EVENTI info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it - Rimini turismo

Page created by Shannon Bowen
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Nordic Walking on the beach
Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
By 'La Pedivella'
On the beach it is possible to practice the Nordic Walking, a physical activity that allows you to obtain many
benefits thanks to the use of sticks.
The La Pedivella association offers this outdoor activity on the beach on Wednesdays at 3.00 pm, Thursdays at
9.00 pm or Saturdays at 10.30 am and 3.00 pm, departing from Bagno 14 in Marina Centro.
Group or individual lessons of first level Nordic Walking and advanced techniques are also possible.
Località: Beach 14 - Rimini Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 320 7433000
E-mail: tour@lapedivella.com
Sito: www.lapedivella.com

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

Nordic Walking on the beach
Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
By 'La Pedivella'
On the beach it is possible to practice the Nordic Walking, a physical activity that allows you to obtain many
benefits thanks to the use of sticks.
The La Pedivella association offers this outdoor activity on the beach on Wednesdays at 3.00 pm, Thursdays at
9.00 pm or Saturdays at 10.30 am and 3.00 pm, departing from Bagno 14 in Marina Centro.
Group or individual lessons of first level Nordic Walking and advanced techniques are also possible.
Località: Beach 14 - Rimini Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 320 7433000
E-mail: tour@lapedivella.com
Sito: www.lapedivella.com

XXV Memorial Cav. Oreste Biagini
Saturday 30 April 2022
Boxing event at Palasport Flaminio
A sporting event of amateur boxing during which the best boxers of 'Rimini Boxe Biagini' will meet a selection of
Italian boxers.
Località: Rimini, Palasport Flaminio, via Flaminia, 28
Telefono: +39 328 4558844
E-mail: riminiboxebiagini@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/riminiboxebiagini/
Orario: at 8 pm

Marecchia Dream Fest
Saturday 30 April and Sunday 1 May 2022
May Day concert, food stands and children's area
The May Day Concert is a musical marathon and a square event at the same time, which engages people of all
ages to celebrate the workers' day. Born years ago in the beach area, today it takes place in one of the most
beautiful places in the city, the Marecchia park, a stone's throw from the historic center.
The stage and the village are set up in the square on the water with the two thousand year old Tiberius Bridge as
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

a theatrical setting. Many bands will performe from lunchtime until evening: Rangzen, Radio Londra, Daniele
Maggioli with Mantovani, Maestro Ramberti with Nestor, Crista and friends, Luca Fall and others.
For the little ones, games and recreational activities, while for the hungriest there is no shortage of food and
The day of May 1st will be preceded on Saturday 30 April by a contest of emerging bands from Rimini, followed
by a dancing evening with "Satellite in the Park ".
Località: Parco Marecchia (XXV Aprile), Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Sito: www.marecchiadreamfest.it
Orario: Saturday 30 April from 5.00pm to midnight, Sunday 1st May from 12.00am to midnight

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

Hatha Yoga Sunday
Every Sunday from May to October 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
An opportunity to relax body and mind by practicing traditional Hatha Yoga.
The classes, lasting about 70 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
Book it on whatsapp at +39 331 5285154 or at the link on the Instagram page www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Località: Piazza sull'acqua - Rimini centre
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Concert at Parco degli Artisti
Sunday 1 May 2022
On the occasion of the May Day
On the occasion of the workers' day, the Parco degli Artisti offers a free concert with different bands and musical
On stage, lasting about 45 minutes each: Bar Mario (Ligabue Tribute Band), Sergio Casabianca e le Gocce, Irol &
KD ONE Kali Black Family (rap), Low Faro (Psych dub), EOS Quartet , Cumbia Poder (Argentine music).
Also dance performances and musical interludes with Dj Fonzie.
During the day the Writers paint artistic panels and local craft markets are set up in the park.

Località: Parco degli Artisti, via Marecchiese, 387 - Rimini Vergiano
E-mail: parcodegliartisti@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/events/731727604516910?ref=newsfeed
Orario: From 4.00pm to 10.00pm

La settima arte - Cinema and Industry is back to Rimini
From Wednesday 27 April to Sunday 1 May 2022
The Film Festival in Rimini
The Seventh Art Cinema and Industry is back to Rimini. Now in its fourth edition, the event organized by
Confindustria Romagna, Cinema Fulgor and University of Bologna - Department of Arts, in collaboration with the
Municipality of Rimini, was created with the aim of spreading the values of the film industry and supporting the
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

sector and all its related industries.
Five days divided into a program of free events, with screenings, masterclasses, training sessions, up to the
ceremony for the awarding of the "Cinema and Industry" award assigned by a jury of experts chaired by the
famous director Pupi Avati. This year the 2022 ad honorem Cinema and Industry Award goes to Giuseppe
Tornatore. The master of Italian cinema will receive the award on April 30 at the Galli Theater in Rimini together
with the other winners: Tempesta (Production Award), Vision Distribution (Distribution Award) Lorenzo Baraldi and
Gianna Gissi (Artistic Award), Carlotta Cristiani (editing Award ).
Various places in the city host the days of the cinema. Opening Night on April 28 with the participation of the
writer Enrico Brizzi. On April 29, the prize "Valpharma for cinema" is awarded in memory of the entrepreneur
Roberto Valducci. The award, now in its second edition, is dedicated to young professionals working in the film
The appointments are all with free admission, upon reservation. Participation in scheduled events offers the
opportunity to visit, during the days of the event, the Fellini Museum with a ticket at the special entrance cost of 5
Complete program on: www.lasettimarte.it/calendario-2022/
Località: Rimini
E-mail: comunicazione@lasettimarte.it
Sito: www.lasettimarte.it/

Opera at Cinema Tiberio: Cavalleria Rusticana / Pagliacci
Tuesday 3 May 2022
Pre-recorded at the Salzburg Festival
The Cinema Tiberio, pre-recorded at the Salzburg Festival, offers the screening of the two operas Cavalleria
Rusticana and Pagliacci, directed by Philipp Stölzl, with Jonas Kaufmann, who has his debut in the double role of
Turiddu and Canio, under the conduction of Christian Thielemann.
The stage is divided into several overlapping floors, to double and triple the scenic action. Stölzl divides the stage
on several levels, the crowd scenes below and the private feelings above, with cinematic close-ups.
Località: Cinema Teatro Tiberio, via San Giuliano 16 - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 328 2571483
E-mail: info@cinematiberio.it
Sito: www.cinematiberio.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: € 12
Orario: 8.00pm

Ecomondo - Key Energy
From Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 November 2022
International Fair of Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development
Ecomondo is the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean for technological and industrial innovation in
the green and circular economy sector within the NGEU.
An international fair with an innovative format that unites in a single platform all sectors supporting the ecological
The traditional event in person is enhanced by the innovative digital platform tool, already tested in the last
edition, to multiply business and meeting opportunities, in streaming from 3 to 5 May 2022 with the Digital Green
Ecomondo hosts conferences, debates and spaces for discussion on the technological trends of the future, the
national strategy for implementing the circular economy and a focus on the state of the art and the progress of
projects within the NRP.

Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
Telefono: +39 0541 744 555
E-mail: ?helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: www.ecomondo.com

Ecomondo - Key Energy
From Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 November 2022
International Fair of Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development
Ecomondo is the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean for technological and industrial innovation in
the green and circular economy sector within the NGEU.
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

An international fair with an innovative format that unites in a single platform all sectors supporting the ecological
The traditional event in person is enhanced by the innovative digital platform tool, already tested in the last
edition, to multiply business and meeting opportunities, in streaming from 3 to 5 May 2022 with the Digital Green
Ecomondo hosts conferences, debates and spaces for discussion on the technological trends of the future, the
national strategy for implementing the circular economy and a focus on the state of the art and the progress of
projects within the NRP.

Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
Telefono: +39 0541 744 555
E-mail: ?helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: www.ecomondo.com

Ecomondo - Key Energy
From Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 November 2022
International Fair of Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development
Ecomondo is the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean for technological and industrial innovation in
the green and circular economy sector within the NGEU.
An international fair with an innovative format that unites in a single platform all sectors supporting the ecological
The traditional event in person is enhanced by the innovative digital platform tool, already tested in the last
edition, to multiply business and meeting opportunities, in streaming from 3 to 5 May 2022 with the Digital Green
Ecomondo hosts conferences, debates and spaces for discussion on the technological trends of the future, the
national strategy for implementing the circular economy and a focus on the state of the art and the progress of
projects within the NRP.

Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
Telefono: +39 0541 744 555
E-mail: ?helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: www.ecomondo.com

Rimini Fiera - Macfrut 2022
From Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 May 2022
Fruit & Veg Professional Show
Macfrut is a leading trade fair for professionals operating in the national and international fruit and vegetables
sector. The great premises of the exhibition, the growing number of Italian and foreign companies participating,
the dynamic areas, and a wide range of initiatives aimed at promoting innovation and internationalisation are the
features that make it a key event for professionals and buyers.
Macfrut is a vertical exhibition that represents the entire supply chain, with 8 sectors involved: Production & Trade,
Machinery & Plants, Packaging, Agricultural Machinery, Greenhouses & Irrigation Systems, Nursery & Seeds,
Biostimulants, Logistics & Services.
Opportunities for visitors: B2B meetings with exhibitors, high-level meetings and conferences, dynamic areas, etc.
All the collateral events at Macfrut offer numerous business opportunities, knowledge and insights.
Macfrut is becoming an increasingly international trade event offering the chance to do business while
showcasing technical expertise, know-how and excellent products.
Località: Rimini Fiera - via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0547 317435
E-mail: info@macfrut.com
Sito: www.macfrut.com
Orario: 9.30am - 6.00pm

Augeo Art Space: E’ per sempre-It is forever
From Saturday 2 April to Saturday 7 May 2022
Exhibition by Mara Fabbro and Alberto Pasqual
The Augeo Art Space Center for Contemporary Art, houses the works of two Friulian artists, among the most
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

representative : Mara Fabbro and Alberto Pasqual.
Curated by Matteo Sormani, the exhibition is promoted by Theke and the Giovanni Santin Foundation and is
accompanied by a catalog published by Punto Marte publisher.
The exhibition entitled E' per sempre/'It is forever' concerns the category of Time and in particular that of duration,
which has a positive and necessary value in the cultural sphere, but which becomes negative in the case of
plastics, inexpensive materials, but dangerous because they are indestructible, harmful in the moment in which
they are dispersed in the environment.
The image used to visually represent the exhibition, the iconic hand wearing the "precious" ring, in transparent
plastic, seals the union between man / plastic / environment, witnessing the urgency of thinking today about a
different future, where lifestyle is attentive to Culture, Present and Future, and therefore also to environmental
By involving the visitor, the works can be read in different ways, thanks to the transparency and lightness of the
plastics; to the softness of precious papers; to resins and polycarbonates; to corten steel and molten iron.
For both artists, Mara Fabbro and Alberto Pasqual, Time preserves and does not forget, it does so throughout its
duration, starting from the past which is the indispensable source to draw on to live consciously and to plan
artistically a vital future.
On the occasion of the exhibition, the prototype of BeAPart will be presented, an exhibition solution developed by
DFORM and Creaa with Ludovico Bomben, Filippo Lorenzin, Rachele D'Osualdo, Giovanni Di Vito, Laura
Petruso, Marco Pietrosante, Stefano Coletto and Elena Cantori, which looks at the sustainability and the circular

Località: Augeo Art Space, Corso d'Augusto, 217 (Palazzo Spina) - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 53720
E-mail: info@augeo.it
Sito: www.augeo.it/
Orario: From Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 4.00pm to 7.00pm

The shop windows of Rimini decorated for the gathering of the Alpine troops
Until 8 May 2022
Competition of shop windows decorated with an 'Alpine' theme on the occasion of the Gathering of the Alpini
(Italian Alpine troops)
On the occasion of the 93rd National Gathering of the Alpini, the shop windows of Rimini are dressed with flags,
images, and objects with an Alpine theme, which can be admired in the period before and during the days of the
national event from 5 to 8 May 2022.
The competition rewards the most beautiful Alpine shop windows.
To participate in the competition, it is necessary to communicate the identification data of the shop windows by 30
April 2022 to the Organisation in Piazzale Malatesta 28, Tel. +39 0541 1419554.
Telefono: +39 0541 1419554
Sito: www.adunatalpini.it/comunicati-stampa/rimini-concorso-per-le-vetrine-piu-belle/

Hatha Yoga Sunday
Every Sunday from May to October 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
An opportunity to relax body and mind by practicing traditional Hatha Yoga.
The classes, lasting about 70 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
Book it on whatsapp at +39 331 5285154 or at the link on the Instagram page www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Località: Piazza sull'acqua - Rimini centre
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Fellini Open
From 8 march to 8 May 2022
Exhibitions, conferences and festivals, a rich calendar of events to celebrate Federico Fellini and cinema
A spring full of events offered by "Fellini Open", a playbill that continues to tell with images and words the cinema
of the most celebrated Italian director in the world.
An well-structured program, which takes place in the locations of the Fulgor Cinema and the Palazzo del Fulgor,
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

the Teatro degli Atti and the Cineteca, involving different institutional and cultural partners, all in the name of great
An initiative which includes films, conventions, exhibitions thus enriching the recently completed Fellini Museum.
Località: Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793781 - 793872 - 704494 - 704496
E-mail: museofellini@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.fellinimuseum.it/en/

Fellini between dream and reality: Rodrigo Pais' photographic contribution
From Saturday 9 April to Sunday 8 May 2022
Photo exhibition at Palazzo del Fulgor, as part of the Fellini Open events
On 9 April, opening day of the photographic exhibition “Fellini between dream and reality: the photographic
contribution of Rodrigo Pais”, curated by Glenda Furini and Guido Gambetta, at the Palazzo del Fulgor.
A series of images that testifies to some important steps in Federico Fellini's artistic career: Rodrigo Pais portrays
him on the street, on public occasions, in interviews, previews and awards.
A section of the exhibition is dedicated to the events that inspired or were inspired by the film La dolce vita.
Località: Palazzo del Fulgor, piazza San Martino - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 704494 - 704496
E-mail: cineteca@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.facebook.com/cineteca.rimini/
Orario: From Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00am to 7.00pm

93rd Alpine National Muster in Rimini
5th - 8th May 2022
The first time of the Penne Nere ('black feathers') in Rimini, on the centenary of the national gathering
The 'Black feathers' (this is how the Italian mountain troops are nicknamed) arrive for the first time on the
It will be a special edition because 100 years have passed since the first spontaneous meeting of the Alpine
troops. The gathering, at first scheduled for May 2020 in Rimini, has been postponed to May 2022 to cope with
coronavirus emergency.
The 2022 gathering will be the first held simoultaneously in Italy and abroad, involving the territory of San Marino.
The 'Alpini' registered in ANA are approximately 350 thousand, divided into 110 sections, 80 in Italy and 30
abroad. Among them there will also be 4,500 members of the Bolognese-Romagna section of the Ana "Angelo
Manaresi", chaired by Vittorio Costa, who also includes citizens from the Republic of San Marino.
Official site:www.adunatalpini.it/
Località: Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 1648069 - Tourist info +39 0541.53399
E-mail: segreteria@adunataalpini2020.it
Sito: www.facebook.com/AdunataANA/

Teatro Amintore Galli: Cinema Samuele Tour
Tuesday 10 May 2022
Samuele Bersani in concert
Samuele Bersani is back live with “Cinema Samuele Tour”, organized and produced by Friends & Partners.
The album that marks a new sound for the artist, is the son of a long and careful musical research.
"Cinema Samuele" received the Tenco Award as the best album of the year.
It is a brave and poetic record, which musically ranges and travels between electronic and song form and which -
word after word - tells stories of real life.
An album that comes after a long journey of sound research, seven years after the latest work of unpublished
"Nuvola Numero Nove", and shows Bersani as an artist in continuous evolution and out of any homologation
All information on tickets on www.friendsandpartners.it e www.ticketone.it.
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.teatrogalli.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Alice sings Battiato
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Wednesday 11 May 2022
Concert at the Galli Theater
Alice, the stage name of Carla Bissi, presents her new live tour entitled "Alice canta Battiato".
The Italian singer-songwriter is known to the public for the song "Per Elisa", written together with Franco Battiato
and the violinist composer Giusto Pio, winner of the Sanremo Festival in 1981.
The artistic partnership with Battiato characterized an important part of Alice's musical and professional career.
For the occasion, she is accompanied on the piano by Maestro Carlo Guaitoli, who has been collaborating with
Battiato for many years as a pianist and conductor.
Tickets are available on www.ticketone.it
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: teatrogalli.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

4th Guarda Rimini - 23rd Golden Fest
Sunday 15 May 2022
Running sport event
A.S.D. Golden Club Rimini International organizes a competitive and non-competitive running event, starting at
9.00 from the Lunatico Bar, on a track of 14.4 km - 7 km and 3 km.
Participation is open to all Uisp, Fidal and Run Card members aged 18 or over.
Località: Bar Lunatico (partenza), via Carlotta Clerici, 5 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 328 4659162
E-mail: goldenclubrimini.com
Sito: www.goldenclubrimini.it
Orario: Start at 9.00am

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

Hatha Yoga Sunday
Every Sunday from May to October 2022
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
An opportunity to relax body and mind by practicing traditional Hatha Yoga.
The classes, lasting about 70 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
Book it on whatsapp at +39 331 5285154 or at the link on the Instagram page www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Località: Piazza sull'acqua - Rimini centre
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Francesca 2021: The imagined Comedy
From Tuesday 17th May to Sunday 3rd July 2022
Exhibition at the City Museum of Dante's Hell, Purgatory and Paradise illustrated by famous artists
The documentary exhibition entitled 'The imagined comedy' is proposed as part of the Francesca 2021 project.
Dante's Hell, Purgatory and Paradise illustrated by famous artists, shows the birth of the 'imagined' Comedy in the
meaning of the story through images.
The exhibition collects some rare examples of ancient Comedies together with the most recent forms of illustrated
writing: from graphic novels to manga up to pop-up books. in addition the splendid lithographic plates made in
1850 by Franz Adolf Adolf Stürler complete the exhibition.
Reservations required for the opening day 29 December 2021 at 5 pm. Online reservations on the site
Località: Museo della Città, via Tonini, 1 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793851
E-mail: info@francescadarimini.it
Sito: www.francescadarimini.it/
Orario: From Tuesday to Friday 10.00am-1.00pm and 4.00pm to 7.00pm, Saturday, Sunday and non-working
days 10am-7.00pm, Closed on working Mondays, Saturday 1st Jannuary open at 12.00 pm

Teatro degli Atti: Amadeus
Friday 20 May 2022
Event by Rimini Classica
A concert entirely dedicated to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with two of his masterpieces on the program.
In the first part the pianist Beatrice Magnani plays the concert in D minor K466 accompanied by the Rimini
Classica Orchestra.
The second part features Mozart's famous penultimate symphony, No. 40 K550 in G minor.
Maestro Daniele Rossi conducts the orchestra.
Tickets are available on www.liveticket.it
Località: Teatro degli Atti, via Cairoli, 42 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793824 Teatro degli Atti
E-mail: riminiclassica@gmail.com
Sito: www.riminiclassica.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: € 10 + presale rights
Orario: 9.00pm

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Expodental Meeting
From Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 May 2022
Dental industry fair in Rimini Fiera
Expodental Meeting is the most important event of the dental sector in Italy, with a growing number of exhibitors
and a program of scientific and cultural events able to involve all dental care professionals.
EXPO3D, the area dedicated to new digital technologies, becomes even more engaging and interactive:
alongside the rich program of scientific conferences that in the last three years has attracted thousands of
professionals, a series of technical tables on the topic, organized in partnership with Companies and with the
main opinion leaders of digital workflow.
Località: Rimini Fiera (Ingresso Sud), via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 041 2719009
Sito: www.expodental.it/
Orario: Thursday and Saturday: 9.30am - 6.00pm, Friday: 9.30am - 7.00pm

Artigiani al centro-craftmarket
13 March, 17 and 18 April, 22 May, 18 September, 14 and 23 October, 20 November 2022
Market exhibition of handmade crafts
Appointment with art, creativity, design and above all many ideas and desire to do, to create and to invent!
One Sunday a month, artisans, creators and aspiring designers await you to show you what their passion and
inspiration can materialize using wood, metals, fabrics, yarns, clay and forgotten objects.
Unique pieces made by hand, the result of continuous research and the ability to create with the intellect, with the
imagination and with the heart!
Località: piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: artigianialcentro@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/artigianialcentro/
Orario: From 9.30am to 7.00pm

Hatha Yoga Sunday
Every Sunday from May to October 2022
Group lessons by Rimini Yogi
An opportunity to relax body and mind by practicing traditional Hatha Yoga.
The classes, lasting about 70 minutes, are for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
Book it on whatsapp at +39 331 5285154 or at the link on the Instagram page www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Località: Piazza sull'acqua - Rimini centre
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.instagram.com/riminiyogi/

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

Fluxo Start
From Monday to Thursday from 2 to 26 May
Outdoor workouts led by specialized instructors
Fluxo is a "gym" that allows you to choose between different disciplines to practice outdoors. Classes, held from
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Monday to Thursday by professional instructors, offer a wide range of activities covering various levels of
intensity. Participants can take different courses at different times or always choose the same activity.
Località: Piazza sull'acqua Ponte di Tiberio e Pedana in Piazzale Boscovich - Rimini
Telefono: +39 347 1224480
E-mail: fluxomovement@gmail.com
Sito: www.fluxomovement.it
Orario: From 1.30pm to 2.30pm

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

Domeniche ad Arte
Sunday 27 March, 24 April, 29 May, 25 September, 30 October, 27 Novembere 2022
Local market exhibition of art, crafts and hobbies
Market exhibition called 'Domeniche ad Arte' where local handicrafts and hobby are exhibited.
Curated by the Elio Morri and Goffredo Pizzioli Artistic Association.

Località: via IV Novembre - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 338 8270486
E-mail: assartisticamorripizzioli@legalmail.it
Orario: From 10.00am to 7.00pm alle 19

Rimini Antiqua
Every Sunday of the month, except July and December 2022
Exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage
The old town hosts an exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage items where you can find a wide
selection of ceramics, glassware, books, furniture, jewelry, silverware and various objects, all carefully dated or
Località: Rimini centro storico: Piazza Tre Martiri, via IV Novembre e parte di Corso d'Augusto
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: riminiantiqua@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/riminiantiqua
Orario: From 9.00am to 6.30pm

Tiberio pic nic
Every Saturday and Sunday in April and May 2022 except 7 and 8 May
Picnic in the square on the water
In the splendid setting of the square on the water, overlooking the Tiberius Bridge, Visit Rimini offers a picnic in a
large green space, where you can relax and enjoy good food prepared by some restaurants in Borgo San
To participate it is only necessary to choose between the proposed menus and the time, placemat and cutlery are
included in the price. It is possible to book the Pic-nic also on Easter Monday.
For info and reservations see the reference site.
Località: piazza sull'acqua, ponte di Tiberio - Rimini Borgo San Giuliano
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Telefono: +39 0541 53399 (info and booking)
E-mail: info@visitrimini.com
Sito: www.visitrimini.com/esperienze/299412-tiberio-picnic
Orario: From 12.00am

Amintore Galli Theater: Rimini Festival
Saturday 4 June 2022
Event by Rimini Classica
Final of the Rimini Festival, organized by YourVoice Records, Rimini Classica and presented by Laura Miuccia
Padovani. The 16 songs in the competition are performed live by the Rimini Classica Orchestra, conducted by
Maestro Aldo Maria Zangheri. In collaboration with Lions Club Rimini Riccione Host and Club Soroptimist Rimini.
Tickets are available on www.liveticket.it
Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: riminiclassica@gmail.com
Sito: www.riminiclassica.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 25 €
Orario: 8.30pm

Rimini Wellness 2022
From Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June 2022
Fitness, Wellness and Sport on stage
RiminiWellness is the world’s biggest gathering devoted to fitness, well-being, business, sport, physical culture
and healthy eating, an event that brings all the biggest companies in the wellness universe together under the
same roof: from the makers of machines for physical activity to gyms, schools and trade associations, those who
love the body, taking in spas for relaxation, rehabilitative sciences and dance, but also tourism and design.
A unique mix of events that blend every spirit of the good life and staying in shape, a winning combination with six
sections: Pro.Fit, an exclusive program reserved to the professionals and the main international brands in the
industry; ACTIVE, for the active public that enthusiastically takes part in the exhibition every year FoodWell
Expo, dedicated to healthy eating; for those on the move RiminiSteel, the most heavy-duty part of
RIMINIWELLNESS, hosting combat sports, martial arts, body-building and everything to do with “physical culture;
”Riabilitec, the section that presents every technological innovation for motor rehabilitation and
re-education.Pilates Junction, a space entirely dedicated to the most relevant Pilates brands.
Digital Nordic Walking and Cross Cardio Mobility to improve coordination and joint elasticity, Bodyweight
Flow for muscle strengthening, Yoga Therapy and ice massage for an exclusive moment of relaxation.

Località: Rimini Fiera (Ingressi Sud, Ovest), via Emilia 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 744555 from 9.00am to 1.00pm
E-mail: helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: www.riminiwellness.com
Orario: From 9.30am to 7.00pm

Delfino Trophy 2022
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 June 2022
International football tournament - youth sector
International youth football tournament with the participation of 150 teams from 9 European nations.
The tournament is held on various football fields in Rimini and its province, with the inauguration and awards
ceremony at the Romeo Neri Stadium.
The event is organized by A.C. Tropical Coriano in collaboration with the Municipality of Coriano and Euro-

Località: Stadio Comunale Romeo Neri, Piazzale del Popolo, 1 - Rimini
Sito: www.trofeodelfino.it/it

Vele al Terzo Rimini, the past and present of our seafaring
Saturday 11 June 2022
Seafaring festival
Vele al Terzo Rimini, a Rimini Social Promotion Association, part of the board of the "Mariegola delle Vele al
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Terzo and the Working Boats of Romagna" Association, proposes gatherings of historic boats from all the ports of
At the port of Rimini the Historic Boats with their colorful "Sails in the Wind" create a typical scenario of the Riviera
A show in which the traditional uses and customs of the Ancient Romagnola Seafaring come to life. A re-
evocative cultural event addressed to all.
It is possible to take free guided tours on the moored boats, where the crews tell the story and characteristics of
the historic boats of Romagna.
There is also an exhibition of historical fishing equipment organized in collaboration with the E'Scaion Museum.
In case of rain the event takes place on Sunday 12 June.

Località: Rimini port, Piazzale Boscovich
E-mail: velealterzo@outlook.it
Sito: www.facebook.com/Vele-al-Terzo-596992917013110/
Orario: From 10.00am to 8.00pm

Masterclasses of the Rudolf Noureev Contest at the Galli Theater
From 22 to 24 April and from 9 to 12 June 2022
Training meetings for young students and professional dancers
In view of the July Contest, the masterclasses of the Rudolf Noureev Competition, born in 2019 in collaboration
with the Municipality of Rimini and the support of the Rudolf Noureev Foundation, are held at the Galli Theater in
April and June.
The contest's primary goal is to perpetuate the immense choreographic legacy of the most famous dancer of the
twentieth century, with the teachers appointed by Etoile da Noureev himself.

Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (Teatro Galli); Info : +39 380 6413533
E-mail: concours.rudolfnoureev@gmail.com
Sito: www.concoursrudolfnoureev.org/

Soccer School Tournament
From Friday 10 to Sunday 12 June 2022
Youth football tournament organized by the Assovespucci Association of Marina Centro
The Assovespucci Association of Marina Centro, in collaboration with the Italian Football Federation of Rimini,
proposes three days dedicated to the sport of football.
In piazzale Fellini, two synthetic grass fields are set up, where the children of the Rimini football schools, aged
between 10 and 15 years, play.

Località: piazzale Fellini - Rimini Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 331 8504899
E-mail: info@assovespucci.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/assovespucci/?ref=page_internal

David Riondino in Don Chisciotte
Tuesday 14 June 2022
A Rimini Classica event at Riminiterme
David Riondino, thanks to his ability to range from the comic to the tragic, proposes narrative solutions that talk
about horses and riders, ladies and loves.
Riondino in fact reinterprets the character of the chivalric literature Don Quixote in a contemporary key.
The guitarist Andrea Candeli, the flutist Matteo Ferrai and the violist Aldo Maria Zangheri accompany the artist
along this narrative journey.
The event is in collaboration with Blue Beach and Riminiterme and with the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna
Tickets are available on www.liveticket.it
Località: Spiaggia di Riminiterme, via Principe di Piemonte, 56 - Rimini Miramare
Telefono: +39 0541 424011
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

E-mail: riminiclassica@gmail.com
Sito: www.riminiclassica.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 15 € adults
Orario: 9.30pm

Rimini air show: air show by the Frecce Tricolori
Saturday 18 June 2022
Exhibition of the National aerobatic team
The Frecce Tricolori fly again in the sky of Rimini.
The show-lasting about two hours- sees, as usual, the participation of the National Aerobatic Team of the 313rd
Aerobatic Training Group of the Italian Air Force, better known to the public with the name of Frecce Tricolori.

Località: Rimini
Sito: www.aeci.it/manifestazioni-aeree-2022-5744

Mare di Libri 2022 – Sea of books 2022
From Friday 17 to Sunday 19 June 2022
Festival of young readers - 15th edition
Fifteenth edition of the first and only literary festival in Italy dedicated exclusively to adolescent readers and
"young adults".
The program of events includes meetings with authors, an opportunity for dialogue with Italian writers and
international guests, shows, workshops aimed at an audience of young readers.
'Sea of ??Books' is not just a festival created for teenagers, but by teenagers.

Località: Sedi varie - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 328 0405887
E-mail: organizzazione@maredilibri.it
Sito: www.maredilibri.it

Rimini Antiqua
Every Sunday of the month, except July and December 2022
Exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage
The old town hosts an exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage items where you can find a wide
selection of ceramics, glassware, books, furniture, jewelry, silverware and various objects, all carefully dated or
Località: Rimini centro storico: Piazza Tre Martiri, via IV Novembre e parte di Corso d'Augusto
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: riminiantiqua@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/riminiantiqua
Orario: From 9.00am to 6.30pm

Maluma in concert
Tuesday 28 June 2022
Rimini beach Arena: Papi Juancho Europe tour 2022
The icon of Latin music opens the music season at the Rimini Beach Arena.
The Colombian singer-songwriter is now one of the leading names in the Latin American pop / reggaeton scene.
The singer boasts a huge musical career, full of great hits, awards, great accolades and 18 million singles and
album sales worldwide.
All tickets purchased for the concert at the Mandela Forum in Florence are valid for the new date and location.
Tickets are available on www.ticketone.it
Località: Rimini beach Arena, via Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 - Rimini Miramare
Sito: www.eventdestination.net/it/discoteche/rimini-beach-arena/
Orario: 9.00pm

Crossroads: Jazz and more in Emilia Romagna
29 June, 11 and 24 July 2022
Traveling Festival of Jazz and more in Emilia Romagna - 22nd edition
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

“Crossroads Jazz e altro in Emilia Romagna” is a traveling festival that takes place throughout the region, and is
one of the major European initiatives in this area.
From 4 March to 24 July 60 concerts involving about 450 artists and over twenty municipalities.
The jazz styles, range from the African-American mainstream to the European avant-garde, from gypsy jazz to
fusion, from swing to the most current hybridizations of musical languages.
Crossroads 2021 is organized as always by Jazz Network in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the
Emilia-Romagna Region and with the support of the Ministry of Culture and other institutions.
A prominent appointment is with the Israeli singer Noa, who on July 24 is at the Galli Theater in Rimini for the
celebratory tour of her 30-year career. The artist, who has been awarded multiple awards for her commitment to
peace and human rights, is accompanied on stage by Gil Dor (guitar), Ruslan Sirota (piano), Or Lubianiker
(electric bass) and Gadi Seri (percussion). The show is in collaboration with Percuotere la mente.
Among the other events there is the original production in homage to Nina Simone, jazz icon and civil rights
activist, where Maria Pia De Vito, special guest of the Italian Jazz Orchestra together with trumpeter Flavio
Boltro perform on June 29, at the Court of the Augustinians.
Korean singer Youn Sun Nath, an exotic presence on European soil, instead renews her duo with Swedish
guitarist Ulf Wakenius on July 11, also at the Augustinian Court.

Località: Sedi varie - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0544 405666
E-mail: info@jazznetwork.it
Sito: www.crossroads-it.org
Orario: 9.15pm

Love me or leave me: Tribute to Nina Simone
Wednesday 29 June 2022
Musical show as part of Crossroads, with Maria Pia de Vito & Flavio Boltro together with the Italian Jazz
As part of the traveling Festival Crossroads, Jazz and more in Emilia Romagna and in collaboration with
Percuotere la mente, an appointment with the original production in homage to Nina Simone, jazz icon and civil
rights activist, where Maria Pia De Vito, special guest of the Italian Jazz Orchestra together with the trumpeter
Flavio Boltro perform at the Court of the Augustinians.
Fabio Petretti conducts.
Behind the artists, in the background of the stage, images from the repertoire, film clips, concerts, television
specials and interviews of Nina Simone.
Località: Corte degli Agostiniani, via Cairoli, 40 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0544 405666 (Info from Monday to Friday 9.00am-1.00pm)
E-mail: info@jazznetwork.it
Sito: www.crossroads-it.org/speaker/love-me-or-leave-meomaggio-a-nina-simoneitalian-jazz-orchestra-special-
Orario: 9.15pm

Inside people
From Friday 17 December to Thursday 30 June 2022
Photographic exhibition by Dino Morri at the Enoteca Quattrocento
The Quattrocento Enoteca hosts an art exhibition entitled "Inside People": an exhibition of about seventy
photographs by Dino Morri, an artist from Rimini who takes photos, draws and paints with passion.
The exhibition consists of evocative shots that immortalize the characters encountered in the travels between
Romagna and Southeast Asia by the author, who will be present at the inauguration to tell the stories related to
each image.
Inauguration Friday 17th December at 6.00 pm.
Località: Enoteca Quattrocento, via Battarra, 17 - Rimini Historic centre
Telefono: +39 349 5320349
Sito: www.facebook.com/events/520011305671628?ref=newsfeed
Orario: From 6.00pm until late evening

Veteran European table tennis Championships
From Saturday 25 June to Saturday 2 July 2022
Veteran European table tennis Championships
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

An event that gathers passionate table tennis players from all over Europe.
Two "special evenings" are planned, the organization of which is managed directly by the Organizing Committee:
Wednesday 29 June, starting at 8.00pm, the EVC gala dinner at the Grand Hotel in Rimini, while on the evening
of Friday 1 July, starting at 8.00 pm, the traditional Farewell Party of the EVCs.
Offers and reservations on www.visitrimini.com
Località: Fiera di Rimini, via Emilia 155
Sito: www.evc2022.it

The Archaic Mass and Mystical Songs by Franco Battiato
Sunday 3 July 2022
Special preview of the 73rd edition of the Malatesta Music Festival
It was October 1993 when Franco Battiato presented his Archaic Mass for the first time in the Basilica of San
Francesco d’Assisi, a sacred composition symbolizing the intense spiritual journey that accompanied the artistic
career of the Sicilian singer-songwriter. A work that, with its Mystical Songs, represents the testimony of that
incessant intimate and musical research, to which the Malatesta Music Festival for its 73rd edition chooses to pay
homage with a special and precious preview.
An original production that sees the renewal of the collaboration between Sagra Musicale Malatestiana and
Ravenna Festival, and which is proposed as the first of a series of events that anticipate the new season of one of
the oldest Italian music festivals.
For the tribute to Battiato, three soloists who have worked alongside the singer-songwriter and who now pay
homage to his vast artistic production, such as Simone Cristicchi, Juri Camisasca and Alice, who together with the
mezzo-soprano Cristina Baggio join the Bruno Maderna Orchestra and the Choir of the Siena Cathedral "Guido
Chigi Saracini" on the Rimini stage.

Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteria@teatrogalli.it
Sito: teatrogalli.it/it/news/messa-arcaica-canzoni-mistiche-franco-battiato-come-anteprima-della-73-sagra-
Tariffa d'ingresso: From 15 to 30 euro
Orario: 9.30pm

Francesca 2021: The imagined Comedy
From Tuesday 17th May to Sunday 3rd July 2022
Exhibition at the City Museum of Dante's Hell, Purgatory and Paradise illustrated by famous artists
The documentary exhibition entitled 'The imagined comedy' is proposed as part of the Francesca 2021 project.
Dante's Hell, Purgatory and Paradise illustrated by famous artists, shows the birth of the 'imagined' Comedy in the
meaning of the story through images.
The exhibition collects some rare examples of ancient Comedies together with the most recent forms of illustrated
writing: from graphic novels to manga up to pop-up books. in addition the splendid lithographic plates made in
1850 by Franz Adolf Adolf Stürler complete the exhibition.
Reservations required for the opening day 29 December 2021 at 5 pm. Online reservations on the site
Località: Museo della Città, via Tonini, 1 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793851
E-mail: info@francescadarimini.it
Sito: www.francescadarimini.it/
Orario: From Tuesday to Friday 10.00am-1.00pm and 4.00pm to 7.00pm, Saturday, Sunday and non-working
days 10am-7.00pm, Closed on working Mondays, Saturday 1st Jannuary open at 12.00 pm

Lazza in concert
Saturday 9 July 2022
Rimini beach Arena: Sirio in Tour
After the success of his latest album titled Sirio, the Milanese rapper Lazza sings his recent hits such as
Ouv3rture, Molotov and Piove, to the beach of Rimini Beach Arena.
With 25 million streams Sirio is among the first positions of Spotify's Top Album Debut Global.
Sirio tour is produced by Next Show.
                                                                    info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Info and tickets on https://menextagency.com/artista/lazza/booking/
Località: Rimini beach Arena, via Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 - Rimini Miramare
Sito: menextagency.com/artista/lazza/booking/
Orario: 9.00pm

Finally Lucio - 'Dawn in music', Cristina Di Pietro sings Battisti
Sunday 10 July 2022
Festival 'Concerts at dawn' by Rimini Classica in Riminiterme
Cristina Di Pietro returns to sing at dawn, with the magic of the sun rising from the sea of Riminiterme.
The concert is entirely dedicated to Lucio Battisti, with some of his unforgettable songs, arranged by Mattia
Guerra for voice, piano, viola and flute.
Together with Cristina on stage Aldo Maria Zangheri, Matteo Salerno and Mattia Guerra.
The event is part of the "Concerti all'Alba" Review, in collaboration with Blue Beach and Riminiterme and with the
contribution of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
The presale of tickets is available on www.liveticket.it
In case of bad weather the concert will be re-proposed on a date to be determined. In case of impossibility to
participate in this new date, the tickets will be fully refunded.

Località: Riminiterme, via P. di Piemonte, 56 - Rimini Miramare
Telefono: +39 0541 424011 Riminiterme
E-mail: riminiclassica@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/events/487261046283473/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22s
Tariffa d'ingresso: € 12 plus presale rights
Orario: 5.00am

Youn Sun Nah & Ulf Wakenius
Monday 11 July 2022
Musical show as part of Crossroads
As part of the traveling Festival Crossroads, Jazz and more in Emilia Romagna, appointment with the Korean
singer Youn Sun Nath, an exotic presence on European soil, who renews his duo with the Swedish guitarist Ulf

Località: Corte degli Agostiniani, via Cairoli, 40 - Rimini centro storico
Telefono: 0544 405666 (Info dal lunedì al venerdì orario 9.00-13.00)
E-mail: info@jazznetwork.it
Sito: www.crossroads-it.org/speaker/youn-sun-nah-ulf-wakenius/
Orario: 9.15pm

Crossroads: Jazz and more in Emilia Romagna
29 June, 11 and 24 July 2022
Traveling Festival of Jazz and more in Emilia Romagna - 22nd edition
“Crossroads Jazz e altro in Emilia Romagna” is a traveling festival that takes place throughout the region, and is
one of the major European initiatives in this area.
From 4 March to 24 July 60 concerts involving about 450 artists and over twenty municipalities.
The jazz styles, range from the African-American mainstream to the European avant-garde, from gypsy jazz to
fusion, from swing to the most current hybridizations of musical languages.
Crossroads 2021 is organized as always by Jazz Network in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the
Emilia-Romagna Region and with the support of the Ministry of Culture and other institutions.
A prominent appointment is with the Israeli singer Noa, who on July 24 is at the Galli Theater in Rimini for the
celebratory tour of her 30-year career. The artist, who has been awarded multiple awards for her commitment to
peace and human rights, is accompanied on stage by Gil Dor (guitar), Ruslan Sirota (piano), Or Lubianiker
(electric bass) and Gadi Seri (percussion). The show is in collaboration with Percuotere la mente.
Among the other events there is the original production in homage to Nina Simone, jazz icon and civil rights
activist, where Maria Pia De Vito, special guest of the Italian Jazz Orchestra together with trumpeter Flavio
Boltro perform on June 29, at the Court of the Augustinians.
Korean singer Youn Sun Nath, an exotic presence on European soil, instead renews her duo with Swedish
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

guitarist Ulf Wakenius on July 11, also at the Augustinian Court.

Località: Sedi varie - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0544 405666
E-mail: info@jazznetwork.it
Sito: www.crossroads-it.org
Orario: 9.15pm

Ciak! Music: Eos Quartet in concert
Wednesday 13 July 2022
Rimini Classica event in Riminiterme
The EoS Quartet (Flute Matteo Salerno, Violin Aldo Capicchioni, Viola Aldo Maria Zangheri, Violoncello Anselmo
Pelliccioni), performs by proposing famous film soundtracks, alternated with short projections of the most
significant scenes of the famous films, curated by Amarcort Film Festival.
The event is organized in collaboration with Blue Beach and Riminiterme and with the contribution of the Emilia-
Romagna Region.
The presale of tickets is available on www.liveticket.it
In case of bad weather the concert is postponed to a later date.
Località: Spiaggia di Riminiterme, via Principe di Piemonte, 56 - Rimini Miramare
Telefono: +39 0541 424011
E-mail: riminiclassica@gmail.com
Sito: www.riminiclassica.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: € 12 + presale rights
Orario: 9.30pm

Cartoon Club - XXXVIII edition
From Monday 11 to Sunday 17 July 2022
International Festival of Animation Films, Comics and Games
The Festival returns to Rimini, as usual in July. For its XXXVIII edition, the Festival will celebrate Diabolik's 60th
anniversary, with exhibitions, meetings and shows.
The theme of the 2022 edition is the Environmental Emergency, with numerous initiatives all dedicated to
protecting the environment.
The Festival touches the most evocative places in the city of Rimini. The historic center, with the very central
Piazza Francesca da Rimini, hosts the screenings of the short films in competition, the Augustinian court hosts
premieres and awards; the City Museum, the central point of the Festival, is revived by exhibitions, meetings,
workshops, master classes and special projects; the square on the water in front of the historic Tiberius Bridge
inaugurates a real village dedicated to children and families with dedicated events. From July 14th to 17th, let's
return to Piazzale Federico Fellini in Marina Centro, where the traditional village is set up for the comics market
exhibition, with a large stage for concerts and performances of the Cosplay Convention; the Palazzo del Turismo
is the venue for meetings with authors and professionals, while the beach will come alive with highly original live
drawing performances
The news of this year is the birth of Joy Rimini, the show dedicated to games and pop culture in the pavilions of
the Rimini Fair from 15 to 17 July, promoted by Italian Exibition Group and Fandango Club Creators in close
collaboration with Cartoon Club. A synergy born from the awareness that Cartoon Club is a reality of our city
recognized and appreciated by all.
Località: Rimini, historic centre and Piazzale Fellini
Telefono: +39 0541 784193
E-mail: info@cartoonclub.it
Sito: www.cartoonclubrimini.com/

Ghali in concert
Saturday 23 luglio 2022
Rimini beach Arena
Guest on the beach of the Beach Arena, rapper Ghali, with a concert produced by Live Nation.
The new album, available from 20 May 2022, was announced with a performance on the notes of the new song
Walo, which involved over 100 dancers in front of Milan Central Station.
Tickets are available on www.livenation.it
Località: Rimini beach Arena, via Principe di Piemonte, 56/62 - Rimini Miramare
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