Planning for the future - Shipping Australia

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Planning for the future - Shipping Australia

                                                                                                                            Flinders Ports

                                        Planning for the future
                                        By RANDALL BONNER,
                                        General Manager Group Assets, Flinders Port Holdings

As we look back on a challenging year,            The new purchases include new container           Planning for the future
it is worth acknowledging the resilience          handling equipment at FACT and a                  2020 was also a major year for Flinders
of the ports and shipping industry                new mobile harbour crane for Flinders             Port Holdings as a group. In April,
globally, not least in Australia. COVID           Logistics at Berth 29.                            we launched our first group-wide
induced disruption to cargo shipping was                                                            sustainability plan. The plan consolidates
minimal, while there have been virtually          Regional Ports                                    action already underway across the
no shutdowns of major ports. In South                                                               business, while setting out medium-term
                                                  This year we also completed the $14.1
Australia, where we own and operate                                                                 and stretch goals across Environmental,
                                                  million redevelopment of the Thevenard
the Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal                                                            Social and Governance (ESG) metrics.
                                                  Jetty on the State’s west coast. The
(FACT) and six regional ports, all of our                                                           We believe a sustainable business is one
                                                  work was crucially important, securing
operations have continued throughout the                                                            that acts positively to achieve sustainable
                                                  Thevenard’s long-term viability and
pandemic, which is testimony to our 700                                                             outcomes, minimising harm, being
                                                  providing sustainable fit-for-purpose
staff and the pandemic response plan we                                                             at one with our communities and the
                                                  infrastructure for what is South Australia’s
were able to quickly implement.                                                                     environment. But we also understand it
                                                  busiest regional port.
                                                                                                    will play a fundamental role in ensuring
Port Adelaide                                     We have also been able to complete                the financial resilience of the group in the
                                                  the $1.2 million upgrade to Port                  future.
While COVID has clearly dominated
                                                  Lincoln, including lighting and electrical
the year, we were able to continue or                                                               Following from the launch of our
                                                  upgrades, wharf remediation, carpark
complete all the major capital works                                                                Sustainability Plan, we are also close to
                                                  redevelopment and accessibility
projects we outlined in the Shipping                                                                completing our first ever master planning
                                                  improvements for the Parnkalla Trail,
Australia Annual Review last year. In Q1                                                            exercise. The result will be a 50-year
                                                  which runs through the port.
we welcomed the first Post-Panamax                                                                  master plan which will be transformational
Vessels to FACT, after the successful             The Department of Infrastructure                  in how we will operate in order to facilitate
completion of the $80 million Outer               Transport (DIT) and Flinders Port Holdings        trade for South Australia, support
Harbor Channel Widening. This was                 will also commence work in Port Pirie in          industry, secure jobs, and protect the
followed by several other complex                 first quarter of 2021.  This work is centred      environment. Around $25 billion worth
infrastructure projects worth highlighting.       around capping various working areas of           of trade is moved across Flinders Ports
                                                  the port, with a view to further reducing         precincts each year, the equivalent of 24
2020 saw the continuation of extensive
                                                  air born dust particles around the site.          per cent of State GSP – we simply have
redevelopment works at Inner Harbor.
The Harbor’s Berth 20 is being                                                                      to ensure we are in a position to continue
redeveloped for general purpose use               Beyond the port gate                              facilitating that trade, and we are acutely
and facilitating grain exporter, Cargill,         During the last year, we also moved further       aware of the crucial role we play in South
at a cost of $4 million. Berth 18-20 is           into consolidating our position as a vertically   Australia’s economy.
undergoing concrete remediation work              integrated business. Flinders Warehousing         Overall, we have had a strong year in
with Phase 1 ($2.6 million) completed             and Distribution (FWD) has expanded its           2020 but we are aware that the threat to
and Phase 2 ($5.3 million) underway.              services and has also become biosecurity          business continuity from COVID remains.
Both these projects ensure we align with          approved. We can now provide even                 The goal in 2021 will be to continue
our strategic objective of providing high         faster turnaround for containers requiring        delivering our long-term strategy while
levels of service through our berths, with        inspections, with our comprehensive               keeping the systems and protocols in
assured customer safety and longevity of          approval of Accreditation Classes. In the         place to keep our people safe, and trade
Flinders Port Holdings assets.                    digital space, we have also started to look       flowing.
                                                  at decision support platforms to improve
We have also invested in excess of
                                                  predictive trade forecasting and artificial
$7 million in new plant and equipment
                                                  intelligence to support the optimisation of
to ensure capacity and efficiency in
                                                  container yard management.
delivering services to our customers.

Shipping Australia Limited I Annual Review 2020                                                                                               55
Planning for the future - Shipping Australia
A world class
            supply chain partner
             for South Australia
                 Through integrated ports, infrastructure and logistics services, Flinders Port Holdings
                       connects South Australian businesses to each other and to the world.


              Flinders                      Flinders Adelaide       Flinders            Flinders Warehousing
                Ports                      Container Terminal       Logistics               & Distribution
Shipping Australia Limited I Annual Review 2020                                                                43
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