Kansas Register Vol. 41, No. 8 February 24, 2022 - Kansas ...

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Kansas Register Vol. 41, No. 8 February 24, 2022 - Kansas ...
Kansas Register
Vol. 41, No. 8   February 24, 2022   Pages 309-330
310                                                                                                                                                         Table of Contents
                                                                                  Kansas Register
In this issue …                                                                                                                    Page           The Kansas Register is an official
                                                                                                                                                  publication of the state of Kansas,
Rates                                                                                                                                             published by authority of K.S.A.
   Pooled Money Investment Board                                                                                                                  75-430. The Kansas Register is pub-
                                                                                                                                                  lished weekly and a cumulative
     Notice of Investment Rates.....................................................................................................311           index is published annually by the
                                                                                                                                                  Kansas Secretary of State.
                                                                                                                                                  © Kansas Secretary of State 2022.
   Kyle Railroad Company
                                                                                                                                                  Reproduction of the publication in
     Request for Proposals for Concordia Subdivision Rail Improvement Project................311                                                  its entirety or for commercial pur-
   Kansas Department of Transportation                                                                                                            poses is prohibited without prior
     Notice of Availability of US-69 Finding of No Significant Impact and                                                                         permission. Official enactments of
                                                                                                                                                  the Kansas Legislature and pro-
      Final Environmental Assessment.......................................................................................311
                                                                                                                                                  posed and adopted administrative
     Notice to Contractors for March Letting Information........................................................311                               regulations of state agencies may
   Kansas Department of Agriculture – Division of Conservation                                                                                    be reproduced in any form without
     Notices to Contractors for Delaware Watershed Joint District No. 10                                                                          permission.
      Rehabilitation Projects..........................................................................................................313
                                                                                                                                                  Current and back issues of the Kan-
   Kansas State Board of Regents Universities                                                                                                     sas Register (HTML and PDF Format)
     Notice to Bidders......................................................................................................................313   can be found at https://www.sos.
   Cimarron Valley Railroad
     Notice to Bidders for Locomotive Auxiliary Power Units.................................................314
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Procurement and Contracts
     Notice to Bidders for State Purchase.....................................................................................314
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Division of Health Care Finance
     Notices of Amendments to the Medicaid State Plan...................................................314, 315
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment
     Notice of Hearing on the 2022 Kansas 303(d) List of Impaired Waters...........................316
     Notice of a Draft Combined Water Pollution Control General Permit
      for the Discharge of Hydrostatic Test Water.....................................................................316
     Notice of Intent to Widen Scope of City of Lawrence, Kansas Yard
      Waste Composting Facility..................................................................................................317
     Notice of Intent to Approve Proposed Johnson County, Kansas
      Landfill Expansion................................................................................................................317
     Notice Concerning Proposed Air Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal...............318
     Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications..........................319
                                                                                                                                                         Register Office:
                                                                                                                                                    1st Floor, Memorial Hall
Executive Branch                                                                                                                                          785-368-8095
   Office of the Governor                                                                                                                            kansasregister@ks.gov
     Executive Directive No. 22-550, Affirming State Law in Agency
       CMS Compliance..................................................................................................................320
   Secretary of State
     Executive Appointments.........................................................................................................321

Legislative Branch
   Legislative Administrative Services
     Legislative Bills and Resolutions Introduced February 10-16...........................................322

   Kansas Development Finance Authority
     Notice of Hearing on Proposed Agricultural Development Revenue Bonds.................325
   City of Leavenworth, Kansas
                                                                                                                                                          Published by
     Summary Notice of Bond Sale...............................................................................................325
                                                                                                                                                          Scott Schwab
                                                                                                                                                        Secretary of State
Index to administrative regulations..............................................................................327
                                                                                                                                                    1st Floor, Memorial Hall
                                                                                                                                                        120 SW 10th Ave.
                                                                                                                                                     Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Cover Artwork: Senate Chamber, Capitol
Photo by Todd Caywood

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                                    Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022
Rates/Notices                                                                                                                                 311
                                                                    Kansas Register
State of Kansas                                                              Street. Additionally, I-435 at the interchange with US-69
          Pooled Money Investment Board                                      is included.
                                                                                A copy of the signed FONSI and final EA along with
                   Notice of Investment Rates                                supporting documentation can be found on the project
                                                                             website at http://www.69express.org.
  The following rates are published in accordance with                          For further information contact Kansas Department
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in                    of Transportation, Steve Rockers, US-69 Express Project
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).                              Director, 700 SW Harrison St., Topeka, KS 66603-3745;
              Effective 2-21-22 through 2-27-22                              phone 785-296-1004; email Steve.Rockers@ks.gov.
             Term                          Rate                                                                                  Julie Lorenz
          1-89 days                       0.08%                                                                                     Secretary
           3 months                       0.35%                              Doc. No. 049861
           6 months                       0.70%
          12 months                       1.12%                              State of Kansas
          18 months                       1.39%
            2 years                       1.53%                                          Department of Transportation
                                                         Scott Miller                           Notice to Contractors
                                            Director of Investments
Doc. No. 049849
                                                                                Electronic copies of the letting proposals and plans are
                                                                             available on the Kansas Department of Transportation
            (Published in the Kansas Register February 24, 2022.)            (KDOT) website at https://kdotapp.ksdot.org/Proposal/
                                                                             Proposal.aspx. The website will allow the contractor to
                  Kyle Railroad Company                                      request approval from KDOT to bid as a prime contrac-
                                                                             tor and be included on the “Bid Holders List,” or to be in-
                      Request for Proposals                                  cluded on the “Non-Bid Holders List” as a subcontractor/
   The Kyle Railroad Company is requesting proposals                         supplier. KDOT’s approval is required to bid as a prime
for a rail improvement project on the Concordia Subdi-                       contractor. To bid as a prime contractor, KDOT needs to
vision. The work consists of the following major items:                      be notified of the intent to bid no later than the close of
installation of 15,640 linear feet of rail, rehabilitation of                business on the Monday preceding the scheduled letting
2 grade crossings, and 1.5 miles of surfacing and ditch-                     date. Failure to obtain prior approval to bid as a prime
ing. This project is the recipient of a KDOT State Rail Ser-                 contractor on any projects listed below will be reason to
vice Improvement Fund program grant and the contract                         reject your bid. The Secretary reserves the right to reject
for work will be directly with Kyle Railroad Company,                        bids that do not comply with all requirements for prepar-
which reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ques-                    ing a bidding proposal as specified in the 2015 edition of
tions regarding the project and interested bidders must                      the Kansas Department of Transportation Standard Speci-
request bid documents from purchasing-rfp@gwrr.com.                          fications for State Road and Bridge Construction.
                                                                                KDOT will only accept electronic internet proposals
                                           Mark A. Koenig
                                                                             using the Bid Express website at http://www.bidx.com
                          Purchasing – Engineering Services
                                                                             until 1:00 p.m. (CST) March 16, 2022. The KDOT bid
                  Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Services, Inc.
Doc. No. 049869
                                                                             letting will be conducted remotely by audio broadcast
                                                                             ONLY at 3:00 p.m. (CST) Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
State of Kansas                                                              To join the conference call, dial 866-620-7326 and enter
                                                                             conference code 5895748207. KDOT has tested the pro-
            Department of Transportation                                     cess, but in the event of an unforeseen issue, KDOT will
                                                                             provide updates.
                            Public Notice                                       Each bidder shall certify that such person, firm, associ-
  Public notice is hereby given that the Kansas Depart-                      ation, or corporation has not, either directly or indirectly,
ment of Transportation (KDOT), in cooperation with the                       entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion,
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), has prepared                          or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free compet-
a final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the modern-                        itive bidding in connection with the submitted bid. This
ization and expansion of the US-69 corridor located in                       certification shall be in the form of a required contract pro-
Johnson County, Kansas. Additionally, FHWA has issued                        vision provided by the state to each prospective bidder.
a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the project.                  Failure to complete the required contract provision and
The City of Overland Park, Kansas and the Kansas Turn-                       certify the completeness of the preceding statement when
pike Authority are serving as partners on the study.                         electronically signing the proposal will make the bid non-
  The overall environmental study limits begin just                          responsive and not eligible for award consideration.
south of W. 179th Street and extend to just north of 103rd
Street. The overall length is approximately 10 miles. Ma-                                      District One – Northeast
jor roads at interchanges are included within the envi-                        Johnson – 56-46 KA-6246-01 – US-56, from the start of
ronmental study area, including W. 103rd Street, College                     curbs in west Gardner northeast to N. Sycamore Street,
Boulevard, W. 119th Street, Blue Valley Parkway, W.                          milling and overlay, 0.9 mile. (Federal Funds)
135th Street, W. 151st Street, W. 167th Street and W. 179th                                                                          (continued)

                                                      Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022                              © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
312                                                                                                                  Notices
                                                    Kansas Register
   Johnson – 56-46 KA-6370-01 – US-56, ramps at the US-             Geary – 31 TE-0495-01 – 8th Street from Eisenhower
56/I-35/W. 175th Street interchange to include unnamed           Drive to Garfield Street, Garfield Street from 7th Street
road from southbound ramps to W. 175th Street in Gard-           to 8th Street, and 7th Street from Garfield Street to K-57
ner, overlay. (Federal Funds)                                    highway in Junction City, pedestrian and bicycle paths,
   Pottawatomie – 75 TE-0501-01 – Green Valley Road,             0.5 mile. (Federal Funds)
from US-24 to Eagles Landing Drive; pedestrian bridge               Saline – 85 C-5061-01 – Simpson Road from Magno-
located north of Elk Creek Road; and a crossing located          lia Road to Crawford Street, grading, 2.0 miles. (Federal
at Hunter’s Drive, pedestrian and bicycle paths, 0.5 mile.       Funds)
(Federal Funds)                                                     Saline – 143-85 KA-3940-01 – K-143, bridge #104 over
   Shawnee – 70-89 KA-1266-06 – I-70 Polk/Quincy Via-            the Saline River Drainage located 2.62 miles north of I-70
duct from Topeka Boulevard to Kansas Avenue in Tope-             and bridge #103 over the Saline River Drainage located at
ka, special, 0.3 mile. (Federal Funds)                           the K-143/E. Granville Road intersection, bridge replace-
   Shawnee – 4-89 KA-6127-01 – K-4, bridge #231 over             ment. (Federal Funds)
the Burlington, Northern and Santa Fe Railroad and the
Shunganunga Creek located 0.71 mile north of the north                           District Three – Northwest
US-40/K-4 junction, bridge repair. (Federal Funds)                 Graham – 283-33 KA-6418-01 – US-283, from Prout
   Shawnee – 75-89 KA-6128-01 – US-75, bridges #206              Street in Hill City to the Graham/Norton County line,
and #207 over Topeka Boulevard (Old Highway 75) lo-              milling and overlay, 13.5 miles. (Federal Funds)
cated 2.53 miles and 2.54 miles respectively, north of             Graham – 24-33 KA-6419-01 – US-24, from the east city
the Osage/Shawnee County line, bridge repair. (Federal           limits of Hill City to the US-24/K-18 junction, milling and
                                                                 overlay, 8.2 miles. (Federal Funds)
   Shawnee – 4-89 KA-6244-01 – K-4, from the Wabaun-
                                                                   Osborne – 181-71 KA-3938-01 – K-181, bridge #042
see/Shawnee County line to the K-4/I-70 junction, milling
                                                                 over Twin Creek located 6 miles south of US-24, bridge
and overlay, 12.1 miles. (Federal Funds)
                                                                 replacement. (Federal Funds)
   Shawnee – 24-89 KA-6393-01 – US-24, from 550 feet
                                                                   Phillips – 36-74 KA-6002-01 – US-36, at 10 locations
west of N.W. Rochester Road east to 1,130 feet east of
                                                                 beginning 0.57 mile east of E. 300 Road east to 0.27 mile
N.W. Rochester Road in Topeka, milling and overlay, 0.3
                                                                 east of E. 1000 Road, guard fence, 6.7 miles. (Federal
mile. (Federal Funds)
   Wabaunsee – 30-99 KA-6245-01 – K-30, from the                 Funds)
K-30/I-70 junction to the city limits of Maple Hill, milling       Rooks – 82 K-1659-07 – From 1.83 miles south of the
and overlay, 2.0 miles. (Federal Funds)                          US-24/ Webster State Park Road entrance north to the US-
   Wyandotte – 670-105 KA-5495-02 – I-670, approximate-          24/Webster State Park Road entrance, state park road, 1.8
ly 580 feet east of the I-70/I-670 junction to approximate-      miles. (State Funds)
ly 634 feet west of the Wyandotte County/Missouri state            Rooks – 258-82 KA-6379-01 – K-258, from beginning of
line, lighting, 1.4 miles. (Federal Funds)                       route to end of route at the US-24/K-258 junction, milling
   Wyandotte – 73-105 KA-5498-01 – US-73, US-73/K-7              and overlay, 3.5 miles. (State Funds)
junction and Hollingsworth Road on the Wyandotte/                  Russell – 281-84 KA-2370-03 – US-281, from Land
Leavenworth County line, intersection improvement.               Road north to the US-281/K-18 junction, grading and sur-
(Federal Funds)                                                  facing, 12.0 miles. (Federal Funds)
   Wyandotte – 70-105 KA-6086-01 – I-70, bridge #152
                                                                                  District Four – Southeast
(over I-635 northbound) located at the I-70/I-635 Inter-
change, bridge redeck. (Federal Funds)                              Bourbon – 69-6 KA-5563-01 – US-69 and intersection
   Wyandotte – 70-105 KA-6369-01 – I-70, from S. 78th            of 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 25th Streets in Fort Scott, traffic sig-
Street east 4 miles to the west I-70/ I-635 interchange ap-      nals, 2.0 miles. (Federal Funds)
proach; from 0.5 mile east of the I-70 bridge over Kaw              Chautauqua – 166B-10 KA-4997-01 – US-166B, bridge
Drive east to the west S.18th Street bridge approach; and        #009 over Deer Creek, bridge replacement. (Federal
from the I-70/I-670 split east to the west Lewis and Clark       Funds)
Viaduct bridge, milling and overlay, 6.4 miles. (Federal            Cherokee – 11 KA-6371-01 – US-69 (Military Avenue),
Funds)                                                           from the south city limits of Baxter Springs to the north
                                                                 city limits of Baxter Springs and US-166 (12th Street),
                     District Two – North Central                from the west city limits of Baxter Springs east to the
  Dickinson – 70-21 KA-6406-01 – I-70, from approxi-             east city limits of Baxter Springs, milling and overlay, 4.4
mately 1,843 feet east of the I-70/K-206 junction east to        miles. (State Funds)
the Dickinson/Geary County line, patching and overlay,              Franklin – 68-30 KA-6329-01 – K-68, from the Franklin/
2.9 miles. (Federal Funds)                                       Osage County line to the west city limits of Ottawa, mill-
  Geary – 40B3-31 KA-3952-01 – US-40B3, bridge #035              ing and overlay, 12.3 miles. (Federal Funds)
(over the Union Pacific Railroad and Monroe Street) lo-             Miami – 61 N-0709-01 – Metcalf Road from W. 287th
cated approximately 1,214 feet east of US-77B in Junction        Street to S. 2nd Street in Louisburg, grading and surfac-
City, bridge replacement. (Federal Funds)                        ing, 0.9 mile. (Federal Funds)
  Geary – 70-31 KA-6278-01 – I-70, from 0.64 mile east              Osage – 68-70 KA-6328-01 – K-68, from the K-68/K-268
of the I-70/K-57 junction to the Geary/Riley County line,        junction to the Osage/Franklin County line, milling and
pavement patching, 15.5 miles. (Federal Funds)                   overlay, 1.0 mile. (State Funds)

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022              Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                            313
                                                      Kansas Register
                   District Five – South Central                  Bid Opening Date and Location
  Sedgwick – 87 N-0717-01 – Academy Avenue from S.                  Sealed bids will be received by the Delaware Water-
Cathey Street to Maize Road in Maize, grading and sur-            shed Joint District No. 10, 125 W. 4th St., Holton, KS
facing, 0.6 mile. (Federal Funds)                                 66436, until 1:30 p.m. (CST) March 24, 2022. Any bids
                                                                  received after the specified time will not be considered.
                     District Six – Southwest                     Description of Site 153
  Meade – 54-60 KA-6130-01 – US-54, bridges #031 and              Dam Specification
#032 over Crooked Creek located 6.1 miles and 7.7 miles            Upgrade/repair/modification of 3900 cubic yards fill.
respectively, northeast of the US-54/ US-160 junction,
bridge repair. (Federal Funds)                                    Principal Spillway, Type and Size
                                                                    Replace existing principal spillway with 12” DR21
                                                   Julie Lorenz   AWWA C-900 and appurtenances.
Doc. No. 049839
                                                                  Other specifications
                                                                    Removal of existing principal spillway; drawdown
State of Kansas                                                   pipe 6” diameter DR21 133 feet.
                  Department of Agriculture                       Contract Documents
                                                                     Copies of the contract documents are on file at the of-
                  Division of Conservation                        fice of the Delaware Watershed Joint District No. 10, 125
                      Notice to Contractors                       W. 4th St., Holton, KS 66436; phone 785-364-4309.
                                                                     For any questions pertaining to the project listed above,
Name and Location of Project                                      please contact Hakim Saadi, P.E., Watershed Program
  Rehabilitation of Delaware Watershed Joint District             Manager at 785-291-3099 or hakim.saadi@ks.gov.
No. 10 Site A-99, located in South Half of Sec. 13, Town-
ship 6 South, Range 16 East, Jackson County, Kansas.                                                            Andrew Lyon
                                                                                                            Executive Director
Bid Opening Date and Location                                     Doc. No. 049853
  Sealed bids will be received by the Delaware Water-
shed Joint District No. 10, 125 W. 4th St., Holton, KS            State of Kansas
66436, until 1:30 p.m. (CST) March 24, 2022. Any bids
received after the specified time will not be considered.                     Board of Regents Universities
Description of Site 153                                                                Notice to Bidders
Dam Specification                                                    The universities of the Kansas Board of Regents encour-
 Upgrade/repair/modification with 5400 cubic yards fill.          age interested vendors to visit the various universities’
Principal Spillway Type and Size                                  purchasing offices’ websites for a listing of all transactions,
  Replace existing principal spillway with 12” DR25               including construction projects, for which the universities’
AWA C-900 and appurtenances.                                      purchasing offices, or one of the consortia commonly uti-
                                                                  lized by the universities, are seeking information, com-
Other specifications                                              petitive bids, or proposals. The referenced construction
  Removal of existing principal spillway; drawdown                projects may include project delivery construction pro-
pipe 6” diameter DR25 209.2 feet.                                 curement act projects pursuant to K.S.A. 76-7,125 et seq.
Contract Documents                                                  Emporia State University – Bid postings: https://www.
   Copies of the contract documents are on file at the of-        emporia.edu/about-emporia-state-university/business-
fice of the Delaware Watershed Joint District No. 10, 125         office/purchasing. Additional contact information: phone:
W. 4th St., Holton, KS 66436; phone 785-364-4309.                 620-341-5137, email: purchaseorders@emporia.edu. Mail-
   For any questions pertaining to the project listed above,      ing address: Emporia State University Purchasing, Cam-
please contact Hakim Saadi, P.E., Watershed Program               pus Box 4021, 1 Kellogg Circle, Emporia, KS 66801.
Manager at 785-291-3099 or hakim.saadi@ks.gov.
                                                                    Fort Hays State University – Electronic bid post-
                                               Andrew Lyon        ings: http://www.fhsu.edu/purchasing/bids. Additional
                                           Executive Director     contact information: phone: 785- 628-4251, fax: 785-628-
Doc. No. 049852
                                                                  4046, email: purchasing@fhsu.edu. Mailing address: Fort
                                                                  Hays State University Purchasing Office, 601 Park St.,
State of Kansas
                                                                  Sheridan Hall 318, Hays, KS 67601.
                  Department of Agriculture                         Kansas State University – Bid postings: https://dfs.
                  Division of Conservation                        ksucloud.net/rfq. All bids must be submitted via Kan-
                                                                  sas State University’s Vendor Bid Submission Secure
                      Notice to Contractors
                                                                  File Upload portal, https://www.k-state.edu/finsvcs/
Name and Location of Project                                      purchasing/bidsubmission.html.     Additional contact
  Rehabilitation of Delaware Watershed Joint District             information: phone: 785-532-6214, fax: 785-532-5577,
No. 10 Site C-58, located in NE 1/4 Sec. 25, Township 6           email: kspurch@k-state.edu. Mailing address: Division of
South, Range 14 East, Jackson County, Kansas.                                                                             (continued)

                                              Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022                           © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
314                                                                                                                             Notices
                                                                      Kansas Register
Financial Services/Purchasing, 2323 Anderson Ave., Kan-                        State of Kansas
sas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.                                              Department of Administration
   Pittsburg State University – Bid postings: https://www.                            Office of Procurement and Contracts
pittstate.edu/office/purchasing. Additional contact infor-
mation: phone: 620-235-4169, email: sburke@pittstate.edu.                                          Notice to Bidders
Mailing address: Pittsburg State University, Purchasing
                                                                                  Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Of-
Office, 1701 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762.
                                                                               fice of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
   University of Kansas – Electronic bid postings: http://                     date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.
www.procurement.ku.edu. Due to Covid-19, the Univer-                              All bids are to be submitted via email only to
sity of Kansas will not be accepting paper bids until fur-                     procurement@ks.gov. For more information, please visit
ther notice. Additional contact information: phone: 785-                       https://admin.ks.gov/docs/default-source/ofpm/procure-
864-5800, email: purchasing@ku.edu.                                            ment-contracts/bid-submission-via-email-12-7-2020.pdf.
   University of Kansas Medical Center – Electronic bid                        03/16/2022 EVT0008417       Refuse Services – Wichita, DCF
postings: http://www.kumc.edu/finance/purchasing/bid-                          03/17/2022 EVT0008418       Janitorial Services – Osawatomie
opportunities.html. Additional contact information:                            		                          State Hospital
phone: 913-588-1117, email: hunkemoore@kumc.edu.                                 The above referenced bid documents can be down-
Mailing address: University of Kansas Medical Center,                          loaded at the following website:
Purchasing Department, Mail Stop 2034, 3901 Rainbow
Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160.                                                  https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/
   Wichita State University – Bid postings: http://www.                                                 FL.GBL
wichita.edu/purchasing. Additional contact information:
phone: 316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3738, email: purchasing.                        Additional files may be located at the following web-
office@wichita.edu. Mailing address: Wichita State Uni-                        site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for
versity, Office of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Cam-                       any changes/addenda):
pus Box 38, Wichita, KS 67260-0038.                                            http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/
                                          Kathy Herrman                                  additional-files-for-bid-solicitations
                      Chair of Regents Purchasing Group                        03/10/2022 A-014324 KDOT; Oberlin – New Subarea
                                      Purchasing Director                      		Facility
                                Fort Hays State University                     03/17/2022 A-014322 KDOT; Scott City – New Subarea
Doc. No. 049784                                                                		Facility
                                                                               03/17/2022 A-014340 ESU; King Hall Breuder Theatre –
              (Published in the Kansas Register February 24, 2022.)            		                  Pilaster Repairs
                                                                               03/17/2022 A-014452 ESU; William Allen White Library –
                   Cimarron Valley Railroad                                    		                  Partial Reroof
                                                                               03/17/2022 A-014453 ESU; Brighton Lecture Hall – Reroof
                              Notice to Bidders
                                                                                 Information regarding prequalification, projects, and
  The Cimarron Valley Railroad is seeking bids for sev-                        bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or http://
en (7) Locomotive Auxiliary Power Units (APUs). KDOT                           admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc.
Project No. RA-1641-22, Agreement No. 320-21.
  The APU must be an EPA Smart Way Verified product                                                             Richard Beattie,Director
that has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing loco-                                          Office of Procurement and Contracts
                                                                               Doc. No. 049862
motive idling.
  The APU must be able to:
                                                                               State of Kansas
  • Heat and circulate locomotive engine cooling water
  • Heat and circulate locomotive engine lube oil                                  Department of Health and Environment
  • Charge the locomotive batteries                                                   Division of Health Care Finance
  • Have its own diesel engine and require no other
      power source                                                                                   Public Notice
  • Come equipped with an installation kit                                       The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,
  • Have instructions for installation                                         Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is
  • Be capable of reporting operating status to a WiTro-                       amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. In response to
      nix communication system                                                 the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the state is adding the
  The APU must have a maximum overall height of 36”                            following mandatory benefits as stated in the act:
or less.                                                                         • Mandatory benefit for coverage of COVID-19 vac-
  Please submit bids to Nathan Carlson at NCarlson@                                cines and administration without cost sharing;
Jag-Transport.com.                                                               • Mandatory benefit for coverage of COVID-19 test-
                                         Nathan Carlson                            ing, including at-home tests, without cost-sharing
                                  Director of Mechanical                           for most Medicaid beneficiaries;
                                   Jaguar Rail Transport                         • Mandatory benefit for coverage of COVID-19 relat-
Doc. No. 049837                                                                    ed treatments, including specialized equipment and

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                        Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                       315
                                                 Kansas Register
      therapies (including preventive therapies) without       William C. Stelzner
      cost-sharing.                                            Kansas Department of Health and Environment
   The effective date for the state plan amendment (SPA)       Division of Health Care Finance
is March 11, 2021.                                             900 SW Jackson, Room 900N
                                                               Topeka, KS 66612
           Fee-For-               Estimated Federal
         Service Only           Financial Participation        The last day for public comment is March 28, 2022.
                                                               Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at
           FFY 2022                       $0                 a Local Health Department (LHD).
           FFY 2023                       $0
                                                                                                          Sarah Fertig
   To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a                                          State Medicaid Director
comment, or to review comments, please contact Wil-          Doc. No. 049864
liam C. Stelzner by email at william.stelzner@ks.gov or
by mail at:                                                  State of Kansas
  William C. Stelzner                                            Department of Health and Environment
  Kansas Department of Health and Environment                       Division of Health Care Finance
  Division of Health Care Finance
  900 SW Jackson, Room 900N                                                          Public Notice
  Topeka, KS 66612
                                                                The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,
  The last day for public comment is March 28, 2022.         Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is
  Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at      amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. In response
a Local Health Department (LHD).                             to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA), the
                                             Sarah Fertig    state is adding to the state plan the new mandatory bene-
                                  State Medicaid Director    fit to cover routine patient costs for services furnished in
Doc. No. 049863                                              connection with participation in qualifying clinical trials.
                                                                The effective date for the state plan amendment (SPA)
State of Kansas                                              is January 1, 2022.
    Department of Health and Environment                                Fee-For-               Estimated Federal
       Division of Health Care Finance                                Service Only           Financial Participation
                                                                        FFY 2022                       $0
                        Public Notice                                   FFY 2023                       $0
  The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,              To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a
Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is               comment, or to review comments, please contact Wil-
amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. In response to      liam C. Stelzner by email at william.stelzner@ks.gov or
the American Rescue Plan (ARP), the state is adding the      by mail at:
following mandatory benefits to the Alternative Benefit
Plan (ABP):                                                    William C. Stelzner
                                                               Kansas Department of Health and Environment
  • Mandatory benefit for coverage of COVID-19 vac-            Division of Health Care Finance
    cines and administration without cost sharing;             900 SW Jackson, Room 900N
  • Mandatory benefit for coverage of COVID-19 test-           Topeka, KS 66612
    ing, including at-home tests, without cost-sharing
    for most Medicaid beneficiaries;                           The last day for public comment is March 28, 2022.
  • Mandatory benefit for coverage of COVID-19 relat-          Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at
    ed treatments, including specialized equipment and       a Local Health Department (LHD).
    therapies (including preventive therapies) without                                                    Sarah Fertig
    cost-sharing.                                                                              State Medicaid Director
                                                             Doc. No. 049865
   The state assures that as outlined in 42 CFR §440.345,
EPSDT services will continue to be available to all eligi-
ble ABP beneficiaries.                                       State of Kansas
   The effective date for the state plan amendment (SPA)         Department of Health and Environment
is March 11, 2021.                                                  Division of Health Care Finance
           Fee-For-               Estimated Federal
         Service Only           Financial Participation                              Public Notice
           FFY 2022                       $0                   The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,
           FFY 2023                       $0                 Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is
                                                             amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. In response
   To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a        to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA), the
comment, or to review comments, please contact Wil-          state is adding to the Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP) the
liam C. Stelzner by email at william.stelzner@ks.gov or      new mandatory benefit to cover routine patient costs for
by mail at:                                                                                                          (continued)

                                         Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022                           © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
316                                                                                                                    Notices
                                                         Kansas Register
services furnished in connection with participation in               26, 2022. KDHE will prepare a response to all public com-
qualifying clinical trials. The state assures that as out-           ments and revise the draft list as necessary. KDHE will
lined in 42 CFR §440.345, EPSDT services will continue               submit the list, the methodology, and any public com-
to be available to all eligible ABP beneficiaries.                   ments with KDHE’s response to Region 7 of the U.S. Envi-
   The effective date for the state plan amendment (SPA)             ronmental Protection Agency on March 30, 2022.
is January 1, 2022.                                                    The public hearing will take place from 11:00 a.m. to
             Fee-For-                     Estimated Federal          12:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, 2022 via Zoom. Regis-
           Service Only                 Financial Participation      ter at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_
             FFY 2022                             $0                   Any individual with a disability may request accom-
             FFY 2023                             $0                 modation in order to participate in the public hearing
   To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a                process. Requests for accommodation to participate in
comment, or to review comments, please contact Wil-                  the hearing process should be made at least five working
liam C. Stelzner by email at william.stelzner@ks.gov or              days in advance of the hearing by calling 785-296-5508.
by mail at:                                                          Other inquiries regarding this notice should be directed
                                                                     to Dane Boring at dane.boring@ks.gov or 785-296-5508.
   William C. Stelzner
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment                                                                     Janet Stanek
   Division of Health Care Finance                                                                             Acting Secretary
                                                                     Doc. No. 049858
   900 SW Jackson, Room 900N
   Topeka, KS 66612
                                                                     State of Kansas
  The last day for public comment is March 28, 2022.
  Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at                  Department of Health and Environment
a Local Health Department (LHD).
                                                                                           Public Notice
                                                     Sarah Fertig
                                                                        The Kansas Department of Health and Environment
                                          State Medicaid Director
Doc. No. 049866
                                                                     (KDHE) has prepared a draft combined Kansas/NPDES
                                                                     Water Pollution Control general permit for the discharge
State of Kansas                                                      of hydrostatic test water from new pipelines and stor-
                                                                     age tanks, and/or existing pipelines and storage tanks
     Department of Health and Environment                            exposed to crude oil and refined petroleum products or
                                                                     natural/liquified petroleum gases or other chemicals.
                              Notice of Hearing                         A general wastewater permit is provided for those en-
  The Kansas Department of Health and Environment                    tities engaged in similar activities and discharging the
(KDHE) announces a public hearing on the 2022 Kan-                   same types of wastewater. The wastewater from these
sas 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Section 303(d) of the            types of activities has a low public health and environ-
Clean Water Act requires states to biennially prepare                mental risk. A general permit is placed on public no-
a list of waters failing to meet state water quality stan-           tice once during the life of the permit and then is made
dards. Such waters are required to have Total Maximum                available, without further public notice, to entities for
Daily Loads (TMDLs) prepared by the state to restore                 activities which meet the requirements of the permit.
their water quality. A TMDL is the maximum amount of                 The permittees are also required to meet all other fed-
the impairing pollutant that can enter the water without             eral, state, and local requirements. To be covered under
causing a violation of its water quality standards.                  the draft permit, the permittee is required to submit the
  Since 1999, Kansas has developed TMDLs for impaired                notice of intent and receive a signed and dated permit
surface waters in each of the state’s 12 river basins. KDHE          from KDHE.
develops and revises TMDLs for selected impairments                     The draft permit contains limits for oil and grease, pH
identified in the current Section 303(d) list by prioritizing        and total suspended solids and monitoring for flow and
watersheds or waters for restoration and protection. In              total residual chlorine (if present in the source water) for
accordance with the Kansas TMDL development cycle,                   all discharges plus chemical oxygen demand, naphtha-
TMDLs will be developed for total phosphorus during                  lene, and benzene limits for pipelines and storage vessels
this listing cycle. The draft 2022 Kansas 303(d) List will           exposed to petroleum products. In addition, this permit
emphasize nutrient reductions, including an initial des-             covers hydrotest of pipes/tanks used to transport/store
ignation of TMDLs to be developed over the next two                  other chemicals. Parameter limits for these other chemi-
years. The list and its methodology will be made avail-              cals are based on the Kansas Water Quality Criteria and
able prior to the hearing at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/                Federal Regulations.
1219/303d-Methodology-List-of-Impaired-Waters.                          Copies of the notice of intent application, instructions,
  The public hearing will open with a brief summary of               draft permit, and other supporting documents may be
the list and its methodology as it pertains to the waters            viewed at the KDHE website at https://www.kdhe.
of the state. Public testimony will then be taken after the          ks.gov/1056/Technical-Services or requested in hard
presentation. Please provide a written copy of any testi-            copy by writing Kansas Department of Health and En-
mony at the hearing. Written testimony will be accepted              vironment, Bureau of Water–Technical Services Section,
by KDHE any time prior to the close of business on March             1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612-1367.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                  Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                       317
                                                  Kansas Register
  Persons wishing to comment on the draft permit must          KDHE Bureau of Waste Management website at https://
submit written comments to the above address by March          www.kdhe.ks.gov/676/Solid-Waste-Public-Notices.
26, 2022.                                                        Anyone wishing to comment on the draft permit infor-
                                              Janet Stanek     mation should submit written statements postmarked no
                                          Acting Secretary     later than March 25, 2022, to Emery Wiens, at the follow-
Doc. No. 049859
                                                               ing address:
                                                                 Kansas Department of Health and Environment
State of Kansas                                                  Bureau of Waste Management
    Department of Health and Environment                         1000 SW Jackson, Suite 320
                                                                 Topeka, KS 66612
                      Public Notice                              785-296-2751
   The Kansas Department of Health and Environment
(KDHE) has reviewed an application from the City of               After consideration of all comments received, the direc-
Lawrence, Kansas, to add source-separated organic waste        tor of the Division of Environment of KDHE will make a
composting to their existing yard waste composting facil-      final decision on whether to issue the permit. Notice of
ity. Approved source-separated items requested for com-        the decision will be given to anyone who submitted writ-
posting are food waste and small amounts of food-soiled        ten comments during the comment period and to those
cardboard. No new composting area will be added to the         who requested notice of the final permit decision.
existing compost pad; however, the east end of the pad                                                        Janet Stanek
will be reserved for food waste composting. The facility is                                               Acting Secretary
presently involved in a small-scale food waste compost-        Doc. No. 049850
ing trial period involving several local organizations. In
the future, additional source-separated materials may be       State of Kansas
composted if specifically approved by KDHE.                        Department of Health and Environment
   The composting facility is located at 1420 E. 11th St.,
Lawrence, Kansas, in the S ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 32,                              Public Notice
Township 12S, Range 20E, in Douglas County, Kansas.               The Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Traffic control at the facility is provided by the Solid       (KDHE) has received a permit modification request to
Waste Division’s on-site operator and by a locked access       expand the disposal area at the Deffenbaugh Industries
gate. All vehicles entering the facility access through the    Johnson County, Kansas landfill operating under KDHE
south gate, drive to the unloading area, dump materi-          Permit 263. The Johnson County, Kansas landfill is locat-
als, and exit through the same gate. Access will be con-       ed at 17955 Holliday Dr., Shawnee, Kansas, in parts of
trolled to prevent illegal dumping at the compost site.        Section 1 and the North ½ of Section 12, Township 12
Public access will be restricted. Compost will be sold         South, Range 23 East plus parts of the West ½ of Section
or given to farmers, businesses, homeowners, and com-          6 and the Northwest ¼ of Section 7, Township12 South,
munity gardens.                                                Range 24 East. The application presents that Deffen-
   KDHE has reviewed the application from the City of          baugh Industries proposes to add 28.2 acres of disposal
Lawrence, Kansas to widen the scope of their existing          area to the Phase 6 disposal area permitted in 2007. This
permit number 0855, through the Bureau of Waste Man-           additional area is within the site’s Barker Road berm ad-
agement, and has found the application to be in confor-        jacent to Phase 6, west and north of the Phase 6 current-
mance with state solid waste statutes and regulations.         ly permitted disposal area limits. This will result in the
KDHE is providing public notice of its intent to add           approximately 850-acre landfill site containing approxi-
source-separated composting to the existing composting         mately 478 acres permitted for solid waste disposal. The
permit of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, at the existing        proposed Phase 6 expansion will provide approximately
yard waste composting facility described herein. A copy        5.65 million additional cubic yards, a 6.7 percent disposal
of the administrative record, which includes the draft         capacity increase, extending the site’s life by about 3.2
permit page and all information regarding this permit          years, which with currently permitted disposal areas will
action, is available for public review until March 25, 2022,   provide Johnson County, Kansas with a municipal solid
during normal business hours, Monday through Friday,           waste disposal facility for about 19 years.
at the following location:                                        The expanded Phase 6 disposal area will be built to
  City of Lawrence, Kansas                                     the Subtitle D standards used for new municipal sol-
  City Clerk’s Office                                          id waste disposal areas at the Johnson County, Kansas
  City Hall, 3rd Floor                                         landfill since the standards’ adoption by KDHE in 1994.
  6 E. 6th St.                                                 These standards require disposal areas be construct-
  Lawrence, KS 66044                                           ed with a bottom liner consisting of an impervious
  Contact: Sherri Riedemann                                    geomembrane liner atop a two-foot-thick layer of com-
  785-832-3201                                                 pacted clay. The liner is sloped with a drainage layer
  sriedemann@lawrenceks.org                                    atop it so that liquids that may percolate through the
                                                               waste drain to a sump and are removed from the land-
 Additionally, the application form with primary per-          fill for treatment or disposal.
mit information is available for public viewing on the                                                               (continued)

                                          Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022                          © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
318                                                                                                            Notices
                                                 Kansas Register
   The Johnson County Commission has certified that          State of Kansas
the expansion is consistent with the county’s solid waste       Department of Health and Environment
management plan and the City of Shawnee, Kansas has
certified that the expansion is consistent with local zon-            Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas
ing requirements. KDHE has reviewed the application              Air Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal
and found it to be in conformance with the state solid
waste statutes and regulations.                                 Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
   KDHE is today providing public notice of their intent     Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
to approve the proposed Johnson County, Kansas land-         regarding a proposed air quality operating permit. Koch
fill expansion. However, a final decision to approve the     Fertilizer Dodge City, LLC has applied for a Class I oper-
expansion has not been made, and KDHE will consider          ating permit renewal in accordance with the provisions
information gathered during a public comment period          of K.A.R. 28-19-510 et al. The purpose of a Class I permit
before making a final decision. A copy of the admin-         is to identify the sources and types of regulated air pol-
istrative record which includes the permit application,      lutants emitted from the facility; the emission limitations,
engineering drawings, draft permit, and other infor-         standards, and requirements applicable to each source;
mation with respect to this permit action will be avail-     and the monitoring, record keeping, and reporting re-
able for public review from February 24, 2022 through        quirements applicable to each source as of the effective
March 28, 2022 during normal business hours at the fol-      date of permit issuance.
lowing locations:                                               Koch Fertilizer Dodge City, LLC, PO Box 1337, Dodge
                                                             City, KS 67801, owns and operates a fertilizer manufac-
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment               turing facility located at 11559 US-50 Hwy., Dodge City,
   Bureau of Waste Management                                Ford County, KS 67801.
   1000 SW Jackson, Suite 320                                   A copy of the proposed permit, permit application, all
   Topeka, Kansas 66612                                      supporting documentation, and all information relied
   Contact: Mindy Bowman                                     upon during the permit application review process are
   785- 296-1601                                             available for public review during normal business hours
                                                             of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau of Air (BOA),
   Johnson County Department of                              1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366 and at
   Health and Environment                                    the Southwest District Office, 302 W. McArtor Rd., Dodge
   11811 S. Sunset Dr., Suite 2700
                                                             City, KS 67801. To obtain or review the proposed permit
   Olathe, KS 66061-7062
                                                             and supporting documentation, contact Rumela Bhadra,
   Contact: Craig Wood
                                                             785-291-3271, at the central office of the KDHE or Ethel Ev-
                                                             ans, 620-682-7940; 620-356-1075 (Ulysses Location), at the
   Additionally, the application form is available for       Southwest District Office. The standard departmental cost
public viewing at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/676/Solid-         will be assessed for any copies requested. The proposed
Waste-Public-Notices. Anyone wishing to comment              permit, accompanied with supporting information, is
on the proposed facility should submit written state-        available, free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice
ments by 5:00 p.m. March 28, 2022 to Charles Bowers, at      website at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/413/Public-Notices.
KDHE’s Southeast District Office, 308 W. 14th, Chan-            Please direct written comments or questions regarding
ute, KS 66720, by facsimile to 620-431-1211, or by email     the proposed permit to Rumela Bhadra, KDHE, BOA,
to charles.bowers@.ks.gov. Comments postmarked by            1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In
March 28, 2022 received within one week thereafter will      order to be considered in formulating a final permit de-
also be considered. If the department determines there       cision, written comments must be received no later than
is sufficient and pertinent local interest in the proposed   12:00 p.m. Monday, March 28, 2022.
permit action, a public hearing may be scheduled, and           A person may request a public hearing be held on the
a public notice will be published announcing the time,       proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
date, and location of the public hearing.                    be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
   After consideration of all the comments received          written request must be submitted to Rumela Bhadra,
during the public notice period and public hearing if one    KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
is held, KDHE will make a final decision on whether to       66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 28,
issue the permit modification. Notice of the decision will   2022 in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
be given to the applicant, anyone who submitted written      ment to consider the request.
comments during the comment period, and those who               The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a
requested notice of the final permit decision.               45-day review period, which will start concurrently with
                                            Janet Stanek     the public comment period, within which to object to the
                                        Acting Secretary     proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing
Doc. No. 049856                                              to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review
                                                             period, any person may petition the administrator of the
                                                             EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-
                                                             riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.
                                                             Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the
                                                             EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022         Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                                          319
                                                           Kansas Register
  Any such petition shall be based only on objections to the             Kansas Permit No. A-UASC-C025
permit that were raised with reasonable specificity during               Federal Permit No. KS0094153
the public comment period provided for in this notice, un-               The proposed action is to modify the current State/NPDES permit for
less the petitioner demonstrates that it was impracticable                 an existing facility. Modifications to the permit will be to revise the
to raise such objections within such period, or unless the                 facility description to include the constructions of diversion berms to
grounds for such objection arose after such period. Con-                   control drainage from the south sick pens and feed storage area, and
tact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air Permitting and                 a new earthen channel to connect the existing West and East waste-
                                                                           water retention control structures. There are no other changes to the
Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, KS 66219,                   permit. Only the portions of the permit being modified are subject to
913-551-7960, to determine when the 45-day EPA review                      comment. This facility has an approved Nutrient Management Plan
period ends and the 60-day petition period commences.                      on file with KDHE.
                                                     Janet Stanek        Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
                                                 Acting Secretary        of Applicant
Doc. No. 049851                                                          Willis West              SW/4 of Section 04       Missouri River Basin
                                                                         Thomas L. and            T04S, R17E
State of Kansas                                                            Joyce E. Lockwood      Brown County
                                                                         1504 150th St.
    Department of Health and Environment                                 Hiawatha, KS 66434
                                                                         Kansas Permit No. A-MOBR-S036
        Notice Concerning Kansas/Federal Water
       Pollution Control Permits and Applications                        The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-
                                                                           ing facility for 2,489 head (995.6 animal units) of swine more than
   In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-                        55 pounds and 2 head (4 animal units) of horses, for a total of 999.6
tions 28-16-57a through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1                   animal units. There will be no change in the operation or permitted
through 31 and 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and                     number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
                                                                           approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
the authority vested with the state by the administrator
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various                     Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
draft water pollution control documents (permits, notic-                 of Applicant
es to revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been                Cudney Farms             NE/4 of Section 35       Neosho River Basin
prepared and/or permit applications have been received                   Monty Cudney             T34S, R23E
for discharges to waters of the United States and the state              9464 SW 10th St.         Cherokee County
                                                                         Columbus, KS 66725
of Kansas for the class of discharges described below.
   The proposed actions concerning the draft documents                   Kansas Permit No. A-NECK-F013
are based on staff review, applying the appropriate stan-                The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
dards, regulations, and effluent limitations of the state of               facility for 50,000 head (900 animal units) of turkeys. There will be no
Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency. The                        change in the operation or permitted number of animal units from
final action will result in a Federal National Pollutant Dis-              the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste Manage-
                                                                           ment Plan on file with KDHE.
charge Elimination System Authorization and/or a Kansas
Water Pollution Control permit being issued, subject to                  Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance of the des-               of Applicant
ignated permit or termination of the designated permit.                  Russell Livestock, LLC SE/4 of Section 34         Smoky Hill River
                                                                         Greg Carey             T13S, R14W                 Basin
            Public Notice No. KS-AG-22-055/062                           720 S. Fossil          Russell County
                                                                         Russell, KS 67665
    Pending Permits for Confined Feeding Facilities
                                                                         Kansas Permit No. A-SHRS-B003
Name and Address        Legal Description      Receiving Water
of Applicant                                                             The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
Harold R. Burnett       N/2 of Section 17      Upper Arkansas              facility for 125.3 animal units of cattle more than 700 pounds. There
  Trust                 T18S, R32W             River Basin                 will be no change in the operation or permitted number of animal
PO Box 433              Scott County                                       units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste
Scott City, KS 67871                                                       Management Plan on file with KDHE.
Kansas Permit No. A-UASC-C013                                            Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
Federal Permit No. KS0119474                                             of Applicant
The proposed action is to modify and reissue an existing NPDES per-      Wiebe Farms, Inc. -      NE/4 of Section 32       Walnut River Basin
  mit for an expanding facility for 4,000 head (4,000 animal units) of     Homeplace              T23S, R03E
  cattle weighing greater than 700 pounds. This permit is being mod-     Gordon Wiebe             Butler County
  ified to reflect the addition of a waste storage pond as well as the   12627 NW Prairie
  construction of two diversions and their corresponding berms. There      Creek Rd.
  is no change in the permitted number of animal units from the pre-     Whitewater, KS 67154
  vious permit.
                                                                         Kansas Permit No. A-WABU-S037
Name and Address        Legal Description      Receiving Water
of Applicant                                                             The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an ex-
Arndt and Jones         SE/4 of Section 30     Upper Arkansas              isting facility for 1,920 head (768 animal units) of swine more than
  Feedyard, LLC         T18S, R31W             River Basin                 55 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permitted
Steven Arndt            Scott County                                       number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
2401 N. Union Rd.                                                          approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
Scott City, KS 67871                                                                                                                    (continued)

                                                 Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022                                      © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
320                                                                                                       Notices/Executive Branch
                                                                 Kansas Register
Name and Address               Legal Description     Receiving Water               All comments received will be responded to at the
of Applicant                                                                    time the Secretary of Health and Environment issues
Roger Filbrun                  NW/4 of Section 31    Marais des Cygnes          a determination regarding final agency action on each
25546 NW Chase Rd.             T20S, R18E            River Basin                draft document/application. If response to any draft
Westphalia, KS 66093           Anderson County                                  document/application indicates significant public inter-
Kansas Permit No. A-MCAN-B002                                                   est, a public hearing may be held in conformance with
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
                                                                                K.A.R. 28-16-61 (28-46-21 for UIC). A request for public
  facility for 600 head (600 animal units) of cattle weighing more than         hearing must be submitted in writing and shall state the
  700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permitted             nature of the issues proposed to be raised during the
  number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an         hearing.
  approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.                                Comments or objections for agricultural related draft
Name and Address               Legal Description     Receiving Water            documents, permit applications, registrations or actions
of Applicant                                                                    should be submitted to the attention of Paige Drury,
Rhodes Farms                   NE/4 of Section 14    Kansas River Basin         Livestock Waste Management Section at the KDHE, Bu-
Chris Rhodes                   T10S, R19E                                       reau of Environmental Field Services (BEFS), 1000 SW
7621 Wellman Rd.               Jefferson County
McLouth, KS 66054
                                                                                Jackson, Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612. Comments or ob-
                                                                                jections for all other proposed permits or actions should
Kansas Permit No. A-KSJF-B006                                                   be sent to Michael Beezhold at the KDHE, Bureau of Wa-
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing      ter, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612.
  facility for 50 head (50 animal units) of cattle weighing more than 700          All draft documents/applications and the supporting
  pounds and 200 head (100 animal units) of cattle weighing less than
  700 pounds, for a total of 150 animal units. There will be no change in       information including any comments received are on file
  the operation or permitted number of animal units from the previous           and may be inspected at the offices of the KDHE. For ag-
  permit. This facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on file           ricultural related draft documents or applications an ap-
  with KDHE.                                                                    pointment can be scheduled, or copies requested by con-
                                                                                tacting Rachel Hammond at 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite
                   Public Notice No. KS-Q-22-013                                430, Topeka, KS 66612, telephone 785-296-6432 or email
  The requirements of the draft permit public noticed                           at kdhe.feedlots@ks.gov. For all other proposed permits
below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-                           or actions an appointment can be scheduled, or copies
ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface                         requested by contacting Christopher Zwiener, Bureau of
Water Criteria.                                                                 Water, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612,
                                                                                telephone 785-296-3056 or email at Christopher.Zwiener@
Name and Address               Receiving Stream      Type of Discharge          ks.gov. These documents are available upon request at
of Applicant
                                                                                the copying cost assessed by KDHE. Application infor-
Kansas Turnpike                Kansas River via      Treated Domestic           mation and components of plans and specifications for all
  Authority                    Stranger Creek via    Wastewater
3939 SW Topeka Blvd.           Nine Mile Creek via
                                                                                new and expanding swine facilities are available at http://
Topeka, KS 66609               Unnamed Tributary                                www.kdhe.ks.gov/livestock. Division of Environment of-
                                                                                fices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Kansas Permit No. C-KS31-OO02
Federal Permit No. KS0053694                                                    Friday, excluding holidays.
Legal Description: NE¼, NE¼, SE¼, S12, T12S, R20E, Leavenworth                                                               Janet Stanek
  County, Kansas                                                                                                         Acting Secretary
Facility Name: KTA – Lawrence Service Area                                      Doc. No. 049860

Facility Location: I-70 at Milepost 209
                                                                                State of Kansas
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for
  an existing facility. This facility is a four-cell wastewater stabilization                     Office of the Governor
  lagoon system. The proposed permit contains limits for biochemical
  oxygen demand, total suspended solids, ammonia, and E. coli, as                           Executive Directive No. 22-550
  well as monitoring for pH.                                                       Affirming State Law in Agency CMS Compliance
                                                                                WHEREAS, Kansas is committed to the continued
  Persons wishing to comment on or object to the draft                          well-being of its citizens and families;
documents and/or permit applications must submit
                                                                                WHEREAS, ensuring the effective delivery of public hu-
their comments in writing to the Kansas Department
                                                                                man services is a necessary component of healthy com-
of Health and Environment (KDHE) if they wish to
have the comments or objections considered in the de-
cision-making process. All written comments regarding                           WHEREAS, certain Kansas state health facilities are cer-
the draft documents, application or registration notices                        tified and receive funding through federal Medicare and
received on or before March 26, 2022, will be considered                        Medicaid programs;
in the formulation of the final determination regarding                         WHEREAS, the federal Centers for Medicare and Med-
this public notice. Please refer to the appropriate Kansas                      icaid Services (CMS) has published an interim final rule
document number (KS-AG-22-055/062, KS-Q-22-013)                                 establishing requirements regarding COVID-19 vaccine
and name of the applicant/permittee when preparing                              immunization of staff among Medicare- and Medicaid-
comments.                                                                       certified providers and suppliers;

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                      Vol. 41, No. 8, February 24, 2022
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