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DIRECTOR’S GREETING Cold weather and Winter have arrived. As we move into the next few months, we feel a sense of normalcy as our programs are back and operating as they were two years ago. Many of the opportunities have bounced back and are better than ever. We owe this all to the members of our community and staff as you all have stuck by our side and kept us going. Community Education has not stopped and we will continue to strive forward. Our Community Education staff have not taken a break and their dedication to serving our community does not go unnoticed. It starts with our Early Learning staff to Kids Co, coordinators, facilities, and CERC staff. To our community, we thank you for your continued support in participation. Our CERC members, class participants, Kids Co. families, preschool and ECFE families, active older adults, parent volunteers, and partners are what makes Community Education what it is in Jordan. We strive to support our whole community so all people have access to programming. Community Education has always been and continues to be here for our community. Our Community is what makes us strong. We honor the feedback and grow our programs to ensure all have access to high-quality programming. Thank You, Steven Jensen Director, Community Ed/Rec INSIDE THIS EDITION EARLY LEARNING SERVICES ADULT ELS.......................................... 5 – 9, 12 – 13 Adult Enrichment............................... 28 –34 Preschool Info............................................10 Adult Recreation................................ 35 –36 Extended Childcare................................... 11 Personal Training........................................37 Kids’ Company............................................14 The CERC........................................... 38 – 39 YOUTH SCHOOL DISTRICT Youth Enrichment.............................. 15 –22 The Jordan Journalist........................ 40 – 44 Youth Recreation................................ 23 –27 COMMUNITY Driver’s Ed................................................. 22 Community Ed & Rec Staff........................... 2 Registration Form....................................... 3 Resources.......................................... 45 – 48 STAY IN TOUCH ONLINE PHONE 952-492-6211 @ EMAIL MAIL 500 Sunset Drive, Suite #3 Jordan, MN 55352 SOCIAL MEDIA @JordanComEdRec Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 1
HERE TO HELP COMMUNITY ED & REC STAFF REGISTRATION INFORMATION WAYS TO REGISTER MAIL Mail registration form with fee included to: ONLINE STEVEN JENSEN Jordan Community Education Director – Community Education and Recreation / The CERC 500 Sunset Drive, Suite #3 Jordan Community Ed & Rec has an online registration Jordan, MN 55352 system called ACTIVE Net. Used for Community Ed & Rec I have a passion for serving the needs of our community and together we are able classes, Kids’ Co, Early Ed-Ventures, ECFE, and Preschool. to create opportunities where people can be creative and challenge their mind and body at all ages. IN PERSON Jordan Community Education Office How to sign up for a Community Ed & Rec ACTIVE Net 500 Sunset Drive, Suite #3 account? JENNA WENDORFF Jordan, MN 55352 1. Go to 2. Under “Ed & Rec”, choose “Class Registration & Payment” Director – Early Learning Services 3. Choose “Sign Up” (blue button) WITH QUESTIONS, PHONE 4. After, choose “Activities” along top grey bar 952-492-6211 between 8am - 4pm It’s rewarding to work in an area that is so critical to the development of the youngest in our community. The programming we have implemented continues to inspire… from the pyramid model, the inclusion model, and finally, our Jordan Community Education and Recreation Registration Paper Form collaboration with K-4 programming. Please fill out registration completely. Incomplete forms may delay processing. ANDI NOLD Parent/Guardian Name (First) Parent/Guardian Name (Last) CERC and Enrichment Coordinator Address Home Phone (Area Code) I am passionate about community education because we are able to create opportunities for individuals to discover their strengths and passions while City Zip Daytime Phone (Area Code) connecting to their community. Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Number (Area Code) PAM GOING Email Address T-Shirt Size Reference: If your program indicates a t-shirt included, please mark the youth or adult shirt size in box below Program Coordinator – Kids’ Company & Early Ed-Ventures YS / YM / YL / YXL or AS / AM / AL / AXL / AXXL | Participant Participant Date of Age M/ F Grade Program Name T-Shirt Cost Our programs provide quality experiences for children pre-k to 6th grade, focusing (first name) (last name) Birth Size on the core values; honesty, respect, responsibility, and compassion. We focus on these values while enjoying the kids and having fun ourselves. JAMIE FREMMING CERC/Community Ed & Rec Administrative Assistant | I enjoy being part of an environment that creates opportunities for individuals and families to be involved in their community while building long-lasting relationships. I hope to provide a positive experience for those who visit our facility. Payment Type (Make checks payable to: Jordan Community Education) rCash rCheck (#__________) KRISTA HALVORSON I hereby release, absolve and hold harmless Jordan Community Education and School District #717, it’s officers, employees and Facilities Scheduling and Athletics/Activities Administrative Assistant agents from any damage resulting from an injury incurred by me or my child while participating in the above mentioned programs. | I understand Jordan Community Education and School District #717 assume no responsibility before, during or after the program. We are proud of the facilities we offer not only to our students and staff, but also I am interested in coaching: r Yes r No Name: __________________ Phone: ___________ to the community of Jordan and beyond. I’m excited to be a member of the Jordan Public Schools staff and happy to serve the school district and community of Jordan. Signature: ___________________________________________________ (If under 18 years of age, parent or legal guardian must sign.) 2 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 3
CELEBRATE JORDAN EARLY LEARNING SERVICES DIRECTOR’S GREETING Jordan Public Schools offers early childhood education and preschool opportunities for all families with children between the ages of birth to age five. We recognize that families provide children’s first and most important learning environments and parents are children’s first and most significant teachers. Our Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) programs offer a variety of services and activities to bring families together to share the joys and challenges of parenthood and develop confidence in their own abilities. Our preschool programs ensure children enter kindergarten with the skills and behaviors necessary to be successful in future learning. Preschool is in full swing and our students are thoroughly enjoying their time together. The fall was filled with learning the routines of school, getting to know each other and going on fun adventures. They were able to learn all about the job of a firefighter and check out the fire station, explore the Luceline Orchard, and trick or treat with the residents at Oak Terrace. We look forward to continuing the year and providing our students and families with exceptional programming and opportunities. Our staff continues to strengthen the school experience for students while improving their practice in a collaborative model utilizing district staff development opportunities. For general preschool or ECFE questions, please contact our ELS office at 952-492-3233. Sincerely, Jenna Wendorff Director, Early Learning Services GET DETAILS EARLY LEARNING SERVICES STAFF Early Learning Services Director Jenna Wendorff Community Ed/Rec Director Steven Jensen Kids’ Co/Early Ed-Ventures Coordinator Pam Going ELS Administrative Assistant/ Parent Educator ONLINE Katie Anderson Early Childhood Teachers PHONE Trisha Hentges, Paige Specken, Sarah Lund 952-492-3233 and Katie Angel MAIL ECSE Teacher (3 to K) 815 Sunset Drive Lauralie Axtell Jordan, MN 55323 Early Interventionist (birth to 3) SOCIAL MEDIA Rachel Vollbrecht @jordanmnels 4 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 5
EARLY LEARNING INTERVENTIONS EARLY LEARNING PTO Jordan Public Schools believes that early education and interventions are the foundation of all learning. Along with our Parent Aware Rated preschool and ECFE programs, we also offer early intervention services to families with children birth to Kindergarten, ensuring even our youngest are reaching their milestones and receive help when extra help is needed. Birth to 3 Age 3–6 Intervention Intervention Preschool Screening Our Early Intervention staff will The Early Childhood Special Has your three year old been provide a system of services Education (ECSE) Preschool screened? that help babies and toddlers Program provides learning The early childhood years from birth with developmental delays or experiences in all areas of to the start of kindergarten are an disabilities. Based on the family development including social, important time of rapid learning needs and priorities, the school self help, motor, communication, and growth. Early Childhood staff will help the family problem and cognitive skills. Children Screening is a quick and simple solve and give information and who have been identified with a check of how your child is growing ideas of activities they can do to developmental delay can benefit and developing. Between the ages enhance play and daily routines. from many types of services within of 3 and 4, screening can detect They also help to connect families the ECSE classroom including possible health or learning concerns with community resources and speech, occupational, physical so that children can get help before supports as needed. and vision therapies and assistive they start school. Screening is Winter 2022 ELS-PTO Sledding Event Early Learning details soon! Services PTO For more call technology. ECSE services can also required of all children in Minnesota (952) 492-4212. be provided in an inclusive setting prior to Kindergarten entrance. Watch for within the regular preschool See page 13 for dates and program offered in our Elementary registration information. School (Early Explorers Preschool). For more call For more call (952) 492-3233. More about the Early Learning Services PTO (952) 492-4285. When are the meetings? • The PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:15pm in the ELS wing. Meetings are open to anyone with a child in the ELS program; contact ELS at (952)492-3233 with questions. What is the ELS PTO Advisory Council? • This group is dedicated to supporting the students and staff at ELS. We are a group of parents that volunteer to enhance the student’s educational experience with time, effort, concern, and funds. We are always looking for parents who would like to volunteer. • The funds we raise are used to provide field trips, support ELS programming, purchase supplies and equipment, and offer events for the families in the program. Why should you join? • You can take an active part in your child’s education. • It is a great way to meet new friends and other parents. • You can give back by offering your time and talents. The Jordan Public School District is one of six districts who are served through the HELP ME GROW-SCOTT COUNTY early intervention system for children ages Birth through five. HELP ME GROW-SCOTT COUNTY focuses on child and family strengths, needs and priorities. We recognize that your Our PTO Members family is the first and best teacher of your child and that children learn best through play. We work to Daedra Ahlbrecht - President enhance and support your family’s knowledge as you help your child learn and develop throughout daily activities and routines. This service is offered at no cost to the parent/care giver regardless of income or immigrant status and will Kate Wessenberg - Treasurer Thao Habeck - Secretary Danielle Tieben, Bethany Doepke, @ EMAIL provide information, support, and referral services to families of children with special needs. If you are Bridget Wolf, Chelsey Meyer, concerned about your child’s growth, development or learning, we encourage you to contact us. Sarah Hyde, Anna Reynolds, SOCIAL MEDIA RaeAnn Jiryis @jordanelspto | 952-492-4285 6 For ELS offerings register ACTIVE Register on ACTIVENET Net or call| 952-492-6211 952-492-3233 For ELS offerings Register register|ACTIVE on ACTIVENET Net or call 952-492-3233 952-492-6211 7
EARLY CHILDHOOD FUN FOR ALL! EARLY LEARNING SPECIAL EVENTS Baby Playtime Ages Birth to 12 months Join us for a new “drop in” class! No registration required. We welcome babies and their significant caregivers: moms, dads, grandparents, etc...Connect with other families and enjoy bonding time with your baby. Sibling care is limited and requires a phone call in advance to REGISTER the ELS office at 952-492-3233. Thursdays, Jan 13 - March 24; 9am - 10am FREE*, ECFE Classroom *Sibling care $3 per class No registration required Ones and Twos Together Ages 1 and 2 (must be walking) Children and their parents are invited to spend time playing together while they learn. Each class will include learning stations, circle time, and a child-only class experience. During this time, children stay and play with the Licensed Early Childhood Teacher and assistant while parents go to meet with a Parent Educator to discuss topics helpful to this age group. Classes will also include informal parent discussion on topics suggested by parents during the first class. Morning and evening sessions available! There will be no separation for the evening class. SESSION 1: SESSION 2: Tuesdays, Jan 11 - Feb 15; 8:30am - 10am or 6pm - 7pm Tuesdays, Feb 22 - March 22; 8:30am - 10am or 6pm - 7pm $12 per class (AM), $10 per class (PM), ECFE Classroom $12 per class (AM), $10 per class (PM), ECFE Classroom Sibling care is only available for AM classes Sibling care is only available for AM classes Register: AM Class PM Class Creative Kids - New Evening Class! Ages 3-5 years Preschoolers and their parents are invited to spend time playing together and exploring a variety of activities; art, learning games, science, dramatic play, sensory, movement, music and much more! There will be no parent/child separation for this class. SESSION 1: SESSION 2: Thursdays, Jan 13 - Feb 17; 6pm - 7pm Thursdays, Feb 24 - March 24; 6pm - 7pm $10 per class, ECFE Classroom $10 per class, ECFE Classroom REGISTER Preschool with Training Wheels Ages 3 to 5 years (Must turn 3 by February 1, 2022 AND be fully potty trained) This class helps prepare your child for their future preschool classes, but still gives parents an opportunity to connect! Tuesday will be a child-only class where you drop your child off for class and give them the chance to experience being a preschooler. Thursday will be treated as a typical ECFE class; spending time with your child during the first half of class and then separate into a parent class with our Parent Educator for the second half. Join us in this new adventure and sign up for Preschool with Training Wheels! Tuesdays and Thursdays, Jan 11 - March 24; 10:30am - 12pm $24 per week, ECFE Classroom 8 RegisterACTIVE For ELS offerings register on ACTIVENET Net or call| 952-492-6211 952-492-3233 For ELS offerings Register register |ACTIVE on ACTIVENET Net or call 952-492-3233 952-492-6211 9
PRESCHOOL TIME TO EXPLORE! WRAP-AROUND EXTENDED CARE Early Explorers, a Parent Aware 4-Star Rated Program, is a caring, warm and IS BEFORE OR AFTER PRESCHOOL CARE AN ISSUE? happy place for preschoolers to learn and grow. Our preschool offers an expanded traditional curriculum in a preK-4 setting. This means learning beyond the traditional preschool room! To prepare for Kindergarten and beyond, your child will be oriented to the amenities of our elementary school - art, music, gym, media center, outdoor STEAM exploration, and a hot lunch option for full-day preschool. Early Explorers activities include circle time, art, music and movement, story time, stations, a library day and a snack. We have a literacy-based curriculum that incorporates the SMART room, iPad Small Group Time, Handwriting without Tears and SMART board activities, meeting State Indicators of Progress, Kindergarten Readiness, and field trips through the year. Personal and social wellness is nurtured through the Pyramid Model – a positive intervention strategy supporting social-emotional well being of child. Our inclusive classrooms recognize the diversity of students, enabling all students to access the curriculum, fully participate in learning activities and demonstrate their knowledge and strengths at assessment. Registration fee $70 2022-2023 FULL-DAY PRESCHOOL: Age 4 and 5 (Turning 5 year during 2022-2023 school year) Mon/Wed/Fri 8:30am – 2:30pm / $355 month Tues/Thurs 8:30am – 2:30pm / $237 month Early Ed-Ventures is a wrap-around in-house childcare program designed to provide a safe and positive environment in cooperation with Early Explorers Preschool. ENROLL 2022-2023 HALF-DAY PRESCHOOL: ONLINE Age 4 and 5 (Turning 5 year during 2022-2023 school year) Early Ed-Ventures is housed at the Jordan Elementary School. Early Ed-Ventures has planned activities REGISTRATION Mon – Thurs 12:00pm – 3:00pm / $237 month designed to meet each child’s physical, emotional, social and developmental needs. This is a great option for families that wish to have extended care or have difficulty with transportation before or after preschool. To OPENS FEB 2! Age 3 and 4 (Turning 4 year during 2022-2023 school year) enroll in Early Ed-Ventures, your student must be enrolled in Early Explorers preschool. Mon/Wed/Fri 8:30am – 11:00am / $182 month Tues/Thurs 8:30am – 11:00am / $127 month Early Ed-Ventures HOURS*: 6:00am - 6:00pm Early Ed-Ventures is closed approximately 15 days /calendar year MARK YOUR CALENDARS You will receive an email following your registration with required packet information. Early Ed-Ventures FEES: Preschool Open House Non-refundable registration fee of $50 per year BUSING Wednesday, January 12; 5pm - 6pm at ELS Come see our classrooms, meet our staff, get your questions answered Full Day: $38 IS AVAILABLE and let your child explore during this open house style event! FOR A *Your child’s calendar is required monthly. No added days. Payment for days registered is required regardless if your child attends. SMALL FEE! We still have openings for 2021-2022 HALF-DAY PRESCHOOL: Registration for the 2022-23 school year opens in March online! Age 3 and 4 (Turning 4 year during 2021-2022 school year) Mon/Wed/Fri 8:30am – 11:00am / $165 month For more information, please call Kids’ Company at (952) 492-4261 or Tues/Thurs 8:30am – 11:00am / $115 month 10 RegisterACTIVE For ELS offerings register on ACTIVENET Net or call| 952-492-6211 952-492-3233 For ELS offerings Register register|ACTIVE on ACTIVENET Net or call 952-492-3233 952-492-6211 11
REGISTRATION PAYMENTS & REMINDERS SCHOLARSHIPS, SIB CARE, & SCREENING Register & Pay Online ACTIVE Net on Scholarships Available EARLY CHILDHOOD Jordan Community Ed & Rec uses a class Smartphone! Sliding Fee Scale SCREENING registration and payment system called ACTIVE Look for the ACTIVE Net icon on the Net. As a part of the Community Ed & Rec, all updated “Jordan Public Schools” Fees help cover the costs for each class. No family will Early Learning Services programming to include smartphone app. Quick access to paying on your be turned away due to inability to pay. Reduced rates ECFE and preschool will use this system for smartphone when needed! Please note: payment plans and scholarships are available. Call (952) 492-3233 for registration and payment. can only be set-up using a computer browser. information on scholarships or reduced fees. If your income is less than these guidelines, you are eligible How to sign up for a Community Ed & Rec ACTIVE Net account? ACTIVE Net on the web! for waived or reduced fees. Annual I ncome 1. Go to House Under 15- 25- 45- 2. Under “Community Ed & Rec”, choose “Class Size 15K 25K 45K 85K 85K Registration & Payment” Has your 3 year old been screened? The early 2-3 1/2 3/4 Full Full Full childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten 3. Choose “Sign Up” (blue button) 4-5 1/4 1/2 3/4 Full Full are an important time of rapid learning and growth. How to sign up for Community Ed & Rec classes Early Childhood Screening is a quick and simple check of using ACTIVE Net? 6-7 $30 1/4 1/2 3/4 Full how your child is growing and developing. Between the 8+ $10 $30 1/4 1/2 3/4 ages of 3 and 4, screening can detect possible health or 1. Go to learning concerns so that children can get help before 2. Under “Community Ed & Rec”, choose “Class they start school. Screening is required of all children in Registration & Payment” La ayuda de honorarios cubre los gastos para cada Minnesota prior to Kindergarten entrance. The earlier the better! Early Childhood Screening is not a Kindergarten 3. Log into your account clase. Ninguna familia será girada lejos debido a la readiness test or IQ test. Waiting until your child is 4 or 5 4. Choose from “Activities” along top grey bar inhabilidad de pagar. Los precios reducidos y las becas to screen may be too long. están disponibles. Llame (952) 492-3233 para la 5. Select “See All Categories” (see picture) información en becas o honorarios reducidos. Si sus Todos los niños entre las edades de 3-5 tienen que pasar 6. Select “Early Childhood” under age categories (see ingresos son menos que estas pautas, usted es elegible por la investigación preescolar (preschool screening) picture) para honorarios renunciados o reducidos. requerido por el estado de Minnesota. I ngrueso Anual En Bajo 15-25 25-45 45-85 85 ECFE classes are held in the Jordan Early Learning Services wing at the Jordan Casa 15 Mil Mil Mil Mil Mil Visit our website for info: Elementary School. The classrooms are located in the south-west corner of the 2-3 50% 75% 100% 100% 100% building. Park on the south-west side, and enter through the main doors, turning 4-5 25% 50% 75% 100% 100% right after entering the building. 6-7 $30 25% 50% 75% 100% LOCATION 8+ $10 $30 25% 50% 75% • A $20.00 administrative fee will be charged for withdrawing from a class. Refunds for classes or special events must be requested 5 working days prior to the start of class or event. No refunds will be granted after this date. Please register at least one week prior to the start of class or special event. • Phone registrations will be guaranteed only after payment has been received. Sibling Care Policy • Please notify our office of cancellations at least 3 working days prior to first class No older or younger siblings are to be in the classroom during class time. ECFE offers sibling care meeting in order to receive a refund. No refunds are given for missed classes. for brothers and sisters ages birth to Kindergarten of registered children. No refunds on either special events or classes will be given after registration Sibling Care Cost per Weeks: $3 per session deadlines unless an event has been cancelled. A $20.00 administrative fee Reminders: REMINDERS will be charged for withdrawing from a class. • Drop in care must be called in before class and is not guaranteed available. • Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. In order to hold a class, a • All siblings must also have a current immunization record on file. minimum of five families must be registered. You ARE registered unless • Sibling care is not available for evening classes. notified otherwise. • Jordan ELS requires all students to have a current birth certificate, immunizations, photo release, and state enrollment forms on record. These forms must be filled out before the second class in a series. 12 RegisterACTIVE For ELS offerings register on ACTIVENET Net or call| 952-492-6211 952-492-3233 For ELS offerings Register register |ACTIVE on ACTIVENET Net or call 952-492-3233 952-492-6211 13
KIDS’ COMPANY BEFORE & AFTER CARE YOUTH ENRICHMENT Babysitting Clinic Ages 11+ Instructor: Jamie Fremming Students will learn the responsibilities of babysitting through this American Red Cross class. Class will focus on leadership skills, supervision techniques, safety, CPR certification, feeding infants, and young children along with the business aspect of babysitting. Please bring a baby doll or stuffed animal to practice skills and a bag lunch. WINTER SESSION 1: Saturday, Jan 15; 9am - 3pm $84, CERC Multi Room Reg by Jan 8 Min 5 / Max 10 WINTER SESSION 2: Saturday, Feb 26; 9am - 3pm $84, CERC Multi Room Reg by Feb 19 Min 5 / Max 10 TLC Music Class Ages 6 months-5 years Instructor: Alicia Newton, MT-BC Join Ms. Alicia for this fun and upbeat music class for kids! Kids will sing, dance, and play instruments all while increasing developmental skills such as social, cognitive, and motor. Alicia Newton, MT-BC is a board certified music therapist and has been teaching music and practicing Music Therapy since 2004. Parents/Guardians are welcome to stay for class (limit 1 per child). A drop-in class rate will be available after the class minimum is met. Fridays, Jan 7 - March 18*; 11:30am - 12:00pm *No Class Feb 25 $90 (full session), CERC Multi Room Reg by Jan 6 Min 5 / Max 15 14 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 15
YOUTH ENRICHMENT YOUTH ENRICHMENT Art Studio with Abrakadoodle Grades K-5 (2021-2022 school year) Instructor: Abrakadoodle Staff Rainbow Love with Kidcreate Studio Welcome to the Art zone. Brighten up winter with some fun and creative art projects. Experiment with Ages 4-9 Instructor: Kidcreate Studio oil pastels and watercolors to create beautiful Jellyfish, sculpt air-dry clay kitties, celebrate Valentine’s Who loves rainbows?? We do! In this class, we’ll create dazzling rainbow- themed art projects using paint, Day with a chalk and oil pastel heart project, and use your brightest colors to create some Mexican glitter, and so much more! Artists will learn a special painting techniuq as they create brilliant rainbow on folklore inspired art and more. Hope you can join us. a real canvas board, then they’ll make an adorable trinket box perfect for housing their tiniest treasures. Mondays, Jan 31 - March 7*; 3pm - 4pm Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child. *No Class Feb 21 $69, JES Room 21 Monday, March 28; 9am - 12pm Reg by Jan 24 Min 6 / Max 15 $39, JMS Art Room 202 Reg by March 21 Min 7 / Max 15 Celebrate Spring Art Class Grades K-5 (2021-2022 school year) Glow in the Dark Art Camp with Kidcreate Studio Instructor: Abrakadoodle Staff Ages 4-9 Explore the boundaries of your creativity with engaging lessons that incorporate a wide variety of artist’s Instructor: Kidcreate Studio materials and techniques. We’ll paint colorful cats on Canvas inspired by Laurel Burch, use metallic paint to These projects will ROCK your child’s world long after the lights go out at night. You guess it, all the make a 3D tree of life, create a landscape of Hot Air balloons floating above the rocky hills of New Mexico. projects we create in this camp will glow in the dark! How cool is that?! We will be working with a variety We’ll even sculpt beautiful butterfly plaques. of different art supplies including clay, paint and other luminescent materials to create masterpieces your Mondays, April 18 - May 16; 3pm - 4pm child will be ready to show off in the dark! Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child. $69, JES Room 38 Tuesday and Wednesday, March 29 - 30; 9am - 12pm Reg by April 11 Min 6 / Max 20 $74, JMS Art Room 202 Reg by March 22 Min 7 / Max 15 Wonderful Winter Art Club Grades K-4 (2021-2022 school year) Instructor: Kristin Kilgren April Fool’s Day with Kidcreate Studio Let’s celebrate the wonder and beauty of winter with some fun art projects! Join Ages 4-9 Mrs. Kilgren as we create some amazing works of art and make new friends! You’ll Instructor: Kidcreate Studio learn new artistic skills while also developing your personal style of creativity. We We’ll get simply silly as we celebrate April Fool’s Day by creating some will explore a variety of art forms through drawing with pastels, painting on canvas, unbelievably hilarious craft pranks. Please pack a nut free snack sculpting with clay and more. Plus we’ll discover the works of artists from the past and drink for your child. and present and learn how they can influence the art we make. Thursday, March 31; 9am - 12pm $39, JMS Art Room 202 WINTER SESSION 1: Reg by March 24 Min 7 / Max 15 Tuesdays, Jan 11 - Feb 8; 3pm - 4pm $74, JES Art Room Reg by Jan 4 Min 12 / Max 24 Unicorn Tea Party WINTER SESSION 2: Ages 4-11 (Child + Parent) Tuesdays, Feb 15 - March 15; 3pm - 4pm Instructor: Heather Novak $74, JES Art Room Come celebrate the magic of unicorns with a tea party. Complete with sprinkles, glitter, magic and all Reg by Feb 8 Min 12 / Max 24 sweet sugary treats that attract the kids and the kid in us. Bring your mom or dad and let’s make all those sprinkle filled treats and colorful rainbow foods that you and unicorns like. Then we will sit down and Glitter and Slime with Kidcreate Studio nibble on them or save them and share with your family Ages 4-9 and friends later. Don’t forget to bring a container Instructor: Kidcreate Studio Glitter and slime are oh so fine! Come explore the messier side of art in this fun filled class. We will roll up for the treats our sleeves and make a mess as we mix up a batch of glitter slime and create an oh-so-silly jar to store it you don’t eat! in. Making a mess is the best, especially when you leave the mess with us! Students will walk over to the Friday, March 4; 6pm - 8pm CERC with a staff member. Please pack a nut free snack and drink for your child. $39, JMS FACS Room 311 Reg by Feb 25 Min 5 / Max 15 Friday, Feb 11; 1pm - 4pm $39, CERC Multi Room Reg by Feb 4 Min 7 / Max 15 16 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 17
YOUTH ENRICHMENT YOUTH ENRICHMENT DO AT HOME Yarn & Things: A Knitting and Crocheting Club Grade 5+ ART KITS Instructor: Kelley Walerius This club will provide an opportunity for individuals to get together with other knitters, to learn and develop the skills of knitting and crocheting, and create fun projects. Knitters/ crocheting of all skill levels are welcome. Thursdays, Jan 13 - March 3; 3:15pm - 4:15pm $48, JHS The Soc Reg by Jan 6 Min 3 / Max 20 Homemade Soaps and Simple Scrubs Ages 12+ Instructor: Heather Novak Homemade soaps are so pretty and useful both for ourselves and to give as a gift. But so often, we choose not to make them because we don’t know how or because of the caustic lye involved and the time to cure. In this class, we will make shea butter or glycerin soap using a base that has already been cured, cutting out the lye curing process. You will customize your soap with essential oils, fragrance, color or add ins! In addition you will put together a fragrant scrub to wash away the rough winter and leave you soft and supple. Tuesday, Feb 22; 6:30pm - 8:30pm $40, JMS FACS Room 311 Reg by Feb 15 Min 4 / Max 12 ZAPS ACT Prep Seminar DO AT HOME KIT: Clay Heart Trinket Box Ages 15+ Show your love in an artsy way! With this art kit, artists will use a hand building technique to sculpt a Instructor: ZAP heart-shaped trinket box. This kit is perfect for Valentine’s Day... or any day when you want to show a There’s a lot riding on the ACT and a lot of pressure on your student. Fortunately, ZAPS helps students achieve little love! The kit contains an easy to follow lesson plan, a link to a correlating online instructional video their highest personal scores. In the 5-hour ZAPS ACT test-preparation strategy-focused seminar, students taught by a Kidcreate Studio art teacher, art materials needed to create one fridge-worthy masterpiece and will learn: the directions for each question type to save time during the test, what to expect in the types of additional suggestions for online learning that relate to the art lesson. questions and difficulty levels, how to use partial knowledge to gain points, effective time management $20, Pick up at the CERC starting Feb 7, Registration Required. techniques, specific techniques, strategies, and tips for each subtest, a plan for writing a high- scoring essay on any topic, and how to use study time most effectively in the days leading up to the test. DO AT HOME KIT: St. Paddy’s Day Rainbow on Canvas Friday, March 19; 9am - 3pm Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day the Kidcreate way! With this art kit, artists will learn elements of color theory $95, JHS Student Union as they paint a rainbow on a real canvas board. Best of all, there’s a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow Reg by March 12 Min 10 / Max 20 that really glows in the dark! The kit contains an easy to follow lesson plan, a link to a correlating online instructional video taught by a Kidcreate STudio art teacher, art materials needed to create one fridge- Let’s Puzzle: A Puzzle Competition Ages 10+ worthy masterpiece and additional suggestions for online learning that relate to the art lesson. Instructor: Jenny Kusske $20, Pick up at the CERC starting March 11, Registration Required. Love doing puzzles? Share that passion in a friendly competition. Create a team of 4 people, ages 10+ preferred. Teams will compete against each other to finish the puzzle DO AT HOME KIT: Bunny Sunset in the fastest time. Fastest team to complete the puzzle will win a prize! Let’s create some adorable bunnies watching the sunset! You will learn to draw little bunnies, then paint a The puzzle will be provided at the time of contest. Each group will warm sunsetty sky where they can gaze. The kit contains an easy to follow lesson plan, a link to an online keep their puzzle at the end. Bring your competitive spirit and instructional video taught by a Kidcreate Studio art teacher, art materials needed to create one fridge- puzzle solving skills. worthy masterpiece and additional suggestions for online learning that relate to the art lesson. SESSION 1: VIRTUAL $20, Pick up at the CERC starting April 11, Registration Required. Saturday, Jan 22; 11am - 1pm $40 per team of 4, Virtual DO AT HOME KIT: Clay Fairy House Reg by Jan 3 Min 4 teams / Max 12 teams If you believe in fairies, clap your hands, and get creative with this whimsical, colorful art kit! The kids will SESSION 2: NEW PUZZLE construct a magical place for their fairy friends to live out of Model Magic Clay. This kit includes online Saturday, March 19; 11am - 1pm instruction by Kidcreate Studio. $40 per team of 4, CERC Multi Room $20, Pick up at the CERC starting April 11, Registration Required. Reg by Feb 25 Min 4 teams / Max 12 teams 18 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 19
YOUTH ENRICHMENT YOUTH ENRICHMENT Royal Daddy Daughter Dance Science Explorers’ The Mechanics of Gizmos and EXPLORERS’ Ages 3 - 10 Instructor: Jordan Community Ed & Rec and Miss Jordan Ambassador Program Gadgets Grades 1 - 5 Join us for our first evern Royal Daddy Daughter Dance. This will be a Instructor: Science Explorers special opportunity for dads or other father figures to spend an evening How did toys work before batteries? They relied on physics. Put science to work together with their little girls. There will be prizes given away all night, as you explore the how and whys of energy, gravity and motion. Discover the a photo booth, craft, small snack and of course... dancing. We will action packed world of physics by building, experimenting and questioning SCIENCE also be joined by special guests, Miss Jordan Royalty. science contraptions and toys that really work. Friday, Feb 19; 6pm - 7:30pm Fridays, Feb 25 - March 4; 3pm - 4:30pm $30, JMS Commons $54, JES Art Room Reg by Feb 11 Min 8 / Max 30 Reg by Feb 16 Min 10 / Max 16 Open Mic Night NEW! Science Explorers’ STEM Sampler for 2022 Grades 5 - 8 Grades 2 - 6 Instructor: Jordan Community Ed & Rec in partnership with Shakopee Community Ed Instructor: Science Explorers Middle school students, join us for a night to celebrate your talents! We welcome all types of Join Science Explorers for a fun, hands-on Super STEM Sampler. First, learn about artists including singers, musicians, bands, comedians, and spoken word artists. This is a family physics as you create a spinning top game. Next, step into the fields of technology friendly event, all acts will need to be approved during the registration process. Please submit to and engineering as you build and test an arm extension. Finally, have fun with Performers will have a max of 10 minutes. math as you learn about codes and ciphers. Through hands-on activities and Admission will be $2 a person. experiments, you will investigate these and other exciting STEM topics. Friday, March 11; 6pm - 8pm Fridays, April 22 - 29; 3pm - 4:30pm $20, JHS Auditorium $54, JES Art Room Reg by March 1 Min 5 / Max 20 Reg by April 13 Min 10 / Max 16 PRESCHOOL STEM! Challenge Central NEW! Have a Heart Get Growing Grades 5 - 8 Instructor: Jordan Community Ed & Rec in partnership with Shakopee Community Ed Preschool Ages 3 & 4 Preschool Ages 3 & 4 Calling all Middle Schoolers! Love Games? Want to battle your friends? Join us for an Instructor: High Touch High Tech Instructor: High Touch High Tech evening of games! We will play a variety of Minute to Win It games, crazy games, Learn about the strongest muscle in your body- Hydro what? Find out about how scientists and so much more! Gather a few friends to create a team and let’s see who can win your heart! Listen, feel and see your own heart learn to grow plants in space. the battle of games at Challenge Central! Snacks will be provided. beat. Wednesday, March 2; 3:30pm - 4pm Wednesday, Feb 2; 3:30pm - 4pm $35, Early Learning Room Friday, April 22; 6pm - 8pm Reg by Feb 14 Min 12 / Max 20 $25, Shakopee West Middle School Cafe/Commons $35, Early Learning Room Reg by April 15 Reg by Jan 17 Min 12 / Max 20 Brick Builders: Wild Ride eSports Grades 8 - 12 Grades 1 - 5 Instructor: Tyler Nelson Instructor: Youth Enrichment League eSports describes the world of competitive, organized video gaming. Competitors from different Build a wild amusement park ride, a trundle wheel, and a merry-go-round leagues or teams face off in the same game that are popular with at-home gamers. using LEGO® bricks. Use these LEGO® brick models to explore STEM concepts. Schedule: Practices will be held two days a week and game days will be one The {YEL!} Teach It!…Practice It!…Play It! method engages students day a week. Optional Bring your own keyboard, mouse, and headphones. to create and innovate. Mondays, Jan 31 - March 14*; 3pm - 4pm *No Class Feb 21 Mon, Tues, Thur, Jan 31 - April 14*; 3:30pm - 6pm $69, JES Room 38 *Potential Playoffs April 18-30 Reg by Jan 24 Min 6 / Max 16 $150, JMS CAD Lab Reg by Jan 31 Min 8 / Max 16 20 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 21
YOUTH ENRICHMENT & DRIVER’S EDUCATION Scott West Fishing Grades 6 - 12 Let’s go fishing! The Scott West Fishing program wants you to go fishing for them. Sudents will particiapte in the Minnesota Student Angler Tournament Trail, Student Angler Federation and Major League Fishing. Team members will receive classroom and outdoor practice and complete in tournaments. Tournaments consist of a two person team and are throughout the state of Minnesota. Grab a friend or sign up on your own, and we can pair you with another person. YOUTH More info coming soon! Driver’s Education RECREATION Ages 14 1/2+ Youth Winter Cheer Clinic Ages 4 - 12 Instructor: Varsity Cheer Coach, Chania Ruehling Join the Varsity cheer team for a day filled with crafts, bow decorating, playing games, learning cheers, and some stunting and tumbling. Thursday, Dec 23; 9am - 1pm General Overview: $40, CERC Multi Room The Jordan Community Education Driver’s Education program is for students, ages 14 1/2-18, who live or attend school Reg by Dec 16 Min 5 / Max 30 within Jordan School District 717. The driver’s Education program includes classroom instruction and behind-the- wheel training. Must be 14 1/2 years of age by the first day of class to register for Driver’s Education. Classroom Instruction: 30 hrs Youth Winter Dance Clinic Classroom includes lecture, class discussion, guest speakers, films, written work and written tests. Upon completion, Grades K - 5 students will be issued a blue card. Instructor: Varsity Dance Coach, Jill Peterson We are so excited to hold our winter youth clinic for dancers of all levels. Dancers will get the Behind-The-Wheel (BTW): 6 hrs opportunity to learn routines, dance with high school dancers, grow and develop dance skills, perform Behind-the-Wheel allows a student to practice driving on public streets and highways with an instructor in a dual at the halftime of a basketball game and most importantly have fun! The youth clinic will have 3 control (two brake) car. Once your student has received their permit please contact Jamie Fremming (952- practices leading up to the performance. All dancers who register by January 3, will receive a Youth 492-6211) to schedule behind the wheel. Please note, your student may be placed on a waiting list. Offerings are Clinic long sleeve to wear for their performance on Jan. 20. Kids should wear dance-able clothes and based on instructors availability typically offered throughout the summer and limited fall and spring opportunities. tennis shoes for practices. For final details watch your If you are placed on the waiting list you will be contacted when an opening becomes available. There is a $40.00 per email on January 10th coming from Coach Jill. If you hour charge to make up for a missed Behind-the-Wheel. You MUST call 952-492-6211 at least 24 hours prior to cancel have questions or concerns please email her at appointment. Upon completion of behind-the-wheel, students will be issued a white card. A lost or misplaced white card will cost $10 to replace. Mon - Wed, Jan 17 - 19*; Winter Session: Must be 14 1/2 years of age by the first day of class to register for Driver’s Education. *Performance Jan 20 at Halftime of Jaguar Basketball Game Grades K - 3: 3pm-4pm Tuesdays – Fridays, Feb 8 – 24; 3:15pm - 6:15pm Grades 4 - 6: 4pm-5pm $342, JHS Student Union (Feb 24 in JMS Quotations Lab) $40, JES Gym Reg by Feb 1 Min 12 / Max 20 Reg by Jan 10 Min 5 / Max 30 Register: K - Grade 3 Grades 4 - 6 $342 Total Cost for Classroom and BTW NOTICE: In case of rising gas costs, an additional gas fee may be added. 22 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 23
YOUTH RECREATION YOUTH RECREATION Jordan Youth Umpire Clinic Tae Kwon Do Ages 15+ Ages 6+ Instructor: Pete Haller Instructor: Linda Kroells and Tessa Kroells This is an opportunity to receive training in the skill of umpiring. This course will cover the Come and learn the Korean Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do, with KKC School of Tae Kwon Do. Beginners will basics, including proper mechanics, positioning, and proper timing on making calls. This learn the skills needed to earn their first certification and advanced students will continue at the level course will include classoom teaching and hands on experience. they are at. Tae Kwon Do is great fun for the entire family. The class teaches basic techniques, as well as Mon and Wed, Feb 21 and 23; 7pm - 8:30pm discipline, respect, self control and self defense. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. $25, CERC Multi Room WINTER SESSION 2: WINTER SESSION 3: Reg by Feb 14 Min 1 / Max 20 Wednesdays, Jan 5 - Feb 9; 4:45pm - 5:45pm Wednesdays, Feb 16 - March 23; 4:45pm - 5:45pm $42, CERC Multi Room $42, CERC Multi Room K - Grade 2 Basketball Reg by Dec 29 Min 8 / Max 34 Reg by Feb 9 Min 8 / Max 34 Grades K - 2 Instructor: Varsity Boys and Girls Coaches and Players SPRING SESSION 1: Players will focus on the basic fundamentals of basketballs and utilize their Wednesdays, March 30 - May 4; 4:45pm - 5:45pm newly learned skills in game like situations each practice. Players will be $42, CERC Multi Room coached by varsity head coaches and players. Participants will receive a free Reg by March 23 Min 8 / Max 34 ticket for an upcoming Varsity basketball game (Feb 5 girls and Feb 8 boys). NEW KKC School of Tae Kwon Do Turtle Class CLASS! Saturdays, Jan 29 and Feb 5; 9am - 10:30am Ages 4 - 6 $30, JHS Gym Instructor: Linda and Tessa Kroells Reg by Jan 22 Min 5 / Max 50 Turtle class is for our younger tots, not yet ready for a full Tae Kwon Do’s discipline. Tots will learn basic Tae Kwon Do readiness such as kicks, punches, basic commands all while learning to stand quietly in line and 2022 JAYBA Traveling Baseball Try-Outs follow directions and a lot of fast paced action. Ages 9 - 14 WINTER SESSION 1: Instructor: JAYBA WINTER SESSION 2: Wednesdays, Jan 5 - Feb 9; 5:45pm - 6:15pm Wednesdays, Feb 16 - March 23; 5:45pm - 6:15pm This is a competitive, skill based traveling league and an evaluation $36, CERC Multi RooM $36, CERC Multi Room is used. Evaluations will take place on Saturday, February 5th and Reg by Dec 29 Min 6 / Max 20 Reg by Feb 9 Min 6 / Max 20 Sunday, February 6th. Bring your glove, bat, and wear tennis shoes. This is an indoor evaluation. SPRING SESSION 1: Wednesdays, March 30 - May 4; 5:45pm - 6:15pm Saturday, February 5 - CERC/JMS Sunday, February 6 - CERC/JMS $36, CERC Multi Room 9 yr olds (Grade 3); 9am-10:45am 10 yr olds (Grade 4); 12pm-1:45pm Reg by March 23 Min 6 / Max 20 11 yr olds (Grade 5); 10:45am-12:15pm 13 yr olds (Grade 7); 1:45pm-3:30pm 12 yr olds (Grade 6); 12:15pm-1:45pm 14 yr olds (Grade 8); 3:30pm-5pm Jordan Spring Trap League Grades 6-12 Players must attend one of the evaluation days. If you are unable to attend the tryouts please contact Jason Chalupsky ( $20 Tryout fee is separate and non refundable Reg by Jan 21 Family Fun Night All ages welcome with supervision Join us for some family fun each Friday night! Invite your friends and take part in various activities including: Pickleball, Dodgeball, Wiffle Ball and a Movie Night! The Jordan High School Trap Team is open to all Jordan School District students. Nobody rides the bench in trap, everybody shoots each week and helps contribute to the team score. You could even earn a High Friday, January 7: Pickleball Friday, January 14: Dodgeball School letter in Trap. Trap is safe outdoor sport shot socially distanced in small groups. Students must have Friday, January 21: Wiffle Ball their own 12 (preferred) or 20 gauge shotgun in good working order. The fee includes shells and targets. Friday, January 28: Movie Night Optional tournaments may be announced later this spring. Free for CERC Members $5 for Non Members ($18 family max) Updates for spring league are coming soon! *Please note this is a family centered night, children must have an adult participating. Please email to be included in future communications. 24 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 25
YOUTH RECREATION YOUTH RECREATION Soccer Shots - Mini Ages 2 - 3 Instructor: Soccer Shots Soccer Shots Mini is a high-energy program introducing children to fundamental soccer principles such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game. Closed toe shoes required, shin guards recommended. Saturdays, Jan 8 - Feb 26; 9am - 9:45am $112*, JES Gym *Plus $25 Annual Registration Fee (charged once per school year, fall 2021-summer 2022) Reg by Jan 7 Min 5 / Max 25 Soccer Shots - Classic Ages 4 - 5 Instructor: Soccer Shots PRE-K & K GRADES 1 & 2 Soccer Shots Mini is a high-energy program introducing children to fundamental soccer principles such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game. Pre-K & K Spring Soccer Grades 1 & 2 Spring Soccer Closed toe shoes and shin guards required. Instructor: Community Ed & Rec Instructor: Community Ed & Rec Our recreational soccer program teaches basic Our recreational soccer program teaches basic Saturdays, Jan 8 - Feb 26; 10am - 10:45am $112*, JES Gym skills and introduces your child to team play. Our skills and introduces your child to team play. Our *Plus $25 Annual Registration Fee (charged once per school year, fall 2021-summer 2022) goal is to provide fun for all skill levels while also goal is to provide fun for all skill levels while also Reg by Jan 7 Min 5 / Max 25 learning fundamentals through drills and small learning fundamentals through drills and small games. games. Soccer Shots - Premier Mondays, April 4 - May 9; 6pm - 6:45pm Mondays, April 4 - May 9; 6pm - 7pm Ages 6 - 8 $59, Green Space 5 $59, Green Space 5 Instructor: Soccer Shots Reg by March 1 Min 10 / Max 20 Reg by March 1 Min 10 / Max 20 Soccer Shots Mini is a high-energy program introducing children to fundamental soccer principles such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game. GRADES 3 & 4 GRADES 5 & 6 Closed toe shoes and shin guard required. Saturdays, Jan 8 - Feb 26; 11am - 11:45am Grades 3 & 4 Spring Soccer Grades 5 & 6 Spring Soccer $112*, JES Gym Instructor: Community Ed & Rec Instructor: Community Ed & Rec *Plus $25 Annual Registration Fee (charged once per school year, fall 2021-summer 2022) Our recreational soccer program teaches basic Our recreational soccer program teaches basic Reg by Jan 7 Min 5 / Max 25 skills and introduces your child to team play. Our skills and introduces your child to team play. Our goal is to provide fun for all skill levels while also goal is to provide fun for all skill levels while also learning fundamentals through drills and small learning fundamentals through drills and small River Valley United Soccer Winter Session 3 games. games. (March - April) Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 5 - May 10; 6pm - 7pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 5 - May 10; 6pm - 7pm Ages 8 - 19 $69, Green Space 5 $69, Green Space 5 Instructor: River Valley United Reg by March 1 Min 10 / Max 20 Reg by March 1 Min 10 / Max 20 Indoor soccer is a fast-paced soccer game played on a boarded, Register: BOYS GIRLS Register: BOYS GIRLS turf soccer field. The field size resembles that of a hockey rink Skate Late and includes recessed goals. The walls take place of lines and can be used as a tactical play area. The game generally consists of 5 - 7 players on the field per team. Each team will play one game per week 8 games per session. Practices will be held at coach’s discretion Skate Late (generally held once Fridays) in Jordan, and games at Soccer Blast in Burnsville. Game dates and times Family Event - All ages welcome! vary based on team placement. Schedules will be released before each session by Soccer Blast. *Teams FREE EVENT- Ice Skating Fun for the whole Family! Join us for hot dogs, hot will be determined once registration is complete and numbers are finalized. An email will be sent out to chocolate and of course, smores! Sponsored by tthe City of Jordan and Jordan the email address used during registration to confirm placement/teams and communicate schedules. Community Ed and Rec. Approximate Game Dates: March 1 - April 30 Friday, Feb 4; 6pm - 8pm $120 Lagoon Park Skating Rink Reg by Feb 10 26 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 27
ADULT ENRICHMENT Homemade Soaps and Simple Scrubs Ages 12+ Instructor: Heather Novak Homemade soaps are so pretty and useful both for ourselves and to give as a gift. But so often, we choose not to make them because we don’t know how or because of the caustic lye involved and the time to cure. In this class, we will make shea butter or glycerin soap using a base that has already been cured, cutting out the lye curing process. You will customize your soap with essential oils, fragrance, color or add ins! In addition you will put together a fragrant scrub to wash away the rough winter and leave you soft and ADULT supple. Tuesday, Feb 22; 6:30pm - 8:30pm $40, JMS FACS Room 311 Reg by Feb 15 Min 4 / Max 12 ENRICHMENT Introduction to Voiceovers Ages 18+ Instructor: Voices for All “Wow, you have a great voice!” How many times have you heard that? Or maybe you listen to your favorite Healthy Dinners from Your Freezer audiobooks, commercials, or cartoon characters and think, “I could do that!” Want to earn income using Ages 18+ your talents from the comfort of your home? Explore the growing remote voiceover industry with your Instructor: Heather Novak instructor, a professional, working voice actor from Voices For All. Discover the current trends in the industry You are busy! Come to prepare 6 main dishes (or divide in half for twice the meals) for your family to make and how easy and affordable it can be to learn, set up and work from home. You’ll learn about different the weeknights a bit easier. These main dishes are designed for a family of 5 and can go from your freezer types of voiceovers and the tools you’ll need to find success. One-time, 90-minute, introductory class. into your crockpot or your oven. I will do most of the shopping for you (not your meat) and you will chop, You owe it to yourself to finally explore the possibilities of this fun and rewarding field! Upon registration mix, slice and prepare the dish so that it is ready to go into your freezer when you get home. Recipes this you will be contacted by VFA to schedule your class for a day and time of your convenience Student is session include: Pizza Casserole, Chicken Meatball Parmesan, Chicken pot pie, Chicken Rice Slow Cooker contacted after registration is completed to schedule 1:1 session. casserole, Veggie Lasagna and Taco Soup. Please bring 4 pounds of ground beef or poultry, 5 or $49, online class 6 boneless chicken breasts, 1 pie pan, 1- 9x13 pan, and a cooler with ice packs to put the completed meals into. Friday, Jan 21; 6:30pm - 9pm $75, JMS FACS Room 311 Let’s Puzzle: A Puzzle Competition Reg by Jan 14 Min 4 / Max 12 Ages 10+ Instructor: Jenny Kusske Love doing puzzles? Share that passion in a friendly competition. Create a team of 4 people, ages 10+ preferred. Teams will compete against each other to finish the puzzle in Instant Pot Basics the fastest time. Fastest team to complete the puzzle will win a prize! The puzzle will be Ages 18+ provided at the time of contest. Each group will keep their puzzle at the end. Bring your Instructor: Heather Novak competitive spirit and puzzle solving skills. Instant pots are electric pressure pots that claim to be a slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, yogurt maker, SESSION 1: VIRTUAL browning and sautéing pan and warmer. But do they really work and do what they claim to do? Come Saturday, Jan 22; 11am - 1pm hungry and taste for yourself what an instant pot can do. $40 per team of 4, Virtual We will make many items, taste them, and answer some Reg by Jan 3 Min 4 teams / Max 12 teams of your questions. If you have anything specific you wish SESSION 2: NEW PUZZLE addressed indicate it in the comments when registering. Saturday, March 19; 11am - 1pm Also if you have an instant pot and you want to bring it, $40 per team of 4, CERC Multi Room we can use it so you are more comfortable with it. Reg by Feb 25 Min 4 teams / Max 12 teams Wednesday, Feb 9; 6pm - 8:30pm $39, JMS FACS Room 311 Reg by Feb 2 Min 4 / Max 20 28 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 29
ADULT ENRICHMENT ADULT ENRICHMENT We the People - Our American Foundations: Our American Government, How it came to be and How it works for you? Ages 18+ Instructor: Frank Sachs Have you ever wondered: Why do we need a government? What it should do? Why is it organized and functions the way it does? In this mini course we will do so by exploring the philosophical and historical foundations behind the founding documents of the United States and how they work for us: the Ages 18+ Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Consitution. Instructor: Spark & Stitch We know that life is full and that you are juggling. It’s hard to carve out time to go to a long online Mondays, Jan 24 - Feb 28; 6:30pm - 7:45pm workshop or read a whole parenting book. That’s why we’ve designed online classes that bring you $59, JMS Room 202 - Quotations Lab Reg by Jan 17 Min 10 / Max 25 science-made-simple information and practical strategies – all accessible in self-paced classes packed with thoughtful insight and warm advice. Plus online support to answer your questions and troubleshoot specific challenges. Write Your Own Will Ages 18+ Instructor: Jim Ramette Connected: How to Show Up for Your Kids in the Digital Age This online course is conducted by Jim Ramette, Attorney at Law. Jim will help you to write your own Will Best for parents of kids ages 8 - 16 in an engaging and interesting seminar format. He will present a short background on Wills, and then Instructor: Spark & Stitch explain the unique legal PDF Will he developed which allows you to write, and change, a Will for your Our kids digital worlds are expanding quickly - unleashing both incredible benefits and emerging risks. circumstances. You may change/update your Will - privately in your home - as often as you decide without Many schools are handing kids a tablet or laptop without a parenting guide to go with it! You deserve additional cost, using the free Adobe® Reader. evidence-based resources, not fear based soundbites, as you navigate screen time challenges. This self- paced online class cuts through conflicting information and delivers the essential parenting strategies for This is more than a general information course! Married or single, with or without children - it is important your child’s digital wellbeing. Includes three “Sparks” (one week modules) with access for three months. to have a Will to convey your wishes, have control over the distribution of your property, and to appoint This class is also available in Spanish. your children’s guardians. For people with less than $11 million in assets. Computer needed for online class. This class is being held online using a webinar service. More information will be sent after enrollment and $45, online class before class. Post-class computer and email are needed as materials are accessed by free Acrobat Reader software. SESSION 1: SESSION 2: Why Do They Act That Way? Tuesday, Jan 11; 7pm - 8:30pm Tuesday, Feb 15; 7pm - 8:30pm Best for parents of kids ages 8 - 16 $74, Virtual class $74, Virtual class Instructor: Spark & Stitch Reg by Jan 4 Min 1 / Max 5 Reg by Feb 8 Min 1 / Max 5 Figuring out to stay connected with your teen isn’t easy, especially as they jump on an emotional rollercoaster or start pulling away. Your teen’s brain is under construction and the more you know about the construction zones the more prepared you are to navigate them. This self-paced online class delivers Skate Late the latest insight about the adolescent brain along with practical parenting strategies that reduce power struggles and build connection between you and your teen (or soon-to-be-teen) when they need it most. Skate Late Includes six “Sparks” (one week modules) with access for six months. Family Event - All ages welcome! $89, online class FREE EVENT- Ice Skating Fun for the whole Family! Join us for hot dogs, hot chocolate and of course, smores! Sponsored by tthe City of Jordan and Jordan Community Ed and Rec. Say Yes to NO: Why Kids Need Loving Boundaries and How to Friday, Feb 4; 6pm - 8pm Set Them Lagoon Park Skating Rink Best for parents of kids ages 2- 10 Instructor: Spark & Stitch Clarify your limits, avoid power struggles, and follow through with consistency and care. Setting limits and avoiding power struggles is a challenging part of parenting. Learn why setting clear boundaries with your children helps them manage their own behavior, consider others, and work through their big feelings. This self-paced online class will help you clarify your limits, learn how to communicate them, and gain the skills Check out our SENIOR you need to follow through with consistency and care. Includes three Sparks (one week modules) with access for three months. This class is also available in Spanish. RESOURCES on page 33! $45, online class 30 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 Register on ACTIVENET | 952-492-6211 31
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