JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation

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JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
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                                                               CANTON, OHIO
 Volume 102 • Number 6 | Adar l/Adar ll 5782 • March 2022
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
2 | FROM THE FEDERATION                                                                                                    STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

                             CJCF OFFICERS:                Afghan Donations
                            Paul Hervey, President
                         John Strauss, Vice President
                           Laura Goldman, Secretary
                         Alexander Fridman, Treasurer
                         Dan Charlick, Past President         We’ve received a great response to our Afghan Refugee
                                                           donations request. Sheets, small appliances, cooking
                                                           utensils and cleaners have been dropped off at the
       CJCF BOARD OF TRUSTEES:                             front desk. These donations make a huge difference for
                                                           families relocating to our area. For a list of needed items,
               Sandy Adland • Jen Adler
                                                           please see page 8 of this issue.
      Michael Alperin • Jack Bouer • Barb Ferne
   Robert Friedman • Eileen Saltarelli • Rita Schaner                                                                        Chicken • Pizza • Subs
       Jeff Sklar • Laura Solomon • Fran Wells
              Bruce White • Susan Wilkof

              OTHER MEMBERS:                                                                                                             Chicken • Pizza • Subs
    Richard Altman/Michael Zoldan, Shaaray Torah                                                                            Chicken
                                                                                                                           Canton • 3560 • Pizza • Subs
                                                                                                                                         Middlebranch  Ave. N.E. ............(330) 455-6428
                                                                                                                           North Canton • 703 North Main........................(330) 455-6428
         Hazzan Bruce Braun, Shaaray Torah                                                                                 Canton • 2932 Cleveland Ave. ..........................(330) 484-4828
               John Spera, Temple Israel                                                                                   Canton • 2512 Harrison Ave. N.W. ...................(330) 454-6565
        Rabbi David Komerofsky, Temple Israel
                                                                                                                           Other locations:
               Michael Magill, Chadash                                                                                               Canton
                                                                                                                           Summit County      • 3560 Middlebranch
                                                                                                                                            & Columbiana   County Ave. N.E. ............(330) 455-6428
              Jonathan Wilkof, Chadash                                                                                               NorthMiddlebranch
                                                                                                                           Canton • 3560     Canton • 703Ave.
                                                                                                                                                            NorthN.E. Main........................(330)
                                                                                                                                                                         ............(330) 455-6428 455-6428
             Lanny Knell, Agudas Achim                                                                                               Canton
                                                                                                                           North Canton       • 2932
                                                                                                                                          • 703  NorthCleveland     Ave. ..........................(330)
                                                                                                                                                       Main........................(330)    494-0911 484-4828
                                                                                                                                                                                     (330) 455-6428
                                                                                                                           Canton • 2932      • 2512 Harrison
                                                                                                                                           Cleveland              Ave. N.W. ...................(330)
                                                                                                                                                      Ave. ..........................(330)  484-4828 454-6565
          Rabbi A.J. Kushner, Agudas Achim                                                                                 Canton • 2512 Harrison Ave. N.W. ...................(330) 454-6565
                                                                                                                                     Other locations:
                                                                                                                                     Summit County & Columbiana County
                                                                                                                           Other locations:
                                                                                                                           Summit County & Columbiana County
                                                                                                                                                      Paul A. Garfinkle, M.D.
                                                                                                                                                        Retina (Diabetic Retinopathy &
             STARK JEWISH NEWS                                                                                                                              Macular Degeneration)
                                                                                                                                                       Adult Cataract & Implant Surgery

A publication of the Canton Jewish Community Federation                                                                                                       Courtyard at Belden
      432 30th Street N.W. • Canton, OH 44709
                                                                                                                                                         4469 Fulton Dr. N.W., Suite 100
            Phone: Editorial 330-445-2405
                                                                                                                                                               Canton, OH 44718
           Phone: Advertising 330-445-2410                                                                                  800-423-6811 • 330-823-1680 • Fax 330-823-3831
                  Fax: 330-455-5268                                                                                     •
 email: •

         Bonnie Manello, Executive Director
               Karen Phillippi, Editor
   Heather Hershey-Tompkins, Advertising Manager
            Amanda Mason, Art Director                                                                                     2011 Cleveland Ave SW Canton, OH 44707

              Fran Wells, Proof Reader

    The SJN attempts to publish materials received                                                                        Over 35 years of trusted experience, we’re here to
     and reserves the right to edit all submissions.                                                                                          serve you!
        The SJN is published 10 times a year.                                                                                                        OPEN 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM M - F
         Subscription rate: $18.00 per year.                                                                                                        EMERGENCY SERVICE 24/7
      Deadline for each month’s issue is the 10th.                                                                                                  Find us online at
  Materials must be received in our office by that date.
                                                                                                                                                                                        OH #15234
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                                                            |3

Bringing Back Programming in a COVID World
                                 One of the major impacts Federation has on our             future. They include some exciting proposals to “return to the past.” We are investigating
                              community is by providing programming to our members.         rejoining Partnership with Israel (formerly P2K). We enjoy a wonderful reputation with
                              COVID has certainly impacted the ability to provide           the organization from our involvement 20 years ago. It brings Israeli programming to
                              programs, but it is also giving us the opportunity to learn   our doorstep and connects interested community members with the Western Galilee.
                              new ways to connect with each other and the outside           However, we would be the smallest American community involved in the organization.
                              world.                                                           We are also investigating the return of local shaliach to the area. Over the years, we
                                 Both in my professional life and at Federation, COVID      learned that sharing a pair of shaliach with Akron was the key to success, but that requires
                              first acted to shut everything down, but is now teaching      a commitment from both communities. We hope to have more news on this front soon.
                              us new tools to communicate that will survive this era in        These programming options lend themselves to in-person activities, but we are also
       PAUL HERVEY            history. Courts that never wanted to conduct hearings by      looking into virtual programming through Cleveland and other locations. Although our
      CJCF President          phone or video have learned that there are benefits that      virtual shaliach, Shay Rubinstein, has given us some wonderful presentations, the lack of
                              may outweigh the loss of personal contact. The same           community participation means that we will be discontinuing the program next month.
is true for our programming: allowing the “hybrid model” of both in-person and remote          Whether in-person or remotely, these programs need your participation. You will be
appearances has expanded our reach to more people. No matter where you are on the           voting with your voice, your feet, and (in the case of remote programming) your eyeballs.
“COVID comfort level” scale, you can participate in programming. In fact, because of        Thanks to you and past generations, we have plenty of resources to provide programming,
COVID, many programming options that were not available to us are not possible.             but that does not mean that we will flush money down a hole. Please speak up with ideas
   Our executive director, Bonnie Manello, and our programming committee, headed            and – when the program interests you – show up.
by Vice President John Strauss, has been working on many options for the immediate
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
4|                                                                                                                             STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

Uri and Gili Hershkovitz Welcome
Daughter Danielle
  We love to hear from our previous shlichim couples. Uri
and Gili recently emailed us pictures of their new daughter.
    Dear Canton Friends,
       We have very exciting news to share - our firstborn
    baby girl, Danielle, was born on 16.1.22!
       We spent the last month getting to know her and
    starting to realize what being a parent means. It’s ter-
    rifying, exhilarating and an immense joy. We’re attach-                                                                  3.1875”
    ing some photos of Danielle.
       We hope this year will being us all back to safety
    and good health, and that life can start resuming it’s
    normal course steadily.
       Although its been a few years, we’ve never stopped
    thinking about everyone in Canton & Akron and often
    share stories with friends of our time and adventures                                                                                   Yoga Classes
    Lots of love, Uri & Gili                                                                                                                   Janet Moon O’Brien
                                                                                                                                            Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

                                                                                                                                          Renew your commitment to
                                                                                                                                          Health, Clarity, Quality of Life
                                                                                                                                   Men & Women of all ages and abilities welcome
                                                                                                                                           Classes available on ZOOM

                                                                                                                                             Enrollment? Questions?

The Best Easy Hamentashen Recipe
     • Eggs                                                                                      TIPS
     • Oil (any type of neutral flavored oil, like sunflower seed, safflower, corn, vegetable,   • Be sure to roll the dough out to an even thickness. I find that somewhere between
       or canola oil)                                                                              1/8 and ¼ inch is perfect—thick enough that it doesn’t fall apart instantly when you
     • Sugar                                                                                       try to shape it, but thin enough that it cooks thoroughly and evenly.
     • Salt                                                                                      • For the ideal size and shape, use a 2 ½-inch round cookie cutter or biscuit cutter. If
     • Flour                                                                                       you don’t have one, you can use a drinking glass that size.
     • Baking powder                                                                             • Don’t add too much filling. As tempting as it is to load up on the jewel-colored,
     • Vanilla extract                                                                             sweet-tasting jams and preserves, too much filling will prevent the cookies from
     • Filling (jam, preserves, jelly, poppy seed filling, etc)                                    holding their shape. The triangles will bust open and filling will bubble out all over
     HOW DO YOU MAKE IT?                                                                           the place. About a teaspoon of filling is just right if you’re using a 2 ½-inch round
     This hamentashen recipe is super easy to make. Because the dough uses oil instead             cutter.
     of butter, it is much easier to handle than other the dough in other recipes.               • Place the filling on the dough round before folding up the sides.
     It also means that you can make it in one bowl with nothing but a spoon or whisk for        • There is an endless variety of possible fillings. Poppy seed filling is the most
     mixing. Here’s how:                                                                           traditional. I like the Solo Poppy Seed Filling. Or you can make your own poppy seed
     1. Mix the eggs, oil, sugar, and vanilla in a mixing bowl until well combined.                filling!
     2. Add the flour, baking powder, and salt and mix until well combined in a stif dough.      • You can also use fruit jams, jellies, or preserves. Some modern-day bakers have
     3. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for about an hour (or         strayed far from tradition to use fillings like Nutella or peanut butter.
     longer).                                                                                    • Use an assortment of fillings for a particularly attractive display, or if there is one
     4. Roll the dough out to 1/8-inch thickness and cut into circles.                             filling you just love, just go ahead and use that for the whole batch.
     5. Dollop the filling onto the circles and fold up the sides to form a triangle around      • Pinch the corners and sides of the dough together well when you create your
     the filling.                                                                                  triangle. This will keep them from opening up during baking.
     6. Bake until lightly golden brown.
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                                                                       JFS | 5

                                                                                           Jewish Family Services J. Shuttle
                                                                                              Jewish Family Services         to ride the J. Shuttle please call Leanne Lehn at 330 455-
                                                                                           (JFS) operates a J. Shuttle       2850. If the J. Shuttle is not available JFS staff will provide
                                                                                           which transports indi-            you with other transportation options in the community.
                                                                                           viduals of the Jewish               JFS wants to continue to have this service available to
                                                                                           Community to appoint-             our clients. All maintenance and care to the J. Shuttle is
                                                                                           ments. The J. Shuttle             funded from individual and family donations along with
                                                                                           runs four days a week             Campaign Dollars from the Canton Jewish Community
                                                                                           Monday through Thursday           Federation. If you would like to donate to the JFS J. Shuttle
                                                              HEATHER HERSHEY-             from 8:30am to 3:30pm.            or use the J. Shuttle, please contact Leanne Lehn at 330
                                                                   TOMPKINS                Passengers are picked up          445-2850 or Heather Hershey-Tompkins at 330 445-2402.
                                                                   JFS Director            and transported within the        J SHUTTLE TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                           city of Canton to and from           • The J Shuttle is for Jewish individuals and families.
                                                          their appointment. The cost of the J. Shuttle is $15.00               • The J Shuttle is offered Monday thru Thursday from
                  JFS Staff                               round trip if there is more than one rider. If there is only one
                                                          rider for the day the cost is $30.00 round trip.
                                                                                                                                  8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                • To schedule an appointment to use the J Shuttle,
    Heather Hershey-Tompkins, Executive Director             JFS knows how important transportation is to our                     please call Leanne Lehn at (330) 445-2850. The J
                  330-445-2402                            clients. The J. Shuttle allows our clients to get from one              Shuttle can be used as often as necessary.
                                                          location to another safely and on time. J Shuttle recipi-             • The cost of the J. Shuttle is $15.00 round trip if there
           Peggy Stabholz, Case Manager                   ents use the J. Shuttle for doctor appointments, going to               is more than one rider. If there is only one rider for
                  330-445-2859                            the grocery store, to the bank, hair salon and many other               the day the cost is $30.00 round trip.
     Lynda Herbert, Senior Adult Program Director         important places.                                                     • The J Shuttle can be used for doctor appointments,
                                                             Here is what one client says about the J. Shuttle “I really          beauty salon, grocery shopping, and most errands.
                    330-445-2412                          don’t know what I’d do without the J. Shuttle. Just sitting           • A 24 hour cancellation notice is appreciated for
        Leanne Lehn, Administrative Assistant             in the house isn’t healthy. I like to get out and do things-            scheduling purposes.
                  330-445-2850                            see my friends. And it’s important that I keep my doctor’s            • All appointments should be scheduled as soon as
                                                          appointments.”                                                          possible to guarantee a ride on the J Shuttle. JFS
                 Mike Magill, Driver                         In order to make sure that the J. Shuttle can transport              will notify client of any conflicts if transportation will
                                                          a client to and from their appointment it is important that             not be available.
                                                          the client notifies JFS at least three or four days prior to          • Jewish Family Services (JFS) main priority is safety
                                                          the appointment. The sooner the client notifies JFS about               and arriving on time for an appointment.
                                                          the appointment the better chance the client will have with           • The J Shuttle is wheel chair accessible.
                                                          being able to use the J. Shuttle when they need it. JFS               • JFS always strives to accommodate your needs for
                                                          does schedule day before appointments, but the client                   transportation. If the J Shuttle is not available, JFS
                                                          risks taking the chance of the J. Shuttle not being avail-              can provide you with alternative transportation sug-
                                                          able. If you or someone you know would like to schedule                 gestions.


                                                                                   BRIAN CAIN
                                                                          Vice President & General Manager

                                                            CAIN TOYOTA - SCION, INC.              CAIN BMW, INC.
                                                                    6527 Whipple Ave. NW         6461 Whipple Ave. NW
                                                                     N. Canton, OH 44720          N. Canton, OH 44720
                                                                    Phone (330) 494-8855         Phone (330) 494-5588
   The J-Shuttle, which is wheel chair accessible,                    Fax (330) 494-8709           Fax (330) 494-4385
    is available for appointments on Mondays,           3.5” x 2”
                                                                                                                                At At DishesBy
                                                                                                                                   Dishes       ByDesign,
                                                                                                                                                   Design, wewe feature
      Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
                                                                                                                                                By Design,  we feature
                                                                                                                                                       services   and we full service
                                                                                                                                                                           have   a    on-site
                                                                                                                                                                                    menu   for and
    Rates are $8.00 one way/$15.00 round trip,                                                                               and off-site  catering
                                                                                                                                       off-site       services
                                                                                                                                                catering          andcoordinating
                                                                                                                                                          and event    we have a services.
                                                                                                                                                                                      menu for   every
                                                                             Adam P Olenick, AAMS®                                          occasionand
                                                                                                                                         occasion      and aa price
                                                                                                                                                              price for
           $30.00 single rider round trip.                                   Financial Advisor                                   We offer specialized services for your next bar/bat mitzvah,
                                                                                                                                    We offer specialized
                                                                                                                                 wedding,                    services
                                                                                                                                                                party, for Bar/Bat    Mitzvahs,
       For reservations, call 330-445-2850.                                  4678 Munson St Nw Suite C                           We offershower,      in-home
                                                                                                                                              specialized   services   shiva   luncheon,
                                                                                                                                                                        for Bar/Bat       corporate
                                                                                                                                            Kosherholiday party or any special occasion.Parties,
                                                                                                                                                     Meals,  Showers,    Private   In-Home
                                                                             Canton, OH 44718                                Weddings,Shivas,
                                                                                                                                         Kosher    Meals, Showers, Private In-Home Parties,
                                                                                                                                                 Corporate Events, Holidays and more.
                                                                                                                                     Shivas, Corporate Events, Holidays and more.
                                                                                                                                      Let us make your next event a success!
                                                                                                                                   Let us makeTrinity
                                                                                                                                                 your     next
                                                                                                                                                      United      event
                                                                                                                                                             Church Of Christa success!
                                                                                                                                            Located in the kitchen
                                                                                                                                              3909 Blackbird       at The
                                                                                                                                                              Rd. NW.,    Temple
                                                                                                                                                                       Canton,    Israel.
                                                                                                                                                                               OH 44718
                                                                                                                                          Located in the kitchen at The Temple Israel.
                                                                                   edwa rdjon

JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
6|                                                                                                             STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

Rescheduled! “How Magicians
Think” with Joshua Jay Saturday,
April 2, 8:30 p.m.
   The Josh Jay Program has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 2, 8:30 p.m. Your
tickets for the original date are STILL GOOD for the April 2 date. If you won’t be using
your tickets, please call and let us know – we have a waiting list for tickets, 330-445-
2410. If you wish to be placed on a waiting list for this date, please call 330-445-2410.
   Copies of “How Magicians Think” will be available for purchase and Josh will sign
copies of his book after his performance. There is no charge for admission but you
must preregister for tickets by calling 330-445-2410. There is a maximum of four (4)
tickets per registration. No registration accepted at the door.

                                    Josh grew up in Canton and spent hours at the Jewish
                                 Center. He is now a world-class magician and author of
                                 many books on the art or magic. He will discuss his lat-
                                 est book “How Magicians Think: Misdirection, Deception,
                                 and Why Magic Matters” during his program at Beit
                                 Ha’am. There is no admission fee for this performance
                                 but seating is limited and requires registration. Please
                                 call 330-445-2410 to reserve your space. Masks are
                                    Joshua became interested in magic at age 7, when
                                 his father, Jeffrey Jay, (z’l) performed a trick for him and
                                 didn’t tell him how it was done. He performed locally,
                                 at Boy Scout gatherings, birthday parties, and eventu-
                                 ally progressed to venues like the Canton Club, Palace
                                 Theater, and Player’s Guild. Many of us remember
                                 him during his time in Canton. He celebrated his Bar
Mitzvah at Temple Israel, graduated from GlenOak High School and from The Ohio State
University. We are excited to offer a program that brings a local son back to us.
   In “How Magicians Think: Misdirection, Deception, and Why Magic Matters”, Jay not
only opens the door to magic, but brings us inside to reveal the artistry and obsessive-
ness, esoteric history, and long-whispered-about traditions of a subject shrouded in
mystery. And he goes one step further to bring us right into the mind of a magician—how
they develop their other worldly skills, conjure up illusions, and leave the rest of us slack
jawed with delight time after time.
   In 52 short, compulsively readable essays, Jay describes how he does it, whether it’s
through the making of illusions, the psychology behind them, or the way technology
influences the world of magic. He considers the aesthetics of performance, discusses                      Jewish National Fund
contemporary masters, including David Copperfield, Penn & Teller, and David Blaine,
and details how magicians hone their craft. Along the way, Jay reveals another kind of                    Virtual Tour of Israel
secret, one all readers will find meaningful even if they never aspire to perform sleight
of hand: What does it take to follow your heart and achieve excellence?                              Monday, April 25 - Thursday, April 28
   Joshua Jay has performed on stages in more than 100 countries. He is a headliner at                   on Zoom 5pm - 6:00 pm
Hollywood’s Magic Castle and a former World Champion in Sleight-of-Hand. He is the
author of Magic: The Complete Course and, for children, Big Magic for Little Hands. He
consulted on illusions for Game of Thrones and helped the US Postal Service with their                      Friday, April 29 - In person
“Art of Magic” postage stamps. Joshua has performed on The Tonight Show with Jimmy              5: 00 - Pre-Shabbat gathering at Beit Ha'am with
Fallon, The Late Show with James Corden, he fooled Penn & Teller on their hit show, Fool
Us, and he starred in his own off-Broadway magic show, Six Impossible Things.
                                                                                                             JNF speaker Zoe Smith.
   He holds a Guinness World Record in card magic and has designed illusions for stage                     6:15 pm - Shabbat services
and screen, including a recent collaboration with HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” In 2018, he
was recognized by the Society of American Magicians with their highest proclamation,
for his contribution to the art of magic. Joshua now resides in New York, where he per-
forms at some of the most illustrious stages around the world.
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                                                                   SAO | 7

                                    HELLO MARCH
                                 It’s the beginning of March and I’m dreaming of Spring and
                              flowers. The month of March seems like we should soon be

     CJCF                     waving goodbye to the snow and very cold temperatures.
                              Temperatures are usually hovering in the 50’s in March.                                    ADULT ACTIVITIES
                                 When I think of March I think of Purim and St Patrick’s Day.
                              I decided to research the Jewish-Irish connection and I found
                              an article in The Forward written by Seth Rogovoy which I found
      organization            interesting. The article is long so I’ll just share some highlights.
                                                                                                     Please note…All trips should be paid in full by the deadline date. It is important that I know
                                                                                                     how many people are going on each trip. If you need to cancel your reservation please do so
                              • Purim and St Patrick’s Day typically fall on the calendar within a
                                                                                                     at least a week before the event. Canceling less than 7 days forfeits your money. All events
                                few weeks of each other. This year they are both on March
                                                                                                     should have a separate check with the event noted on the memo line. Any questions please
                                                                                                     call Lynda Herbert at 330-453-0132. Remember: If you have a trip you want me to plan I will
                              • Both holidays encourage one to drink “a lot”!
                                                                                                     gladly do so but I must know at least one month in advance
                              • The original 5th century St. Patrick, who became the patron
                                                                                                     DO YOU HAVE E-MAIL? Sometimes it is easier and more efficient to communicate in this
                                saint of Ireland, has numerous parallels to the Biblical stories
                                                                                                     manner. Of course, if you call me at 330-445-2412 your call will be promptly answered when
                                of Joseph and Moses.
                                                                                                     I am in the office.
                              • St. Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland. Moses prodded
                                                                                                     Do you have a good restaurant that you want our group to enjoy? The weather will be getting
                                Aaron to turn his staff into a snake in Exodus 8-13.
                                                                                                     nicer and we can venture out of town. Call Lynda with your suggestions at 330-445-2412.
                              • The Irish Gaelic language has been superseded by English,
                                much like Yiddish was superseded by English among the Jews
                                of Ashkenazi origin.
                              • The first Jewish mayor of Youghal Ireland was William Annyas
                                in 1555.
                              • In 1956 Robert Briscoe became the first Jewish Mayor of                                                   MARCH
                                Dublin. His parents immigrated to Ireland from Lithuania.
                                Briscoe served in the Irish parliament for nearly 40 years
  LYNDA HERBERT                                                                                      Thursday, March 3 at 11:30
                                (1927-1965). When he retired his son Ben served for another
                                37 years.                                                            CANTON ART MUSEUM AND BASILS RESTAURANT DOWNTOWN
  • Irish music is really klezmer music with an Irish accent.                                        Lunch at Basil’s restaurant downtown and then a 2pm docent tour of the newest exhibits.
  • Irish corned beef is actually Jewish brisket thrown into a pot with potatoes and cabbage.        *Unsound: Hannah Pierce Ceramics (ceramic sculptor and mixed media artist) San Mateo,
  • When the Irish came to America they shopped at kosher butchers on the Lower East Side            Ca
    and they discovered brisket, a kosher cut of meat.                                               *Marvelocity:The Art of Alex Ross (comic book art)
  • The annual Israeli Independence Day parade in New York City was modeled after the St             *Tom Franco and the Ice-Creams (folk art made from 80% found materials) Bay Area, Ca.
    Patrick’s Day parade. Both celebrate ethnic pride.                                               Museum is free on Thursdays. Van transportation $10. If you are driving meet us there at
  • The comedy duo Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara formed the basis for the 1970’s TV show              11:00am
    “Bridget loves Bernie” (Jewish man-Catholic girl)
                                                                                                     March 15 & 29
  • In 1912 songwriters William Jerome and Jean Schwartz wrote the song...”If it wasn’t for
                                                                                                     YIDDISH CLUB
    the Irish and the Jews”
                                                                                                     Beit Ha’am Library. Call Judy Nusbaum at 330-492-0037 for more information.
  Put on your mask and costume and have a drink of wine or any other alcoholic beverage              Tuesday, March 15, 11:30 am
you may enjoy and celebrate Purim!......just kidding about the drinks!                               PAPA GYROS BELDEN VILLAGE AREA
  Let’s get together to celebrate the Canton/Stark County Jewish Community of friends and            Van transportation available for $10. Meet at Beit Ha’am at 11:00am
enjoy our SAO March and April outings. I’m looking forward to seeing your smiling faces.             RSVP by March 9th
  If you have any trips you would like me to plan please call me at 330-445-2412. Your               Wednesday, March 23, 9:30 am
suggestions are greatly appreciated.                                                                 Men’s Breakfast
Hugs, Lynda                                                                                          John’s Bar at Oakwood Square
                                                                                                     Speaker: Rabbi AJ Kushner
                                                                                                     Topic: TBA
                                     DUES ARE DUE
                                 $5/single | $10/couple
                                                                                                     Wednesday, April 6 at 10:30am
                                                                                                     TRIP TO JACK’S DELI IN BEACHWOOD
                                                                                                     Stop at Tibors for kosher meat (please preorder)
                                        BIRTHDAYS                                                    Stop at Bakery and then to Trader Joes if time allows.
                                                                                                     RSVP by March 30th limited seating on the van
                                                                                                     Van cost $15

                    Sandy Adland • Paula Bloom • Larry Libster
                Jeff Sklar • Harlene Smuckler • Barbara Turkeltaub
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
8|                                                                                                                            STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

Reaching out to Afghan Refugees

  The Canton Jewish Community Federation is working with US Together, a Cleveland non-profit providing social
services to support refugees in northeast Ohio. US Together has been sanctioned by the US Department of State to
provide short and long term assistance to clients including housing, language skills, job training, health care, child care
and mental health services. We are joining efforts to support families and individuals during their resettlement.

                                                 DROP OFF SITES
   Beit Ha’am – 432 30th St NW, Canton, OH 44709. Use the Chadash School Entrance betwen 9:00AM-3:00PM . You
may donate gift cards from Target, Walmart, Amazon, new pillows, new bath towel sets, radios and any small household
items. Checks are also accepted and payable to US Together Cleveland c/0 US Together, 2800 Euclid Ave, STE 200,
Cleveland OH 44551

  Hartville Gift and Thrift Shoppe will accept large furniture and larger household items during regular operating hours.
938 W. Maple St. Hartville, OH 44632

                                                  ITEMS NEEDED
     •   New only full/queen or twin size mattresses, box springs and bedframes
     •   New only pillows
     •   New only bathroom items, cleaning supplies and bath towel sets.
     •   New or gently used furniture for living rooms, bedrooms or kitchens.
     •   New or gently used kitchen equipment and tableware.
     •   New or gently used bedding for full/queen or twin size beds
     •   New or gently used baby items: baby/child car seats, backpacks, school supplies, tvs, radios

                  For more information or to volunteer, please call 330-445-2405.
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                             |9

Meet David Whitehill, ArtsinStark CEO
                                                           We reached out to David Whitehill, who recently moved to Canton from Asheville, NC
                                                         and who is a new member of our community. Please welcome David, Jessica, and their
                                                         daughter, Sadie!
                                                             What brought you to Stark County from the Asheville Symphony?
                                                             An amazing opportunity to work at ArtsinStark and the Cultural Canter for the Arts.
                                                         Everything we do, every day, helps us see, hear and live art in our daily lives. Art is in
                                                         schools, in homes, on the streets. We help put it out there. This is important work because
                                                         the arts open opportunities for diverse communities to gather, learn, create, and share.
                                                             How did you become interested in the arts?
                                                             I was very fortunate to have parents that took me to everything. If there was a musical
                                                         opening, a symphony concert, a special show at the art museum, I was there. My parents
                                                         made sure I had the best of everything. My elementary school had an orchestra and I had
                                                         a cello and a cello teacher. Palm Beach County opened a school of the arts. My teacher
                                                         in middle school was a former member of the New York Philharmonic and the NBC
                                                         Symphony. It wasn’t uncommon to see people like Ben Vereen, Burt Reynolds and Jimmy
                                                         Buffett walking the halls of the school. They came often for master classes. It was an
                                                         incredible place.
                                                             Do you have a favorite restaurant or place to enjoy in Stark County?
                                                             I just can’t narrow it down to one favorite place - we’ve really enjoyed getting to know
                                                         the area and exploring all kinds of restaurants. That said, we’ve had a lot of fun and great
                                                         meals at places like Unhitched Brewing in Louisville, H2 in Canton, Sol Pie in North Canton
                                                         and Liebermann’s Bakery in Massillon. Taggert’s has become our hangout after perfor-
                                                         mances at the Cultural Center for the Arts. My daughter loves the M & M sundae there.
                                                         We’ve also enjoyed visiting some of the different Stark Parks, and we had a fun visit at
                                                         Beech Creek Botanical Gardens and Raptor Hollow Sanctuary with the Chadash Sunday
                                                         School program. We can’t wait to go back.
                                                             Where did you grow up and how did you meet your wife?
                                                             I grew up in Boca Raton, Fla., but spent 10 years in Southern California for college and
                                                         growing my career in arts administration. In 2007 I moved to Bangor, Maine, to run the
                                                         Bangor Symphony Orchestra. Jessica had been living in Bangor for about 10 years while
                                                         she was working as a sports reporter for the daily newspaper there. We were set up by
                                                         a member of one of the synagogues, and just hit it off immediately. We had so much in
                                                         common right from the start when we realized that our grandparents lived nine blocks
                                                         away from each other in New York City. We got married in 2010 in beautiful Bar Harbor,
                                                         Maine. We were the first Jewish couple featured in Real Maine Weddings magazine.
                                                             What would you like to see develop through your leadership in Arts in Stark?
                                                             The world is changing, and the frameworks we draw on must change as well.
                                                         ArtsinStark is working to build a more creative, empowered, and equitable Stark County by
                                                         ensuring the arts and culture are a core sector of community planning and development.
                                                         The arts and creative sector can be a vehicle to help strengthen our community’s social,
                                                         physical, and economic fabrics. One opportunity is the renovation and re-energizing of the
                                                         Cultural Center for the Arts as a countywide resource. It had 50 incredible years, and now
                                                         it’s time to look and see what is possible for its next 50.
                                                             Please tell us a bit about your family.
                                                             Jessica grew up in the Washington, D.C. area and went to college and graduate school
                                                         at Barnard College and Columbia University. She works at The University of Akron as a
                                                         speechwriter for the president of the university and contributes articles for the school’s
                                                         magazine. My daughter Sadie is just full of life - she loves art, music, theater, sports (espe-
                                                         cially the Olympics), traveling, attending Sunday School and learning Hebrew.
                                                             As a family, we really try to take advantage of as many opportunities as we can. In one
                                                         weekend we might be at an arts event, a football game, an antique store, or we might just
                                                         spontaneously hop in the car for a road trip. We’re very fortunate because we have so
                                                         much fun together and treasure the time we spend as a family.
                                                             While we were living in Asheville we were very active in the small but strong Jewish
                                                         community there. We were members of the Reform Congregation Beth HaTephila, Jessica
                                                         is a past president of the Asheville JCC Board of Directors and was also the executive
                                                         director of Jewish Family Services of Western North Carolina. Belonging to the Jewish
                                                         community is very important to us and we look forward to becoming more involved here
                                                         in Canton as soon as the pandemic eases.
JEWISHNEWS - PAID U.S.Postage - Canton Jewish Community Federation
10 | CHADASH                                                                                     STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

                                 Treasured Mini Torahs
                                        When I was a young girl, and it was my turn to stand
                                     on the Bimah and accept the mini Torah from Rabbi
                                     Applebaum, I remember the feeling of being overcome
                                     with pride. I stood in my pretty dress and smiled sweetly
                                     as the moment was forever captured. I patiently stood
                                     shoulder to shoulder with the other Jewish religious
                                     school students for an infamous photo that was hung on
                                     the walls of my synagogue until it moved to its newer and
                                     more modern location.
          JULIE ZORN                    That photo has popped up many times over the years
            Director of              - most recently on Rabbi Komerofsky’s office shelf, as he
        Lifelong Learning            was standing two rows behind me that day with a grin
                                     that could light up a whole sanctuary.
   At the time, I don’t think I truly comprehended that this ceremony was to officially mark
the beginning of my formal Jewish education. Rather, it was one of those days that I had
finally caught up to my older brother and got a chance to take part in something special
just as he once had a couple of years prior. For this I was pleased. Very pleased. I stood
in my assigned spot in front of the colorful embroidered ark door holding my treasured
mini Torah just as I would a pile of gold and riches beyond my wildest dreams.
   I may not have understood the true significance of what it meant to stand in front of
the congregation with a group of friends who would follow me throughout my life, but
one thing was certain. I knew that something important was happening, and I knew that
the little mini Torah was the best souvenir to remember it by.
   It’s a funny thing about those mini Torahs. Most times, when I start talking about
Consecration with adults, I know the comment that is about to come out of their mouths
as soon as the dreamy look hit their eyes. “I still have my mini Torah,” they say. I respond
always with a smile enjoying a commonality that we all can relate to.
   This year’s Consecration class has had to wait for this significant milestone day.
Though we planned on having a Consecration ceremony last year, Covid had a different
agenda. As Chadash opened virtually this past Fall, once again we had to postpone
   I am happy to say that the day has finally arrived for our little learners, and their
moment of proudly possessing their own mini Torahs will happen during our annual
Chadash Shabbat service on Friday, March 4 at 6:15 pm. We hope the community will
come out and join us and possibly brush the dust off their own mini Torahs and pho-
tographs to bring up so many cherished memories at the start of their own synagogue
lives. Be sure to share these tokens and memories with the young people in your lives.
Though life has changed beyond measure over the decades, our mini Torahs are the
STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                                                       | 11

Where Are They Now?                                                                                                               LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED FOR FIVE GENERATIONS

  Article by: Adele Gelb

 Train a child to go on the proper path, and when the child grows old s/he will not swerve from that way.
 Proverbs 22:6

   In the 1980s when the Canton Jewish community’s demographic trend became undeniable, Jay Rubin, former Jewish                   CANTON: 1517 MARKET AVE. N. • 330-456-7291
Community Federation executive director, noted that although our children rarely return to Canton we can be proud that           CANTON: 4817 CLEVELAND AVE. NW. • 330-455-0349
we are sending out amazing adults who repair the world – tikkun olam. This is the fourth in a series of articles shining a         HARTVILLE: 504 W. MAPLE ST. • 330-877-9364
light on the children of Canton who make us all proud – for they are products of our combined efforts to “train a child to
go on the proper path.” Please contact Adele Gelb, with suggestions for “Where are they now?”

                                                      Robyn Rosenstock Kessler, daughter of Barbara and Artie (z”l)
                                                   Rosenstock, is a graduate of Canton City’s McKinley High School. She
                                                   earned her undergraduate degree from The Ohio State University and her
                                                   MBA from Columbia University Business School.
                                                      Robyn grew up in the Ridgewood community, attended the Canton
                                                   City Schools and matriculated to Ohio State in Columbus. “Canton
                                                   was a great place to be from, Robyn explained. “I had the advantage of
                                                   strong family and community values. I grew up seing the importance of
                                                   supporting one another. My parents had friendships and relationships
                                                   that had lasted for decades, a common occurence throughout the
                                                   community. Families in the community focused on raising children to
                                                   achieve all they could be, to explore and pursue opportunities. I see it as
                                                   a selfless perspective on the part of parents to push their children out of
                                                   the nest in order for the children to achieve all they can.
                                                      “When I returned for our 20th OSU reunion I realized that wherever I
                                                   had gone to college the experience that mattered was learning about
                                                   life; learning how to take care of myself; figuring out a large community;
                                                   learning how to be on my own and to believe that I am capable and
                                                      After Ohio State Robyn was accepted into a four year executive
                                                   training program at Macy’s. At the conclusion of that experience she
                                                   enrolled at Columbia for her MBA. She landed a job with SaraLee in one
of their many divisions and worked in product and operations management requiring her to travel to the Philippines.
“Although I had travelled to western Europe before I realized the world was so much bigger – what had I been missing?”
  Robyn’s journey to the United States Foreign Service is a tale braided with the story of her friendship and marriage
with Jonathan Kessler. When Jonathan took a Foreign Service posting in the Philippines and Robyn became familiar
with his work.
  “I’m a people person – it’s one of my strengths. I realized that I could combine that characteristic with public
service. The State Department has four agencies: Diplomacy, Commerce, USAID and Agriculture. Life kept giving me
opportunities and I kept grasping them – while we were posted in Brussels I applied to the Foreign Service and was
accepted. It’s the best of both worlds, I am able to use my experience in international business on behalf of the United
States in the most interesting and fulfilling job.”
  Robyn has served in Belgium, Mexico, Afghanistan, Russia and India. From 2017-2020 She served as Executive
Director for the Department of Commerce’s Middle East and Africa region. Currently she has her “dream posting” as the
U.S. Embassy Israel’s Senior Commercial Officer for Israel and the West Bank and is based in Tel Aviv. “As a Jew I am
familiar with Israel in some ways – but the time here has made Israel more relevant to me.”
  In December Robyn was a member of the U.S. delegation to the U.S.-Palestinian Economic Dialogue, the first such
meeting in five years. “It was a small step toward reengagement,” Robyn explained. “It’s complex and complicated but I
am hopeful that we will be able to connect markets and create opportunities.”
  Robyn’s enthusiasm for her posting in Tel Aviv overcomes even the limitations brought on by Covid. The Kesslers are
hopeful that before they leave they will be able to travel and host family and friends.
12 | CALENDAR                                                                            STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

                                                Community Calendar
                                                           March Activities
Tuesday, March 1     5:45 PM    TI Men’s Study Group               Tuesday, March 15      11:30 AM          SAO Trip
Wednesday, March 2   4:15 PM    Chadash Hebrew School                                     5:45 PM           TI Men’s Study Group
                     6:30 PM    TI Intro to Judaismn                                      7:00 PM           TI Board Meeting
Thursday, March 3    11:30 AM   SAO Trip                           Wednesday, March 16    4:15 PM           Chadash Hebrew School
Friday, March 4      6:15 PM    Chadash Shabbat                                           6:30 PM           TI Intro to Judaismn
Sunday, March 6      9:30 AM    Chadash Religious School           Thursday, March 17     7:00 PM           Federation Board Meeting
                     12:15 PM   Chadash Hebrew School              Tuesday, March 22      4:00 PM           TI Women’s Torah Study
Tuesday, March 8     4:00 PM    TI Women’s Torah Study             Wednesday, March 23    9:30 AM           Men’s Breakfast
Wednesday, March 9   4:15 PM    Chadash Hebrew School                                     6:30 PM           TI Intro to Judaismn
                     6:30 PM    TI Intro to Judaismn               Friday, March 25                         TI Scholar in Residence
Sunday, March 13     9:30 AM    Chadash Religious School           Saturday, March 26                       TI Scholar in Residence
                     9:30 AM    TI Brotherhood                     Wednesday, March 30    4:15 PM           Chadash Hebrew School
                     9:30 AM    TI Sisterhood                                             6:30 PM           TI Intro to Judaismn
                     12:15 PM   Chadash Hebrew School              Thursday, March 31     11:00 AM          TI Adult Education
                                                                   Saturday, April 2      8:30 PM           Josh Jay Program

                                                                                                          bringing you
STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                                                          | 13

Temple Israel to Welcome                                                                                         Temple Israel Adult
Scholar-In-Residence in March                                                                                    Education Spring 2022
for the Blanche K. Feiman Kallah                                                                   Temple Israel will host online adult education with Rabbi David Komerofsky through
                                                                                                May 2022. The full schedule is below and at
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz will be in Canton March 25-26, 2022 for a Shabbat of learn-         tion. All are welcome, no registration required. The classes will meet via Zoom, Meeting
ing and connection for Temple Israel’s Blanche K. Feiman Kallah. His topic is “Exploring        ID 869 9273 8567.
Judaism’s Wisdom: Personal, Communal, Universal.” All programs are open to the public.
Registration is free and is available at To                                     Wednesday, March 9, 2022 10:00 a.m.
register by phone, call the Temple office at (330) 455-5197. The schedule for his visit is:                     Temple Israel Adult Ed - The Esther Story for Grown-Ups
Friday, March 25
5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat                                                                                                Thursday, March 31, 2022 11:00 a.m.
6:15 p.m. – Shabbat Service                                                                                 Temple Israel Adult Ed - The Structure of the Jewish Prayerbook
“How to See the Invisible Right before our Eyes: A Mystical approach to Ethics”
In this sermon, we will learn about how Jewish ethics goes beyond the surface level. In
                                                                                                                           Friday, April 8, 2022 12:00 p.m.
this inspiring talk, we’ll leave with a deeper sense of wonder and longing to bring repair!
                                                                                                           Temple Israel Adult Ed - A Walk Through the Passover Haggadah
Saturday, March 26
12:00 p.m. – Lunch and Torah Study
“Judaism as a Call to Social Action: Developing our Unique Moral Voice”                                                  Wednesday, April 27, 2022 1:00 p.m.
When does social justice begin in the Jewish tradition? What are some of the core Jewish        Temple Israel Adult Ed - The Influence of Jews-by-Choice on Contemporary Jewish Life
texts and values that inspire and mandate social responsibility and protest? Join Rabbi
Shmuly to explore various Jewish texts, our contemporary issues, and learn about the                                     Thursday, May 12, 2022 - 2:00 p.m.
direction of the movement. Further, we’ll look at the relationship between our inner lives                            Temple Israel Adult Ed - The Three Stooges
and our outer lives.
4:00 p.m. – Se’udah Shlishit (Third Meal)
“Reform Judaism & Orthodox Judaism: Challenges & Opportunities”
In this highly interactive and participatory session, we’ll explore the boundaries of truth,
the parameters of peoplehood, and approaches to inclusive and exclusive religious poli-
tics. Join the conversation about how we can be different but still be one people.
7:00 p.m. – Havdalah Interfaith Program (invite your friends from the wider community)
“Truth vs. Peace: How can we be fervently particularistic and yet fervently universalistic
and pluralistic?”
In this session, we’ll learn about how we balance our commitments to truth (emet) and
peace (shalom). Oftentimes they are in sync with one another, but what to do when they

                                Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz is the President & Dean of
                                Valley Beit Midrash, Founder & President of Uri L’Tzedek,
                                Founder & CEO of Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy,
                                and Founder & President of YATOM: The Jewish Foster &
                                Adoption Network.
                                Rabbi Yanklowitz’s writings have appeared in outlets as
                                diverse as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal,
                                the Washington Post, the Guardian, and the Atlantic
                                among many other secular and religious publications.
                                Rabbi Yanklowitz is a sought-after educator, social justice
                                activist, and motivational speaker as well as the author of
                                seventeen books on Jewish spirituality, social justice, and
                                As a global social justice activist and educator, Rabbi
                                Yanklowitz has volunteered, staffed trips, and taught
                                across the world, including Israel, Ghana, India, France,
Thailand, El Salvador, England, Senegal, Germany, Switzerland, Ukraine, Argentina, South
Africa, and Haiti. Rabbi Dr. Yanklowitz has also served as a rabbinic representative, facili-
tator, and speaker at the World Economic Forum in Geneva and Davos. Rabbi Shmuly’s
religious journey was filmed in the Independent Lens/PBS documentary “The Calling.”

                             Cont'd / See YANKLOWITZ Page 14
14 | LIFECYCLE                                                                                                        STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

       Life Cycle Events                                      CJCF Endowments                                                  YANKLOWITZ continued from page 13
                                                           (Contributions received as of publication deadline.)
BIRTHS                                                    Endowment donations are a minimum of $10 for each
                                                                                                                    Rabbi Shmuly earned a masters degree from Harvard
Abigail Simon, daughter of Kamila and Jason Simon,                                                                  University in Leadership and Psychology, another mas-
                                                                 person or event you wish to recognize.             ters from Yeshiva University in Jewish Philosophy, and a
granddaughter of Sharon and Terry Simon, born January
19.                                                                                                                 doctorate from Columbia University in Moral Development
Casey Eden Porter, daughter of Dana and Steven Porter,   FOOD BANK                                                  and Epistemology. He obtained rabbinical ordination from
granddaughter of Anita and Tom Porter and Lisa and       In Honor of Linda & Robert Greene’s 45th Wedding           the Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School and two
Steven Sands, great-granddaughter of Judy Sands born     Anniversary from Dale & Jeff Sklar                         additional, private ordinations in Israel. He has twice
January 22.                                                                                                         been named one of America’s Top Rabbis by Newsweek.
                                                         In Honor of Cathy & Mark Atleson ‘s 50th Wedding
                                                                                                                    In 2016, The Forward named Rabbi Shmuly one of The
                                                         Anniversary from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                                                                                    Most Inspiring Rabbis in America. In 2016, the Forward
                                                         In Honor of Becky Zoldan’s 85th Birthday from Dale &       named Rav Shmuly one of the 50 most influential Jews.
                                                         Jeff Sklar                                                 In the same year, Yanklowitz was selected for the Ariane
                                                         In Honor of Joe Zoldan’s 90th Birthday from Dale & Jeff    de Rothschild Fellowship in Cross-Cultural Leadership and
                                                         Sklar                                                      Innovative Entrepreneurship at the University of Cambridge.
                                                                                                                    Rabbi Shmuly, his wife Shoshana, and their four children
                                                         In Honor of the birth of Casey Eden Porter, Anita & Tom    live in Scottsdale, Arizona. They are also foster parents.
                                                         Porter’s Granddaughter, from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Honor of the Birth of Gwen Kyle DeVilbiss from Dale
                                                         & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Honor of the birth of Casey Eden Porter, Lisa & Steve
                                                         Sands’ Granddaughter, from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Honor of Casondra Backer & Michael Wilkof ‘s
                                                         Marriage from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Honor of Erin Young & David Rudick’s Marriage from
                                                         Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Honor of Hillary Smuckler and Gerard O’Mallon’s
                                                         Marriage from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Honor of Megan Smuckler and Drew DeVilbiss’s
                                                         Marriage of from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Memory of Bradley Gordon Phillips from Sue Shafer
                                                         In Memory of Mitchell Libster from Dale & Jeff Sklar,

                                                         Sue Shafer
                                                         In Memory of Neal Libster from Dale & Jeff Sklar
                                                         In Memory of Roberta Gordon from Sue Shafer

                                                         In Memory of Samuel Gordon from Sue Shafer
                                                         In Memory of William Luntz from Sue Shafer

                                                         JANIE ALTMAN ZOLDAN JEWISH
                                                         COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT FUND
                                                                                                                                      FROM SJN
                                                         In Honor of Joe Zoldan’s 90th Birthday from Harlene
                              Artistic Objects
                        for Meaningful Spaces
                                                         JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES
                     John Strauss Furniture              In Memory of Mitchell Libster from David Jay
                       236 Walnut Ave NE, Canton, OH     In Memory of William Luntz from David Jay
                             M-F 10am - 5pm

STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •                                                                                        LOCAL SERVICES | 15

                                          AGUDAS ACHIM                                                                     SHAARAY TORAH
                                                   Orthodox                                                                          Conservative
                                2508 Market Ave. N. • Canton, 44714 • 330-456-8781                                 432 30th St. N.W. • Canton, 44709 • 330-492-0310

                                                                                        Tuesday, March 1                                  Thursday, March 17
                                                                                        Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)                      Purim
Tuesday, March 1                                   Saturday, March 19                                                                     Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
                                                                                        Wednesday, March 2
Mishnah class 4:45 p.m.                            Shabbos Parshas Tzav                                                                   Friday, March 18
                                                                                        Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Thursday, March 3                                  Shacharis & Mussaf 9:30 a.m.                                                           Shushan Purim
                                                                                        Thursday, March 3
Torah class via Zoom 4:30 p.m.                     Earliest Mincha 2:04 p.m.                                                              Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
                                                                                        Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
FIRST DAY OF                                       Shabbos ends 8:18 p.m.                                                                 Candles 7:20 p.m.
                                                                                        Friday, March 4
ROSH CHODESH ADAR 2                                Maariv8:25 p.m.                      Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)                      Saturday, March 19
Friday, March 4                                    Havdalah 8:49 p.m.                   Candles 6:05 p.m.                                 Service 10:00 a.m. (via In-Person; Live Stream
SECOND DAY OF                                      Sunday, March 20                     Community Chadash Shabbat & Consecration          or Zoom)
ROSH CHODESH ADAR 2                                Rabbi Scheinbaum’s class             6:15 p.m. (via In-Person; or Live Stream)         Monday, March 21
Mincha & Kabolas Shabbos 6:00 p.m.                   via Zoom 11:00 a.m.                Saturday, March 5                                 Services 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Candle lighting 6:02 p.m.                          Tuesday, March 22                    Service 10:00 a.m. (via In-Person; Live Stream    Tuesday, March 22
Sunset 6:20 p.m.                                   Mishnah class via Zoom 4:45 p.m.     or Zoom)                                          Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Saturday, March 5                                  Thursday, March 24                   Monday, March 7                                   Wednesday, March 23
Shabbos Parshas Pekudei                            Torah class 4:30 p.m.                Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)         Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Shabbos Chazak                                     Friday, March 25                     Tuesday, March 8                                  Thursday, March 24
Shacharis & Mussaf 9:00 a.m.                       Mincha & Kabolas Shabbos 7:20 p.m.   Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)                      Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Earliest Mincha 1:08 p.m.                          Candle lighting 7:24 p.m.            Wednesday, March 9                                Friday, March 25
Shabbos ends 7:02 p.m.                             Sunset 7:44 p.m.                     Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)                      Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Maariv 7:10 p.m.                                   Saturday, March 26                   Thursday, March 10                                Candles 7:27 p.m.
Havdalah 7:34 p.m.                                 Shabbos Parshas Shmini               Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)         Saturday, March 26
Sunday, March 6                                    SHABBOS PARSHAS PARAH                Friday, March 11                                  Service 10:00 a.m. (via In-Person; Live Stream
Rabbi Scheinbaum’s class                           Shabbos Mevorchim Chodesh            Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)                      or Zoom)
  via Zoom 11:00 a.m.                              Shacharis & Mussaf 9:30 a.m.         Candles 6:12 p.m.                                 Monday, March 28
Tuesday, March 8                                   Earliest Mincha 2:03 p.m.            Saturday, March 12                                Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Mishnah class via Zoom4:45 p.m.                    Shabbos ends 8:25 p.m.               Service 10:00 a.m. (via In-Person; Live Stream    Tuesday, March 29
Thursday, March 10                                 Maariv 8:35 p.m.                     or Zoom)                                          Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Torah class via Zoom 4:30 p.m.                     Havdalah 8:57 p.m.                   Monday, March 14                                  Wednesday, March 30
Friday, March 11                                   Sunday, March 27                     Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)         Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Mincha & Kabolas Shabbos 6:05 p.m.                 Rabbi Scheinbaum’s class             Tuesday, March 15                                 Thursday, March 31
Candle lighting 6:09 p.m.                            via Zoom 11:00 a.m.                Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)                      Services 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Sunset 6:27 p.m.                                   Tuesday, March 29                    Wednesday, March 16
Saturday, March 12                                 Mishnah class via Zoom 4:45 p.m.     Service 5:30 p.m. (via Zoom)
Shabbos Parshas Vayikra                            Thursday, March 31                   Purim Megillah Reading immediately
SHABBOS PARSHAS ZOCHOR                             Torah class via Zoom 4:30 p.m.       following 6:00 p.m.
Shacharis & Mussaf 9:00 a.m.
Earliest Mincha 1:06 p.m.
Shabbos ends 7:10 p.m.
Maariv 7:20 p.m.
Havdalah 7:41 p.m.                                                                                                                TEMPLE ISRAEL
TURN CLOCK ONE HOUR FORWARD                                                                                                                 Reform
Sunday, March 13                                                                                                         432 30th St. N.W. • Canton, 44709 • 330-455-5197
Rabbi Scheinbaum’s class
  via Zoom 11:00 a.m.                                                                   Friday, March 4                                   Saturday, March 19, 2022
Tuesday, March 15                                                                       5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat                          10:00 a.m. – Stollen Moments Torah Study and
                                                                                        6:15 p.m. – Chadash Shabbat and Consecration      Shabbat Service
Mishnah class via Zoom 4:45 p.m.
                                                                                        with Shaaray Torah Synagogue                      Friday, March 25, 2022
Wednesday, March 16
                                                                                        Saturday, March 5                                 5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat
                                                                                        10:00 a.m. – Stollen Moments Torah Study and      6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service with
Fast 6:23 am — 8:14 pm
                                                                                        Shabbat Service                                   Rabbi David Komerofsky
Maariv 7:35 p.m.
                                                                                        Friday, March 11                                  Sermon by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz (www.
Megilah reading 7:50 p.m.
                                                                                        5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat                
Thursday, March 17
                                                                                        6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service with         Saturday, March 26, 2022
                                                                                        Rabbi David Komerofsky and Shelley Schweitzer     10:00 a.m. – Stollen Moments Torah Study and
Shacharis 7:15 a.m.                                                                     Including March Birthday and Anniversary          Shabbat Service
Megilah reading 8:00 a.m.                                                               Blessings                                         Shabbat Programming with Rabbi Dr. Shmuly
Mishloach Manos                                                                         Saturday, March 12, 2022                          Yanklowitz for the Blanche K. Feiman Kallah
  (exchanging gifts of food) 8:30 a.m.                                                  10:00 a.m. – Stollen Moments Torah Study and      Scholar-in-Residence weekend
Torah class canceled                                                                    Shabbat Service
Friday, March 18                                                                        Friday, March 18, 2022
SHUSHAN PURIM                                                                           5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat
Mincha & Kabolas Shabbos 7:15 p.m.                                                      6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service with
Candle lighting 7:17 p.m.                                                               Rabbi David Komerofsky and Suzanne Stieglitz
Sunset 7:35 p.m.
16 |                                                                          STARK JEWISH NEWS • MARCH 2022 •

                    “How Magicians Think
                    Saturday April 2 at 8:30 pm

                        Yom Ha’Shoah
                        April 28 at 7 p.m.

       Join us at Beit Ha’am for our annual Yom Ha’Shoah
         Commemoration Service on Thursday, April 28 at                  Jewish National Fund
        7:00 p.m. Our clergy will lead us in the prayers and
       remembrance service including a candle lighting for               Virtual Tour of Israel
                          the six million.
                                                                    Monday, April 25 - Thursday, April 28
                                                                        on Zoom 5pm - 6:00 pm

                                                                           Friday, April 29 - In person
                                                               5: 00 - Pre-Shabbat gathering at Beit Ha’am with
                                                                            JNF speaker Zoe Smith.
                                                                          6:15 pm - Shabbat services
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