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IM TREND K E B A C U S T O M E R M A GA Z INE ISSUE 1 /2 0 2 0 Trending topic Automation as the key to digitalization New standard: NFC technology New in the KEBA portfolio KeBin S10 – access and branch management system Success in practice
Company 2 Foreword 3 Modern self-service strategy in Poland 4 Automation as the key to digitalization 6 KeBin S10 – access and branch management system 8 The new KeBin S10 tested at the Sparkasse Oberösterreich 10 Trending topic: NFC on the KePlus terminal Growth 12 Volksbank Sprockhövel eG: requires strong roots The evo series is a winner If a company sees itself as a living KeBin S10, KEBA’s smart solution for 14 Sparkasse Gengenbach: organism, then growth is a natural and access and branch management, is Win-win-win situation welcome result. presented on page 6. In a special fea- ture on pages 10 and 11, we discuss 16 Raiffeisen Austria and KEBA Our roots, the KEBA solutions portfo- contactless authentication at KePlus A blueprint for success lio tailored to our customers’ needs, self-service terminals. have grown continuously in recent 19 KEBA Romania months. Particularly strong growth And of course our customers will Full-fledged enabler for the investments were made in the indus- also have their say in this issue of digital transformation trial automation division. By acquir- IM TREND. After all, who is better at ing the German technology special- providing a field report on self-service 20 Software expert Auriga discusses ist for drive solutions, the LTI Motion banking, new branch concepts and trends in Italy Group, KEBA strengthens its market KePlus system applications than you, position and becomes a total solution the customer? You can also expect 21 ATM explosions – provider for everything from operation to find favorite topics such as secu- a dangerous phenomenon and control to safety engineering and rity, industry trends and insights into now in Austria drive technology. other KEBA business areas. 22 Milestone anniversary at KEBA The IM TREND editorial team hopes 10 years of electromobility Strong roots you have a great time reading this in bank automation issue! 23 KEBA & KEMAS: The experts for transfer New solutions such as the KeBin S10 Detailed information on the LTI automation access and branch management sys- Motion acquisition is provided tem and technologies such as con- here: tactless NFC have also enriched the Owned and published by: KEBA AG, 4041 Linz, Gewer- KEBA bank automation portfolio. bepark Urfahr, Phone: +43 732 7090-0, Editors: Korinna Aschauer, Lisa Aichmayr, David Starzer, They enable innovative applications Thomas Hager, Stephan Danner, Harald Kirchtag, Micha- ela Leitner, Werner Hentscholek; Photos: Florian Stöllinger, and a modern user experience for Philipp Greindl, Gregor Hartl; Graphics: Claudia Huemer; Translation: John Cima bank customers. 2 IM TREND
Poland Modern self-service strategy with KePlus cash recyclers In the interview: Grzegorz Flanz, Vice President of the cooperative bank in Torun The bank based in Toruń is one The self-service systems work quickly, technologies such as KEBA recyclers of the leading cooperative banks around the clock and allow our emplo- we are able to automate many tasks. in Poland. The bank has installed yees to focus on customers. They also multiple KEBA cash recyclers in reduce the cost of cash handling and Do you intend to implement additional its branches. Grzegorz Flanz, Vice take care of sorting and verifying bank- evo recyclers? President of the bank, told us how notes. Each of our self-service systems that came about and what strate- is equipped with a Novum eNBio palm All of our branches are equipped with gies they are pursuing. reader. We have over 21,000 custom- KEBA cash recyclers. We recently ers and most of them use this biomet- installed another KePlus R10 from the Mr. Flanz, how do KEBA cash ric authentication tool at ATMs since it evo series. Together with our bank- recyclers support your branches? is both convenient and secure. ing system, the evo recycler is flexible, efficient and offers a multitude of func- Our strategy takes into account the What about regulations in Poland? tions. The entire solution (IT system dynamically changing market and the and KEBA recycler) is provided by our needs of our customers. To attend to Numerous regulations have been intro- partner Novum. In 2020 we will main- our customers in the best possible duced over the past few years that are tain our course and automate addi- way, we needed to free our employees often difficult to implement for smaller tional routine tasks with the help of the from routine tasks. As part of this strat- banks. And this in turn has made it KEBA self-service systems. egy, we created cashless branches more difficult to serve our customers. where cash transactions are handled Mr. Flanz, thank you for your time! by KEBA recyclers. By designing new processes, pursuing a clear strategy and using innovative IM TREND 3
Trending topic There is no denying that digitalization is the megatrend of our time. In addition to smart factories and services such as Uber and AirBnB, which are disrupting entire indus- tries, digitalization is also entering the financial and bank- ing world and brings new challenges for our industry. The declining use of banknotes and coins is making this trend even more complex. Automation as the key to digitalization The discussion on how we use our will stay with us for a long time to harbors potential dangers despite the cash is already in full swing: abolish, come. At the same time, lower circu- excellent supply of e-banking solu- defend, secure by law, prescribe or lation means higher “per unit” handling tions. Negative press, loss of trust and replace with a digital Euro - this is only costs. a declining customer base are com- a small part of the discourse on cash. mon consequences. Euro banknotes and coins are currently Digitalization is not only impacting the only legal tender in the European cash but also the entire banking sec- Is the bank branch dead? Union. Alternative payment methods, tor. Everything that can be digitalized such as ApplePay, only serve to pro- will be digitalized and move from the Withdrawing from retail locations is cess payments and cannot replace the bank counter to the digital space. not an economic cure-all for banks Euro. Countless, highly-specialized fintechs and savings banks. The bank branch are already at play in this area. The is not just a cost factor, but also the The total abolition of cash is something result is a transformation of the bank- most important sales channel and only politicians can decide. KEBA does ing and financial world: Compared to main point of contact for your current not assume that will happen for a vari- other regions in the world, the number and future customers. Giving up the ety of reasons - lack of inclusion would of bank branches in Europe is shrink- entire branch network would perma- be one among many challenges if cash ing. In 2016, for example, 2.7% of all nently damage the brand of a finan- were no longer used. We believe that bank branches in Western Europe and cial institution. cash will be used less frequently in the 1.8% in Central and Eastern Europe future but will not disappear entirely. were closed. Even if the potential for Especially with regard to financial Cash will decline to a base level, but consolidation exists, closing locations transactions, the branch office is a 4 IM TREND
Trending topic 1 Teller Automation and Branch Transformation, 2017, RBR 2 “Amazon Will Consider Opening Up to 3,000 Cashierless Stores by 2021”, Bloomberg, 2018 3 “Amazon denkt über Läden in deutschen Fußgängerzonen nach”,, 2020 place where customers can get infor- ered the offline location as a marketing ital business on site. mation through personal conversation channel for their business. The online A medium such as cash remains sta- and have their questions answered retail giant Amazon, for example, said tionary because it cannot be digitalized discreetly. Proximity and personal con- it would significantly expand its Ama- per se. The ability to switch between tact form the basis for the relationship zon GO branch network by 2021 and physical and digital forms of cash is a of trust between the financial institution operate a total of 3,000 shops in the must - in both directions and with the and the customer - a critical asset for United States alone² and is “think- utmost convenience. Automated cash every bank and savings bank. ing about opening stores in German payment is therefore not enough. A pedestrian zones”³. key to digitalizing the bank coun- Besides offering customer services, ter is to automate both the deposit the branch office also serves as the Other internet giants like Alibaba and and withdrawal of cash. Doing so will “house” of the brand. For the end Tencent have also recognized the make cash recycling technology the customer, it is the place where a bank potential of an offline presence and are standard. or savings bank can be experienced. building up a network of stores. The values that an institute represents, This calls for high-availability self-ser- which often relate to locality, reliabil- Maximum convenience is vice ATMs with intuitive operation and ity or innovation, help customers iden- an absolute necessity a focus on customer experience so tify with their bank. They must there- that bank customers actually enjoy fore find their place in the branch Convenience is perhaps one of the using them. KEBA's self-service cash environment. most important elements in a cus- recyclers from the evo series are able tomer relationship. A modern branch to meet these requirements today. Even beyond the financial world, it with a welcoming atmosphere has a is evident that the branch office rep- positive influence on the customer resents an important channel for the relationship, increases trust and loyalty brand and for customer loyalty. In the to the institute and offers the conveni- meantime, online players have discov- ence of being able to do your non-dig- IM TREND 5
Innovation Smart home for your branch – KeBin S10 Security has a major impact on the use of self-service lobbies outside of opening hours. If customers feel safe and com- fortable there, then they will be happy to return for their banking needs. Controlled access to the self-service zone cre- ates security - both perceived and real. An access system that thinks ahead Security is not the only thing that influences whether we feel good in bank lobbies, especially outside of opening hours. Lighting, room temper- ature, music, smell and many other aspects have a subconscious effect on visitors. In addition to access, KeBin S10 also controls room elements such as light and audio, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the branch. Many applications from the smart home sector are also possible with KEBA's access and branch management system. Moreover, the operating costs of a branch can be lowered through the targeted control of elements that consume energy. 6 IM TREND
Innovation For almost 40 years now banks and savings banks have placed their trust in KEBA when it comes to the secure and reliable access control of their self-service zones. The latest generation of the branch management system, the KeBin S10, is multifunctional, features contactless technology and controls other room elements in addition to access. Easy operation for all Thanks to modern NFC technology, bank customers can now access a bank branch using a contactless card or smart- phone for the first time. Traditional methods such as cards with chips or magnetic strips continue to be supported. A user-friendly web application for configuring the KeBin S10 is available for bank employees. With a network connection, bank employees are able to make settings directly from the office. A customizable dashboard offers a quick overview of current settings. Authorization groups for access and special opening times can be eas- ily configured using the calendar function. Individual cards for entering the branch can also be authorized or blocked at any time. Security across the board Powerful industrial components and comprehensive security features ensure that the KeBin S10 works quickly, securely and reliably. The cen- tral unit is also designed to accept future upgrades and add-ons. Attempts to tamper with the door module are recognized immediately, leaving the doors to the branch locked. The clear, straightforward design of the door module also makes the KeBin S10 unattractive for criminals since any element used for skimming attacks can be quickly identified as such. Communication between the door module and the intelligent cen- tral unit, which is located in the technical room of the office, is encrypted and therefore also secure. All personal data of bank customers are processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In summary: • Access system with modern authentication (NFC, chip, magnetic stripe) • Smart control of light, music, door, ... • Full access control and transparency • User-friendly remote control via web interface • Secure and GDPR-compliant data processing IM TREND 7
Austria Pilot installation a success: Over the past few months and weeks, the brand new KeBin S10 has been up and running in front of KEBA's metaphorical front door: at the Sparkasse Oberösterreich savings bank in Linz/Urfahr. Wolfgang Aigner, Head of Security, and Maximilian Pointer, Director of the Sparkasse Oberösterreich, provide a first-hand account of this pilot project. Active role in the requirements for the new generation of been using the KeBin S10 for a few development process KEBA access systems. And Wolfgang weeks now, is on the ground floor of Aigner was one of the workshop par- the Sparkasse tower. The tower serves Wolfgang Aigner, who is responsible ticipants: “Our needs and ideas were as operational center and also houses for security at Sparkasse Oberöster- taken into account and implemented the security department - a convenient reich, oversees the pilot project for the in the KEBA development project. For place for a test. bank. “A solution for upgrading exist- example, we clearly emphasized the ing access systems like KeBin S6 and importance of NFC as an authentica- “In light of possible teething problems, Pasador was very important to us. The tion method.” which can still easily occur during a test, systems we currently have in place it was important for us to be close at allow us to meet our minimum require- Shared pilot project hand. The KEBA headquarters are also ments. Technically, however, these in Linz/Urfahr only a few minutes' walk away, which are no longer on the cutting edge,” he was very helpful. Hence we were in a explains as to why he took an active The first renderings and prototypes of position to quickly identify and elimi- role in the pilot project. the new KeBin S10 were presented nate errors,” Wolfgang Aigner says. about a year ago. As they wanted In the run up to the project, experts to replace the old systems as soon In mid-January 2020, for example, the from various financial institutions and as possible, Sparkasse Oberösterre- KeBin S10 door module was upgraded professionals in the field of secu- ich chose to pilot the first real system. to drastically improve the card reader rity solutions were invited to suggest The branch in question, which has speed. 8 IM TREND
Austria The new KeBin S10 tested at the Sparkasse Oberösterreich KEBA CEO Gerhard Luftensteiner (left) and Sparkasse Oberösterreich Director Maximilian Pointner (right) testing out the new KeBin S10 in Linz/Urfahr. Flexible control from In addition to all of the options for con- and a modern design,” says Maxi- anywhere trolling access automatically, the KeBin milian Pointner, CEO of Sparkasse S10 also offers applications that are Oberösterreich. In addition to contactless authentica- familiar from the smart home sector: tion via NFC, the KeBin S10 also has a control of lighting, temperature and “We are currently exploring which leg- network connection, which is a signifi- audio as well as the ability to switch acy systems we would like to replace cant advantage for the security depart- individual self-service machines on or with the KeBin S10. In the coming ment. The bank has 162 branch loca- off outside of opening hours depend- years we will implement a few replace- tions and controls all of its security sys- ing on need. ment projects and modernize our tems from Linz. The clear web inter- access management system together face makes it very easy for employees Next steps for the with KEBA. We are also aware that the to manage the systems. Sparkasse Oberösterreich KeBin S10 supports many other smart features that we would like to evaluate Special access rights and special “As a longstanding partner, KEBA has in the future,” states Wolfgang Aigner. opening times, e.g. at evening events been supplying access authorization in larger branches, can be assigned systems for Sparkasse Oberöster- We would like to thank the Sparkasse quickly and flexibly to individuals or reich for almost 40 years. The new Oberösterreich for collaborating with specific card groups. Especially for KeBin S10 won us over with its numer- us on this pilot project as partners. commercial customers who want to ous smart features. Besides NFC make large deposits in the evening, capability and maximum accessibility, regulated individual access can offer a the lobby management system also feeling of extra security and improved boasts increased reliability and security service. IM TREND 9
Trending topic In this special feature you will learn how NFC technol- Our experts believe NFC cards will spread quickly and ogy enriches the KePlus systems and how we devel- want to make the evo series systems compatible with oped the solution at KEBA. them from the start. The same technology should also be usable for existing KePlus Cash and Non-Cash termi- 2012 nals. Yet the search for an NFC module on the market has so far been unsuccessful since the products designed Contactless payment is still in its infancy in Europe and for cash registers do not meet our requirements in terms its future significance remains unclear. In the course of of functionality and integrability. A development project developing the evo series, KEBA imagined a future with based on how we imagine the future of NFC is started. NFC technology: 2016 • Users like to pay contactlessly - easily and quickly, even for small amounts The evo series with a new NFC reader is released on the • The card industry expects additional payment market and processes and is investing rapidly • is very well received. The all-around lighting and • Smartphone manufacturers are pushing into the large icons attract a lot of attention from users. money business with contactless payment • is installed vertically in the customer interface, the • Users also enjoy contactless banking. Contactless SmartSurface. This allows the user to keep banking on self-service terminals is done individually the card in their hand and not forget it. for each customer or data center • is seamlessly integrated into the glass front and • The still young Near Field Communication standard offers no further incentive for vandalism. constantly receives updates • is completely invisible when deactivated. 10 IM TREND
Trending topic How contactless technology came to the self-service terminals of KEBA Contactless payment using NFC technology is on the rise. In addi- tion to its use at the supermarket checkout, Near Field Communica- tion also allows accelerated transactions at the ATM. Bank customers can authenticate themselves quickly and without inserting the card at the self-service terminal and are then able to carry out their transac- tions as usual. The smartphone is also being used more and more as a bank card, offering a con- venient alternative to the con- ventional credit card format. A pre-installed reader does not irritate the user 2020 even though it is not yet supported by software. There are no costs incurred for future upgrades. A lot has happened since we started this project. Most • communicates with the NFC card using firmware cards, payment terminals and smartphones are now and maps the logic for business processes in soft- equipped with NFC and in some countries over 50% of ware. This allows NFC functionality to be expanded card payments are contactless. via software updates without the need for hardware replacement. ATMs differ widely, as a comparison between Austria and Germany shows: In Austria, EMVCo™ certification 2018 is required for NFC operation. Our NFC solution is certified: together with the KIXCLC Since this requirement took effect, around half of all Aus- solution from the software company SBS, it is approved trian ATMs have been upgraded with NFC and virtually by MasterCard and Visa worldwide for handling contact- all new devices are equipped with the technology now. less transactions according to the EMV® standard as of July 2018. In Germany, the Banking Industry Committee is currently finalizing its specifications for the development and cer- 2019 tification of NFC solutions. In 2020 German banks will be able to initiate their rollout projects for NFC-enabled The KeBin S10, KEBA's branch management system for ATMs. self-service zones, enters the market with NFC technol- ogy. Customers can now open the branch door with their smartphones. IM TREND 11
Germany The evo series shines with premium quality, advanced technology and high availability The modern design and clearly struc- facturer. In the course of updating the cash deposit feature, which is now tured user interface speak in favor of self-service devices to WIN10, we available outside of business hours as the evo series. But when it comes to decided to rethink this strategy. We well. We want to meet our customers’ choosing a cash recycling system, it were convinced by the great expe- needs in this regard. is mostly the “inner values” that count riences other banks had with KEBA - technical flexibility that leaves rooms machines and the evo series presenta- If the only recycler in a large branch for adjustments and high availability. tion given in the summer of 2018. Cur- with several ATMs stops working, we In an interview, Mr. Lieber tells us why rently we have an evo recycler installed always receive complaints. Hence our VB Sprockhövel will only use the cash in the wall of our self-service area. Six strategy of reducing the number ATMs recycling systems from the evo series more evos will follow in early 2020. and relying more on cash recyclers will in the future and why they even prefer only work if we offer the highest pos- them to much cheaper ATMs. VB Sprockhövel eG relies on cash sible availability. In light of our experi- recycling to a large degree. How did ences with our first KEBA recycler, we Mr. Lieber, how and when did you this decision come about? intend to change our self-service cash become a KEBA customer? Previously there was only one ATM machines from 7 ATMs and 6 recyclers For a long time we only used self-ser- in the branch with the KEBA recycler. to 2 ATMs and 8 recyclers. vice systems from a single manu- Our customers appreciate the value of 12 IM TREND
Germany Institute facts: (as of 12/31/2018) • Total assets € 585 million • 111 employees • 5 branches and 2 self-service spots • 35 self-service devices, including 6 cash recyclers In conversation: Reinhard Lieber, Authorized Officer / Head of IT and Building Management (left) with Patrick Manert from KEBA (right) What are your core criteria when using This was often a problem for large pay- What is your impression of the evo a cash recycling system? ments, which is why we usually have system? It is important that the system offers an ATM next to it with 100 euro notes. When we saw the evo series for the the longest trouble-free operation pos- We can now deal with this issue much first time, it was quite a surprise. We sible. If there is a malfunction, branch better thanks to the evo series. The were very impressed by the use of employees should be able to correct it dual cassette technology gives us durable materials, especially where as quickly and easily as possible. And much more flexibility in this regard. it really matters - for the mechanical that is a very strong feature of the evo components. series. This feature allows the recycling of up to eight denominations in the smallest The design is not only “fashionable”, A recycler is of course more expen- of spaces. What advantage does this but also offers huge advantages in sive than a normal ATM, but the dif- provide for your bank? terms of operation. The possibilities ference in cost is minimized when you Due to the low circulation of the 200 provided by the large screen and clearly take into account the reliable operat- euro bill, we opted to recycle only five structured user interface increase cus- ing time and the added value that the denominations. Large withdrawals can tomer satisfaction. By using glass and recycling function brings. now be done entirely with the self-ser- metal, KEBA made the right decision vice system and without an employee for long-lasting self-service systems. The availability of self-service systems having to retrieve “large notes” from is usually the most important factor the safe, which is time-consuming. Do you see recycling as the solution when comparing options. How high for the future? is the availability of the KEBA recycler Thanks to the dual cassette technol- Yes, I definitely believe so. The advan- that your company has been using? ogy, a higher recycling rate and longer tages for the customer and for the The availability of our evo recycler has operating time can be achieved. Is that bank definitely outweigh the higher always been well above 99% ever the case in your experience? acquisition costs. In addition, we can since we installed it. It doesn't get any Yes, absolutely. We were surprised now offer our customers the ability to better than that. that our first evo self-service device make cash deposits outside of busi- was able to achieve a much higher ness hours. This also makes it eas- How are you currently using the KEBA recycling rate than our other recy- ier for our employees because they systems? clers. We assume this is also due to no longer have to manually process Previously we were only using 5, 10, improved note recognition (fit/unfit, banknotes. 20 and 50 euro notes in the recycling real/counterfeit). cassettes. IM TREND 13
Germany Win-win-win situation: Service wherever the customer is - for Sparkasse Gengenbach, in two Edeka stores Sparkasse Gengenbach has had an We operated a store in the district ATM in the Edeka market for a long where the second Edeka was going time now. It allowed customers to to be built. The store was slated to be withdraw cash while shopping in the closed regardless of our considera- supermarket. When the management tions. To allow our customers to con- of Edeka planned on opening another tinue carrying out their usual transac- store, they contacted the savings tions at a branch location, the idea of As a bank, that does cash replenish- bank, which happens to be the house using cash recycling systems became ment itself, we find it important that bank of the company. very interesting. the cash cycle, i.e. the relationship between deposits and withdrawals, Mr. Moser, Head of the Organization Which factors were particularly runs smoothly at a third-party location. Department, spoke to IM TREND about important for you here? the history of this collaboration and the The Edeka stores deposit their cash benefits gained for everyone involved. To determine the suitability of a recy- in the cash recyclers and fill it up for cler, we analyzed the deposit volumes customers who want to make a cash Mr. Moser, what made you decide on of both markets. We also observed the withdrawal. a cash recycler for the second Edeka transactions at the nearby branch. The supermarket? results spoke very clearly in favor of a The reliability of the self-service sys- cash recycler. tems and their acceptance among our We had been talking to Mr. Schneider, customers are also key factors for us. owner and CEO of the Edeka super- Our management board then opted to We were already convinced of both - market chain, about a cash recycling install a cash recycling system in both the KEBA systems are very reliable and system for a long time. We already the new and existing Edeka stores. user-friendly. had a cash dispenser available in the The ATM located there could not be existing market. In our discussions and updated to Windows 10 and therefore also when shopping privately, a recy- needed to be replaced. cler was a recurring topic. 14 IM TREND
Germany the off-site location as added value for all Whether in a shopping mall or a medical center: Third-party locations bring the bank's brand and its services to where the customers are. To better serve its customers, the Sparkasse Gengenbach savings bank in Baden-Württemberg has KEBA cash recycling systems in two Edeka supermarkets. When planning for the new Edeka ered by the store and additional costs Customers also say they enjoy the store began, you were involved at an were avoided. large touchscreen. For our private cus- early stage. What effect did that have? tomers we offer the same service from In consultation with Edeka manage- the former branch store. As a result, Mr. Schneider quickly brought us on ment, we specified in the rental agree- they were not bothered when the store board. It was great for us since we ment that the area in front of the ATM closed. It also saves them the extra trip were allowed to choose the place for is to remain free of goods and display to the ATM. our systems. stands. For our commercial customer, the The ATM stands prominently next to How do your customers feel about the operator of the Edeka stores, cash the door and is installed in a frame cash recyclers? What feedback can deposits are now much more pleas- through the wall in the store manag- you share with us? ant. Mr. Schneider can automatically er's office. This had a pleasant side deposit cash within his own four walls, effect in that most of the insurance We often hear praise about the faster so to speak, and no longer needs to requirements such as door peepholes transaction speed, which is especially drive to an ATM. or alarm technology were already cov- beneficial in such a busy area. Cash recyclers also increase customer loyalty to Edeka Patrick Schneider is the Junior Manager of the Edeka Markets Schneider in Gengenbach. As a commercial customer, he mainly uses the two evo cash recyclers to deposit the daily cash receipts from both markets. “Clearly it is very practical to deposit the cash directly at the local Edeka stores. There is no need to go to the main branch as the notes are safely stored away in the ATM,” says Mr. Schneider. Yet self-service systems are not only beneficial for supermarket managers. Customers can take care of most of their daily needs in one place and are thus happy to come back to the two stores. The self- service systems also increase customer loyalty to the Edeka brand. IM TREND 15
Austria Raiffeisen Austria and KEBA A KePlus FX10 with coin deposit function is located in Vorarlberg at Raiffeisenbank Walgau in the Frastanz branch. From left to right: Managing Director Klaus Kessler (Raiffeisenbank im Walgau), Franz Leitner (KEBA), Arno Labenbacher and Christian Schabronath (RLB Vorarlberg) Cash recycling as the basis As exclusive supplier, KEBA man- in the future. This concept focuses on for the bank branches aged to deliver more than 450 KePlus bank customers and their consulting of tomorrow R6se and KePlus X6se cash recy- needs. cling systems over the past two years. Banking transactions are based on Even systems from the evo series are Optimized processes trust, which makes customer con- already being used at the Raiffeisen for higher efficiency tact a basic requirement for provid- banks, such as the two KePlus FX10s ing the best service in bank branches. with coin deposit in Vorarlberg, for Due to their excellent acceptance The Raiffeisen banks in Austria have example. The joint rollout significantly among customers and the strate- thus opted for increased automation increased the field inventory of ATMs gic direction of the Raiffeisen banks, of standard transactions, such as cash with recycling functions. cash recyclers with the highest pos- deposits and transfers, and for greater sible availability were a top priority. An use of cash recyclers. This gives the The Raiffeisen banks see cash recy- optimization project was launched to professionals on hand more time and cling technology as the foundation for a unlock the full potential of the KePlus resources for personal discussions new branch and banking concept that ATMs in the bank branches. and intensive consulting. will be implemented on a broad basis 16 IM TREND
Austria A blueprint for success The Raiffeisen banks in Austria and KEBA have a longstanding partner- ship. Whether in the industrial areas of Upper Austria or the green val- leys of Styria - Raiffeisen Austria and KEBA are closely connected. The IM TREND editorial team went to find out what projects these two companies are currently working on. Rainer Stelzer, Managing Director of Raiffeisenlandesbank Steiermark, with the KePlus R6, which is available to bank customers at the Raaba branch. In the German-speaking region, the Austrian Raiffeisen banks are the first to fully adopt contactless authentication. “New technologies like NFC that sim- Experts from Raiffeisen, SBS Software Their technicians have completed ser- plify and accelerate the operation of GmbH, Raiffeisen's own service part- vice training for the KePlus self-service self-service systems are well received ners and KEBA are working together to systems over the past few years and by our customers and used often,” increase the efficiency of the accom- are therefore authorized to carry out said RLB Oberösterreich COO Stefan panying processes. control services and repairs. Sandberger. One of the lessons learned from this Independent service by Raiffeisen Austrian Raiffeisen banks have also project was to train device operators technicians is a tradition at Raiffeisen chosen new ways to make transfers. on how to read important information and enables flexible and independent In an effort to relieve the workload of from fault reports. If this information maintenance of the self-service fleet. employees at the bank counter, an is given to service partners, they can additional transfer function that uses restore the machines at a much faster Completely contactless barcodes and QR codes was set up on rate. “Especially in branches that are all cash recyclers, ATMs and account not permanently staffed, high availabil- The Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria service terminals. ity and rapid rebooting are particularly is a pioneer in the use of NFC technol- important,” says Stefan Sandberger, ogy in self-service banking. The World This function allows customers to Chief Operating Officer at Raiffeisen- Savings Day 2018 was taken as an make quick and easy transfers on all landesbank Oberösterreich. opportunity to outfit their entire fleet of self-service systems at any time of self-service ATMs and account service day, regardless of whether the branch Raffeisen service partners are tasked terminals with contactless technology. is staffed or not. with maintaining the self-service systems. IM TREND 17
Austria Focus on NFC: First KePlus recycler without a conventional card reader In December 2019, at the Urfahr business park in Linz where KEBA AG is headquartered, a special ATM was installed as part of a cooperation project with Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich. Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich COO Stefan Sandberger (left) and KEBA CEO Gerhard Luftensteiner (right) are very pleased with the longstanding partnership between the companies. The cash recycler from the evo series tication: “Authentication via NFC “Since customers don't give their relies entirely on contactless NFC tech- makes transactions faster, more con- bank card out of their hands when nology. In a joint project, RLB Oberös- venient and more secure since bank they use it, it can't be forgotten,” adds terreich and KEBA wanted to evaluate customers no longer need to insert KEBA CEO Gerhard Luftensteiner how well an NFC-based ATM with- their cards. out conventional card reader would All these advantages make Near be accepted by bank customers. If “A simple swipe of your card is suffi- Field Communication, NFC for short, successful, this pilot field study will be cient,” says Stefan Sandberger, COO at a future-proof technology, which will expanded further. Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich. continue to gain importance. NFC technology has proven to be a RLB Oberösterreich is excited about great relief, especially for older people the advantages of contactless authen- and people with motor impairments. 18 IM TREND
Romania Full-fledged enabler for digital transformation in the CEE region KEBA Romania, a key member of the KEBA Group, has been offering automated solutions in the Central and Eastern Europe region since 2006. As a hub for the digitalization of the bank- ing and logistics industry, this Romanian subsidiary is contin- uously driving the digital trans- formation forward. Thanks to its cutting-edge technol- Strong software ogy, extensive transaction options competence and extremely user-friendly operation, the KePlus self-service systems have Software competence is a unique become the benchmark in Romania advantage that KEBA enjoys in the as well. Customers such as BCR, the region. A dedicated team of soft- largest Romanian bank and a subsidi- ware developers is constantly working ary of the ERSTE Group, and Unicredit on improving KEBA's own software, focuses on advising customers. To Romania rely on KePlus self-service which the banks have integrated into make the branch processes even cash recyclers to provide their cus- their core banking systems. With this more efficient, large bank counters will tomers with the best possible service. approach, the two banks were able soon disappear. Customers can carry to expand the functionality of KePlus out their cash transactions on KEBA The number of KEBA ATMs in the terminals to include individual trans- terminals. field has risen steadily in recent years actions such as currency exchange, with an average annual growth rate of credit agreements or transfers with a For its innovations and services, KEBA 20%. Today there are over 360 sys- barcode scanner. Romania was recently awarded the tems across the country, maintained renowned eMachines Award. and supported by a team of KEBA Outstanding services technicians. This award is given annually by the The innovations introduced by the evo well-known eFinance Magazine and is The customer solutions team in Roma- series were also recognized in Roma- further proof of the innovative strength nia ensures that all systems are fully nia last year. In a tender for over 100 that KEBA Romania can be rightly operational and that both hardware cash recyclers, the BCR went with proud of. and software are up to date. Improve- systems from the evo series. These ments and innovative features are con- systems complement the successful stantly being added to meet the needs branch concept that the BCR adopted of customers. from the ERSTE Group and which IM TREND 19
Italy Software expert and KEBA partner, AURIGA, talks about trends in Italy Expertise, innovative spirit and profes- Do you feel there is a change of mind Improving the customer experience by sionalism – key words that describe regarding branches in Italy? integrating the ATM in the complete both Auriga and KEBA. As partners, omni-channel strategy is key. ATMs Auriga (provider of innovative software The banking industry has justified the can do much more than just churning platform solutions) and KEBA have closure of branches by highlighting the out bank notes. There is a real demand developed a strong partnership over large increases in the use of online or for ATMs to offer wider services like bill the last years. mobile banking. For some customer payments or currency exchange. groups that might be the case. How- This is a good reason to talk to Mr. ever, there are still large sections of Together, we, as hardware and soft- Fiore, CEO of Auriga, about upcoming society who rely on bank branches to ware manufacturers, can enhance trends on the Italian market. carry out their banking business. More- ATMs with appropriate services to over, traditional banks have a unique make them even more flexible, effi- The banking sector is changing more advantage compared to challenger cient, and customer friendly. Financial than ever. What major trends do you banks - the trust of consumers around institutions that invest in an innovative see in self-service banking? high value services, like loans and the self-service fleet are rewarded with infrastructure, to offer new services in better customer retention and greater Banks need to streamline their branch a personal setting. loyalty. Financial institutions investing network, reduce operational costs, in their ATMs will enjoy inherent advan- while thinking creatively about how How can ATM and software devel- tages, such as increased customer they can serve their customers better. opers jointly help banks to tackle engagement and loyalty. Therefore, digitalization? investment in IT systems is not only an Therefore, trends that are on the rise IT decision but part of a bigger picture include ATM outsourcing, where the Traditional banks need to focus on – the corporate strategy. ATM fleet of a bank is purchased, digital transformation, unique cus- maintained and managed by a third- tomer service and invest in their branch Thank you very much, Mr. Fiore, for party company. network. your time and the pleasant interview! 20 IM TREND
Security ATM explosions – A dangerous phenomenon that has now reached Austria Austria was long considered the “island of the blessed” when it came to explosive attacks on ATMs. Unfortunately Austria lost this status in 2017 when criminals increased their efforts to blow up cash machines. According to the Austrian Fed- eral Criminal Police Office, there were 13 attacks in 2017 and already 14 attacks between January and August of 2019. Graphic: ATM explosions in Austria What has long been a dangerous prac- In cooperation with internal and exter- • Openings in the safe are “hidden” tice in Germany and the Netherlands nal experts, a wide range of attack and additionally covered: is now increasingly coming to Aus- scenarios, including explosions, were This makes it significantly more difficult tria. Besides the obvious risk of having analyzed and weak points were iden- to pour gas into the safe cash stolen, it is the collateral damage tified. This allowed us to design and that poses the greatest risk. implement numerous countermeas- • Reduction in the net volume ures at an early stage of development. of the safe: Attempts to blow up ATMs usually The potential amount of gas that can fail, but damage is still done to the When an attack does occur, time is of be poured into the safe is kept as small surrounding infrastructure. Since the the essence. The earlier an attack can as possible. severity of a blast depends on many be recognized and the longer it takes, factors, it is difficult to estimate the the lower the probability of success. Thanks to the standard safety fea- effects of ATM explosions. Buildings tures of the evo series, the probability are often damaged and, in the worst To create time delays, measures such of a successful gas attack is very low. case, innocent bystanders are injured as the following were taken: Options such as an ExGas safe lower or even killed. this probability even further and make the evo series the safest choice. Hence the collateral damage is often many times higher than the damage incurred from stolen money. Golden middle ground Security as a must-have criterion To increase security, you sometimes have to compromise on user convenience. ATMs should be very easy to access by authorized Holistic security concepts were already people (e.g. supervisors) and yet at the same time very difficult to a priority during the development access by unauthorized people. So you have to make a choice - phase of the evo series. security or usability. IM TREND 21
Energy automation Milestone anniversary at KEBA: 10 years of electromobility A vision becomes reality 2009 2019 Evolution: On the left, the first charging station that KEBA entered the electromobility market with in 2009. On the right is today's KeContact P30 wall box, a smart communication hub for intelligently controlled charging. A pioneer story The mobility of the future In the interview, Andreas Plotz explains how mobility - getting from point A to B In 2009 electromobility was still just a As always, KEBA's experts regularly - will change completely in the future. dream of the future. Even back then look to the future to identify pioneering He reveals which megatrends apply KEBA recognized its great potential trends and develop solutions for future to this area and why electromobility is and entered the electromobility busi- challenges. paving the way for such trends - espe- ness with charging stations for elec- cially with regard to the clean energy tric vehicles. 600 charging stations The same applies to Andreas Plotz transition. And he also shows why were built within the first two years and (E-Mobility Sales Executive), who was charging stations should not only be the number has now grown to more invited by for an interview with able to charge, but also communicate than 150,000. As a result, KEBA has moderator Ralph Szepanski. and control. become one of the global market lead- ers in this sector. Many of the solutions that exist today come from KEBA. One of the world's first wall boxes, for example, was launched by KEBA in 2011. In 2016, KEBA was the first company in the world to receive “E.V. Ready” certifica- tion. And in 2019 KEBA was again at the vanguard with a wall box innova- For an exciting video and a list of all of our mile- tion that enables charging and billing stones, visit our anniversary page at in accordance with German measure- ment and calibration regulations. 22 IM TREND
Logistics automation KEBA & KEMAS – the experts for transfer automation KEBA is a reliable partner for banking and service automation. With the innovative KePol parcel lockers and intelligent KEMAS trans- fer machines, a wide range of proven solutions are available for the secure automation of transfer processes. Safely store sensitive objects for documented transfer Banking processes require maximum User-friendly, The use of such services and the result- security and continuous logging. This round-the-clock parcel ing increase in branch visits strength- is exactly the focus of KEMAS GmbH, a collection at bank branches ens customer loyalty and offers banks German subsidiary of the KEBA Group additional opportunities to sell addi- which specializes in automated, doc- Online shopping continues to boom tional products. umented handover of recurring items. and more and more goods are being ordered online. However, many recip- Your partner for reliable Typical applications for KEMAS auto- ients are not at home during normal banking and handover mated machines include secure access delivery times and have to collect their automation control for sensitive areas such as parcels at secondary pickup points. server rooms as well as key or key card With the KePol parcel lockers and storage, issue and return. KEMAS solu- These are usually post offices, parcel KEMAS handover machines, finan- tions also allow letters, contracts and shops and parcel lockers. Especially cial institutions that already rely on other documents to be handed over to the latter are enjoying greater popu- KePlus cash and non-cash machines recipients in a secure and documented larity as they are available around the now have access to other user-friendly manner and - if necessary - accepted clock. solutions for the efficient automation of again once they have been signed. modern services. Banks can take advantage of this trend Another application area is the efficient and add the proven KePol parcel lock- KEBA and KEMAS are two experi- automation of vehicle fleet manage- ers to their branch product range. enced partners who have been offer- ment. Besides easy administration and These lockers can also be used to ing everything from a single source for vehicle key issue and return, KEMAS drop parcels and return items. Bank decades, including competent con- also offers solutions for electronic log- customers, even those who usually sulting, innovative hardware and soft- books, needs assessments and avail- do their banking business online, are ware and reliable service and support. ability checks for all types of company happy to have another improved ser- vehicles in addition to their optimal dis- vice at their disposal. position and automated handover. IM TREND 23
The direct line to KEBA Do you have any questions or suggestions? Do you require additional information? We look forward to hearing from you! Austria / International: KEBA AG, 4041 Linz, Gewerbepark Urfahr Simone Traxler Tel.: +43 732 7090-27705, E-Mail: Germany: KEBA GmbH Automation, 35633 Lahnau, Gewerbestraße 5-9 Claudia Wolter-Brandt Tel.: +49 6441 966-821, E-Mail: KEBA AG Headquarters, Gewerbepark Urfahr, 4041 Linz/Austria, Phone: +43 732 7090-0, Fax: +43 732 730910, KEBA Group worldwide Austria • China • Czech Republic • Germany • India • Italy Japan • Netherlands • Romania • South Korea • Switzerland Taiwan • Turkey • USA
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