The Congregation Mishkan Israel

Page created by Fernando Adams
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
                   More than a place. We’re a community.
MARCH/APRIL 2020                                               Series 104 Number 4

  CMI Annual Cantor’s Concert and Fundraiser
  Saturday, April 25, 2020
  Featuring Mark Berman
  Broadway, television performer and composer
  comes home to Mishkan Israel
                             direct from   The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
                                                season three
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
IN OUR SYNAGOGUE                                                          TODAH RABAH
                                                                          SHABBAT WELCOME TEAM
                                                                          Thank you to our greeters:
                   MEMBERSHIP CORNER                                      January
                   The Congregation extends a warm welcome to new         3 Karen Kimball & Richard Shaw
                   members: Robert Pask & Leah Gifford, Jeffrey &         10 Karen Kimball
                   Rachel Cohen and their children Elliott and Russell.   17 Julie Chevan, Ivey Cooley, Michael Dimenstein,
                                                                              Hedda Rubenstein, Albert Glassman,
                   SIMCHAS!                                                   Leah Glaser, Chuck & Judy Naden
                                                                          24 Lorri Brown-Ominsky & George Ominsky
                   Mazel Tov to: Jim & Cis
                                                                          31 Cliff & True Wolff
                   Serling on the marriage of
                   their granddaughter, Dr.                               February
                   Naomi Serling-Boyd to                                  7 Ivey Cooley & Karen Kimball
                   Dr. Sahil Patel.                                       14 Chuck & Judy Naden
                                                                          21 Albert Glassman & Karen Kimball
                   Mazel Tov toL Matt & Amanda Lupoli on the birth
                                                                          28 Karen Kimball
                   of their son, Benjamin Miles.
                                                                          For more information about our Team of greeters,
                   ONEG SHABBAT & PULPIT FLOWERS                          contact co-chairs Karen Kimball at kjkimball@
                                                                 or Richard Shaw at
                   One of the nicest ways to honor a special occasion
                   is to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat and/or pulpit
                   flowers for services. Congregation Mishkan Israel       MARCH/APRIL BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS
                   is grateful to the following OnegShabbat/Flower                  Celebrate your birthday at Family
                   Sponsors:                                                        Services. March birthdays will be
                   January 10 – Oneg was sponsored by Sue                           celebrated at the Family Service on
                   McDonald & Corey Stone                                               Friday, March 13 at 6:00 p.m. and
                   January 24 – Oneg was sponsored by Sue                                 April birthdays will be celebrated
                   McDonald and Corey Stone                                                 at the Passover Congregational
                                                                                            Seder on Thursday, April 9 at 6:00
                   February 7 – Oneg was sponsored by George                               p.m. If your child will be attending
                   Ominsky & Lorri Brown-Ominsky                                          services in their birthday month,
                   February 14 – Oneg was sponsored by Sarah                             please call Tamara at 203-288-3877.
                   April 4 – Oneg is given in honor of the occasion
                   of Avram Sirkis becoming a bar mitzvah with love
                   from Mom, Dad, and Maya
                                                                            PROTOCOL FOR MI SHEBERACH
                   April 17 – Oneg is given in celebration of Matt
                   Goldblum becoming a bar mitzvah                          (HEALING PRAYER) LIST
                   To arrange for your sponsorship, contact Sarah at        To add or delete a name to our Mi Sheberach
                   (203) 288-3877 or                (healing prayer) list that is read at services please
                                                                            call Rabbi’s office at (203) 288-3877. You must
                                                                            have permission from the individual to have their
                                                                            name read in public. (There is always the Hebrew
                   IS SOMEONE IN THE HOSPITAL?                              option as well.) Names will remain on the list for
                   Area hospitals are not permitted to notify us            one month unless renewed or requested to be
                   when a congregant has been admitted. If you              deleted. If you join us for services you can add a
                   know of a congregant who is in the hospital and          name that evening by signing in with the greeter
                   would appreciate a call or visit, please contact         prior to the beginning of services.
                   Rabbi Immerman’s office at (203) 288-3877 or

2                                                                                           • (203) 288-3877
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
A MESSAGE FROM THE                  I hope that as we engage in this work we find

                      RABBI                               the time to meet new people and get to know
                                                          others even better so that we can always be able
                      Rabbi Brian P. Immerman             to recognize our friends even with the lights
                                                          dim. May we all experience the power of a strong
                     In the Talmud the rabbis debate
                                                          community here at CMI.
                     at what time one should say the
                     Sh’ma in the morning, because            CMI Annual Cantor’s Concert and Fundraiser
                     the exact time that the day begins                                        Saturday, April 25, 2020
                                                                                            Featuring Mark Berman
                     is not clear (Brachot 9b). They                          Broadway, television performer and composer

discuss the times at which we we could differentiate                                         comes home to Mishkan Israel

between many items, including the white and
blue threads that would be found on a tallit and
different types of animals including a wolf and a dog.
Eventually, they conclude that morning begins when
we can see another person from a distance of four
cubits and recognize them. We later learn that this
doesn’t just refer to a close friend or family member,
but to an acquaintance.
Even if we are not standing outside to recite the
Sh’ma, our sages reveal an important teaching
about building community because often times we
might not be able to recognize the people in our                                                                         direct from
                                                                                                          The Mar velous Mrs. Maisel
community even when there is ample light. In order                                                                      season three

to recognize someone, we must first meet them               7:00 pm
                                                            Prosecco, A Little Nosh, and Silent Auction
and get to know them. While we might not become             8:00 pm
best friends with each person we meet, engaging             $54 per person

with those around us is essential to forming a strong       Sponsorships Welcome!

community, especially here at CMI.
Each of us has the opportunity to morph strangers

                                                                     lt z
into acquaintances and even friends. At CMI, we are                                                       SPIE


all linked by our common desire to find meaning                                        I
                                                                                  0 CM


and purpose in Jewish values and traditions. This

                                                            S reased
is reflected in our tagline – “More than a place.
We’re a community.” A place reflects a transactional
relationship between two individuals or an individual
and an organization, wherein people expect to

                                                              a G urim
receive certain things. A community is relational,
which means that people are connected based upon

common interests and identification that transcend a
unique moment or place.
Synagogues are the epitome of relational
communities in which the community relies upon

                                                                c h 8
each member to sustain itself. On any given week

                                                             Mar ay • 5 pm
we have dozens of members dedicating their time to

CMI; setting up the oneg, moving chairs for worship,
comforting a friend, celebrating with others, cooking
food and making blankets for those less fortunate
                                                                         Su abbi Immerm a n ! C a ntor Gig

                                                                                   gR            s!
than us, praying together, and working to ensure a                         featurin aff & member
                                                                                   S t
strong future for the next 180 years. The power of                          CMI
our community allows us to work for the common
                                                          MEGILLAH READING! HOMECOMING COSTUME PARADE! HAMENTASCHEN!
good of all within and outside of our walls. • (203) 288-3877                                                                                                             3
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
LEADERSHIP                      CANTOR’S NOTES                                          PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
                                Cantor Arthur Giglio                                    Sarah B. Greenblatt
                                Your Cantor has only two
                                                                                        Embracing Shabbat at CMI
                                things to say: Purim Spiel and
                                Cantor’s Concert!!                                        Shabbat offers a special time
                                                                                          to reflect and reconnect with
                                Sunday, March 8th at 5 p.m.
                                                                                          ourselves and our families
                                will be our annual Megillah
                                                                                          and friends. It is also a weekly
                                reading and Purim Spiel! This
                                                                                          opportunity to rest from the ups
             year under the leadership of Julie Chevan, we will
                                                                     and downs of the week that passed. At Congregation
             be doing “Schmaltz . . . .Greased Purim” based
                                                                     Mishkan Israel we have been making some changes
             on the musical, “Grease!” It will be an evening of
                                                                     to our Shabbat celebrations. We have one 7 p.m.
             merriment for the whole family. The cast of your
                                                                     Friday evening service each month as well as a
             fellow congregants and friends will be supported
                                                                     family service where birthdays are celebrated. We
             by the Jr. Choir and CMI Chorale! Come and see us
                                                                     have joy of TOT Shabbat at 5:30 p.m. on selected
             once more thwart the evil Haman, get shpritzed
                                                                     Friday evenings. We also have a blend of new
             with some schmaltz and even hear some very
                                                                     melodies that Cantor G. and our amazing musical
             Jewish chanting of Megillah Esther.
                                                                     guests share to bring inspiration to our prayers. We
             The Cantor’s Concert and FUNDRAISER is on April         are reading Torah periodically on Friday evenings
             27th with special guest star MARK BERMAN, the           - Corey Stone is delighted to support others who
             musical wunderkind who grew up at CMI.                  want to participate in this honor. Saturday mornings
             Mark Berman is a renowned performer/composer            involve learning through insightful weekly Torah
             of Jazz, Broadway and television. Mark recalls          Study and conversation with Rabbi Immerman and
             running down the halls of CMI with his brothers,        fellow congregants. Shabbat morning services are an
             and now he is in New York taking his bite of            opportunity once a month for prayer, learning and
             the Big Apple. Mark will take you through his           then sharing a potluck lunch together afterwards.
             life growing up at CMI and how he became the            And periodically, Stan Friedman’s Kabbalah class
             musician/composer that he is today. Did you             has brought together CMI members as well as
             know that he did a cameo on “Marvelous Mrs.             congregants from other synagogues to learn and
             Maisel” Season 3? I bet we would have liked to          reflect on these wise teachings.
             be on Mrs. Maisel!! Mark and I sat down for a little    The newest opportunity for congregants to enjoy
             lunch a few weeks back to discuss the concert and       Shabbat at CMI is to volunteer as a sponsor and/
             managed to talk for three hours. We came up with        or host of a Shabbat evening Oneg. Sue McDonald
             all sorts of ideas for the concert, none of which       launched this volunteer opportunity by sponsoring
             I can tell you because that would give it away          two onegs in January. We were so appreciative of
             but suffice to say it will be a wonderful evening.      the mix of delightful appetizers and special red and
             Mark has come back because even though he               white wine Sue prepared, and that she participated
             has moved to New York City and his life has             in setting up on those Friday afternoons just prior to
             changed, he has never forgotten his love and his        our early Oneg at 5:30 p.m. Sponsoring and hosting
             attachment to CMI. Many times I have also spoken        a Shabbat Oneg is a wonderful way to get involved,
             with other congregants who spoke passionately           to share your favorite appetizer recipes and to
             about their legacy at CMI and their family’s history.   socialize with congregants as we prepare together
             Those are such wonderful memories that speak            for Shabbat. It is also a great way to support CMI’s
             volumes about CMI and its history.                      budget. We are inviting our members to sign up to
             CMI has long established itself as an important         sponsor and/or host a Shabbat Oneg for any Friday
             institution to the Jewish life of New Haven. That       evening when there is not a Bar or Bat Mitzvah being
             history cannot be diminished and it is up to all of     celebrated. Please contact Tamara at tepstein@
             us to see that it is around for another 180 years, with dates that you want to sponsor
             making its mark on the Jewish Community of New          or are available to host. She will graciously sign you
             Haven County through it’s enduring commitment           up and provide information about logistics.
             continued on page 10...

4                                                                                     • (203) 288-3877
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
SOCIAL ACTION NEWS                                       RITUAL COMMITTEE NEWS

                                                                                                             COMMITTEE NEWS
JCARR                                                    Shabbat Morning Services
By the time you read this bulletin, we will have         Shabbat morning has always been an important
welcomed an Angolan family of 5, JCARR’S 5th             time to gather as a community for joyful prayer,
family. Mom, Dad and daughters, ages 1, 4, and 6         study and to read Torah. In addition to the
arrived in New Haven on February 7th. Many busy          9 a.m. Torah study, we will have Shabbat morning
hands cleaned and furnished their new home and           services at 10 a.m. when there is no Bar/Bat
gathered all the essentials they would need for          Mitzvah. These lay-led services offer an informal
life in their new home. Please continue to check         setting to pray, build community, and learn more for other items            about the Shabbat prayers. For many in our
they still may need.                                     community who do not drive at night, they are
FAMILY #4. Family 4 recently marked their first          also an opportunity to celebrate Shabbat here
anniversary in the US. They are currently applying for   at CMI. We hope that you will join us, consider
their green cards.                                       leading, and help make a minyan.
FAMILY #3. We’re excited to share the news that
Khadija Alhamad is one of nine entrepreneurs
selected to participate in the 2020 cohort of the Food
                                                         ADULT EDUCATION
Business Accelerator. The Food Business Accelerator      Kabbalah & Judaism
of CitySeed and Collab is a statewide accelerator for    Stanley Friedman will be leading discussion
Connecticut early-stage food entrepreneurs. The          sessions that explore topics of interest in
aim of the Food Business Accelerator is to remove        Kabbalah and Judaism. The sessions will be
barriers to food entrepreneurship across the state of    held in the Congregation Mishkan Israel lounge
Connecticut through training, network-building, and      from 10:30 a.m. to noon, on selected Saturday
access to resources. In the end, the goal is to create   mornings. No prerequisites required – only
economic opportunity for all, increase leadership by     intellectual curiosity. For questions or to be
people of color and immigrant food entrepreneurs,        added to the email list, contact Dr. Friedman at:
and strengthen our local food system by linking
rising food entrepreneurs and farmers. They received              March 14, 2020:
60 applications from over 100 entrepreneurs. We’re                March 28, 2020: Reincarnation/Soul
proud of Khadija and wish her great success in her                May 2, 2020: Nature of Evil
catering business!                                                May 30, 2020: Kabbalistic Astrology
FAMILY #2. Issa has started college! He’s enrolled                June 13, 2020: “Work” of the Kabbalist
in a “Gap” program at Gateway Community College          Shabbat Morning Torah Study
that will enable him to prepare for the final GED exam   Classes meet every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.
he needs to take, while earning college credits.         with Rabbi Immerman.
Aminah has been promoted at City Seed. She is            Introduction to Reading Liturgical Hebrew
now a Chef preparing for a leadership role.              Liturgical Hebrew is taught by Rabbi Steinberg
Happy times for Family #2!                               and meets Sunday mornings from 9:45 - 10:30
We need your financial donations to continue to do       a.m.
the work of resettling families.                         Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas
To donate go to:             Class with Rabbi Steinberg meets Sunday
refugee-resettlement/give. Or, send checks payable       mornings from 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. New
to The Jewish Federation, with JCARR in the memo         participants are always welcome
line, to The Jewish Federation, 360 Amity Road,          Intermediate Biblical Hebrew Study Group
Woodbridge, 06525. Attention: Amy Holtz. We              Meeting on Wednesday afternoons, 12:10-
greatly appreciate your generous donations!              1:00 p.m., the group studies biblical Hebrew
For more information please contact Sue Millen           vocabulary and grammar with a focus on a direct
at, 2032889797 or Lina          translation of Genesis.
Lawall at, 203-271-2610. • (203) 288-3877                                                                                      5
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
                                          Now more than ever, it is critical that we act to Sustain CMI for future generations. Over the next six
                                          months, we will highlight the many ways that you can act now to secure CMI through gifts that can be
                                          given now or planned for the future. In this bulletin, we will focus on five ways to act now to give later, Gift
                                          of IRA or Retirement Asset, Gift of Life Insurance, Bequest in a Will, Charitable Gift Annuity and Charitable
                                          Remainder Trust. If you’re not able to give through one of these methods, please consider donating directly
                                          When you make a planned gift to Congregation Mishkan Israel, you are ensuring that the work of Mishkan
                                          Israel will continue for future generations. Please reach out to Sue McDonald at suemcdonald@sbcglobal.
                                          net or 203-249-0244 if you are interested or have any questions.

                                          Gift of IRA or Retirement Asset
                                          What It Is: You may wish to designate Mishkan Israel as the beneficiary of all or part of your qualified
                                          retirement plan (IRAs, 401Ks, Keogh Plans and others). When children or other heirs are designated as
                                          beneficiaries, they may receive only a small fraction of the plan’s value since inherited retirement plan
                                          assets are subject to both estate and income tax (once both spouses have passed).
                                          How It Works: You formally change the designated beneficiary for all or a portion of your qualified
                                          retirement plan to Mishkan Israel. Upon death, the remaining balance or designated sum transfers directly
                                          to Mishkan Israel free of estate or income tax.
                                          • You create a meaningful legacy at minimum cost.
                                          • You enjoy significant estate and income tax savings.
                                          • Allows you to transfer other assets to your heirs.

                                          Gift of Life Insurance
                                          What It Is: Life Insurance allows you to make a present, rather than future gift, which may be much larger
                                          than you think might otherwise be possible. Gifts of insurance are generally affordable, especially for younger
                                          donors. In addition, many older donors may have existing policies which they can donate all or part of.
                                          How It Works: You name Congregation Mishkan Israel as a beneficiary of a new life insurance policy. If
                                          the gift is irrevocable and Mishkan Israel is the owner and beneficiary of the policy, you are entitled to a
                                          charitable income tax deduction for all premiums paid. Existing policies may also be contributed, and you
                                          are entitled to a charitable income tax deduction for an amount equivalent to the cash value of the policy.
                                          • Many (especially young people) find that insurance is an ideal way to create an endowment larger
                                            than they could otherwise afford.
                                          • Premiums paid are tax-deductible (if the policy is owned by CMI).
                                          • You can honor or remember a loved one, or create your Jewish legacy in your own name.

 6                                                                                                                  • (203) 288-3877
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
Bequest in a Will
What It Is: A Charitable Bequest is a gift that is contained within a will or trust. Bequests are one of the
easiest ways to leave a legacy.
How It Works: You can elect to provide a bequest to Mishkan Israel of a specific dollar amount or a
specific asset, such as securities or real estate. The charitable bequest can be in the form of a percentage
of a donor’s estate or a percentage of the remainder of the estate. Bequests can be made through your
will or revocable living trust. You may add a codicil to your will and/or make an amendment to an existing
revocable trust. Your estate attorney can best advise you in this regard.
• You continue to enjoy the assets during your lifetime.
• You may change your estate plan at any time.
• Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing during your lifetime that your legacy will ultimately have a significant
  impact on the future of Mishkan Israel.
• You can establish the legacy in your own name, extend recognition to loved ones, or remain anonymous.
• Donor recognition and memorial opportunities are available.
• Bequests are an effective planning tool to reduce the taxable estate.

Charitable Gift Annuity
What It Is: A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contractual agreement between you and the Jewish Foundation
of Greater New Haven (for the benefit of Mishkan Israel). An irrevocable gift of cash or marketable
securities is made to the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. In return, the donor or one to two
other annuitants receive a guaranteed income each year for life.
How It Works: An annuity payment is calculated based on the age(s) of the annuitants on the date of
the gift and other factors. This income is paid for life, and then the remaining funds become a permanent
legacy, for CMI, in your name.
• Guaranteed annuity payment for life, for you and/or your spouse or another.
• You receive a significant charitable income tax deduction in the year of the gift and favorable tax
  treatment for the annuity income as it is paid.
• You save capital gains taxes by funding Charitable Gift Annuities with gifts of appreciated property.

Charitable Remainder Trust
What It Is: A Charitable Remainder Trust also allows you to establish your lasting Jewish legacy while
providing income for yourself, your spouse or another beneficiary.
How It Works: Income is provided to you or another you specify for life or for a specified number of
years. When the trust ends, the remaining assets are distributed to CMI to fund a permanent endowment
in your name.
• You receive a current income tax deduction for a portion of the gift.
• You and/or a loved one receive a consistent and predictable income, either for life or a specified number
  of years.
• There are opportunities for diversification of investments and improved rates of return.
• You save capital gains taxes by funding the Charitable Remainder Trust with appreciated assets. • (203) 288-3877                                                                                                               7
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
SCHOOL NEWS                           NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS                               MARCH & APRIL B’NAI MITZVAH
                                      Susan Witten Nason
                                      Early Childhood Director                                                    Benjamin Amerman
                                      We have been very busy                                                      March 28, 2020
                                      registering students for the next                                           Son of Stephen Amerman
                                      school year. Most of our classes                                            & Leah Glaser
                                      are full, but give us a call if you
                                      are interested.
              We are looking forward to March coming in ‘like a
              lion out like a lamb’! We will certainly be looking for                                             Avram Sirkis
              the first signs of spring. We’ve had enough of the cold.                                            April 4, 2020
              We will be busy in April getting ready for Passover.                                                Son of Jim & Jere Sirkis
              We will work on preparing our own ‘mini’ Seders
              and making all the things that go along with that,
              such as Seder plates and Kiddush cups. We have a
              lot of Passover songs to sing, and we know Rabbi
              and Cantor will teach us some new ones, as well.                          Matthew Goldblum
              Hag Sameach to all.                                                       April 18, 2020
                                                                                        Son of Laura Goldblum

                                          APRIL WORSHIP SERVICES & STUDY
                                 SHABBAT TZAV                                    2nd DAY OF PESACH                          Ist Day Chol Hamoed
                                   LEV. 6:1-8:36                                                                                  Ex. 13:1-16
                                                                   Thursday, April 9
                   Friday, April 3                                                                                Friday, April 10
                                                                   10:30 a.m. Passover Morning Service
                   5:30 p.m. Early Oneg                                                                           5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                                                   6:00 p.m. Congregational Seder
                   5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat                                                                          6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                                                               & Birthday Blessings
                   6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                                                                                                  Saturday, April 11
                   Saturday, April 4                                                                              9: 00 a.m. Torah Study
                   9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                   10:30 a.m Morning Service
                             Celebrating the bar mitzvah
                             of Avram Sirkis

                                                   SHABBAT SHEMINI                                   SHABBAT TAZRIA-METZORA
                                                     Lev. 9:1-11:47                                       Lev. 12:1-15:33
                                     Friday, April 17                                        Friday, April 24
                                                                                             7:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                     5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                                                                             8:00 p.m. Oneg
                                     6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                                                                             Saturday, April 25
                                     Saturday, April 18                                      9:15 a.m. Torah Study
                                     9:00 a.m. Torah Study                                   10:00 a.m. Morning Service
                                     10:30 a.m Morning Service
                                                Celebrating the bar mitzvah of
                                                Matthew Goldblum

8                                                                                                                • (203) 288-3877
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
CHEVRA HANDS                                            BROTHERHOOD NEWS

                                                                                                                MORE NEWS TO USE
Join us in creating shawls                              The Brotherhood of Men and Women (BMW) have
for those in our                                        had a busy winter and are happy to report that
congregation                                            our Sunday Morning Book Club was a resounding
who might find                                          success! We are grateful to Millicent Marcus, Emily
comfort in our                                          Bazelon and Rabbi Brockman for facilitating spirited
congregational                                          discussions about the lives of Primo Levi, Ruth Bader
expression of                                           Ginsberg and Freud, respectively. We look forward
caring. Chevre Hands                                    to offering more such discussions in the future.
makes quilts and blankets to welcome our newest         We are excited to offer you two programs this
members or provide loving warmth to those who           spring. The first is a wonderful afternoon of Israeli
are ill. We knit and crochet and have been quilting     dancing, taught by professional dance leader
together creating lap quilts and baby blankets. No      Leng Tan on March 22 from 4:00- 6:00 p.m. Light
experience necessary, just a sense of humor, patience   refreshments will be served. The second is our
and a willingness to learn. We will meet on Sunday      famous Deli and Trivia Nite on May 30, starting
morning, March 8 and April 19 at 10:00 a.m..            at 5:30 p.m. with music from David Chevan’s
For further information contact Sue Millen at           group, Bassology, beer tasting and delicious deli or Lina Lawall at              food (vegetarian option available). This year, we                                  are spicing things up with a fun Trivia program
                                                        in lieu of comedians, emceed by Big Boy
                                                        Entertainment. We hope you will be able to join
                                                        us for both fun-filled programs. Look for our
  INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAM                             flyers or go to our link on CMI’s website for more
  LINKING OLDER AND YOUNGER                             information:
  FAMILIES                                              We always welcome new members and invite you
  We are hoping to get a program off the ground         to join us every Sunday for a cup of coffee and a
  at CMI to link older families with younger            delicious bagel at our Coffee Shop. All proceeds
  families. This is an opportunity for families who     support the religious school. Thank you for your
  might not otherwise cross paths to develop            continued support of the BMW and we look forward
  relationships. Young families who might not           to seeing you this spring!
  have family nearby may welcome the chance for
  their children to get to know older folks who may     Ken Seltzer
  occasionally invite them to dinner, participate       President, Brotherhood of Men and Women
  together in activities at CMI, or otherwise enjoy
  spending time together. Older individuals or
  families may look forward to getting to know
  a family with young children, especially if they
  don’t have children nearby or if they have older                   SAVE THE DATE
  grandchildren. They may feel they have more
                                                               Brotherhood of Men and Women
  free time than younger families and might

                                                               Deli Night
  enjoy helping out a family who may have a
  busier life. The ideas for this program are in a
  beginning stage, so if you are interested, there is
  opportunity to help shape this program. There
  will be a meeting at CMI on March 22 at 10:00
  a.m. If you would like to learn more, please
  come. If you cannot make this meeting, but
  are interested in learning more or participating,                Saturday, May 30
  please email Nancy Horowitz at nhhorowitz@ • (203) 288-3877                                                                                          9
The Congregation Mishkan Israel
CONNECT WITH CMI   CANTOR’S NOTES continued...                             COLLECTIONS
                   to our most important value, “Social Justice”. That     The Social Action Committee continues its
                   does not come easy and not without cost. This is a      ongoing collection of non-perishable foods for the
                   concert but most importantly it is a fundraiser and     food pantry at Christian Community Action. Please
                   if we are going to continue to grow and thrive, we      bring non-perishable goods to the collection bin
                   need your backing. So please come and support           in the rotunda. CCA requests that food be brought
                   the legacies of Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Brockman          in sturdy bags or be double-bagged and prefers
                   and Rabbi Immerman who has taken up the torch           no glass containers. If you have any questions,
                   and immersed himself in the fight for social justice.   contact Rick Molot (
                   Rabbi Immerman’s passion is an example to us all         The Committee also collects clothes for Immanuel
                   and in these perilous times CMI and the good work       Baptist Church’s “Clothes Closet,” which provides
                   we do, is needed more than ever. Be part of our         items at no charge to those in need. Gently used
                   fundraiser, share in the legacy!                        winter clothing and coats for children and adults
                                                                           are appreciated at this time of year. The clothing
                                                                           bin is located inside the CMI coatroom. For more
                                                                           information, contact Sarah at
                   CONNECT WITH CMI ONLINE
                   Keep up-to-date with all CMI events. Check our                   TO OUR READERS
                   website regularly at
                   You will find announcements, upcoming events,               If you use a service from one of our advertisers,
                   calendar, worship service                                 please inform them that you are doing so because
                   times and contact                                                   you saw their ad in the Bulletin.
                   information. New members                                    If you would like to place an ad in the Bulletin,
                   can join the congregation                                          Contact Sarah at (203) 288-3877.
                   and everyone can
                   register for religious
                   school and nursery
                   school, pay your bills                                         CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!
                   and make contributions. And don’t miss the
                   slideshow of recent events – it changes frequently
                   so check back often!
                   We have several e-newsletters to keep our
                   congregational family informed of upcoming
                   events, recent passings and school events. If you’re
                   not currently receiving our e-newsletters you can
                   get on the distribution list.
                   CMI is on Facebook. Click the icon on our website or
                   go to You’ll
                   want to “like” us.
                   CMI Religious School is on Facebook. Go to https://
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                   us. We would like to keep you up-to-date with all
                   Religious School events.


10                                                                                            • (203) 288-3877
MARCH 2020
                                           9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                     1     9:30 a.m. Religious School                        2    3                              4                                5    6
                                           9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew
                                                                                                                                                                                                       79:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                      10:30 a.m. 5th Grade Wedding and Reception                  4:00 p.m. Hebrew School       12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew         5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                      10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas        7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal     7:00 p.m. Executive Committee          5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service   10:00 a.m. Morning Service
                                      12:00 noon Purim Spiel Meeting                                                                      Meeting                      6:00 p.m. Evening Service       11:00 a.m. Potluck Lunch
                                                                                                  7:00 p.m. Purim Spiel Meeting
                                      12:00 p.m. Confirmation • (203) 288-3877
                                          9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                     8    9:30 a.m. Religious School                         9    10                             11                               12   13                              14
                                     9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew
                                     10:00 a.m Chevra Hands                                       Purim                         12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew                                         9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                                                                                                                                                       5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                     10:00 a.m. Purim Carnival                                    4:00 p.m. Hebrew School                                                                              10:30 a.m. Kabbalah Study
                                                                                                                                                                       6:00 p.m. 2nd & 3rd Grade
                                     10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas         7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal                                                                                       Group
                                     12:00 p.m. Confirmation
                                                                                                                                                                                 Family Service &
                                     5:00 p.m. Megillah Reading/ Purim Spiel                                                                                                     Birthday Blessings

                                              9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                     15       9:30 a.m. Religious School                     16   17                             18                               19   20                              21
                                      9:30 a.m. Parent Ed Series - Supporting Positive
                                                Peer Relationships                                4:00 p.m. Hebrew School        12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew        5:30 p.m. Early Oneg            9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                      9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew                7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal                                            6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                      10:00 a.m. Cantor Concert Meeting
                                                                                                                                 6:00 p.m. Board Meeting
                                      10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas
                                      12:00 noon Confirmation
                                      12:00 noon Life is Delicious
                                      12:00 noon 4th & 5th Grade Youth Group
                                                 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                                 9:30 a.m. Religious School
                                     22         9:30 a.m. 2nd/3rd Grade Havdallah Set        23   24                             25                               26   27                              28 9:00 a.m.Torah Study
                                                          Family Program & PLB                                                                                                                         10:30 a.m. Morning Service
                                      9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew                4:00 p.m. Hebrew School        12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew        7:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                      10:00 a.m. Intergenerational Families                       7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal                                            8:00 p.m. Oneg                             celebrating the
                                      10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas                                                                                                                        Bar Mitzvah of
                                      11:30 a.m. CMI High
                                      12:00 noon Confirmation                                                                                                                                                     Benjamin Amerman
                                      4:00 p.m. Israeli Dancing                                                                                                                                        10:30 a.m. Kabbalah Study Group

                                                9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                     29         9:30 a.m. Religious School                   30   31
                                      9:30 a.m. 4th Grade Passover Program
                                      9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew
                                      10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas
                                                                                                  4:00 p.m. Religious School
                                      12:00 noon CMI High                                         7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
                                      12:00 noon Confirmation
                                      12:00 noon 5th-7th Grade Pot Luck Lunch
                                      1:30 p.m. 5th-7th Grade Clay Date

                                                                                                                                                                       MARCH CALENDAR
                                                                                                                                                                                        APRIL CALENDAR
                                     APRIL 2020                                                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER YAHRZEITS
                                                                                                                              1                                2                                3                               49:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                                                                                                              12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew                                    5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                                                                                                              7:00 p.m. Executive Committee                                     5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service   10:30 a.m. Morning Service
                                                                                                                                        Meeting                                                 6:00 p.m. Evening Service                  celebrating the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bar Mitzvah of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Avram Sirkis

                                          9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                     5    9:30 a.m. Religious School                         6    7                           8                                9                                10                              11
                                          9:30 a.m. Tot Program – Passover
                                     9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew                 4:00 p.m. Hebrew School     Erev Passover                    Passover                         5:30 p.m. Early Oneg            9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                     10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas         7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal   12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew   Office & School Closed           6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                     11:00 a.m. Religious School Passover Seder
                                     12:00 Noon 6th & 7th Grade Youth Group
                                                                                                                                                               6:00 p.m. Congregational Seder
                                     12:00 Noon Confirmation                                                                                                             & Birthday Blessings
                                     12:00 Noon CMI High

                                     12                                                      13   14                          15                               16                               17
                                                                                                                                                                                                5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                      No Religious School or                                      No Hebrew School
                                                                                                                              Passover Last Day                                                 6:00 p.m. Evening Service       10:30 a.m. Morning Service
                                      Activities                                                                                                                                                                                           celebrating the
                                                                                                                              Office & School Closed                                                                                       Bar Mitzvah of
                                                                                                                              10:30 a.m. Yizkor Service                                                                                    Matthew Goldblum

                                                9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                                9:30 a.m. Religious School
                                     19        9:30 a.m. Parent Ed Series                    20   21                          22                               23                               24                              25
                                     9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew                 4:00 p.m. Hebrew School                                                                       7:00 p.m. Evening Service       9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                     10:00 a.m. Chevra Hands
                                                                                                                              12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew
                                     10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas         7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal   7:00 p.m. Board Meeting                                           8:00 p.m. Oneg                  10:00 a.m. Morning Service
                                     12:00 Noon 4th & 5th Grade Youth Group                                                                                                                                                     11:00 a.m. Potluck Lunch
                                     12:00 Noon Confirmation                                                                                                                                                                    7:00 p.m. Cantor’s Concert
                                     12:00 Noon CMI High

                                                9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Coffee Shop
                                     26         9:30 a.m. Religious School                   27   28                          29                               30                               31
                                      9:45 a.m. 5th Grade Family Funeral Program                                              12:15 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew
                                      9:45 a.m. Intro to Reading Liturgical Hebrew
                                                                                                  4:00 p.m. Hebrew School
                                      10:45 a.m. Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas        7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
                                      11:30 a.m. CMI High
                                      12:00 p.m. Life is Delicious
                                      12:00 Noon Conformation • (203) 288-3877
___Adults (13 and older): $40/member; $50/non-member
___Children (4-12): $30/member; $35/non-member        ___Children under 4 Free

NAME_______________________________________________PHONE ___________________
Names and ages of all CHILDREN to be seated:
(if more space is needed, continue on reverse side)
Please try to seat us/me with: _____________________________________________________
To pay online go to: Total amount enclosed:___________________
Please charge my Visa/Mastercard/Discover _________________ Exp. Date ________
Billing Address ______________________________________ Security Code ________
Email Address ____________________________________

           We ask each family to bring a Kosher for Passover dessert
 Congregation Mishkan Israel Brotherhood of Men and Women
                           Israeli Dancing
Israeli dancing is a fun, meaningful way to connect with Israel
and our Jewish heritage. It is wonderful exercise for your mind,
body, and spirit! Come experience and share a passion for Israeli
music and dance!
• Professional dance leader, Leng Tan
• Prior experience not required!
• Light refreshments and cold drinks will be provided
• Middle school students to seniors are invited to participate in
this multigenerational activity              March 22, 2020
REGISTRATION                           Beginners: 4:00 –4:45PM
Prior to March 15, 2020:              Open Session: 4:45 –6:00PM
                                       All are welcome to join us
BMW Member: $5                            for the open session,
Non-Member: $12                           including beginners!
Non-Member Student or Senior (65+): $10
At the door:
BMW Member: $8
Non-Member: $15
Non-Member Student or Senior (65+): $12 • (203) 288-3877                                                                  13
            DECEMBER 1, 2019– FEBRUARY 1, 2020                                             Matthew Kerzner              CARRIE KERZNER
            ENDOWMENT FUNDS: (invested to generate annual income for specific purposes)    Matthew Ulman                RABBI BROCKMAN
            General Fund                                                                                                In Memory of
                                             In Memory of                                  Lisa Adams                   IRENE ADAMS
            Andrew & Elizabeth Graham        BENJAMIN PIOUS                                Betsy Barnston               IRENE HAHN
            ______________________________________________________________                 Larry & Phyllis Bausher      ESTELLE JACOBS
            Jay Bovilsky Scholarship Fund (RS)                                             Alice Baxter                 MARY LEVINE
                                             In Memory of                                  Peter & Nancy Berdon         ANNE COHEN
            Richard Lovely                   JAY BOVILSKY                                  Wendy Blair                  FRANK TAVARES
            ______________________________________________________________                 Irwin Braverman              DAVID BRAVERMAN
            Cemetery Fund                                                                  Lynn Bullard                 CLIFFORD ALTSCHULER
                                             In Memory of                                  Stuart & Hedy Bush           HONORABLE ARTHUR J. SILLS
            Jerry Korman                     LILLIAN “BUNNI” KORMAN                        Jacob Crane                  NEDRA CRANE
            ______________________________________________________________                 Michael Dimenstein &         HYMAN DIMENSTEIN
            Robert Goldburg Peace & Justice Fund                                           Hedda Rubenstein
            Elizabeth Koskoff                                                              Michael Dimenstein &            MAXWELL RUBENSTEIN
                                             In Memory of                                  Hedda Rubenstein
            Richard Ruth & James North       ABRAHAM HUBELBANK                             Regina Dubin                    ERNEST FRANKENGERBER
            Richard Ruth & James North       ESTHER HUBELBANK                              Regina Dubin                    FANNIE FRANKENGERBER
            Bert & Martha Weisbart           MORTIMER L. COHN                              Bob & Tamara Epstein            MARSHALL R. LAVIN
            ______________________________________________________________                 Bob & Tamara Epstein            FRANK TAVARES
            Mabel Klebanoff Fund (transportation)                                          Shirley Fiedler                 MARSHALL R. LAVIN
                                             In Memory of                                  Sarah B. Greenblatt             ELAINE GREENBLATT GLADSTEIN
            Martin Korn, Dr. Sylvia Betcher, SYLVIA S. KORN                                Sarah B. Greenblatt             DOROTHY KATZ GREENBLATT
            Jeremy Korn                                                                    Sarah B. Greenblatt             SAMUEL F. GREENBLATT
            Martin Korn                      JENNIE SCHYCON                                Sarah B. Greenblatt             MARSHALL R. LAVIN
            ______________________________________________________________                 Sarah B. Greenblatt             FRANK TAVARES
            Benjamin Levine Scholarship Fund (RS)                                          Sheila Greenstein & Ed Biondi NORMAN GREENSTEIN
                                             In Memory of                                  Brian Hasbrouck                 HERB LEVINSON
            George S. Levine                 FLORENCE S. LEVINE                            Brian Hasbrouck                 SALLY LEVINSON
            ______________________________________________________________                 Allan Hillman & Penny Marcus FRANK TAVARES
            Dr. Louis H. Nahum & Stella K. Nahum Music Fund                                Ben & Maria Kahn                FRANK TAVARES
            Elizabeth Koskoff                                                              Wendy Lebson                    ROBERT EDWARD LEBSON, in loving memory
            ______________________________________________________________                 Jonathan Lehman                 MARJORIE (MISSY) LEHMAN
            Isidor E. Offenbach Musical Fund                                               & Family
                                             In Memory of                                  Jennifer Levin-Tavares & Family FRANK TAVARES
            Paula Adelson & Janet Rozman SONIA GROSSMAN                                    Howard Lurie                    HYMAN LURIE
            Brenda Arovas                    SIMON AROVAS                                  Irene Miller                    WILLIAM H. MILLER
            ______________________________________________________________                 Kathe Cahn Morse                RHODA CAHN
            J. Yale Rubin Fund (general)                                                   Eleanor Rachleff-Serow          DR. ARNOLD H. SEROW
                                             In Memory of                                  Dave Rodnick                    SALLY LEVINE
            Harold & Carole Greenbaum        LILLIAN RUBIN                                 Dave Rodnick                    STEVE ZIELINSKI
            Harold & Carole Greenbaum        WALLACE RUBIN                                 Joel & Lorraine Roseman         MORRIS ROSEMAN
            ______________________________________________________________                 Larry Schaefer & Lina Lawall    FRANK TAVARES
            Patt Stitzel Campership Fund (youth)                                           Judith Schwartz                 A. HERBERT SCHWARTZ, M.D.
                                              In Memory of                                 Roger Shapiro & Marge Weiner FRANK TAVARES
            Elaine Blumenthal                 ELSIE STROMFELD                              Richard K. Shaw                 DORIS SHAW
            ______________________________________________________________                 Richard K. Shaw                 EMANUEL SHAW
            Abraham S. & Helen Ullman Youth Fund                                           The Sorochan Family             AVRAHAM BEN YA’AKOV JOSEF AVERBUCH
                                              In Memory of                                 The Sorochan Family             HERSCHEL BEN VELVEL GINGIS
            Philip & Sondra Lublin            STANLEY SWIMMER                              The Sorochan Family             MALKA GINGIS
            ______________________________________________________________                 The Sorochan Family             TEVYE-RASIA HANINA
            TARGET AREAS: (meant for immediate use of funds)                               The Sorochan Family             DOROTHY SANDS
            General                                                                        The Sorochan Family             BELLA BAT MOSHE SOROCHAN
            Jonathan & Stephanie Alderman                                                  The Sorochan Family             GERSHON TZIFERMAN
            Matthew & Michele Cohen                                                        Jim & Sue Wildes                PAULA KIRSCH
            Jack & Harriet Fast                                                            ________________________________________________________________
            Scott Gaul & Madeline Ravich                                                   Building
            Bill Goettler & Maria LaSala                                                                                   In Memory of
            Sarah B. Greenblatt                                                            Alan & June Sturtz              OUR PARENTS
            Peter Kane                                                                     _________________________________________________________________
            Elizabeth Koskoff                                                              Cemetery
            Hedda Rubenstein & Michael Dimenstein                                          Susan Strauss
            Pearl Spodick                     In grateful appreciation                                                     In Memory of
                                              In Appreciation of                           Alan & Maryann Postman          FRANK TAVARES
            Scott & Abby Friedman             RABBI IMMERMAN for helping and officiating   David Samuels                   SHELDON D. SAMUELS
                                              at Philip Dicks’ funeral                     Pearl Spodick                   ROBERT C. SPODICK

14                                                                                                              • (203) 288-3877
Hunger Fund                                                             2019-2020 CHAI APPEAL

		                           In Memory of
Frederick J. Rosen		         SUSAN E. ROSEN
Frederick J. Rosen		         FRANK TAVARES                              It is with immense gratitude that we acknowledge
_________________________________________________________________       those families who, as of this publication have
		                           In Memory of
                                                                        responded to the menu of additional giving
Chuck & Judy Naden		         ELIZABETH HILLER GOLDSMITH,                opportunities with a commitment above their
		                           Judy’s mother                              standard dues and to the holiday appeal.
Nursery School Fund                                                     Our Pacesetters:
		                           In Memory of
                                                                        Michael Allen & Eun-Mi Shim**
Michael & Erika Forte		      LEE PERLMAN
_________________________________________________________________       Michael Dimenstein & Hedda Rubenstein
Religious School                                                        Andrew & Eileen Eder
		                           In Appreciation of
Lauren Sonnenfeld		          ALEX FORTE, for taking us on the L’Taken
                                                                        Scott & Abby Friedman
		                           trip to D.C.                               Sonja Goldstein
Lauren Sonnenfeld		          MICHELLE GOLDSTEIN, for taking us on       Sarah B. Greenblatt
		                           the L’Taken trip to D.C.
		                           In Memory of                               Judith Hahn**
Susan & Tom Bleeks		         MARSHALL R. LAVIN                          Adam Hittelman & Michelle Serlin**
Allan Hillman & Penny Marcus MARSHALL R. LAVIN
                                                                        John & Susan Hoffmann
Social Action                                                           James Horwitz & Sandra Allison**
		                           In Memory of                               Rabbi Brian & Jenny Immerman
Larry & Phyllis Bausher		    ETHEL DONATH
Nancy Moss Racusin		         ANN MOSS BERLAND
                                                                        Ruth Koizim
Fredda & Burt Sage		         JOEL KRAMER’S continued good health        J. Lance Lichtor
_________________________________________________________________       Jerome & Roslyn Meyer**
		                           In Honor of                                David Schaefer & Janet Hall
Cheryl & Arnold Kramer		     JOEL KRAMER’S special birthday             Larry Schaefer & Lina Lawall
Fredda & Burt Sage		         JOEL KRAMER’S special birthday
                                                                        Louis Scheps
SPECIAL FUNDS:                                                          Shirley Scholder
Herbert N. Brockman Rabbinic Endowment Fund                             Mark & Judith Sklarz
Mark & Judy Sklarz
		                           In Appreciation of
                                                                        Corey Stone & Susan McDonald
The Bernstein Family		       THE REZNIKS                                Andrew Wingate & Tanya Bilchik
		                           In Memory of
Larry & Roberta Harris		     ABE HARRIS                                 *Double Chai
Ken & Ellie Levine		         CELIA LEVINE                               **Torah Circle
Nancy & Marc Olins		         SAMUEL A. SIMONS
Linda Prosco		               ROBERT GOLDBERG                            Additional Gifts:
                                                                        Jason & Suzanne Alderman, The Astmann Family,
Rabbi Immerman’s Discretionary Fund
		                           In Appreciation of                         Karen Baar, Betsy Barnston, Laura Baum, Larry &
Jacob Crane		                RABBI BRIAN IMMERMAN                       Phyllis Bausher, Irwin Braverman, Stuart & Hedy
Lindy Lee Gold		             RABBI BRIAN IMMERMAN
Elizabeth Koskoff		          RABBI BRIAN IMMERMAN
                                                                        Bush, Alice Baxter, Matthew & Michele Cohen,
		                           In Honor of                                Jacob & Nedra Crane, Robert Homer & Susan
David & Susan Millen		       MICHELE ABRAMS & DALTON KING’s             Fishbein, Dr. Neil & Marlene Greenberg, Robert
		                           birth of granddaughter
		                           In Memory of                               Homer, Irwin & Hilda Horowitz, Alvin Klevorick &
Dr. Irwin Braverman		        JORDAN BRAVERMAN                           Susan Bender, Joel & Cindy Kramer, Joan Lipin,
Robert A Cole		              FRANK TAVARES                              David & Susan Millen, Irene Miller, Jeffrey Smith &
Joel & Cindy Kramer		        ANDY SAGE
Joel & Cindy Kramer		        DR. HARRY SAGANSKY                         Edith Rotkopf, Jerome & Cecelia Serling, Michael &
Joan Lipin		                 CHARLES LIPIN                              Gale Silverberg, Rabbi Hesch Sommer & Dr. Linda
Karen Orzack-Moore & 		      BURNESS E MOORE
Daniel Moore
                                                                        Waldman, Marc Wallman & Cynthia Carr, Bert &
Karen Orzack-Moore & 		      MILDRED ORZACK                             Martha Weisbart
Daniel Moore
Ellyn Ross, Cindy & 		       HINDA HERMIA MASSEY
Peter Lazaroff & Family
Ben Solnit		                 MARTHA SOLNIT • (203) 288-3877                                                                                                 15
                                      Here All Along: Finding Meaning,
                                      Spirituality, and a Deeper
                                                                                          TOT SHABBAT
                                      Connection to Life-in Judaism
                                      - Sarah Hurwitz
                                      How to Fight Anti-Semitism
                                      - Bari Weiss
                                      What Is a Refugee?
                                      - Elise Gravel

                                                                                                           March 6 &
                                                                                                            April 3
                    LIFE IS DELICIOUS                                                                       5:30 PM
                           Life is Delicious gets together one                                          Join CMI staff
                            Sunday each month to cook for                                         members for this celebration
                            Columbus House regular shelter.                                            of Shabbat with
                            Congregants and their children                                         prayers, song and stories.
                               are invited to join in the fun                                 Tot Shabbats are designed for families with children age
                                                                                                 6 years and under and are open to the community
                               and help with the cooking.
                                                                                        CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877•

                                     Do you have a new ad
                                     without dates?

                            We will be back in the kitchen to cook for
                              Columbus House's overflow shelter.

                            Sunday, March 15&
                             Sunday, April 26
                               12:00 noon
                             If you'd like to help shop, set-up, cook or
                              clean for this session, contact Aaron at
                                         Slots fill up quickly
                   CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877•

                                                                                                         Mark P Altman MD
                                                                                         Specializing in surgery of the hand, wrist, shoulder, and elbow
                                                                                                            Orthopaedic fracture care

                                                                                                        Offices in Hamden and Guilford

16                                                                                                            • (203) 288-3877
 March 6                          March 13                    March 20                     March 27
 Leo Altvater *                   Sylvia Kaufman Alterman     Meta Arnopolsky              William Barkin *
 Sophie Lerner Bass               Eli Baar                    Morris Baser *               Jack Beech
 Jack Belman                      Symmie Bachman              Nancy T. Berdon              Fanny Berger *
 Nathan Berke                     Boris Bass                  Jean C. Berdon               Reyna Berman *
 Pauline Bloom                    Jennie Besser *             Shirley Bernstein            Bendid Bruskin
 Celia W. Brown *                 Maxine Appell Born *        Peter Blackman *             Fannie Calechman *
 Mort Brozinsky                   Molly Braverman             Charles Byer                 Myrna Cassin
 Fred Fagelson                    Walter Breslav              David Caplan                 Barry Corper *
 Stanley A Fishbein               Irene Burkholz              Albert Chasin *              Burton Richard Dunn
 Terry Fleischer *                Jack S. Chasin *            Joseph Chauser *             Joseph Finkel
 John J. Fox                      Albert Chorney *            Amy Goldman Cohen            Thelma W. Frankenberger *
 Monroe Frankenberger             Mortimer L. Cohn *          Gladys Cutler                Harry Fribush
 Robert Goldstein *               Bertram M. Eager            Eliezer Danishevsky *        Rose Goldstein
 Anna S. Gratenstein *            Gertrude Feldman            Santo (Sonny) Festa          Irving Goldstein
 Marilla G. Guttman *             Sadie Gelb Fisher *         Sylvia Weller Fish           Minna M. Gompertz *
 Elizabeth Harris                 Marcelle Friedman *         Rachel S. Freedman *         Charles Grannick Jr. *
 Laurence L. Jaffe *              William Glaser *            Elias Friedman               Rose Alterman Groopman
 James S. Johnson Sr. *           Joseph Goldstein            Irma Cohen Galer *           Gene G. Haber *
 Rhea Simkin Kaetz *              Eunice Wasserman Gordon *   Rose Giskin                  Henry Hahn
 Bruce B. Kauffman *              Samuel Greenblatt           Edna Goldstein *             William Hallo *
 Janet S. Kleinman *              Mildred Greenwald *         Herman Robert Greenhouse *   Harold Harris
 Moses Koizim                     Betty D. Heller *           John J. Groves               Bernard Horwitz *
 Hermina Kornicker *              Benjamin Henchel *          William J. Handleman *       Julius Jacobs *
 Alice Kruger                     Irene Siegel Hillman        Helen Schreiber Heller       Rose Jacobson
 Samuel Kryger                    Lowell D. Isenstadt *       Elliott R. Katz *            Robin Kalina
 Charlene Natovich Lavin          Frieda Katz                 Sidney Kizer                 Max Kerman
 Esther (Estelle) Levinson        Jack Kliger *               Ernest Klein *               Yvette K Levine
 Anna G. Levy *                   Theodore I. Koskoff *       Clara Kleiner *              Norman Levine
 Mildred C. Liner *               Robert S. Krevit *          Simon R. Lipsher *           Melville W. Machol *
 Raymond C. Lurie *               Bessie M. Kushlan *         Fanny Lipton                 Hyman Markle
 Esther Margulies                 Melvin Laubstein *          Max Mager *                  Maurice Milstone
 Hyman Mendelsohn *               Zelly Levine *              Moses Mann *                 Gertrude O’Brasky *
 Nathan Merriam *                 John C. Liner *             Arthur Hesse Mendel *        Sam Rennert
 Beatrice Rattner Milner          William Mack Jr             Isaac Mendelsohn *           Linda Rollo
 Doug Moller                      Elaine V. Orland *          Isaac Newman *               Gladys L. Rosenberg *
 Flora Oliver                     Alexander H. Perlman        Gustave Osterweis *          Rachel Rosenthal
 Sherwood (Pinky) Irving Pinkus   Leah Premark                Pearl Pearl                  Eddie Rosenthal
 Harold Seymour Roswig *          Albert Rogowski *           Marshall J. Rachleff *       Alan Schrank
 Laurance E. Schoenberger *       Earl Rosenblum              Simon Rosenberg *            Harry Siperstein
 Isadore A. Schycon *             Lawrence I Sanders          Belle Semack *               Joseph Sonnenberg *
 Marion Breslav Silverberg *      Bernard N. Schaefer         Leah Unger Serow *           Emily Spiegel
 Isadore Sugenheimer *            Harvey A Siegel             Roberta Lurie Shapiro *      Eva Sterling
 Emanuel Thalheimer               Pearl Silverman             Simon B. Shoninger *         Sylvia Stern *
 Sholom Omi Waife MD              Fred Ticotsky               Harry Silverman              Pearl Bass Ticotsky
 Milton Weiner                    Herbert Turkel *            Theresa Strauss *            Maurice B. Ullman *
 Alan Robert Weiner *             Doris Waldman               Isadore G. Strauss *         Malcolm Webber
 Irma Stein Weiss *               Rick Wallace *              Robert Tiven                 Franny Weiss
 Clara Weissman *                 Fred Walman *               Kurt Weiss *                 Arnold Werner
 Jack Zalon                       Louis P. Weil *             Laura Zuckerman              Barbara Wolff
                                  James Welsch
                                  Gladys Welsch
                                  Rose W. Werzburg *
                                  Augusta Young

                                                                                 Gerry Levine • (203) 288-3877                                                                                               17
APRIL YAHRZEITS   April 3                     April 10                 April 17                          April 24
                  Samuel Abeshouse *          Donald Berkowitz         Dorothy Alpert Adler *            Milton Adnopoz
                  Anna Vener Alderman *       Harry L. Berman *        Morris Borenstein                 Dora Alterman
                  Jeanne Kraft Alterman       Karl A. Bretzfelder *    Nancy Bostin *                    Rose Baser *
                  Emily Borenstein            Nathan B. Burness *      Hyman Calechman *                 Melissa Batter *
                  Henry C. Bretzfelder *      Rosalie Michlin Byer     Samuel Chauser *                  Jacob Belford
                  Lillian Brochin *           Sylvia Barkan Danza *    Louis Chernosky *                 Martha Johnson Caeser *
                  Nathan Cohen                Kalman Fibel             Aaron Cohen                       Eva Cooperstock *
                  John H. Feinstein *         Sol Freed *              Sarah J. Cohen                    Florine Spear Davidson *
                  Julius I. Friedman *        Lewis Henry Freedman *   Rhoda Cohn *                      Julie Drabkin
                  Louis R. Gans *             Max Garland              Beatrice Dunn                     Mary Evans
                  Mattie Lapides Ginsburg *   Isidor Goldberg          Jacqueline Isaacs Eder            George Feinn *
                  Carol Block Haberman        Emma Lambert Hahn        Herman Fleischner *               Pearl Fierman
                  Sigfried Herrmann *         Solomon Heller           Barnett P. Freedman *             Haiy Flit
                  Luba Khait                  Julius (Jack) Jacobson   Lucy Goldfarb                     Thelma Friedman
                  Rose Klein *                A. Allen Johnson *       John M. Goldhamer *               Harry Giskin
                  David S. Korn *             Mary B. Katz             Philip Goodman *                  S. Michael Gompertz
                  Louis B. Kronick            Edith Lakin              George Greenstein                 Michael Hozer
                  Ben Ledbetter Sr.           Lena Lapides *           Dollie Haber *                    Sylvia M. Jacobs
                  Benjamin D. Levine *        Sylvia Lesser            Edith C. Hall *                   Sherman Jacobson
                  Charles E. Marcus *         Saul Levine              Miriam Brownstein Haut            Mary Kleiner *
                  Sara Schwey Maskel *        Lena Lichtenstein *      Frances Yudkin Henchel *          Estelle A. Kone *
                  Assunta Izzo Patrizio       Blanche B. Lipsher       Ned Herzog                        Morris Korman *
                  Roman Matthew Rifkin *      Sidney Lurier *          Dorothy Hilcoff *                 Molly Krug
                  Martin Rubin                Herman Machol *          Vilma Hoffmann                    Max Kruger
                  Helen Sanders               Robert E. Maizell *      Edward I. Jacobson *              Sadie Liftig *
                  Robert Schnitman *          Rita Malkin              Bud (Saul) Kapel                  Anna Lipin
                  Bernard Shapiro *           Daniel Ominsky           Henrietta Koch *                  Max Lipsher
                  Jacob (Jack) A. Silver      Marion C. Sachs *        Beatrice Koizim                   Louis S. Loeb *
                  Adolph Ticotsky             Alfred Schindler         Ilse Hess Krevit *                Zelma Letsky Mintz
                  Sylvia Vinick               Magda Schneider          Bernard Krug                      Louis Mohill
                  Gertrude Weinstein          Sylvia W. Scholder *     Morris Landowne                   Abbey Perlman
                  Fannie Weissman             Deborah Shapiro          Michael Lebson                    Rosalyn Sylvia Prosco *
                                              Jennifer Shaw            Myrna Batter Leslie *             Frances Schaefler *
                                              Samuel Shukovsky         Benjamin Levin                    Ida Schub
                                              Anna Fenn Shure *        Marcia O’Brasky Levin *           Claire R. Setlow
                                              Marion Silberberg        Ellis Lincoln                     Evelyn Shapiro
                                              Enid Weisz Stone         Henrietta H. Machol *             Sarah Silverman
                                              Benjamin Sugenheimer *   Sydney Marcus                     Sophie B. Weil *
                                              Renee E. Toffler *       Milton W. O’Brasky *              Samuel Weinstein
                                              Jack B.. Tropp           Aaron Racusin                     Samuel Weinstock *
                                              Pearl S. Weinick *       Frances Rittner                   Robert C. Weisselberg
                                                                       Bernhard A. Rogowski *            Evelyn S. White *
                                                                       Sally Swirsky Rosenthal           Clara Dorothy Wrubel *
                                                                       Anna Schaefer
                                                                       Elizabeth (Betty) J. Scholder *
                   John Dowgiewicz on the passing of his               Stephanie Schwait
                       mother, Yvonne Dowgiewicz                       Michael Sonnenberg *
                                                                       Morris Stromfeld
                    Richard Leibowitz in the passing of his            Anita Turner
                           father, Martin Leibowitz                    Thomas J Ullmann
                                                                       Rae Webber
                     Caryl Steinberg on the passing of her             Isidore Zakar
                             father, Marshall Lavin
                  Jennifer Levin-Tavares on the passing of
                        her husband, Frank Tavares

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                 (203) 624-6912           • (203) 288-3877                                                                                      19

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                                        FUNERAL HOME
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                      Robert E. Shure      203-562-8244             James M. Shure
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                                                   The Hamden Hall Experience
                                                   CREATING ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR STUDENTS

                                                         View Class in Session at our
                                                      Morning Coffee and Campus Tours:
                                                       Thursday, April 9 / 9-10:30 a.m.
                                                       Thursday, May 14 / 9-10:30 a.m.
                                                     Or call 203.752.2610 to schedule a private tour.

 20                                                               • (203) 288-3877
             Celebrate your birthday at
                 Family Service.
                                                                                                              Sunday, March 8 &
                                                                                                               Sunday, April 19


               If your child will be attending                                                              For more information, contact
              Service in their birthday month,                                                                  Sue at (203) 288-9797 or
                     please call Tamara
                   203-288-3877 or email:

CMI • 785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877•                   CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877•

                                                                                         Please call the office to reserve your spot!
                                                                                             Reservation deadline is March 30

                                                                                              Adults (13 and older): $40/member; $50/non-member
                                                                                                  Children (4-12): $30/member; $35/non-member
  Join our Preschool and Kadima teachers. Listen to stories, sing with
                                                                                                                Children under 4 Free
     Elise, and create a special craft project around the Jewish year.
                                                                                                            We ask each family to bring a
  Tot Programs are designed for CMI families with children age 5 years and under.                           Kosher for Passover dessert
  Crafts will be geared for students ages 2-5. Younger children can participate in a
    playgroup in the Pre-K classroom. All programs are free. Snack is provided.                          Seder meal prepared by Crown Market.

 CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517•203-288-3877•                       CMI•785 Ridge Road Hamden, CT 06517 • 203-288-3877 • • (203) 288-3877                                                                                                                                            21
The Congregation Mishkan Israel                    					                                                                                                   Non Profit Org
                                                                                                                                                           US POSTAGE
785 Ridge Road
Hamden, CT 06517
                                                                                                        Time Value Data                                    Permit #156
                                                                                                                                                           New Haven, CT
Next Bulletin Deadline 3/1/2020                                                                   Deliver No Later than March 1

               March/April 2020 Series 104 #4
         Published monthly except July and August
             785 Ridge Road Hamden CT 06517
         Phone: (203) 288-3877 Fax: (203) 248-2148
 Rabbi Brian P. Immerman x236
 Rabbi Emeritus Herbert N. Brockman, Ph.D. D.D. x243
 Cantor Arthur Giglio x244
 Merav Canaan, Temple Administrator x241
 Michelle Goldstein, Religious School Director x237
 Alex Forte, Director of Youth Activities
 Susan Witten Nason, Early Childhood Director x245
 Sarah B. Greenblatt, President

                                  MARCH WORSHIP SERVICES & STUDY
                  SHABBAT TETZAVEH                                           PURIM SERVICE                                          SHABBAT KI TISA
                    Ex.27:20-30:10                                                                                                   Ex.30:10-34:35
      Friday, March 6                                          Sunday, March 8                                       Friday, March 13
      5:30 p.m. Early Oneg                                     5:00 p.m. Purim Spiel /Megillah Reading               5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
      5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat                                                                                          6:00 p.m. Family Service & Birthday Blessing
      6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                                                                                                     Saturday, March 14
      Saturday, March 7                                                                                              9:00 a.m. Torah Study
      9:00 a.m. Torah Study                                                                                          10:30 a.m. Kabbalah Study Group
      10:00 a.m. Morning Service

                                            SHABBAT VAYAKHEI-PEKUDI                                      SHABBAT VAYIKRA
                                                  Ex.35:1-40:38                                             Lev: 1:1-5:26
                                   Friday, March 20                                      Friday, March 27
                                                                                         7:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                   5:30 p.m. Early Oneg
                                                                                         8:00 p.m. Oneg
                                   6:00 p.m. Evening Service
                                                                                         Saturday, March 28
                                   Saturday, March 21                                    9:00 a.m. Torah Study
                                   9:00 a.m. Torah Study                                 10:30 a.m. Morning Service
                                                                                                    Celebrating the bar
                                                                                                    mitzvah of Benjamin Amerman
                                                                                         10:30 a.m. Kabbalah Study Group

                        Service times are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information and to hear sample tunes from services,
                                                              go to
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