July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club

Page created by Eric Quinn
July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
Lions District MD26-M6

                                                                             July/Aug 2019

Hello M6 Lions! Lion Jim and I had a wonderful time in Milan for the
Convention, although it was HOT! We were blessed to be able to visit Venice
and Verona and saw allot of history, beautiful art and breathtaking cathedrals!
As we kick off this new Lion year, I stand ready to assist you and your clubs
however I may do so. Please feel free to contact me anytime.
                                       I hope you all had a wonderful
                                       Independence Day celebration – kudos to
                                       all our district clubs who provide holiday
                                       activities within their community! I was
                                       heartbroken to learn that we lost PDG Gordon and I know we will greatly
                                       miss him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and his Lions Club
                                       for their loss. Congrats to Lions PDG Dave and Marilyn on their recent
                                       move and we wish them well getting settled in their new home. Congrats
also to Lions Dawna Skaggs and Valerie Howe for attending the Great Plains Lions Leadership, as well as Lion
Marlene and the Leos who attended the Leos Forum this past week.
International President Dr. Choi’s theme is “Service Through Diversity”. I challenge you all to seek and befriend
those individuals who are different from you. Learn from them and discover the commonalities between those
individuals and yourself – you might be surprised! And invite them into our Lion world!

We’ll have a great year - I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon! Our
first cabinet meeting will be August 24th at the Cox Hospital Foster
Auditorium at 10:00 A.M.

                                    Yours in Lionism,
                                    DG Toni Morris

                                    “It’s ShowTime! Show your Vest,
                                    Show your Service, Show You’re a

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
District 26-M6 Lions,

                                       It’s a new LION Year!!!! So far since July 1 many things have happened! A
                                       few highlights are the Council of Governors meeting was held in
                                       Warrensburg Missouri, the All-Star Football game was played, two
                                       installation of officers were conducted, and I have met some AMAZING

                                      The Council of Governors meeting is where the District Governors, First
                                      Vice District Governors, and Second Vice District Governors as well as a
few other key people come together to work on the best possible course for all of our Missouri Lions. I had the
pleasure of spending it with my fellow First Vice District Governors plotting and planning how we will support
the current group of Governors on their journey and what we hope we can accomplish together next year
when it’s our turn to SERVE! As per usual the All-Star football game was H-O-T, both the blue and gold team
played well! The Monett and Aurora Lions Clubs called on me to conduct the installation of officers for their
new year……

This was nerve wracking!! Challenge accepted and what a JOY it really was. A little treasure I will carry with me
going forward was meeting Lion Art Gray from the Aurora club. Generally it is up to the visiting “dignitary” to
mingle with the lions of the club they are visiting, this for me is a huge obstacle as my personality says “Run,
Hide…..don’t make eye contact” Insert Lion Art, he came to me! He took the lead! I learned that he has been
faithfully serving the Aurora Club since 1961, he joined the Lions when he was 27 years old, he and his wife
collect old irons they have over 200 on display in their home, he also mentioned he remembered a District
Governor who carried a stuff lion around to gather
pins on. I spent the better part of twenty minutes
listening to Lion Art, what twenty minutes that was.
I saw in Lion Art what drives us all to be lions, an
earnest beckoning from his eyes to take the lead, to
serve without constraint and recognize a need
when it appears. Lion Art recognized, on some
level, I needed him!                                           ALL Lions are welcome to come to the Lions
                                                                       District M6 Cabinet Meetings.
This year as our District Governor Toni Morris
travels throughout our district remember she may                    On August 24, 2019 we will be at the
need you more than y’all need her! Be LION ART                    Cox Hospital. The meeting will be in the
GRAY!!!!                                                              Foster Auditorium at 10:00 A.M.

Keep Roarin’ Lions,                                            This room is on the 1st floor of the hospital
1 Vice District Governor Theresa Kee                                       & by the cafeteria.
                                                                      Watch for Lions signs posted.

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
As I prepared to write my very first message as the 26-M6 2nd Vice
District Governor for our district newsletter, I was literally riding in a car
on my way to return our 10th puppy Future LeaderDog Joplyn for the
remainder of her training. I started by rereading CC Walt’s June
message, his last as our District Governor and started thinking about why
I’m a Lion. Those of you who have known me for a while know that this
all began for me with LeaderDogs for the Blind when I started raising
puppies. Seeing how these amazing dogs change lives made me realize
that I was truly a Lion at heart and that I can make a difference.

Since becoming a member of the Springfield Queen City Lions, and now the Springfield Host Lions, I have been
seeking new opportunities to serve. I am VERY much about service finding that project, no matter how small
or large, that can make an impact. If your club, or your district won’t do get involved, YOU do it anyway. Find
your own passion, your own voice and just do it.

I look forward to meeting as many Lions in 26-M6 as possible during my time as Vice District Governor. I
challenge each of you to think back and remember WHY you became a Lion. When we meet, I want to hear
about YOUR passion. As our new District Governor Toni Morris tells us “It’s Showtime!” We want to see how
you, and your club are serving your community. I look forward to serving with you, DG Toni and 1 st VDG

Lion Phyllis Krebs, 2nd VDG 26M-6

     District Constitution and Bylaws                                    USA/Canada LEO Forum

   The district constitution and bylaws have a             Lion Marlene Payne, LEO Advisor pictured with Carl
number of changes that were approved at the                   Junction LEO's Bailey & Davin in Arizona at the
  last district convention. These changes have                  USA/Canada LEO Forum on July 26, 2019!
 been incorporated into the c&bl and are now                         Serving, learning and having fun!
    available on the district website. A hearty
 THANK YOU! goes to PDG James Rosbrugh for
re-formatting the changes into the old version!
                  PCC Steve Wise

              SAVE THE DATE!!!
   The Lions M6 District Convention will be
    March 6 & 7, 2020 in Springfield, MO.
   Keep watch for more information as time
                 gets closer.

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
M6 Lions at Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute 2019
                                Lions Dawna Skaggs from Aurora and Valerie Howe from Lebanon went to the
                                Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute in Maryville, Missouri. The weekend was
                                full of leadership training and including time management, team building,
                                diversity, as well as many more. The instructors were entertaining, and the
                                classes were interactive with attendees participating in each class activity.

                                If you hold any office; this is the place to come for an overview of how to get
                                prepared. Our district sponsors 2 members each year with the cost about $200
                                each. This includes the room, food & classes. We stayed in dorm rooms and
                                lived as students for the weekend.

                            This is a great place to send anyone wanting to
                            move into a local or district office. I would ask
that all clubs send someone next year.

The guidance and training received will het you thru any issue you may have.
Please look for these too to moving up in Lionism. I have been a lion for 4
years and Valerie first year as a Lion.

Lion Valerie participated in the church service by leading the attendee’s in a
song. What a great service & was optional with non-denominational as well.

Thank you again, Lion Dawna from Aurora Lions Club

                          On July 26-28, 2019, I traveled to Maryville, Missouri to attend the Great Plains Lions
                          Leadership Institute (GPLLI) with Lions from Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska &
                          Iowa. The relationships in my group (one of 3 groups) were absolutely a bonding
                          experience with those of like minds. I also met other Lions at meals who I greatly
                          enjoyed getting to know.

                        I was so glad to learn from the instructors more about
                        how Lions is structured as well as 10 classes on
                        leadership that will help me in all of life. I believe all
                        the subjects motivated me to want to apply what I’ve
                        learned. The Lion motto “We Serve” has taken on a
new meaning since I’ve be to this training.

I want to thank the staff & my district for sponsoring me! It was so worth my
time & I think Dawna would say the same! To the red team I say, “Go Red

Thank you again, Lion Valerie from Lebanon Host Lions Club

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
LeaderDog for the Blind
Every year as I say ‘Goodbye’ to our Future LeaderDog, I try to imagine
about what this dog would mean to me if she was my way to navigate
the world. Turning in a puppy for training is an incredibly emotional
experience but getting a phone call that your puppy has been ‘career
changed’, for whatever reason, is even more emotional. So, yes, I
cried when we left Joplyn in her kennel at LeaderDog, but we hope
that in about 5 months we will be invited up to see her again and to
meet the person whose world she will change. The training staff were
very impressed with Joplyn’s calmness in the new environment and I
feel they will continue to be very impressed with her in many ways.
Show ‘em what you can do, girl!

Our tears turned to joy a bit later when we met FLD Prism, a little, 11
lb., red lab puppy. “Prism” is used figuratively to describe a new way of looking at or thinking about
something that causes you to see or understand it in a different way. She is absolutely gorgeous! She will be at
the upcoming Cabinet meeting, so if you attend you will get to meet her.

While we were in Michigan, we met with some of the Administrative staff and received some 2018-2019
statistics that I want to share with you. I will be sharing more of these at the Cabinet meeting. For the past
fiscal year, LeaderDogs for the Blind served 291 clients, 173 of these were guide dog clients. Of this number, 3
were from Missouri! I believe one is even within our District! This brings the total number here in 26-M6 to
27 active teams. Of the total number, Lions Clubs assisted 44 clients with their Leader Dog applications. I
hope our district is seeking those opportunities to serve; if you have questions regarding how to do this,
please ask.

Another interesting statistic is that of 22 Summer Campers, 1 was from Missouri. This camp is for 17-18 year-
olds, a great opportunity for these young people to fellowship with kids their own age and to experience
                                              outdoor activities they have perhaps never had due to their visual

                                           I am very proud of our district’s donation of a total of $12,111.00 to
                                           support LeaderDogs for the Blind. We have the 2nd highest total in
                                           the state of Missouri AND the only 100% district in Missouri. Thank
                                           you for YOUR support of this great organization!

                                           Lion Phyllis Krebs 2nd VDG
                                           LeaderDog Chair and Proud Puppy Raiser!

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
District M6 – Clubs News
                                 Aurora Lions Club

                                 Thanks Lion Walt for coming and giving a
                                 presentation on Lions history and providing
                                 awards, banner patches and our Guiding Lion
                                 Certificates for our new Guiding Lions.

                               •     We had three members whom completed
                               Guiding Lion training.
                               •     Lion Peggy Stone is set up at Light the
                               Night as we spread the word about
       Lionism and have two prospective members as well.
   •   Thank you to our Vice District Governor Theresa Botzow Kee for
       coming and inducting officers tonight. You were a joy to have.

                                Ava Lions Club

                                The Ava Lions Club Annual Walk/Run 2019 was June
                                22, 2019. Mayor Brrely Lofton was the race starter.
                                Ed Wittorff brought some of his cattle in & we put
                                some sunglasses on the cattle. It was a great day.
                                Thank you, Liz Kyger, for your hard work.

Branson Hollister Lions Club                                                  Branson-Hollister Lions New Melvin
District Governor Walt Hamer was present at the Branson-Hollister Lions       Jones: Lion Tammy Matney, Lion
Club & awarded the following Melvin Jones Fellowship                          Charlene Malone, Lion Lydia Malloy
                                                                              & Lion Pete Malloy
Branson-Hollister Lions Club 2019-2020 new officers: Lion Tammy
Matney, 1st Vice President. Lion Karen Strick, 2nd Vice President, Lion       Not pictured: Lions Richard &
Alice Lance, Tail Twister, Trustee Lion Ron Leggins, Lion NormaStone,         Sharron Gwin
President, Lion Howard Hawkins, Bingo Treasurer & Trustee, Lion Dwain
                                                      Basham, Treasurer,
                                                      Trustee & Lion
                                                      Tamer, Lion Tim
                                                      Reech, Past President
                                                      & Director & Lion
                                                      Anna Hawkins,

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
Carl Junction Lions Club

                           We've got fans & free water to help cool you
                           off. Special thanks to Lion Jim Groff & his
                           granddaughter Bailey visiting from Pennsylvania
                           for spending the evening with us. It was good to
                           see you again Lion Jim.

                           Lions & friends serving the community of Carl Junction doing our Adopt A Highway
                           section along Pennell St. on this hot June morning. We picked up 12 bags of trash
                           this morning. We Serve.

Christian County Lions Club

Christian County Lions Club has welcomed Lion Marilyn and PDG David Harris (New Address: 121 Oakwood
Drive Nixa, Mo 65714 - Phone number & email address is still the same) as transfers from Carl Junction Lions
Club. We are delighted! We have a new member Lion Anne, who is a friend of our newly installed president,
PDG Virginia Pojar.

   •   We are working to raise the money to buy E-Sight Glasses for Lion Jennifer Bass. On June 27 we had a
       fund-raising event at McAlister’s and raised about $1600. New member Lion Anne has donated a
       beautiful quilt for a raffle. It's in blues and will work for a king or queen bed. Ticket are $1 or 6 for $5.
       our drawing will be on September 14, which is the date for our annual run/walk. We are also working
       with PDG Kevin Cantrell to raffle a nine mm Sig Sauer handgun. Tickets are $5 or 6 for $25. The drawing
       will be at the Marshfield Lions Club truck pull September 21.
   •   Lions Margaret and Jennifer worked at the Webster County Fair to sell raffle tickets. Thank you PDG
       Kevin for setting that up.
   •   Our annual event September 14 has had a name and distance change. Although we loved the 4.417K
       concept and name, we have lengthened the route to a 5K. Hopefully that will interest some more
       serious runners. Register by August 29 to get your shirt the day of the run. The price increases by $5
       after that date.

                                ElDorado Springs Lions Club

                                ElDorado Springs picnic was July 18th through 20th. The ElDorado Springs Lions
                                Club has a concession trailer that we've used for several years and this year we
                                had seven teenagers that volunteered their help, two adults that are
                                prospective lion members and two lions from Springfield Missouri, PDG Jerry
                                and Lion Judy Young that that helped us. The volunteers helped us just like they
                                were lions. A big Thank You for all the help!

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
Forsyth Lions Club
                                                                                       Elkland Lions Club
The “Project Connect OMC” will be September 28, 2019 in the Forsyth
                                                                                 They have been busy with their
School from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Most vendors will be indoors &
                                                                                  Playdays in their horse arena.
will also have Free Haircuts, Family photos, general health and
behavioral health, social services, Free food, entertainment and much
more. This is great opportunity for the Lions to offer services to a large
group in a short time. No vendor fee but will accept donations. Let's
do this!! This was in last month’s Lions District newsletter if want
more information or contact Lion Gerry Grummons.

                                              Freistatt Lions Club

      Freistatt Lions 46th Ernte-Fest will be on Aug. 16-17 4:30-11:30 p.m. Polka bands...brat eating
  contest...chicken dance contest. German & traditional food...bingo...more info visit www.erntefest.org

                                                Hartville Lions Club

                                                Congratulations to Dan Divine he received his 50-year
                                                membership pin!

                                              •    Selling tickets for the 30 Day 30 Guns raffle in
                                              Sept. Tickets are $25 and only 1000 will be sold. Call or text Dan
                                              Divine at 417 531 3329 for tickets or information.
                                              •    Had another great truck pull last night! Good crowd, good
       food, good weather! Thanks to all the supporters and sponsors who have made this event possible for
       the last 42 years. With your support we continue to be able to make a difference in our community!
       Don’t miss out on our next Truck Pull August 3 at 7:00 pm
   •   Horse show August 17 at 7:00 pm

Kimberling City Lions Club
                                                                                      Louisburg Lions Club
Christmas in July with registering now for their 2019 Christmas
Parade “Christmas Stories” theme on Sat, December 7th, 2019                  129th Annual Louisburg Picnic was July
starting at 10:00 am. This year they are improving the parade with           18-20. They had rides, music, cloggers
a new route, adding award ceremony, visit Santa & enjoy Hot                   & Irish dancers, bingo, & food. Just a
Cocoa & Cookies. For more information check out their Facebook                  great time with family & friends.
page at https://www.facebook.com/kcmolions/                                      Make plans to come next year!

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
Lebanon Host Lions Club                                                 Pictured left to right is Judy Kile, Executive
                                                                        Director at COPE, Lebanon Host Lions
We have our annual Don Hawkins Memorial Golf-Tournament                 Teresa Steward, Chuck Dunn, Debbie
fundraising activity scheduled for Friday, August 16th. See flyer       Cantrell & Tom Watkins.
on down.

   •   Lebanon Host Lions held a Build a Bear event and built
       100 Bears! It took Lions and Friends about 3 hours to get
       all the Bears built. Lions donated 50 Bears to Mercy
       Pediatric Cancer Unit and 50 Bears to COPE Domestic
       Violence Shelter & Resource Center. Last year Lebanon
       Host Lions donated 50 Build a Bears to COPE also. The
                           Advocates said there are no words to
                           express what the smiles mean when
                           they give a Bear to a child entering the
                           Shelter. Often, they arrive with
                           nothing and the Bears are a great comfort. Lebanon Host Lions are proud to
                           consistently support the efforts of COPE and their world-wide motto, We Serve.
                           • LHLC sorted approximately **1,500** pairs of glasses tonight at the Laclede
                           County Library!! Whew! Thank you, LEBANON, for the donations! These will be used
                           for eyeglass mission trips Respectacle.com for those in need!!

PDG Kevin Cantrell              Marshfield Lions Club
shows his granddaughter
                                Marshfield Lions Club had a very successful week at the Webster County Fair in
Rayah the "ropes" at the
                                July with events of rodeo, fireworks, truck pull & demolition derby & rides. The
                                members earned $3,100 by working the admission gates. The Club turned
                                around and donated $1,000 back to the Fair Board as part of a ten-year $10,000
                                commitment to support building new bleachers.

                                •      September 14 – Assist with a fundraiser Fish fry with the Christian County
                                •      September 15 – Marshfield Lions golf tournament at Whispering Oaks
                                Golf Course.
                                •      September 21 – Truck pull at the Webster County Fairgrounds.

Miller Lions Club

Miller Lions Club Tractor Pull is August 10 at the Lions Field in Miller 7:00 pm Supporting Lions Charities

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July/Aug 2019 - M6 Lions Club
Monett Lions Club                                              Julie Watkey-Bishoff and
                                                                                      Karen Hamer take a
                  Monett-Purdy Habitat for Humanity workers and Monett
                                                                                  moment to swig lemonade
                  Lions teamed their time and talents last Saturday to put
                                                                                   during Monett Lions 69th
                  finishing touches on the floor of another Habitat home.
                                                                                     Annual Chicken BBQ
                  Local Lion Member Robbie Davis braved the July heat to
                                                                                 fundraiser on July 4th. 1500
                  make progress on floor decking so wall framing can soon
                                                                                  tasty meals were served to
                  start on the latest Habitat structure located on Logan
                                                                                         hungry locals.
                  Street. As well as contributing their labor skills, Monett
                  Lions also provided a tasty noon meal for all
volunteers. Monett Lions are committed to enacting their motto of “We
serve” through numerous projects which contribute to the betterment of
their community.

   •   Monett Police National Night Out, Jerry Hall Downtown Pavilion,
       6:00-9:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 6th. Lions Alert Trailer on display,
       cold drinks provided.
   •   Community Kitchen, First United Methodist Church, August 16, 4:00

                                   Mountain Grove Lions Club

                                   What a terrific day at the 20th year of the Lake Freebird Triathlon. Thank
                                   you to all of the Mtn Grove Lions members who helped out: Marie Hicks,
                                   Sharon and Mike Elam, Teresa Stout, Webb Howerton, Ray and Sandy
                                   Richey, Brenda Clark, Elaine Johnson, Shawna Plummer, Lynn Johns, Dustin
                                   Hawkins. (Lion Sharon is hard at work recording times for the race)

   •   Toots the Train is up and ready to take kiddos for free rides at           Neosho Lions Club
       numerous festivals in town.
                                                                          Congratulations to Larry Swift on his
   •   Starting to schedule free vision and hearing for the schools.
                                                                                 Melvin Jones Award.
   •   Just completed another free CPR training for the community.

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Seymour Lions Club

Miranda Simpson (Daughter of Lions Brad & Cathy Simpson) & Future
Leader Dog Joplyn are at Leader Dogs for the Blind in Michigan with Phil
& Phyllis Krebs on July 24-28, 2019. They're at the brick that LD puts on
their sidewalk for certain amount of donations. The Seymour Lions Club
"Zumba for Sight" fundraiser raised $500 in 2018.

   •   Mark your calendar for the next bloodmobile in Seymour
       sponsored by the Seymour Lions Club. Monday, Aug. 5, 2019 at
       the United Methodist Church in Seymour from 2:00-7:00 pm.

                            Springfield Host Lions Club

                              Springfield Host Lions completed their service project of collecting 500 pounds of
                              recyclable plastic for the Trex Corporation. We await the arrival of our bench from
                              Trex which will find its place in our community. We thank Trex for this awesome
                              opportunity! We also are grateful for our local
                              HyVee store for partnering with us and accepting
                              all this stuff. We thank the many Lions and Lions-
                              yet-to-be for their participation, we couldn’t have
done it without you, and in just 5 months! Lastly, I thank Lion Jim Wilson, Lion
Jerry Young and Lion Larry Oliver, oh, and FLD Joplyn, for meeting me at
HyVee this am for the photo op. The collection of pictures shows what 500
pounds of plastic looks like! It’s a lot (More pictures on their Facebook page)!

                                    70th year at the Ozark Empire Fair
    The Springfield Lions Club are finishing up the 2019 Lions Duck Pond at the Ozark Empire Fair Starting
  July 25 – August 3, 2019 with this year celebrating their 70th year at the Ozark Empire Fair with the Duck
   Pond! This is their club's largest fundraiser that will involve Lions from several clubs who help. Thanks
                            to all friends, family and Lions who make this possible!

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Missouri Lions Clubs News:
The deadline for the next edition of the Missouri Lion will be August 10th. I have changed this deadline so
everyone has time to send any articles that will benefit the Missouri Lions. Please send information to: PDG
Ann Anderson at Anderson@centurytel.net. The August issue will be published on the Missouri Lions

Thank you!
PDG Ann Anderson, Missouri Lion Editor

98th Annual Missouri Lions State Convention:

Will be at the Margaritaville Lake Resort (494 Tan-Tar-A Estate Drive) at Osage
Beach, Mo on April 16-19, 2020. Lions Clubs International Vice President
Haynes N. Townsend will be our special guest this year!

Cost for State convention is for Full registration $77.25, Registration and lunch
$ 51.50, Registration and dinner $61.80, Or Registration only $30.90. Leo
registration $20.60. Late fee after 3/15/19 will be $10.30. (Hotel not included
in price.)

Friday Night Hospitality Party - Join us for a Garden Party Friday night as we
celebrate Singapore as a Garden City. Lions start planning what type of hat
and outfit you will wear. We will have a district and state outfit contest benefitting LCIF along with having a
silent auction

Leo Rally - The state convention will include Leo events and service projects. The events will be planned by our
Leo clubs for their members. For more information check back on the state convention website for these
events for 13-18 year old.

Pediatric Service Project - We will be collecting items for Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Columbia. Items
needed: Books for Babies, stuffed animals, games, birthday balloons, party hats, birthday plates and napkins,
treats and toys. The district who brings the most items will be our VIP’s for the weekend. More information of
details of the contest will be on our website in 2020.

For more information and to register go to: http://missourilions.org/2020-convention/

                                     Thank you for sending in your articles & flyers for this
                                   month’s District M6 Newsletter!! You may keep sending in
                                      your next upcoming articles till Aug 23, 2019 for the
                                   Sept 2019 newsletter. Great job posting your information
                                          on your Facebook pages too, Looks GREAT!!

   It’s Showtime in MD 26– M6                              July 2019                                    Page 12
Lions events from town clubs, district, state, & international.
                 Have I missed an event???? If so e-mail me at molionsm6@yahoo.com.

August 2019:
3 = Carl Junction Lions Breakfast - 7-10 am, at the Carl Junction Community Center, $6.00 adults.
3 = Hartville Lions – Truck Pull, 7 pm
5 = Seymour Lions sponsoring Community Blood Center of the Ozarks, United Methodist Church, 2-7 pm.
6 = Monett Lions Club – Providing cold drinks for the Monett Police National Night Out.
10 = Miller Lions – Tractor Pull, Lions Field, 7:00 pm
10 = Deadline for articles in the Missouri Lions Newsletter.
9-11 = Leader Dog VDG Visit – Rochester, Michigan
16 = Branson/Hollister Lions – Black Light Bash Bingo, Proceeds benefit Hollister School Handicap
Playground Equipment.
16 = Monett Lions – Community Kitchen at 1st United Methodist Church, 4 pm.
16 Lebanon Host Lions – Don Hawkins Memorial Golf Tournament, Marshfield, Mo
16-17 = Freistatt Lions – Ernte-Fest
17 = Hartville Lions – Horse Show, 7 pm
23 = Deadline for articles for the District M6 Newsletter.
24 = M6 Cabinet Meeting -Cox Hospital Foster Auditorium, 10:00 AM
28-31 = Miller Lions – Miller 69th Fall Festival

September 2019:
1-30 = Hartville Lions – 30 Guns in 30 Days Raffle
6-7 = Mid-South Board Meeting – Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis
12-14 = Seymour Lions – Apple Festival – Concession Stand
14 = Christian County – 5K Run & Walk, 9 am - noon
15 = Marshfield Lions – Golf tournament, Whispering Oaks Golf Club, Marshfield, MO
19-21 = USA/Canada Forum – Spokane, Washington
21 = Marshfield Lions - Truck Pull, Webster county fairgrounds
28 = Forsyth Lions – Project Connect OMC at Forsyth School 10 am – 2 pm.

October 2019:
26 = Council of Governors Meeting – Sikeston, MO

November 2019:
15-16 = Mid-South Board Meeting – Hamilton Eye Institute, Memphis

                       Check out our district website for links & flyers
                 for more information on the above events at molionsm6.org.

 It’s Showtime in MD 26– M6                           July 2019                               Page 13
Past District Governor’s Meeting
Seymour Lions Club sponsored the PDG
meeting in Seymour, Mo on July 12, 2019.
Thank you for the yummy "Picnic" dinner!
Special guest tonight with PDG'S Kevin &
Debbie Cantrell was Lion Jim & Bailey (his
granddaughter) Groff from Christians,
PDG Debbie presented Lion Jim with the
International President's Service Certificate
for all his work during the Joplin tornado.

Susan Moore is the teacher we sponsored &
she got to meet Bailey while they were in
town. Both their names is on the stone
outside of Irving School in Joplin, Mo.

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