STATUS REPORT 2019 Status of the project regarding the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive - securPharm
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STATUS REPORT 2019 Status of the project regarding the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive
About securPharm e.V securPharm e.V. is a nonprofit stakeholder organisation that develops the authen- tication system for prescription drugs in Germany pursuant to the requirements of the Falsified Medicines Directive 2011/62/EU and the Delegated Regulation (EU) 3 No. 2016/161. The objective is to protect patients from falsified pharmaceuticals in the legal supply chain in Germany. securPharm e. V. is sponsored by the following associations of the pharmaceutical companies, wholesalers and pharmacists: BAH, BPI, vfa, PHAGRO and ABDA. securPharm sees itself as the German component in an EU-wide network working against falsified medicines. For more information, please visit: This status report is available in German and English for downloading at securPharm // status report 2019
Table of contents 1. Introduction 6 1.1 Project context and limits 7 1.1.1 Delegated Regulation 7 1.1.2 Required safety features 8 4 1.1.3 Extension of the scope of the security features 8 1.1.4 Regulatory information for affixing the security features 8 1.1.5 Assignment of pharmaceuticals subject to mandatory verification 9 1.2 Key factors for project success 9 1.2.1 Stakeholder associations 9 1.2.2 Sequence of steps 9 1.2.3 Organisational structure 10 1.2.4 Data ownership and privacy 10 1.2.5 Centralised management of national master data 10 1.2.6 Use of national product numbers in an international system 11 1.2.7 Reporting operations pursuant to Article 37 (a) of the Delegated Regulation 11 2. Coding agreement 12 2.1 General information 12 2.2 Coding rules 12 2.3 Coding of samples for physicians 13 2.4 Coding of pharmaceuticals that are not subject to mandatory verification 13 3. The national verification system 14 3.1 The pharmaceutical verification process 14 3.2 Integration into the European network 14 4. Current status of the project 15 4.1 Structure of securPharm e.V. 15 4.2 Involvement of the pharmaceutical industry 15 4.2.1 Pharmaceutical companies 15 4.2.2 The operating company of the database system of the pharmaceutical industry 15 4.2.3 Connection to the system 16
4.3 Involvement of wholesalers 16 4.3.1 10-day reversal period 16 4.3.2 Wholesalers verify via the pharmacy server 16 4.3.3 Connection to the securPharm system 17 4.4 Involvement of community pharmacies 17 4.4.1 The pharmacy system 17 4.4.2 Machine-readable batch designation and expiry date 18 4.4.3 Re-entry of deactivated serial numbers 4.4.4 Pharmacy software providers 18 18 5 4.5 Connection of hospital pharmacies and pharmacies supplying hospitals 18 4.6 Connection of additional user groups 18 4.7 Involvement of national authorities 19 4.8 Legitimation 19 4.9 Quality management system 19 4.10 Conflict management process 19 4.11 Possible courses of action during the starting phase 20 5. Exchange of information 20 5.1 National flow of information 20 5.2 International collaboration 21 6. Key indicators of the system 21 6.1 System performance 21 6.2 System availability 21 7. Conclusion 21 8. Outlook 22 9. Important links 22 9.1 Legal principles 22 9.2 Additional national regulations 23 9.3 Pharmaceutical verification system 23 9.4 securPharm members 23 10. Expert articles by securPharm 23 securPharm // status report 2019
6 Foreword The pharmaceutical supply in the legal supply chain in Ger- through securPharm e. V., today’s organisation for the au- many has been and is very safe. Nevertheless, even in Ger- thentication of pharmaceuticals. many, forgers have succeeded in a few cases to enter phar- maceuticals into the legal supply chain. Each case is one too On 9 February 2019, the European protection system against many. falsified pharmaceuticals and therefore the securPharm sys- tem in Germany went live. All participants are looking back In 2011, the European Union passed a package of measu- on an intense time of set-up and development. This required res with the Falsified Medicines Directive to protect the le- pioneering work, since there had never been a comparable gal supply chain in the EU member states against falsified system from which one could have learned. The system start pharmaceuticals: Prescription drugs must be protected with is an important milestone in the project, but by no means safety features. The package of measures left questions re- does it represent the conclusion of this project. garding the technical implementation open and assigned this task of conceptualisation to the EU Commission. The The networked system across all of Europe will now show Delegated Regulation of the EU Commission regarding the how robust the system and processes really are. The expe- Falsified Medicines Directive in Europe became effective on riences in ongoing operations will yield insights and ques- 9 February 2016. Following a three-year preparation phase, it tions that must be resolved in close coordination with the now applies as of 9 February 2019 and presented the stake- authorities. Growing pains must be recognized quickly and holders in pharmaceutical care with a great challenge. eliminated step by step with the same commitment and de- dication that brought this protective system to its launch – In order to protect patients, these stakeholders, pharmaceu- in order to strengthen patient protection with every passing tical companies, wholesalers and pharmacists have faced day. this responsibility early on. In those three short years that re- mained for implementation after the publication of the De- legated Regulation, they launched an IT system that allows the detection of falsified pharmaceuticals prior to being dispensed to the patient. They also developed solutions for new processes at the individual supply levels, which beca- me necessary based on the introduction of an IT system for protection from falsified pharmaceuticals. They did so ac- ross all supply levels – and in doing so truly joined forces. At all times, the most important criterion was that whate- ver worked and was implemented for one supply level also had to be feasible for the others. In Germany, this was done
7 1. Introduction With Directive 2011/62/EU, the so-called Falsified Medicines practice their own processes. The securPharm project opera- Directive, the European Union has defined principles for pre- tes under real-life conditions of the German pharmaceutical venting falsified medicinal products from entering the legal market and takes into account the diversity of pharmaceu- supply chain. These principles pertain to the verification of tical companies, pharmacy software and pharmacy supplier pharmaceuticals at the package level and the ability to as- relations. certain their integrity. With the publication of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161 on 9 February 2016, which inclu- The system, which was started six years ago as a pilot pro- des the technological, organisational and timeline require- ject, has been continuously improved and expanded since ments for implementing the Falsified Medicines Directive, then. In this phase, the participants in the pharmaceutical the legislative process has come to an end. Pharmaceutical supply chain were able to practice and further optimise their companies, wholesalers and pharmacies now largely have own processes, thereby optimally preparing for 9 February clarity regarding the technical and organisational details 2019, which is the date on which the requirements of the they will face during the implementation of the directive as Delegated Regulation applied. well as the mandatory time horizon for implementation. In this respect, the Delegated Regulation confirms securPharm in its key cornerstones. 1.1.1 Delegated Regulation The German stakeholders have prepared for the implemen- tation of the Falsified Medicines Directive early on. As early The EU Commission submitted the final version of Delegated as 2012, the ABDA, BAH, BPI, PHAGRO and vfa established Regulation (EU) 2016/161 amending Directive 2001/83/EC to the securPharm e.V. organisation in order to set up the Ger- the European Parliament and the Council in October 2015 (re- man verification system and to demonstrate how the veri- ferred to in abbreviated form as the “Delegated Regulation” in fication requirements can be implemented in an efficient, the text below). On 9 February 2016, it was published in the industry- and pharmacy-friendly manner that is also viable Official Journal of the European Union. The date of publica- for all parties involved in the pharmaceutical market. tion also started the implementation period of three years. At that time, the requirements of the Delegated Regulation must be fully implemented. 1.1 Project context and limits Starting 9 February 2019, only prescription drugs bearing a unique identifier and whose integrity is visibly recognisable It is the objective of securPharm to provide a national verifi- may be circulated in Germany. Packages that were released cation system that can be used by all market participants in for sale or distribution prior to this date (Article 48) are not Germany. Since 2013, pharmaceutical companies, wholesa- limited in their marketability until their expiry date, even wit- lers and pharmacies have been able to use securPharm and hout the safety features. securPharm // status report 2019
Overall, the Delegated Regulation confirms the securPharm dardisation (CEN) with the DIN EN 16679. This standard was system in its key cornerstones, such as implementation by subsequently transferred into the global ISO 21976 standard a stakeholder organisation, end-to-end verification of each and published in November 2018. pack not obtained from the marketing authorisation holder by wholesalers, the Data Matrix Code as data carrier, parallel usage of two coding variations and separate databases for 1.1.3 Extension of the scope of the pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies. security features The content of the Delegated Regulation creates clarity in The member states can extend the scope of the two security a variety of respects as to how pharmaceutical companies, features. On 11 April 2017, the German Federal Institute for 8 wholesalers, pharmacies, hospitals and possibly other health institutions must implement the requirements. However, the- Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and the Paul Ehrlich Ins- titute (PEI) jointly announced that all products which are not re are still some unclarified details. In its dialogue with market subject to the Falsified Medicines Directive may voluntarily participants and in the Q&A with the national and internatio- bear an anti-tampering device. As a result, e.g. OTC products nal authorities, securPharm makes a key contribution to cla- may bear such a security feature. rifying open questions. A mandatory extension of the unique identifier is not planned With expert publications, securPharm accompanies the im- for Germany. Regardless of this fact, all products may bear a plementation of the Delegated Regulation and therefore pro- Data Matrix Code, as long as it is not serialised. Therefore, e.g. motes knowledge transfer between the parties involved. All OTC products can also bear the new code, which will include market participants are aware that the arrival of the effective the information of the product code (including the PZN), the date 9 February 2019 does not represent the end of activities batch designation and the expiry data in machine-readable regarding the Falsified Medicines Directive. Only the interna- format. tional interactions in ongoing operations will provide new in- sights that will trigger adjustments and improvements in the systems in question. 1.1.4 Regulatory information for affixing the security features 1.1.2 Required safety features The Falsified Medicines Directive imposes significant requi- rements on the pharmaceutical companies, including those The Delegated Regulation requires two safety features for all of a regulatory nature. Affixing the security features to the pharmaceuticals subject to verification and marketed after 9 outer packaging of pharmaceuticals subject to mandatory February 2019 that are to be sold in the EU member states. verification is required in terms of the labelling and regulato- The unique identifier represents the basis for authentication. ry approval provisions of Section 10 para. 1c of the German It is a randomly generated serial number in connection with Medicinal Products Act (AMG). Since the safety features re- the product code in question, which renders each package present a piece of information that is relevant for marketing unique. The serial number clearly stands in the context of authorisation, the pharmaceutical company must inform the product code. the regulatory agency in charge of this fact. This also applies to pharmaceuticals that have already received marketing au- Furthermore, the Directive requires an anti-tampering de- thorisation and the marketing authorisation dossier must be vice, which facilitates verification as to whether the outer updated. packaging of a pharmaceutical was manipulated. This sa- fety feature must be implemented independently by each Until 9 February 2019, pharmaceutical companies can use pharmaceutical entrepreneur. In order to create a joint and a regulatory process at regular intervals concerning infor- reliable basis for the manufacturing industry, specialists from mative texts for this purpose. For example, applications for industry, associations and government agencies have deve- extensions and variations could be used to indicate to the loped a uniform European standard under the umbrella of authority that the safety features will be affixed. the German Institute for Standardisation (Deutsches Institut für Normung - DIN) and the European Committee for Stan-
1.1.5 Assignment of pharmaceuticals subject who are affected by the Directive but also a variety of others to mandatory verification who are involved in the handling of pharmaceuticals. There- fore, it is necessary to describe their tasks precisely as well The higher federal authorities PEI and BfArM have classified and to take into account their interests. In forming a stake- pharmaceuticals that must bear the safety features pursuant holder association to implement the Falsified Medicines Di- to the Delegated Regulation accordingly in the public part rective, the middle ground between the involvement of all of the AMIS Database. Pharmaceutical companies can check stakeholders and everybody’s ability to work must be found. the classifications and contact Department 1 at the BfArM Stakeholder associations that are not a member of this orga- via email, if there are discrepancies. nisation must be credibly assured that their interests will be taken into account through the establishment of appropria- Furthermore, the Delegated Regulation provides the option that a product can be included in the so-called “White List” te working groups. 9 of Annex 1, if a pharmaceutical has e.g. a low potential for 1.2.2 Sequence of steps falsification. In these cases, the regulatory agencies in charge must be contacted. They will then go through the Federal Ministry of Health to contact the European Commission for The sequence of steps chosen by securPharm is tried and tested: final investigation and inclusion in the “White List”. ÊÊ Establishment of the securPharm stakeholder organisati- on as a non-profit organisation; 1.2 Key factors for project success ÊÊ Attraction and involvement of experts; ÊÊ Agreement on objectives and rules as part of a memo- 1.2.1 Stakeholder associations randum of understanding; It is the task of stakeholder associations to represent the in- ÊÊ Development of a working plan and budget, including terests of their members to the political arena and the pu- start-up funding; blic. As a result, they take opposing positions towards each ÊÊ Review of national conditions, including the other at times. The key insight is that opposing interests are inappropriate in view of the significance of patient protec- ÊÊ Availability of master data (see 1.2.5); tion and the scope of the task at hand. What is important is ÊÊ Availability of an internationally usable product to prove to both the public and the political arena that the number (see 1.2.6); associations can and will jointly assume responsibility for a safe pharmaceutical supply. ÊÊ Establishment of operating organisations; ÊÊ IT provider selection and implementation of the systems; Upon closer scrutiny, it becomes apparent that it is not just pharmaceutical companies, wholesalers and pharmacists ÊÊ Organisation of the collaboration with the national authorities in charge; ÊÊ Reporting operations pursuant to Article 37 (a) of the Delegated Regulation. ÊÊ Continuous development and improvement of the system. securPharm // status report 2019
1.2.3 Organisational structure 1.2.4 Data ownership and privacy With Directive 2011/62/EU and the associated Delegated Experience from other projects such as the electronic pa- Regulation (EU) 2016/161, the European Parliament and the tient file has shown that special attention must be paid to Council have created the framework to be monitored by the data ownership. Based on this experience, the concerns re- national supervisory authorities. Based on this system, the garding data use for other purpose than the intended one founders of securPharm have decided on a three-level struc- by unauthorised market partners and the knowledge that ture. data are already being used for advertising in other EU coun- tries, the German stakeholders have first addressed the issue 1. securPharm creates the prerequisites for implementing of data ownership. 10 the Falsified Medicines Directive in Germany, describes the rules, organises the procedures and resolves con- They agreed to store and manage the data of the phar- flicts. The latter includes that securPharm will use a maceutical companies and those of the pharmacies in phy- conflict-managing system (CMS) for documenting any sically separate databases. As a result, data ownership is or- type of unexpected event during the verification of me- ganised clearly and in a manner that is understandable for dicinal packs under the supervision of the authorities. If everybody. necessary, such cases will be escalated to the authority in charge. 1.2.5 Centralised management of national 2. The operation of certain components is assigned to master data operating companies. The legal operators of the databa- se of the pharmaceutical industry (ACS PharmaProtect As early as 1967, the German stakeholder associations deci- GmbH) and the pharmacists’ system (NGD – Netzgesell- ded on the central management of master data for the pro- schaft Deutscher Apotheker GmbH) in turn commission ducts in demand at German pharmacies (both pharmaceu- the technical service providers that install and techni- ticals and non-pharmaceuticals). This marked the birth of cally operate the required databases. today’s IFA (Informationsstelle für Arzneispezialitäten). It is the organisation that assigns the classification code known 3. Arvato Systems GmbH has been commissioned to serve as “Pharmazentralnummer” (PZN), which is without excepti- as provider for the pharmaceutical industry database on used by all market participants handling pharmaceuticals. and for the conflict-managing system. The provider for The centralised assignment of the PZN guarantees its uni- the pharmacy system is Deutsche Telekom. queness as a classification code. If the assignment of product identification numbers is left to the pharmaceutical compa- In this respect, the national authorities in charge assume a nies in other countries, the uniqueness of product numbers special role. They are responsible for system monitoring and cannot be guaranteed, at least while there are no centrally check for compliance with the legal requirements. stipulated rules and the implementation of rules is not cen- trally monitored.
Apart from data quality, centralised management of master retail packages to tagging outer packaging, pallets and ship- data that relates to one member state and centralised assign- ments. It can be used for multi-country packs and as UDI for ment of product numbers offer another key advantage: While medicinal products. the product number is assigned to one specific product and pharmaceutical company, it need not contain a reference to 1.2.7 Reporting operations pursuant to Article the pharmaceutical company. This information can be flexib- 37 (a) of the Delegated Regulation ly looked up in a centrally managed database. As a result, a product number can be preserved even if the product’s li- For each EU member state, there must be only one Natio- cence is sold. The party subsequently responsible for the old nal Medicines Verification Organisation (NMVO) in the future merchandise can be ascertained clearly at any time with the that will establish the respective National Medicines Verifica- help of the centralised database. tion System (NMVS) for the authentication of pharmaceuti- cals subject to verification and connect it to the EU hub. To 11 1.2.6 Use of national product numbers in an the authority in charge, securPharm has declared in terms international system of Article 37 (a) of the Delegated Regulation to physically set up the repository in conjunction with the systems of the pharmacists and pharmaceutical industry in the territory of Just like the PZN in Germany, national product numbers are the Federal Republic of Germany. This ensured compliance also used in other European countries. In this respect, they with one of the key reporting obligations of securPharm as represent a national standard that could only be modified at the legal entity in charge regarding system operations. great expense to all market participants, and they may even be governed by national law. For example: The extension of the German PZN from seven to eight digits was only feasib- le after 10 years of discussions and a technical lead time of three years. The complete exchange of a national product number system must therefore seem futile. A possible alternative are container systems that envelop the national product number, i.e. preserve it for national use, and provide supplementary data to guarantee international usability. Since only one system was known in the past (NTIN by GS1) and GS1 individually decides on the use of the NTIN for each user nation, securPharm commissioned IFA with the development of its own container system – the Pharma- cy Product Number (PPN). Since 2013, it has been globally available free of charge and is based on ISO/IEC. Since then, its applications have been extended from printing/labelling securPharm // status report 2019
2. Coding agreement 2.1 General information 2.2 Coding rules Pursuant to Article 4 of the Delegated Regulation, the unique For verification within the meaning of Article 4 (d) of the Dele- identifier includes the following data elements: gated Act, an unambiguous product code on a Europe-wide scale is needed. To meet this requirement as well, the Pharma- ÊÊ Product code; cy Product Number (PPN) and the National Trade Item Number ÊÊ Serial number; (NTIN) were created, which are generated from the eight-digit PZN. The pharmaceutical company can choose between two ÊÊ Batch number; and above-mentioned product numbers while taking into account 12 ÊÊ Expiry date. the respective licencing conditions. Existing databases and software systems can algorithmically generate a PZN from the The national reimbursement number is mentioned as an addi- PPN/NTIN or a PPN/NTIN from the PZN. For the retail segment, tional element in Article 4. For pharmaceuticals meant for the the PZN will remain the relevant product number and it will German market, this number is already included in the product continue to be used for reimbursement. As a result, existing code in the form of the PZN and therefore need not be listed processes will be preserved without change. additionally. As a result, there is no so-called fifth element as far as Germany is concerned. The two-dimensional Data Matrix Code in accordance with ISO/IEC 16022 must be used as symbology for the data con- Coding is done in the Data Matrix Code in accordance with tainer. It has excellent characteristics regarding data density, ISO/IEC 16022. This ensures that these data elements are data volume, geometric scalability and robustness. Additional machine-readable and form the technical prerequisite for im- rectangular versions of the Data Matrix Code in accordance plementing the EU Falsified Medicines Directive and additio- with ISO/IEC 21471 (see nal expected legal requirements for the verification of phar- dmre) make the packaging design easier. Pursuant to Article maceutical packages. 5 of the Delegated Act, the coding rules generated by secur- Pharm allow coding of information in compliance with the ASC At the same time, the requirements from Article 5 of the Dele- format described in the IFA specification as well as the format gated Act (“Carrier of the unique identifier”) are met. of GS1. Both formats are in accordance with ISO/IEC 15434 and use the data designators in compliance with ISO/IEC 15418. The coding requirements for pharmaceuticals subject to man- This ensures an open market for pharmaceutical companies datory verification for the German market are stipulated in without additional, binding licencing fees. binding form and specified in greater detail in the securPharm Coding Rules. For the securPharm Coding Rules, please visit All necessary details on coding and labelling of pharmaceuti- cal packages are described in the securPharm “Coding Rules”. Governance des Governance des securPharm securPharm Systems Systems NMVS Governance/NMVO Management Operations PUS KMS APS
Among others, this includes generation of the PPN and NTIN, ÊÊ As above but in a smaller size than the smallest retail pa- code content with the associated data designators, code size, ckage. and printing quality (see ÊÊ For the two latter options, the pharmaceutical company ding.html). The securPharm Coding Rules contain the current must request a PZN with Informationsstelle für Arzneispe- requirements resulting from the Delegated Regulation. zialitäten (IFA). For the two latter options, the pharmaceutical company must 2.3 Coding of samples for physicians request a PZN with Informationsstelle für Arzneispezialitäten (IFA). Physicians’ samples in accordance with Article 96 of Directive 2001/83/EG must also bear the safety features pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161 (Articles 2 and 41). This 2.4 Coding of pharmaceuticals that are not 13 subject to mandatory verification means that the pharmaceutical company also generates the unique identifiers for physicians’ samples and uploads them to the database system of the pharmaceutical industry. Before Pharmaceuticals that are not subject to mandatory verification, the physicians’ samples are passed on by the pharmaceutical such as OTC products, may also bear the Data Matrix Code as company, it deactivates these packages as “samples”. long as it does not contain a serial number (see Chapter 1.1.3). However, apart from the product code (PZN as PPN or NTIN), Pharmaceutical companies can produce physicians’ samples in the code can also include the batch designation and the ex- three different versions: piry date. ÊÊ Retail products that are tagged with the corresponding Various pharmaceutical companies have already announced supplementary label to declare them as physicians’ sam- that they will use this option for their entire product range in ples; or order to provide pharmacies and pharmaceutical wholesalers ÊÊ Physicians’ samples in retail product sizes that come in a with the opportunity to electronically capture the batch desig- specially designed package and with a specially assigned nation and expiry date. PZN; or securPharm // status report 2019
3. The national verification system Following the requirements of the Falsified Medicines Direc- A model with a separate system is used to protect the data of tive, the German verification system of securPharm is based the parties involved (see diagram). Verification inquiries from on the end-to-end principle during which both ends of the pharmacies are bundled via the centralised pharmacy system supply chain help ensure safety. The one end is the marke- and directed to the database system of the pharmaceutical ting authorisation holder who markets pharmaceuticals. The industry in anonymised form. This modularisation also results other end represents the dispense of pharmaceuticals to in higher efficiency, since both systems can specialise in the patients, i.e. at a community pharmacy. The national verifi- requirements of their respective user groups. cation system is embedded in a European network in order to also safeguard patient protection across national borders. Pharmaceutical packages can be verified multiple times, e.g. by wholesalers or during goods in process at the pharmacy. This allows the authenticity to be ascertained in distribution 3.1 The pharmaceutical verification process 14 channels before verification and deactivation occur when the pharmaceutical is dispensed to the patient. During the production process, the marketing authorisation holder (MAH) equips each pharmaceutical pack that is sub- Since retail packages can bear multiple codes and additio- ject to mandatory verification with the two required safety nal two-dimensional codes increasingly appear on packages features. The unique identifier contains a product code (a (e.g. codes with links to URLs), the abbreviation PPN in the PZN enveloped in the form of a PPN or NTIN), a unique se- Data Matrix Code provides the information that this code rial number in the context of the product code, the batch contains the data for pharmaceutical verification and must designation and the expiry date. This information is affixed be scanned. The PPN abbreviation stands independent of the to the pack in the form of a Data Matrix Code. In parallel, the above-mentioned “envelope” of the PZN, since the PZN is ext- pharmaceutical company uploads these data to the central racted for merchandise management purposes and the NTIN database of the pharmaceutical industry (ACS MAH system). envelope is transferred into the PPN envelope for verification anyway. Each pharmaceutical company reports to IFA the pharmaceu- ticals that bear the Data Matrix Code and must be verified in pharmacies. Via ABDA information services, the pharmacy software recognises the flag from the IFA database and con- 3.2 Integration into the European network trols the processes in the merchandise management system of the pharmacy accordingly. Labelling in the IFA database securPharm is the German component in the European serves the purpose of identifying pharmaceuticals subject to shield against falsified pharmaceuticals in terms of the Falsi- mandatory verification and to distinguish existing merchan- fied Medicines Directive. As a result, the securPharm system, dise that was released prior to the effective date of 9 February which is Germany’s National Medicines Verification System 2019 (see also IFA provider verification information). (NVMS), has already connected to the European hub, which is the responsibility of the European Medicines Verification To verify the authenticity of a product package, the phar- Organisation (EMVO). The interface to the hub is the data- macy staff scan the Data Matrix Code of the package before base of the pharmaceutical industry (ACS MAH system). This dispensing it to the patient. The verification of the unique connection is continuously improved and adjusted to the identifier (serial number and product code) against the data- many new circumstances that arise with the European part- base system of the pharmaceutical industry is running in the ners. background. The package status as it is stored in the database is reported back to the pharmacy. If the status is correct, the In its final version, the European hub as a centralised data package can be dispensed and the package status is simul- router will connect the national verification systems of taneously changed in the database to “dispensed”. If the data the individual member states with each other. As a conse- check shows that the unique identifer is either not found in quence, it can be used to verify any pharmaceutical pack the database or has already been marked as dispensed, the equipped with safety features in any pharmacy in Europe. pharmacy receives a corresponding warning, so that the ne- Furthermore, the European hub serves as a centralised ac- cessary measures can be taken. This will prevent a negatively cess point for pharmaceutical companies. They can choose verified and possibly falsified pharmaceutical from being dis- whether to upload the pack data directly via the EU hub, pensed to the patient. which then routes the data to the corresponding national system. For multinational companies with multiple markets, this certainly is an interesting option. Alternatively, the com-
panies can also directly upload the data of the pharmaceuti- the marketing authorisation holders to equip their packages cals destined for the German market to the national system with the new safety features and to upload their product and of ACS. The decision of the pharmaceutical company has no pack data to the database system in a timely manner and in impact on the other participants in the supply chain. Since compliance with the rules. Only then will they be allowed to the data are always stored nationally, patient protection is release pharmaceuticals subject to mandatory verification guaranteed in both cases. from the effective date of 9 February 2019 onward. The main financial burden regarding the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive is borne by the pharmaceu- tical companies. However, the amount of overall spending 4. Current status of the project cannot be identified reliably, since the investments may vary greatly, based on the investment requirements of the indivi- 15 4.1 Structure of securPharm e.V. dual pharmaceutical companies. securPharm e.V. is the higher-level organisation developing 4.2.2 The operating company of the database the technical system for the authentication of pharmaceu- system of the pharmaceutical industry ticals subject to mandatory verification in Germany in ac- cordance with the requirements of EU Directive 2011/62/EU and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161. In this function, it The operation of the database system of the pharmaceutical has assigned operation of the two partial systems needed in industry was assigned to a separate operating company. The the Germany arrangement to different operating companies. pharmaceutical industry associations established ACS Phar- The database of the pharmaceutical industry is operated by maProtect GmbH (ACS), headquartered in Berlin, for this pur- ACS PharmaProtect GmbH (ACS). Via ACS, all pharmaceuti- pose, which is in charge of specifying, setting up and opera- cal companies whose products are subject to mandatory ting the database system of the pharmaceutical industry in verification can be connected to the national system for Germany (ACS MAH System). These associations also provide authentication. The pharmacy server is operated by NGDA four of the managing directors for ACS. The organisations in - Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker GmbH (NGDA). Via question are the BAH, BPI, vfa and Pro Generika. This goes to NGDA, wholesalers, retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies show that it is the entire pharmaceutical industry in Germa- and pharmacies supplying hospitals as well as other health- ny that drives the prevention of falsified medicines in the le- care facilities can connect to the system. The operators also gal supply chain. In addition, the Board of Directors consists serve as contacts for more specific technical issues regarding of representatives from the pharmaceutical companies. the connection to the system for authentication. Further- more, the users are provided with various aids (starter kits, With arvato Systems GmbH, securPharm and ACS are part- guidelines, etc.) for connecting to the securPharm system. nering with a company that develops, implements and In addition, on its website securPharm has published a brief operates the ACS MAH system, and processes product and checklist for each user group, which summarises the most package data via the interface to the pharmacy system. The important steps and tasks for said group. company has a proven track record in IT services and de- monstrated its efficiency during comparable projects. 4.2 Involvement of the pharmaceutical Another important concern of ACS is the knowledge transfer industry in terms of experiences gathered in dealing with serialisati- on. For this purpose, ACS annually organises an exchange 4.2.1 Pharmaceutical companies of experience during which pharmaceutical companies that have already implemented the requirements of the Delega- ted Regulation communicate their experience to other com- At the time of the system start, 369 pharmaceutical com- panies. Furthermore, ACS supports the pharmaceutical com- panies were using the securPharm system. In October 2018, panies through webinars, seminars for novices, guidelines, the EU Commission pointed out once more to the partici- manuals and Q&A catalogs. The securPharm system has also pants in the pharmaceutical supply chain their obligations in been available to pharmaceutical companies since 2013. As implementing the legal regulations. It is the responsibility of a result, pharmaceutical companies were able to align their securPharm // status report 2019
processes to serialisation even before the effective date of 9 4.3 Involvement of wholesalers February 2019 and practice those processes along the entire supply chain. Pharmaceutical wholesalers are an important component in the pharmaceutical supply chain. As a result, they serve an im- 4.2.3 Connection to the system portant function in securing the supply routes. The Delegated Regulation (Article 20) of the European Commission specifies the extent to which wholesalers must verify packages. Accor- All pharmaceutical companies that are marketing pharmaceu- dingly, all returns from pharmacies and other wholesalers as ticals in Germany and are affected by Directive 2011/62/EU well as all deliveries from other wholesalers that are neither must conclude an agreement with ACS PharmaProtect GmbH 16 the manufacturer nor the marketing authorisation holder nor to participate in securPharm. As soon as the agreement is con- a wholesaler who is designated by the marketing authorisati- cluded, the pharmaceutical companies receive access to the on holder must be verified in the future. In addition, wholesa- database system of the pharmaceutical industry (ACS MAH lers must check for authenticity and subsequently deactivate system). The contractual partner of ACS is the company that each pharmaceutical that also registered the pharmaceuticals with IFA as a supplier, which ensures an unambiguous relationship between the ÊÊ Is to be distributed outside the EU; individual item (via the Pharmazentralnummer/PZN) and the company responsible for distribution in Germany. ÊÊ Is to be returned to the wholesaler and can be entered into non-sellable inventory; Furthermore, an additional contract with the European hub, ÊÊ Is slated for destruction; or whichis operated by the European Medicines Verification Orga- nisation (EMVO), is required to ensure that the pharmaceutical ÊÊ Is in his physical possession and is requested by the au- company can be clearly identified during the data exchange thority in charge as a sample. between the ACS MAH system and the European hub (www. ÊÊ Pursuant to Section 6 para. 1a of the German Pharmaceu- The contractual partners of the EMVO tical Trading Regulation is delivered to individuals, who are typically higher corporate structures like a corporation. Fur- are authorised and licenced to dispense pharmaceuticals thermore, each marketing authorisation holder must conclude but are not employed at a health care institution or phar- an agreement with the national organisation (NMVO) whose macy, as well as to veterinarians, dentists, the German market he supplies in Europe. Bundeswehr, the police, government institutions, univer- sities or other academic institutions. Pharmaceutical companies can choose from two methods for transmitting their data to the ACS MAH system. The companies can either transmit their data directly to the ACS MAH system 4.3.1 10-day reversal period or send their data to the European hub, which subsequently routes them to the ACS MAH system. For pharmaceuticals that are deactivated by error, the process can be reversed within 10 days under legally narrowly defined The data indicated by the pharmaceutical company while con- terms (Article 13). The reversal must occur in the same pre- necting to the ACS MAH system are checked against data from mises in which the pharmaceutical was deactivated. Conse- the IFA database, among others. Therefore, it is particularly quently, a reversal is only possible as long as the package was important for pharmaceutical companies to always keep their not dispensed to the public. data up to date with IFA and to contact ACS PharmaProtect GmbH for any questions arising in connection with the neces- sary proof for the legitimacy check. 4.3.2 Wholesalers verify via the pharmacy For details regarding ACS PharmaProtect GmbH or the fee mo- server del for pharmaceutical companies, please go to www.pharma- To comply with the aforementioned legal obligations, who- lesalers must join the securPharm system. securPharm works with a system of separate databases for pharmaceutical com- panies on the one hand and wholesalers and pharmacies on the other to ensure the greatest possible data protection for market participants using the securPharm system. Both data- bases are separate from each other and only exchange data for the verification processes in anonymised form.
Teilnehmende Unternehmen (Auszug) 4.3.3 Connection to the securPharm system To connect to the securPharm system, wholesalers must contact NGDA – Netzwerkgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker mbH, a subsidiary of Avoxa Mediengruppe Deutscher Apo- theker GmbH. NGDA serves as the operating company for the pharmacy system of securPharm and is in charge of the legally required connection as well as the legitimacy check of phar- maceutical wholesalers. The actual connection will be made 17 by the respective software companies, IT service providers or market partners themselves. The NGDA provides these com- panies with the required technical support. For additional in- formation and contacts, please visit Furthermore, in 2017, securPharm informed the holders of a pharmaceutical wholesaler’s license listed in the DIMDI list re- garding their legal obligations and responsibilities in terms of the Falsified Medicines Directive. In addition, in October 2018, the EU Commission pointed out once more to the partici- pants in the pharmaceutical supply chain their obligations in implementing the legal regulations. 4.4 Involvement of community pharmacies When it comes to discovering falsified pharmaceuticals, phar- macies play a key role, since they verify the authenticity of a pharmaceutical at the end of the supply chain. Before dispen- sing it to the patient, the pharmacist scans the Data Matrix Code of the pharmaceutical subject to mandatory verifica- tion, thereby testing the pack for authenticity. Connection of pharmacies to the securPharm system is made via the pharmacy server, which is set up and operated by NGDA – Netzwerkgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker mbH, a subsidiary of Avoxa Mediengruppe Deutscher Apotheker GmbH. In ac- cordance with securPharm’s requirements, it also takes care of the unique electronic identification of the market partners via the N-Ident procedure. The legitimacy check is a prerequisite for connecting to securPharm. Following the successful legiti- mation, an N-ID (an electronic certificate) is issued. The actual connection, in turn, will be made by the respective software companies, IT service providers or market partners themsel- ves. The NGDA provides these companies with the required technical support. For additional information and contacts, please visit 4.4.1 The pharmacy system The conceptualisation and implementation of the centralised pharmacy system is performed by NGDA – Netzgesellschaft securPharm // status report 2019
Deutscher Apotheker GmbH according to the requirements maintains a close exchange with the ADAS (Federal Associati- of securPharm e.V. The pharmacy system is a technical soluti- on of Pharmacy Software Companies) in order to facilitate the on which, in a first step, renders the verification queries from smoothest possible implementation in pharmacies. pharmacies anonymous and then sends them to the databa- se system of the pharmaceutical industry (ACS MAH system). In its database, IFA clearly indicates which pharmaceuticals When a positive response is generated by the ACS MAH sys- bear safety features and must therefore be verified at phar- tem, the dispensing pharmacy initiates a second step in the macies. Products are labelled based on the PZN and there- process, which consists of (anonymously) checking the spe- fore based on information provided by the pharmaceutical cific package out of the system. Subsequently, the package companies to IFA. Using these data, the pharmacy software can be dispensed to the patient. If the pharmacy receives no alerts the dispensing pharmacy employee as to whether the 18 positive response from the ACS MAH system, the package is not dispensed to the patient but must be separated and spe- verification for a specific pharmaceutical must be performed or if this is a product that requires no mandatory verification. cially investigated instead. Through this mechanism, the marketing authorisation holder can also clearly label which pharmaceutical batches he re- leased prior to 9 February 2019. 4.4.2 Machine-readable batch designation and expiry date 4.5 Connection of hospital pharmacies and pharmacies supplying hospitals The Delegated Regulation makes it clear that the batch de- signation and the expiry date must also be part of the Data To meet the legal obligations, hospital pharmacies and phar- Matrix Code. This provides pharmacists with the possibility of macies that supply hospitals must connect to securPharm. making their merchandise management more efficient, since Each owner bears the responsibility for implementation in the batch designation and expiry date no longer need to be compliance with the law. In regards to the connection, the entered manually but can be scanned together with the PZN. NGDA - Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker GmbH (the Furthermore, they can conduct an additional authentication operating company commissioned by securPharm) will serve as early as during goods in process in order to recognise non- as contact. This organisation operates the access point for dispensable pharmaceuticals early on and assign them to the hospital pharmacies or pharmacies supplying hospitals on supplier in question. behalf of securPharm. The actual connection will be made by the respective soft- 4.4.3 Re-entry of deactivated serial numbers ware companies, IT service providers or market partners themselves, who will contact NGDA. The technical and con- During the everyday business of a pharmacy, it is possible that tractual specifications are available at a pharmacist books out a pack but does not dispense it. The or Delegated Regulation clarifies that a pharmaceutical - as long as it is in the pharmacist’s “physical” possession - can be re- In November 2017, securPharm wrote to all hospitals and pro- entered for up to 10 days after deactivation. The pharmacy’s vided the required information for connecting to the system. delivery service is covered by this provision. In October 2018, the EU Commission also pointed out once more to the participants in the pharmaceutical supply chain their obligations in implementing the legal regulations. 4.4.4 Pharmacy software providers 4.6 Connection of additional user groups In contrast to other countries, there is a variety of different providers for the software used in pharmacies in Germany. To this end, NGDA has registered more than 500 partners and In addition to the aforementioned user groups, other parti- made the necessary information available to them. cipants who regularly and legitimately obtain merchandise from the market must also be connected. These include e.g. All pharmacy software packages used in community phar- blister pack companies, compounding manufacturers as well macies will have to offer the verification function through the as centralised procurement entities. Legitimation is also ne- securPharm system on time, by 9 February 2019, as per the cessary for the particiants from these user groups before they Delegated Regulation. The NGDA provides these companies can use the securPharm system. The contact regarding the with the required technical support. Furthermore, the NGDA connection is NGDA - Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apothe-
ker GmbH, the operating company commissioned by secur- the European Commission and the member states and fina- Pharm which operates the access point for these user groups lised at the end of 2018. The implementation and provision of at securPharm. reports is planned for 2019. The actual connection will be made by the respective soft- ware companies, IT service providers or market partners 4.8 Legitimation themselves, who will contact NGDA. The technical and con- tractual specifications are available at According to Article 37 (b) of the Delegated Regulation, or each legal entity that sets up and manages a data resposito- ry and access system must ensure that only those users can 4.7 Involvement of national authorities have access to the data repository whose identity, role and legitimacy has been verified. This means that securPharm as 19 the German organisation for verification (NMVO) is respon- The implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive is sible for the legitimation of all users. As a result, it is indis- new territory as far as the collaboration between the partici- pensable that a safe procedure for the authentication and pants in pharmaceutical care across the different trade levels legitimation of all user groups be set up. The following user and the interaction between securPharm and the authorities groups have now been identified: pharmaceutical compa- in charge is concerned. The legislature has stipulated that the nies, community pharmacies, pharmaceutical wholesalers, national authorities are to be in charge of supervision and ac- hospital pharmacies, industrial blister pack companies, cen- cess for the national verification systems in question. tralised procurement entities, compounding manufacturers and authorities. The requirements for a reliable and adequa- In contrast to the rest of Europe, supervisory duties are fulfilled te legitimation procedure have been developed by secur- by several agencies in Germany. One of them is the Paul Ehr- Pharm. This set of rules is the guideline for the institutions lich Institute (PEI), the second is the Federal Institute for Drugs that operationally check the legitimation of a future user. and Medical Devices (BfArM) as the highest safety authority. For pharmaceutical companies, this is ACS PharmaProtect There is also a regional supervisory authority. securPharm is GmbH, and for authorities this is securPharm e.V. For all other spread out over several locations through its database sys- user groups, it is NGDA – Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apo- tems. That is why multiple supervisory authorities are in char- theker mbH. ge of securPharm and its partial systems. In a continuous dialogue between the authorities and secur- 4.9 Quality management system Pharm, the modalities and regulations are now being put into more precise terms and detailed questions are clarified, e.g. supervision and access by securPharm and how the new pro- For an organisation like securPharm, a quality management cesses associated with the authentication of pharmaceuticals system is a foregone conclusions. Transparency to the inside can be shaped in practice. The affixing processes for the safety and outside, legal certainty and conformity with applicable features at the manufacturer as well as the authentication pro- laws must be ensured. Therefore, another project group cesses in the market follow the GxP rules. dedicated to this task was established. The set-up and rea- lisation of a quality management system is oriented on DIN As a new organisation in pharmaceutical care with new tasks, EN ISO 9001. Due to the relevance of the information in the securPharm is subject to supervision by the authorities. So securPharm system, the DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001 standard is far, the authorities have received reports on suspected falsi- additionally implemented in order to take into account the fications as part of the legal reporting requirement. In the fu- requirements of the Delegated Regulation. securPharm had ture, securPharm will report additionally to the BfArM (comp. set for itself the objective of receiving certification in ac- Chapter 4.10 Conflict management process). cordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 27001 Furthermore, the legislature has governed for what purposes before the end of 2018. the authorities in charge could get access to the databases. The authorities have access to all available data when solving 4.10 Conflict management process cases of suspected falsification but are also allowed to use the securPharm system additionally for monitoring and for pur- poses of pharmacovigilance or pharmacoepidemiology. The The conflict management process (CMP) comes into play reports to be provided for this purpose were developed at the during the analysis of conflicts. During each conflict, there European level between the EMVO and a working group of must first be clarification if this was a false alarm or if a falsifi- 19 securPharm // status report 2019
cation is suspected. When a conflict occurs, it is assigned an However, if such packages are verified via the securPharm alert ID that is unique across all of Europe and the marketing system, they can generate a conflict. In this respect, the se- authorisation holder is informed of the incident. He then has curPharm system acts correctly. It identifies a conflict and seven calendar days to analyze the case and qualify it accor- notifies the user that the safety feature is either unknown to dingly. If he can ascertain during this time period that the the system or cannot be interpreted sufficiently. In order to conflict is due to an internal handling error, e.g. an incom- continue to ensure a safe supply for patients, securPharm e. plete upload of the pack data to the securPharm system, the V. has published the corresponding possible courses of ac- incident is rated a false alarm. However, if the investigation tion. reveals that there was no internal handling error, the case is rated a suspected falsification. A rating as a suspected falsi- 20 fication results in the legal reporting obligation of the par- ticipants. If the time period of seven calendar days expires 5. Exchange of information without the marketing authorisation holder providing the corresponding feedback to the system, the conflict is auto- matically rated a suspected falsification and the reporting 5.1 National flow of information obligations apply. This reporting obligation when a case is rated a suspected falsification applies both to the marketing Through events and publications, securPharm and its sta- authorisation holder and the market participant where the keholders have regularly informed the participants in phar- conflict occurred. In this respect, the previous reporting pa- maceutical care that are affected by the Falsified Medicines thways of the individual market participants remain in effect, Directive on the progress of system set-up, the status of re- i.e. the report goes to the supervisory authority in charge. gulatory implementation and the necessity of connecting The various reports regarding a suspected falsification can to the system. Since 2012, a total of 38 events and webinars be classified via the unique alert ID on a Europe-wide scale. have been conducted for the pharmaceutical industry alo- ne. In addition, there were events held by the professional Based on the Delegated Regulation, an additional reporting organisations for pharmacists at the state and federal level. pathway is added: As soon as a conflict is classified as a su- These events addressed not only the connection to the sys- spected falsification in the securPharm system, the secur- tem but also discussed and gathered open questions regar- Pharm system automatically informs the Federal Institute for ding the implementation of the Falsified Medicines Directive Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) via the conflict manage- within the pharmacies. ment system (see Chapter 1.2.3). Together with the Paul Ehr- lich Institute, the Institute coordinates these cases, registers Furthermore, securPharm issued 25 press releases and nu- them in an official database of falsifications and informs the merous author contributions in trade journals. Since 2013, supervisory authority in charge of the marketing authorisati- project progress has been published in an annual status on holder. The previous reporting obligations of the market report. Moreover, the user groups were informed by letter participants remain unaffected. regarding the necessary connection to the securPharm sys- tem required for the implementation of the Falsified Medi- cines Directive. With its website, securPharm has provided a Conflict arises on Tuesday, 2 April 2019, 1:00 p.m. platform where important information on system connec- Maximum investigation period expires the fol- tion and the implementation of the Delegated Regulation lowing Tuesday, 9 April 2019, 12:00 a.m. and the Falsified Medicines Directive was made available to all market partners. The knowledge of the securPharm sta- keholders was presented in checklists and Q&A catalogues. 4.11 Possible courses of action during the Current developments were addressed in the News section. The securPharm stakeholders provided information on their starting phase websites as well. The large number of contract partners from the pharmaceutical industry as well as the wholesale During the starting phase, there will also be finished phar- and pharmacist segments have shown prior to the effective maceutical products in the market that were released for date of 9 February 2019 that securPharm’s messages have sale or distribution prior to 9 February 2019 and bear precur- reached the market participants. sors of safety features. Since these packages do not yet have to meet the requirements of the Falsified Medicines Direc- tive based on their release date, they are eligible for being dispensed without authentication until their expiry date.
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