buckley
  659. Michelle DeGarmo     WV
  660. Tamra Stephens       OK
  661. Natalie Richter      ON           Natalie Richter
  662. Karen Neil           England
  663. Shannon Hardy        PA
  664. Mayte Gutierrez      CA           Against animal abuse! All who abuse animals should be punished!!
  665. Cat Smith            FL
  666. Sherrie Gioia        NY
  667. Jennifer Rex         IN           Jennifer Rex
                                         I hope they got to prison for a very long time and never allowed to have
  668. Suzy Feezle          PA
                                         animals again
  669. Harald Geiger                     Harald Geiger
  670. Beverley Plummer     ON           They should get life in prison!
  671. Kathy Caole          VA
  672. vicky ann cormier    NB
                                         This is disgusting and no way to treat any animals, I would like to see
  673. Ed Zimmerman         AZ
                                         these scumbags have to fight each other to the death
  674. Robbie Spradling     TX
  675. Barbara Pitts        VA           Punish them to the fullest extent of the law!!!
  676. Cheryl Lindsay       FL
  677. nison christian      Occitanie
  678. Shashi Moorjani      TX
  679. Shannon Colgate      NC
  680. Linda Dominguez      WI
  681. Diane Tomlinson      TX           Diane Tomlinson
  682. Lois Manoli          CA
  683. carolann Gilmartin                carolann Gilmartin
  684. Debbie Long
  685. Kathryn Easterwood   NV           Kathryn Easterwood
  686. Csrol Vorce          MN
  687. Betty Ragsdale
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  688. Michelle Bolser
  689. Ronald Stahl         CA State                                          Comment
  690. Pamela Benavides     FL
  691. anna valvona         England
  692. Marites Reimann
  693. Delphine Williams    MS
  694. Dee Willis           KY              These people are pure evil! Who gets joy out of watching animals hurt
                                            each other? They need to be put under the jail to rot!!!!
  695. Janire Sotomayor     PA
  696. Erin Burkey          WA              Please these assholes for that
  697. Kay Lawrence
  698. Pam Curry            MI
  699. Beverly Locke        KS              Please stop this horrible horrible activity!
                                            This is a very large crime that is frequently happening on our backyards,
                                            animals are not borne to be force to do this type of sport. These
                                            individuals should be given long years of jail time as well as a large fine.
  700. Rosa Collada         FL
                                            These type of crime should not be allowed in this country or any other
                                            place. Animals are gentle creatures and have no voice; we are their
                                            voices. A law should be passed to ban these atrocities. This is a crime!!!!!
  701. Tabatha Parker       NY              Every last one of them deserve the death penalty by lethal injection
  702. Jane Tinsley         England         Jane Tinsley
  703. Linda Wiltshire
  704. Paula Peterson       UT
  705. Tracye Jennings      AL
  706. Christina Raup       RI              Christina Raup
  707. Donna Brinker        MI
                                            Nancy Holton I beg the courts to please bring justice for the dogs. Those
                                            pos should never walk the streets again. They are a danger to humans
  708. Nancy Holton         CO              and animals. I ask the courts to think of the pain and horror the dogs
                                            suffered. No breaks for those subhumans. Do the crime do the lengthily
  709. Gail Breidegam c     PA              Gail Breidegam hates them force them to fight
                                            These animals asked nothing but to be friends and pets cared for by
                                            humans. They had no choice in the matter and were forced to not only
  710. Rebecca Petersik     MN              brutalize and kill each other but were horrifically mistreated and tortured. It
                                            is wrong to allow people to do this to innocent animals who cannot speak
                                            for themselves.
  711. Lisa Shelton         MS
  712. Nadja Leijonros
                            Götalands län
  713. Lane Dorse           CA
                                            Ew lock them up & throw away tha mf key in the ocean.        no souls or
  714. Alexys Sandoval      TX
  715. M Palmer
  716. Surujdaye Ramoutar   FL              SURUJDAYE RAMOUTAR
  717. William Andrews      MA
  718. Aleida Fuller        England         Aleida Fuller
  719. Linze Cerese
  720. Lori Graham          MI              Lori Graham
  721. Zoltán Buday         BC
  722. Rebecca Nash         CA
  723. Elaine McDonald      ON              They should lose their lifes. Make them fight til death
  724. Dora J Baker         TX
  725. Shirley Lofton
  726. Beth Ross            MA              Beth Ross
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  727. Marie Hudson                   State   Lock them all up and throw the key away!! They should never see daylight
  728. Denise McCoy             AZ
  729. Linda Williams                         Justice please
  730. Lindsay Leclair          CT
                                              These evil beings need to be taken off the streets...taken out
  731. marcelline battershell   WV            permanently...hoping they suffer and feel the pain they purposely inflicted
                                              on these innocent animals til their gone...a danger to all

  732. Lisa Giannos             VIC
  733. Carol Treacy             CA            Carol R Treacy
  734. b friedler               OH
  735. Robyn Sharpe
  736. Wade Holdsworth          CA
  737. Melinda Kautzman         MT            Melinda K Kautzman
  738. David LeBlanc            MA
  739. Tania Harrison
  740. Karla Chandler           OR
  741. Cynthia Beaupre
  742. Rachel Simpson           NY
  743. Karen Conroy
  744. Claudia Montalvo         MD
  745. Lenlen Krupa             NV
  746. Susan Wix                PA
  747. Dean Baldasan            FL
  748. Kath Miras
  749. shirley Krentz                         PUNISH these creeps with life in prison !!
                                              this group of sub humans need to be exterminated. Simple as that.
  750. Lori Simpson             IL
  751. Amber Waterbury          NY
                                              We need to have harsher penalities for these abusers!! Dog fighting is one
  752. Shelly Lynn              FL            of the worst animal cruelty ever! Please make an example and give the
                                              harshest penalty!!
  753. Deborah Voves            AK
  754. Michelle Halsey          IA
  755. Angeles Junco                          Animals deserve respect and to be loved!!! STOP ANIMAL ABUSE NOW!!
  756. Chris Porter
  757. Amy Squires              IL
  758. Bobbie McClain           NJ
  759. Shamsiah Ahmad
  760. Pam Martin               GA
                                              Proven that many people who abuse animals move on to abusing and
                                              killing people. Aside from that, this activity is well known to be illegal, so
                                              there is no excuse in that respect. But the bottom line is that these
  761. Madalon Baum             AR            monsters are abusing these animals causing immense pain and death, for
                                              profit, calling it a sport, and think it's fun!!! Anybody who can be so
                                              inhumane, does not deserve to be out in society! They deserve the
                                              maximum sentence FOR EACH DOG THEY HAVE HAD FIGHT!!!
  762. Leslie Pfost             WA
  763. Shirley Aldred           England
  764. Dee Dee Myerson          CA
                                Emilia-       I HOPE THESE MONSTERS DIE IN PRISON FOREVER !!! THEY ARE
  765. Monica Lucchi
                                Romagna       NO MEN, THEY ARE MONSTERS !!!
  766. Julie Smith
  767. aline Roaux              Occitanie
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  768. Lacy Stanley
                Name            NY State                                     Comment
  769. Gabriel Henao            FL         They don’t deserve to be alive.
  770. deb hayes                England    deb hayes
  771. Liz Douglas              MA
  772. karen hildebrandt        IA
  773. Suzanne Devaux
  774. Rhea Ponce de Leon       CA
  775. Sharon Poore

  776. Laila Kankaansivu
  777. Brenda Psaras            NY
  778. jose ortiz               FL         jose ortiz
  779. Kathy Laird              KS
  780. donna gonzalez           FL
                                           This is offal its offal to see and know people do these babies this way you
  781. Mary Moore
                                           all will answer to god
  782. Ruth Fichtner Mag. Dr.
                                           Dogfighting is horrible cruelty, innocent dogs tortured so idiots can watch
  783. jude pasqualini                     and place bets. Anyone who participates in this is sick and heartless!
                                           Punish these monsters!
  784. Melissa Duthie
  785. Mary McGurk              CA
  786. Kimberly Kelly           NJ
  787. maryann DeMuynck         MI         maryann DeMuynck
  788. Susan Clegg
  789. Marc Robertson           CA
  790. Maja Harbig
  791. Astrid Geest             DR         astrid v/d geest
  792. Sandra Vickers           PA
  793. Kerstin Jansen
  794. Karen Barger             FL
  795. Patricia Gonciarz        FL         Patricia A Gonciarz
  796. Judy Furlong             AZ
  797. Cynthia White            MO         Cynthia White
  798. Renee Taylor             OH         Renee Taylor
  799. Inger Lise Haughem       Vestfold   Inger Lise Haughem
                                           These are deviant sadists. Unless harsh sentences are imposed we can
  800. Jacqueline Daly          RI
                                           expect more heinous acts from torturers.
  801. Sabina Kowalczyk         FL         Sabina Kowalczyk
  802. Karen Obrien
  803. Fred Carver              NC
  804. Linda Brown              AL
                                           Please punish to the full extent of the law. No dog wants to fight, or
  805. Terry Garrison           MD         punished into fighting. Nor does any dog want to become a bait dog.
                                           Torture them like they did to these dogs!
  806. Jennifer Granko          CA         Evil cannot win
  807. Tammy Drain              VA         Tammy Drain
                                           People that do this to dogs or any animal should be sent to prison for the
  808. Jenelle Johnson          IA         maximum sentence available. These animals are not born fighters they
                                           are taught to be this way. It’s horrendous!!
  809. Tara Ridgdell            TX
  810. Eva Sabando
  811. Linda Resendez           IL
  812. Jackie Snow              SC         Jackie Snow
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  813. MarygraceName
                 Maxwell          State                                    Comment
  814. Vincent Cendrine
                                          They should spend 15 years in jail. They are raising their children to do
  815. Shirl Stafford        GA
                                          the same.
  816. maria-luisa Detraz
                                          Disgusting, I'm sorry to say this but are they fucking stupid. How can they
  817. Jessica Raysman
                                          do this to innocent animals. They need to be put into prion
  818. Debi Goldstein                     Debi Goldstein
  819. Pamela McDonald       AL           Pamela McDonald

  820. Penny Estes           FL           I hope these sicko get the max sentence
  821. Laurie Lucas          GA
  822. Anne Løvstakken       Hordaland    Anne Løvstakken
  823. Tammy Emberton                     You don't know what I want to say,,,,,,sick bastards
                                          These evil evil persons should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
  824. Barbara Jerrell       WV           They should not be given any lighter sentences. No plea bargains no
                                          reprieves no considerations. Lock them up for a very long time.
  825. Nancy Bee             NC
  826. Susan Weldon          IL
  827. Joyce Dear            MS           Thank you for doing something abt this horrible practice
  828. Eea Eilimo
  829. Debbie Milburn        PA
  830. Matej Smolić
  831. Graham Baker
  832. Kelly Nguyen          WA
  833. Valerie Badger        VT           Valerie A Badger
  834. Dena Lopez            WI
  835. Linda Viallet         MB
  836. Daniel Chitwood       NV           Arm the animals
  837. Debbie Montgomery     MA
  838. Lynn Mountcastle      WI
  839. Santiago Hardy        CA           Santiago Hardy
  840. Page Karine
                                          There's NO PLACE in America, for Evil people who cause harm to
  841. Jason Cuevas          FL
                                          animals. *Maximum Punishment Demanded*
  842. Thomas Lee            ME
         María del Carmen
  843.                                    No más maltrato animal. Pónganse en el lugar de esos animalitos.
         Balbuena Recillas
  844. Daniela Holmes        NRW
  845. Edward Grzywinski     PA           Edward Grzywinski
  846. Michelle Carcelli     IL
  847. Nancy Rothe           AR           Nancy Rothe
  848. Theodora Harmon       LA
  849. Lorie Kuhn            MI           Lorie Kuhn
                                          Those misfit monsters of society need prison time. Why work when dog
  850. Linda Sovak           CT           fights brings you money. They need to be made examples of in our court
                                          system. Let them fight each other not innocent dogs.
  851. Debbie Anderson       BC
  852. Becky Neimer          England
  853. Andrea Lahti          CO
  854. Rosemarie La Cour
  855. Tor-Arne Bundesen                  Stop illegal dog fighting, its cruel and barbaric against this poor dogs!
  856. Denise McKinney       MI
  857. Patrizia Di santo                  Patrizia Di santo
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  858. Joseph Sisco
                Name        TX State                                     Comment
  859. Peg Coogan           NY
  860. carlos Otero
  861. Brenda Christensen   MT
  862. Anna Dean            VA
                                        the penalties need to match the crimes!! if you can't put these dirtbags in a
  863. leslie Vickers       SC
                                        pit to fight each other til death, at least LOCK THEM UP forever.
  864. Annette Lang         SL
  865. Michelle Panella     CT
  866. bernice schumaker    MO
  867. Frances Markey
  868. Gina Wright
  869. R Speed
  870. Carrie DesRosiers
  871. Jamie Wells
  872. Mary VanderWeyst     MN
  873. Lori Mills           CT          Lori Mills
  874. Donna Jett           TX          Donna K Jett
                                        When is this going to stop? ? Maybe when we hold those who do this
  875. Sylvia Montes        FL
                                        accountable! ! Please, please, don't let them get off easily! !
  876. Jennifer Gaughan     MI
  877. Thegasen Pillay                  DEATH SENTENCES FOR ALL THESE EVIL PEOPLE
  878. Kevin Wiegert        MO
  879. Stephanie Mancini    PA          Stephanie Mancini
                                        Punish them who punish them poor dogs to fight then to live there lives as
  880. Janet Beckwith       MA
                                        nothing just money makers on legs these creaturesnead to be put away
  881. Brenda Ford          SC
                                        These low life garbage of shit pathetic ghettoes need to be experiment in
  882. Sylvia Thomas        FL          a Government research facilities . Till they are dead and trashed in the
                                        waste land....
  883. Robin Allen          MD
  884. Bill Blount          TX
  885. Chante' Kline        MD
                                        Please do not turn yours heads HELL DOES EXIST yiu can be held
                                        accountable for not doing anything at all... You may not know my lord but
                                        he sure knows you be very careful cant help you on judgement day HELL
  886. Linda Nunnally       IN          DOES EXIST or unless you stop this nonsense just give those people
                                        your child loved one & see there is no difference of some one beloved pet
                                        family member... who gives them the right to do this God is not very
                                        happy... gives you free chose yiu mess you pay the price of HELL
  887. antoinette valdez    CO
  888. Susanne Bodi
  889. Susan Wells                      Susan Wells
  890. Janis Keller         OK
  891. Rita Limbu           Development Punish them.
         Marc van de
  892.                      ZE
  893. Eva De Baets                     S
  894. Rebecca DePalma      CA
  895. Brent Pennell        AB
  896. Kimberly Larsen
  897. antonia c            CA
22 of 49                                                                                                   Default
  898. Maj YlimysName            State                                   Comment
  899. Frédéric Jaubert
  900. susan parrish        NV
  901. Fabienne Stoudmann                Fabienne Stoudmann
  902. Nicholas janke       Wellington   Nicholas janke
                                         Need stronger punishment laws for people who abuse dogs or any
  903. Lois Kinney          NJ
  904. Carly Wumkes         IN
  905. Krystian Firlik      BS

  906. Maria Kozber         BS           Maria Kozber
  907. Dominika Kozber      BS           Dominika Kozber
  908. Aleksandra Maszka    Buenos Aires Aleksandra Maszka
                                         This people need to be punished for making those poor dogs fight and
  909. Hayley Brock
                                         suffer horrendous deaths. No creature should have to go through this.
  910. Nausikaa Gruendler
  911. Kim Rippy            TX
  912. daniella rosa
  913. Gail Shourds         DC
  914. Rose Perez
  915. Diane Thornton       GA
  916. Marie Dries          NY           Marie Dries
  917. Donna Santella       CO
  918. Chris Volk           PA
  919. bonnie tewksbury     CA
  920. Joanne Hague         MI
  921. Jo Escher            MS
  922. Ann Wilner           SC
  923. Valerie Most                      What they have done is terrible!! Put them away
  924. Carol Reed           IN
  925. Laura Jensen         MN
  926. Osvaldo Rocafort     FL
  927. l bryant             GA
                                         I hope that all these pieces of maggotshit heroes get caught and locked
  928. Ari Kujala           QLD
                                         up for a very long time . They should also be beaten severely every day.
  929. Jeff Corliss
  930. D Veyette
  931. melinda baker        MD           melinda baker
  932. Leo Picariello       NY
  933. Jerry Petersen       FL           Please make the laws so bad they stop this practice.
  934. Sharona Moraine
  935. Cheryl Geary
  936. Christine Carlson
  937. Karla Pool           FL
  938. Casey Edds           CO
                                         Stop dog fighting make sure they go to prison and have to pay for some
  939. Sandra Wilhoit
                                         one to take care of the dogs the rest of there life
  940. Cat Addari           IL
  941. Lorie Hornbeck       CO           I hooe their each put into a cell and get a good beating.
  942. Valerie Matteucci
  943. Charlotte Voight     NY
  944. dawn leugers         OH           Sick freaks need the death penalty !
  945. Cynthia Walker       CA
  946. Donald Fabian        CA           Donald H Fabian
23 of 49                                                                                                     Default
  947. Brigitte Pelosi
                  Name      IL State                                    Comment
  948. Zandra Baranzini     CA
  949. Lori Lewis           KY         Lori Lewis
  950. Kelliann Street      CA
  951. Teresa Haller        CA         They should be fed to the dogs that survived these SAVAGES.
  952. Kristen Lofgren      MA
                                       I have no sympathy for what these disgusting maggots get! These greedy
                                       lowlife, really need such a punishment, they will never forget! Not just jail
  953. Jackie Boyer         MA
                                       time either!!

  954. Laura Lee Flanagan   PA         Hang them all
  955. Christie Parker      NY
  956. Theresa Zablosky     PA
  957. Linda D'Amore        VA
  958. Corinna Solano       FL         Punish these men to the maximum!
  959. Diane Mutchell       NJ
  960. Dianna Alger         KY
  961. Diane Hickey         IL
  962. Maureen Moore        MO
  963. Kimberly Triemert    PA
  964. Edyta Tortorelo
  965. Dona Stevens         UT
  966. Dyannen Palmer       CO         Please give a full sentence.
  967. maria orrantia       BC
  968. Ariana Butterman     CA
  969. Lisa Martinmaas      CT
  970. Ryan Kenefick
  971. Nancy Michael                   No animal should have to go through that .
  972. Jay Deputy           DE
  973. Lorrie Dockins       NJ         DISGUSTING
  974. Billie Sue Ullom     DC
  975. Linda Talley         VA
  976. Kathy Johnson        MO         Assholes prison time!!!!!!!!! Enjoy yourselves because they will.
  977. Garry Barkley        TN         Garry Barkley
                                       They had no mercy with the defenseless animals of God. These animals
  978. Mary Rubio           CA         where forced to fight, raped, seriously injured...NO MERCY. Make them
                                       an example .
                                       Punish to the fullest extent of the law - jail them and let the other inmates
  979. Teresa Ross          CA
                                       know what these creeps have done!
  980. Theresa Froehlich    MT
  981. Katie
  982. Gordon Wright        CA
  983. Toni Cross
  984. Nicole Thompson      MA
  985. Isobel Hutchings
  986. Julia Vertiz         CA         Stop these people. Put them away.
  987. Kevin Martin         WA         These people need to do prison time.
  988. Melissa Rodriguez    NV         Maximum penalty deserved
  989. Kim McDaniel         MO
  990. Vanessa Wachowski    WA
  991. Sherry Sheppard      MB
  992. Terrie grey
                                       Please punish these Horrible people to the fullest extent!!! Justice for
  993. Susie West           MO
24 of 49                                                                                                      Default
               Name                       these poor dogs!!!
  994. Debbie Zwick            OH State                                   Comment
  995. Marlene Betit
                                          That “sport” is pure evil. These are heartless greedy cruel individuals. And
  996. Lee Ann Walker          IL
                                          they should be punished to the full extent of the law
  997. Katherine Morales       CT
  998. Wednesday Clemons
                                          They all should get a very long & very harsh prison sentence. Heartless
  999. Julie Solock
                                          assholes disguste me!
 1000. Cheryl Sherer           IN
 1001. Barbara Hartman         OH
 1002. Jenifer Stump           AZ
 1003. Mary Bell               MD
 1004. Patricia Smith          IN         They need to be punished!
 1005. Theresa Gosch           WA         They all need to be caged! Non productive LowLifes
 1006. Deborah Leahy           NE
 1007. Sue Pulec
 1008. Patricia Madden         NY         patricia regan
                                          I hope they punish these criminals to the full extent. Poor defenseless
 1009. Irma Mitchell           AZ
                                          dogs can’t defend themselves. Shame on you.
                                          A sad and disgusting crime. Please give maximum under harsh penalty.
 1010. Carole Garthwaite
                                          They will do it again. Makes me sick. NO SYMPATHY. Evil
 1011. Melissa Diaz            FL
 1012. Ronnie Rodriguez        CA
 1013. Arlene Faiman           KS
 1014. Tracy Link              MN
 1015. Martha Leiser           MO
 1016. Sirilux Chantarungsri   TX
 1017. Peggy Kirby             TN         Hope they get punishment
 1018. Joy Metzler             SC
 1019. Courtney Ta             AL
                                          I sign so many petitions and yet nothing seems to change. Why are these
                                          kinds of vile cruel cowards ever put in prison for the horrific abuse they
 1020. Dorothy Lane            CA         inflicted on these poor helpless dogs. They need more then just a help on
                                          the hand and probation. I can tell you most people would like to see these
                                          cowards just disappear permanently..
 1021. Melinda Thomas          CA
 1022. Sheryl Bailiff
 1023. Sheila Harmon           OK
 1024. April Boulware-Davis    SC
 1025. Sharon Robson
 1026. Esther Santos
 1027. Aneta Drazkiewicz
 1028. mikka park              MB         Shameful, despicable and unforgiveable
 1029. Anna Gutierrez
 1030. Laura Calderon          PA
 1031. Kris Feeny              CA
 1032. Eleanor Riley
 1033. Karen Eckel             TN         Yes, give them the maximum sentence!!!
                                          Max out punishment. Life. These dogs suffer horriable pain. Torture.
 1034. Ana Fp                  CA         Gods animals feel pain suffer. They are love loyalty n kindness. Laws
                                          need change. Felony distugusting. Scum
 1035. Bob Otto                FL         SAVAGES
 1036. Bill Blount             TX
25 of 49                                                                                                      Default
 1037. Louis Middleton
                Name             State                                    Comment
 1038. Jaimie DeLancy
 1039. Sue Thompson         AZ
 1040. Donna Owens          TX
 1041. Destiny Morgan       OH
 1042. Lacey Luke           TX           Fry them
 1043. Roberta Phillips     CA
 1044. Sandi Yuhas
 1045. Ingmarie Solin
 1046. Sandy Boltzen

                                         This is a very evil "business" and there needs to be very severe penalties
 1047. Michael Dwight       IA
                                         against these criminals.
 1048. wendy kitch          MS
 1049. Ivana Reid           IL
 1050. Marie Galvani        VA
 1051. abigail
 1052. Linda Marchione      CT
 1053. Dale Enes            MA           Dale Enes
 1054. Jeff White           OH
 1055. Karen Bowen          FL           Fry them.
 1056. Beth Needham         MA           Beth Ross
 1057. Kathleen Van Neil
                                         The maximum penalty is deserved for this crime however if I had my way
 1058. Janet Dennis         England
                                         they would have to fight to the death in the same way as the dogs
 1059. Joan Elmendorf
 1060. Tara Magana          FL
 1061. Linda Mavaega        MO
 1062. Steve Wheatley
 1063. Mary Casares         MA           Sad
 1064. Susan Slingland      NC           Susan Slingland
 1065. Klaudia Gernanf      IL
 1066. Teri Lawrence        HI           Fry them. Eye for an eye. This is crap.
 1067. Natalie Kirman
 1068. pat mott                          pat mott
                                         I have and love my pets and if I see pets I don't on w in the streets I get
                                         invloved always and I do good deeds all the times. So seeing this is a
                                         disgrace to me. I want them to not n burn in hell for this innocent furry
                                         babies. We are their voices and the depend on us to take care of them.
 1069. Marquette Stuart     NY
                                         These ugly cruel bastards deserve to be put down and are a waste of tax
                                         payers money to live another day. Don't let them get away with this
                                         because they will continue to do evil shit like this. God has the last word.
                                         Prayers for pups
 1070. Sharon Rouse         TX           Stop dog fighting. You deserve a severe punishment and prison time.
 1071. Doris Knudsen        CA
 1072. Patricia MacIvor     NY
 1073. Ann Schneider        MO
 1074. Cheryl Smith         KY
 1075. Donna Bloom          MN
                                         Punish them all to the fullest extent of the law.....then throw these abusers
 1076. Karen Kelce
                                         into a deep dark pit and let them perish slowly.They are subhuman.
 1077. Danielle Wasinger    NSW
 1078. william myers
 1079. Jennifer Wedemeyer
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 1080. Kelly Hill Name          OK State   If these monsters are not prosecuted the law enforcement is not doing
                                           their job they are allowing it
 1081. Christa Angel
                                           Rot in hell. These innocent animals would have loved you if u allowed
 1082. Jessie Chandler          NJ
                                           someone to.
 1083. Tamaryn Rosa Okun        FL
 1084. Amanda Gutierrez         TX
 1085. Debra Inscoe             NC
 1086. Jerry Smith              OK
 1087. Jackie Benham            IN
 1088. Sally Strachan           NY
 1089. Lillie Dawson-Lugen      FL
                                           Do not give these men liency as they have truly lost their Love for
 1090. Barbara Mueller          MO         animals.. Let us set exampleas and show america, We will not tolerate
                                           animal abusers of any kind.. Let us stop this violence...
                                           God did NOT create such loving animals as DOGS, to be brutalized to
 1091. Marty Crawford           FL         death, just so you poor excuse's for human being's, could try to get rich
                                           off THEIR PAIN & DEATHS!!!
 1092. Marge Pizzuti            NY         Marge Pizzuti
 1093. Sherry Compton           AZ
         Paula Alexandra Ribeiro
 1094.                           Azores    Paula Alexandra Ribeiro Netto de Viveiros Oliveira
         Netto de Oliveira
 1095. Bonnie Mccall            IN
 1096. Marcian Escala           NV         Put all of them in jail! Animal cruelty is a crime.
 1097. Magaly Santiago          CA         fry them .. all of them
 1098. Jewell Farris            OR
 1099. Shawn Hoffmann           TX
 1100. Maribel Sevilla          TX
 1101. Susan Borzenski          CT
 1102. Mary Boyce
 1103. Carrie Addleman          WA
 1104. David Brashear           FL         PUNISH THESE MONSTERS!!!!
 1105. Rosanne Fischer          MD         Get the message out. Animal abuse is a horrible crime.
 1106. Donna Hawkins            RI         This horrible bloody abuse must stopped and punished!
 1107. Kim Parcher              TX
 1108. Ju Hamm                  AL
 1109. Isabel Benabe
 1110. barbara mcginnis         OH
                                           I think each one of these men, should be punished to a the maximum
 1111. Janie Rider
                                           allowance for the death and torture to all animals allowed!
 1112. Roberta Wright           AR
 1113. Delphine Klein
                                           This is totally uncalled for, they need the book thrown at them, I hope
 1114. Rose Pelicone
                                           each and everyone of them rot in hell, where they belong
 1115. Màrcy ,.mercerii
 1116. Sandra Carrillo          CA
                                           Punishment should be severe! No animal should have to fight to the death
 1117. Lisa Clesi               LA
                                           to live!!
 1118. anwes sarklar            OH
 1119. Linda Parry
 1120. Angela Hayden            KS
                                           They should get life for this. Animals are for loving companionship not to
 1121. Lisa Davis
                                           make money off with harming these innocent babies.
 1122. Susan Sackel             MD
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 1124. Maree Alter
       Susanna  Name
                Rossi          NJ State   Susanna Angela Rossi              Comment
 1125. Samantha Lee            CA
 1126. Susan Luckman           England    Let the punishment fit the crime !,!
 1127. jeremy hollandsworth
 1128. shirley greenwood       England    shirley greenwood
 1129. Sherry Mainquist        NE
 1130. Nancy Back              MN
 1131. Erica Sarar             NC
 1132. Marlene Romero                     Put these barbaric sob's in a hole where no light ever comes in!!!
 1133. Alcye Sullivan          FL
 1134. Marina Trofin                      Put these excrements to fight each other to death!
                                          Outlawed in the Europe in 1832, still happening in the States. Stiff laws &
 1135. Patricia Urban          MI
                                          punishment should prevail.
 1136. J W                     NC         Flay them, blow torch their punk azzez, feed them to the fish
 1137. Julane Vitarelli        NJ         Beasts!!!! This must end
                                          Pos people same type of people everytime put these pathetic pieces of
                                          flesh for humans in a dog fighting ring and let them get torn up each and
 1138. Cynthia McFarland       MI         every day till they no longer breathe!!!!why waste our tax dollars on
                                          supporting scum karma served that they die at the crime they were tried
 1139. Wendy Forster           England    Wendy Forster
                                          Put these pieces of useless shit in jail. Give them no mercy...The poor
 1140. Debbie Chesmar          OH
                                          inocent dogs didn't.
 1141. Marina Dewael
 1142. Herman Fuchs            NY         Let them fight each other to the death
 1143. Robin Stowe             AZ
                                          Let them rot in jail....they dont belong in civilization. Animals got feeling
 1144. Salome Kleu                        too!!! These bastards will kill humans too. How can they be allowed in
 1145. james thamm             NC
 1146. Mireille Dumont                    Mireille Dumont
 1147. Sandie Choi
 1148. Christine Cadden
 1149. Debra Atlas             TX
 1150. Stacie Storrs           AB         Stacie L Storrs
 1151. Elizabeth Olivo         CA
 1152. Lori Stenger            OH
 1153. Patricia Daykin
 1154. Jessica Freeman         VA         Jessica Freeman Freeman
 1155. Deb Gilchrest           PA
 1156. joyce Eden              Cymru
 1157. Rhea Bennett            WI
 1158. Jeffrey Trego                      Hang them!
 1159. Toby Ann Reese          VA
 1160. Camille Cox             ON
 1161. Elexas Arnold
 1162. Amber Vallon
 1163. Laura Pitagna           NY
 1164. Sheila Conway           Scotland
 1165. Emmanuelle Baldassarre QC
 1166. Daniela Hochst Warner   ND
 1167. Lacey Levitt            CA
 1168. Christine Reinders      WI
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 1169. KimberelyName
                 Miller     NY State                                      Comment
 1170. Linda Lyles          TX
 1171. Valerie Rappert      MI
 1172. Gursharan Uppal      AB
 1173. Kavindi Ranasinghe   ON
 1174. Bonnie Cohen         TX
 1175. Sheila Trzcinski
 1176. Cynthia Stormer      FL          Cynthia Stormer
 1177. Elaine Johnson       England     Elaine Johnson
 1178. Kathleen Lipsie      FL
                                        These are disgusting people who tortured dogs for their own gains and
 1179. Kate Kenner          VT          they should now suffer the severe consequences they deserve.

 1180. Rebecca DuPre        NC          Rebecca DuPre
 1181. Brandy Gugger        CA          I would throw the book at them!
 1182. Ann Hansen           Hordaland
 1183. Dennis Dougherty     CA          Dennis Dougherty
 1184. Barry Wash           VA          PLEASE send the flaming Jerks to prison FOR LIFE!!!
 1185. Seiko Takagi         IL
 1186. ali mosa             WA
 1187. Carrie Nowak         IN
                                        Please get these individuals off the streets and behind bars where they
 1188. D Lee                TX          can fight themselves to the death and keep innocent dogs out of their
 1189. Carol Gascoyne
 1190. Jenny Trickey        NV          Jenny Trickey
 1191. Rosemarie Bria       NY
 1192. Mike Kelly           CA          Mike Kelly
 1193. Debbie Wall          MB          Debbie Wall
 1194. Judith McQueen       FL          Judith A. McQueen
 1195. Sophie Brophy
 1196. Lynne Clay           OH          This is horrific.
 1197. Leslie Slack         BC          Leslie Slack
 1198. Lena Bradel          PA          I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!
 1199. Ester Nuhamovici     ON
 1200. Todd Sharp           AZ
 1201. dianna weaver        TX          SUBHUMAN TRASH
 1202. Julie Adams          NC
 1203. Elizabeth Connolly   AZ          ELIZABETH CONNOLLY
 1204. Linda Sharpe
 1205. Jane Smith           England     Jane Smith
 1206. Lori Sky             NJ
 1207. Lynne Holley         CA          Lynne Holley
 1208. Gil Altman           NJ
 1209. Donald Dasinger      WI
 1210. Sharon meagher       VA
 1211. Judi Hart
 1212. Tammie Byers         IL          Tammie Byers
 1213. Lisa Steward         GA
 1214. barbara kayitmaz     NJ
 1215. Helene Jones         FL
 1216. Caryl Speck          NC
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