53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week

Page created by Sharon Jordan
53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
May 6, 2022 - Edition #539                                                    Twilight in Weirs Beach
                                                                    (photo compliments of Harbor Lane Photography)

                                           This week marks the                            Welcome to
                                         53rd Annual Professional                        Laconia Links!
                                          Municipal Clerks’ Week                            We hope you enjoy this
                                                                                          issue of our weekly e-mail
                                                                                         newsletter created to keep
                                                                                           you up to date on City of
                                                                                        Laconia news and activities.
                                                                                       If you would like the newslet-
                                                                                         ter sent to your email each
                                                                                        Friday, or if you have chang-
                                                                                       es to your email subscription,
                                                                                       please call the City Manager’s
                                                                                         office at (603) 527-1270 or
                                                                                                  email us at

 We are proud of each and every one of our City employees! Over the
 past couple of years they have all worked especially hard under unusual
 and difficult circumstances to keep our customers and staff safe while still
 continuing to provide necessary services to our community.

 May 1 through May 7, 2022 marks the dates of the 53rd Annual Profes-
 sional Municipal Clerks’ Week, a time for reflection on the importance of
 the City Clerk’s office in our City.

 Please join us in congratulating and thanking our City Clerk’s Office staff
 for their professional and friendly service!

 Shown left to right, above: City Clerk Katie Gargano, Annie Baker, Deputy City
 Clerk Stacy Anders, Hilary Young and Lori Gardiner

For general information: (603) 527-1270                 www.laconianh.gov                           Page -1-
53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Growing a Pollinator Garden
                                                                              May 12, 2022, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
                                                                 Join UNH Extension Master Gardener, Donna Miller, to
                                                                 learn how to grow your own pollinator garden. Insects
                                                                 such as bees and butterflies are helpful, and in some
                                                                 cases, essential, in pollinating many of our food crops
                                                                 such as apples, berries, and vegetables. In recent
                                                                 years, there has been a significant decline in the popu-
                                                                 lations of these wild pollinators. Planting patches of
                                                                 flowers, wildflowers, grasses, shrubs, and flowering
                                     trees with an emphasis on the use of native plants can encourage and support
                                     natural pollinators as well as enhance backyard landscapes. Recommendations
                                     for creating a pollinator habitat in your yard will be provided. Donna is an
                                     Advanced Master Gardener, specializing in pollinators. Sign-up is required,
   Preschool Storytimes!             as capacity is limited to 28 people.
    May 11, 2022, 10 - 11 am.
    May 12, 2022, 10 - 11 am.                                      Our Squam Lakes Science Center library pass is
   Join Jamie for fun stories,                                         available for reservation (details: https://
  songs, activities, and crafts                                 www.laconianh.gov/476/Squam-Lakes-Natural-Science
each week. For kids birth - age                                  -Center). Each pass allows up to four trail admis-
6, in the Selig Storytime Room.                                 sions for $10 each every day from May 1 thru Nov. 1.
                                                                   Call, email, or text the library to reserve a pass!
                                                                          Phone: 524-4775, Text: 556-4666,
                                                                            Email: info@laconialibrary.org.
                                                                         Only one pass is available per day.

                                     Drop-In Tech                                                       Kids and Teens
                                       Help with                                                              Craft:
                                         Shayla                                                           Fluffy Slime
                                     May 11, 2022,                                                       May 13, 2022,
                                      2 - 3:30 PM                                                         3 - 4:30 PM
                                                                                                       Create colorful fluff.
   Teen Game: Dungeons and                                                                               For youth of all
    Dragons for New Players            Come to the Volpe room to have                                      ages in the
    May 10, 2022, 3 - 6:00 PM         your basic computer and electronic                                   auditorium.
Learn to play the world's great-         device questions answered
est roleplaying game with a                      by a librarian!
short introductory session for
teens ages 13 to 18! This short
session, held in the auditorium,                                        Mystery Book Club: “Wife of the Gods”
will walk new players through an                                            May 11, 2022, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
exciting scenario geared to-                                   Join us for an afternoon discussion of "Wife of the Gods"
wards beginners, featuring all                                 by Kwei Quartey. In a shady grove outside the small town
the elements of a classic D&D                                  of Ketanu, in Ghana, a young woman—a promising medi-
adventure. All materials are pro-                              cal student—has been found dead under suspicious
vided, including pre-prepared                                  circumstances. Inspector Dawson is fluent in Ketanu’s
characters, dice, and rulebooks.                               indigenous language, so he’s the right man for the job,
Space is limited, so sign-up is                                but the local police are less than thrilled with an outsider’s
required. Call, email, or text the    interference. Sign-up is required, as capacity is limited to 28 people. Books are
library to sign up! Phone: (603)      available at the Front Desk. Call, email, or text the library to sign up: Phone: 524-
524-4775, Text: (603) 556-4666,       4775, Text: 556-4666, Email: info@laconialibrary.org
Email: info@laconialibrary.org.

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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Curbside recycling will
be picked up the week of
         May 9!

 Please note that glass
   may now be put in
  with your recycling.

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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Please note that all outside burning requires a written permit.
                                  Receiving a permit by phone is not allowed.

Outside burning permits can be obtained at the Laconia Central Fire Station on North Main Street, or the
Weirs Fire Station on Lucerne Ave.

To receive a permit, you must be the property owner, or have a Non-Property Owner Authorization Form
signed by the owner.

For a seasonal camp fire/cooking fire, you must have a 25 foot clearance from any structure or property line,
and a 50 foot clearance is required for burning a brush pile. The permittee must also have a hose or other
way to control and/or extinguish the fire. A full list of rules are available when the permit is received.

Call the Fire Department at 603-524-6881 for more information.

                                Thank you for your cooperation!

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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Steve Loughlin, a Director at the
  Kiwanis Club of Laconia, NH,
    has provided a link to the
Kiwanis Bulletin for their special
    meeting of April 19, 2022.
The meeting was a tribute to the
 Laconia High School Key Club
     members and advisors.
 Click here to read this special
 edition of the Kiwanis Kronikle!


                            The Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce invites local businesses and
                          community members to gather with the Chamber and City of Laconia officials
                                    in a planning forum for the 2022 NH Pumpkin Festival.

                               The meeting will be held Tuesday, May 10, at 5:30 p.m. at the Colonial
                            Theatre, 617 Main St. The Lakes Region Chamber will highlight the festival
                          plans, outline the geographic footprint, propose street closures, confirm festival
                           attractions, identify fundraising goals, seek volunteers and engage in positive
                            discussions. This year's NH Pumpkin Festival will take place on Saturday,
                          October 29, in downtown Laconia. Do your part to ensure that this awesome
                                            family friendly event continues here in Laconia!

                      Lakes Region’s only American Football & Cheer League Association

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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Click here to visit
  the Festival’s

                      Welcome Back to the Laconia Multicultural
                                 Festival in 2022!

                       The 20th Multicultural Festival will be held September
                       10, 2022. The Festival, held in Rotary Park, highlights
                       the music, arts, crafts and cuisine of our diverse com-
                        munity from our earliest days to recently arrived New
                      Americans. The Festival was conceived and is support-
                      ed by the Laconia Human Relations Committee, as well
                          as many local business and personal sponsors.

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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Temple B’nai Israel of Laconia
                                                               We Care Continues the Mission
                                                                  Saturday, May 28, 2022

                                                           Summer is almost here, and you will want to kick-off
                                                           the season on Memorial Day Weekend, Saturday,
                                                           May 28, at the Inter-Lakes High School Auditorium
                                                           in Meredith. The Jersey Tenors will take the stage
                                                           at 7:30 p.m. and create an explosive musical experi-
                                                           ence performing iconic opera classics along with
                                                           tributes to rock n’ roll industry greats such as
                                                           Queen, Journey, and Elton John. As if that isn’t
                                                           enough these four charming “wise guys” will pay
                                                           homage to the songs of their New Jersey brethren,
                                                           Bruce Springsteen, Frank Sinatra, and Frankie Valli
                                                           and the Four Seasons, just to name a few. Listen to
                                                           a preview (https://tbinh.org/we-care/) of this extraor-
                                                           dinary group and you will want to be there when
                                                           they raise the roof with their powerful voices, for one
                                                           night only in the Lakes Region. Tickets are availa-
                                                           ble on the TBI website, (www.tbinh.org) $40 per
                                                           person for general admission seating. The doors will
                                                           open at 7:00 p.m.

                                                           We Care of Temple B’nai Israel has been “Lending
                                                           a Helping Hand to Lakes Region Non-Profits” since
                                                           2013. The Jersey Tenors concert will benefit Inter-
                                                           lakes Community Caregivers, thus continuing We
                                                           Care’s dedication to build bonds with partners in the
community. Interlakes Community Caregivers, Inc, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, provides vital services and
resources in the Lakes Region communities of Center Harbor, Moultonborough, Meredith, and Sandwich to
people from different cultural and economic backgrounds, people of all ages and abilities, and to those who
may be isolated and in need of companionship. Volunteers drive people in their own vehicles to local and long-
distance medical facilities, help with grocery shopping, and running errands, all free of charge. It has been
shown time and time again, that no matter what walk of life people come from, showing kindness and support-
ing their local communities to help others in need has an incredible positive impact on their lives and the lives
around them. To find out more visit their website, www.interlakescares.org, call 603-253-9275, or email to

The We Care committee of Temple B’nai Israel organizes two concerts each year with the net proceeds bene-
fitting two different local non-profit organizations. We Care has been a major contributor to the Lakes Region
community with over $120,000 raised for several different agencies. The events, scheduled in May and
October, offer the selected nonprofit agency a ready-made fundraiser which includes the talent, the venue,
logistics, ticket sales, and marketing and provides a spectacular night of entertainment for the community, while
both the nonprofit and the event sponsors are in the spotlight. The entire net proceeds of each concert are
returned to the selected beneficiary of the event.

We Care thanks the following event sponsors of The Jersey Tenors concert: Miracle Farms Landscaping, Audi
Nashua, and Interlakes Family Dental. These generous businesses, along with the advertisers in the TBI
Lakes Region Business Directory make it possible for We Care and Temple B’nai Israel to continue the prac-
tice of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire.

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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
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53rd Annual Professional Municipal Clerks' Week
Our sincere thanks to Warren D. Huse, the
 Laconia Historical and Museum Society,
and the Laconia Daily Sun for providing a
  glimpse into our community’s past…..

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Please see the
                                         Public Hearing
                                      Notices on this page
                                        which have been
                                        published in the
                                       Laconia Daily Sun.
                                       We will continue to
                                      provide citizens with
                                      notices of upcoming
                                      Public Hearings that
                                     may be of interest to
our community. If you have questions regarding any of the
 Public Hearings shown, please call City Hall at 603-527-
1270 and we will be happy to direct you to the appropriate
department. Thank you for staying informed about what is
             happening in City government!

                                                              During the week of May 16 - May 20
                                                               the City’s contractor will pick up an
                                                              additional10 bags of leaves during on
                                                                      your normal trash day.

                                                              All materials must be placed in paper
                                                                          compost bags.

                                                               Please note that yard waste will be
                                                                  collected by a separate truck,
                                                              not the normal trash collection truck.


                                                                          Please call the Department
                                                                               of Public Works
                                                                              at 603-528-6379.

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Visit the Colonial Theatre’s website at
                                                       www.coloniallaconia.com for more information
                                                         on these and upcoming performances.

                                                        Tickets can be purchased on the Colonial’s
                                                           website, or by calling 1-800-657-8774.

Something Rotten! takes a the stage at the Colonial
Theatre this weekend for toe tapping, thigh slapping
 fun when 16th century playwrights discover 21st
              century musical theatre.
 May 6 and 7 at 7:30pm and May 8 at 2:00pm.

              For more information:

                 Resident beach parking stickers for your vehicle are
           now available! The beach parking stickers may be purchased at
           the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall. Residents may purchase two
            stickers per household, $15 each (or $25 for two if purchased
               at the same time). Please bring your vehicle registration
                 with you at the time of purchase. There is no cost for
                          residents 65+ and/or handicapped.
               A beach parking sticker on your vehicle will allow you to
             access Bond Beach. It will also allow you to park at Endicott
              Rock parking lot at Weirs Beach for free, provided there is
              space available. (There is no free parking at this location
                              during Motorcycle Week)
                   Questions? Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at

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We have puppies!!
Do you have room for a puppy in your life?
Your next family member is waiting in our
 kennels. Puppies shouldn’t have to grow
            up in the shelter.

Check out our website for more information
 to see if you could be their loving home!

Bios on our available dogs can be found at

                  The Gail and Rodney Dyer Powerhouse Patio
                            A Community Gathering Place

                                                     The Belknap Mill is buzzing
                                                    with work these days, as we
                                                         embark on the new
                                                          Powerhouse Patio.
                                                       You can be a part of the
                                                    action by purchasing a paver
                                                        to engrave. Join us in
                                                    honoring Rod and Gail Dyer
                                                      and their dedication and
                                                            commitment to
                                                           our community.

                                                     To purchase your paver for
                                                      your family or business,
                                                         click the link below.

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Mark your calendar!
                                                             Free Dump Day for Laconia residents
                                                              is scheduled for Saturday, May 7th.

                                                            (Businesses cannot dispose of their solid
                                                                   waste for free on that day.)

                                                               Public Works highly recommends
                                                            businesses do not come to the Transfer
                                                           Station on May 7th as it will be very busy.

Residents needing assistance with unloading will need to bring help with them. We expect a large
turnout for this popular event, so be prepared to be patient as there is likely to be a longer wait time
than normal.

To help minimize wait times, the City recommends that residents use the following schedule when
coming to the Transfer Station on May 7th.

Public Works will turn away any resident who arrives later than 1 pm, so please be sure to be at the
Transfer Station before that time.

Residents who do not have dump stickers must have some form of documentation that shows they
are a Laconia resident.

Items we will accept are appliances, water heaters, furniture, beds, plumbing fixtures, bagged
leaves, demolition lumber, auto tires (limit 6 tires per customer). Items we will not accept are auto
tail pipes, mufflers, radiators, engines, batteries or hazardous waste, paints or solvents.

Residents must still pay for disposing of electronics during free dump day.

Disposal of leaves and recycling for Laconia residents is free all year. Residents do not need a
dump sticker or day pass to dispose of leaves or recycling, but must have documentation that
shows they are a Laconia resident.

For more information or for questions about what is acceptable and what is not, please call the
Department of Public Works at (603) 528-6379.

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City of Laconia                                                                        CITY OF LACONIA
  Laconia City Hall                                                                                       DIRECTORY
                                                      CITY HALL HOURS:                                  (All phone numbers below
 45 Beacon St. East                                                                                     must be preceded by 603)
 Laconia, NH 03246                                    8:30 am to 4:30 pm
www.laconianh.gov                                    Monday through Friday         Airport ......................................524-5003
                                                        (603) 527-1270                 Airport Manager - Marv Everson
                                                                                    Assessing ..............................527-1268
                                                                                      Assistant Assessor - Tara Baker
                                                                                    City Clerk ...............................527-1265
                                     ServiceLink Resource Center                      City Clerk - Katie Gargano
                                   (603) 528-6945 is the first number               City Manager..........................527-1270
                                       to call for senior services.                   City Manager - Scott Myers
                                                                                    Code Enforcement .................527-1293
                                                                                      Planning & Zoning Dir. - Dean Trefethen
                                              Stay on top of your                   Conservation ..........................527-1264
                                             Medicare Summary                         Conservation Technician Taylor Daigle
                                                                                    Finance ..................................524-3877
                                              Notices, important                      Finance Director - Glenn Smith
                                             updates, and more:                     Licensing ................................528-6331
                                                                                      Licensing - Hilary Young
                                             Sign up for an online                  Planning & Comm. Dev. .........527-1264
                                           Medicare account here!                     Planning & Zoning Dir. - Dean Trefethen
                                          It’s an easy, secure way                  Fire Dept. (Central Station) ...524-6881
                                          to access your Medicare                   Fire Dept. (Weirs Station) ......366-2229
                                                                                      Fire Chief - Kirk Beattie
                                                documents….                         Library ....................................524-4775
                                               all in one place.                      Library Director - Randy Brough
                                                                                    Parks & Recreation ................524-5046
                                                                                      Parks & Rec. Director - Amy Lovisek
                                                                                    Personnel ...............................524-3877
                                                                                      Personnel Administrator - Lindsey Allen
                                                                                    Police (Administration) ..........524-5257
                                                                                    Police (Crime Line) ................524-1717
                                                                                      Police Chief - Matthew Canfield
                                                                                    Public Works (Main Office) .......528-6379
                                                           Week of:                 Public Works (Transfer Station) 528-5822
                                                         May 9 - May 13               Public Works Director - Wes Anderson
                                                                                    Tax .........................................527-1269
                                                                                      Tax Collector - Katie Gargano
Public participation and citizen input is a vital part of City government. Below    Water .....................................524-0901
is a list of meetings scheduled for the upcoming week. As agendas become              Superintendent - Ben Crawford
available they will be posted on the City’s website. Also, printed copies of any    Welfare...................................527-1267
agenda are available in the City department in charge of a particular Board or       Welfare Technician - Cathy Raymond
Commission. You are invited and encouraged to participate in any of our
public meetings. All meetings are open to the public and are held at                           City Council Contact Info:
Laconia City Hall, Armand A. Bolduc City Council Chamber, 45 Beacon                 Mayor Andrew Hosmer .............496-2078
St. East, Laconia, NH, unless otherwise noted:                                      Bruce Cheney (Ward 1) ............491-8946
                                                                                    Robert Soucy (Ward 2) .............524-7054
Laconia Human Relations                    Laconia Putnam Fund                      Henry Lipman (Ward 3).............528-0191
Committee                                  May 10, 2022, 9:00 am,                   Mark Haynes (Ward 4) ..............524-3605
May 9, 2022, 3:30 pm                       Room 200B                                Robert Hamel (Ward 5) .............524-6360
Agenda                                     Agenda                                   Tony Felch (Ward 6) .................998-1418

City Council Budget Meeting:               Heritage Commission                                   General Council E-mail:
School Budget Presentation                 May 11, 2022, 5:00 pm                               citycouncil@laconianh.gov
May 9, 2022, 6:00 pm
                                                                                                 Visit the City’s website at:
Regular City Council Meeting                                                                        www.laconianh.gov
May 9, 2022, 7:00 pm

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