Page created by Hugh Buchanan
   Neighbor                  s
          In this issue:
            Local Fairs
            and Festivals
            New Business News
            Spring Recipes
            And More!

                        May 2022
         Franklin, Hart, Stephens,
      Madison and Elbert Counties
spot a stroke                                   Face drooping

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                                                Time to call 911!

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Neurologists: Robert Steadham, M.D. and Angela McSwain, M.D.;
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Neurosurgeons: John Cuff, M.D., Bryan Barnes, M.D., Neil Woodall, M.D.,
Viren Vasudeva, M.D. and Feroze Afzal, M.D.


                                                      CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES
                                                       LICENSED AND INSURED
Hello, Neighbor!                                                                              MAY 2022
                                                                                                      VOLUME 18 | ISSUE 10

                                        A House Divided
                                        Cannot Stand!
                                                                                      2     HOMETOWN HIDDEN TREASURES
                                                                                            Can you find the treasure hidden in our pages?

                                        Recently, I heard this verse
                                        used several times to describe
                                                                                      3     NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS
                                                                                            Franklin Life Shares Jesus and Shows Compassion
                                                                                            to Pregnant Women in our Area
                                        the division between those
                                        who see American citizens
                                        as left-wing and right-wing.
                                                                                      4     NEW BUSINESS REVIEW
                                                                                            The Porch People

It was quoted by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war between the
north and south. However, this verse was not intended to be used to                   5     AROUND TOWN/CALENDAR
                                                                                            Community Events & Special Days

describe citizens, fascisms or countries, but to describe those who                         BON APPÉTIT
believe or do not believe in our Lord Jesus. In Mark 3, the scribes                         Dining in Franklin, Stephens, Hart
were accusing Jesus of being possessed by Beelzebul, that is, Satan.                        Madison and Elbert Counties
They said "by the prince of demons he casts out the demons" (Mark
3:22). That is when Jesus responded by saying "How can Satan cast
out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot
                                                                                      7    BRAGGING CORNER
                                                                                           Hot Shots Dance & Cheer Wins Big in Atlanta

stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be
able to stand" (Mark 3:23–25).                                                        8     SHOP LOCAL
                                                                                            Support Local Businesses in
                                                                                            Downtown Commerce and Jefferson
Jesus was saying, essentially, that it is impossible for Satan to cast
himself out. He was pointing out that Satan's goal is to destroy, not
to heal; Satan would not cast demons out of a person in order to
                                                                                      9     FAMILY FUN
                                                                                            Cars & Guitars Festival

promote Jesus, the Son of God, as a powerful and merciful savior and
healer.                                                                               10          NEW BUSINESS REVIEW
                                                                                                  Knotheads Bar & Grill

The "house" in the parable really means a "household" or a family
living together beneath one roof. If there is no harmony and                          10          SERVICE DIRECTORY
                                                                                                  Find the Help You Need!

agreement between members of a household, it is impossible for that                               HONORING NEIGHBORS
house to "stand" and be successful. The aim of Satan is to destroy                                Obituaries from Local Funeral Homes
God's kingdom, to obscure truth, to kill and steal and devour (John
10:10; 1 Peter 5:8). When Jesus told the scribes that "a house divided
against itself cannot stand" he was exposing their stubborn unbelief
                                                                                      14   FAIRS & FESTIVALS
                                                                                           Make Plans to Attend the 60th Annual
                                                                                       			 Mountain Laurel Festival May 21st
in Him, the true and only King and Savior! Basically, this is why the
Bible says that an unbeliever should not be yoked with a believer. (2
Corinthians 6:14)                                                                     15          COOKING WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR
                                                                                                  Scrumptious Spring Recipes

There is no verse in the Bible that says Christians are to be ok with
things they know are unbiblical, just to appease the world or to keep                 15  SHOP LOCAL
                                                                                          Come Visit Royston, Georgia
us undivided. Christians must stand for those such as the unborn,                     			 Home of Ty Cobb
unjust or those things being taught to our children or being forced on
our children that do not align with His word.                                         16        FAIRS & FESTIVALS
                                                                                                The Vikings are Coming!

                                                                                      Inside Back
                                                                                        INDEX OF ADVERTISERS
                                                                                      		Thank you to all of our wonderful advertisers!

                                                                             MAY COVER PHOTO WINNERS
Raina C. Troxell                                       Congratulations to Marc Gendron for his                 Congratulations to Yvette Hood for having
                                                       photo of a small grist mill and fish pond in            this photo chosen for the cover of our
                                                       Northeast Georgia being chosen for the                  Franklin, Stephens, Hart, Madison and
The deadline for the June                              cover of our Banks, Jackson, Habersham                  Elbert county edition
issue is May 1st. Please                               and Clarke county edition

call us at 706.356.0273 with                                For Photo Contest Rules, go to: www.hometownneighbors.com
submissions. Thank you!

   ADDRESS: 5721 West Avenue • Lavonia, GA, 30553 | PHONE: 706-356-0273 | FAX: 706-356-0274 | EMAIL: HomeTownNeighbors@windstream.net
                       PUBLISHER & BILLING: Raina Troxell | GRAPHIC DESIGN & WEBSITE: Mary Brewer www.royalforest.net
                                                DELIVERY: Steve Troxell, Johnnie Troxell, Justin Troxell
                        Missed a copy of HomeTown Neighbors? Check out WWW.HOMETOWNNEIGHBORS.COM past editions!
   HomeTown Neighbors Magazine, Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved; No duplication without express permission of HomeTown Neighbors Magazine.

    Comments continue to pour into the magazine from
    our wonderful readers. We love to hear from you! We                    Find the hidden treasure chest in
    also appreciate you supporting the local businesses                         an advertisement in this issue for a chance to win
    that advertise with us. Be sure to mention to them                          a great prize. Send us your answer along with your
    that you saw their ad in the magazine, for without                          name, address, and daytime phone number to:
    their advertising support we could not continue to                          hometownneighbors@windstream.net, fax it to us at:
    bring you this quality monthly publication.                                 706-356-0274, or mail it to us at:
                                                                                HTN Magazine, 5721 West Avenue, Lavonia, GA 30553.
                                                                                We will draw a winner from all of the correct answers
                 SEND US YOUR COMMENTS:                                         we receive. The deadline to get your answer to us will
         By email: hometownneighbors@windstream.net
       Or postal mail: 5721 West Avenue; Lavonia, GA 30553
                                                                                be the 9th of each month. Only one entry per person
                                                                                and no phone calls, please.

                                                                                            APRIL TREASURE WINNERS:
    One of these months I will win! LOL Have a blessed day!
                                                                                              Diane Wood of Homer, GA
                                                                 -C                   won a Beautiful Necklace from Vintage Owl
    I hope I win! P.S. I love your publications!
                                                               - S.A.
                                                                                                  DID YOU FIND IT?
    I would love to win and I sure like your informative                              The April treasure chest was located in the
    magazine.                                                                            Knotheads Bar & Grill ad on page 7

                                           - E. M., Clarkesville, Ga

                                                                                                  MAY TREASURE:
    Thank you for the opportunity to play!                                               Beautiful Jewelry from Vintage Owl
                                            - C.W., Mount Airy, GA

       New Local Podiatry
         & Wound Care
             Accepting New Patients and Most Insurances                                            “owned by those we serve”
           • Diabetic Foot Care                    • Heel pain/Plantar Fasciitis                   Hart Electric Membership Corporation
           • Foot and Ankle Surgery                • Warts, Corns, Calluses                                         P.O. Box 250
           • Extensive Wound Care                  • Neuroma and Neuropathy                                    Hartwell, Georgia 30643
           • Ingrown Toenail                       • Trauma, Sprains, and Fractures                               1-800-241-4109
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            625 Cook Street Royston, GA 30662
                                                        Sahar Mahzoon, DPM
                                                               Board Certified Podiatrist       186D Cannon Bridge Rd
      For appointments call: 762-444-6035                                                       Cornelia, Ga 30501

                     Fax: 762-444-6738                           www.curepodiatry.com           706-778-0223                    spoiledrottenboutique09


    Franklin Life Shares Jesus and Shows
  Compassion to Pregnant Women in Our Area
Franklin Life Pregnancy Resource and be a listening ear. With each                                                       and other updates were
Center, Inc. located in Carnesville, lesson completed, clients earn                                                      made.       Renovations
Georgia, has been serving Franklin “baby bucks” with which they can                                                      aren’t the only new
County & the surrounding counties purchase items in the “Mommy                                                           change, though. Over
for over 20 years. Franklin Life provides Mall.” Items such as diapers/                                                  the past few months,
free pregnancy testing, material resources, wipes, cribs, car seats, strollers,                                          God has brought new
and life-affirming education/counsel, while baby clothes, maternity clothes,                                             young women with
respecting a woman’s decision without and postpartum necessities are                                                     a servant’s heart to
ridicule or rejection. All of this is not done, just some of the items available.                                        Franklin Life. With
however, without sharing the Gospel of Jesus As a non-profit ministry, the                                               fresh eyes, new visions,
Christ, in both word and deed, as the Holy Mommy Mall, along with the                                                    and much prayer, God
Spirit presents the opportunity.                  operation of the Center, is funded by many      has provided new opportunities to minister
    Free ultrasound referrals, post-abortion generous individuals and churches in the area.       in Franklin County.
mentoring, and abortion pill reversal               “We are so thankful to the churches,               “Our desire is to provide compassionate
information are among the many other businesses and individuals that believe in the               care to women and families who are facing
services that they provide. All services mission of Franklin Life Pregnancy Resource              pregnancies (unexpected or planned) or who
are 100% free and confidential, and The Center. We love, when through our services,               are new parents. No matter the situation, our
Center serves both women and families we witness young mothers choose life for                    mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus
in unexpected and planned pregnancies. their baby and then get to participate in that             to families and their babies.” says Director of
Through their “Learn and Earn” program, journey of motherhood with that new mom.                  Client Services, Elisabeth Souderes.
mothers and fathers are able to earn material Without financial partners we wouldn’t be               Franklin Life is located at 7747 Royston
items for their baby. Parents can take classes able to do what we do.” says founder and           Road, Carnesville, GA, 30521. Their hours of
on topics ranging from pregnancy, labor and director, Tina Brock.                                 operation are 12-6pm; Monday, Wednesday,
delivery/birth, breastfeeding, infancy, toddlers,    Recently, a local church group took on a     and Friday. “If you aren’t familiar or involved
fatherhood, life-skills, Bible studies, and more. project to paint and help remodel the office.   with Franklin Life, stop by sometime and we
    Personalized lesson plans are created for Franklin Life received freshly painted walls,       would love to give you a tour of our facility.
every client and Client Advocates are available and a local flooring business donated new         More than anything, we desire your prayers
to discuss the lessons, answer any questions, carpet. Some new furniture was purchased            as we strive to make a difference.”

                                                    Proud to be
      CAR                                             Georgia
             25 Year Master
         ASE Certified Technician                           Owned and operated
      74 Hartwell St. Royston, GA                          locally by our members
      Mon - Fri 8-5

                                    May 8th

                                 Spring Floral,
                                 Plant and
                                 Wreath                             Toccoa 706-886-1441
                                 Headquarters                       Lavonia 706-356-7001
                                                                    Hartwell 706-376-6961
       961 Ross Place Ste F • Lavonia, GA
                                                   Federally Insured by The National Credit Union Administration

                                                               www.hometownneighbors.com | MAY 2022 | HOMETOWN NEIGHBORS MAGAZINE                   3

                                THE PORCH PEOPLE
       Justin Cason & Matt Butler recently opened The Porch People in February 2022. We sat
     down with both of them to discuss their new business, and how it is helping people enjoy the
                                  beautiful views from their homes.

    Q     HTN MAGAZINE: What
          made you decide to start
    your new business?
                                                 is also a licensed and insured General
                                                 Contractor. We use the Fortress Rail
                                                 system and ScreeEZE in our installs
                                                                                                          firsthand. We decided to share years
                                                                                                          of experience and the knowledge
                                                                                                          of newer material options with the

    A    MATT: We recognized that in our
         Lake Hartwell area, porches have
                                                 and that gives our customers a clean
                                                 and much improved view. We also
                                                                                                          general public.

    a heightened significance, especially
    the back porch. On a lot of homes, new
                                                 provide free quotes and give a free gift
                                                 to each customer.
                                                                                                   Q          HTN MAGAZINE: Tell us
                                                                                                              about your family, hobbies,
                                                                                                          and interests outside of the
    and old, you often find that porches
    were built in a way that impedes views       Q     HTN MAGAZINE: What type
                                                       of merchandise or services
    of the lake, the very thing that draws
    so many to our area. We decided
                                                 are you offering the area?
                                                                                                  A       MATT: We are both proudly
                                                                                                         “Porch People” who enjoy spending
    we could take many of these spaces
    from good to great by opening up the
                                                 A   JUSTIN: In addition to the porch
                                                     view renovations, we also make
                                                 engraved coasters; charcuterie boards;
                                                                                                      down time on a porch with friends and
                                                                                                      family. My beautiful wife, Kimberly,
    views and replacing railings and porch                                                            and I live in Bowersville on fourteen
                                                 window shutters and some porch
    screens with newer low maintenance                                                                acres with our daughter Sheridan
                                                 furniture such as Adirondack chairs,
    materials that permit larger openings.                                                            Grace Butler. We are blessed with 5
                                                 swings and picnic tables.
                                                                                                      wonderful kids and 11 grandchildren.
    Q     HTN MAGAZINE: What sets
          your business apart from
    other businesses in the area?                Q   HTN MAGAZINE: How much
                                                     planning, renovation, work
                                                                                                  A       JUSTIN: I have been a proud
                                                                                                          local since 2006 and reside in
                                                 was involved in opening?
    A    MATT: We have a real quick
         turn-around. Many jobs can be
    done in just a few days or less. Justin      A   JUSTIN: This business is a
                                                     result of seeing for years the need
                                                                                                     Lavonia with my beautiful wife Kerri
                                                                                                     and our three children, Kendall,
                                                                                                     Juliette, and Matthew Henry.

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Around Town

MAY 7, 2022 - 44TH ANNUAL DAM RUN,                     MAY 20, 2022 – CRAWFORD LONG MUSEUM                  MAY 7, 2022 - 3RD ANNUAL LAVONIA
5kRun/Walk & 10K Run-8:30am, Big Oaks                  FREEBIE FRIDAY                                       RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL,
Recreation Area on US 29 just North of Hartwell,       MAY 21, 2022 - CRAWFORD LONG MUSEUM                  Lavonia City Park from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Spend
GA.                                                    BLUE STAR MUSEUM PROGRAM,                            the day in this magical realm where imagination,
MAY 14, 2022 - AMERICAN LEGION GOLF                    Crawford Long Museum Blue Star Museum                fantasy, and history burst to life! If you are
TOURNAMENT,                                            program starts on Armed Forces Day, May 21st         interested in being a vendor or a volunteer, please
                                                       and runs through Labor Day. (Free admission          call 706-356-5725. Lavonia City Park is located
The Hartwell Golf Club, 755 Golf Course Rd,
                                                       for active military and their families, a national   behind City Hall at 12221 Augusta Road. Prices are
Hartwell, Contact Information is Herb Hicks at
                                                       program).                                            $10 for adults, $5 for students, and free for small
                                                                                                            children. Parking is free.
MAY 28, 2022 - CARS & GUITARS,
                                                                                                            MAY 7, 2022 - FRANKLIN COUNTY HIGH
Presented By: Eden Family Chiropractic. Eden                                                                SCHOOL BETA CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT,
Family Chiropractic Presents the 2022 Cars &           MAY 1, 2022 - TOCCOA SYMPHONY
                                                                                                            Highland Walk in Franklin Springs to raise money
Guitars Festival on the Downtown Square in             ORCHESTRA "THE MUSICAL WORLD OF
                                                                                                            for students competing at the National Beta
Hartwell, GA. You will be able to view over 100        JOHN WILLIAMS",
                                                                                                            Convention in Nashville this summer.
classic, vintage cars and visit local craft and food   Gate opens at 3:00. Doors open at 3:30. Grace
vendors. Admission is FREE! 10:00am - 2:00pm           Alford Performing Arts Center, Toccoa Falls
MAY 28, 2022-10TH ANNUAL LAKE                          College Campus. www.toccoasymphony.org. The
                                                       concert is presented by the Phillips Group, Inc.     MAY 14, 2022 - BASS FISHING TOURNAMENT,
                                                       MAY 6, 2022 - BOBBY HORTON,                          Habersham County Relay for Life, American
H.Y.D.R.A. of Hart County, Inc. is hosting its
                                                       Historic Ritz Theatre. 7pm. www.                     Cancer Society Fundraiser. Contact: Jacob Roy
10th annual Lake Hartwell Music Festival at
                                                       ritztheatretoccoa.com 706.244.0039                   706-768-8503
the Lakeside Resort in Hartwell, GA (old Hart
State Park). Starts at 1:00 p.m. Tickets will be       MAY 7, 2022 - TOCCOA TRAIN DAY,                      MAY 21, 2022- 60TH ANNUAL MOUNTAIN
available online at lakehartwellmusicfestival.com      With events throughout the day, Historic Depot.      LAUREL FESTIVAL,
and around local businesses soon. Tickets are          www.mainstreettoccoa.com 706.282.3309                Downtown Clarkesville, Free Event with vendors,
$15 in advance and $20 at the gate. Kids 10 and        MAY 20, 2022 - CASH JENNINGS,                        food, music, and so much more!
under get in free. Call (706) 436-9695 or email        Historic Ritz Theatre. 7 pm. www.                    MAY 21, 2022 - NEAL MCCOY IN CONCERT,
                                                       ritztheatretoccoa.com 706.244.0039
                                                                    May 2022 Calendar
hartwellhydra@gmail.com with any questions.                                                                 301 North Main Street, 5-10pm, FREE!

                           Sunday             Monday             Tuesday          Wednesday              Thursday           Friday             Saturday
                      1                   2                  3                   4                   5                 6                   7

                                                                                      Bird Day                                             Kentucky Derby

                      8                   9                  10                  11                  12                13                  14

                                                                 National              Hostess
                          Mother's Day                         Hamster Day           Cupcake Day
                      15                  16                 17                  18                  19                20                  21

                      Chocolate Chip                                                                                        World Bee
                           Day                Mimosa Day                                                                   GoodDay
                      22                  23                 24                  25                  26                27                  28

                           Sherlock           World Turtle                             World                                                 National
                          Holmes Day              Day                                 Otter Day                                            Hamburger Day
                      29                  30                 31

                            National                          National Smile
                          Alligator Day                            Day

                   Dining in Franklin, Stephens, Hart, Madison & Elbert Counties
                                                                                                                                                 20 Year
                                                                                     Authentic Mexican Food                                  Anniversary!
                                                                                                                                         We couldn't be here without
                                                                                                                                                your loyal support!

   Authentic Mexican Cuisine
    Daily Drink Specials Monday
         through Thursday
      FREE                                                                                       Hours:
  on Wednesday                                                                       Sun-Thurs 11 am - 10 pm
      Nights                                                                         Fri & Sat 11 am - 11 pm
   5pm to 7pm.
     Limited                                                                             Happy Hour 3 - 7 pm
                                                                                                Draft Beer $130
                                                                                             Owned and Operated by the
                                                                                                  Montes family
                                                                                                                                          7 DAYS 11:00
                                                                                                                                             A WEEK
                                                                                                                                                          Monday thru
     Come see us on   May 5th for y!
              yo ! Sp ec ials All Da
   Cinco de Ma
                                                                                                                                                      11 am until 2:30 pm
    353 N. Broad Street                                                                                                        934 Ross Place – lavonia
     Toccoa, GA 30577                                                                       Dill's Shopping Center             706-356-0747
                                                                                                                               68 old Hwy 29 – HaRtwell
       706-886-7276                                                                      737 Cook Street Royston, Ga           706-377-3959

                                                                              Don't forget
                                                                             to order your
                                                                            Mother's Day
                                                                                                                                                          7 days a week
     Authentic Mexican Restaurant                                           & Graduation                                                                    5am-11am
                                                                                                                                                             Sunday -
                                                                             Cakes & Pies!                                                                  Thursday
                                                                                                                                                             Friday &
                                                                                                                                                           5am - 11pm
                                                                                                                               Dairy Queen
                                             Downtown Lavonia                                      706-356-2877                 of Hartwell • Hwy 29 North
                                             www.211mainstreet.com                                 Mon-Fri 10-3 • Fri 5-8:30          706-376-2405

                                             Get Your Fix Today!
   Come Celebrate                                                                                                                     starting at 6am
   with us                                                                                                                                Mon- Fri
                                                                                                                                           8am on Saturdays!
   May 5th!                                                                                                      Delicious for
   Specials & Fun!                                                                                               Breakfast,
                                                                                                                 Lunch, Coffee,
    Happy Hour Daily 2-5 p.m.
   Sun - Thurs 11-10 * Fri and Sat 11-11                                                                         Ice Cream or
                 706-376-2040                                                                                    a Snack!
    329 E. Franklin St., Hartwell GA

          Here                                     Spring Hours
                  as low as                         Mon- Fri 6AM - 5:30PM
                                                       Sat 8AM - 5PM
                 $80 per
                 month!                                                        New Lunch Items including hot ham/turkey & cheese melt, avocado toast
            Call for details!
                                                                                 Adjacent to Vintage Owl, Across from the Lavonia Depot
         706-356-0273                                                            1240 Main Street, Lavonia, GA 30553 706-460-5143


 StarPower Talent        StarPower
   Competition              Talent                                                                                     ShowBiz             ShowBiz
  Addison Krause        Competition                                                                                     Talent              Talent
     12 & Over          Andie Jane                                                                                     Liability -       Mean Girls -
    Photogenic             Holmes                                                                                      Addison           Paige Wilson
      Winner             11 & under                                                                                     Krause           High Gold &
                         1st Overall                                                 ShowBiz Talent                 Platinum, 2nd         6th Overall
                        Photogenic          ShowBiz Talent                          Put A Little Love                 Overall, &          StarPower
                                            Amen - Aubrey       ShowBiz Talent       On Me - Gracie    StarPower    Contemporary            Talent
                                                Alewine          Wondering -              Kidd            Talent     Icon Winner         Mean Girls -
                                            Platinum & 3rd      Jaleigh Partain     High Gold & 6th      Genie In     StarPower          Paige Wilson
                                                Overall           Gold & 4th             Overall        A Bottle -      Talent            4 3/4 Stars,
                                           StarPower Talent         Overall         StarPower Talent Lucee Patrick     Liability -         1st Place,
                                            Amen - Aubrey      StarPower Talent     Put A Little Love 4 3/4 Stars &    Addison            9th Overall,
                                                Alewine          Wondering -         on Me - Gracie     2nd Place       Krause             & Judges
                                           4 3/4 Stars, 2nd     Jaleigh Partain           Kidd                       4 3/4 Stars,           Endless
                                             Place, & 10th     4 3/4 Stars & 1st      4 3/4 Stars &                  1st Place, &          Emotion
 ShowBiz                                        Overall              Place              2nd Place                    8th Overall            Award
  What Is
   Love -
  What Is        StarPower Talent                   StarPower Talent                      StarPower Talent                  StarPower Talent
   Love -       Blow - Gracie Kidd,          Bohemian Rhapsody - Lucee             Painting Gray - Jurnee Porter,     My Mind - Lyra Kate Osborne,
 Addison          Lucee Patrick, &        Patrick, Paige Wilson, Grace Wilson,        Aubrey Alewine, Natalie         Natalie Carter, Jurnee Porter,
  Krause           Lizzie Alewine         Kaylie Wolfe, Lizzie Alewine, Gracie     Carter, Morgan Simmons, Lyra     Morgan Simmons, Addison Krause,
4 3/4 Stars       4 3/4 Stars, 1st              Kidd, & Jaleigh Partain            Kate Osborne, Addison Krause             & Aubrey Alewine
& 1st Place     Place, & 7th Overall        4 3/4 Stars, 2nd Place, & 10th            5 Stars, 1st Place, & 6th      5 Stars, 1st Place, 5th Overall, &
                                                         Overall                               Overall                    Golden Ticket Winner
                                       ShowBiz Talent
                                       Fabulous -
                                       Alexa Duck,
                                       Abigail Tucker,

                                                               e n ds h i p
                                       & Juliette

                                       Gold & 4th
                                                            s p e a k
                                                                    r t h a n
                                                           lo udeds...
                                       Fabulous -
  ShowBiz                              Alexa Duck,
   Talent                              Abigail Tucker,

Emergency -                            & Juliette
  Zoey Hill                            Partain
High Gold &                            4 3/4 Stars,
7th Overall                            2nd Place, &
 StarPower                             6th Overall
Emergency -                                                         Fall 2022
  Zoey Hill
4 3/4 Stars,                                                       Registration
1st Place, &
5th Overall                                                           Open

                                                              SUMMER CAMPS
                                                                  Call or Email
                          StarPower Talent                       for information
                            Play That Sax
                  Back row - Kyler Shaw, Zoey
                  Hill, Isabel Langford, Harper
 StarPower       Phillips, Camille Sanders, & Lily
   Talent                  Hope Osborne                   706-376-2549 | 404-597-6680
 Speechless        Front row - Paysen Blakely,
- Claire Hoy     Claire Hoy, Andie Jane Holmes,                         382 N. Forest Ave., Hartwell, GA
 5 Stars, 1st            & Emmie Fleming                                         hotshotsdance@gmail.com
 Place, & 1st      4 3/4 Stars, 1st Place, 2nd
                 Overall, & Golden Ticket Award
   Overall                                                         Suzanne Krause, Owner/Director of Dance

                  DESERVES A GIFT FROM PRISS ELLIES!                                 706-387-7000
                                                                           50 Sumner Way | Jefferson, GA 30549

                                                                                           Since 1964
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                                                                           Quality Furniture since 1913!
        should you
        be doing?
                                                                                   Sanders Furniture
                                                                                   Delivering Quality Furniture for Generations!

           DINING                                                           1697 S Elm Street Commerce, GA
                                                                               www.mtsandersfurniture.com     706-335-3189

         PLAYING                                                            Come see all the changes we’ve made
                                                                                     inside and out!
      in Downtown

                                               Remember to                                                    Simple
                                               SHOP LOCAL!                                                   BleSSingS
                                                                                                              CommerCe, GA
                                                                                                              (706) 335-9448


  Y o u ri t e
                                                                                    Cars &
Sto  p
S p rhi n
        i n
f a sn d
                             STAY TUNED FOR OUR UPCOMING
           s                LADIES NIGHT OUT!

                                                                                       Presented By:
                                                                                 Eden Family Chiropractic

                                                                          The Cars & Guitars Festival will
                                                                          be held on Saturday, May 28th.,
                             CO-OWNERS: CHELSEA BANKS &
                                                                          on the square in downtown
                                  BROOKE CRANE
                                                                          Hartwell, GA from 10:00am –
                             165 W. Main Street, Lavonia, GA              2:00pm.

                            706-460-5050                                     The family friendly event will feature a
                                                                          display of antique, classic cars and trucks
                               shopwildflowersb@yahoo.com                 as well as food, music, and various arts
                                                                          & craft vendors. Car pre-registration for
                                  Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4                 the event is $25. Please visit our website
 36 N Forest Hartwell, GA            Closed Sun & Mon                     to register your car or to register as a
        706-376-6002           (Salon Hrs may Vary by Appt)
                                                                          vendor: www.hart-chamber.org.

                            Let us help you
                            to see all the
                            beauty of spring!

                                                                              Your Complete Eye Care Center
                                                                     12877 Jones Street, Lavonia, GA 30553 706-356-0575
                                                         651 S. Milledge Ave., Athens, GA 706-546-9290 • 1-800-287-2519

                                   C ATA R A C T    GLAUCOMA                D R Y E Y E T R E AT M E N T

                                                           From a ring you wear every day
                                                        to the ring you’ll wear for that most
                                                          special of days, you can count on
                                                           Jewelry Expressions to listen to
                                                       what you want and make it a reality
                                                         through our caring, knowledgeable
                                                     craftsmanship. We’re proud to earn your
                                                      trust on that special day and every day
                                                                  and thank you for
                                                              your continuing support.

                                                       186 Cannon Bridge Road • Cornelia, GA

                                     www.hometownneighbors.com | MAY 2022 | HOMETOWN NEIGHBORS MAGAZINE                   9

                              KNOTHEADS BAR & GRILL
         Do you love great food? Then we have the place for you! Knotheads Bar & Grill opened at the end of
          April 2021. They are located in the former restaurant found in the Tractor Supply Shopping Center in
         Hartwell, GA across from Wal-Mart. We sat down to talk with the new owners Tammy and Karen Meek
                                                about their new endeavor.
                                                                                                              Georgia, South Carolina, and Southeast.
        Q      HTN MAGAZINE: What made
               you decide to start your new
         business?                                                                                           Q      HTN MAGAZINE: How much
                                                                                                                    planning, renovation, work

        A     TAMMY: We retired and moved
              to Lake Hartwell from Michigan.
         We found ourselves missing going to                                                                 A
                                                                                                              was involved in opening?
                                                                                                                   KAREN: We are making changes
                                                                                                                   as we see needed, but the change
         work and the interaction of people.                                                                  you will find most is the experience we
         We decided what better way to begin                                                                  bring to the kitchen. Our menu and
         our journey here than to start a local                                                               food quality are our main focus. We
         business.                                                                                            have been in the business for over 8
        Q      HTN MAGAZINE: What sets
               your business apart from
         other businesses in the area?                                                                       Q      HTN MAGAZINE: Is there
                                                                                                                    anything else you think would
                                                                                                              be interesting to our readers about
        A     KAREN: We have a large patio for
              outside dining and pets are always       are you offering the area?
                                                                                                              your new venture?
         allowed in our outside area. We have
         lots of parking, and live entertainment      A     TAMMY: We offer great food
                                                            at affordable prices. We have a
                                                                                                             A     TAMMY: We have weekly specials,
                                                                                                                   and happy hour is from 4 to 6pm
                                                                                                              Tuesday through Thursday. We invite
         weekly.                                       wonderful large soup and salad bar. We                 everyone to come out and visit us. We

        Q      HTN MAGAZINE: What type
               of merchandise or services
                                                       also have cornhole and as we mentioned,
                                                       live music by talented artists from
                                                                                                              look forward to getting involved with the

                                     CAR SERVICES                                                 PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS

                      CAR POINT AUTOMOTIVE
                                      • Auto Service and Repair
Service Directory

                                                                                                                                                             FRE E

                                 • All Makes & Models• Quality Tires
                                                                                                                                                           EST IMATES

                                                                                           Residential • Commercial • Custom Designs
                                      706-245-7809                                                Melody Roach, Owner 706-714-1740
                              74 Hartwell St. Royston, GA 30662                                   www.gametalproducts.com

                                                                                                        CLEANING SERVICES
                                                   0 NE CALL HAULS IT ALL!                              Kim’s Dust Busters
                                                                                                        BUSTING YOUR DUST IN HOME AND OFFICE
                                                                                                                  Residential & Commercial
                                                       COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR                                Move-In Ready Cleaning
                                                     ROADSIDE SERVICE • 24 HOUR TOWING         Kim Isbell - Owner/Operator • 1763 Reed Rd • Lavonia, GA 30553
                     706-356-0567 • 706-245-0344   LIGHT & HEAVY • LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE               kimsdustbusters@gmail.com 706-491-8604


                                                                                                  RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • DRIVEWAYS • GUTTERS
                                                                                                                    Tywan Teasley
                                                                                                   (706) 352-0278 jerometeasley1979@gmail.com

                                         Advertise on this page for only $50 per month!
                                  Service ads are sold only on a 12-month agreement with a credit card on file

       Vintage Floral Containers Gain
All of us have them! Glass flower vases (of some sort) in
our possession. These beauties hold our gorgeous fresh
cut flowers or artificial florals, perfect to add joy to any
home. Some of these containers have become very sought after in the
vintage world. One of those is made by the E.O Brody Company. It was
founded in 1958 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Ernest Oscar Brody. Mr. Brody was
a true entrepreneur and artist when he created the flower container with
only two designs in his portfolio. His innovative idea was to sell this unique
glass floral container exclusively to florists, and to market them through
wholesale florists who in return would sell them to retail florists. Sounds
like a real business man with a great strategic plan. It was so much so that
the company was bought and follows the same plan that Mr. Brody started
in 1958.
    You can often find these and other planters in vintage, thrift, and antique
stores. You can also find them online. Some fetch a considerable amount of
money, but some can be bought at a bargain, and usually range from $10 to $20.
    In these photos is a great collection piece, and over time it will age even better!
Don't miss your chance!! Head over to Vintage Home Collective in downtown Lavonia and
check it out, if it doesn’t get snatched up first! Just ask where Holbrooks Co Booth is and you
will find Mr. Brody's beautiful floral container.
    Submitted by Kyla Bowen Holbrooks of Holbrooks Co. Crafts and Boutique

                                                                                              M AY C L A S S ES
            Create Something Exciting at Home!                                                        May 23
    From decorating your space to creating a one-of-a-kind art piece,                             Kristin Morgan
       we have everything you need to make your HOME special!
                                                                                           MACRAME WALL HANGING
                                                                                                  Medium Size
                                                                                                    6:30 PM
                                                                                             Refreshments Provided

                                                                                                     May 24
                                                                                                  Melanie Martin
                                                                                                 ZENTANGLE FISH
                                                                                              Includes Pen Set, Frame
                                                                                                     6:30 PM

                                                                                                     May 31
                                                                                                  Melanie Martin
                                                                                            ACRYLIC PAINTING: COW
          157 W. Main Street, Lavonia, GA 30553
                                                                                                Age 12 and Up
         In Historically Renovated 3500 square ft                                                  6:30 PM
        building next to Wildflower Salon Boutique

                                                        www.hometownneighbors.com | MAY 2022 | HOMETOWN NEIGHBORS MAGAZINE   11
                                                                          Jacqueline Veitch                                    Beth Willis Rosser
                                                                       March 11, 1946 - March 8, 2022                       July 23, 1930 - March 18, 2022
                                                                            David Phillips                                          Joe Dan Roe
        Martha Ann Alexander Evans                                     March 1, 1952 - March 8, 2022                        July 25, 1944 - March 19, 2022
         September 6, 1937 - March 1, 2022
                                                                       Robert Cary Seymour                                   Patricia June Goldmann
            Annie Morrow Scott                                      November 17, 1963 - March 9, 2022                      January 3, 1950 - March 19, 2022
           March 28, 1931 - March 2, 2022
                                                                         Lee Michael Browner                          Annette Theresa Rish Sturkie
             James Hoyt Moon, Jr.
                                                                        May 24, 1959 - March 9, 2022                    July 12, 1940 - March 22, 2022
          February 9, 1957 - March 2, 2022
                                                                        Betty Jean Bobo Sayer                                 Corry Jerrall Willis
            Josephine Cascio Faust
                                                                       April 13, 1948 - March 9, 2022                       June 23, 1983 - March 22, 2022
           March 28, 1928 - March 3, 2022
                                                                        Suzanne Mary Bauch                                   Willie Thomas Heard
             Tina Marie Anderson
         September 4, 1964 - March 3, 2022                          September 14, 1945 - March 9, 2022                      April 1, 1954 - March 23, 2022

          Joseph Howard Longdin, Sr.                                      Keith Dennis Willis                                 Kevin Scott Gunter
            May 26, 1931 - March 4, 2022                                July 6, 1954 - March 10, 2022                      October 6, 1965 - March 23, 2022

       John Timothy “Jack” Doherty, Jr.                                   Regina Ray Toppin                              Bonnie Murphy Dunagan
         September 4, 1953 - March 4, 2022                             March 13, 1961 - March 10, 2022                 December 17, 1951 - March 24, 2022
          Henry Webster Chambliss                            Regina Ann Vickery Nicholson Thomas                       Fredrick Arthur Ficquett, Jr.
         November 12, 1928 - March 4, 2022                       September 18, 1970 - March 10, 2022                   September 24, 1937 - March 25, 2022
          William Troy Youngblood                                       Jimmy Jeffrey Queen                                Rachel Louise Sanders Kay
         November 17, 1933 - March 5, 2022                          September 15, 1960 - March 11, 2022                     June 8, 1927 - March 26, 2022
         Audrey Lea Kelley Karpinsky                                Mary Sue Peeples Strickland                          Jean Louise Young Webb
          October 14, 1948 - March 6, 2022                           June 26, 1945 - March 14, 2022                    September 4, 1924 - March 26, 2022
              James Lee Beale, Jr.                                 Sharion Evett Stribbling Tate                            Mary Ann Dean Smith
            July 20, 1953 - March 6, 2022                            August 5, 1961 - March 16, 2022                       March 10, 1935 - March 28, 2022
             Kenny Charles Floyd                                     James Donald “Don” Avery                               Jerry Wayne Christian
          January 19, 1995 - March 8, 2022                           January 28, 1935 - March 17, 2022                     August 1, 1967 - March 30, 2022
                 Donia Mae Davis                                       Mary Louise Jones Hayes                         Marey Louise McIntosh Case
             July 23, 1931 - March 8, 2022                             April 5,1947 - March 18, 2022                     April 21, 1948 - Mar. 30, 2022

                                 Pruitt                                                                  Strickland
                                                                                                         (706) 356-1110
                                                                                                                        Funeral      Home
                                                                                                                         Lavonia Chapel
                        Funeral Home

        47 Franklin Springs St.                     www.pruittfhroyston.com                        24-Hour Obituary Information      355 Bear Creek Road
        P.O. Box 465 • Royston, GA 30662        24 hour obit info 706-245-2695                            (706) 356-1113            Lavonia, Georgia 30553

                                                                                             Strickland Funeral Home
                                                                                                                 Hartwell Chapel

         Chris Coile    Duane Hall
                                                                                              305 Cleveland Ave.       Locally Owned and Operated
               333 E Johnson St, Hartwell, GA 30643   (706) 376-0050                          Hartwell, Georgia       24-Hour Obituary Information
         www.chsfuneralhome.com 706-376-0099 24-hour obituary line                            706-376-3901                     (706) 376-4211

                                                                                                                                           Since 1917,

                                                                                                                                      FUNERAL HOME
                                                                                                                                  has been there for your family
                                                                                                                                      in your time of need.

                                                                                          GINN FUNERAL HOME
                                                                                            Carnesville, GA • 706-384-3333
                                                                                             24 HOUR 1-706-282-9591
                                                                                             OBITUARY INFORMATION:

12   HOMETOWN NEIGHBORS MAGAZINE                | MAY 2022
Opal Lee Oglesby Wood                    Margaret Cribb                               James O’Rourke
   October 8, 1933 - March 30, 2022    December 30, 1928 - March 15, 2022             June 7, 1936 – March 11, 2022
        Guy Allmon Lance                      James Leo Hayes                              Thomas King
    April 24, 1948 - March 31, 2022     February 15, 1943 - March 15, 2022          March 10, 1960 – March 11, 2022
    Charles Lewis Shurbutt                 Brooks D. Barnes, Jr                             Linda Carnes
  January 12, 1929 - March 31, 2022    February 29, 1960 - March 19, 2022            June 24, 1943 – March 12, 2022
       Isham Hugh Adams                    James R. Kesler, Sr                           Janice Dumond
   August 19, 1935 - March 31, 2022    November 25, 1932 - March 21, 2022         November 20, 1957 – March 15, 2022
                                                  Sallye Frady                             Annie Roebuck
                                          April 21, 1953 - March 22, 2022           October 12, 1936 – March 18, 2022
                                               Donna Long                                    Mari Robison
                                       November 22, 1948 - March 23, 2022            April 10, 1959 – March 21, 2022
 Nellie Ruth “Nelle” Holliday                Gail Owens Dove                             Myrtle Ryerson
           Hartsfield                   January 14, 1947 - March 30, 2022           August 21, 1925 – March 22, 2022
  December 22, 1929 – March 4, 2022
                                              Louise F. Barnes                            Anna Hardmon
     Caleb James Campbell                March 29, 1946 - March 31, 2022            October 1, 1955 – March 24, 2022
    June 28, 2000 – March 5, 2022
                                                                                         Charles Morgan
     Brannon O’Neal Jones                                                          October 20, 1940 – March 24, 2022
    April 9, 1937 – March 11, 2022
                                                                                         Rudolph Vickery
     Jo Ann Crowe Rousey                                                            October 5, 1933 – March 25, 2022
   March 11, 1943 – March 15, 2022
                                            Susan Barton Snow                           Elizabeth Johnson
      Julian Tony Duncan                                                             April 2, 1944 – March 28, 2022
  October 25, 1961 – March 19, 2022        May 4, 1956 - March 2, 2022
                                            Thomas A. Mitchell                            Donna Redmond
      Jimmy Hoke Norton                                                             August 24, 1940 – March 28, 2022
 September 17, 1946 – March 20, 2022       June 1, 1940 - March 2, 2022
                                                 Debra Picard                        Herrman Augustin-Escala
         Geneva Hall Ray                                                              July 5, 1945 – March 28, 2022
    June 10, 1924 – March 22, 2022         July 17, 1959 - March 2, 2022

 Beverly Jean Smith Chandler                  Shirlene Brock
  January 5, 1934 – March 24, 2022      January 24, 1948 - March 4, 2022

     Barry Alfred Harris                        Scott Wood
  January 6, 1947 – March 25, 2022      February 8, 1971 - March 10, 2022                Nelson Eavenson
                                               William Poe                         February 18, 1938 – March 18, 2022
    Ronald Brown Prather
 November 29, 1948 – March 26, 2022    November 30, 1934 - March 13, 2022

Thomas Stephen “Steve” Crowe                 Joe S. Payne, Sr.
   June 26, 1933 – March 26, 2022       August 27, 1937 - March 15, 2022

   John Buren Beatenbough                     Bobbie M. Brech
   August 7, 1937 – March 27, 2022     September 10, 1960 - March 18, 2022

       Sue Crumley Byrd                         Rose Hill York
  January 2, 1943 – March 30, 2022        June 13, 1938 - March 18, 2022
                                           W. Dewayne Murray
                                         April 10, 1983 - March 18, 2022
                                              Charlie L. Couch
                                          April 11, 1980 - March 21, 2022
                                             Douglas D. Casey
       Hwa pong Hughes                   March 23, 1935 - March 25, 2022
    June 28, 1944 - March 1, 2022         Carol Elrod Fulbright                        SALON
                                         March 10, 1949 - March 25, 2022        WE’VE MOVED NEXT TO VINTAGE CUP
        Angela Kilgoar
                                          Caroline Cutler Gates                      IN DEBBIE’S HAIR SALON!
   October 19, 1949 - March 1, 2022
                                        October 24, 1948 - March 27, 2022                  706-371-2026
             Kay Adams
     June 7, 1943 - March 4, 2022            Patsy Wood Pruitt
                                          July 22, 1949 - March 28, 2022
           Calvin Smith                                                      BERETTA EQUINE
     July 7, 1932 - March 5, 2022                                            VETERINARY SERVICES
    Donald Joseph Warren
  February 10, 1942 - March 7, 2022
      Shirley M. Herndon
  November 18, 1936 - March 7, 2022            Carl Pulliam
                                        December 9, 1936 – March 4, 2022
        Lucy R. Brown                                                                                       Full Service
                                              Beverly Wilson
  November 13, 1932 - March 8, 2022      October 9, 1943 – March 6, 2022                                  Mobile Practice
          Edith Kane                            David Smith                                                  24 Hour
  September 2, 1952 - March 8, 2022                                                                       Emergency Care
                                        January 10, 1957 – March 8, 2022
        Virginia Senkbeil                    Merilee Brister
    July 24, 1933 - March 11, 2022     February 22, 1944 – March 9, 2022
       Jerod Heith Stowe                      William Hardee                 Alice Beretta, DVM 706-340-0680
  February 22, 1982 - March 12, 2022    October 31, 1961 – March 10, 2022    Learn more at: www.berettaequine.com

                                                www.hometownneighbors.com | MAY 2022 | HOMETOWN NEIGHBORS MAGAZINE          13

      Make Plans to Attend the 60th Annual
       Mountain Laurel Festival, May 21st
     Planning for the 60th                      celebrate       Clarkes-
     Anniversary of the Mountain                ville’s heritage and to
     Laurel Festival has begun! The             extend its long tradi-
     date has been set for Saturday,            tion of hospitality.
     May 21, 2022 and the festival                 “This year’s festival
     committee is planning for                  is celebrating 60 years
     another exciting event.                    of tradition as one of
        Plans for the 2022 event Include:       the oldest festivals
        • Clarkesville Lions Club always- in the state. There is
            popular parade - 10am               something for every-
        • Fine art and craft vendors located one from arts & crafts,
            in and around the Square            to music to classic
        • An outdoor food court                 cars and of course,
        • Live entertainment acts through- lots of food.
            out the day                             The Mountain Lau-
        • Classic Car Show in lower court- rel Festival continues
            house                               to provide the oppor-
        • Volunteers for Literacy Deck a tunity for Clarkesville
            Duck contest and Duck Race          to show it is a friendly and inviting place see. There are new vendors and new
        The festival committee, including rep- for community and visitors.” said Trudy businesses in downtown that will lend a
     resentatives from the City of Clarkesville Crunkleton, Clarkesville Main Street Di- fresh flair to the activities.”
     & Clarkesville Main Street and several rector.                                            For more information on the festi-
     businesses have been meeting regularly        “Although the festival is in it’s 60th val, contact 706.754.4216 or mainstreet@
     since January. The festival is a time to year, there is always something new to clarkesvillega.com

      Mother’s Day Gifts
                              Fertilizer                                                             Mother’s Day!
                                  Trees                                                                 Special
                                  Straw                                                              packages and
                                                                                                       gift cards
                                  Mulch                                                                available
                           The       Soil

                                                             Downtown Clarkesville

                                                                 One of Northeast Georgia’s
                                                                  Oldest Outdoor Festivals           Rejuvenating Massage
                                                                   Parade • Arts & Crafts               and Reflexology
                                                                    Music • Cars • Food                    Family Practice
                                                                                                        Massage and Reflexology
       Go the extra mile for quality and service!            Now Accepting Vendors
       Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am to 5:30pm, Sat                           Call 706.754.4216 or visit                795 Grogan St.
               9am to 3:30pm                               www.clarkesvillega.com for applications       Lavonia GA, 30553
         Licensed Professionals • Open All Year!
                                                                  For general information                 706-988-7610
       19 Pleasant Grove Road, Lavonia
                                                             contact jpoole@clarkesvillega.com       www.rejuvenatingllc.com
               (706) 356-0278

14   HOMETOWN NEIGHBORS MAGAZINE              | MAY 2022
       Shrimp Scampi with Pasta                                                                                                                                                Tomato
       1 (16 ounce) package linguine pasta                                                                                                                                     Bruschetta
       2 tablespoons butter
       2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil                                                                                                                                     2 large tomatoes, diced
       2 shallots, finely diced                                                                                                                                                 ½ cup finely chopped
       2 cloves garlic, minced                                                                                                                                                    red bell pepper
       1 pinch red pepper flakes (Optional)                                                                                                                                     ¼ cup finely chopped red
       1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined                                                                                                                                      onion
       1 pinch kosher salt and freshly ground pepper                                                                                                                            ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
       ½ cup dry white wine                                                                                                                                                     ¼ cup olive oil (Optional)
       1 lemon, juiced                                                                                                                                                          10 leaves fresh basil, chopped
       2 tablespoons butter                                                                                                                                                     2 cloves garlic, minced
       2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil                                                                                                                                     1 (1 pound) loaf French bread,
       ¼ cup finely chopped fresh parsley leaves                                                                                                                                  cut into 1/4-inch slices
       1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil, or to taste                                                                                                                           ¼ cup olive oil (Optional)
       Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil; cook linguine in boiling water                                                                                              ¼ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
       until nearly tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Drain. Melt 2 tablespoons butter with                                                                                               Combine tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, balsamic vinegar,
       2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook and stir                                                                                               1/4 cup olive oil, basil, and garlic; let tomato mixture rest
       shallots, garlic, and red pepper flakes in the hot butter and oil until shallots                                                                                         for 15 to 30 minutes. Set oven rack about 6 inches from
       are translucent, 3 to 4 minutes. Season shrimp with kosher salt and black                                                                                                the heat source and preheat the oven's broiler. Arrange
       pepper; add to the skillet and cook until pink, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3                                                                                            French bread slices on a large baking sheet; drizzle with
       minutes. Remove shrimp from skillet and keep warm. Pour white wine and                                                                                                   1/4 cup olive oil. Toast bread in preheated oven until lightly
       lemon juice into skillet and bring to a boil while scraping the browned bits of                                                                                          browned, about 1 minute on each side. Top bread slices
       food off of the bottom of the skillet with a wooden spoon. Melt 2 tablespoons                                                                                            with tomato mixture using a slotted spoon, allowing excess
       butter in skillet, stir 2 tablespoons olive oil into butter mixture, and bring to a                                                                                      liquid to drain. Return bread to baking sheet and sprinkle
       simmer. Toss linguine, shrimp, and parsley in the butter mixture until coated;                                                                                           with mozzarella cheese. Broil in preheated oven until
       season with salt and black pepper. Drizzle with 1 teaspoon olive oil to serve.                                                                                           cheese melts, about 3 minutes. Serve immediately.

                             Come visit Royston, GA "Home of Ty Cobb"
                                                                                                                        ANTIQUES & INTERIORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grow your Community
         FARMERS                                                                                                                                                                                                  Local
         SMART                                                                                                                                                                                                        Royston has
         PLAN HOME®                                                                                                                                                                                                    Boutiques,
                                                                                                                                                                   AU T H E N T I C M E X I C A N C U I S I N E   Vintage & Antiques,
         Get started with your
                                                                                                                                                                            363 Railroad Street                         Coffee &
         customized coverage now!
                                                                                                                                                                            Royston, GA 30662                      Sandwich Shops,
                                                                                                                                  985 CHURCH ST
                                                                                                                                ROYSTON, GA 30662                             (706) 898-5085                        Gifts and More!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Come visit
                                                                                                                        Breakfast or Lunch all day everyday                                                            Downtown

                                    Russ Mize
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                                        *This brief summary is for illustrative purposes only and is not a policy document. Please
                  1075 FRANKLIN         SPRINGS
                          read the actual policy documents STforSTE
                                                                 your state for important details on coverages,

                                                                                                                                                                     Bob Hollingsworth
                          exclusions, limits, conditions, and terms. If there is any conflict between this summary
                     100 ROYSTON           , GA 30662
                          and the policy documents,   the policy documents will control. Not all products, coverages
                          and discounts are available in every state.
                  JMIZE 1 @FARMERSAGENT.COM

                                                                                                                                                                        20 Franklin Springs Circle
 Less in1 Less
           some    states
               in some   states                                                                                            980 Church Street • Royston, GA 30662               PO Box 117
*This brief
               brief summary
              the actual
                            is for
                                is for illustrativepurposes
                                                    purposes only
                                                    your state
                                                                  onlyandand    is not
                                                                            is not     a policy
                                                                                   a policy       document.
                                                                                            document.   Please Please
                                                                                                                                   (706) 498-1070                          Royston, GA 30662                       Ad sponsored by the
                                                            stateforforimportant   details on coverages,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Royston Downtown
read the    actual   policy   documents                                   important    details  on coverages,
exclusions,           limits, conditions,and
               limits, conditions,          andterms.
                                                 terms. IfIfthere
                                                             thereis isanyany
                                                                           conflict between
                                                                               conflict       this summary
                                                                                         between     this summary              Tues, Wed, Thur, Sat 7am to 4pm
        and the policy documents, the policy documents will control. Not all products, coverages
and theand policy  documents,
             discounts   are availabletheinpolicy
and discounts are available in every state.
                                                    documents will control. Not all products, coverages
                                            every state.
                                                                                                                            Fri 7am to 8pm, Closed Sun and Mon                706-245-7680                        Development Authority

                         The Vikings are Coming!
  Sound the Gjallarhorn and                     shows, demonstrations, craft vendors
  alert the villagers! The Vikings              and, of course, turkey legs! Pleasure
  are coming! Yes, the Vikings                  and merriment rule the day as villagers,
  are coming to the 3rd Annual                  artists, craftspeople, musicians, perfor-
  Lavonia Renaissance Festival at               mance troupes, and food vendors will
  the Lavonia City Park from 10                 gather together to create a marketplace
  a.m. - 4 p.m. May 7th.                        festival in celebration of the Viking spirit.
      Spend the day in this magical realm           New for the 2022 festival is a “Wolf           stories from a
  where imagination, fantasy, and history       Demonstration" and a farm animal pet-              Mermaid! Past
  burst to life! The day will be slammed        ting zoo. Try your hand at a Viking fa-            Ren Fest fa-
  full of theatrical performances, animal       vorite - Axe Throwing or be regaled by             vorites are also returning for 2022. Some
                                                                                                   of these include: the “Birds of Prey”
                                                                                                   show and carriage rides with a minia-
        Keeping your family in sight!                                                              ture horse. Be sure to stop by The Ye Ole
                                                                                                   Moose Lodge for a refreshing cup of ale.
                                                                                                       Last year’s Lavonia Renaissance Fes-
                                                                                                   tival brought in approximately 4000
                                                                   Comprehensive Eye Care          people to our town. If you are interested
                                                                      Cataract Evaluation
                                                                      Contact Lens Exams           in being a vendor or a volunteer, please
                                                                       Corrective Lenses           call 706-356-5725. The Festival will open
                                                                Lasik Eye Surgery Consultations
                                                                    Treatment of Glaucoma          from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on May 7,
                                                                                                   2022 at the Lavonia City Park located
                                                                     706.356.0206                  behind City Hall at 12221 Augusta Road,
                                                               13375 Jones St Suite B-2, Lavonia   Lavonia. Prices are $10 for adults, $5
                                                                 Mon 8-11:45 • Tues - Fri 8-5
                                                                                                   for students, and free for small children.
                MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!          WE ACCEPT MEDICARE                           Parking is free.

                                                        May 7, 2022
                                                        10 am - 4 pm
                                                      Lavonia City Park
                                                    12221 Augusta Road • Lavonia
                  Original Theatrical Production                                                    Restore Rebuild Renew
                    By Savannah River Productions
                      Farm Animal Petting Zoo                                                                Pontoons &
                         Birds of Prey Show                                                             Fiberglass Hull Boats
                        Wolf Demonstration
                          Meet a Mermaid
                          Norse Mythology                                                                 Upholstery         Wiring
                            Axe Throwing                                                                  Audio              Fiberglass
                                                                                                          Lighting           Gel Coat
                                                                                                          Accessories        Painting

        Specialty & Craft Vendors                      Adults - $10 • Students - $5                 1362 Reed Creek Highway, Hartwell
              Food Vendors                                  5 & under - free
            (including Turkey Legs!)                         FREE PARKING
Index of
A & H Tree Service                        Inside

                                                         OUR SPRING DECOR
Bebop’s Bakery and Bistro                 15
Beretta Equine Veterinary Services        13

                                                         IS IN FULL BLOOM!
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory            12
Bob Hollingsworth, State Farm Insurance   15
Car Point Automotive                      3
Coile and Hall Funeral Directors
Commerce DDA
                                                      Don’t forget Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8th!
Cure Podiatry & Wound Care                2
Dental Home                               4
Edward Jones                              4
El Timon Mexican Restaurant               15
Franklin County Eye Care                  16
Georgia Center for Sight                  9
Ginn Funeral Home                         12
G’s Southern Traditions                   9
Hart EMC                                  2
Hartwell Cars & Guitars Weekend           9
Hometown Floral & Balloons                3
Hometown Interiors                        Inside
Hot Shot Dance Company                    7
Jackson Oaks                              8
Jewelry Expressions                       9
Lake Hartwell Marine Restoration          16
Lavonia Chapel/Strickland Funeral Home    12
Lavonia Renaissance Festival              16
Mountain Laurel Festival                  14
North Georgia Credit Union                3
Priss Ellie’s                             8
Pruitt Funeral Home                       12
Rejuvenating Massage and Reflexology      14                Wed - Fri 10am-6pm | Sat 9:30am-5pm | Sun 12pm-4pm
Royston DDA                               15
Russ Mize, Farmers Insurance              15          16 South Main Street • Ila, Georgia 30647 • 706-789-3696
Ryan Shaw Salon                           13                     HOMETOWNINTERIORS.GA@GMAIL.COM
Sanders Furniture                         8
Simple Blessings                          8
Spoiled Rotten Boutique                   2
St. Mary’s Healthcare System              Inside
Strickland Funeral Home                   12
The Downtown Market                       15
The Flower Depot                          14
The Porch People                          4
The Round Barn                            8
TruVista                                  Inside

                                                                  VISIT OUR NEW
Vintage Home Collective                   11
Vintage Owl
Wildflower Salon & Boutique               9

                                                                 RETAIL LOCATION
Service Directory                         10
Car Point Automotive

                                                             in Commerce
Welborn’s Towing
Kim’s Dust Busters
The Pet Villa
Top Notch Metals
Bon Appétit                               6
211 MainStreet
Casa Grande
Dairy Queen of Hartwell
                                                                              15 Bolton Dr
El Manzillo                                                                  Commerce, GA
Puerto Nuevo                                                                     30529
Knotheads Bar & Grill
Vintage Cup                                        Follow TruVista on Facebook for details. We can’t wait to meet you, neighbor.

      Thank You!                                   TruVista has come to town with fiber-optic broadband internet
      We would like to thank each of our               and so much more! Come meet your new neighbors at
advertisers for using HomeTown Neighbors                           15 Bolton Dr in Commerce!
Magazine as their marketing choice. Please
  support our advertisers and mention that
 you saw their ad in HomeTown Neighbors
                                                     INTERNET • VIDEO • VOICE • SECURITY
    Magazine, so we can continue to bring
   this quality publication to Franklin, Hart,              762.778.4000 • TruVista.net
Stephens, Madison, Elbert, Banks, Jackson,
       Habersham and Clarke Counties.
Spring and Summer
      Apparel and Gifts Have Arrived!
                   JUST IN TIME FOR MOTHER’S DAY

                                         WE ARE A
                                       SIMPLY NOELLE
                                    Erimish Bracelet Bar • Natural Life • Purses • Scarves
                                               Lots of Jewelry • Charlie Paige
                                  Wedding Gifts • Baby Gifts • Wall Art • Simply Noelle
                                                 Woodstock Wind Chimes
                                             Layers Jewelry • Lake Merchandise
                                                  Collegiate Merchandise
                                       Michel Designs • Home Décor • Magnolia Lane
                                 Baxter and Me • Swancreek Candles • Boutique Apparel
                                    Garden Flags • Willow Tree • Mudpie • Amanda Blu
                                              Heartfelt Emotions • Green Leaf
                                      Nora Fleming • Canvas Jewelry • Wooden Signs
706-356-0274                                              Glory Haus
                                                 Inis • RoundTop, and MORE!
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