July-August 2018 - Women & Guns

Page created by Valerie Collins
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns
July-August 2018		   1
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns
2			   Women&Guns
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns
Women&Guns			                         July-August 2018                        Volume 29, Number 4

On the Cover
Summertime, and the practicing is easier! Photo
courtesy Howard Communications.

NEWS		                                          PAGE 5
Washington State gun owners rally draws thousands,
one-day Detroit event has 800+ women.
DC PROJECT		                                    PAGE 8
Women from across the country are gathering in the na-
tion’s capital. By Genie Jennings.
DEFENSIVE STRATEGIES		                         PAGE 10
The laws in Massachusetts governing stun guns may be
changing. By Lyn Bates.

                                        HANDGUNS		                                             PAGE 12
                                        A 9mm handgun from SCCY proves reliable and affordable. By
                                        Bob Campbell.
                                        GEAR			                                                PAGE 16
                                        Prois introduces a new iteration of camouflage for its women’s
                                        outdoor clothing line. By Peggy Tartaro.
                                        AMMUNITION		                                           PAGE 18
                                        Black Hills Ammunition’s Honey Badger line of non-expanding
                                        bullets. By Bob Campbell.

ADVENTURE		                                           PAGE 22
A waterfowl outing on the Chesapeake Bay is a fitting tribute to
W&G’s late Contributing Editor. By Sheila Link.
LEGALLY SPEAKING		                                    PAGE 24
The Bill Cosby case is the jumping off point for some “adult
talk.” By Karen MacNutt.
MAKING a DIFFERENCE		                                 PAGE 27
Every day is an opportunity to do more. By Genie Jennings.
RESOURCE DIRECTORY		                                  PAGE 34
FROM the EDITOR		                                                                              PAGE 38
Welcoming young people into the political fight for gun rights with a little advice. By Peggy Tartaro.

July-August 2018		                                                                                       3
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns
      About the Authors                                                          PO Box 35
                                                                          Buffalo, NY 14205-0035
                                                                            Ph. (716) 885-6408
Lyn Bates is the Vice President of AWARE (Arming                            Fax (716) 884-4471
Women Against Rape and Endangerment, www.                                Email waguns@verizon.net
aware.org), a nonprofit organization that provides
information and training to enable women to avoid,                  JULIANNE VERSNEL GOTTLIEB
deter, repel or resist crimes ranging from minor                              Publisher
harassment to violent assault. She has been a                             PEGGY TARTARO
competitive shooter, recipient of the National Tactical                    Executive Editor
Invitational’s Tactical Advocate Award, and certified
                                                                            Contributing Editors
to teach a wide range of self-defense techniques. She                            Lyn Bates
has authored the book Safety for Stalking Victims,                          Carolee Anita Boyles
blogs at www.aware.org and can be reached at                                  R.K. Campbell
bates@aware.org.                                                                Gila Hayes
                                                                              Genie Jennings
R.K. “Bob” Campbell is a working, sworn law-                                   Roger Lanny
enforcement officer who writes about guns and                                   Sheila Link
self-defense issues for W&G and several other gun                             Karen MacNutt
publications. His book, available from Merril Press,                            Diane Walls
is The Handgun in Personal Defense. He has written                            Dave Workman
extensively on the use of carbines by police and
                                                                            Advertising Sales
civilians. His abstract on police carbine marksmanship
                                                                               Billy Rogers
is used as a reference by the National Institute of                   PO Box 156 • Ilwaco WA 98624
Justice.                                                          Ph. 360-244-9185 • Fax 360-665-0543
Genie Jennings is a Contributing Editor for Women
& Guns Magazine writing a column, Making a                		Published by:
Difference, showcasing the women who are doing so.        		The Second
A proud member of SAF, GOA, NRA, and Sportsman’s          		Amendment Foundation
Alliance of Maine, and former National Spokeswoman        		www.saf.org
for SAS, she never refuses an opportunity to speak
                                                             Women&Guns Magazine (ISSN 0145-7704) is published
publicly on the subject of Second Amendment rights.       bi-monthly by the Second Amendment Foundation, a
Genie is a member of the South Berwick Rod & Gun          non-profit, tax-exempt, educational and literary research
Association, where she produces Introducing Women         and publishing organization. National Office: 12500 NE
                                                          Tenth Place, Bellevue, WA 98005. Phone: 425-454-7012.
to the Shooting Sports (which has now brought 300         SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year (6 issues), $18.00 US; single
women into the pro-gun community) and chairs both         copies, $4.00. All subscriptions are cash in advance, please
the (N)ews (A)nd (G)overnment Committee, and the          make checks payable to Second Amendment Foundation.
annual fundraiser, 30Gunsin30Days Raffle.                 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Six weeks notice required on all
                                                          changes. Send old address as well as new. Not responsible
She is a gardener, fisherman, ski instructor, and proud   for missed issues due to failure to notify of address changes.
grandparent. With her husband, she began attending        POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Women&Guns,
GRPC in 2001. She has been a speaker and serves on        Attn: Circulation Dept., PO Box 35, Buffalo NY 14205-
                                                          0035. Contents © by Second Amendment Foundation.
the Resolutions Committee.                                All rights reserved under International and Pan American
                                                          Copyright Conventions. All previously copyrighted material
Karen L. MacNutt is a consulting attorney for the         is used with permission. Reproduction in whole is strictly
                                                          forbidden; no part of this publication may be reproduced
Second Amendment Foundation, National Rifle               without written permission of the editor.
Association and Gun Owners Action League. She                Possession and/or ownership of firearms is subject to
maintains a general law practice in Boston, and is an     various federal, state and local restrictions. It is your legal
active rifle and pistol competitor.                       responsibility to learn and obey the laws that apply in your
                                                             Opinions expressed by authors herein are not necessarily
Dave Workman is senior editor of The Gun Mag.com,         those of Women & Guns or the Second Amendment
which can be found online at www.thegunmag.com            Foundation.

4			                                                                                                 Women&Guns
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns

Washington Capitol Rally Draws 2,500 Gunowners
By Dave Workman,                      Alliance for Gun Responsibility,      ing, “We should be able to have
Contributing Editor                   a deep-pockets gun prohibition        our rights.”
  About 2,500 Evergreen State         lobbying group, announced its           All three said their pro-rights
gun owners recently gathered at       newest gun control initiative cam-    viewpoints had been silenced by
the Washington State capitol in       paign.                                teachers and administrators at

                                      Pro-rights teen Aryeh Rohde (back to camera) spoke to a crowd of about
Olympia, promising to fight a         2,500 Second Amendment activists in Olympia during an April 18 rally pro-
                                      testing a new state gun control citizen initiative. (Dave Workman photo)
new anti-gun ballot initiative that
would raise the minimum age for         The initiative was not well-re-     their schools.
purchasing a modern sporting rifle    ceived by several teens who spoke       Another 16-year-old, Aryeh
to 21, and add other requirements     to W&G. Joe Baker, 16, came           Rohde, delivered an emotional
including a 10-day waiting period.    with two friends and his father,      speech, declaring that people who
  The turnout was the largest         waving an American flag.              are disarmed “aren’t people, they’re
showing of gun owners in several        “I think that’s (raising the age)   slaves.” His remarks brought a
years. It was a pure grassroots ef-   taking away basic rights,” Baker      rousing cheer and applause from
fort, organized by a 26-year-old      said.                                 a crowd that had become weary of
expectant mother and college stu-       One of his companions, Colton       media images of a few teens from
dent, Tessa Ashley, and gun rights    Doiron, asserted that “if we start    Parkland, FL, who have become
activist Allen Acosta. They used      changing one thing, it will lead to   media sweethearts for campaign-
social media, talk radio and net-     a lot more (restrictions).”           ing for more gun control.
working to bring it all together.       Donovan Saldavia, a student           Rohde asserted in an interview
  Ironically, the rally came less     at a Pierce County high school,
                                                                            Olympia Rally
than a day after the Seattle-based    echoed Doiron’s concerns, add-
                                                                            Continued on Page 31
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Judge Rules Out NRA                                                            NY Attorney General
                                                                               Caught in Own Web
‘Jane Does’ in Florida Suit
                                                                                 Just a few weeks ago, then
   A federal judge ruled in May        calls, attorneys for the NRA
                                                                               New York Attorney General Eric
that anonymous teenage plain-          wanted to include a 19-year-old
                                                                               Schneiderman praised the New
tiffs helping to challenge Florida’s   woman as a plaintiff in the lawsuit
                                                                               Yorker Magazine after that publi-
sweeping anti-gun law must iden-       but wanted to keep her name con-
tify themselves publicly, even as      fidential and instead identify her      cation shared a Pulitzer Prize for
he acknowledged the order would        as “Jane Doe.”                          Ronan Farrow’s investigation into
probably expose them to intense          The NRA also sought to include        sexual misconduct allegations
leftist “vitriol” and “harassment.”    testimony from another 19-year-         against film mogul Harvey Wein-
   In what media reports indicated     old man as well. The move was           stein.
was “a surprising turn,” US Dis-       challenged by Florida Attorney            “Without the reporting of the
trict Judge Mark Walker even sug-      General Pam Bondi.                      @nytimes and the @newyorker
gested that he personally wanted                                    W&G        —and the brave women and men
to side with the National Rifle As-                                            who spoke up about the sexual
sociation (NRA), which wants to                                                harassment they endured at the
                                       OK Governor Vetoes
shield the young plaintiffs’ iden-                                             hands of powerful men—there
                                       Constitutional Carry
tities, but said his hands were ul-                                            would not be the critical national
timately tied by court precedent,                                              reckoning underway,” Schneider-
                                         Oklahoma’s Republican Gov.
the Washington Times reported.                                                 man tweeted then.
                                       Mary Fallin vetoed a bill in May
   “If it were entirely up to this     that would have authorized adults         But suddenly it was Farrow and
court, the court would not hesi-       to carry firearms without a permit      Jane Mayer reporting on four
tate to grant the NRA’s motion,”       or training, dealing a rare defeat to   women accusing Schneiderman
Walker wrote in his ruling. “One       the National Rifle Association in       of physical abuse. One of them,
need only look to the harassment       a conservative state, USA Today         Michelle Manning Barish, said
suffered by some of the Parkland       reported.                               she “could not remain silent and
shooting survivors to appreciate         The veto comes after opposition       encourage other women to be
the vitriol that has infected pub-     from the business community             brave for me.” Schneiderman ini-
lic discourse about the Second         and law enforcement authorities,        tially responded to the allegations
Amendment. And this court has          including top officials with the        of physical violence by saying he’d
no doubt the harassment goes           Oklahoma State Bureau of Inves-         engaged in “role-playing and oth-
both ways.”                            tigation who have said it could         er consensual sexual activity.””
   The NRA filed the lawsuit on        erode public safety.                      However, three hours later,
Second Amendment grounds                 The NRA had supported the             Schneiderman, who has a long
soon after Florida lawmakers ap-       bill’s passage and had urged Fallin     history of anti-gun advocacy go-
proved gun legislation that would      to sign it.                             ing back to his state Senate days
raise the age to buy guns to 21          In a statement announcing her         and as state attorney general, re-
years old. The age restriction is      veto, Fallin stressed her support       signed.
one part of a larger anti-gun bill     for the Second Amendment, say-            His sudden departure puts an
signed by Gov. Rick Scott in the       ing:.                                   exclamation mark on the state’s
wake of the February shooting at         “I believe the firearms laws we       new law requiring every business
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High          currently have in place are effec-
School that left 17 dead.                                                      in the state, presumably including
                                       tive, appropriate and minimal,”         the state government, to conduct
   Citing the harassment of one        adding that the bill would have
of its top Florida officials who                                               annually sexual harassment train-
                                       eliminated the requirement for a        ing for all employees.
was subjected to threatening and       training course.
profanity-laced emails and phone                                     W&G                             W&G
6			                                                                                           Women&Guns
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns
700 Women First-Time Shooters                                                 firearms, and were required to
                                                                              pre-register online.
And the Number Keeps Growing                                                     Participants were made aware
                                                                              that the goal is to only introduce
                                                                              women to guns and allow them
By Women&Guns Staff                 Handling such big turnouts of             to get a sense of what firing a gun
                                  interested firsttime women has              is like. The event is not intended
  In 2017 Women & Guns become smoother and problem-                           to be stand-alone training or
reported on a historic one-day free each year at Detroit-Metro’s              sufficient without additional
women’s handgun safety training Top Gun Sports Range in Taylor,               training. Rather, this brief session
program organized by Legally MI. The pre-registered “students”                was to be viewed as a preview of
Armed in Detroit in which history are assigned starting times about           what someone can learn with more
was made when some 600 ladies two hours apart beginning at 9                  complete training and practice.
                                                                                 According to an Ammoland.
                                                                              com report, Ector, a Detroit area
                                                                              gun rights advocate who is an
                                                                              NRA-certified instructor as well as
                                                                              a regular participant at the annual
                                                                              Gun Rights Policy Conferences,
                                                                              was inspired to organize the one-
                                                                              day free shooting lesson for women

Aguila Ammunition provided 9mm ammunition for this year’s Women’s
Training Day Event which these new shooters appreciated.

participated. This year we can        a.m. and running throughout
report that the 2018 edition, held    the day. About 50 students begin
May 20, attracted even more first-    by attending the one-hour safety
time shooters: 700, ranging in age    and nomenclature class for semi-
                                                                              Rick Ector of Legally Armed in
from 12 to 87.                        auto 9mm handguns before being          Detroit answers questions from a
  Every year since Rick Ector         escorted onto the range where           local television reporter.
of Legally Armed in Detroit           an instructor is assigned to each
(LAID) first started these one-       firing point. At the introductory       by a television news report.
day free programs seven years         class they are also taught the basics     “One night while viewing
ago, attendance has been growing.     of range safety, the basic range        the local news telecast, he saw
The first event attracted 50          officer’s commands, how to stand        a story about a woman who was
women, the second 100, and            while firing a handgun and other        murdered; her body was dumped
the attendance has multiplied         details.                                in a vacant lot. The story haunted
astronomically ever since. Next          Once on the range, they are          Ector as he pondered what could
year, the one-day introductory        individually coached again on           be done to help women better
class designed to teach women the     how to control, hold and load a 9       protect themselves. Hence the free
basics of firearm safety and how to   mm handgun, before being issued         one-day handgun familiarization
shoot will most likely set another    20 rounds of ammunition.
record—an attendance of 1,000 is         All the students had to be           Detroit Women
even possible.                        lawfully able to possess and shoot      Continued on Page 32
July-August 2018		                                                                                              7
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns

DC Project
The DC Project:
Revealing the Face of the American Gun Owner
By Genie Jennings,                legislators on the realities of pri-        print.
Contributing Editor               vate gun ownership and the Sec-               The goal of
                                  ond Amendment.                              the creators
  The DC Project is a true grass-   This year’s event will have taken         was to have
roots endeavor to educate federal place by the time this issue is in          50     women,
                                                                              one from each
                                                                              state, go to         Elizabeth Stringer
                                                                              Wa s h i n g t o n   Pearch, AK
                                                                              to introduce
                                                                                                     to their re-
                                                                                                     spective Rep-
                                                                                                     and Senators.
                                                                                                     There are no
                                                                              Beth Reoch Alca-       big     donors
                                                                              zar, AL                or corporate

                                                                              Instead each
                                                                              woman      is
                                                                              for her own
                                                                              transporta-      Gina Roberts, CA
                                                                              tion, food,
                                                                                                       and lodging
                                                                                                       during     the
                                                                                                       time she is in
                                                                                                       the    capital.
                                                                                                       The hope is
                                                                                                       that the wom-
                                                                                                       en will meet
                                                                              Julie Waastad, CA their legislators,

                                                                              be able to tell
                                                                              their          stories,
                                                                              and, hopefully,
                                                                              be able to devel-
                                                                              op a congenial
                                                                              r e l a t i o n s h i p.
Cheryl Todd of Arizona, speaks at the 2017 DC Project event in front of the
US Capitol.                                                                   The legislators Lanny Barnes, CO
8			                                                                                               Women&Guns
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns
and their staffs                           Karla   Dins-                      fecool, OH
                                         moore-Mooney,                          Dianna Lie-
and the staff
                                         MD                                   dorff Muller, OK
will also have                             Dakota Over-                         Kelley    Ann
an opportuni-                            land-MN                              Pidgeon, PA
ty to join their                           Stacey      E.                       Adda      May
                                         Washington, MO                       Dillon, SC
constituents                               Kathey Eckles                        J o r d a n
at a nearby                              Love, MT                             Blake, SC        Mary     Yungeberg,
range. These       Maya Baeza, HI          Heather Miller, LaKasha     Rob-                    SD
                                         NC                bins, MA                                Ashlynne
                                           Stephanie                                             Thomas, TX
                      are the 2018                          Schafer, NE                            Robyn Sando-
                      participants.                           Elaine Hope                        val, TX
                        For more in-                        Croteau, NH                            A m a n d a
                                                              Robin Wright,                      Johnson, VA
                      formation on
                                                            NJ                                     Megan       Bo-
                      the DC Proj-                            B a r b a r a   Gabby Franco, TX   land, VA
Lori Ann     Black-   ect and a recap                       Weimer    Rum-                       Mia Farinelli, VA
well, IL                                 Kim Condon, MS     pel, NM/FL          Tennille Gib-
                                                                              son Chidester,
of this year’s                             Diane Scully,                        Susan Han-
June 22 event,                           NV                                   sen, WA
go to agirlan-                             Laura Evans,                         Kelly Welke,
                                         NY                                   WI
dagun.org/dc-                              Lauren Hart-
                                                                                April Strong, Tiffany
project.                                 nett, NY                                                        Johnson,
  At     press                             Amanda Suf- Tina Martin-Nims,                      TN
                   Rhonda Ezell, IL                      NC
time, he fol-
                      lowing wom-
                      en     partici-
                      pating in the
                      2018     event
                         Lara    Cul-
                      linane   Smith,
Shebrena Maden        CA
Vaught, KY               B r o o k e

Cheney, CT
  Holly    Sulli-
van, CT
  Chloe     Dea-
ton, FL
  Shayna Lo-
pez-Rivas, FL
  Christi Con- Gretchan         Helm,
ner Tate, GA       MD
Hughes, GA
                        Ki Welch, GA
                     Westrom, IA
                        Jessica Klin-
                     gener-Minor, ID
                        Beth Walker,
                        Corinne Elise,
Jennifer Wyatt, MI   KS

July-August 2018		                                                                                              9
July-August 2018 - Women & Guns

Defensive Strategies
                                        Stun Guns in Massachusetts
                                        handguns, they were definitely          lice to report what happened, and
                                        less lethal, less expensive and still   she was arrested, because Tasers
                                        remarkably             effective.       and stun guns are illegal in Mas-
                                        Again,                   nobody         sachusetts. She was convicted, her
                                                                   seemed       case appealed to the Massachusetts
                                                                     t     o    Supreme Court which upheld the
                                                                       know     verdict. Her case was taken to the
                                                                                US Supreme Court, which agreed
                                                                                to hear the case. AWARE wrote
                                                                                an amicus brief (with the help of
                                                                                a law firm in DC) for the court ar-
By Lyn Bates,                                                                   guing that those non-lethal, mod-
Contributing Editor                     why                                       ern weapons should be allowed.
                                        they                                        The court determined that al-
   Many years ago I moved to Mas-       w e r e                                       though they were modern,
sachusetts, and gradually started       banned. I                                       the Second Amendment
learning about firearms, took gun       got used to                                       should still apply.
lessons, got a license, bought a        explaining to                                        The Supreme Court
gun and became certified to teach       students what                                        decision did not auto-
other people.                           was legal here by                                      matically change the
   Along the way, I started to learn    saying something                                        law in Massachu-
about the―how can I put this            like “This is Mas-                                         setts. Massachu-
kindly?―absurd, arcane, some-           sachusetts. The laws                                         setts dismissed
times ridiculous laws in my new         about guns and other                                           C a e t a n o ’s
home state. I could understand          things you might use to                                          convic-
what a Class A license covered,         protect yourself are not sup-                                      tion, so
and a Class B license and an FID        posed to make sense. You need                                         she was
(Firearms ID card) covered. Pep-        to know what is and isn’t legal,                                        home
per spray was legal, but only if you    but don’t expect it to be sensible                                        free,
had one of those three licenses.        or reasonable.”
Why did one need a license for             Even when gun laws in Mas-
pepper spray, a wonderfully effec-      sachusetts were modified, with
tive defensive tool that was non-       many good changes made, stun            but
lethal, inexpensive, and easy to        guns and Tasers still remained          t h e
carry? Nobody seemed to know            banned.                                 legis-                       lature
for sure. Answers varied from, “It         Did anyone ever get in trouble       did not                get around
might be to keep more state em-         over that ban? Yes, Jamie Caeta-        to chang-        ing the state’s law.
ployees busy managing those re-         no did. Several years ago she was         In 2016, two organizations, the
cords,” to “It must be just another     given a stun gun by a friend to         Center for Individual Right (CIR)
way for the state to get license fees   protect herself against her ex. Her     in Washington, DC, and Com-
from us.”                               ex showed up, she threatened him
   Stun guns and Tasers were also                                               Defensive Strategies
                                        with her electronic weapon, and
illegal in Mass. Compared to            he went away. She called the po-        Continued on Page 33

10			                                                                                             Women&Guns
July-August 2018		   11

 An Affordable 9mm
     from SCCY

   The SCCY 9mm is a neat and attractive pistol at a fair price

By Bob Campbell,                   introduced the CPX
Contributing Editor                9mm handgun. I
                                   found the piece to
  A few years ago when SCCY be reliable, well de-
                                               and of-
                                               fered at
                                               a      fair
                                               The ear-
                                               ly ver-                 The SCCY CPX 2 slide lock/release
                                                                       features a synthetic extension.
                                               sions with a frame
                                               mounted        safety   it may have been caused by the
                                               sometimes suffered      shooter’s thumb contacting the
                                               the safety moving to    safety―I recommend the version
                                               the on position dur-    without a safety.
                                               ing firing.               This is the CPX 2. A pistol with
                                                 While SCCY has        a ten-pound double-action-only
The SCCY CPX 2 handles well and                                        trigger may be carried without a
may be an affordable lifesaver for corrected the issue―and some of
those on a budget.                                                     manual safety. True safety is be-
12			                                                                                  Women&Guns
tween the ears and the trigger
finger is the true safety. Just the
same be certain you are comfort-
able with this type of handgun
and always carry the handgun in
a holster.
   I wished to test a new model
SCCY CPX 9mm in order to see
if there were any improvement in
the pistol’s performance and fin-
ish. The stainless slide and po-
lar white frame version tested is
clearly more attractive than the
all black pistols I have previously
tested. The slide is well polished
and there are no tool marks inside
or out. I recall a reliable handgun
from previous testing and the new
pistol follows this line closely. Per-
haps the most attractive feature
                                         The SCCY is a clean and compact design. It is available in nine grip colors
of this handgun is its price. At         and two slide finishes.
$227.63 at present from Cheap-           a locked breech action self-loading     constant carry at 15 ounces. A
erthandirt.com the SCCY CPX              pistol with a double-action-only        heavier and more powerful hand-
2 is priced at almost exactly half       trigger mechanism, a 3.1 inch           gun might be left at home, as I
the price of the Smith & Wesson          barrel, a stainless steel slide, well   often say, and there is little excuse
Shield or Glock 43. While they           designed sights with three dot          not to carry the SCCY. The trig-
are different handguns this is an        inserts, two ten round magazines        ger both cocks and drops the ham-
important frame of reference.            and a trigger lock with two keys.       mer. The action is not reset by the
   For this modest outlay you get           The CPX is light enough for          slide. The trigger may be pressed
                                                                                 repeatedly in practice with a tri-
                                                                                 ple-checked unloaded pistol. This
                                                                                 is an advantage for those wishing
                                                                                 to master the trigger action by dry
                                                                                 fire practice. The pistol is hammer
                                                                                    The CPX 2 is only 6.0 inches
                                                                                 long, 4.6 inches high and a little
                                                                                 over an inch thick. The grip fits
                                                                                 most hands well. The pistol is sup-
                                                                                 plied with finger grip extensions
                                                                                 on the magazine. There are flush
                                                                                 fit flat baseplates supplied. I think
                                                                                 that a good program is to deploy
                                                                                 the flush fit magazine for con-
                                                                                 cealed carry, particularly pocket
                                                                                 carry, and use the finger grip mag-
The SCCY 9mm is easily racked to make ready. Overall this is a pistol well       azine for the backup load as the
suited to home defense, particularly for those on a budget.

July-August 2018		                                                                                                13
pistol. What it does, it does so
                                                                                ably, but it isn’t a pistol that will
                                                                                be found useful much past 15
                                                                                yards for most shooters.
                                                                                   For this review I chose two
                                                                                credible loads, While the pistol
                                                                                has proven reliable with other
                                                                                loads, it pays to test a handgun
                                                                                with more than a few choices. I
                                                                                used the Black Hills Ammuni-
                                                                                tion 125-grain Honey Badger
                                                                                and the Black Hills Ammuni-
                                                                                tion 124-grain JHP. The Honey
                                                                                Badger is a projectile that is ma-
                                                                                chined from solid copper and
                                                                                which features sharp flutes that
                                                                                add to wound potential. Fluid
                                                                                dynamics are part of the equation
                                                                                for wound potential. (See related
                                                                                story elsewhere in this issue.)
                                                                                   I also used the Black Hills Am-
                                                                                munition 124-grain jacketed hol-
                                                                                low point. The Honey Badger
                                                                                load broke about 950 feet per
                                                                                second, the 124-grain JHP about
                                                                                1010 fps. These loads are control-
                                                                                lable and offer wound ballistics
                                                                                superior to the .380 ACP. The pis-
                                                                                tol is comfortable to fire without
                                                                                excess recoil. The long double-ac-
                                                                                tion trigger provides good control.
                                                                                Trigger reset isn’t as fast as some
                                                                                pistols but the action is consistent
                                                                                and reset is smooth.
The SCCY is provided with two magazines, a trigger lock, an instruction man-       As you fire press the trigger to
ual and flat flush fit base plates for the magazines. As issued the magazines
have finger support extensions.                                                 the rear, allow the pistol to reset
                                                                                during recoil, and then as soon
finger grip makes for good lever-        The pistol isn’t designed to han-
                                                                                as the sights are back on target
age when grasping the magazine.        dle +P ammunition. In a handgun
                                                                                fire again. I fired the pistol ex-
The leverage of the trigger is such    this size +P would be difficult to
                                                                                tensively at 5, 7 and 10 yards. At
that the ten pound trigger com-        control. Slide velocity might out-
                                                                                7 yards, the most likely defense
pression feels lighter. The maga-      strip the ability of the magazine
                                                                                range, I was able to put an entire
zine release is positive and keeps     to feed properly. +P loads would
                                                                                ten round magazine into a space
the magazine in place but also         also cause excess wear on the small
                                                                                the size of a hand. That is life-
drops the magazine smartly when        parts of the action if used exten-
                                                                                saving accuracy. None of the loads
pressed. The slide lock features an    sively. I have fired the pistol to
                                                                                were difficult to manage but the
over-molded extension. The slide       the tune of over 250 cartridges at
                                                                                125-grain Honey Badger seemed
lock is easily worked quickly.         present to get the measure of the
                                                                                most pleasant. Shot placement
14			                                                                                            Women&Guns
range for accuracy isn’t      quality ammunition the piece is
                                                  relevant but useful in        capable of striking a threat in the
                                                  gauging the ability of the    chest at 25 yards. That is a lot of
                                                  shooter and the pistol. Af-   reach for a 15 ounce 9mm.
                                                  ter all we do not wish to        The pistol is intended for per-
                                                  be helpless if confronted     sonal defense and that means
                                                  with a threat at longer       close range. This isn’t a field pistol
                                                  range. I took the time        for dusting off coyote and pests.
                                                  and made the effort to fire   Home defense would also entail
                                                  the SCCY CPX 2 from           close range use and gun-handling
                                                  a braced barricade fir-       is as important as marksmanship.
                                                  ing position at 15 yards.     The pistol handles well and offers
                                                  The time I took to do so      ten shots fast to save your life. The
Note the white dot outline sights.                isn’t relevant to personal    pistol is compact and has been car-
These sights offer real speed in fast   defense shooting but I took the         ried in a Blackhawk! pocket pistol
                                        measure of the pistols accuracy. I      during most of the trial. The CPX
means the most and putting the          fired a group that measured 3.5         2 hasn’t failed to feed, chamber fire
bullet where it will do the most        inches at 15 yards previously and       and eject in several range sessions
good is the key. The outcome of         met this standard with the Black        totaling over 250 cartridges. The
any defensive encounter depends         Hills Honey Badger load. The            SCCY is a neat little pistol with
upon the gun-handling and de-           largest five shot group I have fired    good performance for the price.
termination of the defender. The        at 15 yards went nearly 4.5 inches.     For shooters on a tight budget or
SCCY is plenty accurate for most        Based on my experience with the         looking for a second or backup
defensive encounters.                   SCCY CPX 2 9mm pistol and               gun the SCCY may be a life saver.
  Firing such a handgun at long                                                                                W&G

July-August 2018		                                                                                                15

Prois Not Hiding Women’s Identity
with New Camo Line

By Peggy Tartaro,                                                           research to ensure optimal per-
Executive Editor                                                            formance across a wide spectrum
                                                                            of game species, and Mathemati-
   Prois®, a woman-founded                                                  cal Edge―shapes and distortion
manufacturer of women’s out-                                                patterns modified using math-
door clothing, has introduced a                                             ematical algorithms to reflect the
new camo pattern specifically for                                           shapes and visual biases found in
women. Veil Camo®, the leader                                               the natural world.
in scientific-based camo pattern                                              The 2018 Prois apparel line fea-
innovations, and Prois, have com-                                           tures systems including merino
bined efforts to introduce the new                                          wool, technical performance fab-
Cumbre™ pattern for 2018.                                                   rics, mid-weight technical fabrics,
   “It was our vision to create a                                           down, rain gear, and accessories
disruptive camouflage pattern                                               in the new Cumbre pattern. Ad-
that would be used specifically                                             ditionally, all Prois Cumbre prod-
for women’s products,” said Prois                                           ucts are now available for pre-or-
CEO and Founder, Kirstie Pike.                                              der at proishunting.com
                                     Prois tank in merino wool is part of
“I have always felt female hunters   the company’s new Cumbre camo
want to be identified as hunters     product line.
first and females second. We be-     Cumbre.
lieve creating a women’s-specific       The Cumbre pattern is offered
camouflage pattern will give other   across the Prois line of women’s
manufacturers the option to cre-     premium hunting clothes and ac-
ate women’s lines without the        cessories and is now available for
use of pink or purple to identify    licensing to other manufacturers
women’s gear. We aim to have         of premium hunting products de-
Cumbre serve as THE women’s          signed for women, according to
camo pattern.”                       the company.
   Not only does Cumbre exhibit a       Key developmental features of
bold, fresh look, this new pattern   the pattern include: Scalable Dis-
                                                                            Sports bra in the Cumbre pattern
is grounded in years of research     ruption―a blend of macro and           which was designed for women.
and development, bringing to-        micro features tuned to the land-
gether camouflage science, animal    scape to offer near- to distant-         According to Pike, “no longer
vision research, and mathematical    concealment; Disruptive Mimet-         is pink and purple, and reduced
concepts found in the “form and      ic Coloration―a finely mixed           men’s sizes needed to identify
chaos” of the natural world. It is   “environmental color palette”          women’s hunting apparel. The
this scientific approach combined    that strengthens both the macro        Cumbre pattern was designed to
with extensive field testing that    and micro disruptive features;         support the practical, real-world
supports the effectiveness of Veil   Animal vision and perception           needs and expectations of the fe-

16			                                                                                       Women&Guns
racerback bra features    zipper for added ventilation, ar-
                                       athletic styling, and a   ticulated elbows, thumbholes, and
                                       wide elastic band for     form flattering cut. This shirt is
                                       optimal support and       constructed long through the tor-
                                       comfort. This merino      so for tucking in and has a lovely
                                       sports bra offers su-     modern fit. A touch of Lycra gives
                                       perior moisture and       this line additional stretch for the
                                       odor control, excel-      perfect fit allowing the garment o
                                       lent support, and all     move with you without hinder-
                                       day comfort and is        ing full range of motion. This
                                       available in sizes XS-    also allows this shirt to conform
                                       2X for $79.99             to a wide variety of body types.I
                                         A tank in the same      n sizes XS-2X, the ½ Zip Shirt is
                                       fabric, pattern and       $159.99
                                       sizes is available for       The Cumbre line debuts this
                                       $99.99.                   summer. Prois also offers their
                                         Prois’ Olann 1/2        lightweight Tintri line, rain gear,
                                       Zip Shirt is con-         down products and mid-weight
                                       structed of 96% Me-       gear. Their website also features
                                       rino Wool and 4%          an outlet section with discounted
                                       Lycra, and. features      products and frequent sales.
                                       an athletic fit, 1/2                                    W&G

The 1/2-Zip Shirt is part of the new
male hunter. She is a sportsman,
she deserves the same technical
development and tools a man
wants for his outdoor excursions.”
  Prois believes the cornerstone
f the best outdoor gear lies in its
fabrics. Merino wool is far su-
perior to the synthetic fabrics
available on the market and they
have sourced the highest quality
merino available. Merino wool
is naturally anti-microbial, odor-
resistant, moisture-wicking, offers
UV protection, static resistance,
and the fibers are much finer than
traditional wool. Because of this
merino wool is not itchy like the
wool produced by other breeds of
sheep. This gives their Olann line
an ultra-soft touch with none of
the itchy feel of regular wool. The
Olann line is constructed of 96%
Merino Wool and 4% Lycra. Their
July-August 2018		                                                                               17

Black Hills Ammunition
Honey Badger Loads

   The Honey Badger .380 ACP and .38 Special bullets,
   shown, have demonstrated excellent performance.

By Bob Campbell,               As a young person I began hand-   featured a flat nose and a sharp
Contributing Editor          loading my own ammunition and       driving shoulder. The damage
                             often used hard cast semi-wadcut-   these bullets did was much superi-
  Many individuals rely upon ter bullets (SWC). These bullets    or to a round nose lead bullet. The
modern jacketed hollow                                                 flat nose and sharp shoulders
point ammunition for per-                                              cut flesh rather than simply
sonal defense. A loading                                               pressing it aside. Penetra-
with a good balance of ex-                                             tion was excellent and the
pansion and penetration                                                bullet design kept most of
exhibits excellent wound                                               the weight of the bullet out
potential. But hollow point                                            of the case, which allowed
bullets are not perfect.                                               greater velocity without rais-
Some will close up on meet-                                            ing pressure. I still use SWC
ing bone. With the bullet                                              bullets for hunting and for
mashed shut the nose can-                                              defensive purposes in small
not fill with material and                                             handguns that may not pro-
instigate bullet expansion.                                            duce enough velocity to reli-
Others may expand too                                                  ably cause bullet expansion.
quickly, others too slowly.  The Honey Badger bullet nose is     The advantage of a bullet that cuts
                             quite sharp.

18			                                                                             Women&Guns
wound ballistics without using
                                                                           a hollow point bullet. Handgun
                                                                           bullets produce wounds by mak-
                                                                           ing holes in the target. Damage
                                                                           must be done to make for blood
                                                                           loss. The body is a pressurized sys-
                                                                           tem and when blood is lost blood
                                                                           pressure drops and the body shuts
                                                                           down. The goal of personal de-
                                                                           fense shooters is to increase the
                                                                           size of this hole in relation to the
                                                                           caliber of the handgun used. An-
                                                                           other thing that is desirable in a
                                                                           personal defense bullet is that the
                                                                           bullets track straight to the vital
                                                                           organs without deviation and that
                                                                           penetration is adequate. Penetra-

Note tears in paper target with Honey Badger.
flesh on contact is that the dam-     has been a great deal of research
age begins immediately instead of     into wound ballistics. Black Hills
after the bullet expands. An even     Ammunition offers excellent jack-
more effective bullet is now of-      eted hollow point loads in the
fered by Black Hills Ammunition.      popular calibers. They also offer
   Some feel the handgun is sim-      economical non-expanding bul-
ply a projectile launcher and the     let loads. The new Honey Badger
bullet is what matters most. There    load is designed to make for good
                                                                           There is plenty of bearing surface on
                                                                           this all copper bullet for good accu-

                                                                           tion isn’t difficult to design into a
                                                                           bullet and modern hollow points
                                                                           may be designed to expand reli-
                                                                           ably. The problem is maintaining
                                                                           the proper mix of expansion and
                                                                           penetration. Personal research and
                                                                           experience tells me that when small
                                                                           bore cartridges have performed to
                                                                           a greater degree than expected it
                                                                           is because they have penetrated
                                                                           deeply. When a big cartridge fails
                                                                           it is often because it has not ex-
                                                                           hibited adequate penetration. The
                                                                           bullet must penetrate heavy cloth-
                                                                           ing or light cover and penetrate
The Ruger GP 100 gave excellent results with the Honey Badger.             and break bones to reach the vital
July-August 2018		                                                                                          19
Gelatin results with the Honey Badger have been excellent.
organs. This isn’t something that    zines we were careful not to push that extends past the tissue the
may be compromised.                  against the very tip of the nose but bullet is actually touching.
  The Honey Badger bullet is a       to apply pressure to the side of the        Black Hills Ammunition has
solid copper bullet with cutting     bullet in loading. I actually picked shared the gelatin results from
                                                                               tests they have conducted. The re-
                                                                               sults are greater than I would have
                                                                               thought. Gelatin blocks are stable
                                                                               and the wound cavity may be mea-
                                                                               sured. No SWC bullet offers the
                                                                               type of damage the Honey Badger
                                                                               does and round nose or full metal
                                                                               jacketed bullets are far behind.
                                                                               FMJ bullets allow tissue to close
                                                                               up around the wound as the flesh
                                                                               is more pushed aside than cut.
                                                                               The results are impressive with the
When loaded in speed loaders the Honey Badger isn’t difficult to quickly load. Honey Badger compared to these
                                                                               loadings. In a day when ridiculous
flutes machined into the body. up a small cut until I learned this claims are common and many
The bullets are very precisely simple caution. I have fired these bullets are designed to break up
machined and while they are de- bullets extensively and tested them early rather than offer adequate
signed primarily for wound bal- in water for penetration.                      penetration the Honey Badger is
listics they are also very accurate.    While some of my observations a great new loading and an offer-
The bullets have a profile that al- may not be scientific, they are use- ing that makes a lot of sense for
lows good feed reliability in self- ful. When firing full metal jack- many of us. My personal scenario
loading pistols. Depending on the eted bullets or round nose lead includes travel in both urban and
caliber, the bullets have three or bullets into water the effect on rural areas. Protection against
four scallops or flutes machined the water jugs I use (six inch wide dangerous animals including feral
into the nose. These cut-out sec- water jugs) isn’t very dynamic. Fir- dogs and the big cats is important.
tions extend to the bullet’s tip ing the Honey Badger loads at a                 While the Honey Badger meets
where they are formed into a similar velocity creates dynamic FBI standards for penetration it is
pointed star like star. The bullets disruption. The bullet nose de- also a load that doesn’t over-pene-
are sharp―in fact, when loading sign forces water or tissue outward trate. The flutes act like a kind of
these bullets in .380 ACP maga- producing in effect a larger wound air brake in gelatin testing, at least
20			                                                                                          Women&Guns
I feel it does. Black Hills Ammu-     ity is 968 fps. Recoil is very light,   quent backup .38 Special and we
nition offers first quality ammuni-   qualifying the load for those that      tried the 100-grain Honey Badger.
tion in every sense of the word.      are recoil sensitive. Accuracy is ex-   I have also fired the Honey Badger
These loads, like other Black Hills   cellent. I used this load when test-    in a Smith & Wesson 442 revolv-
Ammunition handgun loads, of-         ing a modern pistol that would          er, all with two-inch barrels. Ve-
fer a clean powder burn, good ac-     not feed JHP bullets. While a           locity is 950 to 980 fps. Accuracy
                                                                                          is good and the Honey
                                                                                          Badger doesn’t exhibit
                                                                                          excess recoil. I have also
                                                                                          fired this load in my
                                                                                          four-inch barrel .357
                                                                                          Magnum revolvers and
                                                                                          found it match grade
                                                                                          accurate. Penetration is
                                                                                          virtually the same as the
                                                                                          9mm load, just a half
                                                                                          inch or so less on aver-
                                                                                          age. Recently I fired the
                                                                                          load in my Colt Police
The Honey Badger bullet is an amazing breakthrough in many ways.                          Positive Special with
                                                                              four-inch barrel. I was surprised
curacy and modest muzzle signa-       modern pistol with feed problems        to see the 100-grain bullet clock
ture. I have been able to test most   is rare, there it was. Penetration in   1211 fps over the Competition
of the Honey Badger loads with        water is 18 inches. This is a load      Electronics Chronograph. This is
good results.                         for the recoil shy that offers better   a viable loading and it will be my
  I have fired the .380 ACP           ballistics than an FMJ loading.         first choice in lighter .38 Special
60-grain in a Rock Island Baby           I own a Colt Detective Special       revolvers.
Rock, Springfield 911 and the         and a Colt Cobra, both manufac-            I have also fired the Honey Bad-
new Smith & Wesson Shield.            tured in 1962. These are excellent      ger in .44 Magnum. For animal
Muzzle velocity was 1170 fps in                                               defense and close range encoun-
the Baby Rock and a blistering                                                ters with feral dogs, the .44 Mag-
1190 fps in the Shield. Even the                                              num would make an awesome
2.6-inch barrel Springfield exhib-                                            combination. The 135-grain .45
ited 1151 fps. That is excellent                                              ACP Honey Badger is also in-
velocity. Yet, like most .380 ACP                                             teresting. The .45 ACP, frankly,
loads this one features modest re-                                            doesn’t need any help but the small
coil. Accuracy is excellent. I was                                            bore cartridges do. I am going to
able to strike small objects at 25                                            study the .45 ACP more closely in
                                      The Honey Badger is packaged in 50
yards with these pistols and the      round boxes in some calibers and 20     the future. Meanwhile my results
Honey Badger loading. Penetra-        rounds in others.                       with the .380 ACP, 9mm Luger
tion in water was over 15 inches.                                             and .38 Special are impressive. As
In a micro hideout .380 this load     revolvers, there is nothing quite       a sidenote there are a few jurisdic-
outstrips the .32 ACP, .32 H & R      like them available today. I keep       tions in various people’s republics
Magnum, and standard .380 ACP         the Detective Special in a special      that prohibit hollow point ammu-
loads with good function and ex-      place in an old desk in the HP          nition in carry guns. The Honey
cellent accuracy.                     Lovecraft reading room, all vin-        Badger isn’t a JHP.
  I fired the 9mm 125-grain Hon-      tage gear down to the Colt and a           The Honey Badger is a viable
ey Badger load extensively in my      clickety clack 1940 GE fan. The         loading well worth your study.
personal Springfield EMP. Veloc-      aluminum frame Cobra is a fre-                                         W&G
July-August 2018		                                                                                              21

Return to Chesapeake Bay
By Sheila Link,
Contributing Editor

   Author’s note: At last issue’s
   press deadline we learned of
   the sad passing of Sheila Link,
   our first contributing editor,
   just a few months shy of her
   95th birthday. I was able to
   get a few lines in tribute to her
   in my From the Editor col-
   umn, but I thought it would
   be a fitting tribute to reprint
   this 2004 feature of hers. It
   combines many of the talents
   that made Sheila such a trea-
   sure and asset to Women &
   Guns—her love of hunting,
   her interest in new gear, an
                                       A good day’s hunt on the Chesapeake for author Sheila Link (at left) and
   appreciate of her roots—and         companions in 2004.
   most of all—her tremendous          excellent restaurants. The main        waterfowling. Hunters, of course,
   gift of being able to commu-        attraction, though, was the justly     descend upon Easton for the festi-
   nicate.                             famous waterfowling and fishing        val, along with artists who create,
   --Peggy Tartaro, Executive          available on, in and around Ches-      and collectors who admire water-
   Editor                              apeake Bay. Since living on the        fowl painting, sculpture, decoy-
   A flock of mallards, cupping        west coast, I’ve missed the charm      carving and the fascinating his-
their wings as they wheel around       of the Chesapeake. Recently, how-      tory of this tradi­tional sport.
is a lovely sight. And who could       ever, I got an unexpected oppor-          As I gathered clothing, boots
be indiffer­ ent to a squadron of      tunity to hunt there.                  and gear for the trip, my mind was
Canadas, honking conversation-           At the close of a Writer’s Shoot     filled with memories of Easton,
ally as they search for a place to     sponsored by Beretta, a drawing        the Chesapeake, the Water-
spend the night? Ducks and geese       was held, and my name drawn, for       fowl Festival and the “Tidewater
on the wing, more than any other       an all-expense waterfowl hunt on       Inn.” Guests ar­riving at the Inn’s
crea­tures, arouse our awareness of    Maryland’s Eastern Shore. When         front door were always greeted
wild places and a yearning to ex-      plans were finalized, and the itin­    by a white-jacketed porter, who
plore them.                            erary sent, I was overjoyed to learn   opened the car door and said,
   Before moving to California         that we’d be staying at the “Tide­     “Welcome to the Tidewater, you-
fifteen years ago, I lived on New      water Inn” in Easton. The Tidewa-      all just step inside, I’ll take care of
Jersey’s coast, a short day’s drive    ter had been my preferred destina­     your bags.”
from Maryland’s Eastern Shore,         tion in Easton. That elegant              The small, sedate wood paneled
which is world famous for its out-     estab­lishment always served as        lobby was furnished with big soft
standing populations of native         headquar­ters for the famed “Wa-       leather chairs. Flames from ever­
and seasonal waterfowl. I drove        terfowl Fes­ tival” too, an annual     present burning logs in the worn
down often to enjoy the charm-         gathering of people entranced by       brick fireplace highlighted colors
ing villages, colonial history and
22			                                                                                           Women&Guns
in the large Oriental rugs and          be scraped together. The modus         remembered so well and had ex-
brought paintings on the walls to       oper­andi was to scull the low, nar-   pected, has given way- to well ...
life. Rooms were small. Tiny, ac-       row boat as close as possible to a     Casual.
tually, for the inn dates from the      huge raft of ducks or geese. Just        “Do you still serve the hunter’s
1800s, but comfortable and the          before the birds appeared ready to     early breakfast? I asked.
dining room was memorable.              lift off, the men sat upright and        “Oh no,” the clerk replied, sur-
   Excellent meals were beautifully     the huge gun would be fired into       prised. “Our dining room is open
served and the Inn’s renowned           the center of the flock as it sat on   only on weekends, and only for
terrapin soup, with warm sherry         the water. This method of harvest-     dinner.
poured on top as the plate was          ing birds commercially was legal         That shouldn’t have surprised
placed before you, was unforget­        until 1909, when the Migratory         me too much, having noticed
table. What I remember most poi-        Bird Act was passed. Harry was         other changes, but it was a bit
gnantly, however, was the ‘hunt-        about ten when market gunning          of a blow anyway. My room was
er’s breakfast.’ During water­fowl·     became illegal.                        unchanged from the very small
seasons that hearty repast be­gan          Harry looked back on his youth      rooms for which the Inn was
at 3:30 AM. Long buffet tables          with more than a little nostalgia.     known, except that the firm mat-
held pitchers of cold, frothy or-       The time spent with his father and     tress was a definite improvement
ange juice beside big bowls of fruit    uncle had been adventuresome. In       over those I recalled.
and platters of fragrantly steaming     part, I’d guess, because the new         Jason had dinner reservations at
sau­sages, bacon and pancakes.          hunting regulations were neither       a restaurant nearby. Al Oriente,
Eggs were cooked to order, any          appreciated nor observed. There        Beretta’s Northeast sales represen-
way you liked them. There were          was competition, too, among the        tative, greeted us there and said he
wonderful cloud-like biscuits, too,     now illicit market gunners. Since      was also sitting in for the Federal
with sweet butter, jams, honey or       they were operating outside the        company. During dinner we were
gravy, cof­fee, tea and hot cocoa.      law anyway, fighting over territory    joined by another gentleman, who
   As guests made their selec-          wasn’t governed by “Marquess Of        introduced himself as Sean Mann.
tions, a pleasant murmer of greet-      Queensbury Rules.” The Chesa­          He seemed particularly pleased
ings, con­versation and occasional      peake, it is commonly held, “was       to see me and explained that, as a
laughter formed a subdued accom-        full of pirates.” Whether, or how      boy he had hunted with me when
paniment. Shortly after break-          much of it was true, I don’t know.     his father was a Chesapeake water-
fast, hunters passed through the        I do know I enjoyed the area and       fowl guide. Sean’s a championship
lobby on their way to the shoot-        was eager to return                    duck caller whose company pro-
ing fields, their shotguns—mostly          My trip was hosted by several       duces a line of very fine duck and
doubles—in hand or draped ca-           companies: Beretta, Realtree and       goose calls.
sually over their shoulders. The        Federal Cartridge. Jason Trope-          “It’s great to see you again!” he
Tidewater was an eminently civi-        ano, a representative from Real-       said. “When I heard that you were
lized, cultured, charming place. I      tree met my flight into the Balti-     coming, I arranged to be the guide
could hardly wait to return!            more airport and we drove to the       and caller for your group.” He
   Harry’s family weren’t gentle-       “Tidewater” to meet the rest of the    paused. “We may get some rain,
men sportsmen. Not for them             group. My memory of the Tide-          but we’ll get birds, I assure you.”
the slim, elegant English side-by-      water Inn, had never dimmed, but         It was nice to be with such
sides. No, their weapon of choice       was abruptly halted as soon as we      pleas­ant company as Jason and Al
was a punt gun, a huge cannon of        pulled up to the front door. No        and heartening to be greeted with
a shotgun, probably of 4-gauge or       one opened the car door. no one        Sean’s warm welcome. He remem-
even 2- gauge diameter. And the         offered to “...take care off your      bered a lot more about our previ-
shot they scuffed into the 8- or        bags.”                                 ous hunts than I, but his recollec-
10-foot bar­rels was a hodgepodge          When I registered at the desk       tions quickly kindled my memory
of metal: nuts, bolts, nails, screws,   the clerk was pleasant and effi-       Chesapeake Bay
broken handles or whatever could        cient but the gracious ambience I      Continued on Page 29
July-August 2018		                                                                                              23

Legally Speaking
                                      filled with potential conquests to     gross seduction or rape) should
                                      be boasted about to other men in       be to make her displeasure
                                      much the same way they might           immediately known in clear
                                      boast about some fish they claimed     terms. “I’m sorry, I don’t date
                                      to have caught. As the hunter, the     married men... I don’t get involved
                                      male could take all the liberties he   in relationships at work....
                                      could get away with so long as he      Please don’t do that (said in a
                                      did not use force. Too often the       commanding voice not a pleading
                                      “woman’s liberation” movement          voice)... I’d rather kiss an eel...”
                                      was a male excuse for exploitation.    Most men’s egos are fairly fragile.
                                         What is socially tolerated has      They don’t like rejection and will
                                      shifted over the last 30 years as      often back off. In some situations,
                                      more women achieve positions of        trying to be polite is ineffective.
                                      financial security and power within       A rejection, if not bluntly stated,
                                      our society. Laws governing sexual     could be taken as an invitation
                                      harassment in the workplace have       to be bolder in what the male
          Adult Talk                  created a minefield for men who        sees as a passionate seduction. If
                                      try to exploit the women they          the offensive conduct persists,
By Karen L. MacNutt,                  supervise or work with. No women       especially if it occurs in the
Contributing Editor                   should put up with offensive           workplace, the woman should
                                      conduct by male colleagues.            file a complaint in writing to the
  Bill Cosby is a huge                Often crude sexual advances are        company’s human resource office.
disappointment.                       not acts of affection but are acts     In small companies this may not
  I admired his public persona.       of domination, a form of bullying,     be possible. In that case, you
His clean and insightful humor        needed to reassure an insecure         should probably look for a new
was refreshing in a world of comics   aggressor that he is superior to his   job before things get too bad. In
who rely upon potty talk to get       victim. Submission is not a way to     most, if not all, states there are
laughs. It is a shame that the man    advance in the job place or stop       laws against sexual harassment in
behind the character he portrayed,    the offensive conduct.                 the workplace and a complaint
had feet of clay. You cannot always      To be fair to men, not every        can be filed on the criminal side
judge a book by its cover.            sophomoric or boorish antic            of the local court.
  If everything he was accused        should result in a man’s losing his       Unfortunately,        filing      a
of doing was consensual, his          job and being socially ostracized.     complaint could result in the
acts were still reprehensible. He     That is especially so if the offense   company looking for an excuse
used his fame and reputation to       occurred when the man was              to terminate you even though
sexually exploit others.              relatively young or a time in the      such retaliation is illegal. You
  No matter who you believe, the      distant past. Everyone has done        may, therefore, want to look for
case raises interesting questions     something in his or her life which     other employment (or work in
about social norms, exploitation,     is embarrassing in hind sight. Trial   another department) before filing
stupidity and self-defense.           and error is part of the human         a complaint so you are not leaving
  For too long the social norm for    mating dance.                          with a bad efficiency report. Some
too many men has been, “I only           The woman’s initial reaction        jobs are so unique and important
have to be as good as I have to       (self-defense) to unwanted male        to your advancement, that looking
be.” For the male, the world was      attention (flirting as opposed to      for another job is not an option.

24			                                                                                          Women&Guns
Jobs in the entertainment industry       but is also vile. A person who         sporting activities a pat on the
tend to be such jobs. In that case,      is mentally impaired lacks the         rump has become an acceptable
you have to fall back on your wits.      capacity to make a knowing             acknowledgment of a job well
For the man, it is all about the         consent. In the same way, the crime    done.
chase. Promises to do things in the      of “statutory rape” which provides        If you are on the receiving end of
future will not be kept. Knowing         that a child under a certain age       one of these tokens of friendship,
that, and knowing that such men          is incapable of consent, is based      and you find it offensive, you
trying to confirm their manhood          upon the belief that the child lacks   should politely let the other person
by a large number of “scores,” may       sufficient judgement due to age to     know that you are uncomfortable
help you come up with a strategy         give knowing consent.                  with his or her behavior. If you
to address the problem.                    Most laws dealing with sexual        are on the giving end of such
   Intercourse between two people        assault are now gender neutral.        conduct, you should refrain from
is illegal if it is not consensual. It   Men can sexually assault women         such conduct until you are sure it
is the crime of rape.                    or other men. Women can sexually       will be received without offense.
   Some men fantasize that               assault men or other women.               The most serious sexual assault
women who fail to fight back are         Inappropriate sexual behavior is       is rape. The definition of rape
consenting. Under the law, failure       not confined to any one group.         can vary from state to state.
to object is not consent. A woman          The term “sexual assault” covers     The common law definition
who is passive may be acting             a wide range of behavior, some         is: unlawful sexual intercourse
out of fear. Someone who acts,           very serious while others are just     between a man and a woman.
or fails to act, out of fear is not      annoying. Because of our federal       The conduct is unlawful if
consenting. Someone who acts,            system, each state, and the federal    either party has not consented.
or fails to act, out of coercion or      government, can define the term        Traditionally, rape required the
mental bullying, is not consenting.      as it applies to the laws within       male to penetrate the female. A
Someone who submits because              their jurisdictions.                   more modern definition is gender
her future employment, income,             An assault, by common law            neutral and covers any act by
or advancement seems to be               definition, is simply putting          which any body part or object is,
conditioned on “granting” sexual         someone in fear of an unwanted         without permission, inserted into
intimacy, has not consented.             touching. The touching itself is a     the body cavity of another. Thus,
Consent requires a knowing and           battery. Depending upon the state      an unwanted “French kiss” might,
voluntary act which is not the           and circumstances, an unwanted         by some states, be considered rape.
product of mental, economic or           kiss could be a “sexual assault.” An      A major change in the
physical threats.                        unwanted touching, be it a light       traditional definition of rape
   When there is a disparity in          rubbing or a coarse groping, a pinch   involves married people. Until the
power between the individuals,           or pat could be a sexual assault.      mid-1970s, it was thought that a
there is an inherent coercive              Differences in social norms          man had the legal right to have sex
effect. Advances made by teachers        can sometimes cause problems.          with his wife anytime he wished,
towards students, employers              We all have an imaginary bubble        with or without her consent. That
towards employees, caretakers            around us which is referred to         is, a man could not legally rape his
towards wards, doctors against           as our zone of comfort. When           wife. By 1993 that had changed.
patients, or clergy against              someone gets too close to us, we       A man can now rape his wife
parishioner all have an element          feel uncomfortable. Where that         under the laws of all states if she
of coercion and breach of trust          zone of comfort ends, however, is      does not willingly consent to his
which makes the act especially           different among different ethnic       advances. In some states a lack of
inappropriate.                           and cultural groups. In one group,     consent to intercourse is all that
   Likewise taking advantage             a light kiss on the side of the        is needed to show rape between
of someone who is drunk,                 cheek, or a quick embrace or hug       married partners. In other states,
unconscious or is mentally               is acceptable behavior to show         threats or coercion is required.
incapacitated is not only illegal        neighborly friendship. In certain         A good relationship is based on

July-August 2018		                                                                                               25
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