2018-19 Speech Individual Events - Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association

Page created by Herman Erickson
2018-19 Speech Individual Events - Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
Individual Events
      Manual for
 Schools and Managers
2018-19 Speech Individual Events - Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
2018-19 Speech: Individual Events
                                                                                                                Revision History
Manual for Schools and Managers Table of Contents

School Information
Important Dates..........................................................................................1
Terms and Conditions Changes..................................................................1
Terms and Conditions ...........................................................................2-19
Competition Information .....................................................................20-21
Laptop Use in Extemporaneous Speaking ................................................22
Speech: Individual Events Judges Top 15 List.........................................23
Request for Additional Awards............................................................24-25

General Information
Do What’s Right Sportsmanship .............................................................27
Future Dates .............................................................................................28

Manager Information
Manager Information...........................................................................30-32
Important Dates........................................................................................33
Manager Checklist...............................................................................34-35
Regional Committee Members Report......................................................36
Agenda for Regional Entry Meeting.....................................................37-38
Sectional Judges’ Preference Form ..........................................................39
State Judges’ Preference Form.................................................................40
Winner Report Instructions ......................................................................41
Award Delivery Information ......................................................................42
Regional/Sectional Duplicate Awards Form ..............................................43
Royalty Policy...........................................................................................44
Judges Confirmation Letter ......................................................................45
Effective Judging ......................................................................................46
Room Chairman/Timer Instructions .........................................................47
Time Sheets..............................................................................................48
IE/PIR Ballot .............................................................................................49
IE Critique Form........................................................................................50
Protest Form.............................................................................................51
Tentative Budget Information ...................................................................52
Tentative Budget.......................................................................................53
Financial Report ..................................................................................54-55
2018-19 Speech Individual Events - Schools and Managers - Illinois High School Association
Meet the Speech Advisory Committee

     Conor Cameron          Christiana Cooper              Gail Smith          Marisa Romanelli          Ed Jodlowski          Lisa Stout        Tina Mondino
          Coach                   Coach                Activities Director          Coach                  Principal             Coach               Coach
Chicago (Solorio Academy)    Gurnee (Warren)       Flossmoor (Homewood-F.)     Kewanee (H.S.)         Stanford (Olympia)      Washington          Harrisburg
    Term Expires 2021       Term Expires 2021          Term Expires 2020      Term Expires 2019       Term Expires 2019    Term Expires 2020   Term Expires 2021
        Division 1              Division 2                 Division 3             Division 4              Division 5           Division 6          Division 7

                              2018-19 Speech: Individual Events State Final
Important Dates:
Thursday, November 1............................................Entry Deadline
Saturday, December 1.............................................Regional Assignments Posted
Monday, January 28................................................List of Participants Online Deadline
Monday, January 28................................................Regional Entry Meeting – Entry Fees Due
Saturday, February 2 ...............................................Regionals
Saturday, February 9 ...............................................Sectionals
Friday-Saturday, February 15-16.............................State Final @ Peoria Civic Center
                                                                    (Time Schedule Posted on IHSA.org)
Wednesday, April 10 ...............................................Speech Advisory Committee Meeting

Future State Series Dates:
Regionals                          Sectionals                          State
February 8, 2020                   February 15, 2020                   February 21-22, 2020
February 6, 2021                   February 13, 2021                   February 19-20, 2021
February 5, 2022                   February 12, 2022                   February 18-19, 2022

Terms and Conditions: The Terms and Conditions are the rules under which your school agreed to compete in the state series. The Terms and
Conditions can be found online at IHSA.org on the “Individual Events” page under “Resources”.

2018-2019 Rule Changes: Refer to the gray shaded areas of the Speech Individual Events State Series Terms and Conditions for any rule changes.

1. Item - Extemporaneous Speaking - Time Limit
Time Limit: 6 minutes 7 minutes.
Time Limit Penalty: For each full thirty (30) seconds of overtime (67:30:01, 78:00.01, etc. or 1 tic past 67:30, 78:00 etc. on a sweep hand) the
speakers ranking from each judge will be lowered by one (1) place. This reduction is mandatory and will be administered by contest management.
The other contestants’ ranks will not be affected. There is no penalty for speaking less than seven (67) minutes.

2. Item VIII-F-6 - Add Visual Aids section and renumber remaining items & sections for Oratory, Special Occasion Speaking and Informative
Speaking - Use of Script, Props and Visual Aids During Performance
Visual aids are not permitted at any time, including handouts or materials before, during or after the round in Oratory, Special Occasion Speaking
and Informative Speaking.

3. Performance in the Round
No performance elements should occur in the aisles. However, for entrances and exits, performers may only maintain physical (no verbal/sound)

2018-19 Speech State Series
                                                                  Terms and Conditions

    In accordance with Section 1.450 of the              C. Late Entries: Any attempt to enter a       speech contests are eligible under the rules.
IHSA Constitution, the IHSA Board of               sport or activity online after the established      Correspondence with the IHSA office must be
Directors has approved the Terms and               deadlines will be denied. Schools that wish to      conducted through the principal/IHSA official
Conditions governing the 2018-2019 IHSA            enter after the deadline will be considered late.   representative.
Speech State Series.                               To be considered for late entry, the                          2. In each contest in which a
                                                   principal/IHSA official representative must         school is represented, the principal shall have
I.        SCHOOL CLASSIFICATION                    contact the IHSA office to request late entry       on site an adult, preferably a member of the
                                                   into the state series. This request shall be in     faculty, who shall supervise and be
    A. Classification: Competition in the          writing and can be directed to                      responsible for the conduct of the participants
IHSA Speech State Series will be held for all      aespindola@ihsa.org. The penalty for late           and other persons from the school. A school’s
member schools without classification.             entry shall be $100.00.                             failure to comply with this provision shall
                                                                                                       result in disqualification of its contestants.
II.       DATES AND SITES                               D. Breach of Contract By-law 6.041
                                                   (Withdrawal Procedure): To withdraw                       F. Online List of Participants:
     A. Dates: The dates for the IHSA              without penalty, the principal/IHSA official              Registration for the state series will be
Speech State Series are:                           representative must e-mail or fax notice to the     completed online using SpeechWire -
         1. Regionals: Saturday, February 2,       IHSA office (aespindola@ihsa.org or 309-663-        www.speechwire.com. Each school must
2019.                                              7479) notifying the IHSA of the school’s            complete the online list of participants by
         2. Sectionals: Saturday, February 9,      withdrawal from the speech state series prior       noon on Monday, January 28, 2019. If a
2019.                                              to the online list of participants deadline of      school does not complete registration on
         3. State Final: Friday and Saturday,      January 28, 2019.                                   SpeechWire by the deadline, coaches and/or
February 15-16, 2019.                                       1. If a school withdraws after the         participants from the school are subject to
                                                   deadline of January 28, 2019, the school will       penalties which could include, but not be
      B. Sites: The state shall be divided into    be charged for all event fees and a $100            limited to being ruled ineligible to compete in
eighteen (18) Regionals and six (6)                penalty.                                            the state series and/or charged $100.00.
Sectionals. The number of competing schools,                2. If a school withdraws one or                      1. To register for tournaments on
travel distance, geographical location and the     more entire(s) after the deadline of January        SpeechWire, you need to create a free
number of entries shall be primary factors in      28, 2019, the school will be charged for all        SpeechWire account for yourself/your team by
the determination of number and boundary           event fees withdrawn and assessed additional        clicking ‘Create account’. If you already have
lines for schools assigned to these Regionals      penalties in the amount of $25.00 per event         an account, log in and follow the prompts.
and Sectionals. Regional and Sectional host        withdrawn.                                                    2. A paper copy of the registration
sites and school assignments will be                        3. If a school does not show up for        materials from SpeechWire and all required
announced in November and posted at                competition, the school will be charged a           publication materials should be brought to the
www.ihsa.org on the Speech “Individual             $100 penalty and, if applicable, the school         regional entry meeting.
Events” menu page under “State Series              may be charged for any additional financial
Information and Results”. The Peoria Civic         loss sustained by the offended school(s) or               G. Entries: Schools are permitted one
Center in Peoria will be the venue for the State   the association because of such breach.             entry in each event.
Final. Tournament Central will be located at                4. If a school does not officially                   1. Individual students may not
the second level of the PCC Ballroom area.         withdraw and/or does not show up for                participate in more than two (2) events.
                                                   competition at any level of the state series, the             2. Individuals        entered     in
III.      ONLINE ENTRIES, WITHDRAWAL               school will be assessed the penalties in “2”        performance in the round (PIR) may not be
          PROCEDURES, ELIGIBILITY, AND             and “3” above and if applicable, the school         entered in any other event.
          ONLINE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS              may be charged for any additional financial               3. No individual student may perform
                                                   loss sustained by the offended school(s) or         any part of a given piece of literature in any
     A. Policies and Procedures: The               the association because of such breach. The         event, in more than one calendar year during
policy for entry deadlines, late entries, and      school shall also be considered in breach of        his/her high school career.
withdrawals shall be the policies and              contract under the terms of the IHSA By-law               4. No student may perform any part of
procedures regarding entry for all IHSA            6.040, and the matter shall be reported to          any given piece of literature in more than one
sponsored activities included in the 2018-         the IHSA Board of Directors for disposition.        event during any given calendar year.
2019 entry policies and procedures which can
be found in the IHSA Schools Center on the              E. Eligibility: All member schools in          IV.       FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS
IHSA website.                                      good standing may enter an individual(s) or a
                                                   team under the provisions of the IHSA by-                  A. Sectional Host Expenses: Regional
     B. Online Entries: All member schools         laws.                                               and sectional host sites shall be reimbursed
must enter their school into the state series               1. Per IHSA By-law 4.000 – Activity        all allowable and approved expenses using the
competition through the IHSA School Center         Eligibility: The principal/IHSA official            current financial arrangements as set forth in
on the IHSA Website at www.ihsa.org. The           representative is responsible for seeing that all   the budget located in the manager section.
deadline for entry is November 1, 2018.            students from his/her school entered in

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 2

     B. Sites Other Than Member Schools:                 B. Regional Entry Meeting: Regional         high school shall automatically assume entire
When a regional or sectional is held at a site     managers will conduct entry meetings on           responsibility for the competition. The official
other than an IHSA member school, the IHSA         Monday, January 28, 2019. The regional entry      representative may delegate the authority to
will determine the financial arrangements          meeting shall not be held during the regular      manage the competition to another staff
with the host using current financial              school day. The purpose of this meeting is to     member. If the site is not located in a member
arrangements as guidelines.                        confirm names/entries, check proof of             school, then the IHSA Board of Directors shall
                                                   publication, determine speaking order, review     appoint a local manager with like
      C. Participant Expenses: Neither the         schedules and logistics, confirm judging          responsibilities.
IHSA or the local tournament management            assignments and make any necessary                          1. Regional         and      Sectional
will assume responsibility for any contestant      tournament announcements. A copy of the           Managers Meeting: A meeting in December
expenses of any kind.                              online SpeechWire entries, publication            shall be held at the IHSA office for all regional
                                                   information, and event fees must be delivered     and sectional managers. The purpose of this
      D. Regional Event Fees: For each             to the regional manager at the regional entry     meeting is to provide information and training,
event in which a school has entered                meeting. Checks for event fees should be          review current rules and interpretations and
participants in the regional contest, an event     made payable to the host school. If the coach     develop a listing of judges. Managers will
fee of $10.00 dollars (per event) shall be paid    or other school representative fail to comply     receive information from the IHSA confirming
to the regional host school at the regional        with these provisions, the individuals entered    the specific date, time and agenda of the
entry meeting. No contestant from a school         from that school may not be permitted to          meeting.
will be permitted to participate in the regional   participate in the regional.                                2. Regional and Sectional Contest
contest if event fees are not paid.                           1. Competition shall be held at the    Committees: Regional and sectional sites will
                                                   regional level in all events in which there are   have contest committees to assist the
     E. Sectional Event Fees: For each             at least two entries.                             manager in planning, organizing and
event in which a school advances from                         2. Proof of Publication: At the        administering the contest. Participating
regional to sectional competition, an event fee    regional entry meeting, the following             schools shall be notified of the names of
of $10.00 (per event) shall be paid to the         interpretive events require the original source   committee members by the host site at least
sectional host school.                             books or the original printed web                 five (5) days prior to the date of the contest.
                                                   manuscripts: Dramatic Duet Acting, Dramatic
     F. State Final Event Fees: For each           Interpretation, Humorous Duet Acting,                   B. Regional and Sectional Managers:
event in which a school advances an entry          Humorous Interpretation, Prose and Poetry         Contest committees will be formed to aid in
from sectional to state competition, an event      Reading.                                          contest management, interpret rules and serve
fee of $10.00 (per event) shall be paid to the                    a. Photocopies are not             as a panel to select contest judges.
Peoria Civic Center.                               acceptable.                                                1. Regionals: Regional managers
                                                                  b. Cuttings from publication       will appoint a contest committee consisting of
      G. Performance in the Round Event            sites must be accompanied by the original         three (3) coaches from three (3) different
Fees: At all levels of competition, each           source material.                                  schools assigned to the regional contest site.
school entered in performance in the round                        c. Coaches will be given until              2. Sectionals: The sectional
shall pay an event fee of $20.00 to the host       registration on the day of the tournament to      contest committee will be comprised of the
school for regional and sectional competition      procure any materials that they do not have at    managers of the three (3) subsidiary regional
and to the Peoria Civic Center for the state       the meeting.                                      contests and the sectional manager.
final competition.                                            3. Contestants will not be allowed              3. Judge Selection: All committee
                                                   to compete unless they are in compliance with     members must be consulted about potential
     H. Admission: There is no admission           all requirement at the regional entry meeting     judges prior to the selection/hiring of any
charged at any level for this state series.        and all required materials have been              person(s). Written consensus of the
                                                   approved.                                         committee shall be required for each judge
V.        TOURNAMENT ASSIGNMENTS                              4. Substitutions and changes in        employed and shall be obtained by the contest
          AND REGIONAL ENTRY MEETING               regional entries and materials may be made at     manger prior to contracting a judge for hire.
                                                   the regional entry meeting. Following the
      A. Regional          and     Sectional       regional meeting, substitutions for entries and        C. Authority of Regional, Sectional
Assignments: Regional and sectional                materials may be made provided:                   and State Final Committee and Managers:
assignments can be found online at                                a. The manager is notified         The contest manager shall be authorized to
www.ihsa.org on the “Individual Events” page       prior to the start of the contest;                conduct the contest under the provisions of
under “State Series Information & Results”.                       b. If applicable, proof of         these terms and conditions. The manager
All IHSA member schools entered in the             publication must be verified by the contest       shall have authority to take proper and
speech state series will be assigned by the        committee;                                        appropriate action in any case of unusual
IHSA to one of the eighteen (18) proportional                     c. The principal/IHSA official     situations arising during the competitions.
divisions for regional level competition which     representative confirms in writing that the       However, no part of the terms and conditions
feed into six (6) sectionals. These                substitute and/or materials are approved and      may be set aside.
assignments will appear online after the           eligible.                                                   1. If a situation develops in which
November entry deadline. Assignments are                                                             there is an apparent unfairness to a
made according to the IHSA Grouping Policy         VI.       TOURNAMENT STRUCTURES AND               contestant, and which is determined to be the
#18. The number of competing schools,                        TIME SCHEDULES                          result of an administrative or judge’s error, the
travel distance, geographical location and the                                                       manager shall consult with his contest
number of entries shall be primary factors in               A. Regional and Sectional                committee and determine the manner in which
the determination of number and boundary           Management: In all cases in which a member        the situation shall be resolved.
lines for these sectionals.                        school is selected as a contest site, the                   2. Managers shall not have the
                                                   principal/IHSA official representative of the     authority to advance students affected by any

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 3

unfairness to the succeeding contest.               9:15            Extemp Prep. for Round I,      Saturday
Resolution of such matters must be within the                       Sec. B                         7:45 a.m.         Radio Prep. for Round II,
framework of each individual contest.               9:45            Preliminary Round I,                             Sec. A
          3. The manager shall be                                   Section B (All Events)         8:00              Extemp Prep. for Round II,
responsible to resolve questions of rules           10:30           Radio Prep. for Round II,                        Sec. A
interpretation, to arbitrate disputes and to                        Sec. A                         8:30              Preliminary Round II,
apply penalties for violations of contest rules.    10:45           Extemp Prep. for Round II,                       Section A (All Events)
In all cases involving an interpretation not                        Sec. A                         8:30              Performance in the Round
specifically covered by the rules, the              11:15           Preliminary Round II,                            Prelim. - Section B
competition manager shall consult with the                          Section A (All Events)         9:00              Radio Prep. for Round II,
contest committee before the announcement           11:45           Radio Prep. for Round II,                        Sec. B
of results or the presentation of awards. The                       Sec. B                         9:15              Extemp Prep. for Round II,
manager shall consult with the contest              12:00           Extemp Prep. for Round II,                       Sec. B
committee prior to making a decision in any                         Sec. B                         9:45              Preliminary Round II,
such matter.                                        12:30           Preliminary Round II,                            Section B (All Events)
                                                                    Section B (All Events)         10:15             Radio Prep. for Round II,
      D. State Final Contest Committee: A                           Lunch                                            Sec. C
state final contest committee composed of the       2:00            Posting of Finals              10:30             Extemp Prep. for Round II,
six sectional managers, six at-large                2:30            Final Round: Dramatic Duet                       Sec. C
representatives (one from each sectional), and                      Acting,           Humorous     11:00             Preliminary Round II,
a representative from the IHSA Speech                               Interpretation, Impromptu                        Section C (All Events)
Advisory Committee will be appointed by the                         Speaking,         Oratorical   1:30              Final Round: Dramatic Duet
IHSA office to assist the state final manager.                      Declamation, Oratory,                            Acting,          Humorous
The state final committee shall be authorized                       Original Comedy, Prose                           Interpretation, Impromptu
to conduct the contest under the provisions of                      Reading.                                         Speaking,        Oratorical
these terms and conditions. If a situation          3:15            Radio Prep. for Finals                           Declamation, Oratory,
develops in which there is an apparent              3:30            Extemp Prep. for Finals                          Original Comedy, Prose
unfairness to a contestant, and which is            4:00            Final Round: Dramatic                            Reading.
determined to be the result of an                                   Interpretation,                1:30              Performance in the Round
administrative or judge’s error, the committee                      Extemporaneous Speaking,                         – Final Round
shall determine the manner in which the                             Humorous Duet Acting,          2:30              Radio Prep. for Finals
situation shall be resolved. In addition, the                       Informative Speaking,          2:45              Extemp Prep. for Finals
committee shall be responsible to resolve                           Poetry Reading, Radio          3:15              Final Round: Dramatic
questions of rules interpretation, to arbitrate                     Speaking,           Special                      Interpretation,
disputes and to recommend applied penalties                         Occasion Speaking.                               Extemporaneous Speaking,
for violations of contest rules. Decisions of the   5:30 p.m.       Awards                                           Humorous Duet Acting,
state final manager (contest committee                                                                               Informative Speaking,
chairperson) in all cases herein described          *PIR will only perform once at regionals and                     Poetry Reading, Radio
shall be final.                                     sectionals and the performance order and                         Speaking,           Special
                                                    times can be set by local contest                                Occasion Speaking.
      E. Time Schedules: Following is the           management.                                    6:00 p.m.         AWARDS ASSEMBLY
time schedule for regional, sectional and state
contests. Local managers, with the approval                  2. State Final Time Schedule                F. Regional Performance Order: The
of their contest committees, may adjust this        Friday                                         order of appearance of competitors shall be
schedule in the event the number of                 12:00-1:00 p.m. Registration                   established by the IHSA in conjunction with
contestants entered does not require                12:45           Radio Prep. for Round I,       the SpeechWire, local contest manager in
preliminary rounds in an event, or to meet                          Sec. A                         consultation with the contest committee, and
judging needs. Prep packets must be used at         1:00            Extemp Prep. for Round I,      under the following stipulations:
their designated times. All scheduled                               Sec. A                                   1. Students shall participate in two
revisions should be submitted to the IHSA.          1:30            Preliminary Round I,           preliminary rounds of competition if there are
          1. Regional & Sectional Time                              Section A (All Events)         eight (8) or more contestants entered in an
Schedule*                                           1:30            Performance in the Round       event.
                                                                    Prelim. - Section A                           a. In such cases, the
Saturday                                            2:15            Radio Prep. for Round I,       competitors shall be divided into two groups
7:30-8:00 a.m. Registration                                         Sec. B                         randomly by the contest manager/committee
7:45           Radio Prep. for Round I,             2:30            Extemp Prep. for Round I,      into SpeechWire.
               Sec. A                                               Sec. B                                        b. Groups may be revised
8:00           Extemp Prep. for Round I,            3:00            Preliminary Round I.           randomly by the contest manager/committee
               Sec. A                                               Section B (All Events)         for each preliminary round.
8:00           Judges Meeting/Coaches               3:45            Radio Prep. for Round I,       c. The top six (6) contestants, plus ties, after
               Meeting                                              Sec. C                         two preliminary rounds, will advance to the
8:30           Preliminary Round I,                 4:00            Extemp Prep. for Round I,      final round.
               Section A (All Events)                               Sec. C                                   2. In the event there are seven (7)
9:00           Radio Prep. for Round I,             4:30 p.m.       Preliminary Round I,           or fewer contestants competing in an event,
               Sec. B                                               Section C (All Events)         only a final round will be conducted. In such
                                                                                                   cases, team points will be awarded only to the
                                                                                                   top six (6) ranked performers.

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 4

          3. Regionals Prelim I:          The                2. The contest manager with                             a. The manager is notified
assignment of competitors to preliminary           consultation with the contest committee may        prior to the start of the contest;
round I and their order of performance shall       adjust schedules for those students who have                      b. If applicable, proof of
be established randomly except;                    identical selections by one performance.           publication must be verified by the contest
               a. When adjustments are                                                                committee;
necessary to permit students to participate in          I. Programs: Programs and schedules                          c. The principal/IHSA official
two events and;                                    can be generated by the regional and sectional     representative confirms in writing that the
               b. To separate identical            managers using SpeechWire, the web-based           substitute and/or materials are approved and
selections by one performance.                     competition management service program.            eligible.
          4. Regionals Prelim II: Assignment       Every school will be identified in the regional,                  d. In the case of duets, the
of contestants and speaking order for              sectional and state final program under the        duet team is considered one entry and if one
preliminary round II shall be random with the      competitor roster. Each performer will be          duet member cannot advance the entire duet
following limitation;                              identified in the program under their event by     team needs to withdraw and the alternate
               a. When adjustments are             their first and last name and material title if    qualifier provisions shall be followed.
necessary to permit students to participate in     applicable. Programs for spectators may be                    3. A student who competed in the
two events and;                                    sold during the state series.                      regional or sectional contest for a school and
               b. To separate identical                                                               does not advance in an individual event at any
selections by one performance and;                       J. Posting Results: At all levels of the     level cannot be substituted/added by that
               c. No more than one-half the        state series, contest managers shall post all      same school to any individual event or PIR
contestants may be drawn to compete against        preliminary round results in a designated area     cast.
the same contestants they competed against         so that coaches may check cumulative judging
in preliminary round I.                            tallies prior to the public posting of the               D. Determination of Winners: The
          5. Final Rounds: Speaking order          contestants advancing to the final round.          process and procedures for determining
for the final round of competition at each                                                            winners are as follows:
regional shall be established randomly at the      VII.      ADVANCEMENT OF WINNERS                             1. Judges: After approval by the
contest following the completion of the                                                               designated committee the following number
preliminary rounds. With the advice of the              A. Regional and Sectionals: The first,        of judges shall be assigned to events.
contest committee, the contest manager may         second, third and fourth place finishers in                      a. Regional: Each regional
adjust final round performance order;              each individual event and performance in the       shall have one (1) judge for each speech
               a. Alter the drawn schedule for     round shall be advanced from regional to           individual event round who judges prelims for
those students who have conflicting double         sectional. The first, second and third place       both sections. Regional final rounds shall
entries and, if necessary;                         finishers in each individual event and             have three (3) judges. Performance in the
               b. To separate identical            performance in the round shall be advanced         round competes only once and shall have
selections by one performance.                     from sectional to the state final.                 three (3) judges at the regional level.
                                                                                                                    b. Sectional: Each sectional
     G. Sectional Performance Order: At                 B. Advancing Ties: In the event there is      shall have two (2) judges for each speech
sectional there shall be competition in all        a tie for a place which qualifies for              individual event round who judges prelims for
events for which entries have been made.           advancement, all tied contestants shall be         both sections. Sectional final rounds shall
Sectional performance order in each event will     advanced. When two contestants are tied for        have three (3) judges. Performance in the
be made by the IHSA office and posted online       2nd place, the tie involves the 2nd and 3rd        round competes only once and shall have five
via SpeechWire. Speaking order for the final       places. The next place awarded shall be 4th        (5) judges at the sectional level where the high
round of competition at each sectional shall       place and all four (4) contestants would           and low score shall be dropped.
be established randomly at the contest             advance. If there is a two-way tie for 4 th                      c. State: The state final
following the completion of all preliminary        place, then five (5) contestants 1st, 2nd, 3rd,    preliminary rounds shall have three (3) judges
rounds.                                            and the two tied for 4th would advance.            for each speech individual event round who
          1. The contest manager with                                                                 judges all three section. The final rounds at
consultation with the contest committee may             C. Substitution                               state shall have five (5) judges. Performance
adjust schedules for those students who have                 1. Substitution of Material:             in the round shall have three (3) judges in
conflicting double entries;                        Substitution of selections by an advancing         preliminary rounds and five (5) judges in the
          2. The contest manager with              event may be made prior to any contest,            final round at state. In all final rounds, the
consultation with the contest committee may        provided:                                          high and low scores shall be dropped.
adjust schedules for those students who have                      a. The manager is notified                    2. Tabulation Procedure: Following
identical selections.                              prior to the start of the contest;                 the completion of each preliminary and final
                                                                  b. If applicable, proof of          round, ballots and critique forms from each
     H. State Final Performance Order: At          publication must be verified by the contest        judge shall be returned to contest
state final contests there shall be competition    committee;                                         headquarters/tournament central-tab room.
in all events for which entries have been                         c. The principal/IHSA official      Contest managers/contest designees shall
made. Performance order in each event shall        representative confirms in writing that the        cross check ranking ballots with critique
be made by the IHSA office and posted online       materials are approved and eligible.               forms to insure the accuracy of rankings and
via SpeechWire. Speaking order for the final                 2. Substitution of Qualifiers:           identify to whom rankings are assigned. In the
round of competition at the state final shall be   Substitution for qualifiers for sectional and/or   event of any error or other questions, the
established randomly at the contest following      the state final contests shall not be permitted.   judge(s) involved shall be contacted
the completion of all preliminary rounds.          If a qualifier(s) cannot advance, the alternate    immediately to resolve the matter.
          1. The contest manager with              qualifier advancement provisions shall be                    3. Ranking to Balance Rounds: To
consultation with the contest committee may        followed provided:                                 insure equality in ranking between different
adjust schedules for those students who have                                                          sections of an event, in no case, except for
conflicting double entries;

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 5

overtime penalties, shall a contestant rank          intermediate four rankings added. For each         with the lowest total of intermediate rankings
lower than the smallest number in any section        event category, the six (6) contestants with       is the winner; the contestant with the second
of the event for the round. In other words, if       the lowest cumulative totals of the                lowest total is second, etc…
round 1 section A has 5 contestants and              intermediate rankings shall advance to the                   6. Resolution of Ties:
round 1 section B has 6 contestants,                 final round. In the event of a tie for the last                    a. Ties Affecting Advancement
personnel in the tab room should record any          qualifying position, all tied contestants shall    from Preliminaries to Finals: At all contests
rank of 6 given by any judge as a rank of 5,         also advance to the finals.                        (regional, sectional and state) contestants tied
since that is the smallest number of                 In performance in the round, the eighteen (18)     for the last position which qualifies for
contestants in any section of the event for the      qualifiers from the six (6) Sectionals will be     advancement from preliminaries to finals shall
round. Judges are to rank all contestants            divided into two sections of nine                  advance without the tie being broken.
accordingly and any adjustment of ranks              performances each. Entries in each section                         b. Ties Affecting Awards
under this provision are to be done exclusively      will perform once and be ranked by a panel of      and/or Team Scoring:
in the tab room by the tab room personnel.           three judges. The three performances in each                           (1). At regional and
           4. Advancement from Preliminaries         section with the lowest cumulative rankings        sectional contests, ties for places for which
to Finals: Following completion of both              will advance to the finals along with any          awards are presented shall be broken by
preliminary rounds of competition at the             performance whose total of rankings is lower       separating the tied competitors from all other
regional and sectional contests judges’              than the total of rankings for the third-place     contestants and assigning them relative
rankings shall be tallied. Performance in the        performance in the opposite preliminary            rankings on the basis of judges’ decisions, as
round has only one round of competition at           group. The finals will be judged by a panel of     though they were the only competitors. The
regionals and sectionals.                            five (5) judges; each judge will rank the          contestant whose total of relative rankings is
               a. Regional: In all events,           performances 1st through 6th (no ties). The        lowest is the winner.
excluding performance in the round, the ranks        high and low rankings will be discarded, and                           (2). At the state final
received from two (2) judges – one (1) judge         the remaining ranks will be added. The             contest, the tied competitors shall be
from preliminary round 1 section A or B and          performance in the round with the lowest           separated from all other competitors and
one (1) judge from preliminary round 2               cumulative rankings is first; second lowest is     assigned relative rankings. If there is still a
section A or B judge shall be added. The six         second, and so on. If a tie occurs, the tied       tie, then the ranks assigned by all five (5)
(6) contestants with the lowest cumulative           competitors shall be separated from all other      judges will be considered, and the contestant
totals of preliminary round rankings shall           competitors and assigned relative rankings. If     with the lowest total of five rankings will be
advance to the finals. In the event of a tie for     there is still a tie, then the ranks assigned by   declared the winner.
the last qualifying position, all tied contestants   all five (5) judges will be considered, and the                        (3). If there is still a tie,
shall also advance to the finals. In                 contestant with the lowest total of five           duplicate awards will be provided and the
Performance in the Round, the three (3)              rankings will be declared the winner.              team points for the tied places will be added
judges’ rankings shall be tabulated. The entry                  5. Winners:                             and equally divided among the teams of the
whose total of rankings is lowest is the                             a. Regional: After the final       tied contestants. For example, three (3)
winner; the entry with the second lowest total       round for each event, the three (3) judges’        contestants are tied for fourth place at the
is second, etc. The top four (4) finishers in        rankings shall be added and a summation            regional. The tie is unbreakable, so the points
PIR at each regional and all ties shall advance      made of the rankings received by each finalist.    for fourth, fifth and sixth places (3 pts., 2 pts.,
to the sectional.                                    The contestant whose total of rankings is          and 1 pt. respectively) are added and divided
               b. Sectional:          The ranks      lowest is the winner; the contestant with the      by three. Each school is then awarded two (2)
received from four (4) judges – two (2) judges       second lowest total is second, etc. After each     points for its contestant’s finish.
from preliminary round 1 section A or B and          performance in the round has competed once,                  7. Team Winners: Team points
two (2) judges from preliminary round 2              the three (3) judges rankings shall be added.      shall be awarded on the basis of the following
section A or B shall be added. The six (6)           The performance whose total added ranking is       point scale for each individual event: 1st place
contestants with the lowest cumulative totals        lowest is the winner; the performance with the     = 6 points; 2nd place = 5 points, 3rd place = 4
of preliminary round rankings shall advance to       second lowest total is second, etc. The top        points; 4th place = 3 points; 5th place = 2
the finals. In the event of a tie for the last       four (4) finishers advance to sectionals.          points; 6th place and all other finalists = 1
qualifying position, all tied contestants shall                      b. Sectional: After the final      point.
also advance to the finals. In Performance in        round for each event, the three (3) judges’                  8. Performance in the Round (PIR)
the Round, the five (5) judges’ rankings shall       rankings shall be added, and a summation           team points will not be tabulated for this event
be tabulated. The entry whose total of               made of the rankings received by each finalist.    and is not eligible for team sweepstake points
rankings is lowest is the winner; the entry with     The contestant whose total of rankings is          in Speech: Individual Events.
the second lowest total is second, etc. The          lowest is the winner; the contestant with the
highest ranking and lowest ranking shall be          second lowest total is second, etc. After each     VIII.      TOURNAMENT RULES
discarded for each entry, and only the three         performance in the round has competed once,
(3) intermediate rankings for each entry shall       the five (5) judges rankings shall be added.           A. Events and Material: Schools may
be considered in determining its final               The high and low scores are dropped. The           compete in the following events: Dramatic
standing. The entry with the lowest total of         performance whose total added ranking is           Duet Acting (DDA) Humorous Duet Acting
intermediate rankings is the winner of the           lowest is the winner; the performance with the     (HDA), Dramatic Interpretation (DI),
event; the next lowest is second, etc. through       second lowest total is second, etc. The top        Humorous Interpretation (HI), Prose Reading
the listings.                                        three (3) finishers advance to sectionals.         (PR), Poetry Reading (PT), Oratorical
               c. State: Following completion                        c. State: After the final round,   Declamation (DEC), Informative Speaking
of the state preliminary rounds, the six (6)         with five (5) judges being used, the highest       (INFO), Original Oratory (OO), Original
rankings received by each contestant shall be        and lowest rankings for each contestant shall      Comedy (OC), Special Occasion Speaking
reviewed. The highest and lowest rankings for        be dropped and not considered in determining       (SOS), Extemporaneous Speaking (EXTEMP),
each contestant shall be dropped and the             final standing. The contestant/performance         Impromptu Speaking (IMPT), Radio Speaking

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 6

(RADIO) and Performance in the Round (PIR).                  6. Visual Aids: Any visual aids                  E. Timekeeping: Time will be kept at
The competing school’s principal is required       presented while performing, to the audience or       all contests for all events. DDA, HDA, DI, HI,
to see and approve both the selection and          to judges are not permitted at any time,             PR, PT, DEC, OO, OC, and SOS have an eight
performance of all material including              including handouts or materials before, during,      (8) minute time limit. EXTEMP has a seven (7)
substitute material, to be used by contestants     or after the round. Notecards and manuscripts        minute time limit. IMPT. has a two (2) minute
from the member school in the contest series.      are not considered visual aids.                      prep with a six (6) minute time limit. RADIO
          1. Appropriateness: Material which                                                            has a time limit of 4:50 to 5:05 with
is inappropriate for public performance by               B. Properties: Excluding Performance           contestants expected to finish at five (5)
high school students will not be tolerated. A      in the Round (PIR), props are prohibited. A          minutes.
performance (language or action) which is a        prop shall be defined as any item that is                       1. Timers: Contest managers will
literal, symbolic or colloquial expression         manipulated during a performance. This               arrange to have two (2) timers in every round
describing or naming anything which is             includes but is not limited to, shoes, apparel       for all events in all contests. To accommodate
profane and/or vulgar, whether suited to a         (i.e.: buttons, collars, ties), accessories, hair,   this requirement, if necessary, managers are
specific character being portrayed, is always      etc. which is used for effect during the             authorized to give timekeeping assignments
considered inappropriate. If, in the opinion of    presentation. Manuscript, notecards and              as needed to participating schools. In all
any contest judge, material which is               prose/verse books are not considered props.          events, excluding Radio speaking, timers will
performed for their adjudication is                Humorous and Dramatic Duet Acting events             be seated out of the judges’ sight but in full
inappropriate for public performance by a high     are allowed to use one (1) solid table               view of the performers. Timers shall use
school student, the judge may rank the             approximately 30” x 48” with four legs and two       stopwatches which will be the only official
performance down. If, in the opinion of a          (2) chairs as provided by the host site. In          timing devices. Timing devices other than
majority of the judges, a performance is           Performance in the Round, students are               those used by the appointed timekeepers are
persistently inappropriate or is flagrantly        allowed to use up to two (2) solid tables with       unofficial. The timers must deliver their
profane or vulgar, the judges may stop the         four legs approximately 30” x 40” in length and      official IHSA time sheets to the contest
performance and disqualify the contestant(s)       ten (10) chairs as provided by the host site.        headquarters at the conclusion of each
from the contest. In either case, judges shall     Folding chairs should not be used. In all duets      section.
explain their opinions and actions in written      and PIR, the performers are not allowed to                      2. Overtime: In all events except
critiques, and the judge/contest manager shall     stand on the tables and chairs.                      Impromptu Speaking, Extemporaneous
forward a copy of the critiques to the IHSA                                                             Speaking, Radio Speaking and Performance in
office. Contest officials shall submit a special        C. Material at Contests: At every state         the Round, when a stopwatch is read to
report to the IHSA. In addition, any report of     series contest, the coach must have all              determine time, a reading of 8:30.00 or less,
the use of inappropriate material shall be         performance material with them on site.              will not be considered a time violation. If a
investigated by the IHSA Executive Director,                  1. For interpretive events, Dramatic      stopwatch reads 8:30.01 or greater, the time
who shall investigate the allegation and take      Duet Acting, Dramatic Interpretation,                will be considered to be 8:31. Both
action if warranted under the provision of         Humorous Duet Acting, Humorous                       timers/time sheets must show/confirm the
IHSA By-law 6.010 and the procedures stated        Interpretation, Prose and Poetry Reading, the        overtime for penalties to be assessed. In
in these Terms and Conditions.                     coach must have the original published source        Impromptu Speaking, Extemporaneous
          2. Published Work: In Dramatic           of any selection used along with a complete          Speaking, Radio Speaking and Performance in
and Humorous Duet Acting, Dramatic and             script of the cutting performed.                     the Round the same time concept applies per
Humorous Interpretation, Prose and Poetry                     2. For all events, excluding limited      their specific time limitations.
Reading and Oratorical Declamation, printed        prep events: Radio Speaking, Extemporaneous                     3. Overtime Procedures: In all
published source must be used.                     Speaking, and Impromptu Speaking, the coach          events except Radio Speaking, both contest
          3. Original Work: In Original            must be able to produce a typed                      timers designated by the manager shall raise
Oratory, Informative Speaking, Original            script/manuscript or copy of selections              their hands above their heads upon expiration
Comedy and Special Occasion Speaking, the          performed. Manuscripts must contain                  of the allotted time, to let the performer know
content, style and thought of the selection        identification of sources of quotes. The actual      the time limit has been reached. Both timers
must be solely the product of the contestant       source of non-original cuttings should also be       shall keep the hands raised above their heads
and only 150 word can be direct quotations.        identified on the script/manuscript.                 until the performer concludes. When the
          4. Internet for Publications: The                   3. If requested, materials must be        speaker concludes their presentation, both
internet may be used as a source for printed       presented within a reasonable amount of time         timers shall record the total elapsed time
published material provided the following          as determined by the contest manager. Failure        shown on their individual stopwatch on an
provisions are met:                                to produce such requested materials shall            official IHSA time sheet. Times shall not be
                a. It must be copyrighted and      result in the disqualification of the contestant     announced to competitors, judges or
available to all (equal access).                   from the contest in that event. If the               audiences, except in Radio Speaking. Judges
                b. It must not have been           contestant has been ranked in the round where        shall be instructed not to take time into
posted solely for a student’s use in               the violation is discovered, the ranking will be     consideration in their rankings. All penalties
competitive speech activities.                     changed to DQ and the ranks of the other             for time violations shall be assessed by the
                c. It may not be transcribed       contestants in that round will be adjusted up as     contest management/tab room.
from an audio or video source; it must be          necessary.                                                      4. Penalties for Violation: For
available in its original written form.                                                                 regional, sectional and state final preliminary
                d. In      addition,    it    is        D. Royalties: The Illinois High School          rounds, the contestant’s ranking from each
recommended that all internet sites be             Association assumes no responsibilities for the      judge shall be lowered by one (1) place for
evaluated for authenticity.                        payment of royalties or other fees connected         each full thirty (30) seconds of overtime.
          5. Internet for Extemp:            In    with the performance of any material in the                         a. Regional, Sectional and
Extemporaneous            Speaking,     during     Speech: Individual Events contest series.            State Final Preliminary Rounds: This
competition: prep and performing, the                                                                   reduction in ranking shall be mandatory and
internet may not be used.                                                                               shall be administered by the contest

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 7
management/tab room. Thus, a contestants           After each presentation (in Radio Speaking                        b. Originality of Material: In all
ranking may exceed the least number of             only), the timers shall inform the judges of the   cases where originality of material is
contestants in a round of that event. For          exact time of the performance.                     questioned, the local contest committee shall
example, contestant A is ranked 2, 3, 1 by                   7. Managers shall post all               be responsible for examining the material and
three judges, but is overtime by forty-five (45)   performers’ times in the coaches’ area for         ruling on its eligibility. If a judge suspects that
seconds. Contestant B is ranked 3,1, 2 and         coaches to review immediately following each       a speech is not original, they should inform
contestant C is ranked 1, 4, 3. The manager        round of competition.                              the contest committee and the committee will
shall then adjust the rankings for the overtime                                                       investigate.
contestant A to 3, 4, 2 before the tabulation of         F. Rule Violations: Rule violations are
rankings is made. No change is made in the         subject to penalty by the IHSA Board of                  H. Late Discovery of Violations: If a
rankings of contestant B or contestant C.          Directors under the provisions of IHSA by-         violation is discovered after the close of the
      In this example, final results become:       laws and any special provisions contained          contest in which the violation occurred, the
      A - 2, 3, 1 overtime becomes 3, 4, 2 = 9     herein.                                            following procedure shall be followed:
      B - 3, 1, 2 = 6                                        1. General Penalty for Violations by               1. The contestant(s) or school shall
      C - 1, 4, 3 = 8                              Contestants: Unless otherwise specified in the     be disqualified and advancement to the next
In Radio Speaking, due to overtime violations,     rules, the penalty for rules violations in any     succeeding contest shall be denied if the
the term “ranked last” shall mean given a rank     round of competition throughout the entire         violation is reported to the IHSA office prior to
on each individual judge’s ballot equal to the     contest series shall be that the contestant’s      the next contest. If the violation is not reported
number representing the number of                  ranking in the round where the violation           until after the next contest, no action shall be
contestants in the round. In other words, if       occurs be changed to last and the ranks of         taken, and the matter shall be considered
there are six (6) contestants in the round,        other contestants will be adjusted as              closed.
‘ranked last’ means being given the rank of six    necessary. For example, in preliminary round                 2. If the violation is reported to the
(6) on each judge’s ballot. Other contestants in   II section A of Humorous Duet Acting, a            IHSA office prior to the next succeeding
the round who do not violate the time limits       student from Duet A stands on the table            contest, and the contestants(s) are
will have their ranks from each judge adjusted     during the duet’s performance. The penalty is      disqualified, the rankings of the other
upward as appropriate.                             that the duet is to be ranked last in the round.   contestants in the event shall be revised
                b. State Final Rounds: In the      Thus, the results for preliminary round II         upwards. The revised contestants(s) shall be
final rounds of the state final contest only, no   section A will be adjusted as follows:             advanced on the basis of the revised rankings.
penalty for time violations will be assessed in              Duet A was 2nd becomes 6th                         3. If the disqualified contestant(s)
any event, excluding Radio Speaking, until one               Duet B was 1st remains 1st               or school has won any awards, such awards
(1) minute beyond the specified time limit. For              Duet C was 3rd becomes 2nd               shall be returned to the IHSA office. Awards
example, if the time limit is eight (8) minutes,             Duet D was 5th becomes 4th               shall be redistributed on the basis of the
no penalty will be assessed until the speaker                Duet E was 6th becomes 5th               revised rankings.
has exceeded nine (9) minutes as verified by                 Duet F was 4th becomes 3rd
two (2) stopwatches.                                                                                        I. Advancement of Next Qualifier: In
           5. Time Cards: In Extemporaneous              G. Disqualification: Any team that does      the event a qualified student is unable to
Speaking and Impromptu Speaking, time              not adhere to these terms and conditions may       advance to the succeeding contest the next
cards shall be used to inform the speakers of      be subject to disqualification from the            qualifier shall advance. The highest-placing
the amount of time remaining. These cards          tournament and will automatically forfeit any      contestant from the qualifier’s last qualifying
should be visible to the speaker at all times.     right to awards received at the tournament.        contest in the same event that has not yet
           6. Limited Prep Events:                           1. Internet          Access       in     been offered the opportunity to advance shall
                a. Extemporaneous Speaking:        Extemporaneous Speaking: The penalty for           be designated as the next qualifier to advance.
The prep room monitor will inform speakers of      accessing the internet or using a contraband       It is the responsibility of the principal/IHSA
the allowable prep time and dismiss the            device for Extemporaneous Speaking will be         official representative or coach to notify the
speakers accordingly.                              disqualification from the competition.             IHSA office at the earliest possible time that
                b. Impromptu          Speaking:              2. Tardiness, Absences and               another advancing contestant may be
During prep, the timer will give the speaker       Performance Out of Order: Contestants must         necessary. The IHSA office will officially
oral prep time signals in thirty (30) second       be present when called upon in accordance          inform the school’s administration/coach that
intervals in the competition room. At two (2)      with the scheduled program prepared/printed        they will replace a qualifier.
minutes the prep time ends and the timer will      by the contest manager. In the event a                        1. In the event a qualified
direct the competing student to begin their        contestant cannot, for any reason, comply          student(s) is unable to advance to the
Impromptu speech.                                  with the schedule, they must contact the           succeeding contest their school’s
                c. Radio Speaking: The prep        contest manager. Only if the manager or a          principal/IHSA official representative must
room monitor will inform speakers of the           member of the contest committee gives the          notify the IHSA of the student(s) withdrawal.
allowable prep time and dismiss the speakers       student written permission may any contestant      If their coach contacts the contest manager of
accordingly. In the competition room, the          perform out of the order printed in the            the withdrawal the contest manager shall
timers shall be seated in such a way that they     program. Contestants failing to comply with        direct them to have their principal/IHSA official
are visible to the speaker. Contestants may        the schedule without a written excuse shall be     representative notify the IHSA, and the IHSA
use their own timing devices. One of the           disqualified.                                      will begin the process of contacting the next
timekeepers shall use time cards to notify the               3. Failure to Present Original           qualifier eligible to advance.
speaker when the following time remains: two       Selections:                                                   2. Any advancing qualifier(s) due to
(2) minutes, one (1) minute, thirty (30)                          a. Quoted Material: If it is        a withdrawal shall be treated from that point
seconds and fifteen (15) seconds. After the        discovered that a contestant has included          forward as qualified contestants, and if they
last fifteen (15) seconds has expired, the timer   more than 150 words of direct quotation in his     are, for any reason, unable to advance to the
will notify the speaker by means of upraised       selection, they shall be disqualified.             succeeding contest, the process shall be
fingers, when ten (10) seconds are left, and                                                          repeated with the next highest-placing
when only five (5) seconds remain in the five                                                         contestant(s) until an alternate qualifier who is
(5) minutes of total allowable performing time.                                                       able to advance is found.

Individual Events Terms and Conditions—Page 8
         3. If a contestant is originally tied      students to gather for photo opportunities.        contest. State series hosts are required to
for placement and one of the tied advancing         Managers should post information for all           make all state series contest sites and any
students withdraws, no advancing qualifier is       participating students regarding any               affiliated property, including parking lots, fan
moved up to fill the withdrawing tied spot.         opportunities to meet with area media.             accommodation areas, and other school or
         4. Adjustments for placements shall                  2. Media Personnel Requirements:         event venue property, alcohol free zones on
be done in Speechwire per the IHSA terms and        Any media person wishing to take                   the date or dates of any IHSA event being held
conditions.                                         photographs will contact the site manager to       at the site. Violation of this policy by an event
                                                    verify arrangements to take photos.                host will subject the host to a penalty for
      J. Protests: Any coach or judge may           Photographers are welcome to take photos in        violation of IHSA By-law 2.020. Such penalty
challenge a performance’s compliance with the       the common areas. Photographers or                 may include but not necessarily be limited to
rules by filing a protest in writing by using the   television personnel with cameras may take         prohibition against subsequent event hosting
“IHSA Protest Form” and submitting the              pictures provided that:                            assignments. Violation of this policy by a non-
written protest to the contest manager. Other                     a. The individual is wearing the     hosting member school will subject the school
persons wishing to file such a protest or           IHSA media/photographers pass;                     to penalty for violation of IHSA By-law 2.020.
challenge, shall do so through a coach or                         b. The individual contact and        Patrons of any IHSA state series contest
judge at the contest. Any question relative to      reports to the site manager with credentials;      determined to be in violation of this policy will
contest rules or any aspect of the contest                        c. The individual does not           be removed from the premises, and law
which arises following the announcement of          photograph while the student is performing in      enforcement officials will be called as
results shall be referred directly by the           competition rooms while competition rounds         warranted.
principal/IHSA official representative of the       are taking place;
school(s) involved to the IHSA office. The                        d. The individual only enters              G. Special Report Forms and SAWA
IHSA office will give consideration to              and exits competition rooms between                Reports: Special report forms have been
questions relative to administrative and/or         performances;                                      developed to facilitate schools reporting any
clerical matters only and will do so only                         e. The individual refrains from      matter concerning high school programs that
through the end of the first Monday following       speaking to competitors during competition;        merit the attention of the high school principal.
the completion of the contest involved. In                        f. During awards, news media         These forms can be used for reporting any
compliance with IHSA By-law 6.033, protests         may take photographs. If the manager and           incidents or problems with a competitor,
or challenges relative to the decision of any       contest officials agree that the flashes are       coach, director or spectator. The forms may
judge will not be considered. Protest Form          causing interference with the conduct of the       also be used to report errors in applying rules
      The Report of Winners will be completed       event, then they can require the photographer      or any phase of judging in which a judge
by the Regional and Sectional Managers and          to cease use of the flash.                         should immediately attempt to improve. The
shall be the official entry form for these                                                             SAWA Report form should be used for
contests. Entry fees for qualifiers shall be paid        C. Videotaping: Spectators are                reporting any instances where a coach,
upon arrival at the Sectional and State Final       prohibited to videotape performances. The          director, participant, judge or spectator has
sites. Qualifiers for whom fees are not paid as     local manager may provide videotaping of the       done an exemplary job of Sporting A Winning
prescribed shall not be permitted to                awards ceremony for purchase. The IHSA             Attitude (SAWA). These forms can be found
participate.                                        prohibits any taping for the purpose of video      on the IHSA website at www.ihsa.org.
                                                    reviewing during the tournament.
IX.       TOURNAMENT POLICIES                                                                               H. Prayer at IHSA State Series Contest:
                                                           D. Tobacco/Liquid Nicotine Products:        Prayer at an IHSA state series contest that
      A. Damage to Property or Equipment:           The use of tobacco or liquid nicotine products     takes place over the public address system is
If representatives from any school entered in a     in any competition area, either during a           prohibited.
state series are found guilty of carelessly or      practice or while a contest is in progress, or
maliciously breaking, damaging or destroying        affiliated property of any IHSA state series           I. Responsibility for Theft or Other
property or equipment belonging to the host         contest by any coach, player, any other person     Losses: The IHSA will not be responsible for
school or host venue, such school shall be          connected with a team, or fan shall be             loss or theft of any personal or school
held responsible for costs incurred in              prohibited. State series hosts are required to     property during the course of a contest.
replacing or repairing such property or             make all state series contest sites and any
equipment.                                          affiliated property, including parking lots, fan   X.        AWARDS
                                                    accommodation areas, and other school or
      B. Media Policies: Policy regarding           event venue property, tobacco/liquid nicotine           A. Awards Fulfillment: All awards will
media requirements for each local manager is        free zones on the date or dates of any IHSA        be furnished by the IHSA and are not an
contained in the current IHSA Handbook.             event being held at the site.                      expense charged upon the individual host.
Reporting information to the news media shall                                                          Regional and sectional level awards will be
be the responsibility of each local manager.              E. Use of Inhalers: A student with           mailed to the host sites.
Media questions can be directed to Matt Troha       asthma may possess and use his/her                          1. Duplicate awards will be
at the IHSA office at 309-663-6377.                 medication during an IHSA competition, while       presented in the case of ties.
          1. Media Provisions: Site managers        under the supervision of school personnel,                  2. Additional medallion awards can
will cooperate fully with media personnel to        provided the school meets the outlined             be purchased by the winning schools.
arrange photo opportunities and ensure              procedures of self- administration in the
coverage of all levels of the tournament.           Illinois school code.                                   B. Regional: An awards ceremony will
Space shall be set aside to provide for news                                                           be held at the conclusion of each regional.
media representatives covering the state series           F. Alcoholic Beverages and IHSA State                 1. Team standings will be
whether they are from newspapers, radio             Series Events: The possession, distribution,       determined in accordance with the scoring
stations, commercial television stations,           sale and/or consumption of alcoholic               system described in these terms and
and/or cable television stations. Managers can      beverages are prohibited at the site and on any    conditions.
arrange an area for media/photographers and         affiliated property of any IHSA state series

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