Open Class Exhibitor's Handbook - July 23rd to 27th, 2019 Coos County Fairgrounds 770 4th Street P O Box 332 Myrtle Point OR 97458
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1 July 23rd to 27th, 2019 Open Class Exhibitor’s Handbook Coos County Fairgrounds 770 4th Street P O Box 332 Phone: 541-396-2200 Myrtle Point OR 97458 Fax: 541-396-2202 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
2 COOS COUNTY FAIR COUNTY OPEN CLASS FAIR BOARD Fair Schedule …...……..……………….…………. 3 Aaron Leep Pre-Entry & Entry Schedule …...……………....… 3 Rules - General Rules …...…………………......... 4 Livestock Rules …...…………………...….…..….. 5 Candy Baumer Michael Bohannon Static Exhibits - How to Enter …..…………......… 7 Daris Bouthillier Brad Burnett Julie Groves Dennis Hermann STATIC EXHIBITS Denise Stevens …...Fair and Rodeo Queen Chair Fine Arts …..……………………..……..………..... 7 Year Round Staff Applied Arts …......……………….………..…….… 9 Debbie James ......................Asst Fair Manager Photography …....…...…………………….…...... 10 Brian Couch ............... Maintenance Supervisor Culinary …..………………………………...….…. 12 4-H & FFA Needlecraft & Clothing ……....…......………...… 18 Elissa Wells .............................................. 4-H Floral …....….………………….…...….…………. 23 Julie Harris ............................................... FFA Land Products …...……….…….……………..…. 27 Rhonda Fischer ....... Editor of Exhibitor’s Handbook Includes Beers, Wines, Liqueurs & Cordials Community Exhibits …..……………………..….. 32 Fair Theme provided by Shannon Thomas, Myrtle Point ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Contests ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ANIMAL ENTRIES Kid Craft Day Afternoon in the Grove — Cattle, Dairy ..…………………….…….………… 32 Sponsored by Coquille Supply Cattle, Beef …...……………..……….……..……. 32 Swine .…………….……..………….………….…. 33 Flea Market Flip Page 9 Sheep .………………..…………….…….………. 34 Steampunk Item Page 9 Goats .…………….…………….….…….…….…. 35 Mason Jar Revival Page 10 Poultry ..…….………………………….…………. 37 Salsa Contest Page 14 Rabbits ….…..…………………….………….…... 38 Yard Art Page 27 Llama.………………………….……….....………. 42 Bird House Special Page 30 Exotics ….………………………...……..……….. 43 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Horses ..…………………………....………...…… 43 FORMS Coos County Commissioners Horse Halter ……………………….…...………... 45 Performance ………………………….………..… 46 Livestock ...…………………………………….…. 47 Commissioner Rabbits & Cavies…………….………..………..... 48 Robert “Bob” Main Fair Grounds Map ….……………...………...….. 49 Grand Marshals & Fair Queens …….... Back Page For Parade Information contact the Fair Office Commissioner John Sweet Visit The Coos County Fair Museum New fair and county history exhibits Come see the expanded Commissioner Train display Melissa Cribbins Open Daily During The Fair “American Pride, County Wide”
3 Coos County Fair & Rodeo 2019 Open Class ANIMAL PRE-ENTRY DEADLINE June 15 HORSES – PRE-ENTRY DEADLINE July 24 ALL 4-H ENTRIES DUE May 15 SATURDAY – JULY 20 ENTRY DAY 10 am - 6 pm Open Class Static Exhibits received: Arts & Crafts, Photography, Culinary, Floral, Land Products, Wine, Needlework SUNDAY – JULY 21 - ENTRY DAY 10 am - 6 pm Open Class & 4-H Static Exhibits received: Arts & Crafts, Photography, Culinary, Floral, Land Products, Wine, Needlework. 9 am - 4 pm 4-H Static Exhibits received, judged, appointment required 6 - 8 pm 4-H Horses received, vet checks MONDAY – JULY 22 - ENTRY DAY 7:30 am - 8 pm 4-H, FFA and Open Class Livestock received 4-H and FFA auction animals vet checks All Day Open Class Static Exhibits Judged: Arts & Crafts, Photography, Culinary, Floral, Land Products, Wine, Needlework 9 am - 5 pm 4-H Horse Show 6 pm to 8:30 pm Auction Swine Weigh-in 6 pm Auction Small Animal Weigh-in TUESDAY – JULY 23 4-H, FFA and Open Class Shows: Horse, Livestock and Small Animals Auction Lamb, Goat, Steer Weigh-In, 7 pm Fashion Revue 5:30 Fresh Salsa Contest, Davenport Building, See page 14 WEDNESDAY – JULY 24 4-H, FFA and Open Class Shows: Horse, Livestock and Small Animals 6:30 pm PARMALEE THURSDAY – JULY 25 4-H, FFA and Open Class Shows: Horse, Llama, Livestock and Small Animals 6:30 pm TRACY BYRD FRIDAY – JULY 26 8 am Open Class Horse Show 10 am 4-H Dog Show 4 pm Large Animal Master Showmanship 6 pm Small Animal Master Showmanship 6:30 pm Rodeo Kids Events 7 pm RODEO 9:30 pm Billy Lund, Whiskey Weekend SATURDAY – JULY 27 10 am Parade Begins 1:00 pm AUCTION - 4-H & FFA Livestock Auction 3:00 - 6:00 pm Premium Pay-Outs 7 pm RODEO 9:30 pm Billy Lund, Whiskey Weekend SUNDAY - JULY 28 - RELEASE DAY 8:00 am – 2:00 pm 4-H and FFA Exhibits Released 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Open Class Exhibits Released 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Premium Pay-Outs 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
4 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE COOS COUNTY FAIR & RODEO The following rules and regulations become a part of the contract of each exhibitor, licensee, concessionaire and every other person having contractual relations with the Coos County Fair. Special rules take precedence over general rules, if there is a conflict. The Coos County Fair Board reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions, and differences in regard thereto, or, otherwise arising out of, or connected with or incidental to the Fair. Payment of premiums is contingent upon the availability of funds for distribution at the Coos County Fair. 1. The general supervision of the grounds and entire exhi- - LATE ENTRY FEES will be charged on Livestock bition, including entries, booths, concessions, arrange- and animal entries made after the Pre-Entry ment of exhibits, and all details, is vested in the Fair Closing Date. Board. - LATE ENTRY ACCEPTANCE is based on space ELIGIBILITY available and superintendents approval. 2. All departments except Llamas and Exotics, 4-H and - ENTRY TIMES during Entry Days at the Fair are FFA, are open to all counties and states. listed on the Exhibitors Schedule in the Exhibitors 3. All static (still, non-livestock) exhibits must be made by Handbook and online. the exhibitor and finished within the past year, since the (For Open Class Horses, see Department for Horses last Fair. No unfinished articles will be accepted. and Horse Entry Forms and Exhibitors Schedule) 4. Only the owner or lessee may exhibit an animal, which must be entered in his / her name. 9. LIVESTOCK and ANIMAL EXHIBITS: The man- agement will use every precaution in its power for NOTICE the safe preservation of all exhibits, but will not be 4-H and FFA members shall not exhibit the same livestock, responsible for loss or damage. excluding horses, in both 4-H or FFA divisions and open classes except for non-premium championship 10. EXHIBIT BUILDINGS will be open only to classes. exhibitors and fair facilitators during entry days. OPEN CLASS ENTRY PROCEDURE 11. ENTRY ACCEPTANCE is required. The manage- 5. Entry Forms are available in the Exhibitors Handbook, ment reserves the right to reject any exhibit of- at the Fair Office, and the OSU Extension Office in Myr- fered and to remove any exhibit improperly en- tle Point, online at tered or deemed dangerous or objectionable. (the County website listed under Departments as Coos 12. STATIC EXHIBITS: All static (still) exhibits, when County Fair) or assigned space, become subject to the control of See the “How to Enter” section following the Rules and the management. The management will use every Regulations. precaution in its power for the safe preservation of 6. A separate Entry Form should be completed for each all exhibits, but will not be responsible for loss or Department. Pre-Entry is encouraged for all Depart- damage. ments and mandatory for all animal entries. Pre-Entry 13. EXHIBIT RELEASE TIME is listed in the Exhibi- forms submitted on or before the closing date as noted tors schedule in the front section of this fair book, on entry forms for each department allows for prepara- the Exhibitors Handbook. Exhibits will be released tion of accommodations for livestock and other animals at that time only. No exceptions. Exhibitors must and for preparation of information for the fair exhibit present their claim checks to the superintendent process. or clerk in charge of the department before re- 7. Every entry will be issued an entry tag which identifies moving exhibits, excepting livestock. the Exhibitor by ID number and the class by number ENTRIES - JUDGING - AWARDS and description, and sub-division, if any. 14. Only one entry in each class or lot may be made Each entry tag will be placed with each exhibit accord- by an exhibitor unless otherwise stated. ing to the requirements of the superintendent of the 15. An exhibit may be entered in only one class or lot department. Entry tags may be printed out for all pre- for premium with the exception of livestock. entries. 16. REGROUPING - The management reserves the ENTRY DEADLINES right to combine like classes or to reclassify exhib- 8. ENTRY DAYS are during fair week for all exhibits, its when there is lack of competition. with Pre-Entry required for all livestock and animal en- tries and preferred for static entries. Entry fees are re- 17. JUDGING: quired for animal entries, must accompany the complet- - Any animal or article deemed unworthy shall not ed entry form and be postmarked and/or received by be awarded a premium merely because there is the deadline posted. no competition. - The decision of the judges is final. The Pre-Entry Closing Date is approximately one month - Judges will not be allowed to adjudicate in a prior to Fair, in order to allow for planning and preparation class in which they are exhibitors. of space and penning (accommodations). Entry fees are - Any person interfering with the judges during the required to provide for livestock bedding and feed for rab- adjudication will forfeit the right to premiums. All bits and poultry. Pre-entry is required for some entries in employees and volunteers are required and ex- which there are space limitations, such as Booths and rec- hibitors are requested to report any violation of ommended for Table Settings. There are no entry fees for this rule to the Fair Office. non-livestock entries unless specified. “American Pride, County Wide”
5 18. PROTESTS: All complaints / protests must be made 27. SECURITY: The Coos County Fair will have security in writing and signed, with date of signature, to be officers on the grounds and will use every reasonable taken under advisement. precaution for the preservation and protection of persons and property, articles and livestock on exhibition, but 19. AWARDS: Awards will be made according to the will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage that merit of the exhibit. The judge may disqualify or may occur, and each exhibitor will waive any right of award 2nd, 3rd, or 4th at his / her discretion. All rib- subrogation against the Fair, where permissible, under bons, stickers or banner awards are to be conspicu- any contract of insurance owned by that exhibitor. The ously displayed with the exhibits and left there until Fair’s public liability does not cover exhibitors; therefore, release time. each exhibitor is responsible for any loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by or arising from, any 20. PREMIUMS: Exhibitors are eligible for only one animal or article exhibited or owned by that exhibitor, premium in any one class or lot, except livestock, and shall save, free and harmless the Fair, its’ officers, which are eligible for two premiums in any one class board and employees, from any claims for damage or or lot. Each exhibit is eligible for only one premium. loss, either to person or property, from all and every NO PREMIUM MONEY WILL BE PAID ON ANY cause whatsoever. ANIMAL OR ARTICLE NOT LISTED IN THE PRE- MIUM LIST. Premiums will be paid only on the 28. EXPENSES and CLAIMS: No expenses or claims will be record of awards listed on the clerks sheets returned allowed unless specifically authorized in advance by the to the Fair Office. Ribbons and cards have no value Fair Board. for premium redemption. Errors in the records caused by oversight or neglect are subject to correction by 29. DELIVERIES: All deliveries of supplies must be made the management. Payment of premiums is contingent before 10 am each morning, after which the area inside upon the availability of funds for distribution. Premi- the fences will be closed to ALL VEHICLES. ums may be adjusted depending upon funds availa- 30. GARBAGE: Receptacles will be placed at convenient ble. locations and exhibitors are asked to make use of them. The garbage will be picked up daily by Fair maintenance 21. PREMIUM PAYMENTS are made during Fair, at the staff. Fair Office, at the dates and times listed in the Exhibi- tors Schedule. Premiums will not be mailed. All pre- 31. FIRE PROTECTION: All matters of fire protection are miums, prizes and awards contained herein shall be under the direct supervision of the State Fire Marshal void unless picked up within thirty (30) days of the and the Myrtle Point Fire Chief. Fire clause - The Coos closing of the Fair and will become a contribution to County Fair will use precaution to guard against fire, but the Fair fund. will not be responsible for any losses occasioned by fire or damage by water. 22. SUPERINTENDENTS: Each superintendent, under the direction of the Fair Board, shall have charge and 32. CREDENTIALS / PASSES: Exhibitors in these divisions authority of the department to which he / she may be will receive season passes in the following allocations: assigned, and exhibitors must follow his / her order LIVESTOCK 1 pass for 1-3 animals relating to placing of exhibits, showing, etc. LIVESTOCK RULES and REGULATIONS NOTE: Area Veterinarians DONATE their time FOR ORGANI- 23. CLERKS: The clerks are requested to make a note ZATIONAL and CHECK-IN purposes. If an exhibitor re- to all classes where registration or entry forms are quires the services of a veterinarian during the Fair, the not satisfactory to the superintendent and to so indi- responsibility for payment to that veterinarian is that of the cate by checks on the judges sheets. exhibitor. - Clerks shall not permit any person / exhibitor to NOTICE examine his / her records while judging is in pro- 4-H and FFA members shall not exhibit the same livestock, gress, except the superintendent in charge or other excluding horses, in both 4-H or FFA divisions and open management. classes except for non-premium championship classes. - Clerks will encourage judges to give written com- 1. All animals must be in their stalls by 8 pm on Livestock ments on back of entry tags for the education of the Entry Day, unless stated otherwise in the department exhibitor. rules or otherwise posted by the Fair Office. No animals - Anyone not directly involved in the judging process will be removed before the Exhibit Release Time listed in will not be allowed to see the entry books until after the Exhibitors Schedule. Livestock trailers and trucks are the awards have been made and entered therein. required to have a PARKING PERMIT ISSUED FROM 24. DOGS: Dogs are allowed only in camping spaces THE FAIR OFFICE and park in assigned areas. Use the (Grove, Leep’s, Compound campgrounds) and must application for TRUCK / TRAILER PARKING PERMIT: be restrained at all times. DOGS ARE NOT AL- Horse / Livestock / Trailer / Truck Parking Permit Applica- LOWED ON THE MAIN FAIRGROUNDS except tion. for service dogs and dogs entered in the 4-H Dog 2. To avoid congestion on the Fairgrounds on entry day, all Show competition on the day of the show. livestock must enter through Leep’s field gate and will be 25. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES and SMOKING are inspected by a veterinarian in the unloading area. prohibited in all Fair Exhibit Buildings, barns and livestock 3. All cattle, sheep, goats, llamas and swine are to be areas. unloaded, as directed, at the appropriate receiving stations, between 7:30 am and 8 pm, on Livestock Entry 26. BIKES and SKATEBOARDS are prohibited from the Day. No Livestock to be delivered on the Opening Day of grounds during the Fair. Fair. Any exceptions to these delivery hours shall be 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
6 cleared by the department superintendent and the attend to their animals while on exhibition and an- exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining the ser- swer such questions as the judges deem essential vices of a veterinarian to inspect the animals prior to to a correct estimate of their relative value. All ani- their entry into the livestock barn. mals occupying exhibit stalls must be at all times 4. While the Fair provides the showcase situation al- kept thoroughly groomed, clean and in show condi- lowing for exhibitors to show the animals as best tion. Stalls and pens must be neatly kept and sup- they can, it also represents some real risks. Combin- plied with necessary bedding. Pathways and ap- ing many animals from different sources in a place proaches must be kept clean for the spectators. Ma- unfamiliar to those animals, along with the stresses nure and waste must be deposited in designated that result, creates a high risk situation for the areas. spread of infectious diseases. For the benefit of your 12. Both halters and neck ropes will be required for all own and others animals, it is recommended that all cattle. Sheep, Goats and Llamas must be under Fair animals be on the best health / immunity / pre- restraint, secured by halters or collars, when moved ventive regime possible, including vaccinations, outside pens. All animals shall be moved and tied to feeding and management. Because every situation the department superintendent’s satisfaction with the is unique, it is recommended that the exhibitor work safety of the general public, exhibitors and animals out a preventative program with a veterinarian and as a primary consideration. 4-H or FFA advisor. Many vaccination programs must begin weeks or months in advance of the Fair. 13. Spray nozzles or shut-off valves will be used on all A clinical inspection will be made of all animals and wash rack hoses. Water use shall be kept to a mini- poultry upon arrival. Any animals and poultry show- mum. ing clinical evidence of disease may be refused en- 14. NO ENTRY FEES WILL BE REFUNDED WITHOUT try. Diseased animals must be removed from the VETERINARIAN’S WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. Fairgrounds. It should be noted that the inspection will include, but not necessarily be limited to these 15. All cattle, including calves old enough to vaccinate, areas: CATTLE (BEEF & DAIRY, EXOTIC CAT- must meet current Oregon State brucellosis require- TLE) respiratory disease, ring worm, warts pinkeye ment. LLAMAS: respiratory disease, skin and foot diseas- es SHEEP & GOATS: abscesses, foot problems, 16. SHEEP: All sheep originating within twenty (20) respiratory diseases, pinkeye, skin disease, sore miles of confirmed blue tongue outbreak will be re- mouth SWINE: warts, lice, respiratory disease. quired to have been vaccinated no less than thirty (30) days or more than eighteen (18) months prior to 5. Animals or poultry which develop disease conditions entry. during the course of the Fair are to be removed from the premises with permission from the Superinten- 17. SHEEP: A Scrapie tag with point of origin is required dent. Animals or poultry injured during the Fair will be on each sheep. Scrapie tags are available through reviewed by a veterinarian and the Fair Board repre- ODA for information and forms call the Extension sentative to determine release from the Fairgrounds. Office at 541-572-5263 ext 25240. 6. Livestock Barns will be closed to the public, exhibi- tors, and anyone else not expressly authorized by a department superintendent from 11 pm till 6 am. Please respect the need for rest by our livestock. 7. Any exhibitor attempting to show his or her animal under false or irregular registration papers or refusing to show the registration papers will be barred from exhibiting. 8. Livestock exhibitors are limited to no more than two monies (2 premiums) in each class. 9. No person having entered anything for competition will be allowed to withdraw or change the entry after the opening day of the show except with the permis- sion of the management. 10. All exhibits will be under the control and direction of the management, but the Fair Board will in no case be responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to or occasioned by or arising from any animal or other article being exhibited or any unspecified other condition or incident on the fairgrounds. 11. After having properly entered their exhibit, exhibitors must themselves see to the delivery to the proper department so exhibits may be in place, correctly ticketed and ready for competition by 10 AM the first day of the Fair. Exhibitors are likewise required to “American Pride, County Wide”
7 OPEN CLASS EXHIBITS - STATIC EXHIBITS =DEPARTMENT AR= HOW TO ENTER Exhibitors entries are very important to the Fair. It is ARTS - FINE ARTS helpful if the exhibitors fill out their entry card tags early. Some exhibitors prefer to fill out the entry tags Superintendent - Carol Ann Wheeler in the comfort of their own home and some use their return address labels to complete the identification PREMIUMS: section of each tag. Entry tags already complete or nearly complete when submitted to the department AM, ADV, SEN, PRO on entry day speeds up the process greatly and re- 1st=$5; 2nd=$3; 3rd=$1 duces the lines and waiting. If the following entry PRE-12TH GRADE procedures aren’t clear and assistance is needed to 1st=$3; 2nd=$2; 3rd=$1 complete entry tags, please seek assistance from fairgrounds staff. BEST OF SHOW - PRE-12TH GRADE $20 CASH from the 1. To enter the Coos County Fair, obtain ENTRY TAGS Coquille Valley Art Center at the FAIR OFFICE, OSU EXTENSION OFFICE in Myrtle Point or online. One Exhibitor Number per BEST OF SHOW - AM / ADV / SEN exhibitor. The Exhibitors Numbers are permanent, $25 Gift Certificate from beginning with those issued in 2002 and assigned to The Art Connection those who exhibited the prior year. BEST OF SHOW - PRO 2. Livestock entries must be made on entry forms that $25 Gift Certificate from are in the Exhibitors Handbook at the Fair Office. Be The Art Connection sure to look for livestock entry deadlines listed on the Entry Form or online. ENTRIES TAKEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY 3. Enter your Exhibitors Number on the Entry Tag. SATURDAY July 20 10 am to 6 pm SUNDAY July 21 10 am to 6 pm 4. Print your Name and Address on the Entry Tag, or affix your return address label, making sure that the Exhibit release time: Sunday July 28, 10 am to 2 pm Exhibitors Name is the same as the one assigned Exhibits must be entered during Entry Times and must the Exhibitor number. remain in place until Exhibit Release Time. 5. In your Exhibitors Handbook, under the Department, There will be NO EXCEPTIONS find the Division and class you are entering and write the Division and Class on the Entry Tag. AFTER UNLOADING EXHIBIT MATERIAL, VEHICLES MUST BE REMOVED TO THE 6. Fill out the Claim Check end of the Entry Tag, which PARKING AREA IMMEDIATELY. will be given to you when you enter your exhibit and will be used to identify your claim to the exhibit when ART DEPARTMENT PAINTINGS: An artist may enter a you return to retrieve it after the Fair. total of (7) seven pictures with no more than one in any 7. CANNED GOODS TAG: A separate type of Entry class. Size of pictures will be limited to 36 by 48 inches Tag, a self adhesive round ID tag, is used for including the frame. There is also a weight limit of no canned goods only. The round label is to be placed more than 20 pounds. All work MUST be original and on the lid, under the ring. must be entered in the name of the artist. Copies will not be hung. 8. PHOTOGRAPHS and ART: use standard entry tags. HANGING REQUIREMENTS: 9. Bring your entries on the Correct Entry Day. See Entry Dates and Times. A clerk in each Department All Adult paintings and frames must be dry. All pictures will check over your tags and give you the Claim must be framed and ready for hanging with wire hangers. Check stub portion of your Entry Tag before you We do not recommend saw tooth hangers. They easily leave your entries. pull out of the frame when being hung with the S hooks. No tape allowed when securing wires or string. NO UNI- 10. Entries may not be picked up until the Exhibit Re- FRAMES WILL BE ALLOWED due to sharp glass edges. lease Time, listed in the Exhibitors Schedule. All Youth paintings and drawings must be done on art 11. Entries should be picked up from the department paper or canvas boards. They must be matted and / or soon after exhibits are available for release. Exhibits mounted on lightweight poster board mats or foam not picked up within two hours of release may not boards. They do not need hangers. The Fine Arts De- remain in the exhibit building. partment will provide and install Velcro hangers. DATES: Exhibits that have been entered in this depart- ment at a previous Coos County Fair are not eligible for re-entry. Entries must have been completed within the last year. 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
8 CLASS DESCRIPTION: Exhibitor MUST NOT enter more 128 Unlisted other medium - Floral / Still Life than one class of the same description. 129 Unlisted other medium - Landscape LABEL / ENTRY TAG: Every exhibit must be labeled showing 130 Unlisted other medium - Portrait SKILL DIVISION and CLASS NUMBER as well as EXHIBI- 131 Unlisted other medium - Seascape TOR’S NUMBER, NAME and ADDRESS. Please also in- 132 Unlisted other medium - Other subject clude the medium under Entry and describe the painting such 133 Art - Computer (must be originally generated by exhibit- as barn, floral, ocean, etc. under Description. tor) CLASSIFICATION: The superintendent reserves the right to GRAPHIC DRAWING 134 - 138 reclassify entries. 134 Pencil / Ink / Charcoal - Floral / Still Life 135 Pencil / Ink / Charcoal - Landscape JUDGING: All names attached to the exhibits will be 136 Pencil / Ink / Charcoal - Portrait covered until judging is complete. The exhibit area will be 137 Pencil / Ink / Charcoal - Seascape closed to the public during judging and no one except the 138 Pencil / Ink / Charcoal - Any other subject clerks will be permitted to accompany or talk to the judge until judging is completed. 139 Graphic Prints - Artist produced etching, wood cut, or serigraph PREMIUMS: Will not be awarded unless the article exhibited is in itself worthy and articles will receive premiums according SENIOR CITIZENS (60 AND OVER) to merit regardless of competition. Where there is no compe- 140 Animals tition in a class, awards may be given at the judge’s discre- 141 Floral / Still Life tion. Honorable mention ribbons may also be awarded at the 142 Landscape / Seascape judge’s discretion. 143 Portrait 144 Any Other Subject NO PREMIUMS WILL BE PAID UNLESS THE CLASSIFICA- TION IS INCLUDED IN THE PREMIUM LIST. YOUTH ART (no preprinted pictures from coloring books, posters, etc.) There are now (4) four Adult Division and (4) Youth Divisions. Pre-school - 3rd grade AM - AMATEUR Any adult artist who has been painting 145 Fair Theme for less than (5) years. 146 South Coast Scenes 147 Crayon ADV- ADVANCED Any adult artist who has been painting 148 Colored Pencil for (5) or more years. 149 Drawing - pen / pencil 150 Watercolors PRO - PROFESSIONAL Any artist who collects a fee for 151 Unlisted Other Medium instruction and / or sells their artwork for more income than they spend on materials. GRADES 4 - 6 SEN - SENIOR Any artist (60) sixty years old or older not 152 Fair Theme including professional artists. 153 South Coast Scenes 154 Crayon PAINTINGS in all medium 101 through 132 155 Drawing - pen / pencil 156 Watercolor Class 157 Art - Computer Generated 101 Fair Theme 158 Oil 102 South Coast scenes any media 159 Acrylic Pour 103 Acrylic - Animals 160 Unlisted Other Medium 104 Acrylic - Floral / Still Life 105 Acrylic - Landscape GRADES 7 - 9 106 Acrylic - Portrait 161 Fair Theme 107 Acrylic - Seascape 162 South Coast Scenes 108 Acrylic - Unlisted Other Subject 163 Painting - oil / acrylic 109 Oil - Animals 164 Painting - watercolor 110 Oil - Floral / Still Life 165 Drawing - pen / pencil 111 Oil - Landscape 166 Pastels 112 Oil - Portrait 167 Art - Computer Generated 113 Oil - Seascape 168 Acrylic Pour 114 Oil - Unlisted Other Subject 169 Unlisted Other Medium 115 Pastel - Animals GRADES 10 - 12 116 Pastel - Floral / Still Life 170 Fair Theme 117 Pastel - Landscape 171 South Coast Scenes 118 Pastel - Portrait 172 Painting - oil / acrylic 119 Pastel - Seascape 173 Painting - Watercolor 120 Pastel - Unlisted Other Subject 174 Drawing - Pen / Pencil 121 Watercolor - Animals 175 Pastels 122 Watercolor - Floral / Still Life 176 Art - Computer Generated 123 Watercolor - Landscape 177 Acrylic Pour 124 Watercolor - Portrait 178 Unlisted Other Medium 125 Watercolor - Seascape 126 Watercolor - Unlisted Other Subject 127 Unlisted other medium - Animals “American Pride, County Wide”
9 =DEPARTMENT AA= 212 213 214 Christmas - other Doll - handmade - any Jewelry - beaded - Necklace APPLIED ARTS & 215 216 Jewelry - beaded - Earrings Jewelry - beaded - Bracelet CRAFTS 217 218 Leather - hand crafted or tooled item Metal - hand welded 219 Metal - plasma cut - original design. Include design Superintendent - Julie Groves drawing 541 572-2834 Mon-Thurs 9-5 220 Fabric art - Hand Painted or Dyed Weekends 541 572-5615 221 Painting - Tole 222 Painted Rock - scenic PREMIUMS: 223 Painted Rock - message Adult 1st=$5; 2nd=$3; 3rd=$1 224 Sign painting - must be ready for hanging Grade 7-12 1st=$3; 2nd=$2; 3rd=$1 225 Porcelain Painting Grade 0-6 1st=$3; 2nd=$2; 3rd=$1 226 Nail Art-Fantasy - displayed on hangable cardstock - 5 nails ENTRIES TAKEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY 227 Nail Art-Wearable - displayed on hangable cardstock - SATURDAY July 20 10 am to 6 pm 5 nails SUNDAY July 21 10 am to 6 pm 228 Stained Glass - Leaded - Hanging, Decorative Exhibit release time: Sunday July 28 10 am to 2 pm 229 Stained Glass - Leaded - Lamp Entries must be made during Entry Times and must 230 Stained Glass - Leaded - Window Pane remain in place until Exhibit Release Time. 231 Stained Glass - Leaded - Other 232 Stained Glass - Copper Foil - Hanging, Decorative NO EXCEPTIONS 233 Stained Glass - Copper Foil - Lamp 234 Stained Glass - Copper Foil - Window Pane An artist / crafter may enter a total of 7 pieces, with no 235 Stained Glass - Copper Foil - Other more than one in any class. All work must be entered in 236 Scrapbooking - 1 representative page the name of the crafter. Work must be dry. Exhibits that 237 Fly tying - display of 5 minimum on poster board have been entered in this department at a previous Coos 238 “FLEA MARKET FLIP” * Salvage item - remake, County Fair are not eligible for reentry. Entries must have repurpose, reuse been completed within the past year and entered in the 239 Steampunk item* - functional correct division. 240 Steampunk item* - decorative i. *Entries in 238, 239, 240 must be accompanied Any changes that occur after the exhibitors book goes to by photographic evidence of original item(s) the printers can be found at used in final exhibit. Entries limited by size. Fair Office: 541-396-2200 No entries shall exceed a 12 ft. sq. floor space. 241 Paper craft - example: origami, weaving, paper flowers DIVISION IS DETERMINED BY AGE: 242 Paper Mache 900 - Seniors (60 and older) 243 Handmade paper or paper product 901 - 18 & Older 244 Mosaic - paper 902 - 12 to 17 years of age 245 Mosaic - other media - not paper 903 - 6 to 11 years of age 246 Handmade soap (must be in Ziploc bag if scented) 904 - under 6 years a. Cold processed soap 905 - Nursing home or handicapped b. Hot processed soap 906 - Group project c. Melt & pour Declarations regarding whether exhibitor is a Professional, d. Liquid soap Advanced Amateur, etc. will be taken at the time of individ- 247 Handmade candle (must be in Ziploc bag if scented) ual entry. The exhibit will be noted by PRO or ADV in the one pillar or two matching tapers margins for judging purposes. All entries will be judged by 248 Craft - any other age divisions with consideration given to experience. WOODWORKING 249 Fair Theme All items that are designed to hang must come into the 250 Beds - Chests - Cabinets fair ready to hang with secure backing that will support 251 Clocks the display. Failure to have proper mounting may re- 252 Jewel boxes or small containers sult in item being disqualified. 253 Tables & Chairs CLASS 254 Toys 201 Fair Theme - any media, not woodwork, poetry or 255 Animal Carvings - stylized Lego 256 Animal Carvings - realistic 202 Basket Weaving-any natural material 257 Human Figures - stylized 203 Wheat Weaving 258 Human Figures - realistic 204 Ceramics - Hand built 259 Carousel Animal 205 Ceramics - Wheel 260 Chip Carving 206 Ceramics - Beads, Pins, Jewelry 261 Driftwood 207 Ceramics - Sculpture - Abstract 262 Inlay and Marquetry 208 Ceramics - Sculpture - Realistic 263 Intarsia Artistry in Wood 209 Ceramics - judged for hand painted design 264 Ornamental 210 Christmas - set of three ornaments 265 Turning Pattern on Bowl 211 Christmas - Wreath 266 Turning Vase 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
10 267 268 269 Wood Craft with Carving Whittling Mask = DEPARTMENT PH = 270 271 Native Carving Relief Carving PHOTOGRAPHY 272 Pyrography - item judged on wood burning technique Superintendent POETRY Co-coordinated by Don & Carol Todd, All poetry should be mounted for hanging. with the OREGON COAST PHOTOGRAPHERS 273 Fair Theme ASSOCIATION, Inc. 274 Poem - Free Verse 8 - 32 lines 275 Rhyme 8 - 32 lines Email: 276 Short Poem 1 - 4 lines Rules / Guidelines Available For Download: 277 Poem and art form - display should not exceed 14 x14 OCPA Website: LEGO CONTEST 1. See general rules and regulations, at the beginning of 1. Fair Theme this book. Please read them carefully, they apply to a. Fair Theme is a build that is themed towards this department. the fair or the theme of the fair. 2. Original Realistic Creation 2. EXHIBIT RELEASE TIME: All photography exhibits a. Original Realistic Creation is an original build must remain in place until the Exhibit Release Time (no instructions) which is modeled after a real and must be picked up by the end of the Exhibit Re- vehicle or object. lease Time. No exceptions. 3. Original Fantasy Creation 3. ENTRY LIMIT: An exhibitor may enter a maximum of a. Original Fantasy Creation is an original build seven (7) entries in any combination of classes in (no instructions) which is made up and not one division only. The superintendent may reclassi- based on a real vehicle or object. fy the image if the photo does not meet the subject 4. Kit Build criteria, a. Kit Build is a build that is from one box and is 4. If there are more entries than space allows, the super- built per the instructions in the box. intendent will decide what is displayed. All accepted “Engineer Prize” * entries will be judged. The superintendent also re- “Engineer Prize Runner Up” * serves the right to reclassify any entry or entrant deemed not properly classified (class and / or divi- Contest sponsored by Round Mountain sion). Prizes to be announced at Fair A. The superintendent may reclassify entries to the nearest related class if deemed necessary. Entries will be judged on problem solving and en- gineering which expresses the talents and skills a person B. Monochrome (Black & White - i.e. one tone) can carry with them into adulthood. These abilities are and Color prints can be judged separately in each valuable to potential employers. Especially in fields where class at the superintendents’ discretion. engineering abilities are particularly valuable and neces- sary. We strive to acknowledge, award, and encourage 5. No piece previously entered in the Coos County Fair, young engineers to develop and maintain these talents. more than three years old, or prints that are essen- *Kit Build entries will not qualify for the Engineer tially the same are eligible for competition. Potential- Prize as these items have already been engineered by ly objectionable photos may be excluded at the su- Lego Company. perintendents’ discretion. All other categories regardless of age are eligible 6. All entries must be mounted (i.e. the photo is firmly for the Engineer Prize. attached to a lightweight, rigid backing such as foam core, foam board cardboard, mat board, etc.). MASON JAR REVIVAL Frames, canvas, metal prints, glass prints, wood, plastic (shrink) wrap will NOT be accepted. Mats (i.e. Creative use of a canning jar. a window, decorative opening, etc.) are appropriate THREE CASH PRIZES of for protection and presentation but are not mandato- $20 EACH. ry. No Hangers. One ENTRY per person. 7. DIMENSIONS: The outside dimensions must be at Entries are ONE JAR least 5" x 7" (or 35 sq. in.) not to exceed 16" x creations. 20" (or 320 sq. in.), including mount / mat. Total Maximum width of display is 12 inches. thickness, including mount / mat, must not exceed The jar could be a candle holder, centerpiece, place 3/8 in. setting enhancement, cupcake baked in the jar - the 8. The name, address or email address, and telephone possibilities are only limited by your imagination ! There number of the exhibitor must appear legibly on the are project ideas on line. back of the mount. Also indicate which way is up Any size jar, MASON, KERR, or BALL or vintage brand, with an arrow or the word “TOP”. any style is acceptable for the contest. 9. The photographer’s name or other information (titles, Entries are to be submitted in the Oaks Pavilion with the date stamp, business name, copyright information, Master Food Preservers Display area on July 20 and 21. any information that may indicate the photographer, etc.) must NOT appear on the front of the exhibit. “American Pride, County Wide”
11 10. All photographs must be the original work of the en- DIVISION 15: (ADV) ADULT ADVANCED – 17 years + trant. If “clip-art” is used for images in the “Graphics” (Persons with experience - example: consistent and / or “Fair Theme” classes, it must be non- award winners, sales, etc.). photographic, royalty free and / or not copyrighted by anyone other than the entrant. (*Note: Previous winners in Divisions 13 and / or 14 may be asked to advance to the next higher category at the 11. JUDGING CRITERIA superintendent’s discretion.) Composition / Appeal / Impact ..….... 35% Technical Quality ………..……..….… 35% CLASSES (for all Divisions) Presentation ………………...…..…… 30% 101 Coos County Scenes (any image that repre- 12. AWARDS sents Coos County – it’s land, people, culture, his- Best of Show …………………….. $ 15.00 / ribbon tory, beauty… etc.) (Chosen from “Best of Division” winners) 102 Landscapes (scenic) Best of Division ………………….. $ 15.00 / ribbon 103 Seascapes (scenic) 1st Place…………….……………. $ 5.00 / ribbon 104 Night Scenes (images taken at night) 2nd Place……………….………… $ 3.00 / ribbon 105 Domestic Animals (pets) 3rd Place………………….………. $ 1.00 / ribbon 106 Wildlife (wild animals, zoo animals, etc.) Honorable Mention ...……….……………… ribbon 107 Birds / Insects (domestic and wild) “People’s Choice”………………... $10.00 / ribbon 108 People (candid) 109 Formal Portrait (people) 13. SPECIAL AWARDS 110 Selfies (a photograph that one has taken of oneself, usually taken with a smartphone or tablet. “People’s Choice” will be selected by Fair attendees who fill out a ballot. The photograph with highest Can contain more than one person.) 111 Flora (flowers, plants, trees, vegetation, etc.) number of eligible votes will be declared the winner 112 Still Life (where the subject is placed, arranged) and awarded $10 and a ribbon. Plus, winner of this 113 Macro / Close up (Small items larger than life award will be invited to display the winning image at size) the next year’s fair. 114 Abstract / Altered / Special Effects (not neces- Ballots will be available in the Photography Depart- sarily representing or imitating external reality or the ment. One eligible ballot (non-duplicated, properly filled out) per vote. Ballots which are not properly objects of nature – heavy use of filters, double ex- posing, painting w / light, computer manipulation / filled out will not be counted. enhancement, obvious “HDR”, etc.) “Youth Award” given by (and chosen by) the ORE- 115 Architecture / Buildings (primary subject is GON COAST PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION made by Man – barns, bridges, towns, lighthouses, (OCPA) to outstanding photographers in Division 11 etc.) and / or Division 12. 116 Transportation (primary subject is man-made To be eligible, an entrant must have a minimum of transportation – automobiles, planes, boats, trains, three (3) images entered in their Division and be a etc.) resident of Coos County. Previous winners in a divi- 117 News / Journalism / Action / Sports (any image sion will not be eligible for this award in consecutive that shows action, sport and / or images that years. present a story - examples are seen in news- papers, magazines, etc.) 1st Place - $10 118 Found Art (subjects found, not arranged, 2nd Place - $5 photographed artistically – part of a larger whole) 3rd Place - $3 119 Monochrome (Black & White, one tone - open Honorable Mention - $1 subject matter) In addition to the cash awards, all winners will be 121 Graphics / Collage / Montage (image must be granted a one-year membership in the OCPA. There primarily photographic, made by entrant, but may must be a minimum of three (3) eligible entrants per include text and / or other non-photographic, royal- division for all awards to be given. ty free elements. Images may combine original work of the photographer either digitally or using “Kathy Chambers Award” - A (additional) cash other techniques such as gluing images to paper. award of $25 will be given to the image receiving 1st Text must not include photographers name, copy- Place in the “Fair Theme” class (note: entries from all right information, etc.) Divisions are combined into this class). This award is 122 Fair Theme (images that communicate this sponsored by Kathy Chambers. year’s fair theme). Note: entries from all Divisions are combined in this class. DIVISION 11: (YTH) YOUTH – 11 years and under DIVISION 12: (JR) JUNIOR – 12 - 16 years old Note: definitions for the divisions and classes are DIVISION 13: (NVC) ADULT NOVICE – 17 years + for example only, they may be more encompassing, (Just starting photography, little or no experience) broad or possibly narrower than defined. DIVISION 14: (INT) ADULT INTERMEDIATE – 17 years + (Individuals with some experience - Rules in the official Coos County Fair Exhibitors Handbook example: knows some of the tools of photography, supersede those published here. no sales, etc.) 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
12 HAVE RECIPES INCLUDED. =DEPARTMENT CL= 2. All entries must have been canned by the exhibitor since the last day of the prior Fair. CULINARY 3. All food preservation entries are to be canned in standard canning jars. This may include any size jar except for quarts where noted. Superintendent - TBD 4. All jars must be sealed and exhibited with clean Contact Fair Office 541-396-2200 screw band on. DO NOT DECORATE JARS. Premiums offered unless otherwise indicated: 5. Fruits, jellies, jams, butters, marmalades, preserves, 1st=$4; 2nd=$2; 3rd=$1 conserves, pickles, and relishes may be OPENED during the judging, at the discretion of the judge. Dur- ENTRY DAYS: SATURDAY & SUNDAY ing the fair exhibitors may substitute a sealed jar of Exhibit Entries must be made during the following times: the same product to replace their opened jars. Saturday 20 10 am - 6 pm 6. All canning entries must be prepared according to Sunday 21 10 am - 6 pm current United States Department of Agriculture and / Exhibits must remain in place until the Exhibit Release or Oregon State University recommendations availa- Time: Sunday July 28 10 am - 2 pm ble at the Coos County Extension Office. NO EXCEPTIONS ************************************************** SPECIAL AWARDS — FOOD PRESERVATION The Canning Queen BEST OF SHOW FOOD PREP Pressure Canner / Cooker gift basket from special award sponsored by “CRANBERRY SWEETS” Farr’s True Value of Coquille and Coos Bay This special award will be awarded to the exhibitor who accumulates the most points in Food Preservation (A - M) using the following scale: 3 points for each blue ribbon 2 points for each red ribbon 1 point for each white ribbon RESERVE Best of Food Prep If there is a tie in the number of points, the exhibitor with Gift Certificate to the most blue ribbons will be the winner. One person Katrina Kathleen’s Gifts cannot win more than two divisions in any one year. No person who has won this special award in the last three years is eligible. ************************************************** BEST OF SHOW Thank you to all our sponsors for donating gift certificates FOOD PRESERVATION for Champion and Division winners. $50 Gift Certificate from Food Preservation “GROCERY OUTLET” Grocery Outlet Pottery Company CULINARY RULES: SPECIAL CANNING AWARDS - sponsored by 1. Only one entry per class, unless otherwise specified or McKay’s Price and Pride Markets of Coos County. an “any other” class. The winners of these special awards will be the exhibi- 2. The Fair Board will NOT be responsible for any dishes tors who accumulate the most points using the following or utensils left with exhibits at the time of entry. scale: 3. All exhibits of perishable items not picked up will 3 points for each blue ribbon become the property of the Fair Board. 2 points for each red ribbon 4. The judge has the option of NOT having a blue, red or 1 point for each white ribbon white ribbon placing in any one class, if, in his / her One person cannot win more than two divisions in any opinion, the entries received do not have the quality of one year. If there is a tie in the number of points, the such a placing. exhibitor with the most blue ribbons will be the winner. 5. Entries not in a jar should be on a paper plate / foil tray McKay’s Price and Pride Markets and wrapped. 6. Taste Test: All items MAY be tasted, at the discretion A. Canned fruits - one dozen quart jars of the judges. B. Canned vegetables - one dozen quart jars 7. The awards decisions reached by the judges are final. C. Canned meat - one dozen pint or half pint jars D. Canned fish - one dozen pint or half pint jars FOOD PRESERVATION Rules and regulations: E. Jelly - one dozen pint or half pint jars 1. LABELS WILL BE PROVIDED AT TIME OF ENTRY. F. Jam - one dozen pint or half pint jars EACH LABEL MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING G. Butters, marmalades, preserves - one dozen pint jars INFORMATION: DATE PRODUCT WAS MADE, H. Pickles and relishes - one dozen pint or quart jars METHOD OF PRESERVATION (boiling water canner I. Canning specialties, fruit based - one dozen half pint or pounds of pressure) AND TIME PROCESSED. or pint jars ALL PICKLE, SALSA, AND SAUCE RECIPES MUST J. Canning specialties - one dozen half pint or pint jars “American Pride, County Wide”
13 K. Junior canning - one dozen half pint, pint or quart jars 143 Seafood - Tuna, fresh canned L. Teen canning - one dozen half pint, pint, or quart jars 144 Seafood - Tuna, smoked M. Dried foods - one dozen half pint, pint, or quart jars 145 Seafood - Clams 146 Seafood - Other (crab, etc.) *************************************************** A - CANNED FRUIT - BOILING WATER METHOD E - JELLY - BOILING WATER CANNER METHOD Exhibit will consist of 1 pint or 1 quart jar. Exhibit will consist of 1 pint or less size jar, no quarts, no Must include processing time. paraffin seals. Must include processing time. Class Class 101 Fruit - Canned - Apples 147 Jelly - Apple 102 Fruit - Canned - Applesauce 148 Jelly - Berry, blackberry, cultivated 103 Fruit - Canned - Apricots 149 Jelly - Berry, blackberry, wild 104 Fruit - Canned - Berries, blackberry type 150 Jelly - Berry, other blackberry type 105 Fruit - Canned - Berries, blueberries 151 Jelly - Berry, raspberry 106 Fruit - Canned - Berries, raspberries 152 Jelly - Berry, strawberry 107 Fruit - Canned - Berries, any other 153 Jelly - Berry, blueberry 108 Fruit - Canned - Cherries, dark 154 Jelly - Berry, any other berry 109 Fruit - Canned - Cherries, light 155 Jelly - Cherry 110 Fruit - Canned - Cherries, pie 156 Jelly - Crabapple 111 Fruit - Canned - Cranberries 157 Jelly - Grape 112 Fruit - Canned - Fruit cocktail / salad with 3 / + fruits 158 Jelly - Mint 113 Fruit - Canned - Peaches 159 Jelly - Mixed fruit (2 / + different products OK to enter) 114 Fruit - Canned - Pears 160 Jelly - Plum 115 Fruit - Canned - Plums 161 Jelly - Pepper 116 Fruit - Canned - Other fruit 162 Jelly - Other jelly 117 Fruit - Canned - Other fruit, sugar free / diabetic 163 Jelly - Other jelly, sugar free / diabetic 118 Fruit - Canned - Pie filling, apple 119 Fruit - Canned - Pie filling, berry F - JAMS - BOILING WATER CANNER METHOD 120 Fruit - Canned - Pie filling, any other Exhibit will consist of 1 pint or less size jar, no quarts, no paraffin seals. Must include processing time. B - CANNED VEGETABLES - PRESSURE METHOD UN- LESS OTHERWISE NOTED Exhibit will consist of 1 pint or Class 1 quart jar. Must include processing time, type of processing 164 Jams - Apricot and pounds of pressure where pressure method is used. 165 Jams - Berry, blackberry, cultivated 166 Jams - Berry, blackberry, wild Class 167 Jams - Berry, blueberry 121 Veg - Canned - Asparagus 168 Jams - Berry, boysenberry, loganberry 122 Veg - Canned - Beets 169 Jams - Berry, wild 123 Veg - Canned - Carrots 170 Jams - Berry, any other 124 Veg - Canned - Corn, cut from cob 171 Jams - Mixed fruit (2 / + products O.K., if different) 125 Veg - Canned - Mixed vegetables 172 Jams - Peach 126 Veg - Canned - Mushrooms (can be in 1/2 pint jar) 173 Jams - Plum 127 Veg - Canned - Peas 174 Jams - Raspberry 128 Veg - Canned - Pumpkin (cubed only) 175 Jams - Strawberry 129 Veg - Canned - Sauerkraut (boiling water canner OK) 176 Jams - Other jam 130 Veg - Canned - Shell beans 177 Jams - Other jam, sugar free / diabetic 131 Veg - Canned - String beans 132 Veg - Canned - Tomatoes (hot packed boiling water G - BUTTERS, MARMALADES, PRESERVES - canner method OK) BOILING WATER CANNER METHOD 133 Veg - Canned - Tomatoes, stewed Exhibit will consist of 1 pint or less size jar, no quarts, no 134 Veg - Canned - Wax beans paraffin seals. Must include processing time. 135 Veg - Canned - Other canned vegetable Class C - CANNED MEAT - PRESSURE METHOD 178 Preserves - Butter, apple Exhibit will consist of 1 quart or smaller jar. Must include 179 Preserves - Butter, any other processing time and pounds of pressure. 180 Preserves - Marmalade, orange 181 Preserves - Marmalade, any other Class 182 Preserves - Preserves 136 Meat - Canned - Beef 183 Preserves - Butters, sugar free / diabetic 137 Meat - Canned - Pork 138 Meat - Canned - Poultry H - PICKLES and RELISHES - BOILING WATER CAN- 139 Meat - Canned - Wild meat (elk, venison) NER METHOD. Must include recipe. Exhibit will con- 140 Meat - Canned - Other meat sist of 1/2 pint, pint or quart jar. ALL PICKLE PRODUCTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PROCESSING TIME AND D - CANNED FISH & OTHER SEAFOOD - PRESSURE POUNDS OF PRESSURE IF PRESSURE CANNED. METHOD Exhibit will consist of 1/2 pint or pint jar. Must include processing time and pounds of pressure. Class 184 Pickles - beet Class 185 Pickles - bread and butter 141 Seafood - Salmon, fresh canned 186 Pickles - dill 142 Seafood - Salmon, smoked 187 Pickles - green or snap beans 2019 Exhibitors Handbook—Coos County Fair—Open Class
14 188 Pickles - mixed vegetables (min 2 different) L - TEEN CANNING Entrant shall be between 13 189 Pickles - sweet years of age and up to and including 19 years of age 190 Pickles - zucchini ONLY. Exhibit shall consist of ½ pint, pint or quart jar as 191 Pickles - sweet dill appropriate for class. Scoring for Teen Canning is the 192 Pickles - any other same as for Adult Canning. 193 Relish - tomato (green or ripe) ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY 194 Relish - zucchini PROCESSING TIME AND POUNDS OF PRESSURE IF 195 Relish - any other PRESSURE CANNED. 196 Relish or Pickled - sugar free / diabetic 197 Relish - Salsa Class 223 Teen Canning - Fruit ************************************ 224 Teen Canning - Jam, no quarts 225 Teen Canning - Jelly, no quarts Fresh Salsa Contest begins at 5:30 in the 226 Teen Canning - Vegetable, pressure canned Davenport Building. Tuesday the 23rd. 227 Teen Canning - Meat / Fish / Poultry, pressure Bring one cup of chilled salsa to the Davenport canned Building with an exhibitor’s tag by 5:15 pm. 228 Teen Canning - Other canned product Prizes donated by Coquille Valley Produce M - DRIED FOODS Exhibit will consist of approxi- *********************************** mately ½ cup of product in a jar. CL541-271- 51-Wall I - CANNING SPECIALTIES, FRUIT PRODUCTS Ex- Class hibit will consist of 1/2 pint, pint or quart jar, as appropri- 229 Dried - Fruit, apple ate. ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY 230 Dried - Fruit, banana PROCESSING TIME AND POUNDS OF PRESSURE IF 231 Dried - Fruit, leather PRESSURE CANNED. 232 Dried - Fruit, any other Class 233 Dried - Parsley 198 Fruit - Conserve 234 Dried - Herbs 199 Fruit - Cranberry sauce 235 Dried - Garlic 200 Fruit - Juice, apple 236 Dried - Meat (jerky) 201 Fruit - Juice, cider 237 Dried - Teas 202 Fruit - Juice, fruit 238 Dried - Vegetables, carrot 203 Fruit - Syrup, blackberry 239 Dried - Vegetable, corn 204 Fruit - Syrup, raspberry 240 Dried - Mushrooms 205 Fruit - Syrup, strawberry 241 Dried - Vegetable, onion 206 Fruit - Syrup, any other 242 Dried - Vegetable, potato 207 Fruit - other fruit based canning specialty 243 Dried - Vegetable, Other 244 Dried - Soup mix J - CANNING SPECIALTIES Exhibit will consist of 1/2 245 Dried - Powders pint, pint or quart jar, as appropriate. ALL PRODUCTS FOOD PREPARATION Rules and Regulations MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PROCESSING TIME 1. See Rules of Culinary Department. AND POUNDS OF PRESSURE IF PRESSURE 2. Individual exhibits in this section will number as follws: CANNED. Biscuits, cookies, muffins, rolls and doughnuts - 5 individual pieces Class Candy - 1/4 lb. cut into six serving-size pieces or 208 Canning Specialty - Catsup, tomato the equivalent of six servings 209 Canning Specialty - Chili sauce Quick or sweet breads 1/2 or one whole loaf or 210 Canning Specialty - Barbecue sauce round 211 Canning Specialty - Sauce, tomato base Cakes - 1/2 cake except for decorated cakes 212 Canning Specialty - Soup Pies, yeast breads - one whole, uncut product. 213 Canning Specialty - Mincemeat 3. One entry per class unless otherwise specified or an 214 Canning Specialty - Juice, vegetable “any other” class. 215 Canning Specialty - Vinegar’s 4. Except for decorated cakes, all products MAY be tast- 216 Canning Specialty - Other (not fruit based) ed, at the discretion of the judge. 5. No Prepared / packaged mixes. K - JUNIOR CANNING Entrant shall be up to and in- 6. BUSY BAKER AWARD is the high point entrant. cluding 12 years of age only. Exhibit shall consist of 1/2 pint, pint or quart jar as appropriate for class. Scoring for ************************************ Junior Canning is the same as for Adult Canning. SPECIAL SPONSORED AWARDS ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PRO- FOOD PREPARATION CESSING TIME AND POUNDS OF PRESSURE IF *********************************** PRESSURE CANNED. Special Food Preparation Awards - The winners of these Class special awards will be the exhibitors who accumulate the 217 Jr. Canning - Fruit most points using the following scale: 218 Jr. Canning - Jam, no quarts 3 points for each blue ribbon 219 Jr. Canning - Jelly, no quarts 2 points for each red ribbon 220 Jr. Canning - Vegetable, pressure canned 1 point for each white ribbon 221 Jr. Canning - Meat / Fish / Poultry, pressure canned One person cannot win more than two divisions in any 222 Jr. Canning - Any other canned product one year. If there is a tie in the number of points, the exhibitor with the most blue ribbons will be the winner. “American Pride, County Wide”
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