Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan March 2020 Scope of Work
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Pag e |1 Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan March 2020 Scope of Work Introduction The Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan is intended to outline regional transportation network improvements necessary to maintain NBK accessibility and critical mobility, NBK personnel quality of life, and economic vitality for the City of Bremerton. Success of this plan will ensure NBK meets its missions for national defense while supporting Bremerton’s long-range growth needs. The plan will document the specific purpose and need for improvements, develop and screen a range of reasonable alternatives, and identify preferred alternatives for transportation improvements and parking solutions in the study area. It will build on background planning, studies, parking inventories, and other ongoing efforts including those prepared by the City, Kitsap Transit, NBK, Kitsap County, and other regional agencies, as well as supplemental data collected by the project team. Ongoing programs, efforts, and planned improvements can be coordinated giving participating agencies the ability to take an innovative approach to prioritizing projects by understanding the compounding effect of their individual improvements with improvements initiated by other agencies. Additionally, the region has assets such as a ferry system, a worker/driver bus program, a transportation center adjacent to the east end of NBK, and a strong regional planning council (KRCC) that, with a comprehensive cross agency plan, can be leveraged to produce capital and operational improvements to the transportation network. The final Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan will identify short, mid, and long-term capital and operational improvements prioritized based on metrics determined during the course of the study that are clear, useful, and actionable. Proposed improvements may be located within the study area or outside of it, for example, a park-and-ride facility that would be served by transit service to NBK could be sited in a location outside of the study area. The plan will develop conceptual planning level cost estimates for select preferred alternatives for ROW, design, and construction. All tasks described in this scope of work will include full collaboration between the City and their Consultant team. As the project manager the City will be involved in all aspects of the project and in their project management role they will complete the following: project goal definition, project outcome definition, coordination with stakeholders, media liaison, advisor to the project team, reporting, and review/comment on all task deliverables. ________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works & Utilities │ 100 Oyster Bay Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 * Phone (360) 473-5920 * Fax (360) 473-2330 Working for and with our residents to establish Bremerton as Puget Sound’s most beautiful and livable waterfront city!
Pag e |2 The City technical staff will provide expert review of materials at several key milestones, provide policy review, outline issues and potential solutions learned while working on other City projects or with key stakeholders, and participate in stakeholder meetings. For each deliverable in the scope of work, the Consultant team will coordinate with the City to outline expectations and schedule, perform the work, document quality control and quality assurance, submit draft and final versions, and maintain project files. Task 1. Project Management This task includes all work related to the management, administration, and coordination of work activities for the project, including but not limited to the following: 1. Development of a Project Management Plan (PMP) that includes a project schedule, budget, and Work Breakdown Structures (WBS); identification of the project team; quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) plan; project team communications plan; reporting procedures; and change management procedures 2. Administration of work and preparation of status reports 3. Project monitoring and invoicing 4. Oversight of staff including the consultant teams 5. Bi-weekly project management team coordination to discuss project status, issues, solutions, and strategies 6. Development of a Community Engagement Plan Deliverable: All items listed Task 2. Community Engagement The City will facilitate community and stakeholder engagement for the duration of the project. Community engagement tasks will include; a stakeholder advisory group, open houses, presentations, preparation of media and public involvement communication materials, communications with media and the public, study website content and management, and other outreach activities, as needed. The City will convene a stakeholder advisory group to represent key stakeholders’ interests in the planning study. The stakeholder advisory group will meet regularly throughout the project and will serve as an advisory body to the project team. Key stakeholders will likely include NBK representative(s), City planning staff, Elected Officials, Washington State Department of Transportation, Washington State Ferries, Kitsap County staff, Kitsap Transit staff, non-motorized representation, local fire, and local police, and others. Open houses will be conducted at key milestones to ensure the public has an opportunity to provide input about issues that will help the City clearly define solutions. Providing transparent project updates to the stakeholders and general public has proven to enhance public support for projects as they move into the implementation phase. ________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works & Utilities │ 100 Oyster Bay Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 * Phone (360) 473-5920 * Fax (360) 473-2330 Working for and with our residents to establish Bremerton as Puget Sound’s most beautiful and livable waterfront city!
Pag e |3 Deliverable: Community focus group materials and documented summaries, public open house materials and documented public comments, and list of all public comments, draft and final community outreach memorandum. Task 3. Data Collection Data necessary to support analysis during the study will be outlined and collected early in the study. Data collection will supplement background planning, studies, parking inventories, and applicable information provided by the City, Kitsap Transit, NBK, Kitsap County, and other regional agencies. The study team will examine existing data and identify gaps that will be filled by new data collection. Data collection may include but is not limited to: 1. Existing data 2. Traffic volume, vehicle classification, and intersection turn movements 3. Origin and destination study 4. Traffic safety 5. Parking inventory 6. Land use 7. Census block data 8. Property use 9. Property valuation 10. Development permit activity 11. As built plans 12. Public surveys Various GIS maps will be developed for simple and clear presentation of the data collected. This will help the study team describe existing conditions, future conditions, and the GIS graphics will be used in the final plan. The study team will also work with the stakeholder advisory group and the project team to develop, distribute, and summarize findings from a public survey requesting public input about best and most frequent transportation uses in the area, parking issues and needs, pedestrian/bicycle issues and needs. Deliverable: Electronic data files that will be used as a reference for analysis and future review of the project outcomes. Task 4. Transportation Planning Existing transportation data collected as part of Task 3 will be used to develop and validate existing conditions models for transportation demand, traffic operations, non-motorized, and transit. Existing conditions parking inventory, parking policy, parking pricing, Transportation Demand Management (TDM), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) programs within the study limits will be outlined to support potential development of future operational/programmatic alternatives. This information will also support development of future conditions models. The study team will outline existing performance issues based on existing conditions to support the need statement for the project. ________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works & Utilities │ 100 Oyster Bay Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 * Phone (360) 473-5920 * Fax (360) 473-2330 Working for and with our residents to establish Bremerton as Puget Sound’s most beautiful and livable waterfront city!
Pag e |4 Forecasts of future multimodal transportation demand in the study area will be completed and will serve as a basis for identifying issues and needs that warrant development of potential capital and operational alternatives for evaluation. Travel demand modeling will use the origin-destination data to confirm model accuracy and outline any post processing methodology necessary for the planning staff to understand how the commute trip patterns could change in the future. To expedite work and provide local project consistency, existing travel demand models will be refined to more accurately reflect the local zones and roadway uses. The models will then be used to forecast future demand to the horizon year 2050 for the AM and PM peak periods. This travel demand function will be important as conversations about where people live and work affect parking needs, multi-modal improvements, and roadway enhancements that will be considered as alternatives. City and County input about the land use trends and plans will also be considered as the planning staff review model input and results. Traffic forecasts will then be used to develop more detailed turning movement volumes. Traffic analysts will use turning movement volumes to analyze operations of future No Build conditions and various alternatives that warrant traffic operations analysis. The study team will also analyze traffic safety data to help the project team understand where potential alternatives might provide benefits for improved safety for all modes of travel. Gaps in non-motorized connectivity will be summarized. Gaps include missing or deficient sidewalks, areas without connectivity between existing and planned bicycle routes, and pedestrian crossings. During the alternatives development phase, the study team will recommend gap improvements, facility improvements, and new connections to the non-motorized system that would improve safety, connectivity, and/or accessibility. Deliverable: Draft and final transportation analysis report that will highlight all key findings. Task 5. Alternatives Development and Screening Consistent with statewide planning efforts, the team will develop a needs statement that will serve as a guide and measure for developing and screening the alternatives. The team will also develop a framework that includes a set of performance-based metrics and screening criteria that will be used to evaluate capital and operational alternatives. Performance-based metrics will include a range of qualitative and quantitative methods. Examples of metrics include modal travel time, reliability, person mobility, safety, pedestrian/bicycle modal improvements, consistency with local and regional planning, base access, coordination with base security and mobility, and economic investment. Economic investment could be a consideration to help the team understand if changes to the local system would encourage more people working in Bremerton CBD to live closer because of investments made in the transportation system that support the urban growth plans. Using the needs statement, transportation demand forecast, and stakeholder input, the team will develop a list of preliminary capital and operational alternatives that will meet the study needs. Alternatives will be outlined using a combination of GIS and AutoCAD layouts that will help the team understand impacts and benefits of each alternative. The team will share the preliminary list of alternatives with the stakeholder advisory group so that local leaders have an opportunity to outline their ideas and refine their needs. After finalizing the list of alternatives, the team will screen and rate the preliminary alternatives using the screening criteria to determine their ability to meet the needs ________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works & Utilities │ 100 Oyster Bay Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 * Phone (360) 473-5920 * Fax (360) 473-2330 Working for and with our residents to establish Bremerton as Puget Sound’s most beautiful and livable waterfront city!
Pag e |5 statement. Results from the screening would be shared with the public in an open house venue to provide them an opportunity to comment and ask questions. Using this input, the team will refine the preliminary alternatives list to develop preferred alternatives to incorporate into the Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan. Deliverable: Methodology memorandum, screening matrices with results, and alternative layouts in GIS and CAD. Task 6. Preliminary Design Preliminary design will be completed on select alternatives and will support general quantity estimates that can be used for a more refined cost estimating exercise. Issues that will be considered in this level of design include horizontal and vertical needs, right-of-way impacts using GIS level data, utility impacts and relocates, and drainage impacts. If an operational/programmatic solution requires policy and enforcement updates to the City codes, the study team will draft the code updates and provide preliminary information about sign or signal modifications necessary for the proposed alternative. Deliverable: CAD and GIS layouts that identify key design issue that would influence constructability, cost, and right-of-way. Task 7. Planning Level Cost Estimates Qualitative cost estimates will be developed, based on local engineering experience, for preliminary alternatives and the alternatives will be rated as low, medium, or high cost to be considered during the decision making process. Planning level cost estimates for the preferred alternatives will be developed for comparison of benefits and costs. Cost estimates will include probable costs attributable to engineering, environmental, construction and related costs and expressed in today's dollars. Cost estimates will not include O&M costs except for operational/programmatic alternatives that include new fee collections for parking and enforcement. These costs and revenues will be included in the estimate and will be considered as an annual total for the year of consideration. Ratings developed in Task 5 will be used to define the level of benefit for each alternative so that the benefits can be compared with cost. This consideration will help decision makers determine which alternatives provide the most cost effective improvement for NBK and Bremerton. Deliverable: Planning level cost matrices and cost/benefit comparison for each alternative. Task 8. Implementation Strategy The study team will develop an implementation strategy for the preferred alternatives. The implementation strategy will detail the lead agency for each project, estimated timeline for implementation, and anticipated budget needs. Discussion about potential funding sources will also be provided. Deliverable: Draft and final implementation strategy memorandum. ________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works & Utilities │ 100 Oyster Bay Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 * Phone (360) 473-5920 * Fax (360) 473-2330 Working for and with our residents to establish Bremerton as Puget Sound’s most beautiful and livable waterfront city!
Pag e |6 Task 9. Final Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan The study team will prepare a draft and final Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan documenting the background, assumptions, process and outcome of the study. The plan will include the preferred alternatives in the form of a prioritized list of projects, programs, and/or strategies, cost estimates, and the implementation strategy. Deliverable: Draft and final Joint Compatibility Transportation Plan ________________________________________________________________________________ Public Works & Utilities │ 100 Oyster Bay Ave. N., Bremerton, WA 98312 * Phone (360) 473-5920 * Fax (360) 473-2330 Working for and with our residents to establish Bremerton as Puget Sound’s most beautiful and livable waterfront city!
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