On 3rd & 4th August 2019 - madras canine club

Page created by Terrance Harris
On 3rd & 4th August 2019 - madras canine club

            THE KODAIKANAL
            5th& 6th All Breeds Championship Dog Shows

            130th & 131st All Breeds Championship Dog Shows
            13th & 14th All Breeds Championship Dog Shows

             On 3rd & 4th August 2019
at The Kodaikanal Public School Grounds, Munjical, Kodaikanal.

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    The Kodaikanal Kennel Association : Ms. Gauri Nargolkar
    5th & 6th Ch. Dog Show		 Mr.T. Preetham

    The Madras Canine Club                 : Mr. C.V. Sudarsan
    130th & 131st Ch.Dog Show                Mrs.Yashodhara Hemchandra

    The Anaimalai Kennel Club              : Mr. Ranjeet Singh Munjal
    9th & 10th Ch. Dog Show		 Mr. Sanjit Kumar Mohanty

    Saturday – 3rd August 2019

    The Kodaikanal Kennel Association’s 5th All Breeds Ch. Show
    The Madras Canine Club’s 130th All Breeds Ch.Show
    The Anaimalai Kennel Club’s 13th All Breeds Ch.Show
                ( BENCHING 8.00 AM - JUDGING 9.00 AM Sharp )

    (Sunday) – 4th August 2019

    The Kodaikanal Kennel Association’s 6th All Breeds Ch. Show
    The Madras Canine Club’s 131st All Breeds Ch. Show
    The Anaimalai Kennel Club’s 14th All Breeds Ch. Show
            ( BENCHING 8.00 AM - JUDGING 9.00 AM Sharp )

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T   he Kodaikanal Kennel Association 5th Ch. Show and The Madras
    Canine Club’s 130th Ch. Show & Anaimalai Kennel Club’s 13th All
Breeds Championship shows would be judged simultaneously in three
separate rings on 3rd August 2019.
   Similarly the Kodaikanal Kennel Association 6th Ch. Show and The
Madras Canine Club’s 131st Ch. Show & Anaimalai Kennel Club’s 14th All
Breeds Championship shows would be judged simultaneously in three
separate rings on 4th August 2019.
ie. 23rd July 2019.
    THE ENTRY FEE is Rs 3000/- per dog for all 6 shows including
catalogue per owner. The joint Show Schedules & entry form for the
Madras Canine Club’s 130th & 131st Ch. Dog Show, The Kodaikanal
Kennel Association 5th & 6th Ch. Show & The Anaimalai Kennel Club’s
13th & 14th Ch.Show can be obtained from the Madras Canine Club’s
office and shall be sent along with the DD / CHEQUE made payable
to    “The Kodaikanal Kennel Association” and sent to Old No.51,
7th Cross Street, Shenoy Nagar West, Chennai 600 030. Phone : 044-
26260693. Mob : 9884046278.
   Email : c.v.sudar@gmail.com / secretarymcc2017@gmail.com.
   Entries can be sent through our website www.madrascanineclub.org
Show schedules & advertisement tariff are available in the website.
    50% Entry fees will now be charged for Indian Breeds. Those entering
Indian breeds will now have to pay 50% of the entry fees. i.e. Rs.1500/- for
all six shows.
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The Madras Canine Club will acknowledge receipt of the entry, but
nevertheless, it shall be the duty of the exhibitor to also ascertain that
their entries have reached “The Madras Canine Club”.
be allowed to compete in the breed class.
    CAUTION: Exhibitors should make themselves familiar with the KCI
Rules and Regulations for Shows. Exhibitors are cautioned that an entry
in the wrong Class or Breed will disqualify the exhibit automatically.
   CHALLENGE CERTIFICATE: Challenge and Reserve Challenge
Certificates will be awarded at the Six Championship Shows. All Indian
Breeds are eligible for CCs.
   PENALITY: Any willful misrepresentations regarding ownership, age,
name, pedigree, etc. of dogs entered and/or prepared for exhibition
in contravention of the KCI Regulations, will be liable for disciplinary
action by the Committee.
   Note: Dogs that are not present in the ring when their classes are
judged will be deemed to have been absent.
   OBJECTIONS: Objections will be decided by the Committee in
accordance with the KCI Regulations. The objection fee is Rs.2000/-
returnable if the objection is upheld by the Show Committee and
forfeited if the objection is rejected.
   IMPORTANT NOTICE: All dogs who have obtained 4 CCs under
4 different Judges are entitled to be called Champions provided the
dog has obtained the 4th CC after 12 months of age and irrespective
of whether a ‘Champion’ certificate has been issued to the dog or not.
    As per the latest amended rule a dog with 3 CCs entered at a
twin Show can become a ‘Champion’ in Ring 1, as soon as a 4th CC
is awarded at the first of the two shows. Contrary to the earlier rule
which has now been amended, a dog that has obtained his 4th CC at the
first of the two shows organized on the same day, the exhibit should be
continued to be shown in the same class it has been entered prior to
it becoming a Champion. Nevertheless if the dog has been entered at
subsequent shows at a later date, it is compulsory that the dog should

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be entered in the Champion Class only even though the dog may have
been entered in any other class.
    Further please note that all exhibits eligible to compete for the Best
in Show line up shall only be such exhibit that have won a BOB / RBOB
as a Champion or won a CC with BOB or RBOB. A non-champion
winning the Best of Breed without a Challenge Certificate is not eligible
to participate in the group judging or Best in Show line up. As per the
KCI directive the FCI 11 Group system will be followed, and the rule of
placing 21 dogs in the lineup will be followed. Indian breeds have been
classified as a separate group and classified as Group-11,
   Exhibitors are prohibited from wearing shirts bearing the name or
logo of their Kennel.Those contravening this rule will not be permitted
to enter the ring. Exhibitors are requested to read the definition of
classes and enter their exhibits in the correct class.
Important Notice:
    Exhibitors may note that the dog show is being held outdoors and
the Madras Canine Club (Madras Canine Club / Kodaikanal Kennel
Association /Anaimalai Kennel Club) will not be responsible for vagaries
of the weather, such excessive rain or heat. Should the show get stopped
owing to reasons beyond our control such as excessive rain or heat or
other unforeseen circumstances such as public strike, vandalism, etc., the
MCC / KKA / AKC will not hold itself responsible and will not refund the
entry fee to any exhibitor or for any financial damages or otherwise the
exhibitor may have suffered in the process.
   Exhibitors/handlers are hereby warned that any one found drinking or
drunk inside the show ground or while handling the exhibit in the show
ring will be reported to the KCI. Such persons are liable to be suspended
for a minimum period of two years and shall also be fined.
   Exhibitors to Note: Exhibitors are requested to ensure that the
microchip that has been passed on to them along with the registration
certificates is properly implanted into the dog. Dogs without microchip
will not be permitted at the show.
   As per the recent KCI directive DOUBLE HANDLING is strictly
prohibited. Such of those who resort to double handling in spite of this

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On 3rd & 4th August 2019 - madras canine club
will automatically entitle the removal of their exhibit from the show
    ENFORCEMENT & AMENDMENT OF RULES: The decision of the
Show Committee is final subject only to appeal to KCI. Should questions
arise which are not provided for in the rules the Committee’s decisions
will be final. Any breach of the Rules and/or KCI Regulations will render
the exhibitor liable to disciplinary action by the Committee. Exhibitors
are also liable for any damage done by them or their servants or their
dogs. The Committee, reserves the right to refuse or accept any entry
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
   VET-EXAMINATION: All dogs must be passed by the Honorary
Veterinary Surgeon, present at the gate and be certified fit by him
before admission.
    Exhibitors may note that apart from the existing trophies, for the
Dog of the Year, Reserve Dog of the Year, Puppy of the Year & Dog of
the Year Bred in India, & Breeder of the Year & Breeder of the Year
BI several new trophies for the various important breeds such as
Dobermann, Great Dane, Boxer, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever,
Golden Retriever, Rottweiler, Pug , Beagle, Siberian Husky & Dachshund
of the Year and the Indian Breed of the Year have now been introduced.
Points obtained at Non-Pointed & Pointed Championship shows will be
taken into account for computing the winners of these trophies.


              DOGS                                      BITCHES

    A. Minor Puppy - 4 to 6 months          G. Minor Puppy - 4 to 6 months
    B. Puppy - 7 to12 months                H. Puppy- 7 to 12 months
    C. Junior-13 to18 months                I. Junior-13 to18 months
    D. Intermediate-19 to 36 months         J. Intermediate-19 to 36 months
    E. Bred in India (Irrespective of age) K. Bred in India (Irrespective of age)
    F. Open Class (Irrespective of age)    L. Open Class (Irrespective of age)
                M. Champion class (Irrespective of sex)

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   Not be used as a name or part of the name in connection with any
Classes other than as defined therein.
a) CHAMPION CLASS is one in which all dogs that have attained their
   championship title on the day of sending the entries may compete.
b) OPEN CLASS is one in which all dogs of that breed or variety of
   breed may compete.
c) B.I. CLASS is a class in which only dogs, bred and begotten in India,
   shall be eligible, Dogs begotten abroad and born in India or on the
   voyage out, are imported, dogs under Regulations for Registrations.
d) INTERMEDIATE CLASS is one in which dogs that are 19 months of
   age and not exceeding 36 months on the first day of the show can
e) JUNIOR CLASS is one in which dogs that are 13 months of age and
   not exceeding 18 months on the first day of the show may be entered.
f) PUPPY CLASS is one in which dogs that are 7 months of age and not
   exceeding 12 months on the first day of the show be entered.
g) MINOR PUPPY CLASS is one in which dogs that are 4 months of age
   and not exceeding 6 months on the first day of the show be entered.
3. A dog imported from abroad shall be eligible to be entered in any
   class that they are eligible for.
4. A dog may be entered in Obedience Class only without being entered
   in any of its Breed Classes.
5. Special Prizes: No dog shall be eligible to compete for the special
   prize until it has been judged in its Breed Class or Classes or if it has
   been beaten in its Breed Class or Classes by another or either sex,
   eligible and compete for the special prize.
Note: Outstation exhibitors requiring Hotel accommodation may contact:

1) Hotel Woodys, 4/17/70, Convent Road, Near Fire Station, Kodaikanal.
   Contact Person: Mr. Lingam, Mob: 099943 61111.
2) Hotel Stony croft, Convent Road, Kodaikanal.
   Contact Person: Mr.Srinath, Mob: 0944430 40761.

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                            MS.GAURI NARGOLKAR

                               Gauri Nargolkar was born and raised in Pune, India. An
                           ardent dog lover, she has been involved with Great Danes
                           since 1985 and registered her prefix “Danehills” in 1988.She
                           has been handling dogs in the show ring since the age of 13
                           and has handled many of her dogs to top honours.

                                Till date, Gauri has bred 85 Indian Champions in Great
    Danes (75 Champions), GSDs, Labrador Retrievers, Boxers and Beagles.Specializing in
    Danes, in addition to her Indian Champions she has bred 7 American Champions (Co
    Bred with MsFrancette Lass, Lagarada Kennel – USA), including 2 American Grand
    Champions, 1 Phillipines Gr Chand 1 Canadian Champion who finished her title at 6 ½
    months of age.A puppy bred by her and Ms. Francette Lass, Am ChLagaradaDanehills
    Winds of Change was also Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve Winners Bitch at the Great
    Dane Club of America’s National Show in Phoenix, USA in 2011. Another co bred
    Dane BISS Am Gr ChLagaradaDanehills Star Struck Titan was the No.1 Owner
    Handled Dane in the U.S. in 2015. He was also in the Top 20 in the GDCA rankings,
    USA for two consecutive years.

       DanehillsGreat Danes have won All Breed Best in Shows 26 timesand Best in
    Specialty Show 9 times with multiple Line-ups, Best Puppy and Best in Show BI awards.

        Am Gr Ch/ Multi BIS BISS Ind Gr Ch LagaradaDanehillsStarman, a Great Dane
    owned by Gauri and co bred by Gauri and Francette Lass was Reserve Dog of the
    Year (All Breeds) and No.1 Working Dog in India in 2016-17.Starman was also BISS
    at the Great Dane Club of India’s National in 2016. His son BISS Ch Danehills Ignis
    Internum won the GDCI National in 2019.

        Danehills has won the Bhat Trophy for the Dane of the Year – Bred in India on
    five separate occasions and for Dane of the Year four times–BISS Ch Danehills Ignis
    Internum for 2018-19, Am Gr Ch/Multi Ind BIS BISS Gr ChLagaradaDanehillsStarman
    for 2015-16 and 2016-17and BIS IndChDanehills Zen Master for 2014-15.

        Gauri has also owned and bred Labrador Retrievers, GSDs, Boxers, Dobermans
    and Beagles from some of the topmost bloodlines in the world and won multiple line up
    placements with these breeds.Her home bred Labrador bitch,ChDanehillsGlorianna
    was Best in Show at the Labrador Retriever Club of India’s 5th National Show under
    Mrs Margaret Litherland (UK).

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Gauri is a Committee Member of the Kennel Club of India, founder Hon Secretary
of the Great Dane Club of India and the Pune City Canine Association, President of
the Labrador Retriever Club of India, President - GDC (West), President - Rottweiler
Association of Pune and life member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of India,the
Madras Canine Club, the Kodaikanal Kennel Association and the Poona Kennel

   Gauri is the first lady in India to qualify as a Breed Specialist judge and the first
Great Dane Specialist judge on the panel of the Kennel Club of India.

    Gauri Nargolkar hasbeen a keen sportsperson competing in Tennis and Basketball
at School and State level. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, having
graduated from Fergusson College, University of Pune.

                            MR.T PREETHAM
                           He started showing dogs at a very young age as a Junior
                       handler with Great Danes. Later on with his father he started
                       exhibiting and breeding Whippets, Labradors and German
                       Shepherds under the prefix - DILYS.

                           His Whippet “Paigahs Moon Beam was multi BIS winner.
                       His Labradors have done consistently well both at rings and
breeding. He has either exhibited and bred several other including Dobermanns, Pugs,
Fox Terriers (Smooth), Afghan Hounds.

       Some of his notable Labrador imports like Ch:Driftway Star O India,
Ch:Tullochmohr Star Performer, Ch;Tullochmohr Perfect Gent have not only won
several Best In Shows but have also helped in producing innumerable champions both
for himself and others.

    Later in 1999 he got his first Golden Retriever - Ch:Goldtreve True Spirit which
went BIS at his first major show and established his type.The dogs to follow were Aust
Ch:El Badari Star of Zwion, Ch: Tullochmohr Sheer Genuis were all highly successful in
shows and are behind many Golden Retriever that are being shown today.

    He is the founder Secretary of the Labrador Retriever Club Of India, Secretary of
the Bangalore Canine Club and President of the Karavalli Canine Club.

    He is the also the Executive Committee member of the Kennel Club of India.

     He was licensed to judge All breeds in 2014, since then he has judged in all parts
of India. He has also judged in China, New Zealand and different states of Australia. He
would be judging in few countries of Latin America in 2019.

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On 3rd & 4th August 2019 - madras canine club
                              Born in a family of dog lovers entered Canine activity three
                             decades ago and started exhibiting dogs under the prefix “Magic
                                 A keen exhibitor for the last 35 years he has exhibited his
                             dogs at almost every show in India making champions of most of
                             the dogs that he owned.
                                 C.V. Sudarsan holds the distinction of being the first exhibitor
     in India to have won all the five major trophies instituted by the Kennel Club of India
          1) The Hindu Trophy for the Dog of the Year, (thrice)
          2) The GVD Padmavathy Trophy for the Reserve Dog of the Year, (twice)
          3) The Sivaganga Trophy for the Puppy of the Year, (once)
          4) The Southern Prides Trophy for the Dog of the Year Bred in India (thrice)
          5) The Lakshmi Trophy for the Breeder of the Year. (once) Mr.Sudarsan has had the
     distinction of having judged every club show in India and has also judged in all the five
          He has judged shows at the United States, Canada, Philippines and at every state
     in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Nepal, Norway, Malaysia,
     Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Argentina, South Africa, Taiwan, Russia, Mexico, Slovakia
     Romania ,,Puerto Rico , Israel, Slovenia, Hungary, Holland, UK., Germany, Colombia, Brazil,
     Latvia and Guatamala, Luthvenia and Amsterdam. He has several more judging assignments
     in Japan, Australia, Ukraine, ,Havana, Costo Rica, Chille, Cyprus, etc.,
        Mr.Sudarsan has judged at six World dog shows in Mexico, Bratslavia, Hungary, Russia,
     Germany and Amsterdam and the European Show in Holland and the Eukanuba World
     Challenge in America.
         Mr.C.V. Sudarsan obtained his All Breeds Judging License in 1984 and has been judging
     ever since and is on the panel of the Asian Kennel Union and FCI Judges and is the
     Founder Secretary of the Madras Canine Club which post he held for 30 years and is
     now currently the President of the Madras Canine Club and the Kodaikanal Kennel
         His association with the Kennel Club of India dates back to more than four decades
     and has been on the Executive Committee for the last 30 years and is currently the Hony.
     Secretary & Treasurer of the Kennel Club of India and is also the Editor of the prestigious
     Indian Kennel Gazette, which is the official publication of the Kennel Club of India.
         He is also the Vice President of the Doberman Pinscher Club of India, and the President
     of the Great Dane Club of India.

         Yashodhara started her kennels “YASHBANS” almost four decades ago. She has
     imported, bred, owned and handled some of India’s finest German Shepherds, Dobermanns,
     Boxers, Rottweilers, St.Bernards, Chow Chows, Cocker Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers,
     Golden Retrievers, Great Danes, Pomeranians, Siberian Huskies, Pugs, Shih Tzus, Miniature
     Pinschers and the Standard Dachshunds and has bred over 500 Best of Breed winners.

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Yashodhara showcased her determination for perfection by
                        breeding two ‘DOG OF THE YEARS,’ and a ‘RESERVE PUPPY OF
                        THE YEAR,’ besides breeding and owning innumerable, Champions
                        and Line up winners. This earned YASHBANS the reputation
                        of being one of India’s most reputed and trusted kennels, which
                        continues till date.
                            Winning the awards ‘BREEDER OF THE YEAR,’ ‘DOG OF THE
                        YEAR’ made Yashodhara one of India’s most successful woman in
                        an unique field created from a passion.
     With the immense knowledge and experience Yashodhara has acquired over the years
in breeding, maintaining, handling and grooming pets,shedecided to create a business out of
it. She is the brainchild behind India’s first Professional Grooming Parlour for pets.
    The Professional Pet Styling Studio & Spa and School and a specialized Pet Logistics
Company, under the brand name of FUZZY WUZZY was created in 2002. This brand
also showcases a line of niche show accessories, specialized grooming tools and other pet
    Her kennels also offers limited, top class boarding facilities. Her project, PETZORAMA,
includes an exclusive range of pet products.AYURVEDA FOR ANIMALS is her specialized
line of safe and cruelty free pet products, researched and developed from India’s ancient
Science of wellbeing, AYURVEDA.
    She has dedicated part of her proceeds from her earnings to the welfare and care of
injured, homeless and stray animals. Yashodhara has a keen interest in all forms of art and
culture. Her interests include painting, travelling and writing. Her first novel “The World
Through My Golden Eyes” releases this year.
    The burning desire to overcome all obstacles and to establish herself as a leading
entrepreneur has made Yashodhara realize that the struggle over the years has been well
worth it. She is particularly keen on educating and encouraging the younger generation to
show compassion and love towards all animals. She is a popular Junior Handler Judge. She
campaigns for ethical breeding of pedigreed dogs.
    Yashodhara enjoys the roles of being an All Breeds International Judge, Breeder, Mother,
Environmentalist, Conservationist and an Entrepreneur.

                          MR. SANJIT MOHANTY
                              Mr. Sanjit Mohanty found his true calling, the unequivocal
                        passion for the German Shepherd Dog, very early in life (1982).
                            His first dog was Wonder Von Sydenberg. Over the years, the
                        German Shepherd Dog has become an integral part of his life and
                       He has visited many Asian, European , VDH All Breed Shows
and the World Dog Show in 2011 & 2017, apart from German Sieger show(BSZS) and
ADRK show.

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Apart from German Shepherd Dogs, Mr. Sanjit Mohanty has bred champions in the
     Doberman pinscher, Boxer, Labrador retriever, Golden Retriever, Siberian husky, Standard
     Smooth Dachshund, Pug, Beagle and Miniature Pinscher breeds.
         Mr. Sanjit Mohanty is a member of S.V (Germany) and , President of the German
     Shepherd Dog Confederation (GSDC - India), life member and presently Executive
     committee member of the Kennel Club of India (KCI) and also he is in the special project
     sub-committee related to Hips, Elbows, Scoring, DNA & artificial insemination, life member
     of the Kennel club of Thailand (KCTH), Member of ADRK (Rottweiler club of Germany),
     Member and committee member of the Pune Kennel Confederation (PKC) and Secretary
     of the GSDC - Sahyadri Chapter.
        He got his WUSV National Judging License (Breed) in 2014 & in February 2018 he is
     approved as International Breed Judge by SV Germany.
         He has the distinction of judging German shepherd in FCI International shows held in
     India in the year 2016 & 2017.

                                  MR. RANJEET SINGH MUNJAL
                                  Mr Ranjeet Singh Munjal was born in an animal loving family.
                              Dogs were part of his family since his childhood. His grandfather
                              had GSD’s and Bull Terriers but were not shown though. His
                              father Mr P S Munjal purchased his first registered dog in 1972, a
                              Boxer. He was carrying top Dutch & German lines of his time.This
                              boxer was shown in various shows of North India & completed
                              his championship. As a young child he started visiting shows with
                              his father from 1977 onwards. His prefix/affix ‘MUNJAAL’S was
     registered in the year 1975. He himself showed his first dog, a homebred Dachshund
     bitch Ch Munjaal’s Red Shine in 1981 at the age of 11 & got 6th BIS under Nawab Nazeer
     Yaar Jung. After that dog showing was a regular feature during the show season. Over the
     years his kennel has bred Champions & lineup winners in Boxers, Dachshund, Dobermans,
     Rampur hound, Tibetan Mastiff, Bull Terriers, Minpins, Pug, Ind Spitz, Pomeranians with
     more than 100 champions & lineups to his credit! He also has the distinction of producing
     5 different BIS winners with his Dobes. He has bred Puppy of the year twice with his
     Dobes namely Ch Munjaal’s Luxury in the year 1999-2000 & Ch Munjaal’s Rock n roll in
     the year 2005-06.To name a few, some of the other notable BIS winners of various breeds
     produced by his kennel were Ch Munjaal’s Achievement, Ch Munjaal’s forget me not, Ch
     Munjaal’s forever free, Ch Munjaal’s hotshot, Ch Munjaal’s hat’s off, Ch Munjaal’s Jet setter,
     Ch Munjaal’s Japonica, Ch Munjaal’s Black Beauty, Ch Munjaal’s Red Shine, Ch Munjaal’s
         He became Life member of The Kennel Club of India in the year 1995 & licensed ring
     steward in 2003. He is presently involved with Minpins, Labrador, pugs & Pomeranians.
     Other interests include wildlife & reading books.
         He is a businessman by Profession & is having packaged drinking water plant with BIS
     certification at Delhi which he manages with his mother. He has residences in Kanpur as
     well as New Delhi.

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FCI-BREED Classification
                                                       Welsh Corgi Pembroke                  *
Section 1: Sheepdogs                                9. Bergamasco Shepherd Dog               *
Section 2: Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle dogs)      Maremma and Abruzzes Sheepdog         *
                  Section 1 :                       10. Komondor                             *
Sheepdogs                                              Kuvasz                                *
1. Australian Kelpie                       *           Mudi                                  *
2 Belgian Shepherd Dog
                                                      a) Black / Black discretely shaded
    a) Groenendael                         *
    b) Laekenois                           *           with rust-red or gre           *
    c) Malinois                            *            c) Fawn with pronounced black mask   /
d) Tervuere Schipperke                     *        Pearl-white without any rust-red shade    *
                                                       Pumi                                  *
3. Czeslovakian Wolfdog                    *
                                                    11. Dutch Shepherd Dog
4. Croatian Sheepdog                       *
                                                    a) Short-haired                          *
5. German Shepherd Dog
                                                     b) Long-haired                          *
    a) Regular                             *
                                                    c) Rough-haired                          *
    b) Rough Coated                        *           Saarloos Wolfdog                      *
6. Majorca Shepherd Dog                    *           Schapendoes                           *
    a) Short-haired                                 12. Polish Lowland Sheepdog              *
    b) Long-haired                                       Tatra Shepherd Dog                  *
                                                    13. Portuguese Sheepdog                  *
   Catalan Sheepdog                        *
                                                    14. Slovakian Chuvach                    *
    a) Long-haired
                                                    15. South Russian Shepherd Dog           *
    b) Smooth-haired
                                                                     Section 2
7. Beauceron                               *
                                                    Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
a) Black and tan
                                                    1. Australian Cattle Dog               *
b) Harlequin Briard                        *
                                                    2. Ardennes Cattle Dog                 *
a) Slate
                                                    3. Bouvier des Flanders                *
b) Fawn, grey
Berger Picard                              *                         GROUP 2
Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog              *
                                                    Section 1: Pinscher and Schnauzer type
Pyrenean Sheepdog - smooth faced           *
                                                    Section 2: Molossoid breeds
8. Bearded Collie                          *        Section 3: Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
   Border Collie                           *        Section 4: Other Breeds
   Collie Rough                            *                          Section 1 :
   Collie Smooth                                     1.1 Pinscher
     Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail)        *        Pinscher and Schnauzer type
    Shetland Sheepdog                      *        Dobermann Pinscher                       *
   Welsh Corgi Cardigan                    *           a) Black with rust red markings

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b) Brown with rust red markings              a) Fawn/Brindle                            *
    German Pinscher                       *       b) Black/Harlequin                         *
     a) Stag-red, red-brown to dark               c) Blue                                    *
     red-brown                                  Rottweiler                                   *
     b) Black with tan markings               6.Majorca Mastiff                              *
     Miniature Pinscher                   *   7. Dogue de Bordeaux                           *
     a) Stag-red, red-brown to dark           8. Bulldog                                     *
                                                Bullmastiff -                                *
     b) Black with tan markings
                                                 Mastiff -                                   *
     Affenpinscher                       *
                                              9. Neapolitan Mastiff                          *
 2. Austrian Pinscher                    *
                                              10. Tosa                                       *
 1.2 Schnauzer
 1. Giant Schnauzer                           2.2 Mountain type
     a) Pure black with undercoat       *     1. Anatolian Shepherd Dog                      *
     b) Pepper ans salt blackened sand        2. Newfoundland                                *
 with sand-coloured markings            *     a) Black / Brown / White with black markings
 Schnauzer                                    3. Hovawart                                    *
     a) Pure black with black undercoat *         a) Black and tan / Black / Blond
     b) Pepper and salt blackened sand        Leonberger                                     *
     with sand-coloured markings        *     4. Landseer                                    *
     Miniature Schnauzer                      5. Spanish Mastiff                             *
     a) Pure black with black undercoat *         Pyrenean Mastiff                           *
     b) Pepper and salt blackened sand        6. Pyrenean Mountain Dog                       *
     with sand-coloured markings              7. Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog-
     c) Black and silver black with           Sharplanina                                    *
      sand-coloured markings            *     8. Atlas Shepherd Dog                          *
     d) Pure white with white                 9. Serra da estrela Mountain Dog               *
     undercoat                          *
                                                  a) Smooth-haired                           *
 1.3 Smoushond
                                                  b) Long-haired                             *
 1. Hollandse Smoushond                 *
                                                  Castro Laboreiro Dog                       *
 1.4 Tchiorny Terrier
                                                 Alentejo Mastiff                            *
 1. Black Terrier                       *
                                              10 Saint Bernard Dog
                  Section 2 :
                                                  a) Short-haired                            *
  Molossoid breeds
                                                  b) Long-haired                             *
 2.1 Mastiff type
                                              11.Karst Shepherd Dog                          *
 1. Dogo Argentino                      *
                                              12. Caucasian Shepherd Dog                     *
 2. Fila Brasileiro                     *
                                                  Central Asia Shepherd Dog                  *
 3. Shar Pei                            *
                                              13.Tibetan Mastiff                             *
 4. Broholmer                           *
 5. Boxer                               *                    Section 3 :
      a) Fawn                                 Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
      b) Brindle                              1. Appenzell Cattle Dog                        *
    Great Dane                                  Bernese Mountain Dog                         *
14   www.madrascnineclub.org
Entlebuch Cattle Dog                  *      2. American Staffordshire Terrier      *
 Great Swiss Mountain Dog              *                      Section 4 :
                                              Toy Terriers
                GROUP 3
                                              1. Australian Silky Terrier            *
Section 1 : Large and medium-sized Terriers   2. English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan)   *
Section 2 : Small-sized Terriers                 Yorkshire Terrier                   *
Section 3 : Bull type Terriers
                                                              GROUP 4
Section 4 : Toy Terriers
                                              Section 1 : Dachshunds
                  Section 1 :
                                                              Section 1 :
Large and medium-sized Terriers
1. German Hunting Terrier             *
2. Airedale Terrier                   *       1. Dachshund (Teckel) - Germany
  Bedlington Terrier                  *          a) Standard
  Border Terrier                      *           Smooth-haired                      *
  Fox Terrier (Smooth)                *           Long-haired                        *
  Fox Terrier (Wire)                  *           Wire-haired                        *
  Lakeland Terrier                    *          b) Miniature
  Manchester Terrier                  *           Smooth-haired                      *
  Parson Russell Terrier              *           Long-haired                        *
  Welsh Terrier                       *           Wire-haired                        *
3. Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier        *          c) Rabbit Dachshund
  Irish Terrier                       *           Smooth-haired                      *
  Kerry Blue Terrier                  *           Long-haired                        *
  Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier *
                                                  Wire-haired                        *
                  Section 2 :
Small-sized Terriers                                          GROUP 5
1. Australian Terrier                 *
                                              Section 1: Nordic Sledge Dogs
   Jack Russell Terrier               *
2. Cairn Terrier                      *       Section 2: Nordic Hunting Dogs
   Dandie Dinmont Terrier             *       Section 3: Nordic Watchdogs and
   Norfolk Terrier                    *              Herders
   Norwich Terrier                    *       Section 4: European Spitz
   Scottish Terrier                   *
   Sealyham Terrier                   *       Section 5 : Asian Spitz and related breeds
   Skye Terrier                       *       Section 6 : Primitive type
   West Highland White Terrier        *       Section 7 : Primitive type - Hunting Dogs
3. Japanese Terrier                   *       Section 8 : Primitive type Hunting Dogs
4. Cesky Terrier                      *       with a ridge on the back
                  Section 3 :                               Section 1 :
Bull type Terriers                            Nordic Sledge Dogs
     1. Bull Terrier                          1. Greenland Dog                       *
     a) Bull Terrier (Standard)       *       2. Samoyed                             *
     b) Miniature Bull Terrier        *
   Staffordshire Bull Terrier         *       3. Alaskan Malamute                    *
                                                 Siberian Husky                      *
                                                              www.madrascanineclub.org 15
Section 2 :                       Kishu                            *
      Nordic Hunting Dogs                             Japanese Spitz                    *
                                                       Shiba                            *
     1. Norwegian Elkhound grey                *       Shikoku                          *
        Norwegian Elkhound black               *
        Norwegian Lundehund                    *                     Section 6 :
     2. Russian-European Laïka                 *    Primitive type
        East Siberian Laïka-                   *    1. Canaan Dog                      *
        West Siberian Laïka                    *    2. Pharaoh Hound                    *
     3. Swedish Elkhound                       *    3. Mexican Hairless Dog
        Norrbottenspitz                        *        a) Standard                     *
     4. Karelian Bear Dog                      *        b) Intermediate                 *
        Finnish Spitz                          *        c) Miniature                    *
                        Section 3 :                 4. Peruvian Hairless Dog
     Nordic Watchdogs and Herders                       a) Large                        *
     1. Icelandic Sheepdog                     *        b) Medium-sized                 *
     2. Norwegian Buhund                       *        c) Miniature                    *
     3. Swedish Lapphund                       *    5. Basenji                          *
        Swedish Vallhund                       *                     Section 7 :
     4. Finnish Lapphund                       *    Primitive type - Hunting Dogs
     Finnish Reindeer Herder                   *    1. Canarian Warren Hound            *
                        Section 4 :                 Ibizan Warren Hound - Ibizan Podenco
     European Spitz                                     a) Rough haired                 *
     1. German Spitz                                    b) Smooth-haired                *
         a) Keeshond                            *   2. Cirneco dell’Etna                *
     b) Giant Spitz White                       *   3. Portuguese Warren Hound
         Brown or black                         *      a) Wire-haired
     c) Medium size Spitz White                 *       Large                           *
         Brown or black                         *       Medium-sized                    *
         Orange, grey shaded and other colours  *       Miniature                       *
        Miniature Spitz White                   *      b) Smooth-haired
         Brown or black                         *       Large                           *
         Orange, grey shaded and other colours *        Medium-sized                    *
         Pomeranian                                     Miniature                       *
         Any colour                             *                    Section 8:
     2. Volpino Italiano                        *   Primitive type Hunting Dogs with a ridge
                        Section 5 :                 on the back
     Asian Spitz and related breeds                 1. Thai Ridgeback Dog               *
     1. Chow Chow                               *
     2. Eurasian                                *                  GROUP 6
     3. Korea Jindo Dog                         *
     4. Akita                                   *   Section 1: Scenthounds
        American Akita                          *   Section 2: Leash (scent) Hounds
        Hokkaïdo                                *   Section 3: Related breeds
        Kai                                     *

16    www.madrascnineclub.org
Section 1 :                   Medium Griffon Vendeen             *
Scenthounds                                 Blue Gascony Griffon               *
1.1 Large-sized Hounds                      Fawn Brittany Griffon              *
1. Bloodhound                                Griffon nivernais                 *
 *                                          5. Harrier                         *
Short-haired France                         6. Hellenic Hound                  *
                                            7. Italian Hound
2. Poitevin
                                              a) Short-haired                   *
 Billy                                 *
                                              b) Coarse-haired                  *
     French Tricolour Hound            *
                                            8. Serbian Tricolour Hound          *
     French White and Black Hound      *
                                               Montenegrin Mountain Hound       *
     French White and Orange Hound     *
                                               Serbian Hound                    *
     Great Anglo-French Tricolour
                                            9. Transylvanian Hound             *
     Hound                             *
                                            10.Norwegian Hound                 *
     Great Anglo-French White and
     Black Hound                       *       Halden Hound                    *
    Great Anglo-French White and               Hygen Hound                     *
     Orange Hound                      *    11. Austrian Black and Tan Hound   *
    Great Gascony Hound                *        Styrian coarse-haired Hound    *
   Great Gascon Saintongeois           *       Tyrolean Hound                  *
Long-haired : France                        12. Polish Hound                   *
     Grand Griffon Vendeen             *    13. Swiss Hound
3. English Foxhound                    *         a) Bernese Hound              *
   Otterhound                          *         b) Jura Hound                 *
4. American Foxhound                   *         c) Lucerne Hound              *
Black and Tan Coonhound                *         d) Schwyz Hound               *
1.2 Medium-sized Hounds                     14. Slovakian Hound                *
1. Bosnian coarse-haired Hound -            15. Finnish Hound                  *
called Barak                           *    16. Hamilton Hound                 *
                                                Schiller Hound                 *
2. Istrian short-haired Hound           *
                                                Smålandsstövare                *
Istrian coarse-haired Hound            *
Posavaz Hound                          *    1. German Hound                    *
3. Spanish Hound                       *       Westphalian Dachsbracke         *
4. Smooth-haired : France                   2. Artesian-Norman Basset          *
    Anglo-français de petite vénerie   *       Blue Gascony Basset             *
Ariégeois                              *       Fawn Brittany Basset            *
Beagle-Harrier                          *      Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen    *
Artois Hound                            *      Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen    *
 Porcelaine                             *   3. Basset Hound                     *
 Small Blue Gascony Hound               *      Beagle                          *
 Small Gascon Saintongeois              *   4. Small Swiss Hound
Coarse-haired : France                          a) Small Bernese Hound
                                                smooth-haired- coarse-haired   *
                                                       www.madrascanineclub.org 17
b) Small Jura Hound                       *        Hungarian Short-haired Pointing Dog    *
         c) Small Lucerne Hound                    *         7. Portuguese Pointing Dog            *
         d) Small Schwyz Hound                     *     1.2 Spaniel type
     5. Swedish Dachsbracke                        *
                                                         1. Small Munsterlander                    *
                   Section 2 :                              Large Munsterlander                    *
     Leash (scent) Hounds                                   German long-haired Pointing Dog        *
     1. Bavarian Mountain Scenthound                *    2. Blue Picardy Spaniel                   *
        Hanoverian Scenthound                       *      Brittany                                *
                                                             a) White and orange / Other colours
     2. Alpine Dachsbracke                          *
                                                            French Spaniel                         *
                   Section 3 :                              Picardy Spaniel                        *
     Related breeds                                         Spaniel de Pont-Audemer                *
     1. Dalmatian                                  *     3. Drentse Partridge Dog                  *
     2. Rhodesian Ridgeback                        *
                                                            Frisian Pointing Dog                   *
                       GROUP 7                           1.3 ‘Griffon’ type
     Section 1: Continental Pointing Dogs                1. French wire-haired Korthals
     Section 2: British and Irish Pointers and Setters       Pointing Griffon                      *
                                                         2. Italian Wire-haired Pointing Dog       *
                   Section 1 :                           a) White-orange / Chestnut roan
     Continental Pointing Dogs                           3.Bohemian wire-haired Pointing Griffon   *
     1.1 Type Continental Pointing Dog                   4.Slovakian Wire-haired Pointing Dog      *
     1. Old Danish Pointing Dog                    *                        Section 2 :
     2. German Short-haired Pointing Dog           *
     German Wire-haired Pointing Dog               *     British and Irish Pointers and Setters
                                                         2.1 Pointer
        Pudelpointer                               *
                                                         1. English Pointer                        *
     German Rough-haired Pointing Dog              *        English Setter                         *
                                                             Gordon Setter                         *
         a) Short-haired                           *
         b) Long-haired                            *     2. Irish Red Setter                       *
     3. Burgos Pointing Dog                        *       Irish Red and White Setter              *
     4. Ariege Pointing Dog                        *                       GROUP 8
        Auvergne Pointing Dog                      *     Section 1: Retrievers
         Bourbonnais Pointing Dog                  *
                                                         Section 2: Flushing Dogs
         French Pointing Dog -
                                                         Section 3: Water Dogs
         Gascogne type                             *
         French Pointing Dog -                                             Section 1 :
         Pyrenean type                             *     Retrievers
       St.Germain Pointing Dog                     *     1.Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever *
     5. Italian Pointing Dog                       *     2. Curly Coated Retriever                 *
       a) White-orange / Chestnut roan                     Flat Coated Retriever                   *
     6. Hungarian Wire-haired Pointing Dog *               Labrador Retriever                      *

18     www.madrascnineclub.org
Golden Retriever                       *   Section 10: Kromfohrländer
3. Chesapeake Bay Retriever             *   Section 11: Small Molossian type Dogs
               Section 2 :                                 Section 1 :
Flushing Dogs                               Bichons and related breeds
1. German Spaniel                       *   1.1 Bichons
2. Clumber Spaniel                      *   1. Maltese - Central                    *
English Cocker Spaniel                  *   2. Havanese                             *
   a) Red / Black / Other colours           3. Bichon Frise                         *
   Field Spaniel                        *
                                            4. Bolognese                            *
  Sussex Spaniel                        *   1 Coton de Tuléar                       *
 English Springer Spaniel               *   1. Little Lion Dog                      *
 Welsh Springer Spaniel                 *                   Section 2 :
3. Small Dutch Waterfowl Dog            *   Poodle
4. American Cocker Spaniel              *   1. Poodle - France
   a) Black / Any solid colour other            a) Standard
than black / Particolor                         White / Black                       *
               Section 3 :                      Brown / Grey / Apricot              *
                                                b) Medium size White / Black        *
Water Dogs
                                                 Brown / Grey / Apricot             *
1. Spanish Waterdog                     *       c) Miniature
2.French Water Dog                      *       White / Black                       *
3. Irish Water Spaniel                  *
                                                Brown / Grey / Apricot              *
4. Romagna Water Dog                    *     d) Toy
5. Frisian Water Dog                    *       White / Black / Brown / Grey /
6. Portuguese Water Dog                 *       Apricot                             *
    a) Curly                                                Section 3 :
    b) Long and wavy                        Small Belgian Dogs
7. American Water Spaniel               *   1.Belgian Griffon                       *
                                              Brussels Griffo                       *
               GROUP 9                        Small Brabant Griffon                 *
Section 1: Bichons and related breeds                       Section 4 :
Section 2: Poodle                           Hairless Dogs
                                            1. Chinese Crested Dog -China
Section 3: Small Belgian Dogs
                                            a) Hairless / Powder Puff with
Section 4: Hairless Dogs                    veil coat
Section 5: Tibetan breeds                                   Section 5 :
Section 6: Chihuahueñ o                     Tibetan breeds
Section 7: English Toy Spaniels             1. Lhasa Apso                           *
Section 8: Japan Chin and Pekingese           Shih Tzu                              *
                                              Tibetan Spaniel                       *
Section 9: Continental Toy Spaniel
                                              Tibetan Terrier -                     *
                                                        www.madrascanineclub.org 19
Section 6 :                             GROUP 10
                                            Section 1 : Long-haired or fringed
 1. Chihuahua                                   Sighthounds
     a) Smooth-haired                 *     Section 2 : Rough-haired
     b) Long-haired                   *                   Sighthounds
                  Section 7 :               Section 3 : Short-haired
 English Toy Spaniels                                     Sighthounds
 1.Cavalier King Charles Spaniel      *                     Section 1 :
    a) Black and Tan / Ruby /               Long-haired or fringed
     Blenheim / Tricolour                   Sighthounds
     King Charles                           1. Afghan Hound                      *
     King Charles Spaniel             *
                                            2. Saluki                            *
     a) Black and Tan / Ruby /              a) Fringed / Short-haired
     Blenheim / Tricolour
                                            3. Borzoi                            *
                  Section 8 :
                                                          Section 2 :
 Japan Chin and Pekingese
 1. Pekingese - China                 *     Rough-haired Sighthounds
 2. Japanese China                    *     1. Irish Wolfhound                   *
                  Section 9 :               2. Deerhound                         *
 Continental Toy Spaniel                                   Section 3 :
 1. Continental Toy Spaniel                 Short-haired Sighthounds
 a) Papillon (with erect ears :             1.Spanish Greyhound                  *
                                            2.Greyhound                          *
 1,5 - 2,5 kg / 2,5 - 4,5 kg)         *
                                              Whippet                            *
 b) Phalène (with drooping ears :           3. Italian Greyhound                 *
 1,5 - 2,5 kg / 2,5 - 4,5 kg)         *     4. Hungarian Greyhound               *
                 Section 10 :               5. Azawakh - Mali                    *
 Kromfohrländer                             6. Sloughi                           *
 1. Kromfohrländer                    *     7. Polish Greyhound                  *
                 Section 11 :                             GROUP 11
 Small Molossian type Dogs
                                            Indigenous Breed Dogs
 1. French Bulldog                    *
                                            1. Chippiparai                       #
 a) Uniformly fawn, brindled or not, with   2. Mudhol Hound                      #
 limited white patching
 b) Fawn, brindled or not, with medium      3. Rajapalayam                       #
 or predominant white patching              4. Rampur Hound                      #
 2. Pug                               *     5. Caravan Hound                     #
 a) Fawn with black mask / Black            6. Kombai                            #
 / Silver / Apricot with blackmask          7. Himalayan Sheep dog               #
 3. Boston Terrier                    *

20   www.madrascnineclub.org
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