Page created by Randy Pope
Vol. 51, No. 1
Jan. — Feb. 2015                       The International Marine Division of ILA/AFL-CIO

                               Official Voice of the International
                               Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots

Another Attack by Sen. John McCain on U.S. Maritime Jobs
International Shipholding Flags In MV Ocean Globe
Greetings from Maersk Alabama and Matson’s MahiMahi
Table of Contents                                                       The Master, Mate & Pilot is the
                                                                                                                                                                     official voice of
                                                                                                                                                                     the International
Vol. 51, No. 1                                                                                                                   January — February 2015             Organization
                                                                                                                                                                     of Masters,
Letter From the President                                                                                                                                     1      Mates & Pilots
 Another attempt by Sen. John McCain to jettison the Jones Act and with it, the jobs of                                                                              Marine Division of the ILA),
 America’s merchant mariners.                                                                                                                                        AFL-CIO. © 2015 IOMMP.

                                                                                                                                                                     The Master, Mate & Pilot
News Briefs                                                                                                                                                   2      (ISSN 0025-5033) is published
                                                                                                                                                                     bimonthly by the International
 Advocates of the U.S.-flag fleet beat back legislation introduced by Sen. John McCain                                                                               Organization of Masters, Mates
 that would have eliminated the Jones Act “build” requirement; officers’ unions ask                                                                                  & Pilots. MM&P Headquarters:
                                                                                                                                                                     700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B,
 to meet with Coast Guard on new international safe manning rules; Waterman flags                                                                                    Linthicum Heights, MD
 in Ocean Globe, flags out Green Bay; greetings from Maersk Alabama, Matson                                                                                          21090-1953.
 MahiMahi and Grand River Navigation; Southeast Alaska Pilots and state of                                                                                           Phone: (410) 850-8700
 Washington schedule exams for new pilots.                                                                                                                           E-mail:
                                                                                                                                                                     Periodicals Postage Paid at
Interview                                                                                                                                                     8      Elkridge, MD and additional
                                                                                                                                                                     offices. POSTMASTER: Send
 Meet MM&P Government Crewing Coordinator Robert Chiesa.                                                                                                             address changes to The Master,
                                                                                                                                                                     Mate & Pilot, 700 Maritime
                                                                                                                                                                     Blvd., Suite B, Linthicum
MM&P Health & Benefit Plans                                                                                                                                 12       Heights, MD 21090-1953
                                                                                                                                                                     Don Marcus
                                                                                                                                                                     Chairman, Editorial Board
News From MITAGS                                                                                                                                            16       Lisa Rosenthal
                                                                                                                                                                     Communications Director
                                                                                                                                                                     INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS
MM&P Directory                                                                                                                                              17       Don Marcus, President
                                                                                                                                                                     Steven Werse, Secretary-Treasurer

Cross’d the Final Bar                                                                                                                                       21              VICE PRESIDENTS
                                                                                                                                                                     David H. Boatner, Offshore Pacific
                                                                                                                                                                     Wayne Farthing, Offshore Gulf
MM&P Holiday Party Photos                                                                                                                                   23       Don Josberger, Offshore Atlantic
                                                                                                                                                                     C. Michael Murray, United Inland
                                                                                                                                                                     George A. Quick, Pilots
                                                                                                                                                                     Randall H. Rockwood, FEMG
Thank You Contributors to the PCF!                                                                                                                          31       Ron Tucker, Atlantic Maritime

 Vol. 51, No. 1
 Jan. – Feb. 2015                        The International Marine Division of ILA/AFL-CIO
                                                                                            About the Cover
                          The B. Franklin Reinauer
                          with Governor’s Island in the
                                 Official Voice of the International
                                 Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots

                          background. The tug is used to
                          push the RTC 81, an 80,000-barrel                                                                                                            Printed on recycled paper using
                          clean oil barge, through New                                                                                                                 vegetable-based inks and 100% wind power.

                          York, New Jersey and Connecticut
                          waterways. Members of the
  Another Attack by Sen. John McCain on U.S. Maritime Jobs
                          MM&P Atlantic Maritime Group
  International Shipholding Flags In MV Ocean Globe
                                                                                                                                   Connect with Us!
  Greetings from Maersk Alabama and Matson’s MahiMahi
                          aboard the vessel are: Stephen
 Santa, Troy Wyman (mates); William Rowe, David Decross                                                                            MM&P is on Facebook, Twitter
 (second mates); Robert Brown, Todd Meeker (engineers);                                                                            and YouTube. Like us. Follow             @MMP_Union
 Jamie Maddox, Derek Bernard, Jeffrey Pooler, Mark                                                                                 us. Re-post and re-tweet. Every
 Mathews (tankermen); John Lorenz, Michael Freeman                                                                                 time you do, you help MM&P               MastersMatesPilots
 (deckhands). Captains of the tug are Daniel Nolan and                                                                             build an essential online
 Stephen Carmen.                                                                                                                   community of members and allies. Connect with us today. And
                                                                                                                                   if you have news or photos you want to share with everyone,
                                                                                                        — Photo by Steve Walsh     send us an e-mail at:
Senator or Predator From Arizona?
Union Brothers and Sisters:                                      , if “you count temporary workers
                                                                           and itinerant strippers.”

    n case any of us suspected that the boundaries of political                Regardless of what one thinks about the
    hypocrisy and cynicism in Washington, D.C. had already been            merits of the Keystone XL Pipeline, using this
    fully revealed, welcome to the 114th Congress. The Keystone XL         so-called jobs bill as an opportunity to promote
Pipeline legislation, labelled by its proponents as a job-creating bill,   the destruction of the U.S. maritime industry is
was almost passed by the Senate with an amendment that would               unconscionable — but what else is new? We have
have destroyed approximately ten times more jobs than it would             witnessed the lies, distortions and half-truths
have created.                                                              about the merits of the Jones Act reappear with
    Had Senator John McCain had his way, eliminating the U.S.              regularity since the days of Rob Quartel and
build requirement in the Jones Act would have been another step            his Jones Act Reform Coalition, if not before.
down the road of selling off America in the name of “free trade”               Fortunately, support from legislators in the Senate who
and “anti-protectionism.” Senator McCain is working hard to                understand the value of the U.S. Merchant Marine and our
put us out of work. In his speech to the Senate on January 22, he          shipyards prevented the anti-Jones Act amendment from
described the Jones Act as “an archaic 1920s-era law that hinders          advancing with the pipeline bill.
free trade, stifles the economy and hurts consumers — largely for              But although he was beaten back this time, it is a certainty that
the benefit of labor unions.”                                              Senator McCain will return. As hard as it is to comprehend, we
    “Free trade” warrior McCain wants to make the world safer              have the ongoing efforts of a former naval officer, who one would
and better for the multinational corporations, oil profiteers and          expect would know better, attempting to destroy the industry
financial institutions that will benefit from the destruction of our       which is as central to U.S. military and economic security as the
jobs. These global institutions are the true beneficiaries of so-called    U.S. Navy itself.
“free trade.” Indeed, Senator McCain’s “anti-protectionism”                    As reported in the Washington, D.C. press, McCain vows to
directed against American workers is really nothing more than              return: “I won’t quit,” he is quoted as saying, and “…don’t worry,
“protectionism” for multinationals intent on unfettered global             had a lot of fun with it.” Fun indeed, for everyone who has no
pillage. These multinationals are the ones seeking “protections”           worries about a job or, apparently, national security.
from U.S. taxes, U.S. labor standards and even, in the more                    No doubt, McCain will be back: seeking any opportunity to
extreme cases, freedom from U.S. criminal responsibilities.                torpedo the Jones Act. As with his previous efforts to exploit
    Does anyone seriously believe that pennies per ton theoretically       circumstances surrounding Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater
“saved” by transporting oil, cattle or toilet paper aboard a foreign-      Horizon disaster, outright lies and half-truths are not an obstacle.
built ship versus a U.S.-built ship would be passed on to the              Listening to him rail in his address to the U.S. Senate that the Jones
consumer? As a point of fact, the Government Accounting Office             Act of 1920 has “outlived its usefulness,” it seemed to me that,
in their March 2013 report on the Jones Act as it pertains to Puerto       on the contrary, Senator McCain has outlived his usefulness as a
Rico was unable to quantify any such savings that might be passed          public servant of the American people.
on to island residents if the Jones Act was eliminated.                        Thankfully, other senators, Republican and Democrat alike,
    The only issue that is quantifiable in this debate is the fact that    recognize these efforts for what they are: political grandstanding
eliminating the U.S. build requirement of the Jones Act would cost         that, if successful, would endanger national security.
thousands of middle class, U.S. tax-generating American jobs. In               Masters, Mates & Pilots will not give up the ship. We will battle
lashing out against the maritime industry, labor-hater McCain has          this out as maritime labor has always done. We have done so
found the ideal platform to demonstrate his reactionary political          successfully since the days of Andrew Furuseth and Wisconsin
credentials without running any risk of alienating his constituents        Senator Robert LaFollette with the Seamen’s Act of 1915, with
in land-locked, “right-to-work” Arizona.                                   Washington State Senator Wesley Jones and the Jones Act of 1920,
    According to the American Maritime Partnership, there are              with President Franklin Roosevelt and the Merchant Marine Act
currently 117 shipyards in 26 states which directly employ 110,000         of 1936, up through the Maritime Security Act of 1996. We will not
workers. Including direct and indirect employment, the U.S.                falter now.
Maritime Administration estimates that the U.S. shipbuilding                   Thanks to the many members who contacted their senators to
and ship repair industry support the annual employment of                  voice their opposition to Senator McCain’s misguided amendment.
over 400,000 American workers with an annual income of                     We will continue to use all of our resources to protect our jobs and
approximately $24 billion and an annual domestic product of $36            the honorable profession that, properly acknowledged or not, has
billion.                                                                   served our country so well in times of peace and war.
    On the other hand, the Keystone XL Pipeline, if it is
constructed, will support approximately 40 permanent workers.              Fraternally,
While its supporters claim that building the pipeline will generate        Don Marcus
42,000 jobs, this is true only, according to Charles P. Pierce of          MM&P International President

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                               - 1 -                             Januar y - Februar y 2015
Broadside Attack on the Jones Act and the U.S.-Flag Fleet
                                                                            this law would be harmful to our national security and our
                                       At the start of the                  economy,” Smith said.
                                       new Congress,                            “One of the reasons our Navy is strong is because of the
                                       McCain moved                         U.S.-shipyard industrial base,” wrote 32 members of the
                                       swiftly against
                                                                            House of Representatives in a Jan. 20 letter to Senate leaders.
                                       the Jones Act, the
                                       law that serves as                   “Shipbuilding and maintenance are essential to the safety and
                                       the foundation                       security of our nation.”
                                       of employment                            International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
                                       for every MM&P                       President Robert McEllrath, in a Jan. 16 letter to every member
                                       member.                              of the Senate, called the McCain amendment “dangerous.” He
                                                                            said that if approved, it would “displace hardworking American
                                                                            taxpayers in favor of foreign workers not subject to American
                                                                            laws, regulations and taxes, and allow foreign shipbuilding
                                                                            interests to secure a foothold in the American market.” While
                                                                            U.S. mariners and shipyards are subject to strict Coast Guard
                                                                            regulations that ensure that safe practices are adhered to, “their
                                                                            foreign counterparts are not,” McEllrath said.
                                                                                The Jones Act is the foundation of the American domestic

       en. John McCain, the new chair of the powerful Senate                maritime infrastructure—vessels, mariners, and shipyards—
       Armed Services Committee, wasted no time: in the open-               that is critical to military sealift. The same is true of homeland
       ing days of the Republican-led Congress, he introduced               security, where American workers on American vessels work
an amendment that would have sounded the death knell for the                closely with local, state and federal agencies to perform a critical
Jones Act. The attack, which took the form of an anti-Jones Act             domestic protection function.
amendment to an unrelated piece of legislation on the Keystone                   “After years of stagnation, the American maritime industry
XL Pipeline, was beaten back by Congressional advocates of the              is investing a record amount in new ship construction with
U.S.-flag fleet, labor unions and maritime shipping companies.              American shipyards building many modern, state-of-the art
   As a first step to completely dismantling the law, the McCain            vessels,” said Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.). “The production
amendment would have eliminated the Jones Act’s “build”                     of these vessels provides stable, high-paying manufacturing
requirement, which stipulates that vessels traveling between two            jobs for American workers and contributes $36 billion to gross
U.S. ports be built in the United States.                                   domestic product. This amendment would stifle that progress
   In a release to national media outlets, MM&P called the                  and the associated economic benefits.”
McCain amendment “a job killer of epic and irreversible                         “As the Senate considers legislation on the Keystone pipeline
proportions.”                                                               and other energy and security measures, I urge you to oppose
   “In Washington sometimes up is down and offense is                       efforts to weaken the Jones Act,” wrote Rep. Duncan Hunter
defense, but an amendment that seeks to eliminate highly                    (R-Calif.), chair of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard
skilled, steady middle-class jobs employing hundreds of                     and Maritime Transportation, in a Jan. 15 letter to Sen. Lisa
thousands of our countrymen should never be called good for                 Murkowski, chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and
America,” said MM&P President Don Marcus.                                   Natural Resources, and Sen. John Thune, chair of the Senate
   McCain’s amendment, if it had been approved, would have                  Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
decimated the nation’s shipping industry, eliminating as many as                “The Jones Act keeps jobs, ships and a maritime skill base
400,000 U.S. jobs spread over 26 states.                                    in the United States, and any effort to diminish this longstand-
   The groups that would have most benefitted from its                      ing law is sure to negatively impact America’s maritime indus-
passage are foreign shipping interests, not subject to U.S. laws,           try and its significant contributions to the national economy,”
regulations, environmental standards or taxes, and which are                Hunter said.
heavily subsidized by their respective governments.                             “Put simply, Senator McCain is hijacking a debate on energy
   A bipartisan group of legislators, including in the Senate               policy in service of an ideological agenda with the hope of end-
Mississippi Republicans Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker, and                  ing cabotage protections to the benefit of foreign shipping inter-
Democrats Bob Casey (Pa.), Tammy Baldwin (Wisc.) and Mazie                  ests,” commented AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department
Hirono (Hawaii), were particularly outspoken in their opposi-               (TTD) President Ed Wytkind.
tion to McCain’s amendment.                                                     Members are encouraged to subscribe to The Wheelhouse
   In the House of Representatives, Congressmen Derek Kilmer                Weekly ( and to check the MM&P
(D-Wash.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.), among others, took the                  website,, for updates on legislation of impor-
floor to blast McCain’s plan. “Any attempt to repeal or weaken              tance to the industry.

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                           - 2 -                               The Master, Mate & Pilot
Our Industry Is Under Attack—
                                                 We Need Your Help!
                                                 It took less than one month from the beginning of the new Congress for
                                                 our opponents to throw down the gauntlet and level their first attack
                                                 against our industry. This time Sen. John McCain, the new chairman of
                                                 the all-important Senate Armed Services Committee, and his allies tried
                                                 to repeal the Jones Act through an amendment to pending legislation to
                                                 authorize the Keystone Pipeline.
                                                     MM&P, MIRAID and our colleagues and partners in the maritime
                                                 industry are working hard to make sure that members of Congress—espe-
                                                 cially newly elected members of Congress—understand how important
                                                 the Jones Act and the domestic maritime industry are to our country.
                                                 To be successful, we need every member of our union, regardless of
                                                 membership group, to make an immediate contribution to our Political
                                                 Contribution Fund (PCF).
                                                     Individuals like Sen. McCain clearly do not care about putting you out of
                                                 work. And they won’t stop. In fact, they only have to win once, while we have
                                                 to beat them at every turn.
                                                     Unless we have a stronger, larger Political Contribution Fund, we will
                                                 not be able to help those members of Congress who support us to fight
                                                 back against those who oppose us. If you have given to our PCF, thank
                                                 you for your support and we ask that you make another contribution.
                                                     If you have not yet contributed to the MM&P PCF, we ask that you do
                                                 so now so that together, we can keep our ships sailing and MM&P members
                                                     Please go to today and contribute to the PCF!

      Certificate of Appreciation to
      Captain Taylor “Ty” Anderson

                            Captain Taylor L. Anderson (left) receives
                             a certificate of appreciation from MM&P
                            United Inland Group Vice President Mike
                                Murray. The award is in recognition of
                              Anderson’s years “as an outstanding and
                               honorable member of the International
                              Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots
                           United Inland Group.” Anderson, who sails
                              for Washington State Ferries, has been a
                            member of the union since March 19, 1987.

The Master, Mate & Pilot                             - 3 -                             Januar y - Februar y 2015
U.S. Ship Officers’ Unions Ask To Meet With Coast Guard
On New International Safe Manning Rules
                                          MM&P Pilots Group Vice                   companies responsible for submitting safe manning proposals
                                          President George Quick at                that take into account the operational requirements and circum-
                                          a recent industry meeting.
                                          Quick has worked for
                                                                                   stances specific to each vessel.
                                          years to promote safe rules                  The IMO action in resolution A.104.27 includes a list of oper-
                                          on ship manning and                      ational factors that influence workload, along with functions
                                          protections on mariners’                 that must be performed by the crew in different operational cir-
                                          right to shore access                    cumstances. The resolution itself takes the form of guidance, but
                                          through terminal facilities.
                                                                                   the IMO has also amended SOLAS V, Regulation 14-Manning,
                                                                                   with mandatory language providing that administrations “shall
                                                                                   establish appropriate minimum safe manning following a trans-
                                                                                   parent procedure, taking into account the guidance in resolution
                                                                                       The IMO resolution, which is the product of years of pains-
                                                                                   taking effort on the part of MM&P Pilots Group Vice President
                                        Photo: SIU Communications
                                                                                   George Quick and others, including MM&P Chief of Staff Klaus
                                                                                   Luhta, contains a list of operational factors that influence work-

                                                                                   load and the associated functions that must be performed by
          M&P and two other U.S. maritime officers’ unions
                                                                                   the crew, with the proviso that a standardized task evaluation be
          have requested a meeting with Coast Guard officials to
                                                                                   used to establish safe manning levels. The new standard is actual
          discuss how the agency will conform U.S. regulations
                                                                                   operational manning, rather than theoretical bare minimum
to recent changes in the international requirements on what
                                                                                   manning as in the past. National administrations are then called
constitutes a safe manning level for each ship.
                                                                                   on to approve a company’s submission depending on whether
   “A sea change has taken place in the requirements on how
                                                                                   the manning levels proposed are in accordance with resolution
manning levels are to be determined,” the three officers’ unions
                                                                                   A.1047.27. The amendment to SOLAS V means national admin-
wrote in a Jan. 22 letter to Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Thomas.
                                                                                   istrations and companies are accountable for implementing the
“The international regulations are now in place to establish
                                                                                   guidelines: they must either comply or present reasoned justifi-
realistic manning levels for ships in international trade and level
                                                                                   cations for non-compliance.
the playing field between ship owners who have used unrealistic
                                                                                       Together, the three unions—MM&P, the Marine Engineers’
manning levels to gain competitive advantage at the expense of
                                                                                   Beneficial Association (MEBA) and the American Maritime
responsible ship owners and maritime safety.”
                                                                                   Officers (AMO)—represent the licensed deck and engineering
   The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the
                                                                                   officers on the vast majority of U.S.-flag ships covered by inter-
world have long struggled with the problems of undermanned
                                                                                   national regulations under the SOLAS Convention. The letter
ships, excessive workloads, fatigue and the resulting human
                                                                                   was signed by MM&P President Don Marcus, MEBA President
errors causing maritime casualties. New IMO guidelines make
                                                                                   Marshall Ainley and AMO President Paul Doell.

                        Cookout Aboard
                        Maersk Alabama
                         It was a sunny day when the officers and crew
                            of Maersk Alabama took a break from their
                         shipboard duties to partake in a cookout that
                        featured grilled shrimp and fresh fish. (Left to
                       right) Captain Larry Aasheim, Third Mate Earl
                        Gray Jr. and Chief Mate Jane Shelley. The ship
                            was on the way to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                                  - 4 -                              The Master, Mate & Pilot
Sen. Bernie Sanders Calls on U.S.
To Release Details “of Disastrous Trade Plan”
                                                                        Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has called out the Obama Administration
                                                                        on a proposed law that would give the president authority to “fast
                                                                        track” trade negotiations. The legislation would pave the way for pas-
                                                                        sage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP), the
                                                                        largest free trade agreement in history. It would encompass 12 nations
                                                                        that account for nearly 40 percent of the global economy.
                                                                           In a Jan. 5 letter to U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman,
                                                                        Sanders expressed concern that the text of the TPP had not been made
                                                                        public, despite the fact that “the leaders of the major corporate inter-
                                                                        ests who stand to gain enormous financial benefits from this agree-
                                                                        ment are actively involved in writing the TPP.”
                                                                           Sanders said the only parts of the proposed pact that have been
                                                                        made public have been released in the form of leaked documents, add-
                                                                        ing “I find what I read to be very troubling.”
                                                                           A number of labor unions including MM&P have spoken out
                                                                        against the TPP and similar trade agreements, including the CETA
                                                                        pact between Canada and the European Union, which would decimate
“It goes without saying that the American people and their elected
officials have a right to know what is in these trade agreements,” says Canada’s Merchant Navy by punching holes in our northern neigh-
Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders.                                bor’s version of the Jones Act.
                                                                           Like CETA, the TPP has broad economic and political implications
                                                                        for participating nations’ sovereignty, health care, environment and
security, among many other issues. “It goes without saying that the American people and their elected officials have a right to know
what is in this agreement before fast track is voted on,” Sanders says.
    The senator requested a copy of “the full composite bracketed text, without redactions, of the TPP,” along with permission for his
staff and experts of his choosing to be allowed access.
    He also asked the U.S. trade representative to explain “why you think it is appropriate that the representatives of the largest financial
institutions, pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, media conglomerates, and other major corporate interests not only have access
to some of these documents, but are also playing a major role in developing the key provisions in it,” while “the people who will suffer
the consequences of this treaty have been shut out of this process.”
    A spokesperson for the senator said on Jan. 30 that the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office had not yet responded to the letter.

Bill Introduced To Extend Export-Import Bank
Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher (Tenn.) and 57 of his Republican colleagues have introduced the Reform Exports and
Expand the American Economy Act (HR 597), legislation to reauthorize and reform the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
The bank’s mission is to create and sustain U.S. jobs by financing sales to international buyers of U.S. exports. The bank is chartered
by Congress as a government corporation. It was last chartered for a three-year term in 2012. In September of last year, its term was
extended through June 30, 2015.
   Fincher has said his legislation would make the Export-Import Bank “more accountable and transparent, while requiring the bank
to be more solvent and self-sufficient.” The bill would extend until Sept. 30, 2019 the bank’s authority to operate. It would also limit, to
$130 billion, the bank’s aggregate loan, guarantee and insurance exposure.
   By financing the export of American goods and services from companies throughout the United States, the Export-Import Bank
helped to facilitate more than $37 billion in export sales in Fiscal Year 2013, which in turn supported more than 200,000 American jobs.
A percentage of the commodities exported through Ex-Im Bank financing must be shipped on U.S.-flag vessels, providing a significant
source of cargo for the U.S.-flag fleet. For this reason, the bank’s financing activities support not only American jobs in a wide range of
manufacturing industries but also American jobs in the domestic transportation, port and U.S.-flag shipping industries.

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                            - 5 -                               Januar y - Februar y 2015
Crowley Maritime Joins MATES Training Program
                                                                                The MM&P maritime school, MITAGS-PMI, will
                                                                                provide one-stop training, upgrade and certification
                                                                                services for licensed deck officers at Crowley Maritime
                                                                                Corp. who belong to the union’s United Inland Group.
                                                                                The program has been made possible by the fact that
                                                                                long-time MM&P employer Crowley is now a member
                                                                                of the Maritime Advancement, Training, Education &
                                                                                Safety (MATES) training fund, which was established in
                                                                                1968 by MM&P and its contracted employers.
                                                                                    “MM&P is gratified that our forward-looking
                                                                                employer Crowley has decided to formally become
                                                                                a member of the MATES Program,” said MM&P
                                                                                President Don Marcus. “It has long been the goal of
                                                                                United Inland Group Vice President Mike Murray and
                                                                                MM&P to bring the highest quality training to our
                                                                                Inland Sector members. We thank Crowley for making
                                                                                the commitment to our professional workforce.”
   The new program assures compliance with all deck officer regulatory training requirements.
   “We are pleased to welcome Crowley as the newest member company of MATES and look forward to satisfying its continuing
education and training requirements,” said MITAGS-PMI Executive Director Glen Paine. “The MATES program has many benefits for
Crowley, including consistency and quality of training and a significant reduction in costs.”
   Jacksonville-based Crowley Maritime is a privately held family- and employee-owned company. It provides project solutions
and energy and logistics services in domestic and international markets through six lines of business: Puerto Rico/Caribbean Liner
Services, Latin America Liner Services, Logistics Services, Petroleum Services, Marine Services and Technical Services.

Administration’s Budget Reaffirms Support
for Maritime Security Program
The Administration’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget proposal calls on                 and supplies necessary to support America’s troops. More than
Congress to appropriate $186 million for the Maritime Security                 90 percent of the supplies and equipment required to support
Program (MSP), the amount authorized by Congress to fully                      America’s operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have been trans-
fund the program. The $186 million will ensure the contin-                     ported by privately owned U.S.-flag vessels and their civilian U.S.
ued operation of the maritime security fleet, comprised of 60                  citizen crews.
privately owned, militarily useful U.S.-flag commercial vessels                    The companies that participate in the program provide DOD
crewed by American mariners.                                                   with U.S.-flag and U.S.-crewed vessels as well as access to their
    As stated by the Administration, “The purpose of the                       own worldwide logistics networks. The U.S. Transportation
[Maritime Security] Program is to establish and sustain a fleet                Command has estimated that it would cost the U.S. government
of active ships that are privately owned, commercially viable
                                                                               $52 billion to replicate the global intermodal system made avail-
and militarily useful to meet national defense and other emer-
                                                                               able to DOD by MSP participants.
gency sealift requirements. Participating operators are required
                                                                                   “The U.S.-flag fleet is critical to our military in ensur-
to make their ships and commercial transportation resources
available upon request by the Secretary of Defense during times                ing readiness and sustainment,” says Congressman Duncan
of war or national emergency. Commercial transportation                        Hunter (R-Calif.), chairman of the Coast Guard and Maritime
resources include ships, logistics management services, port ter-              Transportation Subcommittee and a member of the House
minal facilities and U.S. citizen merchant mariners to crew both               Armed Services Committee and its Seapower Subcommittee.
commercial and government-owned merchant ships.”                               “DOD for well over a decade has relied on MSP-enrolled ves-
    MSP is a critical component of America’s sealift readiness:                sels for sealift of necessary cargo into conflicts in Iraq and
it guarantees that the Department of Defense (DOD) has the                     Afghanistan as well as other troubled areas, at a fraction of what
U.S.-flag commercial sealift capability it needs to fulfill its mis-           it would cost to replicate that sealift if it had to build its own
sions around the world and to deliver the material, equipment                  vessels.”

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                              - 6 -                              The Master, Mate & Pilot
Green Bay Flagged Out, Ocean Globe Flagged In
               MM&P members aboard MV Green Bay
           (left to right): Captain William Boyce, Chief
            Mate Homer McGee, MM&P International
       Secretary-Treasurer Steve Werse, Atlantic Ports
           Vice President Don Josberger, Central Gulf
         Waterman Vice President Bob Chambers and
        Captain Tom Bagan. The ship was flagged-out
                                        on Dec. 29, 2014.

                                                                    MV Ocean Globe in Jacksonville, Fla. The vessel has
                                                                    been assigned the Maritime Security Program (MSP)
                                                                    slot formerly allocated to the Green Bay. It is owned
                                                                    by Intermarine, managed by Crowley and manned by

     Greetings From
    the Matson Ship

    While in the Port of Oakland in December, the
    officers aboard Matson’s MahiMahi received a
     visit from MM&P Coast Agent Jeremy Hope.
      (Left to right) Third Mate J.A. Hobson, Chief
     Mate Tim Smith, Hope, Captain Frank Reed,
         off going Chief Mate Roland Hobson and
                        Second Mate Gavin Hughes.

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                    - 7 -                 Januar y - Februar y 2015
Interview With MM&P Government Crewing Coordinator
Robert Chiesa
Where were you born and where did you
grow up?
I was born and raised in New York City on the Lower East Side,
better known as Greenwich Village. I’m a product of Catholic
grammar and high schools. In 1958, I joined the Navy to see the
world. I was trained by the Navy as a radio operator. After radio
school in Norfolk, I moved to Beach Jumper Unit 2 in Little
Creek, Va. Beach Jumper units were tasked with tactical cover
and deception. I spent nine months working aboard a destroyer
in a communications hut. After an honorable discharge from
the Navy in 1963, I worked for the railroads as a telegraph

Describe your early years in the maritime
                                                                                      Robert Chiesa came onboard as MM&P’s
I started out in the maritime industry in New York with Clipper
                                                                                    government crewing director in October 2013.
Marine, then with International Admiralty Marine and later
with Avon Steamship. I worked first as a teletype operator and a
mail clerk. I climbed the ladder to become paymaster.

Where did you spend the bulk of your career?                                Describe your current job.
In 1979, I finally came to rest on the doorstep of Waterman                 My wife Lucy and I both retired from ISC in 2006 and
Steamship Corporation’s New York office. I found a home and                 moved to Mobile, Ala. In October 2013, I was brought
there I stayed as personnel manager and assistant to the director           onboard at MM&P as government crewing coordinator. I
of labor relations. International Shipholding Corporation (ISC)             work with Gulf Ports Vice President Wayne Farthing and
purchased Waterman in 1989 and I was one of two offered                     MM&P headquarters in the management and tracking
employment in New Orleans. I accepted the job and stayed with               of personnel for the government contracts recently
the company for a total of 27 years.                                        awarded to Patriot Contract Services. In my 40 years in
    In New Orleans, I worked as manager of marine personnel,                the industry, I’ve worked with every union out there but
supervising crewing and payroll for 13 American-flag vessels                working for MM&P management and its members is the
with 270 crewmembers. They had a total of seven different                   best job I ever had.
labor union affiliations. The 13-ship fleet included:                           Members looking for employment aboard the ships
    •		 three TAK-class 3005s operated by Waterman for Military             see the job and make the first inquiry at the union hall.
        Sealift Command (MSC) Prepositioning Ship Squadron                  I take it from there. If the company lets me know in
        One;                                                                advance that a member is coming to Mobile, I can hook
    •		 the T-AK 9655 MV Green Ridge, used to preposition a                 up with them and bring them over to the house for a
        500-bed U.S. Navy fleet hospital in the Indian Ocean;               home-cooked meal or at least a cup of coffee. It’s the best
    •		 her sister ship, the T-AK 2050 MV Green Wave, used to               way to get to know someone.
        supply areas of Greenland and Antarctica for the Navy
        and the Air Force. I also directly supervised the TAK               What do you do in your free time?
        2049 Green Valley and her four sister LASH ships in                 My hobby is shooting—not hunting. I enjoy pistol and
        Diego Garcia for the Combat Prepositioning Force. The               rifle target shooting. The weather down here is perfect
        LASH ships provided quick-response delivery of U.S.                 for it.
        Army equipment for ground troops.

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                           - 8 -                                The Master, Mate & Pilot
Know Your Legal Rights and Obligations
                     In the Event of a Maritime Casualty
   Risks in the maritime environment are on the rise as                    voyage records (more on this below) and to report a
   regulatory burdens increase, shipping lanes become more                 serious accident as soon as possible, a mariner has the
   crowded and economic pressures lead to tighter deadlines                right to decline to speak further with the Coast Guard
   and manning levels that create heavier workloads. The                   until the arrival of counsel. This right also applies to any
   beginning of a new year is a good opportunity to review                 other investigating agency, be it state or federal (although
   the mariner’s rights and obligations in the event of a                  local counsel may have additional guidance regarding the
   maritime casualty that takes place under U.S. jurisdiction.             procedures of a particular state).
   This article is intended as a guideline only for legal rights               A mariner involved in an accident has the right to
   and responsibilities provided under U.S. law. Seek legal                remain silent in any matter that could subject him or her
   counsel immediately after an incident and remember                      to criminal prosecution. (And it should be assumed that
   your rights. It is also recommended that officers in senior             if an accident results in oil in the water, it may lead to
   positions invest in license insurance.                                  criminal prosecution.) If immunity is offered, a mariner
                                                                           has the right to confer with counsel prior to accepting the
                                                                           offer. This applies to any investigation by the Coast Guard
          Two basic legal rights—the right to                              or by any federal, state or local agency. Upon request of
                                                                           the Coast Guard, voyage records (charts, logs, printouts,
     counsel and the right to remain silent—
                                                                           manifests, oil record book, etc.) must be produced without
          assume paramount importance.                                     delay, even if counsel is not present. There is, however,
                                                                           no requirement that one discuss, interpret or explain any
                                                                           record until counsel is present.
       In the maritime world as in other industries, many                      Any incident involving death, serious injury, property
   incidents are minor and do not have legal consequences. In              loss, loss of seaworthiness or harm to the environment
   more serious cases, it is important to keep in mind that the            must be reported as soon as practical. Likewise, there is an
   course the proceedings will take is often established at the            obligation to provide the Coast Guard with information
   earliest stages, in the moments in which initial statements             relating to the immediate safety of persons, property or the
   are made to the authorities at the accident scene. Here,                environment, even if counsel is not present.
   the old maxim “Silence is golden” takes on renewed                          Within five days of the casualty, the owner, agent,
   significance: it is important to emphasize that statements              master, operator or person in charge must prepare a CG
   that may seem innocent can be interpreted very differently              Form 2692 and forward it to the Coast Guard’s Office of
   by the authorities.                                                     Marine Safety. This required form is usually prepared with
       Two basic legal rights—the right to counsel and the                 advice of counsel.
   right to remain silent—assume paramount importance.                         Union members should contact their union as soon as
   A mariner involved in an accident has the right to be                   possible after an accident occurs. It is also important to
   represented by counsel in any matter, civil or criminal,                note that company counsel is primarily representing the
   at any stage of the investigation. Except for obligations               company’s interest. U.S. law guarantees the mariner the
   to provide immediate safety information, to produce                     right to be represented by his or her own counsel.

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                           - 9 -                              Januar y - Februar y 2015
Watch Officers, Day Workers and Instructors
Needed for SUNY Summer Sea Term                                                                                   Photos by Kristen Randolph.

The State University of New York Maritime College is looking for watch
officers, day workers and instructors for this year’s summer training cruise
aboard the TS Empire State. Employment on the summer training cruise
offers an opportunity to assist with the at-sea, practical training of the mari-
ners of tomorrow, as well as to participate in a great itinerary. Salary com-
mensurate with license, certification and experience.
   MM&P has a labor referral agreement with SUNY that allows active
members to extend their MM&P medical coverage and MITAGS training
benefits. MM&P pensioners are allowed employment for the summer sea
term under our Pension Plan Rules. For questions on this program, please
contact J. Lars Turner, MM&P National Director of Collective Bargaining,
   The overall training sea term will begin May 4 and end Aug. 12. You may
apply and be considered for one of the following options: Cruise A (antici-
pated May 4-June 24); Cruise B (anticipated June 24-Aug. 12); Full Cruise
(May 4-Aug. 12). Naval orders can be issued for MMR Officers.
   Requirements: senior licenses preferred and recent sea experience
required along with medical clearances.
   For more information or to apply, contact: Joann Sprague, office man-
ager,, (718) 409-7352 and/or Captain Richard S.
Smith, master of TS Empire State,, (718) 409-7350.

                                                                                        Howard Wyche.

   Cadet learning how to take bearings measurements with Lars Turner.      Homer McGee with cadets.

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                               - 10 -                          The Master, Mate & Pilot
A group of cadets learning the anchoring system with Mike Kemetz.

  Cadet learning about time, speed and distance with Lars Turner.

                                                Lars Turner and Dave Ryan.

Bipartisan Legislation
Recognizes Role of World War II Merchant Mariners
Legislation introduced in the House of Representatives by Democrat Janice Hahn (Calif.) and Republican John Duncan (Tenn.) would
provide long overdue recognition for American merchant mariners who served our nation during World War II. The Honoring Our
World War II Merchant Mariners Act of 2015 (HR 563), directs the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish the
Merchant Mariner Equity Compensation Fund to provide benefits to certain individuals who served in the U.S. merchant marine dur-
ing World War II.
   “Hundreds of ships and thousands of men were lost to enemy submarines and aircraft while ferrying supplies to Western Europe
and even Russia during the war,” Hahn says. “Unfortunately, those who served this nation so valiantly were not eligible for the assis-
tance under the G.I. Bill that helped millions of veterans go to college, secure a home and transition into civilian life. The fact that we
did not provide similar benefits to the merchant mariners who risked their lives for this country is simply unfathomable.”
   Hahn says the bill she and Duncan introduced would rectify the inequity by providing a one-time benefit of $25,000 to the 5,000
surviving World War II mariners. “By providing this modest benefit,” she said, “we will finally be giving our brave merchant mariners
the recognition they rightfully deserve.”

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                              - 11 -                                  Januar y - Februar y 2015
Masters, Mates & Pilots Plans
                                   Administrator’s Column
                                                     Patrick McCullough

Board of Trustees Meetings                                                            mailed these forms to participants along with the
                                                                                      notice informing the participants of the annual
The first meetings of the Board of Trustees this
                                                                                      open enrollment. If you would like to review
year were held Jan. 27-29. This article summarizes
                                                                                      PDF copies of these forms, they have been posted
some of the actions taken by the Trustees.
                                                                                      on the MM&P website. From the home page,
                                                                            , please click on the “MM&P
Health & Benefit Plan                                                                 Plans” button, and then on the button that reads
Open Enrollment for Coverage                                                          “H&B Forms.” The Summary of Benefits and
Effective Jan. 1, 2015                                                                Coverage form is listed after the Summary Plan
The Trustees received the Administrator’s report
that during the annual open enrollment period from November
to December 2014, the Plan received new requests for cover-             Pilot Stop-Loss Coverage
age for two Pilots and their dependents as well as an additional
                                                                        Since 1999, the pilots have purchased stop-loss insurance to pro-
42 dependents of members of the Offshore and United Inland
                                                                        vide protection against catastrophic or unexpected large health
Group already covered under the Plan.
                                                                        benefit claims that could have a negative impact on the cost of
Medicare Part D Update                                                  their health coverage. This insurance coverage has helped stabi-
                                                                        lize claim costs and experience for the pilot groups participating
Since 2006, the Health & Benefit Plan has applied for and               in the Plan.
received a subsidy for a percentage of the prescription drug                The policy year for this insurance is April 1 through March
costs incurred by Medicare-eligible Offshore pensioners and             31. Under the stop-loss policy, the insurance company assumes
dependents. Each year, the Plan must file an application for            the risk of losses that exceed certain limits, called “deductibles.”
the subsidy with the Center for Medicare Services (CMS). The            The deductible that the pilot groups have purchased is set at
subsidy is equal to approximately 28 percent of the cost of the         $125,000 per individual.
prescription drug benefit. For calendar year 2015, the Plan’s               Under the policy, the carrier reimburses the Plan for all
application to receive the subsidy has been approved. In 2014,          payments made by the Health & Benefit Plan on an individual’s
the Plan expects to receive approximately $924,000 in subsidies,        behalf above $125,000, provided the Plan makes these claim
which have helped defray the costs of providing this benefit to         payments during the policy year (April 1 through March 31).
our retirees.                                                           The Plan is required to report to the insurance carrier all
   The MM&P Plan’s prescription drug program has been                   individuals who have had incurred and paid claims of at least
and continues to be comparable to the coverage offered by the           $40,000 in the current policy period.
Medicare Part D Program. In September 2014, we sent members                 The Board of Trustees at its January 2015 meeting authorized
the required annual notice that explains that the Plan’s prescrip-      the Chairman and the Secretary, in consultation with the Pilot
tion coverage is “creditable” for 2015. For 2015, all Participants      Representatives, to approve renewal of this insurance coverage
have such creditable coverage.                                          effective April 1, once the renewal proposal has been received
                                                                        and analyzed.
Pensioners’ Continuation of Coverage
The Trustees agreed, in principle, to extend the Continuation of        Pension Plan
Coverage Program until the earlier of termination of a partici-
pant’s coverage or June 30, 2016. The Trustees have had this            Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014
program in place since 1985. The Trustees requested that a Plan         As many of you have read in the newspaper, a new law was
amendment be drafted for their review at the next meeting.              enacted last month called the Multiemployer Pension Reform
                                                                        Act, otherwise known as “MPRA.” The new law is aimed at
Summary of Benefits and Coverage Form                                   multiemployer plans in serious financial trouble that have been
As required by law, the Plan has updated the Summary of                 designated as being in the “red” zone. The MM&P Pension Plan
Benefits and Coverage form for the Plan year 2015. The Plan             is in the “green” zone and is not affected by the provisions of

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                          - 12 -                           The Master, Mate & Pilot
MPRA allows a multiemployer pension plan to suspend                              start and that the Participant is 3 years older than the
benefits, either temporarily or permanently, if it is in the red                 Spouse.
zone and is projected to become insolvent within 14 years (19
years if two-thirds or more of the participants are inactive).          2)   Article VII (Miscellaneous), Section 7.05 (Termination)
The circumstances under which a plan can suspend benefits                    shall be amended to read as follows:
are highly regulated. For example, suspensions are allowed only
if they are projected to enable the plan to avoid insolvency.                Section 7.05 Termination
Unless a plan’s insolvency would result in $1 billion or more of
liability to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC),             (a) How the Plan May Terminate. The Plan will terminate
if a Board of Trustees proposes to suspend benefits, the proposal             if either —
must be submitted to a vote of participants and cannot go into          		    (i) every Contributing Employer withdraws from the
effect if a majority of participants vote to reject suspension. Even                Plan (“Termination by Mass Withdrawal”); or
then, there are limitations on what benefits can be suspended.
The law also gives very financially troubled plans other                		       (ii) the Plan is amended to cease the crediting of ser-
procedural tools to use in an attempt to avoid insolvency.                            vice for all purposes under the Plan or to convert
    Again, given the MM&P Pension Plan’s “green” status, these                        it into a plan described in Section 4021(b)(1) of
provisions do not apply to it. The only change that does apply to                     ERISA (“Termination by Plan Amendment”).
the Plan is an increase in the premium paid per participant to
the PBGC from $13 a year to $26 a year.                                      (b) Effect of Termination by Mass Withdrawal. In the
                                                                                 event of its Termination by Mass Withdrawal, the
Annual Verification of Pensioner Benefits                                        Plan shall operate in accordance with the following
To safeguard pension benefits for all participants and their                     requirements:
qualified spouses, as they have over the past few years, the
Trustees require all pensioners to verify on an annual basis that       		       (i) The Plan may pay only benefits that were nonfor-
they have received all pension benefits for the previous year. The                   feitable, within the meaning of Section 4001(a)
annual verification of pensioner benefits form must be nota-                         (8) of ERISA, prior to plan termination, except for
rized and returned to the Plan Office. If the pensioner resides                      preretirement survivor benefits payable to Spouses
in a city with an MM&P Port Office, the MM&P Port Official                           and other benefits whose payment is authorized
can sign the form instead of a notary. If you have any questions,                    by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
please contact the Plan Office benefit advisor at 410-850-8625 or
410-850-8636.                                                           		       (ii) No benefit may be paid in the form of a single-
                                                                                      sum distribution unless its value is $1,750 or less.
Plan Amendments
                                                                        		       (iii) If, as of the beginning of any Plan Year, the
The following Plan amendments were adopted by the Board of
                                                                                       Trustees determine that the value of the Plan’s
Trustees at the January 27-29, 2015 meetings.
                                                                                       nonforfeitable benefits exceeds the value of its
                                                                                       assets, the Plan must be amended to eliminate
               AMENDMENT NO. 15 TO THE                                                 benefits prospectively to the extent necessary to
                 M.M.&P. PENSION PLAN                                                  eliminate the deficiency, except for benefits that
             THIRD RESTATED REGULATIONS                                                are of types eligible for guarantee by the Pension
                                                                                       Benefit Guaranty Corporation or that were in
1)   Article VI (Applications, Benefit Payments and                                    effect as of March 26, 1980.
     Retirement), Section 6.07(c)(iii)(B) (Commencement of
     Benefits) shall be amended to read as follows, effective as of     		       (iv) If, as of the beginning of any Plan Year and after
     June 26, 2013:                                                                   the reductions required by Paragraph (iii), the
                                                                                      Trustees determine that the Plan will be unable to
     (B) In any other case, in the form of a 50% Participant and                      pay all benefits when due during the year, benefits
         Spouse Pension. If the Plan does not have information                        must be reduced to the level guaranteed by the
         regarding the Participant’s marital status and the age of                    Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
         his Spouse, the amount of the Pension will be calcu-
         lated on the assumption that the Participant is and has        		       (v) The Trustees may liquidate the Trust and close
         been married for at least one year by the date payments                     out the Plan by purchasing insurance company

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                           - 13 -                           Januar y - Februar y 2015
Masters, Mates & Pilots Plans
              annuity contracts to provide all nonforfeitable                          AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE
              benefits. If the Plan’s assets exceed the amount                         MASTERS, MATES & PILOTS
              needed to provide all nonforfeitable benefits, the                 ADJUSTABLE PENSION PLAN REGULATIONS
              excess must be used to provide benefits that were
              forfeitable prior to Plan termination or to increase         Article IV (Eligibility for Pension Benefits), Section 4.01
              Participants’ nonforfeitable benefits. No Plan            (Regular Pension) shall be amended effective January 1, 2015 by
              assets may revert to any Employer.                        amending the section to read as follows:

     (c) Effect of Termination by Plan Amendment.                       4.01.       REGULAR PENSION. A Participant who has at least
         Following a Termination by Plan Amendment, all                             20 years of Pension Credit shall be entitled to retire
         benefits accrued up to the date of the termination will                    on a Regular Pension, determined in accordance with
         continue to be provided in accordance with the terms                       whichever of Subsection A, B, C, D, or E provides the
         of the Plan. If the Plan has been amended to elimi-                        greatest benefit:
         nate the crediting of service for all purposes under the
         Plan, no Employee will in the future become eligible to                A. If, as of his Annuity Starting Date, he has attained the
         participate in the Plan, become vested in benefits that                   minimum age of 55, his Regular Pension shall be deter-
         were not vested at the time of the termination (other                     mined in accordance with Section 5.01.
         than benefits that become vested by virtue of attain-
         ing Normal Retirement Age) or accrue any additional                    B. If, as of the close of the last year in which he earned
         benefits. If the Plan is converted into a plan described                  Pension Credit, his age plus his years of Pension Credit
         in Section 4021(b)(1) of ERISA, all benefit accruals will                 totaled at least 70, his Regular Pension shall be deter-
         cease except for future accruals under the converted                      mined in accordance with Section 5.01.
                                                                                C. If, as of his Annuity Starting Date, he has been con-
     (d) Partial Termination. If the Plan has a partial termina-                   tinuously available for Covered Employment or
         tion, within the meaning of Section 411(d)(3) of the                      employment aboard any vessel covered by a collective
         Internal Revenue Code, the benefits of all affected                       bargaining agreement with or manned by personnel
         Participants will become fully (100%) vested to the                       represented by Membership Groups affiliated with the
         extent that they are then funded.                                         Organization (or would have been continuously avail-
                                                                                   able for Covered Employment or such other employ-
3)   Article VII (Miscellaneous), Section 7.07 (Merger) shall be                   ment described here but for the fact that he was unable
     amended to read as follows:                                                   to sail under his license solely on account of temporary
                                                                                   or permanent disability, as determined by the United
     Section 7.07 Merger                                                           States Coast Guard) since the last year in which he
    The Trustees shall not consent to, or be a party to, any                       earned Pension Credit and satisfies the requirement
merger or consolidation with another plan, or to a transfer of                     of Subsection B as of his Annuity Starting Date, his
assets or liabilities to another plan, unless each Participant’s or                Regular Pension shall be determined in accordance
Beneficiary’s accrued benefit immediately after the effective date                 with Section 5.01.
of the merger, consolidation, or transfer is equal to or greater
than the Participant’s or Beneficiary’s accrued benefit immedi-                 D. If he does not satisfy the conditions of Subsection A,
ately before the effective date.                                                   B or C but does satisfy the requirement of Subsection
                                                                                   B as of his Annuity Starting Date, his Regular Pension
                                                                                   shall be determined under Section 5.01, but without
                                                                                   taking into account any years of Pension Credit earned
                                                                                   after December 31, 2014.

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                          - 14 -                             The Master, Mate & Pilot
E. A Participant who has at least 20 years of Pension                       (ii) In any other case, in the form of a 50% Participant and
        Credit, but does not otherwise satisfy the require-                           Spouse Pension. If the Plan does not have information
        ment in Subsection A, B, C or D of this Section shall                         regarding the Participant’s marital status and the age of
        nevertheless be entitled to a Regular Pension, deter-                         his Spouse, the amount of the Pension will be calcu-
        mined in accordance with Section 5.01 but reduced to                          lated on the assumption that the Participant is and has
        reflect the period between his Annuity Starting Date                          been married for at least one year by the date payments
        and the earliest date on which the Participant would                          start and that the Participant is 3 years older than the
        have satisfied the requirement in Subsection A or B of                        Spouse.
        this Section had the Participant continued in Covered
        Employment and earned one year of Pension Credit in                            DRAFT AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE
        each future Plan Year, but without taking into account                 M.M.&P. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT PLAN
        any years of Pension Credit earned after December 31,
        2014. The Actuarial Equivalent factors used for this                           FOURTH RESTATED REGULATIONS
        reduction shall be based on an interest rate of 7.5% and
        the RP-2000 Combined Healthy Mortality Table (100%                1)    Article I (Definitions), Section 1.11 (Retirement) is amended
        Male) with Blue Collar Adjustment.                                      by adding the following new paragraph at the end of that
                                                                                section to read as follows:
            AMENDMENT NO. 15 TO THE
 M.M.&P. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT PLAN                               		         “Effective October 1, 2014, for purposes of the pay-
                                                                                     ment of his Accumulated Share under Sections 6.03(a)
          THIRD RESTATED REGULATIONS                                                 or 6.03(c), an Active or Inactive Participant shall
1)   Article VI (Payment of Benefits and Eligibility), Section                       be treated as retired under the first sentence of this
     6.09(c)(ii) (Mandatory Commencement of Benefits) shall                          Section if he transfers to a position in another mem-
     be amended to read as follows, effective as of June 26, 2013:                   bership group in the Organization that is not Covered
                                                                                     Employment even if he is working aboard a vessel.”

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                             - 15 -                            Januar y - Februar y 2015
MITAGS instructor Chris Edyvean with MM&P members who sail on the Great Lakes for Grand River Navigation Company. The four
are taking the month-long License Advancement (LAP) course and will sit for their original Third Mate licenses. Mark Walrath and
Jeffrey Hostutler work aboard the MV Manistee; Ryan Bright and Dan Manning work aboard the MV Manitowoc.

    (Left to right) Chris Edyvean, Ryan Bright, Mark Walrath, Jeffrey
    Hostutler, Dan Manning.

                                                                                                          photos by Donna McCormick

Januar y - Februar y 2015                                               - 16 -               The Master, Mate & Pilot
Directory of MM&P Offices
  International Headquarters   Communications                        Atlantic Maritime Group       Randi Ciszewski
700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B    Lisa Rosenthal                   Ron Tucker                         U.S. Navy Civil Service
Linthicum Heights,             Communications Director          Vice President                     Pilots Representative
MD 21090-1953                  410-691-8146                     552 Bay Street                     Executive Office
Phone: 410-850-8700            communications@                  Staten Island, NY 10304            MM&P Headquarters
Fax: 410-850-0973                       Phone: 718-727-5628                700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B                                            Fax: 718-727-0043                  Linthicum, MD 21090-1953             Legal Department                    Office: 732-527-0828
                                                                                                   Cell: 202-679-7594
                               Gabriel Terrasa                                                     Fax: 732-527-0829
     International Officers    International Counsel            (for official mail)
                                                                35 Journal Square, Suite 912
Donald J. Marcus               410-691-8148
                               Jersey City, NJ 07306-4103
                                                                Fax: 201-963-5403
410-850-8700 ext. 121                                                                               Offshore Membership Group       LMSR Contact                     Mike Riordan
                                                                                                   David H. Boatner
Steven E. Werse                Robert P. Chiesa                                                    Vice President-Pacific Ports
                                                                Phone: 718-727-5685
Secretary-Treasurer            Government Crewing                                                  Wayne Farthing
410-850-8700 ext. 116          Coordinator                                                         Vice President-Gulf Ports       443-784-8788                     Paul Roura
                                Delegate                           Don F. Josberger
Executive Offices                                               Phone: 718-727-5648                Vice President-Atlantic Ports
                               Press Contact          
George Quick                                                                                       Boston
Vice President                 Klaus Luhta                      Rich Russo
Pilot Membership Group         Chief of Staff                   City Representative                Dan Cartmill
410-691-8144                   410-691-8139                     Phone: 718-727-2098                Ron Colpus                Representatives
                                                                                                   Marine Industrial Park
Klaus Luhta
                                                                                                   12 Channel St., Suite 606-A
Chief of Staff                                                         Federal Employees
                                  MM&P Health & Benefit,                                           Boston, MA 02210-2333
410-691-8139                                                           Membership Group
                                   Vacation, Pension, JEC                                          Phone: 617-671-0769
                                       and IRA Plans            Randall H. Rockwood                Fax: 617-261-2334
Frank Scopelliti                                                Vice President           
International Comptroller      Patrick McCullough               Executive Office
410-691-8134                   Administrator                    MM&P Headquarters                  Charleston     MM&P Plans                       700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B
                               700 Maritime Blvd. — Suite A                                        Allexis Underwood
Diane Chatham                                                   Linthicum, MD 21090-1953           Representative
Executive Administrator        Linthicum Heights, MD  
                               21090-1996                                                          1529 Sam Rittenberg Blvd.
410-691-8131                                                    410-691-8131                       Suite 1B        Phone: 410-850-8500
                               Fax: 410-850-8655                Randi Ciszewski                    Charleston, SC 29407
J. Lars Turner                 Toll-Free: 1-877-667-5522        Representative                     Phone: 843-766-3565
National Director of          Executive Office                   Fax: 843-766-6352
Collective Bargaining          Hours: Monday — Friday           MM&P Headquarters        
206-441-8700                   8:30 AM — 4:30 PM ET             700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B                                          Linthicum, MD 21090-1953           Honolulu
Roger Lash                                                      Office: 732-527-0828               Randy Swindell
International Representative                                    Cell: 202-679-7594                 Representative
410-691-8142                                                    Fax: 732-527-0829                  521 Ala Moana Blvd., Ste 254                                            Honolulu, HI 96813
                                                                                                   Phone: 808-523-8183
                                                                                                   Fax: 808-538-3672

The Master, Mate & Pilot                                    - 17 -                             Januar y - Februar y 2015
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