January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club

Page created by Paul Norris
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
January 2018

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE              1
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
Dana West Yacht Club
                                                                                                        By GEORGE BLOOMFIELD
George Bloomfield           Brendan Dalrymple           Barbara Morand
Commodore                   Director                    Officer of the Day Coord.
949-922-5627                949-275-0200                949-498-6622
commodore@dwyc.org          bdalrymple@dwyc.org         barbara@vmorand.com

Alex Gelman                 Mike Darmody                George Bloomfield           Welcome to 2018. I see a great year ahead for the club,
Vice Commodore              Director                    Web Master
714-329-3240                949-532-6165                949-922-5627                our members and our community. To Ed and Mindy
vicecommodore@dwyc.org      bdarmody@dwyc.org           webmaster@dwyc.org          Sicard – thank you for providing so many reasons and
Tamara Tatich               Carlos Rey                  Bob Kelly                   opportunities to “Celebrate Good Times” in 2017, and
Rear Commodore              Director                    Club Historian
714-436-2899                714-321-4111                838-356-7620                boy did we. Thanks to Alex and Peggy Gelman for their
rearcommodore@dwyc.org      crey@dwyc.org               bkseawolf@cox.net           creativity and devotion to exceeding our financial

Hydee Riggs                                                                         targets. Thank you to our 2017 Board of Directors for
Fleet Captain               2018 COMMITTEES             2018 ISLANDERS
714-813-3678                                            			                         your commitment to excellence in guiding our club well
fleet@dwyc.org              Ray Bell                    Mindy Sicard                throughout the year. And, THANK YOU to all of you, our
                            Dock Master                 President
Jan Casteel                 949-488-3011                949-412-2276                wonderful members, for your overwhelming support,
Port Captain                dockmaster@dwyc.org         melindasicard@gmail.com
                                                                                    laughter and patronage. Let’s keep it going in 2018 as we
port@dwyc.org               Roger Salway                Diane Hooper                enjoy our theme “The Art of Adventure”!
                            Race Chairman               Vice President
Ed Sicard                   949-767-7995                949-230-6112
Jr Staff Commodore          race@dwyc.org               hoopster10@cox.net          At our November meeting, Alex Gelman, Vice Commodore;
jrstaffcommodore@dwyc.org   Ted Olsen                   Kathie Bloomfield           Tamara Tatich, Rear Commodore; Hydee Riggs, Fleet
			                         Juniors Chairman            Secretary
Cliff Fellows               714-746-1596                949-922-5628                Captain were voted in. The remaining open seats will be
Treasurer                   juniors@dwyc.org            info@bloomfieldgroup.com    filled at our December meeting. All will be listed in the
treasurer@dwyc.org          Julie D’Urso                Jan Pritchard               February Lines&Bits. Many thanks to the 2018 Board and
                            Newsletter Editor           Treasurer
                            949-370-0171                949-291-8281
                                                                                    Staff for bringing your enthusiastic and constructive best
Cheryl Kelly
Secretary                   editor@dwyc.org             janpritchard@cox.net        throughout the coming year.
secretary@dwyc.org          Black Diamond               Marinell Darmody
                            Print Center - Stacey       Historian                   Our Commodore’s Ball will return to Bella Collina on
Judge Advocate		            Newsletter Design & Print   949-374-4553
                            949-713-2236                mdarmody@cox.net            January 20th starting at 6:00. If you have not yet received
2018 DIRECTORS		                                        Molly Dearing               your invite, please let me or Barbara Morand know ASAP. If
                            Paul Musico                 Advisor                     you’re not able to attend, please send the enclosed RSVP
Barbara Morand              Newsletter Advertising      949-842-4928
Director                    949-661-1185                molly.dearing@yahoo.com     card and be sure to include your name. Kathie and I look
949-498-6622                admin@dwyc.org
                                                                                    forward to seeing you there! Dress is formal (optional). …
                            Austin Peay                                             And the “Art of Adventure” begins.
Leigh Ann Pack              Chaplain
Director                    949-495-2093
949-275-0200                chaplain@dwyc.org                                       Our first General Membership meeting of 2018 is Sunday,
                            Cheryl Kelly                                            January 28th starting at 11:30 sharp. Please attend to
Brian Randall               Health & Happiness
Director                    949-374-2795                                            learn what we have in mind for the year. Your ideas and
619-933-6209                scribe1128@yahoo.com                                    feedback are important and very much appreciated.
                                                                                    Arrive early for a delicious breakfast beginning at 9:00 am.

                                                                                    Our 10-day Commodore’s Cruise to Tahiti aboard the Paul
                                                                                    Gauguin sets sail July 18. If you haven’t yet reserved a
                                                                                    cabin, if you’d like to arrange a couple extra days ashore
                                                                                    or if you have other questions, please contact Pam
                                                                                    Northcott or me soon.
                         Cover photo by Bob Kelly

 1                                                                                                                          DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
                                                                               By ALEX GELMAN

Our regular Board meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each           For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
month, starting at 7:00 PM sharp. All regular meetings
                                                                     And next year’s words await another voice.
are open to our members. PLEASE watch your eBlasts for
information about parties, cruises and other important        And to make an end is to make a beginning.
events we have planned. If you aren’t getting the eBlasts,   					                            ~T.S. ELLIOT
rather than calling or telling someone, please email the
office and give them the correct email address. If you       Peggy and I are grateful for the friends we made as Rear
                                                             Commodore in 2017. We thank each and every member
have a new email or have ever “opted out” of our eBlasts
                                                             for the gift of acting as your Vice Commodore for 2018.
in the past, this may be the problem. We need your help
                                                             We are excited and grateful. My goal is to be part of a
and patience in correcting and confirming your address
                                                             management team that helps grow this million-dollar
for you to receive important club information.
                                                             business. It is serious business and requires volunteer
                                                             “fuel” to accomplish the tasks that are there now and will
Don’t forget, if you have a compliment, a concern or a       be there tomorrow so that we can grow this club without
complaint, the Suggestion Box is at the front door. Please   unduly affecting our members’ pocketbooks either with
print clearly and include your name and member number        additional dues or increase in prices for their enjoyment.
or they won’t be read. Let “The Art of Adventure” begin!
                                                             I would love to say we have all the people we need for our
                                                             membership and marketing committees. WE DON’T. We
                                                             have a goal for the year of decreasing the loss of members
                                                             and a net increase of membership. We will accomplish
                                                             that goal, but we need help to do so. VOLUNTEER. HELP.

                                                             I feel like a Dicken’s character with a cup in his hand
                                                             whispering to the school head master “More Please” but
                                                             no doubt, we need your help. Anything the club can do
                                                             to develop and retain our image is good. To do this we
                                                             need to IMPROVE CUSTOMER LOYALTY, EVIDENCING TO
                                                             ALL OUR TECHNOLOGICAL EXPERTISE IN OPERATIONS,
                                                             CONTINUE PROVIDING THE BEST PRODUCT WE CAN AND
                                                             CREATE A MARKETING PLAN TO BRING IN MEMBERS AND
                                                             KEEP THEM HERE. That is Peggy’s and my task. The club
                                                             has done extremely well in this over the years. Our job is
                                                             to keep it going. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP CONTACT
                                                             US AT VICECOMMODORE@DWYC.ORG or find us in the
                                                             Club and let’s talk.

                                                             While I normally end with a joke, our need for your
                                                             help every day as volunteers is strong and vital. THANK
                                                             YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO ACT AS YOUR VICE
                                                             COMMODORE FOR 2018!!!

                                                             OK, can’t help it. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
                                                             Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE                                                                           2
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
Next Board
     Posting fromMeeting is January
                  Board Meeting  on16th, 2018 19th, 2017

     Next Board Meeting is January 16th, 2018
     Welcome to our new members who were approved at the December 19th, 2017, Board Meeting

     Welcome to our new members who were approved at the December 19th, 2017, Board Meeting                Length         Location       Type
     CHRIS & CATHY NESSELROAD                               BOAT OWNER              OPEN SAIL              19' 11           DW           SAIL
     DORIS FREDRIKSEN & CHRIS JONES                         BOAT OWNER              CATALINA
                                                                                       Make                 27' 9
                                                                                                           Length           DW
                                                                                                                          Location       SAIL
     CHRIS & CATHY NESSELROAD                               BOAT  OWNER
                                                            BOAT OWNER             DOMINATOR
                                                                                    OPEN SAIL                28'11
                                                                                                           19'              LH
                                                                                                                            DW          POWER
     DORIS FREDRIKSEN        CHRIS JONES                    BOAT
                                                            BOAT OWNER
                                                                   OWNER            CATALINA                27' 9           DW
                                                                                                                            DW          POWER
                           CARRIEANN MENNA                  BOAT
                                                            BOAT OWNER
                                                                   OWNER            CORONADO
                                                                                   DOMINATOR                 27'
                                                                                                             28'            DW
                                                                                                                            LH           SAIL
                  CHRISTIE ANTHONY                          BOAT
                                                            BOAT OWNER
                                                                   OWNER            CATALINA               30' 11           LB
                                                                                                                            DW           SAIL
                                                            BOAT OWNER          BOSTON    WAYLER
                                                                                    CORONADO                 22'
                                                                                                             27'          B.C.Y.C
                                                                                                                            DW          POWER
      WALT & VI GONZALES                                            BOAT OWNER             CATALINA        30' 11           LB           SAIL
      RODERICK WOODS & MARY LOU BUCK                                BOAT OWNER          BOSTON WAYLER       22'           B.C.Y.C       POWER

     See Below Applicants for Membership who Now posted for a 21 day review until next Board meeting on January 16th, 2018

      See Below Applicants for Membership who Now posted for a 21 day review until next Board meeting on January 16th, 2018
                                                                                              Make         Length       Location         Type
     SCOTT & DEBI MALONE                                                                   SKIPJACK          26'          DW            POWER
     KALIKA BOWMAN                                                                         BAYLINER
                                                                                             Make            26'
                                                                                                           Length    EMBARCADERO
                                                                                                                        Location        POWER
                  MALONE                                                                   BERTRAM
                                                                                           SKIPJACK          54'
                                                                                                             26'      DANADWPOINT       POWER
      KALIKA BOWMAN                                                                        BAYLINER          26'     EMBARCADERO        POWER
      DOUGLAS & SUSAN CHOTKEVYS                                                             BERTRAM          54'      DANA POINT        POWER
The By-Laws require that new applicants for membership                                Laws, we must have an Officer of the Day at the door,
be posted on the Bulletin Board for twenty one (21) days.                             and all guests of DWYC members must be signed in by
Any regular member may place an objection against an
    The  By-Laws  require  that new  applicants for membership    be posted on the    the Board
                                                                                   Bulletin member in our registration book before entrance. All
    for twenty one (21) days. Any regular member may place an objection against visiting yacht club members must present verification,
applicant by submitting the objection in writing to the
    Theapplicant byrequire
                     submitting  the objection in writing to the Board of Directors prior toBoard
Board   of Directors
         By-Laws         prior   to the
                           that new       nextfor
                                     applicants   Board    meeting.
                                                    membership    be posted           legibly sign our registration book and must wear a guest
                                                                            on the Bulletin
    for twenty one (21) days. Any regular member may place an objection against
                                                                                      badge, which can be found in the OD book. The OD must
    an applicant by submitting the objection in writing to the Board of Directors prior to the
Dana West Yacht Club operates as a private, non-profit                                verify individuals, by requesting them to present their
    I hope you have a chance to drop by the Club,
club. In compliance with the California State Liquor                                  card. Most members have their cards ready as they enter.
     so that I can welcome you in person. I would like you to invite your friends,
     I hopeneighbors
             you haveand  familytotodrop
                      a chance       joinby
                                            the Club,
      so that I can welcome you in person. I would like you to invite your friends,   After 5 years of editing the Lines & Bits, I have decided
      dock neighbors and family to join DWYC.
                                                                                      that I will not continue in 2018. I want to thank everyone
    (See articles for event details)                                                  who has provided articles and pictures to assist me
    JANUARY                                                                           in producing the L&B. I hope you have enjoyed the
                                                                                      product that we have created. I want to thank Stacey
    1/??      Cruise Kickoff		                 Fleet                                  from Black Diamond Print Center for her creativity in
                                                                                      actually putting each issue together. I especially want
    1/11      Social Committee                 Port
                                                                                      to thank Bob Kelly for the thousands of pictures he
    1/14      Keel Boat Challenge              Race                                   took and my husband, Rick, for making the pictures
                                                                                      even better quality. Please help Julie D’Urso who is
    1/16       Board Meeting
      REVISED 12/2017
                                               Commodore                              taking over the Lines & Bits as you have assisted me.
    1/20       Commodore’s Ball                Commodore                              She will do a great job!		           See you at the club!
      REVISED 12/2017
                                                                                      				                                 Debbie Rossback
    1/27      Installation Lunch               Islanders
    1/28      Gen. Membership Mtg Commodore

                                                                                                     MEMBERSHIP MEETING
    2/4       Superbowl Party                  Port                                           SUNDAY JANUARY 28, 2018
    2/7       BNG Meeting		                    BNG                                                   11:30 am
    2/10-11 SCYA Midwinters                    Race                                         COME EARLY FOR 9:00 AM BREAKFAST!
                                                                                               Get the latest info on club operations
    2/14      Valentine’s Dinner               Port                                                and our hopes for the future.

    2/20      Board Meeting		                  Commodore                               ALL ARE WELCOME! SEE YOU THERE!

3                                                                                                                                DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
                        By TAMARA TATICH
                                                            As you know, the “BIGGIE” for Rear Commodore is the
                                                            Ship’s Store. You may or may not know this, but I was your
                                                            weekly Specials Menu and Events email publisher last
                                                            year, and I’ve committed to continuing that role this year.
Happy New Year! The holidays are winding down about         To help you know what’s on sale, newly available products
the time this edition reaches your inbox or mailbox,        or when you can “survey the goods” at the club - you’ll
and most of the areas of responsibilities have been         start receiving a monthly Ship’s Store “Regalia” email since
or are in process of being transitioned. It’s quite an      these messages really don’t fall within what you currently
undertaking! Every committee and junior flag officer        receive. I’ll also add Ship’s Store dates and details to the
reports to one of the three senior flags; and Commodore     Club’s Online Calendar since I manage that, too.
George Bloomfield, Vice Commodore Alex Gelman and
I have been proactively working together to make sure       I’ve been penciling out other ideas and receiving
everything is covered according to our skill set. Each of   suggestions from members these last few weeks since
us currently manage or have professionally managed          the elections. Please share yours if you haven’t already,
businesses and I believe we complement one another          including items of interest and keep an eye on your inbox
nicely, making us a well-rounded team with plenty of        or check the online calendar.
goals to accomplish. I’m so excited and proud to stand
behind these two outstanding gentlemen that work so         I thank the members of Dana West Yacht Club for your
passionately and unselfishly for the benefit of our club.   continued support, and know that I will continue to serve
Trust me when I say we couldn’t afford the caliber of       you to the best of my abilities. I will also attempt to wear
talent and dedicated hours that they donate to insure we    my name badge while at the club and I invite you to tap
all have a place to call our “home away from home”. We’re   my shoulder if you prefer a chat rather than sending an
so blessed!                                                 email. Cheers to 2018!

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE                                                                         4
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
                    By HYDEE RIGGS

Happy New Year!!! I am so excited for the opportunity to         get ready to create more adventures this year!
be Fleet Captain this year and am very appreciative for all      If you have any questions or comments or just want to say
of the support I have received. While I know there is a lot      hello, please find, email or call me. Otherwise, I will see
to learn, I can promise you that I will do my very best to       you at the club and on the water!
create a fun filled cruising season.

If you didn’t know already, my husband Kevin and I grew
up boating all of our lives. We finally took the plunge and
became proud owners of a Sea Ray 280 Sundancer last
summer. She is a beauty, and is always eagerly awaiting
us to take her out on her next voyage. We are looking to
change her name to something that suits us better (and
yes, we will have a proper name changing ceremony, so
we do not defy the gods). As of now, it looks like the front
runner is “Hydee’s Fault” ... since it usually is. If you have
any suggestions, please hunt us down and let us know!

We are still in the initial stages of scheduling the events
for this year, so I don’t have many details to report as of
yet. We will have a Cruise Kick Off meeting this month
to discuss ideas and planning and hopefully find and
designate volunteers to chair the cruises. I invite anyone
who is interested in being a part of these events to please
come and join us at this meeting. Your suggestions and
participation is invaluable.

One of the Landlubbers events is scheduled already for
March 16-18 in Borrego Springs. Kevin and I are planning
to attend and are also hoping that others will part from
the sea and be “land lubbers” for a weekend. Ed Howie
and Jan Jordan are chairing this event, so please see
them if you need more information.

Last, but definitely not least, I wanted to give a huge
shout out to Tamara Tatich for doing such an excellent
job leading us through the 2017 cruising season as Fleet
Captain and helping me prepare for this year. From our
own harbor to Long Beach and Newport and over to
Isthmus, Avalon and up to Santa Barbara and beyond,
the cruises could not have been such a success without
Tamara and each and every person that chaired and
assisted. So, thank you for the fun last year and now let’s

5                                                                                                        DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
                         By JAN CASTEEL

The DWYC Social Committee is made up of volunteer         join us at our next meeting scheduled for Thursday,
members who oversee and assist in all the club’s social   January 11th at 6:00 p.m. Your help and friendship
                                                          are what makes DWYC the “Best Little Yacht Club on
events. December was a busy month. Thanks to all of
                                                          the West Coast”.
you who helped with club cleanup day!

                                                          UPCOMING EVENTS:
A good time was had by all dancing to the Don Duncan
Band when we welcomed the Seal Beach Yacht Club to        SUPERBOWL PARTY
                                                          on 2/4/18 with an appetizer contest at 2:00. Contact
the DWYC.
                                                          Debbie Rossback at 949-870-2596 with ideas,
                                                          suggestions or if you want to help.
We had fun at the Ugly Sweater Party and the Members
only part was very well attended.
                                                          VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER
                                                          with Don Duncan Band on 2/14/18
The Armed Services Dinner was fantastic and inspiring.

If you would like to help make that next event great
or have special skills that you think will help, please

                                                                                 SWEATER PARTY

                                                                                     THE CONTENDERS

                                                                                     THE WINNERS

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE                                                               6
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
More Ugly Sweaters page 11

7                DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club
"Enriching the lives of people we touch."

        We provide the full-spectrum of senior care options.
        RESIDENTIAL CARE                          HOME CARE                    HOME HEALTH                   HOSPICE
     10 Care Coordinated                        Companion Care              Nursing Services             Holistic Care Plans
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     Alzheimer's & Dementia                     24 Hour and Live-In         Wound Care
     Care                                       Medication Reminders
                                                                            To be a Hospice Volunteer:
                                                                             Contact Janice Frechette-
                  Call: 949-305-2716                                                 Artinger,
                                                                                    Director of
                  Talk to our care advisor.                                     Volunteer Services

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE                                                                                     8
January 2018 - Dana West Yacht Club

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     It's a person who helps change a
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       AARP Foundation Experience Corps OC
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                To Learn More Call:
     Janice Frechette-Artinger, Program Director

9                                   DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
                          By TED OLSEN

December was a bit busy in DWYC Junior Land. We sent               amazon.com or in other words, www.smile.amazon.com.
a sailor to Lido Isle YC for a regatta, participated in the
Parade of Lights, served at the Armed Forces Dinner and
had a couple of Open Sailing days.
                                                                   Thank you for helping your DWYC Juniors raise money.
We were invited to participate in the annual Lido Isle             Along with substantial investments in your juniors’ future,
YC “Holiday Regatta”. The regatta was held on Sunday,              we have ongoing expenses as well. Your continued
December 9th. Nate Espinoza represented DWYC and                   support is very important and so appreciated.
finished mid fleet. As always, Nate made us proud.

The Dana Point Harbor Holiday Parade theme this year
was Super Hero Holiday and DWYC Junior Entry was the
Original Holiday Super Hero, “Rudolph”. As we know, if it
hadn’t been for Rudolph on that foggy eve there wouldn’t
have been presents for all the boys and girls. I’d like to
thank Ray Bell, Brian Randall, Mark Unruh, Julie Ernest,
Adam Boyajian and Oliver Ernest for helping decorate.
Thanks to Colleen and EC Christiansen for the PA System.
Also, many thanks to the parents and juniors that sang
their hearts out on the four nights of the parade. Our
entry was awarded “Most Original Entry Under 30’. We
also were one of the three entries to win “Best Music” out
of the 70 entries. This “Best Music” award was your DWYC
Juniors singing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer acapella
as loud as they could the entire parade. Six years in a row
of awards, your juniors are the best!

Your juniors provided our members and guests their
wonderful 5 Star Service at our 21st Annual Armed Forces
Dinner. It was the juniors’ privilege and a strong life
lesson to serve our Marines. I’d like to thank Commodore
Sicard for recognizing their efforts and allowing the
juniors to serve, SC Helen Hawkins for giving the juniors
the opportunity and the members who generously gave
them tips. The juniors serving: Jr. Commodore Peyton Lee,
Jr. Vice Commodore Ben Rightmire, Jr. Rear Commodore
Anna Schwartz, Jr. Historian Andrew Schwartz, Jr.
Instructor Frankie Wright and Jr. Adam Boyajian.

Raise funds for Juniors when you shop. Amazon Smile
donates .5% of all your Amazon purchases to our
nonprofit foundation, Dana West Youth Sailing, Inc.
All you have to do is go to https://smile.amazon.com/
ch/33-0864307 and click yes. Nothing changes with your
existing Amazon account; you continue to shop as usual.
In the future, you just sign on by inserting “smile” in front of

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE                                                                              10
                   By ROGER SALWAY

Happy New Year 2018! We look forward to another
exciting year of race at DWYC.

No events to report for the month of December, but
exciting sailing outside the US. Take a look at Around the
World Volvo series. https://www.volvooceanrace.com/

Upcoming Events:
Keel Boat Junior Challenge Race - (planning stages)
			                     Sunday January 14, 2018
SCYA Midwinter – Dana West Yacht Club
			                     February 10th and 11th, 2018
Harvest Moon Race (race #2) –
			                     Friday March 2, 2018
Please continue to monitor our race calendar for any last-
minute changes. See you on the ocean.

  SCYA Midwinter-Regatta, DWYC February 10&11, 2018
                        Non-Spinnaker Races – multiple classes
                     Register on line, www.scyamidwinterregatta.org
         any questions contact Roger Salway, DWYC Race Chair, rjsalway@gmail.com

11                                                                        DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
                         By MINDY SICARD

Happy New Year! This year is going to be filled with fun              Fundraiser. We sold over 500 pounds of candy.
and adventure! Congratulations to the 2018 Islanders’               That’s a lot of cavities and who knows what else!
Board of Directors:                                                                               Look forward to our
         Molly Dearing – Advisor,                                                                  next seasonal See’s
         Diane Hooper -- Vice-President                                                            Candies fundraiser
         Jan Pritchard – Treasurer                                                                     for Valentine’s.
         Kathie Bloomfield -- Secretary
         Marinell Darmody – Historian                                                                According to our
A big thank you to Joan Limoges for                                                                        By-Laws, the
all your devotion over the past several                                                                  Islanders is an
years to the Islanders. And a big thank                                                                    organization
                                                                                                      seeking to work
                                                                                                         with the Dana
                                                                                                   West Yacht Club to
                                                                                                  promote social and
                                                                                   other activities for the enjoyment
                                                                                 of the DWYC and the Islanders. The
                                                                                    Islanders are open to any female
                                                                                member or significant other in good
                                                                                  standing of Dana West Yacht Club.

                                                                                         We also raise funds that are
                                                                                       distributed to the club for the
                                                                                       enjoyment of all its’ members.

                   Greedy Girl Gift Exchange

you to Molly Dearing for stepping up to
be our President for the third year. We
sincerely appreciate all your wisdom and

In December, we held our annual “Greedy
Girl Gift Exchange” and much fun was
had by all! There were over 60 ladies
in attendance who mixed and mingled, sipped and               Save the date. On Saturday, January 27th the Islanders
shopped. Thank you to all the vendors who donated a gift              are having their Annual Installation Luncheon.
for the raffle drawing. Thank you to Joel and his staff for          Information regarding this event will be posted
providing the delicious lunch and to Bob, the bartender,                 at the club. Please RSVP to: Mindy Sicard at
for the unlimited pours of champagne.                                  melindasicard@gmail.com or (949) 412-2276.

A big thank you to all who supported the Islanders            Looking forward to being your Islanders’ President this
                                                                year and thank you for your continued support!
during the Christmas season with our See’s Candies
33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE                                                                       12
BUSINESS                                  HEALTH
                   NETWORK                                   & HAPPINESS
                   By PATRICIA CHIKU
                                                             By DEBBIE PEAY

Welcome to 2018. The holidays are over, and I hope           Happy New Year! I hope your holidays made you
everyone had a great time. The harbor was beautifully        healthy, wealthy, and wise. Our club members know
decorated and boat parade was well presented. The hard       how to celebrate! Sandy Sullivan and family were at
work starts here for BNG because we want to start the        the family compound in Idaho for the holidays. Julie
year strong. This is the time when business owners are       D’Urso traveled to Shoreline, WA to spend Thanksgiving
recovering from the holidays and applying goals to meet      with her sister and family. The Rossbacks, Kellys, and
their 2018 resolutions. BNG has been a place to meet other   Fellows enjoyed their holidays by attending a Mannheim
business Gurus and get some referrals and network. I want    Steamroller Concert. And, finishing out the year with a
to thank everyone who has contributed to this beautiful      celebration of hard work, Marci and Vance Ruberg are
achievement. To all BNG and DWYC members thank you.          proud to celebrate their daughter, Brooke Aiau, who is
BNG will resume meetings on February 7th, 2018.              graduating from San Diego State University this month
                                                             with a BS degree in psychology. Kudos to you Brooke and
All BNG members, who wish to present their companies,        congratulations. They are also celebrating the birth of
please let me know. I encourage all members with             their third grandchild, Kekoa Mabry.
businesses to join us. Maximize your membership!
Don’t miss out! DWYC members are welcome to bring            This year’s Armed Forces dinner was a huge success. The
a non-member guest to attend any BNG event. If you           Artingers and the Peays were proud to celebrate their
know someone who wants to promote their business,            friend, guest of honor Steve Vince, a 100-year-old WWII
invite them and an RSVP is required. Guests are limited      veteran. He and his family were honored to be invited to
to 3 visits a year unless they show sincere interest in      the event. Club members and Marines from Pendleton
becoming a member.                                           all enjoyed a wonderful evening as we honored them for
                                                             their selfless service our country.
DWYC members will always be given more time and
exposure than guests. We hope to see you and your            As we closed out 2017, Laurie Pitchford had eye surgery
business minded guest at the BNG event very soon. If you     and is healing nicely. In December we said our final
are looking for any type of service, consider resources      farewell to club member, Marge Thompson. Her service
from BNG. We are members helping members.                    was held at the Fort Rosecrans Military Cemetery. The
                                                             graveside service was performed by our own chaplain,
SAVE THE DATE                                                Austin Peay.
January 2018    - No Meeting (Holiday Season)
                                                             If any Dana West Yacht Club members have some
February 7th 2018 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
                                                             health issues and or great things happening in their
			                   (speaker to be announced)
                                                             lives, like the birth of children and grandchildren,
                                                             buying a new boat, selling the boat or moving to a new
                                                             home, domestic or foreign travel, pass this news on for
                                                             inclusion here! Beginning in February, Cheryl Kelly will
                                                             be taking over Health and Happiness. It has been my
                                                             pleasure serving you and sharing in your health and
                                                             happiness over the last few years. I can’t wait to read
                                                             along with all of you the things happening in our club
                                                             members lives in 2018.
13                                                                                                 DANA WEST YACHT CLUB
33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE   14
Dana West Yacht Club
 24601 Dana Drive
 Dana Point, CA 92629

33º 27’.56 N LATITUDE • 117º 42”.01 LONGITUDE   15
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