Christian Leadership Experience 2019 - ALL StrengthsFinder for - 2019 Christian Leadership Experience

Page created by Joanne Russell
Christian Leadership Experience 2019 - ALL StrengthsFinder for - 2019 Christian Leadership Experience
Christian Leadership
 Experience 2019

StrengthsFinder for
Christian Leadership Experience 2019 - ALL StrengthsFinder for - 2019 Christian Leadership Experience
What is StrengthsFinder
• A strengths based assessment which calculates your
  strengths in order from 1-34 based upon decades
  of research and findings
  – Top 5 for $19.99
  – Top 34 for $49.99
• Assessment takes approximately 30-40 minutes
  – 20 seconds for each question
  – 177 questions
Strengthsfinder Applications
•   Individual
•   Diversity
•   Roles
•   Projects
•   Coaching, Development
•   Team-building--leveraging existing strengths,
    seeking new members
Devotion– One Body
• 1 Corinthians 12 - Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and
  sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you
  were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray
  to mute idols. Therefore I want you to know that no one who is
  speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one
  can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. There are
  different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are
  different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different
  kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same
  God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given
  for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a
  message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means
  of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts
  of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to
  another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to
  another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the
  interpretation of tongues.
Devotion– One Body
• All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them
  to each one, just as he determines. Just as a body, though one, has many
  parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we
  were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or
  Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even
  so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should
  say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not
  for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say,
  “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for
  that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye,
  where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear,
  where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts
  in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
Individual Development
Talents: a special natural ability or aptitude or a
 recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior
 that can be productively applied.
    • Woo – natural talent is to meet people

Strengths: consistent near perfect performance in
  an activity.
   • Woo – using the meeting of people to
     network and connect people - strength
Team Effectiveness

•Individuals should be edgy, the Team well-
 rounded – everyone is a different piece in
 the puzzle to complete the picture

•StrengthsFinder provides the opportunity to
 better understand the others you work and
 live with so that you can work and live
 together more effectively in God’s kingdom
Employee Engagement

If your leader                            Focuses on your   Focuses on your
   primarily…               Ignores you      weaknesses         strengths

Your chances of
  being actively
  disengaged are…

                               40%              22%              1%

           Source: Gallup
Leadership and Engagement

• If an organization’s
  leadership does not focus    9%
  on strengths

• If an organization’s         73%
  leadership focuses on

    Source: “Strengths Based
    By: Rath & Conchie
StrengthsFinder Overview
• Unique--millions of combinations
 • Chances of someone having your
   same top 5 strengths =
 • In the same order =
 • God made us uniquely
• Positive Psychology
 • Focus on building your strengths,
   not your weaknesses
StrengthsFinder Overview

• 80% Nature, 20% Nurture
• Strengths don’t change—become who
  you already are
• Top 5 vs. 34
 • Top 5 = 80% of what you do naturally
 • But—another 20%, so probably a #6, 7,
   or 8 is in play
Strengths are only part of all the factors of performance

                                                              Focus on Strengths,
   Fatal Flaws                    Strengths                  neutralize Weaknesses
Must be dealt with

                          Spiritual, Emotional,
                            Physical Health

                     Virtues/Fruits of the Spirit
                     Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance,
                                 Faith, Hope, Love

           Redeemed child of God using all our gifts to serve Him
Journey to Strength
• Talents--need to become strengths, journey to
• Strengths = talent + skill + knowledge X experience
• Focus on building and leveraging strengths
Strengths For Others
     (Servant Leadership)

• SFO—Strengths For Others
• It is only a strength when it
  is “other” focused
• Jesus came to serve and
  not to be served
Recognizing Strengths in Others
 Even if you don’t have someone’s top five, you
   can begin to analyze . . .
 1. Are they naturally drawn to the activity?
 2. What comes naturally to them, that also sets
   them apart in performance?
 3. Is it in their "flow?"
   (They did it well without even knowing it)
 4. Does it satisfy them deeply?
 5. Does it typically bring results?
Power and Strength
Less power (effort) is
required to produce
more power with your     100%

top strengths….and
vice versa…it takes

10%-20% effort to get
80%-90% results when
working from             0%

strengths…just the               1

opposite when not
working from
“How” NOT “What” . . .
• Vitally important – strengths
  do not determine what we do,
  but how we will do it
• No top 5 strengths are better
  or worse or make a better
  leader, teacher, student,
  friend, son, daughter, etc...
  they just tell us how we will
  do those roles..
Strengths Organization
Traction              Interpersonal                     Wild Cards (Seasoning)
Focus                 Empathy                           Learner
Activator             Includer                          Communication
Command               Relator
                      Woo                               Problem Identification
Driving               Developer                         Strategic*
Achiever              Individualization                 Ideation*
Maximizer*            Maximizer*                        Intellection
Competition           Lifestyle (Orientation to Life)   Problem Solving
Self-Assurance        Adaptability                      Restorative
                      Positivity                        Analytical*
Seeing (Mind's Eye)   Responsibility                    Deliberative*
Futuristic            Belief                            Input
Strategic*            Harmony                           Arranger
Connectedness         Consistency
Context               Discipline

Deliberative*         *Multiple Entries
Strengths Organization Descriptors
• Traction = strengths that get things started, like to
  constantly be on the go and push forward, terrific at
  gaining forward movement (traction), and then like to
  hand off to those with “Driving” strengths to finish

• Driving = these strengths are great at finishing
  things, like to accomplish tasks, “drive” things
  forward, and bring home the prize, hard charging
  strengths that take great joy in finishing efforts started
  by “Traction” strengths

• Seeing “Mind’s Eye” = people with the innate
  strength of sight, ability to see either forward or
  backwards in order to always inform the present and
  lead to the future
Strengths Organization Descriptors
 • Interpersonal = these strengths deal with the human touch,
   able to work with people and understand people, strengths
   in this area will always be looking for the human touch

 • Lifestyle = these strengths are more flavoring in nature,
   they influence, “flavor” the other strengths and the use
   thereof, example – positivity will influence all other strengths
   to always be looking at the “glass as half full” – these
   strengths combine with others to inform decisions and
   actions taken

 • Wild Cards = these strengths have no downside; however,
   for them to be used fully they must be partnered with other
   strengths, to learn for the sake of learning or communicate
   for the sake of communicating is not a use of strengths for
   others (SFO), when partnered with other strengths or
   learning new strengths for the team then full capacity is
Strengths Organization Descriptors

• Problem Identification = the strength to see the “true”
  problem, sight that can see problems coming or
  problems being experienced, ability to cut right through
  the issues to the heart of the problem at hand and not
  the ancillary issues that might cloud true identification

• Problem Solving = the strength to solve problems and
  issues that exist, able to see the steps needed and
  intricate details that would go into a solution or plan to
  address any problem that might exist
How Strengths Organization Catgories Work Together
•    People with Problem Identification strengths will determine the core

•    They will then partner-up on the issue with people with Problem Solving strengths
     who put the 3-step solution on paper or out in front of the team.

•    They (Problem Solvers) will then partner-up on the solution with and those having
     Traction strengths who will get the solution started.

•    They will then partner-up with people with Driving strengths who will make sure
     the solution gets finished.

•    The Seeing strength individuals will provide sight to make sure the solution is in
     line with mission, core values, long-term vision, the right priority, etc.

•    Those with Interpersonal strengths will make sure the solution is being worked
     with the people and bringing other people along; they will not allow people to be
     left behind or move too far ahead – they will engage the people on the team.

•    People with Lifestyle strengths will ensure all is done positively, with harmony, is
     aligned with core values (Belief), etc. . . .

•    People with Wild Card strengths enhance every strength, every area, and the
     entire process.
Strengths Organization Working Together --

In the end all 8 categories are used and
   the team is utilizing all of its pieces
  (people), all of its strengths, to build
          towards full unity of
   serving together to accomplish the
mission of your God-ordained ministry.
Strengths Organization
Traction              Interpersonal                     Wild Cards (Seasoning)
Focus                 Empathy                           Learner
Activator             Includer                          Communication
Command               Relator
                      Woo                               Problem Identification
Driving               Developer                         Strategic*
Achiever              Individualization                 Ideation*
Maximizer*            Maximizer*                        Intellection
Competition           Lifestyle (Orientation to Life)   Problem Solving
Self-Assurance        Adaptability                      Restorative
                      Positivity                        Analytical*
Seeing (Mind's Eye)   Responsibility                    Deliberative*
Futuristic            Belief                            Input
Strategic*            Harmony                           Arranger
Connectedness         Consistency
Context               Discipline

Deliberative*         *Multiple Entries
Sample Team Analysis
Names       1              2                3                 4               5                6            7          8

          Belief     Responsibility     Harmony            Relator     Self-Assurance

        Harmony          Woo           Maximizer       Communication Individualization

        Developer      Harmony        Responsibility      Positivity      Learner        Connectedness Restorative   Belief

        Analytical     Achiever          Relator          Learner        Discipline

         Learner         Belief       Responsibility      Activator         Input

        Harmony          Belief       Consistency Connectedness           Relator

          Belief     Connectedness       Context         Developer        Positivity
Names       1              2                3                 4               5                6            7          8

          Belief     Responsibility     Harmony            Relator     Self-Assurance

        Harmony          Woo           Maximizer       Communication Individualization

        Developer      Harmony        Responsibility      Positivity      Learner        Connectedness Restorative   Belief

        Analytical     Achiever          Relator          Learner        Discipline

         Learner         Belief       Responsibility      Activator         Input

        Harmony          Belief       Consistency Connectedness           Relator

          Belief     Connectedness       Context         Developer        Positivity
What if this team were an Individual
              Top Strengths

   Belief                     5
   Harmony                    4
   Responsibility             3
   Connectedness              3
   Learner                    3
   Relator                    3

These 6 Themes = 55.3% of the total
What’s Missing?
 Strength       #      Strength      #
Adaptability    0      Futuristic    0
 Arranger       0       Ideation     0
Command         0       Includer     0
Competition     0     Intellection   0
Deliberative    0     Significance   0
 Empathy        0      Strategic     0
  Focus         0
Area                     Expect   Actual   Index
Traction                 8.8%     2.6%      30
Driving                  14.7%    7.9%      54
Seeing                   20.5%    13.2%     64
Interpersonal            20.5%    21.1%    103
Lifestyle                20.5%    42.1%    205
Problem Identification   8.8%     0.0%      0
Problem Solving          14.7%    7.9%      54
Wild Card                5.9%     10.5%    179
Which Strengths May
  Rub Each Other
 The Wrong Way?
StrengthsFinder Coaching Process
•   Review Top 5—are they strengths?
•   Locate in Strengths Organization
•   Identify Strengths Areas
•   Identify Partner-Up Areas
•   Identify Combinations
•   Develop a Coaching Plan for strengths
    based upon Pyramid – focused on
    Spiritual, Emotional, Physical
Strengths Organization
Traction              Interpersonal                     Wild Cards (Seasoning)
Focus                 Empathy                           Learner
Activator             Includer                          Communication
Command               Relator
                      Woo                               Problem Identification
Driving               Developer                         Strategic*
Achiever              Individualization                 Ideation*
Maximizer*            Maximizer*                        Intellection
Competition           Lifestyle (Orientation to Life)   Problem Solving
Self-Assurance        Adaptability                      Restorative
                      Positivity                        Analytical*
Seeing (Mind's Eye)   Responsibility                    Deliberative*
Futuristic            Belief                            Input
Strategic*            Harmony                           Arranger
Connectedness         Consistency
Context               Discipline

Deliberative*         *Multiple Entries
Example: Bill Fold

Example—Bill Fold
Traction               Interpersonal                     Wild Cards (Seasoning)
Focus                  Empathy                           Learner
Activator              Includer                          Communication
Command                Relator
                       Woo                               Problem Identification
Driving                Developer                         Strategic
Achiever               Individualization                 Ideation
M aximizer             M aximizer*                       Intellection
Competition            Lifestyle (Orientation to Life)   Problem Solving
Self-Assurance         Adaptability                      Restorative
                       Positivity                        Analytical
Seeing (M ind's Eye)   Responsibility                    Deliberative
Futuristic             Belief                            Input
Strategic              Harmony                           Arranger
Connectedness          Consistency
Context                Discipline
Example—Bill Fold
Traction               Interpersonal                     Wild Cards (Seasoning)
Focus                  Empathy                           Learner
Activator              Includer                          Communication
Command                Relator
                       Woo                               Problem Identification
Driving                Developer                         Strategic
Achiever               Individualization                 Ideation
M aximizer             M aximizer*                       Intellection
Competition            Lifestyle (Orientation to Life)   Problem Solving
Self-Assurance         Adaptability                      Restorative
                       Positivity                        Analytical
Seeing (M ind's Eye)   Responsibility                    Deliberative
Futuristic             Belief                            Input
Strategic              Harmony                           Arranger
Connectedness          Consistency
Context                Discipline
Example: Millie Mupps
• Responsibility
• Belief
• Empathy
• Achiever
• Relator
Strengths Organization—Millie Mupps

Traction               Interpersonal                     Wild Cards (Seasoning)
Focus                  Empathy                           Learner
Activator              Includer                          Communication
Command                Relator
                       Woo                               Problem Identification
Driving                Developer                         Strategic*
Achiever               Individualization                 Ideation*
Maximizer              Maximizer*                        Intellection
Competition            Lifestyle (Orientation to Life)   Problem Solving
Self-Assurance         Adaptability                      Restorative
                       Positivity                        Analytical*
Seeing (M ind's Eye)   Responsibility                    Deliberative*
Futuristic             Belief                            Input
Strategic              Harmony                           Arranger
Connectedness          Consistency
Context                Discipline
Deliberative           *Multiple Entries
StrengthsFinder Coaching Process
•   Review Top 5—are they strengths?
•   Locate in Strengths Organization
•   Identify Strengths Areas
•   Identify Partner-Up Areas
•   Identify Combinations
•   Develop a Coaching Plan for strengths
    based upon Pyramid – focused on
    Spiritual, Emotional, Physical
What about you all and your strengths in
          light of the team?
   • Where can we find      • What does this all
     key partner-up           mean in light of our
     opportunities?           strengths, God’s plan
                              for us, and for his
   • How can we all work
     together for our
     ministry as a whole?   • Unity of the body?
• Closing Comments…
• 1 Corinthians 12…
• Closing prayer…
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