Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

Page created by Leslie Alexander
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

Kickstart your
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

1. Quality of food
At CrossFit Moreland, we like to keep things simple and natural. Aim for your meats to be grass fed
organic and fish / seafood to be wild, not farmed. This way we are ensuring our bodies are full of a
healthy amount of omega 3, phytochemicals (from the plants the animals graze on) and avoid the
mass-produced meats and fish that arenowadays heavily full of antibiotics, growth hormones and toxins.

2. Avoid all refined sugar and alcohol
 Keep the diet clean so we can avoid spiking the blood sugar levels and promoting pro inflammatory
 processes within the body. Refined sugar and alcohol will not allow us to perform our best during our
 favourite WODs!

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                          © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                              2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

3. Choose when to eat your carbohydrates
 Choosing when to eat carbohydrates can be vital for your individual goals. Aim to eat carbohydrates
 around your training times. Use simple carbohydrates before training, to avoid heavy digestion, and to
 best fuel your body for the workout. Simple carbohydrates can also be used post workout in conjunction
 with protein, to allow protein to enter the muscles faster promoting growth and repair.
 Complex carbohydrates should generally be used not around training, and on rest days. This will provide
 the body with a healthy level of fibre to regulate bowel function and balance the blood sugar levels. By
 adding complex carbohydrates on these days rather than simple carbohydrates, we can avoid spiking the
 blood sugar levels unnecessarily and avoid a heightened stress response.

     Anytime meal                            Post-workout meal                         Plant-based meal
                                                      Carbs                                                          Fruits

       Fats                 Veggies                                                                                      Veggies
                                                                Veggies & Fruit
                      Including a wide                        Include a wide variety                  Fats
                                                                                                                 Include a wide
                    variety of non-starchy                      of vegetables and                            variety of non-starchy
                         vegetables.                                some fruit                                     vegetables

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |      03 9388 1279 |                   © Moreland
                                                                                                      © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                                          2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

4. Don’t avoid ‘Treats’
 Don’t avoid ‘treats’ but use them wisely. Aim to add a treat into your diet a maximum of three times
 weekly. This will avoid you depriving the body, creating a sustainable eating model. Try 2 squares of dark
 chocolate before bed, or 2 dates with 1 tbsp of peanut butter in the afternoon. Cacao makes up the bulk
 of dark chocolate and contains an abundance of minerals including magnesium, which can assist sleep
 and deep relaxation.

 5. Eat within a ‘12-hour window’
 If you have your first meal of the day at 7am, ensure you eat your last meal before 7pm.
 In our modern world we can often fall into the trap of grazing throughout the entire day, right up until
 bedtime. By shortening our eating window, we can allow the body to have an extended ‘fast’. Fasting has
 been shown to have an array of different health benefits, including balancing blood sugar levels (lowering
 insulin resistance), reducing chronic inflammation, assisting heart health and brain function, keeping
 metabolism high, extending longevity, and keeping some of our vital hormones in check (that can have a
 major influence on weight management and mood). We will also allow our body to simply ‘rest and digest’
 during the fasting period.

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                          © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                              2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

6. Preparation is Key
 Preparing and planning your meals in advance will be time efficient and effective. We recommend doing a
 big food shop once weekly and setting aside a block of time twice weekly to bulk prepare some meals,
 which you can always freeze for a later date. If you find yourself tired, hungry and time poor through the
 day, these pre-made meals will be a life saver and prevent you from mindlessly opening the Uber Eats

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                          © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                              2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

7. Portion Guidelines
 Portion sizes will vary for each individual and are largely dependent on your gender and size.
 At CrossFit Moreland we have aimed to create a simple and sustainable eating model for you, which
 includes no macros counting and weighing meals. Your hand size is related to your body size, making it
 an excellent personal and portable way to measure and track food intake. Remember this is a starting
 point, so stay flexible and adjust your portions depending on your goals and results.


     1 palm of protein             1 fist of vegetables    1 cupped handfull of           1 entire thumb of
     dense food with                 with each meal         carb dense foods               fat dense foods
        each meal                                            with most meals              with most meals


    2 palm of protein             2 fist of vegetables     2 cupped handfull of           2 entire thumb of
    dense food with                 with each meal          carb dense foods               fat dense foods
       each meal                                             with most meals              with most meals

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |            © Moreland
                                                                                           © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                               2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

8. Fresh Herbs & Spices
 Include an abundance of fresh herbs and spices into your diet as these are a not only great to add flavour
 to meals, but most importantly contain an abundance of therapeutic nutritional benefits. Be cautious of
 any bottled sauces and marinades as these contain hidden preservatives, sugars and other nasties!
 Always opt for fresh and homemade.

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                          © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                              2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

                                                           9. Snack Ideas
                                                           Pre - Training Ideas:

                                                           • Banana + iced espresso coffee shot

                                                           • Fruit

                                                           • Homemade smoothie made with coconut water or
                                                           oat milk (1/3 fruit and 2/3 vegetables)

                                                           Post - Training Ideas:

                                                           • Banana and 2 tbsp nut butter

                                                           • Homemade protein smoothie made with coconut
                                                           water or oat milk (1/3 fruit and 2/3 vegetables)
                                                           and add a scoop of protein

                                                           • Boiled Eggs on corn / rice cakes

                                                           • Protein shake

                                                           No Training Ideas:

                                                           • Boiled Eggs

                                                           • Hummus or smashed avocado and vegetable

                                                           • Unroasted / unsalted nuts

                                                           • Protein Shake blended with water or almond milk
                                                           + cinnamon + ice + 1 tbsp coconut oil /
                                                           macadamia oil

                                                           • Can of oily fish, such as sardines, mackerel,
                                                           anchovies, salmon, or herring

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                              © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                                  2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

10. Water Intake
 Staying hydrated is important to:

 • Maintain balance of bodily fluids (which control circulation, nutrient transportation, absorption, and
 • Maintain body temperature
 • Minimise muscle fatigue
 • Keep skin looking young and fresh
 • Assist kidney excretion (which rids toxins and nitrogenous wastes)
 • Aid bowel function
 • Reduce dehydration (which can cause migraines and headaches)
 • Improve mood and cognition
 • Boost immune system (keep away illness and disease)
 • Aid weight loss by reducing appetite
 • Raising metabolism
 • Assisting the body to breakdown and eliminate fat cells

 We recommend drinking a minimum of 2L per day. To get a little more specific and individual, you can
 use the following equations:

 35 ml of water each day per kilogram of body weight
 e.g: 75kg person, 75 X 35 = 2,625 / 1,000 = 2.625L daily

 Additionally, for 1 hour of activity:
 0.5 litres for moderate intensity
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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                          © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                              2021     2016
Kickstart your Nutrition - - CrossFit Moreland

11. Mindful Eating
 Digestion starts at the first sight of food. To be able to efficiently digest our food, and maximise the
 absorption of all the nutrients, we must be in a parasympathetic state. This allows the body to focus on
 the job at task, rather than attention being drawn elsewhere. To mindfully eat we can learn to breathe
 deeply, chew properly, avoid excess caffeine, eat away from our desk, avoid eating on the move, avoid
 screen time and simply enjoy the meal!

12. Eat to fuel your body!
 Nourish your body from the inside out, stay emotionless, and allow your body to thrive!

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11 Leslie Street, Brunswick, VIC 3056 |   03 9388 1279 |           © Moreland
                                                                                          © CrossFit CrossFit Moreland
                                                                                                              2021     2016
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