Global Project Management Enablers
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Global Project Management Enablers - Enabling High Performance Global Project Teams One of the competitive advantages of companies that successfully de- velop new products globally lies in their ability to enable teamwork across national boundaries. The concept ‘‘Global Project Management Enablers’’ has proved to be a valuable method of developing dialogue among project stakehold- ers. The concept consists of a description of the enablers, an evalua- tion tool as well as a toolbox for each enabler. 23 This paper gives a short introduction to the enablers.
Global Project Management Enablers One of the competitive advantages of companies that successfully develop new products globally lies in their ability to enable team- work across national boundaries. Global project teams are formed in order to ef- 1. Being a Project-Oriented Company fectively draw on competences from different 2. Creating a Project Vision professions, locations and often different organi- 3. Having Cultural Awareness zations. Many of the challenges in global projects 4. Ensuring a Common Platform are the same as for local projects e.g. cooperation 5. Facilitate Communication between stakeholders, guaranteeing the project 6. Building Trust resources and priorities in the organization. The challenges however in global projects are in- The purpose of the enablers is to ensure high 23.02 creased because of increased organizational performance global project teams and to ensure complexity, cultural differences and physical knowledge sharing and creation. One of the distance between the participants. In addition, main purposes of global project management is the project manager in global projects has to be to share knowledge (knowledge about the mar- able to handle differences in language, time ket, knowledge from global knowledge centres zones, organizational and personal culture, laws to the project, knowledge between different and regulations, business processes and political competences located geographically dispersed). climate. Having a good team culture also ensures attrac- tiveness of projects in order to hold on to and It seems impossible to formulate a “one answer attract important knowledge workers. management solution” for global teams of cul- tural diversity working at distributed locations. Enabler 1: Being a Project-Oriented Company However it has been possible to identify 6 key The project-oriented company has high project enablers for supporting high performance global maturity and provides the framework that ena- teams. bles the global project team to work optimally. Project maturity is a measure of both, how com- petent the organization is in practicing project “It has been possible to identify 6 key management, and how the balance of power is enablers for supporting high between the project organization and line organ- ization. The essential feature of the project- performance global teams.”” oriented company is that projects have the at- tention of senior management and management clearly priorities the projects so that projects The concept “Global Project Management Ena- have adequate resources to achieve optimal blers” is based on theory studies in project man- performance. Efforts to ensure interaction be- agement, knowledge management, intercultural tween line and project organization and its re- communication and virtual teamwork, combined ward systems also reflect this enabler. with observations, interviews and case studies in global project organizations. If you are a project manager in a company with low project maturity, you should be aware and This has led to identification of 6 enablers for spend much time seeking political influence. This global project management: can happen by having a good relationship and close contact with the project owner as well as the line managers who provide resources. A method can be to prepare a project contract © Hildebrandt & Brandi
containing agreements on project success crite- of different cultures helps to ensure market un- ria, organizational structure, interaction between derstanding in multiple markets. the project owner and the project manager and specified role and responsibility of the project A project team with participants from different manager. Another important method is the countries should together discuss the cultural stakeholder analysis to identify which stakehold- dimensions each of the involved parties are af- ers should help in the project and who has influ- fected by and agree on how to practically handle ence. differences. The project manager should expand the stakeholder analysis by including the cultural Enabler 2: Creating a Project Vision dimensions. The analysis should be included in Creating a vision is a key element in both project the group's work to understand and accept dif- management and team building theory. Studies ferences. The analysis should be continuously have shown that a strong project vision has updated as the project manager gets increased helped to create a project success even in pro- knowledge of each participant. jects where other critical success factors have been lacking. A project vision is also beneficial at the stage where project participants are unsure A project team with participants of what should be done and who should do it. from different countries should 23.03 In the global project creating the vision is even together discuss the cultural more important. A program manager from LEGO puts it thus: "A clear vision gives the direction dimensions each of the involved and leads teams to become more self-managing parties are affected by and agree on and thus the project manager clearly becomes less important. The goal of the task should be so how to practically handle clear that people do not vacillate when you are not there. " differences. The vision should be processed during a vision seminar, where the entire project team partici- It is also recommendable that cultural dimen- pates. It is a great advantage if representatives sions of the team members are on the agenda at from the strategic management participate in the project kick-off meeting. The kick-off meeting this meeting, so that it can be observed that the can be expanded with an introduction to inter- strategic vision is understood, is meaningful and cultural communication training in case the par- is motivating for the participants ticipants do not have cultural training in ad- vance. The vision is a part of the project charter which is a valuable tool in every project and especially the Enabler 4: Ensuring a Common Platform global team. In the project charter the project's To ensure a common platform it is important to vision, mission and objectives are listed along develop both a physical platform for knowledge with the team's vision for cooperation. sharing but also a common understanding of the context of the team. Enabler 3: Having Cultural Awareness Some of the main necessary activities are: Intercultural collaboration may lead to challeng- es in dealing with different perceptions. If the • Establishing a common project web different perceptions lead to misunderstandings where all details concerning the project the result may be counterproductive conflicts exists and where pictures and contact and lack of knowledge sharing. Working in multi- information for all project participants cultural teams, however, also contains great are available. opportunities for increased innovation as posi- • Creating a common identity of the pro- tive conflicts (different views appropriate man- ject and the team members, such as e.g. aged) is a creativity factor, and the participation an appealing project name, is part of creating a common motivating platform © Hildebrandt & Brandi
• Creating common context, i.e. that peo- A communication plan based on a stakeholder ple in the global team have met each analysis is a powerful tool in the global project to other face to face and have had time to create an overview. Elaborating the communica- create a common context. Common tion plan will give the project manager the op- context can be stimulated by some of portunity to think thoroughly about the appro- the processes mentioned earlier such as priate communication strategies. a vision workshop, common culture training and dialogue between team Another method is drawing a diagram of com- members about ground rules for the munication channels: Draw first a picture of the team. organization on a large board / paper - remem- ber to include all stakeholders, also external sup- The mental affinity is also created by having pliers and customers. Then draw the actual agreed on a clear framework for each project communication channels. Hereafter the diagram participant's role in the project. can be analysed in relation to whether some persons are in risk of becoming communications Enabler 5: Facilitate Communication bottlenecks or if any persons are not involved in Communication is a prerequisite for both coor- the communication. Finally ideas for optimizing dination and knowledge sharing in a project. Similarly, communication plays a major role in the communication channels are discussed and implemented. 23.04 relation to the understanding, motivation and ownership by project team members. In the Enabler 6: Building Trust global project the physical distance is a chal- Since a virtual team is not physically together in lenge, as distance is a noise-element in effective everyday life, it is both difficult to feel the atmos- communication. In the choice of communication phere from other participants and to monitor medium, one must take into account the com- project performance. A well-known management plexity of the problem you are discussing, and / concept is "Management by walking around" in or how complex the situation is. In projects tak- which the leader through her/his physical (and ing place globally, many of the things that are mental) presence shows interest to both em- communicated is of a certain complexity, just as ployees and work simultaneously to getting a in a situation where there are participants with feel of things. This is an effective way of building various backgrounds will be a complex situation. a relationship of trust with employees. In the This means that there should be wide use of virtual team "walking around" is not a possibility. "rich" communication media such as interactive Therefore, it is essential to allocate time for face- media (video conferencing, telephone and online to-face meetings during the project´s first phas- groupware) and face-to-face meetings. es. Thereby relationships are created and it gives team members a possibility to understand the individual behavioural patterns of other team A communication plan based on a members. In global projects where much com- stakeholder analysis is a powerful munication takes place by mail, it becomes even more important to have an understanding for tool in the global project to create an and knowledge of the sender of the message. overview. Elaborating the A project kick-off meeting is essential to start the communication plan will give the relationship building between the project partic- ipants. One item on the agenda is to talk about project manager the opportunity to trust and articulate team ground rules for work- ing together. think thoroughly about the appropriate communication As a project manager you can build trust in your team members by delegating work, listening and strategies. taking other people´s views seriously and invest- ing in people, to show them that they are valued. © Hildebrandt & Brandi
Successful global project management The top management’s involvement in creating the right conditions for global development is essential in order to be successful. Fundamental preconditions for enabling global project man- agement and innovation are: • The strategic management in global companies has to pay attention to mo- tives and purpose of the organizational design. Why do we choose to work globally? - And how do we design a con- figuration that optimally supports the aim of the project? • The top management has to pay atten- tion to the resources needed for global team work to be successful and dedicate resources to face-to-face meetings and 23.05 technology for communication • The team members must meet face-to- face in the beginning of the project and meet frequently during the project • A common project web must be estab- lished and information technology to support communication must be availa- ble for the team (e.g. video conference systems) • Training in cultural awareness and lan- guage skills is an important part of creat- ing a successful global project team Managing global innovation and project man- agement is a complex task and as described earlier there is no easy fix-it-all-solution. The top management has to build a solid business case in advance and dedicate the needed resources. However if you are prepared to take up the chal- lenge and pay attention to preconditions and enablers the benefits will be increased innova- tion, better chance of timing to market and in- creased knowledge of markets and technology. © Hildebrandt & Brandi
Ulla Sparre er seniorkonsulent i Hildebrandt & Brandi og rådgiver topledelser om forandring, udvikling samt portefølje- og projektledelse. Hun har en baggrund som produktionsingeniør og Master in Management of Technology kombineret med flere års praktisk erfaring som projektleder. Ulla kan kontaktes på: 23.06 Kort om Hildebrandt & Brandi Hildebrandt & Brandi rådgiver bestyrelser og topledelser i førende virksomhede inden for strategisk ledelse og forandring. Vi løser opgaver inden for strategi, organisation, ledelse, forandring, projekt- og programledelse, effektivitet og governance. Vi formidler vores viden dels ved at udgive bøger om ledelse, dels gennem foredrag, seminarer og undervisning på højere læreanstalter som CBS og ASB. Vi har kontorer i Århus, København og Faaborg. Kontakt os eller læsmere på
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