JUNE 2022 - Municipalité de Saint-Anicet
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TOWN HALL Open Monday to Thursday 335 Jules-Léger Avenue 9 am to noon and 1 pm to 4:30 pm Saint-Anicet (Québec) J0S 1M0 JUNE 2022 Crédit photo: Danielle Cluff TO REACH US Municipalité de Saint-Anicet E-mail info@stanicet.com Telephone 450 264-2555 Fax 450 264-2395 STANICET.COM
Page 2 SAINT-ANICET ECHO A word from the mayor… Dear citizens, Well, it seems as if the weather is somewhat better - finally! The Municipality is also taking up its regular routine and plans a variety of activities and events for the summer season. I invite you all to get involved and to participate in as many events as possible, this will no doubt create a feeling of community spirit. These events are the result of the hard work and efforts of community groups and the committees of the Council made up of residents and members of the personnel. A big thank you to all - so let’s show them our support together! We recognize the impact that the last years have had on people. It is imperative that we give our lives a semblance of normality. Even though life is not totally as it was, we are glad to start to bring back some of our past traditions, as well as creating new ones. Thank you for being symbols of strength and resilience. I’m anxious to see you this summer at one or many of the events that are planned in the Municipality. On a different note, but just as important, I ask you to support our local businesses, they are important for our community. "We commit ourselves to respect the principles of good governance, to work together in the best interest of the citizens of our Municipality and to discharge our responsabilities to the best of our abilities and our judgment. " My thought of the month Gino Congratulations to Ms Fannie Fournier, librarian and events planner for her nomination to the board of directors of the BIBLIO network of the Montérégie. In closing, I wish you an incredibly happy and safe summer. I hope fun will be on the agenda! YOUR COUNCILLORS Ginette Audrey Sylvie Anne-Marie Lyne Caza District # 2 Caza Tourangeau Leblanc Cardinal District # 1 District # 3 District # 4 District # 5 District # 6 NEXT COUNCIL MEETINGS: JULY 4 AND AUGUST 1, 2022 AT 7 PM SALLE DU CONSEIL SITUÉ AU 333, AVENUE JULES-LÉGER (according to governement directives.)
SAINT-ANICET ECHO Page 3 PUBLIC MEETING FOR PRIVATE ROADS Saturday, May 28, 2022, the residents of private roads were invited to a public information meeting. Since August 2019, date of the last meeting, numerous ideas were presented: the creation of a committee of private roads, polling the residents, creation of a private roads guide, it was important that the members of the committee were able to present the results of their work. More than 120 persons were present, representing 45 different private roads out of a possible 89 private roads. The meeting lasted more than two hours, a presentation was made by mayor Gino Moretti who was accompanied by Ms Ginette Caza, district 1 councillor and Mr. Denis Lévesque, managing director. Following the presentation of a recap of actions taken by the committee, as well as an overview of the private roads guide, the mayor as well as the managing director answered questions from the audience. We agreed that people appreciated the meeting and some citizens took the occasion to meet us in private for more personal situations that will need interventions, in certain cases, of the municipal administration. « I am pleased to see the participation at this meeting of more that 51% of our privated roads » mentions mayor Gino Moretti. The private roads committee is made up of the mayor, who acts as chairman, of Mssrs Claude Patenaude, Urgel Carrière, Alain Fournier, Ilan Shulman and the managing director who is secretary. In the coming months, the committee will deliberate the discussions as well as the questions raised by the people present. A new poll will be done in the fall to continue to learn the needs of the residents of private roads.
Page 4 SAINT-ANICET ECHO URGENT We are actively looking for lifeguards for the Saint-Anicet beach! To be able to offer the service this summer, we have three openings to fill. Talk about it to those around you! Tous les détails : stanicet.com/offres-demploi JOB OFFERS BEACH LIFEGUARD Training and requirements • be 17 years old or more; • be well grounded, responsible and self-sufficient; • have good communications skills; • be self disciplined; • national lifeguard and first aid qualifications. Job description • seasonal work (from June to August); • varied work schedule between 24 and 35 hours a week (days and weekends); • salary: $20.29 per hour. All interested persons can send their resumés by e-mail or in person: dg@stanicet.com or 335 Jules Léger Avenue, Saint-Anicet DAY CAMP COUNSELLER Training and requirements • Be between 16 and 30 years old • good knowledge of French and English • first aid/CPR is a plus; • have good group animation skills; • experience with 5 to 10-year-olds Job description • seasonal work (from June to August); • 40-hour week (days) • Salary: $16.00 per hour Send your resumé as well as a covering letter to uaf.reception@gmail.com
Page 5 SAINT-ANICET ECHO DEPARTMENTS REPORT Fire department A CALL TO ALL CITIZENS, Report WE NEED YOU… avril & mai 2022 The Municipality of Saint-Anicet fire department is still 3 Emergency calls recruiting for volunteer firemen and firewomen, first responders or both. 1 Mutual aid JOIN US: 6 Accidents, fires, alarms Interested persons are asked to send their resumés by mai or e-mail to the following address: 1 Nautical emergencies Municipalité de Saint-Anicet Service de sécurité incendie 335, avenue Jules-Léger 0 Varied Saint-Anicet, Québec J0S 1M0 pompiers@stanicet.com 11 Total calls Public works ATTENTION ZONES 6 AND 7 RESCHEDULES Garbage pickup for zones 6 and 7 will be rescheduled to Thursday June 23, 2022 because of the Quebec National Day holiday and Thursday June 30, 2022 because of Canada Day holiday. CONSTRUCTION WASTE SITE (PASS NUMBER MANDATORY) Each property is given, for 2022, a free pass for the construction waste site. This pass is valid for a trailer 4’x8’ or a pick-up truck container. To access this service you must call the Town Hall, send an e-mail to communication@stanicet.com or ask for it on line at Voilà! To obtain the number the pass. Open only on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 8 am to noon. GREEN WASTE SITE This site located at 4000 Neuf Road is open from Friday noon to Monday noon. This site is for branches, leaves, grass and seaweeds left in their natural state. Gabriel Trevino Director of Public works Saint-Anicet municipal garage 5001 Rute 132, Saint Anicet (Québec) J0S 1M0 Telephone: 450 264-4302 gtrevino@stanicet.com
SAINT-ANICET ECHO Page 6 Urban development WELCOME TO MARC BOUCHARD, ASSISTANT INSPECTEUR The municipal council has endorsed the recommendation of the managing director and has authorized the hiring of Mr. Marc Bouchard as assistant inspector. Mr. Bouchard started June 7, 2022 and has experience in municipal inspection, in work relations, social safety and residential evaluation. You may have seen him in the past on the municipality’s territory when he worked for one of our property evaluation firms. Welcome to the Municpality of Saint-Anicet, Marc! ANSWERING REQUESTS Please note that we are presently receiving an exceptionally large number of calls, e-mails, permit and certificate requests and others. For this reason, it is possible that the delay to answer these requests may be longer than normal. However, we are working hard to maintain a general average witing time of aroung two (2) to three (3) weeks. Be assured that we will answer you requests and will follow up. Please avoid leaving more than one message about the same thing, to maintain productivity, to maximize our resources and maintain customer service. Thank you for your patience and collaboration! I MAKE MY POOL SAFE, IT IS MY RESPONSIBILITY To answer the recommendation made by numerous coroners in the last few years and in order to reduce the risks of drowning of young children, the municipal affairs department and housing (MAMH) announced in 2021 a reinforcement of bylaws in the matter of safety for residential pools. The bylaw on the safety of residential pools will from now on apply to all pools regardless of tehir date of installation. As summe approaches, let’s remember that from onw on, all pool owners will have until July 1, 2023 to conform to the bylaw. To know more about the safety measures to follow when installing a residential pool or for an existing installation, visit quebec.ca/piscinesresidentielles. Remeber that a municipal permit is required to install a pool or to construct a fence as well as a platform or terrace that gives access to a pool. WORKS IN MIND! Don’t forget to request your permit before beginning construction. When a permit or certificate is issued, it’s because and inspector concluded that the projected work complied with municipal urban development bylaws. That’s why a permit request must include the necessary documents for this analysis and a dely is to be expected. That’s also why work cannot begin before the permit is issued, paird for and picked up. A permit is the authoriztion to contruct or to do hwat is requested and this request muct be writte, detailed, signed and paid. It is a legal procedure that can be complicated for some. We, therfore, offer a slew of information on our web site under the tab Service aux citoyens / permis. If in doubt, contact us. LICENSE FOR CAMPERS The arrival of summer starts a new camping season, to the happiness of camping enthusiasts. Of course there are some tourist attractions in our municipality where camping is permitted. However, can you set up your camping, tent-trailer or tente anywhere you want? Unfortunately , no! Using a camper, tent-trailer or RV outside a camping site is not allowed even during the holidays. However, we are now in the second year of a two-year pilot project that will allow a request for a license to use a camper at the cost of $25. This license is valid for fifteen (15) days after the date of its request. Certain conditions can apply, you can find the details on our web site (bylaw number 541). LICENSE FOR HENHOUSE IN THE WHITE ZONE We are already in the last year of our pilot project authorizing having laying hens, under certain conditions, in the residential sector of the territory of the Municipality of Saint-Anicet. The pilot project issues 25 licenses and one license can be issued per property. The pilot project allows 2 to 5 hens to be kept on a lot with a minimum area of 2,787 square metres, (29,999 square feet) where a one family home is located and used as a permanent residence located outside the agricultural zone with the condition that the owner has a license issued by the Municipality of Saint-Anicet. More conditions must be met, you can obtain all the details on the web site (bylaw number 540). Andrea Geary Urban development agent and inspector 335 Jules Léger Avenue Saint-Anicet (Québec) J0S 1MO Telephone : 450 264-2555 ext. 15
Municipalité de Saint-Anicet AVAILABLE IN FRENCH ONLY FAITS SAILLANTS DU RAPPORT FINANCIER ET DU RAPPORT DU VÉRIFICATEUR EXTERNE AU 31 DÉCEMBRE 2021 Présenté à la séance ordinaire du 6 juin 2022 Membres du conseil municipal Monsieur Gino Moretti, maire Madame Ginette Caza, conseillère district #1 Monsieur Marius Trépanier, conseiller district #2 Madame Audrey Caza, conseillère district #3 Madame Sylvie Tourangeau, conseillère district #4 Madame Anne-Marie Leblanc, conseillère district #5 Madame Lyne Cardinal, conseillère district #6
Chères Anicetoises, chers Anicetois, La Loi 122 abolit l’obliga on du maire de faire un fait rapport sur la situa on financière de la Municipalité au cours d’une séance du conseil pour adop on. En contrepar e, la Loi prévoit les mesures suivantes : Le maire doit lors de la séance ordinaire du conseil tenue en juin, faire rapport aux citoyens des faits saillants du rapport financier, du rapport du vérificateur général et du rapport du vérificateur externe. Ce rapport est diffusé sur le territoire de la Municipalité conformément aux modalités déterminées par le conseil. Nous vous présentons : Faits saillants du rapport financier 2021 Du rapport de l’auditeur indépendant ÉTATS FINANCIERS Réalisations Budget 2021 31 décembre 2021 REVENUS Fonctionnement 4 859 032 5 100 467 Investissement 300 000 1 369 108 5 159 032 6 469 575 CHARGES 5 409 935 5 441 189 Excédent (déficit) de l'exercice -250 903 1 028 386 Moins: revenus d'investissement -300 000 -1 369 108 Excédent (déficit) de fonctionnement de l'exercice avant conciliation à des fins fiscales -550 903 -340 722 Éléments de conciliation à des fins fiscales Amortissement des immobilisations 583 525 615 651 Remboursement de la dette à long terme -158 341 -153 873 Affectations: Activités d'investissement -65 000 -83 606 Excédent (déficit) accumulé 190 719 154 178 Autres éléments de conciliation 118 890 550 903 651 240 Exécent (déficit) de fonctionnement de l'exercice à des fins fiscales 0 310 518 Tout d’abord, j’ai le plaisir de vous présenter le rapport sur les faits saillants de l’exercice financier 2021. Les états financiers démontrent que nous avons dégagé un surplus de 310 518$ pour l’année 2021, résultat d’une saine ges on et d’un contrôle rigoureux des finances publiques. Ces résultats posi fs sont notamment a3ribuables au développement de
notre Municipalité et un marché immobilier très ac f qui a engendré des revenus supplémentaires en ma ère de droits de muta on. D’autre part, des économies ont été réalisées au niveau des dépenses, principalement aux ac vités de loisirs, au déneigement et aux parcs. L’année qui s’est terminée le 31 décembre 2021, les revenus de la Municipalité se sont chiffrés à 6 469 575$ alors que les charges s’élevaient à 5 441 189 $, ce qui nous a amenés à un excédent de l’exercice de 1 028 386$ avant concilia on à des fins fiscales. Une fois ce3e concilia on effectuée, nous obtenons un excédent de 310 518$. Revenus addi onnels nets de 1 310 543 $ avec des suppléments de 31 254 $ Excédent du rapport financier consolidé 307 079 $ Réduc on de la de3e à l’ensemble de la Municipalité pour 2021 de: 264 745 $ À la fin de l’exercice financier 2021, la de3e à long terme de la Municipalité était de 2 510 032 $. Incluant les revenus futurs découlant des ententes conclues avec le Gouvernement du Québec. Rapport de l’auditeur externe BCGO s.e.n.c.r.l. les états financiers consolidés donnent, dans tous les aspects significa fs, une image fidèle de la situa on financière de la Municipalité de Saint-Anicet et des organismes partenaires, ainsi que des résultats de ses ac vités, de la varia on de ses ac fs financiers nets (sa de3e ne3e) et de ses flux de trésorerie consolidés. Rapport de l’auditeur indépendant De l’avis des auditeurs, les états financiers consolidés donnent, dans tous leurs aspects significa fs, une image fidèle de la situa on financière de la Municipalité de Saint-Anicet au 31 décembre 2021 ainsi que des résultats de ses ac vités, de la varia on de ses ac fs financiers nets (de sa de3e ne3e) et de ses flux de trésorerie pour l’exercice terminé à ce3e date, conformément aux normes comptables canadiennes pour le secteur public. La firme BCGO. s.e.n.c.r.l. a été retenu pour la vérifica on obligatoire des comptes de la Municipalité, tenus par le directeur général et secrétaire-trésorière, en vertu du Code municipal de la province de Québec. Constata6ons découlant de l’audit Dans son rapport pour l’exercice qui se terminait le 31 décembre 2021, l’auditeur BCGO s.e.n.c.r.l. a relevé les faiblesses suivantes dans la concep on ou la mise en œuvre du contrôle interne à l’égard de l’informa on financière. L’opinion de l’auditeur soulève une réserve concernant l’exhaus vité des droits des carrières et sablières, puisque nous n’avons pas mis en place des mesures pour nous assurer de l’exac tude des déclara ons produites par les exploitants RÉALISATIONS 2021 Pour que la gouvernance municipale soit transparente, légi me et crédible, une organisa on municipale se doit d’informer ses citoyens de son fonc onnement et de la performance de ses différents services. Je suis heureux de saisir ce3e occasion pour fournir « les faits saillants sur la situa on financière » aux citoyens de Saint-Anicet concernant la situa on financière au 31 décembre 2021.
RÉALISATIONS 2021 Des inves ssements dynamiques pour assurer l’innova on et la sécurité de nos citoyens: • Réfec on au niveau de la voirie, Chemin Leahy entre Montée Cazaville et Cooper, une par e du Chemin de Planches et la 132e Avenue ; • Début des travaux pour le remplacement de l’éclairage de rue au DEL ; • Remplacement d’une par e des appareils de protec ons respiratoires du service de sécurité incendie ; • Créa on d’un fonds pour les infrastructures (rou ères, mobilier roulant et bâ ments municipaux). Le conseil veut con nuer d’offrir à ces citoyens une qualité de service à la hauteur de leurs a3entes. À ce moment, j'aimerais remercier tous les résidents pour leur pa ence pendant la pandémie COVID-19 et pour la par cipa on ac ve aux consignes et direc ves du gouvernement. ORIENTATIONS 2022 Le conseil municipal entend poursuivre les événements actuels tout en maintenant un entre en adéquat des routes, des bâ ments municipaux, des services d’égout et d’incendie. Ce3e année, la Municipalité met en place un service de camp de jour. Au niveau des parcs et des espaces verts, nous terminerons les travaux du Parc intergénéra onnel, et avons débuté un plan directeur pour connaître les inten ons des citoyens concernant leurs besoins en parc et espace vert. Au niveau de l’environnement, la Municipalité me3ra en place en 2023, la collecte des ma ères organiques (bac brun), tout le travail de planifica on et de séance d’informa on sera fait d’ici la fin de l’année, nous travaillons aussi à l’implanta on d’un écocentre près du garage municipal. La créa vité doit prendre une plus grande place dans notre milieu municipal, si l’on veut a3eindre nos orienta ons 2022. N’oubliez pas que la clé du succès : est notre passion pour la Municipalité de Saint-Anicet. INFORMATIONS La popula on de Saint-Anicet est de 2733 personnes selon la Gaze3e officielle du Québec pour l’année 2021. La Municipalité compte 2759 unités d’évalua on. 2021 2022 Évalua on foncière imposable 558 377 100 $ 708 464 300 $ Taux de taxe foncière générale 0,5201 $/100 $ 0,4306 $/100 $ Taxes spéciales pour le service de la 0,1857 $/100 $ 0,1690 $/100 $ de3e Taxe d’enlèvement des ordures 107,01 $ 147,13 $ CONCLUSION J’espère que la publica on de ce rapport vous perme3ra de mieux comprendre les rôles, les responsabilités de la situa on financière de votre municipalité, d’apprendre davantage sur des aspects souvent méconnus, mais tout de même indispensables à son bon fonc onnement. Une situa on que plusieurs municipalités envient. En terminant, je ens à remercier tous les membres du Conseil municipal, pour tout le temps inves et le travail accompli. Remercier notre directeur général, M. Denis Lévesque, je ens à souligner et remercier les employés municipaux pour leur travail et dévouement pour la Municipalité de Saint-Anicet. Gino MoreS, maire La Municipalité de Saint-Anicet est le paradis de la MRC du Haut-Saint-Laurent et la perle de la province, un endroit convoité pour y vivre, travailler, prendre des vacances ou sa retraite. Municipalité de Saint-Anicet – 335, avenue Jules-Léger, Saint-Anicet (Québec) J0S 1M0 – Téléphone : 450 264-2555 Télécopieur : 450 264-2395 – Courriel : info@stanicet.com – Internet : www.stanicet.com
Page 11 L’ECHO DE SAINT-ANICET HORAIRE ESTIVAL BIBLIOTHÈQUE MUNICIPALE-SCOLAIRE 28 JUIN AU 26 AOÛT HEURES D’OUVERTURE . MARDI reseaubibliomonteregie.qc.ca 13 H A 16 H stanicet.com/bibliothèque 17 H A 20 H 1547, route 132, Saint-Anicet, Québec, J0S 1M0 MERCREDI 450 264-9431 9 H 30 À 12 H biblio@stanicet.com 13 H A 17 H JEUDI Suivez-nous sur Facebook/Municipalité de Saint-Anicet 13 H A 17 H VENDREDI 13 H A 16 H SAMEDI 9 H 30 A 12 H CLUB DE LECTURE JEUNESSE FERMÉ LE 24 JUIN Cet été, soit créa f et viens découvrir l’ART ET LE 1ER JUILLET 2022 ! Les mercredis du 6 juillet au 10 août 2022 de 10 h à 11 h 30. Quelques nouveautés sur les rayons ♦Âmes animales (J.R. Dos Santos) ♦Gens du nord (Perrine Leblanc) 6 juillet 2022 Viens découvrir l’art qui voyage ! ♦Larésiliente (Micheline Duff) 13 juillet 2022 Poésie & littérature 20 juillet 2022 En avant la musique ! ♦Colla ons énergisantes 27 juillet 2022 L’art de la scène et ses métiers (Madame Labriski) (Incluant un invité surprise) 3 août 2022 Création d’une BD collective ♦Cueillirla forêt 10 août 2022 Place au spectacle ! (Gérald Le Gal) Pour les enfants de 6 à 10 ans ! Et bien plus encore! Une réservation est requise pour participer aux ateliers.
SAINT-ANICET Page 12 2022 summer events (YOU RECEIVED A FLYER BY MAIL EARLY IN JUNE) July 8 - Outdoor movie 8:30 pm, Community centre park July 16 - Circus for children (Gigi et ses 1001 tours!) 10 am (children 0 to 3), 11 am (children 4 to 7 ans) Community centre park July 29 - Movie-piano ( Roman Zavada) 8:30 pm Community centre park August 5 - Outdoor concert (Les Pops) 8 pm Community centre park August 13 - Children’s theater ( Le castelet voyageur) 10 am Community centre park August 19 - Outdoor movie 8:30 pm Community centre park August 28 - Stradivarius au cinéma (Alexandre Da Costa) 2:30 pm Community centre park BECOME A VOLUNTEER FOR MUNICIPAL EVENTS You wish to be involved in your community? You wish to meet new people? You have ideas? Register on our list of volunteers for municipal events. Throughout the year, we need your help to offer a varied and fun program to the population. We have numerous positions to fill according to your availability and the events: Please contact • Welcome Fannie Fournier, • Parking librarian and events planner • Kiosks 450 264-9431 • Setting up/Dismanting biblio@stanicet.com « If volunteering is not paid it isn’t because it’s worthless... It’s because it’s priceless » - Sherry Anderson
Page 13 SAINT-ANICET ECHO SAINT-ANICET CANAL ASSOCIATION (ACSA) – NOTIFICATION OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGA) - 2022 The Saint-Anicet Canal Association will hold its annual general meeting at the SaintAnicet Community centre (church) located at 1560 Saint-Anicet Street, Saturday, July 2, 2022 at 9 am. To participate you must be registered by confriming your presence according to the specifications and this before June 28 at 4 pm. The AGA will be to present a report on activities, results, future objectives, status of the finances as well as elections on the board of directors for seats no. 2, 4 and 6. *If a seat on the board of directors of the ACSA interests you, we ask that you send your application before June 17, 2022 by e-mail at association.canaux@gmail.com. Who can participate in this AGA ? All owners of canal side properties (voting) and/or honorary member (non-voting). If you are present at this meeting, it will be possible for you to become a member. To register to the AGA : As mentionned above, a mandatory pre-registration can be done by e-mail before June 28, 2022 at 4 pm at the following address: association.canaux@gmail.com So that your registration is valid, your e-mail must Agenda : contain the following information: • First and surname, Opening of the meeting • If necessary, the name of the business if it owns Roll call the canal side property. Reading and adoption of the agenda • The complete address of your property located Election of a chairman and a secretary for the meeting in the Municipality of Saint-Anicet. Mission • Your permanent address Actions realized (Vs. Objectives 2021-2022) • Phone number where you can be reached. Objectives 2022-2023 Election of vacant seats on the board of directors (Seats 2-4-6) Hope to see you in large numbers at the AGA! Status of finances Marie Rachel Charlebois Varia Présidente Questions Closing of the meeting ENGLISH MASS July 3, 2022 at 11 am This summer, we wish to welcome our American neighbours who, for the last two (2) years, were unable to visit us due to the border closings. Sunday mass on July 3, 2022 will be celebrated in English. A FRIENDSHIP VISIT by Mgr Noël Simard, Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 11 am mass in Saint-Anicet church.. SAINT-LAURENT PARISH
SAINT-ANICET ECHO Page 14 Some news om your Hstorical societ —SUMMER 2022 Summer is here, the pandemic is receding! The Historical society is renewing its activities and propose: • A mini market open from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm between June 25 and August 14, 2022. More than ten local producers will offer their varied products. • All summer, an exhibition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Cercle de Fermières of Saint-Anicet, in our premises. About a hundred pieces of handicrafts made through the years. • A heritage tour in the village. It is a guided tour of about 45 minutes recounting the history and architecture of the various heritage homes of Saint-Anicet. There will be many departures all summer. For the calenday, the schedule and the way to register, visit our web site or come visit us at our premises. If you know a student looking for enriching summer work, please refer them to us. Follow us on Facebook : facebook.com/ SocieteHistoriquedeSaintAnicet Or on our web site: historique-st-anicet.ca/ People of the region support CIEL After a race to the finish to respect the deadline on the offer to purchase, the Centre d’intendance écologique Latreille (CIEL) launched a fundraiser that made it possible to obtain the necessary funds to purchase the woodland of 84 hectares. Effectively, last May 24 the two representatives of CIEL, Jean-Marie Latreille and Jean-Luc Génier signed the deed to the lot located at 3116 4th Range in Godmanchester. A conservation servitude in perpetuity on that lot was included in the contract The orgnaisation wishes to thank all contributors who by their generosity and their environment consciousness permitted this addition of conservation areas to our region. CIEL now owns nearly 240 hestares of land for the conservation of our natural heritage. It’s a great biodiversity gift for future generations! Remember that the Centre d’intendance écologique Latreille is a non-profit organization whose obejective is to acquire and conserve Jean-Marie Latreille, Jean-Luc Génier, areas that have an ecological value. André Hébert and Pierre Léger on the site of the new territory last May 24th. Denise St-Germain, sec. tres. Centre d’intendance écologique Latreille (CIEL) 4985 Quesnel Sideroad, Saint-Anicet, 450-264-5860
SAINT-ANICET ECHO Page 15 MUNICIPAL TAX The 2nd tax payment was due June 15, 2022. PAYMENT CARAVANE NOTREAU Saturday July 9 from 10 am to 1 pm The Caravane will be located in the parking lot of the Town Hall to offer you water analysis at a discount price. You can get bottle ahead of time at the office of the Town Hall. HHW COLLECTION Saturday, July 23, from 8:30 am to 4 pm Municipality of Ormstown 9 Saint-Paul Street (ecocentre) Friday, August 12, from 8:30 am to 4 pm Municipality of Havelock 481 Route 203 (municipal garage) Friday, September 16, from 8:30 am to 4 pm Municipality of Sainte-Barbe 470de l’Église Road, (Town Hall) BOAT LAUNCH The boat launch located on de la Fabrique Avenue will be closed July 22, 23 2nd 24 2022 for the weekend activities. stanicet.com/evenement/evadez-vous-pres-de-chez-vous Garage sales will take place on the Saint-Anicet territory on July 22, 23, GARAGE SALES 24, 29, 30 and 31 and August 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14 2022. MUNICIPAL TAX The 3rd tax payment will be due August 15, 2022. PAYMENT 24 Bird flu Appels au total The presence of the highly infectiou bird flu H5N1 has been detected in Quebec and in Canada in wild and breeding birds. If you need information see the web page::Grippe aviaire | Gouvernement du Québec (quebec.ca). 8 feux et accidents, 15 appels d’urgence (médicale ou traumatique.) Maintaining heightened watch of rabies in raccoons in Estrie and Montérégie.et 1 divers To signal any suspect animals in all seasons, call 1 877 346-6763, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or any time at Québec.ca/rageduratonlaveur.
HERE ARE ACTIVITIES ON OFFER These activities are available CARDIO 60 + Contact: Micheline Larocque Telephone: 450 264-8246 Mon. & Wed. 9 am to 10 am 1560,Saint-Anicet Street FALUN DAFA is an ancient practise to improve body and soul. It’s a method of personal grouwth and meditation founded on the principles of authencity, wel-being, tolerance (universal characteristics) The regular practise of Falun Dala improves health, develops altruism and helps to reach inner balance. Falun Dafa is practised in more than 100 countries by people of all ages and origins. It is taught FOR FREE and can be practised alone or in a group. Free course on your computer or ipad. Register at http://www.learnfalungong.com/fr falundafa.org Saint-Anicet Tuesday 9 am (333 Jules Léger Avenue) Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Friday 12:30 pm (new schedule to be determined) Contact : Carolle Caza Telehone: 450 264-6064 or 514 973-6064 NEW DANCE The following Wednesdays: June 22, 2022; Contact: Pierrette Authote July 6 and 20 2022; Telephone: 450 377-3587 August 3, 2022. 11:30 am to 3:30 pm These activities are off for the summer BRIDGE DANCE CARDIO STEP KARATÉ CROSSFIT SAND BAG LEAGUE PLEASE CONTACT US TO PROMOTE ACTIVITIES ON OFFER TO THE CITIZENS OF SAINT-ANICET
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