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LouisianaEngineer & Surveyor November 2017 – Vol. 20 No. 4 Journal Louisiana Engineering Foundation Presidents 1979-1984: Vincent Forte, PE 1985-1987: A. J. Szabo, PE 1988-1990: James Meyer, PE 1991-1993: Robert Blanche, PE 1993-1995: Charles Eustis, PE 1995-1999: Waldemar Nelson, PE 1999-2001: Bobby Price, PE 2001-2003: James Bowie, PE 2003-2005: Ann Trappey, PE 2006-2008: Lloyd Hoover, PE 2008-2014: Chris Richard, PE 2014-2016: Alan Krouse, PE 2016 to Present: John Plaisance, PE INSIDE THIS ISSUE: LAPELS LES ACEC/L Message from JESC Message from the the Chairman Page 3 Registration Page 17 Executive Director Page 22 August 2017 Vol. 20 No. 3
LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL November 2017 Vol. 20 No. 4 The Louisiana Engineer & Surveyor Journal (ISSN: 15275965, USPS 588-360) 9643 Brookline, Suite 116 Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Louisiana Engineering Society This is the official publication of the Louisiana Engineering Society, the Louisiana Professional 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 116, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Engineering and Land Surveying Board, and the Phone: (225) 924-2021 Fax: (225) 924-2049 American Council of Engineering Companies of LES Louisiana. E-mail: This magazine is published quarterly. “PERIODICALS Website: POSTAGE PAID at Baton Rouge, LA.” ENGINEERING COMPANIES OF LA POSTMASTER–Please send address changes to: The Louisiana Engineer & Surveyor Journal 9643 Brookline Ave., Suite 116, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 AMERICAN COUNCIL OF Telephone: (225) 924-2021, Fax: (225) 924-2049 LES ADVERTISING RATES American Council of Engineering COST PER COST PER Companies of Louisiana SIZE Full Page Inside ISSUE $1,200 YEAR $3,840 ACEC/L 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Full Page Back Cover $1,500 $4,800 Phone: (225) 927-7704 Fax: (225) 927-7779 1/2 Page $700 $2,240 E-mail: 1/4 Page $420 $1,344 1) Prices quoted apply to camera-ready copy. A one- time charge will be added for composition of an ad, ENGINEERING art work, or if changes are made during the contact LAND SURVEYING BOARD period. 2) All ads must be prepaid. Advertisements with LAPELS LAANDPROFESSIONAL payment should be sent to LES by the 15th of the month preceding month of issue. Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board 3) Published quarterly, February, May, August and November. 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 121, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1488 Phone: (225) 925-6291 Fax: (225) 925-6292 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Website: Brenda Gajan, Managing Editor Dan Mobley, Associate Editor The Louisiana Engineering Society, the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made or necessarily concur with opinions expressed in the publication. 2 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
Message from the Chairman Terry Huval, P.E. As the newest Chair of the Louisiana Professional Engineer and new rules have had to Land Surveyors Board (LAPELS), it is a privilege to share some of be put in place to ad- my thoughts with the engineering and land surveying profession- dress activities by some als of our state. who chose to compro- mise our main role “to Quoting from the Louisiana Revised Statutes, the main role of LA- safeguard… the public Terry Huval, P.E. PELS is to do all it can “to safeguard life, health, and property and Chairman welfare”. More spe- to promote the public welfare”, specifically as it applies to engineer- cifically, because a very ing and land surveying. Sounds straight forward enough… small part of our profession has found ways to bend the rules, either for their own benefit or for the benefit of their clients, 1. From a macro perspective, our profession is a noble one. We our Board has had to remain vigilant to make the rules as pre- help create and maintain great communities. Every part of cise as possible to avoid such mischief. If the Board did not public and private infrastructure is a result of fundamental take such action, there would be harm to the public, in addi- and imaginative engineering talent. Ours is a profession that tion to tarnishing our profession. builds things to last and that improves the lives of people. I know that each one of you take pride of the outcome of your 4. We must always remember that the profit motive, while an work. It is that pride of a job well-done that is the driver of important part of our respective businesses, can never come good engineering and land surveying work. at the expense of “Safeguarding the Public Welfare”. Those who see it differently are setting themselves up to providing a 2. As professionals, we are trusted members in our communi- disservice to themselves, our profession and our overall soci- ties. Many people, in very differing walks of life, look to our ety. I, and the other members of the Board, ask each of you to opinions on matters that affect the community, as a whole. take these points in strong consideration as you exercise your Many of these matters may not involve much, if any, engi- role as a professional engineer and/or land surveyor. neering-related topics. Often, people trust the opinions of en- LAPELS ANDLA PROFESSIONAL gineers and land surveyors because engineering is strongly In closing, during my tenure on the Board, I have personally re- based on logical thinking. While members of our profession viewed a large number of applications for licensure where the ap- can choose to be more aggressive, and others are less aggres- plicants have taken pride in their respective engineering experi- sive, in their pursuits in their communities, there is no ques- ences. They are already spreading their wings to serve their com- tion that each can have an important role in the aspects of munities with a strong focus on their larger role “to safeguard life, community-life that they hold most dear. I encourage you to LAND SURVEYING BOARD health, and property and to promote the public welfare”. be aware of your responsibilities as a citizen and to try to do what is right for your community, no matter who benefits the I congratulate them, and all of you, as we all reach out for a better most. When we act in this way, we maximize our trustwor- future. ENGINEERING thiness in our community and in our profession. Sincerely, 3. In the administration of our Board responsibilities over the decades, initial “rules” were developed to guide the Board and Terry Huval, P.E. the profession. Consistent with the history of human nature, Board Members Alan D. Krouse, PE D. Scott Phillips, PE, PLS Board Staff Terry J. Huval, PE Donna D. Sentell Chairman Thomas R. Carroll, III, PE, PLS Executive Director David L. Patterson, PLS Charles G. Coyle, III, PLS Richard Savoie, PE Vice Chairman Jeffrey A. Pike, PE Deputy Executive Director Christopher P. Knotts, PE Christopher K. Richard, PE Tyson Ducote Treasurer Director of Enforcement Chad C. Vosburg, PE Paul N. Hale, PhD., PE William Hyatt Secretary Board Investigator LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • NOVEMBER 2017 3
Disciplinary and Enforcement Actions Tyson Ducote, Director of Enforcement The Board continues to investigate alleged violations of EJA Partners, L.L.C., a the laws and rules which regulate the practice of engi- professional engineering neering and land surveying in Louisiana. Substantiated firm (EF-4613), was sub- violations result in disciplinary or enforcement action ject to disciplinary action being taken either through a Consent Order or by Board by the Board for having Decision following a formal hearing at which the respon- a representative who (a) Tyson Ducote dent is adjudged guilty of one or more violations. Below is failed to seal and sign Director of Enforcement a summary of the disciplinary/enforcement actions taken engineering documents by the Board since the previous issue of the Journal. that have been issued by the licensee to a client or any SEALING VIOLATIONS: public or governmental agency as completed work in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6) Elmer Jones, P.E., a professional engineer (PE-17246), was and LAC Title 46:LXI§2701(A)(4)(a)(i), and (b) failed to place subject to disciplinary action by the Board for (a) failing the appropriate disclaimer on preliminary documents, to seal and sign engineering documents that have been along with the licensee’s name and license number, in issued by the licensee to a client or any public or govern- violation of La. R.S. 37:698(C), to wit La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6) mental agency as completed work in violation of La. R.S. and LAC Title 46:LXI§2701(A)(4)(b)(i). Elmer Jones, P.E. 37:698(A)(6), to wit LAC Title 46:LXI§2701(A)(4)(a)(i), and (b) was the supervising professional, owner, manager and failing to place the appropriate disclaimer on preliminary an employee of the firm. In 2015 the firm and Mr. Jones documents, along with the licensee's name and license prepared and provided to their client some preliminary number, in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to wit LAC engineering plans in connection with the construction Title 46:LXI§2701(A)(4)(b)(i). In 2015 Mr. Jones prepared of a shopping center in Louisiana which did not contain and provided to his client some preliminary engineering the requisite preliminary work disclaimer and Mr. Jones’ plans in connection with the construction of a shopping name and license number. In 2015 the firm and Mr. ENGINEERING Jones also prepared and provided to their client and a city LAND SURVEYING BOARD center in Louisiana which did not contain the requisite preliminary work disclaimer and his name and license permit department some completed engineering plans in number. In 2015 Mr. Jones also prepared and provided to connection with the same project which did not contain Mr. Jones’ Louisiana professional engineer seal and sig- LAPELS LAANDPROFESSIONAL his client and a city permit department some completed engineering plans in connection with the same project nature. The firm has entered into a Consent Order with the Board, wherein it admitted to the referenced viola- which did not contain his Louisiana professional engineer tions of the above laws/rules and agreed to pay a fine of seal and signature. Mr. Jones has entered into a Consent $1,000; to pay administrative costs of $1,995.34; to have Order with the Board, wherein he admitted to the refer- its supervising professional successfully complete the enced violations of the above laws/rules and agreed to pay Board’s online Louisiana Laws and Rules Quiz and online a fine of $1,000; to pay administrative costs of $1,995.34; Louisiana Professionalism and Ethics Quiz; to ensure that to successfully complete the Board’s online Louisiana its professional engineers place the appropriate disclaimer Laws and Rules Quiz; to successfully complete the Board’s on all preliminary documents, along with their name and online Louisiana Professionalism and Ethics Quiz; to license number; to ensure that its professional engineers place the appropriate disclaimer on all preliminary docu- seal and sign all engineering documents which they issue ments, along with his name and license number; to seal to a client or governmental agency as completed work and sign all engineering documents which he issues to a unless specifically exempted by applicable law or rule; and client or governmental agency as completed work unless to the publication of the Consent Order on the Board’s specifically exempted by applicable law or rule; and to the website, the printing of a summary of this matter by publication of the Consent Order on the Board’s website, name in this publication, and the reporting of this matter the printing of a summary of this matter by name in this by name to NCEES. publication, and the reporting of this matter by name to NCEES. 4 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
Christopher K. Richard, P.E., Appointed to LAPELS Board Governor Edwards has appointed Chris Richard, P.E., to the can Water Works Asso- Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying ciation. Board. Chris will serve a six-year term on the Board as a Professional Engineer representing Private Practice. Chris Chris is currently serving has thirty years of practice in the field of civil engineering, on the UL Alumni Council Christopher K. Richard, P.E. twenty-nine of which are in the field of private practice in Executive Board, and has consulting engineering. served his community through Our Lady of Fatima Church and School, as a volun- Chris was born in Houston, Texas, raised in Lafayette, Loui- teer at the church and for the Project Charlie program. He siana, and graduated from the University of Louisiana at La- also completed the Leadership Lafayette program, graduat- fayette, formerly the University of Southwestern Louisiana, ing in 2003. He serves as a mentor for the UL Civil Engi- in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineer- neering Senior Design class. ing. His father, Donald Richard, was a civil engineer with the firm of Domingue, Szabo, and Associates, Inc. (DSA), and Chris’s honors include the Outstanding Young Civil Engi- later became the President of that company. neer Award from the Louisiana Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1995, the F. Hugh Coughlin Chris began his career with the Louisiana Department of Award of Merit for Young Engineers from LES in 1998, the Transportation and Development, in the Road Design sec- Waldemar S. Nelson President’s Award from LES, which he tion in Baton Rouge. In 1988, he moved to Sarasota, Florida, received twice, and the Hixson/Price National Professional after accepting a position with Bishop and Associates con- Achievement Award from LES. He was named a Fellow of sulting engineering firm. He worked on water system proj- the National Society of Professional Engineers in 2012 LAPELS ANDLA PROFESSIONAL ects during his tenure there. In 1991, he was offered a posi- tion with DSA, where he was able to work with his father Chris and his wife, Susan (also a licensed professional engi- until his father’s retirement in 2007. Chris is a part owner neer), reside in Lafayette and have three daughters, Sarah, of DSA and serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief En- Brooke, and Andrea. Their daughter Sarah is a licensed gineer. Chris has extensive experience in water distribution professional civil engineer and works with her father and and treatment systems and wastewater collection and treat- mother at DSA. Their daughter Brooke is an emergency LAND SURVEYING BOARD ment systems, and serves as the engineer for the Lafayette room doctor residing with their son-in-law Alex in Baton Economic Development Authority and city engineer for the Rouge, and Andrea is studying psychology at their alma City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. He is a licensed Profes- mater, UL Lafayette. ENGINEERING sional Civil and Environmental Engineer in Louisiana and a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida. LAPELS visits with students at Louisiana Tech Chris has served the engineering profession in many capac- LAPELS board and staff members visited with ities over the decades. He served the Lafayette Chapter of engineering students on October 16. A jambalaya lunch, compliments of LAPELS and prepared by the Louisiana Engineering Society as President, and served emeritus board member, Richard Savoie, was enjoyed in all officer positions of the Louisiana Engineering Soci- by close to 400 engineering students. Mr. Savoie also ety (LES), culminating in his Presidency in 2005-2006. He made a presentation to senior engineering students on served as the President of the Louisiana Engineering Foun- the Importance of Licensure. For more information: dation from 2006-2008 and Lafayette Chapter President of ACEC/L. He holds memberships in the National Society of feeds-educates-tech-student-engineers-on-licensing/ Professional Engineers, the American Society of Civil Engi- Also, see pictures on page 6. neers, the Water Environment Federation and the Ameri- LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • NOVEMBER 2017 5
Chad C. Vosburg, P.E., Appointed to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board Governor John Bel Edwards has appointed Chad C. Vos- at LADOTD, Chad works burg to the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land closely with industry, Surveying Board. Chad will serve a six year term on the local, parish, state and Board as a Professional Engineer representing the Con- federal officials through- struction sector. Chad was hired by the LADOTD in 1993 out the Greater Baton and currently serves as District Administrator of District Rouge Area. Chad also Tyson Ducote 61 which includes the nine parish area in the Capital serves as Vice President Director of Enforcement region. of the False River Water- Chad is a lifelong resident of New Roads, Louisiana located works Corporation. in Pointe Coupee Parish. After graduating from Catholic High School of Pointe Coupee in 1988, he attended Louisi- Chad and his wife Jennifer have 2 children, Justin and ana State University finishing with a BS in Civil Engineer- Anna. He is a lifelong member of St. Mary’s Catholic ing. Throughout his career with DOTD, Chad has worked Church in New Roads. Chad enjoys hunting and fishing, on a wide array of projects with a background in design, attending football and volleyball games and spending time construction and operations. Through his responsibilities on False River with friends and family. ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING BOARD LAPELS LAANDPROFESSIONAL Hisham Hegab, PhD., PE – Dean of the College of Engi- neering and Science at Louisiana Tech University Former and current board members help with LAPELS outreach at LA Tech: Kevin Crosby, PE, PLS; Richard Durrett, PE, PLS; Ali Mustapha, PE; Richard Savoie, PE (jambalaya chef); and Charlie Coyle, PLS Richard Savoie, PE and Jeff Pike, PE Tech engineering students Tech engineering students 6 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
Expired Registrants Certificates and licenses for the following individuals and firms expired March 31, 2017. If this is not correct, please contact us. LAND SURVEYOR INTERNS Nguyen, Jacquelyn, EI Casbarian, Aramais Ohan, PE Lanier, Michael William, PE Spyrou, Alexis, PE Hebert, Benjamin Joseph, LSI Nguyen, Vogan Huy, EI Chai, Chin Wei, PE Larson, Ryan Fairchild, PE Starring, John William, PE Oubre, Chaz Michael, EI Chan, Andy Leung, PE Lawrence, Richard Lee, PE Stephens, Sandy Hart, PE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR Owens, Paul Wayne, EI Chaudhuri, Mrinal, PE LeBlanc, Edward Louis, PE Stewart, James E., PE Caffarel, Carl James, PLS Padron, Harold Jose, EI Chen, Naichuan, PE Leesman, John Henry, PE Stone, James Joseph, PE Demopulos, Chris, PLS Parker, Preston Ross, EI Chop, Bert Dewayne, PE Levin, Barry, PE Strayer, Patricia Kay, PE Fontenot, Kenneth, PLS Parr, Dra' Daniel, EI Chopin, Lamy Jean, PE Libby, Donald Robert, PE Stromecki, James, PE Makofsky, Donald C., PLS Pedro-Egbe, Mobuayo Ogboka, EI Clark, Bruce Alan, PE Lodato, Joseph Salvadore, PE Perez, Maciel, EI Commander, Steve Randolph, PE Mace, Erin Griffith, PE Studdard, Charles Andrew, PE SURVEYING FIRMS Perkins, Andrew Timothy, EI Condon, Benjamin T., PE Mackie, Richard Dale, PE Surdock, Lynn Marie, PE Cochrane Technologies, Inc., VF Pham, Andrew T., EI Cook, David Albert, PE Maier, Charles J., PE Surgi, Roy Joseph, PE Phelps, Douglas E. B., EI Cooper, James Edward, PE Makofsky, Donald C., PE Swisher, Mark Don, PE ENGINEER INTERNS Pitts, Clennan Wade, EI Cosban, Scott J., PE Malavasi, Vincent Joseph, PE Tallman, Thomas Eliot, PE Addison, Russ Michael, EI Poche, David Christopher, EI Courter, David M., PE Malek, Paul Edward, PE Terry, Kenneth Joseph, PE Aguiar, Nicholas M., EI Price, Michelle Renee, EI Courtier, Nadina Kay, PE Mangham, Matthew Arnold, PE Thomas, Harold D., PE Alam, Md Ashraful, EI Prosperie, Joshua Thomas, EI Cox, Daniel D., PE Manson, Hugh P., PE Thompson, Leslie Eugene, PE Allain, Emma Marie, EI Quebedeaux, Blake Michael, EI Cox, Ron C., PE Matricardi, John Samuel, PE Towers, Patricia Spirek, PE Bacon, Ronald F., EI Randall, Jebidiah P., EI Craig, Jon Eugene, PE McElvogue, Matthew Raymond, PE Tullis, Michael Stephen, PE Bailey, Philip Joseph, EI Roa, Nadia Carolina, EI Crawford, Brinton Millard, PE McKale, Dennis Charles, PE Barrett, Kristen Ramsey, EI Roxas, DeeJay Alvarez, EI Crocker, Ronald C., PE McMahon, Doran Owen, PE Utz, Dwight Edgar, PE Bell, Brian P., EI Rozas, Kathryn Falterman, EI Cumbaa, Steven L., PE Menard, Wendell Peter, PE Valenzuela, Carlos, PE Berthelot, Dale Anthony, EI Rush, LeChell S., EI Cummings, Charles Scott, PE Menghrajani, Nand Hotchand, PE Vawter, Angela Marie, PE Blanchard, Warren James, EI Rushing, Marlin LeVincent, EI Dean, Christopher Michael, PE Micheel, Brad August, PE Vidrine, Terald J., PE Blessing, Adam Michael, EI Savoy, Shane Scott, EI Deis, Gregory J., PE Michel, Gregory Duane, PE Walker, Terry Lee, PE Bordelon, Darryl August, EI Sharma, Yubaraj, EI Demopulos, Chris, PE Mills, Garrett Ward, PE Wall, Roy L., PE Borrelli, Matthew Andrew, EI Sherpa, Ang Nurbu, EI Dickerson, J. Rodney, PE Moore, Gary L., PE Wall, Stephen Allen, PE Bourgeois, Scott Craig, EI Smith, Damon Cullen, EI Dixon Little, Pamela Jo, PE Moss, Paul James, PE Walsh, Edward J., PE Bradbury, Dwight G., EI Tabi, Harry Eba, EI Doucet, John Dudley, PE Nangia, Subash C., PE Warden, Fred F., PE Breaux, Kenneth Earl, EI Tapley, Mallory A., EI Doucet, Ned Gerard, PE Nguyen, Tien Dich, PE Waxham, Thomas J., PE Brumley, David Murrel, EI Tellis, Erin Postell, EI Drake, Eugene Francis, PE Nickoli, James Edward, PE Dunham, Caleb Steve, PE Olivier, Russell Gerard, PE Weikel, Richard D., PE Cazenave, Ross Gerard, EI Terry, Christopher Michael, EI Chaney, Stewart L., EI Treas, Caleb Dean, EI Dyck, Benjamin James, PE Ortiz, Juan Carlos, PE Welte, John Lloyd, PE Cheramie, Bronson Dale, EI Triche, Gabrielle Marie, EI Edwards, Brian James, PE Overbeek, William Lee, PE Whisenhunt, Jacob David, PE Clyde, Kori McClanahan, EI Tucker, Charles William, EI Edwards, Ervin L., PE Overstreet, Andrew D., PE White, Larry H., PE Constantinou, Constantinos, EI Tynes, Conner Hardin, EI Ehasz, Joseph L., PE Palliser, Lester P., PE White, William Hagan, PE Cook, Jasper Charles, EI Uhack, Glen David, EI Evans, Duaine Thurman, PE Panek, William, PE Whitt, Sidney R., PE Crawley, Brian O'Connell, EI Volpe, Paul S., EI Exner, Johanna Lee, PE Parker, Homer R., PE Wiesendanger, Elliot S., PE D'Antoni, Michael David, EI Voltz, John Hooe, EI Fegenbush, William Matthew, PE Patel, Mayur T., PE Wiggins, Gene B., PE Davies, Richard Henry, EI Waterman, Margot Lange, EI Ferowich, John Joseph, PE Paullus, Robert Benson, PE Wilkes, Kirtland Richard, PE Doyle, Michael Dwayne, EI Welch, Mark Gerard, EI Fitzenreiter, James Edward, PE Pazos, Hector V., PE Wright, Richard Patrick, PE Dupaquier, Samantha Elizabeth, EI Werling, Joseph Daniel, EI Fletcher, Peter D., PE Plunk, Cory Thomas, PE Podojil, Ronald Arthur, PE Young, Louis Dean, PE Edwards, Richard Lamar, EI Wicker, Chad Christopher, EI Fry, Kirk A., PE Ferrer, Adam Daniel, EI Williams, Eric Lofton, EI Furtick, John Walter, PE Posch, Anthony G., PE Zafar, Hussain A., PE LAPELS ANDLA PROFESSIONAL Fronczek, Christopher Franklin, EI Willis, Douglas Karl, EI Gates, Harry Mark, PE Potturi Venkata, Ajay Kumar Raju, PE Zehner, Walter Francis, PE Gawlik, Klaudia, EI Womble, Michael D., EI Gill, Philip John, PE Powell, Adam James, PE Zhou, Ping, PE Ghosn, Adlai H., EI Woodbery, William Potter, EI Glenn, William R., PE Prather, Walter Mathews, PE Zinski, Edward John, PE Grace, Michael Kiniry, EI Yao, Theodore Nguyen, EI Goebel, Brian Dale, PE Pritchard, Gordon D., PE Guenther, Matthew C., EI Zhang, Ye, EI Gokmen, Cuneyt, PE Quinlan, Brian Joseph, PE ENGINEERING FIRMS Guercio, Sam Joseph, EI Granger, David Bernarr, PE Quist, Carl Dwight, PE AIM Metals, LLC, EF Gullem, Roy A., EI PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Greeley, Damon Guy, PE Rabalais, Nick A., PE Alstom Power, Inc., EF Gunesebakan, Ilyas, EI Aikens, John Marvin, PE Grille, Geneva P., PE Ramey, Randall F., PE Atlantic Engineering Group, Inc., EF Hamilton, Jamie L., EI Allen, William Lee, PE Hall, Freddie Ray, PE Rand, Charles L., PE LAND SURVEYING BOARD Bayer Business and Technology Services Herman, Peter Benjamin, EI Anderson, Brent Wallace, PE Harkey, Deborah Leigh, PE Rauchle, Glenn D., PE Herrera, Jose Emilio, EI Bacon, Claire Noelle, PE Hart, Gary Curtis, PE Reddick, Christopher Edward, PE LLC, EF Herwig, Nathan, EI Bailey, Mark William, PE Hebert, Andre Lane, PE Richoux, Glenn J., PE CM Engineering, Inc., EF Higdon, Johnny Wesley, EI Barfield, Gregory Scott, PE Hebert, Richard K., PE Riley, Nathan Scott, PE Cypress Engineering Services, Inc., EF Higginbotham, James Robbie, EI Barlow, Anthony Trey, PE Heisner, Kenneth William, PE Roach, Jeffrey Alexander, PE DiGiorgio Associates Inc., EF Horton, Kenneth J., EI Barton, Glenn C., PE Hembree, Jack Shane, PE Robertson, Correen Corena, PE E/T Engineering Technologies, Inc., EF ENGINEERING Hossain, Tanvir, EI Beck, Walter Earl, PE Hilton, Donald George, PE Robinson, John Mark, PE EWB Engineering, LLC, EF Hurme, Charles Jeffrey, EI Belsom, Charles L., PE Hippe, Thomas Gillman, PE Robison, J. T., PE Halcrow, Incorporated, EF Hutchinson, Joshua Troy, EI Bendelius, Arthur G., PE Ho, Jesse Kei, PE Rodgers, Brad Tracy, PE HSG Constructors LLC, EF Jeansonne, Christopher Gerard, EI Benosky, Christopher Peter, PE Hohnbaum, Jeremy Michael, PE Rotonda, Frank J., PE Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc., EF Jones, Brandon Wayne, EI Beyer, Eric Kenneth, PE Holmes, David Phillip, PE Salud, Emeterio Peralta, PE MAP Group, Inc., EF Kahl, Robert J., EI Boley, Morris Victor, PE Hubbard, Erin Elizabeth, PE Sanchez, Victor J., PE Kenney, Michael Thomas, EI Bookout, Linda Lucinda, PE Huber, Paul J., PE Sandow, John Christopher, PE Minick Engineering, Inc., EF Knotts, Samuel L., EI Bosley, David Lyle, PE Huggins, John Karr, PE Schroeder, Bradley C., PE PB Energy Storage Services, Inc., EF Korkut, Murat, EI Bostick, Christopher Andrew, PE Hung, Thomas Chung-Bun, PE Schroeder, Julie M., PE QC Laboratories, Inc., EF Kukura, John Joseph, EI Bottger, Justin B., PE Jenkins, David Matthew, PE Sebring, Ricky Lee, PE Rone Engineering Services, Ltd., EF Kunkel, Keith Williams, EI Boudreaux, Dennis P., PE Jordan, Charles Candler, PE Sewell, Alan C., PE Rowe Surveying & Engineering Company, LaFountain, Joshua Ryan, EI Britt, Robert E., PE Jung, Robert I., PE Shambaugh, Mark Paul, PE Inc., EF LeBlanc, Christopher Scott, EI Broadbooks, Arthur Christian, PE Kadam, Rupesh Ramakant, PE Shipp, Erin Marie, PE SAM-Construction Services, LLC, EF Lee, Seon A., EI Brock, Robert G., PE Kelley, Bruce Michael, PE Simmons, Richard G., PE SCI Engineering, Inc., EF Maltzahn, Rachael Ann, EI Busha, James Frank, PE Kerr, John Bowman, PE Simon, Mona Boudoin, PE Skye Engineering, LLC, EF Manfre, Mark Thomas, EI Button, Donald Demarest, PE Kim, Hyungwoo, PE Simoneau, David W., PE Structural Design & Management, Inc., EF Manuel, Glenn Paul, EI Cain, Bradon Patrick, PE Kimble, Edward Lawrence, PE Slider, James T., PE Knighton, Gary Edward, PE Smith, Kenneth Clark, PE Taylor & Syfan Consulting Engineers, Maradiaga, Enguember F., EI Calkins, Dennis E., PE McCall, Clarence, EI Cambre, Ronald Charles, PE Koch, Kurt Justus, PE Smith, Kenneth L., PE Inc., EF Melerine, Matthew Mitchel, EI Campbell, Timothy Wayne, PE Kochersperger, Gregory M., PE Sobiech, John Paul, PE Triad Control Systems, LLC, EF Murugesu, Mayuri, EI Canfield, Richard Benedict, PE Kramer, Rickie Louis, PE Spangler, David Wesley, PE United Group Services, Inc., EF Namy, Matthew Xavier Marie, EI Carter, Leon Harmon, PE Kunz, Robert G., PE Speicher, James Richard, PE World Fiber Technologies, Inc., EF LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • NOVEMBER 2017 7
NEWLY CERTIFIED & LICENSED • JULY 22 - OCTOBER 6, 2017 LAND SURVEYOR INTERNS Adamek, Jeremy David, PE Knight, Eric Michael, PE Van Sambeek, Leo L., PE Jarrell, David Hamilton, LSI Amalu-Anderson, Amaka Rita, PE Knott, Jackson Alexander, PE VanAllen, Geoffrey Trent, PE Jarrell, Jacob Lynn, LSI Arnold, Andrew Craig, PE Kuhns, Christine M., PE Ventrelli, Mark O., PE Martinez, Cody John, LSI Arnold, Jeff Allen, PE Laizer, David Anthony, PE Vivians, Stephanie Sago, PE Ballod, Charles Paul, PE Landreneau, Toby Layne, PE Volpe, Brian Matthew, PE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR Banta, Blake M., PE Landry, Megan Elizabeth, PE Walsh, John Raymond, PE Richard, Andy Paul, PLS Barenbaum, Martin Scott, PE Langenfeld, Paul Michael, PE Bedair, Hatem Ibrahim El Sayed, PE Laperouse, Peter Edmod, PE Walter, Matthew Charles, PE SURVEYING FIRMS Benedetto, Nicholas David, PE Lemoine, Nicholas Raymond, PE Watson, Brad Bailey, PE Bayou Benchmark Surveying, L.L.C., VF Berg, Robert Lars, PE Lewis, Mathew Bryan, PE Watts, Austin Lee, PE Brownsberger Land Surveying, LLC, VF Bergeron, Luke Jason, PE Lindsay, Allen Daniel, PE Whitten, Michael Edward, PE Energy Access Solutions LLC, VF Blazo, Christopher, PE Locicero, Logan Michael, PE Williamson, Michael Daniel, PE FA Commerical Due Diligence Services Co., VF Bolyard, Jeffrey Powers, PE Lowe, Charles Gregory, PE Wright, Jeremey T., PE Gary W. Caldwell, L.L.C., VF Bonds, James Leon, PE Lowe, Jeffrey Alan, PE Yarbrough, Joseph Allen, PE Orion Engineering, P.C. Inc., VF Borgerson, Jacob Lee, PE Lucyshyn, Andrew John, PE Yates, Laura B., PE SLD Engineering & Surveying, L.L.C., VF Bourgeois, Ross Michael, PE Lyle, Heath R., PE Youssef, Ahmed Abdel Monem, PE TNR, LLC, VF Brennan, Peter Francis, PE Maille, Dennis Paul, PE Zemina, Bryan Richard, PE Brunet, Ryan J., PE Manuel, Clint Michael, PE Zeringue, Britt Max, PE ENGINEER INTERNS Brush, Natalie Camille, PE Marcus, Gary Robert, PE Abry, Patrick Hugh, EI Bryan, Timothy Wayne, PE Marinos, Athanasios Tommy, PE Ziegler, Jennifer Sloan, PE Aertker, Steven Henry, EI Capotosta, Joseph F., PE Marrero, Robert Lucien, PE Zotescu, Alexandru, PE Aghakasiri, Jahan Reza, EI Carlson, Ernest Daniel, PE Martin, Victor Clay, PE Allison, Stephen Taylor, EI Cashen, Van Michael, PE Mathes, Patrick Stanley, PE ENGINEERING FIRMS Bell, Michael Jack, EI Cass, Matthew Paul Smith, PE Matthew, Todd Joseph, PE Andrews Engineering, PLLC, EF Bertinot, Neil Anthony, EI Castille, Karl A., PE McCain, Kyle Wayne, PE Arnold Consulting Engineering Services, Inc., EF Bogran, Vaughan Raymond, EI Cebelak, Meredith Kimberly, PE McGehee, Matthew Duncan, PE Arthur Engineering, LLC, EF Bonano, Mason Joseph, EI Chatelain, David Michael, PE McGlothlin, Ralston Lane, PE BMA Construction Engineers, Inc., EF Boudreaux, Dennis James, EI Chen, Changyi, PE Meruva, Rajendra, PE Centerline Solutions, LLC, EF Brady, Andrew John, EI Christesen, Peter James, PE Miles, James Patrick, PE CMG & Associates, Inc., EF Breaux, David Ronald, EI Cochran, Charles John, PE Milks, Jamie Franklin, PE Bruck, Nicholas Alexander, EI Crimson Engineering Consultants, LLC, EF Cockburn, Christopher Anthony, PE Mistich, Bradley John, PE Burke, Thomas Christopher, EI Coger, Logan Asa, PE Moss, James Kory, PE Demopulos & Ferguson Group, LLC, EF Carey, Arshield Shonquil, EI Collins, David Wade, PE Muller, Robert David, PE Demopulos & Ferguson, Inc., EF Carr, Kathryn Marie, EI Cover, John, PE Murray, Jonathan William, PE Demopulos Ferguson & Barfield LLC, EF Carreras, Brandon Anthony, EI Craig, Michael Warren, PE Myers, John Hunter, PE DGI-Menard Inc., EF Chaklos-Sracic, Jordan Alexander, EI Cutright, Ervin Pernell, PE Nguyen, Hoang Le, PE Don Illingworth & Associates, Inc., EF Cowart, Drake William, EI Dalia, Paul Raymond, PE Nichols, Douglass Young, PE ElDorado Forensics LLC, EF Crawford, Dillan Reed, EI Davis, Benjamin Lee, PE Nobles, Christopher Kenneth, PE Ensign Engineering LLC, EF Daigle, Brandon Michael, EI Davis, Christopher Clark, PE Nourmohammadi, Khosrow, PE Entech Engineering, Inc., EF Dang, Victoria Hoang, EI Davis, Jeremy Ross, PE Novotny, Martin Joseph, PE Facility Solutions Group, Inc., EF Davis, Scott Michael, EI Davis, Julius Darren, PE Nygaard, James Carter, PE FireTower Engineered Timber, Inc., EF Descant, Charles Thaddeus, EI Davis, Kevin Ray, PE Olson, Daniel Nels, PE DeVeer, Nicholas Reeves, EI Geotest Engineering, Inc., EF Dereli, Ozer, PE Orr, Casey B., PE Edwards, Nolan John, EI DeSot, Brian Jeffrey, PE Osborn, Matthew Don, PE Halimar Shipyard, LLC, EF Esponge, Sean M., EI Devaguptapu, Ravi, PE Owens, Ryan Kyle, PE HCS Group, P.C. Inc., EF ENGINEERING Estopinal, Cody Jules, EI Dover, Joshua Booth, PE Padilla, Paul Joseph, PE I & S Group, Inc., EF LAND SURVEYING BOARD Fontenot, Hunter Neil, EI Dyer, Aaron Ross, PE Palmer, Ralph Edward, PE Infinity MEP Consultants, PLLC, EF Fontenot, Lauren Hurst, EI Ebisch, Travis Gregory, PE Parker, Jack Joseph, PE Ingenia Design Services, LLC, EF Ganucheau, Christopher Michael, EI Eckhardt, Bartley John, PE Pei, Xiaofei, PE Integral Group LLC, EF Gomez, Dennis Rafael, EI Eid, Yubrani, PE Phillips, William Spencer, PE Keramida Environmental, Inc., EF Hazel, Landon Scott, EI ElDorado, William Harry, PE Piersall, Randolph Stuart, PE Larson Design Group, Inc., EF LAPELS LAANDPROFESSIONAL Huggins, Stephen Daniel, EI Epson, Lorne Orlando, PE Pizza, Anthony Norman, PE LeanTrak, Inc., EF Lambert, Joshua Henry, EI Fanelli, Darla Jean, PE Polk, Nicholas J., PE Matrix Technologies, Inc. of Ohio, EF Landry, Whitney Scott, EI Fisher, Scott Michael, PE Ponder, Matthew Ross, PE LeBlanc, Ridge Michael, EI McQueen Structural Engineering, PLLC, EF French, Cody Randall, PE Price, Robert Joseph, PE Leeson, Daryl James, EI Frick, Joshua deVeer, PE Pruitt, Staci Dawn, PE Miller Numerics, LLC, EF Lignieres, Matthew Alexander, EI Garcia, Jose, PE Ray, David James, PE NB&C Engineering Services, LLC, EF Lockfield, Karson Tyler, EI Gaspard, Tyler Edward, PE Rodriguez, Ricardo, PE Nick Innocenzi & Sons Consulting Engineers and Louviere, Seth James, EI Gauthier, William Paul, PE Roe, Chad Daniel, PE Associates, LLC, EF Majetich, Whitney Irene, EI Giles, Theresa Kunze, PE Saghir, Elia George, PE NOLAGEO LLC, EF Matherne, Summer Katelyn, EI Gobbi-Belcredi, Kristen Meiere, PE Sanders, Christopher Allen, PE NTS Engineering & Manufacturing, Inc., EF Moeller, Richard Andrew, EI Grusendorf, James Gregory, PE Santos Gordillo, Martin, PE On-Board Engineering Corporation, EF Moll, Jalynn Patrice, EI Guedry, Jeremy Phillip, PE Saunders, Paul Christopher, PE PCI Electric, L.L.C., EF Morrison, Wade Raymond, EI Guirguis, Arsanious, PE Schmoll, Gustave Lee, PE Pickett and Associates, Inc., EF Myers, Benjamin Alexander, EI Hanifa, Khalil Ibn, PE Schoo, Reilly Jay, PE Richard Peter Ramirez, LLC, EF Neu, Jacob Alex, EI Harrison, John Rush, PE Schultz, Konrad Joseph, PE Patel, Jignesh Shashikant, EI Helminger, Nicholas Paul, PE RR Engineering LLC, EF Serrato, Fabio Jose, PE Pfeiffer, Bryce Dylan, EI Henley, Zachary Luvan, PE Sexton, Joe Henry, PE Sandman & Associates Consulting, P.C. Inc., EF Rhodes, Lee Anthony, EI Hideck, Robert Edward, PE Silbernagel, Dustin Gerard, PE Scientific Analysis, Inc., EF Rowell, Greyum Charles, EI Hill, Lucian Lamar, PE Smith, Kevin Dayle, PE Shaffer, Wilson, Sarver & Gray, A Professional Schexnaydre, Zachary Richard, EI Hodridge, Steven Alexander, PE Smoorenburg, Jillian Berrey, PE Corporation, EF Speeg, John Philip, EI Horton, James Ross, PE St. Philip, Anthony Joseph, PE Shangrila Ventures LLC, EF Stansbury, Joshua Matthew, EI Hosey, Matthew William, PE Stearns, Douglas Eugene, PE SLD Engineering & Surveying, L.L.C., EF Steelman, Ryan Scott, EI Hotard, Brady Dantin, PE Stockburger, Lucas Cobe-Paul, PE Southern Steel Engineers, LLC, EF Stringer, Alexander Edward, EI Inegol, Omer, PE Stritzke, Todd Alan, PE Structural Engineering Associates, Inc. of Texas, EF Stuart, Samuel William, EI Ishiwata, Hirotsugu, PE Suroor, Hadi, PE Sungear Technologies, LLC, EF Switzer, Jeanne Marie, EI Jackson, Eric Daniel, PE Taylor, Amanda Marie, PE Symbiont Science, Engineering and Construction, Todd, Cody Matthew, EI Jaffery, Syed, PE Taylor, Christopher William, PE Wadje, Nishant, EI James, Nicholas Michael, PE Inc., EF Thibodeaux, Jarred Michael, PE Welch, James Hunter, EI Jeffreys, Holly Culpepper, PE Thoma, Patrick Stephen, PE Torres Engineers, LLC, EF Justice, William Michael, PE Thornton, John Claiborne, PE United Structural Design, LLC, EF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Kamel, Michael Gergis Farouk, PE Tibbetts, Jarryd Cole, PE VoltAir Consulting Engineers, Inc., EF Abrogena, Winmar A., PE Keske, Samuel Deiter, PE Todd, Joshua Ryan, PE Wantman Group, Inc., EF Ackerman, Jacob Brian, PE Kleps, Stephen Matthew, PE Todd, Ty Allen, PE 8 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
Presidential LES Privilege LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Byron Racca PE I personally love this time of year. It’s the time of It’s always an honor the year when we Louisianans get a reprieve from to participate in these the hot humid weather and potentially experience a ceremonies and a much cooler forecast. The weather in 2017 has not privilege to be able to been favorable to many of our friends and family interact with future members in our region of the country. On behalf of colleagues that will Byron Racca, PE our organization, I want to extend our thoughts and continue to grow and Louisiana Engineering prayers to all those who have suffered during this prosper within our Society President storm season and extend our many blessings to them professional field. I in their recovery efforts. In times such as these, our encourage all members to make a point in attending profession has a unique opportunity to truly help the these ceremonies because your attendance, in my public and assist in implementing positive change opinion, demonstrates the historic and unprecedented within the community infrastructure to ensure future support available to all Louisiana engineering disaster impacts will not be as severe or even realized. professionals. I have always been proud to be known In the spirit of change, our organization is also as an “engineer” and I think that this can be attributed undergoing some significant modifications within to organizations such as our own who have ensured its own right. On September 8, 2017 an LES Board that those within our profession are recognized of Direction Meeting was held in Shreveport, LA. accordingly. Let’s continue what our predecessors While many issues were discussed, the majority of started and welcome these new professionals to our the delegation’s time was spent deliberating the new organization. NSPE business model that was presented in July of I want to remind everyone that all Honors and this year. After careful consideration, the LES Board Awards nominations are to be submitted/postmarked of Direction voted to notify NSPE that it elected to to the state office no later than November 10, 2017. be classified as a “non-integrated state”. In summary, We encourage all members and chapter organizations a non-integrated state will be responsible for the to submit applications in an effort to recognize the management of its own membership which LES has outstanding efforts our fellow colleagues contribute historically accomplished since its inception in 1898. to the profession and their communities. All forms As a result of said vote and effective immediately, can be found on the society website at www.les- LES members now have a choice in their membership Additionally, I wanted to remind everyone affiliation with NSPE. Previously, LES members that registration is open for the 22nd Annual Joint were required to become NSPE members and pay Engineering Societies Conference in Lafayette, $239 annually ($85 LES + $154 NSPE). Under the LA. The conference is scheduled to be held from new non-integrated model, LES members have the January 31, 2018 to February 1, 2018. We encourage choices of joining LES Only ($95), NSPE Only ($110 early registration and look forward to the diverse new members/$154 renewing members) or LES and and informative program our committee is putting NSPE Jointly ($205 new members/$249 renewing together; see program agenda in this issue. members). Also under the new model, NSPE has In closing, I appreciate everyone’s assistance in helping elected to increase membership dues to $299 in July our organization continue to be an important member 2018. As a result of these changes, a member could of our respective communities. I believe I speak for elect to participate in LES only at an annual cost of the rest of the board when I say that our doors are $95. always open to anyone with any concerns and offer Recently, I had the opportunity to attend Licensing our assistance when possible. May God bless all and Ceremonies in Shreveport and Monroe respectively. pray everyone enjoy a safe and joyous holiday season. LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • NOVEMBER 2017 9
LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Society News Brenda Gajan, LES Executive Director Membership Changes LES NSPE has decided to utilize a new business three membership options; (1) LES membership model. Because of that decision, on 9/8/17 your only, (2) LES and NSPE membership, or (3) NSPE membership in LES and NSPE has changed. membership only. LES will continue to bill and Members are no longer required to be a collect the dues for both organizations (all three member of both organizations. Starting with options) until July 2018. your next renewal, each member will have WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Alexandria Chapter Lafayette Chapter Ryan C. Barton, E.I. Under 30 Tyler J. Brasseaux, E.I. Under 30 Jacob J. Guillory, P.E. Justin D. Broussard, P.E. Joseph Marcelin, E.I. Stanton Clymer, Student Kathryn E. McDuff, E.I. Under 30 Jacob E. Richard, P.E. Lake Charles Chapter Baton Rouge Chapter Lonnie G. Harper and Associates, Inc. – Firm GOTECH, Inc. - Firm Intertek, PSI - Firm Monroe Chapter Randall F. Anderson, Individual Sustaining Hagan H. Lawrence, E.I. Under 30 Cody M. Colvin, P.E. Sarah E. Patterson, E.I. Under 30 Matthew A. Theriot, E.I. Under 30 Mack O. Todd, II, E.I. Under 30 New Orleans Chapter Travis Woodard, P.E. Benjamin J. Chiasson, P.E. James A. Melancon, P.E. Robert L Sheffield, Student LES Vision Statement: The Louisiana Engineering Society is the recognized advocate of all licensed engineers CONNECT WITH in the State of Louisiana. LES Mission Statement: LES ONLINE! The Louisiana Engineering Society serves to advance the engineering profession by: Follow Us on Twitter! Encouraging ethical and competent @laengsoc practice through licensure and legislative involvement. Like Us on Facebook! Nurturing public awareness of engineers’ contributions to society. Growing the society through licensure & LouisianaEngineeringSociety LES membership and public service. Recognizing engineering achievements. 10 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
LES Professional Engineers in Industry LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Michael L. Bares, P.E. Chairman, LES PEI Practice Division Louisiana Professional Engineers and Land Surveying As Chairman of the PE’s in (LAPELS) was established in 1908, and is the second Industry practice division oldest licensing board of its kind in the country. For over of Louisiana Engineering 100 years, the LAPELS Board has worked to “safeguard Society (LES), I am Michael L. Bares, P.E life, health, and property and to promote public welfare” charged with presenting Chairman through regulating licensure of Professional Engineers qualified candidates to LES PEI Practice Division and Land Surveyors in the State of Louisiana. the LES State Board to fill the LAPELS Board The LAPELS Board has eleven members, nine who vacancy representing my practice division. The LES are licensed Professional Engineers and two who are Board will subsequently submit five (5) nominees to the licensed Professional Land Surveyors. There are two Governor, who will make the final appointment to the members representing each of the engineering practice LAPELS Board. divisions of private practice, government, education, and industry, and one member representing construction. Visit the LES website for a link to the guidelines for Board members serve a six year term, with the terms filling LAPELS Board vacancies, including the necessary of no more than two members expiring each year. qualifications and the candidate questionnaire. Interested The term of one LAPELS Board member representing candidates should submit the completed questionnaire Professional Engineers in Industry will be expiring on and resumes to Brenda Gajan at the LES State Office no March 31, 2018. later than December 1, 2017. CALENDAR OF EVENTS November 2017 1 Nominations for LAPELS Board Vacancies begins 10 Honors & Awards nominations deadline 17 LES Board Meeting & Honors and Awards Meeting - LES Office December 2017 31 Deadline for LEF Endowed Scholarship Applications January 2018 13 Deadline for copy, Louisiana Journal, February issue 30 LES Board Meeting – Lafayette, LA 30 LEF Board Meeting – Lafayette, LA 31-2/1 22nd JESC Conference and Honors & Awards Spring Meeting – Lafayette, LA LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • NOVEMBER 2017 11
Alexandria Chapter LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY By William Elliott, PE You see it on the sidelines of The presentation of practically every football game. new certificates of Entering the fourth quarter, the licensure occurred players raise their hands above at the October their heads and hold up four fin- meeting. Mr. gers. It is a sign that they are Chris Richard from ready and able to finish strong. As Lafayette and Ms. we enter the fourth quarter of the Brenda Gajan from year, I hope we as engineers are in Baton Rouge rep- LES a position to finish the year strong resented the LES as well. in the presentation William Elliott, PE of the certificates. Rachel Dickson Receiving the Women’s Auxiliary The Alexandria chapter’s September Scholarship at the May meeting. Our local chapter meeting kicked off the new LES year with an informative pre- had one new licensee in attendance, Mr. Wesley Miller. Mr. sentation by Mr. Louis Guidry on FERC compliance. Mr. Guidry’s Richard followed up the ceremony with a presentation on Ethics. presentation drew interest from one of the largest employers of This meeting was also well attended. engineers in our area. This meeting was very well attended. This shows that when it comes to improving attendance at meetings Both of these meetings were held at Westside library in nothing can compete with interesting topics and presenters. At Alexandria, and I would like to take a minute and thank them this meeting we also presented Kyle Randall’s past-president for working so well with the Alexandria chapter. They have a plaque to his widow. She offered nice words about how much nice facility with a large well-kept room, access to laptops and engineering and the local LES chapter meant to Kyle. projectors, and the price is perfect for a bunch of cost conscience (tight) engineers! Baton Rouge Chapter By Carolina Herrera, PE Our September luncheon At this month’s luncheon on October 26th, we will tackle a very featured Ben Broussard, Director important subject for our State: the Coastal Master Plan. Our of Marketing and Membership speaker will be Michael Ellis, Executive Director of the Coastal Development of LOGAS (Louisiana Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA). This luncheon Oil and Gas Association). Mr. will also serve as the licensing ceremony where LAPELS and Broussard provided an insight into LES welcome Engineer Interns, Surveying Interns, Professional the value of the petrochemical Surveyors and Professional Engineers into our ranks. industry to our State, and the impact of the fluctuating global We are currently accepting nominations for the annual LES market in our economy. He Baton Rouge Chapter awards. The board will review nominations touched on the political and and select the winners this month. The winners will represent environmental challenges this our Chapter at the state level where the LES State Honors Carolina Herrera, PE industry faces today, and also and Awards Committee will bestow honors and awards to its discussed the advancements most deserving members. The Baton Rouge Chapter accepted in the development of more efficient drilling processes and nominations through October 16th. technologies. The LES is the only active engineering organization in the State Our annual LES –Baton Rouge Chapter Sporting Clay Shoot took of Louisiana that serves all disciplines and every area of practice. place on Friday October 13th at the Bridgeview Gun Club. There The LES meetings are not only informative; but also provide was a great turnout under the hot Louisiana sun! Congratulations PDHs, opportunities to meet fellow engineers, and learn what to Bert Wintz’ team for taking home the top team award. Many being a member of the profession requires. thanks to Waskey Bridges and Trinity Lightweight for providing food and beverages as well as our Corporate Sponsors for their If you know or work with someone who is not an LES member, support. Proceeds from this event will support Mathcounts and please consider inviting them to join you at a meeting or other Local School STEM Initiatives. event to see what we have to offer! We will be holding our annual joint LES/LSPS Ethics Presentation and Social at the SJB Group Field Office next week Thursday October 19th. Social starts at 6 pm and call to order at 7 pm 12 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
Lake Charles Chapter LES By: James Geihsler, PE The Lake Charles chapter of the Future meetings this year will include an ethics course for PDH LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY Louisiana Engineering Society purposes and an evening “lunch and learn” to allow members held its Fall Licensing Ceremony a longer time to interact and discuss topics than our lunch on October 10, 2017 at Pat’s of meetings allow. Henderson in Lake Charles. Mack Todd, a recent graduate of The Lake Charles chapter meets the second Tuesday of Southern University, received his each month during lunch. For additional chapter meeting Engineer Intern certificate. Mr. information and to be added to the email list, please feel free to Todd, a mechanical engineer, is call James Geihsler, P.E. at (337) 214-6072. employed by CB&I in Hackberry, LA. We welcome him to Lake Charles and wish him great success as he begins his engineering career. James Geihsler, PE Also attending were our LES Executive Director, Brenda Gajan, and Mr. Ted Thompson who presented the certificate on behalf of LAPELS. Jon Long with Carmeuse Lime and Stone introduced attendees to the benefits of using lime to improve soil conditions. Mr. Long will provide a more detailed discussion later this fall to our Lake Charles Chapter using soil examples from southwest Louisiana. Monroe Chapter By William Dean, PE After having served the Monroe of Certificates of Achievement for their accomplishment in LES Chapter last year as 2nd Vice reaching the next level in advancement of their professional President, I now have the honor careers. Congratulations are offered here as well to new and privilege of serving as Chapter registrants Samantha Petersen, P.E.; James Parrino, P.E.; Jackson President for the 2017 – 2018 year. Knott, P.E.; Ronnie Huckaby, Jr., E.I., and Gus Bertucci, E.I. Also Other Chapter officers for the in attendance at the ceremonies were Jeff Pike of the LAPELS current year include the following: Board; Brenda Gajan, LES State Office Executive Director; and Byron Racca, President of the LES Board of Direction. Special Clinton C. Patrick, P.E. thanks are due to Jeff, Brenda, and Byron for their participation 1st Vice President in recognizing the achievement of professional registration. Sarah Patterson, E.I. 2nd Vice President The current chapter membership has declined by approximately 10% from 2016 enrollment. Please help us reverse course D. Clinton Ewing, P.E. on membership by encouraging your colleagues who are not William Dean, PE Secretary-Treasurer members of LES to join us for fellowship and opportunities to earn pdh credit at our monthly meeting luncheons. The Monroe Chapter officers met on August 10, 2017 to review respective officer responsibilities and organize for soliciting I have been a practicing professional Civil Engineer since 1978 Chapter newsletter advertisers and presenters for professional and am currently registered in Louisiana and Arkansas. I am development hours at our monthly luncheon sessions. One of our glad to be back in my home state after a successful 26 year goals was to increase the number of newsletter advertisers, and practice with my own consulting engineering firm in Little Rock, I am happy to report that the Chapter increased its participating Arkansas. I am also grateful for the opportunity to continue advertisers by 20% over last year. Thanks are due to the Chapter practice of civil engineering in Louisiana and the opportunity to officers for their assistance in achieving this success. Special serve as a mentor to the younger members of our engineering thanks are also due to 2nd Vice President Sarah Patterson for community. her willingness to accept responsibility for the Newsletter Editor duties for the current year. The Chapter’s first meeting was held on September 14th with 35 members in attendance to hear a presentation by Mr. Ken Terry with the Louisiana Rural Water Association on the challenges facing the utility industry in Louisiana and on assistance that can be provided by LRWA to public water and sewer utilities. Our October meeting will feature Mr. Bruce Magee with United Rentals who will present on OSHA soil classification conditions used in design of excavation safety systems. Also at the Chapter meeting of October 12th, we recognized five new professional engineer and engineering intern registrants from the northeast Louisiana area with presentation LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL • NOVEMBER 2017 13
New Orleans Chapter LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY By Nicholas M. Musmeci, PE Through our monthly NO-LES Chapter web based newsletter, I informed our members on the upcoming changes in LES membership cost as a result of the state board voting to become a Non-Integrated NSPE organization and what that means with respect to the LES state dues being separate from the NSPE dues and the changes in the respective amounts. So far the news of LES this change has had a good reception. The New Orleans Chapter’s first official by Dr. Norma Jean Mattei, PE, Professor of Civil Engineering at event was to represent LES at the 2017 UNO and this year’s past National ASCE President. Nicholas M. Musmeci, PE UNO Engineering Forum recently held Dr. Mattei did a great job of changing up this topic to make on Friday September 15th at the UNO University Center. We it interesting. This meeting was also the LES Fall Licensing gave away LES ball caps and koozies along with LES flyer Ceremony. The meeting was held at Cava’s Restaurant and we applications and engaged the forum participants on the benefits also had good attendance, approximately 50 people attended, of joining LES or renewing their membership. including those receiving their PE’s and EI’s certification along Our September 20th Chapter meeting was a very timely topic with their guest. This meeting was also jointly hosted with the pertaining to the impact of all of heavy rain events and UNO Engineering Society. hurricanes recently. The topic was “Jefferson Parish Pump System Our 10th Annual Golf Tournament originally scheduled for Readiness, Capacity and Methods of Monitoring & Control” by October 6th had to be rescheduled for Friday November 10, 2017. Mr. Mitch Theriot, PE, the Director of Drainage and Pumping of We came to find out there were four (4) Engineering/Vendor Jefferson Parish. He gave an overview of the canal and pumping related Tournaments (including ours) on October 6th, which station network on both the East and West Banks of Jefferson was having significant effect on our registration numbers. The Parish. He discussed the details about how canal monitoring rescheduling proved to be a good move which lead to the success and pump station operations with SCADA data telemetered to of our golf tournament. their EOC enhances readiness. The turnout was outstanding we had over 40 people Our Chapter Sponsorship Program is doing really well and has in attendance for already raised more than $8500.00 and there are still a few more dinner at Mr. Ed’s pending companies about to become sponsors for the first time. Seafood Restaurant With the money raised from the Chapter Sponsorship Program in Metairie. and the 10th Annual NO-LES Golf Tournament we looking On October 18th forward to having the funds necessary to award several chapter we had a Chapter level scholarships, supporting the middle school MATHCOUNTS luncheon meeting program, high school STEM educational programs and the with the topic engineering forums for our two local engineering schools at of “Engineering UNO and Tulane. Ethics” presented I want to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving. Shreveport Chapter By Jeffrey Anderson, PE The Shreveport Chapter kicked gratulate Mr. off the fall with a luncheon on Brownsberger Trenchless Technology presented on his licensure, by the Louisiana Tech University as well as all Trenchless Technology Center the other new Director, Dr. John C. Matthews. With licensees across so much trenchless work going on in our chapter the area, this was a great opportunity and the state. to hear from one of the industry’s The November leading academic and application luncheon is centers. The chapter hosted Mr. Ben scheduled for Jeffrey Anderson, PE Pattillo, P.E. of Mid-South Consulting November 8th. and Flying Heart Brewing to speak Rounding out on the engineering process in brewing beer for the October the year, there luncheon. Also at the October luncheon, the chapter honored will be no luncheon in December, but the chapter will host a new licensee Kyle Brownsberger, PLS. We would like to con- member social event in mid-December. 14 NOVEMBER 2017 • LOUISIANA ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR JOURNAL
You can also read