PREMIUM LIST - Jack Bradshaw

Page created by Samantha Schroeder
PREMIUM LIST - Jack Bradshaw

 All Breed Dog Shows, Obedience & Rally Trials
             Saturday and Sunday
            August 10 and 11, 2019

“Endless Summer 2019”— Casual Wear Weekend
              NOHS Saturday

               North High School
     3620 W 182nd Street, Torrance, CA 90504

 Entries Close: Noon Wednesday July 24, 2019 PT
                                   Mail Entries with Fees to Jack Bradshaw
        P.O. Box 227303, Los Angeles, CA 90022. Make checks payable to Jack Bradshaw
                FAX SERVICE: (323) 727-2949 E-Mail Entries:
                              $4.00 per dog per show. $4.00 per cancellation
             Include MasterCard, Visa or American Express number & expiration date
 There will be a $4.00 convenience fee charged per dog per show when using a credit card for
                             payment of hand delivered or mailed in entries.
                  Hand Deliveries - 5434 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90022
           All entries with fees must be in the office of the Superintendent not later than
                                     NOON WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2019 PT
After which time no entries may be accepted, cancelled, changed, substituted, corrected,
completed, or signed and no entry fees refunded. Any change or cancellation must be made in
writing and received prior to closing, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the
American Kennel Club Dog Show Rules.
Fax entries that are received incomplete or unable to read will not be accepted. The proof of
transmission is not proof for verifying faxed entries. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE CLOSE
                                                          ENTRY FEES
First entry of a dog..................................................................................................................... $33.00
Each additional class for same dog .......................................................................................... $25.00
Puppy Class, Junior Showmanship .......................................................................................... $25.00
      (Entry fee includes 50¢ AKC recording fee, $3.00 event services fee and $3.00 rally fee.)

Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under
American Kennel Club rules and regulations.
                                                              Gina M. DiNardo, Secretary
RAMP - At the discretion of the judge, the following breeds may be judged on a ramp through all levels of
competition: Lagotto Romagnolo, American Water Spaniel, Clumber Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels,
Field Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, Cirneco dell’Etna, Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen Standard
Schnauzers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Irish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten
Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Finnish Spitz, Keeshonden, Entlebucher Mountain Dogs, Finnish
Lapphund, Norwegian Buhund, Icelandic Sheepdog, Polish Lowland Sheepdogs, Spanish Water Dogs,
Norrbottenspets, Mudi.
The following breeds may be judged on the ground, table or ramp: Boykin Spaniels, Whippets
The following breeds must be judged on a ramp through all levels of conformation competition: Sussex
Spaniels, Basset Hounds, Bulldogs, Chinese Shar-Pei, Chow Chows.
Junior showmanship judges should follow the above.
Ramps may be used in emergency situations to judge any breed. (In all but emergency situations, the
exhibitor has no recourse. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the
premium list, an exhibitor has the option of withdrawing their entry and receiving a refund.) 5/1/19
                    Jack Bradshaw Dog Show Superintendents/Est. 1898
                   Post Office Box 227303, Los Angeles, California 90022
         Telephone: (323) 727-0136; FAX: (323) 727-2949; WEB:
            Marion Bradshaw / Barbara Bradshaw / Susan Bradshaw MacLyman
Julie Bradshaw Draper / John Bradshaw/Eloise O’Donnell/Cindy Marshall/Keith MacLyman
               One or more of the above superintendents will attend the show
                                                                                           2019172603, 2019172601 rally
                                                                                           2019172604, 2019172602 rally

                  SOUTH BAY KENNEL CLUB, Inc.
                                                    (Licensed by the American Kennel Club)
                                    North High School
                          3620 W 182nd Street, Torrance, CA 90504

                                             Saturday, August 10, 2019
                           83 All Breed Dog Show, Obedience & Rally Trial
                                               Sunday, August 11, 2019
                            84 All Breed Dog Show, Obedience & Rally Trial
                                      Event Hours: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m./Outdoors/Unbenched
                                           All judging will take place on a grass field
Mr. Gary Shiozaki ................................................................................................................................... President
Mrs. Jackie Zambrano.................................................................................................................... Vice President
Mr. Larry Kittiver ..................................................................................................................................... Treasurer
Ms. Marilyn Day ...................................................................................................................................... Secretary
                              2221 W 165th St., Torrance, CA 90504,
                                                              SHOW COMMITTEE
                                                    Ms. Antoinette Woods – Chairman
                              17817 La Salle Avenue, Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 880-3011
                           Mrs. Barbara Millman, Assistant Show Chairman, Trial Chairman
               Mike Lekov, Tami Kittiver, Cheryl Head, Lafayette McGowan and Tony Zambrano
                                                          COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN
Mrs. Bobbi Davis ............................................................................................................................... Concessions
Mr. Tony Zambrano & Mrs. Jackie Zambrano................................................................................ Catalog Sales
Ms. Marilyn Day ......................................................................................................................... Trophy Chairman
Mrs. Cheryl Head .............................................................................................................. Hospitality Coordinator
No officer or director of the South Bay Kennel Club shall enter or handle a dog in competition at this event,
nor shall any dog owned or co-owned by an officer or director of this club be eligible for entry in this event.
                                                            ANNOUNCER Dick Vail
                 Rich Bergman, Kitten Rodwell
      Vicki Holloway – Photos for purchase on or email
“Only the listed official photographers may take win pictures. A win picture is defined as consisting of a
judge, dog and ribbons.”
 EMERGENCY VETERINARIAN – Access Specialty Animal Hospital, 2551 W. 190th Street, Torrance, CA
                                                       90504. Phone: 310-320-8300
Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians’ recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and
external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.

                                                  REGULAR CLASSES
Puppy Dogs 6 mos. and under 9 mos.                               Puppy Bitches 6 mos. and under 9 mos.
Puppy Dogs 9 mos. and under 12 mos.                              Puppy Bitches 9 mos. and under 12 mos.
12 mos. and under 18 mos. Dogs                                   12 mos. and under 18 mos. Bitches
Novice Dogs                                                      Novice Bitches
Amateur Owner Handler Dogs                                       Amateur Owner Handler Bitches
Bred by Exhibitor Dogs                                           Bred by Exhibitor Bitches
American Bred Dogs                                               American Bred Bitches
Open Dogs                                                        Open Bitches
Winners Dog                                                      Winners Bitch
Veteran Dogs and Bitches - For dogs and bitches 7 years of age and older
                                      BEST OF BREED (VARIETY) COMPETITION
Best of Breed (Variety) Competition - "The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of
Breed competition. Dogs that are Champions of Record. Dogs which according to their owner's records have
completed the requirements for a championship but whose championships are unconfirmed. The entry and
showing of dogs whose championships are unconfirmed is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show
where a dog completed the requirements for a championship according to the owner's records. If, at the end of
the 90-day period, the championship of a dog has not been confirmed by the American Kennel Club, no further
entries of the dog for Best of Breed competition are to be made until its championship has been confirmed by the
Stud Dog Class - For dogs that have sired two dogs or bitches entered in this show. The award will be based on
the merits of the get. The owner of the stud dog need not be the owner of the get. As the judge's decision in this
class will be based on the merits of more than one dog or bitch, no one of the dogs or bitches making up the entry
judged first in the class, will be eligible to compete for Best of Breed by virtue of having won this class. The Stud
Dog must appear in the ring with his get and be entered in the Stud Dog Class.
Brood Bitch Class - For bitches that have whelped two dogs or bitches entered in this show. The award will be
based on the merits of the produce. The owner of the brood bitch need not be the owner of the produce. As the
judge's decision in this class will be based on the merit of more than one dog or bitch, no one of the dogs or
bitches making up the entry judged first in the class will be eligible to compete for Best of Breed by virtue of having
won this class. The Brood Bitch must appear in the ring with her produce and be entered in the Brood Bitch Class.
Brace - For two dogs of the same breed with at least one common owner.
                                      JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP CLASSIFICATION
Novice Junior                                      Novice Intermediate                                   Novice Senior
Open Junior                                        Open Intermediate                                      Open Senior
                                             OBEDIENCE CLASSIFICATION
Beginner Novice A                                  Beginner Novice B
Novice A                                                 Open A                                                 Utility A
Novice B                                                 Open B                                                 Utility B
                                                RALLY CLASSIFICATION
   Novice A, Novice B, Intermediate, Advanced A, Advanced B, Excellent A, Excellent B, Master

                                                  RIBBON PRIZES
First Prize - Blue Ribbon                                                              Third Prize - Yellow Ribbon
Second Prize - Red Ribbon                                                             Fourth Prize - White Ribbon
 Winners - Purple Ribbon                                             Reserve Winners - Purple and White Ribbon
  Best of Winners - Blue and White Ribbon                           Best of Opposite Sex - Red and White Ribbon
   Best of Breed & Best of Variety of Breed - Purple and Gold Ribbon
    Grand Champion Select – Light Blue and White Ribbon
      Best in Show – Turquoise and White Rosette          Reserve Best In Show – Red, White and Yellow Rosette
       High In Trial – Blue and Gold Rosette               Highest Combined Score – Blue and Green Rosette
       Qualifying Score – Green Ribbon
And the following ribbon prizes for all non-regular classes:
First Prize - Rose Ribbon                                                        Third Prize - Light Green Ribbon
 Second Prize - Brown Ribbon                                                            Fourth Prize - Gray Ribbon


Mr. David A. Alexander*            164 Pine Canyon Rd, Corral de Tierra, CA 93908

Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke          600 Wild Holly Ln, Holly Springs, NC 27540

Mrs. Nancy E. Craig                1219 E Cactus Valley Dr, Kingman, AZ 86409

Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings 17195 SW Division, Aloha, OR 97007

Mrs. Michele R. Illes              1564 Aalborg Court, Solvang, CA 93463

Mr. Sidney L. Marx*                2312 N Hibbert Cir, Mesa, AZ 85201

Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan*           942 Liberty Rd, Petaluma, CA 94952

Ms. Shalisa D. Neely*              215 Lake Blvd # 647, Redding, CA 96003

Mr. Robert L. Robinson*            1826 Palmcroft Way N.E., Phoenix, AZ 85007

Mrs. Patricia E. Robinson          1826 Palmcroft Way NE, Phoenix, AZ 85007
*Judge was Provisional/Permit status for the assignment on the date the panel was approved by AKC.

                               The Dog Show Tour!
                    Is this the first dog show you’ve ever entered?
     Are you new to shows and don’t quite understand what is going on?

                      South Bay Kennel Club is pleased to offer—

                               The Dog Show Tour!
Seasoned exhibitors will walk you thru the show grounds, answer
  questions and provide general information to help make your
                  experience more enjoyable!
           Tours will be held at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. -
              Meet at the Superintendent’s table.

                             New Exhibitor Briefing
   A New Exhibitor Briefing will be held. The briefing location and
        time will be posted at the Superintendents Table.
                Spectators are welcome to attend.

SATURDAY                                             Pharaoh Hounds.................................Mr. Robinson
                                                                               Plott Hounds ...........................................Ms. Clarke
                      BEST in SHOW                                             Plott Hounds Swp ................................ Mr. Mulligan
                  Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke                                    Portuguese Podengo Pequenos.............Ms. Clarke
                                                                               Redbone Coonhound..............................Ms. Clarke
                    SPORTING BREEDS                                            Rhodesian Ridgebacks.......................Mr. Robinson
                                                                               Salukis ................................................Mr. Robinson
                     Mr. Sidney L. Marx                                        Scottish Deerhounds ..........................Mr. Robinson
                                                                               Sloughis ..................................................Ms. Clarke
Brittanys..................................................... Mr. Marx        Treeing Walker Coonhounds ..................Ms. Clarke
Lagotto Romagnolos .......................... Mr. Mulligan*                    Whippets.............................................Mr. Robinson
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes .................... Mr. Marx
Pointer ....................................................... Mr. Marx                          WORKING BREEDS
Pointers (German Shorthaired) ............Mr. Mulligan
Pointers (German Wirehaired)............ Mr. Mulligan*                                           Mr. Robert L. Robinson*
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) .......... Mrs. Robinson
Retrievers (Curly-Coated)................. Mrs. Robinson                       Akitas ..................................................Mr. Robinson
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) ................... Mrs. Robinson                     Alaskan Malamutes ................................Ms. Clarke
Retrievers (Golden) .......................... Mrs. Robinson                   Anatolian Shepherds ..............................Ms. Clarke
Retrievers (Labrador) ...........................Mr. Mulligan                  Bernese Mountain Dogs .....................Mr. Robinson
     Open Dogs, Black; Chocolate; Yellow. Same                                 Black Russian Terriers ........................Mr. Robinson
     division of classes in bitches.                                           Boerboel .............................................Mr. Robinson
Retrievers (NS Duck Tolling) ............ Mrs. Robinson                        Boxers.....................................................Ms. Clarke
Setters (English) ............................... Mrs. Robinson                    Open Dogs, Brindle; Fawn. Same division of
Setters (Gordon)............................... Mrs. Robinson                      classes in bitches.
Setters (Irish) .................................... Mrs. Robinson             Bullmastiffs .........................................Mr. Robinson
Setters (Irish, Red and White) .......... Mrs. Robinson                            Open Dogs, Brindle; Any Other Allowed Color.
Spaniels (American Water) ........................ Mr. Marx                        Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (Boykin)....................................... Mr. Marx              Cane Corso............................................ Ms. Neely*
Spaniels (Clumber) .................................... Mr. Marx               Chinook...................................................Ms. Clarke
Spaniels (Cocker) Black ............................ Mr. Marx                  Doberman Pinschers ........................... Mr. Mulligan
Spaniels (Cocker) Ascob ........................... Mr. Marx                       Open Dogs, Black; Any Other Allowed Color.
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti Color .................... Mr. Marx                        Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (English Cocker) ......................... Mr. Marx                   Dogue De Bordeaux .......................... Mrs. Hastings
Spaniels (English Springer) ....................... Mr. Marx                   German Pinschers ............................. Mrs. Hastings
Spaniels (Field)................................. Mrs. Robinson                Giant Schnauzers .............................. Mrs. Hastings
Spaniels (Irish Water) ....................... Mrs. Robinson                   Great Danes ........................................ Mr. Mulligan
Spaniels (Sussex)............................. Mrs. Robinson                       Open Dogs, Black; Blue; Brindle; Fawn; Harle-
Spaniels (Welsh Springer) ................ Mrs. Robinson                           quin; Mantle; Merle. Same division of classes in
Spinoni Italiani ........................................... Mr. Marx              bitches.
Vizslas ....................................................... Mr. Marx       Great Pyrenees...................................... Ms. Neely*
Weimaraners ............................................. Mr. Marx             Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs ........... Mrs. Hastings
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons...................... Mr. Marx                    Komondorok .......................................Mr. Robinson
Wirehaired Vizslas ..................................... Mr. Marx              Kuvaszok ............................................... Ms. Neely*
                                                                               Leonberger .........................................Mr. Robinson
                     HOUND BREEDS                                              Mastiffs ...................................................Ms. Clarke
                                                                               Neapolitan Mastiffs .................................Ms. Clarke
                   Mr. Robert L. Robinson                                      Newfoundlands ...................................... Ms. Neely*
                                                                               Portuguese Water Dogs..................... Mrs. Hastings
Afghan Hounds................................... Mr. Robinson                  Rottweilers ......................................... Mrs. Hastings
American English Coonhounds .............. Ms. Clarke                          S T. Bernards ......................................... Ms. Neely*
American Foxhounds.............................. Ms. Clarke                    Samoyeds...............................................Ms. Clarke
Azawakh ............................................. Mr. Robinson             Siberian Huskies.....................................Ms. Clarke
Basenjis .............................................. Mr. Robinson           Standard Schnauzers ........................ Mrs. Hastings
Basset Hounds ....................................... Ms. Clarke               Tibetan Mastiffs...................................Mr. Robinson
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) .......................... Ms. Clarke
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ............................ Ms. Clarke
Black and Tan Coonhounds.................... Ms. Clarke                                            TERRIER BREEDS
Bloodhounds........................................... Ms. Clarke                                 Mr. David A. Alexander
Bluetick Coonhounds.............................. Ms. Clarke
Borzois................................................ Mr. Robinson           Airedale Terriers.................................Mr. Alexander
Cirnechi dell Etna ................................... Ms. Clarke              American Hairless Terriers.................Mr. Alexander
Dachshunds (Longhaired) ...................... Ms. Clarke                      American Staffordshire Terriers .........Mr. Alexander
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                              Australian Terriers..............................Mr. Alexander
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                            Bedlington Terriers.............................Mr. Alexander
     of classes in bitches.                                                    Border Terriers ...................................Mr. Alexander
Dachshunds (Smooth)............................ Ms. Clarke                     Bull Terriers (Colored)........................Mr. Alexander
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                              Bull Terriers (Colored) Swp........................ Mr. Marx
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                            Bull Terriers (White) ...........................Mr. Alexander
     of classes in bitches.                                                    Cairn Terriers .....................................Mr. Alexander
Dachshunds (Wirehaired)....................... Ms. Clarke                      Cesky Terriers....................................Mr. Alexander
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                              Dandie Dinmont Terriers ....................Mr. Alexander
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                            Fox Terriers (Smooth) ........................Mr. Alexander
     of classes in bitches.                                                    Fox Terriers (Wire) .............................Mr. Alexander
Foxhounds (English)........................... Mr. Robinson                    Glen of Imaal Terriers ........................Mr. Alexander
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ............. Ms. Clarke                         Irish Terriers .......................................Mr. Alexander
Greyhounds ........................................ Mr. Robinson               Kerry Blue Terriers .............................Mr. Alexander
Harriers............................................... Mr. Robinson
Ibizan Hounds..................................... Mr. Robinson
Irish Wolfhounds ..................................... Ms. Clarke
Norwegian Elkhounds............................. Ms. Clarke
Otterhounds............................................ Ms. Clarke
Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens .......... Ms. Clarke

SATURDAY                                            Schipperkes .......................................Mr. Alexander
                                                                              Shiba-Inu ...........................................Mr. Alexander
Lakeland Terriers ......................................Mr. Marx*             Tibetan Spaniels ................................Mr. Alexander
Manchester Terriers (Standard) ................Mr. Marx*                      Tibetan Terriers ..................................Mr. Alexander
Miniature Bull Terriers...............................Mr. Marx*               Xoloitzcuintli............................................. Ms. Neely
Miniature Schnauzers................................ Mr. Marx
Norfolk Terriers .......................................... Mr. Marx                              HERDING BREEDS
Norwich Terriers........................................Mr. Marx*
Parson Russell Terriers ............................. Mr. Marx                                   Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan
Rat Terriers ................................................ Mr. Marx
Russell Terriers.......................................... Mr. Marx           Australian Cattle Dogs ....................... Mrs. Hastings
Scottish Terriers......................................... Mr. Marx           Australian Shepherds ........................ Mrs. Hastings
Sealyham Terriers.....................................Mr. Marx*                   Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Skye Terriers.............................................Mr. Marx*               Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers ..................Mr. Marx*                      Bearded Collies ................................. Mrs. Hastings
Staffordshire Bull Terriers .........................Mr. Marx*                Beauceron ......................................... Mrs. Hastings
Welsh Terriers............................................ Mr. Marx           Belgian Malinois................................. Mrs. Hastings
West Highland White Terriers .................... Mr. Marx                    Belgian Sheepdogs............................ Mrs. Hastings
                                                                              Belgian Tervuren................................ Mrs. Hastings
                                                                              Bergamasco Sheepdogs ................... Mrs. Hastings
                      TOY BREEDS                                              Berger Picard..................................... Mrs. Hastings
                Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings                                  Border Collies .................................... Mrs. Hastings
                                                                              Bouviers Des Flandres ...................... Mrs. Hastings
Affenpinschers ................................... Mrs. Hastings              Briards ...............................................Mrs. Hastings
Brussels Griffons ............................... Mrs. Hastings               Canaan Dog....................................... Mrs. Hastings
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels ......... Mrs. Hastings                        Cardigan Welsh Corgis ...................... Mrs. Hastings
Chihuahuas (Long Coat) ................... Mrs. Hastings                      Collies (Rough) ..................................Mrs. Hastings
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) ............... Mrs. Hastings                            Open Dogs, Blue; Sable and White; TriColor;
Chinese Crested................................ Mrs. Hastings                     White. Same division of classes in bitches.
     Open Dogs, Hairless; Powderpuff. Same divi-                              Collies (Smooth) ................................ Mrs. Hastings
     sion of classes in bitches.                                              Entlebucher Mountain Dogs ................ Mr. Mulligan
English Toy Spaniel                                                           Finnish Lapphund ................................ Mr. Mulligan
(Blenheim & Prince Charles) ............. Mrs. Hastings                       German Shepherd Dogs...................... Mr. Mulligan
English Toy Spaniel                                                           Icelandic Sheepdogs ........................... Mr. Mulligan
(King Charles & Ruby)....................... Mrs. Hastings                    Miniature American Shepherd ............. Mr. Mulligan
Havanese .......................................... Mrs. Hastings                 Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Italian Greyhounds .................................. Ms. Neely                   Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Japanese Chin......................................... Ms. Neely              Norwegian Buhunds ............................ Mr. Mulligan
Maltese .................................................... Ms. Neely        Old English Sheepdogs ....................... Mr. Mulligan
Manchester Terriers (Toy).........................Mr. Marx*                   Pembroke Welsh Corgis ...................... Mr. Mulligan
Miniature Pinschers ................................. Ms. Neely               Polish Lowland Sheepdogs ................. Mr. Mulligan
Papillons .................................................. Ms. Neely        Pulik ..................................................... Mr. Mulligan
Pekingese................................................ Ms. Neely           Pumik................................................... Mr. Mulligan
Pomeranian ............................................. Ms. Neely            Pyrenean Shepherds ........................... Mr. Mulligan
     Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable;                                 Shetland Sheepdogs ........................... Mr. Mulligan
     Black, Brown and Blue; Any Other Allowed                                     Open Dogs, Sable and White; Any Other
     Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                                  Allowed Color. Same division of classes in
Poodle (Toy) ......................................Mr. Alexander                  bitches.
Pugs ........................................................ Ms. Neely       Spanish Water Dog .............................. Mr. Mulligan
     Open Dogs, Black; Fawn. Same division of                                 Swedish Vallhunds............................... Mr. Mulligan
     classes in bitches.
Shih Tzu .................................................. Ms. Neely                         MISCELLANEOUS CLASS
Silky Terriers ............................................ Ms. Neely
Toy Fox Terriers ....................................... Ms. Neely                             Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke
Yorkshire Terriers..................................... Ms. Neely
                                                                              There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs
                                                                              and bitches in each breed: Barbet, Belgian Laekenois,
                NON-SPORTING BREEDS                                           Biewer Terrier, Bracco Italiano, Dogo Argentino, Dutch
                  Ms. Shalisa D. Neely                                        Shepherd, Lancashire Heeler, Mudi, Norrbottenspets,
                                                                              Peruvian Inca Orchid, Portuguese Podengo and Russian
American Eskimos.............................Mr. Alexander                    Toy, Teddy Roosevelt Terrier.
Bichons Frises ...................................Mr. Alexander
Boston Terriers ........................................ Ms. Neely                 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
    Open Dogs, under 15 lbs.;15 lbs. and over.                                             Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan
    Same division of classes in bitches.
Bulldogs................................................... Ms. Neely                                OBEDIENCE
Chinese Shar-Pei .................................... Ms. Neely
Chow Chows .....................................Mr. Alexander                 Beginner Novice A .................................... Mrs. Illes
    Open Dogs, Black; Red; Any Other Allowed                                  Beginner Novice B .................................... Mrs. Illes
    Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                               Novice Class A ......................................... Mrs. Illes
Coton de Tulear .................................Mr. Alexander                Novice Class B ......................................... Mrs. Illes
Dalmatians............................................... Ms. Neely           Open Class A.......................................... Mrs. Craig
    Open Dogs, Black Spotted; Liver-Spotted.                                  Open Class B.......................................... Mrs. Craig
    Same division of classes in bitches.                                      Utility Class A.......................................... Mrs. Craig
Finnish Spitz ......................................Mr. Alexander             Utility Class B.......................................... Mrs. Craig
French Bulldogs.................................Mr. Alexander                 Rally Novice A .......................................... Mrs. Illes
Keeshonden ......................................Mr. Alexander                Rally Novice B .......................................... Mrs. Illes
Lhasa Apsos......................................Mr. Alexander                Rally Intermediate..................................... Mrs. Illes
Lowchen .................................................. Ms. Neely          Rally Advanced A ..................................... Mrs. Illes
Norwegian Lundehunds........................... Ms. Neely                     Rally Advanced B ..................................... Mrs. Illes
Poodles (Miniature) ...........................Mr. Alexander                  Rally Excellent A....................................... Mrs. Illes
Poodles (Standard)............................Mr. Alexander                   Rally Excellent B....................................... Mrs. Illes
                                                                              Rally Master.............................................. Mrs. Illes

SUNDAY                                           Otterhounds ............................................... Mr. Marx
                                                                             Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens.............. Mr. Marx
                      BEST in SHOW                                           Pharaoh Hounds.....................................Ms. Clarke
                                                                             Plott Hounds .............................................. Mr. Marx
                   Mr. Robert L. Robinson                                    Portuguese Podengo Pequenos......... Mr. Mulligan*
                                                                             Redbone Coonhound................................. Mr. Marx
                  SPORTING BREEDS                                            Rhodesian Ridgebacks...........................Ms. Clarke
                 Mrs. Patricia E. Robinson                                   Salukis ....................................................Ms. Clarke
                                                                             Scottish Deerhounds ..............................Ms. Clarke
Brittanys............................................ Mrs. Robinson          Sloughis ..................................................... Mr. Marx
Lagotto Romagnolos ........................ Mrs. Robinson                    Treeing Walker Coonhounds ..................... Mr. Marx
Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes ........... Mrs. Robinson                         Whippets.................................................Ms. Clarke
Pointer .............................................. Mrs. Robinson
Pointers (German Shorthaired) ........ Mrs. Robinson                                            WORKING BREEDS
Pointers (German Wirehaired).......... Mrs. Robinson                                            Mr. Vincent G. Mulligan
Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) ................... Mr. Marx
Retrievers (Curly-Coated).......................... Mr. Marx                 Akitas ......................................................Ms. Clarke
Retrievers (Flat-Coated) ............................ Mr. Marx               Alaskan Malamutes ............................... Ms. Neely*
Retrievers (Golden) ............................ Mr. Mulligan*               Anatolian Shepherds ........................... Mr. Mulligan
Retrievers (Labrador) ....................... Mrs. Robinson                  Bernese Mountain Dogs ........................ Ms. Neely*
     Open Dogs, Black; Chocolate; Yellow. Same                               Black Russian Terriers ............................Ms. Clarke
     division of classes in bitches.                                         Boerboel .............................................. Mr. Mulligan
Retrievers (NS Duck Tolling) ..................... Mr. Marx                  Boxers.................................................Mr. Robinson
Setters (English) ........................................ Mr. Marx              Open Dogs, Brindle; Fawn. Same division of
Setters (Gordon)........................................ Mr. Marx                classes in bitches.
Setters (Irish) ............................................. Mr. Marx       Bullmastiffs .......................................... Mr. Mulligan
Setters (Irish, Red and White) ................... Mr. Marx                      Open Dogs, Brindle; Any Other Allowed Color.
Spaniels (American Water) ............... Mrs. Robinson                          Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (Boykin)..............................Mrs. Robinson                 Cane Corso.......................................... Mr. Mulligan
Spaniels (Clumber) ........................... Mrs. Robinson                 Chinook................................................ Mr. Mulligan
Spaniels (Cocker) Black ................... Mrs. Robinson                    Doberman Pinschers ............................... Mr. Marx*
Spaniels (Cocker) Ascob .................. Mrs. Robinson                         Open Dogs, Black; Any Other Allowed Color.
Spaniels (Cocker) Parti Color ........... Mrs. Robinson                          Same division of classes in bitches.
Spaniels (English Cocker) ................ Mrs. Robinson                     Dogue De Bordeaux .............................. Ms. Neely*
Spaniels (English Springer) .............. Mrs. Robinson                     German Pinschers ................................. Ms. Neely*
Spaniels (Field).......................................... Mr. Marx          Giant Schnauzers ................................ Mr. Mulligan
Spaniels (Irish Water) ................................ Mr. Marx             Great Danes ...........................................Ms. Clarke
Spaniels (Sussex)...................................... Mr. Marx                 Open Dogs, Black; Blue; Brindle; Fawn; Harle-
Spaniels (Welsh Springer) ......................... Mr. Marx                     quin; Mantle; Merle. Same division of classes in
Spinoni Italiani .................................. Mrs. Robinson                bitches.
Vizslas .............................................. Mrs. Robinson         Great Pyrenees................................. Mr. Robinson*
Weimaraners .................................... Mrs. Robinson               Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs ............. Mr. Mulligan
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons............. Mrs. Robinson                      Komondorok ...........................................Ms. Clarke
Wirehaired Vizslas ............................ Mrs. Robinson                Kuvaszok ............................................. Mr. Mulligan
                                                                             Leonberger .............................................Ms. Clarke
                    HOUND BREEDS                                             Mastiffs ...............................................Mr. Robinson
                 Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke                                   Neapolitan Mastiffs .............................Mr. Robinson
                                                                             Newfoundlands ...................................Mr. Robinson
Afghan Hounds....................................... Ms. Clarke              Portuguese Water Dogs......................Mr. Robinson
American English Coonhounds ................. Mr. Marx                       Rottweilers ..........................................Mr. Robinson
American Foxhounds................................. Mr. Marx                 S T. Bernards ......................................Mr. Robinson
Azawakh ................................................. Ms. Clarke         Samoyeds...........................................Mr. Robinson
Basenjis .................................................. Ms. Clarke       Siberian Huskies.................................Mr. Robinson
Basset Hounds ................................... Mr. Mulligan*              Standard Schnauzers .........................Mr. Robinson
Beagles (Thirteen Inch) ............................. Mr. Marx               Tibetan Mastiffs.......................................Ms. Clarke
Beagles (Fifteen Inch) ............................... Mr. Marx
Black and Tan Coonhounds................ Mr. Mulligan*                                            TERRIER BREEDS
Bloodhounds.............................................. Mr. Marx                                Mr. Sidney L. Marx*
Bluetick Coonhounds................................. Mr. Marx
Borzois.................................................... Ms. Clarke       Airedale Terriers....................................... Mr. Marx*
Cirnechi dell Etna ...................................... Mr. Marx           American Hairless Terriers....................... Mr. Marx*
Dachshunds (Longhaired) ......................... Mr. Marx                   American Staffordshire Terriers ............... Mr. Marx*
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                            Australian Terriers...................................... Mr. Marx
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                          Bedlington Terriers................................... Mr. Marx*
     of classes in bitches.                                                  Border Terriers ........................................... Mr. Marx
Dachshunds (Smooth)............................... Mr. Marx                  Bull Terriers (Colored).............................. Mr. Marx*
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                            Bull Terriers (White) ................................. Mr. Marx*
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                          Cairn Terriers ........................................... Mr. Marx*
     of classes in bitches.                                                  Cesky Terriers.......................................... Mr. Marx*
Dachshunds (Wirehaired).......................... Mr. Marx                   Dandie Dinmont Terriers ............................ Mr. Marx
     Open Dogs, Miniature 11 lbs. and under at 12                            Fox Terriers (Smooth) ................................ Mr. Marx
     mos. of age and older; Standard. Same division                          Fox Terriers (Wire) ..................................... Mr. Marx
     of classes in bitches.                                                  Glen of Imaal Terriers .............................. Mr. Marx*
Foxhounds (English)............................... Ms. Clarke                Irish Terriers ............................................. Mr. Marx*
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens ................ Mr. Marx                      Kerry Blue Terriers ..................................... Mr. Marx
Greyhounds ............................................ Ms. Clarke           Lakeland Terriers ...............................Mr. Alexander
Harriers................................................... Ms. Clarke       Manchester Terriers (Standard) .........Mr. Alexander
Ibizan Hounds......................................... Ms. Clarke            Miniature Bull Terriers ........................Mr. Alexander
Irish Wolfhounds ................................. Mr. Mulligan*             Miniature Schnauzers ........................Mr. Alexander
Norwegian Elkhounds......................... Mr. Mulligan*                   Norfolk Terriers ..................................Mr. Alexander

SUNDAY                                                              HERDING BREEDS
                                                                                            Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings
Norwich Terriers.................................Mr. Alexander
Parson Russell Terriers .....................Mr. Alexander                  Australian Cattle Dogs ........................Mr. Robinson
Rat Terriers ........................................Mr. Alexander          Australian Shepherds .........................Mr. Robinson
Russell Terriers..................................Mr. Alexander                 Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Scottish Terriers.................................Mr. Alexander                 Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Sealyham Terriers..............................Mr. Alexander                Bearded Collies ............................... Mr. Alexander*
Skye Terriers......................................Mr. Alexander            Beauceron ....................................... Mr. Alexander*
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers ...........Mr. Alexander                       Belgian Malinois..................................Mr. Robinson
Staffordshire Bull Terriers ..................Mr. Alexander                 Belgian Sheepdogs.............................Mr. Robinson
Welsh Terriers....................................Mr. Alexander             Belgian Tervuren.............................. Mr. Alexander*
West Highland White Terriers ............Mr. Alexander                      Bergamasco Sheepdogs ..................... Mr. Mulligan
                                                                            Berger Picard....................................... Mr. Mulligan
                      TOY BREEDS                                            Border Collies ....................................Mr. Alexander
                    Ms. Shalisa D. Neely                                    Bouviers Des Flandres ........................ Mr. Mulligan
                                                                            Briards ................................................. Mr. Mulligan
Affenpinschers ......................................... Ms. Neely          Canaan Dog......................................... Mr. Mulligan
Brussels Griffons ..................................... Ms. Neely           Cardigan Welsh Corgis ........................ Mr. Mulligan
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels ............... Ms. Neely                    Collies (Rough) ..................................Mr. Alexander
Chihuahuas (Long Coat) ......................... Ms. Neely                      Open Dogs, Blue; Sable and White; TriColor;
Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) ..................... Ms. Neely                        White. Same division of classes in bitches.
Chinese Crested...................................... Ms. Neely             Collies (Smooth) ................................Mr. Alexander
     Open Dogs, Hairless; Powderpuff. Same divi-                            Entlebucher Mountain Dogs .............. Mrs. Hastings
     sion of classes in bitches.                                            Finnish Lapphund ............................ Mr. Alexander*
English Toy Spaniel                                                         German Shepherd Dogs.................... Mrs. Hastings
(Blenheim & Prince Charles) ................... Ms. Neely                   Icelandic Sheepdogs ......................... Mrs. Hastings
English Toy Spaniel                                                         Miniature American Shepherd ........... Mrs. Hastings
(King Charles & Ruby)............................. Ms. Neely                    Open Dogs, Black; Blue Merle; Red Merle;
Havanese ................................................ Ms. Neely             Red. Same division of classes in bitches.
Italian Greyhounds ............................ Mrs. Hastings               Norwegian Buhunds .......................... Mrs. Hastings
Japanese Chin................................... Mrs. Hastings              Old English Sheepdogs ................... Mr. Alexander*
Maltese .............................................. Mrs. Hastings        Pembroke Welsh Corgis .................... Mrs. Hastings
Manchester Terriers (Toy)..................Mr. Alexander                    Polish Lowland Sheepdogs ............. Mr. Alexander*
Miniature Pinschers ........................... Mrs. Hastings               Pulik ................................................. Mr. Alexander*
Papillons ............................................ Mrs. Hastings        Pumik................................................. Mrs. Hastings
Pekingese.......................................... Mrs. Hastings           Pyrenean Shepherds ......................... Mrs. Hastings
Pomeranian ....................................... Mrs. Hastings            Shetland Sheepdogs ......................... Mrs. Hastings
     Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable;                                   Open Dogs, Sable and White; Any Other
     Black, Brown and Blue; Any Other Allowed                                   Allowed Color. Same division of classes in
     Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                                bitches.
Poodle (Toy) ............................................ Ms. Neely         Spanish Water Dog ............................ Mrs. Hastings
Pugs .................................................. Mrs. Hastings       Swedish Vallhunds............................. Mrs. Hastings
     Open Dogs, Black; Fawn. Same division of
     classes in bitches.                                                                    MISCELLANEOUS CLASS
Shih Tzu ............................................ Mrs. Hastings                           Mr. Robert L. Robinson
Silky Terriers ...................................... Mrs. Hastings
Toy Fox Terriers ................................. Mrs. Hastings            There will be a puppy, bred by and open class for dogs
Yorkshire Terriers............................... Mrs. Hastings             and bitches in each breed: Barbet, Belgian Laekenois,
                                                                            Biewer Terrier, Bracco Italiano, Dogo Argentino, Dutch
                NON-SPORTING BREEDS                                         Shepherd, Lancashire Heeler, Mudi, Norrbottenspets,
                 Mr. David A. Alexander                                     Peruvian Inca Orchid, Portuguese Podengo and Russian
                                                                            Toy, Teddy Roosevelt Terrier.
American Eskimos............................. Mrs. Hastings
Bichons Frises ................................... Mrs. Hastings                 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION
Boston Terriers ..................................Mr. Alexander                           Mr. Sidney L. Marx
    Open Dogs, under 15 lbs.;15 lbs. and over.
    Same division of classes in bitches.
Bulldogs.............................................Mr. Alexander                                 OBEDIENCE
Chinese Shar-Pei ..............................Mr. Alexander                Beginner Novice A .................................. Mrs. Craig
Chow Chows ........................................... Ms. Neely            Beginner Novice B .................................. Mrs. Craig
    Open Dogs, Black; Red; Any Other Allowed                                Novice Class A ....................................... Mrs. Craig
    Color. Same division of classes in bitches.                             Novice Class B ....................................... Mrs. Craig
Coton de Tulear ....................................... Ms. Neely           Open Class A............................................ Mrs. Illes
Dalmatians.......................................... Mr. Mulligan*          Open Class B............................................ Mrs. Illes
    Open Dogs, Black Spotted; Liver-Spotted.                                Utility Class A............................................ Mrs. Illes
    Same division of classes in bitches.                                    Utility Class B............................................ Mrs. Illes
Finnish Spitz ............................................ Ms. Neely        Rally Novice A ........................................ Mrs. Craig
French Bulldogs....................................... Ms. Neely            Rally Novice B ........................................ Mrs. Craig
Keeshonden ............................................ Ms. Neely           Rally Intermediate................................... Mrs. Craig
Lhasa Apsos............................................ Ms. Neely           Rally Advanced A ................................... Mrs. Craig
Lowchen ............................................Mr. Alexander           Rally Advanced B ................................... Mrs. Craig
Norwegian Lundehunds.....................Mr. Alexander                      Rally Excellent A..................................... Mrs. Craig
Poodles (Miniature) ................................. Ms. Neely             Rally Excellent B..................................... Mrs. Craig
Poodles (Standard).................................. Ms. Neely              Rally Master............................................ Mrs. Craig
Schipperkes............................................. Ms. Neely
Shiba-Inu ................................................. Ms. Neely
Tibetan Spaniels ...................................... Ms. Neely
Tibetan Terriers........................................ Ms. Neely
Xoloitzcuintli.......................................Mr. Alexander

AKC National Owner-Handled Series
The AKC National Owner-Handled Series is a non-titling competition for dogs that are exhibited by
their owners that are not professional handlers.

Exhibitors must declare their dog is Owner-Handled eligible at the time of entry on the entry form.
Dogs entered in the Amateur-Owner-Handler class will automatically be marked as eligible to
compete in the NOHS. Eligible dogs will be identified by an asterisk in the judge’s book, steward’s
book & the catalog. Dogs must be handled throughout the breed level competition for the
regular show by an eligible owner. Professional handlers*, household members and current
assistants** to professional handlers may not exhibit the dog in any NOHS competition
during the entire show.

Owner-Handled Best of Breed will be selected from the dogs that are eligible to compete in the Best
of Breed competition including Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and winners of the non-regular classes.
    o If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is Owner-Handled competition eligible, it will automatically
       be Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety and be eligible to compete in both the regular as
       well as the Owner-Handled group.
    o If the Best of Breed/Variety winner is not eligible for Owner-Handled competition and the
       Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety is eligible, the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of
       Breed/Variety will compete against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine Owner-
       Handled Best of Breed/Variety.
    o If neither the Best of Breed nor the Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Variety are Owner-
       Handled competition eligible and Select Dog & Select Bitch are both eligible, the judge is to
       choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the Selects and eligible Winners Dog or Winners
    o If one of the Selects is eligible, excuse all Champions and non-regular class winners of the
       same sex and then choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the remaining dogs of the
       opposite sex including the eligible Winners.
    o If Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog & Select Bitch are not
       eligible, the judge may choose any eligible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog
       or Winners Bitch as Owner-Handled Best of Breed/Variety.
    o If the Best of Winners is eligible, the other Winner is ineligible since it was defeated.
    o No class dogs other than the Winners Dog & Winners Bitch are eligible to return to the ring.

The breed will not be represented in the Owner-Handled Group if there is no eligible dog competing
in the Best of Breed or in Best of Winners competition.

*Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional
handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as
handling dogs for pay within the last five years

**A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by a professional handler on a full-time basis,
or assisting a professional handler at the show or any time during the cluster/weekend. Current
assistants that are eligible to compete in Junior Showmanship (meet age & amateur status
requirements) may participate in NOHS. .AKC Revised 5/11/18
                                   Saturday at the All Breed Show
                                       BISOH – Mrs. Hastings
                                      Sporting – Mrs. Robinson
                                        Hound – Mr. Mulligan
                                        Working – Ms. Neely
                                         Terrier – Mr. Marx
                                          Toy – Ms. Clarke
                                    NonSporting – Mr. Alexander
                                       Herding – Mr. Robinson

Novice Junior Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 12 years old on the
         day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Place awards with
         competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Novice Intermediate Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years old and under 15 years old
         on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Place
         awards with competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Novice Senior Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the
         day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Place awards with
         competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Open Junior Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 12 years old on the day
         of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Place awards with
         competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Open Intermediate Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years old and under 15 years old on
         the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Place awards with
         competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Open Senior Class: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the
         day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Place awards with
         competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show.
Master Class: For boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the
         show, and who have won 10 Best Junior wins with competition. The calendar for this class
         will be consistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC National Championship. All Juniors
         Meeting the criteria for this class are required to enter the Master Class and may change
         their entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the eligibility time frame
         for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to compete for the following
Each dog handled in a Junior Showmanship Class must be entered in one of the Breed or Obedience
         Classes at the show, or must be entered for Junior Showmanship only. However, a dog may
         be substituted. Such substitution must be accompanied by an official AKC entry form. All such
         substitutions must be made one half-hour prior to the judging of any Junior Showmanship
         Classes at the show. Each dog must be owned or co-owned by the Junior Handler or by the
         Junior Handler's father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandfather or grandmother,
         including step and half relations or by a member of the Junior Handler's household. Every dog
         entered for Junior Showmanship must be eligible to compete in Dog Shows or in Obedience
         Trials. BITCHES IN SEASON ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. A dog that has been excused or
         disqualified by a Breed Judge or by a Bench Show Committee may still be handled in Junior
         Showmanship if eligible to compete in Obedience Trials. A dog that has been rejected,
         dismissed, or excused by the Veterinarian for the protection of the other dogs at the show or for
         the protection of the dog excused may not be handled in Junior Showmanship.
Junior Handlers who win a third Novice Class with competition present after the closing of entries for a
         show may transfer their entry from the Novice Class to the Open Class provided that this
         transfer is made by the Superintendent at least one half-hour prior to the scheduled start of any
         regular conformation judging or one half-hour prior to the scheduled start of Junior
         Showmanship judging at the show, whichever is earlier.
Winning of first place in an Open Class at this show may qualify or count toward qualification for entry
         in certain future limited Junior Showmanship Classes.             For information on eligibility
         requirements for limited Junior Showmanship Classes which have been approved to date by
         AKC, go online at
Junior Handler's must include their AKC Junior Handler identification number on the entry blank. You
         may obtain your number by calling the AKC (919) 233-9767.
Notice: Be sure all information for Junior Showmanship Classes is entered on the front and back of the
entry form.
                            SPECIAL NOTICE - BOOTH SPACE
Booth space is by INVITATION ONLY due to space limitations. To be placed on our waiting list,
please send your name and address along with a brief description of the product/service you offer
to the club via e-mail to Do not call.
                South Bay area motels that will accept well-behaved dogs and their owners:

Holiday Inn Torrance Harbor Gateway 19800 S. Vermont Avenue, Torrance 310-781-9100
Policy- $50.00 deposit. 2 dog max. 60 lbs max.

Extended Stay America Los Angeles - Torrance Harbor Gateway
19200 Harbor Gateway, Torrance, CA 90501 310-328-6000
Policy - $25.00 fee per night, but no more than $150 per stay, nonrefundable. 2 Dog Limit..
Off the Harbor Freeway

Residence Inn Los Angeles Torrance/Redondo Beach
3701 Torrance Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90503 310-543-4566
Policy - $100.00 nonrefundable flat fee. 2 dog max.

Extended Stay America Los Angeles - Torrance
3525 Torrance Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503 310-540-5442
Policy - $25.00 per night, but no more than $150 per stay, nonrefundable.

exploit this event are vested in the Club, or in persons to whom assignments of such rights have
been made in writing by the Club. All persons and animals on the Showgrounds at any time
while the Show is in progress do by attending this show or participating therein, grant to the
Club the right to photograph, televise, video tape, audiotape or otherwise use their likeness and
voice in any manner without further release or consent. The Kennel Club is not responsible for
the actions or products of the commercial vendors at this show. This show may be televised.

           All trophies must be claimed on the day of the show. None will be mailed.
Trophy List—Saturday and Sunday
Best in Show – Custom designed Glass piece by Madeleine Boucher FANTASY
ENTERPRISES, offered by Toni Woods, CynPam’s Miniature Poodles.

Reserve Best in Show – Custom designed Glass piece by Madeleine Boucher FANTASY
ENTERPRISES is offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.

High In Trial Obedience - offer a Custom designed Glass piece by Madeleine Boucher

Variety Groups-- The following donors offer a Custom designed Glass piece by Madeleine
Boucher FANTASY ENTERPRISES for first in each Group.

SPORTING GROUP--offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.
HOUND GROUP--offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.
WORKING GROUP--offered South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.
TERRIER GROUP--offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.
TOY GROUP--offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.
NON-SPORTING GROUP--offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.
HERDING GROUP--offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.

Finnish Spitz—Dr. Richard T. Woods (Lobitos) offers a Finnish Spitz figurine for Best of Breed
and for Best Opposite Sex

Best Junior Handler--a gift card is offered by South Bay Kennel Club, Inc.

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