Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...

Page created by Travis Padilla
Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...

                                                     Over £1.1M
                                                   into Scottish
                                                      Football in

                                                             Working in partnership with:

Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
                                                                                                                                       Raised this year
                                                                                                                                       for Scottish
                                                                                                                                       Football through
                                                                                                                                                                        Over £1.1M
A word from
                                                                                                                                       Charitable Giving
                                                                                                                                                                      invested into
the Chairman                                                                                                                                                      Scottish Football
We charge towards Christmas after a year no one                            to have him at the helm in 2000-1, their most traumatic
                                                                                                                                       Invested in
                                                                                                                                                                           in 2020
could have envisaged, even at the end of a very good
Christmas lunch. The new normal has been difficult for
                                                                           season. He was a calm, steadying influence, trusted
                                                                                                                                       Support                  £188,153
                                                                           by all, combining financial savvy with a passion for the                             Invested into
all and tragic for some.                                                   game and the club. He brought these qualities and                                    Community
If you pull the duvet cover over your head, Covid wins.                    much more to the Scottish Football Partnership. Our                                  Clubs and              £191,274
                                                                           condolences go out to his family.                                                    Grassroots             Invested into
I am delighted to say we have never stopped. It is
testimony to the endeavour of Stuart and Laura and my                                                                                  44 SWF Premiership
                                                                                                                                                                Volunteers             Senior Club              £56,564
                                                                           Andrew Charters replaced Bill on the board coming                                                           Infrastructure           Invested in Community
co-directors that the following 16 pages demonstrate                                                                                   and Championship
                                                                           from his job as CFO with the Scottish FA. He was with                                                       projects                 projects using Sport
we adapted and found new ways to work.                                                                                                 Clubs provided                                                           for Change and
                                                                           us just under a year and was really getting in to what we   Sustainability                                                           promoting Diversity
We remain indebted to the team of suppliers, advisors                      do when a transfer cropped up and he had to demit           Grants totaling          11 Community                                    and Inclusion in
and contractors who help us deliver what we do in a                        office. We wish him well in his new job.                    £275,000                 clubs supported                                 Disadvantaged
safe and productive manner.                                                                                                                                     with Facility Grants
                                                                           No one could have written the script for the last nine                                                      25 Scottish FA
The year has witnessed a significant increase in                           months. We all live different lives now and do not          £162,500                                        Member Clubs
charitable donations from a wide range of sources.                         know one day to the next what the new normal will be.       of Sustainability        38 Community           Supported with
Please be assured we get the money out there as                                                                                        Funding Invested         clubs provided with    Facility Grants          20 Community
                                                                           Regardless, I hope this finds you and your family well
                                                                                                                                       directly into Scottish   Development Grants                              Club led GoFitba
quickly as we can and without our help Scotland would                      and safe.
be baking more couch potatoes.                                                                                                         Women’s Football                                                         Projects allocated
                                                                                                                                                                                       10 Aspiring              Funding
                                                                           Have a peaceful and happy Christmas holiday and                                      9 Community
It is with great sadness we have to report the passing of                                                                                                                              Scottish FA Member
                                                                           please remember we remain eager to help in 2021.            £219,420                 clubs provided with    Clubs Supported
our recently retired director Bill Littlejohn. We still miss                                                                                                    Defibrillators
                                                                                                                                       Invested directly                               with Facility Grants     12 Community
him, he was the provider of sage advice and kept the                       JAMES CLYDESDALE,
                                                                                                                                       into Scottish                                                            Club led GoFitba
chairman’s worst excesses in check. Having spent more                      Chairman                                                    Youth FA reducing                                                        Holiday projects
than 20 years on the board at Tannadice he probably                                                                                                             10 Community           8 East of Scotland
                                                                                                                                       participation cost for                                                   delivered in
found us easy to manage. Dundee United were lucky                                                                                                               clubs provided with    League Clubs
                                                                                                                                       4,140 teams                                                              partnership with
                                                                                                                                                                IT Sustainability      Supported with           The Scottish FA
                                                                                                                                                                Grants                 new Defibrillators       and Cashback for
                                                                                                                                       18 Highland                                                              Communities
                                                                                                                                       Football League
                            Thank you to all our Partners and the organisations who have supported our work in 2020                                             1,000 SYFA
                                                                                                                                       Clubs provided with
                                                                                                                                                                Coaches set to be
                                                                                                                                       Covid-19 mitigation
                                                                                                                                                                supported through
                                                                                                                                       support £10,000
                                                                                                                                                                Scottish FA Coach          Coming soon in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                Education                  Following the launch of our
                                                                                                                                       62 Scottish Junior                                  #GiveforGrassroots appeal we will be
                                                                                                                                       FA Clubs provided        1,000 SYFA                 rolling out a new funding strand for
                                                                                                                                       with Covid-19            Coaches set to be          community clubs to support young players
                                                                                                                                       mitigation support       supported through          suffering through financial hardship so
                                                                                                                                       £10,000                  Sports First Aid           they can continue to participate

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Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
                                                                                                                             Focus of James Anderson Fund                                                                      £275,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Directly Invested
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       into Clubs
                                                                                                                              Objective – 1                Objective -2                     Objective – 3
                                                                                                                              Ensuring Scottish            Support SWF to offset            Optimise the ability                Directly Invested
                                                                                                                              Women’s Premier League       some of the short-term           of girls’ and women’s                       into SWF

Covid-19 Support for                                                                                                          1 and 2 Clubs are the main
                                                                                                                              beneficiaries so they can
                                                                                                                                                           revenue losses, which
                                                                                                                                                           include broadcast/
                                                                                                                                                                                            football to navigate the
                                                                                                                                                                                            COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Key Stats
Scottish Women’s Football
                                                                                                                              retain professional staff,   commercial income and            without significant
                                                                                                                              players and key club         gate receipts, and retain        setback to the progress
                                                                                                                              infrastructure during        a lean staff that could          made in recent years.            42 of the 44 clubs
                                                                                                                              an extended period of        continue to support and                                           supported indicated
Scottish Women’s Football (SWF), the members’ organisation                                                                                                                                  Outcome
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             that the Covid -19
                                                                                                                              inactivity.                  deliver a professional
for women and girls’ football, has taken the sport to a new                                                                                                service to member clubs.         £62,500 was directly             Pandemic had
level in recent years. Qualification for the first time to the                                                                                                                              invested into SWF so that        negatively impacted
Women’s World Cup in 2019 was a sign of the SWF’s successful                                                                  £112,500 was                                                  affiliation fees for around      them
                                                                                                                              split evenly between         £75,000 was directly             200 teams could be
long-term strategy and a catalyst for further development.                                                                                                                                  reduced by 75% for
                                                                                                                              8 SWPL 1 clubs with          invested into SWF.                                                26 of the 44 clubs
The investment in players, coaches and infrastructure is                                                                      each club receiving                                           the new season, ensuring         supported indicated
reflected in the increasingly professional ‘performance’                                                                      £14,062.50                                                    clubs can continue               that they would not
pyramid structure with the SWPL 1 and 2, the top two leagues                                                                  £62,500 was split
                                                                                                                                                                                            to participate and the           have survived through
                                                                                                                                                                                            positive momentum
now bolstered by the introduction of a two-tier regional                                                                      evenly between 10 SWPL 2                                                                       the Covid-19 Pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                                            in girls’ and women’s
Championship of 26 clubs.                                                                                                     clubs with each receiving
                                                                                                                                                                                            football continues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             without the support
                                                                                                                              £6,250                                                                                         they received

                        Impact of Covid-19 on SWF                          COVID-19 Intervention and                                                                        Focus of ‘Anonymous Fund’
                        and Member Clubs – March                           Support Packages                                                                                 Ensuring SWF Championship clubs are the
                        2020                                               Scottish Women’s Football has been                                                               main beneficiaries of the fund.

                        The lockdown in March 2020 could not have          collaborating with The Scottish Football                                                         With the Championship being a key
                        come at a worse time for Scottish Women’s          Partnership Trust (SFP Trust) in recent years                                                    component of the new performance
                        Football as it coincided with the start of their   to deliver positive outcomes for the girls’ and                                                  pyramid and about to embark on its
                        inaugural season of the new set-up. As SWF’s       women’s game.                                                                                    inaugural season it was critical that the
                        Premiership and Championship seasons were                                                                                                           investments and commitment that all
                                                                           Together in June 2020 they approached
                        put on hold, this had an adverse impact on                                                                                                          26 clubs had made in relation to
                                                                           the philanthropist James Anderson, and a                                                         meeting enhanced criteria for qualified       “Football for girls and women
                        revenues (commercial, gate receipts etc.) at
                        both club and league level. There was also         second ‘anonymous’ donor a month later,                                                          coaching staff, improved match venues          in Scotland continues to make
                        the fear with no matches being played that it      to discuss the challenges COVID-19 posed                                                         and player medical and physio support          incredible progress across
                        could lead to an increasing invisibility just as   for SWF and the 44 Premiership and                                                               was not in vain.                               every level and this has really
                        the sport was soaring to a new level on the        Championship Clubs. Both donors were                                                                                                            inspired me to support SWF
                        back of the 2019 Women’s World Cup.                keen to help. Sustainability funds were set up                                                                                                  through this partnership
                                                                           which could attract Gift-Aid managed by the                                                      Intervention                                   approach with The SFP Trust.
                        Key developments, such as the league’s
                                                                           SFP Trust. The focus was to buy time so the                                                                                                     Football is at the heart of
                        investment in a staff team to deliver a                                                                                                             £100,000 was split evenly between
                                                                           women’s game could survive the COVID crisis                                                                                                     communities across Scotland
                        professional product, were now at risk.                                                                                                             all 26 Championship Clubs with each
                                                                           until it was safe for football to return. James                                                                                                 and the women’s game is a key
                        The clubs’ investment in the infrastructure,                                                                                                        club receiving a sustainability grant of
                                                                           Anderson donated £250,000 while                                                                                                                 part of this.”
                        staff and facilities of their women’s sections                                                                                                      £3,846.15.
                        was also threatened. COVID-19 was a major          the anonymous donor provided a further                                                           A further £25,000 was provided                – James Anderson
                        setback at a pivotal time in SWF’s history as it   £100,000. Through the processing of                                                              directly to SWF for future events and the
                        was establishing an increasingly professional      Gift-aid by the SFP Trust the biggest ever                                                       marketing of senior cup competitions
                        model with positive commercial forecasts           investment into SWF was created, a fund total                                                    to encourage greater attendances and
                        and visibility. However, help was at hand.         of £437,500.                                                                                     engagement with local communities.

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Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...

James Anderson                                                                                                                Supporting

Covid-19 Support for                                                                                                          4,140 Teams
                                                                                                                              62,293 Players
Scottish Youth Football                                                                                                       2,000 Volunteers

Target of Funding         The Scottish Youth FA (SYFA) is the national governing body for                                    A word of thanks from the clubs…
£219,420 was
                          grassroots football across Scotland. With 4,140 registered teams                                   “All officials, coaches, volunteers,    into equipment for the kids
invested directly into    and 62,293 players, it is the biggest organisation affiliated to the                                parents and players associated         and will contribute to making
                                                                                                                              with Troon Thistle YFC wish            sure they continue to enjoy
the SYFA to cover         Scottish FA. The SYFA cover age-groups up to and including Under-                                   to express our grateful thanks         playing football. Our teams,         Covid-19 Support for
the affiliation fees of   21s with their clubs and leagues run by volunteers. Their mission                                   to Mr James Anderson for his           parents, coaches, volunteers         SJFA + SHFL
1,865 teams playing                                                                                                           very generous donation to              and committee send a hearty
                          is to increase the number of children and young people playing                                                                                                                                     Our final piece of Covid-19
11 v 11 format of the                                                                                                         youth football which allows for        thank you.
game and 2,275            organised, quality football.                                                                        a saving to the club of our SYFA                                                               related support for Scottish
                                                                                                                                                                    “Mr James Anderson                                       Football this year was an
teams playing the                                                                                                             fees thereby allowing those
                          To achieve this the SYFA’s organisational                                                                                                  demonstrated that he really                             investment of £20,000
small-sided version                                                         Impact of COVID-19                                savings to be used directly for
                                                                                                                                                                     understands how important
                          objectives include removing barriers to                                                             the benefit of the players during                                                              in The Scottish Junior FA
of the game. Every        play, advocating respect and inclusivity and      Scottish Youth FA operational costs are                                                  our game is to the Scottish                             (62 clubs) and The Scottish
                                                                                                                              the current pandemic.
team will benefit from    creating a safe, fun environment for players in   mainly covered by membership fees from                                                   psyche. Thank you, Mr                                   Highland Football League (18
a reduced cost to         Scotland. Over the past two years, the SYFA       affiliated members. But the pandemic has hit     “I cannot express enough just           Anderson, from all at Dunipace       clubs) to assist with mitigation measures for the
                                                                            grassroots clubs, threatening the long-term       how much your donation to the          F.C.                                 safe return of football.
participate over the      has led the way by investing in their Child
                          Wellbeing and Protection provisions. The          sustainability of both individual teams and       SYFA has helped teams in our
next 12 months.                                                                                                                                                     “On behalf of Blantyre Celtic         Raymond Cardno, the SHFL President, said:
                          benefit to the children and young people          the organisation itself. While clubs may have     club” - Polbeth United CFC
                                                                                                                                                                     YFC, I would like to say thanks     “This is great news for the Highland League
£50,000 set up in a       under their jurisdiction is immeasurable.         survived in the short term, there was concern    “Buckie Thistle Football                from all the kids and coaches        and gives clubs important support at a time
                          However, implementing these measures has          over the increased costs facing them when         Development and our                    from our club. The kindness
Sports First Aid strand                                                                                                                                                                                   when there is much work to do to get ready for
                          placed increased financial pressure on the        football returned. These included cleaning,       2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 &               you have shown here is
that will support                                                                                                                                                                                         matches starting again. We are hugely grateful
                          SYFA.                                             increased facility hire costs, additional         2014 teams would like to               remarkable at a time where
training for 1,000                                                                                                                                                                                        to the Scottish Football Partnership which has
                                                                            equipment including PPE, hand sanitisers,         thank Mr Anderson for his              everyone within the grassroots       again demonstrated its support for all levels of
SYFA Coach volunteers                                                       enhanced medical kits and football specific       donation which will cover              community needs it.                  the game”
starting in 2021.                                                           items. The SYFA’s biggest fear was it could       club registration fees. During
                                                                                                                                                                    “Craigmark Youth Club would           Felix McKenna, SJFA President, added:
                                                                            lead to a drop-off in the number of children      a year where our registration
                                                                                                                                                                     like to thank Mr. Anderson for
£50,000                                                                     and young people playing football in              numbers are down and no                                                    “Given the difficult times we are all currently
                                                                                                                                                                     his amazingly kind gesture.          experiencing, the Scottish Junior FA is delighted
which includes an                                                           Scotland.                                         fundraising has been done, this
                                                                                                                                                                     What a tough year we have            with the financial support awarded by the
investment from                                                                                                               gesture is a big help to a club
                                                                                                                                                                     all had and I am sure I speak        Scottish Football Partnership to help put in place
SFP Trust Funds of                                                                                                            from a small town like ours.
                                                                            Support from James Anderson                       Thank you very much.
                                                                                                                                                                     on behalf of everyone when I         Covid-19 mitigation measures. The funding
£6,920 set up in                                                                                                                                                     say this.... our kids have had       will be used for the supply of automated hand
a Coach Education                                                           The Scottish Youth FA contacted the              “On behalf of Riverside FC, our         it rough in regard to how            sanitisers, etc. which will help make our facilities
                                                                            Scottish Football Partnership Trust in July       wee community football club            the pandemic has affected
strand that will                                                                                                                                                                                          safer for players, officials and hopefully, not
                                                                            2020 to facilitate discussions and possible       in Stirling, thank you sincerely       the game and training. It will
support 1,000 SYFA                                                          investment from James Anderson. Positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                          before too long, spectators. The support of
                                                                                                                              for the incredibly generous gift       have hit a lot of clubs hard         the Scottish Football Partnership in such an
Coach Volunteers to                                                         dialogue followed with Mr. Anderson keen to       of paying our SYFA fees for this       financially, so this kind gesture    important way is greatly welcomed. They
engage on Scottish                                                          support the youth level of the game with a        coming year. This has allowed          has restored my faith in             continue their support of football at a time when
FA approved training                                                        subsequent figure of £312,500, including          our teams to put funds back            humanity a little bit more.          it is most needed at all levels of the game”.
starting in 2021.                                                           Gift-Aid, for SYFA teams and their volunteers.

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Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
The Scottish Football Partnership holds a
                                                                                                                                                                              unique position in Scotland – we are the
                                                                                                                                                                           only funder with a specific strand set up to
                                                                                                                                   £191,274                                 assist Scottish FA Member Clubs meet the
                                                                                                                                   Invested into                             requirements of National Club Licensing.
                                                                                                                                   Senior Club
Supporting Senior Club                                                                                                             projects
Infrastructure Projects
Facility Awards are granted by The Scottish Football Partnership to                                                                Clubs supported in 2020
Senior clubs for infrastructure improvements at their stadia to help
meet the requirements of Scottish FA Club Licensing and ground safety
                                                                                                                                                                                               A word of thanks from
criteria. Aspiring Scottish FA Member clubs are also eligible for funding
                                                                                                                                                                                               the clubs…
for projects via our General Funding strand which can assist these clubs
in their quest to become full Members of the Scottish F.A. This year 35                                                                                                                       “We are extremely thankful to
                                                                                                                                                                                               the Football Partnership for
clubs received infrastructure support for a range of projects including
                                                                                                                                                                                               the assistance we have been
upgrades to Floodlight Systems, Ground Entry Systems,                                                                                                                                          provided with over the years in
Seated Stands, CCTV Systems, Covered Spectator                                                                                                                                                 getting ground infrastructure
Areas, Electrical Safety Compliance, Accessible                                                                                                                                                projects from the planning stage
Facilities, Spectator Toilets, Match Control Rooms,                                                                                                                                            to completion. Iain Dougan,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Chairman, Stranraer F.C.
Specialist Pitch Drainage Systems and Player/ Match
                                                                                                                                                                                              “On behalf of Stenhousemuir
Official Changing Rooms.                                                                                                                                                                       Football Club I wish to place on
                                                                                                                                                                                               record our deep gratitude to The
Funding in Focus at                                                                                                                                                                            Scottish Football Partnership for

Dunfermline Athletic F.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                               supporting our seat replacement
                                                                                                                                                                                               project in the Norway Stand. It
                                                                                                                                                                                               was a huge undertaking and
                                             Board of DAFC decided that work should                                                                                                            a very expensive project but a
                                             be done to replace broken floodlight                                                                                                              vitally important one as we look
                                             lamps and clean the others. Remedial                                                                                                              to modernise the club and ground.
                                             work on the East End Park floodlights                                                                                                             Without the support from the
                                             had not been carried out for several                                                                                                              Football Partnership, it simply
                                             years. The project involved the purchase                                                                                                          would not have been possible for
                                             of special bulbs and assistance from                                                                                                              the project to take place. These
                                             electrical experts able to operate at height.                                                                                                     types of grants are a lifeline to
                                             With the welcome support of The Scottish                                                                                                          clubs”. Jamie Swinney, Chief
Dunfermline Athletic F.C. recently
                                             Football Partnership, the club bought and                                                                                                         Executive, Stenhousemuir F.C.
upgraded their floodlights at East End
                                             installed over 50 new floodlight bulbs and
Park. The ‘Key Infrastructure’ project
                                             cleaned and repaired the others – a total
represented a facility investment value of
                                             of 128 bulb units across the four pylons.       From top: Upgraded Seating at
£37,000, with £12,500 awarded
                                             The work was carried out in the first           Ochilview Park, Clubhouse Upgrade
to the club by the SFP in grant funding.
                                             week of October and the floodlights were        at Newton Stewart F.C, CCTV Upgrade
                                                                                                                                             In addition, 8 East of Scotland League clubs
Pars Chairman Ross McArthur said:            used successfully during the club’s match       at Raith Rovers F.C, New Lights
                                                                                                                                             received funding for Defibrillators
“Following a floodlight test, as part of     (broadcast live on Premier Sports) against      and Scottish FA Membership at
DAFC’s Scottish FA Club Licence audit, the   Falkirk F.C on 9th October.”                    Haddington Athletic F.C.

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Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
                                                                                                                                                                                      Case Study                 #INCREASING REVENUE
                                                                                                                                                                                      Deveronvale              C.F.C COMMUNICATION
                                                                                                                                                                                      Number of Teams 17 Number of Players 338 GOVERNANCE
Supported by                                                                                                                                                                          Functional Impact of
                                                                                                                                                                                      Club Management System
Grassroots Club Support                                                                                                                                                               FINANCE Financial processes have
                                                                                                                                                                                      been simplified with a reduction of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRODUCTIVITY Productivity has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  increased as the system is exciting, and
                                                                                                                                                                                      around 12 hours per month on our            it engages with everyone at our club in a
                                                                                                                                                                                      treasurers’ time. The club’s financial      more dynamic and less time-consuming
                                                                                                                                                                                      information is now available 24/7 and       way which is particularly important both
                                                                                                                                                                                      at the touch of a button without the        from a consumer and an administrative
                                                                                                                                                                                      need to sift through bank statements.       perspective.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Additionally, the process for stopping      COMMUNICATION The
                                                                          2020 Defibrillator                                                                                          and then restarting monthly fee
                                                                                                                                                                                      collection through the Covid-19 period
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  communication functionality is excellent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and whether it is a quick message
                                                                          Project – £11,808                                                                                           was made straightforward thanks to
                                                                                                                                      Club IT &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or a club news story with a click of a
                                                                          Investment Fund                                                                                                                                         button the communications goes out

                                                                          #Safeguarding Clubs #SaferSport
                                                                                                                                      Sustainability                                  REVENUE Club Revenue had
                                                                                                                                                                                      Increased by 30% before Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to everyone at the club. The system
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  can also be used and tailored for
                                                                          #Safeguarding Communities                                   Initiative –                                    with the system providing real-time         communication to individual age groups

                                                                                                                                                                                      information on who has paid and who         or coaches or parents. Organising player

Club Development                                                          Following the successful pilot scheme in 2019 where                                                         had not paid monthly fees.                  availability for matches and training

Grant Scheme
                                                                          12 Community clubs were provided with a lifesaving
                                                                          Defibrillator, a further 9 clubs have been supported so
                                                                                                                                      Investment                                      DATA The platform is excellent for          has been simplified, too, as invites are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sent, and notifications received on
                                                                                                                                                                                      storing and sharing club documents
- £24,000                                                202
                                                                          far this year, with another 3 to be supported shortly.
                                                                          This type of investment is absolutely vital with more and   #Supporting Volunteers
                                                                                                                                                                                      which can be both open to all our
                                                                                                                                                                                      members as well as being restricted         DIGITAL CAPABILITY This is very
Investment Fund                                                           more clubs becoming community facility providers – the
                                                                                                                                      #Increasing Revenue
                                                                                                                                                                                      where applicable.                           good in terms of our website, sharing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  posting on social media and adding
                                                                          initiative complements our investment in Sports First Aid                                                   COMPLIANCE Registration with
                                                                                                                                      #Improving Communication                                                                    fixtures, score lines, events, fundraising,
Direct investment in Grassroots clubs continued in 2020 through our       training for club coaches through our partnership with                                                      the club has been simplified as has
                                                                                                                                      #Enhancing Governance                           our ability to provide new and existing     news stories to a platform which
strategic delivery partnership with The Scottish FA’s Regional Football   The Hampden Sports Clinic.
                                                                                                                                                                                      members with our Code of conduct            interacts with our club members and our
Development staff. The targeted approach of our Club Development                                                                      At the start of 2020 we introduced a Club                                                   community.
framework has so far seen 38 of the planned 48 Quality Mark               This year’s Stats …                                                                                         and the clubs constitution. Wellbeing
                                                                                                                                      IT and Sustainability funding strand for 20
                                                                                                                                                                                      Guidance and now Covid-19 guidance          WEBSITE
accredited clubs receiving grants of £500 and an overall investment       Safeguarding                                                Quality-Mark accredited community clubs
                                                                                                                                                                                      has been easier to prepare and share        www.deveronvalecfc.co.uk – All
of £19,000 in clubs to enhance inclusive community-based                                                                              to use technology to grow and develop.
                                                                          3,098 Club Members                                                                                          with players and parents who were able      communication as above links to the
participation and support their volunteers.
                                                                          8,100 Weekly Community Users                                Grants of £500 have been made to                to simply tick a box to confirm they have   website too.
                                                                                                                                      10 community clubs so far to part-fund          received, read and understood these
                                                                                                                                      the start-up costs of web-based club            guidelines. This function has saved the
     21 new teams created (13         40 club coaches were                                                                                                                            club time and money as in the past this
                                                                                                                                      management systems to help clubs with                                                           PRODUCT EVALUATION
     boys) and (8 girls) with         supported through Covid                                                                                                                         process would have involved having to
     430 new players brought          training                                                                                        day-to-day administration. All the clubs                                                        1=poor 5=excellent
                                                                                                                                                                                      have forms printed, signed and then
     into the game                                                                                                                    have opted for a new platform designed
                                      1 club invested in para                                                                                                                         collected.                                      System Design                   5
                                                                                                                                      in Scotland called MY CLUB HUB and early
     1,466 young players              training for coaches and                                                                                                                        HUMAN RESOURCES The
                                                                                                                                      feedback has been very positive. It’s made a                                                    Value for money                 5
     benefiting from enhanced         started an Autism friendly                                                                                                                      system has eliminated the time required
     training kit and equipment       participation group                                                                             real difference in administration, efficiency                                                   Ease of use                     5
                                                                                                                                                                                      to respond to questions and information
                                                                                                                                      and information-sharing among clubs,
     103 club volunteers              1 club invested in                                                                                                                              requests from the committee and                 Advocacy from within club       5
                                                                                                                                      especially due to the challenges posed by       coaches as documentation is accessible
     supported through coach          education for coaches on
                                                                                                                                      the Covid lockdown, the return to football      instantly at the touch of a button.             Service Experience              5
     education                        Mental Health awareness
                                                                                                                                      and the adoption of protocols at club level.    Historically this type of information,                                           5
                                      and Disability Inclusion                                                                                                                                                                        Level of club impact
     4 clubs invested in new                                                                                                                                                          which could include medical and
     small-sided goalposts            1 club developed a                                                                                                                              contact details, would have been stored
     supporting activity for          family participation group                                                                                                                      at one of our club officials houses
     448 players                      for children lacking in                                                                                                                                                                     WOULD YOU RECOMMEND?
                                                                                                                                                                                      making it more time consuming to
                                      confidence and those with                                                                                                                       access which is not a good situation in     “We would recommend to any club”
                                      disabilities                                                                                                                                    the case of an emergency.                    Kevin Stewart, Deveronvale CFC

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11
Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
Thanks to our partnership with the Scottish
                                                                                                                            FA, sportscotland, Scottish Women’s Football
                                                                                                                           (SWF), and Hey Girls, 300 girls’ and women’s

Grassroots Club                                                                                                              teams across Scotland will be provided with
                                                                                                                                110,000 free sanitary products during
Infrastructure Projects                                                                                                       2020/21 helping to change the landscape of
                                                                                                                                          period dignity within Scotland.

Wasp Community                                                       New Clubhouse
Club – Modular
Changing Rooms
 Wasp Community club are the latest grassroots organisation
 to receive a set of our ever-popular modular changing rooms.
 In March 2020, the club approached The Scottish Football
 Partnership for support with infrastructure for their ever-
 increasing membership. The Wasps, who work closely with
                                                                     Pitch Upgrades
 Alloa Athletic F.C., are based at the Indodrill Stadium and
 currently work with around 300 children ranging in age
 from 4-16. This initiative was all about supporting the growth in
 participation at the club within a community setting. The SFP
 Board was keen to back the project with an investment of over
 £30,000 in Community Club infrastructure.
“In what has been an extremely difficult few months for the          Training Floodlights
 whole of football, AAFC are extremely grateful for the help
 given by the Scottish Football Partnership to the Wasps in
 providing additional changing facilities in the ground. Not
 only has this allowed the Club to meet the varied demands
 of Covid-19 security but it has also left a legacy which can be
 utilised by the Club in the years to come. Our Wasp Community
 Club has been able to get kids enjoying their football again, and
 whilst we’re not yet quite back to a full schedule, it has been     New Goalposts
 obvious from the reaction of both players and parents that any
 return to play has been extremely welcome. It is precisely in
 this kind of situation that assistance from the SFP can prove to
 be critical in getting things done and we very much appreciate
 their help”. Mike Mulraney, Chairman, Alloa Athletic F.C.

Delivering in 2021                                                   Our work this year assisting Grassroots       In September we were approached by an anonymous donor
                                                                     football and its volunteer club leaders and   who was keen to support the Development of the Girls’ and
“10 years of working with various organisations has                  coaches continued with a further 365          Women’s Programme and Academy Infrastructure at Celtic F.C.
 helped us to be awarded much needed changing                        supported in specialised Sports First Aid
                                                                                                                   This led to a subsequent donation and an investment of
 facilities from the SFP to assist us in our continued               Training delivered by our partners at The
                                                                                                                   £29,750 being made to the club.
 work in our local community. We are delighted”                      Hampden Sports Clinic.
                                                                                                                   #Growing the Game
 Jim Simonetti, Jimmy Johnstone Charitable Trust                     #Supporting Volunteers

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Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
Special Feature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GET FIT,
                                                                                                                                              #INCLUSIVE                                                                                           GET HEALTHY...
                                                                                                                                              #COMMUNITY FOOTBALL
                                                                                                                                              #TACKLING FOOD INEQUALITY                                                                            HAVE FUN
                                                                                                                                              #SUPPORTING CHILDREN

Left Back in My Room:                                                                                                                         #GoFitba Project
A Grassroots Footballer                                                                                                                       – Changing Lives
in Lockdown
By Tommy Pia                                                                                                                                  Through Sport

It’s roughly two months since I kicked a football, but it feels       somebody’s legs, outjumping a defender so you’re first to a                                                                                                                    GoFitba Key Stats
like much longer. I’d been playing three times a week: back-to-       header: the list is endless. Football combines physicality, skill                                                                                                              for 2020
back sessions at the university sports complex on Tuesdays            and mental acuity unlike any other sport and the rush of
and Wednesdays and a game of 5s at Glasgow Soccer World
on Thursdays. My flatmate and I had also begun to investigate
                                                                      endorphins after “putting in a shift” is powerful enough to
                                                                      numb any number of kicks you might’ve taken during the game,                                                                                                                   448
joining a Saturday league team, which may seem excessive
considering how much I was already playing, but football had
                                                                      at least until the following morning. It teaches you how to be a
                                                                      team player, but also rewards individual moments of brilliance                                                                                                                 Participants
become an essential lifeline during lockdown. Haring after a          and, while the journey home might be a bit awkward if you gave
ball for an hour or so, a few days a week, was a particularly
effective way to relieve the “cabin fever” that quickly set in a
                                                                      the driver’s team a gubbing, it unites people, creating bonds of
                                                                      friendship and shared stories that will last a lifetime. Finally, it
                                                                                                                                              The GoFitba project looked forward to 2020
                                                                                                                                              as its biggest year so far harnessing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                had a holiday spin-off of the project planned
                                                                                                                                                                                                at 12 clubs. This new version of the project
couple of weeks after term started; it was also one of the few        is one of the few sporting activities that I know will knock me         positive power of football to engage with         would see children attend a 10-session period        Individual
opportunities I got to meet and socialise with other students,        out in the evenings, ensuring I get to bed early and wake up
since all my lectures and tutorials have been online this term        feeling refreshed, which is particularly important nowadays
                                                                                                                                              socially disadvantaged children in an inclusive   over the summer holidays where they would            Hours of
                                                                                                                                              community setting. GoFitba has a holistic         receive breakfast and lunch tackling holiday
and the regular student haunts – the union, cafes, bars and
clubs – have all been closed.
                                                                      since lockdown has had a negative impact upon many people’s
                                                                      sleeping patterns.                                                      approach taking the young participants on         hunger which became a nationwide issue               Activity
                                                                                                                                              a journey of fun football activity improving      later in the year thanks to Marcus Rashford.
When it looked as if a stricter lockdown was going to be
reintroduced around mid-October, my team-mates and I were
                                                                      For all those reasons, I’m looking forward to football’s eventual
                                                                      return. I know it’ll make life that little bit easier to endure, even
                                                                                                                                              their motor skills, fitness levels, confidence
                                                                                                                                              and ability to work as a team. The second
                                                                                                                                                                                                Unfortunately, just as projects were about           4,199
resigned to the loss, but we didn’t fully appreciate just how
much we’d miss a kick-about until a few weeks had passed.
                                                                      if we still can’t properly socialise or see our family, since, while
                                                                      watching the pros is entertaining, I think the most significant
                                                                                                                                              component of the project provides a bespoke
                                                                                                                                                                                                to start in March, the country went into
                                                                                                                                                                                                lockdown and our GoFitba activities had to
I was finding it much harder to concentrate on my studies             impact football can have on the lives of everyday fans, is in
                                                                                                                                              and fun health education syllabus for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                be put on pause. Football and community              Meals
                                                                                                                                              children to learn about the benefits of a
and motivate myself through a week without the promise of
football to look forward to, and in our group chats most of
                                                                      the playing of it. It’s one of the cheapest, most accessible
                                                                      sports there is – all you need is a local park, a ball and some         healthy and balanced diet. To finish off each
                                                                                                                                                                                                clubs however have really demonstrated               Served
                                                                                                                                                                                                how much good they can do in their
the lads agreed that they were feeling a lot lonelier without         jumpers for goalposts – and around this time of year, more or           session healthy, nutritious food is provided
                                                                                                                                                                                                communities, particularly in a time of crisis.
the regular social interaction, particularly those who lived          less a century ago, it even brought British and German troops           for each participant to address the issue of                                                           One of our biggest
                                                                                                                                                                                                To that end, 5 of our original partner clubs
alone, and were struggling to keep fit, since solo runs through       together for a brief moment of unity in the trenches. Obviously,        food inequality facing many of these children.                                                         partners The UEFA
                                                                                                                                                                                                were able to use innovative and COVID-safe
a pitch black Kelvingrove Park couldn’t compare to the 3G and         ensuring the r-number is low and the pandemic is under                                                                                                                         Foundation for
                                                                                                                                              So back to our best laid plans for the year!      ways to resume activity in September with
floodlights out at the Garscube San Siro.                             control must be the priority, but with the right safety measures                                                                                                               Children chose to
                                                                      in place – one-way access to pitches, regularly cleaning balls          With the support of our incredible funders        3 of the clubs opting to support children
I’ve been forced to fall back on a weekly tennis game in the                                                                                  and the community clubs who really drive            in their communities over holiday periods.         highlight the impact
                                                                      and goalposts, ensuring players use hand sanitiser before and
meantime, but in some ways, this has just made me miss                                                                                        the project forward we had 20 of our                 The GoFitba holiday sessions that were            of the GoFitba
                                                                      after matches – football can provide young people with the
football more: a tearing sprint down the line culminating                                                                                     traditional 12-week GoFitba projects all set to         planned through our new Scottish FA            Project for children in
                                                                      opportunity to socialise safely, keep fit and - most importantly -
in a ball whipped into the box, threading a pass through                                                                                                                                                                                             Scotland
                                                                      have fun.                                                               be delivered throughout the year across all                       and Cashback partnership for
                                                                                                                                              parts of Scotland. In between, thanks to an                        ®   July and August were also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     GoFitba: Scotland’s
                                                                                                                                              exciting new partnership with the Scottish                             able to be delivered in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     community clubs
                                                               Our Give For Grassroots Appeal is backed by Scotland                           FA and Cashback for Communities we also                                October school holidays.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tackling child poverty
                                                               Captain Andy Robertson and in 2021 we will be                                                                                                                                         thanks to the UEFA
                                                               supporting kids facing financial hardship so that they                          GoFitba will be back in 2021 when our remaining planned projects will be delivered…..                 Foundation | Inside
                                                               can continue to participate.                                                    and there will be some new ones too!! Special thanks to all our funding partners.                     UEFA | UEFA.com

                                                               It’s not too late to donate

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Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
Shared Access and
The Scottish Football Partnership
Trust Map Out the Future of
Scotland’s Connectivity Path

Success of Scottish football club investment scheme                                        excited to be part of something that is
                                                                                           going to bring real benefits to clubs and
now has the potential to aid the development of wireless                                   communities in Scotland as we move
connectivity in Scotland.                                                                  into 2021.

The Scottish Football Partnership Trust     on-site facilities such as floodlighting,      Sam Jackman, Chief Development
continues to innovate and look for          pitches, changing rooms, equipment or          Officer at Shared Access, said: “Our
opportunities to bring much needed          even just receive a capital sum. In return     strategy has always been focused on
finance and support into Scottish           for the investment, Shared Access              investing in grassroots sports. This year
Football. One such opportunity arose                                                       has highlighted this fact more than any
                                            would install their technology onto
in September 2020 when the SFP Trust                                                       year previously with the world of sport
                                            the club’s existing structures such as
formed a partnership with Shared                                                           devastated by the continued impact of
                                            floodlights, stands or pavilions.
Access, the wireless operator.                                                             Covid-19 measures and restrictions. Whilst
                                            With so many sites now registered to the       the scheme primarily aims to invest in
The innovative scheme offers clubs at       scheme, the infrastructure opportunity         Scottish sports clubs, it also broadens
all levels, who register their location,    in Scotland has increased even further.        the infrastructure options available to
the chance to upgrade their facilities by   Many locations are in rural areas, run in      MNOs as the development of wireless
allowing the wireless operator to install   partnership with the local authorities,        connectivity gathers pace in Scotland.”
their technology on their premises in
                                            so the potential for infrastructure
return for capital investment.
                                            investment in these areas has greatly
So far more than 250 clubs have             increased due to the SFP Trust’s                  We are pleased to announce that
registered to host infrastructure on club   partnership with Shared Access.                   the first Club playing in Scotland
property – adding to a database now in                                                        has been identified for investment
                                            The SFP Trust has been hugely                     through our Partnership with
excess of 500 Scottish clubs.
                                            encouraged by the response so far,                Shared Access with discussions
Following the success of a similar          particularly as our partnership with              ongoing over an initial investment
scheme in England, Ireland and Wales,       Shared Access provides a viable funding           fee of £22,500
the SFP Trust and Shared Access believe     option for clubs at a time when football
the level of investment in Scotland         at every level faces financial challenges
could reach £5m over the next               in sustaining, enhancing and improving            Clubs or organisations keen to
5 years. Much will depend on interest       facilities. It is critical for the long-term      learn more about the funding
from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)        health of football, and Scotland in               scheme should visit
and the speed in which 5G is rolled out.    general, that we find innovative ways to          thescottishfootballpartnership.
Meantime individual clubs with a            bring investment into grassroots sport.           com/shared-access/
suitable location – from grassroots to      Shared Access has a tried and tested              to register their interest and site
professional – will be able to upgrade      model for helping clubs and we are                location.

If you would like to see more of what the       Or contact us at:
Scottish Football Partnership are up to,        The Scottish Football Partnership
or to apply for your own funding, please        St Mirren Park, Greenhill Road,
visit us online at                              Paisley PA3 1RU
                                                Telephone: 0141 887 3863
 @SFP_football  Like us on Facebook           admin@thescottishfootballpartnership.com

Over £1.1M invested into Scottish Football in 2020 - THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL PARTNERSHIP & TRUST - Yuck ...
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