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2 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 3 ESB'S CARBON INTENSITY POWERING THE TRANSITION TO A CLEAN INTENSITY g/kWh ENERGY FUTURE 800 ESB is committed to leading the 700 2005 transition to a reliable, affordable, low- 600 670g/C02kWh carbon energy future. This is a future 500 powered by clean, sustainable electricity. 2019 400 406g/C02kWh We are investing and innovating right 300 across our business to make this future a 2030 Target reality. 200 200g/C02kWh 100 0 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 ABOUT ESB ESB was established in 1927 as a statutory body under the Electricity (Supply) Act 1927. With a holding of 95.7%, ESB is majority owned by the Irish Government. The remaining 4.3% is held by the trustees of an Employee Share Ownership Plan. As a strong, diversified, vertically integrated utility, ESB operates across the electricity market, from generation through transmission and distribution, to supply of customers, with an expanding presence in Great Britain’s generation and supply markets. In addition, we extract further value at certain points along this chain by supplying gas and using our networks to carry fibre for telecommunications. ESB is a leading Irish utility with a regulated asset base (RAB) of approximately €10 billion (comprising ESB Networks €8.1 billion and NIE Networks €1.9 billion), a 30% share of generation in the all- island market and a significant supply business supplying electricity and gas to approximately 1.5 million customers throughout the island of Ireland and Great Britain. ESB will continue to grow the scale of its generation, trading and supply businesses so that it can continue to compete within the all-island competitive environment. ESB is focused on providing excellent customer service and maintaining its financial strength. As at 31 December 2019, ESB Group employed over 7,900 people.
4 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 5 ABOUT THIS REPORT CONTENTS ESB’s purpose is to lead the transition to a reliable, affordable, low-carbon energy future. This report ESB'S FIRST IRISH OFFSHORE WIND FARMS 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW explains ESB’s strategy and environment and sustainability ambition in service to that purpose. It also accounts for ESB’s environmental and sustainability performance for the past year. It’s intended audience is customers, investors, analysts, CHAPTER 1 policy makers, the public and other stakeholders, STRATEGY AND PERFORMANCE BUSINESS OVERVIEW internal and external to ESB Group and it is focused Welcome from Chief Executive 1.1 on the sustainability issues of greatest concern to ESB at a Glance 1.2 these stakeholders. Highlights 1.3 Business Model 1.4 Our reporting is guided by the principles of Strategy and Progress 1.5 materiality, inclusiveness and responsiveness. Governance 1.6 We use leading standards and methodologies for 02 Materiality Approach 1.7 Joint venture with Parkwind to develop wind farms at Oriel & reporting, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE Stakeholder Engagement 1.8 Clogherhead CDP and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Associations and External Initiatives 1.9 This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards Core option and has been CHAPTER 2 independently assessed by DNV GL against this ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE option. A guide linking the disclosures in the report Introduction 2.1 to the relevant GRI indicators is presented in the Investing for the Future 2.2 report appendices. Indirect Economic Impacts 2.3 Pension Obligations 2.4 Procurement Practices 2.5 SCOPE OF REPORT This report covers the fiscal and calendar year 5ggggh2njjkhj\ CHAPTER 3 2019. This report pertains to the full activities of ESB and its subsidiary companies, including NIE 03 SOCIAL DISCLOSURES PERFORMANCE Occupational Health and Safety 3.1 Networks, hereinafter referred to as ESB Group. It SOCIAL DISCLOSURES Public Safety 3.2 has been prepared in accordance with GRI global PERFORMANCE ESB People and Organisational Development 3.3 standards for sustainability reporting, as well as the Community Engagement and CSR 3.4 GRI Electric Utilities Sector Supplement. The report Customer Privacy 3.5 content is based on the output from a materiality Risk Management 3.6 process, including both operational and strategic engagements with internal and external stakeholders. CHAPTER 4 The 2019 Sustainability Report meets our ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS commitment to report annually on our Sustainability Jim Dollard, Executive Director Generation and Trading (GT); Kate Energy Management 4.1 Biodiversity 4.2 performance. Where scope boundaries pertain to Tuohy, GT Asset Development; Pat O’Doherty, ESB Chief Executive; Emissions 4.3 specific material aspects of the business, these Richard Bruton, Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Effluents and Waste 4.4 are detailed in the specific sections of the report. Environment; Eric Antoons – Co-CEO Parkwind; Francois Van Leeuw, 04 Environmental Management 4.5 Readers of this report may also view the ESB Group Co-CEO Parkwind and Paul Lennon – GT Asset Development. ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS Water 4.6 Annual Report 2019 https://www.esb.ie/investor- Energy Utility Sector Specific Disclosures 4.7 relations/result-presentations-investor-updates . Together these reports present a coherent picture of ESB’s activities and explain how sustainability is CHAPTER 5 central to our corporate strategy. Accordingly ESB APPENDICES Group is embedding environmental stewardship Independent GRI Standards Option Check 5.1 and sustainability throughout our business. The ESB Green Bond 2019: Allocation and Impact Report 2019/20 5.2 alignment of our activities with the UN Sustainable GRI Standards Cross Referencing Table 5.3 Development Goals is highlighted where relevant Glossary of Terms 5.4 throughout the report. 05 APPENDICES We welcome requests, comments and enquiries relating to this report and to sustainability. Please email our mailbox: sustainability@esb.ie or our Sustainability Coordinator: brian.gray@esb.ie www.esb.ie Twitter: @ESBGroup LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/esb YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/ESBVideo
CHAPTER 1 BUSINESS OVERVIEW 1.1 Chief Executive’s Review 1.2 Highlights 1.3 ESB at a Glance 1.4 Business Model 1.5 Strategy and Progress 1.6 Governance 1.7 Materiality Approach 1.8 Stakeholder Engagement 1.9 Associations and External Initiatives
8 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 9 1.1 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REVIEW 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW required to meet future customer needs and invested €1,242 million including €340 in the Oriel project off the coast of Dundalk with our partners in Parkwind and we are inform future network planning and investment decisions. During the year, ESB Networks made its submission on Price Review 5 Q changing How successful has ESB been in keeping up with customer expectation million in renewables as we continue to lead the transition to low-carbon generation. The dividend for 2019 amounted to €88 million, developing further onshore projects in the to the Regulator which includes by leveraging the potential of bringing the total dividends paid over the Republic of Ireland (ROI) at Clogherhead, provision to support the delivery new technologies? past decade to over €1.2 billion. ESB and Kilmichael Point - all of which build on of the Irish Government's Networks made its ESB collaborates with our investment in the Galloper offshore wind farm (UK) Climate Action Plan. submission on Price Review 5 to the Regulator industry, academia and start-ups to identify and Q Is ESB investing in talent as well as in technology? in 2018. We also invested significantly in onshore wind farms We successfully Q How is ESB adapting its customer offering in which includes provision to support the delivery of the Irish Government's deploy new technologies to improve efficiency and meet customers' needs. During We recognise that a high-performance culture requires an engaged and agile workforce and a supportive work 02 in ROI at Oweninny launched Ireland’s response to changing Climate Action Plan. the year, we embarked on environment that values diversity and ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE in Mayo, which we first corporate energy needs? pilot projects with five finalists inclusion. This year, we recruited 77 completed in 2019, Green Bond Customers will play a critical role in from Free Electrons, an accelerator graduates and 86 apprentices across a and in Grousemount the electricity system of the future and we programme co-founded by ESB with other range of disciplines and backgrounds, and in Co.Kerry, which will have therefore implemented new structures to energy companies, which targets start-ups provided extensive training and development be completed by the start of Q2 support customer-centric product development operating in the energy sector. We are also opportunities for our existing employees. 2020. for both business and residential markets. incubating new commercial propositions in We also developed new volunteering Pat O’Doherty During the year, we continued to build our our offsite Innovation Hub, where we fast opportunities for our employees through If we can aid Chief Executive the electrification of In 2019 we announced the closure, by portfolio and pipeline of products and services track new ideas in a start-up environment. our Generation Tomorrow sponsorship heat and transport , and the end of 2020, of our two remaining to help customers manage their energy use programme, which empowers young people remove carbon from the production of electricity, then electricity becomes a hugely Pat O’Doherty discusses progress against the Brighter Future Strategy peat-fired power stations, which will further reduce our carbon emissions. Over seven decades, peat has been part of more efficiently and reduce their carbon footprint. These included new green tariffs, a home charging installation service and home Q and What progress is ESB making in addressing environmental safety concerns raised through STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education and learning. 03 in 2019 and looks forward to the year transformative force, the our generation fuel mix and its cessation retrofit supports. The new Brighter Together during the year regarding legacy SOCIAL DISCLOSURES catalyst for a low carbon ahead. has significant implications for local advertising campaign to promote this suite of infrastructure? Q What are the major challenges PERFORMANCE world communities. Also, during the year, we products went live in December. With €10 ESB has an ongoing programme of facing ESB in the year ahead? Q What progress have you made during the year? reconfigured the operation of Moneypoint coal station in order to secure its million support from the Government Climate Action Fund, our eCars division began a €20 maintenance and investment to ensure that its legacy infrastructure meets The increasing need for climate action presents new opportunities for ESB to build Q What were the biggest developments affecting ESB in 2019? ESB’s new organisational structure has focused on Each of our business commercial viability in the short term in the context of reduced million upgrade of the national electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. In Great Britain applicable safety and environmental standards. We have invested significantly on its core areas of expertise in the areas of renewable generation, smart networks, driving transformational units has a unique running due to the impact of (GB), we opened a new office in Manchester to in the replacement of switch gear and electric heating, transport and innovative 2019 was a watershed year for energy and change across every area of but interrelated role increasing renewables and serve our growing customer base there and we fluid-filled cables in recent years and customer offerings. However, it also climate change, particularly in Ireland where our business during 2019. in making this [the carbon pricing. In line with completed the roll-out of electric vehicle (EV) although considerable progress has been presents challenges in terms of managing government policy and public sentiment We successfully launched transition to low- Government policy, we will infrastructure for the London Taxi Fleet. Our made, we recognise the need for further legacy infrastructure, securing community 04 combined to significantly accelerate the pace Ireland’s first corporate carbon] a reality. not generate electricity from Smart Energy Services business consolidated improvement. This will be a central part support for new infrastructure and engaging ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS and urgency of the transition to a low-carbon Green Bond, and have coal beyond 2025. its position as a leading energy services of our 2020 transformation programme. citizens to ensure the electricity system is energy system. It is widely accepted at a invested significantly in low-carbon provider to businesses securing a contract to Safety and environmental responsibility are built around the future low-carbon energy policy level that electricity will play a critical role in the low-carbon energy system of the future. This has big implications for all parts of technologies and solutions, including new low-carbon and renewable generation, smarter, more resilient networks, and new products and Q meet What is ESB doing to prepare the electricity networks to future customer needs? design and deliver heat pump and combined heat and power (CHP) installations for what will be the largest and most sustainable commercial priorities at every level of the organisation and we continue to encourage an open reporting culture to identify and needs of all our customers, while at the same time ensuring that ESB has the people and financial capability to deliver our own ESB, by way of both challenge services to support our customers. We continue to invest and innovate greenhouses in GB. appropriately address issues as they arise. growth ambitions. While challenging, the and opportunity. in our ROI and Northern Ireland (NI) transformation of the energy sector that is Q How has this impacted the delivery of ESB’s strategy? Qpeat? How is ESB managing the transition away from coal and networks businesses to increase the level of automation and resilience, to meet growing demand and to facilitate significant ESB Networks continued to improve digital services for customers, and commenced the roll-out of “Safety QHow was ESB’s financial performance in 2019? happening before our very eyes is exciting and I believe that ESB is in a strong position to take advantage of the many opportunities and Our strategy is fully aligned with emerging In 2019, we continued to increase volumes increases in customers' own distributed the National Smart Metering Following a challenging that lie ahead. environmental 05 policies around low-carbon energy and of electricity generated from low-carbon energy assets. ESB programme which will see over couple of years, ESB is anchored to our purpose of creating and renewable sources, while reducing our Networks is working with 2 million meters upgraded responsibility are achieved an improved APPENDICES a brighter future for the customers and dependence on high carbon thermal plant. New three communities ESB over a multi-year programme priorities at every level of financial performance communities we serve by leading the partnerships with Coillte, Parkwind, EDF and – Limerick, Dingle Networks is working to smart digital technology, the organisation and we in 2019 with EBITDA transition to reliable, affordable, low-carbon Equinor will enable us to significantly increase and the Aran with three communities paving the way for all suppliers continue to encourage of €1,372 million and Pat O’Doherty, Chief Executive – Limerick, Dingle and the energy. This presents a great growth our onshore and offshore wind portfolio to grow Islands – to pilot to develop new products an open reporting Operating Profit before 27 February 2020 Aran Islands – to pilot …. opportunity for the electricity sector while earnings from renewables while also meeting new network the network required to and services that will enable culture exceptional items of €682 also playing a key role in addressing climate carbon reduction targets. We are building a and customer customers to take more control of million. We are focused meet future customer change. Each of our business units has a portfolio of assets in the offshore wind sector. technologies with a their energy use. on maintaining ESB's financial needs unique but interrelated role in making this a In 2019, we acquired a 50% stake in Neart na view to gaining valuable strength to ensure we can deliver on our reality. Gaoithe in the North Sea. We acquired a stake insights into the network Brighter Future strategy. During 2019 ESB
12 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 13 1.4 BUSINESS MODEL Our Purpose is to 'Create a Brighter Future for the customers and communities we serve, by leading the transition to reliable, affordable, low-carbon energy.' CAPITAL INPUTS SUPPLY OUTPUT Manufactured Capital GENERATE TRANSMIT • 5,520 MW of generation capacity Supplying electricity, Customers • Over 229,000 km of Network across ESB develops, operates and ESB builds, manages gas and energy • Customer satisfaction 84% ROI and NI trades the output of ESB’s and maintains the services to customers • 34% market share electricity generation assets. transmission and in ROI, NI and GB. • Enduring residential customer Financial Capital The portfolio consists of 5,520 distribution network savings of up to 8.5% • A-credit rating MW of thermal and renewable in ROI and NI – over • 30% generation market share • Total net assets €3.9 billion generation assets across ROI, 229,000 km of • Liquidity of €1.5 billion NI and GB and a further 338 Network. Shareholders MW under construction • Dividend of €1.2 billion over the Intellectual Capital last decade • Promotion of innovation • Return on capital employed • Corporate governance Structure 5.9% • €1.4 billion EBITDA Human Capital • 7,974 employees Irish Economy • Employee development programmes • Invested €1 billion • Safety transformation programme • Contributes €1.8 billion to the Irish economy Social and Responsible Capital • Over €2 million disbursed over • Over 1.5 million customers a range of community based initiatives Natural Capital • 884 MW of renewable generation WE'RE WE'RE WE'RE WE'RE PUT CUSTOMERS’ PRODUCE, CONNECT DEVELOP ENERGY GROW THE DELIVER A HIGH- COURAGEOUS CARING DRIVEN TRUSTED CURRENT AND AND DELIVER SERVICES TO MEET BUSINESS WHILE PERFORMANCE CULTURE FUTURE NEEDS AT CLEAN, SECURE EVOLVING MARKET MAINTAINING THAT SUPPORTS THE CENTRE OF ALL AND AFFORDABLE NEEDS ESB’S FINANCIAL INNOVATION AND OUR ACTIVITIES ENERGY STRENGTH COLLABORATION
14 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 15 1.5 STRATEGY AND PROGRESS 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW ESB’s Brighter Future Strategy puts sustainability at the heart of our strategic objectives and our purpose as an organisation. With the ambition to 'Create a Brighter Future for the customers and communities we serve, by leading the transition to reliable, affordable, low-carbon energy’, our progress during 2019 in putting this into action has begun to deliver on that ambition. Aligning our activities and progress to the broader global efforts to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, allows ESB to demonstrate its contribution to the global purpose and climate action focus that underpins the SDGs. OWENINNY WIND 02 FARM ENTERS ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE RENEWABLE ESB SIGNS LOW ESB NETWORKS GREW OVER 30,000 89 MW 50% COMMERCIAL ESB NETWORKS PROGRESS AGAINST CONNECTIONS: CARBON PLEDGE ITS REGULATED ASSET HOUSES OWENNINEY SHAREHOLDING OPERATION FLEET BEGINS 550 MW IN ROI, COMMITTING BASE BY €0.2BN CONNECTED WIND FARM IN THE 448 STRATEGY FROM Oweninny, Phase 1, is an 89MW wind farm TRANSITION TO EV BRINGING TOTAL TO LESS THAN THROUGH DELIVERY DURING 2018 COMMISSIONED. MW NEART AROUND THE RENEWABLES 200gC02/kWh OF TRANSMISSION 338 MW IN NA GAOITHE joint venture with Board na Móna in Co. Mayo. (ALL ISLAND) AND DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION OFFSHORE BUSINESS BY 2030 (50% Its 29 turbines will supply clean energy to ESB Networks took delivery CONNECTED TO THE REDUCTION) PROGRAMMES WIND FARM FACILITATING RENEWABLES the equivalent of over 50,000 homes. The GRID TO 6.2GW IN UK of 70 Nissan ENV200 fully CARBON cross business ESB team is now looking to INTENSITY Knockanure underground cable. This new 22km electric light vans which will be added to the fleet the development of Phase 2 of Oweninny length cable in north Kerry will allow the region to throughout 2019/2020 and are estimated to (83MW). PRODUCE, utilise its abundant energy resources, will allow for offset 170 tonnes of carbon annually by phasing CONNECT AND future growth in demand, will increase the security out diesel in ESB Networks’ small van fleet. The DELIVER CLEAN, SECURE AND of supply for the South West region and further vehicles will be deployed nationally to replace AFFORDABLE support the development of the renewable energy small diesel equivalents working in the areas of 03 ENERGY sector. metering and stores. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES PERFORMANCE ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ESB NETWORKS IRELAND IRELAND SUCCESSFULLY CONTINUES LAUNCHED ITS INSTALLED THE FIRST NEW ESB ARCHIVES TO FOCUS ON ALL ELECTRIC SMART METER IN 2019 REDUCING DISCOUNTED AND HAS CONTINUED BUILDING DISCONNECTION TARIFF FOR TO SAFELY RAMP COMPLETE RATES, NOW CUSTOMERS WITH UP DELIVERY WITH The new ESB Archives building was BELOW 20 PER 10,000 ALL ELECTRIC HOMES OUR PURPOSE OVER 15,000 METERS INSTALLED IN 2019 completed in July 2019, to a BER A1 energy ESB’s purpose is to create ESB ECARS rating standard. The project, designed in house, provides an energy efficient all electric building, a brighter future for the CELEBRATES 1OOTH including an array of roof mounted solar panels. customers and communities RAPID CHARGER IN 04 PUT CUSTOMERS’ we serve and we will do this GB DEVELOP ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS CURRENT AND by leading the transition to ESB has rapidly expanded its FUTURE NEEDS SERVICES TO reliable, affordable, low- MEET EVOLVING charge point networks in both AT THE CENTRE OF ALL OUR carbon energy MARKET NEEDS London and Coventry City. Our rapid charge points ACTIVITIES provide CCS, CHAdeMO and Fact AC charging, that can charge an EV up to 80% in as little as 30 minutes. DELIVER A HIGH- GROW THE PERFORMANCE BUSINESS WHILE CULTURE THAT MAINTAINING SUPPORTS ESB’S FINANCIAL INNOVATION AND STRENGTH COLLABORATION 05 APPENDICES ESB INVESTS IN 50% STAKE OF NEART NA GAOITHE OFFSHORE WIND FARM ESB invested in a 50% stake in NnG offsore wind ESB IS NATIONAL 11 OF 83 APPRENTICESHIP ESB DELIVERED farm project from EDF Renewables off the east SPONSOR OF BITC TIME STARTERS IN 2019 WERE EBITDA OF €1.4BN coast of Scotland. It will have a capacity of 450MW TO COUNT NUMERACY WOMEN IN 2019. CAPEX OF PROGRAMME, BUILDING €1.2BN WAS SPENT and will offset over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 STEAM CAPABILITIES ON INCREASING ESB'S emissions annually once operational in 2023. FOR THE FUTURE ASSET BASE
16 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 17 1.6 GOVERNANCE 01 ESB BOARD BUSINESS OVERVIEW Responsible for the long-term success of ESB and for its overall judgement on matters of strategy, performance, resources and governance ESB is committed to the highest standards of ESB has adopted a Code of Ethics, which sets to managing risk being defined by the ESB Risk corporate governance to manage risk and support out our approach to responsible and ethical Policy and Governance Framework and a strong sustainability and growth. ESB has put in place business behaviour. The underlying principle internal control framework. While the Board has measures to comply with the Code of Practice of The Code of Ethics is that employees overall responsibility for the Group’s approach to CHIEF EXECUTIVE BOARD HEALTH, Executive leadership of the Group’s business SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT for the Governance of State Bodies (2016). In best serve ESB by adhering to the highest risk, the responsibility for supporting the Board’s COMMITTEE addition, ESB complies, (on a voluntary basis standards of integrity, loyalty, respect, fairness review of the effectiveness of internal controls and To advise the Board on health, safety and to the maximum extent possible as a statutory and confidentiality and by meeting all legal and risk management has been assigned to the Audit environment matters EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TEAM corporation), with the UK Code of Corporate regulatory requirements. The Code of Ethics is and Risk Committee which played a key role in Leadership and control of the Group Governance 2016 and the Irish Corporate published on the ESB intranet. Group Internal 2019 in ensuring that appropriate governance Governance Annex. Audit investigates any reported breaches and challenge around risk and assurance were and provides updates to the Audit and Risk embedded across the Group. The approach to ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP TEAM 02 A revised UK Corporate Governance Code was Committee: risk is set out further in section 3.6 of this report (ED GROUP PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT) ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE issued by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) https://www.esb.ie/who-we-are/corporate- and in the Risk Report. Leadership on sustainability and owners of sustainability strategy in July 2018 and applies for periods commencing governance/esbs-code-of-ethics-and-practice on or after 1 January 2019. ESB completed GOVERNANCE OF SUSTAINABILITY BUSINESS UNIT ENVIRONMENT AND a detailed review of the UK Code in 2019 in HUMAN RIGHTS The Board Committee on Health Safety and ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY MANAGERS Operational Owners of Environment and SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE line with its “comply or explain” model and has ESB respects human rights and expects all Environment has oversight of environment (Chaired by ED Group People and Sustainability at business unit level implemented certain recommendations including suppliers/contractors providing goods, services and sustainability issues. The HSE Committee Organisational Development) Organisational Development) the establishment of a Cultural Dashboard report, or works to ESB and/or on behalf of ESB to monitors and tracks progress against briefing the Board on the Stakeholder Mapping conduct their business in an honest and ethical environmental and sustainability targets and and Engagement Plan, updated code of conduct for Board members, carrying out a review of manner, in accordance with all applicable laws, and to respect internationally recognised human assesses the implications of environmental sustainability and climate issues for major 1.7 MATERIALITY APPROACH the terms of reference of the Remuneration rights. As the parent of a number of subsidiary company plans and delivery of the company 03 Committee and revising ESB's Whistleblowing companies with significant operations in the UK, strategy. The Committee meetings take place five and Protected Disclosure policy to provide further ESB has adopted a Policy on Modern Slavery times a year and facilitate detailed consideration ESB works in the very heart of every and interests of our stakeholders is front and the most material topics are identified and form SOCIAL DISCLOSURES guidance to employees on how to raise concerns. with the aim of preventing opportunities for of environment and sustainability matters on community across Ireland. Being embedded centre in delivering of our services and to help the bulk of the disclosures in this report, as per PERFORMANCE Exceptions to compliance with the UK Code modern slavery occurring within its business and behalf of the Board. in this way, brings a broad span of exposure shape a brighter future. From the consolidated the materiality matrix below. Disclosures focus are outlined on page 91 of the annual Report. In supply chains. In accordance with the Act, ESB to and engagement with a wide range of engagements and inputs into the various on the most material issues identified in the top this way, ESB adheres in so far as is reasonably publishes an Annual Statement setting out the The Environment and Sustainability Leadership stakeholders. In our purpose of creating stakeholder channels and a formal stakeholder right quadrant. As robust reporting and data applicable to listed company governance steps that ESB has taken during the previous Team is chaired by the Executive Director a brighter future for the people we serve, engagement process, we identify the most sets are established, disclosures will expand to standards. financial year to ensure that slavery and human Group People and Organisational Development we recognise that electricity is an enabler material topics raised by these internal include other issues of importance within the trafficking is not operating within either its own and made up of senior managers from each of societal and economic wellbeing and and external stakeholders. The stakeholder matrix and newly emerging material issues. ESB has put in place the appropriate measures business or its supply chains. The most recent business unit. The Environment and Sustainability a pathway to a decarbonised society. groupings that we engage with are detailed in to comply with the State Code, which sets out Annual Statement was published in June 2019. Leadership Team is responsible for the overall Understanding the expectations, concerns section 1.8 of this report. From this process, the governance framework established by the direction of Environment and Sustainability to 04 Government for the internal management and Our procurement policies are available here: deliver on the corporate strategy and for providing MATERIALITY MATRIX 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS the internal and external reporting relationships https://www.esb.ie/who-we-are/procurement/ leadership on environment and sustainability in of State Bodies. ESB has a robust process procurement-policy each business unit. Access and Affordability Carbon Emissions in place to confirm compliance with the state HIGH code and a report on such compliance is made DIVERSITY The committee meets four times a year to annually to the Audit and Risk Committee. A report The Board, both for itself and the Group as a review progress and overall group performance. Ethics, Trust and Reputation Security of Supply confirming compliance is also issued annually to whole, is fully committed to diversity as a key The committee also oversees assurance on the Minister for Communications, Climate Action value, and an important factor in achieving ESB’s environmental management through receiving Business Ethics Demand Side Management Importance to Stakeholders and Environment (DCCAE) which confirms business objectives. It is committed to achieving reports from the Environment and Sustainability compliance with the requirements of the State the optimal balance of skills, experience and Management Group, made up of the business Data Security & Product Quality & Code. diversity among its members. In relation to Board unit Sustainability and Environmental Co- Customer Privacy Safety diversity, the Chairman of the Board, in assisting ordinators and Managers. The Group meets MEDIUM Community Water 05 ESB values its reputation and maintaining best the DCCAE in drawing up the specification for monthly and tracks progress and debates Renewables Environmental practise governance arrangements is an important Board appointments, has regard to the benefits proposals and plans, agreeing on proposals APPENDICES Management Health & Safety Development aspect of ESB business performance. of diversity on the Board, as provided for under for consideration by the Environment and the State Code of Practice guidelines and the Sustainability Leadership Team. FULL DETAIL ON CORPORATE related “Guidelines on Appointments to State GOVERNANCE IN ESB IS Bodies”. AVAILABLE IN OUR 2018 Energy Management Staff Development ANNUAL REPORT; & Efficiency Risk management and reporting continues to be MEDIUM HIGH a key area of focus for both the Board and the Importance to ESB Audit and Risk Committee, with ESB’s approach
18 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 19 1.8 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 1.9 ASSOCIATIONS AND EXTERNAL INITIATIVES 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW CHARTERS TO WHICH THE ORGANISATION SUBSCRIBES As a business we generate and distribute community group and ranges in focus from prioritise the issues emanating from the various • Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2009) electricity to homes, farms and businesses national to community level interests. From the external and internal stakeholder engagement • Bettercoal Code (2015) across Ireland. This means that we have consolidated engagements and inputs into the channels and to formulate the issues output • UK Corporate Governance Code (2012) a strong and visible interface with every various stakeholder channels and the formal from these engagements into a list of • Irish Corporate Governance Annex (2010) community to which we provide electricity. stakeholder engagement process outputs, prioritised material issues. • The Prompt Payment Code of Conduct (2014) Stakeholder engagement is central to the members of the stakeholder management • The Energy Engage Code (2014) success of our business activities. Stakeholder group, together with the Environment & • E.DSO Sustainability Charter engagement takes place at all levels, from Sustainability Leadership Team hold a the policy makers right down to the local materiality workshop every two years to help PRINCIPAL ASSOCIATIONS TO WHICH THE ORGANISATION BELONGS 02 ESB plays an active role in many associations, both at a board level and as an active member. Playing an active role in such external associations is central ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE to the development of key staff, the promotion of engineering skills, developing common approaches on national policy, promoting diversity and inclusion in society as well as policies consistent with national climate objectives. STAKEHOLDER MATRIX STAKEHOLDER GROUPING MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT SUBJECTS OF ENGAGEMENT KEY ISSUES • Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) • Business In The Community (BITC) Ireland • Bettercoal Ministers & Government Depts. Policy meetings, consultations Energy policy, regulatory Energy policy, maintaining financial DCCAE, DfE, DAERA, DBEIS, consultation processes, strategy strength • Business in the Community NI DEFRA, PER (New ERA), DTTAS • Chambers Ireland Market, Data and Transparency Price reviews, regular meetings, Compliance with licence and permit Compliance planning, Delivery of work • Chartered Institute of Professional Development Regulatory Bodies (CRU, UR, programme meetings conditions, price reviews, work programmes, emission reduction plans, • CHAdeMO Association Ofgem, ComReg, Ofcom, DPC, ICO, programmes. consultations. • Corporate Leadership Council SIPO) 03 • Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Networks Operators EirGrid, SONI, Scheduled meetings, programme Grid connections, work programmes, Renewable energy, network stability, SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Diversity Charter of Ireland National Grid meetings planning, renewable integration security of supply PERFORMANCE • European Distribution System Operators • Electricity Association of Ireland (EAI) Industry NGOs (Eurelectric, EAI, Consultation processes, information National and EU energy policy, Policy positions, climate action, • Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) IWEA, IBEC, CBI, AEP, IETA, meetings. climate action and sustainability competitiveness, supply security Chambers Ireland, British Irish policy development, consultations. • Energy Networks Association Chamber of Commerce, NI Chamber • Energy UK EV Task Force of Commerce, Dublin Chamber, Cork • Engineers Ireland Chamber. • Eurelectric Sustainability/Non industry NGOs Scheduled meetings, focus groups, Land access, work programmes, Emission reduction, corporate • Institute of Engineering and Technology (BiTCI & NI, CDP, IIEA, IFA, Coillte) member fora, surveys CR programme, performance responsibility, renewable energy, disclosures. planning • Institute of Directors • Institute of Customer Service 04 Environmental Authorities (NPWS, Ongoing dialogue. Annual reporting, planning, safety Water conservation, energy efficiency, • Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA) UW, SEAI) waste ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS • Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) Environmental and Safety Licences, inspections, formal Licence conditions and compliance, Legal compliance. • Irish Marketing Institute Regulators (EPA, NIEA, EA, HSA, compliance reviews annual reporting, dealing with • Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership HSENI, HSE, RSA) breaches and complaints • National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) Engineering and Scientific Industry for a, partnerships, Technology, skills pool, research Technical innovation, market disruption, • NI Chamber of Commerce Research (UCD, ERC, UL, TUD, conferences, technical collaborations, partnerships, technology energy efficiency, availability of skills. • National Energy Action TCD, NUI, EPRI, SEAI, VGB, QUB, ongoing dialogue deployment • Open Charge Alliance Public representatives, local Scheduled meetings, planning process, Planning concerns, building Community engagement, legal • Society of the Irish Motor Industry authorities ongoing dialogue community support compliance • The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT) Ratings agencies Scheduled review meetings Economic performance, Rating, ability to raise debt at • The Mediators Institute of Ireland. Performance to Plan, Strategy, competitive rates, financial performance. • Ulster Wildlife Funding rounds, Growth programme 05 Employees ESB Group of Unions Team and one-to-one meetings, Business performance, safe Employee engagement, Recognition APPENDICES surveys. working environment, fair and reward, Development employment and trading practices, sustainability Customers (Domestic, Commercial, Social media, customer contact Price, continuity and quality of Energy price, disconnection policy, Industrial) centres, surveys, via business supply, energy efficiency services, energy efficiency development team disconnection policy.
20 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 21 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW CHAPTER 2 02 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Investing for the Future 2.3 Indirect Economic Impacts 2.4 Pension Obligations 03 2.5 Procurement Practices SOCIAL DISCLOSURES PERFORMANCE 04 ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS 05 APPENDICES
22 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 23 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 INVESTING FOR THE FUTURE (GRI 203-1) 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW In 2019 ESB delivered an improved financial performance KEY FACTS AND FIGURES Capital expenditure totalled €1,242 million in 2019, an increase of €77 million on 2018. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE following profit reductions in 2017 and 2018 which were OPERATING PROFIT* €’M Capital investment in the networks businesses both challenging years. As we continue the transition to a continued in 2019 with €735 million (59% low carbon future ESB delivered Earnings before Interest, 800 2019 581 424 154 83 682 of the total capital investment) invested in the Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) of €1,372 597 635 600 networks infrastructure in Republic of Ireland million, Operating Profit before exceptional items of €682 490 455 (ROI) and Northern Ireland (NI) in line with million and capital investment of €1,242 million. Our 400 agreed regulatory programmes. Expenditure gearing at the end of 2019 was at a relatively moderate in Generation and Trading in 2019 amounted level of 57% and during 2019, ESB successfully issued 200 to €424 million (2018: €299 million). This Ireland’s first corporate public Green Bond. 2018 590 299 171 105 expenditure primarily related to the continued Our 2019 performance reflects: 0 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 02 investment in renewable generation including • ESB Networks and NIE Networks continuing to deliver €227 million ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE €243 million in the 448 MW Neart na Gaoithe safe and reliable networks with significant capital and (GB) offshore windfarm and €97 million in the 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 * Before exceptional items. See Financial Review page 50. maintenance programmes in accordance with their 114MW Grousemount wind farm in Co.Kerry, ■ ESB NETWORKS ■ GENERATION AND TRADING ■ NIE NETWORKS ■ OTHER SEGMENTS regulatory contracts; EBITDA* €’M which is expected to become fully operational • Generation and Trading (GT), operating successfully in 1,500 1,372 1,324 1,348 by the start of Q2 2020. Capital investment of 1,276 the first full year of the Integrated Single Electricity Market €83 million in other segments includes various 1,200 1,175 group projects such as the redevelopment (I-SEM) and delivering continued growth in our renewable 900 of the Fitzwilliam Street Head Office and IT ESB’s Green Bond will primarily portfolio (including further investment in offshore wind) systems (see figure Captial Expenditure). contribute to Climate Change with the 50% acquisition of the 448MW Neart na Gaoithe 600 Mitigation through the following project in GB; 300 Eligible Green Project categories: In June 2019, following the launch of ESB’s • Customer Solutions continuing to innovate and create value Green Bond Framework the previous month, 1. Climate 0 Change 2019 2018 2017 for customers, including the application of enduring longterm 2016 2015 the Group issued a EUR €500 million 11-year Mitigation 03 savings to almost one million of its residential electricity and €197 million Green Bond with a fixed coupon of 1.125%. RENEWABLE ENERGY 6. Protection 2. Climate gas customers. This was the first ever Irish corporate public of healthy SOCIAL DISCLOSURES Change ecosystems Adaptation Green Bond. The transaction was executed PERFORMANCE TOTAL ASSETS €’M 2019 Operating Profit (before exceptional items) is following an extensive European roadshow, ENERGY EFFICIENCY EU 14,159 13,304 Environment 15,000 13,157 up 50% on 2018, primarily reflecting improved energy 12,294 12,907 involving more than 100 leading investors Objectives 3. Sustainable margins from our thermal gas plant, lower operating costs 12,000 and resulted in ESB’s lowest coupon for a 5. Pollution use and protection reflecting reduced overhaul spend, higher revenues in our senior bond. There was strong participation CLEAN TRANSPORTATION prevention of water 9,000 control and marine Customer Solutions business and foreign exchange. from socially responsible investors from a 4. Transition resources to a circular 6,000 diverse range of geographies, demonstrating economy, Arising from our announcement to close the midland 3,000 confidence in ESB’s Brighter Future Strategy waste prevention GREEN BUILDINGS peat stations at the end of 2020, the re-organisation and associated investment programme. A and recycling 0 of Moneypoint arising from reduced coal running and 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 dedicated Green Finance Committee has been the closure of North Wall power station, an exceptional created to ensure compliance with the Green €855 million 04 charge for related severance and associated costs on Bond Framework and to oversee the allocation expenditure for ESB Networks for the coming capital and maintenance programmes are ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS these plants of €60 million has been made. In addition, of the net proceeds of this Green Bond to NET DEBT €’M eligible projects that are sustainable and five-year period. The ESB Board welcomed delivered in accordance with these established a further impairment charge of €34 million was made 6,000 5,239 socially responsible in areas such as renewable the Regulator’s proposal that the submission regulatory frameworks. ESB carefully and against shareholder loans advanced to Tilbury Green 4,915 4,975 energy, energy efficiency, green buildings and should provide for the resources and capability continuously monitors all of these strategic Power Holdings Limited (a waste wood to energy joint 5,000 4,377 4,524 clean transportation. For more information on required to deliver on the National Climate financial opportunities and challenges and venture in GB). 4,000 the disbusal of funds raised by the Green Bond, Action Plan and ESB looks forward to working takes prudent financial actions, including 3,000 please refer to the Green Bond report in the constructively with the Regulator to finalise the management of the significant capital ESB invested €1,242 million in capital expenditure in 2,000 proposal during 2020. programme, as appropriate, so as to enable 2019. Almost 60% of which was invested in our two Appendices, Chapter 5 of this report. 1,000 the delivery of Strategy 2030 while maintaining networks businesses in line with agreed regulated capital 0 These public bond transactions enabled both All infrastructure development is subject ESB's financial strength. Please see also programmes, including €64 million on Smart metering 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 to appropriate planning authority approval, section 3.4, detailing further how we engage roll out in ROI. As part of the transition to low-carbon the growth of ESB’s portfolio of renewable generation ESB invested €340 million in renewable €474 million assets and the early repayment of a portion of including the undertaking of Environmental with communities around these investment ESB’s existing project finance debt Impact Assessments, as required. Operational determinations. 05 generation projects. Notwithstanding the exceptional GENERATION ALL-ISLAND MARKET SHARE SUPPLY ALL-ISLAND MARKET SHARE procedures for works in and adjacent to charge, as outlined above, ESB has delivered a strong APPENDICES 70% 30% REGULATED INVESTMENT SAC's or where particular environmental or BOARD LEVEL OVERSIGHT set of financial results in 2019, with Group EBITDA at 34% ESB, Ireland’s leading energy utility, has a biodiversity risks may be identified, are in The Board has overall responsibility for risk €1,372 million, a strong liquidity position of €1.5 billion stable business profile with over two thirds of its place and subject to on-going review. Energy management and internal control. The main and credit ratings of A- or equivalent with Standard & 66% earnings and assets accounted for by regulated infrastructure needs assessment is undertaken financial risks faced by the Group related to Poor’s and Moody’s (BBB+ standalone). electricity networks in Ireland under established as part of the broader regulatory engagement liquidity, foreign exchange, interest rates, and transparent regulatory frameworks. process, which culminates with a price review commodity price movements and operational Revenue and other operating income before exceptional ESB Networks made its Price Review 5 determination, incorporating specific asset risk. Policies to protect the Group from these items at €3,718 million has increased by €285 million (PR5) submission to the Commission for the development programmes, which form the risks, and other risk areas, such as credit risk, compared to 2018 (€3,433 million). The increase is Regulation of Utilities in November. This is a basis of investment programmes for our are regularly reviewed, revised and approved primarily driven by higher revenue in Customer Solutions very important process for the company, which regulated assets, at the scale summarised by the Board. due to increased volumes and increased unit rates arising ■ OTHER POWER SUPPLIERS ■ OTHER POWER PRODUCERS above. Within our networks' businesses the from increased wholesale energy prices in 2018. ■ ESB will set the level of investment and operating ■ ESB
24 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 25 2.3 INDIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACTS 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW INVESTMENT TAXES SUPPORTING Investing over €1 billion per annum Annual payments across various COMMUNITIES to facilitate a more sustainable headings Seek to empower and enrich energy environment as well as the lives of individuals and supporting economic growth communities through the through providing, safe and reliable OVER €450 MILLION corporate social responsibility electricity supply to homes and programme 02 businesses ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OVER €2 MILLION €1,242 MILLION 03 SOCIAL DISCLOSURES PERFORMANCE 04 ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS EMPLOYMENT RETURN TO THE DEBT INDIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACTS (GRI203.2) RESIDENTIAL 05 Making a long-term commitment to SHAREHOLDER INVESTORS Investments in the generation portfolio are focused on accelerating investment in CUSTOMER APPENDICES employees, giving them the time to ESB targets an annual dividend of Annual interest and renewable energy to reduce the carbon intensity of the generation portfolio and SATISFACTION build their skills and the opportunity 40% of adjusted profits after tax repayments support the transition to reliable, affordable, low carbon energy. Investments in Developing new and innovative to advance their careers. the networks business in Republic of Ireland focused on the reinforcement and products and services for Supporting jobs through contractor construction of new network infrastructure to facilitate the connection of renewables customers aimed at improving and supplier service contracts €88 MILLION FOR 2019 €741 MILLION and the diversification of electrification, whilst also committing significant investment customer experience and to maintaining existing network. NIE Networks focused on the delivery of its network empowerment investment plan under RP5 to achieve reliability of supply and ensure the safety of the 163 APPRENTICES network for customers, as well as continuing investment to facilitate the connection of 84% AND GRADUATES additional renewable generation and the replacement of customer meters. RECRUITED IN 2019
26 ESB Sustainability Report 2019 -Powering the Transition to a Clean Energy Future ESB Sustainability Report 2019 27 2.4 PENSION OBLIGATIONS (GRI 201-3) 01 BUSINESS OVERVIEW ESB expects our suppliers/contractors of all tiers to comply with all applicable laws and to respective internationally recognised human rights. ESB’s Supplier Charter sets out the basic principles that all ESB suppliers, service providers and contractors are expected to comply with in relation to: The Group companies operate various pension schemes in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which are funded through payments to trustee Conduct of business administered funds. All permanent staff are members of either the Defined Benefit Plan or another retirement plan. Health & Safety Environment (GRI308-1) 2.4.1 Pension schemes in the Republic of Ireland Ethics, Bribery & Anti-corruption The Group operates two pension schemes, which are called the ESB Defined Benefit Pension Scheme and the ESB Defined Contribution Pension Scheme. Employment Standards and Modern Slavery. Pensions for the majority of employees in the electricity business are funded through a contributory pension scheme called the ESB Defined Benefit Pension Scheme. The fund is vested in Trustees nominated by ESB and its members for the sole benefit of employees and their dependants. The Scheme is ESB’s Requirements for Third Parties gives contractual effect to these expectations, and copies of these documents and other relevant ESB Procurement registered as a Defined Benefit Scheme with the Pensions Authority. Policies are publicly available on the ESB Group website; www.esb.ie/who-we-are/procurement The regulations governing the Scheme stipulate the benefits that are to be provided and the contributions to be paid by both ESB and the contributing members. Benefits payable are determined by reference to a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) pension model for benefits earned after 1 January ESB’s Supply Chain supports its business operations across the value chain in generation, networks and supply - including its international activities. With 02 2012 (previously based on final salary). ESB has no legal obligation to increase contributions to maintain benefits in the event of a deficit and ESB’s rate of an annual procurement spend (excluding fuel) of approximately €900m, we rely on a complex and diverse supply chain in order to provide the services ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE contribution cannot be altered without the agreement of ESB and approval of the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. Should an necessary to meet our customer’s needs. Of this spend approximately 75% is sourced from suppliers within the Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland, 13% actuarial deficit arise in the future, ESB is obliged under the Scheme regulations to consult with the Superannuation Committee, the Trustees and the Scheme from the UK, and 9% from other EU member states (GRI204-1). We currently have approximately 4600 Tier 1 suppliers, ranging from local SME’s & micro Actuary to consider the necessity of submitting an amending Scheme for Ministerial approval. companies to large multi-national corporations / contractors, with whom we placed over 40,000 purchase orders in 2019. Under the 2010 Pensions Agreement (approved by employees in July 2010 and formally ratified by the Board of ESB on 20 October 2010), ESB agreed GRI 204-1: PROPORTION OF SPENDING ON LOCAL SUPPLIERS to a once-off cash injection into the Scheme, payable over a number of years, which had an agreed valuation for actuarial purposes as at 1 January 2010 Location Name % of €591.0 million. The fixed contribution rates for the employer and for employees were not changed. Under the Agreement membership of the Scheme UK, NI & Ireland 88% has been closed to new joiners. The obligations to the Scheme reflected in ESB’s financial statements have been determined in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits. Given that the Scheme is not a typical “balance of costs” Defined Benefit Scheme (where the employer is liable to pay the balance of Contracts range from standard supply type arrangements for consumable items, such as tools & equipment to more complex service / works contracts for renewable generation, smart metering installation, networks substation & overhead/underground line construction & refurbishment, customer billing & metering contributions required to fund benefits), the obligations to be reflected in the financial statements require the exercise of judgement. Should a deficit arise in services and financial & engineering related consultancy assignments. Where technical considerations allow, we favour the use of functional and performance- the future, the Company, as noted above, is obliged to consult with the parties to the Scheme. However, ESB has no obligation to increase contributions to 03 based specifications, supported by International/European standards. All significant contracts are advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union. maintain benefits in the event of a deficit and the Company does not intend that any further contributions, other than the normal on-going contributions and the balance of the Company’s €591.0 million additional contribution (committed to as part of the 2010 Pensions Agreement), will be made. Therefore, ESB SOCIAL DISCLOSURES Many of these contracts by their nature are labour intensive and it is essential that suppliers maintain a strong culture of corporate responsibility, in addition to has concluded that the financial statements should reflect its obligations to the Scheme, which consist of: PERFORMANCE good sustainable and environmental practices. During 2019 ESB conducted desktop assessments of over 400 suppliers for the potential of modern slavery / a. any remaining amounts to be paid in relation to the once-off contribution agreed pursuant to the 2010 Agreement (€591.0 million in 2010 money to be forced labour in their supply chains, in addition to conducting over 100 contractor employment standards audits on ESB sites in the Republic of Ireland during paid over a number of years); 2019 (GRI409-1). b. pre-existing commitments relating to past service (the present value of the agreed contributions that relates to service prior to October 2010); and Sustainability features are generally sought from tenderers where such features contribute to the delivery of ESB’s sustainability goals. Some notable c. Past Voluntary Severance (VS) Programmes – in 2010 the Company recognised a future commitment in respect of staff who have left the Company procurements that included a strong sustainability remit in 2019, included: under past VS programmes. ESB will make pension contributions in respect of those staff and these are recognised at fair value. Mini-tenders for Wind Turbines for a number of high-profile renewable projects in ROI & UK Ongoing contributions (up to 16.4%) are recognised in the income statement as incurred. Any unpaid amounts at year end are recognised as liabilities on the ESB’s Integrated Facilities Management Framework Agreement, which placed a clear emphasis on the importance of using environmentally friendly balance sheet. cleaning products, the need to reduce, re-use and re-cycle materials, and the requirement to work closely with supply chain partners of all tiers to supply environmentally friendly services The ESB Defined Contribution Pension Scheme is a defined contribution scheme and contributions to the Scheme are accounted for on a defined ESB’s Shuttle Bus Tender to our temporary Head Office in Gateway sought information on how tenderers propose to adhere to emission standards and how 04 contribution basis with the employers’ contribution charged to income in the period the contributions become payable. The percentage of salary contributions their respective telematics system monitors and reports on individual vehicle fuel efficiency. ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS made by individual employees to the scheme are confidential between ESB and the individual employee. ESB’s aim is to ensure that sustainability is embedded across every business function including Procurement. In Procurement very significant elements of our business operations are transacted electronically, including the issue and receipt of tenders and purchase orders to our suppliers. ESB are also committed to complying with the terms of applicable late payments legislation and are signatories to the Prompt Payment Code of Conduct. ESB’s standard terms of payment 2.5 PROCUREMENT PRACTICES are Nett Monthly Account. In recent years ESB has significantly increased the number of PDF invoices received from suppliers - 72% of all invoices received in 2019 were in PDF format. The key benefits for suppliers for submitting invoices in this way include, traceability and the ability to email queries to a dedicated mailbox for quick resolution. This is a no cost option to suppliers and means invoices can be processed much quicker. This also has a positive environmental impact due to the reduction in the submission of paper-based invoices, envelopes and associated postal costs. ESB’s Supply Chain is key to our business success and delivery of the Group’s Brighter Future Strategy. ESB’s procurement strategy is aligned to the delivery of these business objectives & sustainability goals. 2.5.1 Modern Slavery As an organisation that operates in the United Kingdom, ESB fully supports the aims of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has a zero-tolerance approach Competitive tendering is our standard procurement procedure, and all procurement processes are undertaken in a non-discriminatory, transparent and to modern slavery. In order to prevent acts of slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business and supply chains ESB has taken a number proportionate manner. This process ensures equal treatment, non-discrimination, mutual recognition and freedom to provide services and establishment, in of steps, including the adoption of a Policy on Modern Slavery, which is published on ESB’s website; https://www.esb.ie/who-we-are/procurement/ 05 line with applicable procurement law, the Irish Government’s Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies and EU Treaty Principles. procurement-policy. APPENDICES It is custom and practice in ESB to conduct tender evaluations based on the total lifetime cost (LCC) of a product or service. ESB are increasingly using ESB seeks at all times to comply with employment law applicable to the jurisdictions in which it operates and puts in place contractual arrangements with sophisticated LCC models to capture whole life costs when assessing major projects and equipment purchases. For example, tailored LCC’s are used to providers of agency staff requiring that they achieve the same level of compliance. evaluate the cost and efficiency of renewable generation tenders. For the purchase of vehicles, the total cost of ownership (fuel and Adblue), maintenance Following on from its previous statements on the prevention of slavery and human trafficking, ESB has, during 2019, taken the following steps to prevent acts and emissions are assessed along with the upfront purchase cost. Similarly, a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model is used to assess the total cost of of modern slavery from occurring within its supply chains: major items of equipment, which may include a range of cost inputs including purchase price, energy usage (load or otherwise) prototyping costs, type tests, installation costs, maintenance and end of life costs. • Risk assessed all vendors with an annual spend of greater than €250,000 based on their geographical location & industry sector (415 vendors in total) • Issued questionnaires to vendors identified as being potentially high risk based on this assessment and the previous year’s review • Assessed these returns and identified three vendors for external audit
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