Page created by Justin Miranda
Delivering Consumer
Value in Digital Times
Evolving Landscapes in European
Telecommunications Services

October 2019

A study for:

European Telecommunication Network Operators’ Association
Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary						4

2 Background							6

3 Assessing the value the sector provides			   11

4 Conclusions							27
customers to solve problems or interact with                                       While some studies and surveys1 may suggest
                                                                                                               their provider more quickly at any time of the day,                                the sector is characterised by relatively low
    1 Executive Summary                                                                                        are a good example of what the sector is doing to                                  levels of customer satisfaction, a high volume of
                                                                                                               give consumers more control.                                                       problems, and a high number of complaints as
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a result – they tend not to consider more than
                                                                                                               Beyond simplistic headlines:                                                       traditional indicators of price and ignore the focus
                                                                                                               recognising complexity                                                             of telecoms operators putting consumers at the
    European Telecommunications:                        Consumer value:                                                                                                                           heart of what they do, at times going beyond
    a changing sector                                   the “new networks” effect                              The increasing use consumers make of                                               what regulators and policymakers require of
                                                                                                               telecommunications services and the reliance                                       them. As this study shows, looking beyond the
    The European telecoms sector has evolved            The sector has seen record levels of investment        they have on them is likely to heighten consumers’                                 usual set of indicators is crucial when making
    significantly over recent years – it is a sector    both in terms of network and services for              perception of any problems they experience,                                        an assessment of the sector, especially insofar
    characterised by evolving service, improved trust   consumers, and operators are taking this further       and the detriment that comes from them. The                                        as the results of surveys and reports often
    and enhanced customer relationships. This study,    still by investing in the networks of the future       complexity of the ecosystem too does not help, as                                  inform policy decisions and direction. Having a
    while recognising the complexity of delivering      which will underpin a whole range of new               consumers may not always be able to identify at                                    comprehensive and objective view of how the
    sophisticated telecoms services, provides           innovative services and even industries. Against       which level a problem has occurred (e.g. issues                                    sector is evolving is of key importance to pursue
    facts and figures on an often untold story: the     this backdrop consumers increasingly benefit           with an internet service, or with a device, or with                                sound and evidence-based future policymaking.
    comprehensive and growing value consumers           from faster speeds and availability of innovative      another network) and tend to quickly place blame
    receive from telecommunications services –          services. As a result of these network investments     with their provider of connectivity. Often many                                    Whereas room for improvement always remains,
    realised as a direct result of strong competition   and enhancements, operators are set to deliver         perceived connectivity problems actually relate                                    especially in highly evolving sectors, we can
    between providers, innovation and considerable      dramatically increased value to consumers in the       to the service being used (e.g. social media                                       see the progress being made. Prices are falling
    ongoing investments in networks and services.       near future by enabling services they use and          platform), which is a result not of the network or                                 and consumers are getting more value from
    Already there are signs that investments in new     ask for the most.                                      device being used to access them. Put simply,                                      the services they use. The offers available to
    areas and initiatives around customer innovation                                                           as the use of connectivity increases, so too does                                  them, whether standalone products or bundles
    are paying off. Consumers in several European       A changed customer interaction                         the likelihood to experience some problems.                                        are becoming more tailor made, with additional
    countries already report more positive perception                                                          However, when things do sometimes go wrong,                                        products (e.g. video content, music streaming,
    of the sector, and feel increasingly satisfied by   On top of the value coming from higher quality         they get noticed. In such situations, operators are                                cloud services) commonly available alongside
    what they get. Telecoms operators rank highly       services, we observed the providers’ enhanced          striving to avoid lengthy disputes with customers                                  connectivity and communications services.
    on important issues such as privacy, data           focus on the customer. Operators have focused          by turning to goodwill and compensation.                                           Compared to regulated utilities (such as
    protection and consumer trust reflecting the        their attention towards evolving customer                                                                                                 electricity, water, and gas) the sector is offering
    fact they for a long time have been guardians       interaction, experience and satisfaction as                                                                                               lower prices, more choice, and better customer
    of particularly sensitive and confidential data.    a competitive tool. They are improving the                                                                                                satisfaction.
    Some of the largest European operators feature      ways in which they interact and engage with
    among the highest in international accountability   and serve their customers, using the potential
    indexes – demonstrating the attention they are      of new technologies to facilitate the solving of
    putting on data governance and transparency         any problems that may arise in the customer
    related practices.                                  experience, and are significantly increasing
                                                        customer satisfaction as a result. This is reflected
                                                        by the enhancement of customer care and the
                                                        creation of a seamless, omni-channel customer
                                                        experience to make sure nobody is left behind.
                                                        Online portals, chatbots and AI, which allow

                                                                                                                   European Commission, Consumer Markets Scoreboard 2018 –

4       Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                       5
of our telecommunications infrastructure and its                                    attach more importance to it than they did in the
                                                                                                                                                              importance will rise accordingly.                                                   past. This is not a problem faced by utilities for
    2 Background                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  example.
                                                                                                                                                              The mobile phone would be ‘the most missed
                                                                                                                                                              device’                                                                             A range of tariffs and providers

                                                                                                                                                              In the UK, Ofcom’s Online Nation Report 2019                                        While the capital intensive nature of the
    Connectivity underpins                                                                  47% in 2012 . In Spain, post-paid rose from 32.9m
                                                                                                                                                              finds that 51% of adults say the mobile phone                                       telecommunications       sector   is    inherently
    the digital world                                                                       to 42.8m between 2012 and 2018, whereas pre-                      is the device they would miss the most if it was                                    characterised by a degree of concentration at
                                                                                            paid contracts fell from 17.8m to 11.3m6. In the                  taken away from them9. This is an increase by five                                  the infrastructure level, this has not prevented
    Consumers increasingly see                                                              UK, pre-paid subscriptions fell from 39.6m in                     percentage points compared to 2017, when 46%                                        consumers from enjoying more choice when
    telecommunications services as                                                          2012 to 25.9m in 2012, while post-paid contracts                  of respondents said the same. The underlying                                        choosing telecommunication services. This is
    essential                                                                               rose from 48.5m to 66.2m7. Across the whole                       behaviour driving such reliance on mobile phones                                    due both to the strong competition amongst fixed
                                                                                            EU, only in four countries were pre-paid mobile                   is based on a number of core activities which                                       and mobile operators, and to the increasingly
    Several recent surveys have highlighted the                                             subscriptions the majority in 2017, compared to                   almost all the participants in Ofcom’s study do                                     diverse and wide range of offers available.
    increasing importance of telecoms services in                                           five countries in 2016. The widespread adoption                   regularly: these include accessing social media,                                    Many European countries are characterised by
    consumer’s lives. The essential nature of the                                           of longer, and often bundled contracts also means                 messaging, shopping, and accessing audio and                                        a high number of MVNOs, many of which have
    service and increased satisfaction is reflected                                         consumers are more likely to experience faults                    video streaming services10. By contrast, the                                        a very specific target-audience. The figure below
    in users’ tendency to take longer contracts and                                         at some stage of the contract period, compared                    percentage of people saying they do not use the                                     shows how many MVNOs there are across
    not churn. This is particularly evident in mobile,                                      to say one-off purchases of goods, or of services                 internet is extremely low in users younger than                                     the EU showing how consumers in many of
    where a clear shift from prepaid tariffs to post-                                       with comparatively short-term contracts in other                  55 years old (1% in the 16–24s and 25–34s; 4%                                       the largest markets benefit from the number of
    paid contracts (either rolling or fixed-term) has                                       sectors.                                                          in the 35–44s; and 7% in the 45–54s); it only                                       operators offering services. Consumers also
    taken place in recent years, with users now less                                                                                                          gets higher past that age (19% in the 55–64s;                                       take advantage of competing communications
    comfortable under a model where they top-up                                             As we progress towards the Internet of Things,                    33% in the 65–74s; and 48% in the 75+ group).                                       services from OTTs such as WhatsApp and
    their credit and use it when they need, and more                                        where everything that can be connected is, and                    This shows that no age group has a majority of                                      Skype.
    likely to embrace monthly subscriptions that                                            smart cities are the norm, the role of connectivity               ‘unconnected’ consumers, and it is reasonable
    make them worry less about actual consumption                                           will only become more important. Estimates in                     to expect these percentages will fall further in                                    Some regulators also assess the level of choice
    or the risk to be cut-off when they use up their                                        a recent study from the European Commission                       the years ahead as connectivity continues to                                        faced by consumers in conjunction with the
    allowance. Data from the largest European                                               point to a doubling of connected devices between                  penetrate society, and ‘digital natives’ become                                     evaluation they make of the openness of the
    markets confirms this trend. In France, post-paid                                       2015 and 2020, from 15.4bn to 30.7bn8. This                       more numerous.                                                                      internet. To this end, the recent report on open
    subscriptions rose from 50.6m in Q1 20122, to                                           number could increase by about 2.5 times in the                                                                                                       internet access found the Swedish regulator
    66.8 in Q1 20193. In Germany, active postpaid                                           following years, up to 2025. Against this backdrop,               The report also shows that adults spend more                                        PTS to be satisfied with the level of choice in
    SIMs made up 65% of the market4, compared to                                            it is reasonable to presume that our expectations                 and more time online when they are outside                                          the country, which allows consumers a good
                                                                                                                                                              the house: an average 2.9 hours compared                                            range of options in choosing their internet
                                                                                                                                                              to 2.5 hours in 2017. In other words, they                                          provider, applications, services, and terminal
        ARCEP, Observatoire trimestriel des marchés des communications électroniques en France – 1er trimestre 2012 –                                         increasingly expect well-functioning, ubiquitous                                    equipment11. In particular, the regulator refers to
                                                                                                                                                              connectivity to support their activities. It is                                     the availability of offers with unlimited data, in a
        ARCEP, Abonnés mobiles (T2 2019) –                              therefore unsurprising that, against a backdrop                                     country where consumers have historically been
         BNetzA Annual Market Report 2019 –   of consistently increasing use of connectivity,                                     data-hungry, and of a broad range of price plans
        BNetzA Annual Market Report 2012 –                                                                                                                    consumers are more likely to notice any type of                                     and subscriptions for different combinations of                              problem they may have with their service, and                                       data, voice, text, and devices at different levels
        CNMC Data, Comunicaciones Moviles –
        Ofcom Communications Markets Report 2019 –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of cost.
        European Commission, Study on mapping Internet of Things innovation clusters in Europe, 2019 –
        Ofcom, Online Nation Report, 2019 –, p.19
         Ofcom, Adults: Media Use and Attitudes Report, 2019 –                                                                                                11
                                                                                                                                                                   PTS, Net Neutrality Report 2018/2019 –, p.5                                      , p.9

6            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
of respondents against 17.9% the previous                                               overwhelming levels of satisfaction, as shown
         Figure 1: MNOs and MVNOs across Europe
                                                                                                                                                        years – an increase by 6.9 percentage points)13.                                        below.
                                                                                                                                                        The UKE’s latest report on consumers’ opinion of
                                                                                                                                                        the telecommunications markets confirms said


                                                                                                                                                             Figure 2: Consumer satisfaction of telecoms bundles in Poland

                                                                                                                                                                                                       2.3%                                                                                       0.5%
                                                                                                                                                                          Convenience of use          5.3%                                 91.9%
                   20                                                                                                                                                                                  2.3%                                                                                       1.8%
                                                                      11                                                                                                   Offer transparency          7.6%                                88.4%
                                                                                                       2       2                                                                                       1.8%                                                                                       0.8%
                                                                           6                               2       1               1   0
                                                                               5                   4                   1   1   1                  0
                                                                                   4   4   4   4                                           0
                                                                                                                                                                               Service quality        6.8%                                 90.7%
                         4    5    4    4    5    4    4              5                            4   5       5   4               4   5          4
                                                            3    3         3   3   3   3   3   3           3           3   3   3           3
                         FR SE NL UK PL ES IT AT LT FI IE PT BE DE LU HU SI DK MT RO CZ EE EL CY LV BG HR SK                                                                                           4.5%                                                                                       1.0%

                             MVNOs           MNOs
                                                                                                                                                                               Package price                  15.1%                        79.3%


                                                                                                                                                                          General satisfaction         7.6%                                90.2%
           Source: European Commission – Financial indicators, fixed and mobile telephony, broadcasting and bundled services indicators – 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                 0%                     25%                        50%                       75%                      100%

    Bundles are increasingly common and popular                                                                                                                                                       Unsatisfied     Neutral      Satisfied       I Don’t Know

    with consumers                                                                             In Poland, for example, the regulator UKE
                                                                                               has tracked Polish consumers’ levels of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: UKE
    The wide choice available to consumers is well                                             satisfaction toward bundles for a few years now.
    illustrated by the sharp rise in the number of                                             Respondents overwhelmingly say that they
    bundled offers available across Europe. Many                                               are ‘fully satisfied’, or ‘rather satisfied’, with the
                                                                                               value they receive from bundled offers according         In the UK, Ofcom reports that, on average, in Q3                                        just one additional paid-for service ‘add-on’
    of these go beyond offering just connectivity, but
                                                                                               to aspects that include the prices of bundled            2017 there were 156 core dual-play packages on                                          dramatically increases the number of package
    increasingly also include content and services.
                                                                                               services; transparency of what’s on offer; quality       offer from providers of residential services in the                                     combinations available: in Q3 2017, adding one
    Bundles are becoming a prominent part of the
                                                                                               of service (including reliability and availability);     UK – almost twice the number in Q1 201314. The                                          service resulted in an average of 352 dual-play
    offers of telecoms providers, and are popular
                                                                                               convenience; and general satisfaction with the           number of core triple-play packages fell during                                         packages and 2,296 triple-play packages.
    with consumers. Not only is their uptake on the
                                                                                               supplier12. This is reflected by the fact that Polish    the same period from 412 to 321. Including
    rise, consumers tend to be more satisfied with
    the packages they contract.                                                                consumers increasingly take up bundles (24.8%

         UKE, Public opinion survey on the functioning of the telecommunications market and consumer preferences, 2018 –, p.51         13
                                                                                                                                                             Ibid, p.50
                                                                                                                                                             Ofcom, Pricing trends for communications services in the UK, 2018 –, p.36

8            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9
Helping consumers navigate the choices                manage their contract and tailor it accordingly.
     available                                             Operators are also striving for better transparency
                                                           and are simplifying information as much as            3 Assessing the value the sector provides
     As the sector responds to the increasing              possible to help consumers when choosing the
     demands from consumers with more tailored             tariff that is right for them – particularly in the
     offers, almost inevitably complexity tends to         area of bundles where there can be an added
     rise. Consumers often encounter a degree of           element of complexity.
     difficulty when comparing and choosing between                                                              Value consumers receive                                                           awareness of what they can get from the service.
     these offers: these can be due to the different       Improved engagement within the sector                                                                                                   On the other hand it reflects operators’ efforts to
     parts of which each offer is made up, that form                                                             Consumers are increasingly positive                                               improve and enhance the customer experience.
     bundles often hard to compare; and to the             Taking out a telecommunications service shouldn’t     about the service they receive                                                    As a result, consumers tend to be largely satisfied
     wealth of offers available from each operator,        be compared to the purchase of almost any other                                                                                         with their telecoms service in general, and are
     and across operators. However, this is the result     good or service, as some surveys attempt to do.       Consumer surveys in several EU countries show                                     noticing the improvement in choice and quality.
     of competition and technological developments         Services provided by telecoms operators are the       that consumers are increasingly happy with what                                   While findings vary between EU member states,
     which have ensured consumers have an                  ones consumers tend to contract for prolonged         they get. Satisfaction rates are improving over                                   the results of consumer surveys carried out by
     unprecedented range of offers to choose from –        periods of time. This means it is a service with a    time, and comparing well with other sectors. This                                 national regulators in some large markets (e.g.
     including from new players such as OTTs which         high degree of interaction. Telecommunications        reflects a series of factors: on the one hand,                                    Poland, Spain, UK) paint a positive picture.
     have entered the market and disrupted the sector      operators also have extensive ways to engage          consumers are becoming more familiar over                                         In Spain, telecoms services (particularly
     quite unlike any other. Operators have also been      and interact with the customer – many have an         time with technology and with the characteristics                                 mobile internet and telephony) see the highest
     evolving the ways in which they present their         omni-channel approach: through physical stores,       of connectivity, thereby showing increasing                                       satisfaction rate for consumers. Recent data
     offers to customers, with increasingly attractive     where customers can talk to customer service
     packages bundling in more than just connectivity      representatives; through social media; to online
     (e.g. video content and channels; or music            customer service portals which operators are
                                                                                                                  Figure 3: Consumer satisfaction across industries in Spain
     streaming services, either offered directly by        placing increasing importance.
     operators or bundled into the offer and zero-
     rated; or other useful services such as cloud         The industry as a whole recognises the need to                                             5.20%                                                                                  4.30%
                                                                                                                                  Electricity             13.90%                        37.10%                            34.40%             5.10%
     storage).                                             further improve customer engagement and focus
                                                                                                                                                      3.90%                                                                                  2.80%
                                                           on it as a differentiator. Subscribers of bundles
                                                                                                                                        Gas             10.30%                      37.50%                               39.30%               6.20%
     The challenge for the industry is now to strike the   tend to be more engaged15, which means                                                     4.70%                                                                                  3.30%
     right balance and help consumers navigate such        that, as their popularity increases, consumers’                   Fixed telephony            10.60%                     34.40%                               40.70%               6.40%

     complexities when choosing the offers that best       engagement and ability to identify the best deal                                           4.90%                                                                                  6.40%

     suit their needs and meet their expectations.         also improves; and some operators are already                    Fixed broadband              13.00%                    29.00%                             41.00%             5.70%
                                                                                                                                                      4.40%                                                                                  1.60%
     Operators are already taking steps to do that,        taking steps to change their approach. Deutsche
                                                                                                                                     Pay TV             10.10%                    31.80%                              42.00%                 10.20%
     striving for seamless consumer experience             Telekom for example has recently committed to
                                                                                                                                                      2.60%                                                                                  3.90%
     across their channels of communication with           offer existing customers the same conditions                     Mobile telephony         6.90%             29.90%                                  46.60%                    10.00%
     the customer. Most have invested heavily in           as new customers, when they have to decide                                                 2.50%                                                                                  1.50%

     online customer care, allowing customers to fully     whether to extend their contract.                               Mobile broadband          6.90%             29.10%                                   49.50%                       10.40%

                                                                                                                                                0%                          25%                        50%                     75%                    100%

                                                                                                                                                     Not at all satisfied         Fairly unsatisfied     Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
                                                                                                                                                     Satisfied     Very satisfied            Don’t know / no answer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Source: Assembly, CNMC

          Ibid, p.44

10            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
published by the consumer panel of the national                                       transparency, quality of customer service) sit                    In the UK, Ofcom reports improvements year on                                           they make of such data. It is also worth noting
     regulator CNMC confirms this. Strikingly,                                             around 70% or more; only the efficiency of the                    year in the way users feel about their telecoms                                         that European operators, unlike in some other
     dissatisfaction rates related to prices of internet                                   complaints process leaves Polish consumers                        service. The latest Quality of Service report                                           markets (notably, the US), do not have a data-
     and telephony services are significantly lower                                        less satisfied, although more than half of them                   finds that, overall, 83% of broadband customers                                         centric business model; in fact, they do very little
     than those of electricity and gas (about half                                         (50.4%) still say they are happy with it17. It is also            consider themselves satisfied with the service                                          to use personal data as a source of revenue,
     as much in the case of mobile internet and                                            worth noting that 20.8% of Polish consumers                       (up from 80% the previous year)19 and 13% had                                           despite the significant amount and scope of
     telephony); they are also declining year-on-year,                                     noticed positive changes in the market in the                     reason to complain in 2018, down from 15% in                                            personal data potentially available to them.
     whereas those for electricity and gas have both                                       past year (up from 18% the previous year)                         2017. In particular, around 83% of customers                                            The ePrivacy Directive21, which guarantees
     increased between Q4 2017 and Q4 201816.                                              whereas only 6.1% noticed negative changes18.                     are satisfied with the reliability of the service,                                      the secrecy of communications, strongly limits
                                                                                           Most noticed positive changes include: the fall                   whereas 83% are satisfied with its speed. Things                                        what use operators can make of consumers’
     Polish customers also have a clearly positive                                         in prices, greater number of offers, dynamic                      are even better when it comes to mobile services                                        communications metadata (e.g. location data).
     view of their telecommunications market.                                              development of technology, better range of                        (93% satisfied, compared to 91% the previous                                            Operators are also developing policy positions
     Satisfaction rates across several indicators                                          offers, and improvement of service quality.                       year) with only 3% of consumers saying they are                                         on data and AI ethics.
     (range of services and offer, quality of service,                                                                                                       unhappy. When asked to rate their likelihood to
     availability of information, access, offer                                                                                                              recommend their communications provider to                                              Telecommunication providers are putting
                                                                                                                                                             friends and family, UK telecoms customers are                                           consumers in more control of their own
                                                                                                                                                             more likely to be ‘promoters’ i.e. to recommend                                         personal data
          Figure 4: Consumer satisfaction of telecom services in Poland                                                                                      their provider, than they are to be ‘detractors’20.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Data privacy is an increasingly important issue
                                                                                                                                                             Operators are gaining ground on trust,                                                  related to connectivity, and consumers are
                                                    3.4%                                                                                      3.1%           privacy and data protection                                                             increasingly showing as much attention to it as
                Range of services and
                                                           16.9%                                         76.6%
              customisation of the offer                                                                                                                                                                                                             regulators are. The advent of the General Data
                                                    3.4%                                                                                      3.7%
                                                                                                                                                             Trust                                                                                   Protection Regulation has given consumers more
                          Quality of service               16.9%                                        75.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     rights to protect their data, and also contributed
                                                    2.9%                                                                                      3.7%
                           Availability of                                                                                                                   In an increasingly data-driven society, how                                             to better awareness of the implications of sharing
                                                           18.9%                                         74.5%
                 information on services
                                                    2.6%                                                                                      2.9%
                                                                                                                                                             data is collected, used and protected is a key                                          personal data online.
                             Access to the
                                                          15.4%                                         79.1%
                                                                                                                                                             factor when fostering trust. While regulators
                                                    8.5%                                                                                     13.8%           have been very active on the data protection                                            While several surveys show that consumers
                        Efficiency of the                                                                                                                    front, enforcing privacy standards stronger than                                        continue to be wary of online companies’ use of
                                                                      27.3%                                50.4%
                      complaint process
                                                    6.0%                                                                                      3.6%           ever with recent legislation such as GDPR,                                              personal data, telecoms providers have taken
                      Offer transparency                          21.4%                                     69.0%                                            European operators are also making significant                                          steps to go beyond regulatory obligations to put
                                                    3.9%                                                                                      3.8%           progress in deepening the trust they have with                                          their customers more in control of the data they
                                Quality of
                          customer service
                                                             21.1%                                        71.2%
                                                                                                                                                             their customers. In particular, they are improving                                      share across the services they use. One example
                                                                                                                                                             the ways in which they handle customers’ data                                           is the Data Cockpit offered by Deutsche Telekom
                                               0%                         25%                   50%                         75%                      100%
                                                                                                                                                             and communicate to customers about the use                                              to its customers.
                                                    Bad      Neither good nor bad        Good         I don’t know

                                                                                                                                    Source: Assembly, CNMC

          CNMC, Consumer Panel –                                                                                              19
                                                                                                                                                                  Ofcom, Choosing the Best Broadband Mobile and Landline Provider, April 2019 –
          UKE, Public opinion survey on the functioning of the telecommunications market and consumer preferences, 2018 –                          , p.3, p.79             20
                                                                                                                                                                  Ofcom, Customer Satisfaction Tracker, 2019 –, p.9
          Ibid, p.80–81                                                                                                                                      21

12            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13
meaningful way.                                                                             Telekom and Orange have taken significant steps
                                                                                                                                                                         While regulators have promoted stakeholder                                                  in this direction, by setting out articulate policy
               Case Study: Deutsche Telekom                                                     The Cockpit informs customers proactively,
                                                                                                                                                                         discussion on AI and taken action to steer best                                             positions. Not only do these guidelines say what
               offers a Data Cockpit to keep                                                    providing them with visually intuitive
                                                                                                                                                                         practices24, telecoms operators have shown early                                            AI should do; they also set out what AI should not
               users in control (Germany)                                                       representations of their data and allowing
                                                                                                                                                                         awareness of these issues and have developed                                                do. For example, Deutsche Telekom’s guidelines
                                                                                                them to manage all their telecommunication
                                                                                                                                                                         their own position and raise industry standards                                             aim to ensure AI systems do not cause harm to
               In addition to the privacy notices, Deutsche                                     contracts through one interface.It allows
                                                                                                                                                                         toward a safe use of personal data and the                                                  the user, and prevent so-called ‘black boxes’25. AI
               Telekom provides its customers with a Data                                       customers to get a clear overview over their
                                                                                                                                                                         development of fair AI. Telecoms operators are                                              systems should also not rely on false or ‘biased’
               Cockpit. This enables our customers to                                           digital footprints (i.e. personal data, opt-
                                                                                                                                                                         early adopters in this regard and have developed                                            data, and should rather be stopped than used
               easily find out what data DT stores about                                        ins/permissions, etc.) stored and used at
                                                                                                                                                                         concrete measures on how to reflect consumers’                                              in situations where they can return unsuitable or
               them, and carry out a series of actions                                          Deutsche Telekom, and lets them decide
                                                                                                                                                                         interest in the way AI-based technology is                                                  manipulated outcomes.
               related to their own personal data.                                              which personal data they would like to share
                                                                                                                                                                         offered. Among other operators, Deutsche
                                                                                                and what opt-ins or permissions they want
                                                                                                to give.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Case Study: Telcos enabling                                                       or switch off its AI systems at any time.
                                                                                                                                                                                   trustworthy AI for consumers:
     Telefonica’s new customer relationship system,                                             Cooperation23, an initiative analysing the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Deutsche Telekom and Orange                                                       Orange developed its position on
     Aura, ensures that each customer has a personal                                            implementation of portability of data in a way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Artificial Intelligence in 201727. Its main
     data space22; this securely stores the data they                                           that adds value to customers while protecting
                                                                                                                                                                                   Deutsche Telekom set out the need for a                                           recommendations include, among others,
     generate when using Telefónica’s products                                                  their privacy. The operators plan to extend the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Digital Ethics policy in 2018,26 to address the                                   the need to monitor and tackle the biases
     and services (for example; location, payment                                               cooperation to new players, in order to help
                                                                                                                                                                                   challenges coming from the development of                                         AI may have, which affect the way AI
     history, etc). This personal data space enables                                            define a new global data portability ecosystem.
                                                                                                                                                                                   AI. This resulted in the company being one                                        makes its decisions. It also recommends to
     Aura to offer a personalised experience for
                                                                                                                                                                                   of the first enterprises worldwide to define                                      thoroughly assess the impact AI will have
     each user, but also to show customers the data                                             Operators are developing internal
                                                                                                                                                                                   self-binding AI policies and principles.                                          on jobs, and suggests moving on from an
     they generate and give them control over how                                               data ethics and AI policies
                                                                                                                                                                                   The nine guidelines include, among other                                          approach based on jobs, to one based on
     it is used. In an effort to foster customers’ trust,
                                                                                                                                                                                   commitments, that a person of responsibility                                      tasks. Policy makers will have to ensure
     Orange proactively offers a variety of tools to help                                       As data becomes increasingly crucial, data
                                                                                                                                                                                   be named for every AI system and every                                            European citizens develop the relevant skills
     customers control and manage their personal                                                protection and trust issues rise to the top among
                                                                                                                                                                                   AI function in the company right from the                                         to adapt to a workplace where AI is ever
     data. One example is the organisation of in-store                                          the concerns to address. On the one hand,
                                                                                                                                                                                   start. There is also a commitment to full                                         more present. Finally, for AI to succeed, it
     training programmes to raise awareness and                                                 there is the risk of putting data to bad use,
                                                                                                                                                                                   transparency on what types of customer                                            is crucial to develop collective acceptance
     educate customers about data protection.                                                   which has been present for some time now and
                                                                                                                                                                                   data are used, and to let customers know                                          and awareness of AI. To this end, Orange
                                                                                                led policymakers recently to strengthen their                                                                                                                        started a blog (‘Hello Future’)28 to help raise
                                                                                                                                                                                   when they are communicating with an AI
     Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, KPN and Orange                                               regulatory efforts. On the other hand, artificial
                                                                                                                                                                                   system. The company is in a position to stop                                      awareness.
     have jointly been leading the Data Portability                                             intelligence is increasingly being used in a

                                                                                                                                                                              European Commission, Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI, 2019 –
                                                                                                                                                                              Deutsche Telekom, Digital Ethics Guidelines on AI, 2018 –
                                                                                                                                                                         tale-ethik-en-data.pdf, p. 15
                                                                                                                                                                              Orange, Cultivating competitive and responsible Artificial Intelligence in Europe, 2018 –

14            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                15
Digital Rights Indexes recognise the improve-                                          Increasing information and transparency               customers to check that the service they are                                             mobile services coverage maps are broken
     ments operators have achieved                                                          to promote fairness and value                         receiving is in line with what was promised.                                             down by technology (2G, 3G, 4G). In Portugal,
                                                                                                                                                  For example, Deutsche Telekom in Germany,                                                Altice goes as far as stating whether coverage is
     The results of operators’ efforts are also                                             Operators are striving to improve the way in          and Orange in Poland, provide coverage maps                                              ‘reduced’, ‘partial’, or ‘good’.
     reflected by their improvements in assessments                                         which they communicate with customers, and            for both fixed and mobile services. In general,
     such as the independent Ranking Digital Rights                                         how they make them aware of new offers and
     Corporate Accountability Index (RDR). The                                              opportunities to get better deals. They are making
     2019 RDR evaluated 24 internet, mobile, and                                            voluntary commitments to ensure that customers             Table 1: Transparency of quality of service
     telecommunications operators on their disclosed                                        are treated fairly, with particular attention being
     commitments and policies affecting freedom                                             paid to more vulnerable customers. They                     Country                                  Operator                        Tools provided
     of expression and privacy. RDR Index scores                                            resolve to provide consumers with transparent              Belgium                                   Proximus                    •     Mobile coverage map31
     are based on company disclosure of policies                                            information about their options and the pricing,                                                                                 •     Speed test32
     evaluated according to 35 indicators in three                                          and with reliable and efficient customer service;
                                                                                                                                                       Bulgaria                                  Vivacom                     •     Mobile coverage map33
     categories (governance, freedom of expression,                                         and to enable a smooth way for the consumer to
     and privacy). In this year’s RDR, Telefonica                                           leave or switch, on top of consumer protection             France                                    Orange                      •     Fibre coverage map34
     obtains a remarkably good result (57% overall)29                                       and transparency obligations to which they are                                                                                   •     Mobile coverage map35
     , jumping to the first position ahead of Vodafone                                      generally bound across Europe.
                                                                                                                                                       Germany                                   Deutsche Telekom            •     Fixed and mobile coverage maps36
     (52%). Telenor (44%) and Deutsche Telekom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •     Speed test37
     (44%) also rank relatively high. In particular,                                        Many of the sector’s largest operators are
     Telefonica and Orange achieve high scores in the                                       putting fairness at the heart of their business.           Italy                                     TIM                         •     Coverage maps for mobile38
     area of governance (94% and 82%, respectively,                                         Telecoms operators not only comply with a                                                                                        •     Speed Test39
     followed by Vodafone with 81% and Telenor                                              broad range of specific consumer protection                The Netherlands                           KPN                         •     Coverage for mobile networks40
     with 78%), whereas Deutsche Telekom obtains                                            rules but often compliment them by additional                                                                                    •     Speed Test41
     the highest score for privacy across the board                                         voluntary commitments on national levels. In the
                                                                                                                                                       Poland                                    Orange                      •     Coverage for fixed and mobile services42
     (60%). All European operators observed fare                                            UK, providers have recently agreed to a set of
     much better than their counterparts elsewhere,                                                                                                                                                                          •     Speed Test43
                                                                                            ‘Fairness for Customers commitments’30.
     with the exception of AT&T in the US (48%, third                                                                                                  Portugal                                  Altice Portugal             •     Coverage for 3G and 4G, by municipality, on a scale of
     place above Telenor).                                                                  Enhanced transparency about the                                                                                                        three levels (‘reduced’, ‘partial’, ‘good’)44
                                                                                            quality of service being provided                          Romania                                   T-Mobile                    •     Mobile coverage45
     Nonetheless, there remain areas for improvement.
     More can be done with regard to grievance and                                                                                                     Spain                                     Telefonica                  •     Coverage maps for 2G, 3G, 4G46
                                                                                            On top of the standard measurements of
     remedy mechanisms, about which companies                                               service quality, which is generally driven by                                                                                    •     Speed test in the dedicated mobile app47
     (including telecommunications operators) can                                           regulatory requirements, operators are gradually           The UK                                    BT                          •     Coverage checker48
     be more transparent and effective. A common                                            improving in the way they communicate to their                                                                                   •     Speed test49
     criticism to telecommunications operators is                                           customers as to the level of service they should
     that they should improve on how punctual and                                           expect where they are. Increasingly, fixed and                                                                                                                                                       Source: Assembly
     efficient they are in responding to consumers’                                         mobile operators make detailed coverage maps
     complaints related to privacy and freedom of                                           available to their customers, either through their
     expression.                                                                            websites or through specific apps, and often
                                                                                                                                                  personal/support/internet/internet-on-the-go/surf-on-4g-or-3g/network-             41
                                                                                            include additional tools such as speed tests for      coverage-map.html                                                                  42

16            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17
Telecommunication services                                                         highest value: for example, higher speed tiers of
                                                                                                                                                  Figure 5: international comparison of EU broadband prices, 30–100Mbps
     have become increasingly                                                           broadband services see the steepest retail price
     affordable over time                                                               reduction; and the same can be said of triple-
                                                                                        play bundles50. Bundles including TV streaming                           80                                                                                                          74.38
     Prices for telecommunications services have                                        also see price falls.                                                                                                                                                        72.99

     generally been on a downward trajectory for                                                                                                                                                                       62.95
     several years across Europe. Positively, price                                     In general, prices fell between 2016 and 2017.                           60
     reductions appear to be more evident where                                         Prices for single play offers decreased slightly                                                                                                                           48.88
     it matters more: the fastest tiers of broadband                                    in the 12–30Mbps range (-2.1%); as speeds                                                                         44.63
                                                                                                                                                                                        41.8   39.94
     offers, where consumers are migrating; and                                         increase, reductions are steeper – about -9%                                                                                                   38.36               39.24
                                                                                                                                                                 40             36.19
     bundles, particularly those with more services                                     in the 30–100Mbps basket, and up to -19.6% in                                                                                          33.15
     (e.g triple and quad-play). This means consumers                                   the 100+Mbps group. Triple-play offers became
     are getting more value, and is reflected in a fall                                 considerably more affordable, with reductions by
     in spend for telecoms services per household,                                      about a quarter in the 100+Mbps range (-24.3%).                                                                                                                              31.39
                                                                                                                                                                                                               23.69                     23.67
     whereas other utilities see prices generally going                                 12–30Mbps and 30–100Mbps offers also had
     up and spend per household rise accordingly.                                       double-digit decreases (-13.2% and -14.5%,
                                                                                        respectively)51.                                                                           Standalone          Broadband + Phone         Double Play + TV                  Triple Play

     European consumers get increasingly better                                                                                                                         EU28        Japan        South Korea      US       Canada
                                                                                        European consumers also enjoy cheaper
     value for what they pay for
                                                                                        broadband compared to fellow consumers in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Source: Assembly, European Commission
                                                                                        other regions. The same broadband report
     A view of the pan-European picture confirms
                                                                                        of the EC highlights that prices in the EU are
     that consumers are getting better value, at
                                                                                        significantly lower than the US and Canada, and
     lower prices. The European Commission’s latest
                                                                                        somewhat lower than in Japan. This holds true        Consumers of mobile services also benefit                                          baskets as defined by the OECD (various offers
     report on broadband prices of December 2018
                                                                                        across all speed tiers; only in the 100+Mbps         from lower prices. Data from the European                                          which under OECD are structured in specific
     shows that the biggest reductions in price can
                                                                                        tier are EU prices slightly higher than Japan, for   Commission on mobile broadband prices shows                                        baskets)52. In particular, packages with higher
     be seen in the products, or bundles, with the
                                                                                        Broadband + TV bundles and Triple Play.              that mobile broadband was significantly cheaper                                    data allowances saw the most significant price
                                                                                                                                             in 2018 than in 2017 and 2016 in all usage                                         falls, as shown in the figure below.

          European Commission, Fixed Broadband Prices in Europe 2017 –, p.7      52
                                                                                                                                                  European Commission, Mobile Broadband Prices in Europe 2018 –
          Ibid, p.28                                                                                                               

18            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Figure 6: Mobile broadband price variations in the EU, 2016–2018
                                                                                                                                                                   Investing to unlock more value for                                                     and businesses to 3 million, including areas
                                                                                                                                                                   consumers                                                                              covered by Public Initiative Networks (PINs)58. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Spain, Telefonica’s FTTH network passed 20m
                                                                                                                                                                   Consumers benefit from increasing                                                      households as of May 201859, and is currently
                                                                                                                                                                   service quality as a result of investment                                              the largest in Europe; it is now focusing on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          medium and smaller cities, with plans to reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          25m households by 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                   Network evolution promotes customer higher
                                                                                                                      27.04                    27.76                                                                                                      Deploying 5G to enable new use cases and
                                                                                                                                                                   Operators are continuing to invest in upgrading                                        support whole new industries
                                                                                                        18.71                 20.56
                        20                                                                                                                                         and rolling out their networks. The ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                   investment in pushing fibre deeper into the                                            While 4G networks are still being deployed,
                                                                               9.65        12.66

                                       8.18         10.12
                                                         8.97          10.99                    11.15
                                                                                                                                                                   network means less reliance on copper. This                                            many operators have started with their 5G rollout
                        10                                                        9.2
                                7.89          7.4               7.75
                                                                                                                                                                   should translate not only into significantly higher                                    and as such Europe is in competition with the US
                                                                                                                                                                   speeds, but consumers will often find that the                                         and Asia. While the exact uses cases of 5G are
                                                                                                                                                                   speeds they get more closely match what they                                           still being explored and developed, the sector
                                   250 MB             500 MB               1 GB            2 GB           5 GB          10 GB            20 GB
                                                                                                                                                                   were advertised and sold given that fibre is                                           is acting as an important enabler of the next
                                                                          Basket (monthly data allowance)
                                                                                                                                                                   less susceptible to network congestion and                                             wave of connectivity and industrial development
                               EU28 average 2016 [ EUR/PPP]                      EU28 average 2017 [ EUR/PPP]         EU28 average 2018 [ EUR/PPP]
                                                                                                                                                                   contention56. Satisfaction surveys conducted by                                        – everything that can be connected, will be
                                                                                                                      Source: Assembly, European Commission        regulators already offer an indication of what is                                      connected. As a technology, 5G promises to offer
                                                                                                                                                                   coming, with consumers using a fibre connection                                        speeds many times faster than 4G and some
                                                                                                                                                                   much less likely to have reason to complain. As                                        operators in Europe have already deployed this
                                                                                                                                                                   fibre deployment progresses, it is expected that                                       commercially with no price-premium over 4G
     By international comparison, prices in Europe                                                Similarly, in the UK, despite increased uptake of
                                                                                                                                                                   satisfaction rates will improve further accordingly.                                   and even in some cases on an unlimited basis
     are in line with, or slightly less expensive than                                            fixed and mobile broadband, average monthly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (for instance all operators in the UK).
     other developed markets. In the highest tier,                                                household spending on phone and broadband
     offers solely with data allowances are more                                                  services has fallen in the last decade. The gap                  Fibre rollout is gathering pace across Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                   For example, Deutsche Telekom reports that                                             Some operators are also deploying 5G within
     expensive than in Korea, but cheaper than in the                                             has narrowed between the prices of what Ofcom
                                                                                                                                                                   it passed 26m households in Germany with                                               the context of fixed-wireless access (FWA) use
     US and Norway53.                                                                             defines as superfast broadband (30Mbps and
                                                                                                                                                                   100Mbps speeds, and it installed 60,000 km                                             cases60. The economic case is such that 5G
                                                                                                  above) and the price of standard broadband; so
                                                                                                                                                                   of fibre optic in 2018 (+50% on 2017)57. It also                                       FWA can provide performances close to fibre
     Data from individual countries confirms this                                                 much so, that many UK users can now upgrade
                                                                                                                                                                   built 1,300 new base stations, reaching a total                                        connections, with lower deployment costs. This
     downward trend in prices. For example, the latest                                            their broadband at no extra cost. Some providers
                                                                                                                                                                   of 27,000, 80% of which are connected with                                             means that, in areas where deploying fibre is
     annual report of the Italian regulator AGCOM                                                 now also offer up to 25% off bundled services
                                                                                                                                                                   fibre and equipped with single-RAN technology,                                         challenging and less economically viable, 5G
     finds that, between 2010 and 2017, the price                                                 over the minimum contractual period55, and the
                                                                                                                                                                   which makes them 5G-ready. In France, Orange                                           FWA can significantly improve the experience
     of telecoms services in the country fell by 19%,                                             popularity of bundles contributes to the fall in
                                                                                                                                                                   pledged to increase its reach of fibre from 12m                                        of consumers that, until now, have suffered from
     while the general price index saw an increase                                                overall spend for telecoms services: the average
                                                                                                                                                                   households in 2018 to 16m by 2020, and to                                              slow and unreliable connectivity and are unlikely
     by 9%54. During the same period of time, prices                                              price of bundled services used by a typical
                                                                                                                                                                   extend its offering in underserved areas by                                            to be reached by fibre any time soon.
     decreased even more sharply in France, where                                                 household is 24% less than the average price for
     they fell by 38%, while inflation and the price of                                           the same services on their own.                                  the end of 2019: from 500,000 households
     other regulated services all increased.

                                                                                                                                                                        Ofcom found FTTP to outperform FTTC connections of the same speed –
                                                                                                                                                                   port-2018.pdf, p.34
          European Commission, Mobile Broadband Prices in Europe 2018 –, p.54                          available-on-all-Public-Initiative-Networks-in-France
          AGCOM, 2018 Market Report, p.78                          59
          Ofcom, Pricing trends for communications services in the UK –, p.2   60

20            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21
Telecoms operators are improving how                  of faults without the need to wait for human
     they engage with and service their                    intervention. These efforts have ensured that
                                                                                                                  Case Study: Deutsche Telekom                    and resolves about 40% of all issues
     customers                                             customers spend much less time waiting in
                                                                                                                  launched a Digital Service Assistant            autonomously. As a result, DT is gradually
                                                           line for an assistant, and can get help even at
                                                                                                                  and click-to-call button (Germany)              developing the Digital Assistant to become
     European operators have taken significant             times of the day when a human assistant may
                                                                                                                                                                  even more versatile. In addition to the Web
     steps to enhance the relationship they have with      not be available. They also get help in choosing
                                                                                                                  Since 2016, Deutsche Telekom introduced         and App, it will also be available in the future
     customers. This not only relates to the interaction   content and packages when they want to
                                                                                                                  a Digital Assistant to help customers receive   via Facebook Messenger, Amazon Echo and
     between operators and customers when a                upgrade, and are assisted in making the most
                                                                                                                  answers more quickly. Initially, the Digital    Deutsche Telekom’s own Smart Speaker. Its
     problem arises, but also to enrich and enhance        out of their service. These enhancements have
                                                                                                                  Assistant had relatively limited capabilities   ability to recognise spoken language means
     the experience throughout the use of the service.     meant that consumers get the most value from
                                                                                                                  – it could only answer simple questions         it will soon be used as a virtual conversation
     In addition to the recent enhancements in digital     the service they have subscribed and have
                                                                                                                  about telephony, internet or TV interference.   partner on the hotline.
     customer care and online account servicing, we        a smoother experience during the life of their
                                                                                                                  Due to high ratings of customer approval,
     have identified a clear tendency from operators       contract. Deutsche Telekom’s Digital Assistant
                                                                                                                  in 2018 Deutsche Telekom expanded               The introduction of the click-to-call button
     to invest in technology such as chatbots and AI;      and Click-To-Call Button are good examples of
                                                                                                                  its functions: now, the chatbot provides        was also a success. Using a mobile app on
     these guide a user through their choices, and         such enhancements.
                                                                                                                  more artificial intelligence, better dialogue   their smartphone or tablet, customers can
     help identify and resolve a significant amount                                                                                                               call customer service or send a chat request.
                                                                                                                  capabilities and a significantly wider help
                                                                                                                  area. While Deutsche Telekom continues to       Before, the average chat duration was 12
                                                                                                                  follow the principle that personal contact is   minutes. Now, it’s down to four or less; this
                                                                                                                  indispensable in customer service, chatbots     is also due to the fact that agents do not
                                                                                                                  have proved a useful addition, because          have to verify all the details of the caller;
                                                                                                                  customers expect 24/7 answers to their          in addition, agents get increased feedback
                                                                                                                  questions. The Digital Assistant is available   (reportedly up by 40%), so they can more
                                                                                                                  around the clock. The company is constantly     quickly learn how to make adjustments
                                                                                                                  improving its capabilities through machine      and guide customer interactions. Deutsche
                                                                                                                  learning. The Assistant has a high degree       Telekom reports that the system resulted
                                                                                                                  of acceptance: as of February 2019, DT          in an overall reduction in handling times by
                                                                                                                  reported that it handles about 130,000 chats    20%.
                                                                                                                  per month (more than three times compared
                                                                                                                  to the 40,000 DT disclosed in November)

                                                                                                              Chatbots and dedicated apps are transforming        experience of the services they have taken up.
                                                                                                              customer service and making it more tailored to     And it seems to work – consumers are warming to
                                                                                                              the consumer’s needs and demands. Consumers         the new systems, they use them more and more,
                                                                                                              can now do things such as request a callback        and report generally higher levels of satisfaction
                                                                                                              instead of waiting in line; obtain suggestions      in their customer service interactions. The case
                                                                                                              through chatbots or mobile apps to optimise         studies below show the progress Telefonica,
                                                                                                              the performance of their mobile device or their     Orange, and TDC have made in this area.
                                                                                                              home WiFi; and generally get a personalised

22       Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                    23
Case Study: Telefonica’s Aura                    Spain, UK) and will soon be extended to                    Case Study: TDC makes an app to                                                 where they can check the current WiFi status
     uses cognitive intelligence to                   Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay. Aura                       improve WiFi performance available                                              in all the rooms of their house, compare with
     enhance customer relationship                    is designed to be a ‘one-stop shop’ for                    to everyone (Denmark)                                                           previous measurements, and see advice on
     (Spain, Germany, UK)                             Telefonica’s customer needs. Users are                                                                                                     how to improve the WiFi experience at home.
                                                      able to talk to Aura through Telefónica’s own              Danish operator Fullrate, part of the TDC                                       This facilitates Danish consumer’s ability to
     Telefonica announced the introduction of         channels (e.g. Telefonica’s own apps) and                  group, has taken steps to help the country’s                                    solve the issue themselves, without having
     Aura at the Mobile World Congress 2018. It       some third party platforms like Facebook                   consumers get the best out of their WiFi –                                      to engage with customer service or wait for
     is the result of the company’s commitment        Messenger, Google Assistant, and Microsoft                 even when they are not customers of TDC.                                        a technician to go and solve the problem at
     to make artificial intelligence capabilities     Cortana. Talking to the network in real time               The operator developed the app having                                           home. The app is available for iPhone and
     available to Telefonica’s customers in           through multiple channels, customers will                  noted that one third of customers’ enquiries                                    Android; it is in Danish, and designed for
     order to offer them a differentiated and         be able to ask Aura about their bill, the                  related to issues with the WiFi connection.                                     simplicity rather than engaging in technical
     personalised experience. In the company’s        services contracted, data usage, and other                 As a result, Fullrate has made the ‘100%                                        detail. One does not have to be a Fullrate
     vision, Aura and its customers will “learn       content. In Chile, it is also integrated with              WiFi’ app available to all Danish consumers,                                    customer to use the app.
     from each other”, so that new cases of use       Facebook’s Safety Check service to help
     will be incorporated over time.                  Telefónica customers connect with friends
                                                      and family and let them know they are safe
     The system is currently available in six         following a crisis, such as an earthquake.       Operators are enhancing accessibility                                                     early as 2012.61 The French provider has kept
     countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany,                                                     for consumers with disabilities                                                           its focus on these issues. In 2018, it launched
                                                                                                                                                                                                 an app called Tactile Facile62; the app makes
                                                                                                       Operators are paying increasing attention to                                              the Android phone experience easier and more
                                                                                                       specific needs of consumers with disabilities,                                            personalised. The company also runs a website
                                                                                                       and have been for many years. While deploying                                             (Autonomie avec Orange)63 which highlights all
                                                                                                       services for more vulnerable consumers is                                                 the solutions adapted to elderly people or people
     Case Study: Orange’s Djingo                      At Orange Bank, all customer requests
                                                                                                       commonly part of universal service obligations,                                           with disabilities. On this site, customers who
     resolves most requests without                   made via the mobile app are first processed
                                                                                                       operators have often gone beyond regulatory                                               have hearing issues can contact Orange via chat,
     human intervention (France, Spain)               by a virtual assistant (Djingo, built in
                                                                                                       requirements to improve accessibility.                                                    or video using sign language. Similarly, some
                                                      collaboration with Deutsche Telekom), which
                                                                                                                                                                                                 operators provide video calls in sign language so
     Orange is also making significant ground in      passes them on to an advisor if necessary.
                                                                                                       For example, The ITU considered Orange as                                                 that users unable to speak have an easier way
     the use of artificial intelligence and chatbot   In 2018, Orange stated that, since its launch,
                                                                                                       an operator to look at for good practice, as                                              to contact customer service. One such example
     technology, with a view to retain customer       Djingo had over 1.5 million conversations
                                                                                                                                                                                                 is CosmOTE.
     service as a competitive advantage.              with Orange’s customers. In Spain, 78% of
                                                      requests submitted to Djingo were resolved
     The My Orange app serves 18.5 million            without any human intervention.
     active users across the world, and aims to
     provide them with a simple way to contact        The chatbot on the Orange Spain app
     the company and to meet their expectation        and website handled around 125,000
     that someone has to be there to assist at        conversations per month on average.
     any time. Customers in France can contact        Altogether, Orange chatbots engaged in
     an advisor directly via live chat on the My      almost 3 million conversations in 2018; the
     Orange app.                                      company set a target to more than double
                                                      that, aiming for 8 million conversations in
                                                                                                            ITU, Making Mobile Phones and Services Accessible for Persons with Disabilities, 2012 –

24   Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                      25
some operators have highlighted that, even in        for European operators. One example is Telecom
                                                                                                                                                      cases where they feel a complaint may not be         Italia (TIM), which has led the way in adopting
               Case study: Cosmote’s video calls,                                                customers to have video calls with customer
                                                                                                                                                      fully justified, they prefer a solution based on     conciliation procedures to settle disputes without
               also available in sign language                                                   service representatives64. Customers can
                                                                                                                                                      goodwill. Seeking for legal clarification (e.g.      having to go to court since 1993. In 2011, the
               (Greece)                                                                          request a video call by entering their name,
                                                                                                                                                      going to court) is a clear exception and limited     European Parliament recognised this as an
                                                                                                 email address, and number for which
                                                                                                                                                      to specific situations, e.g. with customers who      example of best practice, known as ‘Alternative
               The Greek operator CosmOTE has                                                    they wish to be serviced, before they can
                                                                                                                                                      complain frequently and tend not to accept           Disputes Resolution’ (ADR).
               enhanced its means to interact with                                               speak live to an operator. The service is
                                                                                                                                                      settlements. This is becoming standard behaviour
               customers not only through a chat system,                                         also available in sign language, thereby
               but also by introducing the opportunity for                                       improving accessibility for customers with
                                                                                                 certain disabilities.

                                                                                                                                                      4 Conclusions
     More generally, improvements in mobile                                                      Operators are using their goodwill to
     connectivity have also facilitated the flourishing                                          solve disputes, rather than resort to                   Surveys are not always the most                   with operators, and get assistance at any time
     of mobile apps to serve disabled individuals                                                                                                        appropriate way through which to                  of the day. The results obtained by operators on
                                                                                                 legal process
     and allow them to communicate through                                                                                                               measure customer perception.                      this front so far are encouraging.
     smartphones, without having to buy expensive                                                While this is an often overlooked, rarely
     equipment or text-to-speech software. Orange                                                communicated aspect, it is important to              Customer perceptions are notoriously difficult to       A sector that has improved trust and
     itself supports startups such as RogerVoice65,                                              highlight that telcos strive to handle customers’    define and measure, yet it’s one area the sector        is promoting fairness and value.
     offering solutions for people with hearing                                                  complaints in a swift manner, so as to minimise      is often assessed against – usually asked as
     difficulties, or Jaccede66, which enables people                                            disputes. Arguably, this is an area in which there   a binary question as part of a survey, usually       Significant progress is being made across Europe
     with reduced mobility to obtain information                                                 can still be room for improvement; however,          not robust enough. While operators should            in deepening the trust operators have with their
     about accessible public spaces and places                                                   service providers are already ensuring that          always strive to meet and exceed expectations,       customers. While some operators already rank
     in France and abroad. Beyond the telecoms                                                   the primary redress mechanism they adopt in          asking such a question may fail to take into         highly compared to their peers internationally,
     sector, technology companies have also been                                                 handling disputes with consumers is based            account the fast-evolving nature of a service like   more is being done. Operators are striving
     innovating here. Google has introduced several                                              on customer care and goodwill, for example           telecommunications, and the wide variation in        to improve the way in which (and when) they
     similar apps between 2018 and 2019, such as                                                 providing compensation or discounts when faults      expectations customers are likely to have (based     communicate with their customers and how they
     Live Transcribe67, Sound Amplifier68, Google                                                or omissions occur.                                  on a range of considerations including what          make them aware of new offers and opportunities
     Lookout69, and Voice Access70. Apple too offers                                                                                                  they’ve been sold, how much they pay, and what       to get better deals. A new concept of fairness is
     solutions71 to fulfil similar purposes.                                                     This is in the interest of both industry and         their reason for using the service is). Surveys      emerging with operators voluntarily committing
                                                                                                 consumers, as operators find that bilateral          do not necessarily always reveal the facts but       to make improvements.
                                                                                                 dispute resolution in the case of complaints is      instead tend to offer a more simplistic and often
                                                                                                 the most cost efficient solution, avoiding high      subjective perception.                                  Consumers benefit from an increa-
                                                                                                 administrative and legal costs, and maximising                                                               sing range of tariffs and services.
                                                                                                 the opportunity to still keep customers happy           Customer engagement is improving
                                                                                                 despite the complaint. Our conversations with           as operators have adopted a cus-                  Consumers have greatly benefited from the
                                                                                                                                                         tomer-centric approach.                           diverse range of tariffs and bundles of services
                                                                                                                                                                                                           available – many able to save money as a result.
                                                                                                                                                      The investment operators are making in the           However consumers can encounter difficulty
                                           improvement of customer relationships and            when comparing and choosing between offers. To


                                                                                                                                                      experience is already improving engagement           reduce the paradox of this happening, operators
                                                      within the sector. The continued focus on online     are paying attention to increasing transparency

                                                                                                                                                                                                           of offers and helping customers make informed
                                                                                                                                                      portals, and investments in AI and chatbots

                                                                                                     should enable consumers to interact more easily      choices.

26            Delivering Consumer Value in Digital Times                                                                                                                                                                                                        27
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