Kanawahala Program Center April 17-19, 2020 - Challenge Yourself in the Great Outdoors! - Girl Scouts of North ...

Page created by Jack Steele
Challenge Yourself in the Great Outdoors!

   Kanawahala Program Center
       831 Girl Scout Road, Chelsea, AL

          April 17-19, 2020

Overview of Juliette’s Jam 2020

Juliette’s Jam 2020 is a combination of skills events, troop team building activities and
Traditional Camp Activities. This year’s Jam offers troops the opportunity to participate in
some of the competitions (both at the troop and individual level), or just come out to have
fun and learn skills in the outdoors.

On Saturday troops will rotate between Outdoor Skills Events or have the option to take part
in the Traditional Camp Activities. Each troop will be given a schedule with your rotation at

For the Outdoor Skills Events you can choose to be entered into the competitions (at the
troop or individual level) or not. Regardless, the skills will be presented to troops by age level.
If you have a multi-level troop you can stay together throughout the day, but we will divide
your skills events between your D/B/Jr and your C/S/A girls.

Regardless of whether you chose to compete or not, there are opportunities for your girls to
earn all or part of several badges. Please see the “Badge Requirements” column in the event
listing. Not all requirements for all badges can be met during the event, so leaders should
check each badge requirement. Resources for these badges can be found in the VTK and the
Girls Guide to Girl Scouting books.

The following pages contain the skills and events for the Outdoor Skills portion of the Jam.
You will notice that most of the activities are aimed at the troops working together. Where
noted as an “Individual Skill” those events are where individual girls have the opportunity to
show off their outdoor skills and compete with other girls in their age-levels. Points for
competitions will be awarded for both troop and individual competitions. If you do not have
any girls that want to compete in the events, the time at the station will be used to show your
girls the basics of the skill.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Jam!

The Juliette’s Jam Planning Committee


Outdoor Skill Events ................................................................................................. 4
   Daisy Level Events ............................................................................................... 4
   Brownie Level Events .......................................................................................... 5
   Junior Level Events .............................................................................................. 8
   Cadette Level Events ......................................................................................... 11
   Senior/Ambassador Level Events ...................................................................... 13
Troop Level Challenges (Competitions) .................................................................. 15
   Campsite Set-up Guidelines (For tent camping area)........................................ 15
   Fire Guidelines ................................................................................................... 15
   Troop Flag Guidelines ........................................................................................ 15
Draft Schedule of Events ........................................................................................ 16
Girl Scout Trivia- All Age Levels .............................................................................. 17
Girl Scout Trivia C/S/A Additional Questions .......................................................... 18

APPENDIX A: Camp Lodging and Logistics .............................................................. 20
APPENDIX B: Troop Leader Resources for Skills Challenges ................................... 21
APPENDIX C: Recommended Camping Checklist .................................................... 24
APPENDIX D: Sample Troop Packing List ................................................................ 26

Please note: This is a preliminary list of events and some may be modified due to weather or other circumstances,
 but the general skills listed will still be applied. There is a list of resources for these activities at Appendix B, but
           most skills can be found in the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting, the VTK and other open sources.
 The far-right column lists Badges at all levels that may be earned during the event. Please see the Girls Guide to
  Girl Scouting and the VTK for more information on each badge requirement. The girls level of participation in
 planning and preparing for the event, and what they do at the event, will determine if all requirements are met.

                                                         DAISY EVENTS
Event             Team Size            Summary                                                     Badge Requirements
First Aid         Entire Troop        • Girls demonstrate skills from the Daisy Safety Award.      Daisy Safety Award (All requirements can
                  Participates        • Girls identify basic items that should be in a first aid   be met at the event)
                                         kit and make one                                          1. Understand what to do if you get lost.
                                      • Girls demonstrate how to make a splint, tourniquet         Know your phone number, address and
                                         or bandage with a bandana and stick (or other             who it's safe to ask for help (police officer,
                                         materials)                                                teacher, person in charge)
                                                                                                   2. Find out what you should do if you or a
                                                                                                   friend is choking
                                                                                                   3. Learn how to do "Stop, Drop, and Roll"
                                                                                                   if your clothing catches on fire.
Girl Scout        Entire Troop        •   Girls recite the Promise and Law, show the GS Sign
Knowledge         Participates            and Handshake, and state the Girl Scout Motto. Girls
                                          will be asked some simple questions from the Girl
                                          Scout Trivia list.
                                      •   Basic GS Trivia: See list included below
Knots             Entire Troop        •   Girls will demonstrate how to tie an overhand and a
                  Participates --         square knot and know what they are used for.
                  ALSO the knots
                  are an individual

Fire Building      Entire Troop      •   Identify and tell the characteristics of Tinder,
                   Participates --       Kindling and Fuel.
                   ALSO this is an   • Name at least 3 safety measures you practice at a
                   individual            campfire (hair up, bucket of water, rake, no loose
                   challenge             clothing, no playing by the fire, etc.)
                                     • At this station girls can strike a match into a bucket
Team Challenge     Entire Troop       Will be assigned at the station.
Basic Hiking       Entire Troop       •   Girls describe the 7 Leave No Trace Principles             Eco Learner Badge (All requirements can
                   Participates       •   Girls list essential items they should take on a day-      be met at the event)
                                          hike                                                        1. Be prepared to protect nature before
                                      •   Group participates in a ‘Simon-Says’ game that uses         you go outdoors
                                          Trail Signs to tell them what to do.                        2. Keep living things safe when you walk
                                      •   If time permits the girls will go on a short trail hike     in nature
                                          to demonstrate their skills.                                3. Learn how to protect nature from trash

                                                                                                     Daisy Trail Adventure Badge (All
                                                                                                     requirements can be met at the event)
                                                                                                      1. Choose your outdoor adventure
                                                                                                      2. Prepare for your adventure
                                                                                                      3. Go on your outdoor adventure

Other Badge that                     This is not a planned Outdoor Skills Event, but this            Buddy Camper Badge (All requirements
can be Earned                        badge can be earned during the weekend. See detailed            can be met at the event)
during the                           requirements in the Girls Guide or VTK.                          1. Help plan a camping trip
Weekend                                                                                               2. Help pack for your trip
                                                                                                      3. Go camping
                                                     BROWNIE EVENTS
Event              Team Size                                                                         Badge Requirements
First Aid          Entire Troop       •   Girls identify basic items that should be in a first aid   First Aid Badge (All requirements can be
                   Participates           kit and make one                                           met at the Event)

                                                                                                     1. Find out how to get help from 911

•   Girls demonstrate how to make a splint, tourniquet       2. Talk to someone who treats injured
                                        or bandage with a bandana and stick (or other            people
                                        materials)                                               3. Make a first-aid kit
                                    •   Girls describe symptoms of Heat Stroke and               4. Learn how to treat minor injuries
                                        Hypothermia                                              5. Know how to prevent and treat outdoor
                                    •   Girls are given a scenario on a card. Girls must         injuries
                                        demonstrate how to call 911, what information to
                                        pass on, and what steps should be taken during and
                                        after the 911 call (repeat with different scenarios as
                                        time permits)
Girl Scout       Entire Troop       •   Girls recite the Promise and Law, show the GS Sign
Knowledge        Participates           and Handshake, and state the Girl Scout Motto and
                                        Girl Scout Slogan.
                                    •   Basic GS Trivia: See included list below
Knots & Knives   Entire Troop       •   Demonstrate how to tie square knot and clove hitch
                 Participates or        and give the use of the knots
                 girls can ALSO     •   The entire group must create one long rope by
                 compete as an          combining all their ropes with square knots
                 Individual Skill   •   Demonstrate how to open and close a knife safely,
                                        how to pass a knife, and list rules for knife safety
                                        (safety circle, cut down and away, keep knife sharp,
                                        don’t walk with open knife, etc.). Note: may use
                                        paper knifes for young brownies
Basic Hiking     Entire Troop       •   Girls describe the 7 Leave No Trace principles           Hiker Badge (All requirements can be met
                 Participates       •   Girls list essential items they should take on a day-    at the event except for Step 4, which can
                                        hike                                                     be completed outside the event, or can be
                                    •   Girls identify the difference between a Blaze and a      completed at the Jam if you plan to make
                                        Trail Sign and tell what they are for.                   a snack for Step 4 during the weekend)
                                    •   Girls will go on a short hike and demonstrate their      1. Decide where to go
                                        hiking skills.                                           2. Try out a hiking skill
                                                                                                 3. Pick the right gear
                                                                                                 4. Pack a snack for energy
                                                                                                 5. Go on your hike!

Outdoor Adventurer Badge (All
                                                                                              requirements can be met at the event
                                                                                              except Step 2, which is not included in the
                                                                                              planned events, but can be completed by
                                                                                              the troop over the weekend)
                                                                                              1. Play outdoors in a new way
                                                                                              2. Explore nature
                                                                                              3. Buddy up and play outdoor games
                                                                                              4. Learn a camp skill (completed with
                                                                                              other events)
                                                                                              5. Care for the outdoors
Fire Skills       Entire Troop      •    Identify and tell the characteristics of Tinder,     Eco Friends Badge
                  Participates--         Kindling and Fuel.                                   Step 3 of this badge- Build a Safe Campfire
                  ALSO this is an   • Name at least 3 safety measures you practice at a       -- can be completed at this event.
                  individual             campfire (hair up, bucket of water, rake, no loose   See the VTK for the remaining steps and
                  challenge              clothing, no playing by the fire, etc.)              you may be able to incorporate them into
                                    • Demonstrate how to build and start a basic A-frame      your weekend at the Jam.
Team Challenge    Entire Troop      Will be assigned at the station.
Other                               This Journey can be earned during the weekend. The        Outdoor Journey (Brownie)
Journey/Badge                       Take Action Project (TAP) will need to be completed       1. Deepen your outdoor skills when you
requirements                        outside of the event.                                     earn your Brownie First Aid, Hiker badge,
that can be met                                                                               and Cabin Camper badges.
during the                                                                                    2. Plan a Take Action Project that helps
Weekend                                                                                       others.
                                                                                              3. Earn a Take Action award. If you're a
                                                                                              Girl Scout volunteer, go to Volunteer
                                                                                              Toolkit for complete meeting plans and
                                                                                              activity instructions.

                                                                                              Cabin Camper Badge (All requirements
                                                                                              can be met at the event, except for Step 1
                                                                                              can be completed before the event)

1. Help plan your camping trip
                                                                                          2. Learn about camping gear
                                                                                          3. Prepare a camp meal
                                                                                          4. Learn a new camping skill
                                                                                          5. Go camping!

                                                                                          GS Way Badge (All requirements can be
                                                                                          met at the event, with the exception of
                                                                                          Step 2 which can be completed outside of
                                                                                          the event)
                                                                                          1. Sing everywhere
                                                                                          2. Celebrate Juliette Low's birthday
                                                                                          3. Share sisterhood
                                                                                          4. Leave a place better than you found it
                                                                                          5. Enjoy Girl Scout traditions
                                             JUNIOR EVENTS
Event        Team Size                                                                    Badge Requirements
First Aid    Entire Troop   •   Girls identify basic First Aid items and their uses       Junior First Aid Badge (All requirements
             Participates       (laid out on a table). This is what will be used in the   can be met at the event)
                                scenario later.                                           1. Learn the first steps to take in an
                            •   Girls demonstrate how to make a splint, tourniquet        emergency
                                or bandage with a bandana and stick (or other             2. Talk to first responders
                                materials)                                                3. Make a portable first-aid kit
                            •   Girls describe what “Check, Call, Care, Action”           4. Find out how to handle urgent first-aid
                                means (from Jr. First Aid badge)                          issues
                            •   Girls are given scenarios on a card to demonstrate        5. Know how to take care of someone
                                the Check, Call, Care, Action steps for First Aid.        who's sick
                            •   Girls will make a personal 1st Aid Kit
Girl Scout   Entire Troop   •   Girls recite the Promise and Law, show the GS Sign
Knowledge    Participates       and Handshake, and state the Girl Scout Motto and
                                Girl Scout Slogan.
                            •   Basic GS Trivia- See included list below.

Knives & Knots   Entire Troop        •    Demonstrate how to open and close a knife safely,
                 Participates--           how to pass a knife, and list rules for knife safety
                 ALSO the knots           (safety circle, cut down and away, keep knife sharp,
                 are an individual        don’t walk with open knife, etc.).
                 challenge           • Each team member must tie three knots: square
                                          knot, clove hitch, and bowline, and tell what the
                                          knots are used for.
                                     • The entire group must create one long rope by
                                          combining all their ropes with square knots
Team Challenge   Entire Troop        Will be assigned at the station.
Fire Skills      Entire Troop        •   Identify and tell the characteristics of Tinder,
                 Participates --         Kindling and Fuel.
                 ALSO this is an     •   Name at least 3 safety measures you practice at a
                 individual              campfire (hair up, bucket of water, rake, no loose
                 challenge               clothing, no playing by the fire, etc.)
                                     •   Demonstrate how to build and start a basic A-frame
Basic Hiking &   Entire Troop        •   Girls describe the 7 Leave No Trace principles          Trail Adventure Badge (All requirements
Trail Signs      Participates        •   Girls list essential items they should take on a day-   can be met at the event, with the
                                         hike and overnight hike                                 exception of Steps 1, 2 and 4 which may
                                     •   Girls identify the difference between a Blaze and a     be completed before the event)
                                         Trail Marker and tell what they are for.                1. Choose your outdoor adventure
                                     •   Girls will go on a short hike to demonstrate their      2. Plan and prepare
                                         hiking skills.                                          3. Gather your gear
                                                                                                 4. Set a goal and train for your adventure
                                                                                                 5. Go on your outdoor adventure

                                                                                                 Eco Camper Badge
                                                                                                 The girls will only complete Step 1 of this
                                                                                                 badge- Learn the Leave No Trace Seven

Other Badges        Entire Troop   These are not planned Outdoor Skills Events, but these   Camper Badge (All requirements can be
that can be                        badges can be earned during the weekend. See detailed    met at the event, with the exception of
Earned during the                  requirements in the Girls Guide or VTK.                  Step 1 which can be completed prior to
Weekend                                                                                     the event)
                                                                                            1. Start planning your adventure
                                                                                            2. Gain a new camping skill (earned at one
                                                                                            of the events listed above)
                                                                                            3. Find your inner camp chef
                                                                                            4. Try a new activity
                                                                                            5. Head out on your trip—and have some
                                                                                            nighttime fun!

                                                                                            Simple Meals Badge
                                                                                            1. Step up your skills with a pro
                                                                                            2. Whip up a great breakfast
                                                                                            3. Fix a healthy lunch or dinner
                                                                                            4. Create a delicious dessert
                                                                                            5. Make your own meal

                                                                                            Eco Camper Badge
                                                                                            Step 2- Plan meals with the environment
                                                                                            in mind – Can be earned during the Event

                                                                                            GS Way Badge (All requirements can be
                                                                                            met at the event, with the exception of
                                                                                            Step 2 which can be completed outside of
                                                                                            this event)
                                                                                            1. Match songs to an occasion
                                                                                            2. Celebrate the Girl Scout birthday
                                                                                            3. Share sisterhood
                                                                                            4. Leave a place better than you found it
                                                                                            5. Enjoy Girl Scout traditions!

Event              Team Size                                                                         Badge Requirements
First Aid          Entire Troop        Girls will be presented with scenarios which require          Cadette First Aid (All requirements can be
                   Participates        them to demonstrate how they would recognize and              met at the event, with the exception of
                                       treat the following: sprained ankle, bleeding wound,          Step 1)
                                       fractured lower arm, shock, heat and cold injuries.           1. Understand how to care for younger
                                       There will be a first aid kit and other items available for   children
                                       their use in treating the ‘patients’. Each girl               2. Know how to use everything in a first-
                                       demonstrates first aid for obstructed airway (choking).       aid kit
                                                                                                     3. Find out how to prevent serious
                                                                                                     outdoor injuries
                                                                                                     4. Know the signs of shock and know how
                                                                                                     to treat it
                                                                                                     5. Learn to prevent and treat injuries due
                                                                                                     to weather
Girl Scout         Entire Troop        •   All girls competing as a team must participate in
Knowledge          Participates            this event.
                                       • Basic GS Trivia and Trivia for C/S/A attached.
Knives and Knots   Entire Troop        • The girls will demonstrate/learn how to tie four
                   participates–           knots: square knot, clove hitch, bowline, taut line,
                   ALSO the knots          and a simple tripod lashing.
                   are an individual   • The entire group must create one long rope by
                   challenge               combining all their ropes with square knots
                                       • Demonstrate how to open and close a knife safely,
                                           how to pass a knife, and list rules for knife safety
                                           (safety circle, cut down and away, keep knife sharp,
                                           don’t walk with open knife, etc.).
Orienteering       Entire Troop        • Girls describe the 7 Leave No Trace principles              Eco Trekker Badge (Step 1 - Learn how to
                   Participates        • Team runs set orienteering course. Team must                make minimal impact on a trek - can be
                                           follow trail with a map and compass, draw and             completed during the event)
                                           identify each sign marker found at that location.
Team Challenge     Entire Troop        Water Purification- The girls will demonstrate the ability
                   Participates        to purify water through a variety of means. They will be

given a container of dirty water and several different
                                  materials that can be used to purify it.
Wilderness         Entire Troop   Girls respond to a simulated emergency situation and
Survival           Participates   assemble a simple shelter. Points awarded for
                                  knowledge of survival priorities and location, sturdiness
                                  and layout of shelter.
Other Cadette                     These are not planned Outdoor Skills Events, but some       Primitive Camper Badge (All requirements
Badges that can                   of the requirements for these badges can be earned          can be met at the event, with the
be Earned during                  during the weekend. Please see the detailed list of         exception of Steps 1 & 2 which can be
the Weekend                       requirements in the Girls Guide to Scouting or the VTK.     completed before the event)
                                                                                               1. Plan a primitive camping trip
                                                                                               2. Prepare your gear
                                                                                               3. Make a camp meal
                                                                                               4. Learn a new primitive camping skill
                                                                                               5. Go camping

                                                                                              Trailblazing (All requirements can be met
                                                                                              at the event)
                                                                                               1. Start planning your adventure
                                                                                               2. Get your body and your teamwork
                                                                                               skills ready
                                                                                               3. Create your menu
                                                                                               4. Gain some trailblazing know-how
                                                                                               5. Head out on the trail

                                                                                              Cadette Girl Scout Way (Steps 2 and 3
                                                                                              are not included during this event)
                                                                                              1.Lead a group in song
                                                                                              2.Celebrate Girl Scout Week
                                                                                              3.Share sisterhood through the Girl Scout
                                                                                              4.Leave a camp better than you found it
                                                                                              5.Enjoy Girl Scout traditions!

Event          Team Size                                                                          Badge Requirements
First Aid      Entire Troop        Judge presents scenarios which require the girls to        Senior First Aid (Steps 4 and 5 are not
               Participates        demonstrate how they would recognize and treat the         included in this event)
                                   following: sprained ankle, bleeding wound, fractured       1. Find out how to perform triage
                                   lower arm, head/neck injury, shock, heat and cold          2. Know how to help someone with a
                                   injuries. There will be a first aid kit and other items    head or neck injury
                                   available for their use in treating the ‘patients’. Each   3. Learn how to use everyday objects to
                                   girl demonstrates first aid for obstructed airway          make splints
                                   (choking). Girls must construct a field expedient          4. Recognize the signs of drug overdose
                                   stretcher out of materials provided and transport their    and alcohol poisoning
                                   ‘victim’ to safety.                                        5. Share your knowledge with others

                                                                                              Ambassador First Aid (Some steps will be
                                                                                               1. Learn how to deal with medical
                                                                                               emergencies in the wilderness
                                                                                               2. Research careers that save lives in
                                                                                               extreme conditions
                                                                                               3. Find out how to care for a critically
                                                                                               injured person
                                                                                               4. Know how to move an injured person
                                                                                               5. Explore real-life examples for handling
                                                                                               wilderness emergencies
Girl Scout     Entire Troop        Basic GS Trivia and Trivia for C/S/A included below.
Knowledge      Participates
Knots          3 team members      •   3 team members must tie these knots: square knot,
               – ALSO the knots        clove hitch, bowline, taut line, and complete a
               are an individual       square lash and a tripod lash.
               challenge           • The entire group must create one long rope by
                                       combining all their ropes with square knot
Orienteering   Entire Troop        Team runs an orienteering course, same as Cadette
               Participates        level. Must use map and compass.

Team Challenge     Entire Troop   Water Purification- The girls will demonstrate the ability
                   Participates   to purify water through a variety of means. They will be
                                  given a container of dirty water and several different
                                  materials that can be used to purify it.
Wilderness         Entire Troop   Girls respond to a simulated emergency situation and         Survival Camper (Some steps will be
Survival           Participates   assemble a simple shelter. Points awarded for                complete)
                                  knowledge of survival priorities and location, sturdiness    1. Plan a survival camping trip
                                  and layout of shelter.                                       2. Gather your gear
                                                                                               3. Plan and prepare your trip meals
                                                                                               4. Learn a survival camp skill
                                                                                               5. Go camping

Other Sr/Amb                      These are not planned Outdoor Skills Events, but some        Adventure Camper (Some steps will be
Badges that can                   of the requirements for these badges can be earned           complete)
be Earned during                  during the weekend. Please see the detailed list of          1. Plan your adventure camping trip
the Weekend                       requirements in the Girls Guide to Scouting or the VTK.      2. Gather your camping gear
                                                                                               3. Plan and prepare your trip meals
                                                                                               4. Use a camping skill on your trip
                                                                                               5. Go adventure camping

    Troop Leaders will indicate at check-in if you want your troop to participate in
                  these challenges—You do not have to compete.
               Awards will be given out to troops in multiple categories.
    1. Campsite set up: Examples of scored areas: Overall layout of tents and equipment,
       safety equipment on hand, stakes set properly, health and sanitary considerations and
    2. Troop Spirit: Troop Flag, SWAP, troop t-shirt
    3. Evening Meal Dinner Competition: Be creative! There will be awards for: Most
       Creative Meal, Best Use of Multiple Cooking Methods, Best Tasting, Best Dessert, Best
       Main Dish, and Judges Choice.
    4. Hostess Table-scape: Girls will decorate their dinner table with all-natural materials (no
       picking of live foliage).

Campsite Set-up Guidelines (For tent camping area)
       Your campsite should include the following if competing in the campsite competition,
       although campsite health and safety measures must be present for all campsites:

•    Troop Flag                                       •   Dining and Cooking area
•    Kaper Chart                                      •   Raised Fire Pit – Fires not allowed on
•    Dishwashing Station                                  the ground
•    Drip line for mess kits                          •   Fire Safety Equipment
•    Handwashing station                              •   Litter/garbage containers
•    Drinking/Cooking water and container             •   Living area- tent setup

Fire Guidelines
          Fires are not allowed to be made directly on the ground. You must bring a portable fire
pit or make some other means to make an elevated fire area. You do NOT have to have a fire
pit, it is optional.

Troop Flag Guidelines
        All flags will travel with the Troop to all venues at Juliette’s Jam, so you should have
some means of standing them up. You can make the flag out of any materials and any design
that you choose, but the Troop number should be readable. Follow this link for ideas on how to
make your own portable flag stand:
Friday, April 17

           •    Troop check-in 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
                Troops set up campsite (Dinner on your own) – Lights out at 10:00 pm.
Saturday, April 18

           •    7:00- 8:00      Saturday morning check-in
           •    Wake-up- 08:30          Breakfast and prep for days activities in troop areas
           •    8:30 – 9:00 am Kick-off / Opening Ceremonies
           •    10:00 am Campsite judging begins
           •    9:00 – 12 noon – ½ of attending Troops complete scenarios & other ½ visit
                Participate in Traditional Camp Activities
           •    11:30 – 1:00 pm LUNCH-- Will be provided (included in your registration fee)
           •    1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Remaining ½ of troops complete their scenarios and other ½
                of troops participate in Traditional Camp Activities
           •    4:30 pm –Troops start cooking dinner – ready for judging to begin by 6:00 pm &
                finish by 7:00 pm
           •    7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Evening Activities
                        1ST ROUND OF AWARDS
                        Camp fire, if possible
                        Possibly Skits and Songs
Sunday, April 19

   •   9:00 am Awards & Scout’s Own
   •   Troops must break down campsite, staff must check that campsite is clear before Noon
   •   Troops must turn in evaluation to pick up patches
       No charcoal fires on Sunday since the coals must be cool to transport

Draft list of Traditional Camp Activities that will be available (weather permitting). Troops will
not have a schedule to go to these stations, you will choose where you want to go and move at
your own pace. There is no additional cost for these activities.

   •   Waterfront- Canoes & Kayaks                      •   SWAP Meet Area
   •   Archery                                          •   Camp Songs
   •   Sling Shots                                      •   Nature Hut
   •   Yard Games                                       •   Council Shop

      Please note, all girls do not have to know all the answers to these questions.
     This is a troop event, so all girls can participate in answering questions. We do
           encourage you to teach your girls the basic level facts on this page.

Q. What day and year was Juliette Gordon Low born? Where? A. October 31st, 1860/Savannah,
Q. What was her nickname? A. Daisy
Q. What was her primary disability growing up? A. Deaf
Q. What day and year were the Girl Scouts founded? A. March 12, 1912
Q. What was Juliette Gordon Lows husbands name? A. William Low
Q. What day and year did she die? Where? From what? A. January 17, 1927/Savannah/Breast
Q. What does the Trefoil pin represent? A. Three parts of the Girl Scout Promise
Q. What is the Girl Scout Motto? A. Be prepared
Q. What is the Girl Scout Slogan? A. Do a good turn daily
Q. What does YOUR Troop Crest represent? A. Answer depends on troop
Q. Juliette Low sold what to raise money for the first troop. A. Her Pearls
Q. The first Girl Scout was? A. Juliette's Niece, Daisy Gordon
Q. What were Juliette’s hobbies? A. Ceramics, painting, metal work
Q. What is the mission of the Girl Scouts? A. To build girls of Courage, Confidence and Character
Q. What day is World Thinking Day? A. February 22nd
Q. What is the circle at the end of a meeting called? A. Friendship circle
Q. What is the highest honor a JUNIOR girl scout can earn? A. Bronze Award
Q. What is the highest honor a CADETTE girl scout can earn? A. Silver Award
Q. What is the highest honor a SENIOR or AMBASSADOR girl scout can earn? A. Gold Award
Q. Which Girl scout cookie is the most popular Girl Scout cookie? A. Thin Mint
Q. What are Girl Scouts called in most other countries of the world? A. Girl Guides

GIRL SCOUT KNOWLEDGE (C/S/A LEVEL ONLY- This is in addition to
                      the questions above)

Q. The blue pin you wear with your Girl Scout uniform stands for? A. WAGGGS
Q. What was the title and date of publication of the first Girl Scout handbook? A. How Girls Can
Help Their Country 1913
Q. What is the title of the first Girl Scout film, which was shot at Central Valley Camp in upstate
New York in 1918? A. THE GOLDEN EAGLET
Q. What color was the original Girl Scout uniform? A. navy blue
Q. What year was the first green Girl Scout uniform introduced? A. 1928
Q. Why did Girl Scouts collect peach pits during World War I? A. For use as filters in gas masks
Q. What year was the first documented council-wide cookie sale of commercially baked
cookies? A. 1934
Q. Girl Scouts got together for the first time in 1912 to learn about what game? A. Basketball
Q. What is a kaper chart? A. Job chart
Q. Who did Juliette learn about scouting from and where? A. Lord and Lady Baden-Powell in
Q. What was Juliette Low’s dream? A. World peace and friendship
Q. To play basketball outdoors the first Girl Scouts had to do what? A. Draw curtains around the
court so the public could not see their bloomers. Make their own court so they wouldn’t be in
the way of the boys. Get permission from the city to play in public.
Q. “Twist me and turn me and show me the elf. I look in the water and saw …what?” A. Myself
Q. What does Thinking Day celebrate? A. Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world.
Q. What is an Investiture ceremony for? A. Welcome new girls into Scouting
Q. What does WAGGGS stand for? A. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
Q. Name two of the world centers? A. Sangam (India), Our Chalet (Switzerland), Our Cabana
(Mexico), Pax Lodge (London), Kusafiri (mobile center in Africa)
Q. What were the first Girl Scout Leaders called? A. Captain

Q. If you are a Juliette you are a what? A. Individually Registered Girl – You don’t belong to a
Q. How many Girl Guides/Scouts are there in the world? A. 10 million
Q. What are the three leadership keys? A. Discover, Connect, Take Action
Q. What is embroidered on the bridging patch? A. Rainbow
Q. Who baked the first GS cookies? A. The girls themselves
Q. What kind of stories did Juliette love to tell? A. ghost stories
Q. What language did Juliette learn in boarding school? A. French
Q. When did Juliette get married? A. 1886
Q. Who was Polly Poons? A. Juliette’s parrot
Q. What relative of Juliette’s was kidnapped by Indians? A. Her Grandmother, Little Ship Under
Full Sail
Q. Juliette always wore three things, name one. Extra credit if you know why. Knife, cup,
whistle. To remind her of her pioneer ancestors
Q. What is the Quiet sign? A. Raising the right hand over the head to signal for attention and
quiet at any Girl Scout gathering. When the hand goes up, mouths go quiet, and everyone joins
in giving the quiet sign.

                       CAMP LODGING AND LOGISTICS
-   Daisy and Brownie Troops: Daisy and Brownie troops will have the choice to either tent
    camp or stay in lodges on the property. Girls and leaders will be assigned beds in the
    lodges, which have heat and A/C, and indoor restrooms. These accommodations will be
    reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Cost will be $5 per person to reserve rooms.
-   Multi-Level Troops: Multi-level troops can split your girls between cabin and tent
    camping based on age, but the appropriate adult to girl ratio is still required in both areas.
    Please indicate your preferences for dividing the troop (if applicable) on your registration.
-   All other Troops: Troops will be establishing their own campsite in a designated area. The
    size of your area will be determined based on your registration numbers. You will be
    assigned your camping area at check-in. If your troop would like to establish a campsite
    with both tents and/or hammocks, please indicate it on the registration.
-   Day Campers: You can choose to come to camp for the day and not spend the night,
    please indicate this on your registration.
-   Male Campers: A separate camp site will be designated for male volunteers to tent camp.
    Please indicate the number of male campers on your registration.
-   Special Requirements: If you have a troop member that has a medical reason or need for
    indoor accommodations (vs. tent camping), please indicate this on your registration.
-   Food: Troops are responsible for providing all meals, with the exception of lunch on
    Saturday. The charge for lunch is included in your registration fee. There will be food
    options available for lunch on Saturday to meet the needs of girls with dietary restrictions.
    Please let the kitchen staff know when you arrive for lunch.
-   Electricity/ Cell service: There will be limited access to power. Troops should plan to bring
    portable charging devices for cell phones or other electronics.
-   Inclement Weather: The Jam will take place rain or shine unless there is forecasted
    weather emergency.
-   SWAPs: There will be designated SWAP Meet area where the girls can exchange SWAPs
    during the Traditional Camp activities periods. You do not have to exchange SWAPs during
    this time, you can exchange SWAPs at any time during the event, but this is an option.
-   Council Shop: The Council Shop will be on-site and, in addition to other GS items, will
    have the badges, Journeys and fun patches that can be earned during the weekend. Cash
    or check preferred, debit cards can be used, but are not preferred as a method of
-   Registration Information: A link to the registration information is on the GSNCA Events
    page. The Point of Contact for any questions regarding special circumstances, housing
    or other registration questions please contact Tina Waggoner at tina@waggoner.com,
    or call/text 205-903-7608.

      Please note: This is just a recommended list, there are multiple
                resources available on-line for you to use.

Resources for Teaching Knots
https://www.animatedknots.com/square-lashing-knot; https://www.netknots.com/rope-
Phone Apps: Knots 3D, Knots: Animated Steps

Resources for Teaching Knife Safety

Resources for Teaching Fire Safety



Resources for Hiking and Trail Markers

Trail Markers


Resources for First Aid
The VTK and all age-level Girls Guide to Girl Scouting books can be used to find the
requirements to train the First Aid Skills.

Resources for Campsite Set up


Resources for Setting up Camp, Food Safety and Sanitation


Resources for Leave No Trace

Resources for Water Purification



Camp Songs

Preparation is essential for any outdoor adventure. Having the necessary supplies and equipment
can make a big difference in your overall experience. Checklists are a great tool to help with your
organization and planning. Your camping list will vary according to the type of camping and
activities you have planned, the places you are going, the meals you will cook, the time of year
and the length of your trip. Add or remove items to suit your individual needs.
                                                     __Skewers/grill forks/marshmallow sticks
Cooking Supplies and Equipment                       __Can opener/bottle opener
__Large water jug
__Coolers/ice                                        __Rope for dish line
__Large Thermos for warm/cold drinks                 __Clothes pins
__Stove with propane                                 __Dish pans (3)
__Folding table                                      __Dish rags/towel/long handle brushes
__Matches/Lighter                                    __Scrub pad/brillo
__Charcoal/firewood/buddy burner                     __Cooking oil/Pam spray
__Charcoal chimney                                   __Seasonings/sugar/condiments
__Dutch oven/tin can stove/box oven, etc.            __Hot cocoa/tea/coffee
__Pie irons                                          __Potato peeler
__Campfire grill/BBQ grill
__Fire starters                                      Troop Packing List
__Tablecloths/thumb tacks/clips                      __Health Forms/List of allergies
__Plates & bowls/paper plates & bowls                __Lantern with pole or hanger
__Silverware/plastic silverware                      __Maps/directions
__Napkins                                            __First Aid Kit w/min. recommended items:
__Paper towels                                             • Waterproof Band-Aids
__Mugs/paper cups                                          • Children’s Tylenol/Advil or similar
__Ziplock bags                                             • Adult Tylenol/Advil or similar
__Measuring cups                                           • Children’s Liquid Benadryl
__Mixing bowl                                              • Gauze roll and pads (non-stick)
__Containers for food storage                              • 1st Aid Tape
__Cutting board                                            • Anti-itch cream
__Heavy-duty aluminum foil                                 • Neosporin
__Trash bags                                               • Alcohol pads/Antiseptic wipes
__Dish soap/bleach                                         • Safety pins
__Potholders/oven mitts                                    • Epi-pen
__Pots and frying pans w/lids                        __Saw/axe
__Coffee pot                                         __Extra feminine products
__Cook utensils- spatula, knife, spoon               __Plastic grocery bags
__Tongs                                              __Rope/clothes line
__Scissors                                           __Duct tape/electrical tape

__Extra dish bag/mess kit                 • Rain gear
__Reservation info/confirmations          • Water bottle
__Water filters/purification items        • Flashlight
__Cell phone/charger & two-way radios     • Notepad/pen
__Small shovel                            • Sit-upon
__Work gloves                             • Whistle
__Hand wipes/hand sanitizer             __Dish bag/mess kit
__Small sewing kit                      __Sunscreen/chapstick
__Toilet paper                          __Bug spray
                                        __Extra batteries
Personal Packing List
Clothing                                Shelter (Tent Camping)
__Sturdy close-toed shoes               __Tent(s)
__Jeans/pants                           __Ground cloth/tarp
__Shorts                                __Extra stakes
__T-shirts                              __Shade tarp/poles/rope/stakes
__Socks                                 __Axe or hammer
__Hat or bandana                        __Mat for tent entrance
__Sweatshirt/jacket                     __Dust pan/brush
__Sleeping clothes                      __Glow sticks
__Swim suit/towel                       Optional Items (Personal and/or
__Laundry bag
__Shower shoes/flip flops
__Water shoes                           __Pocket knife
                                        __Camp chairs
Bedding                                 __Money
__Sleeping bag                          __Binoculars
__Fitted sheet for mattress             __Musical instruments/song books
__Pillow                                __Sunglasses
__Air mattress/sleeping pad/cot/tarp    __Glow sticks
__Air pump                              __Compass
__Extra blankets                        __Fishing gear/license/bait
                                        __Extension cord/power strip
Other Personal Items                    __Park map/guidebooks/trail maps
personal items
__Feminine products
__Personal medications
__Backpack or daypack - recommended
   • Personal 1st Aid Kit

                   Name and Date of Event

Depart: Put instructions here about where to meet and what time.
Return: Enter instructions for when and where parents should pick up.
Medications: Please clearly label all medications with name and dosage schedule and turn into the
Troop Leader at drop-off
Wear: (Modify as needed)
Comfortable clothes and closed-toed shoes, hair up!

Pack: (Modify as needed)

   ü Dish bag with utensils, cup, plate and bowl (minimum)
   ü Backpack or Daypack with:
         o Sit-upon/Sit-upon bucket
         o Water bottle
         o 1st Aid Kit
         o Knife
         o Flashlight
         o Raingear
         o Sunscreen
         o Insect repellant
         o Hat or bandana
   ü Pillow
   ü Sleeping bag or blanket and sheets
   ü Fitted sheet to cover a single mattress (even with a sleeping bag)
   ü Shower gear- Toiletries, Towel and Flip flops
   ü Hair ties
   ü Sweatshirt for campfire or night activities
   ü Sleeping clothes
   ü Two changes of clothes (shorts, socks, t-shirts, etc.)

Optional Packing List for Parents: (Modify as needed)
  ü Lawn chair
  ü Etc.
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