Key Stage 2 SATs Autumn 1 - LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY - Waverley School

Page created by Byron Banks
Key Stage 2 SATs Autumn 1 - LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY - Waverley School
Key Stage 2 SATs
     Autumn 1

What are SATs tests and when do they
take place?
• KS2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) are tests pupils take at the
  end of Year 6. SATs test pupils on what they have learnt between
  Year 3 and Year 6.

• KS2 SATs are mandatory tests from the National Curriculum
  assessment programme. All state schools in England are required to
  provide the tests.

• They are marked externally and the results sent to schools.

• The KS2 tests will be administered in the week commencing
  Monday 10th May 2021.
                         LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY
Which tests will Year 6 pupils complete?
In May 2021, Year 6 pupils will sit the following tests:

English Reading: reading booklet and associated answer booklet
[60 minutes]

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
• Paper 1: short answer questions [45 minutes]
• Paper 2: spelling [approximately 20 minutes]

• Paper 1: Arithmetic [30 minutes]
• Paper 2: Reasoning [40 minutes]
• Paper 3: Reasoning [40 minutes]
                         LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY
How are results reported?
• Children are given a scaled score at the end of
  Year 6.

• Scaled scores maintain their meaning over time
  so that two pupils achieving the same scaled
  score on two different tests will have
  demonstrated the same attainment.

• A scale of 100 will always represent the ‘National
  Standard’ or ‘Expected Standard’.

What are scaled scores?
• A pupil’s scaled score is based on their raw score.

• The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil
  receives in a test, based on the number of questions
  they answer correctly.

• The pupil’s raw score is translated into a scaled score
  using a conversion table.

• Parents and pupils will be notified with their End of
  Year Reports.

Reading Test
Reading will be a single paper with questions for the pupils to complete. There
will be a variety of texts with between 1200-1500 words in total.

1 hour test in total, including reading time, to complete the test. (50 marks)

Variety of different question types including:

• Ranking/ordering, e.g. ‘Number the events below to show the order in which
  they happen in the story’
• Labelling, e.g. ‘Label the text to show the title of the story’
• Find and copy, e.g. ‘Find and copy one word that suggests what the weather
  is like in the story’
• Short constructed response, e.g. ‘What does the bear eat?’
• Open-ended response, e.g. ‘Look at the sentence that begins Once upon a
  time. How does the writer increase the tension throughout this paragraph?
  Explain fully, referring to the text in your answer.’
                             LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY
Reading Test
• Daily Guided Reading sessions take place within

• Pupils are taught a range of reading skills, including
  an understanding of authorial technique and how to
  answer test questions effectively.

• The pupils should be reading a range of texts
  (including classics and more challenging books) at
  home daily, including reading to an adult to discuss
  vocabulary choices used in context.
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test
• The grammar, punctuation and spelling test will consist of two
  parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers,
  lasting 45 minutes, and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting
  around 15 minutes.

• The grammar and punctuation test will include two sub-types of

   – Selected response, e.g. ‘Identify the adjectives in the sentence

   – Constructed response, e.g. ‘Correct/complete/rewrite the
     sentence below,’ or, ‘The sentence below has an apostrophe
     missing. Explain why it needs an apostrophe.’
                        LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test

• Pupils are given spellings to learn on a weekly
  basis, based on either the Year 5/6 word list or a
  spelling rule.

• Pupils are tested weekly using the SATs style

• Pupils practice grammar through discrete sessions
  and specific grammar lessons with the pupils
  applying this knowledge to their own writing.

Mathematics Test
Pupils will sit three papers in mathematics:

Paper 1: arithmetic, 30 minutes (written)
Papers 2 and 3: mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning, 40
minutes per paper

Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give
the correct answer to calculations, including long multiplication and
division. Papers 2 and 3 will involve a number of question types, including:

• Multiple choice
• True or false
• Constrained questions, e.g. giving the answer to a calculation, drawing a
  shape or completing a table or chart
• Less constrained questions, where children will have to explain their
  approach for solving a problem.

                           LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY

 • All writing is assessed through teacher
   assessment – evidence throughout the year.

 • Evidence gained from all books.

 • Moderators will come into school to quality-
   assure teacher assessment judgements.

 • The pupils will be assessed as either:

 ‘working towards the expected standard’
 ‘working at the expected standard’
 ‘working at greater depth’

 • For children to be working at the expected
   standard, they must consistently demonstrate the

Writing Expectations
•   The pupil can write for a range of purposes and audiences (including writing a short
•   creating atmosphere, and integrating dialogue to convey character and advance the
•   selecting vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect the level of formality
    required mostly correctly
•   using a range of cohesive devices*, including adverbials, within and across sentences
    and paragraphs
•   using passive and modal verbs mostly appropriately
•   using a wide range of clause structures, sometimes varying their position within the
•   using adverbs, preposition phrases and expanded noun phrases effectively to add detail,
    qualification and precision
•   using inverted commas, commas for clarity, and punctuation for parenthesis mostly
    correctly, and making some correct use of semi-colons, dashes, colons and hyphens
•   spelling most words correctly, including common exception words* (years 5 and 6)
•   maintaining legibility, fluency and speed in handwriting through choosing whether or
    not to join specific letters.
How can you support at home?
 • Encourage healthy learning habits e.g. independent
   learning, support in completion of homework, little
   often is more productive, regular sleep, water, diet &
 • Ensure every piece of homework is completed to a
   high standard
 • Read, read and read again with your child!
   (development of vocabulary)
 • Use of My Maths which school subscribes to enabling
   access for your child
 • Use of revision books and educational websites.
Websites to Support











                                 LEARNING THROUGH DIVERSITY
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