June-July - Castle Leslie Estate

Page created by Rose Rogers
June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Welcome to
Castle Leslie Estate

On behalf of the Leslie family, my team and I, we wish to
extend a very warm greeting to you. Céad míle fáilte and
welcome to Castle Leslie Estate, home to the Leslie family
for over 300 years. We are delighted to be back open and
welcoming guests to our hidden corner of Ireland.
  ‘Summertime and the living is easy’ at Castle Leslie Estate. June
and July are our favourite months here as the estate is all abloom and
at its very best aesthetically. The mornings start early and are alive
and bright and the evenings heavenly and balmy! It’s blue skies and
sun kissed afternoons all the way and you have our 1,000 acres in
which to enjoy it all within.
  We hope that you thoroughly enjoy your time with us as you
explore our part of Ireland. To truly get the most out of your stay
with us, we bring you a flavour of some of the highlights at Castle
Leslie Estate and things that you can do in our local area this
summertime. We look forward to being of service and if we can be of
any assistance to you during your visit, please do not hesitate to ask
any of the team who are always genuinely delighted to help.

Brian Baldwin

June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Things To Do
                                      In our local area

Pottery Classes at                                 €350 based on 6 adults (postage will incur an
                                                   additional charge, extra pots are €20 each).
Busy Bee Ceramics
                                                   Poterie Pour Deux: Enjoy 2 hours learning
This is an ideal fun activity to do with friends   a new skill on the Potter’s wheels. Pottery is
or family. Busy Bee Ceramics is in the heart       known to be therapeutic in its nature and your
of Glaslough Village and is only a 5-minute        time spent at the studio with your partner will
walk from The Lodge. They have a shop with         be engaging and fun. Full tuition and materials
beautiful new ranges of pottery which you can      are given to encourage you and your loved
purchase, and they have a host of classes you      one to get creative this Summer! 2 of your
can book throughout the summer, some of            “Favourite Masterpieces” will be glazed and
which include:                                     returned by post – A Memorable keepsake of
Potty Families: Have a fun filled 3-hour           your holidays with them.
half day pottery session for your family and       €120 – (postage will incur an additional
get creative! Busy Bee Ceramics provide            charge, extra pots are €20 each).
everything you need, and their expert potter
will guide you how to throw pots on the            Potteries Pour Deux Deluxe: Spend
Potter’s Wheel. You will have their studio to      a 3-hour half day workshop with Busy Bee
yourselves, and you choose your favourite 2        Ceramics learning the art of the potter’s wheel.
pots each and they will glaze them and send         €200 – (postage will incur an additional
them to you when they are ready                    charge, extra pots are €20 each).
€250 based on 2 adults & 2 kids                    All classes must be pre-booked in advance and
(extra person/s €20 each & extra items €10,        Busy Bee Ceramics is delighted to offer any guest
postage extra)                                     staying at Castle Leslie Estate, a 5% discount on
Potty Pals: Enjoy something completely             any products purchased in the shop. To avail of
different and immerse yourself in a world          this discount, guests will just need to show their
of creativity and fun with your friends! This      room key card at the check-out counter.
half day, 3-hour package is the perfect way to     Opening Times:
unwind and explore your creativity. Busy Bee       Monday – Sunday: 11am – 6pm
Ceramics provide full tuition & materials as       To make a booking, please contact; T: +353
you learn the art of throwing on the Potter’s      861080738 / +353 47 70687,
wheel. If you like to paint, they also have a      E: brenda@busybeeceramics.ie
selection of mugs & bowls to choose from. Pick
your favourite 2 pots and they will return them
to you glazed.

June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Things To Do
                                      In our local area

Glaslough Village                                 Drumlin Trails Bike Hire are delighted to
                                                  provide all residents of Castle Leslie Estate
Heritage Trail App                                with the following special discount;
Explore the picturesque village of Glaslough by   E-bikes – €25 per day and if there are 4 or
downloading the Glaslough Village Heritage        more adults looking to hire them, the price
Trail App which is a free self-guided visitor     will be €20 per bike per day. Regular Bikes –
experience, starting in the heart of Glaslough    €12.50 per day.
village at The Diamond, following a 2 kilometre
trail around ten fascinating points of interest   Open 8:30am to 9:00pm daily and we are
before ending the tour at Saint Salvator’s        available to be contacted outside these hours.
church in Castle Leslie Estate.                   To make a booking, please contact
                                                  +353 47 88100 or email:
To download                                       reservations@castleleslie.com
For Android: Open the Google Play Store app
on your device.
For Apple: Open the App Store app on your         Patrick Kavanagh Centre
                                                  Visit the newly refurbished Kavanagh Centre
Search or browse for “Glaslough Village
                                                  (Open end 2019) which tells the story of
Heritage Trail”
                                                  Inniskeen’s most famous son – the poet,
Select it. Tap Install.
                                                  Patrick Kavanagh using immersive and
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete
                                                  interactive techniques to inspire visitors.
the download.
                                                  There are 6 key zones in the exhibition and
                                                  these focus on different times/aspects of
Bike Hire                                         Kavanagh’s life.

Drumlin Trails offer a variety of interesting     Open Monday – Saturday: Normal opening
trails in the north of Monaghan and               hours are 10am until 4.30pm (last booking
surrounding counties. Visitors can rent bikes     3.30pm). Tours can be arranged at any time
which also include 10 top of the range e-bikes.   by prior appointment.
These electric bikes give gentle assistance on    Please contact: 042 9378560 for details.
some of the many drumlin hills in the area.       Ticket prices for self-guided tours are as follows:
Located at McQuaid’s Fuel Station between         Admission: €10
the villages of Glaslough & Emyvale.              Children 6 and under: Free

June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Things To Do
                                       In our local area

Sam Moore’s Open Farm                              Monaghan Leisure Centre
Visit Sam Moore’s Open Farm in                     Facilities include a 26 metre 6 lane swimming
Threemilehouse.                                    pool with a 50m water slide, Children’s
                                                   splash pool with water features, steam room,
It offers a little more than the usual cows,
                                                   modern sauna, and relaxing spa pool. A full
sheep and horses! It also has alpacas, a
                                                   range of swimming lessons is provided for
miniature horse, and pot belly pigs. Children
                                                   both adults and children, as well as shallow
can play and enjoy the toy machinery, while
                                                   and deep aqua aerobic classes. The fully
the adults can admire the variety of vintage
                                                   equipped modern gymnasium includes two
farm machinery. The tour includes Sam’s old
                                                   fitness studios to provide for a range of classes
cottage, the Forge, nature walk, the fairy fort
                                                   to suit everyone. In addition, the Centre has
and fairy lane, indoor/outdoor picnic area, play
                                                   two treatment rooms which include a fully
area and a go kart track for the bigger kids.
                                                   licensed sunbed and private physio and two
Suitable for Children of all ages.
                                                   full size floodlit tennis courts.
Opening Times: Monday – Sunday:
                                                   Please call 04781734 to make a booking.
10am – 7pm. Call 047 57397 to make a booking.
Adults: €5, Children: €4

                                                   For details of all our Summer
Rossmore Forest Park                               events or to arrange a booking
                                                   please visit our website
Visit Rossmore Park, only 15 minutes from
Castle Leslie Estate. Rossmore Forest Park         www.castleleslie.com or call us
boasts a new adventure play park which is          on +353 47 88100
suitable for children up to 12 years of age.
There is a variety of play equipment in the
park including swings, zip lines, climbing
frames and see-saws and there are also
opportunities for exploration. The play park
contains natural play items which encourage
initiative, creativity and self-confidence with
log piles, willow tunnels, and beehive huts all
waiting to be explored.

Opening Times: From 8am (Daylight hours).
Free admission.

June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Moments of equestrian
Our Equestrian Centre is back open t his                              For a complete list
summer for intermediary and experienced riders.                          of activities visit
  Summertime is a wonderful time to get back ‘in the                 www.castleleslie.com
saddle’ and the Estate is particularly beautiful at this                or call reception.
time of year and an ideal time to explore on horseback.
                                                                    Bookings can be made
Throughout June and July, we have morning and
                                                                     within 24 hours notice
afternoon rides available to book.
                                                                   or sooner depending on
  Come riding with us and enjoy a gripping hack or cross-                   availability and
country ride and breathe in that sweet fragrant summer                 weather conditions.
air and experience the adventure of riding on our 1,000
acres. In July we are also offering riding lessons subject to      We advise early booking
availability for residents.                                        where possible to avoid
  However, if the saddle is not for you, why not enjoy
a one-hour enchanting horse drawn carriage ride and
journey back in time through the tree-lined avenues and
bridleways. This is a wonderful way to experience the
beauty of Castle Leslie Estate.
  Carriage rides may be booked through reception or
directly with the Equestrian Centre. They are subject to
availability and advance booking is essential at €90 per
carriage ride (seats 4 adults, or 2 adults and up to 2 children)

June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Moments of lasting bliss…
Our skin goes through its own unique transition                        In addition to our signature
in response to the changing seasons. To ease that transition        facials and our seasonal offers,
guests can enjoy several wonderful facials at the Victorian            our highly-trained therapists
Treatment Rooms. Some examples of these are below:                           will pamper you with a
eminence stonecrop whipped facial– €95                                 range of traditional organic
(55 mins) This stonecrop balancing facial is a deep                   therapies from the ‘Eminence
cleansing, energising customised facial, its highly                       Organics’ & ‘Voya’ ranges.
concentrated in organic natural ingredients to restore                        For a full menu list
moisture and give a real radiance boost.                                  please visit please visit
eminence green lake diamond facial –               €95                  our Victorian Treatment
(55 mins) Infuses life into your skin. This intensive                      Rooms brochure here.
handpicked customised facial will rejuvenate and renew
                                                                          To contact the Victorian
any skin type. Specialised lifting massage will help you
                                                                        Treatment Rooms directly
drift away and leave you radiant and visibly more youthful.
                                                                       dial extension 405 or email
voya radiance facial – €95 (55 mins) This seaweed                  victorianspa@castleleslie.com
natural facial is deeply detoxifying. It helps to revitalise even        to make an appointment.
skin tone and the procollagen extracts will restore the signs of                      T&C’s apply.
visible ageing and your skin is instantly firmed and tightened.
  Why not pamper yourself with our Summer Special
which is a luxury manicure or pedicure using leading nail
polish OPI. A luxurious spa manicure or pedicure soaks
the nails and provides cuticle treatments, heat experience,
massage of hands and arms or feet and lower legs with nail
shape and polish. This treatment is priced at €60.

June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
June-July - Castle Leslie Estate
Moments of indulgence
to savour…
An age old Irish hospitality decrees t hat you                      All of our dining options
get out the best linen, pick the finest food and treat your      must be booked in advance
guests to the best. This tradition continues at Castle Leslie      of arrival, and we ask that
Estate. There is little chance of anyone going hungry this            all guests adhere to the
summer—from lazy lunches in Conor’s Lounge at The               most up-to-date government
Lodge, to delightful Afternoon Teas until finally dinner at          guidelines. Due to social
the 2 AA Rosette award winning Snaffles Restaurant. Our         distancing, we cannot permit
Executive Head Chef, Aaron Duffy and his team celebrate                    a ‘walk-in’ policy and
summer in abundance this season and have created some           reservations must be booked
wonderful menus for you to enjoy.                                         in advance of arrival.
  Conor’s Lounge is the perfect place to enjoy traditional
style home cooking in a relaxed environment. Choose              You can book dining online
between the bar, lobby or conservatory or on a hot summer                here or contact us
day we sometimes offer alfresco dining in the garden.                        via reception.
Snaffles Restaurant serves hearty morning breakfasts
to put a ‘pep in your step’ these summer mornings, and
wonderful sophisticated summer fare each evening.

Moments of outdoor adventure…

Our acres of woodlands,                        stunning scenery as you walk throughout
lakes and grasslands make it the              the beautiful landscape of our estate. With
 perfect location for a wide variety of        several walks mapped out, all of which
 outdoor activities.                           containing stunning scenery, Castle Leslie
                                               Estate has something for everyone.
  During your stay, wander through
our undulating Irish countryside, there        Falconry
are many attractions to see; from the          Experience a unique insight into the
Equestrian Centre and working farm,            noble and ancient art of Falconry
to the unique flora and fauna and              which offers a stimulating, unique, and
historical sites. These include building       memorable experience. The majestic,
ruins, a Gothic Lodge, Walled Garden           beautiful birds are captive bred both
originating from 1850, the Pinetum,            in Ireland and abroad. They include
St. Salvator’s Church and an Integrated        different species of falcons, hawks, owls,
Wetlands project.                              and the magnificent golden eagle. We
  There is a host of outdoor activities to     have four different packages which you
avail of at Castle Leslie Estate including:    can choose from, and bookings can be
                                               made 72 hours in advance.
There are a variety of exceptional walks,      Clay Target Shooting
from short jaunts to long leisurely strolls.   Experience the thrill of Clay Target
Wander throughout the Estate grounds           Shooting at Castle Leslie Estate. Glenn
and around the village of Glaslough.           Ross is an ICPSA accredited Safety
Breath in the fresh country air and            Officer and Coach and recognized by

An Garda Siochana to carry out gun              Fishing
competency training. He has represented         The Leslie family have been the
Ireland 11 times at Home International          custodians of the stunning ‘Glaslough’
level and once at the World Cup in Rome         or Green Lake for generations. The
2005. He has won the Ulster Open twice          lake is brimming with monster pike,
and Irish Grand Prix twice in recent years      and fishermen widely consider it to be
and has 11 Ulster Inter-Provincial badges,      one of Ireland’s best-preserved loughs.
10 of which are winning badges.                 In fact, in 1991 a fisherman reeled in a
                                                catch weighing 38lb 9oz (17.5kg) and
                                                broke Ireland’s 18 year record. Fishing
Test your strength and accuracy to
                                                is charged per rod (person) per day and
the full in a versatile and competitive
                                                includes the use of a boat.
sport. Archery will not disappoint in the
entertainment, satisfaction and fun that        Boating
it offers. Archery is extremely competitive     Enjoy a morning or afternoon boating
and really gets a group energized quickly.      on our glistening Glaslough Lake or
Your qualified instructor will always           ‘Green Lake’. While away the hours by
accompany you. All necessary equipment          relaxing on one of our boats and admire
is included.                                    the stunning scenery all around you
                                                including our ancient woodlands, gardens
                                                and of course our beautiful Castle.
At Castle Leslie Estate, we source our picnic
ingredients from our superb local suppliers
                                                Please contact us at reception for
and prepare them in ways that work al
fresco. Think of Irish cheeses, fresh bread,
                                                information, prices and to make
seasonal fruit, and vegetables prepared         a booking for any of our onsite
simply and packed carefully. We have            activities.
thoughtfully chosen several idyllic spots for
the perfect picnic on our beautiful 1,000-
acre Estate. We’ll pack up the most perfect
picnics for you to enjoy and leave you to it.

Managers Spotlight

Margaret McCague

in each edition of our newsletter,
we feature one of our amazingly talented
 and hardworking managers. This month
 we are delighted to feature Margaret
 McCague for our Q&A session.

What is your name?                            What do you like to do when you are not
Margaret McCague.                             working?
                                              I love being a mother to my two
Where are you from?
                                              children and I enjoy going to the gym for
Kilrush, Co. Clare.
                                              my head space!
What is your title at Castle Leslie Estate?
                                              What is a fun fact about you many people
Accommodation Manager.
                                              may not know?
How long have you been working at             I am a twin. Oh! And I can touch my toes
Castle Leslie Estate?                         with my palms flat on the floor!
11 years. I started in April 2010.
                                              Where is your favourite place in the world?
What does your job entail?                    San Francisco, USA.
Managing a team to focus on the
                                              What is your motto or personal mantra?
cleanliness of all areas within The Lodge,
                                              Always be kind and be yourself.
The Castle and The Old Stable Mews
accommodation on the estate.                  Three words to best describe you:
                                              Efficient, practical good-natured.
What do you like most about your job?
I love the diversity it brings. We are not    What is the one thing, you cannot live
like a traditional hotel where all of our     without?
accommodation is under one roof. We           Lip gloss!
have three difference accommodation
                                              If you could have any superpower,
types, so the different areas all have very
                                              what would it be?
different needs.
                                              To fly!

                                              What is your favourite thing on the menu
                                              at Castle Leslie Estate?
                                              The Risotto- it is incredible!

Castle Leslie Estate, Glaslough,
Co. Monaghan, Ireland
tel: +353 47 88 100
email: info@castleleslie.com
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