Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019

Page created by Dwight Wheeler
Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019

Region and State
Competitive Event
  2018 – 2019

Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
Table of Contents

Cover                                                                                                           …1

Table of Contents & Competitive Event Advisory Team                                                             …2

General Guidelines                                                                                             3-13

Resources                                                                                                     14-39

List of STAR Event Page Numbers                                                                                  40

Culinary Arts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..41-53

Texas Proficiency Events (region and state competition only)

Cupcake Battle                                                                                                54-68

Mystery Basket                                                                                                69-79

Serving Up Success                                                                                            80-89

Toys That Teach…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………90-96

**Please refer to the national FCCLA Competitive Events Guide pages 101 – 349 (Except for Culinary Arts on pages
145 – 152) for the remaining STAR event rules. See pages 41-53 of the Texas guidelines for Culinary Arts rules.

                 2018 – 2019 Competitive Event Advisory Team
A special thank you goes out to the following individuals who served on the 2018-19 Advisory Team. Revisions of
                          the guidelines were made based on their recommendations.

Amy Albro, FCCLA, Troy                                         Lilia Juarez, Glen Rose High School, Glen Rose
Emily Alvarado, Jack E. Singley Academy, Irving                Ellen Knox, FCCLA, Abilene
Jimmie Baker, Granger ISD, Granger                             Jill Lawson, Glen Rose High School, Glen Rose
Jared Cappers, Jack E. Singley Academy, Irving                 Jami Leonard, Haskell High School, Haskell
Macie Carter, Holland High School, Holland                     Isis Macias, Three Rivers High School, Three Rivers
Melinda Castillo, Canutillo High School, El Paso               Laurie McBroom, Haskell High School, Haskell
Catherine Cleveland, Holland High School, Holland              Lindsey McNeill, Three Rivers High School, Three Rivers
Linda Clinton, Madisonville High School, Madisonville          Kristi Moncrief, Roosevelt High School, Lubbock
Geneva Day, FCCLA, Granbury                                    Alyssa Nail, Madisonville High School, Madisonville
Judy Engleman, FCCLA, Jewett                                   Madison Orozco, Canutillo High School, El Paso
Alex Everett, FCCLA, Austin                                    Amanda Peterson, Pottsboro High School, Pottsboro
Gabbi Garcia, Madisonville High School, Madisonville           Hunter Prinz, Granger ISD, Granger
Patti Garrett, Madisonville High School, Madisonville          Christy Reynolds, FCCLA, Austin
Makayla Gilliam, Buffalo High School, Buffalo                  Crystal Rodriguez, Canutillo High School, El Paso
Cindy Holton, FCCLA, Troy                                      Barbara Richter, FCCLA, Madisonville
Melissa Isaacs, Buffalo High School, Buffalo                   Jasmin Rodriguez, Roosevelt High School, Lubbock
Matalynne Jones, Pottsboro High School, Pottsboro              Jennifer Sams, FCCLA, Austin

Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Competitive Events programs offer individual skill
development through the following activities:

       Cooperative - teams work to accomplish specific goals;
       Individualized - members work alone to accomplish specific goals; and
       Competitive - individual or team performance is measured by an established set of criteria.

The Texas Association of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America sponsors STAR (Students
Taking Action with Recognition) Events and Proficiency Events for FCCLA chapter members in the state.
Participation in these events provides opportunities for members to develop specific lifetime skills in character
development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge and career
preparation. They are an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences Education curriculum within the
local school system.

The Competitive Events are designed as learning experiences to enhance students’ self concepts,
demonstrate students' abilities, provide another means of meeting FCCLA members' needs, increase
participation in family and consumer sciences and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America,
enhance the image of the organization and the family and consumer sciences profession, and prepare
students to take their place in today's society.

Summary of Major Changes for 2018 – 2019 Competitive Events
All changes from last year’s guide are shown in red text.
On June 4, 2018, Texas FCCLA voted to continue using the national FCCLA STAR event specifications,
point summary forms, and rubrics for Texas region and state competition in the 2018-2019 school year with
the exception of Culinary Arts. The state of Texas will be using the following Texas FCCLA Competitive Event
Guidelines in conjunction with the national STAR event specifications, point summary forms, and rubrics.
Texas will continue to follow its own Culinary Arts rules and proficiency event rules. Please note that Texas
FCCLA does not offer Postsecondary competition on the region or state level in any event.
   1. Individual members and local chapters must examine the national FCCLA Competitive Events Guide
      (available in mid-September 2018) on pages 101 through 349 (Except for Culinary Arts on pages
      145 – 152) for STAR event specifications, point summary forms, and rubrics. The 2018 – 2019
      national Competitive Events Guide is no longer posted on the national website. It will be available on
      the Resources tab of the FCCLA affiliation portal. This document will be available until November 1
      to all FCCLA chapters, but only affiliated chapters will have access after November 1. Please check
      often throughout the year for expected updates and changes.
   2. Pages 1 – 100, 145 – 152, and 350 – 354 of the national FCCLA Competitive Events Guide do NOT
      apply to Texas regional or state competition.
   3. Use the following Texas FCCLA Competitive Event Guidelines for Texas policies and general

   4. There will be a one-year exception to the December 1 competitive event entry deadline this year.
      Since December 1 falls on Saturday, entries will be accepted through December 3 for this year only.
      Late entries with the $100 late fee will be accepted through December 10 for this year only.

   5. Five entries in each category will advance to state competition instead of six. The top 5 entries in
      each category will be recognized on stage at the region and state conferences.

   6. Toys That Teach has been added as a Texas Proficiency event for region and state competition.
      Entries will NOT advance to national competition. Rules for the Texas Proficiency Event are found on
      pages 90 – 96 of this guide.

   7. Students MUST remain at the check-in location until the end of the competitive event check-in period.
      At that time, all entries must initial the adjusted time schedule to ensure they are aware of the updated
      competition times. At check-in, participants must be in their presentation attire or official FCCLA dress.
      Participants may not check in unless they are in official dress or their presentation attire.
Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
8. Competitors may be added to an existing team (if the event rules allow) for a $25 fee plus the
   competitive event entry fee and conference registration fee. The deadline to add competitors to a
   team will be the Wednesday of the week prior to the conference at noon. Competitors may not be
   added to a team after that deadline. This fee applies for region conference entries only.

9. If awards, medals, plaques, or certificates are not picked up at the conference, the items can be
   shipped to the chapter advisor if postage plus a $2.00 fee are paid by the advisor. Any rubrics without
   self-addressed, stamped envelopes may be returned to the advisor after the conference if postage
   plus a $2.00 fee is paid by the chapter advisor.

10. In STAR events using hardcopy portfolios, divider page tabs are now allowed up to 1” outside the

11. Applied Math for Culinary Management will now only be offered to participants in the Occupational
    category. All projects are to be based on an annual event topic, as identified in the event description.

12. Culinary Arts Changes: Minor adjustments were made including the addition of wording about state
    competition burner requirements.

13. Cupcake Battle Changes: Procedures for competition were updated. An oral presentation was added.
   Rubric adjustments were made accordingly.

14. The Food Innovations event now has competition topics. See page 219 of the National Competitive
    Events Guide for the topics.

15. The Interior Design event description was updated to reflect design of client needs, rather than limiting
    to living spaces. This allows for scenario development to include both residential and commercial
    applications. See page 240 of the National Competitive Events Guide for the updated description.

16. Mystery Basket Changes: Mystery Basket will be closed to spectators for state level competition.
    Other minor adjustments were made including the addition of wording about state competition burner

Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
The following guidelines will govern the Texas regional and state levels of competitive events.

Texas FCCLA Conference and Competitive Event Registration System: Once chapter members are
affiliated, competitive event entries must be registered through the Texas FCCLA online conference and
competitive event registration system. Please find the link to the system on the Texas FCCLA website. This
system is tied to the national affiliation portal and chapter advisors will use the same chapter ID and
password to log-in to both systems.

Affiliation Requirements and Deadlines
1.   A student is not considered an affiliated FCCLA member at any level (local, state, and/or national) until
     all membership dues are received and posted at national headquarters. Only affiliated members are
     eligible to compete in any levels of competitive events and only affiliated members will be allowed to
     register for competitive events. Affiliation records from the national FCCLA affiliation portal will be the
     source to verify membership.

2.   Chapter advisors must electronically submit chapter member names in the national affiliation portal by
     November 1 and payment must be posted in the portal by November 15. Advisors will receive an e-
     mailed invoice once the names have been submitted. If payment is made with a credit card, it will be
     automatically posted. If payment is made by check, it must be received and posted by November 15.
     It is the responsibility of the local chapter advisor to verify that payment has been posted by national
     headquarters. If payment has not been posted, the local advisor should contact national headquarters
     at (703) 476-4900. The number of affiliated members submitted by November 1 with payment
     posted by November 15 determines the number of eligible STAR and Proficiency event entries
     per chapter for the school year. Please refer to the chart below.

     Your members should be “PENDING” with a “Submitted Date” on or before November 1. Your
     members should be “AFFILIATED” with an “Affiliation Date” on or before November 15.

                        NUMBER OF AFFILIATED               NUMBER OF ELIGIBLE
                         CHAPTER MEMBERS                   STAR EVENT ENTRIES
                              12 – 18                               2
                              19 – 25                               4
                              26 – 30                               6
                              31 – 44                               8
                              45 – 60                               9
                              61 – 80                              10
                                81+                                11
                        NUMBER OF AFFILIATED        NUMBER OF ELIGIBLE
                         CHAPTER MEMBERS             PROFICIENCY EVENT
                                  12 – 20                       4
                                  21 – 30                       5
                                  31 – 40                       6
                                  41 – 60                       7
                                  61 – 80                       8
                                    81+                         9
                               *The minimum chapter size is 12 members

                  A chapter may have multiple entries in each event category.
Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
3.   Additional members not affiliated by November 1 with payment posted by November 15 that want to
     participate in competitive events must be affiliated online at any time throughout the school year and
     are eligible to substitute into a competitive event. However, additional students affiliated throughout the
     year will not change the number of competitive event entries your chapter is allowed.

4.   Late Affiliation Payments: If a chapter has submitted their FCCLA affiliation electronically on or before
     November 1, but payment was not posted at national headquarters by November 15, a late fee of $100
     per chapter may be paid to allow chapter members the opportunity to participate in Competitive Events.
     All late affiliation fees must be postmarked by December 3 along with entry fees and Competitive Events
     Invoice (or Combined Registration Invoice) if payment is mailed. Online credit card payments must be
     submitted and received in the system by 11:59 p.m. on December 3. It is the responsibility of the local
     chapter advisor to verify that payment has been posted by Texas FCCLA staff. Please contact the state
     office to submit late fee(s). All late registrations must be completed by state staff.

Additional Eligibility Requirements

1.   Students must have approval from their local chapter, advisor, school administrators, and
     parent/guardian in order to participate. An authorization form is available for local chapter use (see
     resources and forms section).

2.   An individual member may participate in only one event in any given year. Competitive events are
     available for participation in two types of activities: Individual events evaluate one member’s
     performance. Team events evaluate several participants’ or a chapter’s performance as one entry.
     Each affiliated chapter must determine if it will be represented by teams or individuals. Team events
     may have one to three participants from the same chapter with the exception of the Parliamentary
     Procedure event, which must have four to eight participants from the same chapter.

3.   Regional, state, national officers and officer candidates are not eligible to participate in Texas regional
     or state events but may assist with the events and the presentation of awards.

4.   An individual that represents the state at the national level will NOT be eligible to enter the
     same category of the event the following year.

5.   Prior to participation, all event participants and advisors must be registered for the regional, state
     and/or national leadership conference in which they are participating. The conference registration fees
     of $17 (if paid by the early registration deadline) or $22 (if paid after the early registration deadline)
     per person at region must be paid in addition to the competitive event entry fees. State conference
     registration fees will be released with the state conference information.

Competitive Event Registration, Payment and Deadlines
1.   Each affiliated chapter may submit competitive event entry(s) for the regional level competition.
     Individuals may choose which event they wish to enter. Competitive event entries are tied to chapter
     member names. Only chapter members who are affiliated with payment posted will be eligible to
     register for competitive events.

2.   The competitive event entry fee, $22 per person, is determined by the number of participants entered
     in the event, except Parliamentary Procedure, which is $88 per team, for the regional and state level

3.   There is an entry fee for regional competition and an additional entry fee for those advancing to state
     competition. National STAR Event competition also has an entry fee. THERE WILL NOT BE ANY

4.   Registration & Payment: To register for competitive events, visit the Texas FCCLA website and
     follow the link to the online registration system. As the entries are submitted online, chapter advisors
     will choose to pay with a credit card online or send a check to Texas FCCLA.

              a. If paying by credit card, all online credit card payments must be submitted and received
                 in the system by 11:59 p.m. on December 3. Advisors do not need to send any
Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
paperwork to Texas FCCLA if a credit card is used to pay for competitive event entry

                b. If paying by check, the local chapter advisor must submit the following items to the Texas
                   FCCLA office. The items must be postmarked (a legibly dated U.S. Postal Service
                   postmark will be acceptable – meter postmarks are not acceptable) no later than
                   December 3. Entries postmarked after December 3 are ineligible. FCCLA encourages
                   advisors to send payment using a delivery confirmation instead of certified mail. The
                   items to be submitted are:
                       i. Competitive Events Invoice OR Combined Registration Invoice (print invoice after
                          entry(s) has been submitted online)
                      ii. A check for the entry fee(s). Make checks payable to Texas FCCLA and mail with
                          invoice to: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, 1107 W. 45th Street,
                          Austin, TX 78756.


                c. Hand-delivered payment with the competitive events invoice (or combined registration
                   invoice) must be in the Texas FCCLA office before 5:00 p.m. on December 3.

 If a chapter misses the deadline for submitting competitive event entries, the chapter can register
up to 7 days after the deadline with a $100 late fee per chapter. The final deadline will be determined
        each year by the state staff. Please contact the state office to submit late fee(s). All late
registrations must be completed by state staff. Events may be changed (ex: change from Advocacy
     to Entrepreneurship) through the 7 day late window if the late fee is paid. Events will NOT be
                                 changed after the late entry deadline.

                          2018 – 2019 deadline for competitive event entries:
     Mailed payment must be postmarked by December 3, 2018. Online credit card payment must be
               submitted and received in the system by 11:59 p.m. on December 3, 2018.

                  LATE Deadline for competitive event entries with $100 late fee:
  Mailed payment with the $100 late fee must be postmarked by December 10, 2018. Online credit
 card payment must be submitted and received in the system by 11:59 p.m. on December 10, 2018.
  Please contact the state office to submit late fee(s). All late registrations must be completed by
                                              state staff.

 5. Please drop teams that will not be attending prior to region or state competition (no refunds). This can
    be done by e-mailing jsams@texasfccla.org with the region, event, and category to be deleted.
    Deletions may be made until noon on Wednesday of the week prior to the region or state competition.

 6. Although not guaranteed, FCCLA will try to accommodate teacher requests for specific competition
    days/times at the regional and state conference if requests are submitted prior to the posting of the
    time schedules. Requests must be submitted in writing. Schedule day/time change requests will NOT
    be accepted after schedules are posted online.

Event Categories, Substitutions, and Team Composition

1.    An event category (Junior, Senior, Occupational) is determined by the participant’s grade during the
      school year of the regional, state and national leadership conference. Participants must compete in the
      membership category as indicated in the affiliation portal.

2.    Event categories may be changed until noon on Wednesday of the week prior to the regional conference
      for a $20 fee to pay for the cost of replacement awards. This can be done by e-mailing
      jsams@texasfccla.org requesting the category change. Please include the region, event, the current
      category, and the requested new category. Payment must be received in the state office by noon on
      Wednesday of the week prior to the region competition. A verification e-mail will be returned indicating
      receipt of request. Category changes are not permitted between region and state competition.

Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
3.   Any teams composed of students in mixed categories (junior, senior, occupational) must enter the senior

4.   Team events with only senior (grades 10 – 12) comprehensive and occupational (grades 10 – 12)
     members may not include members through grade 9.

5.   A change in the team composition could affect eligibility for state and National competition. (Ex: A Focus
     on Children team of three students, two freshmen and one senior, compete at region in the senior
     category and advance to state competition. If the senior drops from the competition and no senior
     alternates are available the team would not be eligible to advance to state competition. According to
     national rules regarding STAR Events, the freshmen may NOT compete as a senior team. Each state
     is allowed two entries per event/category and since Texas would have already submitted a junior team
     for that year, the freshmen would not be allowed to compete at national. The team would be disqualified
     and the third place senior team would then advance to national competition.)

 6. Competitors may be added to an existing team (if the event rules allow) for a $25 fee plus the competitive
    event entry fee and conference registration fee. The deadline to add competitors to a team will be the
    Wednesday of the week prior to the conference at noon. Competitors may not be added to a team after
    that deadline. This fee applies for region conference entries only. Competitors cannot be added to teams
    between region and state or between state and national.

7.   Substitutions: Competitive event participant substitutions can be made by requesting the substitution
     in the registration system. Substitutions can be made without penalty until NOON on Wednesday of the
     week prior to the region/state conference. Substitutes must be affiliated members prior to substitution.
     Please see the substitution instructions on page 26 in the resources section.

8.   On-site Substitutions: After noon on Wednesday of the week prior to the region/state conference,
     substitutions can be made with a $25 fee per person. On-site substitution forms can be picked up in the
     competitive event headquarters room at the region/state conference. Completed forms and payment
     MUST be received in the competitive event headquarters room prior to event check-in time on the day
     of competition.

Check-In Procedures & Time Requirements
1.   Competitive event schedules will be posted online by the beginning of January and will be updated again
     the Friday before each region conference. In the event of a drop, the last entry of that day or category
     (competition days will not be changed and categories will not be mixed) will be moved up into the dropped
     entry’s time slot. This also goes for drops on the day of competition.

2.   An individual and/or team member must sign in at the competitive event check-in. (*NOTE: Competitive
     Event check-in is NOT the same as Conference Registration. Each individual/team MUST check-
     in during the check-in time listed on the competitive event schedule in order to compete) This
     check-in will be at a designated time of the region and state conferences. The check-in times will be
     posted at the top of the competitive event schedules on the Texas FCCLA website prior to the
     conference. At check-in, participants must be in their presentation attire or official FCCLA dress.
     Participants may not check in unless they are in official dress or their presentation attire.

3.   Students MUST remain at the check-in location until the end of the competitive event check-in period.
     At that time, all entries must initial the adjusted time schedule to ensure they are aware of the updated
     competition times. Following the competitive event check-in, updated time schedules will be posted
     outside the competition room. Adjustments in the time schedule will not change the day of competition
     but the time may be altered on the originally scheduled day.

4.   If participants arrive up to fifteen minutes after the end of the competitive event check-in, a $25 fee will
     be imposed. Payment must be brought to headquarters prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day of the events.
     Anyone more than fifteen minutes late will be disqualified and unable to compete.

5.   Participants are responsible for checking edited time schedules and arriving at the competition at their
     assigned time. Participants should arrive at the competition room at least 15 minutes prior to competition

Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
time. If participants are not at the competition room at the designated time, the individual/team will not

General Rules for All Levels of Competition

1.   Participants must meet the national FCCLA STAR event specifications and rules set forth in each

2.   Refer to the glossary on pages 35 – 39 for definitions of terms.

3.   All competitive event projects must be developed and completed during a one-year span beginning July
     1 and ending June 30 of the current school year preceding the regional, state or national leadership

           •   Return evaluators often recognize projects that are similar to entries from previous years. To
               avoid questions, point deductions and/or disqualifications, please make sure the entry is
               original and conducted during the current school year.

4.   All competitive event projects must be planned and prepared by the participant(s) only. Supporting
     resources are acceptable as long as participants are coordinating their use and resources are cited
     appropriately verbally and/or in print during the presentation to avoid false credit for unoriginal or non-
     participant work. Participants are encouraged to use original materials, items licensed for reuse, or items
     in which copyright permission has been granted.

5.   No projects can be entered in more than one category of a single event, or in more than one event.
     However, projects entered in any event may be included in the Chapter in Review events.

6.   Chapters are allowed to enter only one entry in Chapter in Review Display and one entry in Chapter in
     Review Portfolio per category.

7.   Participants are not allowed to distribute any materials to the evaluators unless the event rules
     specifically allow it. Evaluators are not allowed to keep any items given to them by competitive event

8.   All events, except Mystery Basket at the region level, are closed to spectators. (Mystery Basket will not
     allow spectators during state competition.) Only evaluators, timekeepers, lead consultants, evaluator
     coordinators, and FCCLA staff are allowed in the event rooms.

9.   In events with the choice between a hard copy portfolio and electronic portfolio, participants will be asked
     at competition time if they are submitting a hard copy portfolio or electronic portfolio. Once the type of
     portfolio is selected, participants may not switch to the other type of portfolio. Participants should not
     bring both types of portfolios to be used in the evaluation process.

10. Videotaping of competitive events will not be allowed unless prior approval has been received from
    FCCLA staff.

11. Photographs cannot be taken by participants and/or advisors in any event with the exception of Culinary
    Arts. The contestant/team in Culinary Arts may take only one photograph of their own team’s final
    product after competition. Professional photographers contracted by the state FCCLA office may take
    photographs. Violation will result in disqualification.

12. Participants must assume responsibilities for all personal property and events materials. FCCLA is not
    responsible for items left unattended.

13. Screens and access to an electrical outlet WILL NOT be provided unless required for a participant
    classified under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Participants are
    encouraged to bring fully charged devices such as laptops, tablets, etc., to use for presentations, as
    allowed per event guidelines. Participants in events which allow electronic portfolios are responsible for

Texas FCCLA Region and State Competitive Event Guidelines 2018 2019
providing their own electronic device (i.e. laptop, etc.) in order to present their electronic portfolio to the
     evaluators. Individual screens and extension cords will not be allowed.

14. Electronic devices such as tablets or iPads are allowed in place of note cards, as long as those devices
    are not used for recording, publishing, or receiving information during the presentation. Participants
    should ensure that these devices are placed into “airplane” mode prior to the start of their event.

15. Students with special needs may submit accommodations (modifications) prior to competition to
    the state office or turn in at competition time. These will be given to the evaluators of the event in which
    the student competes.

16. All materials on displays must be placed on a clearly defined presentation surface. Displays with a clearly
    defined front presentation surface (such as tri-fold boards) may not have items on the back of the board,
    as consultants/evaluators would not be expected to look behind a display for project components.
    Displays with multiple presentation sides may have materials on all clearly defined presentation
    surfaces. All materials must be easily viewed, accessible, and legible. If using a book/flipchart, make
    sure the event rules allow.

17. The online project summary form is required for all STAR events except Culinary Arts. It is not required
    for Proficiency Events. The form can be found in the “Surveys” tab of the FCCLA Portal and not as a link
    on the FCCLA website. It is not necessary to complete a new form between region and state competition.

18. There will not be online orientations on the region or state level as the national rules reflect. The two
    points designated for this on the point summary forms will automatically be given to all participants at
    region and state competition.

19. The three points designated for “Registration Packet” on the national point summary forms will be given
    to entries as long as they attend the mandatory check-in on time.

20. There will not be online competitive event testing for Texas region and state competition as the national
    rules reflect. Any tests that are part of a STAR or Proficiency event will be administered and graded on-

21. Texas FCCLA will NOT use the national tie-breaker procedures.

22. No live animals or people can be used as props or visuals. Only registered event participants may
    present in competition.

23. If a participant fails to adhere to event guidelines or event definition, or prepares an item not based on
    the current event scenario, then the sample/display/project is ineligible for evaluation. The participant
    will still be able to compete with an oral presentation if they choose to do so, and will only be scored on
    the oral presentation.

Summary of Additional Charges for Competitive Events
Additional charges will be incurred for the following:

          $100.00       Late affiliation fee (if not affiliated by November 15; contact state office)
          $100.00       Late competitive event entry fee (within 7 days of deadline; contact state office)
           $25.00       Add a competitor to an existing team if the event allows (until noon on Wednesday
                        of the week prior to the conference; region conference entries only)
           $20.00       Event category change (until noon on Wednesday of the week prior to the
          $25.00        Up to 15 minutes late competitive event check-in
          $25.00        Per member on-site substitution fee
         Fees vary      Shipping charges for rubrics, certificates, medals, plaques, awards after conference

Event Management Information

1.   Chapters entering competitive events are strongly encouraged to submit potential evaluators for regional
     and state competition through the online conference registration system. *Note: individuals may not
evaluate an event where students from their local school or community are competing. *Current FCCLA
     advisors may not be evaluators.

2.   Individuals with knowledge in each event will be selected as evaluators. Examples:

           a. Parents/guardians of participants, except an event in which their child, child’s chapter or
              school is participating
           b. Teachers other than Family and Consumer Sciences teachers, except in an event in which
              their chapter or school is participating
           c. College students/Alumni members, except in an event in which their former school is
           d. School Administrators, business professionals and other community leaders
           e. High school senior members with STAR/ Proficiency Event experience.
           f. Business professionals

3.   Advisors or parents/guardians of participants in a given event shall not serve as the lead consultant or
     evaluator of that event.

4.   Points awarded by evaluators are final.

5.   In the event of a tie, the evaluators will re-evaluate the participants’ scores and choose a winner.

6.   Rubrics will be returned to participants only if a #10 standard business, self-addressed, stamped
     envelope is provided by participants at competition time. Participant(s) name(s), advisor’s name, event
     name, and category must appear on the outside of the envelope. Any rubrics without self-addressed,
     stamped envelopes may be returned to the advisor after the conference if postage plus a $2.00 fee is
     paid by the chapter advisor.

7.   If awards, medals, plaques, or certificates are not picked up at the conference, the items can be shipped
     to the chapter advisor if postage plus a $2.00 fee is paid by the chapter advisor.

Specific Event Information

1.   Specific event situations and scenarios can be found on the national FCCLA STAR events resources
     page on the national website.

2.   Please review the Culinary Arts rules on pages 41 – 53 of these guidelines for specific information.
     Equipment and tool lists are also included in the rules.

Advancing From Region to State & National Competition

1.   Substitutions may be made between regional and state competition in the team events. However, at
     least one original participant that entered and presented at regional competition must remain on the
     team. Individual entries may not have substitutes between the regional and state competition. Teams
     may not increase in size after the regional competition. There are no substitutions allowed between state
     and national competition.

2.   State conference information will be posted to the Texas FCCLA website, www.texasfccla.org, in

3.   Entries progressing to state and national competition may be altered to improve the presentation
     between the regional and state conference and between the state and national conferences.

4.   If a cancellation occurs with an entry that placed in the top 5 at region competition, the entry with the
     next highest score will be offered the chance to compete at state.

5.   If an entry that placed first or second at state competition cannot attend the national leadership
     conference, the third place entry will be invited to compete. If the third place entry cannot attend,
     invitations will be extended to the next highest scored entry.
The top 5 achievers will be recognized on stage at the region and state leadership conferences. On Saturday
morning of each conference, Texas FCCLA staff will post the top 5 entries from each event on the Texas
FCCLA app. The top 5 entries will have reserved seating in the general session. Some scholarships are
awarded to top participants. See pages 23 – 25 for details.

STAR Events
An average score of 60 points MUST be made from an individual or team in order to advance from the region
competition to the state competition.

The top five (5) entries in each category of all STAR Events at the region level will advance to the state level

States may submit two entries per category for national competition in ALL STAR events except Culinary
Arts, which will submit only one entry. An average score of 60 points MUST be made from an individual or
team in order to advance from the state competition to national competition.

Proficiency Events
An average score of 60 points MUST be made from an individual or team in order to advance from the region
competition to the state competition.

The top five (5) entries in each category of all Proficiency Events at the region level will advance to the state
level competition. These events do not advance to national competition.

Policies for Conduct and Appearance

Each local advisor is responsible for the actions of his/her students.
As a representative of the Texas Association, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, you have
privileges as well as responsibilities. The following guidelines were developed so that Texas can be proud
of its representatives and have them reflect a professional image at all official activities.

       Members shall conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect credit to themselves, their families,
       their schools, and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. This includes respecting the
       rights and comfort of others in regards to manners, noise, language, and general conduct.
       No alcoholic beverages or nonprescription drugs in any form shall be in the possession of, or
       consumed by, members at any time while representing Family, Career and Community Leaders of
       Participants and their chapter members will be responsible for damages they incur.
       Advisors shall be informed by the local chapter members of their activities and whereabouts at all
       Instances of misconduct will be reported to parents and/or guardians and proper school authorities.
       Participants will be disqualified if any of the above guidelines are not followed.

Participation of students or adults in behavior that negatively affects the management of STAR and
Proficiency Events or failure to display a positive image of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
before, during or after participating may result in disqualification of students and/or eligibility of the chapter
for participation the following year.
The penalty is determined by the State Advisor and/or Region Advisor, and the Evaluator Coordinator. The
decisions made are final.

Appearance- Guidelines for Dress at Region and State Conferences
The region and state leadership conferences are an excellent opportunity for members to convey to others
the positive and professional image of FCCLA. Members’ behavior in the hotels and throughout the
conferences is the only image others in the hotel and host city may ever have of our organization. Student
conduct and dress should contribute to the positive and professional image of FCCLA. The FCCLA official
blazer is always appropriate and strongly encouraged. Advisors are responsible for enforcing the dress
policy with their students. Delegates and guests not adhering to the dress policy will not be admitted
into sessions. If attending conference activities prior to or immediately after a STAR Events presentation,
be prepared to change into clothing that meets the conference dress code.

Any attendees in the conference area should be in official dress or competitive event presentation
attire at all times.

• Red, black, or white collared shirt (long or short sleeves)*
• Black dress slacks or khaki pants (no capris or shorts)
• Black sheath dress – plain with no frills
• Black or khaki skirts – no shorter than 2 inches above the knee
• Black or brown dress shoes/boots or sandals with back straps. No athletic shoes or flip flops allowed.
Note: Pant legs may not be tucked into boots
• Jeans, t-shirts, flip-flops, athletic wear are NOT acceptable
*Polo shirts and oxford shirts are not required to have the FCCLA logo. All attire with the FCCLA logo must be
purchased through the official FCCLA emblematic supplier per national policy. To purchase official FCCLA polos and
oxford shirts, visit the FCCLA store at https://fccla.mybrightsites.com/.

• Business casual attire
• Jeans, t-shirts, athletic wear, and rubber, beach type flip flops are NOT acceptable
• Guests who attend are required to follow the Mandatory Dress Policy
Follow event specifications for dress, and wear appropriate clothing for the nature of the presentation. If
attending conference activities prior to or immediately after a STAR Events presentation, be prepared to
change into clothing that meets the conference dress code.

  • Skin-tight or revealing clothing
  • Midriff-baring clothing
  • Extremely short skirts (shorter than 2 inches above the knee)
  • Clothing with printing that is suggestive, obscene or promoting illegal substances
  • Athletic clothing
  • Swimwear
  • Rubber, beach type flip flops
  • Night wear (pajamas) should not be worn outside of your hotel room
                                                                               Approved by Texas FCCLA Board of Directors
                                                                                                      November 9, 2016
Dress Code Examples:

If attending the National Leadership Conference, be sure to review the national FCCLA dress code policy.


       1. Submit chapter member names online in the national affiliation portal by November 1st and check
            to make sure national headquarters has posted the payment by November 15th.

       2. Review the chart on page 5 of these guidelines to determine the eligible number of competitive
            event entries based on your chapter size.

       3. Submit entry(s) through the online registration system. If paying using a credit card, all online credit
            card payments must be submitted and received in the system by 11:59 p.m. on December 3. If
            paying by check, the items must be postmarked no later than December 3. The items should
              a) Competitive Events Invoice OR Combined Registration Invoice (print invoice after entry(s) has
                 been submitted online)
              b) A check for the entry fee(s). Make checks payable to: FCCLA and mail with invoice to: Family,
                 Career and Community Leaders of America, 1107 W. 45th Street, Austin, TX 78756.

       4. If entering a portfolio event, purchase the official FCCLA notebook/binder from the national
          FCCLA store, found at www.fcclainc.org. (Allow time for delivery)

       5. Prepare display, file folder, or portfolio, if required, as described in event rules.

       6. Prepare a #10 standard business, self-addressed, stamped envelope to be turned in at
          competition time (if desired). Participant(s) name(s), advisor's name, event name, and category
          must appear on the outside of the envelope. Only one envelope per team should be submitted.

____   7. Check presentation to ensure that it is the appropriate length. Take all needed equipment, supplies
          and materials to the conference.

       8.    Check adjusted time schedule after the competitive event check-in has ended to verify scheduled
             participation time. Competition times are subject to change based on no-shows.

       9.    Make arrangements to pick up any items brought to the events after the competition is completed.

November 1
Chapter advisors must submit chapter member names into the national affiliation portal on or before November 1.

November 15
Payment must be posted into the national affiliation portal by November 15. If payment is made with a credit card,
it will be automatically posted. If the chapter is paying by check, payment to national headquarters must be
received and posted by November 15. It is the responsibility of the local chapter advisor to verify that payment has
been posted by national headquarters.

December 3
Mailed competitive event payment must be postmarked no later than December 3. After registering the
competitive event entries on the new online registration system, the local chapter advisor must submit the
Competitive Events Invoice (or Combined Registration Invoice) along with payment in one packet to Family,
Career and Community Leaders of America if paying by check. All online credit card payments must be submitted
and received in the system by 11:59 p.m. on December 3.

December 4 – 10
Competitive event entries will be accepted with a $100 late fee. Mailed payment with the $100 late fee must be
postmarked by December 10, 2018. All online credit card payments must be submitted and received in the
system by 11:59 p.m. on December 10. Please contact the state office to submit late fee(s). All late registrations
must be completed by state staff.

January 23 by Noon
Region V deadline for drops, category changes ($20 fee), adding a team member (with fee), and submitting
substitutions (without penalty).

January 30 by Noon
Region III deadline for drops, category changes ($20 fee), adding a team member (with fee), and submitting
substitutions (without penalty).

February 6 by Noon
Region IV deadline for drops, category changes ($20 fee), adding a team member (with fee), and submitting
substitutions (without penalty).

February 13 by Noon
Region II deadline for drops, category changes ($20 fee), adding a team member (with fee), and submitting
substitutions (without penalty).

February 20 by Noon
Region I deadline for drops, category changes ($20 fee), adding a team member (with fee), and submitting
substitutions (without penalty).

March 27 by Noon
State deadline for drops and submitting substitutions (without penalty).

Event Date
Participants must check-in during designated check-in time and bring designated materials at competition time at
the regional/state conference.

Following Regional Competition
Entries advancing to state competition must register online. Following the five regional conferences, state
competition information will be posted to the website. (There is a state competition entry fee that must be paid
prior to the state conference.)

Following State Competition
Top entries from the state conference will receive materials regarding national competition prior to the national
conference. Other information regarding the national conference will be posted to the website.


Presentation Elements Allowed

                                                          File      Flip                Props/             Presentation
                        Audio                 Easel(s)   Folder    Chart(s) Portfolio   Pointers   Skits    Equipment     Visuals
     Advocacy            ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●                    ●            ●
  Applied Math for
     Culinary            ●                      ●         ●            ●                  ●                    ●            ●
Career Investigation                            ●                              ●                               *
 Chapter in Review
     Display             ●          ●                                                     ●        ●           ●            ●
 Chapter in Review
     Portfolio           ●          ●           ●                              ●                   ●           ●
  Chapter Service
  Project Display        ●          ●                                                     ●        ●           ●            ●
  Chapter Service
  Project Portfolio                 ●           ●                              ●                   ●           *
                                Chef Attire
   Culinary Arts
  Early Childhood
    Education                       ●           ●                              ●          ●        **         **           **
 Entrepreneurship        ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●        ●          ●            ●
    Ambassador           ●          ●           ●                      ●       ●          ●        ●          ●            ●
    Construction         ●                                ●                               ●                   ●            ●
  Fashion Design         ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●                   ●            ●
 Focus on Children       ●          ●                                                     ●        ●          ●            ●
 Food Innovations        ●          ●           ●                                         ●                   ●            ●
Hospitality, Tourism,
  and Recreation         ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●                   ●            ●
   Illustrated Talk      ●          ●           ●         ●            ●                  ●        ●          ●            ●
   Interior Design                              ●         ●                               ●                               ***
  Communications                    ●           ●         ●            ●                  ●        ●           ●           ●
   Job Interview                                                               ●                               *
    Leadership           ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●                    *            ●
Life Event Planning      ●                      ●                      ●       ●                               ●            ●
National Programs in
       Action            ●          ●           ●         ●            ●                  ●        ●           ●            ●
    Nutrition and
     Wellness            ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●                    ●            ●
   Promote and
 Publicize FCCLA!        ●          ●           ●                      ●       ●          ●                    ●            ●
    Recycle and
     Redesign            ●                                                                ●                    ●            ●
  Say Yes to FCS
    Education            ●                      ●                      ●       ●          ●                    ●            ●
File      Flip                     Props/               Presentation
                           Audio                    Easel(s)    Folder    Chart(s) Portfolio       Pointers     Skits     Equipment       Visuals
  Sports Nutrition           ●                         ●          ●           ●                       ●                       ●              ●
 Teach and Train             ●                         ●                      ●          ●            ●                       ●              ●
  Cupcake Battle                          #                       ●
  Mystery Basket

Serving Up Success                                                ●
 Toys That Teach
KEY: A dot (•) means that the option is allowed, though it will not be provided and may be subject to limitations as stated in the guidelines. An open
block means that the option is not allowed.

*Presentation Equipment is allowed only for presentation of electronic portfolio.
**Skits may not be used during the oral presentation but may be used during the presentation of the
onsite case study activity. Presentation equipment is allowed only for presentation of electronic
portfolio and Activity Plan Presentation. Visuals are limited to the content of the resource container and
any software needed for Activity Plan Presentation.
***Visuals are design and sample boards only.
 # Senior Category: official conference attire required; Occupational Category: chef attire required

STAR & Proficiency Events General Information

                      Event    Individual                                                   Participant Consultant &
                                              Prepare Ahead                     Electrical                           Maximum Oral     Evaluation  Total Event
                    Categories or Team                            Equipment                Set Up / Prep  Evaluator   Presentation Interview Time
                                                 of Time                         Access                                                              Time
                                 Event                             Provided                    Time      Review Time      Time

                      Junior                                                                              10 minutes warning at 9
                                Individual Portfolio, Oral                        Not
   Advocacy           Senior                                        Table                10 minutes         prior to   minutes;           5 minutes 30 minutes
                                 or Team Presentation                           provided
                       Occ.                                                                              presentation stopped at
                                                                                                                      10 minutes
                                                                                                                      warning at 4
Applied Math for                                                                         5 minutes        5 minutes     minutes;
                                            File Folder,
                                Individual                                        Not    set up / 10
   Culinary            Occ.                Visuals, Oral            Table                                   prior to  stopped at 5 5 minutes 30 minutes
                                 or Team                                        provided minutes
 Management                                Presentation                                                  presentation minutes / 10
                                                                                         case study
                                                                                                                      minutes case
                      Junior                                                                              10 minutes      warning at 9
     Career                                    Portfolio, Oral                     Not
                      Senior     Individual                          Table                   5 minutes      prior to        minutes;      5 minutes    30 minutes
  Investigation                                Presentation                      provided
                       Occ.                                                                              presentation    stopped at 10
                      Junior                                                                              5 minutes      warning at 14
Chapter in Review                              Display, Oral                      Not
                      Senior       Team                              Table                  5 minutes        after          minutes;      5 minutes    35 minutes
    Display                                    Presentation                     provided
                                                                                                         presentation    stopped at 15
                      Junior                                                                              10 minutes     warning at 14
Chapter in Review                              Portfolio, Oral                    Not
                      Senior       Team                              Table                                  prior to        minutes;      5 minutes    35 minutes
    Portfolio                                  Presentation                     provided
                       Occ.                                                                              presentation    stopped at 15
                      Junior                                        Table or                              5 minutes       warning at 9
 Chapter Service                               Display, Oral                      Not
                      Senior       Team                          freestanding               5 minutes      following        minutes;      5 minutes    30 minutes
 Project Display                               Presentation                     provided
                                                                     space                               presentation    stopped at 10
                      Junior                                                                              5 minutes       warning at 9
Chapter Service                                Portfolio, Oral                    Not
                      Senior       Team                              Table                                  prior to        minutes;      5 minutes    25 minutes
Project Portfolio                              Presentation                     provided
                                                                                                         presentation    stopped at 10
                                             Equipment,     Large                                         20 minute
                                 Team of 3 Completed Time equipment,              Not       15 minutes                  60 minutes food   15 minutes   2 hours and
  Culinary Arts                                                                                           equipment
                       Occ.     participants Management                         provided     planning                     production       clean up     5 minutes
                                                             food                                           check
                                                 Portfolio,                       Not                     20 minutes      warning at 9
Early Childhood                                                                             20 minutes
                       Occ.      Individual      Resource            Table                                  prior to        minutes;      5 minutes    40 minutes
  Education                                                                     provided     planning
                                                 Container                                               presentation    stopped at 10
                      Junior                                                                              15 minutes     warning at 19
                                Individual or Portfolio, Oral                     Not
Entrepreneurship      Senior                                         Table                  15 minutes      prior to        minutes;      5 minutes    45 minutes
                                   Team       Presentation                      provided
                       Occ.                                                                              presentation    stopped at 20
                      Junior                                                      Not                     10 minutes      warning at 9
 Environmental                  Individual or Portfolio, Oral
                      Senior                                         Table                  5 minutes       prior to        minutes;      5 minutes    30 minutes
  Ambassador                       Team       Presentation                      provided                 presentation    stopped at 10
                                                 Sample                                                                    1-minute
                                              Garment, Oral        Table or                                              warning at 4
    Fashion                     Individual    Presentation,      Freestanding     Not                    10 minutes        minutes;       5 minutes    30 minutes
                                                                                            5 minutes
  Construction        Senior
                                               Skill Area           Space       provided                                 stopped at 5
                                                Selection                                                                  minutes
                      Event                                                      Electrical                  Consultant & Maximum Oral     Evaluation
                               Individual or Prepare Ahead of        Equipment                 Set Up /                                                Total Event
                    Categories Team Event          Time                           Access                      Evaluator    Presentation Interview Time
                                                                      Provided                Prep Time                                                   Time
                                                                                                             Review Time       Time
                                                   Portfolio,                                                 15 minutes
                      Senior                                                                                                 warning at 9
                                                   Sample                          Not
Fashion Design         Occ.      Individual                            Table                   5 minutes        prior to       minutes;     5 minutes    40 minutes
                                                 Garment, Oral                   provided
                                                                                                             presentation   stopped at 10
                                                                                                              5 minutes        1-minute
   Focus on           Junior                                          Table or     Not                                       warning at 9
                                Individual or     Display, Oral                                                   after
                      Senior                                        Freestanding               5 minutes                       minutes;     5 minutes    30 minutes
   Children                        Team           Presentation                   provided                    presentation
                       Occ.                                            Space                                                stopped at 10
                                                                                                               interview       minutes
                      Junior                  Display, Product  Table or                                      5 minutes      warning at 9
                                Individual or                                Not
Food Innovations      Senior                  Packaging, Oral Freestanding                     5 minutes      following        minutes;     5 minutes    30 minutes
                                   Team                                    provided
                                               Presentation      Space                                        interview     stopped at 10
  Hospitality,        Senior                                                                  10 minutes /    10 minutes     warning at 9
                                Individual or Portfolio, Oral                      Not
  Tourism and          Occ.                                            Table                   10 minutes       prior to       minutes;     5 minutes    40 minutes
                                   Team       Presentation                       provided
   Recreation                                                                                  case study    presentation   stopped at 10
                      Junior                  File Folder, Oral                                               5 minutes     warning at 9
                                Individual or                                      Not
 Illustrated Talk     Senior                   Presentation,           Table                   5 minutes        prior to      minutes;      5 minutes    25 minutes
                                   Team                                          provided
                                                   Visuals                                                   presentation  stopped at 10
                      Senior                       File Folder,                                               10 minutes warning at 14
                                Individual or                                      Not
 Interior Design       Occ.                       Visuals, Oral        Table                   5 minutes        prior to      minutes;      5 minutes    40 minutes
                                   Team                                          provided
                                                  Presentation                                               presentation stopped at 15
                      Junior                                                                  5 minutes        5 minutes    warning at 4
                                                   File Folder,                    Not
 Interpersonal        Senior    Individual or                   Table, blank                  set up / 10                     minutes;
                                                       Oral                                                     prior to                    5 minutes    35 minutes
Communications         Occ.        Team                          note cards      provided      minutes                      stopped at 5
                                                   Presentation                                              presentation minutes (same
                                                                                              case study
                                                                                                                          for case study)
                      Senior                                                                                  15 minutes    warning at 19
                                                Portfolio and Job                  Not
 Job Interview         Occ.      Individual                                                                     prior to       minutes;                  40 minutes
                                                  Application                    provided                    presentation   stopped at 20
                      Senior                                                                                  10 minutes     warning at 9
                                                 Portfolio, Oral                   Not
  Leadership                     Individual                            Table                  10 minutes        prior to       minutes;     5 minutes    30 minutes
                       Occ.                      Presentation                    provided
                                                                                                             presentation   stopped at 10
                      Junior                                                                                  10 minutes     warning at 9
   Life Event                   Individual or Portfolio, Oral                      Not
                      Senior                                           Table                   5 minutes        prior to       minutes;     5 minutes    30 minutes
   Planning                        Team       Presentation                       provided                    presentation   stopped at 10
    National          Junior                  File Folder, Oral                                               5 minutes      warning at 9
                                Individual or                                      Not
  Programs in         Senior                   Presentation,           Table                   5 minutes        prior to       minutes;     5 minutes    25 minutes
                                   Team                                          provided
     Action            Occ.                        Visuals                                                   presentation   stopped at 10
                      Junior                        Portfolio,                                                10 minutes     warning at 9
  Nutrition and                                                                    Not
                      Senior     Individual       Visuals, Oral        Table                  10 minutes        prior to       minutes;     5 minutes    30 minutes
   Wellness                                                                      provided
                       Occ.                       Presentation                                               presentation   stopped at 10
                      Junior                    Bring gavel,    planning
 Parliamentary                  Team of 4 to                                   Not            15 minutes
                      Senior                 blank paper, and    packet,                                                     20 minutes     15 minutes   50 minutes
  Procedure                     8 members                                                      prep time
                       Occ.                       pencils     Roberts’ Rules provided
                     Event                                                                     Participant   Consultant & Maximum Oral
                                                                                  Electrical                                               Evaluation
                   Categories Individual or Prepare Ahead of        Equipment      Access
                                                                                                Set Up /      Evaluator    Presentation
                                                                                                                                        Interview Time
                                                                                                                                                       Total Event
                              Team Event          Time               Provided                  Prep Time     Review Time       Time                       Time

                     Junior                                                                                   10 minutes      warning at 9
  Promote and                  Individual or Portfolio, Oral                        Not
                     Senior                                           Table                    10 minutes       prior to        minutes;     5 minutes   40 minutes
Publicize FCCLA!                  Team       Presentation                         provided                   presentation    stopped at 10
                     Junior                     Display, Oral                                                 10 minutes
                                                                                    Not                                      warning at 4
  Recycle and                                   Presentation,
                     Senior     Individual                            Table                    5 minutes        prior to       minutes;      5 minutes   30 minutes
   Redesign                                    Skills Selection                   provided
                      Occ.                                                                                   presentation    stopped at 5
                                                                                                                                1 minute
                     Senior                                                                                   10 minutes      warning at 9
Say Yes to FCS                                 Portfolio, Oral                      Not
                      Occ.      Individual                            Table                    5 minutes        prior to        minutes;     5 minutes   30 minutes
  Education                                    Presentation                       provided
                                                                                                             presentation    stopped at 10
                                            File Folder, Oral                                                 5 minutes      warning at 14
                     Junior    Individual or Presentation,                          Not
Sports Nutrition     Senior                                           Table                    5 minutes        prior to        minutes;     5 minutes   30 minutes
                                  Team       Management                           provided
                      Occ.                                                                                   presentation    stopped at 15
                                             Tool, Visuals
                     Junior                                                                                   10 minutes      warning at 9
                                               Portfolio, Oral                      Not
Teach and Train      Senior     Individual                            Table                    5 minutes        prior to        minutes;     5 minutes   30 minutes
                                               Presentation                       provided
                      Occ.                                                                                   presentation    stopped at 10

                                                   Cupcake                                                                     1-minute
                     Senior                                                          Not                                     warning at 4
                                                display with 6
                                                                 Table; see        provided;
 Cupcake Battle       Occ.      Individual      cupcakes, file                                  5 minutes        N/A           minutes;        N/A       10 minutes
                                                               rules for state     see rules
                                                  folder, oral                                                               stopped at 5
                                                                                   for state
                                                 presentation                                                                  minutes

                                                                  Lab tables, food,               20 min.
                      Occ.                                                            Not                                     10 min. for                  1 hour 25
 Mystery Basket                 Individual        Equipment        fridge, water,                plan / 40       N/A                        10 minutes
                                                                                    provided                                self-evaluation                 minutes
                                                                     trash cans                  min. prep

                                                  File folder,
                                                 document of
                                                  work-based                                    5 minutes
   Serving Up        Senior                         learning                         Not             for                                       5
                                Individual                     See event rules                                   N/A         20 minutes                  30 minutes
    Success                                       experience                       provided      situation                                   minutes
                      Occ.                         and field                                     question
                                                interview form
                     Junior                        toy, Toy
                     Senior    Individual or        Design                           Not                                                       5
Toys That Teach                                                       Table                     5 minutes        N/A          5 minutes                  15 minutes
                      Occ.        Team           Worksheet,                        provided                                                  minutes
     *Team events may have one, two or three participants from the same chapter with the exception of the
     Parliamentary Procedure Event, which may have four to eight participants from the same chapter. Culinary
     Arts teams must consist of three students from the same chapter.

                               Region Level
APPLIED MATH FOR CULINARY         Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
MANAGEMENT                        Each participant receives $500
Occupational                      1st place: $3,000
                                  2nd place: $2,000
                                  3rd place: $1,500

CULINARY ARTS                     Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Occupational                      Each participant receives $500
                                  1st place: $3,000
                                  2nd place: $2,000
                                  3rd place: $1,500

FOOD INNOVATIONS                  Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Junior, Senior and Occupational   Each participant receives $500
                                  1st place: $3,000
                                  2nd place: $2,000
                                  3rd place: $1,500

CUPCAKE BATTLE                    Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Senior and Occupational           Each participant receives $500
                                  1st place: $3,000
                                  2nd place: $2,000
                                  3rd place: $1,500

MYSTERY BASKET                    Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Occupational                      Each participant receives $500
                                  1st place: $3,000
                                  2nd place: $2,000
                                  3rd place: $1,500

SERVING UP SUCCESS                Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Senior and Occupational           Each participant receives $500
                                  1st place: $3,000
                                  2nd place: $2,000
                                  3rd place: $1,500

                                State Level
APPLIED MATH FOR                  Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
CULINARY MANAGEMENT               1st place: $5,000
Occupational                      2nd place: $3,000
                                  3rd place: $2,000

CAREER INVESTIGATION              CEV Multimedia
Senior and Occupational           1st place: $750

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