Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...

Page created by Calvin Mcbride
Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
March 2011

Environmental Impact Statement Summary
Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste
Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
Environmental Impact Statement Summary


    PREFACE			                                                                                                                  1

1 INTRODUCTION		                                                                                                                2
		    Purpose of an EA                                                                                                          2
		    Purpose of an EIS Summary                                                                                                 2
		    Methodology for the DGR Project EA                                                                                        2

2 REGULATORY APPROVALS PROCESS                                                                                                  5
		   EA Guidelines                                                                                                              5
		   Schedule of Milestones in the Regulatory Process                                                                           6

3 CONTEXT FOR THE DGR PROJECT                                                                                                   7
		   Western Waste Management Facility                                                                                          9
		   Waste Volumes                                                                                                             10
		   LLW			                                                                                                                    10
		   ILW			                                                                                                                    10
		   Refurbishment Waste                                                                                                       10
		   Waste Characterization                                                                                                    10
		   International Experience                                                                                                  12
			 Comparison with International Programs                                                                                     13
			 Peer Review                                                                                                                13

4 DESCRIPTION OF THE DGR PROJECT                                                                                               14
		   Need for the DGR                                                                                                          14
		   History of the Bruce Nuclear Site                                                                                         15
		   Proposed DGR Project Site                                                                                                 15
		   EA Study Areas                                                                                                            16
		   Map of EA Study Areas                                                                                                     17
		   Project Phases                                                                                                            18
		   DGR Project Works and Activities for EA Purposes                                                                          19
		   Surface Facilities                                                                                                        21
		   Underground Facilities                                                                                                    22

5 SITE CHARACTERIZATION AND EXISTING ENVIRONMENT                                                                               23
		    Preliminary Geotechnical Feasibility Study and Independent Assessment Study                                              23
		    Geoscience Program for Project Site Characterization                                                                     23
			 Site-Specific Geoscientific Studies                                                                                        24
			 Geosynthesis of Site and Regional Data                                                                                     27
		    Existing Environment Overview                                                                                            32

The Environmental Impact Statement Summary is based on the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by Golder Associates Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario.
Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

		   Likely Effects due to Normal DGR Project Development and Operation                       34
			 Methodology and Criteria for Determining Significance of Residual Effects                 34
			 Atmospheric                                                                               35
			 Hydrology and Water Quality                                                               35
			 Aquatic			                                                                                36
			 Terrestrial		                                                                             36
			 Geology		                                                                                 37
			 Radiation and Radioactivity                                                               37
			 Aboriginal Interests                                                                      38
			 Socio-Economic                                                                            38
			 Human Health                                                                              39
			 Ecological Features                                                                       39
			 Cumulative Environmental Effects                                                          40
		   Potential Effects due to Abnormal Events (Malfunctions, Accidents and Malevolent Acts)   41
		   Potential Effects during DGR Development and Operation: Preclosure Safety Assessment     42
		   Potential Effects on the DGR during Long-Term Period: Postclosure Safety Assessment      43

7 SUMMARY OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS                                                      47
		   Potential Effects of the Environment (Natural Hazards) on the Project                    47
		   Potential Climate Change Effects                                                         47

8   FOLLOW-UP MONITORING PLAN                                                                 48

9 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND ABORIGINAL ENGAGEMENT                                              49
		   Providing the Public with Opportunities for Meaningful Participation                     50
		   Who Did We Consult?                                                                      50
		Public Participation: Key Milestones and Engagement Opportunities, 2002 to 2005:
       Developing an option for the long-term management of L&ILW                             51
		   2006 and Onward: Keeping the public informed about the DGR Project                       51
		   Methods of Engagement                                                                    52
		   Engagement with Aboriginal peoples                                                       53
		   Saugeen Ojibway Nation Engagement (SON)                                                  53
		   Historic Saugeen Métis Community Engagement                                              53
		   Métis Nation of Ontario Engagement                                                       54
		   Michigan Engagement                                                                      54
		   Evaluation and Feedback: Strong Local Support                                            54
  RECURRING AREAS OF DISCUSSION WITH THE PUBLIC                                               55

10 CONCLUSIONS		                                                                              58
		    Geoscience Conclusions                                                                  58
		    Safety Assessment Conclusions                                                           58
		    EA Conclusions                                                                          58
Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
Environmental Impact Statement Summary


In Canada, the owners of nuclear power plants are responsible for the
safe manage­ment of the low and intermediate level waste (L&ILW)
produced by the operation of their generating stations. Ontario Power
Generation (OPG), an Ontario-based electricity generation company
owned by the Province of Ontario, has been safely managing L&ILW at
the Western Waste Management Facility (WWMF), which is located at
the Bruce nuclear site within the Municipality of Kincardine, for almost
40 years. OPG has a proven track record in the safe and responsible
management of this waste. The WWMF was originally developed
to provide interim storage for L&ILW until such time as a long-term
management facility is available.

In 2005, OPG, with the support of the Bruce               technical suitability – in this case geology that offers
County municipalities, initiated the regulatory           multiple natural barriers to safely isolate and contain
approvals process for site preparation and                the waste for tens of thousands of years and beyond;
construction, operation, decommissioning,                 and social acceptance – residents of the host
abandonment and long-term performance of a                municipality are both informed and willing.
Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) for the long-term              In order to move forward with the DGR Project,
management of L&ILW. The proposed site for the            OPG requires a site preparation and construction
DGR is on lands located adjacent to the WWMF. The         licence from the Canadian Nuclear Safety
DGR will be constructed at a nominal depth of 680 m       Commission (CNSC). A requirement of the licensing
beneath the surface in low permeability limestone         is that an environmental assessment (EA) of the
overlain by a 200-metre-thick cap of low permea-          proposed DGR Project under the provisions of
bility shale. The capacity of the DGR is approximately    the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act be
200,000 m3. The DGR will only accommodate L&ILW           completed. Detailed findings of the EA completed
from OPG-owned or -operated nuclear reactors.             for the DGR are presented in the Environmental
OPG is the proponent for the DGR Project.                 Impact Statement (EIS) and Technical Support
     The DGR site was chosen because it provides          Documents. (These documents can be accessed at:
two attributes that, based on international experience,   www.opg.com/dgr and www.‌ceaa-‌acee.‌gc.‌ca.)
are essential for the successful development of
a long-term nuclear waste management facility:

Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste


Purpose of an EA                                          The steps used in the EA for the DGR Project
                                                          were generally:
An EA is a tool that provides an effective means of
integrating environmental factors into the planning and   • Describe the Project for planning purposes;
decision-making processes in a manner that promotes       • Characterize the existing baseline environment
sustainable development and minimizes the overall           conditions;
effect of a project. The EA is an inclusive process,      • Identify potential interactions between the DGR
which provides opportunities for key stakeholders,          Project and the environment;
including Aboriginal peoples and members of the           • Further assess the possible Project-environment
general public, to engage and participate in the            interactions to determine if there are measurable
regulatory approvals process.                               changes to the environment – a measurable
                                                            change is a change in the environment that is real,
                                                            observable or detectable compared with existing
Purpose of an EIS Summary                                 • Advance measurable changes to determine
                                                            whether there is a likely environmental effect.
The intent of this EIS Summary is to provide the public     (Effects are assessed as either beneficial or
with a broad overview of the information found in the       adverse. An adverse effect is defined as a
detailed submissions that have been made to the             “non-trivial change.” Adverse effects were advanced
Joint Review Panel. This EIS Summary is provided            for consideration of possible mitigation measures
for information purposes only and is not intended to        to eliminate or reduce the effects. Beneficial effects
replace, add to or assist in interpreting the detailed      are not considered further. The remaining effects
submissions.                                                are residual adverse effects. Residual effects are
    This EIS Summary describes the DGR Project,             also assessed to determine if they combine with
provides an overview of the EA process and the results      other projects to produce cumulative effects); and
of the assessment. It also describes the geoscience       • Assess whether the residual adverse effects
investigations, safety assessment and communica-            present after mitigation are significant.
tions that were completed in support of the regulatory
approvals process.                                        Follow-up monitoring programs are proposed to verify
                                                          the predictions made in the assessment, to confirm
                                                          whether mitigation measures are effective and to allow
                                                          provisions for change.
Methodology for the DGR Project EA                            Possible effects on the environment as a result of
                                                          the DGR Project were looked at in conjunction with
An EA for the proposed DGR was undertaken by the          the effects of other projects, which overlap in time or
Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO),             location, to see if there were any potential cumulative
on behalf of OPG, to assess potential effects of the      effects.
project and, where necessary, identify mitigation             EA studies were conducted by a team of technical
measures and follow-up monitoring programs.               experts, and the EA results are supported by a large
   A thorough, traceable, step-wise assessment            framework of technical and scientific documentation,
process was applied to identify the potential environ-    which includes the EIS and supporting documents.
mental effects (including cumulative effects) of all          Throughout the EA process, the project team
phases (site preparation and construction, operations,    provided the community and interested stakeholders
decommissioning, and abandonment and long-term            with opportunities to become informed on the status
performance) of the DGR Project.                          of the studies, provide input to the EA and obtain
                                                          answers to their questions. OPG sought to ensure
                                                          that interested Aboriginal peoples had the opportunity
                                                          to become informed of and to participate in the EA
                                                          process for the DGR Project.
Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
Environmental Impact Statement Summary

The EA for the DGR Project assessed many potential effects of the proposed project on varied components of the environment
including tourism, the terrestrial environment and socio-economic effects.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

EIS Report Structure

                                                    Technical Support

                                                      Atmospheric Environment
                                                      Air Quality, Noise Levels,
                                                                                        DGR EA
                                                      Meteorology, Climate, Light       Follow-up
                                                      Hydrology and Surface             Program
                                                      Water Quality
                                                      Surface Water Quality, Surface
                                                      Water Quantity and Flow
    Assessment                                        Soil Quality, Ground Water
                             Preliminary              Quality, Groundwater Flow         Environmental
                             Safety Report                                              Impact
                                                      Aquatic Environment               Statement
                                                      Aquatic Vegetation, Fish
    Geosynthesis                                      Species, Aquatic Invertebrates

                                                      Terrestrial Environment
                                                      Terrestrial Vegetation, Birds,
                                                      Mammals, Amphibians

                                                      Socio-Economic Environment
                                                      Population, Employment,           Summary
                                                      Business Activity, Tourism,
                                                      Housing and Property Values,
                                                      Municipal Finance, Municipal
                                                      Infrastructure and Services

                                                      Aboriginal Interests
                                                      Aboriginal Communities,
                                                      Native Aboriginal Heritage and
                                                      Cultural Resources, Traditional
                                                      Use of Lands

                                                      Radiation and Radioactivity
                                                      Radioactivity in Air, Water,
                                                      Soil, Vegetation, Aquatic and
                                                      Terrestrial Biota, Dose to
                                                      Humans and Non-human Biota

                                                      Malfunctions, Accidents and
                                                      Malevolent Acts
                                                      Effects on all the above due to
                                                      accidental or upset conditions
                                                      or malevolent acts

Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
Environmental Impact Statement Summary


The EA process for the DGR Project was initiated with the submission
of a Project Description by OPG to the CNSC on December 2, 2005.
The site preparation and construction licence application for the DGR
was submitted by OPG to the CNSC on August 13, 2007. An EA of the
proposed DGR Project is required under the provisions of the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Act because the proponent will require a licence
from the CNSC to allow the project to proceed. CNSC is the Responsible
Authority pursuant to the Act; however, the Canadian Environmental
Assessment Agency (CEAA) also has statutory responsibilities.

EA Guidelines                                           environmental field work and effects assessment
                                                        and communications work programs in support of
The CNSC issued draft guidelines for a compre-          the EA are reflected in the EIS which, along with the
hensive study EA of the DGR Project, which were         Preliminary Safety Report (PSR), was submitted to
the subject of a public hearing held in Kincardine      the Joint Review Panel.
in October, 2006. Following the hearing, CNSC                The submission package will be subject to a
commission members recommended to the federal           public review. On completion of the public review,
Minister of the Environment that given the public       if the Joint Review Panel determines that the
concerns, the first-of-a-kind nature of the facility,   information provided fully addresses the guidelines,
the possibility of adverse environmental effects and    the Joint Review Panel will convene a public hearing
concerns regarding the ability of a comprehensive       to hear comments about the submission from
study to address all the questions raised, the DGR      individuals and groups. The Panel will then make a
Project be referred to a review panel.                  recommendation to the Minister of the Environment
    The Minister of the Environment referred the        on the acceptability of the EIS. The Minister will
EA for the DGR Project to a Joint Review Panel on       take the Panel recommendation/report to Cabinet
June 29, 2007. Draft guidelines for the preparation     for a final decision. If the EIS is accepted, a site
of the EIS were issued by CEAA and the CNSC for         preparation and construction licence could be
public review on April 4, 2008. The final guidelines    issued. Following licensing approval by the Panel, site
and Joint Panel Review Agreement were issued in         preparation and construction would take about five to
January 2009.                                           seven years. OPG would require an operating licence
    The scope and results of the geoscience,            before waste could be emplaced in the DGR. The
engineering and design, safety assessment,              DGR is anticipated to be operational in 2018.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary - March 2011 - Agence d ...
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

Schedule of Milestones in the Regulatory Process

    2001     • Kincardine proposes a joint study to assess the feasibility of long-term management
               of L&ILW at the Bruce nuclear site

    2002     • Kincardine and OPG sign Memorandum of Understanding

    2003     • Engagement with Bruce municipalities and Aboriginal peoples begins

    2004     • Independent Assessment Study concludes there are several safe and technically feasible
               options for the long-term management of L&ILW at the Bruce nuclear site
             • Kincardine requests DGR as its preferred approach moving forward
             • Kincardine and OPG sign DGR Hosting Agreement

    2005     • Municipality of Kincardine poll concludes majority of respondents support the DGR
               proposal for long-term management of L&ILW
             • OPG submits a Project Description for the DGR Project; initiates the regulatory
               approvals process

    2006     • CNSC releases draft guidelines for the DGR Project and holds a public hearing on
               the guidelines
             • Geoscientific site characterization begins at the Bruce nuclear site

    2007     • Federal Minister of the Environment refers DGR Project to a Joint Review Panel

    2008     • Draft guidelines for EIS issued for public review

    2009     • Final guidelines for DGR Project EIS issued

    2010     • Completion of the geoscientific site characterization and assessment of safety and
               environmental effects

    2011     • Submission of the EIS and PSR to the Joint Review Panel in support of the
               licensing process

    2012     • EA Public Hearing before Joint Review Panel (assumed)

    2013     • Site preparation and construction begin (assumed)

    2018     • The DGR receives waste (assumed)

Environmental Impact Statement Summary


L&ILW from OPG’s nuclear generating stations has been safely processed
and stored on an interim basis at the WWMF, located at the Bruce
nuclear site, for almost 40 years. In 2001, the Municipality of Kincardine
requested OPG to consider options for the long-term management of
OPG’s L&ILW at the WWMF. This led to the signing of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) between the parties in 2002.

The MOU set out the terms for a plan to study                  In August 2004, the OPG Board of Directors
the long-term management options for L&ILW at              agreed to proceed with a DGR, recognizing the
the Bruce nuclear site. An independent consultant          reasons cited by Kincardine.
was retained to examine the technical feasibility of           A DGR Hosting Agreement was signed in
constructing and operating each of four long-term          October 2004 between OPG and the Municipality
management concepts at the proposed site: status           of Kincardine. The agreement allows for the
quo, enhanced processing and storage, surface              construction and operation of a DGR for the
concrete vaults and deep rock vaults. The study            long-term management of L&ILW waste from
report (known as the Independent Assessment                OPG-owned or -operated nuclear generating
Study IAS) was completed in February 2004, and             stations and provides a series of hosting payments
concluded that all options were technically feasible       to Kincardine and surrounding communities, subject
and could be safely constructed and operated at the        to meeting major project licensing and construction
site. These options were also assessed in relation to      milestones. The agreement also required that a clear
possible environmental effects, economic benefits,         mandate be provided by the Kincardine community
effects on tourism and public attitude.                    to its council in favour of the DGR. A poll was
    Communication activities were conducted                conducted in early 2005 of all Kincardine permanent
throughout the duration of the IAS to inform               (by telephone) and seasonal (by mail) residents 18
stake­holders and the public of the study and to           years of age and older by an independent polling
obtain their comments on the long-term management          company working on behalf of the Municipality of
options. These activities included stakeholder             Kincardine. With a 71 percent response rate, 60
briefings, a newsletter to the residents of Kincardine     percent of the Kincardine community voted in favour
and neighbouring municipalities, a project-specific        of the DGR, 22 percent against, 13 percent neutral,
web site, a round of five open houses and communi-         and 5 percent don’t know/refused to answer.
cation with the local Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON).            SON was approached in 2003 by OPG to inform
    With the finalization of the IAS, Kincardine Council   them of the IAS. A Communications Protocol was
passed a resolution requesting OPG to pursue a             signed in 2004 that provided resources to enable
DGR (i.e., deep rock vaults) for L&ILW at the Bruce        SON to conduct their own independent peer review
nuclear site, citing reasons that this option offered      of the study report and to inform their community
the highest margin of long-term safety among the           members of the IAS. In March 2009, the signing
technical options studied, was consistent with best        of a Protocol Agreement between SON, OPG and
inter­national practice, provided economic benefit         NWMO provided SON with resources to facilitate their
to the residents of the municipality and offered a         participation in the EA process for the project. Over
permanent solution for all L&ILW (i.e., deep geologic      the course of the past seven years, there have been
disposal is the only option that can manage long-lived     numerous meetings, workshops and open houses
ILW). In considering this request, OPG assessed a          to discuss the project and disseminate information
number of options, including the option of pursuing a      with the SON Council and their communities.
greenfield location.                                       SON’s Environmental Office was established with

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

Public engagement activities have provided opportunities for the public to become informed and provide comment
about the DGR Project.

the support of the DGR Project. The engagement                 Over the course of the DGR Project lifetime,
process with SON is ongoing.                               an extensive public communications program
    Local Métis interests include the Historic Saugeen     has been in place for the purpose of keeping all
Métis Community and the Métis Nation of Ontario.           interested parties updated on developments with
The process with these groups, to facilitate their         the project. The program includes annual open
engagement with the DGR Project, began in 2008.            houses, newsletters, annual reports, technical
    Beginning in 2006, a comprehensive program of          materials, speaking engagements and attendance at
field and technical studies and investigations were        community events with exhibits. Public surveys have
undertaken with work programs in geoscience,               indicated strong overall support for the project from
safety assessment, environmental assessment,               the community and its leaders.
public communications and the development of the               On January 2009, OPG contracted the NWMO
engineering design. Expert review panels in the areas      to manage the regulatory approvals phase for the
of geoscience, engineering and safety assessment           DGR Project. OPG continues to be the owner and
were established to guide and review the study             prospective licence holder and operator of the DGR.
findings. All work was completed in 2010 leading to        Financing for the DGR Project is provided from the
the regulatory submission.                                 Decommissioning Fund established under the Ontario
                                                           Nuclear Funds Agreement.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

Western Waste Management Facility
L&ILW generated by the operation of OPG's                    There are currently 11 LLSBs at the WWMF
20 nuclear reactors at the Bruce, Pickering and              containing approximately 74,000 m3 of LLW. The
Darlington nuclear generating stations is sent to the        wastes stored in LLSBs and in all other storage
WWMF for interim storage (see photo below). The              structures at the WWMF are continually monitored
WWMF is located on the 932-hectare Bruce nuclear             and can be easily retrieved. All WWMF storage
site within the Municipality of Kincardine. OPG (then        containers have a minimum design life of 50 years.
Ontario Hydro) began operating this facility in 1976.            Intermediate level waste (ILW) is stored either
There are currently about 84,000 m3 of waste stored          above ground or below ground in a variety of
at the WWMF. This represents almost all the L&ILW            shielded structures. There are currently approximately
generated by the production of about 50 percent of           10,000 m3 of ILW in storage at the WWMF. Irradiated
Ontario’s electricity for the last 40 years.                 fuel channel wastes from the refurbishment of
    Low level waste (LLW) is stored in a variety             Bruce A reactors are being stored in reinforced
of stackable carbon-steel containers and these               concrete containers with stainless steel inner and
containers are stored in warehouse-like structures,          outer steel shells.
known as Low-Level Storage Buildings (LLSBs).

Western Waste Management Facility




             1                                                                                     8          9
                                                2                   4

1   10 low level storage buildings    5   Intermediate level waste 			          8       Refurbishment waste
2   Waste volume reduction building       quadricells                                   storage building
3   Transportation package 			        6   Western used fuel                     9 Low-level storage building #11
    maintenance building                  dry storage facility                  10 Proposed site of L&ILW DGR
4   In-ground intermediate level 		   7   Steam generator
    storage containers                    storage building

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

Waste Volumes                                               ILW
Each year, approximately 5,000 m3 to 7,000 m3 of new        ILW, because of its physical condition and greater
low and intermediate level (L&ILW) radioactive waste is     levels of radioactivity, is not processed for volume
produced as a result of the operation of OPG-owned          reduction. ILW consists of ion exchange resins, filters
or -operated nuclear generating stations. The waste is      and irradiated reactor core components. These
transported to the WWMF for processing and interim          wastes are currently stored in concrete- and steel-
storage. After volume reduction, this results in 2,000      lined structures constructed in augured boreholes, in
m3 to 3,000 m3 of additional stored waste annually. If      concrete-lined and covered trenches, and in concrete
each of the current 20 reactors operates to the end of      above-ground structures (these latter structures are
its planned life (which includes a mid-life refurbishment   no longer receiving waste). The irradiated fuel channel
of most of the reactors), a total of about 170,200 m3       wastes are being stored in reinforced concrete
(as stored) of operational and refurbishment L&ILW          containers with inner and outer steel shells. About
would result. When placed into DGR-ready packages,          five percent of all waste (excluding used nuclear fuel)
the total volume of waste packages would be about           received at WWMF is classified as ILW.
200,000 m3.
    In the future, an additional 135,000 m3 of L&ILW
is expected to be produced during the decommis-
sioning of the reactors and the associated nuclear          Refurbishment Waste
waste storage facilities. The current proposed DGR
Project does not include management of decommis-            Refurbishment waste consists of waste generated
sioning waste. At the time that each generating station     from activities such as the replacement of motors,
is decommissioned, an EA will be required that will         valves, instrumentation, fuel channels and steam
address management of the decommissioning waste.            generators in existing reactors. The refurbishment of
    Used fuel, otherwise known as high level waste,         a reactor is expected to extend its life for up to an
will not be accommodated in the DGR. The DGR                additional 25 to 30 years. About 21,700 m³ of L&ILW
Hosting Agreement between OPG and the Municipality          radioactive waste will be generated from planned
of Kincardine is only for L&ILW, as is the regulatory       refurbishment activities. This forecast is based on the
approvals process for the DGR. A completely separate        planning assumption of refurbishment of all reactor
and distinct approach, called Adaptive Phased               units at or near their mid-life. 8,400 m³ is LLW while
Management, has been mandated by the federal                the remaining 13,300 m³ is ILW.
government for all of Canada’s used fuel.

                                                            Waste Characterization
                                                            Based on the existing and projected inventory, the
Operational LLW consists of common industrial items         DGR will receive approximately 50,000 packages
that have become contaminated with low levels of            representing a total emplaced volume of nominally
radioactivity during routine clean-up and maintenance       200,000 m3.
at the nuclear generating stations. It consists of              The physical composition of the waste consists
mops, rags, paper towels, temporary floor coverings,        typically of industrial materials, including steel,
floor sweepings, protective clothing and hardware           plastics, other metals and inorganics which are
items such as tools. The majority of these wastes are       contaminated with radioactivity. The relative propor-
processed through incineration or compaction for            tions are shown in the top diagram on page 11.
volume reduction.                                               The DGR will not accept liquid, highly reactive or
                                                            gaseous wastes. The L&ILW may contain varying
                                                            amounts of chemicals or elements that can be

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

hazardous. These include asbestos (originally used
as insulating material in some stations), heavy               Proportions of main waste materials planned for emplacement
                                                              in the DGR
metals like Uranium (U), Cadmium (Cd), Mercury
(Hg) and Lead (Pb), and certain organic materials,
such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlori-                                                           Inorganics
nated benzenes and phenols, dioxins and furans,
and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) produced in
the incinerator and trapped in the ash. There are also                                                          Concrete
metals like Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Lead (Pb)                   Plastics &
that are present in container materials (i.e., stainless                                                        Other Metals
steel, lead shielding).
     Over long times, the wastes and containers will
degrade. The various metals will degrade generally                  Other Organics
into inorganic salts, oxides or minerals consistent with
the surrounding reducing saline water chemistry. The
organic materials will generally degrade into simpler
                                                              The relative proportions of LLW, ILW and Reactor Refurbishment
elements, likely under microbial-mediated reactions           Waste (RRW) waste volumes planned for the DGR
that will be slow under this expected saline, reducing
condition. Similar processes occur in landfills for
routine industrial wastes.
     The total radionuclide inventory of the DGR will
increase as wastes are added but also decrease                                                                  Intermediate
                                                                                                                Level Waste
due to decay. The total inventory estimate is based
                                                                    Low Level
on the assumption that the DGR will start operation                    Waste
in 2018 and fill to capacity around 2052, with a
closure date of 10 years later, or 2062. The short-                                                             Refurbishment
lived nuclides will have decayed to negligible levels                                                           L&ILW
by 2062. Within a few hundred years, the radioac-
tivity in the large volume of LLW waste decays
away. The remaining activity of the repository is
then dominated by carbon-14 in the ILW. In the very           The change in the radioactivity of LLW, ILW and RRW over time is
                                                              shown below
long-term, the residual radioactivity is dominated by
the Zirconium-93 in the retube wastes. This is about
                                                              Total Radioactivity (TBq)
one percent of the radioactivity present at the time of
repository closure.                                           20,000                                                       RRW
     The natural radioactivity of the rock above the          18,000                                                       ILW
repository is shown in the bottom diagram on                  16,000                                                       LLW
this page. The radiological hazard of the waste is            14,000                                                       Natural
generally directly related to the total radioactivity.        12,000                                                       Rock
Comparison of the total radioactivity in the DGR over                                                                      Activity
time with the natural radioactivity in the rock illustrates
that the remaining DGR radioactivity decreases below           8,000
the natural radioactivity of the rock overlying the            6,000
proposed DGR at the Bruce nuclear site within about            4,000
100,000 years.                                                 2,000
                                                                            0       10      100    1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
                                                                                               Years from 2062

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

International Experience                                  management. The tour took place prior to council
                                                          members passing a resolution that requested the
The investigation of sedimentary rocks, such as those     DGR as their preferred option of study moving
at the Bruce nuclear site, for long-term nuclear waste    forward, and also provided council members with
management purposes has been ongoing interna-             an opportunity to meet their international municipal
tionally for more than a decade. The experience           counterparts to discuss community engagement
gained and lessons learned from this have been of         programs utilized in countries such as Sweden and
significant benefit to the DGR Project.                   France.
    For example, with respect to characterization             DGR technology has a proven track record
studies, many tried and tested techniques from many       internationally in the safe management of low and
international programs were applied to the DGR            intermediate nuclear waste:
characterization studies, including:
                                                          • The Forsmark facility in Sweden opened in 1988
• Specialized hydraulic borehole testing methods,           and is located at the Forsmark nuclear power
  developed by Sandia National Laboratories during          station site. The Swedish underground repository
  the licensing of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in       was excavated to a depth of 60 m in crystalline
  New Mexico;                                               rock below the Baltic Sea.
• Laboratory techniques to characterize the               • The Olkiluoto (VLJ) facility in Finland began
  chemistry of pore fluids within the rock core             operation in 1992 and was excavated to a depth
  samples obtained during drilling, developed at            of 70 to 100 m underground in crystalline rock. It
  the University of Bern, Switzerland for the French        is located near the Olkiluoto nuclear power station.
  and Swiss programs in the Callovo-Oxfordian and         • The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located
  Opalinus shale formations; and                            in Carlsbad, New Mexico in the United States, is
• Techniques to estimate the diffusive properties           excavated to a depth of 600 m in a bedded salt
  of limestone and shale, developed at the Paul             formation. The facility has been operating since
  Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.                        1999.

The DGR Project has also benefited from collabor-
ative international research in areas such as contam-
inant mobility, sub-surface excavation and rock mass
response, and glacial ice-sheet erosion rates, to
mention a few examples.
    First-hand visits to long-term nuclear waste
management facilities, including those in Sweden,
Finland and the United States, have provided learning
opportunities with applicable outcomes about surface
facilities, repository access, hoisting, lay-out and
material handling that have been utilized in the design
of the DGR. International collaboration has also
been extremely helpful in terms of experience, the
exchange and analysis of reports, and visits with key
    From a community engagement point of
view, council members from the Municipality of
Kincardine toured a number of international nuclear
waste management facilities to learn more about
the technical options available for nuclear waste

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

The DGR has benefited from international collaboration and peer review.

COMPARISON WITH                                             PEER REVIEW
INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS                                      OPG sought the expertise of both national and
Several international groups are studying the potential     international geoscientists and engineers, recognized
for the deep geological disposal of nuclear waste           as experts in their specific fields, to provide
in clay-rich bedrock formations. A comparison of            independent peer review and oversight for the
the results from geoscientific investigations at the        geoscience, safety assessment and engineering/
Bruce nuclear site for the proposed DGR Project             design work programs for the DGR. Improvements
highlights several consistently reported observations,      were made to the specific work programs based on
including conditions of low seismic activity, a laterally   peer review comments. The extensive experience of
extensive and predictable stratigraphy, a lack of           peer review team members in international nuclear
hydraulically significant fractures, and diffusion-         waste management programs ensured that the DGR
dominated transport. In particular, the proposed DGR        was developed in a manner consistent with interna-
site compares favourably with other international           tional best practice.
programs in terms of its hydraulic conductivity,
porosity and effective diffusion coefficients, with
measured values comparable to those determined
elsewhere. In addition, the proposed DGR site is
the deepest planned facility and is bounded by the
thickest assemblage of low permeability cap rocks.
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste


OPG has assessed the potential environmental effects of site preparation
and construction, operation, decommissioning, and abandonment and
long-term performance of the DGR Project. The DGR will be constructed in
competent sedimentary bedrock about 680 m beneath the Bruce nuclear
site on lands adjacent to OPG’s WWMF.

Need for the DGR                                         the Bruce nuclear site, but the majority of the site is
                                                         controlled by Bruce Power under a lease agreement.
The need for the DGR Project is demonstrated             OPG has retained control of a portion of the Bruce
by OPG’s social responsibility, a host community         nuclear site, including the WWMF and adjacent lands.
wanting to implement a long-term management                   The DGR will be constructed in sequential stages.
solution now, and an existing and forecasted waste       Firstly, all site preparation activities will be completed,
inventory requiring management. The estimated            followed by construction of the surface infrastructure,
volumes included in the EIS take into consideration      including the permanent shaft headframes. The
the effect of the various in-place and planned waste     two shafts (main and ventilation) will be sunk
minimization programs. However, even if all future       simultaneously, followed by the construction of the
wastes were reduced to zero, the need for the project    underground services area infrastructure and the
would not be eliminated because of the stored            access tunnels. Shafts will be excavated by traditional
volume of existing wastes.                               drill and blast methods. Ground freezing and/or
     The selection of the DGR Project as the preferred   grouting will be employed to sink the shaft through
alternative is the result of many years of development   about 160 m of upper dolostones to minimize water
and consultation with the host municipality, including   ingress during the sinking. The emplacement rooms
an Independent Assessment Study which considered         will be developed using controlled drill and blast
three alternatives to the DGR Project. The identifi-     techniques.
cation of preferred alternative means occurred during         Waste retrieval is possible, if required, by
the engineering design and EA studies.                   reversing the process of emplacement to remove
    The design for the DGR Project takes into account    any packages that are identified for retrieval, however
the OPG-retained lands and the reference waste           the wastes are without value so there is no intent to
volumes to be emplaced in the repository. OPG owns       retrieve them.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

History of the Bruce Nuclear Site                         Proposed DGR Project Site
The Bruce nuclear site encompasses two operating          In 1966, the DGR Project site was in a natural “green
nuclear generation stations – Bruce A and Bruce           field state.” In 1971 and 1972, clearing took place
B, as well as the Douglas Point Generating Station,       on the land now proposed for the DGR Project site.
which is no longer in operation.                          For the period 1971 to 1980, most of the proposed
    The Douglas Point Generating Station,                 DGR project site was used as a construction laydown
constructed by the former Ontario Hydro and               area for BHWP except for the areas that are currently
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL), sent nuclear-        occupied by mature trees. It is likely these are the
generated electricity for commercial use to the grid      same trees that existed prior to development of the
for the first time in 1968 and continued to operate       Bruce nuclear site; i.e., no industrial activity has
until 1984. Its facilities remain in place, however the   occurred in these treed areas in the past.
reactor is shut down and is in a safe storage state.          In 1979 and 1980, a structure was located near
The used fuel from the reactor is stored in concrete      the proposed location of the two DGR shafts.
canisters at the Douglas Point facility.                  Existing aerial photos from 2007 and 2009 depict
    Ontario Hydro began operation of the Bruce A          the structure as what appears to be a remnant
Generating Station in 1977. In the late 1990s, the        concrete pad.
station was placed in lay-up status, with the units           During the period 2007 to 2009, the DGR Project
taken out of service in the period from 1995 through      site was used for the disposal of clean soil. This soil
1998. In 2001, OPG leased the Bruce nuclear               has been placed in areas that were formerly used for
reactors to (now) Bruce Power who restarted Bruce         construction laydown.
A Units 3 & 4 in 2003 and early 2004, and is currently        From 1971 to 2009, a railway was present at the
undertaking the refurbishment of Bruce A Units 1 & 2.     southern end of the DGR Project site but this railway
    Bruce B Units 5, 6, 7 & 8, now operated by Bruce      is no longer in service.
Power, went into service between 1984 and 1987.               As a result of the ongoing activity on the site, a
    Bruce Heavy Water Plant (BHWP) began                  large body of environmental information has been
operation on the site in 1973 and continued to            collected. A review of the existing information, as
operate to provide heavy water for use in CANDU           well as additional data collection to supplement the
reactors until 1997. The BHWP received a decommis-        existing information, provides baseline site information
sioning licence in 2004. OPG is in the final stages of    for use in the assessment of effects.
decommissioning the BHWP; decommissioning is
expected to be completed before 2014.
    The WWMF has been developed in stages
since 1974 and it has been operated by OPG, or
its predecessor company, since it was originally
constructed. The WWMF includes facilities for the
storage of L&ILW as well as a dry storage facility
for used fuel from the Bruce A and Bruce B
generating facilities. The used fuel facility began
operating in 2002.

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

EA Study Areas         The assessment of effects is completed within the framework of temporal and spatial
                       boundaries. For the purposes of the DGR Project EA, four generic study areas were selected.
                       They were selected to encompass an area that can reasonably be expected to potentially
                       be affected by the DGR Project. The study area boundaries are generally common for all
                       components of the environment, with some modification.

Project Area           The Project Area corresponds to the boundary of the OPG-retained lands at the centre of the
                       Bruce nuclear site where the DGR Project is being proposed. The Project Area is the area
                       where Project-related effects are most likely to occur and is the area of focus for the EA.

Site Study Area        The Site Study Area corresponds to the property boundary of the Bruce nuclear site, including
                       the existing licensed exclusion zone on land and in Lake Huron.

Local Study Area       The Local Study Area corresponds to the 10 km emergency planning zone (centred on the
                       Bruce nuclear site) as identified by Emergency Measures Ontario.

Regional Study Area    The Regional Study Area encompasses Bruce County with the exception of the peninsula
                       communities of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula and the Municipality of Northern
                       Bruce Peninsula.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

Map of EA Study Areas
The project and study areas for OPG’s DGR Project for L&ILW that were utilized for the EA are outlined above.

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

Project Phases
The temporal boundaries for the EA establish the timeframes for which the direct, indirect and cumulative
effects are assessed. For purposes of the EA, the project was divided into four phases:

             Includes site preparation and all activities associated with the construction of the DGR
             Project until operations commence with the emplacement of waste. The site preparation and
             construction phase is expected to last approximately five to seven years.

             Covers the waste emplacement period in the DGR and the period of monitoring prior to the
             start of decommissioning. Activities include the on-site transfer and receipt of waste packages,
             their transfer and emplacement in L&ILW rooms in the DGR, and activities necessary to
             support and monitor operations. The operations phase is expected to last approximately 40 to
             45 years with waste being emplaced for the first 35 to 40 years. The length of the monitoring
             period would be decided at some future time in consultation with the regulator.

             Begins immediately after the operations phase for the DGR. Activities include preparation for
             decommissioning and may include monitoring following decommissioning. The decommis-
             sioning activities, including dismantling surface facilities and sealing the shaft, are expected to
             take about five to six years.

             Begins once decommissioning activities are completed. This period will include institutional
             controls for a period of up to 300 years.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

DGR Project Works and Activities for EA Purposes
For the purposes of the EA the DGR Project is described in terms of works and activities that are required to
construct and operate the DGR, focusing on those that could potentially affect the environment.

Site Preparation activities include:                        Operations activities include:
• removal of brush and trees                                • receipt of disposal-ready waste packages
• grading of site including development of roads,           • movement of waste packages from surface to
   laydown areas, stormwater management pond,                 below ground
   ditches                                                  • placement of waste packages in emplacement
• set-up of construction trailers and temporary               rooms
   facilities                                               • installation of end walls on full emplacement
• installation of fuel depot for construction                 rooms
   equipment                                                • installation of closure walls in tunnels
                                                            • maintenance of various systems including hoists,
Construction activities include:                              fire protection systems, waste handling equipment
• construction of permanent buildings including two           and underground rock support
  headframe buildings                                       • monitoring to ensure the facility is performing as
• set-up of shaft-sinking equipment, and sinking of           expected
  main and vent shafts
• development of access tunnels and emplacement             Decommissioning activities include:
  rooms                                                     • installation of concrete monolith at base
• placement of excavated rock in waste rock                   of shafts
  management area                                           • sealing the shafts
• commissioning of DGR facility                             • removal of surface buildings
                                                            • recycling of materials and disposal of waste

An example of a drill jumbo creating openings in underground rock.

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste


Low level waste emplacement room.

                                    1   Western Waste Management Facility
Intermediate level waste            2   DGR Project Site
emplacement room.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary

Surface Facilities
The surface buildings and infrastructure for the DGR Project consist of:

Main Shaft Headframe Building: The main                  Intake and Exhaust Fans and Heaters: The
shaft provides primary access to the underground         function of the surface intake fans is to provide the
repository and the main shaft headframe houses           required airflow for the DGR. Heaters will be used
hoisting equipment to lower and raise cages for          during the winter to raise air temperature before
transporting personnel, equipment and waste              delivery underground.
                                                         Waste Rock Management Area (WRMA): Waste
 entilation Shaft Headframe and Hoist House:
V                                                        rock generated as a result of excavation of the shafts
The ventilation shaft exhausts the repository            and underground openings at the repository level
ventilation and is used as a second egress and for       is managed on the DGR Project site in the WRMA.
hoisting rock to surface during the construction         Approximately 1,000,000 m3 of rock will be managed
phase.                                                   over the long-term in the WRMA.

Waste Package Receiving Building: The Waste             Stormwater Management Pond: All stormwater
Package Receiving Building (WPRB) receives the           runoff from the DGR Project site, as well as any
waste packages from the WWMF and stages them             groundwater pumped to surface from underground
for transfer onto the main shaft cage. The WPRB is       sumps, will be directed via ditches to the stormwater
connected to the main shaft headframe.                   management pond for treatment to remove
                                                         suspended solids. The pond discharge water will
                                                         be directed into an existing ditch that ultimately
                                                         discharges into Lake Huron.
Lay-out of the DGR surface facilities.

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

Underground Facilities                                   The underground facilities of the DGR consist of:

The underground layout of the repository has two         Shafts: The main shaft provides access to the
vertical shafts in an islanded arrangement with an       repository for personnel and waste, a secondary
underground services area for the provision of           conduit for services and fresh air to the repository.
offices, a workshop, a wash bay, refuge stations,        The ventilation shaft provides removal of excavated
lunch room and a geotechnical laboratory.                rock from the repository, emergency access for staff
Underground conditions are suitable for workers and      to and from the repository, and a route for exhaust air
the atmosphere is maintained in a reasonably steady      from the repository.
and dry state to limit corrosion of structures and
waste packages.                                          Underground Services Area: Includes the amenity
    There will be two panels of emplacement rooms.       and equipment maintenance area, including a lunch
Panel 2 will be filled first with the majority of the    room, offices and refuge stations.
backlog of waste packages that will be in storage
at the WWMF at the time emplacement operations           Access Tunnels: Two access tunnels are provided
commence. Both panels will contain LLW and ILW           from the shaft stations to the emplacement rooms.
rooms. In general, LLW and ILW packages will not be
stored in the same room. Three rooms in Panel 1 will     Waste Emplacement Rooms: There are two panels
be equipped with rail tracks that will be used to move   of emplacement rooms for storage of the waste.
some of the heavier ILW packages. The underground        Panel 1 will have 14 rooms and Panel 2 will have 17
arrangement enables the underground infrastructure       rooms. All rooms are nominally 250 m in length, and
to be kept in close proximity to the shaft, while        most are 8 m wide and 7 m high.
keeping the emplacement areas away from areas
normally occupied by workers.

Footprint of the lay-out of the DGR emplacement rooms.

Environmental Impact Statement Summary


Preliminary Geotechnical                                     Site-specific investigations were initiated in the
Feasibility Study and Independent                            summer of 2006 to collect the information necessary
                                                             to test these seven hypotheses. Since that time,
Assessment Study                                             a planned, four-year program of multi-disciplinary
                                                             geoscientific investigation involving the coordinated
The MOU signed between OPG and the Municipality              effort of more than 20 universities, specialized
of Kincardine in 2002 to jointly study the feasibility of    laboratories, consulting groups and the NWMO
implementing a long-term management facility for             has been completed.
L&ILW resulted in a Geotechnical Feasibility Study
and an Independent Assessment Study to develop an
understanding of the geologic conditions beneath the         Geoscience Program for Project Site
proposed Bruce nuclear site relevant to nuclear waste
management.                                                  Characterization
     Indications from these studies supported the
development of hypotheses around seven specific              The Geoscience work program had two principal
attributes of the geology, which are deemed to be            components, as described by the Geoscientific Site
favourable for long-term nuclear waste management.           Characterization Plan. These were:
The hypotheses provided a basis for a Geoscientific
Site Characterization Plan (GSCP), which was                 Site-Specific Geoscientific Studies: a step-wise,
developed to collect the necessary information to            multi-year program of geoscience investigation that
provide a detailed understanding of the proposed site        included the deep borehole drilling, coring, testing
as it exists today, how it evolved in the past and how       and instrumentation program, and a 2-D seismic
it is likely to evolve in the future. The existence of the   reflection survey of the sedimentary rocks underlying
following attributes would provide confidence for the        the Bruce nuclear site; and
development of the DGR at the Bruce nuclear site:
                                                             Geosynthesis: a program that combined historical
Predictable: near horizontally-layered, undeformed           and regional information with data from site-specific
sedimentary shale and limestone formations of large          studies to describe the geoscientific basis for
lateral extent;                                              understanding the past, present and future geologic
                                                             evolution of the Bruce nuclear site as it influences
Multiple Natural Barriers: multiple low permeability         DGR safety.
bedrock formations host and enclose the DGR;

Contaminant Transport Diffusion-Dominated:
deep groundwater regime is ancient, showing
no evidence of glacial perturbation or cross-
formational flow;

Geomechanically Stable: selected DGR limestone
formation will provide stable, virtually dry openings;

Seismically Quiet: Bruce area is located in an area
characterized by low levels of seismicity;

Natural Resource Potential Low: commercially
viable oil and/or gas reserves are not present; and

Shallow Groundwater Resources Isolated: near
surface potable groundwater aquifers are isolated.
OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

Aerial map of the DGR footprint shows the location of six deep boreholes which were drilled, cored and tested at the
Bruce nuclear site from 2006 to 2010.

SITE-SPECIFIC GEOSCIENTIFIC STUDIES                          limestone and shale rock formations. Hundreds
An iterative site characterization program to confirm        of tests to investigate physical and chemical rock
the suitability of the Paleozoic age sedimentary             properties were conducted by contractors at the
sequence beneath the Bruce nuclear site to safely            Bruce nuclear site, commercial laboratories and
host the DGR concept was initiated in August 2006            laboratories at universities, both in Canada and
and completed in June 2010. Approximately 1,200              internationally. The field and laboratory testing was
samples from 3.8 km of core were taken from four             conducted under a quality assurance program and
vertical and two inclined deep boreholes, which              has involved a variety of Canadian and international
together intersected more than 4.7 km of sedimentary         groups selected because of their specialized skills.
rock. The boreholes were positioned and triangulated             A Geoscience Review Group, comprised of four
outside the DGR footprint to maintain the integrity          geoscientists with extensive international experience in
of the proposed DGR site, and to build confidence            nuclear waste management, provided guidance in the
in the consistency of the nature and predictability          program design and interpretation of information from
of the stratigraphic, geochemical, geomechanical             these investigations.
and hydrogeologic properties of horizontally-layered
Environmental Impact Statement Summary

Phases of the Geoscientific Site-Specific Studies

   PHASE                      September 2006 to November 2007

   ONE                        Included:
                              • Installation of shallow bedrock monitoring wells to provide data about groundwater
                                 conditions during the characterization program;
                              • 2-D seismic reflection survey to image the bedrock stratigraphy;
                              • Installation of a micro-seismic (M≈1) borehole monitoring network;
                              • Drilling and coring of vertical boreholes (DGR-1 to 463 m and DGR-2 to 863 m) to provide
                                 rock core samples for geologic, hydrogeochemical and geomechanical analysis;
                              • Borehole testing included geophysical logging and hydraulic testing to determine the
                                 different bedrock layers and bedrock permeabilities; and
                              • Installation of multi-level groundwater monitoring equipment to allow for the long-term
                                 monitoring of deep groundwater conditions.

   PHASE                      March 2008 to December 2008

   TWO -A                     Included:
                              • Drilling and coring of two deep vertical boreholes (DGR-3 to 869 m and DGR-4
                                 to 857 m) to provide rock core samples for geologic, hydrogeochemical and
                                 geomechanical analysis;
                              • Borehole testing included geophysical logging and hydraulic testing of DGR-3 and DGR-4
                                 to determine the different bedrock layers and bedrock permeabilities; and
                              • Installation of multi-level groundwater monitoring equipment to allow for the long-term
                                 monitoring of groundwater conditions.

   PHASE                      January 2009 to June 2010
   TWO -B                     Included:
                              • Drilling and coring of two additional steeply inclined deep boreholes (DGR-5 and
                                 DGR-6) to characterize the nature of the vertical bedrock structure and its effect
                                 on DGR implementation; and
                              • Borehole testing included geophysical logging and hydraulic testing of DGR-5 and DGR-6
                                 to determine the different bedrock layers and bedrock permeabilities.

OPG’s DEEP GEOLOGIC REPOSITORY PROJECT for Low & Intermediate Level Waste

                                                 1                                                                                     2

                                                                                             3                                         4

                                                           5                                                                           6

1, 2	A 2-D seismic survey using             3	Core samples from all six boreholes              5	Hydraulic testing of all six boreholes
      impulses from a vibroseis truck           were photographed, logged and                       provided evidence of low permeability
      and geophones that measured the           preserved within 45 minutes of their                in the limestone and shale formations.
      rebounding seismic energy was             arrival at surface as part of a test plan,
      utilized to create a two-dimensional      and all samples were stored in a refrig-         6	Two inclined deep boreholes (DGR-5
      image of the bedrock layers beneath       erator before distribution to labs.                 and DGR-6) verified the nature of
      the Bruce nuclear site.                                                                       vertical bedrock structure and its
                                             4	Two deep vertical boreholes (DGR-1 to               effects on DGR implementation.
                                                DGR-2) were drilled, cored and tested
                                                as part of Phase One activities.

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