ENERGY STORAGE HIGHLIGHTS - Special edition in collaboration with Business models beyond frequency regulation
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February 2018 ENERGY STORAGE HIGHLIGHTS Business models beyond frequency regulation Redox flow vs. lithium-ion | Flexible sector coupling Special edition in collaboration with
SIMPLY DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. CHARGE AND DISCHARGE YOUR BATTERY. The new battery inverter from KACO new energy: 50 kVA rated power DC parallel operation Ready for various types of batteries, for example lithium-ion Open Sunspec Modbus TCP/IP for use with different EMS blueplanet gridsave 50.0 TL3-S Visit us at Energy Storage Europe KNE_PVM_bpg50_parallel_180131 Booth 8BB03
Contents Photo: Younicos Photo: Anesco 6 Storage highlights 27 Masked surprises An expert jury assembled by pv magazine picks the top 10 innovations that will Energy storage experts unravel be on show at Energy Storage Europe. three of the major themes affecting the landscape of energy storage. Contents Introduction Technology Introduction: Editorial Director 2 Don’t worry, but keep asking: 18 Michael Fuhs and Executive Team Amid soaring demand, the Manager at Energy Storage Europe industry has questions for the Bastian Mingers introduce this pv lithium-ion supply chain. magazine special. Redox flow breakthrough: Can 21 Highlights this battery technology compete with lithium-ion, or carve out its Debrief: Four key questions facing 4 own niche in the large-scale the storage industry. storage sector? Storage highlights: At Energy 6 Business models S torage Europe, 24 exhibitors submitted their innovations to Driving long-term growth: Julian 24 our expert jury. See who made the Jansen of IHS Markit discusses the top 10. growth and potential of co-locating solar with storage. A new concept: Flexible sector 16 c oupling is becoming a buzzword Roundtable in 2018. pv magazine looks at two innovative projects incorporating Roundtable discussion: Prominent 27 this model. energy storage experts brought together by pv magazine discuss the latest industry developments. Service 32 Publisher information pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 1
Introduction Flexible sector coupling Fuhs: We are happy that in cooperation right now. They were also all surprised Mingers: And what was most convinc- with Energy Storage Europe we can pres- by how the combination of storage with ing for you? ent this energy storage special edition. utility-scale photovoltaic systems devel- For us at pv magazine it is a step to even oped over the past year. Fuhs: The evaluation criteria show that more detailed coverage of energy storage there are different winners depending on and related topics on all of our platforms. Mingers: That is also a very interesting the approach, and how varied interests development for me. In any case, our can be. The trade fair visitors will also be Mingers: And for us, the new issue fits team is very excited about seeing what very diversified. We looked in detail at perfectly with the strategy that we pur- will prevail in the coming years, and how this issue, both at products that at first sue with all trade fairs. Not only do we the models can be combined, especially glance look very standard, such as storage see ourselves as a pure organizer, but in the utility-scale segment. This segment we always try to promote the develop- has always played an important role for ment of the industry. And of course, that our exhibitors because they show many includes sound reporting. For the stor- solutions that are currently being used to age industry, I hope the market’s devel- store large amounts of energy. opment will align with Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s forecasts, and that by Fuhs: In the special edition we have 2030 the global market will have doubled included, among other things, top new six times. technologies submitted by exhibitors at Energy Storage Europe, evaluated by Fuhs: The outlook is good, and we are five well-known experts. The experts did seeing how new business models evolve. not take a uniform approach to assess- We ran a roundtable with analysts and ing these technologies. Some made the Bastian Mingers industry experts, discussing among other uniqueness of the innovation the guid- Executive Team Manager things the business models that can con- ing criterion. Others, whether a company Energy Storage Europe tribute to this tremendous growth. has presented a clear business model in Large-scale storage for frequency regu- its submission. Others still have priori- lation will not be sufficient to drive this tized the company’s prospects based on kind of growth. All participants agreed their market power, whether it comes that there is a lot going on with business from having a good track record or a par- models beyond frequency regulation ticularly strong financial footing. 2 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
Introduction a key driver containers, and at innovations which still Mingers: I am fascinated by the speed play a major role in the conference pro- appear further away from the market, with which sector coupling is currently gram. Flexible sector coupling acts as a such as redox flow batteries. You have to developing, while at the same time being fundamental driver for the deployment go deeply into the details, then you will the subject of much controversy. One con- of energy storage. find the differences between the offerings trovery for example is the actual speed and concepts. I found that very interest- with which sector coupling is brought Fuhs: At least if the sector coupling is ing. The top 10 submissions will now be forward. Until recently, everyone has combined with renewable generation. candidates for our pv magazine Award, done their own thing: those who develop Here you also see the complexity of the which we will give at the end of the year. power-to-gas or those that develop technological solutions being deployed. electric mobility, for example. Then In the magazine, we report on two there were those who felt energy stor- interesting projects in the field, which age was more important than expand- open up completely new perspectives. ing grid infrastructure and vice versa. Speaking of flexible sector cou- Fortunately, this has changed. For exam- pling, it has been more of a confer- ple, at Energy Storage exhibitions and ence theme so far, and now you empha- conferences various stakeholders now size its importance in the exhibition. meet to bring these strings together. In In general, the importance of the exhi- addition, the energy transition in the bition compared to the early years of heating sector can play an increasingly Energy Storage Europe seems to have important role, and thus also thermal increased. Is that so? storage. Mingers: The Energy Storage Europe Michael Fuhs Fuhs: What impact do you see on the Conference is, so to speak, the link Editorial Director pv magazine individual storage technologies? between the fundamental work of sci- entific innovation and the market-ready Mingers: The complexity of the different products that will be exhibited at the storage technologies is strengthened by trade fair. This is the classic evolution of the fact that the industry is now inten- a conference toward a trade fair. The con- sively involved in sector coupling, which ference is the foundation, the fair brings is simply great to see. This leads to flex- the leading experts, suppliers, and users ible sector interconnection, which will together. pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 3
Highlights Debrief: 4 key questions Storage trends: In the run-up to Energy Storage Europe, pv magazine asked industry experts the key storage topics they were most interested in. Their responses were reflective of their own perspective and position throughout the value chain, but nevertheless a theme emerged, with recurring questions arising over and over again. These were those questions … 1. Which business models for medium and storage industry is moving in an Storage successfully participated in and large-scale beyond frequency reg- exciting direction. a capacity auction in the U.K. winning ulation are evolving? The market for C&I storage is espe- 0.5 GW for delivery in 2020/21. In Califor- Perhaps the greatest surprise to emerge cially large and dynamic in the U.S. nia, this business model already appears last year was the combination of large Such bullishness and optimism cannot successful. According to Goldie-Scot, utility-scale solar power plants and stor- necessarily be applied yet to other coun- roughly 280 MWh capacity was com- age systems. All of the experts included tries, because much depends on the tar- missioned in December 2016 and January on the pv magazine panel were surprised iff structure. 2017 to respond to the potential shortage by the alacrity at which this co-loca- Storage peaker plants are more typical of gas caused by the devastating leak and tion business model grew (see p. 24 for in the U.S. or the U.K. than in continental subsequent shutdown of the Aliso Can- a deeper analysis and p. 27 for the panel Europe. A gas peaker plant typically has yon gas storage plant. One reason for reg- discussion). One story above all appeared a single digit capacity factor, i.e. it is run- ulators to pursue storage is that it can be to shake the industry, and that was the ning for a short time only during a year – used to help hit their renewable energy prices communicated in the solar + stor- when the load in the grid is particularly targets by shifting renewable generation age bids for tenders at Xcel’s project in high. Some markets, such as the U.K., to later in the day, says Goldie-Scot. Colorado, USA. The median price struck have capacity auctions where they specif- In 2016, the analyst came to the con- was $0.036/kWh. However, this num- ically take bids for capacity, says Logan clusion that globally approximately ber should not be overstated because the Goldie-Scot, analyst at Bloomberg New 390 GWh/170 GW purpose-built battery bids are at a very early stage, and it is not Energy Finance (BNEF) in San Francisco. peaker plants could be feasibly commis- yet known just how much storage capac- Other markets are energy only, where it sioned. A very interesting take on this is ity the bidders have provided. Such bids is assumed that for a certain time of year to ask whether behind-the-meter-storage should be seen more as a basis for nego- during the greatest peaks in demand, can take a slice of the cake. If incentivized tiation, rather than binding offers. Never- energy prices will be just high enough to to do so, this would save some $100 bil- theless, our experts agree that this result justify keeping a power plant operational lion in capex, primarily because behind- is an excellent indication that the solar to meet those peaks. the-meter-storage is being built for other purposes and often paid for by consum- Photo: Neoen ers eager to reduce their electricity bills. “Aggregation payments would not neces- sarily have to cover the total cost of the system, but could instead be partial and additive,” Goldie Scot suggests. One of the big questions during the panel discussion was why do the most effective business models differ from region to region? It could be because grids are developed differently and gen- eration and load profiles are different. It could also be simply down to a dif- ferent political approach. Ravi Mang- hani, Director of Energy Storage at GTM Research, says, “The important fact is that the energy transition is beyond just centralized infrastructure.” One way to deal with the energy transition is to use it to develop new business models that also serve the power system, which the Australia’s 100 MW/129 MWh Hornsdale Power Reserve facility was delivered panel sees more in the U.S. and U.K. than by Tesla and shows how business models beyond frequency regulation grow. in continental Europe. But there is also 4 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
Highlights facing the storage industry movement in Germany, for example with Taken together, considerations on raw a promising methanation concept, and applications of larger storage systems in material and technological development Nel Hydrogen with the combination of the distribution network (p. 12). can be concluded as follows: “The decade solar power plants and hydrogen produc- to 2025 is the decade of lithium-ion,” so tion. However, few can accurately predict 2. What does the raw material supply for said Matthias Leuthold from RES during how much the energy industry will rely lithium-ion batteries on the one hand the panel discussion. on methane or hydrogen in the future. and the technical development of other For most experts it is clear: This topic will storage technologies on the other hand 3. What are the key innovations that become relevant in large scale only from mean for the choice of technology? will affect the market for medium and about 2030 onwards. The technologies, There is no clear answer to this ques- large storage systems? though, have to be developed right now. tion, which is probably why it is asked so Large storage container solutions are cer- often and so widely. Pure cobalt resources tainly vital here. Two companies submit- 4. What is the prospective for European could last for 500 years, and lithium for ted their solutions to the highlights fea- cell production? 440 years. However, it is accepted that ture (p. 7). It is worth considering how Industry voices all say that they want a such a viewpoint is simplified because the the technical specifications play a role, high volume production of battery cells impact of resource availability depends including the control speed, which, in Europe. But the development land- on the price at which these reserves can for example, highlights SMA as a USP scape is still tough. Germany-based con- be mined. On the other hand, it is also because synchronous generators can only sortium TerraE plans to build a 6 giga- known from coal, gas, and oil production be completely replaced when the reaction watt-hour factory soon, with considerably that progress is immense and the price at time of the storage system to grid char- more capacity out to a 2027 time frame. least does not rise – resource availabil- acteristics is extremely fast. On the other However, so far only €17 million in funds ity regularly exceeds what was forecast. hand, of course, the positioning of the have been communicated, which is a rel- Recycling is also gathering speed. Cobalt company is important for the impact of atively anemic amount that is unlikely to can be recovered to over 90%. Lithium, a product. Fluence, which brings together drive any great technological leaps. The however, is barely recycled currently, but AES and Siemens, is very well posi- 2027 goal is, cautiously speaking, unam- there are developments in the pipeline tioned, according to BNEF. AES owns bitious in such a highly dynamic market. and a 70% recycling rate seems possible. many distribution utilities globally and In the U.K. rather more generous sums We have therefore titled the article on the is a large independent power producer. are being spent. Some €300 million will subject as: “Do not worry, but keep ask- This allows Siemens to benefit from the be distributed to leading universities ing” (p. 18). operational experience of its new partner. to boost R&D efforts and help acceler- “Don’t worry” also applies to the devel- Another powerful storage application is ate commercialization and cell indus- opment of new technologies. A recent the combination of battery storage with try problem-solving. However, while calculation by Apricum shows that redox gas turbines submitted by Siemens, You- laudable, both programs target research flow can compete with lithium-ion tech- nicos, and Bosch. These solve the prob- institutions, with little immediate cash nologies for storage durations of more lem brought by lithium-ion batteries, earmarked for production. Northvolt, than three to four hours (p. 23). At least namely that the capacity is costly. Then a Swedish startup that wants to build a as an alternative, this technology is dis- again, it no longer pays to run gas tur- 32 gigawatt-hour production by 2023, is posable, even if there are challenges in bines continuously. setting its sights higher: to €4 billion to be securing financing. Nevertheless, large There are also interesting develop- exact. Volkswagen Scania and ABB have projects are already being planned, such ments where companies are pursu- already invested relatively modest sums, as huge storage in salt caverns in North- ing entirely new approaches. Much still and it is not yet known whether the com- ern Germany. It will take some time for remains to be seen how effective these pany has raised more than tens of mil- the developments to accelerate, and it will will prove. For example, Max Bögl com- lions of euros. In conclusion, there are also depend on the development of lith- bines wind power and pumped hydro plenty of recent developments, but it is ium costs. Even with lithium-ion batter- storage. Schmid combines electric still necessary for commercial entities to ies, progress has not paused, and develop- charging stations with redox flow stor- actually take action, and investment, into ments in the coming years will also allow age systems. Electrochaea participates their own hands. for batteries with reduced cobalt. in the power-to-gas technologies with Ian Clover, Michael Fuhs pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 5
Highlights Energy storage Highlights Jury highlights Ranking: At the Energy Storage Europe trade fair in Düs- seldorf, 24 exhibitors submitted proposals that our high- Logan Goldie Scot heads up the Energy light jury ranked in the following categories: relevance to Storage insight team at Bloomberg New Energy Finance. He leads the company’s analysis industry, USP, market impact, contribution to energy tran- on the global energy storage markets, providing sition, and innovation. Here, we present the top 10, as cho- insights on technology, markets, policies and regulation, and sen by our experts. the competitive landscape. T he submissions of exhibitors at Energy Storage Europe for the first pv magazine highlights feature in 2018 are drawn from a collection of very different approaches. So it is not surprising that the five jurors judged things differently. In the end, every juror had their own top candidate: SMA, Flu- ence, Max Bögl, Younicos, and electrochaea were all selected Tobias Federico is the Founder and in the top position of one juror respectively. After averaging Managing Director of consulting institute Energy Brainpool. He is a proven expert on the the votes, all of them finished among the top 10, except for Flu- energy market, and on price forecasts in Germany. ence. The two main arguments that the judges used to evalu- He actively monitors the introduction of new technologies such ate are simple: One part was focused on the foreseeable suc- as blockchain. cess of the product, concept, or project as well as the market position of the company. Other members of the jury placed higher emphasis on innovation, potential for disruption, and the chance to change the market in a sustainable way. That such a chance will materialize is not always a given. Among the submissions are, for example, the wind turbine of Max Bögl with a water reservoir built into the foundation Dirk Uwe Sauer is Professor of that is part of a hydro storage power plant; and Jena Batteries, Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Engineering at RWTH Aachen with a redox flow battery utilizing organic electrolytes that are University, and one of Germany’s foremost experts environmentally sound, and possibly cheaper than conven- on energy storage issues. tional electrolytes based on vanadium. Both concepts have yet to prove their competitiveness. There are also some submis- sions where the USP is not immediately clear, but some jurors nevertheless expect to be successful: For example the storage containers from SMA and Fluence. The jurors also highlighted the extent to which a submission served an important market segment, such as Younicos’s combination of a battery with a Julian Jansen is a Senior Market Analyst at used gas turbine. Incidentally, Siemens and Bosch also sub- IHS Markit Technology. He focuses on battery storage market activity and industry trends, as mitted similar combinations. well as analyzing key value drivers and emerging In this highlights feature, we present in detail those submis- business models driving storage deployment. Additionally, sions that made it into the top 10 (10th place is shared, and all Julian provides high level consultancy and strategic advice for bespoke projects. other entries are listed on page 14). Those that did not make the top 10 are certainly worth a mention and visit at the trade fair: Aside from Fluence, for example, Schmid was also highly rated. The company from southern Germany has developed a carport with several electric filling stations and integrated redox flow storage. If many cars refuel at the same time, the storage buffers the load so that the grid does not need to be Stephan Schnez is Senior Scientist in reinforced so much. This is flexible sector coupling, and one of Corporate Research at ABB in Switzerland. As a physicist, he works in the field of energy the most important current developments (see p. 16). storage and systems. He also regularly assists The top 10 submissions will automatically be candidates for ABB management and technology ventures with questions the pv magazine award 2018. This will be awarded at the end regarding the assessment of potential future technologies. of the year along with the submissions we will be looking at throughout the year, and will be evaluated overall on various highlight categories. 6 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
THE WORLD OF ENERGY STORAGE: Düsseldorf, Deutschland Peking, China Pasadena, CA, USA March 13–15, 2018 March 27–29, 2018 November 06–08, 2018 Tokio, Japan Neu-Delhi, Indien October 2018 January, 2019
Highlights 1 Younicos Combined gas and battery grid services power plant Photo: Younicos Y ounicos managed to interest and convince the jurors with its simple concept. Their rankings ranged from first provide a range of balancing services and is predestined to effectively stack multi- ple values,” says Jansen. combination, says juror Tobias Federico. However, as with most business mod- els, there is also competition. As the mar- to 16th, and so for the average overall juror There are many small-scale, partly ket for primary balancing power is rel- rankings and proposals, this led to the older gas turbines in operation – 250 atively limited, the option of achieving top position in this highlights feature. with under 15 MW of power in Germany the conditions for the secondary balanc- Younicos submitted a project in which alone. Their long-term operation is often ing power market is interesting, notes the company, together with the Tech- no longer worthwhile. One reason is that another member of the jury. With this nische Werke Ludwigshafen, developed they can only offer balancing power if business model, however, the combined a combined balancing power plant, cou- they are up and running, otherwise their gas and battery storage power plant is pling a 4 MW gas turbine with a 9 MW reaction time is too slow. competing with intelligent demand-side battery with a capacity of 6.5 MWh. The At the same time, the demand for management. intention is to provide both primary and balancing power is rising as part of the One of the categories for the highlight secondary control power, and to get pre- energy transition. For battery storage ranking is its relevance for the energy qualification from the network operator to be able to offer this alone it must be transition. For the combined gas and for both installations as one technical equipped with a lot of storage capacity. battery plant, this is the case because it unit. The plant is still under construc- The charm of the solution presented is reduces the so-called must-run capacity tion. The left side of the building in the that within this technical unit the gas of conventional power plants. How rele- photo above is intended for the battery, turbine does not have to run continu- vant the topic is can also be seen by the the right for the gas turbine. ously, but the battery initially takes over, fact that Siemens and Bosch have also The combination will serve an often- and the gas turbine only intervenes when submitted highlights that deal with the overlooked market segment with signif- the duration of the control power exceeds connection of battery storage systems icant scaling potential, says juror Julian the capacity of the battery. with conventional generators. Jansen. “Younicos has successfully shown It is therefore an interesting “second how to do a hybrid solution which can life” project for gas turbines in the given Hall 8b / D02 8 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
Highlights 2 E3/DC Multi-string three-phase battery inverter technology Photos: E3/DC H ighly rated by several of the jurors, E3/DC made it into second place overall. If you look at the individual used in the 12 kW battery systems of the company. The challenge for the innovative state- highlight categories, the manufacturer of of-charge-control is that no lithium bat- small and medium-sized storage systems tery system can have an accurate state of scored particularly high for innovation. charge measurement without being dis- The company, already well known for charged and charged from time to time, its residential storage system, has submit- states the company. If you measure the ted a new technology for a DC-DC con- state of charge in this way, the battery verter for battery storage systems, with may be empty in an emergency. The solu- which users can better control the state tion is to operate two battery modules of charge. This is especially important for asymmetrically. As one is discharged, emergency power systems. the other holds a defined state of energy. In addition, the power electronics have The comments in the jury on the prod- a high discharge capacity with efficiency uct are varied. One juror sees technical of up to 98%, even if you connect 48 volt innovation, but is not sure about the battery modules. This allows a C-rate business relevance. Another is not sure of 1 and a maximum output current of about the USP, but places emphasis on 120 amps. According to E3/DC, the trick the strong contribution to the energy is a new topology with galvanic isolation transition. and an ultra-high frequency allowing for small components. The inverter will be Hall 8b / E22 pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 9
Highlights 3 SMA Large-scale storage solution Photo: SMA I n 2017, SMA introduced its large- scale turnkey solution Medium Volt- age Power Station to the global market, While the jurors generally doubt that the solution is as unique as the com- pany claims, most acknowledge other the shelf” (see photo above). PV penetra- tion now can now reach 100% during the day, says the company. and now the company reports it has con- strengths of the product. One juror Volker Wachenfeld of SMA is con- cluded contracts with a total capacity of emphasizes it’s importance in grid con- vinced of the uniqueness of the product. 400 MW. One container has an output nected installations to reduce the share of “We supplied island-ready battery invert- power of 5.5 MW. conventional power plants, which today ers, PV inverters, batteries, medium volt- Unique to this solution is that the guarantee the frequency stability with age connection, the power management Sunny Central Storage with grid forming their rotating masses. Another empha- system with the interface to the genera- capacities acts just like a rotating mass in sizes the pure size, i.e. the 5.5 MW power tors, and the SCADA”, he explains. a power grid, writes the company in its output of these devices, the long track He goes on, “We regulate the load bal- submission to pv magazine highlights. record of SMA in this field, and the con- ancing, create a seamless transfer at die- There is a distribution of responsibility tribution of the company to bring down sel shutdown, provide instantaneous between Grid Controller and Sunny Cen- costs. reserve, and primary and secondary con- tral Storage. “Out of all the entries SMA has prob- trol power.” Energy flows and general operational ably submitted the most commercially Typical systems for primary control tasks that take place within a few hun- advanced offer, rather than a technical power need several hundred milliseconds dred milliseconds to seconds or even innovation”, says juror Julian Jansen of to send the command to the responding hours are carried out on the Grid Con- IHS. “Building on their strength in the units. “We can initiate a reaction within troller, while functions regarding grid power conversion system market, SMA the time of a half wave,” he says, which stability that need reaction within milli- has used the experience to build a turn- corresponds to about 10 ms. This reac- seconds or less are located in Sunny Cen- key solution which can target multiple tion time has to be adjusted according to tral Storage, directly avoiding any com- applications and seamlessly integrates the characteristics of the individual grid munication to fulfill these tasks. into existing infrastructure.” in order to guarantee the security of the The technology mimics the function of SMA has deployed the system in places supply, also when load in the grid changes rotating mass in the grid to load and sub- such as the island St. Eustachius in Neth- quickly. sequent frequency changes. When load erlands Antilles. The first step was a fuel increases, rotating masses are deceler- saving system. In 2017 it was comple- ated, but their inertia dampens the effect mented with the new inverter and bat- until the generator power is increased. tery system, which is now available “off Hall 8b / B22 10 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
Highlights 4 Fraunhofer ISE Power electronics for battery inverters Photo: Fraunhofer ISE battery inverter. According to Stephan and at the same time allows the volume Liese, Head of Group Distributed Gener- to be kept small. The electronics for 1 MW ation and Storage, the key factor enabling output power fit into a standard 19 inch this high efficiency is the high frequency switch cabinet. with which the transformer is operated The jury found the submission very and which is even modulated. Accord- interesting from a technological point of ing to Liese, efficiency levels of between view. “Currently, inverters in stationary 90 and 95% are customary in the mar- applications cause around twice as much ket for comparable applications. In addi- loss as the lithium-ion batteries them- tion to the increased efficiency, the high selves,” writes one juror. “Therefore, effi- frequency also helps to reduce the size of ciencies are of such high relevance.” He A ccording to Fraunhofer ISE, the Cell-Booster and the power elec- tronics for the project “Netefficient” per- the housing. For the Netefficient project, which aims to increase the share of renewable ener- also sees Fraunhofer ISE’s ability to bring the technology to market together with industrial partners. Two jurors are miss- mit high efficiencies on the one hand, gies on the North Sea island of Borkum, ing that they have not found a concept for and small construction volumes on the the institute has built a 1 MW battery the market launch. One of the jurors asks other. The cell booster converts the typ- inverter. whether the large number of components ical 48 volt output of a low voltage bat- This is characterized by the use of sil- would lead to higher costs. tery with an efficiency of 97% to 700 volts, icon carbide MOSFET switches, which as required for example by a three-phase leads to high efficiencies of up to 98.5% Hall 8b / B39 5 Electrochaea Scalable Methanation plant Photo left: Electrochaea , photo right : Prof. Andreas Klingl Y ou would be forgiven for not know- ing of methanothermobacter therm- autotrophicus – a small green bacterium – but it is the basis of this energy storage highlight. Electrochaea uses it to convert hydrogen to methane. With this submis- sion it reaches first position in the cate- gories innovation and contribution to the energy transition, which together lead to fifth position overall. The company uses a variant of the bac- terium, named archeva (see right photo), as a biocatalyst, which is exclusively licensed from the University of Chicago. It developed the technology to a state that it can be used in large methanation facil- should be stored directly. Biomethane has not convinced that power-to-gas tech- ities and the first demonstration plant is the advantage that it can be used with- nologies will become relevant in large- running near Copenhagen with 1 MW out limitation or expensive investment scale in the near future, but only after electrical power (see left photo). The effi- in the existing natural gas grid. There- 2030. Low temperature processes and ciency of the methanation exceeded 80%, fore, Electrochaea sees Power-To-Hydro- fast reaction times might be helpful for writes Electrochaea in its submission. gen as a supplier technology for metha- the implementation of the technology, The plant has demonstrated, according nation, rather than a direct competitor. which might be an advantage compared to the company, that the technology can “Power-to-gas will become one of the to other methanation concepts, and the be “quickly” scaled to the 100 MW range. crucial aspects in the energy transition,” use of microorganisms may be a major One of the questions is whether it says Tobias Federico. “It is necessary to innovation in this sector. is necessary to convert the hydrogen build it in large scale.” Other members of to methane, or whether the hydrogen the jury also see the innovation, but are Hall 8b / D12 pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 11
Highlights 6 Smart Power Large-scale storage business model in the distribution grid G erman EPC Smart Power is working on a promising solution for making large-scale storage systems usable in the Photo: Google, GeoBasis-DE/BKG distribution grid despite regulatory hur- dles. According to the numbers given by the company, this approach can totally make sense. The utility Stadtwerke Trost- berg Energieversorgung is charged €113/ kW peak load at the transformer station to the 110 kV grid. By peak shaving in the distribution grid in the order of 11%, this payment can be reduced. For this purpose, Smart Power is installing a 1.5 MWh/1.2 MW storage system on behalf of a retail company. An services to the operating retail company, streams, so it is not possible to establish a annual revenue stream of about €59,000 is which is its customer. USP with such business models. expected from the peak shaving use case, The theoretical upper bound for the Also how well this business model and an additional €89,000 will be gen- revenue stream can be calculated as fol- complies with German regulation is still erated from being active on the primary lows: €113 × 1,200 kW × 80% = €108,000. to be proven. There is an intensive ongo- control market. The real peak load reduction is roughly ing discussion about what is possible and The tricky point, however, is compen- half of this upper bound value. To achieve what should be possible. Only by under- sation. The utility compensates 80% of this revenue peak shaving is necessary taking such projects can one move for- the amount it saves from the peak shav- only for some weeks of the year. And ward and develop the details. The com- ing activity, and 20% will be used to by pooling several storage systems, the pany emphasizes that the installation is reduce grid surcharge on the electric- losses from peak shaving for the pri- not simply a demonstration project, and ity bills for consumers in the region. The mary control power revenue stream can that it is planned to be profitable without utility itself cannot draw direct finan- be reduced to a single digit percentage. any subsidies. cial benefits from this project because The jury appreciates the effort to make of German regulations. The cooperation use of the possibilities storage offers for is partly driven by idealism, and partly the distribution networks. However, they because the trading division of the util- say, many other companies already are, or ity is in favor of it, as it can offer good soon will be aiming for multiple revenue Hall 8b / E13 7 Abo Wind Storage in rural distribution networks stabilized the grid Photo: Abo Wind grid is characterized, writes Abo Wind, and fewer blackouts. Typically, the max- by “large distribution networks at 33 kV imum load in Tunduma is about 7 MW supplying thousands of small transform- in the evening. With the projected PV ers.” The overhead lines are working at and battery size, which during the day is maximum capacity, leading to high losses charged with about 5 MWh, the maxi- and a drop in voltage of almost 20%. Abo mum load can be reduced to about 6 MW. Wind has evaluated how the grid can be The company writes that there have stabilized using solar and storage. Now been studies for similar projects, how- it is in the development stage of a proj- ever, they haven’t heard of any as far ect to realize this potential. The instal- advanced. “Not conceptually new, but lation will stabilize the voltage level in a straightforward use of batteries with the 33 kV radial distribution networks ‘smart’ power electronics and control,” T unduma, a small Tanzanian town at the border with Zambia, is con- nected to a 220 kV transmission grid. The between 95% and 105%. This will allow more consumers to be connected and SMEs to profit from better grid quality comments one member of the jury. Hall 8b / D39 12 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
Highlights 8 Wemag 10 MW-storage plant with black start capability N orthern German utility Wemag made headlines several years ago with what was then the largest battery Photo: Wemag storage power plant in the country. In 2014, 5 MW went online for market- ing in the primary control energy mar- ket. In 2017, this battery storage power value was extended to 14 MW and made black start capable. Now it has a capacity of 15 MWh, and provides control capac- ity comparable to that of a 100 MW gas turbine. The company emphasizes that the extension was not subsidized, but for the black start ability, a state subsidy of €180,000 was paid. Wemag now wants to offer its expertise in construction, oper- ation, and marketing to other interested parties. Tobias Federico says, “These are innovative projects, due to the fact that they have taken the financial first mover advantage.” However, the jurors note that innovative. They also talk about how the storage capacity. primary control power plants and black primary reserve power market is evolving start capability are no longer particularly in the face of the huge buildup in battery Hall 8b / C01 Advertisement Available power. Whatever the location ! new PUB 1107 01 3i Energy Storage solution for microgrid • Grid resiliency • Maximisation of renewable energy self-consumption and production • Optimisation of diesel generators VISIT US Hall 8b - Stand D15 Düsseldorf, March 13-15, 2018 Energy Storage System from 33 kVA to multiple MVA
Highlights 9 Fronius Adjustable water heater with further functionality Photos: Fronius the setting, the device heats up to over 60 °C for Legionella (pathogenic bacte- ria) prevention in the time intervals set, even if there is no excess of solar power. With appropriate dimensioning of the solar system, conventional heating can be completely switched off during warmer months, so that the hot water is obtained only by the heating rod, writes the com- pany in its submission. The response from members of the ecessary function – heating the hot n jury was as follows: It is a relatively water boiler – it also includes more fea- straightforward product, and while it tures than usual: It includes comprehen- does not require any major innovation, A solution that allows homeowners to use excess solar power via a heating element does not seem like big news at sive monitoring, can be networked via WiFi, LAN, or RS 485, works in combi- nation with other heating elements, and the described functionality and mar- ket position of the company is convinc- ing. One juror notes: “Integrated home first glance. Such devices have been avail- above all is steplessly controlled. The sin- energy supply systems, in particular with able for some years, controlling residen- gle-phase device has a power of between 0 the integration of heating systems with tial rooftop solar so that no current flows and 3 kW, the three-phase device between PV, will play a central role. Therefore, the into the grid, but surplus is used to warm 0 and 9 kW, and both comply with the product is definitely going in an impor- up the hot water boiler with a heating rod. guidelines for electromagnetic compati- tant direction.” According to Fronius, the special bility. Minimum and maximum temper- feature of the device is that beside the atures can be defined, and depending on Hall 8b / C18 Highlights rank 12 to 24 and more 12 Schmid Energy Systems: Charging station with PV and redox flow battery Hall 8b / B24 13 NEL Hydrogen Electrolyser: Large-scale hydrogen production from PV power plants Hall 8b / B11 14 Commeo: Energy storage Hall , 8b / D01 15 Siemens: Siestart hybrid gas turbine and battery Hall 8b / D40 16 Fluence: SunFlex Energy Storage technology platform Hall 8b / D40 Home Power Solutions: Picea is a combination of battery and power-to-gas energy storage, heating support, and 17 indoor ventilation for residential Hall 8b / D08 18 Fenecon: Voltage balancing solution for storage systems Hall 8b / G02 19 Solarwatt: MyReserve Matrix for commercial application Hall 8b / G23 20 Robert Bosch: Combining a power plant with a battery Hall 8b / E39 21 Autarsys: State of the art energy storage system for refugee camp in Northern Iraq Hall 8b / G05 22 Hoppecke Batterien: Scalable hybrid energy storage system combines lead and lithium Hall 8b / E16 23 NES: Storage system with particularly high charging and discharging power Hall 8b / G04 24 Nilar: NiMH batteries also for high voltage Hall 8b / D27 Not participating in the first round of the pv magazine highlight ranking, but also at Energy Storage Europe Tesvolt: Battery storage system storing electricity for €0.09/kWh Hall 8b / E01 Stäubli Electrical Connectors: Modular energy system Power-Blox PBX200 Hall 8b / A31 Kaco New Energy: Bidirectional battery inverter blueplanet gridsave 50.0 TL3-S Hall 8b / B03 14 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
10 Advertisement Max Bögl The water battery Photo: Max Bögl M ax Bögl has built wind turbines with embedded tanks for a water The water battery ranked in the top five with three jurors, while two ranked it in POWER-BLOX reservoir. The wind turbines are located the lower half. Those who are convinced Plug and Power off- on a hill about 80 km from Stuttgart. The value the innovation and potential. “It is lower reservoir is down in the valley. One reason to build hydro storage co- a very interesting approach with a highly innovative character,” says Tobias Fed- grid storage solution located with wind is, according to Max erico. Scalability, however, “might not be Bögl, that spatial demand for the upper so easy.” The project must show that it is Power-Blox is revolutionizing the off-grid reservoirs is only marginally larger than competitive – even with lithium-ion. energy market by opening up new ways that for wind turbines. Capex for the stor- and means for independent power gener- age part is €300 to €400/kWh. Hall 8b / E31 ation. The innovative principle not only allows for 10 simple expansion of capacity and perfor- Jena Batteries mance, but also applies intelligent swarm technology when connecting several units Organic redox flow battery up to the Kilowatt range. J ena Batteries is developing a redox place, one could use cheaper materi- Each Power-Blox unit can be charged flow battery that uses organic elec- als, since it does not have to withstand by photovoltaic modules, wind or other trolytes instead of vanadium-containing aggressive acids. The first pilot plant generators. Thanks to its design and us- electrolytes. It is more environmentally with a 10 kW/40 kWh battery will now er-friendliness, it is perfectly suitable for friendly, because it is free of heavy metals be installed. areas of application where flexibility and and hazardous acids, the company says. As with the other company with which ease of use are essential In addition, there is no fire risk. Jena Batteries shares 10th place, the jurors’ One of the big questions facing redox assessments differ greatly. For two jurors, flow technology is how it can be cheap the company is among the top five sub- enough to compete with lithium-ion bat- missions. It is especially strong in the teries (see p. 23). As far as price is con- categories innovation and USP. “This is cerned, the company does not yet pro- a truly novel innovation, which given vide any information. However, unlike the expected resource constraints for vanadium redox flow batteries, the price the existing battery supply chain could is independent of commodity markets help alleviate the long-term challenges to and depends more on scaling, writes the deploy energy storage as part of a trans- company. forming energy system,” opines Julian Also for the stack, which sits between Jansen. the two tanks of a redox flow battery and in which the energy conversion takes Hall 8b / E03 pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 Staubli is a trademark of Stäubli International AG, registered in Switzerland and other countries. © Stäubli 2016 | Photocredits: Shutterstock 123732148, Stäubli
Technology A new concept gains traction Flexible sector coupling: To date, the energy transition has unfolded primarily in the electricity sector. This limitation should be overcome by sector coupling, which is basically electrification of the mobility and heat sectors. But this alone does not offer a complete solution. Sector coupling must be flexible. To this end, a Berlin-based startup is developing a colossal steel storage tank, and battery storage facilities are being built in Canada along a highway. Photo: Lumenion off for longer periods, they have to be designed larger so that they generate the same amount of heat during shorter operating periods. A steel colossus rises in Berlin On a street called Bottroper Weg in the Wedding district of the German cap- ital, it will soon be possible to see how the Lumenion concept makes sector cou- pling more flexible. The startup plans to build the first demonstration of its high temperature steel storage tank before the end of this year, in a residential area with around 1,000 apartments. It will be charged with 720 kW of electrical power and store 5 MWh of energy. It will be con- nected to a large district heating network and can discharge 100 kilowatts of heat. If required, it can also deliver electrical energy discharged through a turbine. Some 15 kilometers away, Lumen- ion has been working for the past year to bring the steel storage tank from con- View of the Berlin office of Lumenion, located in an old industrial building. cept to reality. The heating fins, which give the laboratory its characteristic smell, are designed to heat the structural It is early morning, and already the Flexible sector coupling aims not only steel. The art is getting the energy into smell of heated steel wafts through the to overcome a particular technical diffi- the steel in a short time without the fins room. Heating surfaces made of stain- culty, but also to tackle an economic one. getting too hot. less steel are connected to heavy cables. Think of cogeneration plants, which are In the future, ever-increasing amounts generally heat-controlled. This means A heat storage tank that also of electricity produced by photovoltaic that they do not start feeding power to produces electricity and wind power plants will make these the grid until they receive a signal from When used as CHP storage, some 75% of heating fins glow. They are at the heart the heating sector that more energy is the stored energy flows into the heating of Lumenion’s storage concept. The Ber- needed. From the electricity sector’s per- sector, either as process heat between 300 lin-based startup is transforming sector spective, that’s not very flexible. and 500°C for industrial and commercial coupling into “flexible” sector coupling. It is also a matter of design whether or use, or as district heat and low tempera- This term is becoming a new buzz- not a combined heat and power (CHP) ture process heat between 80 and 120°C. word, as a glance at the conference plant can be run more in line with the Thanks to the storage tank’s high tem- agenda of Energy Storage Europe in needs of the electricity market. Such perature, up to 30% of the stored energy Düsseldorf reveals. In three sessions, plants are often designed to run for can be reconverted to electricity through experts at the conference will spell out many hours of operation, usually 4,000 a steam turbine if power is needed to sta- in minute detail what this means for the to 6,000 hours per year to produce suf- bilize the grid, which generates another individual sectors. ficient heat. If they are to be switched revenue stream. 16 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
Technology To see the advantage of the develop- value chain does not have to be built up; charge their electric cars simultaneously ment, one has to consider the alterna- it is already on the market – unlike pho- at each of the so-called FAST charge tive. Flexibility can also be achieved with tovoltaics and lithium-ion batteries, for stations via level 3 chargers with 480 V battery storage prior to the conversion of instance,” says Hiersemenzel. charging in about 20 minutes. electricity into heat. But in such appli- To prevent excessive load on the grid, cations battery storage cannot be oper- Considering the grid and storage the power comes from large lithium-ion ated economically, as costs are currently function batteries. The standard size of these bat- more than €200/kWh. In the medium The project idea has fallen on fertile teries will be 250 kilowatt hours. “This term, battery-based systems will still be ground. Current discussions on grid sta- depends on the projected demand at the well in excess of €100/kWh. They have to bility and negative electricity prices indi- respective sites, but the battery capac- go through several useful cycles per day cate that the electricity system is already ity is modularly expandable,” says Bryan to finance themselves. running up against its limits. “The prob- Urban, the North American head of The big advantage of the steel colossus is that Lumenion aims to achieve storage costs of €25/kWh, about one tenth of the cost of storing electricity in a battery. The “From the electricity sector’s company says that the low costs enable a lower number of cycles and a relatively perspective, that’s not very flexible” long storage period of two days. Assum- ing 20 years of operation and 180 cycles per year, the stored kilowatt hour at the lems of distributed storage often drop Leclanché. At Energy Storage Europe, target price would cost less than €0.01. out of the system analysis, or the issues battery manufacturer Schmid will be pre- Reconverted to power at 30% efficiency, of network and storage are mixed,” says senting a redox flow storage device cou- the energy storage cost would be €0.023, Andreas Hauer, head of energy storage at pled to a charging station, which it has and over 40 years it would be equivalent the Centre for Applied Energy Research also submitted to pv magazine Energy to €0.015, accounting for the stored heat. (ZAE) in Bavaria, and Chair of Energy Storage Highlights (see p. 7). “However, the storage tank is not Storage Europe. Storage shifts power over According to Urban, the estimated designed for seasonal applications,” time, networks shift power locally. These CA$17.3 million (US$14 million) project says Lumenion cofounder and techni- functionalities sector coupling alone can- has now successfully completed its dem- cal director Andrew Zwinkels, “but for not take over. onstration phase and is currently in tran- a maximum discharge time of 48 hours. With their innovative concepts, com- sition to the early stage of production as This is compared with a charging time panies such as Lumenion are pushing well as site identification and approval. of 10 hours. It is precisely this asymme- the boundaries between sectors. Their This fall, the first charging stations along try of the storage tank – it decouples a coupling concepts work even better if the highway will be set up, and by spring high charging capacity from a lower dis- the transition is directly combined with 2019 the entire route, with stations about charging capacity – that makes the sys- a storage system, says Hauer. For these every 100 kilometers, is scheduled for tem innovative. This lets us absorb big applications the energy supply has to be completion. Daniel Seeger surges in wind and solar without expen- shifted to meet the demand: “In indus- sive power electronics; we only need trial applications in particular, there is a Photo: pv magazine those to deliver the power.” strict demand at certain times.” Zwinkels envisages a wide range of Hauer says that the economic value applications for the tank-connected com- of electricity increases for power-to-gas bined heat and power plant: for organic or power-to-liquid applications in the farmers, in industrial parks, in commer- mobility sector. In electric cars, the form cial areas, or as a district storage facility. of energy remains the same despite the There are already plans for what comes change in sector. The planned expansion after the demonstration in Berlin. “In of the charging infrastructure along the northern Germany, where wind power Trans-Canada Highway illustrates how sometimes produces huge surpluses, additional storage at the sector boundary talks on another project have already is also sensible for e-mobility. come a long way,” says Philip Hierse- menzel, who was reluctant to elaborate. Flexible e-mobility Hiersemenzel is Lumenion’s spokesper- In the middle of last year, eCamion of son, and the connection is no accident. Toronto partnered with two Swiss com- He is also press spokesperson for You- panies, Leclanché and SGEM, and the nicos, one of many renewable energy Canadian government to launch a project Andrew Zwinkels, Technical Director companies founded by Alexander Voigt. for the construction of 34 quick charg- and cofounder of Lumenion behind Voigt also happens to be the Founder ing stations along the approximately one of his heating fins in the and CEO of Lumenion. “The nice thing 3,000 kilometers of the country’s Trans- laboratory. He evaluated the long- about our system is that the necessary Canada Highway. Three drivers can term stability. pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe | 02 / 2018 17
Technology W hat’s inside? A question seldom heard in modern society hooked on a use-and-discard cycle. Things are Buried treasure As one of the critical raw materials for lithium-ion batteries, cobalt has attracted uct of copper and nickel, and therefore is linked to the production of these com- modities, and “2016 showed how produc- taken for granted; wake-up calls go much attention, having ended last year as tion cutbacks of nickel and copper miners unanswered. But, perturbed by the raw a hot trading commodity. and refiners in Australia (Yabulu Nickel material price spikes, the storage indus- There are various cobalt demand sce- Refinery), Brazil (Niquelandia Nickel try recently had many more questions to narios at the moment, which range from Refinery), and the DRC (Kamoto and Til- ask. The immediate answer is: Keep calm, about 180,000 to 260,000 metric tons of wezembe mines of Katanga Mining Ltd.) but for a short while it might get rocky. total demand per annum by 2025. More directly affected cobalt output,” explains Last year, the price of cobalt soared by than 40% of global production is already Al Barazi. “Steep price increases, such as more than 120%. But the arguments of used as cathode material for the produc- the one observed in 2017, are the result.” James Frith, Energy Storage Analyst at tion of lithium-ion batteries. “According Moreover, he estimates that when cop- Bloomberg New Energy Finance, indicate to our assumptions, cobalt demand for per and nickel producers operate under that the overall situation is not that dra- electric vehicles could reach only 56,000 healthy market conditions, cobalt supply matic. First, for the cost of a battery pack to 88,000 metric tons by 2025 if the share will meet future demand. this makes only a slight difference. “A of EVs increases to 12 – 18% of global Meanwhile, mining companies are 50% rise in the cost of cobalt, from today’s vehicle production,” says Siyamend Al announcing increases in cobalt output to $91,000 per metric ton on the Shanghai Barazi, a geologist at the German Min- cater to the market. Seeking to cement its market, would only increase the cost of a eral Resources Agency (DERA). number one position on the global mar- battery pack by 9%,” explains Frith. And That is why, beyond market ups and ket, Anglo-Swiss mining giant Glencore that does not necessarily mean that sys- downs, geologists see no threat of a severe announced in December last year plans Don’t worry, but keep asking As both energy storage makers and car manufacturers keep close track of the prices of key raw materials for lithium- ion batteries, the question of their availability is thrust into the limelight. Meanwhile, the recycling industry is gearing up to provide alternative supply chains. tems are really becoming more expen- cobalt shortage in terms of the metal’s to double its cobalt output over the next sive. “This price increase is likely to be availability. According to the U.S. Geo- three years, following supply negotia- absorbed by savings in other areas, so on logical Survey’s (USGS’s) Mineral Com- tions with Tesla, Apple, and Volkswagen. the whole battery pack prices are likely modity Summary issued in January 2017, Also, junior mining companies are eager to continue falling in 2018.” Second, the world reserves were estimated at 7 mil- to get their slice of the cake. price increase is not just based on sup- lion metric tons. If one counts cobalt in Another raw material that keeps inves- ply bottlenecks. Adding to the shortage, manganese nodules and crusts on the tors on their toes is lithium, which the investors scrambled to hoard physical floor of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific European Commission does not even supplies, betting prices would increase Oceans, then according to the USGS esti- characterize as critical. In 2017, the further. “The rise in the price of cobalt in mates, there is an additional 123 million USGS estimated that worldwide lithium 2017 was exacerbated by stockpiling by metric tons of resources. However, deep- reserves were 14 million metric tons, funds such as Cobalt 27 and Pala Invest- sea mining for now remains out of the whereas production stood at 35,000 met- ments,” adds Frith. industry’s depth. ric tons. “Based on the current known So far, there is no indication of a long- lithium reserves and production, there is term shortage, and no major impact on The by-product mechanism enough lithium for the next 440 years,” prices. Nevertheless, the topic of mate- Clearly, it is not only the availability, but says Al Barazi, adding that this is not a rial availability is suddenly here. In the also the mining economics that count. fixed number and can vary according to run-up to the Energy Storage Europe “The real problem is not the availability annual consumption and further explo- show, experts quizzed for this publica- of resources, but the cost of extracting ration of lithium deposits. tion highlighted the questions of raw them,” Frith underlines. In addition to being more avail- material availability and sustainability With the exception of only one deposit able, lithium is also cheaper to extract. of their production and use. in Morocco, cobalt is mined as a by-prod- Nonetheless, its price has not remained 18 02 / 2018 | pv magazine in cooperation with Energy Storage Europe
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